diff --git a/src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Process.hs b/src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Process.hs
index cb661c3bb..150651a31 100644
--- a/src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Process.hs
+++ b/src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Process.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, FlexibleContexts, ScopedTypeVariables, BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields #-}
-{-# language DeriveGeneric, StandaloneDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Sound.Tidal.Stream.Process where
@@ -22,43 +27,43 @@ module Sound.Tidal.Stream.Process where
along with this library. If not, see .
-import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
+import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
-import Data.Coerce (coerce)
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-import Data.Maybe (fromJust, fromMaybe, catMaybes)
-import qualified Control.Exception as E
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
+import Data.Coerce (coerce)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, fromMaybe)
import Foreign.C.Types
-import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
+import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
-import qualified Sound.Osc.Fd as O
+import qualified Sound.Osc.Fd as O
-import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Config
-import Sound.Tidal.Core (stack, (#))
+import Data.List (sortOn)
+import qualified Sound.Tidal.Clock as Clock
+import Sound.Tidal.Core (stack, (#))
import Sound.Tidal.ID
-import qualified Sound.Tidal.Link as Link
-import qualified Sound.Tidal.Clock as Clock
-import Sound.Tidal.Params (pS)
+import qualified Sound.Tidal.Link as Link
+import Sound.Tidal.Params (pS)
import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
-import Sound.Tidal.Utils ((!!!))
-import Data.List (sortOn)
-import Sound.Tidal.Show ()
+import Sound.Tidal.Show ()
+import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Config
+import Sound.Tidal.Utils ((!!!))
-import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Types
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Target
+import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Types
data ProcessedEvent =
ProcessedEvent {
- peHasOnset :: Bool,
- peEvent :: Event ValueMap,
- peCps :: Link.BPM,
- peDelta :: Link.Micros,
- peCycle :: Time,
- peOnWholeOrPart :: Link.Micros,
+ peHasOnset :: Bool,
+ peEvent :: Event ValueMap,
+ peCps :: Link.BPM,
+ peDelta :: Link.Micros,
+ peCycle :: Time,
+ peOnWholeOrPart :: Link.Micros,
peOnWholeOrPartOsc :: O.Time,
- peOnPart :: Link.Micros,
- peOnPartOsc :: O.Time
+ peOnPart :: Link.Micros,
+ peOnPartOsc :: O.Time
-- | Query the current pattern (contained in argument @stream :: Stream@)
@@ -227,15 +232,15 @@ toData (OSC {args = Named rqrd}) e
toData _ _ = Nothing
toDatum :: Value -> O.Datum
-toDatum (VF x) = O.float x
-toDatum (VN x) = O.float x
-toDatum (VI x) = O.int32 x
-toDatum (VS x) = O.string x
-toDatum (VR x) = O.float $ ((fromRational x) :: Double)
-toDatum (VB True) = O.int32 (1 :: Int)
+toDatum (VF x) = O.float x
+toDatum (VN x) = O.float x
+toDatum (VI x) = O.int32 x
+toDatum (VS x) = O.string x
+toDatum (VR x) = O.float $ ((fromRational x) :: Double)
+toDatum (VB True) = O.int32 (1 :: Int)
toDatum (VB False) = O.int32 (0 :: Int)
-toDatum (VX xs) = O.Blob $ O.blob_pack xs
-toDatum _ = error "toDatum: unhandled value"
+toDatum (VX xs) = O.Blob $ O.blob_pack xs
+toDatum _ = error "toDatum: unhandled value"
substitutePath :: String -> ValueMap -> Maybe String
substitutePath str cm = parse str
@@ -253,28 +258,28 @@ getString :: ValueMap -> String -> Maybe String
getString cm s = (simpleShow <$> Map.lookup param cm) <|> defaultValue dflt
where (param, dflt) = break (== '=') s
simpleShow :: Value -> String
- simpleShow (VS str) = str
- simpleShow (VI i) = show i
- simpleShow (VF f) = show f
- simpleShow (VN n) = show n
- simpleShow (VR r) = show r
- simpleShow (VB b) = show b
- simpleShow (VX xs) = show xs
- simpleShow (VState _) = show ""
