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Line Chart props

Basic props

Prop Type Description Default value
data Array An item object represents a point in the line chart. It is described in the next table. _
data2 Array Second set of dataPoint for the second line _
data3 Array Third set of dataPoint for the third line _
data4 Array Fourth set of dataPoint for the fourth line _
data5 Array Fifth set of dataPoint for the third line _
dataSet Array Array of data sets (used instead of using data2, data3, data4 etc) _
width number Width of the Bar chart width of the parent
height number Height of the Bar chart (excluding the bottom label) 200
overflowTop number Extra space at the top of the chart to make room for dataPointText 0
overflowBottom number Extra space at the bottom of the chart to make room for dataPoints or dataPointText dataPointRadius
maxValue number Maximum value shown in the Y axis 200
mostNegativeValue number The most negative value shown in the Y axis (to be used only if the data set has negative values too) _
noOfSections number Number of sections in the Y axis 10
noOfSectionsBelowXAxis number Number of sections in the Y axis below X axis (in case the data set has negative values too) 0
stepValue number Value of 1 step/section in the Y axis 20
stepHeight number Height of 1 step/section in the Y axis 20
negativeStepValue number Value of 1 step/section in the Y axis for negative values (in the 4th quadrant) stepValue
negativeStepHeight number Height of 1 step/section in the Y axis for negative values (in the 4th quadrant) stepHeight
spacing number Distance between 2 consecutive bars in the Bar chart 50
adjustToWidth boolean When set to true, it auto computes the spacing value to fit the Line chart in the available width false
backgroundColor ColorValue Background color of the Bar chart _
sectionColors ColorValue Background color of the horizontal sections of the chart backgroundColor
scrollref any ref object that can be used to control the horizontal ScrollView inside which the chart is rendered React.useRef()
scrollToIndex number scroll to a particular index on chart load _
disableScroll boolean To disable horizontal scroll false
showScrollIndicator boolean To show horizontal scroll indicator false
indicatorColor String (iOS only) The color of the scroll indicators - ('black', 'white' or 'default') default
nestedScrollEnabled boolean Useful when the chart is used inside a horizontal ScrollView (without this, the chart's scrolling is compromised) false
isAnimated boolean To show animated Line or Area Chart. Animation occurs when the chart load for the first time false
animateOnDataChange boolean To show animation on change in data. A smooth transition takes place between the old and new line false
onDataChangeAnimationDuration number Duration (milliseconds) in which the transition animation takes place on a change in data 400
onPress Function The callback function that handles the press event. item and index are received as props _
scrollToEnd boolean When set to true, the chart automatically scrolls to the rightmost data point false
scrollAnimation boolean When set to true, scroll animation is visible when the chart automatically scrolls to the rightmost data point true
scrollEventThrottle number (only for iOS) see 0
onScroll Function callback function called when the chart is scrolled horizontally _
onMomentumScrollEnd Function callback function called when scroll is completed _
initialSpacing number distance of the first data point from the Y axis 20
endSpacing number distance/padding left at the end of the line chart adjustWidth ? 0 : 20
stepChart boolean If set true, renders a step chart false
stepChart1 boolean If set true, renders a step chart for 1st data set stepChart
stepChart2 boolean If set true, renders a step chart for 2nd data set stepChart
stepChart3 boolean If set true, renders a step chart for 3rd data set stepChart
stepChart4 boolean If set true, renders a step chart for 4th data set stepChart
stepChart5 boolean If set true, renders a step chart for 5th data set stepChart
edgePosition EdgePosition Used only for stepCharts to specify the edge positions of the steps EdgePosition.AFTER_DATA_POINT
onlyPositive boolean when this prop is truthy, it converts negative values to 0 false
onBackgroundPress Function Callback function called on pressing the chart body (outside of the are under chart in case of area charts) _

enum EdgePosition {

dataSet : Dynamic number of lines

Version 1.3.19 onwards, we support dynamic number of lines with the help of the dataSet prop. You can pass an array of data instead of using data, data2, data3 etc.

type DataSet = {
  data: Array<lineDataItem>;
  zIndex?: number;
  thickness?: number;
  strokeDashArray?: Array<number>;
  areaChart?: boolean;
  stepChart?: boolean;
  startIndex?: number;
  endIndex?: number;
  color?: string;
  hideDataPoints?: boolean;
  dataPointsHeight?: number;
  dataPointsWidth?: number;
  dataPointsRadius?: number;
  dataPointsColor?: string;
  dataPointsShape?: string;
  startFillColor?: string;
  endFillColor?: string;
  startOpacity?: number;
  endOpacity?: number;
  textFontSize?: number;
  textColor?: string;
  showArrow?: boolean;
  arrowConfig?: arrowConfigType;
  curved?: boolean;
  curvature?: number;
  curveType?: CurveType;
  lineSegments?: Array<LineSegment>;
  isSecondary?: boolean;
  hidePointers?: boolean;

These props are correlated:

