In bluepy
, notifications are processed by creating a "delegate" object and
registering it with the Peripheral
. A method in the delegate is called whenever
a notification is received from the peripheral, as shown below:
.. function:: handleNotification(cHandle, data) Called when a notification has been received from a ``Peripheral``. Normally you will call the peripheral's ``waitForNotifications()`` method to allow this, but note that a Bluetooth LE device may transmit notifications at any time. This means that *handleNotification()* can potentially be called when any BluePy call is in progress. The *cHandle* parameter is the GATT 'handle' for the characteristic which is sending the notification. If a peripheral sends notifications for more than one characteristic, this may be used to distinguish them. The 'handle' value can be found by calling the ``getHandle()`` method of a ``Characteristic`` object. The *data* parameter is a ``str`` (Python 2.x) or ``bytes`` (Python 3.x) value containing the notification data. It is recommended you use Python's ``struct`` module to unpack this, to allow portability between language versions.
It is recommended that the class used for the delegate object is derived from
. This will ensure that an appropriate default method
exists for any future calls which may be added to the delegate interface.
Code to receive notifications from a peripheral can follow the outline below:
import btle class MyDelegate(btle.DefaultDelegate): def __init__(self, params): btle.DefaultDelegate.__init__(self) # ... initialise here def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data): # ... perhaps check cHandle # ... process 'data' # Initialisation ------- p = btle.Peripheral( address ) p.setDelegate( MyDelegate(params) ) # Setup to turn notifications on, e.g. # svc = p.getServiceByUUID( service_uuid ) # ch = svc.getCharacteristics( char_uuid )[0] # ch.write( setup_data ) # Main loop -------- while True: if p.waitForNotifications(1.0): # handleNotification() was called continue print "Waiting..." # Perhaps do something else here