+ simpleShow (VS str) = str
+ simpleShow (VI i) = show i
+ simpleShow (VF f) = show f
+ simpleShow (VN n) = show n
+ simpleShow (VR r) = show r
+ simpleShow (VB b) = show b
+ simpleShow (VX xs) = show xs
+ simpleShow (VState _) = show ""
simpleShow (VPattern _) = show ""
- simpleShow (VList _) = show ""
+ simpleShow (VList _) = show ""
defaultValue :: String -> Maybe String
defaultValue ('=':dfltVal) = Just dfltVal
- defaultValue _ = Nothing
+ defaultValue _ = Nothing
playStack :: PlayMap -> ControlPattern
-playStack pMap = stack . (map pattern) . (filter active) . Map.elems $ pMap
+playStack pMap = stack . (map psPattern) . (filter active) . Map.elems $ pMap
where active pState = if hasSolo pMap
- then solo pState
- else not (mute pState)
+ then psSolo pState
+ else not (psMute pState)
hasSolo :: Map.Map k PlayState -> Bool
-hasSolo = (>= 1) . length . filter solo . Map.elems
+hasSolo = (>= 1) . length . filter psSolo . Map.elems
-- Used for Tempo callback
@@ -286,10 +291,10 @@ onSingleTick :: Config -> Clock.ClockRef -> MVar ValueMap -> MVar [Int] -> MVar
onSingleTick config clockRef stateMV busMV _ globalFMV cxs listen pat = do
ops <- Clock.getZeroedLinkOperations (cClockConfig config) clockRef
pMapMV <- newMVar $ Map.singleton "fake"
- (PlayState {pattern = pat,
- mute = False,
- solo = False,
- history = []
+ (PlayState {psPattern = pat,
+ psMute = False,
+ psSolo = False,
+ psHistory = []
-- The nowArc is a full cycle
@@ -304,7 +309,7 @@ updatePattern stream k !t pat = do
pMap <- seq x $ takeMVar (sPMapMV stream)
let playState = updatePS $ Map.lookup (fromID k) pMap
putMVar (sPMapMV stream) $ Map.insert (fromID k) playState pMap
- where updatePS (Just playState) = do playState {pattern = pat', history = pat:(history playState)}
+ where updatePS (Just playState) = do playState {psPattern = pat', psHistory = pat:(psHistory playState)}
updatePS Nothing = PlayState pat' False False [pat']
patControls = Map.singleton patternTimeID (VR t)
pat' = withQueryControls (Map.union patControls)
@@ -313,7 +318,7 @@ updatePattern stream k !t pat = do
setPreviousPatternOrSilence :: MVar PlayMap -> IO ()
setPreviousPatternOrSilence playMV =
modifyMVar_ playMV $ return
- . Map.map ( \ pMap -> case history pMap of
- _:p:ps -> pMap { pattern = p, history = p:ps }
- _ -> pMap { pattern = silence, history = [silence] }
+ . Map.map ( \ pMap -> case psHistory pMap of
+ _:p:ps -> pMap { psPattern = p, psHistory = p:ps }
+ _ -> pMap { psPattern = silence, psHistory = [silence] }
diff --git a/src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Types.hs b/src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Types.hs
index f5589f353..31c36d425 100644
--- a/src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Types.hs
+++ b/src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/Types.hs
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
module Sound.Tidal.Stream.Types where
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
-import Sound.Tidal.Show ()
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
+import Sound.Tidal.Show ()
-import qualified Sound.Osc.Fd as O
-import qualified Network.Socket as N
+import qualified Network.Socket as N
+import qualified Sound.Osc.Fd as O
-import qualified Sound.Tidal.Clock as Clock
+import qualified Sound.Tidal.Clock as Clock
-import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Config
+import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Config
-data Stream = Stream {sConfig :: Config,
- sBusses :: MVar [Int],
- sStateMV :: MVar ValueMap,
+data Stream = Stream {sConfig :: Config,
+ sBusses :: MVar [Int],
+ sStateMV :: MVar ValueMap,
-- sOutput :: MVar ControlPattern,
- sClockRef :: Clock.ClockRef,
- sListen :: Maybe O.Udp,
- sPMapMV :: MVar PlayMap,
+ sClockRef :: Clock.ClockRef,
+ sListen :: Maybe O.Udp,
+ sPMapMV :: MVar PlayMap,
sGlobalFMV :: MVar (ControlPattern -> ControlPattern),
- sCxs :: [Cx]
+ sCxs :: [Cx]
-data Cx = Cx {cxTarget :: Target,
- cxUDP :: O.Udp,
- cxOSCs :: [OSC],
- cxAddr :: N.AddrInfo,
+data Cx = Cx {cxTarget :: Target,
+ cxUDP :: O.Udp,
+ cxOSCs :: [OSC],
