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This project is totally based on the entire CPython, so it is licensed under the terms of the PSF License Agreement.

See LICENSE for the details.

Install & Uninstall

  • Support Windows 32bit/64bit and Linux 64bit for CPython 3.6.x/3.5.x.
  • Will support CPython 3.7 sooner.
  • Will never support CPython 2.x :)

You now have to go to release page and download the binaries directly...

After downloading, just replace the original files with flowpython items.

Flowpython Project


Clone them and

./configure CC=clang

Python 3.5.4+ (heads/3.5-dirty:0a8ff1b, Oct  8 2017, 13:56:29) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Clang 3.8.0 (tags/RELEASE_380/final)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> .x -> x+1
<function <lambda> at 0x7f159379aae8>


Feature - List

Old Works

(P.S This is not available for CPython 3.5.x

fix if-expr and add some new ways to define lambda.

  • if-expr
    you can write

            ret  =  e1 if j1 else
                    e2 if j2 else

    instead of

            ret  =  e1 if j1 else \
                    e2 if j2 else \
  • lambda

             .x -> x+1
             as-with x def x+1
             as-with x def as y def x+y

Add Where Syntax

  • principle:
    • Parse:

      • change Grammar/Grammar
        1. Firstly, add a new grammar where_stmt.
            where_stmt: 'where' ':' suite
          add this grammar to compound_stmt
        2. Then change the end of simple_stmt,replace NEWLINE with
            (NEWLINE | where_stmt)
      • change Parser/Python.asdl
        1. Add a data structure Where as a kind of expr
        Where(expr target, stmt* body)
    • AST:

      • change Python/ast.c found the function ast_for_stmt, ast_for_expr_stmt,ast_for_flow_stmt,ast_for_assert_stmt, change it as what I did in flowpython/Python/ast.c. It tells the Python compiler how to get the data structure from the parsed codes.
    • Compile&Interpret

      • change Python/compile.c
        This part is kind of complicated to bring out, and I think that you'd better use version controller to detect out what's the differences between Flowpython and CPython 3.6.2.

      • change Python/symtable.c
        Quite similar to compile.c.

      • P.S for Compile&Interpret
        If your want to get a complete knowledge about how Python works, you should understand how the two C Module works firstly.

Auto Compose

from flowpython.composing import auto_logger, auto_compose, flow_map, flow_filter

>> sum.filter(.x->x,[0,1,2,3,0])
>> 6

Fix Where Syntax in Lambda Closure

  • Particularly, fixed where syntax for lambda, to make the scope of statements in where syntax to be the closure of the innermost lambda.
    You can write following codes:
    as-with x def as y def as z def ret_value where:
        ret_value = x + y +z
    instead of:
    as-with x def as y def as z def tmp(x+y+z) where:
        def tmp(x,y,z):
            return x +y +z
    Does it seem to be currying?
    .x->.y->.z-> ret where:
        ret = x +y +z

Fix Keyword Conflictions

  • fix-keyword

  • switch-case-otherwise -> condef-case-otherwise

    Some new keywords brought by Flowpython, such as where, condef, case, otherwise, used to conflict with Standard Library and some important Libaraies from Third Party.

    I fixed these conflictions with making the Parser module to ignore some grammar structures which would be checked in AST module.

    So you can write these codes now:

        # no confliction
        where = 1
        where += where where:
            where += where
        case = 1
        otherwise = 2
        condef 1:
            case case => case 
            otherwise => otherwise

    Take care that each syntax in [ where, case, otherwise ] are not real keywords, and condef is.

        condef = 1
        >>> SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Powerful Pattern Matching

  • pattern-matching

    There are four kinds of matching rules in Flowpython:

    1. comparing operator matching
        condef [ == ] expr:
            case test1 =>
            case test2 => 
            otherwise  =>

    which equals to

        if (expr > test1 )
        elif (expr == test2 )

    Each in [], (), +(), +[], {} are called the operator comparing mode.
    Giving a mode followed by condef keyword means giving a default mode.
    The results are concluded here

      for operator comparing mode "[<optional>]"
      <optional> can be
      not in
      is not
    1. callable object matching
    condef (f) expr:
        case test1 => 
        case test2 =>


    if (f(expr) == test1):
    elif expr != test2:
    1. dual callable comparing matching
    condef {f} expr:
        case test1 => 


    if f(expr, test1):
    1. Python Pattern Matching
    • This one is the implementation for traditional pattern matching in CPython.
    condef +[>] 1:
        case a:2   =>
        case a:int =>

    The codes above can be explained as following process:

    1. if we can do assignment a = 1 and expression a > 2 can be satisfied, then do <body1>.
    2. else if we can do assignment a = 1 and expression type(a) == int can be satisfied, then do <body2>.
    • There are much more ways to use Pattern Matching, take a look at
    1. Take care
      if you write the following codes without default mode,
    condef [1,2,3]:
    condef {1,2,3}:
    condef (1,2,3):

    it will lead to syntax Error. But you can use this instead:

    condef() [1,2,3]:
    condef[] {1,2,3}:
    condef{} (1,2,3):

