Check name | Description | Example |
std::rand (which is not thread-safe)std::random_shuffle (deprecated in C++14, removed in C++17)
std::random_device (which may be a long operation as it's execution time isn't specified)std::*_distribution usage |
// good example
struct random_struct
: m_rand_engine(std::random_device{}()) // construct random device and call to get seed for random engine construction
int get_rand(int from, int to)
std::uniform_int_distribution distribution(from, to); // distribution construction is quite cheap
return distribution(m_rand_engine);
mutable std::mt19937 m_rand_engine;
Detects when char or signed char is passed to the predicate functions from <cctype> (or <ctype.h>), which may be undefined befavior. From cppreference"Like all other functions from <cctype>, the behavior of std::isalpha is undefined if the argument's value is neither representable as unsigned char nor equal to EOF. To use these functions safely with plain chars (or signed chars ), the argument should first be converted to unsigned char "
char c = getchar();
bool b1 = std::isalpha(c); // warning
bool b2 = std::isalpha(static_cast<unsigned char>(c)); // OK
Detects if const_cast is applied to a non-static field. Usage of mutable is preferred
struct Struct
int get_num() const
std::uniform_int_distribution dist(0, 10);
return dist(const_cast<std::mt19937 &>(m_rand_engine)); // warning
std::mt19937 m_rand_engine; // assume it's properly initialized
Detects non-modified non-const function parameters and suggests to insert const .
void ok(const int & i) {} // OK
void param_could_be_const(int & i) {} // warning
void rvalue_is_never_moved(int && i) {} // warning
Detects, when default-constructed value is passed to map `emplace` method and suggests to use `try_emplace` method instead |
std::unordered_map<int, std::string> mis;
mis.emplace(0, std::string{}); // warning
mis.try_emplace(0); // OK
mis.emplace(1, std::string{"one"}); // OK
Detects when `erase` is called on iterator which is incremented in a for loop. Majority of containers invalidates an iterator which is erased. Does not produce a warning if `return` or `break` statement is present at the same level as `erase`. |
std::map<int, bool> m;
auto it = m.begin(), end = m.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (it->first == 123) {
m.erase(it); // warning
auto it = m.begin(), end = m.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
if (it->first == 123) {
m.erase(it); // OK
Detects `find` + `insert` pattern for STL-like containers. This is inefficient because `find` tries to find an element, traversing the container and then `insert` traverses the container one more time. In most cases this could be replaced with one `insert` or `emplace` |
// Inefficient:
auto it = map.find(key);
if (it == map.end()) {
map.insert({key, value});
} else {
it->second = value;
// Efficient:
auto [it, inserted] = map.emplace(key, value);
if (!inserted) {
it->second = value;
Detects if `const` qualifier can be added to initialization stmt in for-range loop. Doesn't warn if the variable is used for template deduction |
std::vector<int> from;
std::vector<int> to;
for (auto & el : from) { // warning
to.push_back(el); // causes warning
This check extends clang-tidy: [performance-move-const-arg](
Detects: const lvalue (may invalidate provided data)std::move argument is already rvalueconst lvalue referenceconst rvalue parameters |
template <class T>
auto get_rvalue(T & t) { return std::move(t); } // 'move' invalidates 't'
void foo(const std::string & s)
auto substr = std::move(s.substr(1)); // warning: move of rvalue
foo(std::move(substr)); // warning: move to const lvalue reference
void boo(const std::string && s) {} // warning: const rvalue parameter
Detects if member can be initialized in initialization list in constructor instead of assignment within body. |
struct Struct
Struct (const int * arr, std::size_t size)
: m_data(arr, arr + size) // good
m_size = size; // bad, warning
std::vector<int> m_data;
std::size_t m_size;
Class method is inline by default, so an explicit keyword isn't needed.
Detects, when an inline keyword is used for a method within class body.
class Foo {
inline void method(); // warning
void another_method(); // OK
In C++20 standard str on std::stringstream && got it's own overload, which should be cheaper then just copy if internal buffer.
Detects calls to std::stringstream::str where std::move could be used and suggests it.
void foo(std::string);
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Hello, world!\n";
foo(ss.str()); // warning
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Goodbye, world!\n";
foo(std::move(ss).str()); // OK
Checks noexcept specified functions for calls of potentially throwing functions which bodies aren't seen in current translation unit, as it causes insertion of std::terminate
void call_new() noexcept // warning
const char * str = new char[4]{"lol"}; // warning: 'new' is potentially throwing
Detects (unique|shared)_lock::release without unlock call on returned mutex.
void bad_func()
std::mutex m;
std::unique_lock l{m};
l.release(); // warning
void good_func()
std::mutex m;
std::unique_lock l{m};
auto m_ptr = l.release(); // OK (unlocked afterwards)
Detects if a class method that accepts const char * is called with calling std::string::c_str and there is an overload that accepts std::string_view . Suggests removing c_str call;
class Foo {
void func(const char *);
void func(std::string_view);
Foo f;
std::string key = "key";
f.func(key.c_str()); // warning
f.func(key); // ok
const T , suggests returning either const T & or T insteadreturn *this; but their return type is T , suggests using const T & return type. |
const int foo() { return 42; } // warning
struct Iterator
Iterator operator ++ () // warning
return *this;
void inc();
// file.h
#pragma once
inline static int a; // warning
namespace { int b; } // warning
// file.cpp
static int c = 42; // OK, but will probably be judged
static void local_func() {} // warning
Detects if a temporary variable is used instead of direct writing into non-static field. |
struct Struct
Struct(const int * arr, std::size_t size)
std::vector<int> to_fill; // warning
if (arr) {
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
data = std::move(to_fill);
std::vector<int> data;
In some standard library implementations emplace call always constructs a map node, which is inefficient.
Detects calls of map emplace method and suggests using try_emplace instead. NB! sometimes it implies construction of key temporary object, which may be more undesirable.
std::map<int, std::string> map;
map.emplace(1, "one"); // warning: will create a node first and find a place for it
map.try_emplace(1, "one"); // OK: will only construct a node if finds proper place |