  1. maxValue
  2. noOfSections
  3. stepValue

They must follow the relation:

maxValue = noOfSections * stepValue;

So, all the three must be used together. Using any 1 or 2 of them may produce absurd results

Item description (lineDataItem)

Key Value type Description
value number Value of the item representing representing its position
onPress function Function called on pressing the data point
label string Label text appearing under the X axis
labelTextStyle object Style object for the label text appearing under the X axis
labelComponent Function custom label component appearing under the X axis
secondaryLabel string Label text appearing above the secondary X-axis (at the top of the chart)
secondaryLabelComponent Component Custom label component appearing above the secondary X-axis (at the top of the chart)
secondaryLabelTextStyle object Style object for the label text of secondary X-axis (at the top of the chart)
yAxisLabelText string Y axis label text
dataPointText string Text appearing near the data points
textShiftX number To shift the dataPointText text horizontally
textShiftY number To shift the dataPointText text vertically
textColor ColorValue Color of the dataPointText
textFontSize number Font size of the dataPointText
dataPointHeight number Height of the data point (when data point's shape is rectangular)
dataPointWidth number Width of the data point (when data point's shape is rectangular)
dataPointRadius number Radius of the data point (when data points' shape is circular)
dataPointColor ColorValue Color of the data point
dataPointShape string Shape of the data point (rectangular or circular) defaults to circular
hideDataPoint boolean To hide the data point
showVerticalLine boolean When set to true, a vertical line will be displayed along that data point
verticalLineUptoDataPoint boolean When set to true, it sets the height of the vertical line upto the corresponding data point
verticalLineColor ColorValue Color of the vertical Line displayed along the data point
verticalLineThickness number Thickness of the vertical Line displayed along the data point
dataPointLabelWidth number width of the label shown beside a data point
dataPointLabelShiftX number horizontal shift of a label from its corresponding data point
dataPointLabelShiftY number vertical shift of a label from its corresponding data point
dataPointLabelComponent Function custom component rendered above a data point
focusedDataPointLabelComponent Function custom component rendered above a data point only when focused/selected (when the user presses)
showStrip boolean To show a vertical strip along the data point (even if it's not focused/selected)
stripHeight number Height of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart, or when showStrip is set to true
stripWidth number Width of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart, or when showStrip is set to true
stripColor ColorValue Color of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart, or when showStrip is set to true
stripOpacity number Opacity of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart, or when showStrip is set to true
stripStrokeDashArray Array Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of the vertical strip
pointerShiftX number Shifts the pointer for that item horizontally by given quantity (used only when pointerConfig prop is passed)
pointerShiftY number Shifts the pointer for that item vertically by given quantity (used only when pointerConfig prop is passed)
hidePointer boolean Used to hide the pointer for current item

When you are using the dataPointLabelComponent, make sure to provide the dataPointsHeight and dataPointsWidth values too (either in the corresponding item object, or directly as a props of the component). Otherwise the data points might appear shifted from their intended positions.

Pagination related props

Prop Type Description Default value
onEndReached Function Callback function called when the chart is scrolled upto end _
onStartReached Function Callback function called when the chart is scrolled upto start _
endReachedOffset number distance before end of scroll when onEndReached should be triggered 80