Conclusion for Pattern Matching

Matching Method Identity
comparing operator matching [operator]
callable object matching (callable)
dual callable comparing matching {callable}
python pattern matching(comparing) +[operator]
python pattern matching(callable) +(callable)

Arrow Transform

  • arrow transform expression
    This one looks like lambda, and they have quite a lot of features in common.
    Look at this example:
    • arrow transform
    >> 1 -> _+1
    >> 2
    >> x = [1,2,3]
    >> x -> map(.x->x+1, _) ->  list(_)
    >> [2,3,4]
    • lambda
    >> .x -> x
    >> _(1)
    >> 1
    >> var = [1,2,3]
    >> .x -> map(.x->x+1, x) -> list(_)
    >> _(var)
    >> [2,3,4]
    To conclude, lambda is the lazy form of arrow transform.
    The grammar identity . means Take It As Lazy

Matching Filter

    condef[] [1,2,3]:
        case (*a,b) -> a:list => 
            print("just match 'a' with 'list' ")
        otherwise           =>


FP Module

  • library:

To support some basic operations in Functional Programming, here are methods implemented in flowpython.fp.

from flowpython.fp import compose, andThen, foldr, foldl, flat_map, flatten
from flowpython.fp import strict, norecursion

strict_flatten = strict.flatten
strict_fastmap = strict.fastmap 
strict_flat_map= strict.flat_map  
norec_flatten  =  norecursion.lazy.flatten

# fastmap( use generator instead of map in original Python )
fastmap(.x -> x+1, [1,2,3]) -> list(_)
# -> [2,3,4]

strict_flat_map(.x->x+1, [1,2,3]) # -> [2,3,4] 

# flatten
flatten([1,2,[3,4],[[5],[6]]]) -> list(_)
# -> [1,2,3,4,5,6]

# compose : Callable->Callable->Any
f1 -> compose(f2)(_)

# andThen : Callable->Callable->Any
f1 -> andThen(f2)(_)

# foreach : Callable->Callable->Any
range(20) -> foreach(print)(_) 
# -> 0 \n 1 \n 2 ...

# fold : Dual Callable->(zero:Any)->Iterator->Any
foldr # (not recommended)
foldl # (not recommended)

range(20) -> foldr(. x,y -> print(x) or x+y)(0)(_) 
range(20) -> foldr(. x,y -> print(y) or x+y)(0)(_)

# flat_map : Iterator -> Callable -> Iterator
# default lazy
flat_map(.x->x+1)([[1,2,[3,4],[5,6]],[7,8]]) -> list(_)
# -> [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

# object in norecursion class use no recursive methods.
norec_flatten([[1,[2],[[3]],[[[4]]]]] -> list(_) 


An easy way to define if-elif-else statements:
( It's not guard in Haskell ! )

    otherwise = True

    | x == 1           => x += 1
    | type(x) is str   => x = int(x) 
    | otherwise        =>
            x = 2*x
            y = 1
    def defined(key):
        return key in globals()


    func = .x -> ret where:
        otherwise = True
        | x is 0                => ret = 0.0
        | type(x) in (str,int)  => ret = float(x)
        | otherwise             => ret = x


Sorry for the shortage of documents for new grammar, and I'm busy with my new semester.
It would be completed as sooner as possible.

    >> 1 ->> .x -> x*10 => .x-> x+1 
    >> 11
    >> range(100)  ->> f1 \
                    => f2 \
                    => groupby(.x->x)  \
                    => lambda Dict: map(.key->(key,len(Dict[key])), Dict) \
                    => dict \
                    => print where:
                    from flowpython.fp import groupby
                    f1 = . seq -> map(.x->x%2, seq)
                    f2 = . seq -> filter(.x -> x, seq)
    >> {1:50}


  • date : before 2017-07-30
  • date : 2017-07-30
    • Add where syntax
  • date: 2017-08-06
    • Fix closure for where syntax in case of Lambda Definition.
  • date: 2017-08-07
    • Add switch syntax.
  • date: 2017-08-08
    • Fix the keyword conflicts against the standard libraries and the packages from Third Party.
    • Change the grammar of switch syntax.
      switch-case-otherwise -> condef-case-otherwise
  • date: 2017-08-10
    • Add pattern matching syntax.
    • Add arrow transform expression.
    • Remove switch syntax(which can be totally replaced by pattern matching).
  • date: 2017-08-10
    • Add matching filter syntax for pattern matching .
  • date: 2017-08-13
    • Add module
  • date: 2017-08-15
    • Add branches grammar.
  • data: 2017-08-25
    • Add pipeline grammar.
    • Change keyword for pattern matching from condic to condef.