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JUnit5 Redis Extension

GitHub tag (latest SemVer) License REUSE status

A JUnit5 extension to set up embedded Redis for tests.



Add to build.gradle.kts


A standard junit5 extension that will start an embedded Redis server on a random port before all tests in a class is run and shut it down after all tests are run. System property embedded-redis.port will be set to hold the port used by the Redis server.

Example on usage in test

class SomeIntegrationTest {

    fun doSomeTest() {
       val redisUri = URI.create("redis://localhost:" + System.getProperty("embedded-redis.port"))
       // Do something against the redis instance

If running multiple tests within the same JVM, a new Redis instance using a new random port will be created for each test instance. To enforce use of the same port for each test instance, the extension can be registered programmatically with the reusePort constructor parameter set to true.

How to test the software

./gradlew clean test


By default, the package uses Redis 6.0.5, as provided by the embedded-redis package. If you wish to use another Redis version, you can do so by setting the environment variable REDIS_SERVER to the path to your Redis-server executable, which the package will then use instead, by providing the path to the RedisServer constructor. t

Getting help

If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc, please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker.

Getting involved

General instructions for contributing CONTRIBUTING.


This software is released under the:

Apache License 2.0

Copyright 2018 Sveriges Television AB

Properties and various configuration files are released under CC0 1.0 Universal (Public Domain).

Primary Maintainer

Gustav Grusell