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AMD backend support

General information

Support for AMD backend is implemented via SYCL HIP backend. The feature is disabled by default and is currently experimental. You must enable it at the build time with a CMake option DNNL_GPU_VENDOR=AMD. The AMD GPUs can be used via oneDNN engine abstraction. The engine should be created using dnnl::engine::kind::gpu engine kind or you can provide sycl::device objects that correspond to AMD GPUs.


Build command

export CC=/path/to/dpcpp/install/bin/clang
export CXX=/path/to/dpcpp/install/bin/clang++
mkdir build
cd build
      -DDNNL_GPU_VENDOR=AMD -G Ninja ..

If you have AMD ROCm, MIOpen or rocBLAS installed in non-standard locations or you want to use MIOpen or rocBLAS that is not part of the AMD ROCm package then the following CMake and environment variables can be used to specify their location:



Both buffer-based and USM-based oneDNN APIs are supported for AMD backend.

Suported Data Types

The following table documents the supported data types. In generic this is for all primitives, but primitive wise which datatypes are supported are mentioned under each primitive.

Data Type Computation Mode
f32 Training, Inference
f16 Inference
s8 Inference (when applicable)
bf16 Training, Inference (when applicable)

Supported Primitives and Implementation Limitations

The AMD backend cannot provide all functionalities supported by oneDNN primitives. because MIOpen and rocBLAS lack some features. The detailed limitations of each MIOpen and rocBLAS based primitive are explained below.


The miopenOpTensor is the equivalent of oneDNN binary primitive.

  • Supported data types are f32, f16, s32.
  • Datatypes of SRC0, SRC1 and DST should be the same.
  • Supported formats are NCDHW, NCHW, NCW, NC, N.
  • Blocked formats are not supported.
  • Only scales attribute is supported.
  • Post-ops are not supported.
  • Supported algorithms are binary_add, binary_mul, binary_min, binary_max.


The miopenConvolutionForwardImmediate is used to compute forward. The miopenConvolutionBackwardDataImmediate and miopenConvolutionBackwardWeightsImmediate are used to compute backward by data and backward by weights respectively.

The implementation supports both Forward and Backward directions:

Forward direction

  • Supported data types combinations:
    Source Weights Destination Bias
    f32 f32 f32 f32
    f16 f16 f16 f16
    s8 s8 s8 Not supported
    bf16 bf16 bf16 Not supported
  • Supported formats: NCDHW, NCHW, NCW (with bias) and NDHWC, NHWC, NWC (without bias)
  • Supported post-ops: eltwise (eltwise_relu, eltwise_tanh, eltwise_elu, eltwise_logistic) and sum
  • Supported attributes: scales
  • Supported algorithms : winograd, direct

Backward direction

  • Supported data types combinations:
    Source Weights Destination Bias
    f32 f32 f32 f32
    bf16 bf16 bf16 bf16
  • Supported formats: NCDHW, NCHW, NCW (with bias) and NDHWC, NHWC, NWC (without bias)
  • Supported algorithms : winograd, direct


  • Source, weights and destination tensors must have the same format
  • Post-op sum scale with non-zero fractional part can lead to incorrect results
  • Zero points are not supported
  • Post-ops are implementated via separate operations
  • Bias addition is implemented with miopenOpTensor


  • Deconvolution primitive is implemented through the convolution with swapped input and output channels.
  • Post-ops are not supported.


The implementation supports both forward and backward directions. The miopenCreateActivationDescriptor and miopenSetActivationDescriptor are used to create the activation descriptor. And the miopenActivationForward and miopenActivationBackward are used for the execution.

  • Supported formats: NCDHW, NDHWC, NCHW, NHWC, NCW, NWC, NC, N
Forward Direction
  • Supported algorithms: relu, tanh, elu, soft_relu, abs, logistic.
  • soft_relu is only supported with alpha = 1.
  • Supported data types are f32 and f16.
  • Post-ops are not supported.
Backward Direction
  • Supported algorithms: relu and soft_relu.
  • soft_relu is only supported with alpha = 1.
  • Supported data types are f32.

Softmax / Logsoftmax

The implementation supports both forward and backward directions. The primitive was implemented using miopenSoftmaxForward_V2 and miopenSoftmaxBackward_V2.

