The following tools are used by the project:
These tools are recommended, but not required:
The easiest way to get started is to use the e2e testing scripts to bootstrap installation. These are configured to install real versions of Tekton Pipelines / Results, using kind by default.
export KO_DOCKER_REPO="kind.local"
./test/e2e/ # sets up kind cluster
./test/e2e/ # installs pipelines, configures db, installs results api/watcher.
uses the default kubectl context, so this can be ran on both
kind or real Kubernetes clusters. See test/e2e/
for configurable options for these scripts.
You can redeploy individual components via ko. Just make sure to configure ko with kind.
export KO_DOCKER_REPO=kind.local
ko apply -f config/watcher.yaml
You can redeploy all components with kubectl and ko. Just make sure to configure ko with kind.
export KO_DOCKER_REPO=kind.local
kubectl kustomize ./test/e2e/kustomize/ | ko apply -f -
The easiest way to make requests to the API Server for manual inspection is
kubectl port-forward
or curl
- Prepare a custom Service Account that will be used for debugging purposes
kubectl create sa tekton-results-debug -n tekton-pipelines
- Grant required privileges to the Service Account
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tekton-results-debug --clusterrole=tekton-results-readonly --serviceaccount=tekton-pipelines:tekton-results-debug
- Create access token
export ACCESS_TOKEN=$(kubectl create token tekton-results-debug -n tekton-pipelines)
- Proxies the remote Service to localhost for gRPC. This will block, so run this in a separate shell or background the process.
kubectl port-forward -n tekton-pipelines service/tekton-results-api-service 8080
- If using self-signed certs, download the API Server certificate locally and configure gRPC. (if using a cert that's already present in your system pool, this can be skipped)
kubectl get secrets tekton-results-tls -n tekton-pipelines --template='{{index .data "tls.crt"}}' | base64 -d > /tmp/results.crt
export GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH=/tmp/results.crt
- List the available gRPC services
grpc_cli ls --channel_creds_type=ssl --ssl_target=tekton-results-api-service.tekton-pipelines.svc.cluster.local localhost:8080
# output: available gRPC services
- Makes a request to the Results service
grpc_cli call --channel_creds_type=ssl --ssl_target=tekton-results-api-service.tekton-pipelines.svc.cluster.local --call_creds=access_token=$ACCESS_TOKEN localhost:8080 tekton.results.v1alpha2.Results.ListResults 'parent: "default"'
# output: list of results
connecting to localhost:8080
results {
name: "default/results/7afa9067-5001-4d93-b715-49854a770412"
id: "b74a3317-e6c0-421c-85d9-54b0f3d4b4c6"
created_time {
seconds: 1677742028
nanos: 143729000
etag: "b74a3317-e6c0-421c-85d9-54b0f3d4b4c6-1677742039224211588"
updated_time {
seconds: 1677742039
nanos: 224211000
uid: "b74a3317-e6c0-421c-85d9-54b0f3d4b4c6"
create_time {
seconds: 1677742028
nanos: 143729000
update_time {
seconds: 1677742039
nanos: 224211000
summary {
record: "default/results/7afa9067-5001-4d93-b715-49854a770412/records/7afa9067-5001-4d93-b715-49854a770412"
type: ""
end_time {
seconds: 1677742039
status: SUCCESS
results {
name: "default/results/c360def0-d77e-4a3f-a1b0-5b0753e7d5af"
id: "9514f318-9329-485b-871c-77a4a6904891"
created_time {
seconds: 1677742085
nanos: 535047000
etag: "9514f318-9329-485b-871c-77a4a6904891-1677742090308632274"
updated_time {
seconds: 1677742090
nanos: 308632000
uid: "9514f318-9329-485b-871c-77a4a6904891"
create_time {
seconds: 1677742085
nanos: 535047000
update_time {
seconds: 1677742090
nanos: 308632000
summary {
record: "default/results/c360def0-d77e-4a3f-a1b0-5b0753e7d5af/records/c360def0-d77e-4a3f-a1b0-5b0753e7d5af"
type: ""
end_time {
seconds: 1677742090
status: SUCCESS
Rpc succeeded with OK status
NOTE: you can ignore Unexpected service config health received
errors: this
is because we do not have health checking set up yet. Please refer tektoncd#414.
See the available REST endpoints in the OpenAPI specification docs. The API request URL is of the format https://{server_url}/apis/{name/path-to-the-resource}
. For debugging server_url is localhost:port-exposed
- Proxy the remote Service to localhost for REST. This will block, so run this in a separate shell or background the process.
kubectl port-forward -n tekton-pipelines service/tekton-results-api-service 8080
- Make a curl request to the Results REST API.
curl --insecure \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
This particular request lists the results under default namespace.
"results": [
"name": "default/results/640d1af3-9c75-4167-8167-4d8e4f39d403",
"id": "338481c9-3bc6-472f-9d1b-0f7705e6cb8c",
"uid": "338481c9-3bc6-472f-9d1b-0f7705e6cb8c",
"createdTime": "2023-03-02T07:26:48.972907Z",
"createTime": "2023-03-02T07:26:48.972907Z",
"updatedTime": "2023-03-02T07:26:54.191114Z",
"updateTime": "2023-03-02T07:26:54.191114Z",
"annotations": {},
"etag": "338481c9-3bc6-472f-9d1b-0f7705e6cb8c-1677742014191114634",
"summary": {
"record": "default/results/640d1af3-9c75-4167-8167-4d8e4f39d403/records/640d1af3-9c75-4167-8167-4d8e4f39d403",
"type": "",
"startTime": null,
"endTime": "2023-03-02T07:26:54Z",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"annotations": {}
"name": "default/results/c360def0-d77e-4a3f-a1b0-5b0753e7d5af",
"id": "9514f318-9329-485b-871c-77a4a6904891",
"uid": "9514f318-9329-485b-871c-77a4a6904891",
"createdTime": "2023-03-02T07:28:05.535047Z",
"createTime": "2023-03-02T07:28:05.535047Z",
"updatedTime": "2023-03-02T07:28:10.308632Z",
"updateTime": "2023-03-02T07:28:10.308632Z",
"annotations": {},
"etag": "9514f318-9329-485b-871c-77a4a6904891-1677742090308632274",
"summary": {
"record": "default/results/c360def0-d77e-4a3f-a1b0-5b0753e7d5af/records/c360def0-d77e-4a3f-a1b0-5b0753e7d5af",
"type": "",
"startTime": null,
"endTime": "2023-03-02T07:28:10Z",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"annotations": {}
"nextPageToken": ""
- Style Guides: Go
- API Design
- Formatting
- Language recommended tools first (e.g. gofmt)
- Default to
(recommended command:prettier --write --prose-wrap always
go test ./...
You can change log level controllers for development purpose. Edit configmap:
kubectl edit cm tekton-results-config-logging -n tekton-pipelines
Change "zap-logger-config" field "level" and save it.
apiVersion: v1
loglevel.controller: info
loglevel.webhook: info
zap-logger-config: |
"level": "info",
Log levels supported by Zap logger are:
debug - fine-grained debugging info - normal logging warn - unexpected but non-critical errors error - critical errors; unexpected during normal operation dpanic - in debug mode, trigger a panic (crash) panic - trigger a panic (crash) fatal - immediately exit with exit status 1 (failure)