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cix edited this page Jan 20, 2013 · 53 revisions

WebSocket-Node includes both client and server functionality, available through WebSocketClient and WebSocketServer respectively. Once a connection is established, the API for sending and receiving messages is identical whether you're acting as a client or server.


var WebSocketServer = require('websocket').server


new WebSocketServer([serverConfig]);



mount will attach the WebSocketServer instance to a Node http.Server instance. serverConfig is required, and is an object with configuration values. For those values, see Server Config Options below. If you passed serverConfig to the constructor, this function will automatically be invoked.


unmount will detach the WebSocketServer instance from the Node http.Server instance. All existing connections are left alone and will not be affected, but no new WebSocket connections will be accepted.


Will gracefully close all open WebSocket connections.


Gracefully closes all open WebSocket connections and unmounts the server from the Node http.Server instance.

Server Config Options

httpServer - (http.Server instance)
The http server instance to attach to. Required.

maxReceivedFrameSize - uint - Default: 64KiB
The maximum allowed received frame size in bytes. Single frame messages will also be limited to this maximum.

maxReceivedMessageSize - uint - Default: 1MiB
The maximum allowed aggregate message size (for fragmented messages) in bytes.

fragmentOutgoingMessages - Boolean - Default: true
Whether or not to fragment outgoing messages. If true, messages will be automatically fragmented into chunks of up to fragmentationThreshold bytes.

fragmentationThreshold - uint - Default: 16KiB
The maximum size of a frame in bytes before it is automatically fragmented.

keepalive - boolean - Default: true
If true, the server will automatically send a ping to all clients every keepaliveInterval milliseconds. Each client has an independent keepalive timer, which is reset when any data is received from that client.

keepaliveInterval - uint - Default: 20000
The interval in milliseconds to send keepalive pings to connected clients.

dropConnectionOnKeepaliveTimeout - boolean - Default: true
If true, the server will consider any connection that has not received any data within the amount of time specified by keepaliveGracePeriod after a keepalive ping has been sent. Ignored if keepalive is false.

keepaliveGracePeriod - uint - Default: 10000
The amount of time to wait after sending a keepalive ping before closing the connection if the connected peer does not respond. Ignored if keepalive or dropConnectionOnKeepaliveTimeout are false. The grace period timer is reset when any data is received from the client.

assembleFragments - boolean - Default: true
If true, fragmented messages will be automatically assembled and the full message will be emitted via a message event. If false, each frame will be emitted on the WebSocketConnection object via a frame event and the application will be responsible for aggregating multiple fragmented frames. Single-frame messages will emit a message event in addition to the frame event. Most users will want to leave this set to true.

autoAcceptConnections - boolean - Default: false
If this is true, websocket connections will be accepted regardless of the path and protocol specified by the client. The protocol accepted will be the first that was requested by the client. Clients from any origin will be accepted. This should only be used in the simplest of cases. You should probably leave this set to false; and inspect the request object to make sure it's acceptable before accepting it.

closeTimeout - uint - Default: 5000
The number of milliseconds to wait after sending a close frame for an acknowledgement to come back before giving up and just closing the socket.

disableNagleAlgorithm - boolean - Default: true
The Nagle Algorithm makes more efficient use of network resources by introducing a small delay before sending small packets so that multiple messages can be batched together before going onto the wire. This however comes at the cost of latency, so the default is to disable it. If you don't need low latency and are streaming lots of small messages, you can change this to 'false';


There are three events emitted by a WebSocketServer instance that allow you to handle incoming requests, establish connections, and detect when a connection has been closed.

###request function(webSocketRequest)

If autoAcceptConnctions is set to false, a request event will be emitted by the server whenever a new WebSocket request is made. You should inspect the requested protocols and the user's origin to verify the connection, and then accept or reject it by calling webSocketRequest.accept('chosen-protocol', 'accepted-origin') or webSocketRequest.reject()

###connect function(webSocketConnection)

If autoAcceptConnections is set to true, a connect event will be emitted by the server when a new WebSocket request is made. The server automatically accepts all connections, so the connect event will pass the established WebSocketConnection object. This should only be used in extremely simplistic test servers etc. for security reasons, as it will accept connections from any source domain.

