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1648 lines (1169 loc) · 91.4 KB

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1648 lines (1169 loc) · 91.4 KB


v3.27.0 (2022-03-31)


  • Add a maxVideoBufferSize constructor option and {get,set}MaxVideoBufferSize methods to limit the size of loaded video data buffered at the same time [#1041, #1054]
  • DRM: Add a "periods" mode to the keySystems[].singleLicensePer loadVideo option, allowing to obtain decryption license for groups of Periods allowing a compromise between optimization, features and compatibility [#1028, #1061]
  • Add a "reload" audioTrackSwitchingMode to work-around rare compatibility issues when switching audio tracks [#1089]

Bug fixes

  • subtitles: Fix rare issue where subtitles could be skipped due to a rounding error [#1064]
  • DASH: fix issue where the wrong segments would be requested on $Number$-based MPD with a SegmentTimeline older than the timeShiftBufferDepth [#1052, #1060]
  • directfile: disable all audio tracks before enabling one to work-around Safari issue on MacOS Monterey [#1067]
  • avoid performing a small seek when changing the audio track [#1080]
  • api: allow switching to RELOADING state synchronously after LOADED [#1083]
  • Safari Mobile: Improve decryption support on Safari mobile by relying on the vendored WebKitMediaKeys API [#1072]
  • DASH: Fix issue which prevented the integrity check of most MP4 DASH segments when transportOptions.checkMediaSegmentIntegrity was set to true
  • avoid unnecessary warning logs when loading some initialization segments [#1049]
  • TypeScript: Add forgotten TypeScript types in the exposed segment and manifest loader APIs [#1057]
  • DRM: Avoid decryption issues when a license is persisted in a singleLicensePer "init-data" mode but loaded in a "content" mode [#1031, #1042]
  • DRM: Totally avoid the theoretical possibility of leaking MediaKeySessions when a generateRequest or load call takes multiple seconds [#1093]

Other improvements

  • DASH: always consider that the non-last Period is finished when it contains SegmentTimeline elements [#1047]
  • add better buffer cleaning logic on a browser's QuotaExceededError to better handle memory limitations [#1065]
  • DASH: Prioritize selectionPriority attribute over a "main" Role when ordering AdaptationSets [#1082]
  • directfile/Safari: use the getStartDate method in getWallClockTime, seekTo and the positionUpdate event when available to obtain true offseted "wall-clock" times when playing HLS contents on Safari [#1055]
  • DRM: Improve DRM Session caches performance when singleLicensePer is set to "content"
  • DRM: Stop retrying closing MediaKeySessions multiple times when it fails, instead doing it only once when it should work [#1093]
  • TypeScript: Add IBitrateEstimate, IPositionUpdate and IPlayerState types to the exported types [#1084]
  • Remove dependency on pinkie's promise ponyfill [#1058, #1090]
  • tests: add performance tests, to better catch and avoid performance regressions [#1053, #1062]
  • DRM: Refactor DRM logic for better maintainability. DRM-linked logs are now prefixed by DRM: instead of EME: like previously [#1042]

v3.26.2 (2022-01-11)

Bug fixes

  • API: re-switch to SEEKING state instead of BUFFERING when seeking to already-buffered data [#1015]
  • DASH: provide default startNumber attribute for number-based SegmentTemplate indexes with a SegmentTimeline [#1009]
  • TTML (subtitles): interpret percentages as relative to the computed cell size and not as the percentage of the inherited font size in the page [#1013]
  • subtitles: Work-around recent Chrome issue where the content of a native <track> element would still be visible despite being removed from the DOM (issue only reproducible in the "native" textTrackMode) [#1039]
  • API: Fix rare issue happening when switching rapidly between Representations, which led to multiple APIs such as getAvailableVideoBitrate or getAvailableAudioTracks returning either incorrect or empty results [#1018]
  • Improve prevention of rare segment-loading loops by fixing an issue with the clean-up of the short-term buffer history we maintain [#1045]

Other improvements

  • DASH-LL: Improve adaptive bitrate logic on low-latency contents by implementing a specific algorithm for those [#1025, #1036]
  • DASH-LL: Improve handling of $Time$-based DASH-LL contents [#1020]
  • DASH: Support UTCTiming element with the urn:mpeg:dash:utc:http-xsdate:2014 scheme [#1021]
  • DOC: Important refactoring of the RxPlayer API documentation to improve readability, discoverability and to add search capability to it [#1016]
  • DASH: handle ContentProtection elements that have been defined at the Representation-level (and not at the AdaptationSet-level, as defined by the DASH-IF IOP) [#1027]
  • DASH: Be resilient when the resource behind an UTCTiming element leads to an error (usually due to an HTTP-related issue) - instead of failing with an error like now [#1026]
  • Better estimate the duration of ISOBMFF segments with multiple moof boxes [#1037]
  • EME: Add hex-encoded key id to the KEY_STATUS_CHANGE_ERROR error message so we can know which key we're talking about when debugging [#1033]
  • dev/scripts: for the "modular" (a.k.a. minimal) RxPlayer build now rely on TypeScript's const enums, instead of uglily using sed, to replace compile-time constants. [#1014]
  • dev/scripts: remove reliance on environment variables when running the RxPlayer build scripts [#1004]
  • dev/scripts: add esbuild devdependency and add "s" script to allow faster checks for RxPlayer developpers [#1003]
  • CI: Rely on Github actions instead of Travis for most CI-related matters [#1046]
  • code/refacto: replace central Clock concept (Observable bringing media-related updates to the RxPlayer at a regular pace) by a more flexible PlaybackObserver class [#1002]

v3.26.1 (2021-09-14)

Bug fixes

  • ttml: Do not throw if a TTML subtitles file doesn't contain any <body> tag, just ignore it [#993]
  • Auto-detect when playback is unexplicably frozen and try to unlock it through a small seek [#982]
  • Properly send available{Audio,Video}BitratesChange event for multi-Period contents [#983]
  • DASH/MetaPlaylist/Local: fix rare infinite rebuffering issue which could happen when changing or disabling the track of a future Period [#1000]
  • compat: Prevent rare segment-loading loops by automatically detecting when segments are garbage collected by the browser immediately after being pushed [#987, #990]
  • compat/DRM: In some Safari versions, communicating a license as a JS ArrayBuffer could throw, this is now fixed [#974]
  • DASH_WASM: Don't stop with a fatal error if an expected ISO8601 duration value is empty in the MPD
  • DASH_WASM: Parse <Event> elements which contain an XML namespace defined outside that element [#981]
  • DASH_WASM: Drastically reduce wasm compilation time and file size [#980]

Other improvements

  • Request initialization segment and the first media segments at the same time when possible, potentially reducing loading times [#973]
  • Remove cached segment request detection in the adaptive logic, as it is sensible to false positives, leading to a poor bitrate in some short contents [#977]
  • Export more needed types through the rx-player/types path [#972, #976]
  • demo: Expose some player options in the demo page [#999]
  • dev: Rewrite build logic from bash to node.js to improve its maintainability
  • dev: Replace internal info script by more helpful and interactive list script [#991]
  • dev/code: Forbid the usage of TypeScript's type any in most of the RxPlayer's code - performing runtime type-checking in some cases (in DEV mode only) [#994]
  • dev/code: Remove RxJS from the transports code [#962]

v3.26.0 (2021-06-10)


  • Add HDR information through the hdrInfo property on video Representation/tracks as returned by APIs such as getVideoTrack, getAvailableVideoTracks, the videoTrackChange event, getManifest, getCurrentAdaptations and getCurrentRepresentations [#946]
  • Add the DASH_WASM experimental feature, allowing faster MPD parsing using WebAssembly [#937]
  • Add the experimental VideoThumbnailLoader tool, which uses "trickmodes" DASH AdaptationSet to generate thumbnails [#647]
  • Add preferTrickModeTracks option to setPlaybackRate, to switch on or off trickmode tracks when available on the Manifest [#940]
  • Add areTrickModeTracksEnabled method to indicate whether the RxPlayer is using trickmode tracks in priority [#940]
  • Add trickModeTracks and isTrickModeTrack properties to video tracks as returned by the getVideoTrack and getAvailableVideoTracks method and by the videoTrackChange event [#940]
  • Add maxSessionCacheSize keySystems option, to configure the maximum number of decryption sessions that can be kept alive at the same time in a cache [#938]
  • The manifestLoader callback defined in transportOptions can now ask for a request to be retried [#964]
  • initialManifest now accepts the Manifest as an ArrayBuffer [#937]
  • The manifestLoader callback defined in transportOptions can now send the Manifest as an ArrayBuffer [#937]

Bug fixes

  • DASH: don't ignore new EventStream elements that weren't in the previous MPD update for a given Period [#956]
  • DASH: fix fatal error linked to the duration of the MediaSource happening when playing a multi-Period live DASH content whose previous (before updating) last Period's segments had been fully generated and fully pushed. [#952]
  • DASH: Avoid loading plain-text subtitles in a loop when playing before the first cue starts or after the last cue ends [#945, #948]
  • DASH: Avoid loading plain-text subtitles in a loop when the transportOptions.checkMediaSegmentIntegrity is set to true [#947]
  • DASH: avoid ending a dynamic stream if new Periods may be added later to the MPD [#959]
  • DASH: avoid unnecessarily refresh a MPD based on SegmentList elements when they don't perfectly align with the pushed data [#963]

Other improvements

  • Improve audioTrackSwitchingMode "direct" mode by avoiding unnecessary reloading cases [#872, #887, #943]
  • When seeking after the end of an ended content, actually seek just a little before to avoid subtle issues [#941]
  • DASH: limit the postponment of a Manifest refresh due to poor MPD-parsing performance to 6-times the "regular" delay (not impacted by tansportOptions.minimumManifestUpdateInterval) [#958]
  • DASH: Avoid loading two times a segment instead of once when that segment is not anounced in the MPD through a SegmentBase, SegmentList nor SegmentTemplate element but just through the Representation's BaseURL. [#949]
  • Update used RxJS version to 7.0.0, which might bring with it a smaller size and better performances [#954]
  • demo: remove Chart.js dependency (we found that its new API documentation and errors were too impenetrable) and replace the "Buffer Size" chart by a homemade one. [#955, #957]

v3.24.0 (2021-04-01)