  • Supported formats: NCDHW, NDHWC, NCHW, NHWC, NCW, NWC, NC.
  • Only axis = 1 is supported.
Forward Direction
  • Supported data types: f32 and f16.
  • Post-ops are not supported.
Backward Direction
  • Supported data types: f32.

Local Response Normalization (LRN)

The implementation supports both forward and backward directions. The miopenCreateLRNDescriptor and miopenSetLRNDescriptor are used to set the LRN desriptor. The miopenLRNForward and miopenLRNBackward are used for the execution.

  • Supported formats: NCHW, NHWC, NCW, NWC, NC.
Forward Direction
  • Supported data types: f32, f16.
  • Supported algorithms: lrn_across_channels, lrn_within_channel.
  • lrn_within_channel supports only 2D spatial cases.
  • Post-ops are not supported.
Backward Direction
  • Supported data types: f32.
  • Supported algorithms: lrn_across_channels, lrn_within_channel.
  • lrn_within_channels supports only 2D spatial cases.


The Pooling primitive in the AMD backend is implemented with the following API's:

  • miopenCreatePoolingDescriptor, miopenSetNdPoolingDescriptor, miopenSetPoolingIndexType, and miopenSetPoolingWorkSpaceIndexMode are used to set the pooling descriptor
  • miopenPoolingGetWorkSpaceSizeV2 is used for getting a work space size.
  • miopenPoolingForward and miopenPoolingBackward are used for the execution.
Forward direction
  • Supported datatype for forward Training f32.
  • Supported datatypes for forward Inference f32, f16.
  • Only 1D, 2D and 3D pooling is supported.
  • Only NCDHW, NCHW, NCW formats are supported.
  • Supported algorithms are pooling_max, pooling_avg_include_padding, pooling_avg_exclude_padding.
  • Post-ops are not supported.
Backward direction
  • Supported datatypes are f32.
  • Only 1D, 2D and 3D pooling is supported.
  • Only NCDHW, NCHW, NCW formats are supported.
  • Supported algorithms are pooling_max, pooling_avg_include_padding, pooling_avg_exclude_padding.


The Reduction primitive is implemented with the following API's:

  • miopenCreateReduceTensorDescriptor and miopenSetReduceTensorDescriptor are used to set the reduction tensor descriptor

  • miopenGetReductionWorkspaceSize is used for getting a workspace size.

  • miopenReduceTensor is used for execution

  • Supported datatypes are f32, f16.

  • Only NCDHW, NCHW, NCW, NC, N formats are supported.

  • Supported algorithms are reduction_max, reduction_min, reduction_sum, reduction_mul, reduction_mean, reduction_norm_lp_sum, reduction_norm_lp_power_p_sum

  • reduction_norm_lp_sum algorithm supported only for the p value 2

  • reduction_norm_lp_power_p_sum supported only for the p value 1

  • Only eps = 0 is supported.

  • Post-opst are not supported.

Matrix Multiplication

The matrix multiplication primitive is implemented with rocblas_gemm_ex and rocblas_gemm_strided_batched_ex functions.

  • Supported data types are f32, f16, bf16 and s8/s32.

  • Currently only below 5 combinations are supported:

    Source Weights Destination Bias
    f32 f32 f32 f32
    f16 f16 f16 f16
    s8 s8 s32 s32
    bf16 bf16 bf16 Not supported
    bf16 bf16 f32 f32
  • Blocked formats are not supported.

  • Zero points are not supported.

  • Scales are not supported.

  • Post-op eltwise with eltwise_relu, eltwise_tanh, eltwise_elu, eltwise_logistic is supported

  • Post-op sum is supported. For s8 case (for the 3rd combination in above table), only scales without fractional part are supported.

  • Source and weights broadcasting is supported in the batched case.

  • Only 1D, 2D, 3D supported.

  • Supported formats are NCW, NWC, NC, CN, N

Inner product

The inner product primitive is implemented with rocblas_gemm_ex and rocblas_gemm_strided_batched_ex functions for forward, backward data and backward weight and miopenReduceTensor for backward bias. A function called gemm_consitency_check(), dense_check() is used to see if the backend can be used for inner product. reorder_check() is used when reorder is required. miopenActivationForward operation is used for eltwise operation and miopenOpTensor is used for bias operation. The beta parameter in gemm is used for the sum scale and alpha parameter is used for the output scale.