###close function(webSocketConnection, closeReason, description)

Whenever a connection is closed for any reason, the WebSocketServer instance will emit a close event, passing a reference to the WebSocketConnection instance that was closed. closeReason is the numeric reason status code for the connection closure, and description is a textual description of the close reason, if available.


This object represents a client requesting to connect to the server, and allows you to accept or reject the connection based on whatever criteria you decide.


This object is created internally by WebSocketServer.

However if you need to integrate WebSocket support without mounting an instance of WebSocketServer to your http server directly, you can handle the upgrade event yourself and pass the appropriate parameters to the WebSocketRequest constructor. NOTE: You must pass a complete set of config options to the constructor. See the section 'Server Config Options' above. The only option that isn't required in this context is httpServer.

new WebSocketRequest(socket, httpRequest, config);

The constructor will immediately parse and validate the handshake from the client and will throw an error if the handshake from the client is invalid or if an error is encountered, so it must always be wrapped in a try/catch block.



A reference to the original Node HTTP request object. This may be useful in combination with some other Node-based web server, such as Express, for accessing cookies or session data.


A string containing the contents of the Host header passed by the client. This will include the port number if a non-standard port is used.



A string containing the path that was requested by the client.


A Node URL object containing the parsed resource, including the query string parameters.


The remote client's IP Address as a string. If an X-Forwarded-For header is present, the value will be taken from that header to facilitate WebSocket servers that live behind a reverse-proxy.


Deprecated, renamed to webSocketVersion


A number indicating the version of the WebSocket protocol requested by the client.


If the client is a web browser, origin will be a string containing the URL of the page containing the script that opened the connection. If the client is not a web browser, origin may be null or "*".


An array containing a list of extensions requested by the client. This is not currently used for anything. Example:

        name: "simple-extension";
        name: "my-great-compression-extension",
        params: [
                name: "compressionLevel",
                value: "10";


An array containing a list of strings that indicate the subprotocols the client would like to speak. The server should select the best one that it can support from the list and pass it to the accept() function when accepting the connection. Note that all the strings in the requestedProtocols array will have been converted to lower case, so that acceptance of a subprotocol can be case-insensitive.


###accept(acceptedProtocol, allowedOrigin) Returns: WebSocketConnection instance

After inspecting the WebSocketRequest's properties, call this function on the request object to accept the connection. If you don't have a particular subprotocol you wish to speak, you may pass null for the acceptedProtocol parameter. Note that the acceptedProtocol parameter is case-insensitive, and you must either pass a value that was originally requested by the client or null. For browser clients (in which the origin property would be non-null) you must pass that user's origin as the allowedOrigin parameter to confirm that you wish to accept connections from the given origin. The return value contains the established WebSocketConnection instance that can be used to communicate with the connected client.

###reject([httpStatus], [reason])

If you decide to reject the connection, you must call reject. You may optionally pass in an HTTP Status code (such as 404) and a textual description that will be sent to the client in the form of an "X-WebSocket-Reject-Reason" header. The connection will then be closed.


###requestAccepted function(webSocketConnection)

Emitted by the WebSocketRequest object when the accept method has been called and the connection has been established. webSocketConnection is the established WebSocketConnection instance that can be used to communicate with the connected client.

###requestRejected function()

Emitted by the WebSocketRequest object when the reject method has been called and the connection has been terminated.


This object provides the interface through which you can communicate with connected peers. It is used in both WebSocketServer and WebSocketClient situations.


This object is created internally by WebSocketRequest.



After the connection is closed, contains a textual description of the reason for the connection closure, or null if the connection is still open.


After the connection is closed, contains the numeric close reason status code, or -1 if the connection is still open.


The underlying net.Socket instance for the connection.


The subprotocol that was chosen to be spoken on this connection. This field will have been converted to lower case.


An array of extensions that were negotiated for this connection. Currently unused, will always be an empty array.


The IP address of the remote peer as a string. In the case of a server, the X-Forwarded-For header will be respected and preferred for the purposes of populating this field. If you need to get to the actual remote IP address, webSocketConnection.socket.remoteAddress will provide it.


Deprecated, renamed to webSocketVersion.


A number indicating the version of the WebSocket protocol being spoken on this connection.