  • Add inbandEvent event for when an event is encountered in a media segment [#892]
  • DRM: Add singleLicensePer keySystems option to be able to signal in advance that the current content has a single license, even if it has multiple encryption keys [#863, #904]
  • DRM: Add keySystems[].licenseStorage.disableRetroCompatibility boolean to unlock optimizations when compatibility with EME sessions persisted in older RxPlayer versions is not important [#919]

Bug fixes

  • DASH: Fix rounding error that could cause infinite buffering issues when going from a DASH Period to the next [#897, #899]
  • DRM: Always pass on server certificate before any challenge is generated. Contents with multiple licenses previously could lead to the latter being done before the former. [#895]
  • DRM: Fix possible leaks of MediaKeySessions if closed at the wrong time [#920]
  • Fix issue making sudden and acute fall in bandwidth not being considered soon enough [#906]
  • On some devices when maxBufferAhead is set, avoid removing the initially loaded data if done before the initial seek could be performed [#907]
  • Avoid cases of infinite rebuffering on Tizen 4 by avoiding pushing segments "on top of others" too close to the current position [#925]
  • Avoid seeking issues on Tizen by not seeking over discontinuities that will be already handled by the browser [#922]
  • Fix initial seek on Tizen (Samsung TVs) on live contents by setting a much lower duration (to work-around a Tizen overflow) [#914]
  • DASH: Consider multiple defined <Accessibility> tags for a single AdaptationSet [#903]
  • Fix error that could be thrown on Safari when calling the getStatusForHDCP method from the experimental MediaCapabilitiesProber tool [#927]

Other improvements

  • Avoid to push on top of the current position if there's already a segment there as it can provoke minor decoding issues on some devices [#925]
  • Update video element's duration if the content duration changes [#917]
  • DASH: Improve loading time with encrypted contents by only using the encrypted initialization data found in the Manifest when found in it [#911, #919]
  • Record redirections made on a manifestUpdateUrl to request directly the right URL on next update. [#929]
  • Improve loading time when a serverCertificate is given by calling the setServerCertificate API earlier [#895]
  • Improve loading time when switching contents by fetching the Manifest at the same time the previous content is cleaned-up [#894]
  • Improve loading time on some CPU-constrained devices by not running unnecessary playback checks on the "progress" HTMLMediaElement event anymore [#893]
  • DASH: Consider DASH audio AdaptationSet with a "urn:mpeg:dash:role:2011" schemeIdUri and a "description" role as audioDescription tracks [#903]
  • Warn through the logger when the autoplay attribute is enabled on the media element but not on RxPlayer [#924]
  • Avoid switching to a SEEKING state if the seek operation was performed inside the RxPlayer's code [#872, #887]
  • DRM: Wait up to 100 milliseconds after a persistent MediaKeySession has been loaded to wait for possibly late keyStatuses updates [#928]
  • DRM: Only store persistent MediaKeySession once at least one key is known [#926]
  • DRM: Reconsider Representations that have been fallbacked from if they become decipherable [#905]
  • DRM: Lower the maximum size of the MediaKeySession cache from 50 to 15 to improve compatibility, even more now that license with multiple keys are properly handled
  • Doc: Move architecture documentation closer to the code it documents [#764, #900]
  • Doc: add "Quick links" to the top of the API documentation [#909]

v3.23.1 (2021-02-01)

Bug fixes

  • Fix support of encrypted contents on Safari (v3.23.0 regression)

v3.23.0 (2021-02-01)


  • Add the reload method to be able to re-load the last loaded content as fast as possible (e.g. after fatal errors) [#859, #867]
  • Add onCodecSwitch loadVideo option, to select a strategy when a new incompatible codec is encountered [#856]
  • Emit DISCONTINUITY_ENCOUNTERED warnings when a discontinuity has been seeked over [#862]
  • Add minAudioBitrate and minVideoBitrate constructor options and the {set,get}Minimum{Audio,Video}Bitrate methods to define the minimum quality reachable through adaptive streaming [#876]

Bug fixes

  • Fix impossibility to fallback to another Representation (with the keySystems[].fallbackOn loadVideo options) when a decryption key has been found to be non-usable [#889]
  • Fix DRM-related events being sent twice in a row instead of just once [#850]
  • Stop and throw MANIFEST_PARSE_ERROR error again when either audio or video has only unsupported codecs (instead of just playing the other type) [#864]
  • Avoid re-downloading a segment that ends a lot before its expected end [#846]
  • In "native" textTrackMode, avoid requesting text segments in a loop [#878]
  • Disable effects of throttleVideoBitrateWhenHidden, limitVideoWidth and throttleVideoBitrate player options on Firefox >= 67 due to how Picture in Picture mode is currently handled in them [#874]
  • Work-around race condition in old Chromium versions where loading a persistent MediaKeySession led to no key statuses right away [#847]

Other improvements

  • Skip over most audio or video discontinuities in the stream, even those not announced in the Manifest [#862]
  • When track or bitrate switching lead to a reload, seek back a consistent number of milliseconds to give back context [#848]
  • Don't call setServerCertificate API when keySystems[].serverCertificate option is set to null [#849]
  • On the rare platforms where an undefined initialization data type can be received on encrypted events, retry generateRequest with a default "cenc" value if the first one fails due to it being empty [#870]
  • Re-add debug logs logging the principal media properties at each clock tick [#844]
  • Use TextEncoder and TextDecoder interfaces when available to speed-up string conversions [#843, #875]
  • Throw a better error when no EME API is found
  • Reduce default bundles size by switching to webpack 5 to generate them
  • tests: Add conformance tests on the initial seek to help debugging related issues on new platforms [#873]
  • lint/code: Use eslint code linter even for the TypeScript code [#842]

v3.22.0 (2020-11-17)


  • Add audioTrackSwitchingMode loadVideo option to allow different strategies when switching between audio tracks [#801, #806]
  • Add enableFastSwitching loadVideo option to enable or disable optimizations doing segment replacement in the browser's buffer [#779, #780]
  • Add initialManifest loadVideo option to provide the Manifest to the RxPlayer when it has already been loaded [#807]
  • tools: Add StringUtils utilitary functions to tools to convert bytes to strings and the other way around [#809]
  • tools: The TextTrackRenderer tool is not experimental anymore: it now has a stable API [#810]
  • experimental/local-manifest: The RxPlayer now (only) plays the new "0.2" format version of the "LocalManifest" (in the experimental "local" transport) [#810]

Bug fixes

  • directfile: Fix impossibility to play an encrypted content in directfile mode (regression brought in v3.21.1) [#827, #830]
  • subtitles: Display multiple cues with overlapping times [#829]
  • smooth: Fix minimum position in a Smooth live content when fewer segments than the dvr window length are available [#826]
  • dash/metaplaylist: Fix possible playback issues on multi-Period contents, where segments from multiple Periods overlap [#837]
  • Fix very rare race condition which triggered a "setting priority of null" error after synchronous segment requests were done [#817]
  • local-manifest: LocalManifest that transition from not finished to finished while playing now end properly [#818]
  • local-manifest: Fix and clarify the duration and maximum position reported for a playing LocalManifest [#818]
  • compatibility/drm: On some webkit-based browsers, do not require the use of a server certificate for DRM if the key system used is not FairPlay [#833]
  • drm: Properly update to a different server certificate on the MediaKeys or remove it if needed [#835]
  • drm: throw MEDIA_IS_ENCRYPTED_ERROR again when playing an encrypted event without either the EME feature, EME APIs or a keySystems option [#841]

Other improvements

  • subtitles/ttml: Apply default position to TTML subtitles in "html" textTrackMode when no style is found [#815]
  • subtitles/ttml: Set default text color to white to TTML subtitles in "html" textTrackMode [#832]
  • drm: Avoid re-setting a server certificate we know has already been pushed to improve loading performance [#824, #835]
  • dash: Always prefer a "main" AdaptationSet when hesitating between multiple ones [#828]
  • dash: Improve minimum position precision for dynamic DASH contents when less segments are available than what would be guessed from the timeShiftBufferDepth [#826]
  • drm/logs: Better log why a MediaKeySession is not considered as "usable" [#822]
  • drm/logs: Be more verbose with DRM-related logs, even at lower logger levels [#821]
  • tests/conformance: Add "conformance tests", to quickly test the capabilities of new devices and targets [#814]
  • code: avoid circular dependency in src/features in original typescript source files [#805]
  • demo: Fix default position for the video track select element in the demo to always be at the currently selected video track [#813]
  • demo/code: Better integrate the RxPlayer to the demo: through a simple import, instead of adding a script tag for the bundled version [#811]
  • dev: Remove all enforced git-hooks (on pre-commit and pre-push) [#808]

v3.21.1 (2020-09-21)

Bug fixes

  • compatibility/drm: make switching the current MediaKeys work on most platforms by re-ordering browser API calls [#766, #744]
  • compatibility/drm: in Edge and IE11, fix behavior which could lead to not fallbacking from a non-decryptable quality due to a badly parsed key ID [#790]
  • dash: when a Representation depends on multiple SegmentTemplate at the same time, merge all corresponding information instead of just relying on the last one [#767, #768]
  • smooth: skip discontinuity when seeking in the middle of one when playing a smooth content [#792]
  • api: fix getUrl and the minimum position calculation after playing for some time a live content with a set manifestUpdateUrl [#775, #776]
  • drm/subtitles: better handle UTF-8 and UTF-16 characters in an encrypted initialization data or in subtitles [#791]
  • requests: still retry all the other segment's URLs when a non-retryable error happen on the request for one of them [#798]
  • dash: fix infinite rebuffering when playing multi-Period DASH contents for some time with a manifestUpdateUrl set [#797]

Other improvements

  • improve seek latency in some rare cases where we could profit from cancelling a request for a needed segment [#752, #769]
  • requests: only download an initialization segment when media segments for that Representation are needed [#773]
  • requests: avoid unnecessary segment requests when segments loaded don't exactly align with what is expected if contiguous segments exist [#772, #771]
  • better time quality switches to avoid having to re-download segments in the new quality [#781, #782, #783]
  • adaptive: limit bandwidth oscillations when the buffer level is low by choosing a lower bitrate by default and limiting fall in bandwidth when in "starvation mode" [#796]
  • compatibility/drm: filter out badly-formed CENC PSSH when found, if some well-formed exist [#788]
  • isobmff: support rare but possible occurence where an ISOBMFF box size is stored on 8 bytes [#784]
  • logs: when logs are set to "DEBUG", now regularly print visual representations of which segments live currently in the buffer(s) [#795]
  • demo: change separator in the demo's generated links from "" to "!" to not change its form when percent-encoded [#758, #759]
  • project: better document changes in changelog and release notes, mostly by linking to related issues and PRs
  • code: rename "Buffer" module to "Stream" in the code, documentation and logs to better reflect what that code does [#793]
  • tests: add "global" unit tests for a more a module-oriented testing strategy (when compared to our existing function-oriented unit tests) to our EME (DRM) related code [#753]

v3.21.0 (2020-06-17)


