.. toctree:: :hidden: /manuals/UserGuide/UserGuide-Installation /manuals/UserGuide/UserGuide-Config /tutorials/Tutorials /demos/Demos /manuals/UserGuide/UserGuide-UI /manuals/UserGuide/UserGuide-Shell /doc_site/top_developers
To download it, check out the TVB download site.
To get in touch with other users and developers, please head over to the mailing list.
Some more documents and artefacts for TVB can be found in this share area (e.g. documentation from TVB Node# meetings, some team pictures).
our contributors (check their names on GitHub )
our sponsors (check their names on the our sponsors page
all 3rd party tools that we used (licenses are also included in TVB_Distribution)
JetBrains for PyCharm IDE
Hudson team for their continuous integration tool
Atlassian company for Jira software
and to you for reading these :-)