A boolean value indicating whether or not the connection is still connected. Read-only



Will gracefully close the connection. A close frame will be sent to the remote peer indicating that we wish to close the connection, and we will then wait for up to config.closeTimeout milliseconds for an acknowledgment from the remote peer before terminating the underlying socket connection. The closeTimeout is passed as part of the serverOptions or clientOptions hashes to either the WebSocketServer or WebSocketClient constructors.

###drop([reasonCode], [description])

Will send a close frame to the remote peer with the provided reasonCode and description and will immediately close the socket without waiting for a response. This should generally be used only in error conditions. The default reasonCode is 1002 (Protocol Error). Close reasons defined by the WebSocket protocol draft include:

WebSocketConnection.CLOSE_REASON_NORMAL = 1000;
WebSocketConnection.CLOSE_REASON_GOING_AWAY = 1001;
WebSocketConnection.CLOSE_REASON_PROTOCOL_ERROR = 1002;
WebSocketConnection.CLOSE_REASON_RESERVED = 1004; // Reserved value.  Undefined meaning.
WebSocketConnection.CLOSE_REASON_NOT_PROVIDED = 1005; // Not to be used on the wire
WebSocketConnection.CLOSE_REASON_ABNORMAL = 1006; // Not to be used on the wire
WebSocketConnection.CLOSE_REASON_INVALID_DATA = 1007;
WebSocketConnection.CLOSE_REASON_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG = 1009;


Immediately sends the specified string as a UTF-8 WebSocket message to the remote peer. If config.fragmentOutgoingMessages is true the message may be sent as multiple fragments if it exceeds config.fragmentationThreshold bytes. Any object that implements the toString() method may be passed to sendUTF()


Immediately sends the specified Node Buffer object as a Binary WebSocket message to the remote peer. If config.fragmentOutgoingMessages is true the message may be sent as multiple fragments if it exceeds config.fragmentationThreshold bytes.


A convenience function that will auto-detect the data type and send the appropriate WebSocket message accordingly. Immediately sends the specified data as either a UTF-8 or Binary message. If data is a Node Buffer, a binary message will be sent. Otherwise, the object provided must implement the toString() method, and the result of calling toString() on the data object will be sent as a UTF-8 message.


Sends a ping frame to the remote peer. data can be a Node Buffer or any object that implements toString(), such as a string or number. Ping frames must not exceed 125 bytes in length.


Sends a pong frame to the remote peer. Pong frames may be sent unsolicited and such pong frames will trigger no action on the receiving peer. Pong frames sent in response to a ping frame must mirror the payload data of the ping frame exactly. The WebSocketConnection object handles this internally for you, so there should be no need to use this method to respond to pings. Pong frames must not exceed 125 bytes in length.


Serializes a WebSocketFrame object into binary data and immediately sends it to the remote peer. This is an advanced function, requiring you to manually compose your own WebSocketFrame. You should probably use sendUTF or sendBytes instead.


###message function(message)

Emitted whenever a complete single-frame message is received, or if config.assembleFragments is true (the default), it will also be emitted with a complete message assembled from multiple fragmented frames. This is the primary event to listen for to receive messages from the remote peer. The message object looks like the following:

// For Text Frames:
    type: "utf8",
    utf8Data: "A string containing the received message."

// For Binary Frames:
    type: "binary",
    binaryData: binaryDataBuffer // a Buffer object containing the binary message payload

###frame function(webSocketFrame)

This event is emitted only if config.assembleFragments is false (default is true). This allows you to handle individual fragments as they are received without waiting on WebSocketConnection to buffer them into a single message event for you. This may be desirable if you are working with streaming data, as it is possible to send fragments continually without ever stopping. webSocketFrame is an instance of WebSocketFrame which has properties that represent all the individual fields in WebSocket's binary framing protocol.

###close function(reasonCode, description)

This event is emitted when the connection has been fully closed and the socket is no longer connected. reasonCode is the numeric reason code for the connection closure. description is a textual explanation for the connection closure, if available.