  • api/events: add "streamEvent" event for when a DASH EventStream's event is reached
  • api/events: add "streamEventSkip" event for when a DASH EventStream's event is "skipped"
  • types/events: add IStreamEvent and IStreamEventData - which define the payload emitted by both a "streamEvent" and "streamEventSkip" events to the exported types
  • api/tracks: add second argument to setPreferredAudioTracks, setPreferredTextTracks and setPreferredVideoTracks to be able to also apply them to the currently loaded Periods / content
  • text/webvtt: parse settings attributes of WebVTT subtitles when in HTML mode
  • api/tracks: add codec information to getAvailableAudioTracks and getAudioTrack

Bug fixes

  • dash: do not reduce the minimum position when using the manifestUpdateUrl transportOptions in loadVideo
  • local-manifest: consider language property from a "local" Manifest
  • local-manifest: refresh the Manifest even if we dont have a Manifest URL, as is often the case when playing locally-stored contents
  • local-manifest: allow the "expired" property of a local-manifest to be updated
  • compat/eme/fairplay: for fairplay contents, better format the initialization data given to the CDM. The previous behavior could lead to invalid license requests
  • eme: re-allow serialization into a JSON string of the persisted session data, as presented in the DRM tutorial
  • compat/low-latency: fix compilation of async/await when playing low-latency contents with the default bundled builds
  • eme: ensure that the previous MediaKeySystemAccess used had persistentState to "required" when a new content needs it to be
  • eme: fix closeSessionsOnStop keySystems option actually not removing any MediaKeySession when stopping a content (v3.20.1 regression).

Other improvements

  • dash: emit minor errors arising when parsing the DASH MPD through warning events (whose payload will be an error with the PIPELINE_PARSE_ERROR code)
  • dash: consider AdaptationSet@selectionPriority in our initial track choice if the user preferences lead to multiple compatible tracks
  • misc: do not download video segments when playing on an "audio" element.
  • eme: replace the MediaKeySession's cache entry based on the least recently used instead of on the least recently created to improve cache effectiveness.
  • eme/persistent sessions: Limit the maximum of stored persistent MediaKeySessions to 1000 to avoid the storage to grow indefinitely (higher than that, the least-recently used will be evicted)

v3.20.1 (2020-05-06)

Bug fixes

  • eme: fix OTHER_ERROR issue arising when loading a new encrypted media when a previous since-disposed instance of the RxPlayer played encrypted contents on the same media element
  • eme: fix OTHER_ERROR issue arising on Internet Explorer 11 when playing more than one encrypted content
  • eme: fix issue where more than 50 active MediaKeySessions at the same time could lead to infinite rebuffering when playing back a previous content with multiple encryption keys
  • directfile: for directfile contents, don't reset to the preferred audio, text or video track when the track list changes
  • eme: remove any possibility of collision in the storage of EME initialization data. The previous behavior could theorically lead some initialization data to be ignored.
  • eme: fix typo which conflated an EME "internal-error" key status and an "output-restricted" one.

v3.20.0 (2020-04-22)


  • api: add disableVideoTrack method
  • api: add the preferredVideoTrack constructor option and setPreferredVideoTracks / getPreferredVideoTracks methods to set a video track preference (or to start with the video track disabled).
  • api: add optional codec property to preferred audio tracks APIs, allowing applications to communicate a codec preference.
  • api: make the language and audioDescription properties in preferredAudioTracks' objects optional.
  • api: add signInterpreted to getVideoTrack and getAvailableVideoTracks return objects to know when a track contains sign language interpretation


  • api: deprecate the getManifest() method
  • api: deprecate the getCurrentAdaptations() method
  • api: deprecate the getCurrentRepresentations() method

Bug fixes

  • compat/eme: Set proper EME Safari implementation, to play contents with DRM on it without issues
  • compat/directfile/iOS: On Safari iOS, fix auto-play warnings when a directfile content is played with the playsinline attribute set.
  • directfile: In Directfile mode, always disable the current text track when a null is encountered in the preferredTextTracks array

Other improvements

  • abr: ignore requests that may have directly hit the cache in our adaptive logic
  • dash/perf: improve parsing efficiency for very large MPDs, at the expense of a very small risk of de-synchronization. Mechanisms still allow for regular re-synchronization.

v3.19.0 (2020-03-11)


  • dash: handle multiple URL per segment announced through multiple BaseURL elements in the MPD
  • dash/smooth/metaplaylist: add manifestUpdateUrl to loadVideo's transportOptions to provide a shorter version of the Manifest, used for more resource-efficient Manifest updates
  • tools/createMetaplaylist: add the experimental createMetaplaylist tool, which allows to generate Metaplaylist contents from given Manifests
  • tools/TextTrackRenderer: add the optional language property to the setTextTrack method of the experimental TextTrackRenderer tool as it could be needed when parsing SAMI subtitles
  • types: export IAvailableAudioTrack, IAvailableTextTrack and IAvailableVideoTrack types
  • types: export IAudioTrack, ITextTrack and IVideoTrack types

Bug fixes

  • dash/smooth: fix segment url resolution when there is query parameters in the Manifest URL and/or segment path, themselves containing "/" characters
  • local-manifest: fix videoElement's duration and getVideoDuration for contents in the experimental local transport
  • tools/parseBifThumbnails: do not return an un-displayable ArrayBuffer of the whole thing in each image property in the experimental parseBifThumbnails function

Other improvements

  • compat: avoid pushing a segment on top of the current position in Safari, as it can sometime lead to green macro-blocks
  • dash: add multiple performance improvements related to MPD parsing on embedded devices
  • dash/smooth/metaplaylist/local: refresh less often the Manifest when parsing it takes too much time to improve performance
  • smooth: filter unsupported video and audio QualityLevels when parsing a Smooth Manifest
  • build: greatly reduce the time needed to produce a modular build through the npm run build:modular script
  • build: remove Object.assign dependency

v3.18.0 (2020-01-30)


  • directfile: support most audio tracks API when playing a directfile content
  • directfile: support most text tracks API when playing a directfile content
  • directfile: support most video tracks API when playing a directfile content
  • api: add seeking and seeked events which announce the beginning and end of a seek, even when seeking to an already buffered part
  • subtitles/ttml: handle styles inheriting other styles in TTML subtitles
  • local-manifest: add experimental local transport to allow the playback of downloaded contents (even when offline)
  • tools: add the experimental TextTrackRenderer tool to be able to add a custom text track to any content
  • tools: add the experimental parseBifThumbnails tool to easily parse thumbnails in the BIF format


  • api: deprecate the supplementaryTextTracks loadVideo option in profit of the external TextTrackRenderer tool
  • api: aeprecate the supplementaryImageTracks loadVideo option in profit of the external parseBifThumbnails tool
  • api: deprecate the getImageTrackData method in profit of the external parseBifThumbnails tool
  • api: deprecate the imageTrackUpdate event in profit of the external parseBifThumbnails tool
  • api: deprecate hideNativeSubtitles (officially)

Bug fixes

  • subtitles/ttml: Correctly handle alpha information in the rgba values included in a TTML file
  • images/bif: fix sometimes incorrect "ts" value on thumbnails returned by the getImageTrackData method and the imageTrackUpdate event

Other improvements

  • node: allow the RxPlayer to be imported from Node.js for server-side-rendering
  • images/bif: throw a better error when an invalid BIF file is received
  • api: be more "generous" with player events by ditching the deep-equal npm module due to package size and some edge-case behavior
  • demo: avoid re-rendering multiple ui components when unnecessary

v3.17.1 (2019-12-20)

Bug fixes

  • dash/metaplaylist: fix infinite rebuffering issue when refreshing multi-Period contents under specific conditions
  • buffer: be less aggressive when garbage collecting subtitles (if the maxBufferAhead/maxBufferBehind options are set) to avoid useful subtitles being removed
  • directfile/compat: for directfile contents, trigger directly the LOADED state on iOS/iPad/iPod browsers as those are not preloaded there

Other improvements

  • demo: display clickable "play" button on the video element when autoplay is blocked due to browser policies - to help users unlock the situation
  • demo: add "Other" key system to allow specifying a custom key system in the demo page

v3.17.0 (2019-12-09)


  • eme/api: add keySystems.fallbackOn property to loadVideo to allow fallbacking to other qualities when encountering various key errors
  • eme/api: allow to set fallbackOnLastTry on a getLicense Error to be able to fallback on other qualities when a license request is on error
  • eme/api: add NO_PLAYABLE_REPRESENTATION MediaError for when every video or audio quality cannot be played
  • manifest/api: add decipherable property to a Representation object
  • api: add decipherabilityUpdate event triggered when a Representation's decipherability status is updated
  • languages/api: add dub boolean to audio tracks (through getAudioTrack and getAvailableAudioTracks) to tell if this is a dubbed track
  • languages/ttml: with TTML subtitles, support length relative to the Computed Cell Size for tts:fontSize, tts:padding, tts:extent, tts:origin and tts:lineHeight
  • transports/api: add checkMediaSegmentIntegrity transportOptions to automatically retry media segments which appear corrupted
  • transports/api: add minimumManifestUpdateInterval transportOptions to limit the Manifest update frequency
  • transports/api: add "progress" callback to a custom segmentLoader to improve adaptive streaming when an external segment loader is used

Bug fixes

  • dash/metaplaylist: download the first segment of a new Period when the last downloaded segment from the previous Period ends after that segment ends
  • smooth/metaplaylist: consider serverSyncInfos transportOptions for Smooth and MetaPlaylist contents
  • buffers: completely clean a previous audio/text track from the SourceBuffer when switching to a different audio/text track
  • dash: avoid requesting an inexistent segment when downloading a multi-Period DASH content with a number-based SegmentTemplate with the agressiveMode option set to true
  • eme: do not wait for a previous invalid MediaKeySession to be closed before re-creating a valid one for the same content, to work around a widevine issue
  • eme: avoid race condition issue arising when multiple init data are received before the MediaKeys have been attached to the media element
  • dash: do not consider "trickmodes" AdaptationSet as directly playable video tracks
  • directfile: begin directly at the end (instead of the beginning) when setting a startAt loadVideo option with a fromLastPosition property set to 0 on directfile contents
  • metaplaylist: fix playback for non-live MetaPlaylist contents not starting at a 0 time

