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Latest commit

Dec 13, 2021
25c9a11 · Dec 13, 2021


This branch is 1382 commits ahead of, 1686 commits behind anoma/juvix:main.


Documentation for the Juvix Language.

This manual has been prepared using ReStructured Text and the Sphinx Documentation Generator for future inclusion on Read The Docs.


To build the manual, the following dependencies must be met. We assume that you have standard build automation tools already installed i.e. make.


Python should be installed by default on most systems. Sphinx can be installed either through your hosts package manager or using pip/easy_install. Recommended way is to use virtual environment for building documentation.

The ReadTheDocs theme can be installed in virtual environment using pip as follows:

python3 -m venv juvixdocs_venv
source juvixdocs_venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install sphinx-autobuild
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
pip install myst_parser
pip install sphinx_proof
pip install sphinxcontrib-tikz
pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex


LaTeX can be installed either using your systems package manager or directly from TeXLive.

Build Instructions

cd docs
make html
make latexpdf


  • The language reference section holds the official language reference. Please note that the language reference is still a work in progress.

  • The contribute file holds all information needed to contribute to Juvix.

  • For Documentation about the codebase itself see the code layout docs folder.

    • There are three files for each section of the codebase.

Informal Discussions

These folders cover various discussions and more informal plans for the Juvix programming language.

  • The architecture folder holds various non-obvious architecture choices.

  • The frontend folder contains various ideas and plans for the front end syntax of the Juvix programming language.


  • The Bohm holds an EBNF file and the corresponding railroad diagram for an intermediate layer for interaction nets in the Juvix Interpreter.