diff --git a/docs/DeepSleep.md b/docs/DeepSleep.md
index 38f102f539..d5b591c521 100644
--- a/docs/DeepSleep.md
+++ b/docs/DeepSleep.md
@@ -8,7 +8,26 @@ DeepSleep support for up to 10 years (i.e., 86,400 seconds = 1 day) (e.g., if us
 !!! note
     The next wake time will always be an even number of `DeepSleepTime` cycles since the epoch (Midnight 1970-01-01).  This may matter if the sleep time isn't an even number of minutes/hours (ex: 3660), such as when trying to wake at a specific time of day.
-With Version 13.2 there is a new functionality to use TIMERS for the wakeup process on deepsleep. In this case the deepsleeptime will be dynamically calculated through the TIMERS. To enable TIMERS on deepsleep there must be a `rule1 Wakeup` and `rule1 on` or `rule1 5` (ONCE). Now every TIMER that has RULE as an action will wakeup the device at the proposed time. You can define multiple timers and multiple wakeups also defined on sunset or sunrise. The process will always select the NEXT wakeup it finds. As soon as all conditions meet a 60 second timer countdown starts to send the device to deepsleep. To prevent this it is recommended to disbale ALL timers on the UI during definition. If you tag the rule1 with ONCE the device will stay awake after the deepsleep. To send the device to deepsleep e.g. at sunset another rule can be used to do this: `rule2 on timers#minute=%sunset% do rule1 5 endon` and enable the rule: `rule2 1`. Be aware that `rule1 Wakeup` will DISABLE the capability to use deepsleeptime. You have to clean rule1 if you want to use the regular wakeups through deepsleeptime window.
+With Version 13.2 there is a new functionality to use TIMERS for the wakeup process on deepsleep. In this case the deepsleeptime will be dynamically calculated through the TIMERS. To enable TIMERS on deepsleep there must be a 
+  Wakeup
+Rule1 ON
+Rule1 5 (ONCE)
+Now every TIMER that has RULE as an action will wakeup the device at the proposed time. You can define multiple timers and multiple wakeups also defined on sunset or sunrise. The process will always select the NEXT wakeup it finds. As soon as all conditions meet a 60 second timer countdown starts to send the device to deepsleep. To prevent this it is recommended to disbale ALL timers on the UI during definition. If you tag the rule1 with ONCE the device will stay awake after the deepsleep. To send the device to deepsleep e.g. at sunset another rule can be used to do this:
+  on timers#minute=%sunset% do rule1 5 endon
+Rule2 ON
+Be aware that `rule1 Wakeup` will DISABLE the capability to use deepsleeptime. You have to clean rule1 if you want to use the regular wakeups through deepsleeptime window.