Other improvements

  • abr: better estimate a lower bitrate after a sudden fall in bandwidth
  • dash/low-latency: properly use @availabilityTimeOffset when playing a low-latency DASH content
  • code: use only strict boolean expressions in the code (do not rely on falsy or truthy values anymore).
  • demo: add buffer content graphs to the demo page to vizualize exactly what have been buffered
  • demo: improve accessibility of the demo page for the english-speaking visually impaired
  • misc: replace uglifyJS by terser for minification purposes

v3.16.1 (2019-10-03)

Bug fixes

  • dash: update timeshiftBufferDepth considered when refreshing the MPD
  • dash: fix infinite rebuffering issue when refreshing a Multi-Period MPD with the oldest Periods removed
  • api: go to "SEEKING" state instead of "BUFFERING" when seeking while the player is in the "BUFFERING" state
  • api: Avoid reinitializing the video, audio and text track choice after a "RELOADING" state
  • api: When going back to a Period on which disableTextTracks was called, keep the text track disabled even if different preferredTextTracks are set
  • smooth: Replace {CustomAttributes} token in a segment URL
  • dash: load the last segment of a Period when it is declared in a SegmentTemplate (with no SegmentTimeline) and when its end is exactly equal to the end of the Period

Other improvements

  • dash/metaplaylist: be more tolerant with the appendWindows set as the previous behavior could lead to infinite rebuffering and segments re-downloading
  • dash/metaplaylist/smooth: Better handle discontinuities in a VoD content
  • dash/metaplaylist: Handle discontinuities between DASH Periods and between MetaPlaylist contents
  • dash/smooth: Avoid requesting multiple time the last segment when the duration given in the Manifest are inexact
  • smooth: Skip without throwing Manifest's StreamIndex with an unrecognized type
  • dash: Improve prediction of when to update a dynamic MPD with xlinks
  • dash: Be more tolerant of differences between a segment's time announced by the Manifest and the reality to avoid multiple cases of segment re-downloading
  • dash: Guess initialization range for segments defined in a SegmentBase without an Initialization element
  • dash: Throw better error when a sidx with a reference_type 1 is encountered
  • api: Throw a better error when setting a preferredAudioTracks or preferredTextTracks value in the wrong format
  • demo: Allow to export and share demo links with custom contents
  • demo: Fix video track switching in the demo page
  • demo: Fix spinner not hiding when playing on very specific conditions
  • demo: reset playback rate before loading a content

v3.16.0 (2019-09-16)


  • dash: add lowLatencyMode loadVideo option to play low-latency DASH contents with chunk-encoded CMAF and chunked transfer encoding close to the live edge efficiently
  • metaplaylist: add the experimental metaplaylist transport, which allows to smoothly play a concatenation of multiple contents
  • api: add serverSyncInfos to transportOptions (loadVideo option)
  • errors: add code property to a NetworkError indicating the corresponding HTTP status

Bug fixes

  • dash: fix minimum time calculation for Multi-Period MPDs with SegmentTemplate segment indexes but no SegmentTimeline
  • dash: play static MPD not declaring any segment for a time of 0 seconds at the minimum possible time by default
  • dash: fix maximum position calculation for live Multi-Period contents where the currently generated period is not the last one declared in the MPD

Other improvements

  • api: authorize to set no url to loadVideo if the manifestLoader transportOption is set
  • smooth: the aggressiveMode option now only allows requests for segments which had time to at least begin to be generated to avoid too much HTTP 412
  • dash: the aggressiveMode now also have an effect for some SegmentTemplate DASH contents (download segments even if they're not finished)
  • code: add pre-commit and pre-push git hooks to automate checking and facilitate bisecting
  • dash: better handle live Multi-Period contents where the currently broadcasted period is not the last one declared in the MPD
  • dash: better infer the end of a Period if the start of the next one is defined
  • api: always start live contents at the live edge if one is defined and not just before the last available segments
  • ci: run integration tests with Travis and appveyor again

v3.15.1 (2019-08-07)

Bug fixes

  • api: fix networkConfig.segmentRetry loadVideo option. Due to a typo, it was forced to the default value (4)
  • api/abr: when the throttleVideoBitrateWhenHidden option is set to true, wait 60 seconds (as documented) after the page is hidden before switching to a lower bitrate
  • dash: fix segment indexing for SegmentList-based MPD with a period start different than 0

Other improvements

  • dash/smooth: check if the segment should still be available before retrying it (avoid unnecessary HTTP 404 errors)
  • dash/smooth: the Manifest can now be refreshed due to unexpected 404 HTTP errors on a segment request (only on particular conditions)
  • dash: better handle segments overlapping multiple periods by using the data that is only within the concerned Period's bounds
  • demo: authorize to play stored contents with an HTTP Manifest in the HTTPS demo

v3.15.0 (2019-07-24)


  • eme: add getLicenseConfig property to the keySystems loadVideo option, to be able to have much more control over getLicense's behavior
  • eme: add noRetry to getLicense errors to abort retries when the licence request fails
  • eme: add message to getLicense and onKeyStatusesChange errors to allow custom errors when the license request fails
  • eme: add a new ENCRYPTED_MEDIA_ERROR with the code CREATE_MEDIA_KEYS_ERROR for when we cannot create a MediaKeys instance (seen on some Android devices).

Bug fixes

  • api: avoid sending {audio,video...}BitrateChange with a -1 value when starting to play a content
  • api/abr: a call to setAudioBitrate or setVideoBitrate could be ignored for a content if it was still loading. This is now fixed.
  • api/abr: a call to setMaxAutoBitrate or setMaxVideoBitrate could be ignored for a content if it was still loading. This is now fixed.
  • dash: fix maximum position calculation when refreshing a live MPD with a UTCTiming element and no SegmentTimeline.
  • dash/smooth: a MPD/Manifest request failing could still be retried when loading another content
  • eme/compat: on Safari, depend on WebKitMediaKeys even if MediaKeys is defined because of differences of implementations
  • pipelines: always send PIPELINE_LOAD_ERROR warnings when a segment request or a Manifest request is retried
  • errors: replace undocumented PIPELINE_RESOLVE_ERROR code into the proper documented PIPELINE_LOAD_ERROR code
  • errors: replace undocumented PIPELINE_PARSING_ERROR code into the proper documented PIPELINE_PARSE_ERROR code
  • errors: add to the ErrorCodes static property the previously forgotten NONE, INVALID_KEY_SYSTEM and INVALID_ENCRYPTED_EVENT codes.

Other improvements

  • abr: make use of another adaptive algorithm, buffer-based, when enough buffer has been built.
  • demo: allow the user to save custom contents to local storage to be able to reuse them when the page is refreshed
  • eme: throw a better error in onKeyStatusesChange if the Promise is rejected without an Error
  • errors: refactore error management to better correlate the fatal boolean to a playback stop and to better ensure a documented error is always thrown
  • scripts: make our build script compatible with MacOS (handle BSD sed)

v3.14.0 (2019-06-26)


  • api/abr: add throttleVideoBitrateWhenHidden which unlike throttleWhenHidden does not throttle the video bitrate if the media element is in picture-in-picture mode


  • api/abr: deprecate throttleWhenHidden in profit of throttleVideoBitrateWhenHidden which has a better API definition for some edge cases

Bug fixes

  • api/abr: limitVideoWidth now also considers if the video is in picture-in-picture mode
  • buffer: better prevent the BUFFER_FULL_ERROR MediaError on some memory-constrained devices
  • dash: consider the buffer depth as infinite (until availabilityStartTime) if the timeShiftBufferDepth is not set
  • smooth: consider the buffer depth as infinite if the DVRWindowLength is not set or set to 0
  • init: start live contents that just began (less than 10 seconds ago) at the minimum position instead of throwing a STARTING_TIME_NOT_FOUND MEDIA_ERROR.
  • tests: use web server (local by default) instead of stubbed XHRs to serve tests contents to our integration and memory tests

v3.13.0 (2019-05-15)


  • eme: add disableMediaKeysAttachmentLock key system option to bypass a deadlock (with possible tradeoffs) when playing encrypted contents on some peculiar devices

Bug fixes

  • dash/smooth: never rely on when calculating time differences to avoid issues when the user adjusts the system clock while playing a live content
  • eme: throw a better error (avoid toString is not a function messages) for a KEY_LOAD_ERROR when the getLicense function provided fails without a proper error
  • api: fix rare situation with DASH multi-period contents where we reported no available bitrate, Adaptation nor Representation when switching to another Period.

Other improvements

  • eme: add other default contentTypes when calling requestMediaKeySystemAccess to improve device support
  • demo: update the demo UI
  • code: change indentation style of a big chunk of the code to increase readability

v3.12.0 (2019-04-10)


  • dash: add UTCTiming support
  • smooth: add aggressiveMode transportOption to requests segments in advance
  • dash/smooth: add referenceDateTime transportOption to set a default reference time for live contents

Bug fixes

  • buffer: work around firefox bug leading to infinite rebuffering when seeking many times in a content

Other improvements

  • dash/smooth: add optional url, sendingTime and receivingTime properties in the response given by manifestLoader transportOption
  • misc: deploy documentation pages and demos from our previous versions
  • misc: add new RxPlayer logo to and the demo

v3.11.1 (2019-03-11)

Bug fixes

  • npm: publish package again. An error in the previous release led to some files missing on npm

v3.11.0 (2019-03-07)


  • languages/api: add preferredAudioTracks and preferredTextTracks player options
  • languages/api: add setPreferredAudioTracks, getPreferredAudioTracks, setPreferredTextTracks and getPreferredTextTracks methods
  • languages/api: add availableAudioTracksChange, availableTextTracksChange and availableVideoTracksChange events
  • abr/api: add availableAudioBitratesChange and availableVideoBitratesChange events
  • eme: allow playback of mixed encrypted and unencrypted contents on Chrome
  • types: export the new IAudioTrackPreference and ITextTrackPreference types


  • languages/api: deprecate the defaultAudioTrack loadVideo option in favor of the preferredAudioTracks player option.
  • languages/api: deprecate the defaultTextTrack loadVideo option in favor of the preferredTextTracks player option.

