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575: 8,22 - 576: -1,13 - 577: -1,11 - 579: -34,1 - 580: -34,-3 - 583: -31,-2 - 584: -30,-2 - 585: -31,0 - 586: -30,0 - 618: -22,0 - 619: -21,-2 - 620: -23,-2 - 621: -14,-1 - 673: -15,-8 - 674: -15,-7 - 675: -15,-6 - 676: -12,-8 - 677: -12,-7 - 678: -12,-6 - 713: 4,25 - 714: 4,28 - 715: 14,28 - 716: 14,25 - 717: 14,22 - 782: 29,-23 - 783: 29,-25 - 790: 32,-12 - 795: 32,-13 - 796: 31,-12 - 797: 32,-11 - 798: 33,-12 - 895: 23,-24 - 896: 23,-23 - 897: 28,-14 - 898: 27,-14 - 899: 34,-19 - 900: 34,-16 - 907: 17,-26 - 908: 23,-26 - 911: 17,-32 - 912: 16,-32 - 931: -20,-27 - 932: -19,-27 - 933: -20,-25 - 934: -19,-25 - 978: -5,-41 - 979: -5,-44 - 986: 3,-41 - 987: 3,-44 - 1222: 21,-27 - 1223: 20,-27 - 1224: 19,-27 + 235: -3,-13 + 236: 1,-13 + 237: -1,-12 + 282: 4,0 + 283: -6,0 + 379: -4,10 + 380: -4,15 + 384: -6,16 + 385: -6,17 + 386: -6,14 + 389: -7,28 + 390: -8,28 + 391: -9,28 + 392: -7,26 + 393: -8,26 + 394: -9,26 + 395: -7,24 + 396: -8,24 + 397: -9,24 + 398: -7,22 + 399: -8,22 + 400: -9,22 + 572: 9,15 + 574: 14,13 + 575: 14,11 + 576: 6,11 + 577: 6,13 + 582: 11,25 + 583: 8,22 + 584: -1,13 + 585: -1,11 + 587: -34,1 + 588: -34,-3 + 591: -31,-2 + 592: -30,-2 + 593: -31,0 + 594: -30,0 + 626: -22,0 + 627: -21,-2 + 628: -23,-2 + 629: -14,-1 + 681: -15,-8 + 682: -15,-7 + 683: -15,-6 + 684: -12,-8 + 685: -12,-7 + 686: -12,-6 + 721: 3,-18 + 722: 1,-17 + 723: -1,-16 + 724: -3,-17 + 725: -5,-18 + 726: 4,25 + 727: 4,28 + 728: 14,28 + 729: 14,25 + 730: 14,22 + 816: 29,-23 + 817: 29,-25 + 824: 32,-12 + 829: 32,-13 + 830: 31,-12 + 831: 32,-11 + 832: 33,-12 + 929: 23,-24 + 930: 23,-23 + 931: 28,-14 + 932: 27,-14 + 933: 34,-19 + 934: 34,-16 + 941: 17,-26 + 942: 23,-26 + 945: 17,-32 + 946: 16,-32 + 983: -20,-27 + 984: -19,-27 + 985: -20,-25 + 986: -19,-25 + 1030: -5,-41 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BotLeft decals: - 573: 8,25 - 791: 33,-11 - 792: 31,-13 - 982: -6,-42 - 983: -6,-43 - 984: 4,-43 - 985: 4,-42 + 314: 13,-14 + 315: 13,-15 + 581: 8,25 + 825: 33,-11 + 826: 31,-13 + 1161: -7,-42 + 1162: -7,-43 + 1163: -7,-41 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BotRight decals: - 793: 33,-13 - 794: 31,-11 - 1151: 13,-15 - 1152: 13,-14 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: Box - decals: - 1295: -12,4 + 827: 33,-13 + 828: 31,-11 + 1164: 5,-41 + 1165: 5,-42 + 1166: 5,-43 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkCornerNe decals: - 1093: 19,15 + 1137: 19,15 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkCornerNw decals: - 1099: 17,15 - 1296: 32,-33 + 1143: 17,15 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkCornerSe decals: - 1097: 19,11 + 1141: 19,11 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkCornerSw decals: - 1098: 17,11 + 1142: 17,11 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkLineE decals: - 1094: 19,14 - 1095: 19,13 - 1096: 19,12 - 1107: 33,21 - 1108: 33,22 + 1138: 19,14 + 1139: 19,13 + 1140: 19,12 + 1151: 33,21 + 1152: 33,22 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkLineN decals: - 1101: 18,15 - 1297: 33,-33 - 1298: 34,-33 + 1145: 18,15 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkLineS decals: - 1100: 18,11 + 1144: 18,11 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: BrickTileDarkLineW decals: - 1102: 17,12 - 1103: 17,13 - 1104: 17,14 - 1105: 23,21 - 1106: 23,22 - 1299: 32,-35 - 1300: 32,-34 - - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: BrickTileSteelCornerNe - decals: - 1290: 7,-10 - - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: BrickTileSteelCornerNw - decals: - 1118: 3,-10 - - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: BrickTileSteelCornerSe - decals: - 1119: 5,-14 - - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: BrickTileSteelCornerSw - decals: - 1114: 3,-14 - - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: BrickTileSteelInnerNe - decals: - 1294: 7,-12 - - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: BrickTileSteelInnerSe - decals: - 1141: 13,-12 - 1293: 5,-12 - - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: BrickTileSteelInnerSw - decals: - 1134: 9,-12 - - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: BrickTileSteelLineE - decals: - 1121: 5,-13 - 1138: 13,-15 - 1139: 13,-14 - 1140: 13,-13 - 1289: 7,-11 - - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: BrickTileSteelLineN - decals: - 1125: 15,-12 - 1126: 14,-12 - 1127: 13,-12 - 1128: 12,-12 - 1129: 11,-12 - 1130: 10,-12 - 1131: 9,-12 - 1132: 8,-12 - 1142: 16,-12 - 1291: 6,-10 - 1292: 5,-10 - - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: BrickTileSteelLineS - decals: - 1120: 4,-14 - 1133: 8,-12 - 1143: 16,-12 - 1144: 15,-12 - 1145: 14,-12 - 1287: 6,-12 - 1288: 7,-12 - - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: BrickTileSteelLineW - decals: - 1115: 3,-13 - 1116: 3,-12 - 1117: 3,-11 - 1135: 9,-13 - 1136: 9,-14 - 1137: 9,-15 - - node: - color: '#9FED5896' - id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNe - decals: - 1157: 1,-16 - 1162: 4,-19 - - node: - color: '#9FED5896' - id: BrickTileWhiteCornerNw - decals: - 1158: -3,-16 - 1161: -6,-19 - - node: - color: '#9FED5896' - id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSe - decals: - 1159: 4,-20 - - node: - color: '#9FED5896' - id: BrickTileWhiteCornerSw - decals: - 1160: -6,-20 - - node: - color: '#9FED5896' - id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNe - decals: - 1164: 1,-19 - - node: - color: '#9FED5896' - id: BrickTileWhiteInnerNw - decals: - 1163: -3,-19 - - node: - color: '#9FED5896' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineE - decals: - 1165: 1,-18 - - node: - color: '#79150096' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineN - decals: - 1220: 33,-32 - - node: - color: '#9FED5896' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineN - decals: - 1166: 2,-19 - 1176: 0,-16 - 1177: -2,-16 + 1146: 17,12 + 1147: 17,13 + 1148: 17,14 + 1149: 23,21 + 1150: 23,22 - node: - color: '#A4610696' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineN - decals: - 1218: 30,-32 - - node: - color: '#D4D4D428' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineN - decals: - 1221: 32,-32 - - node: - color: '#D4D4D496' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineN - decals: - 1217: 29,-32 - - node: - color: '#DE3A3A96' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineN + color: '#1861D5FF' + id: BrickTileWhiteBox decals: - 1219: 31,-32 + 1155: 32,-29 - node: - color: '#334E6DC8' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + color: '#18A2D5FF' + id: BrickTileWhiteBox decals: - 1212: 29,-29 + 1156: 31,-29 - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + color: '#32CD32FF' + id: BrickTileWhiteBox decals: - 1216: 33,-29 + 1160: 34,-31 - node: - color: '#9FED5896' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + color: '#888C88FF' + id: BrickTileWhiteBox decals: - 1167: 2,-20 - 1168: 1,-20 - 1169: 0,-20 - 1170: -2,-20 - 1171: -3,-20 - 1172: -4,-20 - 1173: -5,-20 - 1184: 3,-20 - 1214: 31,-29 + 1157: 31,-31 - node: - color: '#D381C996' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + color: '#951710FF' + id: BrickTileWhiteBox decals: - 1213: 30,-29 + 1154: 33,-29 - node: - color: '#EFB34196' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineS + color: '#A020F0FF' + id: BrickTileWhiteBox decals: - 1215: 32,-29 + 1159: 33,-31 - node: - color: '#9FED5896' - id: BrickTileWhiteLineW + color: '#A05212FF' + id: BrickTileWhiteBox decals: - 1174: -3,-18 - 1175: -3,-17 + 1158: 32,-31 - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: Bushb1 + color: '#D58C18FF' + id: BrickTileWhiteBox decals: - 1233: -9,6 + 1153: 34,-29 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushb3 decals: - 451: 10,8 - 725: 9.488686,-17.018105 + 459: 10,8 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushc1 decals: - 722: -11.564524,-16.986855 + 755: -11.564524,-16.986855 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushe1 decals: 150: 25.445843,7.7053776 179: 11.130266,-9.945588 - 316: -4,18 - 457: 10.845012,7.992337 + 324: -4,18 + 465: 10.845012,7.992337 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushe2 @@ -652,9 +494,8 @@ entities: decals: 151: 28.82894,6.877252 152: 23.178217,6.861627 - 315: 2,18 - 458: 9.048137,8.023587 - 1113: 17.154882,7.7859535 + 323: 2,18 + 466: 9.048137,8.023587 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushe4 @@ -666,49 +507,46 @@ entities: id: Bushf1 decals: 178: 9.755266,-9.992463 - 456: 10.782512,8.007962 + 464: 10.782512,8.007962 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushf2 decals: 177: 10.411516,-10.008088 - 314: -4,18 - 455: 9.141887,8.007962 + 322: -4,18 + 463: 9.141887,8.007962 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushf3 decals: 176: 14.052141,-10.008088 - 313: 2,18 + 321: 2,18 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushg1 decals: - 648: -11.486805,2.0009332 + 656: -11.486805,2.0009332 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushh1 decals: - 312: -4,18 - 459: 13.141887,8.086087 - 460: 6.0012617,8.086087 - 467: 8.798137,7.961087 - 723: -10.814524,-16.955605 - 727: 8.848061,-16.97123 + 320: -4,18 + 467: 13.141887,8.086087 + 468: 6.0012617,8.086087 + 475: 8.798137,7.961087 + 756: -10.814524,-16.955605 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushh2 decals: - 724: -12.142649,-17.03373 + 757: -12.142649,-17.03373 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushh3 decals: 185: 10.099016,-9.945588 - 311: 2,18 - 466: 11.282512,7.929837 - 726: 10.098061,-16.97123 - 1110: 16.470638,7.9648323 + 319: 2,18 + 474: 11.282512,7.929837 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushi1 @@ -722,25 +560,26 @@ entities: 173: 17.014437,2.9736261 174: 16.998812,6.958001 175: 17.020891,-5.0002565 - 197: -3.9782841,6.046785 - 200: -8.985234,-13.989886 - 642: -16.924305,2.0790582 - 643: -10.93993,2.0321832 - 711: -5.975403,-22.996408 + 195: 7.009032,-9.986469 + 198: -3.9782841,6.046785 + 201: -8.985234,-13.989886 + 650: -16.924305,2.0790582 + 651: -10.93993,2.0321832 + 719: -5.975403,-22.996408 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushi2 decals: 172: 19.006546,-8.953819 - 195: 6.9877787,-14.02815 - 196: -8.025159,5.99991 - 201: -9.047734,-10.021136 - 712: 3.9464722,-22.996408 + 196: 6.9877787,-14.02815 + 197: -8.025159,5.99991 + 202: -9.047734,-10.021136 + 720: 3.9464722,-22.996408 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushi3 decals: - 644: -12.93993,1.9853082 + 652: -12.93993,1.9853082 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushj1 @@ -751,23 +590,23 @@ entities: id: Bushj2 decals: 169: 20.959995,-9.000694 - 461: 13.579387,8.023587 + 469: 13.579387,8.023587 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushj3 decals: - 463: 6.5325117,8.164212 + 471: 6.5325117,8.164212 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushk2 decals: - 310: 4,16 + 318: 4,16 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushk3 decals: 148: 20.972792,7.5335026 - 646: -16.03368,2.0478082 + 654: -16.03368,2.0478082 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushl1 @@ -777,13 +616,13 @@ entities: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushl2 decals: - 645: -15.03368,2.0165582 + 653: -15.03368,2.0165582 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushl4 decals: - 647: -12.00243,1.9853082 - 710: -6.022278,-23.574533 + 655: -12.00243,1.9853082 + 718: -6.022278,-23.574533 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushm1 @@ -793,31 +632,25 @@ entities: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushm2 decals: - 222: 3.9493294,6.054844 - 707: 4.008972,-23.668283 + 223: 3.9493294,6.054844 + 715: 4.008972,-23.668283 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushm3 decals: 146: 30.208385,7.5960026 - 223: -9.056177,3.4392257 - 708: 4.008972,-22.558908 + 224: -9.056177,3.4392257 + 716: 4.008972,-22.558908 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushm4 decals: - 709: -6.022278,-22.512033 + 717: -6.022278,-22.512033 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Bushn1 decals: - 199: 34.054134,-1.0223641 - - node: - angle: 3.141592653589793 rad - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: Caution - decals: - 1286: 23,-27 + 200: 34.054134,-1.0223641 - node: color: '#52B4E996' id: CheckerNESW @@ -835,6 +668,11 @@ entities: 78: 9,-6 79: 9,-7 80: 9,-8 + - node: + color: '#9FED5896' + id: CheckerNESW + decals: + 1210: -22,-17 - node: color: '#D4D4D428' id: CheckerNWSE @@ -845,27 +683,18 @@ entities: 30: 21,1 31: 22,0 32: 23,-1 - 1185: -1,-19 - 1186: -1,-18 - 1187: -1,-17 - 1188: 0,-18 - 1189: -2,-18 - 1190: 0,-17 - 1191: -2,-17 - 1192: -2,-19 - 1193: 0,-19 - node: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: Delivery decals: - 524: 13,32 - 525: 12,32 - 526: 6,32 - 527: 5,32 - 528: 3,32 - 529: 3,30 - 530: 15,30 - 532: 15,32 + 532: 13,32 + 533: 12,32 + 534: 6,32 + 535: 5,32 + 536: 3,32 + 537: 3,30 + 538: 15,30 + 540: 15,32 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Delivery @@ -876,89 +705,38 @@ entities: 48: 32,-6 99: 12,1 100: 14,1 - 379: -8,17 - 380: -8,16 - 393: -10,22 - 394: -10,24 - 395: -10,26 - 396: -10,28 - 401: -14,30 - 402: -14,31 - 405: -14,22 - 406: -14,21 - 407: -14,20 - 581: -32,-2 - 582: -32,0 - 718: 6,-16 - 719: 7,-16 - 720: -9,-16 - 721: -8,-16 - 784: 29,-24 - 904: 32,-15 - 905: 16,-24 - 913: 15,-32 - 929: -21,-27 - 930: -21,-25 - 980: -6,-41 - 981: -6,-44 - 988: 4,-44 - 989: 4,-41 - 1231: 22,-26 - 1232: 18,-26 - 1242: -4,-35 - 1243: -5,-35 - 1244: -6,-35 - 1245: 2,-35 - 1246: 3,-35 - 1247: 4,-35 - 1248: 12,-30 - 1249: 13,-30 - 1250: 12,-21 - 1251: 13,-21 - 1252: -15,-21 - 1253: -14,-21 - 1254: -14,-30 - 1255: -15,-30 - 1256: -5,-6 - 1257: -5,-5 - 1258: -6,-4 - 1259: -7,-4 - 1260: -7,2 - 1261: -6,2 - 1262: -5,3 - 1263: -5,4 - 1264: 3,3 - 1265: 3,4 - 1266: 4,2 - 1267: 5,2 - 1268: 5,-4 - 1269: 4,-4 - 1270: 3,-5 - 1271: 3,-6 - 1272: -9,-12 - 1273: -14,-17 - 1279: -10,33 - - node: - color: '#52B4E996' - id: DeliveryGreyscale - decals: - 1122: 4,-7 - 1123: 17,-7 - 1124: 17,-12 - 1146: 16,-12 - 1147: 8,-12 - 1148: 16,-7 - 1149: 12,-4 - 1150: 14,-4 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: DeliveryGreyscale - decals: - 1274: 4,-8 - 1275: -6,-8 - 1276: -6,6 - 1277: 7,3 - 1278: 17,5 + 387: -8,17 + 388: -8,16 + 401: -10,22 + 402: -10,24 + 403: -10,26 + 404: -10,28 + 409: -14,30 + 410: -14,31 + 413: -14,22 + 414: -14,21 + 415: -14,20 + 589: -32,-2 + 590: -32,0 + 751: 6,-16 + 752: 7,-16 + 753: -9,-16 + 754: -8,-16 + 818: 29,-24 + 938: 32,-15 + 939: 16,-24 + 947: 15,-32 + 981: -21,-27 + 982: -21,-25 + 1031: -6,-41 + 1032: -6,-44 + 1033: 4,-41 + 1167: -7,-44 + 1168: -5,-44 + 1169: 3,-44 + 1170: 5,-44 + 1171: 4,-44 + 1172: 4,-40 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: DirtLight @@ -979,10 +757,10 @@ entities: id: Flowersbr1 decals: 189: 7.054346,-5.972798 - 217: -8.98181,3.039219 - 218: 4.0382257,5.992344 - 640: -12.455555,2.0009332 - 704: -5.959778,-23.277658 + 218: -8.98181,3.039219 + 219: 4.0382257,5.992344 + 648: -12.455555,2.0009332 + 712: -5.959778,-23.277658 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Flowersbr2 @@ -991,7 +769,7 @@ entities: 163: 21.006866,-8.969444 164: 21.928741,-8.985069 165: 32.30374,-9.031944 - 639: -17.09618,2.0009332 + 647: -17.09618,2.0009332 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Flowersbr3 @@ -1000,7 +778,7 @@ entities: 138: 20.33454,7.330377 139: 26.99079,6.721002 188: 6.991846,-5.004048 - 209: -4.0670047,-7.975866 + 210: -4.0670047,-7.975866 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Flowerspv1 @@ -1008,18 +786,17 @@ entities: 166: 31.131866,-9.000694 167: 20.241241,-8.953819 168: 32.80374,-9.000694 - 219: 7.0694757,4.992344 - 220: 3.9757257,7.992344 - 1156: 7,-8 + 220: 7.0694757,4.992344 + 221: 3.9757257,7.992344 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Flowerspv2 decals: 194: 5.962157,-7.9708443 - 206: -7.8673525,-7.959863 - 641: -14.90868,2.0634332 - 705: 4.102722,-23.308908 - 706: -5.991028,-22.152658 + 207: -7.8673525,-7.959863 + 649: -14.90868,2.0634332 + 713: 4.102722,-23.308908 + 714: -5.991028,-22.152658 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Flowerspv3 @@ -1027,9 +804,8 @@ entities: 134: 21.940147,6.877252 135: 26.987022,7.6116276 136: 32.829765,6.955377 - 207: -8.9611025,-5.006738 - 309: 4,16 - 1155: -9,-8 + 208: -8.9611025,-5.006738 + 317: 4,16 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Flowersy1 @@ -1039,13 +815,13 @@ entities: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Flowersy2 decals: - 216: -8.91931,3.929844 + 217: -8.91931,3.929844 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Flowersy3 decals: - 221: 1.9913507,6.023594 - 703: -5.975403,-23.949533 + 222: 1.9913507,6.023594 + 711: -5.975403,-23.949533 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Flowersy4 @@ -1060,12 +836,10 @@ entities: 182: 15.052141,-10.039338 183: 9.052141,-9.976838 184: 13.005266,-9.992463 - 208: -9.0236025,-5.991113 - 462: 6.6731367,7.961087 - 638: -13.12743,2.0009332 - 702: 4.024597,-22.012033 - 1111: 6.9923015,5.882874 - 1112: 6.0391765,5.945374 + 209: -9.0236025,-5.991113 + 470: 6.6731367,7.961087 + 646: -13.12743,2.0009332 + 710: 4.024597,-22.012033 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale @@ -1075,23 +849,23 @@ entities: 11: 25,-1 12: 27,-2 39: 25,0 - 679: -24,-5 - 680: -22,-5 - 681: -20,-5 - 682: -18,-5 - 683: -19,-6 - 684: -18,-7 - 685: -19,-8 - 686: -18,-9 - 687: -20,-9 - 688: -22,-9 - 689: -21,-8 - 690: -21,-6 - 691: -20,-7 - 692: -23,-8 - 693: -23,-6 - 694: -24,-7 - 695: -24,-9 + 687: -24,-5 + 688: -22,-5 + 689: -20,-5 + 690: -18,-5 + 691: -19,-6 + 692: -18,-7 + 693: -19,-8 + 694: -18,-9 + 695: -20,-9 + 696: -22,-9 + 697: -21,-8 + 698: -21,-6 + 699: -20,-7 + 700: -23,-8 + 701: -23,-6 + 702: -24,-7 + 703: -24,-9 - node: color: '#52B4E996' id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale @@ -1105,42 +879,41 @@ entities: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale decals: - 479: 14,28 - 480: 14,25 - 481: 14,22 - 482: 4,25 - 483: 4,28 - 499: 9,27 - 500: 9,28 - 501: 9,29 - 502: 9,30 - 503: 9,31 - 504: 9,32 + 487: 14,28 + 488: 14,25 + 489: 14,22 + 490: 4,25 + 491: 4,28 + 507: 9,27 + 508: 9,28 + 509: 9,29 + 510: 9,30 + 511: 9,31 + 512: 9,32 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: FullTileOverlayGreyscale decals: - 823: 19,-23 - 824: 20,-23 - 825: 21,-23 + 857: 19,-23 + 858: 20,-23 + 859: 21,-23 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Grassa4 decals: - 454: 14,8 + 462: 14,8 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Grassb1 decals: - 452: 9,8 - 464: 11.391887,8.179837 - 465: 7.2825117,8.054837 + 460: 9,8 + 472: 11.391887,8.179837 + 473: 7.2825117,8.054837 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Grassb5 