+ cxAddr :: N.AddrInfo,
cxBusAddr :: Maybe N.AddrInfo
@@ -38,13 +38,13 @@ data Schedule = Pre StampStyle
| Live
deriving (Eq, Show)
-data Target = Target {oName :: String,
- oAddress :: String,
- oPort :: Int,
- oBusPort :: Maybe Int,
- oLatency :: Double,
- oWindow :: Maybe Arc,
- oSchedule :: Schedule,
+data Target = Target {oName :: String,
+ oAddress :: String,
+ oPort :: Int,
+ oBusPort :: Maybe Int,
+ oLatency :: Double,
+ oWindow :: Maybe Arc,
+ oSchedule :: Schedule,
oHandshake :: Bool
deriving Show
@@ -59,10 +59,10 @@ data OSC = OSC {path :: String,
| OSCContext {path :: String}
deriving Show
-data PlayState = PlayState {pattern :: ControlPattern,
- mute :: Bool,
- solo :: Bool,
- history :: [ControlPattern]
+data PlayState = PlayState {psPattern :: ControlPattern,
+ psMute :: Bool,
+ psSolo :: Bool,
+ psHistory :: [ControlPattern]
deriving Show
diff --git a/src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/UI.hs b/src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/UI.hs
index 1ebeb4553..41098889e 100644
--- a/src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/UI.hs
+++ b/src/Sound/Tidal/Stream/UI.hs
@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Sound.Tidal.Stream.UI where
-import Data.Maybe (isJust)
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
-import System.Random (getStdRandom, randomR)
-import qualified Sound.Osc.Fd as O
-import qualified Sound.Tidal.Clock as Clock
-import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Types
+import qualified Control.Exception as E
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Maybe (isJust)
+import qualified Sound.Osc.Fd as O
+import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
+import System.Random (getStdRandom, randomR)
+import qualified Sound.Tidal.Clock as Clock
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Config
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Process
import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Target
+import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Types
-import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
import Sound.Tidal.ID
+import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
streamNudgeAll :: Stream -> Double -> IO ()
streamNudgeAll s = Clock.setNudge (sClockRef s)
@@ -53,9 +54,9 @@ streamList s = do pMap <- readMVar (sPMapMV s)
let hs = hasSolo pMap
putStrLn $ concatMap (showKV hs) $ Map.toList pMap
where showKV :: Bool -> (PatId, PlayState) -> String
- showKV True (k, (PlayState {solo = True})) = k ++ " - solo\n"
+ showKV True (k, (PlayState {psSolo = True})) = k ++ " - solo\n"
showKV True (k, _) = "(" ++ k ++ ")\n"
- showKV False (k, (PlayState {solo = False})) = k ++ "\n"
+ showKV False (k, (PlayState {psSolo = False})) = k ++ "\n"
showKV False (k, _) = "(" ++ k ++ ") - muted\n"
streamReplace :: Stream -> ID -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
@@ -77,19 +78,19 @@ streamFirst :: Stream -> ControlPattern -> IO ()
streamFirst stream pat = onSingleTick (sConfig stream) (sClockRef stream) (sStateMV stream) (sBusses stream) (sPMapMV stream) (sGlobalFMV stream) (sCxs stream) (sListen stream) pat
streamMute :: Stream -> ID -> IO ()
-streamMute s k = withPatIds s [k] (\x -> x {mute = True})
+streamMute s k = withPatIds s [k] (\x -> x {psMute = True})
streamMutes :: Stream -> [ID] -> IO ()
-streamMutes s ks = withPatIds s ks (\x -> x {mute = True})
+streamMutes s ks = withPatIds s ks (\x -> x {psMute = True})
streamUnmute :: Stream -> ID -> IO ()
-streamUnmute s k = withPatIds s [k] (\x -> x {mute = False})
+streamUnmute s k = withPatIds s [k] (\x -> x {psMute = False})
streamSolo :: Stream -> ID -> IO ()
-streamSolo s k = withPatIds s [k] (\x -> x {solo = True})
+streamSolo s k = withPatIds s [k] (\x -> x {psSolo = True})
streamUnsolo :: Stream -> ID -> IO ()
-streamUnsolo s k = withPatIds s [k] (\x -> x {solo = False})
+streamUnsolo s k = withPatIds s [k] (\x -> x {psSolo = False})
withPatIds :: Stream -> [ID] -> (PlayState -> PlayState) -> IO ()
withPatIds s ks f
@@ -100,19 +101,19 @@ withPatIds s ks f
-- TODO - is there a race condition here?