Bug fixes

  • dash: fix minimumUpdatePeriod management for DASH contents
  • smooth: better prevent 412 HTTP errors for smooth streaming contents
  • subtitles: ensure subtitles are not visible in Firefox when disabling them in the "native" textTrack mode.
  • errors: avoid sending multiple MEDIA_TIME_BEFORE_MANIFEST or MEDIA_TIME_AFTER_MANIFEST warnings instead of just one
  • api: fix (deprecated) option hideNativeSubtitles

Other improvements

  • errors: set a readable error message for every error and warnings thrown
  • tools/mediaCapabilitiesProber: set logs about unimportant missing APIs as debug-level instead of warn-level
  • types: provide type safety to addEventListener and removeEventListener

v3.10.3 (2019-01-30)

Bug fixes

  • dash/api: fix getMinimumPosition for MPDs with an availabilityStartTime superior to unix epoch
  • smooth: be more tolerant on downloaded segments (accept ISOBMFF with boxes in any order)
  • buffers/abr: fix issue infrequently leading to a delay in quality changes
  • buffers: improve synchronisation to the SourceBuffer's buffer to avoid cases where the same segment could be downloaded multiple times
  • subtitles: fix bug in the clean-up logic of subtitles in the "html" texttrack mode that would lead to removed subtitles still being displayed
  • pipelines: retry a segment request with a backoff instead of stopping when receiving a HTTP 412
  • compat/subtitles: work-around firefox issue in the "native" texttrack mode to ensure track cues are removed when the content is stopped
  • subtitles/webvtt: support default classes in the WebVTT specification
  • subtitles/webvtt: multiple styles for the same element are now merged into one (instead of considering only the last one)
  • subtitles/webvtt: fix styling issues when both styles applied globally and styles applied on a selector are defined
  • subtitles/webvtt: do not remove whitespaces in styles to keep a sane formatting for some complex values

Other improvements

  • dash: warn through logs when fields are not in the expected format
  • drm: throw more explicative error messages when DRM are not supported in the current target
  • dash/smooth: get more precize duration from ISOBMFF by better handling the default duration taken from the tfhd box
  • tests: continue unit test coverage improvements (from 22% in the v3.10.2 to 33.6%)
  • demo: fix initial text-track selection

v3.10.2 (2019-01-08)

Bug fixes

  • dash/smooth: fix manifest updates for some DASH contents (SegmentTimeline without SegmentTemplate) and for some Smooth usages
  • compat/drm: adopt a new strategy for malfunctioning CENC PSSH on Edge by moving them at the end of the initialization data
  • dash/smooth: update deprecated Manifest.adaptations property when updating the manifest

Other improvements

  • dash: refresh the MPD less often
  • dash/smooth: improve precision of getMaximumPosition when the Manifest is updated
  • tests: use the Jest library for unit tests
  • tests: add a lot of unit tests to sensitive code (from a coverage of 13% in the v3.10.1 to 22% in the v3.10.2)
  • npm: reduce size of the npm package

v3.10.1 (2019-01-03)

Bug fixes

  • abr: always consider the last quality estimation
  • drm: work-arround Edge bug where the browser does not accept a valid CENC PSSH (DRM-related information in an ISOBMFF)
  • dash: handle S nodes (segments) with an @r attribute at -1 in an MPD
  • dash: handle SegmentTimeline which have as a first S node (segment) an undefined @t attribute in an MPD
  • dash: Representation.index.getLastPosition() for SegmentBase-based DASH Representations now returns the end of the last segment (it returned the start of the last segment before)
  • dash/smooth: throw better error (MANIFEST_PARSE_ERROR) if none of the audio or video tracks of a content can be played (e.g. none have supported codecs)

Other improvements

  • manifest: better infer the minimum time of a Manifest
  • code: refresh code architecture (rename and move modules, remove some dependencies...)
  • tests: add coverage reports for both unit and "integration" tests, to check where tests are lacking and better pin down our hot-spots
  • tests: add appveyor countinous integration service for unit tests

v3.10.0 (2018-12-11)


  • dash: Manage xlinks in "onLoad" resolution model
  • dash: Implement AdaptationSet switching by merging similar and switchable AdaptationSet into a single track
  • compat: add MEDIA_ERR_METADATA_NOT_LOADED warning, triggered when the browser has issues with loading the initial data (only seen on the Samsung mobile browser in directfile mode)
  • compat: add MEDIA_ERR_PLAY_NOT_ALLOWED warning, triggered when the application tries to play but the current browser doesn't allow it (often due to autoplay policy)
  • api: the play API now returns a Promise, mirroring the original browser's play API


  • api: The xhr property from a NetworkError is now deprecated

Bug fixes

  • compat/smooth: fix fatal error BUFFER_APPEND_ERROR happening on some HSS contents with Edge
  • dash/smooth: never refresh the manifest if its content is not dynamic
  • dash/smooth: use new URL if the initial manifest request is redirected (again :/ - thanks @fnatte)
  • api: do not go out of the LOADING state if the metadata could not be fetched (even if the browser tells us otherwise) - to work around Samsung Browser bug
  • api: avoid going out of the LOADED state until the initial seek is done and metadata is fetched
  • compat: use Promise ponyfill to improve IE11 compatibility with the MediaCapabilitiesProber and some EME functionalities
  • api: translate most IETF language tags into corresponding ISO639-3 codes for the normalizedLanguage property - given from APIs such as getAvailableAudioTracks
  • tools: fix mediaCapabilitiesProber.getCompatibleDRMConfigurations experimental tool on Safari
  • api: filter out duplicates in getAvailableVideoBitrates and getAvailableAudioBitrates

Other improvements

  • dash: better infer unknown Period durations
  • dash: better manage overlapping Periods by giving more importance to the last chronological one
  • memory: clean-up Adaptation and Representation information on Periods which are not considered anymore
  • log: warn through our logs every time a warning event is sent by the API
  • demo: authorize DRMs in IE11 or Safari when in HTTP in the demo page
  • demo: fix time indication for non-live contents

v3.9.3 (2018-11-23)

Bug fixes

  • compat: fix undefined Object.values function issue happening in some older browsers (mainly encountered in IE11 and old webkit versions)
  • compat: remove side-effects relative to DRM on Safari
  • tools: fix issue about an undefined Array.prototype.find method in some older browsers when calling mediaCapabilitiesProber.getCompatibleDRMConfigurations (mainly encountered in IE11)

Other improvements

  • eme: activate MediaKeys caching on Edge
  • compat: add in our validation process a ban of methods and functions unavailable in older browsers
  • tests/smooth: reinforce our Smooth Streaming integration tests

v3.9.2 (2018-11-14)

Bug fixes

  • smooth: authorize empty tracks ("StreamIndex") in Smooth manifests

v3.9.1 (2018-11-13)

Bug fixes

  • smooth: fix issue preventing emergency manifest updates
  • dash: fix timeout for minimumUpdatePeriod in cases where the time at which the manifest was last requested is not known (like when setting a customManifestLoader argument)

Other improvements

  • smooth: keep supplementary segment information when updating the manifest
  • smooth: when updating segment information, perform garbage-collection of those concerning unreachable segments

v3.9.0 (2018-11-08)


  • dash: consider minimumUpdatePeriod attribute in MPDs
  • buffer: add codec-switching for browsers supporting the SourceBuffer.prototype.changeType API
  • dash/smooth: accept and parse segments with a "stpp.ttml.im1t" codec (TTML IMSC1 in MP4)

Bug fixes

  • smooth: fix calculations of the initial time, duration and minimum position for HSS VOD contents not starting at a '0' time
  • buffer: fix priority updates for segment requests
  • dash: calculate VOD duration from the last period if undefined in the MPD's root
  • dash: remove possibility of obtaining two periods with the same id
  • typings: make manualBitrateSwitchingMode loadVideo option an optional TypeScript typing (thanks @fnatte again!)

Other improvements

  • abr: do not always cancel pending requests when switching to a new bitrate
  • abr: re-estimate the bandwidth immediately after each request
  • buffer: remove automatic garbage-collection of the "image" source-buffer (its rules should be more complex than those in place)
  • tools/mediaCapabilitiesProber: Make getCompatibleDRMConfigurations work under IE11 and old webkit versions
  • tools/mediaCapabilitiesProber: Add a multitude of bug fixes to the experimental mediaCapabilitiesProber
  • package: divide by more than 2 the size of our package published in npm (thanks @necccc)
  • tests: add memory tests to detect memory leaks
  • demo: add 'favicon' to the demo page

v3.8.1 (2018-10-17)

Bug fixes

  • abr: fix memory leak in ABR Management
  • eme: avoid re-attaching a server certificate at each encrypted event

Other improvements

  • buffer: lower the "paddings" applied to the video buffer when raising the quality
  • abr: when pratical, avoid relying on the "Content-Length" header to protect against miscalculations when downloading from misconfigured servers
  • abr: lower the minimum number of bytes we wait to download before we evaluate the bandwidth
  • abr: use instead of for better precision
  • module: move express from the dependencies to the devDependencies
  • demo: fix standalone demo and add possibility to launch it via HTTPS

v3.8.0 (2018-10-11)


  • api/dash/smooth: add representationFilter API to prevent Representations (i.e. media qualities) from being played
  • api/buffer: add manualBitrateSwitchingMode option to allow a direct representation switch when calling setVideoBitrate and setAudioBitrate
  • api/buffer: emit a MEDIA_TIME_BEFORE_MANIFEST warning when the wanted time is before what is announced in the manifest
  • api/buffer: emit a MEDIA_TIME_AFTER_MANIFEST warning when the wanted time is after what is announced in the manifest

Bug fixes

  • remove export of undeclared ICompatVTTCue from modular build

Other improvements

  • buffer: to avoid taking too much memory, regularly clean-up text and image buffer 5 hours ahead/behind the current position (customizable)
  • demo: add HTTPS capabilities on local full demo
  • rxjs: update rxjs to 6.3.3
  • typescript: update typescript to 3.1.2

v3.7.0 (2018-09-21)


  • eme: add throwOnLicenseExpiration boolean to keySystems (loadVideo option) to allow better expiration management
  • eme: in the getLicense property of keySystems (loadVideo option), it is now possible to resolve with null to avoid a license update.
  • eme: in the onKeyStatusesChange property of keySystems (loadVideo option), it is now possible to resolve with null to avoid a license update.
  • tools: replace experimental tool mediaCapabilitiesProber.isDRMSupported by the more useful mediaCapabilitiesProber.getCompatibleDRMConfigurations


  • smooth: giving a WSX URL instead of the Manifest URL for a smooth content is now deprecated.
  • smooth: giving a publishing point definition URL (.isml) instead of the Manifest URL for a smooth content is now deprecated.
  • smooth: giving a Smooth Streaming server manifest URL (.ism) instead of the Manifest URL for a smooth content is now deprecated.

