This feature generates one central sitemap.xml file at your document root to define a sub sitemap for each language available. You can now have up to 50000 urls for each language you define. As a bonus, you only have to register the sitemap index (/sitemap.xml) at the search engines to register all available languages.
In order to upgrade, you need a new route in your app/config/routing.yml.
resource: "@KunstmaanSitemapBundle/Controller/SitemapController.php"
type: annotation
Renamed HiddenFromSitemap
Renamed HiddenFromSitemap to HiddenFromSitemapInterface to comply to the Symfony coding standards.
Make sure you update the interface names and namespaces if you used them in your project.
To upgrade from a previous version, you have to copy the Doctrine migrations file from the Kunstmaan/FormBundle (Resources/DoctrineMigrations/Version20150527162434.php)
to your app/DoctrineMigrations/ folder and run it: app/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
This migration will create a new column in the kuma_form_submission_fields
In case you made any custom FormSubmissionFieldPageParts you'll need to adapt them to fit the new requirements of the FormAdaptorInterface.
* Modify the given FormBuilderInterface
* @param FormBuilderInterface $formBuilder The form builder
* @param ArrayObject $fields The fields
* @param int $sequence The sequence of the form field
public function adaptForm(FormBuilderInterface $formBuilder, ArrayObject $fields, $sequence);
The new sequence field will be used to order the form submission fields. To take advantage of the new $sequence variable, pass it on to the FormSubmissionField.
# src/Kunstmaan/FormBundle/Entity/PageParts/SingleLineTextPagePart.php
* Modify the form with the fields of the current page part
* @param FormBuilderInterface $formBuilder The form builder
* @param ArrayObject $fields The fields
* @param int $sequence The sequence of the form field
public function adaptForm(FormBuilderInterface $formBuilder, ArrayObject $fields, $sequence)
$sfsf = new StringFormSubmissionField();
The FormHandler will pass the sequence to the adaptForm method of the FormSubmissionFieldPagePart. If you made a custom one, make sure to adapt it.
# src/Kunstmaan/FormBundle/Helper/FormHandler.php
* @param FormPageInterface $page The form page
* @param Request $request The request
* @param RenderContext $context The render context
* @return RedirectResponse|void|null
public function handleForm(FormPageInterface $page, Request $request, RenderContext $context)
$pageParts = $em->getRepository('KunstmaanPagePartBundle:PagePartRef')->getPageParts($page, $page->getFormElementsContext());
foreach ($pageParts as $sequence => $pagePart) {
if ($pagePart instanceof FormAdaptorInterface) {
$pagePart->adaptForm($formBuilder, $fields, $sequence);
The default admin user with username 'admin' now has a randomly generated, 8 characters long password. To accomplish this, a new field password_changed has been added to the user entity. The user will be asked to change this password until he actually changes it.
First update your database by adding the new field 'password_changed'. To do this run app/console doctrine:schema:update
Before generating this user, a placeholder for the generated password should be added to the app/resources/config.yml file.
admin_password: -adminpwd-
To prevent the current users from getting asked to change their password, run: app/console kuma:fix:user-password
The admin user is generated by running: app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
. The new password will be displayed on the console to the user
and the -adminpwd- placeholder will be replaced by the generated password.
Note that all Kunstmaan fixtures have been relocated from the AdminBundle to the GeneratorBundle. An extra 'AdminLoginFirstTime.feature' has been added to the admintests.
the nodemenu variable has been removed from the renderContext, so to acces it in a twig file just add
{% set node = null %}
{% if nodetranslation is defined %}
{% set node = nodetranslation.node %}
{% endif %}
{% set nodemenu = get_node_menu(app.request.locale, node) %}
A lot of the functionality from the AbstractSearchPageController has been moved to the SearchService class. So if you have extended the AbstractSearchPageController to change some of the functionality, you have to change this to the new SearchService instead. The service is parmeterized so can be overridden easily.