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portage-ec2 - Amazon ec2-* tools for Gentoo Portage


The Amazon apitools and amitools packages are commandline tools for managing EC2. The ec2-sources are the Amazon-tweaked Xen sources.
Requirements: Ruby, Java.
Use this overlay to install using Gentoo's layman.


As root:

emerge -av layman
$EDITOR /etc/layman/layman.cfg    # Add to 'overlays' section:
layman -a portage-ec2
layman -S
layman -l    # should show 'portage-ec2'
echo 'source /usr/portage/local/layman/make.conf' >> /etc/make.conf
emerge -av sys-cluster/ec2-ami-tools sys-cluster/ec2-api-tools
# and if you want to build custom kernels:
emerge -av sys-kernel/ec2-sources

These tools need environment vars. Check where the tools are installed:

stat  -t -c %N `which ec2run`           # use for EC2_HOME
stat  -t -c %N `which ec2-bundle-vol`   # use for EC2_AMITOOL_HOME

then add to ~/.bash_profile or equivalent:

export EC2_HOME=/opt/ec2-api-tools-1.3.33670
export EC2_AMITOOL_HOME=/opt/ec2-ami-tools-1.3.31780

or add this experimental hack -- please improve!

export EC2_HOME=`ruby -e 'p %x{stat  -t -c %N /usr/bin/ec2run}.split[2].split("/")[0..-3].join("/")[1,999]'| sed -e 's/"//g'`
export EC2_AMITOOL_HOME=`ruby -e 'p %x{stat  -t -c %N /usr/bin/ec2-bundle-vol}.split[2].split("/")[0..-3].join("/")[1,999]'| sed -e 's/"//g'`

Feedback via github please.