streamMuteAll :: Stream -> IO ()
-streamMuteAll s = modifyMVar_ (sPMapMV s) $ return . fmap (\x -> x {mute = True})
+streamMuteAll s = modifyMVar_ (sPMapMV s) $ return . fmap (\x -> x {psMute = True})
streamHush :: Stream -> IO ()
-streamHush s = modifyMVar_ (sPMapMV s) $ return . fmap (\x -> x {pattern = silence, history = silence:history x})
+streamHush s = modifyMVar_ (sPMapMV s) $ return . fmap (\x -> x {psPattern = silence, psHistory = silence:psHistory x})
streamUnmuteAll :: Stream -> IO ()
-streamUnmuteAll s = modifyMVar_ (sPMapMV s) $ return . fmap (\x -> x {mute = False})
+streamUnmuteAll s = modifyMVar_ (sPMapMV s) $ return . fmap (\x -> x {psMute = False})
streamUnsoloAll :: Stream -> IO ()
-streamUnsoloAll s = modifyMVar_ (sPMapMV s) $ return . fmap (\x -> x {solo = False})
+streamUnsoloAll s = modifyMVar_ (sPMapMV s) $ return . fmap (\x -> x {psSolo = False})
streamSilence :: Stream -> ID -> IO ()
-streamSilence s k = withPatIds s [k] (\x -> x {pattern = silence, history = silence:history x})
+streamSilence s k = withPatIds s [k] (\x -> x {psPattern = silence, psHistory = silence:psHistory x})
streamAll :: Stream -> (ControlPattern -> ControlPattern) -> IO ()
streamAll s f = do _ <- swapMVar (sGlobalFMV s) f
diff --git a/src/Sound/Tidal/Transition.hs b/src/Sound/Tidal/Transition.hs
index b976c72b2..baf075864 100644
--- a/src/Sound/Tidal/Transition.hs
+++ b/src/Sound/Tidal/Transition.hs
@@ -2,24 +2,24 @@
module Sound.Tidal.Transition where
-import Prelude hiding ((<*), (*>))
+import Prelude hiding ((*>), (<*))
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar (readMVar, swapMVar)
+import Control.Concurrent.MVar (readMVar, swapMVar)
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
-- import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
-import Sound.Tidal.Control
-import Sound.Tidal.Core
-import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Config
-import Sound.Tidal.ID
-import Sound.Tidal.Params (gain, pan)
-import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
-import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Types
-import qualified Sound.Tidal.Clock as Clock
+import qualified Sound.Tidal.Clock as Clock
+import Sound.Tidal.Control
+import Sound.Tidal.Core
+import Sound.Tidal.ID
+import Sound.Tidal.Params (gain, pan)
+import Sound.Tidal.Pattern
+import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Config
+import Sound.Tidal.Stream.Types
-- import Sound.Tidal.Tempo as T
-import Sound.Tidal.UI (fadeOutFrom, fadeInFrom)
-import Sound.Tidal.Utils (enumerate)
+import Sound.Tidal.UI (fadeInFrom, fadeOutFrom)
+import Sound.Tidal.Utils (enumerate)
Transition.hs - A library for handling transitions between patterns
@@ -47,19 +47,19 @@ transition :: Stream -> Bool -> TransitionMapper -> ID -> ControlPattern -> IO (
transition stream historyFlag mapper patId !pat = do
appendPat flag = if flag then (pat:) else id
- updatePS (Just playState) = playState {history = (appendPat historyFlag) (history playState)}
- updatePS Nothing = PlayState {pattern = silence,
- mute = False,
- solo = False,
- history = (appendPat historyFlag) (silence:[])
+ updatePS (Just playState) = playState {psHistory = (appendPat historyFlag) (psHistory playState)}
+ updatePS Nothing = PlayState {psPattern = silence,
+ psMute = False,
+ psSolo = False,
+ psHistory = (appendPat historyFlag) (silence:[])
transition' pat' = do
t <- Clock.getCycleTime (cClockConfig $ sConfig stream) (sClockRef stream)
return $! mapper t pat'
pMap <- readMVar (sPMapMV stream)
let playState = updatePS $ Map.lookup (fromID patId) pMap
- pat' <- transition' $ appendPat (not historyFlag) (history playState)