Axes and rules related props

Prop Type Description Default value
xAxisLength number X axis length width of the chart
xAxisColor ColorValue X axis color black
xAxisThickness number X axis thickness 1
xAxisType RuleType solid or dotted/dashed solid
yAxisColor ColorValue Y axis color black
yAxisThickness number Y axis thickness 1
yAxisLabelWidth number Width of the Y axis Label container 35
yAxisTextStyle object Style object for the Y axis text style _
yAxisTextNumberOfLines number Number of lines for y axis label text 1
yAxisLabelContainerStyle object Style object for the Y axis label container _
trimYAxisAtTop boolean Removes the extra length of the Y axis from the top false
yAxisExtraHeight number Extra length of Y axis at the top (height / 20)
yAxisOffset number Starting value on Y Axis 0
horizontalRulesStyle object Style object for the horizontal rules container _
showFractionalValues boolean Allow fractional values for the Y axis label false
roundToDigits number Rounds the y axis values to given number of digits after decimal point 1
yAxisLabelPrefix String The String prepended to the y axis label text (for example- '$') ''
yAxisLabelSuffix String The String appended to the y axis label text ''
hideYAxisText boolean To hide Y axis label text false
formatYLabel (label: string) => string a callback function that takes the label generated by the library and modifies it. _
yAxisSide yAxisSides Tells which side of the chart, should the y axis be present, defaults to yAxisSides.LEFT yAxisSides.LEFT
rulesLength number Length of the horizontal rules width of the chart
rulesColor ColorValue Color of the horizontal rules lightgray
rulesThickness number Thickness of the horizontal rules 1
hideRules boolean To hide the horizontal rules false
rulesType RuleType solid or dotted/dashed solid
dashWidth number width of each dash 4
dashGap number gap between 2 dashes 8
rulesConfigArray Array Array of rulesConfig objects, used to customise the properties (like color, type etc) of specific rules _
showReferenceLine1 boolean show reference line false
referenceLine1Config referenceConfigType properties of reference line like thickness, color etc (described below the table) _
referenceLine1Position number position of reference line containerHeight / 2
showReferenceLine2 boolean show second reference line false
referenceLine2Config referenceConfigType properties of reference line like thickness, color etc (described below the table) _
referenceLine2Position number position of second reference line 3*containerHeight / 2
showReferenceLine3 boolean show third reference line false
referenceLine3Config referenceConfigType properties of reference line like thickness, color etc (described below the table) _
referenceLine3Position number position of third reference line containerHeight / 2
referenceLinesOverChartContent boolean used to render the reference lines over the rest of the chart content. true
showVerticalLines boolean To show vertical lines false
verticalLinesUptoDataPoint boolean To set the height of the vertical lines upto the corresponding data point false
verticalLinesColor ColorValue Color of the vertical lines lightgray
verticallinesThickness number Thickness of the vertical lines 1
verticalLinesHeight number Height of the vertical lines chart height
verticalLinesStrokeDashArray Array Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of the lines. Used to render dashed/dotted vertical line ''
verticalLinesShift number vertical lines are aligned with data point. Shift them left or right using +ve or -ve value of verticalLinesShift 0
verticalLinesZIndex number Z index of the vertical lines -1
noOfVerticalLines number Number of vertical lines displayed data.length
verticalLinesSpacing number Distance between consecutive vertical lines spacing
verticalLinesStrokeLinecap 'butt' | 'round' | 'square' Linecap of the vertical lines (see stroke-linecap in svg) 'butt'
showXAxisIndices boolean To show the pointers on the X axis false
xAxisIndicesHeight number Height of the pointers on the X axis 2
xAxisIndicesWidth number Width of the pointers on the X axis 4
xAxisIndicesColor ColorValue Color of the pointers on the X axis black
showYAxisIndices boolean To show the pointers on the Y axis false
yAxisIndicesHeight number Height of the pointers on the Y axis 2
yAxisIndicesWidth number Width of the pointers on the Y axis 4
yAxisIndicesColor ColorValue Color of the pointers on the X axis black
yAxisIndicesColor boolean To hide axes, rules, labels altogether false
yAxisLabelTexts Array Array of label texts to be displayed along y axis null
xAxisLabelTexts Array Array of label texts to be displayed below x axis null
xAxisLabelTextStyle object Style of label texts to be displayed below x axis null
xAxisTextNumberOfLines number Number of lines for x axis label text 1
xAxisLabelsHeight number Height of X axis labels container xAxisTextNumberOfLines * 18
xAxisLabelsVerticalShift number prop to adjust the vertical position of X axis labels (move X axis labels up or down) 0
rotateLabel boolean To rotate the X axis labels (by 60deg) false
hideOrigin boolean To hide the y Axis label at origin (i.e. 0) false
secondaryYAxis secondaryYAxisType displays and controls the properties of the secondary Y axis on the right side null
secondaryData Array of items the secondary data that will be rendered along the secondary Y axis undefined
secondaryLineConfig secondaryLineConfigType properties of the secondary data line (secondaryLineConfigType is described below) values of primary Line
secondaryXAxis XAxisConfig properties of the secondary X-axis (appearing at the top of the chart) values of the primary X-axis

Note If you are setting yAxisSide to yAxisSide.RIGHT, make sure to specify the width of the chart, using the width prop

type RuleType = 'solid' | 'dashed' | 'dotted';
type RulesConfig = {
  rulesLength?: number;
  rulesColor?: ColorValue;
  rulesThickness?: number;
  rulesType?: RuleType;
  dashWidth?: number;
  dashGap?: number;

ReferenceConfigType has following properties-

type referenceConfigType = {
  thickness: number;
  width: number;
  color: ColorValue | String | any;
  type: ruleTypes;
  dashWidth: number;
  dashGap: number;
  labelText: String;
  labelTextStyle: object;
  zIndex: number; // default 1
  resetPointerOnDataChange: boolean; // default true

XAxisConfig has following properties-

type XAxisConfig {
  thickness?: number
  color?: ColorValue
  labelsDistanceFromXaxis?: number
  labelsHeight?: number
  labelsTextStyle?: any
  labelTexts?: string[]


Use this prop to render a secondary Y axis on the right side of the chart. secondaryYAxis is an object of type of secondaryYAxisType You can control the properties of secodary Y axis by passing an object of properties. Following is the type definition of the secondaryYAxisType object

type secondaryYAxisType = {
  noOfSections?: number;
  maxValue?: number;
  mostNegativeValue?: number;
  stepValue?: number;
  stepHeight?: number;
  showFractionalValues?: boolean;
  roundToDigits?: number;

  showYAxisIndices?: boolean;
  yAxisIndicesHeight?: number;
  yAxisIndicesWidth?: number;
  yAxisIndicesColor?: ColorValue;

  yAxisSide?: yAxisSides;
  yAxisOffset?: number;
  yAxisThickness?: number;
  yAxisColor?: ColorValue;
  yAxisLabelContainerStyle?: any;
  yAxisLabelTexts: Array<string> | undefined;
  yAxisTextStyle?: any;
  yAxisTextNumberOfLines?: number;
  yAxisLabelWidth?: number;
  hideYAxisText?: boolean;
  yAxisLabelPrefix?: string;
  yAxisLabelSuffix?: string;
  hideOrigin?: boolean;
  formatYLabel?: (label: string) => string;

All the properties are optional. If you don't set a property in the secondaryYAxis, it takes the default values from the primary Y axis.


