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The Scanner class

A Scanner object is used to scan for LE devices which are broadcasting advertising data. In most situations this will give a set of devices which are available for connection. (Note, however, that Bluetooth LE devices may accept connections without broadcasting advertising data, or may broadcast advertising data but may not accept connections).


.. function:: Scanner( [index=0] )

    Creates and initialises a new scanner object. *index* identifies the
    Bluetooth interface to use (where 0 is **/dev/hci0** etc). Scanning
    does not start until the *start()* or *scan()* methods are called -
    see below for details.

Instance Methods

.. function:: withDelegate(delegate)

    Stores a reference to a *delegate* object, which receives callbacks
    when broadcasts from devices are received. See the documentation for
    ``DefaultDelegate`` for details.

.. function:: scan( [timeout = 10] )

    Scans for devices for the given *timeout* in seconds. During this
    period, callbacks to the *delegate* object will be called. When the
    timeout ends, scanning will stop and the method will return a list
    (or a *view* on Python 3.x) of ``ScanEntry`` objects for all devices
    discovered during that time.

    *scan()* is equivalent to calling the *clear()*, *start()*,
    *process()* and *stop()* methods in order.

.. function:: clear()

    Clears the current set of discovered devices.

.. function:: start()

    Enables reception of advertising broadcasts from peripherals.
    Should be called before calling *process()*.

.. function:: process ( [timeout = 10] )

    Waits for advertising broadcasts and calls the *delegate* object
    when they are received. Returns after the given *timeout* period
    in seconds. This may be called multiple times (between calls to
    *start()* and *stop()* ).

.. function:: stop()

    Disables reception of advertising broadcasts. Should be called after
    *process()* has returned.

.. function:: getDevices()

    Returns a list (a *view* on Python 3.x) of ``ScanEntry`` objects for
    all devices which have been discovered (since the last *clear()* call).

Sample code

Basic code to run a LE device scan follows this example:

from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate

class ScanDelegate(DefaultDelegate):
    def __init__(self):

    def handleDiscovery(self, dev, isNewDev, isNewData):
        if isNewDev:
            print "Discovered device", dev.addr
        elif isNewData:
            print "Received new data from", dev.addr

scanner = Scanner().withDelegate(ScanDelegate())
devices = scanner.scan(10.0)

for dev in devices:
    print "Device %s (%s), RSSI=%d dB" % (dev.addr, dev.addrType, dev.rssi)
    for (adtype, desc, value) in dev.getScanData():
        print "  %s = %s" % (desc, value)

NOTE that LE scanning must be run as root.

See the documentation for ScanEntry for the information available via the dev parameter passed to the delegate.