  • Supported formats : NCW, NC, CN, N
Forward direction
  • Supported data types are f32, f16, bf16 and s8/s32.
  • Currently only below combinations are supported:
    Source Weights Destination Bias
    f32 f32 f32 f32
    f16 f16 f16 f16
    s8 s8 s32 s32
    bf16 bf16 bf16 Not supported
    bf16 bf16 f32 f32
  • Zero points support is not provided.
  • Post-op eltwise with eltwise_relu, eltwise_tanh, eltwise_elu, eltwise_logistic is supported
  • Post-op sum is supported. For s8 case(for third combination in above table), only integer sum scale values are supported
  • Blocked formats are not supported.
Backward direction
  • Supported data types are f32, bf16.

  • Currently only below combinations are supported:

    Propagation Source Weights Destination Bias
    Backward Data f32 f32 f32 Not supported
    bf16 bf16 bf16 Not supported
    Backward Weights f32 f32 f32 f32
    bf16 bf16 bf16 Not supported
  • Zero points are not supported.

  • Blocked formats are not supported.

Batch normalization

The closest equivalent to oneDNN batch normalization can be miopenBatchNormalizationForwardTraining, miopenBatchNormalizationForwardInference and miopenBatchNormalizationBackward operations.

Forward direction
  • When global_stats flag is set for batch normalization, the mean and variance are input only parameters. However, MIOpen does not have the option to accept the mean and variance as inputs in the forward training operation. Therefore, miopenBatchNormalizationForwardInference is used to match the oneDNN feature. Although inference is not supported without global_stats flags set.
  • The MIOpen precision is different from that of oneDNN for Batch Normalization. (e.g exp from oneDNN: 0.000629427 got from miopen: 0.000629831 diff:4.04136e-07 rdiff:0.000642069)
  • The forward training with no flags accepts mean and variance as an output. However, in MIOpen the mean and variance are running mean and variance respectably so they are both input and output variable. Therefore, they are required to have a sensible value (cannot be NaN). Since oneDNN will not set value for the mean and variance when no flag is passed, the NaN can be propagated as a result. To avoid NaN propagation, hipMemsetD32Async function is used to initialize the mean and variance with zero.
  • MIOpen requires the values for scale and shift. When shift and scale are not defined in oneDNN, hipMemsetD32Async is used to initialize scale to 1 and shift to 0.
  • For performance reason in the backward pass, MIOpen requires the mean and inverse variance to be saved in the forward pass. Therefore, when AMD backend is used for batch normalization, the workspace must be provided to save the mean and inverse variance.
  • When dnnl_fuse_norm_relu flag is set for batch normalization, the miopenActivationForward operation is called immediately after the batch normalization, since MIOpen does not have a fused batch normalization with RELU. The implementation of the elementwise post operations is the same.
  • When dnnl_fuse_norm_relu is used, the intermediate output of batch normalization, which is used as an input to the activation function, is saved in the workspace as well. This is required to compute the backward pass for dnnl_fuse_norm_relu flag.
  • Forward pass supports f32, f16.
  • Blocked Formats are not supported.
  • Only NCDHW, NCHW, NCW, NC formats are supported.
  • Elementwise post-op is supported only for eltwise_relu.
Backward direction
  • MIOpen uses alpha and beta parameters to blend the dy, shift and scale. Since oneDNN does not have this feature, the alpha and beta values in the backward direction are set to 1 and 0 respectively to avoid blending.
  • AMD backend for backward direction requires the workspace as an input containing the mean and inverse variance computed in the forward pass.
  • The AMD backend for oneDNN does not support the backward direction for batch normalization when the flag is set to global_stats.
  • When dnnl_fuse_norm_relu flag is set, AMD backend requires the intermediate result of the batch normalization saved in the forward pass. This is used to compute the backward direction of the activation function used for RELU.
  • Backward pass supports only f32 data types.
  • Blocked formats are not supported.
  • Only NCDHW, NCHW, NCW, NC formats are supported.


The miopenTransform function is the equivalent of oneDNN reorder function.

  • Per dimension scaling is not supported (a single alpha and beta value is accepted by the transform tensor function).
  • Supported data types: f32

Other Primitives

Some missing primitives/features are supported through generic SYCL kernels.