###error function(error)

This event is emitted when there has been a socket error. If this occurs, a close event will also be emitted.


var WebSocketFrame = require('websocket').frame

This object represents the low level individual frame and is used to drive how the bytes are serialized onto the wire.


new WebSocketFrame();


###fin Boolean

Indicates that this is either the only frame in a message, or the last frame in a fragmentation sequence.

###rsv1 Boolean

Represents the RSV1 field in the framing, which is currently not used. Setting this to true will result in a Protocol Error on the receiving peer.

###rsv2 Boolean

Represents the RSV2 field in the framing, which is currently not used. Setting this to true will result in a Protocol Error on the receiving peer.

###rsv3 Boolean

Represents the RSV3 field in the framing, which is currently not used. Setting this to true will result in a Protocol Error on the receiving peer.

###mask uint

Whether or not this frame is (or should be) masked. For outgoing frames, when connected as a client, this flag is automatically forced to true by WebSocketConnection. Outgoing frames sent from the server-side of a connection are not masked.

###opcode uint

Identifies which kind of frame this is. List of Opcodes:

Hex  - Dec - Description
0x00 -   0 - Continuation
0x01 -   1 - Text Frame
0x02 -   2 - Binary Frame
0x08 -   8 - Close Frame
0x09 -   9 - Ping Frame
0x0A -  10 - Pong Frame

###length Read-only, uint

Identifies the length of the payload data on a received frame. When sending a frame, the length will be automatically calculated from the binaryPayload object.

###binaryPayload Buffer object

The binary payload data. NOTE: Even text frames are sent with a Buffer providing the binary payload data. When sending a UTF-8 Text Frame, you must serialize your string into a Buffer object before constructing your frame, and when receiving a UTF-8 Text Frame, you must deserialize the string from the provided Buffer object. Do not read UTF-8 data from fragmented Text Frames, as it may have fragmented the data in the middle of a UTF-8 encoded character. You should buffer all fragments of a text message before attempting to decode the UTF-8 data.


var WebSocketClient = require('websocket').client

This object allows you to make client connections to a WebSocket server.


new WebSocketClient([clientConfig]);

Client Config Options

websocketVersion - uint - Default: 13
Deprecated, renamed to webSocketVersion.

webSocketVersion - uint - Default: 13 Which version of the WebSocket protocol to use when making the connection. Currently supported values are 8 and 13. This option will be removed once the protocol is finalized by the IETF It is only available to ease the transition through the intermediate draft protocol versions. The only thing this affects the name of the Origin header.

maxReceivedFrameSize - uint - Default: 1MiB
The maximum allowed received frame size in bytes. Single frame messages will also be limited to this maximum.

maxReceivedMessageSize - uint - Default: 8MiB
The maximum allowed aggregate message size (for fragmented messages) in bytes.

fragmentOutgoingMessages - Boolean - Default: true
Whether or not to fragment outgoing messages. If true, messages will be automatically fragmented into chunks of up to fragmentationThreshold bytes.

fragmentationThreshold - uint - Default: 16KiB
The maximum size of a frame in bytes before it is automatically fragmented.

assembleFragments - boolean - Default: true
If true, fragmented messages will be automatically assembled and the full message will be emitted via a message event. If false, each frame will be emitted on the WebSocketConnection object via a frame event and the application will be responsible for aggregating multiple fragmented frames. Single-frame messages will emit a message event in addition to the frame event. Most users will want to leave this set to true.

closeTimeout - uint - Default: 5000
The number of milliseconds to wait after sending a close frame for an acknowledgement to come back before giving up and just closing the socket.


###connect(requestUrl, requestedProtocols, origin)

Will establish a connection to the given requestUrl. requestedProtocols indicates a list of multiple subprotocols supported by the client. The remote server will select the best subprotocol that it supports and send that back when establishing the connection. origin is an optional field that can be used in user-agent scenarios to identify the page containing any scripting content that caused the connection to be requested. (This seems unlikely in node.. probably should leave it null most of the time.) requestUrl should be a standard websocket url, such as:



###connect function(webSocketConnection)

Emitted upon successfully negotiating the WebSocket handshake with the remote server. webSocketConnection is an instance of WebSocketConnection that can be used to send and receive messages with the remote server.

###connectFailed function(errorDescription)

Emitted when there is an error connecting to the remote host or the handshake response sent by the server is invalid.

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