decals: - 453: 13,8 - 1109: 16.017513,8.027332 + 461: 13,8 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Grassd1 @@ -1152,14 +925,14 @@ entities: 127: 24.842615,8.147985 128: 19.093754,6.9448605 160: 32.92874,-8.891319 - 635: -12.75243,1.9384332 + 643: -12.75243,1.9384332 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Grassd3 decals: 192: 2.0715318,-7.9395943 - 634: -14.955555,2.0165582 - 701: 3.9620972,-23.215158 + 642: -14.955555,2.0165582 + 709: 3.9620972,-23.215158 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Grasse1 @@ -1172,11 +945,11 @@ entities: 122: 29.242098,7.9917355 156: 20.2297,-9.031944 157: 30.694366,-8.953819 - 203: -8.907109,-5.8244467 - 212: 1.9943819,6.0206404 - 213: 3.947507,8.005015 - 636: -11.986805,1.9696832 - 700: -6.084778,-23.808908 + 204: -8.907109,-5.8244467 + 213: 1.9943819,6.0206404 + 214: 3.947507,8.005015 + 644: -11.986805,1.9696832 + 708: -6.084778,-23.808908 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Grasse2 @@ -1186,17 +959,15 @@ entities: 115: 21.070223,7.2411613 116: 20.007723,6.9442863 187: 7.054346,-5.004048 - 204: -8.985234,-5.0900717 - 205: -3.9383593,-7.9338217 - 210: -8.996265,3.0206404 - 211: -8.965015,3.9112654 - 215: 6.954139,4.9425154 - 633: -15.861805,1.9071832 - 637: -11.049305,1.8915582 - 698: 3.9464722,-22.418283 - 699: -5.928528,-22.652658 - 1153: 7,-8 - 1154: -9,-8 + 205: -8.985234,-5.0900717 + 206: -3.9383593,-7.9338217 + 211: -8.996265,3.0206404 + 212: -8.965015,3.9112654 + 216: 6.954139,4.9425154 + 641: -15.861805,1.9071832 + 645: -11.049305,1.8915582 + 706: 3.9464722,-22.418283 + 707: -5.928528,-22.652658 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: Grasse3 @@ -1214,81 +985,81 @@ entities: 159: 21.444366,-8.953819 186: 7.023096,-5.941548 191: 5.962157,-8.002094 - 198: 34.00726,-1.0379891 - 202: -7.9071093,-7.9963217 - 214: 4.041257,6.0675154 - 308: 4,16 - 632: -16.674305,2.0478082 - 696: 4,-24 - 697: -6,-22 + 199: 34.00726,-1.0379891 + 203: -7.9071093,-7.9963217 + 215: 4.041257,6.0675154 + 316: 4,16 + 640: -16.674305,2.0478082 + 704: 4,-24 + 705: -6,-22 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale decals: - 288: -1,1 - 655: -11,-5 - 656: -12,-5 - 657: -13,-5 - 658: -14,-5 - 659: -15,-5 - 660: -16,-5 + 294: -1,1 + 663: -11,-5 + 664: -12,-5 + 665: -13,-5 + 666: -14,-5 + 667: -15,-5 + 668: -16,-5 - node: color: '#9FED5896' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale decals: 88: 10,1 - 361: 1,16 - 362: 0,16 - 363: -1,16 - 364: -2,16 - 365: -3,16 - 562: 7,15 - 731: 8,-20 - 734: 10,-20 - 735: 12,-20 - 740: -10,-20 - 741: -12,-20 - 742: -14,-20 + 369: 1,16 + 370: 0,16 + 371: -1,16 + 372: -2,16 + 373: -3,16 + 570: 7,15 + 761: 8,-20 + 764: 10,-20 + 765: 12,-20 + 774: -10,-20 + 775: -12,-20 + 776: -14,-20 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale decals: - 321: -8,11 - 322: -9,11 - 323: -10,11 - 324: -11,11 - 333: -12,16 - 334: -13,16 - 335: -14,16 - 423: -7,31 - 424: -8,31 - 425: -9,31 - 426: -11,31 + 329: -8,11 + 330: -9,11 + 331: -10,11 + 332: -11,11 + 341: -12,16 + 342: -13,16 + 343: -14,16 + 431: -7,31 + 432: -8,31 + 433: -9,31 + 434: -11,31 - node: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale decals: 86: 13,1 87: 11,1 - 556: 13,15 - 557: 10,15 - 558: 8,15 - 752: 28,-9 - 753: 27,-9 - 754: 26,-9 - 755: 25,-9 - 756: 24,-9 + 564: 13,15 + 565: 10,15 + 566: 8,15 + 786: 28,-9 + 787: 27,-9 + 788: 26,-9 + 789: 25,-9 + 790: 24,-9 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: - 617: -22,-2 - 649: -16,-9 - 650: -15,-9 - 651: -14,-9 - 652: -13,-9 - 653: -12,-9 - 654: -11,-9 + 625: -22,-2 + 657: -16,-9 + 658: -15,-9 + 659: -14,-9 + 660: -13,-9 + 661: -12,-9 + 662: -11,-9 - node: color: '#52B4E996' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 @@ -1299,66 +1070,68 @@ entities: color: '#9FED5896' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: - 353: 1,8 - 354: 0,8 - 355: -1,8 - 356: -2,8 - 357: -3,8 - 547: 13,10 - 548: 12,10 - 549: 11,10 - 550: 10,10 - 551: 9,10 - 552: 8,10 - 553: 7,10 - 578: 10,-3 - 732: 9,-19 - 733: 11,-19 - 743: -11,-19 - 744: -13,-19 + 361: 1,8 + 362: 0,8 + 363: -1,8 + 364: -2,8 + 365: -3,8 + 555: 13,10 + 556: 12,10 + 557: 11,10 + 558: 10,10 + 559: 9,10 + 560: 8,10 + 561: 7,10 + 586: 10,-3 + 740: 3,-20 + 745: -5,-20 + 762: 9,-19 + 763: 11,-19 + 777: -11,-19 + 778: -13,-19 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: - 327: -8,9 - 328: -10,9 - 329: -11,9 - 330: -9,9 - 331: -13,15 - 332: -14,15 - 340: -12,15 - 440: -8,19 - 441: -9,19 - 442: -10,19 + 335: -8,9 + 336: -10,9 + 337: -11,9 + 338: -9,9 + 339: -13,15 + 340: -14,15 + 348: -12,15 + 448: -8,19 + 449: -9,19 + 450: -10,19 - node: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: - 291: 13,3 - 292: 15,3 - 293: 11,3 - 518: 10,21 - 519: 9,21 + 297: 13,3 + 298: 15,3 + 299: 11,3 + 526: 10,21 + 527: 9,21 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: - 817: 15,-22 - 818: 16,-22 - 819: 17,-22 - 820: 18,-22 - 821: 19,-22 - 822: 20,-22 - 826: 21,-22 - 842: 26,-27 - 843: 25,-27 - 844: 24,-27 - 865: 28,-19 - 866: 27,-19 - 867: 23,-19 - 868: 22,-19 - 869: 30,-19 - 870: 34,-19 + 851: 15,-22 + 852: 16,-22 + 853: 17,-22 + 854: 18,-22 + 855: 19,-22 + 856: 20,-22 + 860: 21,-22 + 876: 26,-27 + 877: 25,-27 + 878: 24,-27 + 899: 28,-19 + 900: 27,-19 + 901: 23,-19 + 902: 22,-19 + 903: 30,-19 + 904: 34,-19 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 @@ -1372,6 +1145,15 @@ entities: 19: 29,-2 33: 25,-3 44: 25,-2 + - node: + color: '#52B4E996' + id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 + decals: + 240: 3,-14 + 241: 3,-13 + 242: 3,-12 + 243: 3,-11 + 249: 3,-10 - node: color: '#9FED5896' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 @@ -1379,63 +1161,65 @@ entities: 96: 9,-2 97: 9,-1 98: 9,0 - 563: 6,14 - 601: -26,-1 - 738: -8,-18 - 917: -14,-24 - 919: -14,-26 - 920: -14,-28 + 571: 6,14 + 609: -26,-1 + 743: -6,-19 + 750: -6,-17 + 772: -8,-18 + 971: -14,-24 + 973: -14,-26 + 974: -14,-28 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 decals: - 326: -12,10 - 341: -4,11 - 342: -4,12 - 343: -4,13 - 428: -12,30 - 429: -12,29 - 430: -12,28 - 431: -12,27 - 432: -12,26 - 433: -12,25 - 434: -12,24 - 435: -12,23 - 436: -12,22 - 437: -12,21 - 438: -12,20 + 334: -12,10 + 349: -4,11 + 350: -4,12 + 351: -4,13 + 436: -12,30 + 437: -12,29 + 438: -12,28 + 439: -12,27 + 440: -12,26 + 441: -12,25 + 442: -12,24 + 443: -12,23 + 444: -12,22 + 445: -12,21 + 446: -12,20 - node: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 decals: - 484: 5,24 - 485: 5,25 - 486: 5,26 - 487: 5,27 - 488: 5,28 - 489: 5,29 - 505: 11,16 - 506: 11,17 - 507: 11,18 - 508: 11,19 - 509: 11,20 - 554: 6,12 - 571: 8,22 - 572: 8,23 + 492: 5,24 + 493: 5,25 + 494: 5,26 + 495: 5,27 + 496: 5,28 + 497: 5,29 + 513: 11,16 + 514: 11,17 + 515: 11,18 + 516: 11,19 + 517: 11,20 + 562: 6,12 + 579: 8,22 + 580: 8,23 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale270 decals: - 827: 23,-21 - 828: 23,-22 - 829: 23,-23 - 830: 23,-24 - 831: 23,-25 - 832: 23,-27 - 891: 19,-19 - 892: 19,-17 - 893: 19,-16 - 894: 19,-14 + 861: 23,-21 + 862: 23,-22 + 863: 23,-23 + 864: 23,-24 + 865: 23,-25 + 866: 23,-27 + 925: 19,-19 + 926: 19,-17 + 927: 19,-16 + 928: 19,-14 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90 @@ -1456,458 +1240,465 @@ entities: 93: 15,-2 94: 15,-1 95: 15,0 - 351: 2,9 - 359: 2,15 - 560: 14,14 - 587: -11,-1 - 729: 6,-18 - 916: -15,-23 - 918: -15,-25 - 921: -15,-27 + 359: 2,9 + 367: 2,15 + 568: 14,14 + 595: -11,-1 + 737: 4,-17 + 738: 4,-19 + 759: 6,-18 + 970: -15,-23 + 972: -15,-25 + 975: -15,-27 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90 decals: - 325: -7,10 - 412: -6,20 - 413: -6,22 - 414: -6,23 - 415: -6,24 - 416: -6,25 - 417: -6,26 - 418: -6,27 - 419: -6,28 - 420: -6,29 - 421: -6,30 + 333: -7,10 + 420: -6,20 + 421: -6,22 + 422: -6,23 + 423: -6,24 + 424: -6,25 + 425: -6,26 + 426: -6,27 + 427: -6,28 + 428: -6,29 + 429: -6,30 - node: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90 decals: - 239: -5,-14 - 240: -5,-13 - 241: -5,-12 - 242: -5,-11 - 243: -5,-10 - 366: 2,10 - 367: 2,11 - 368: 2,12 - 369: 2,13 - 370: 2,14 - 490: 13,21 - 491: 13,22 - 492: 13,23 - 493: 13,24 - 494: 13,25 - 495: 13,27 - 496: 13,26 - 497: 13,28 - 498: 13,29 - 510: 12,16 - 511: 12,17 - 512: 12,18 - 513: 12,19 - 514: 12,20 - 555: 14,12 + 244: -5,-14 + 245: -5,-13 + 246: -5,-12 + 247: -5,-11 + 248: -5,-10 + 374: 2,10 + 375: 2,11 + 376: 2,12 + 377: 2,13 + 378: 2,14 + 498: 13,21 + 499: 13,22 + 500: 13,23 + 501: 13,24 + 502: 13,25 + 503: 13,27 + 504: 13,26 + 505: 13,28 + 506: 13,29 + 518: 12,16 + 519: 12,17 + 520: 12,18 + 521: 12,19 + 522: 12,20 + 563: 14,12 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: HalfTileOverlayGreyscale90 decals: - 833: 27,-27 - 834: 27,-26 - 835: 27,-22 - 836: 27,-21 - 837: 27,-24 - 838: 27,-23 - 839: 27,-25 - 846: 21,-21 + 867: 27,-27 + 868: 27,-26 + 869: 27,-22 + 870: 27,-21 + 871: 27,-24 + 872: 27,-23 + 873: 27,-25 + 880: 21,-21 - node: angle: -3.141592653589793 rad color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: LoadingArea decals: - 373: -4,9 - 374: -4,14 + 381: -4,9 + 382: -4,14 - node: angle: -1.5707963267948966 rad color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: LoadingArea decals: - 397: -14,25 - 398: -14,27 - 403: -13,30 - 404: -13,31 - 408: -13,20 - 409: -13,21 - 410: -13,22 + 405: -14,25 + 406: -14,27 + 411: -13,30 + 412: -13,31 + 416: -13,20 + 417: -13,21 + 418: -13,22 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: LoadingArea decals: 101: 14,0 102: 12,0 - 237: 1,-12 - 238: -3,-12 - 565: 9,14 - 906: 16,-25 + 238: 1,-12 + 239: -3,-12 + 573: 9,14 + 940: 16,-25 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale decals: 15: 23,0 35: 28,-3 - 278: -4,1 - 279: -4,-1 - 280: -4,-2 - 285: -3,1 - 286: -2,1 - 290: -4,-3 - 615: -23,0 - 972: -3,-42 + 284: -4,1 + 285: -4,-1 + 286: -4,-2 + 291: -3,1 + 292: -2,1 + 296: -4,-3 + 623: -23,0 + 1024: -3,-42 - node: color: '#52B4E996' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale decals: - 306: 10,-13 + 312: 10,-13 - node: color: '#9FED5896' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale decals: - 231: -2,-10 - 256: -7,1 - 257: -7,0 - 258: -4,4 - 259: -3,4 - 260: -2,4 - 598: -26,0 - 599: -25,0 - 600: -24,0 - 624: -33,5 - 625: -32,5 - 924: -21,-23 - 939: 8,-31 - 940: 9,-31 - 941: 10,-31 - 942: 11,-31 - 943: 12,-22 - 955: 2,-32 - 956: 3,-32 - 957: 4,-32 - 958: 6,-32 - 959: 7,-32 + 232: -2,-10 + 262: -7,1 + 263: -7,0 + 264: -4,4 + 265: -3,4 + 266: -2,4 + 606: -26,0 + 607: -25,0 + 608: -24,0 + 632: -33,5 + 633: -32,5 + 733: -2,-16 + 991: 8,-31 + 992: 9,-31 + 993: 10,-31 + 994: 11,-31 + 995: 12,-22 + 1007: 2,-32 + 1008: 3,-32 + 1009: 4,-32 + 1010: 6,-32 + 1011: 7,-32 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale decals: - 253: -7,3 - 254: -7,4 - 255: -6,4 - 346: -8,17 - 349: -8,16 - - node: - color: '#D4D4D428' - id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale - decals: - 1197: 0,-20 - 1198: -1,-20 - 1199: -2,-20 - 1200: -3,-20 - 1201: -4,-20 - 1202: -5,-20 - 1203: 1,-20 - 1204: 2,-20 - 1205: 3,-20 + 259: -7,3 + 260: -7,4 + 261: -6,4 + 354: -8,17 + 357: -8,16 - node: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale decals: - 232: -3,-11 - 544: 11,15 - 758: 19,-11 - 759: 20,-11 + 233: -3,-11 + 552: 11,15 + 792: 19,-11 + 793: 20,-11 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale decals: - 871: 30,-16 - 872: 31,-16 - 876: 19,-25 + 905: 30,-16 + 906: 31,-16 + 910: 19,-25 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: 20: 29,-2 34: 24,1 - 960: 1,-38 - 961: 2,-38 - 962: 3,-38 - 963: 4,-38 - 970: 4,-37 - 971: 4,-36 - 973: 1,-44 + 1012: 1,-38 + 1013: 2,-38 + 1014: 3,-38 + 1015: 4,-38 + 1022: 4,-37 + 1023: 4,-36 + 1025: 1,-44 - node: color: '#52B4E996' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: - 244: 4,-6 - 245: 5,-6 - 246: 5,-5 - 303: 12,-15 + 250: 4,-6 + 251: 5,-6 + 252: 5,-5 + 309: 12,-15 - node: color: '#9FED5896' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: - 229: 0,-14 - 271: 0,-6 - 272: 1,-6 - 273: 2,-6 - 274: 5,-3 - 275: 5,-2 - 605: -20,-2 - 606: -19,-2 - 607: -18,-2 - 608: -17,-2 - 609: -16,-2 - 610: -15,-2 - 611: -14,-2 - 612: -13,-2 - 613: -12,-2 - 614: -11,-2 - 628: -30,4 - 629: -31,4 - 737: -9,-17 - 745: -15,-19 - 746: 0,-24 - 747: 0,-23 - 748: 0,-22 - 927: -19,-29 + 230: 0,-14 + 277: 0,-6 + 278: 1,-6 + 279: 2,-6 + 280: 5,-3 + 281: 5,-2 + 613: -20,-2 + 614: -19,-2 + 615: -18,-2 + 616: -17,-2 + 617: -16,-2 + 618: -15,-2 + 619: -14,-2 + 620: -13,-2 + 621: -12,-2 + 622: -11,-2 + 636: -30,4 + 637: -31,4 + 736: 1,-18 + 741: 1,-20 + 742: 0,-20 + 749: 2,-20 + 771: -9,-17 + 779: -15,-19 + 780: 0,-24 + 781: 0,-23 + 782: 0,-22 + 979: -19,-29 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: - 344: -6,14 - - node: - color: '#D4D4D428' - id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 - decals: - 1194: -2,-16 - 1195: -1,-16 - 1196: 0,-16 - 1206: 1,-19 - 1207: 2,-19 - 1208: 3,-19 - 1209: -3,-19 - 1210: -4,-19 - 1211: -5,-19 + 352: -6,14 - node: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: - 294: 10,3 - 515: 12,21 + 300: 10,3 + 523: 12,21 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: - 807: 13,-29 - 808: 17,-28 - 809: 16,-28 - 810: 15,-28 - 811: 14,-28 - 812: 17,-27 - 840: 23,-27 - 877: 21,-27 - 928: -19,-30 + 841: 13,-29 + 842: 17,-28 + 843: 16,-28 + 844: 15,-28 + 845: 14,-28 + 846: 17,-27 + 874: 23,-27 + 911: 21,-27 + 980: -19,-30 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 decals: 40: 28,-3 - 964: -3,-38 - 965: -4,-38 - 966: -6,-38 - 967: -5,-38 - 968: -6,-37 - 969: -6,-36 - 974: -3,-44 + 1016: -3,-38 + 1017: -4,-38 + 1018: -6,-38 + 1019: -5,-38 + 1020: -6,-37 + 1021: -6,-36 + 1026: -3,-44 - node: color: '#52B4E996' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 decals: - 304: 10,-15 + 310: 10,-15 - node: color: '#9FED5896' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 decals: - 228: -2,-14 - 266: -7,-2 - 267: -7,-3 - 268: -4,-6 - 269: -3,-6 - 270: -2,-6 - 602: -26,-2 - 603: -25,-2 - 604: -24,-2 - 630: -32,4 - 631: -33,4 - 728: 7,-17 - 736: 13,-19 - 749: -2,-24 - 750: -2,-23 - 751: -2,-22 - 915: -14,-22 - 925: -21,-30 - 926: -21,-29 - 944: 12,-29 - 945: 12,-28 - 946: 12,-24 - 947: 12,-25 - 948: 12,-26 - 949: 12,-27 + 229: -2,-14 + 272: -7,-2 + 273: -7,-3 + 274: -4,-6 + 275: -3,-6 + 276: -2,-6 + 610: -26,-2 + 611: -25,-2 + 612: -24,-2 + 638: -32,4 + 639: -33,4 + 735: -3,-18 + 746: -4,-20 + 747: -3,-20 + 748: -2,-20 + 758: 7,-17 + 766: 13,-19 + 783: -2,-24 + 784: -2,-23 + 785: -2,-22 + 969: -14,-22 + 978: -21,-30 + 996: 12,-29 + 997: 12,-28 + 998: 12,-24 + 999: 12,-25 + 1000: 12,-26 + 1001: 12,-27 + 1173: -22,-29 + 1174: -21,-29 + 1199: -22,-28 + 1200: -22,-27 + 1201: -22,-26 + 1202: -22,-25 + 1203: -22,-24 + 1204: -22,-23 + 1205: -22,-22 + 1206: -22,-21 + 1207: -22,-20 + 1208: -22,-19 + 1209: -22,-18 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 decals: - 345: -8,14 + 353: -8,14 - node: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 decals: - 247: -6,-6 - 248: -7,-6 - 249: -7,-5 - 516: 13,21 - 517: 11,21 + 253: -6,-6 + 254: -7,-6 + 255: -7,-5 + 524: 13,21 + 525: 11,21 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 decals: - 841: 27,-27 - 878: 19,-27 + 875: 27,-27 + 912: 19,-27 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 decals: 41: 24,1 - 281: 2,-2 - 282: 2,-1 - 283: 2,1 - 284: 1,1 - 287: 0,1 - 289: 2,-3 - 616: -21,0 - 975: 1,-42 + 287: 2,-2 + 288: 2,-1 + 289: 2,1 + 290: 1,1 + 293: 0,1 + 295: 2,-3 + 624: -21,0 + 1027: 1,-42 - node: color: '#52B4E996' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 decals: - 233: 1,-11 - 305: 12,-13 + 234: 1,-11 + 311: 12,-13 - node: color: '#9FED5896' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 decals: - 230: 0,-10 - 261: 0,4 - 262: 1,4 - 263: 2,4 - 264: 5,1 - 265: 5,0 - 588: -11,0 - 589: -12,0 - 590: -13,0 - 591: -14,0 - 592: -15,0 - 593: -16,0 - 594: -17,0 - 595: -18,0 - 596: -20,0 - 597: -19,0 - 626: -31,5 - 627: -30,5 - 922: -15,-29 - 923: -19,-23 - 935: -10,-31 - 936: -12,-31 - 937: -11,-31 - 938: -13,-31 - 950: -4,-32 - 951: -5,-32 - 952: -6,-32 - 953: -8,-32 - 954: -9,-32 + 231: 0,-10 + 267: 0,4 + 268: 1,4 + 269: 2,4 + 270: 5,1 + 271: 5,0 + 596: -11,0 + 597: -12,0 + 598: -13,0 + 599: -14,0 + 600: -15,0 + 601: -16,0 + 602: -17,0 + 603: -18,0 + 604: -20,0 + 605: -19,0 + 634: -31,5 + 635: -30,5 + 734: 0,-16 + 976: -15,-29 + 977: -19,-23 + 987: -10,-31 + 988: -12,-31 + 989: -11,-31 + 990: -13,-31 + 1002: -4,-32 + 1003: -5,-32 + 1004: -6,-32 + 1005: -8,-32 + 1006: -9,-32 + 1197: -20,-17 + 1198: -20,-23 + 1211: -21,-17 + 1212: -20,-18 + 1213: -20,-19 + 1214: -20,-20 + 1215: -20,-21 + 1216: -20,-22 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 decals: - 347: -6,17 - 348: -6,16 + 355: -6,17 + 356: -6,16 - node: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 decals: - 250: 5,3 - 251: 5,4 - 252: 4,4 - 295: 15,6 - 296: 14,6 - 297: 13,6 - 298: 12,6 - 299: 11,6 - 300: 10,6 - 543: 12,15 - 757: 22,-11 - 760: 21,-11 + 256: 5,3 + 257: 5,4 + 258: 4,4 + 301: 15,6 + 302: 14,6 + 303: 13,6 + 304: 12,6 + 305: 11,6 + 306: 10,6 + 551: 12,15 + 791: 22,-11 + 794: 21,-11 - node: color: '#EFB34196' id: QuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 decals: - 805: 13,-22 - 806: 13,-23 - 813: 17,-25 - 814: 17,-24 - 815: 15,-24 - 816: 14,-24 - 845: 21,-22 - 873: 34,-16 - 874: 33,-16 - 875: 21,-25 + 839: 13,-22 + 840: 13,-23 + 847: 17,-25 + 848: 17,-24 + 849: 15,-24 + 850: 14,-24 + 879: 21,-22 + 907: 34,-16 + 908: 33,-16 + 909: 21,-25 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: StandClear decals: - 779: 32,-21 + 813: 32,-21 - node: color: '#9FED5896' id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale decals: 91: 9,1 - 225: -3,-10 - 358: -4,16 - 561: 6,15 - 622: -34,5 + 226: -3,-10 + 366: -4,16 + 569: 6,15 + 630: -34,5 + 732: -3,-16 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale decals: - 318: -12,11 - 337: -15,16 - 427: -12,31 + 326: -12,11 + 345: -15,16 + 435: -12,31 - node: color: '#9FED5896' id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: 92: 15,-3 - 227: 1,-14 - 352: 2,8 - 546: 14,10 - 739: -9,-19 + 228: 1,-14 + 360: 2,8 + 554: 14,10 + 739: 4,-20 + 773: -9,-19 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale180 decals: - 319: -7,9 - 339: -11,15 - 411: -6,19 + 327: -7,9 + 347: -11,15 + 419: -6,19 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 @@ -1920,23 +1711,24 @@ entities: id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 decals: 90: 9,-3 - 226: -3,-14 - 350: -4,8 - 545: 6,10 - 623: -34,4 - 730: 7,-19 + 227: -3,-14 + 358: -4,8 + 553: 6,10 + 631: -34,4 + 744: -6,-20 + 760: 7,-19 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 decals: - 320: -12,9 - 336: -15,15 - 439: -12,19 + 328: -12,9 + 344: -15,15 + 447: -12,19 - node: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale270 decals: - 570: 