Install minikube by using link - https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/ 2. After installation start minikube
minikube start --cpus 2 --memory 8192
3. Install docker if it not installed on your machine
4. Install kubectl command line interface —----------https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl-linux/#install-kubectl-binary-with-curl-on-linux
5. Install helm
6. Add helm repo
helm repo add eclipse-iot https://eclipse.org/packages/charts
7. Install java 17 and maven 3.8.1
II. Clone the hono source code from git repo
git clone https://github.com/eclipse-hono/hono.git
III.Installing the chart
1.Create namespace kubectl create namespace hono 2.Go to source code folder i'e hono, build and push by using below command sudo mvn clean install -Pbuild-docker-image,metrics-prometheus,docker-push-image -Ddocker.registry-name=index.docker.io -Ddocker.image.org-name=xxxxxx -Ddocker.username=xxxxxx -Ddocker.password=xxxxx@123 Note: Use you own org name and docker credentials in above command
IV.Custom images: 1.To pull the custom images from repo create customImages.yaml file inside source code folder(hono folder) and enter below values
honoImagesTag: 2.2.0-SNAPSHOT deviceRegistryExample: mongoDBBasedDeviceRegistry: imageName: katkuriramesh/hono-service-device-registry-mongodb embeddedJdbcDeviceRegistry: imageName: katkuriramesh/hono-service-device-registry-jdbc authServer: imageName: katkuriramesh/hono-service-auth commandRouterService: imageName: katkuriramesh/hono-service-command-router adapters: amqp: imageName: katkuriramesh/hono-adapter-amqp mqtt: imageName: katkuriramesh/hono-adapter-mqtt http: imageName: katkuriramesh/hono-adapter-http
Note: use user orgname instead of katkuriramesh
2.Enter below command to expose the external ips
minikube tunnel
- Enter below command to pull the images, build and deploy it helm install eclipse-hono eclipse-iot/hono -n hono --wait -f customImages.yaml 4. verify your deployment by entering the below command and it will return list of pods kubectl get pods -n hono Ditto Deployment :
- Clone source code from below repo https://github.com/eclipse/ditto 2.Build Ditto with Maven: Maven clean install 3.Go to inside ditto folder and enter the following command sh build-images.sh 4.Go to ditto/deployment/docker folder and enter the following command docker-compose up -d
Hono cloud Deployment :
ref link : https://www.eclipse.org/hono/getting-started/
hono.eclipse.org hono.eclipseprojects.io ditto.eclipseprojects.io export REGISTRY_IP=hono.eclipseprojects.io export HTTP_ADAPTER_IP= hono.eclipseprojects.io export MQTT_ADAPTER_IP= hono.eclipseprojects.io export AMQP_NETWORK_IP= hono.eclipseprojects.io
1.Create tenent curl -i -X POST http://hono.eclipseprojects.io:28080/v1/tenants res: {"id":"3e966097-4196-46d3-a253-b184b3700c4c"}
2.Add device to above tenant and pass above id in url curl -i -X POST http://hono.eclipseprojects.io:28080/v1/devices/3e966097-4196-46d3-a253-b184b3700c4c res : "id":"7c7f4c15-cabc-41ef-a747-472b8d8f73d3"}
3.Setting a Password for the Device curl -i -X PUT -H "content-type: application/json" --data-binary '[{ "type": "hashed-password", "auth-id": "7c7f4c15-cabc-41ef-a747-472b8d8f73d3", "secrets": [{ "pwd-plain": "welcome@123" }] }]' http://hono.eclipseprojects.io:28080/v1/credentials/3e966097-4196-46d3-a253-b184b3700c4c/7c7f4c15-cabc-41ef-a747-472b8d8f73d3
4.Download client and run below command from directory: use this link to download client : https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/download.php?file=/hono/hono-cli-1.12.1-exec.jar
java -jar hono-cli-*-exec.jar --hono.client.host=hono.eclipseprojects.io --hono.client.port=15672 --hono.client.username=consumer@HONO --hono.client.password=verysecret --spring.profiles.active=receiver --tenant.id=impressico
5.Publishing Telemetry Data to the HTTP Adapter curl -i -u 7c7f4c15-cabc-41ef-a747-472b8d8f73d3@3e966097-4196-46d3-a253-b184b3700c4c:welcome@123 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{"temp": 5}' http://hono.eclipseprojects.io:8080/telemetry
6.Publishing Events to the HTTP Adapter curl -i -u 7c7f4c15-cabc-41ef-a747-472b8d8f73d3@3e966097-4196-46d3-a253-b184b3700c4c:welcome@123 -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-binary '{"alarm": "fire"}' http://hono.eclipseprojects.io:8080/event
7.Install mosquitto broker by using below link https://www.vultr.com/docs/install-mosquitto-mqtt-broker-on-ubuntu-20-04-server/
8.Publishing Telemetry Data to the MQTT Adapter mosquitto_pub -h hono.eclipseprojects.io -u 7c7f4c15-cabc-41ef-a747-472b8d8f73d3@3e966097-4196-46d3-a253-b184b3700c4c -P welcome@123 -t telemetry -m '{"temp": 5}'
9.Publishing Events to the MQTT Adapter mosquitto_pub -h hono.eclipseprojects.io -u 7c7f4c15-cabc-41ef-a747-472b8d8f73d3@3e966097-4196-46d3-a253-b184b3700c4c -P welcome@123 -t event -q 1 -m '{"alarm": "fire"}'