We can render a chart with two lines/curves, one corresponding to the left Y axis and the other corresponding to the right Y axis. Here is an example-


Here we have a normal Y axis in orange color and an orange data line corresponding to it. Also the blue color Y axis on the right is the secondary Y axis and the blue line corresponds to to that axis. This is achived by using the secondaryYAxis and the secondaryData props.


Properties of the secondary like color, thickness, curve, strokeWidth, startIndex, endIndex can be controlled using secondaryLineConfig. Below is the list of properties with their types.

type secondaryLineConfigType = {
  zIndex?: number;
  curved?: boolean;
  curvature: number;
  curveType: CurveType; //CurveType is an enum defined below
  areaChart?: boolean;
  thickness?: number;
  zIndex1?: number;
  strokeDashArray?: Array<number>;
  startIndex?: number;
  endIndex?: number;
  hideDataPoints?: boolean;
  dataPointsHeight?: number;
  dataPointsWidth?: number;
  dataPointsRadius?: number;
  dataPointsColor?: string;
  dataPointsShape?: string;
  showValuesAsDataPointsText?: boolean;
  startFillColor?: string;
  endFillColor?: string;
  startOpacity?: number;
  endOpacity?: number;
  textFontSize?: number;
  textColor?: string;
  showArrow?: boolean;
  arrowConfig?: arrowConfigType;

CurveType -

enum CurveType {

All the properties of secondaryLineConfig are optional. Properties not provided in the secondaryLineConfig get their default values from the primary (or first) line.

Line related props

Prop Type Description Default value
curved boolean To show curved line joining the data points false
curvature number A number between 0 to 1 that controls the curvature of the cubic bezier curve 0.2
curveType CurveType Type of the curve- cubic or quadratic CurveType.CUBIC
color ColorValue Color of the lines joining the data points black
color1 ColorValue Color of the lines joining the first set of data points color (from props)
color2 ColorValue Color of the lines joining the second set of data points color (from props)
color3 ColorValue Color of the lines joining the third set of data points color (from props)
color4 ColorValue Color of the lines joining the fourth set of data points color (from props)
color5 ColorValue Color of the lines joining the fifth set of data points color (from props)
thickness number Thickness of the lines joining the data points 2
thickness1 number Thickness of the lines joining the first set of data points thickness (from props)
thickness2 number Thickness of the lines joining the second set of data points thickness (from props)
thickness3 number Thickness of the lines joining the third set of data points thickness (from props)
thickness4 number Thickness of the lines joining the fourth set of data points thickness (from props)
thickness5 number Thickness of the lines joining the fifth set of data points thickness (from props)
zIndex1 number zIndex of the lines joining the first set of data points 0
zIndex2 number zIndex of the lines joining the second set of data points 0
zIndex3 number zIndex of the lines joining the third set of data points 0
zIndex4 number zIndex of the lines joining the fourth set of data points 0
zIndex5 number zIndex of the lines joining the fifth set of data points 0
strokeDashArray Array Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of the lines. Used to render dashed/dotted line chart undefined
strokeDashArray1 Array Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of line1. Used to render dashed/dotted line chart undefined OR strokeDashArray
strokeDashArray2 Array Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of line2. Used to render dashed/dotted line chart undefined OR strokeDashArray
strokeDashArray3 Array Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of line3. Used to render dashed/dotted line chart undefined OR strokeDashArray
strokeDashArray4 Array Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of line4. Used to render dashed/dotted line chart undefined OR strokeDashArray
strokeDashArray5 Array Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of line5. Used to render dashed/dotted line chart undefined OR strokeDashArray
lineSegments Array Array of objects used to customize segments (parts) of line _
lineSegments2 Array Array of objects used to customize segments (parts) of line2 _
lineSegments3 Array Array of objects used to customize segments (parts) of line3 _
lineSegments4 Array Array of objects used to customize segments (parts) of line4 _
lineSegments5 Array Array of objects used to customize segments (parts) of line5 _
highlightedRange HighlightedRange renders the parts of lines lying in a given data range with a different style (color, thickness,type) _
startIndex number Start index for data line (used to display data lines having breaks) 0
startIndex1 number Start index for data line 1 (used to display data lines having breaks) 0
startIndex2 number Start index for data line 2 (used to display data lines having breaks) 0
startIndex3 number Start index for data line 3 (used to display data lines having breaks) 0
startIndex4 number Start index for data line 4 (used to display data lines having breaks) 0
startIndex5 number Start index for data line 5 (used to display data lines having breaks) 0
endIndex number End index for data line (used to display data lines having breaks) data.length -1
endIndex1 number End index for data line 1 (used to display data lines having breaks) data1.length -1
endIndex2 number End index for data line 2 (used to display data lines having breaks) data2.length -1
endIndex3 number End index for data line 3 (used to display data lines having breaks) data3.length -1
endIndex4 number End index for data line 4 (used to display data lines having breaks) data4.length -1
endIndex5 number End index for data line 5 (used to display data lines having breaks) data5.length -1
lineGradient boolean this prop is used to render the line with a gradient blend of colors false
lineGradientComponent Function this prop defines the svg gradient that should be applied to the line (requires lineGradient to be truthy) null
lineGradientId string id of the (needed along with lineGradientComponent prop) _
lineGradientDirection string 'vertical'/'horizontal' 'vertical'
lineGradientStartColor string Start gradient color for the line (requires lineGradient to be truthy) 'lightgreen'
lineGradientEndColor string End gradient color for the line (requires lineGradient to be truthy)