- let pMap' = Map.insert (fromID patId) (playState {pattern = pat'}) pMap
+ pat' <- transition' $ appendPat (not historyFlag) (psHistory playState)
+ let pMap' = Map.insert (fromID patId) (playState {psPattern = pat'}) pMap
_ <- swapMVar (sPMapMV stream) pMap'
return ()
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ transition stream historyFlag mapper patId !pat = do
mortalOverlay :: Time -> Time -> [Pattern a] -> Pattern a
mortalOverlay _ _ [] = silence
mortalOverlay t now (pat:ps) = overlay (pop ps) (playFor s (s+t) pat) where
- pop [] = silence
+ pop [] = silence
pop (x:_) = x
s = sam (now - fromIntegral (floor now `mod` floor t :: Int)) + sam t
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ histpan n _ ps = stack $ map (\(i,pat) -> pat # pan (pure $ (fromIntegral i) / (
-- | Just stop for a bit before playing new pattern
wait :: Time -> Time -> [ControlPattern] -> ControlPattern
-wait _ _ [] = silence
+wait _ _ [] = silence
wait t now (pat:_) = filterWhen (>= (nextSam (now+t-1))) pat
{- | Just as `wait`, `waitT` stops for a bit and then applies the given transition to the playing pattern
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ t1 (waitT (xfadeIn 8) 4) $ sound "hh*8"
waitT :: (Time -> [ControlPattern] -> ControlPattern) -> Time -> Time -> [ControlPattern] -> ControlPattern
-waitT _ _ _ [] = silence
+waitT _ _ _ [] = silence
waitT f t now pats = filterWhen (>= (nextSam (now+t-1))) (f (now + t) pats)
{- |
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ t1 (clutchIn 8) $ sound "[hh*4, odx(3,8)]"
will take 8 cycles for the transition.
clutchIn :: Time -> Time -> [Pattern a] -> Pattern a
-clutchIn _ _ [] = silence
-clutchIn _ _ (p:[]) = p
+clutchIn _ _ [] = silence
+clutchIn _ _ (p:[]) = p
clutchIn t now (p:p':_) = overlay (fadeOutFrom now t p') (fadeInFrom now t p)
{-| same as `anticipate` though it allows you to specify the number of cycles until dropping to the new pattern, e.g.:
diff --git a/src/Sound/Tidal/UI.hs b/src/Sound/Tidal/UI.hs
index 4454c1426..299c4b61e 100644
--- a/src/Sound/Tidal/UI.hs
+++ b/src/Sound/Tidal/UI.hs
@@ -2415,34 +2415,34 @@ offadd :: Num a => Pattern Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
offadd tp pn p = off tp (+pn) p
{- |
- @stepify@ acts as a kind of simple step-sequencer using strings. For example,
- @stepify "sn" "x x 12"@ is equivalent to the pattern of strings given by @"sn ~
- sn ~ sn:1 sn:2 ~"@. @stepify@ substitutes the given string for each @x@, for each number
+ @sseq@ acts as a kind of simple step-sequencer using strings. For example,
+ @sseq "sn" "x x 12"@ is equivalent to the pattern of strings given by @"sn ~
+ sn ~ sn:1 sn:2 ~"@. @sseq@ substitutes the given string for each @x@, for each number
it substitutes the string followed by a colon and the number, and for everything
else it puts in a rest.
- In other words, @stepify@ generates a pattern of strings in exactly the syntax you’d want for selecting samples and that can be fed directly into the 's' function.
+ In other words, @sseq@ generates a pattern of strings in exactly the syntax you’d want for selecting samples and that can be fed directly into the 's' function.
- > d1 $ s (stepify "sn" "x x 12 ")
+ > d1 $ s (sseq "sn" "x x 12 ")
-stepify :: String -> String -> Pattern String
-stepify s cs = fastcat $ map f cs
+sseq :: String -> String -> Pattern String
+sseq s cs = fastcat $ map f cs
where f c | c == 'x' = pure s
| isDigit c = pure $ s ++ ":" ++ [c]
| otherwise = silence
-{- | @stepifies@ is like @stepify@ but it takes a list of pairs, like stepify would, and
+{- | @sseqs@ is like @sseq@ but it takes a list of pairs, like sseq would, and
it plays them all simultaneously.
