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vagrant corpusops setup

Common instructions

  • The install prefix inside the VM is in /srv/corpusops/corpusops.bootstrap.
  • The current folder is mounted on /host.
  • If you want to edit files from within your host (aka from your favourite IDE), see the mounting section.
  • The files of the local clone are pushed inside the VM on the first launch.
  • But after, everything lives in the VM except the Vagrant file and the provision script.
  • If you want to edit files, connect to the VM first or mount it !

Make a corpusops.bootstrap clone per VM

git clone vmx

Setup a vagrant VM (before launching it the first time)

Create a centos VM

Before launching vagrant up, edit vm_centos/vagrant_config.yml to looks like

OS: centos

Launch the vm

git clone vm_centos
cd vm_centos
vagrant up

Create a ubuntu VM

Before launching vagrant up, edit dit vm_ubuntu/vagrant_config.yml to looks like

OS: Ubuntu
#ÔS_RELEASE: xenial

Launch the vm

git clone vm_ubuntu
cd vm_ubuntu
vagrant up

Create a debian VM

Before launching vagrant up, edit vm_debian/vagrant_config.yml to looks like

OS: debian

Launch the vm

git clone vm_debian
cd vm_debian
vagrant up

Create a VM from an existing box

Before launching vagrant up, edit vm_customb/vagrant_config.yml to looks like

BOX: acustomnameb
BOX_URI: nil

Launch the vm

git clone vm_customb
cd vm_customb
vagrant up

Create a box from a custom URI

Before launching vagrant up, edit vm_customu/vagrant_config.yml to looks like

BOX: acustomnameu
BOX_URI: http://super/

Launch the vm

git clone vm_customu
cd vm_customu
vagrant up

Setup CPU / Memory

Edit vm_x/vagrant_config.yml to adapt to your convenience

# nb allocated cpus
# memory
# max cpu usage in pct

Prepare the working copy from one another, to avoid recloning everything

cd myvl
./hacking/ /path/to/othervm
$EDITOR /path/to/othervm/vagrant_config.yml

Mounting the VM as a sshfs mountpoint onto the host


We made helpers to make the tedious work of using sshfs over an alternate config more straighforward.
Those scripts can be called directly, without. any argument

  • hacking/vagrant/, Generates sshconfig.
  • hacking/vagrant/, Mount the VM inside ./mountpoint. (call automatically)
  • hacking/vagrant/, Umount the sshfs mountpoint.
  • hacking/vagrant/, connect to the VM using SSH. This one can take arguments that will be appened, to behave like a ssh client. (call automatically)

Eg, to mount the vm

cd myvm
vagrant up


  • You must install sshfs onto your host
  • Generate a local sshconfig to access your VM
vagrant ssh-config \
    | sed \
        -e "s/User .*/User root/g" \
        -e "s/Host .*/Host vagrant/g" > sshconfig

This will result in ./sshconfig like

Host vagrant
  User root
  Port 2200
  UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
  StrictHostKeyChecking no
  PasswordAuthentication no
  IdentityFile /home/u/vm/.vagrant/machines/corpusops2-1/virtualbox/private_key
  IdentitiesOnly yes
  LogLevel FATAL

Then, each time you want to mount it, issue:

if [ ! -e mountpoint ];then mkdir mountpoint;fi
sshfs -F $(pwd)/sshconfig vagrant:/ mountpoint

To umount

fusermount -u mountpoint

Import/Export of an exiting VM

Be careful

  • Virtualenv will be reconstructed, as of it's ansible subcheckout
  • Roles & playbook will be recheckouted at each VM new spawn from an exported one unless you use hacking/ to speed up the spawn process.
  • Roles & checkouts pinnings are done via requirements/*.in files of your corpusops clone.

Export a VM

cd myvm
vagrant halt -f
./hacking/vagrant/ myvm

Import a VM

From a file produced by

git clone vmx
cd vmx
./hacking/vagrant/ /path/to/

Cleaning up transient import boxes

After working a while, issue

vagrant box list

You can then remove stale import files with

vagrant box remove <id>

If the box is really stale and not in used anymore, it will be no warning before it to be removed


Edit vm_x/vagrant_config.yml to adapt to your convenience

FORCE_INSTALL: 1 (or empty string)
FORCE_SYNC: 1 (or empty string)
SKIP_INSTALL: 1 (or empty string)
SKIP_ROOTSSHKEYS_SYNC: 1 (or empty string)