Story object:
"id": string, // unique id for this story
"revision": int, // revision number
"desc": string // body of the story
"list": string // id of the list
"archived": boolean // if this story is archived
"pos": decimal // position of this story relative to others in the same list
List object:
"id": string, // unique id for this list
"name": string // name for this list
"pos": decimal // position of this list relative to others in the same board
GET /data/stories
"stories": [
{ story },
{ story },
"lists": [
{ list },
{ list }
POST /data/stories/<>
contentType: application/json
body: { story } // the story must have the id and revision 0
201 if create succesful
body: the created story, with revision number 1
400 if the story was not created ( bad json or id exists)
500 any other error
PUT /data/stories/<>/<story.revision>
contentType: application/json
body: { story }
201 if update successfull
body: the updated story with revision number incremented by 1
409 if the update failed for a conflict (found a newer revision for the same id),
body: the conflicting story
400 if the update fails for malformed json
500 any other error