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File metadata and controls

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Grafana playground

Monitoring front-end

Here you will find a docker-compose automation to start grafana and prometheus (also node-exporter metrics are included) on host network:

├── docker-compose.yaml
├── grafana
│   ├── env.config
│   ├── grafana.ini
│   ├── ldap.toml
│   └── provisioning
│       ├── dashboards
│       │   ├── dashboard.yaml
│       │   └── h2agent.json
│       └── datasources
│           └── datasource.yaml
└── prometheus
    └── prometheus.yaml

As you may know, you can start font-end services with:

$ docker-compose up -d

Stop them by mean:

$ docker-compose down -v

And finally, access grafana local server site on browser (authentication is hardcoded to admin/admin1, so change it at grafana/env.config if needed):

$ firefox http://localhost:9000

There, you will find the h2agent pre-configured dashboard, in order to observe any host deployment available:

Use case

To excite the monitoring system, we have prepared a simple use case involving h2agent main process and also udp-client and udp-server-h2agent:

$ source use-case.src

It simulates some customers requesting books to a book store. When the book exists, they buy it and the system annotates the book information through a logging system. Those requests will be GET /buy/book/<request-order>, and request order will be a monotonically increasing sequence. The book store was recently created so very few books are available. Assume for example that only 2% of requests are positive. We will program this by mean mod operation (sequence % 100) as the book identifier, and matching only two of the values in range 0-99, for example 81 and 99, corresponding for example to these two books:

81: Human Action (Von Mises, Ludwig)
99: The Road To Serfdom (Hayek, F.A.)

The GET response to the customer, will contain the matched book information and status code 200. If the book is missing, status code will be 202 and a detailed message to apologyze will be returned back.

When found, the book store will generate an UDPdatagram to infer a POST /sold/book/<book id> request from udp-server-h2client to itself again, and will be answered with status code 201. That request represent the journal entry of the sold book, and a log register (sales.log) must be created with a content like this:

Book: Human Action | Author: Von Mises, Ludwig | Cost: 51 euro

The rest of GET requests for missing books will log a register (lost_sales.log) like this:

Request order: 1245581

The reason to use UDP processes to simulate the customer (which is basically a system to launch HTTP/2 requests) and also the POST requests when a book is found and sold, is because h2agent client mock is being developed, and only functional mode is available. So, to launch a sequence of requests, we need to drive them via UDP datagrams written by udp-client, and read by udp-server-h2client which also transform them into HTTP/2 requests towards h2agent.

With the setup described, we will cover metrics for h2agent traffic server endpoint, file system module (logs written), socket manager module (UDP datagram to provoke POST requests), and udp-server-h2client metrics for its traffic client endpoint. Pay attention to source labels to see from which process come the metrics in each case:

    CUSTOMER                                             BOOK STORE               LOGGING SYSTEM
   ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────┐      ┌───────────┐            ┌───────────────┐
   │ ┌──────────┐          ┌───────────────────┐ │      │ ┌───────┐ │   write    │ ┌───────────┐ │
   │ │UDP-client│          │UDP-server h2client│ │      │ │h2agent│ │ ─────────> │ │File System│ │
   │ └────┬─────┘          └─────────┬─────────┘ │      │ └───┬───┘ │            │ └───────────┘ │
   │      │       udp datagram       │       udp datagram     │     │            └───────────────┘
   │      │ ────────────────────────>│<───────────────────────│     │
   │      │                          │           │      │     │     │
   │      │                          │          req     │     │     │
   │      │                          │───────────────────────>│     │
   │      │                          │           │      │     │     │
   │      │                          │          res     │     │     │
   │      │                          │<───────────────────────│     │
   │ ┌────┴─────┐          ┌─────────┴─────────┐ │      │ ┌───┴───┐ │
   │ │UDP-client│          │UDP-server h2client│ │      │ │h2agent│ │
   │ └──────────┘          └───────────────────┘ │      │ └───────┘ │
   └─────────────────────────────────────────────┘      └───────────┘

Enjoy playing !