An example of lineGradientComponent

lineGradientId='ggrd' // lineGradientId is required while using lineGradientComponent
      id="ggrd" // same as lineGradientId


type LineSegment = {
  startIndex: number; // required
  endIndex: number; // required
  color?: string | ColorValue;
  thickness?: number;
  strokeDashArray?: Array<number>;


If some data items have null or undefined values, their values get auto-assigned by the library. This is done by interpolating. To stop this, set interpolateMissingValues={false}. When you set interpolateMissingValues to false, the nullish values will not rendered, thus the line (or curve) will be broken into parts.

Interpolation related props

Prop Type Description Default value
interpolateMissingValues boolean auto-assigns values to data items that have nullish (null or undefined) values by interpolation true
showDataPointsForMissingValues boolean data points are hidden by default for interpolated values, to show them, use this props false
extrapolateMissingValues boolean auto-assigns values to data items that have nullish values in the start and end of chart true
onlyPositive boolean when this prop is truthy, it converts negative values to 0 (possibly obtained by interpolation) false

Note: extrapolateMissingValues will NOT work if interpolateMissingValues is set to false. Extrapolation will work only if interpolation is enabled.

Interpolation strategy

If all values are nullish, render an empty chart. If all except one value is nullish, make all nullish values equal to the non-nullish value.


If a value is nullish, we look at the previous and next numeric values.

  1. If we have both, we find the slope between them and compute the missing values.
  2. If we don't have any numeric values ahead, but we have numeric values in the previous section, we find the slope between the last two numeric values in the previous section and compute the remaining values. This will not work if extrapolateMissingValues is set to false.
  3. If we don't have any numeric values in the previous section, but we have numeric values ahead, we find the slope between the next two numeric values in the ahead section and compute the remaining values. This will not work if extrapolateMissingValues is set to false.


An example of HighlightedRange on Stack overflow-

type HighlightedRange = {
  from: number;
  to: number;
  color?: string | ColorValue;
  thickness?: number;
  strokeDashArray?: Array<number>;

The arrow

Some Line charts have an arrow at the end of the line. Here's an example-

To display the arrrow at the end of the line, just pass the showArrows or showArrow{n} prop. The properties of the arrow can controlled with the arrowConfig prop.

Understanding the arrow-

Prop Type Description Default value
showArrows boolean To show an arrow at the end of each data line false
arrowConfig arrowType Object describing the properties of the arrows like length, width, strokeWidth, strokeColor, fillColor defaultArrowConfig
showArrow1 boolean To show an arrow at the end of the first data line false
arrowConfig1 arrowType Object describing the properties of the first arrow defaultArrowConfig
showArrow2 boolean To show an arrow at the end of the second data line false
arrowConfig2 arrowType Object describing the properties of the second arrow defaultArrowConfig
showArrow3 boolean To show an arrow at the end of the third data line false
arrowConfig3 arrowType Object describing the properties of the third arrow defaultArrowConfig
showArrow4 boolean To show an arrow at the end of the fourth data line false
arrowConfig4 arrowType Object describing the properties of the fourth arrow defaultArrowConfig
showArrow5 boolean To show an arrow at the end of the fifth data line false
arrowConfig5 arrowType Object describing the properties of the fifth arrow defaultArrowConfig

The arrowConfig has the properties allowed by the arrowType-

type arrowType = {
  length?: number;
  width?: number;
  strokeWidth?: number;
  strokeColor?: string;
  fillColor?: string;
  showArrowBase?: boolean;

The default values of these properties are-

defaultArrowConfig = {
  length: 10,
  width: 10,
  strokeWidth: thickness1,
  strokeColor: color1,
  fillColor: 'none',
  showArrowBase: true,


The arrow base can be understood with the pic below-

The default value of showArrowBase is true. To fill the arrow with fillColor, it is mandatory to have showArrowBase true. The arrow can't be filled if it's baseless.