8,21 + 578: 8,21 - node: color: '#334E6DC8' id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 @@ -1949,16 +1741,17 @@ entities: id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 decals: 89: 15,1 - 224: 1,-10 - 360: 2,16 - 559: 14,15 + 225: 1,-10 + 368: 2,16 + 567: 14,15 + 731: 1,-16 - node: color: '#A4610696' id: ThreeQuarterTileOverlayGreyscale90 decals: - 317: -7,11 - 338: -11,16 - 422: -6,31 + 325: -7,11 + 346: -11,16 + 430: -6,31 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnBox @@ -1969,175 +1762,152 @@ entities: 26: 34,4 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: WarnCornerSE + id: WarnCornerNW decals: - 1281: 20,-30 + 1187: -35,-28 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnCornerSW decals: - 1280: 24,-30 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: WarnCornerSmallGreyscaleNE - decals: - 1241: 28,-32 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: WarnCornerSmallGreyscaleNW - decals: - 1240: 34,-32 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: WarnCornerSmallGreyscaleSE - decals: - 1239: 28,-29 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: WarnCornerSmallGreyscaleSW - decals: - 1238: 34,-29 + 1186: -35,-29 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnCornerSmallNE decals: - 890: 21,-19 - 903: 31,-16 + 924: 21,-19 + 937: 31,-16 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnCornerSmallNW decals: - 889: 23,-19 - 902: 33,-16 + 923: 23,-19 + 936: 33,-16 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnCornerSmallSE decals: - 773: 29,-21 - 887: 21,-15 + 807: 29,-21 + 921: 21,-15 - node: angle: 1.5707963267948966 rad color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnCornerSmallSE decals: - 767: 29,-27 + 801: 29,-27 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnCornerSmallSW decals: - 888: 23,-15 + 922: 23,-15 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnLineE decals: - 468: 3,30 - 469: 3,31 - 472: 3,32 - 477: 10,28 - 774: 29,-26 - 775: 29,-25 - 776: 29,-24 - 777: 29,-23 - 778: 29,-22 - 859: 29,-19 - 860: 29,-18 - 861: 29,-17 - 884: 21,-18 - 885: 21,-17 - 886: 21,-16 - 1284: 20,-29 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: WarnLineGreyscaleE - decals: - 1181: 1,-17 - 1236: 28,-31 - 1237: 28,-30 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: WarnLineGreyscaleN - decals: - 1179: 3,-19 - 1180: -1,-16 - 1182: -4,-19 - 1183: -5,-19 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: WarnLineGreyscaleS - decals: - 1178: -1,-20 - - node: - color: '#FFFFFFFF' - id: WarnLineGreyscaleW - decals: - 1234: 34,-31 - 1235: 34,-30 + 476: 3,30 + 477: 3,31 + 480: 3,32 + 485: 10,28 + 808: 29,-26 + 809: 29,-25 + 810: 29,-24 + 811: 29,-23 + 812: 29,-22 + 893: 29,-19 + 894: 29,-18 + 895: 29,-17 + 918: 21,-18 + 919: 21,-17 + 920: 21,-16 + 948: 21,-32 + 949: 21,-31 + 950: 21,-30 + 951: 24,-32 + 952: 24,-31 + 953: 24,-30 - node: color: '#DE3A3A96' id: WarnLineN decals: - 522: 13,31 - 523: 5,31 - 536: 12,31 - 538: 12,31 - 539: 13,31 - 540: 5,31 - 541: 6,31 - 542: 6,31 + 530: 13,31 + 531: 5,31 + 544: 12,31 + 546: 12,31 + 547: 13,31 + 548: 5,31 + 549: 6,31 + 550: 6,31 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnLineN decals: - 667: -11,-9 - 668: -12,-9 - 669: -13,-9 - 670: -14,-9 - 671: -15,-9 - 672: -16,-9 - 768: 34,-21 - 769: 33,-21 - 770: 32,-21 - 771: 31,-21 - 772: 30,-21 - 800: 34,-14 - 801: 33,-14 - 802: 32,-14 - 803: 31,-14 - 804: 30,-14 - 853: 26,-20 - 854: 25,-20 - 855: 24,-20 - 856: 21,-20 - 857: 20,-20 - 858: 19,-20 - 882: 22,-15 - 1225: 19,-26 - 1226: 20,-26 - 1227: 21,-26 - 1282: 19,-30 - 1283: 25,-30 + 675: -11,-9 + 676: -12,-9 + 677: -13,-9 + 678: -14,-9 + 679: -15,-9 + 680: -16,-9 + 767: 12,-21 + 768: 13,-21 + 769: -15,-21 + 770: -14,-21 + 802: 34,-21 + 803: 33,-21 + 804: 32,-21 + 805: 31,-21 + 806: 30,-21 + 834: 34,-14 + 835: 33,-14 + 836: 32,-14 + 837: 31,-14 + 838: 30,-14 + 887: 26,-20 + 888: 25,-20 + 889: 24,-20 + 890: 21,-20 + 891: 20,-20 + 892: 19,-20 + 916: 22,-15 + 964: 24,-32 + 965: 23,-32 + 966: 21,-32 + 967: 20,-32 + 1188: -34,-29 + 1189: -33,-29 + 1190: -32,-29 + 1191: -31,-29 + 1192: -29,-29 + 1193: -28,-29 + 1194: -27,-29 + 1195: -25,-29 + 1196: -24,-29 + 1223: -26,-29 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnLineS decals: - 443: -14,25 - 444: -14,27 - 445: -14,26 - 446: -14,24 - 447: -14,28 - 448: -14,29 - 449: -14,23 - 470: 15,30 - 471: 15,31 - 478: 8,28 - 531: 15,32 - 862: 29,-19 - 863: 29,-18 - 864: 29,-17 - 879: 23,-18 - 880: 23,-17 - 881: 23,-16 - 1285: 24,-29 + 451: -14,25 + 452: -14,27 + 453: -14,26 + 454: -14,24 + 455: -14,28 + 456: -14,29 + 457: -14,23 + 478: 15,30 + 479: 15,31 + 486: 8,28 + 539: 15,32 + 896: 29,-19 + 897: 29,-18 + 898: 29,-17 + 913: 23,-18 + 914: 23,-17 + 915: 23,-16 + 954: 20,-32 + 955: 20,-31 + 956: 20,-30 + 957: 23,-32 + 958: 23,-31 + 959: 23,-30 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WarnLineW @@ -2145,164 +1915,176 @@ entities: 81: 11,-8 82: 12,-8 83: 13,-8 - 450: -10,31 - 661: -11,-5 - 662: -12,-5 - 663: -13,-5 - 664: -14,-5 - 665: -15,-5 - 666: -16,-5 - 763: 34,-27 - 764: 33,-27 - 765: 32,-27 - 766: 30,-27 - 788: 31,-27 - 847: 26,-20 - 848: 24,-20 - 849: 25,-20 - 850: 21,-20 - 851: 20,-20 - 852: 19,-20 - 883: 22,-19 - 901: 32,-16 - 1228: 21,-26 - 1229: 20,-26 - 1230: 19,-26 + 458: -10,31 + 669: -11,-5 + 670: -12,-5 + 671: -13,-5 + 672: -14,-5 + 673: -15,-5 + 674: -16,-5 + 797: 34,-27 + 798: 33,-27 + 799: 32,-27 + 800: 30,-27 + 822: 31,-27 + 881: 26,-20 + 882: 24,-20 + 883: 25,-20 + 884: 21,-20 + 885: 20,-20 + 886: 19,-20 + 917: 22,-19 + 935: 32,-16 + 960: 23,-30 + 961: 24,-30 + 962: 21,-30 + 963: 20,-30 + 1175: -24,-28 + 1176: -25,-28 + 1177: -26,-28 + 1178: -27,-28 + 1179: -28,-28 + 1180: -29,-28 + 1181: -30,-28 + 1182: -31,-28 + 1183: -32,-28 + 1184: -33,-28 + 1185: -34,-28 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WoodTrimThinInnerNe decals: - 1030: 24,21 - 1063: -24,2 - 1091: 22,10 + 1074: 24,21 + 1107: -24,2 + 1135: 22,10 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WoodTrimThinInnerNw decals: - 1031: 32,21 - 1089: 34,10 + 1075: 32,21 + 1133: 34,10 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WoodTrimThinInnerSe decals: - 1082: -3,-28 - 1090: 22,13 + 1126: -3,-28 + 1134: 22,13 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WoodTrimThinInnerSw decals: - 1081: 1,-28 - 1092: 34,13 + 1125: 1,-28 + 1136: 34,13 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WoodTrimThinLineE decals: - 990: 20,19 - 991: 20,20 - 992: 20,21 - 993: 20,22 - 994: 20,18 - 1000: 18,18 - 1001: 18,19 - 1002: 18,20 - 1003: 18,21 - 1004: 18,22 - 1013: 30,18 - 1014: 30,17 - 1015: 30,16 - 1021: 24,22 - 1059: -24,3 - 1060: -24,4 - 1061: -24,5 - 1062: -24,6 - 1064: -23,10 - 1065: -23,11 - 1085: 22,11 - 1086: 22,12 + 1034: 20,19 + 1035: 20,20 + 1036: 20,21 + 1037: 20,22 + 1038: 20,18 + 1044: 18,18 + 1045: 18,19 + 1046: 18,20 + 1047: 18,21 + 1048: 18,22 + 1057: 30,18 + 1058: 30,17 + 1059: 30,16 + 1065: 24,22 + 1103: -24,3 + 1104: -24,4 + 1105: -24,5 + 1106: -24,6 + 1108: -23,10 + 1109: -23,11 + 1129: 22,11 + 1130: 22,12 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WoodTrimThinLineN decals: - 1008: 26,18 - 1009: 27,18 - 1010: 28,18 - 1011: 29,18 - 1012: 30,18 - 1023: 31,21 - 1024: 30,21 - 1025: 29,21 - 1026: 28,21 - 1027: 27,21 - 1028: 26,21 - 1029: 25,21 - 1043: 23,10 - 1044: 24,10 - 1045: 25,10 - 1046: 26,10 - 1047: 27,10 - 1048: 28,10 - 1049: 29,10 - 1050: 30,10 - 1051: 31,10 - 1052: 32,10 - 1053: 33,10 - 1054: -19,2 - 1055: -20,2 - 1056: -21,2 - 1057: -22,2 - 1058: -23,2 - 1073: -22,8 - 1074: -23,8 - 1075: -24,8 - 1076: -25,8 - 1077: -26,8 + 1052: 26,18 + 1053: 27,18 + 1054: 28,18 + 1055: 29,18 + 1056: 30,18 + 1067: 31,21 + 1068: 30,21 + 1069: 29,21 + 1070: 28,21 + 1071: 27,21 + 1072: 26,21 + 1073: 25,21 + 1087: 23,10 + 1088: 24,10 + 1089: 25,10 + 1090: 26,10 + 1091: 27,10 + 1092: 28,10 + 1093: 29,10 + 1094: 30,10 + 1095: 31,10 + 1096: 32,10 + 1097: 33,10 + 1098: -19,2 + 1099: -20,2 + 1100: -21,2 + 1101: -22,2 + 1102: -23,2 + 1117: -22,8 + 1118: -23,8 + 1119: -24,8 + 1120: -25,8 + 1121: -26,8 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WoodTrimThinLineS decals: - 1016: 30,16 - 1017: 29,16 - 1018: 28,16 - 1019: 27,16 - 1020: 26,16 - 1032: 33,13 - 1033: 32,13 - 1034: 31,13 - 1035: 30,13 - 1036: 29,13 - 1037: 28,13 - 1038: 27,13 - 1039: 26,13 - 1040: 23,13 - 1041: 24,13 - 1042: 25,13 - 1068: -22,12 - 1069: -23,12 - 1070: -24,12 - 1071: -25,12 - 1072: -26,12 - 1078: 0,-28 - 1079: -1,-28 - 1080: -2,-28 - 1083: 1,0 - 1084: -3,0 + 1060: 30,16 + 1061: 29,16 + 1062: 28,16 + 1063: 27,16 + 1064: 26,16 + 1076: 33,13 + 1077: 32,13 + 1078: 31,13 + 1079: 30,13 + 1080: 29,13 + 1081: 28,13 + 1082: 27,13 + 1083: 26,13 + 1084: 23,13 + 1085: 24,13 + 1086: 25,13 + 1112: -22,12 + 1113: -23,12 + 1114: -24,12 + 1115: -25,12 + 1116: -26,12 + 1122: 0,-28 + 1123: -1,-28 + 1124: -2,-28 + 1127: 1,0 + 1128: -3,0 - node: color: '#FFFFFFFF' id: WoodTrimThinLineW decals: - 995: 19,18 - 996: 19,19 - 997: 19,20 - 998: 19,21 - 999: 19,22 - 1005: 26,16 - 1006: 26,17 - 1007: 26,18 - 1022: 32,22 - 1066: -25,10 - 1067: -25,11 - 1087: 34,11 - 1088: 34,12 + 1039: 19,18 + 1040: 19,19 + 1041: 19,20 + 1042: 19,21 + 1043: 19,22 + 1049: 26,16 + 1050: 26,17 + 1051: 26,18 + 1066: 32,22 + 1110: -25,10 + 1111: -25,11 + 1131: 34,11 + 1132: 34,12 - type: GridAtmosphere version: 2 data: @@ -2332,39 +2114,39 @@ entities: 0: 3 1: 15116 -3,-2: - 1: 47931 + 1: 47923 -3,-1: - 1: 49027 + 1: 48003 -3,-5: 1: 47359 -3,0: - 1: 33679 + 1: 33675 -2,-4: 1: 60941 -2,-3: 1: 20207 -2,-2: 1: 60997 - -2,-1: - 1: 26470 -2,-5: - 1: 56829 + 1: 55805 + -2,-1: + 1: 26214 -2,0: - 1: 58983 + 1: 58982 -1,-4: - 1: 65167 + 1: 65038 -1,-3: - 1: 36591 + 1: 3823 -1,-2: - 1: 65421 + 1: 65293 -1,-1: 1: 65520 -1,-5: - 1: 65535 + 1: 65279 -1,0: 1: 61695 0,-4: - 1: 64271 + 1: 64267 0,-3: 1: 3007 0,-2: @@ -2372,33 +2154,33 @@ entities: 0,-1: 1: 30576 0,-5: - 1: 65535 + 1: 64511 0,0: 1: 61559 1,-4: 1: 15117 1,-3: - 1: 8191 + 1: 2875 1,-2: - 1: 47901 + 1: 47877 1,-1: - 1: 49075 + 1: 48051 1,-5: - 1: 65021 + 1: 56573 1,0: - 1: 62399 - 2,-3: - 1: 3599 - 2,-1: - 1: 61408 + 1: 62395 2,-4: 1: 61152 + 2,-3: + 1: 3598 2,-2: 1: 61166 - 2,0: - 1: 61679 + 2,-1: + 1: 61152 2,-5: - 1: 24831 + 1: 26367 + 2,0: + 1: 61678 3,-4: 1: 15291 3,-3: @@ -2406,29 +2188,23 @@ entities: 3,-2: 1: 65535 3,-1: - 1: 65525 + 1: 65520 3,-5: - 1: 14771 + 1: 14515 3,0: 1: 62975 4,-4: - 1: 11259 - 4,-3: - 1: 41647 - 4,-2: - 1: 43186 - 4,-1: - 1: 44968 + 1: 3003 -5,0: 1: 15119 -4,1: 1: 3003 -5,1: - 1: 7163 + 1: 3003 -4,2: 1: 48059 -5,2: - 1: 64443 + 1: 48059 -4,3: 1: 65291 -5,3: @@ -2437,7 +2213,7 @@ entities: -4,4: 1: 49407 -3,1: - 1: 2875 + 1: 827 -3,2: 1: 65535 -3,3: @@ -2453,27 +2229,27 @@ entities: -2,4: 1: 29303 -1,1: - 1: 36239 + 1: 3343 -1,2: 1: 65535 -1,3: 1: 65535 -1,4: - 1: 52623 + 1: 52495 0,1: 1: 1295 0,2: - 1: 63351 + 1: 30583 0,3: - 1: 30711 + 1: 30583 0,4: 1: 5383 1,1: - 1: 3459 + 1: 387 1,2: - 1: 64781 + 1: 56589 1,3: - 1: 52733 + 1: 52701 1,4: 1: 63297 2,2: @@ -2483,25 +2259,29 @@ entities: 2,1: 1: 3822 2,4: - 1: 48058 + 1: 48050 3,1: 1: 4095 3,2: - 1: 63238 + 1: 30470 3,3: - 1: 30711 - 3,4: - 1: 56661 - 4,0: - 1: 43183 + 1: 30583 4,1: 1: 41208 4,2: - 1: 65291 + 1: 65288 4,3: 1: 65535 + 4,-3: + 1: 41614 + 4,-2: + 1: 43170 + 4,-1: + 1: 43688 + 4,0: + 1: 43178 4,-5: - 1: 35769 + 1: 35768 5,-4: 1: 4095 5,-3: @@ -2547,15 +2327,15 @@ entities: 8,-1: 1: 20831 4,4: - 1: 56719 + 1: 56591 5,1: 1: 61695 5,2: - 1: 64783 + 1: 56591 5,3: - 1: 54751 + 1: 53725 5,4: - 1: 57293 + 1: 56781 6,1: 1: 61183 6,2: @@ -2563,13 +2343,13 @@ entities: 6,3: 1: 57599 6,4: - 1: 61422 + 1: 61166 7,1: 1: 57599 7,2: 1: 65294 7,3: - 1: 61951 + 1: 61695 7,4: 1: 65535 8,0: @@ -2611,7 +2391,7 @@ entities: 2,-9: 1: 65280 3,-8: - 1: 15355 + 1: 15291 3,-7: 1: 65535 3,-6: @@ -2619,66 +2399,65 @@ entities: 3,-9: 1: 13056 4,-8: - 1: 1019 - 2: 34816 + 1: 35771 4,-7: - 1: 49075 + 1: 48051 4,-6: 1: 65427 4,-9: 1: 32768 5,-8: - 1: 61183 - 2: 4352 + 2: 819 + 1: 62532 + 3: 2184 5,-7: - 1: 49080 + 1: 48048 5,-6: 1: 48056 5,-9: 1: 61440 + 0: 64 6,-8: - 1: 35000 - 3: 13056 + 3: 273 + 1: 12834 6,-7: - 1: 65528 + 1: 65520 6,-6: 1: 65535 6,-9: - 0: 8192 - 1: 34944 + 1: 12288 7,-8: - 1: 65535 - 7,-9: 1: 65520 7,-7: 1: 61152 7,-6: 1: 61166 8,-8: - 1: 30583 + 1: 30576 8,-7: 1: 30576 8,-6: 1: 30583 8,-5: - 1: 30577 + 1: 30576 -4,-8: 1: 26350 -5,-8: 1: 16143 -4,-7: - 1: 30326 + 1: 26214 -5,-7: - 1: 64507 + 1: 48059 -4,-6: 1: 26342 -5,-6: - 1: 59 + 1: 4411 0: 32768 -5,-5: 0: 34952 + 1: 4369 -4,-9: - 1: 60928 + 1: 61070 -3,-8: 1: 28799 -3,-7: @@ -2686,13 +2465,13 @@ entities: -3,-6: 1: 4095 -3,-9: - 1: 65280 + 1: 65295 -2,-8: 1: 65327 -2,-7: 1: 8191 -2,-6: - 1: 1397 + 1: 1365 -2,-9: 1: 65484 -1,-9: @@ -2747,15 +2526,17 @@ entities: 1,8: 1: 6 2,5: - 1: 65528 + 1: 65520 2,6: 1: 28927 2,7: 1: 30583 2,8: 1: 7 + 3,4: + 1: 56656 3,5: - 1: 16305 + 1: 16304 3,6: 1: 46075 3,7: @@ -2768,24 +2549,22 @@ entities: 1: 4113 4,7: 1: 4353 - 8,-9: - 1: 30576 4,8: 1: 1 5,5: - 1: 57305 + 1: 56785 6,5: 1: 65534 7,5: 1: 65535 8,5: - 1: 30578 + 1: 30576 -6,3: 1: 52303 -8,0: - 1: 29311 + 1: 29303 -8,-1: - 1: 32624 + 1: 30576 -9,0: 1: 49230 -8,1: @@ -2793,19 +2572,19 @@ entities: -9,1: 1: 3276 -7,0: - 1: 47887 + 1: 47885 -7,1: 1: 3003 -7,-1: - 1: 57103 + 1: 56591 -7,2: 1: 61166 -7,3: 1: 14 -6,0: - 1: 65359 + 1: 65295 -6,1: - 1: 8191 + 1: 4095 -6,2: 1: 65535 -6,-1: @@ -2820,28 +2599,38 @@ entities: 1: 65280 -6,-2: 1: 65535 + -6,-5: + 1: 53215 -5,-3: 1: 30464 -5,-2: 1: 30583 + -4,-11: + 1: 61152 + -4,-10: + 1: 61166 -5,-9: 1: 65280 + -3,-11: + 1: 65520 + -3,-10: + 1: 65535 -2,-11: 1: 61166 -2,-10: 1: 52238 -1,-10: - 1: 65358 + 1: 65294 -1,-12: 1: 17984 -1,-11: - 1: 20206 + 1: 3822 0,-12: 1: 4880 0,-11: - 1: 39867 + 1: 35771 0,-10: - 1: 65307 + 1: 65291 1,-11: 1: 13107 1,-10: @@ -2850,11 +2639,25 @@ entities: 0: 17408 -6,-8: 0: 4 - 1: 43008 + 1: 63488 + -8,-8: + 1: 62464 + -8,-7: + 1: 79 + -9,-8: + 1: 58368 + -9,-7: + 1: 78 + -7,-8: + 1: 62464 + -7,-7: + 1: 79 -6,-7: - 1: 63738 + 1: 52431 + -7,-5: + 1: 2056 -6,-6: - 1: 170 + 1: 52428 uniqueMixes: - volume: 2500 immutable: True @@ -2889,8 +2692,8 @@ entities: - volume: 2500 temperature: 293.15 moles: - - 6666.982 - 0 + - 6666.982 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -2904,7 +2707,6 @@ entities: - volume: 2500 temperature: 293.15 moles: - - 0 - 6666.982 - 0 - 0 @@ -2916,6 +2718,7 @@ entities: - 0 - 0 - 0 + - 0 chunkSize: 4 - type: OccluderTree - type: Shuttle @@ -2937,691 +2740,805 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 4.5448904,18.624214 parent: 1668 -- proto: AirCanister - entities: - - uid: 3695 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,4.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCOfficer -- proto: Airlock +- proto: AirAlarm entities: - - uid: 5314 + - uid: 5550 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-16.5 + pos: 11.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: AirlockArmoryLocked - entities: - - uid: 2555 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7208 + - 7220 + - uid: 6855 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,19.5 + pos: 11.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity -- proto: AirlockAtmosphericsLocked - entities: - - uid: 4746 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5756 + - 7107 + - uid: 6863 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-30.5 + pos: 13.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5403 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 559 + - 560 + - 5779 + - uid: 6864 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 18.5,-30.5 + pos: 13.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5404 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7063 + - 559 + - 560 + - 7075 + - uid: 6990 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,-27.5 + pos: -18.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: AirlockBarLocked - entities: - - uid: 4343 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5663 + - 6978 + - uid: 7027 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-22.5 + pos: -24.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - missingComponents: - - Occluder -- proto: AirlockBrigGlassLocked - entities: - - uid: 2299 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6974 + - 3689 + - uid: 7028 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,14.5 + pos: -24.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2316 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6975 + - 3688 + - uid: 7039 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,20.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2340 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6989 + - 3694 + - uid: 7046 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,18.5 + pos: -15.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2342 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 3687 + - 7051 + - uid: 7047 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,14.5 + pos: -29.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity -- proto: AirlockBrigLocked - entities: - - uid: 2300 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5659 + - uid: 7052 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,22.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2317 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5658 + - 6976 + - uid: 7058 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,17.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2343 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6977 + - 5664 + - uid: 7065 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,20.5 + pos: -6.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2344 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7064 + - 5583 + - 773 + - 772 + - uid: 7067 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,18.5 + pos: 0.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity -- proto: AirlockCargoGlassLocked - entities: - - uid: 1191 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6799 + - 5573 + - 773 + - 772 + - 733 + - 735 + - uid: 7069 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,7.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo - - uid: 1629 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6800 + - 733 + - 735 + - 7219 + - uid: 7074 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,13.5 + pos: 0.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo - - uid: 1630 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6979 + - 5670 + - 17 + - 18 + - 29 + - 131 + - uid: 7085 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,13.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo - - uid: 1631 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7038 + - 16 + - 15 + - 5667 + - 20 + - 19 + - uid: 7092 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,15.5 + pos: 0.