This boilerplate (seed project, starting project) helps you build large scale Angular.js applications with Require.js
FrontEnd Boilerplate project with development and publishing tools (for GitHub gh-pages)
to define a better communication between frontend and backend (server), please consider follow the given proposal REST URL Design
are based on [GitHub] soudev / gulp-steps - 04
Enter the following commands in the terminal
$ git clone
$ cd angularjs-ee-boilerplate
$ npm install
$ cd publisher
$ npm install
- installation is optional, used to deploy distribution version ongh-pages
Must have Git installed
Must have node.js (at least v4.2.5) installed with npm (Node Package Manager)
Must have Gulp node package installed globally
means root directory
Attention: the following task lintspaces will verify the patterns insides files according rules inside
in the root directory
gulp generate
- ask for which code generate option you want, values for the chosen and finally output destination, templated available on./tools/lib/generate/templates
- prepare and execute development workflow
gulp --release
- generate distribuction version on./dist
gulp --preview
- generate distribuction version on./dist
and start webserver to check application
karma configs defined on
, gulp tasks configs defined on./tools/karma.config.js
and loaded on./tools/config.js
gulp --karma
- run development and karma tests flow -
gulp karma:specs
- start karma process and watch for project or test js file change -
gulp karma:coverage
- run karma tests and generate coverage report on./tests_out/coverage/html/
protractor global configs defined on
and loaded and specified on./tools/config.js
gulp --e2e
- generate distribuction files and after it start webserver and execute e2e tests -
gulp --protractor={suiteName}
- prepare webserver and run one suite test defined on./tools/config.js
- Tools global configs:
which is loaded on./tools/gulp/helpers/$.js
this one is injected on each./tools/gulp/tasks
If you use Sublime Text, check this out:
[GitHub] the-front / sublime-angularjs-ee-snippets - Sublime Text 2 / 3 Snippets and Completions for Angular.js, Angular UI Router and Require.js (focused to the angularjs-ee-boilerplate code)
[GitHub] caiogondim / jasmine-sublime-snippets - Snippets for Jasmine, the BDD framework for testing JavaScript, in Sublime Text
How do I fix the error EMFILE: Too many opened files? | grunt-contrib-watch - GitHub
This is because of your system's max opened file limit. For OSX the default is very low (256). Temporarily increase your limit with
ulimit -n 2048
, the number being the new max limit.In some versions of OSX the above solution doesn't work. In that case try
launchctl limit maxfiles 2048 2048
and restart your terminal.
Behind a NTLM proxy
- run
npm install
two times, to install all dependencies
- run
When you uptade to last Firefox version and Selenium stop to work with
- keep selenium server jar always up to date
gulp --publish
- this task will invokegulp --release
command at root, then copy generated files from./dist
, commit files and finally push togh-pages
branch on GitHub
/src >> project source
/tools >> development tools
/publisher >> publisher tool
gulpfile.js >> main gulp.js file
package.json >> node.js project and dependencies configuration
based on [GitHub] soudev / gulp-steps - 04
/lib >> auxiliary processing
/scripts >> useful scripts used on npm scripts
require.config.js >> load application files and test's specs for Karma Runner
config.js >> global configs to gulp tasks
karma.config.js >> karma tasks configs loaded on `config.js`
karma.options.js >> karma configs used on `karma.config.js`
protractor.config.js >> protractor config file used with protractor process
based on [GitHub] soudev / gulp-steps - 04
gulpfile.js >> main gulp.js file
package.json >> node.js `publisher` project and dependencies configuration
The directories structure of the project is organized following the BDD (Behavior Driven Development wikipedia) concept, where all one "use case" (behavior) is inside the same directory, which this allow code and behavior reuse
/bookmarks >> CRUD example with mock
>> package.js map all js files in the directory
this file is referenced as a dependency on /app/main/module.js
>> package.js map all js files in the directory
this file is referenced as a dependency on /require.mock.load.js
>> package.js map all js files in the directory
this file is referenced as a dependency on /require.unit.load.js
>> files loaded from Protractor config specs regexp
>> module referenced as a dependency on /app/main/module.js
>> module referenced as a dependency on /app/main/module.js
>> module referenced as a dependency on /app/main/module.js
>> main application module where other modules are charged on /module.js
>> package.js map all js files in the directory
this file is referenced as a dependency on /
>> scripts for Internet Explorer
>> set of commons and useful reusable modules across projects and other modules
>> module that enables emulate the backend
default.less >> default theme and configuration for Bootstrap,
which is imported in /less/app.less
>> other configurations and components
app.less >> map .less files that generate /styles/app.css
>> third party libraries (ex.: twitter bootstrap, jquery, angular.js, ...)
require.mock.load.js >> list and reference all mocks to be loaded
this file is referenced as a dependency on /
require.unit.load.js >> list and reference all tests unit to be loaded
this file is referenced as dependency on
./tools/helpers/tests/require.config.js >> where start Angular.js application
require.config.js >> main configuration file to load all needed JavaScripts
files to execute /