Data points related props

Prop Type Description Default value
hideDataPoints boolean To hide data points false
dataPointsHeight number Height of data points (when data points' shape is rectangular) 4
dataPointsWidth number Width of data points (when data points' shape is rectangular) 4
dataPointsRadius number Radius of data points (when data points' shape is circular) 3
dataPointsColor ColorValue Color of the data points black
dataPointsShape string Shape of the data points ('rectangular' or 'circular') 'circular'
hideDataPoints1 boolean To hide data points for the first set of data false
dataPointsHeight1 number Height of data points for the first dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) 4
dataPointsWidth1 number Width of data points for the first dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) 4
dataPointsRadius1 number Radius of data points for the first dataset (when data points' shape is circular) 3
dataPointsColor1 ColorValue Color of data points for the first dataset black
dataPointsShape1 string Shape of data points for the first dataset 'circular'
hideDataPoints2 boolean To hide data points for the second set of data false
dataPointsHeight2 number Height of data points for the second dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) 4
dataPointsWidth2 number Width of data points for the second dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) 4
dataPointsRadius2 number Radius of data points for the second dataset (when data points' shape is circular) 3
dataPointsColor2 ColorValue Color of data points for the second dataset blue
dataPointsShape2 string Shape of data points for the second dataset ('rectangular' or 'circular') 'circular'
hideDataPoints3 boolean To hide data points for the third set of data false
dataPointsHeight3 number Height of data points for the third dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) 4
dataPointsWidth3 number Width of data points for the third dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) 4
dataPointsRadius3 number Radius of data points for the third dataset (when data points' shape is circular) 3
dataPointsColor3 ColorValue Color of data points for the third dataset red
dataPointsShape3 string Shape of data points for the third dataset ('rectangular' or 'circular') 'circular'
hideDataPoints4 boolean To hide data points for the fourth set of data false
dataPointsHeight4 number Height of data points for the fourth dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) 4
dataPointsWidth4 number Width of data points for the fourth dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) 4
dataPointsRadius4 number Radius of data points for the fourth dataset (when data points' shape is circular) 3
dataPointsColor4 ColorValue Color of data points for the fourth dataset black
dataPointsShape4 string Shape of data points for the fourth dataset ('rectangular' or 'circular') 'circular'
hideDataPoints5 boolean To hide data points for the fifth set of data false
dataPointsHeight5 number Height of data points for the fifth dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) 4
dataPointsWidth5 number Width of data points for the fifth dataset (when data points' shape is rectangular) 4
dataPointsRadius5 number Radius of data points for the fifth dataset (when data points' shape is circular) 3
dataPointsColor5 ColorValue Color of data points for the fifth dataset black
dataPointsShape5 string Shape of data points for the fifth dataset ('rectangular' or 'circular') 'circular'
focusedDataPointIndex number Index of the focused data point, works only when focusEnabled prop is used _
focusedDataPointShape String Shape of the data points when focused due to press event item.dataPointsShape OR dataPointsShape
focusedDataPointWidth number Width of the data points when focused due to press event item.dataPointsWidth OR dataPointsWidth
focusedDataPointHeight number Height of the data points when focused due to press event item.dataPointsHeight OR dataPointsHeight
focusedDataPointColor ColorValue Color of the data points when focused due to press event item.dataPointsColor OR dataPointsColor
focusedDataPointRadius number Radius of the data points when focused due to press event item.dataPointsRadius OR dataPointsRadius
focusedCustomDataPoint Function Custom data point when focused due to press event item.customDataPoint OR customDataPoint
textColor ColorValue Color of the dataPointText 'black'
textFontSize number Font size of the dataPointText _
textShiftX number To shift the dataPointText text horizontally 0
textShiftY number To shift the dataPointText text vertically 0
customDataPoint Function A callback function to render a custom component as the data points _
dataPointLabelWidth number width of the label shown beside a data point 30
dataPointLabelShiftX number horizontal shift of a label from its corresponding data point 0
dataPointLabelShiftY number vertical shift of a label from its corresponding data point 0
showValuesAsDataPointsText boolean When set to true, the data item value will be shown as a label text near data point false
pointerColorsForDataSet ColorValue[] When using pointers with dataSet, you can set pointer colors on each data line using this array _

Note customDataPoint prop takes a callback function which accepts 2 parameters-

  1. item (object in the data array at the index of the data point)
  2. index (index of the data point)


pointerConfig is an object, when passed as a prop, creates a magical effect. It lets the user scroll over chart to move the pointer along the chart. Here is an example-