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo -- proto: AirlockCargoLocked - entities: - - uid: 1192 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 21 + - 22 + - 7084 + - 5671 + - 23 + - 24 + - uid: 7096 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo - - uid: 1632 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 25 + - 26 + - 5666 + - 6980 + - 27 + - 28 + - uid: 7108 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,18.5 + pos: -0.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo - - uid: 1633 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7037 + - 5669 + - uid: 7111 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,18.5 + pos: -3.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo -- proto: AirlockCentralCommandGlass - entities: - - uid: 48 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6783 + - 5566 + - 4265 + - 4266 + - uid: 7120 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-38.5 + pos: -10.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 49 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6750 + - 5538 + - 4630 + - 4631 + - uid: 7122 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-40.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 566 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 4631 + - 4630 + - 5887 + - 6764 + - 5877 + - 5876 + - uid: 7124 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-14.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 567 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6763 + - 6003 + - uid: 7138 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-18.5 + pos: -10.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 568 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5876 + - 5877 + - 6755 + - 5824 + - 5806 + - 6267 + - 6268 + - 6269 + - uid: 7153 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-20.5 + pos: 1.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 569 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6269 + - 6268 + - 6267 + - 6728 + - 6334 + - 6244 + - 6239 + - 6245 + - uid: 7160 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-24.5 + pos: 9.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 570 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5814 + - 6726 + - 6244 + - 6239 + - 6245 + - 6672 + - 5825 + - 4968 + - 4969 + - 7168 + - uid: 7164 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-30.5 + pos: 14.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 571 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 4968 + - 4969 + - 5474 + - 6809 + - 4633 + - 4632 + - uid: 7165 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-30.5 + pos: 11.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 572 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5521 + - 4633 + - 4632 + - 7006 + - uid: 7166 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-18.5 + pos: 1.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 573 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6701 + - 1444 + - 6714 + - 6715 + - 4299 + - 4409 + - 4408 + - 4407 + - 4404 + - 4405 + - 4406 + - uid: 7167 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.5,0.5 + pos: 5.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 3861 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 4299 + - 4409 + - 4408 + - 4407 + - 6699 + - 5554 + - uid: 7169 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-40.5 + pos: -6.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 3862 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6698 + - 4406 + - 4405 + - 4404 + - 5565 + - uid: 7170 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-38.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4287 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5047 + - 5046 + - 5045 + - 6814 + - 5505 + - uid: 7175 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4339 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6824 + - 5476 + - 5224 + - 5222 + - 5233 + - uid: 7182 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,0.5 + pos: 20.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4575 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5475 + - 6820 + - uid: 7188 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-1.5 + pos: 22.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4639 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6834 + - 5506 + - 5224 + - 5222 + - 5233 + - 5254 + - 5255 + - 5256 + - 5045 + - 5046 + - 5047 + - uid: 7192 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 35.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4640 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6845 + - 5507 + - 5254 + - 5255 + - 5256 + - uid: 7197 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: Tag - tags: - - GlassAirlock - - EmagImmune - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 5253 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7159 + - 5713 + - 5712 + - 7158 + - uid: 7198 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,0.5 + pos: 13.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5414 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7110 + - 5742 + - 125 + - uid: 7199 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,0.5 + pos: -9.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5420 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7140 + - 5697 + - 1619 + - 1620 + - uid: 7200 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5853 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7163 + - 5714 + - uid: 7201 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5945 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5696 + - 7121 + - 1620 + - 1619 + - uid: 7202 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5946 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6921 + - 5744 + - uid: 7203 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-1.5 + pos: 32.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6276 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6919 + - 5743 + - uid: 7204 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6278 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 5763 + - 6918 + - uid: 7205 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6279 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6917 + - uid: 7206 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,0.5 + pos: 23.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6313 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6888 + - 6887 + - 6886 + - 6885 + - 7235 + - 492 + - 493 + - 495 + - 7238 + - 7237 + - 7236 + - uid: 7207 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,7.5 + pos: -18.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6395 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 6140 + - uid: 7628 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,5.5 + pos: -9.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6396 + - type: DeviceList + devices: + - 7629 + - 7630 + - 7627 + - 7622 +- proto: AirCanister + entities: + - uid: 3695 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,13.5 + pos: -16.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6475 +- proto: AirlockBarLocked + entities: + - uid: 4343 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,11.5 + pos: 11.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6476 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: AirlockCCCargoLocked + entities: + - uid: 53 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,11.5 + pos: -10.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6477 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 438 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,13.5 + pos: -8.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6478 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 439 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,13.5 + pos: -6.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6479 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 440 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,11.5 + pos: -5.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6480 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 441 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,0.5 + pos: -6.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6481 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 509 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-1.5 + pos: -10.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6482 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: AirlockCCEngineeringLocked + entities: + - uid: 641 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.5,-1.5 + pos: -17.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6484 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 653 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-26.5 + pos: -28.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6485 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: AirlockCCSecurityLocked + entities: + - uid: 48 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-26.5 + pos: 7.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6486 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 793 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6487 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: AirlockCentralCommandGlassLocked - entities: - - uid: 3572 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,7.5 + pos: -5.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - type: Tag tags: - - GlassAirlock + - Structure - EmagImmune - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCAdmiral - - type: ArrivalsProtect -- proto: AirlockCentralCommandLocked - entities: - - uid: 3781 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,11.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCAdmiral - - uid: 3782 + missingComponents: + - Occluder + - uid: 1131 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,5.5 + pos: 5.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCOfficer - type: Door - secondsUntilStateChange: -1631.222 - state: Opening - - type: DeviceLinkSource - lastSignals: - DoorStatus: True - - uid: 3792 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,1.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCOfficer + pryingQuality: None - type: Tag tags: - - Airlock + - Structure - EmagImmune - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 3793 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,7.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCAdmiral -- proto: AirlockEngineeringGlassLocked - entities: - - uid: 5175 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-19.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: AirlockEngineeringLocked - entities: - - uid: 1131 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-12.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - uid: 1177 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-14.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 1534 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,17.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 2522 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,16.5 + pos: 6.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 3948 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 1185 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,4.5 + pos: 8.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4258 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 1186 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-27.5 + pos: 16.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4755 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 1187 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-25.5 + pos: 18.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4756 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 1188 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-25.5 + pos: -5.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4763 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 1189 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-19.5 + pos: 23.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6005 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 1190 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-29.5 + pos: 18.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - proto: AirlockExternalGlass entities: - uid: 481 @@ -3629,111 +3546,151 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,4.5 parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: Godmode - uid: 482 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,2.5 parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: Godmode - uid: 483 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: Godmode - uid: 484 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: Godmode - uid: 1615 components: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - uid: 1616 components: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - uid: 3970 components: - type: Transform pos: -32.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - uid: 3971 components: - type: Transform pos: -32.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6284 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6093 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-44.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6285 + - uid: 6149 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-44.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - proto: AirlockExternalGlassLocked entities: + - uid: 764 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - uid: 1673 components: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - uid: 2010 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - uid: 4243 components: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5961 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-26.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5962 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleEmergencyLocked entities: - uid: 434 @@ -3742,24 +3699,52 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 35.5,4.5 parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - ForceNoFixRotations + - EmagImmune + - type: Godmode - uid: 435 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 35.5,2.5 parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - ForceNoFixRotations + - EmagImmune + - type: Godmode - uid: 436 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 35.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - ForceNoFixRotations + - EmagImmune + - type: Godmode - uid: 437 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 35.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - ForceNoFixRotations + - EmagImmune + - type: Godmode - proto: AirlockExternalGlassShuttleLocked entities: - uid: 1613 @@ -3768,82 +3753,97 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -16.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - ForceNoFixRotations + - EmagImmune - uid: 1614 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -16.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - ForceNoFixRotations + - EmagImmune - uid: 1672 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -9.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - ForceNoFixRotations + - EmagImmune - uid: 3968 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -34.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - ForceNoFixRotations + - EmagImmune - uid: 3969 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -34.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - ForceNoFixRotations + - EmagImmune - type: GridFill addComponents: [] path: /Maps/Backmen/Grids/ntv-pickett.yml - - uid: 5959 + - uid: 6282 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -23.5,-24.5 + pos: -1.5,-46.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5960 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - ForceNoFixRotations + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6283 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -23.5,-26.5 + pos: 0.5,-46.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6282 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - ForceNoFixRotations + - EmagImmune + - uid: 7194 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-46.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6283 + - uid: 7195 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-46.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - proto: AirlockExternalLocked entities: - uid: 777 @@ -3851,731 +3851,523 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - uid: 2011 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - uid: 4242 components: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: AirlockFreezer + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: AirlockExternalShuttleLocked entities: - - uid: 3419 + - uid: 4239 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,13.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -29.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCAdmiral -- proto: AirlockGlass - entities: - - uid: 3947 + - uid: 5959 components: - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -33.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4259 + - uid: 5987 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4260 + - uid: 6080 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,11.5 + pos: -25.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: AirlockKitchenGlassLocked - entities: - - uid: 2114 + - uid: 6090 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-22.5 + pos: -29.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4342 + - uid: 6284 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-24.5 + pos: -33.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: AirlockKitchenLocked +- proto: AirlockFreezer entities: - - uid: 4341 + - uid: 3419 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-22.5 + pos: -21.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - missingComponents: - - Occluder -- proto: AirlockMedicalGlassLocked + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: AirlockGlass entities: - - uid: 557 + - uid: 3947 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-3.5 + pos: -30.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 558 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 4287 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-3.5 + pos: -6.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 730 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 4339 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-8.5 + pos: 5.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: AirlockMedicalLocked - entities: - - uid: 574 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 4340 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-6.5 + pos: -0.