Bug fixes

  • api: switch state to "ENDED" if seeking to the end while the player is in the "LOADED" state.
  • api: switch state to "SEEKING" if seeking in the content while the player is in the "LOADED" state.
  • dash: consider multiple Role nodes for an AdaptationSet.
  • typescript: fix typings error when an application build us without the skipLibCheck TypeScript option enabled.
  • smooth: fix Manifest URL generation when a ".ism" or a ".isml" URL is given.
  • doc: document deprecation of the adaptations property returned from a Manifest object (as returned from the getManifest method).

Other improvements

  • doc: add quick start tutorial.
  • doc: add player states documentation.
  • demo: add possibility to play encrypted contents.
  • demo: update demo page.
  • tests: consolidate our integration tests.

v3.6.1 (2018-09-03)

Bug fixes

  • directfile: send LOADED event again for directfile contents - thanks @Fnatte
  • dash: don't merge "main" AdaptationSet if they are not of a video type
  • eme: fix bug which prevented the closeSessionsOnStop keySystem option to work properly
  • typescript: export types compatible with project references

Other improvements

  • directfile/tests: add basic directfile integration tests
  • build: update to Babel 7
  • rxjs: update to RxJS 6.3.1

v3.6.0 (2018-08-24)


  • api: add video track switching
  • dash: add webm support
  • api: Emit warning if autoPlay is blocked on the current browser
  • api: add getAvailableVideoTracks method to retrieve every video tracks
  • api: add getVideoTrack method to get the active video track
  • api: add setVideoTrack method to switch the video track
  • api: add videoTrackChange event to know when a video track has been switched
  • api: add RELOADING event for cases where the player needs to reload (such as during a video track switch)


  • api: the method isFullscreen has been deprecated
  • api: the method setFullscreen has been deprecated
  • api: the method exitFullscreen has been deprecated
  • api: the method getNativeTextTrack has been deprecated
  • api: the event fullscreenChange has been deprecated
  • api: the event nativeTextTrackChange has been deprecated

Bug Fixes

  • ttml: display forbidden characters (such as ">") in a "native" textTrackMode
  • ttml: process xml:space even if it is not defined at the top level
  • buffer: perform a better clean-up of previous media in a SourceBuffer when switching audio or text track
  • manifest/dash: throw a MANIFEST_PARSE_ERROR when no AdaptationSet of a given type in a Period is in a compatible codec

Other improvements

  • types: export and document main typings used internally such as ILoadVideoOptions (the loadVideo argument)
  • misc: log every fatal errors
  • misc: remove dumb npm inclusion as a project dependency
  • doc: improve architecture documentation

v3.5.2 (2018-08-06)

Bug fixes

  • dash: Manage presentationTimeOffset completely (allow advanced multi-period configurations)
  • dash: Fix Adaptations bug when the first DASH adaptation was a "main" one
  • smooth: Remove the limitation of a minimum bitrate in Smooth Streaming
  • dash: Fix condition which prevented to play audio-only live DASH streams

Other improvements

  • typescript: add typescript declaration files
  • abr: update ABR mechanisms when the estimated bandtwidth fall suddenly
  • api: warn in the log when the browser reject a wanted autoplay
  • drm: Add keyId information to the internal Manifest structure
  • typescript: update typescript to v3.0.1

v3.5.1 (2018-07-11)

Bug fixes

  • parsers: fix wrong computation of segment time in template index
  • abr: get concerned request in starvation mode

v3.5.0 (2018-07-03)


  • tools: add mediaCapabilitiesProber tool as an experimental tool
  • builds: add minimal import with feature selection (allowing cleaner feature switching or lazy-loading)
  • dash: allow multiple "main" adaptation
  • api: add static version property to the RxPlayer API

Bug fixes

  • vtt: fix line setting for vtt tracks in "native" textTrackMode
  • dash: always play "main" adaptation first
  • misc: don't interfere with a client's RxJS implementation by switching to RxJS 6
  • dash: presentationTimeOffset doesn't have an influence on requested segment anymore
  • smooth/dash: throw a "MANIFEST_PARSE_ERROR" if no audio and video adaptations/StreamIndex are available in the current content

Other improvements

  • builds: Reduce size of the builds
  • builds: use uglifyJS instead of Closure-compiler
  • builds: update to typescript 2.9
  • rxjs: update to RxJS version 6 (v6.2.1)
  • code: set complete URL in segment's media property
  • demo: add time indicator on the progress bar
  • demo: update fullscreen mode to also display the text track element
  • misc: moved demo server scripts to the respective demo directories
  • misc: moved manifest parsers to the src/parsers directory
  • misc: moved scripts from ./tools to ./scripts
  • misc: moved webpack configs to the root of the project

v3.4.1 (2018-05-31)

Bug fixes

  • buffer: fix several bugs happening when calling endOfStream to announce the end of the current content. Especially prevalent on Chrome.
  • net: use redirected URL as a base for further requests when the manifest request led to a HTTP redirect.
  • vtt/srt: ignore silently (do not throw) when an unknown block has been detected in a vtt or srt file
  • vtt/srt: support styling spans (like b, i and u XML tags) spanning multiple lines
  • api: getAvailableTextTracks and getAvailableAudioTracks now always return an array (and never null) as announced in the API documentation
  • api: set default log level to "NONE" instead of "INFO"
  • misc: remove development-only code from the non-minified code

Other improvements

  • misc: move some dev dependencies from dependencies to devDependencies in package.json

v3.4.0 (2018-05-17)


  • eme: allow multiple licenses per content
  • eme: allow different MediaKeys to be attached on multiple media elements

Bug fixes

  • eme: limit simultaneous loaded MediaKeySession to 50 by default (configurable)
  • source-buffer: clean properly the text SourceBuffer on deactivation
  • buffer: perform discontinuity seeks only for native source buffers

Other improvements

  • doc: generate documentation pages
  • misc: add sonarqube quality pass
  • code: set a clearer private state for the API
  • tools: update to webpack v4.8.3
  • tools: update to typescript v2.8.3

v3.3.2 (2018-04-17)

Bug Fixes

  • api: emit SEEKING state instead of BUFFERING when the user seeks to an unbuffered part just after resuming playback
  • api: work around bug found in old versions of Chrome where the ENDED state would never be triggered at the end of the stream
  • api/language: fix bug where an audio or text language would not be switched to on certain conditions in live contents
  • smooth: fix frequent manifest refreshing happening immediately when changing audio/text language
  • eme/error: fix reason string and error message for KEY_STATUS_CHANGE_ERROR

Other improvements

  • buffer: update download queue immediately when seeking to an already-buffered part, to always prioritize needed segments
  • buffer: schedule segments per level of priority to lower some buffering/seeking/loading time
  • demo: fix "Big Buck Bunny WEBM"'s URL

v3.3.1 (2018-03-13)

Bug Fixes

  • misc: fix missing browser API on IE11
  • buffer: end correctly streams which experienced a custom sourcebuffer (text/image) crash

Other improvements

  • tools: support development on windows

v3.3.0 (2018-03-05)


  • api: add directfile API to allow the playback of files natively managed by the browser

Bug Fixes

  • api: fix player state when seeking after the video ended
  • text/api: fix getTextTrack API which could return the current audio track instead
  • text: clean-up custom HTML text track SourceBuffer's buffered when the text track is disabled

v3.2.0 (2018-02-23)


  • dash: Handle multi-periods DASH manifests
  • api: add periodChange event
  • api: add stopAtEnd option to the constructor, to deactivate automatic content un-loading when it ends
  • api: add manifestLoader to the transportOptions of a loadVideo call

Bug Fixes

  • stream: call endOfStream for better end detection and to allow the Chrome browser to display the last frames of a video
  • buffer: always play the last possible milliseconds of a content (removed END_OF_PLAY config attribute)
  • eme: workaround a bug found on Chrome where setting a keySystems option in loadVideo would always throw on HTTP (not HTTPS) pages.
  • vtt: fix WebVTT parsing when the last line of a WebVTT file is not a new line
  • dash: ignore availabilityStartTime settings for a static MPD
  • buffer: ignore segments for a duration inferior to the MINIMUM_SEGMENT_SIZE (200ms by default) to avoid infinite re-downloading

Other improvements

  • update RxJS to v5.5.6
  • update TypeScript to v2.7.2

v3.1.0 (2018-01-30)


  • api: add networkConfig to loadVideo options
  • eme: add closeSessionsOnStop to the keySystems loadVideo option

Bug Fixes

  • dash: fix Range request ranges for representations based on a SegmentList index
  • smooth: allows smooth Manifests for non-live contents to begin at a timestamp != 0

v3.0.7 (2018-01-19)

Bug fixes

  • eme: fix bug which prevented to play encrypted contents on IE11

v3.0.6 (2018-01-11)

Bug Fixes

  • buffer: fix issue which could led to multiple video or audio segments being downloaded at the same time
  • dash/text: support MPD AdaptationSet with a "caption" Role as text Adaptations
  • dash/text: remove offset set for subtitles on live contents, which led to unsynchronized subtitles
  • dash: fix issue which could led to segments being re-downloaded too much in a SegmentTemplate scheme

Other improvements

  • demo: set "html" textTrackMode by default to have a better stylization of closed captions.

v3.0.5 (2017-12-11)

Bug Fixes

  • eme: consider unknown errors (e.g. errors coming from the user of the library) as fatal eme errors

v3.0.4 (2017-12-05)

Bug Fixes

  • text/webvtt: authorize header options without parsing them
  • text/webvtt: authorize timestamps without hours

Other improvements

  • misc: remove multiple unneeded assertions in DEV mode
  • misc: update DEV mode default debug level from DEBUG to INFO

v3.0.3 (2017-11-24)