To enable such kind of csroll effect, just pass the prop pointerConfig. The pointerConfig object has following fields-

type Pointer = {
  height?: number; // default: 0
  width?: number; // default: 0
  radius?: number; // default: 5
  pointerColor?: ColorValue; // default: 'red'
  pointer1Color?: ColorValue; // default: 'red'
  pointer2Color?: ColorValue; // default: 'red'
  pointer3Color?: ColorValue; // default: 'red'
  pointer4Color?: ColorValue; // default: 'red'
  pointer5Color?: ColorValue; // default: 'red'
  secondaryPointerColor?: ColorValue; // default: 'red'
  pointerComponent?: Function; // default: null
  showPointerStrip?: boolean; // default: true
  pointerStripWidth?: number; // default: containerHeight
  pointerStripHeight?: number; // default: 1
  pointerStripColor?: ColorValue; // default: 'black'
  pointerStripUptoDataPoint?: boolean; // default: false
  pointerLabelComponent?: Function; // default: null
  stripOverPointer?: boolean; // default: false
  shiftPointerLabelX?: number; // default: 0
  shiftPointerLabelY?: number; // default: 0
  pointerLabelWidth?: number; // default: 20
  pointerLabelHeight?: number; // default: 20
  autoAdjustPointerLabelPosition?: boolean; // default: false
  pointerVanishDelay?: number; // default: 150
  activatePointersOnLongPress?: boolean; // default: false
  activatePointersDelay?: number; // default: 150
  initialPointerIndex?: number; // default -1
  initialPointerAppearDelay?: number; // if isAnimated, then animationDuration, else 0
  persistPointer?: boolean; // false
  hidePointer1?: boolean; // default: false
  hidePointer2?: boolean; // default: false
  hidePointer3?: boolean; // default: false
  hidePointer4?: boolean; // default: false
  hidePointer5?: boolean; // default: false
  hideSecondaryPointer?: boolean; // default: false
  strokeDashArray?: Array<number>;
  barTouchable?: boolean; //default : false (only applicable to bar charts having pointerConfig)
  pointerEvents?: 'box-none' | 'none' | 'box-only' | 'auto'; // default: "none
  dynamicLegendComponent?: Function; // default null
  dynamicLegendContainerStyle?: Style object; // default null

The above properties can be understood with this labelled diagram-

Note If you are using the pointerConfig prop, the scroll will be disabled automatically. This is because, it's difficult to achive both scrolling line and scrolling pointer simultaneously. So if you want to retain the scroll behaviour even after passing the pointerConfig prop, then set the property activatePointersOnLongPress to true inside the pointerConfig object. This will make the pointers visible only after long press. So, before the long press, user can can scroll the line. Once long pressed, scrolling will be disabled until the release of the long press. The duration after which a press event will be considered as long press can be controlled using the activatePointersDelay property inside the pointerConfig object. The default value of activatePointersDelay is 150.

The strokeDashArray property lets us render a dashed/dotted strip along the pointer.


pointerLabelComponent is a function that returns the component to be rendered as a Label. It takes 3 parameters - 1. an array of items 2. secondaryDataItem 3. pointerIndex. So, if there are multiple data arrays, the parameter items will have the data item corresponding to each data array. If the chart has secondaryData, the parameter secondaryDataItem will have the corresponding item from the secondaryData.

Note If you have a Pressable / Touchable item in your pointerLabelComponent, then you should set pointerEvents to 'auto' inside the pointerConfig object.


getPointerProps prop can be used to get the current pointer's index, x and y coordinate values. It is a callback function that accepts a single parameter which is an object. This object has following properties-

  1. pointerIndex
  2. pointerX
  3. pointerY

When the chart is pressed, it returns the index of the data point pressed.
When the chart is scrolled after pressing, it returns the index of the data point currently focused.
When the chart is released, it returns the index -1.


When using pointers with dataSet, you can set pointer colors on each data line using the pointerColorsForDataSet which is an array of color values.


dynamicLegendComponent is a property inside the pointerConfig prop, very similar to pointerLabelComponent, the only difference is that it is stationary whereas pointerLabelComponent moves as the pointer moves. You can set the position of the dynamicLegendComponent using the dynamicLegendContainerStyle property in the pointerConfig

You are supposed to assign a callback function to dynamicLegendComponent. The callback function receives 2 parameters-

  1. Array of currently selected items (in case you are rendering a single line, the array will have a single item)
  2. Index of the selected item.

Note: The legend component appears only as long as the pointer remains remains on the screen. To make the dynamic legend remain persistently on the screen, you can set the persistPointer property to true. The initialPointerIndex property can also be useful.

onFocus and strip related props

Line or Area charts can be made interactive by allowing users to press on the chart and highlight that particular data point. For example-

To achieve this the focusEnabled props must be set to true. In addition, use below props like focusedDataPointShape, focusedDataPointColor, focusedDataPointRadius to focus the pressed data point. The prop onFocus can be used to pass a function that will be called when a data point is focused.