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 729 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6577 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-6.5 + pos: -6.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 731 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6578 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-11.5 + pos: 5.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 852 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6592 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-11.5 + pos: -0.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 854 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: AirlockHatchCentcommLocked + entities: + - uid: 6510 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-17.5 + pos: -0.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: AirlockSecurityGlassLocked +- proto: AirlockKitchenGlassLocked entities: - - uid: 130 + - uid: 4342 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-11.5 + pos: -7.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 774 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 7463 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-8.5 + pos: -12.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 974 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: AirlockKitchenLocked + entities: + - uid: 4341 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-11.5 + pos: -12.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2497 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: AirlockMTFExternalLocked + entities: + - uid: 566 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,16.5 + pos: -1.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2498 + - uid: 567 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,16.5 + pos: 0.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2499 +- proto: AmeJar + entities: + - uid: 1461 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,19.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 34.543762,-16.342068 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2500 +- proto: APCBasic + entities: + - uid: 688 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,19.5 + pos: -3.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity -- proto: AirlockSecurityLocked - entities: - - uid: 509 + - uid: 856 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-11.5 + pos: 20.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 549 + - uid: 905 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,5.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 20.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 550 + - uid: 963 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 551 + - uid: 977 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,3.5 + pos: 10.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 552 + - uid: 978 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,3.5 + pos: 12.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 775 + - uid: 979 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-6.5 + pos: 9.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2825 + - uid: 1088 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,23.5 + pos: -2.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity -- proto: APCBasic - entities: - - uid: 688 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,5.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 856 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,6.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 905 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 20.5,-7.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 963 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,-10.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 977 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-3.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 978 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,7.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 979 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,2.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 1088 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,2.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 1201 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 1235 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 1341 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 1674 components: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 1675 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -4.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 1676 components: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo - uid: 1677 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -4.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 1955 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 2013 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 2562 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - uid: 2563 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 2564 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 2565 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 35.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 2566 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 21.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - uid: 2944 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - uid: 2945 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - uid: 2946 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - uid: 3463 components: - type: Transform pos: -22.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCAdmiral - uid: 3464 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 3465 components: - type: Transform pos: -22.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCAdmiral - uid: 3466 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -13.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCOfficer - uid: 3986 components: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 3987 components: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 3988 components: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 3989 components: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 3990 components: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 4361 components: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 4475 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 4476 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 4477 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -8.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 4478 components: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 4479 components: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 4480 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 1.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 4977 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 4992 components: - type: Transform pos: 18.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 5133 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 22.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 5146 components: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 5257 components: - type: Transform pos: 30.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5321 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-27.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 5423 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 5934 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 6004 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -17.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 6103 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -15.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 6180 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 6181 components: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 6277 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 6397 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - uid: 7379 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 27.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7532 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-34.5 + parent: 1668 - proto: Ash entities: - uid: 3828 @@ -4583,89 +4375,263 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -10.652057,6.7775984 parent: 1668 +- proto: ATM + entities: + - uid: 643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-20.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-20.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6641 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6644 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-19.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,-7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6649 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6650 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.5,-19.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6651 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6652 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 - proto: AtmosDeviceFanTiny entities: - - uid: 47 + - uid: 1191 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 35.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 80 + - uid: 1192 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 35.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 81 + - uid: 1473 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 35.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 82 + - uid: 1474 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 35.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 1534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,25.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1629 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,34.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1630 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,27.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,25.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1632 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1633 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-15.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1653 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-46.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-46.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-11.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-19.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7484 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7485 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7642 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7643 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 - proto: AtmosFixNitrogenMarker entities: - - uid: 6789 + - uid: 7269 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-28.5 + pos: 20.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6963 + - uid: 7272 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-29.5 + pos: 20.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6964 + - uid: 7273 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-29.5 + pos: 20.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6965 + - uid: 7274 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-28.5 + pos: 21.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6966 + - uid: 7275 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7276 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-29.5 + pos: 21.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - proto: AtmosFixOxygenMarker entities: - - uid: 5051 + - uid: 7277 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-28.5 + pos: 23.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6967 + - uid: 7278 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-28.5 + pos: 23.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6968 + - uid: 7279 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-29.5 + pos: 23.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6969 + - uid: 7280 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-28.5 + pos: 24.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6970 + - uid: 7281 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-29.5 + pos: 24.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - proto: Autolathe entities: @@ -4676,30 +4642,20 @@ entities: parent: 1668 - proto: BackmenVendingLootBox entities: - - uid: 132 + - uid: 7299 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,5.5 + pos: 32.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 133 + - uid: 7301 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-6.5 + pos: 32.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: ArrivalsProtect - proto: BackmenVendingMachineChang entities: - - uid: 1406 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,1.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2445 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-15.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 6573 components: - type: Transform @@ -4724,7 +4680,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5463 components: - type: Transform @@ -4737,34 +4692,47 @@ entities: parent: 1668 - proto: BackmenVendingMachineCola entities: + - uid: 806 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-13.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 2192 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,13.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 2440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-15.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 4403 components: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: BackmenVendingMachineColaBlack +- proto: BackmenVendingMachineDiscount entities: - - uid: 6729 + - uid: 2451 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-13.5 + pos: -2.5,1.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: BackmenVendingMachineDiscount - entities: - uid: 3185 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6651 + - uid: 7356 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-15.5 + pos: -5.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - proto: BackmenVendingMachineDonut entities: @@ -4773,45 +4741,37 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,10.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: BackmenVendingMachinePwrGame +- proto: BackmenVendingMachineSnack entities: - - uid: 6634 + - uid: 805 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-15.5 + pos: -2.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: BackmenVendingMachineSnack - entities: - - uid: 4166 + - uid: 2191 components: - type: Transform - pos: -29.5,3.5 + pos: -0.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4401 + - uid: 2441 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-15.5 + pos: 20.5,14.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: BackmenVendingMachineSnackOrange - entities: - - uid: 6726 + - uid: 4166 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-13.5 + pos: -29.5,3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: BackmenVendingMachineSnackTeal - entities: - - uid: 6727 + - uid: 4400 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,11.5 + pos: -7.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: BackmenVendingMachineSoda - entities: - - uid: 6648 + - uid: 4401 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-15.5 + pos: 7.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - proto: BarSignTheLooseGoose entities: @@ -4820,25 +4780,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 4346 components: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: BaseGasCondenser - entities: - - uid: 640 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,-32.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: Bed entities: - uid: 2718 @@ -4884,11 +4830,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -15.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6643 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-7.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: BedsheetHOS entities: - uid: 2719 @@ -4948,110 +4889,65 @@ entities: parent: 1668 - proto: BlastDoor entities: - - uid: 1552 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,21.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 1607 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 1608 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 1609 components: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 1610 components: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo - - uid: 2790 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,31.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2886 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,31.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2925 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,31.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2926 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,31.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 3787 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 3788 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 3789 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 4762 components: - type: Transform pos: 18.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - proto: BlastDoorExterior1Open entities: - uid: 710 @@ -5059,386 +4955,332 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - type: ArrivalsProtect + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 711 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - type: ArrivalsProtect + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 712 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - type: ArrivalsProtect + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 713 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - type: ArrivalsProtect + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 714 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - type: ArrivalsProtect -- proto: BlastDoorExterior2Open + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None +- proto: BlastDoorOpen entities: - - uid: 716 + - uid: 411 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 717 + - uid: 642 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 718 + - uid: 716 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 717 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 719 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -1.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 720 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: BlastDoorOpen - entities: - uid: 786 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 787 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 788 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-7.