Bug Fixes

  • text/ttml: apply correctly a style if directly set on an attribute
  • eme: load new video even if the last EME clean-up failed

Other improvements

  • misc: set better work arround for typescript issue 20104 to make building npm scripts usable again
  • tools: update the update-version npm script
  • demo: npm run start and npm run standalone now build the rx-player in the "development" environment
  • tools: add more logs in DEBUG mode

v3.0.2 (2017-11-17)

Bug Fixes

  • misc: work around typescript issue 20104 temporarly to launch in Chrome in HTTP

v3.0.1 (2017-11-17)

Bug Fixes

  • abr: adopt a less agressive strategy to avoid re-bufferings
  • smooth: avoid most of the manifest refresh requests

Other improvements

  • Switch codebase to TypeScript
  • Add Travis CI

v3.0.0 (2017-11-10)


  • misc: add possibility to do custom builds through environment variables, to remove unwanted features from minified code.
  • languages: add support for segmented VTT subtitles
  • languages/dash: add support for plain text TTML, SAMI, SRT, VTT and MP4-embedded VTT subtitles in DASH manifests
  • languages/smooth: add support for MP4-embedded VTT subtitles in Smooth manifests
  • languages: add possibility to show fragmented or not TTML, SAMI, SRT and VTT text tracks in a element, even for browser that do not support the VTTCue API
  • languages: add possibility to show TTML, SRT, VTT and SAMI text tracks in HTML tags for richer stylisation.
  • api: add textTrackElement option to loadVideo
  • api: add textTrackMode option to loadVideo
  • api: add nativeTextTracksChange event
  • eme: it is now possible to directly set the reverse domain name of the wanted key system in the type property of loadVideo's keySystems option.
  • api: add property percentage to the startAt argument of loadVideo.
  • abr: add bitrateEstimationChange event
  • api: add LogLevel static property
  • api: a Date object can now be given to the loadVideo argument startAt.wallClockTime. It will be automatically converted into seconds.
  • languages: add normalizedLanguage property in manifest-related-APIs to expose the ISO 639-3 language code of the audio and text tracks
  • languages: add normalized property in language-related-API to expose the ISO 639-3 language code of the audio and text tracks
  • loadVideo: add codecs property to supplementaryTextTracks
  • api: add wantedBufferAhead constructor option
  • api: add maxBufferAhead constructor option
  • api: add maxBufferBehind constructor option
  • api: add getVideoBufferGap method
  • api: add isMute method
  • api: add getManualAudioBitrate method
  • api: add getManualVideoBitrate method
  • config: add a global config file (src/config.js) to easily tweak the player behavior


  • languages: switch from ISO 639-2 to ISO 639-3 language codes in various APIs
  • languages: the language property returned by language and manifest related APIs now reflect the exact language as set in the manifest
  • api: setVideoBitrate can now be called even when no content is playing
  • api: setAudioBitrate can now be called even when no content is playing
  • api: setVideoBitrate can now be called even when no video track has the exact same bitrate
  • api: setAudioBitrate can now be called even when no audio track has the exact same bitrate
  • api: giving a number to seekTo now has the same effect than setting a position option in argument (seekTo({ position }) === seekTo(position))
  • api: getUrl now do not throw if no content is playing
  • api: isLive now do not throw if no content is playing
  • api: loadVideo does not return anything anymore
  • api: private (undocumented) variables have been isolated on a player instance to a _priv object.
  • api: the constructor option throttleWhenHidden is now set to false by default
  • api: the constructor option limitVideoWidth is now set to false by default


  • api: remove defaultAudioTrack constructor option
  • api: remove defaultTextTrack constructor option
  • api: remove transportOptions constructor option
  • api: remove transport constructor option
  • api: remove nativeTextTrackChange event in favor of nativeTextTracksChange event (notice the "s")
  • api: remove goToStart method
  • api: remove getStartTime method
  • api: remove getEndTime method
  • api: remove toggleDebug method
  • api: remove hideDebug method
  • api: remove showDebug method
  • api: remove getDebug method
  • api: remove getImageTrack method
  • api: remove setVideoBufferSize method in favor of setWantedBufferAhead method
  • api: remove getVideoBufferSize method in favor of getWantedBufferAhead method
  • api: remove setAudioBufferSize method in favor of setWantedBufferAhead method
  • api: remove getAudioBufferSize method in favor of getWantedBufferAhead method
  • api: remove maximumBufferTime property from positionUpdate events
  • api: remove getCurrentTime method
  • api: remove asObservable method
  • api: remove loadVideo option manifests in favor of url and keySystems options
  • api: remove loadVideo option subtitles in favor of supplementaryTextTracks option
  • api: remove loadVideo option images in favor of supplementaryImageTracks option
  • api: remove constructor option initVideoBitrate in favor of initialVideoBitrate option
  • api: remove constructor option initAudioBitrate in favor of initialVideoBitrate option
  • api: remove constructor option defaultLanguage in favor of defaultAudioTrack option
  • api: remove constructor option defaultSubtitle in favor of defaultTextTrack option
  • position: remove subtitleChange event
  • position: remove languageChange event
  • position: remove progress event
  • position: remove currentTimeChange event in favor of positionUpdate event
  • adaptive: remove getMetrics method
  • adaptive: remove getAverageBitrates method
  • adaptive: remove getVideoMaxBitrate method in favor of getMaxVideoBitrate method
  • adaptive: remove getAudioMaxBitrate method in favor of getMaxAudioBitrate method
  • errors: remove static method getErrorTypes in favor of the static property errorTypes
  • errors: remove static method getErrorCodes in favor of the static property errorCodes
  • languages: remove normalizeLanguageCode method
  • languages: remove getAvailableLanguages method
  • languages: remove getAvailableSubtitles method
  • languages: remove isLanguageAvailable method
  • languages: remove isSubtitleAvailable method
  • languages: remove getLanguage method
  • languages: remove getSubtitle method
  • languages: remove setLanguage method
  • languages: remove setSubtitle method

Bug Fixes:

  • dash: fix bug that prevented to play most dash contents with SegmentTemplate-based manifests
  • dash: it's now possible to play SegmentTimeline-based contents with a numbering scheme
  • dash/text: calculate the text track time offset for dynamic DASH contents (prevented most text tracks from live DASH contents to be displayed)
  • eme: fix EME issues when loading multiple videos in IE/Edge
  • api: The state of the player when ready to play with autoPlay === false is now "LOADED" and not "PAUSED"
  • api: fix infinite loading bug when a new content is synchronously launched as soon as the previous one is ended or fell on error
  • dash: allow absolute BaseURL in Periods
  • languages: avoid excessive re-downloads if a supplementaryTextTracks is provided and either a maxBufferBehind or a maxBufferAhead is set.
  • eme: the reason for the eme error KEY_STATUS_CHANGE_ERROR is now correctly filled in
  • eme: do not set widevine robustnesses for non-widevine key systems
  • languages: fix bug which led the text buffer to crash when the wantedBufferBehind option is set
  • languages: fix bug which led to TextTracks chunks being re-downloaded multiple times
  • speed: fix playback rate bug when setting it while the player is stalled
  • smooth: fix "fallback" callback in the segmentLoader API for smooth contents.
  • smooth: fix some minor risks of infinite rebuffering for live contents, when the isobmff's tfrf box is not well parsed.
  • buffer: avoid infinite player rebuffering when the manifest is not exactly aligned with the real duration of the content
  • buffer: avoid multiple causes of infinite player rebuffering by managing segment garbage collection
  • languages: getAudioTrack now always returns the currently set audio track
  • languages: getTextTrack now always returns the currently set text track

Other improvements

  • manifest: improve manifest refreshing logic, by not downloading it when unnecessary
  • smooth: begin to play arround 10s before the live edge instead of 20 seconds for smooth contents
  • network: the backoff algorithm has been refactored for better network error resilience
  • adaptive: improved ABR management to provide a better, faster and more stable bandwidth estimation
  • adaptive: add strategies for abrupt changes of bandwidth to avoid excessive re-buffering on network fluctuations
  • adaptive: the adaptive algorithm now take into account the current playback rate
  • doc: added file architecture documentation
  • tests: fixed and added integration tests
  • demo: the demo now manages most languages defined by in the ISO 639-3 standard

v2.3.2 (2017-07-25)

Bug Fixes

  • eme: update EME workflow to improve support (especially chromebooks)

v2.3.1 (2017-07-10)

Bug Fixes

  • buffer: improve buffer ranges "bookeeping" logic to avoid re-downloading the same segments

v2.3.0 (2017-07-07)


  • eme: add audioRobustnesses to loadVideo's keySystems argument (/!\ undocumented API - can break without official notice)
  • eme: add videoRobustnesses to loadVideo's keySystems argument (/!\ undocumented API - can break without official notice)
  • eme: add serverCertificate to loadVideo's keySystems argument
  • buffer: add {set,get}MaxBufferAhead methods
  • buffer: add {set,get}MaxBufferBehind methods
  • buffer: add {set,get}WantedBufferAhead methods replacing the deprecated buffer size methods


  • setVideoBufferSize has been deprecated in favor of setWantedBufferAhead
  • getVideoBufferSize has been deprecated in favor of getWantedBufferAhead
  • setAudioBufferSize has been deprecated in favor of setWantedBufferAhead
  • getAudioBufferSize has been deprecated in favor of getWantedBufferAhead

Bug Fixes

  • buffer: avoid some infinite re-buffering by re-calculating buffer ranges at every tick
  • eme: add eme support for some legacy browser without video or audio capabilities
  • general: add support for older browsers (which does not support array.prototype.{find,findIndex,includes})
  • general: use Object.assign ponyfill instead of the previous polyfill to avoid malicious interferences with other codebases

v2.2.1 (2017-06-27)

Bug fixes

  • adaptive: fix width limitation bug. Impacted limitVideoWidth + setMaxVideoBitrate APIs

v2.2.0 (2017-06-19)


  • position: add maximumBufferPosition to the positionUpdate event's payload to replace the previous "liveGap" from currentTimeChange event

Bug fixes

  • upgrade to rxjs 5.4.1 to escape memory leak
  • position: "liveGap" from currentTimeChange event now means the difference to the maximum "bufferisable" position to keep compatibility with the old API

v2.1.3 (2017-06-15)

Bug fixes

  • api: fix timeFragment.start handling

v2.1.2 (2017-06-14)