Prop Type Description Default value
focusEnabled boolean If set true, allows users to press on the chart and focuses the nearest data point (focus event can be then handled using the onFocus prop) false
onFocus Function The callback function that handles the focus event. item and index are received as props _
focusedDataPointIndex number Index of the focused data point, used to set initially focused data point and to override the focus behaviour on onFocus _
showDataPointOnFocus boolean If set true, it shows the data point corresponding to the focused area of the chart false
showStripOnFocus boolean If set true, it shows a vertical strip corresponding to the focused area of the chart false
showTextOnFocus boolean If set true, it shows the data point text corresponding to the focused area of the chart false
showDataPointLabelOnFocus boolean If set true, it shows the data point corresponding to the focused area of the chart false
stripHeight number Height of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart height of the data point
stripWidth number Width of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart 2
stripColor ColorValue Color of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart 'orange'
stripOpacity number Opacity of the vertical strip that becomes visible on pressing the corresponding area of the chart (startOpacity+endOpacity)/2
stripStrokeDashArray Array Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of the vertical strip _
stripStrokeDashArray Array Array of 2 numbers denoting the dashWidth and dashGap of the vertical strip _
unFocusOnPressOut boolean If set true, it unselects/unfocuses the focused/selected data point true
delayBeforeUnFocus number Delay (in milliseconds) between the release of the press and ghe unfocusing of the data point 300
focusedDataPointShape String Shape of the data points when focused due to press event item.dataPointsShape OR dataPointsShape
focusedDataPointWidth number Width of the data points when focused due to press event item.dataPointsWidth OR dataPointsWidth
focusedDataPointHeight number Height of the data points when focused due to press event item.dataPointsHeight OR dataPointsHeight
focusedDataPointColor ColorValue Color of the data points when focused due to press event item.dataPointsColor OR dataPointsColor
focusedDataPointRadius number Radius of the data points when focused due to press event item.dataPointsRadius OR dataPointsRadius
focusedCustomDataPoint Function Custom data point when focused due to press event item.customDataPoint OR customDataPoint

Example of onFocus :

onFocus={(item, index) => {

Note Some props have been renamed in version 1.3.2 Here is the list of prop names changed in version 1.3.2-

Prop name prior to version 1.3.2 Prop name in and after 1.3.2
pressEnabled focusEnabled
onPress onFocus (onPress also exists but has diffferent functionality)
showDataPointOnPress showDataPointOnFocus
showStripOnPress showStripOnFocus
showTextOnPress showTextOnFocus

Props for Area Chart

Prop Type Description Default value
areaChart boolean If set true, renders area chart instead of line chart false
areaChart1 boolean If set true, renders area chart for 1st data set instead of line chart areaChart
areaChart2 boolean If set true, renders area chart for 2nd data set instead of line chart areaChart
areaChart3 boolean If set true, renders area chart for 3rd data set instead of line chart areaChart
areaChart4 boolean If set true, renders area chart for 4th data set instead of line chart areaChart
areaChart5 boolean If set true, renders area chart for 5th data set instead of line chart areaChart
startFillColor ColorValue Start gradient color for the area chart gray
endFillColor ColorValue End gradient color for the area chart white
startOpacity number Start gradient opacity for the area chart 1
endOpacity number End gradient opacity for the area chart 1
startFillColor1 ColorValue Start gradient color for the first dataset of the area chart gray
endFillColor1 ColorValue End gradient color for the first dataset of the area chart white
startOpacity1 number Start gradient opacity for the first dataset of the area chart 1
endOpacity1 number End gradient opacity for the first dataset of the area chart 1
startFillColor2 ColorValue Start gradient color for the second dataset of the area chart gray
endFillColor2 ColorValue End gradient color for the second dataset of the area chart white
startOpacity2 number Start gradient color for the second dataset of the area chart 1
endOpacity2 number End gradient opacity for the second dataset of the area chart 1
startFillColor3 ColorValue Start gradient color for the third dataset of the area chart gray
endFillColor3 ColorValue End gradient color for the third dataset of the area chart white
startOpacity3 number Start gradient color for the third dataset of the area chart 1
endOpacity3 number End gradient opacity for the third dataset of the area chart 1
startFillColor4 ColorValue Start gradient color for the fourth dataset of the area chart gray
endFillColor4 ColorValue End gradient color for the fourth dataset of the area chart white
startOpacity4 number Start gradient color for the fourth dataset of the area chart 1
endOpacity4 number End gradient opacity for the fourth dataset of the area chart 1
startFillColor5 ColorValue Start gradient color for the fifth dataset of the area chart gray
endFillColor5 ColorValue End gradient color for the fifth dataset of the area chart white
startOpacity5 number Start gradient color for the fifth dataset of the area chart 1
endOpacity5 number End gradient opacity for the fifth dataset of the area chart 1
gradientDirection string Direction of the gradient ('horizontal' or 'vertical') 'vertical'
areaGradientComponent Function this prop defines the svg gradient that should be applied to the area (requires areaChart to be truthy) null
areaGradientId string id of the (needed along with areaGradientComponent prop) _
onChartAreaPress Function Callback function called on pressing the chart area _
intersectionAreaConfig IntersectionAreaConfig Config object that defines properties for intersection area of data and data2 (1st & 2nd areas) _



type IntersectionAreaConfig {
  fillColor: ColorValue // default: 'white'

Example of areaGradientComponent

Same as example of lineGradientComponent