- Name Tag read/write
- scroll text in name tag
- Splitter fully TDD implemented
- mv ch.vorburger.minecraft.storeys.narrate to ch.vorburger.minecraft.storeys
- story file and parser
- Story =Header= and ==Subhead==
- Speed of story - correctly use ReadingSpeed in each Action (with ActionWaitHelper)
- /narrate -> /story (StoryCommand)
- Refactor to remove .narrate. from packages, NarratorPlugin -> StoreysPlugin, id = storeys
- Bug "more than 1 entity"
- Normal (non-OSGi) mod (but still work under OSGi as well, for dev)
- Latest Sponge version
- README & Video (by D?)
- CI (incl. also building our deps)
- Forum?
- story editor in Book
- %await 3s
- /wpm command, to set per-Player ReadingSpeed
- /move to make entites move around instead of /tp .. slowly, step by step - timed (based on WPM)
- Entity velocity 0 via script or new /noai (?) instead of in NarrateAction
- /story:stop
- /narrate @p | @MsPiggy bla bla bla
- /tp @pig: In Parser, or in Sponge, so it also works in console?
- interactive, prompts
- sub story modules (includes, label welcome: and ->welcome or #welcome ?)
- Like "Conversations", for learning? (learn.study)
- /story name completion
- record and store real path of walking around
- parallelism ({}), if needed? Through indention..
- look at other story telling frameworks: interactive fiction engines, GitHub topics storytelling, story, stories,
- add reporting to https://bstats.org
- api artifact with some services interfaces, for other mods
- webserver, with tokens and REST API support incl. OpenAPI
- web-based editor, simple
- live collab web editor
- WARN on console if narrating entity is not in view of player (as that can be confusing)
- Use Immutables.org for model; just gen. hashCode/equals & toString or real immutable with *Builder for each?
- ActionParserTest using xtendbeans
- Human, with skin (SpongePowered/Sponge#318)
- Action execute methods in separate class(es) for pure model?
- Inline http[s]:// links should be click-able
- MAYBE allow Google - but can be risky better to show link - or ask players to confirm?
- MD Text _emphasis (also emphasis) and strong (see https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet#emphasis)
- NLS: hello: [en] howdy [fr] salut. #hello @p
- Full FormattingCodeTextSerializer ?
- Emoji? ✨ 🐫 💥 👍 (see https://www.webpagefx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/)
- paged chat messages
- https://github.com/SpongePowered/Schematic-Specification
- world plugin which can load previously saved (parts of SMALL) world dumps
- script to create the demo world with Piggy & Chestnut: /summon, /name etc. (How to fence, leash?)
- script gen. from existing world?!
- Bundle hello.story into JAR and extract on start, if not present
- add more videos to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7PA3zq_6Oqce-C2MhAK4FWb98OTFVrQo