Bug fixes

  • stream: the BUFFER_APPEND_ERROR error, happening when a SourceBuffer.appendBuffer failed for an unknown reason, is now a fatal error for audio/video segments
  • eme: fix rxjs timeout management which prevented from playing DRM-protected contents
  • api: add securities to avoid useless errors to be thrown when the player (already) encounter an error
  • position: fix bug which prevented to seek at the beginning of the content with the new api
  • position: fix typo which prevented to perform absolute seeks with the new api
  • buffer: automatically seek if there is discontinuity in a live stream
  • adaptive: take the lowest bitrate (instead of the initial/default one) when the player is not displayed/too small

v2.1.1 (2017-06-02)

Bug fixes

  • hotfix: fixed rxjs imports
  • hotfix: the player can now be imported through a commonjs require
  • hotfix: the player could not play if the video element's width was too short
  • manifest: segment id were not always the same on a segmentLoader and on the API calls.
  • adaptive: setVideoBitrate now throw a more meaningful error if no content is playing
  • adaptive: setAudioBitrate now throw a more meaningful error if no content is playing
  • language: setSubtitle now throw a more meaningful error if no content is playing
  • language: setLanguage now throw a more meaningful error if no content is playing
  • language: isLanguageAvailable do not throw and return false if no content is playing
  • language: isSubtitleAvailable do not throw and return false if no content is playing

Other improvements

  • api: deprecated api now only warn once
  • tests: integration tests have been added
  • manifest: the manifest object and the management of its index has been refactored for future improvements

v2.1.0 (2017-05-29)


  • images/dash: add BIF support in DASH MPD
  • subtitles/smooth: add support for closed captions in smooth manifest
  • subtitles: add closed caption support in supplementaryTextTracks loadVideo arguments
  • position: add getMinimumPosition and getMaximumPosition methods
  • position: add startAt loadVideo argument (replace the timeFragment API)
  • position: add positionUpdate event
  • images: add getImageTrackData method
  • images: add imageTrackUpdate event
  • position: add possibility to use relative, absolute and wall-clock time on seekTo API
  • transport: add segmentLoader transportOption for constructor and loadVideo API
  • api: add setMaxAudioBitrate and setMaxVideoBitrate method
  • api: add exitFullscreen method
  • api: add ErrorTypes and ErrorCodes static properties
  • api: add getPosition method
  • api: add getWallClockTime method
  • manifest: add getCurrentRepresentations method
  • manifest: add getCurrentAdaptations method
  • api: add throttleWhenHidden option to constructor (to disable throttling when the current page is hidden for an extended time)
  • api: add limitVideoWidth option to constructor (to disable throttling to match the video element's width)
  • api: add initialAudioBitrate and initialVideoBitrate to constructor's options
  • api: add defaultTextTrack and defaultAudioTrack to loadVideo and constructor's options
  • languages: add getAvailableAudioTracks method with audio description support
  • languages: add getAvailableTextTracks method with closed caption support
  • languages: add getAudioTrack method with audio description support
  • languages: add getTextTrack method with closed caption support
  • languages: add setAudioTrack method with audio description support
  • languages: add setTextTrack method with closed caption support
  • audiotrack/dash: add audio description support in DASH MPD
  • subtitles/dash: add closed captions support in DASH MPD
  • subtitles/dash: add subtitles support in DASH MPD (only ttml for now)


  • position: the timeFragment API is deprecated (loadVideo's timeFragment argument, getStartTime, getEndTime and goToStart)
  • api: currentTimeChange event is replaced by the positionUpdate event
  • api: progress event is deprecated and not replaced
  • api: getImageTrack is replaced by the imageTrackUpdate event
  • api: loadVideo parameter subtitles is replaced by supplementaryTextTracks
  • api: loadVideo parameter images is replaced by supplementaryImageTracks
  • api: getVideoMaxBitrate is replaced by getMaxVideoBitrate
  • api: getAudioMaxBitrate is replaced by getMaxAudioBitrate
  • api: toggleDebug is deprecated and not replaced
  • api: hideDebug is deprecated and not replaced
  • api: showDebug is deprecated and not replaced
  • api: getDebug is deprecated and not replaced
  • api: asObservable is deprecated and not replaced
  • api: getAverageBitrates is deprecated and not replaced
  • api: getMetrics is deprecated and not replaced
  • position: using seekTo with a Number argument is deprecated.
  • position: getCurrentTime is deprecated in favor of getWallClockTime
  • api: setVideoMaxBitrate is replaced by setMaxVideoBitrate
  • api: setAudioMaxBitrate is replaced by setMaxAudioBitrate
  • api: using setFullscreen(false) is replaced by exitFullscreen
  • api: getErrorTypes method has been deprecated in favor of the ErrorTypes property
  • api: getErrorCodes method has been deprecated in favor of the ErrorCodes property
  • languages: initAudioBitrate option in constructor is deprecated in favor of initialAudioBitrate
  • languages: initVideoBitrate option in constructor is deprecated in favor of initialVideoBitrate
  • languages: defaultSubtitle option in constructor and loadVideo is deprecated in favor of defaultTextTrack
  • languages: defaultLanguage option in constructor and loadVideo is deprecated in favor of defaultAudioTrack
  • languages: getAvailableLanguages is deprecated in favor of getAvailableAudioTracks
  • languages: getAvailableSubtitles is deprecated in favor of getAvailableTextTracks
  • languages: getLanguage is deprecated in favor of getAudioTrack
  • languages: getSubtitle is deprecated in favor of getTextTrack
  • languages: isLanguageAvailable is deprecated and not replaced
  • languages: isSubtitleAvailable is deprecated and not replaced
  • languages: setLanguage is deprecated in favor of setAudioTrack
  • languages: setSubtitle is deprecated in favor of setTextTrack

Bug fixes

  • adaptive: fix a bug where it was impossible to switch between multiple videos representations with the same width
  • languages: fix bug where the user could switch to a closed caption track unknowngly
  • languages: fix bug where the user could switch to an audio description track unknowngly
  • manifest: improved and documented getManifest's return value
  • manifest: defined and documented a generic manifest object structure (slowly replacing the old object).
  • images: image playlists are now not re-fetched if the request failed (no retry)
  • dash: lowered security time raising the startup time for SegmentTemplate-based contents
  • api: getLanguage/getSubtitle returns now the language of the last chunk received, not the last set
  • manifest: fixed manifest-refreshing logic (mainly for live contents)
  • dash: fixed support for dash SegmentTimeline-based contents
  • api: differentiate unset default languages from empty strings
  • languages: handle undefined languages (to an empty string)
  • api: allow the player to be instanciated with no option
  • mp4: fix minor bugs with isobmff parsing
  • images: keep externally-given BIF track when the manifest is refreshed
  • timings: fix timeFragment arguments RegExp
  • subtitles: fix webVTT management for unsupported user agents
  • timings: fix calculation of the position and duration for non-dynamic contetns

Other improvements

  • documentation: The API documentation has been completely rewritten
  • manifest: The DASH manifest handling has been refactored
  • smooth: Smooth index handling has been completely separated from the DASH logic
  • tests: fix and re-wrote unit tests
  • documentation: Code documentation has been added
  • demo: The Demo has been completely rewritten
  • demo: The bundle has been removed from the code committed.

v2.0.0-alpha1 (2016-02-09)

  • RxJS: use RxJS5.beta1

  • Promise: remove es6-promise dependency and stop relying completely on promises

  • eme: improve IE11 and Edge support on EME

  • smooth: activate patch in place on non IE targets for less memory allocation

  • player: deprecate directFile api and skip MediaSource assert for directfile

  • player: clone array for getAvailableBitrates methods

  • player: fix when no adaptation or no representation

  • player: record subtitle state as empty string

  • buffer: start with buffer infos to cache infos asap

  • stream: start stalling system after having first metadata

  • refacto: clean pipelined objects and POO where needed

  • lint: add new rules (no-var, prefer-const, enforce brackets)

v1.4.0 (2016-01-26)


  • buffer: add garbage collector
  • player: emit currentTimeChange synchronously
  • player: add {defaultLanguage,defaultSubtitle} api
  • log: warn to info for some logs

Bug fixes

  • player: fix getAvailable* for direct files
  • player: fix subtle race on loadedmetadata after retry
  • eme: remove compat code for old chrome versions with eme flags
  • eme: always ask for temporary session type
  • eme: fix template error message
  • eme: improve persistent license support and compat
  • smooth: fix index timeline if no duration


  • allow to pass query parameters

v1.3.1 (2015-10-14)

Bug fixes

  • smooth: fix parseBoolean causing isLive to be always true

v1.3.0 (2015-10-14)


  • eme: license persistency support
  • timings: add progress sampling
  • compat: add firefox workaround for autoplay

v1.2.1 (2015-09-23)

Bug fixes

  • stream: do not stall on loadedmetadata event

v1.2.0 (2015-09-23)

This release introduces the use of ES6 classes for all modules that depends on a sort of class hierarchy. It comes with an upgrade of RxJSv3.1.1.

We also started using eslint as our main linter instead of jshint.


  • smooth: customizable parser (7b50ce9)
  • smooth: add application/smil as SAMI content-type (e0aa2bb)
  • improve video start time by ticking on loadedmetadata (27bd43c)
  • dash: incremental id from adaptations/representations (c24fecb)
  • stream: discontinuity check on each stalled tick (3a5b796)

Bug fixes

  • fix missing new on Promise (4679632)
  • compat: fix IE11 compat for setMediaKeys (2ccb11f)
  • player: fix synchronous dispose on loadVideo (dc79bd1)
  • pipelines: fix audio/video init segment caches (ea3422f)
  • stream: remove initial seek hack (ae0ac23)
  • player: fix getVideoLoaded/PlayedTime (63bf304)
  • player: fix getUrl (577ce87)
  • manifest: enforce id setting to parsers (927d275)

v1.1.0 (2015-08-14)


  • smoothstreaming transport support
  • api for initial aubio/video bitrate choice
  • simplify WebVTT support and implementation
  • allow percentage values on start/end time values

Bug fixes

  • fix local buffer representation out-of-sync with native ones
  • fix no retry for > 500 http codes
  • fix no MediaKeySession reuse on Chrome
  • fix quota error with MediaKeys attached to multiple video elements on Chrome

v1.0.0 (2015-06-16)

Initial public release.