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 1430 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,6.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 1431 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,6.5 + pos: 0.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 1432 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,6.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 1437 + - uid: 1433 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 1438 + - uid: 1434 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 1439 + - uid: 1435 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-0.5 + pos: -0.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 1440 + - uid: 1437 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,0.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 1441 + - uid: 1438 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 2146 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 2147 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 2148 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 2149 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 2150 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 3865 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 2342 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,-0.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 3866 + - uid: 3864 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,0.5 + pos: -27.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5234 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 3865 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-25.5 + pos: -27.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5235 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 3866 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-24.5 + pos: -27.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4144 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5234 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 5235 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-24.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 5236 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 5237 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 5238 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 5239 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 5240 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 5241 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 5951 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 5952 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 5953 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 5954 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 5955 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6483 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,-1.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 6521 components: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 6522 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 6523 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 6524 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None - uid: 6525 components: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None +- proto: BookBase + entities: + - uid: 1456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.522153,1.5795133 + parent: 1668 - proto: Bookshelf entities: - uid: 2370 @@ -5476,7 +5318,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 2377 components: - type: Transform @@ -5502,6 +5343,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,10.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 2448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 3433 components: - type: Transform @@ -5512,6 +5363,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -26.5,10.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 3818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 3821 components: - type: Transform @@ -5532,60 +5388,32 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -27.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: BookshelfFilled +- proto: BoozeDispenser entities: - - uid: 3631 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,10.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 3716 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,16.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 3717 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,15.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6607 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,10.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6650 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,10.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6933 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,14.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6934 + - uid: 4426 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,15.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6935 + - uid: 4428 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,16.5 + pos: 6.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: BoozeDispenser +- proto: BoxBeaker entities: - - uid: 4426 + - uid: 4388 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-24.5 + pos: 5.5674596,-13.091478 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4428 +- proto: BoxBottle + entities: + - uid: 4389 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-21.5 + pos: 5.429953,-13.263353 parent: 1668 - proto: BoxFlashbang entities: @@ -5608,11 +5436,6 @@ entities: parent: 1668 - proto: BoxFolderBlue entities: - - uid: 1443 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.35287756,1.4752237 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2462 components: - type: Transform @@ -5630,32 +5453,17 @@ entities: parent: 1668 - proto: BoxFolderCentCom entities: - - uid: 6501 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -20.339329,11.399686 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6987 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.751516,0.4821344 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6990 + - uid: 6449 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.40427,4.6069345 + pos: -12.008487,6.623133 parent: 1668 - proto: BoxFolderCentComClipboard entities: - - uid: 2198 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.3593019,1.7387532 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6991 + - uid: 6520 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.46677,5.55778 + pos: -12.555362,6.623133 parent: 1668 - proto: BoxFolderRed entities: @@ -5664,11 +5472,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -3.4754791,-12.432284 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1444 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.22787756,1.6627237 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2461 components: - type: Transform @@ -5679,11 +5482,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -24.551022,-5.5465455 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6504 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 27.483435,-7.4993086 - parent: 1668 - proto: BoxFolderWhite entities: - uid: 1397 @@ -5749,15 +5547,10 @@ entities: parent: 1668 - proto: BoxMouthSwab entities: - - uid: 2805 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.0421877,-9.182847 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2806 + - uid: 1465 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.1359377,-9.526597 + pos: 13.526136,-12.282253 parent: 1668 - proto: BoxPDA entities: @@ -5766,6 +5559,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 1.5702643,-2.4016738 parent: 1668 +- proto: BoxPillCanister + entities: + - uid: 4390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.6612096,-12.950853 + parent: 1668 - proto: BoxSterileMask entities: - uid: 627 @@ -5773,6 +5573,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.430174,-7.5213776 parent: 1668 +- proto: BoxSyringe + entities: + - uid: 1464 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.6664915,-12.454128 + parent: 1668 - proto: BoxZiptie entities: - uid: 4696 @@ -5797,635 +5604,492 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 32.486988,19.707628 parent: 1668 -- proto: BrigTimer +- proto: Bucket entities: - - uid: 3723 + - uid: 7614 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,26.5 + pos: -11.669617,-35.234196 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 2832: - - Start: Close - - Timer: AutoClose - - Timer: Open - - uid: 3870 + - uid: 7615 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,29.5 + pos: -11.395902,-35.2038 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 2863: - - Start: Close - - Timer: AutoClose - - Timer: Open - - uid: 3906 + - uid: 7616 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,26.5 + pos: -11.441522,-35.492554 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 2776: - - Start: Close - - Timer: AutoClose - - Timer: Open - - uid: 6602 +- proto: C4 + entities: + - uid: 1079 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,29.5 + pos: -12.328807,-3.4569058 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 2862: - - Start: Close - - Timer: AutoClose - - Timer: Open - - uid: 6649 + - uid: 3894 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,23.5 + pos: -12.516307,-3.4100308 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 2558: - - Start: Close - - Timer: AutoClose - - Timer: Open - proto: CableApcExtension entities: - - uid: 455 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-33.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 456 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-33.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 458 + - uid: 555 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-32.5 + pos: -2.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 857 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 858 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 859 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 860 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 861 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 862 components: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 863 components: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 864 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 865 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 866 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 867 components: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 868 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 869 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 870 components: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 871 components: - type: Transform pos: 30.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 872 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 873 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 874 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 875 components: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 876 components: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 877 components: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 878 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 879 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 880 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 881 components: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 882 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 883 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 884 components: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 885 components: - type: Transform pos: 30.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 886 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 887 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 888 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 889 components: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 890 components: - type: Transform pos: 30.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 891 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 892 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 893 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 894 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 895 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 896 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 897 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 899 components: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 900 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 901 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 902 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 903 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 904 components: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 906 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 907 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 908 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 909 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 910 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 911 components: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 912 components: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 913 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 914 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 915 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 916 components: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 917 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 918 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 919 components: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 920 components: - type: Transform pos: 30.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 921 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 922 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 923 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 924 components: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 925 components: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 926 components: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 927 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 928 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 929 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 930 components: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 931 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 932 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 933 components: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 934 components: - type: Transform pos: 30.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 935 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 936 components: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 937 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 938 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 939 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 940 components: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 941 components: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 942 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 943 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 944 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 945 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 946 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 947 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 948 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 949 components: - type: Transform @@ -6441,13 +6105,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 952 components: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 953 components: - type: Transform @@ -6468,43 +6130,36 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 957 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 958 components: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 959 components: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 960 components: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 961 components: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 962 components: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 964 components: - type: Transform @@ -6530,13 +6185,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 969 components: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 970 components: - type: Transform @@ -6567,7 +6220,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 32.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 980 components: - type: Transform @@ -6638,25 +6290,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 994 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 995 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 996 components: - type: Transform pos: 18.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 997 components: - type: Transform @@ -6987,37 +6635,31 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 1063 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 1064 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 1068 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 1069 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 1070 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 1089 components: - type: Transform @@ -8053,6 +7695,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,3.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 1671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,30.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 1678 components: - type: Transform @@ -8813,6 +8460,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,8.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 2012 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,30.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 2020 components: - type: Transform @@ -8878,6 +8530,26 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,5.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 2142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,28.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2144 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,27.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,26.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 2567 components: - type: Transform @@ -9603,26 +9275,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2794 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-33.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2795 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-33.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2796 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-33.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2797 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-33.