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Board change

Sébastiaan edited this page Jan 16, 2018 · 7 revisions

Every year when the board changes a couple of things need to be modified. These instructions should give you enough information to make these changes.

  1. Create a mailing list for the old board
  2. Change the old board
    • Change the mailing list
  3. Create a new board
    • Set mailing list
    • Add members
  4. Change the 'bestuur'/'board' mailing list
  5. Change the board permissions

Creating a mailing list for the old board

  1. Open the administration panel and add a new board.
  2. Enter a logical name, for example 'board1718' if it's for the board of '2017-2018'.
  3. Add an alternative name, this time in Dutch. So for example 'bestuur1718'.
  4. Uncheck the moderated and archived checkboxes.
  5. Select the board you're creating the mailing list for in the Committees field.
  6. Save.

Changing the old board

  1. Open the administration panel and select the old board.
  2. Change the mailing list to the list you just created.
  3. Save.

Creating the new board

  1. Open the administration panel and add a new board.
  2. Enter the name 'Bestuur 20xx-20yy'/'Board 20xx-20yy' (nl/en).
  3. Write a short description about the new board. If you don't have a description enter something like 'This board has not written a description yet'.
  4. Select the 'bestuur'/'board' mailing list as contact address.
  5. Enter the right years in the Founded in and Existed until field. For example 01-09-2017 and 31-08-2018.
  6. Add all board members using the membership form.
  • Make sure the 'Member since' value is equal to the Founded in field.
  1. Save.

Changing the 'bestuur'/'board' mailing list

  1. Open the administration panel and select the 'bestuur'/'board' mailing list.
  2. Unselect the old board in the Committees field.
  3. Select the new board in the Committees field.
  4. Change the yearly board archive email address in the 'verbatim addresses' section.
  5. Save.

Change the board permissions

If you're a board member and you want to do this, then make sure that you're changing your own profile LAST.

  1. Open the administration panel and open all users of the new board.
  2. Add the 'Board permissions' group to the 'Chosen groups'.
  3. Open the administration panel and open all users of the old board.
  4. Remove the 'Board permissions' group from the 'Chosen groups'.
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