- > d1 $ s (stepifies [("cp","x x x x x x"),("bd", "xxxx")])
+ > d1 $ s (sseqs [("cp","x x x x x x"),("bd", "xxxx")])
-stepifies :: [(String, String)] -> Pattern String
-stepifies = stack . map (uncurry stepify)
+sseqs :: [(String, String)] -> Pattern String
+sseqs = stack . map (uncurry sseq)
-{- | like `stepify`, but allows you to specify an array of strings to use for @0,1,2...@
+{- | like `sseq`, but allows you to specify an array of strings to use for @0,1,2...@
For example,
- > d1 $ s (stepify' ["superpiano","supermandolin"] "0 1 000 1")
+ > d1 $ s (sseq' ["superpiano","supermandolin"] "0 1 000 1")
> # sustain 4 # n 0
is equivalent to
@@ -2450,8 +2450,8 @@ stepifies = stack . map (uncurry stepify)
> d1 $ s "superpiano ~ supermandolin ~ superpiano!3 ~ supermandolin"
> # sustain 4 # n 0
-stepify' :: [String] -> String -> Pattern String
-stepify' ss cs = fastcat $ map f cs
+sseq' :: [String] -> String -> Pattern String
+sseq' ss cs = fastcat $ map f cs
where f c | c == 'x' = pure $ head ss
| isDigit c = pure $ ss !! digitToInt c
| otherwise = silence
diff --git a/tidal-parse/src/Sound/Tidal/Parse.hs b/tidal-parse/src/Sound/Tidal/Parse.hs
index d67630680..72468687c 100644
--- a/tidal-parse/src/Sound/Tidal/Parse.hs
+++ b/tidal-parse/src/Sound/Tidal/Parse.hs
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ instance Parse (String -> Pattern String) where
(parser :: H ([String] -> String -> Pattern String )) <*> parser
instance Parse ([(String, String)] -> Pattern String) where
- parser = $(fromTidal "stepifies")
+ parser = $(fromTidal "sseqs")
instance Parse (String -> String) where
parser = (parser :: H (String -> String -> String)) <*!> parser
@@ -833,10 +833,10 @@ pDouble_tupleADouble_p :: Parse a => H (Pattern Double -> [(a,Double)] -> Patter
pDouble_tupleADouble_p = $(fromTidal "wchooseBy")
instance Parse (String -> String -> Pattern String) where
- parser = $(fromTidal "stepify")
+ parser = $(fromTidal "sseq")
instance Parse ([String] -> String -> Pattern String) where
- parser = $(fromTidal "stepify'")
+ parser = $(fromTidal "sseq'")
instance Parse (String -> String -> String) where
parser = (parser :: H (Int -> String -> String -> String)) <*!> parser
diff --git a/tidal-parse/test/Sound/Tidal/TidalParseTest.hs b/tidal-parse/test/Sound/Tidal/TidalParseTest.hs
index 6da8852d3..4d071313d 100644
--- a/tidal-parse/test/Sound/Tidal/TidalParseTest.hs
+++ b/tidal-parse/test/Sound/Tidal/TidalParseTest.hs
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
module Sound.Tidal.TidalParseTest where
-import Test.Microspec hiding (run)
-import Sound.Tidal.Parse
-import Sound.Tidal.Context as Tidal
-import Sound.Tidal.Chords as Tidal
-import Data.Either
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Data.Either
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import Sound.Tidal.Chords as Tidal
+import Sound.Tidal.Context as Tidal
+import Sound.Tidal.Parse
+import Test.Microspec hiding (run)
stripContext :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
stripContext = setContext $ Context []
@@ -284,14 +284,14 @@ run =
"s \"bd*4\" <> s \"cp*5\"" `parsesTo`
(s "bd*4" <> s "cp*5")
- it "parses an example with step" $
- "s (step \"tink\" \"xx x\")" `parsesTo`
- (s (step "tink" "xx x"))
+ it "parses an example with sseq" $
+ "s (sseq \"tink\" \"xx x\")" `parsesTo`
+ (s (sseq "tink" "xx x"))
- it "parses an example with step'" $
- "s (step' [\"tink\",\"feel\"] \"01 0\")" `parsesTo`
- (s (step' ["tink","feel"] "01 0"))
+ it "parses an example with sseq'" $
+ "s (sseq' [\"tink\",\"feel\"] \"01 0\")" `parsesTo`
+ (s (sseq' ["tink","feel"] "01 0"))
- it "parses an example with steps" $
- "s (steps [(\"tink\",\" x x\"),(\"feel\", \"x x \")])" `parsesTo`
- (s (steps [("tink"," x x"),("feel", "x x ")]))
+ it "parses an example with sseqs" $
+ "s (sseqs [(\"tink\",\" x x\"),(\"feel\", \"x x \")])" `parsesTo`
+ (s (sseqs [("tink"," x x"),("feel", "x x ")]))