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 3033 components: - type: Transform @@ -10978,6 +10630,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 4499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-18.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 4500 components: - type: Transform @@ -10998,6 +10655,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 4504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-15.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 4505 components: - type: Transform @@ -12093,140 +11755,80 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -18.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6067 + - uid: 5961 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-22.5 + pos: -20.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6068 + - uid: 5962 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-22.5 + pos: -19.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6069 + - uid: 5967 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-22.5 + pos: -20.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6070 + - uid: 5977 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-23.5 + pos: -20.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6071 + - uid: 5979 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-24.5 + pos: -20.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6072 + - uid: 5992 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-25.5 + pos: -19.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6073 + - uid: 6067 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-26.5 + pos: -17.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6074 + - uid: 6068 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-27.5 + pos: -18.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6075 + - uid: 6070 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-28.5 + pos: -19.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6076 + - uid: 6071 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-26.5 + pos: -19.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6077 + - uid: 6072 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-26.5 + pos: -19.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6078 + - uid: 6074 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-26.5 + pos: -19.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 6079 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6080 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6081 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-24.5 + pos: -22.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 6082 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-21.5 + pos: -20.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 6083 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-21.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6084 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-21.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6085 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-23.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6086 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-25.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6087 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-27.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6088 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-25.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6089 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-25.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6090 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-26.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6091 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-27.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6092 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-23.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6093 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-24.5 + pos: -21.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 6094 components: @@ -12263,6 +11865,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -20.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 6101 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-19.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 6112 components: - type: Transform @@ -12383,6 +11990,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 6142 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6145 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 6202 components: - type: Transform @@ -12503,6 +12120,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 6285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 6346 components: - type: Transform @@ -12733,108 +12355,403 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-46.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6774 + - uid: 6452 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-26.5 + pos: -22.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6776 + - uid: 6454 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-26.5 + pos: -22.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6854 + - uid: 6461 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-27.5 + pos: -22.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6855 + - uid: 6475 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-28.5 + pos: -19.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6856 + - uid: 6477 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-29.5 + pos: -20.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6857 + - uid: 6479 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-30.5 + pos: -21.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6858 + - uid: 6484 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-31.5 + pos: -22.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6859 + - uid: 6485 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-30.5 + pos: -23.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6860 + - uid: 6490 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-30.5 + pos: -24.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6861 + - uid: 6492 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-30.5 + pos: -25.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6862 + - uid: 6493 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-30.5 + pos: -26.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6863 + - uid: 6496 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-30.5 + pos: -27.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6971 + - uid: 6497 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-28.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-28.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,-28.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -31.5,-28.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-28.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-28.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-27.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -29.5,-27.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-27.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7297 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7298 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,-19.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7380 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 27.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7381 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7382 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7383 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 30.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7384 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 31.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7385 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7386 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 34.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7466 components: - type: Transform pos: 19.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6972 + - uid: 7467 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6973 + - uid: 7468 components: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6974 + - uid: 7469 components: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6975 + - uid: 7470 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-29.5 + pos: 23.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6976 + - uid: 7471 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7472 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 25.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7474 components: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: CableHV - entities: - - uid: 1391 + - uid: 7475 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-31.5 + pos: 22.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1465 + - uid: 7531 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-25.5 + pos: -11.5,-34.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7534 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7535 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-36.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7536 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-37.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7537 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-38.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7538 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-39.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7539 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7540 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-41.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7541 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-42.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7542 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7543 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7544 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-37.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7545 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-37.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-37.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7547 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-37.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7548 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-37.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-36.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-37.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-38.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-41.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-42.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7555 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-41.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-41.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-41.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7558 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7559 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7560 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7561 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7562 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-43.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 7563 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7564 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: CableHV + entities: - uid: 1475 components: - type: Transform @@ -12865,16 +12782,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 19.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1482 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-25.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 1659 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-25.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 1864 components: - type: Transform @@ -13800,21 +13707,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4577 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-25.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4580 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-25.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4634 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-27.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 4667 components: - type: Transform @@ -14288,27 +14180,27 @@ entities: - uid: 5341 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-26.5 + pos: 29.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 5342 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-25.5 + pos: 29.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 5343 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-25.5 + pos: 29.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5370 + - uid: 5344 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-25.5 + pos: 29.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5393 + - uid: 5461 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-25.5 + pos: 28.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 5807 components: @@ -14720,30 +14612,25 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6594 + - uid: 6616 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-29.5 + pos: 29.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 6631 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-28.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6773 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-25.5 + pos: 29.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6777 + - uid: 6632 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-30.5 + pos: 29.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6786 + - uid: 6634 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-25.5 + pos: 29.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - proto: CableMV entities: @@ -14837,19 +14724,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 19.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 1165 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 1166 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 1167 components: - type: Transform @@ -15000,26 +14884,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1483 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-31.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 1486 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-31.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 1487 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-31.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 1658 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-31.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 1805 components: - type: Transform @@ -16105,11 +15969,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4257 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-31.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 4807 components: - type: Transform @@ -16920,25 +16779,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5855 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5856 components: - type: Transform pos: 19.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5857 components: - type: Transform pos: 18.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5858 components: - type: Transform @@ -16974,67 +16829,56 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5866 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5867 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5868 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5869 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5870 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5871 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5872 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5873 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5874 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 5875 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 6055 components: - type: Transform @@ -17340,38 +17184,48 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6849 + - uid: 6526 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-31.5 + pos: 28.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6850 + - uid: 6611 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-30.5 + pos: 28.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6851 + - uid: 7378 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-29.5 + pos: 27.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6852 + - uid: 7527 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-28.5 + pos: -12.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6853 + - uid: 7528 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-27.5 + pos: -12.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: CableTerminal - entities: - - uid: 2191 + - uid: 7529 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-29.5 + pos: -12.5,-33.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7530 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-34.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7533 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 +- proto: CableTerminal + entities: - uid: 5075 components: - type: Transform @@ -17390,37 +17244,29 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 23.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: CargoPallet +- proto: CargoShuttleComputerCircuitboard entities: - - uid: 6924 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,26.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6925 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,26.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6926 + - uid: 7315 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,26.5 + pos: -6.514072,31.533306 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6927 +- proto: CargoTelepadMachineCircuitboard + entities: + - uid: 7316 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,28.5 + pos: -7.243239,31.533306 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6928 + - uid: 7318 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,28.5 + pos: -5.5111775,24.472813 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6929 + - uid: 7319 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,28.5 + pos: -5.5415897,24.822712 parent: 1668 - proto: Carpet entities: @@ -17444,38 +17290,40 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,19.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: CarpetGreen +- proto: CarpetBlue entities: - - uid: 148 + - uid: 640 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,0.5 + pos: -1.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 149 + - uid: 1425 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 204 + - uid: 1426 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-0.5 + pos: -0.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 205 + - uid: 1428 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-0.5 + pos: 0.