Datasource | Level | Technologies | Prerequisites | Description |
Hadoop, Hive | Beginner | Teiid, Dynamic VDB, View, Hive Translator | Hadoop Services, HiveServer2 | Demonstrates using the Hive Translator with HiveServer2 JDBC Driver to access data in Hadoop HDFS |
This example demonstrates using the Hive Translator with HiveServer2 JDBC Driver to access data in Hadoop HDFS. Dynamic VDB hive-vdb.xml be used to define View within DDL metadata.
The examples use java:/hiveDS
referenced with HiveServer2 data source, which will be setup automatically while the examples start running.
1. Hadoop Services
Refer to ../ Prerequisites section to install Hadoop and start Hadoop Services
2. HiveServer2
Refer to ../ Prerequisites section to install Hive and start HiveServer2
3. Load Sample Data
With above 2 setps use the following commands to load hive-sample.txt:
$ ./bin/hive
hive> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS employee (eid int, name String, salary String, destination String);
hive> LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/path/to/hive-sample.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE employee;
4. Edit JDBC Parameters
Edit make sure it point to a running HiveServer2.
To add Teiid runtime, admin
To add Translators and Resource Adapters
To add thirdpart dependency
- Run from Source code
Import source code to a IDE(Eclipse), run TeiidEmbeddedHadoopDataSource as Java Application.
- Run from mvn
$ cd teiid-embedded-examples/bigdata-integration/hadoop-integration-hive
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn exec:java