This will create a github repository for homework and quizes. It will:
- Copy a template for each repo, homework or quiz. This will populate the repo with a Gemfile, .gitignore, .travis.yml, Guardfile, and files.
- The Gemfile will contain the rspec, pry, pry-debugger, simplecov, gaurd-rspec and dotenv gems.
- Generate a .rvmrc that will create or use an rvm gemset that will have the same name as the repository. This rvm gemset is where your project gems are installed
- Create this repository in your github account.
- Run the git init, add, commit and remote commands to initialize this repository.
Create a github Personal Access Token, Personal Access Token. This will allow access to your github account for this application.
Add this personal access token to your .env file.
$ bundle install
Create a github repository for homework.
$ bin/make_hw_repo *\<repo name\>*
Create a github repository for a homework
$ bin/make_quiz_repo *\<repo name\>*
$ bin/make_hw_repo help
$ bin/make_hw_repo help create
$ bin/make_hw_repo help copy
$ bin/make_hw_repo help clean
Create a github repository for a quiz.
$ bin/make_quiz_repo *\<repo name\>*
$ bin/make_quiz_repo help
$ bin/make_quiz_repo help create
$ bin/make_quiz_repo help copy
$ bin/make_quiz_repo help clean