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 207 + - uid: 1429 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,0.5 + pos: 0.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1428 + - uid: 7317 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,0.5 + pos: -0.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 +- proto: CarpetGreen + entities: - uid: 3728 components: - type: Transform @@ -17618,12 +17466,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2789 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 25.5,-16.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 3239 components: - type: Transform @@ -17845,6 +17687,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 5324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 25.5,-16.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 5325 components: - type: Transform @@ -17855,16 +17702,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6142 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-26.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6143 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 6440 components: - type: Transform @@ -17875,35 +17712,24 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-45.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: CCComputerId - entities: - - uid: 84 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-0.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: CentcomComputerComms - entities: - - uid: 106 + - uid: 7340 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 0.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: CentcomIDCard - entities: - - uid: 3721 + - uid: 7341 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.521366,8.567018 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: CentcomPDA +- proto: CCComputerId entities: - - uid: 6617 + - uid: 4656 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.428675,10.647655 + pos: -18.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - proto: Chair entities: @@ -18177,12 +18003,6 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 34.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2441 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-16.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2472 components: - type: Transform @@ -18420,29 +18240,17 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6148 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -18.5,-22.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6149 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-22.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6152 + - uid: 5975 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-28.5 + pos: -21.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6153 + - uid: 5981 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-27.5 + pos: -21.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 6240 components: @@ -18480,18 +18288,6 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6567 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,-33.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6568 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-33.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 6569 components: - type: Transform @@ -18552,11 +18348,16 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6748 + - uid: 6610 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-17.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-19.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - proto: ChairOfficeDark entities: @@ -18734,22 +18535,11 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 20.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6939 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,30.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6940 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,30.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6941 + - uid: 5393 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,25.5 + pos: -4.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - proto: ChairWood entities: @@ -18768,10 +18558,10 @@ entities: parent: 1668 - proto: ChemistryHotplate entities: - - uid: 254 + - uid: 1463 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-10.5 + pos: 3.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - proto: ChemMaster entities: @@ -18824,8726 +18614,9739 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -26.30384,-3.5194058 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClockworkGrille +- proto: CloningPod entities: - - uid: 186 + - uid: 722 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-21.5 + pos: 11.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 189 + - type: Construction + containers: + - machine_parts + - machine_board + missingComponents: + - Damageable + - Destructible + - Anchorable +- proto: ClosetChefFilled + entities: + - uid: 4579 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-23.5 + pos: -9.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 191 +- proto: ClosetEmergencyFilledRandom + entities: + - uid: 1071 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-20.5 + pos: 34.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 192 + - uid: 1072 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-20.5 + pos: 34.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 193 + - uid: 2044 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-20.5 + pos: -3.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 194 + - uid: 4148 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-20.5 + pos: -33.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 195 + - uid: 4149 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-20.5 + pos: -33.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 196 + - uid: 4159 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-20.5 + pos: -30.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 198 + - uid: 5352 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-21.5 + pos: 20.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 199 + - uid: 6252 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-23.5 + pos: -14.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 200 +- proto: ClosetFireFilled + entities: + - uid: 1073 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-19.5 + pos: 34.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 201 + - uid: 1074 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-20.5 + pos: 34.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 202 + - uid: 4158 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-17.5 + pos: -29.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 203 + - uid: 5355 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-16.5 + pos: 21.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 212 + - uid: 5356 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-15.5 + pos: 19.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 224 +- proto: ClosetL3JanitorFilled + entities: + - uid: 6229 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-29.5 + pos: -16.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 278 +- proto: ClosetLegalFilled + entities: + - uid: 2490 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-29.5 + pos: 19.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 280 +- proto: ClosetRadiationSuitFilled + entities: + - uid: 5331 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-29.5 + pos: 34.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 281 + - uid: 5332 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-29.5 + pos: 34.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 282 +- proto: ClosetSteelBase + entities: + - uid: 2491 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-29.5 + pos: 20.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 283 +- proto: ClosetToolFilled + entities: + - uid: 3254 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-29.5 + pos: 14.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 284 +- proto: ClosetWallEmergencyFilledRandom + entities: + - uid: 1651 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-27.5 + pos: -30.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 285 + - uid: 5972 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-28.5 + pos: -26.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 286 + - uid: 5980 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-25.5 + pos: -34.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 287 + - uid: 6073 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-26.5 + pos: -32.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 288 + - uid: 6144 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-23.5 + pos: -24.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 289 + - uid: 6153 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-24.5 + pos: -28.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 290 +- proto: ClothingBackpackERTEngineer + entities: + - uid: 6453 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-20.5 + pos: 5.6266685,-39.528633 parent: 1668 - - uid: 291 +- proto: ClothingBackpackERTJanitor + entities: + - uid: 6462 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-21.5 + pos: -6.3759537,-39.528633 parent: 1668 - - uid: 292 +- proto: ClothingBackpackERTLeader + entities: + - uid: 6478 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-20.5 + pos: 3.4079185,-40.528633 parent: 1668 - - uid: 304 +- proto: ClothingBackpackERTMedical + entities: + - uid: 2497 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-20.5 + pos: 3.4860435,-39.559883 parent: 1668 - - uid: 305 +- proto: ClothingBackpackERTSecurity + entities: + - uid: 6514 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,-20.5 + pos: -5.4540787,-39.497383 parent: 1668 - - uid: 306 +- proto: ClothingBackpackSatchelHolding + entities: + - uid: 3737 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-20.5 + pos: -26.540686,12.537982 parent: 1668 - - uid: 311 +- proto: ClothingBackpackSatchelLeather + entities: + - uid: 5058 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-21.5 + pos: -4.4003854,-15.343687 parent: 1668 - - uid: 312 +- proto: ClothingBeltChiefEngineerFilled + entities: + - uid: 7398 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-20.5 + pos: 29.52513,-30.339495 parent: 1668 - - uid: 313 +- proto: ClothingBeltRapier + entities: + - uid: 7655 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-23.5 + pos: -16.61074,12.3636265 parent: 1668 - - uid: 314 +- proto: ClothingBeltSecurityFilled + entities: + - uid: 1460 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-22.5 + pos: -6.4730563,-12.590733 parent: 1668 - - uid: 341 + - uid: 3151 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-24.5 + pos: 9.512553,25.678463 parent: 1668 - - uid: 342 + - uid: 3152 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-24.5 + pos: 9.637553,25.537838 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2286 +- proto: ClothingBeltSheathFilled + entities: + - uid: 3725 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-29.5 + pos: -15.72449,12.605259 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2754 +- proto: ClothingBeltUtilityFilled + entities: + - uid: 2241 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-30.5 + pos: -9.339353,8.480244 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2818 + - uid: 3909 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-28.5 + pos: -13.494019,-9.4266615 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2819 + - uid: 5345 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-27.5 + pos: 25.530863,-26.462372 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2823 +- proto: ClothingEyesGlassesChemical + entities: + - uid: 7043 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-26.5 + pos: 2.5570035,-12.090636 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2837 +- proto: ClothingEyesHudDiagnostic + entities: + - uid: 5371 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-25.5 + pos: 26.529047,-22.34483 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2838 +- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesCombat + entities: + - uid: 3724 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-24.5 + pos: -16.552616,8.708888 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2839 +- proto: ClothingHeadHatCentcom + entities: + - uid: 3720 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-29.5 + pos: -14.271365,9.771096 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2840 + - uid: 5457 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-29.5 + pos: -5.5256567,-15.100525 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2842 +- proto: ClothingHeadHatWelding + entities: + - uid: 2197 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-29.5 + pos: -1.4187617,24.501104 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2843 + - uid: 3700 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-28.5 + pos: -16.435745,6.5478344 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2844 + - uid: 5372 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-24.5 + pos: 27.357172,-22.34483 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2845 + - uid: 5373 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,6.5 + pos: 27.544672,-22.46983 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2846 +- proto: ClothingHeadsetAltCentCom + entities: + - uid: 1445 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-24.5 + pos: -1.3509867,0.5957735 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2847 +- proto: ClothingHeadsetCentCom + entities: + - uid: 3719 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-20.5 + pos: -15.25574,12.628634 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2848 +- proto: ClothingMaskGas + entities: + - uid: 2224 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-30.5 + pos: -11.500146,17.576977 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2849 +- proto: ClothingMaskGasAtmos + entities: + - uid: 5346 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-30.5 + pos: 21.493792,-17.470217 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2850 +- proto: ClothingMaskGasCentcom + entities: + - uid: 3726 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-8.5 + pos: -15.949173,12.5279455 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2851 +- proto: ClothingMaskItalianMoustache + entities: + - uid: 6567 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-44.5 + pos: -1.2103264,1.1501913 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2852 +- proto: ClothingNeckBronzeheart + entities: + - uid: 4377 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-46.5 + pos: -3.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2853 +- proto: ClothingNeckCloakCentcomAdmiral + entities: + - uid: 1427 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-44.5 + pos: -14.335673,9.555254 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2854 +- proto: ClothingNeckCloakNanotrasen + entities: + - uid: 6613 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-45.5 + pos: -5.5193872,-15.46668 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2855 +- proto: ClothingNeckGoldmedal + entities: + - uid: 4378 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-46.5 + pos: 2.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2856 +- proto: ClothingNeckLawyerbadge + entities: + - uid: 4379 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-44.5 + pos: -3.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2857 +- proto: ClothingOuterArmorBasic + entities: + - uid: 3723 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-46.5 + pos: -14.615115,9.379518 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2860 +- proto: ClothingOuterArmorCentcomCarapace + entities: + - uid: 6450 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-40.5 + pos: -11.836612,4.716883 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2861 +- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitEngineering + entities: + - uid: 7325 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-38.5 + pos: 20.20344,-13.154843 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2880 + - uid: 7326 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-31.5 + pos: 20.431536,-13.24612 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2884 + - uid: 7327 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-32.5 + pos: 20.659632,-13.565594 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2887 + - uid: 7328 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-33.5 + pos: 21.237474,-13.200482 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2888 + - uid: 7329 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-31.5 + pos: 21.480776,-13.383038 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2907 + - uid: 7330 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-32.5 + pos: 21.663252,-13.519955 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2921 + - uid: 7331 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-33.5 + pos: 22.165064,-13.200482 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3134 + - uid: 7332 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-21.5 + pos: 22.42357,-13.337399 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3141 + - uid: 7333 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-21.5 + pos: 22.666872,-13.535168 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3149 +- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTEngineerReal + entities: + - uid: 6528 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-21.5 + pos: 5.5899906,-39.372383 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3184 +- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTJanitor + entities: + - uid: 6491 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-23.5 + pos: -6.4186454,-39.309883 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3187 +- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTLeader + entities: + - uid: 3775 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-23.5 + pos: 3.4235435,-40.29426 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3188 + - type: GroupExamine + group: + - hoverMessage: "" + contextText: verb-examine-group-other + icon: /Textures/Interface/examine-star.png + components: + - Armor + - ClothingSpeedModifier + entries: + - message: >- + Обеспечивает следующую защиту: + + - [color=yellow]Ударный[/color] урон снижается на [color=lightblue]60%[/color]. + + - [color=yellow]Режущий[/color] урон снижается на [color=lightblue]60%[/color]. + + - [color=yellow]Колющий[/color] урон снижается на [color=lightblue]70%[/color]. + + - [color=yellow]Высокотемпературный[/color] урон снижается на [color=lightblue]50%[/color]. + + - [color=yellow]Радиационный[/color] урон снижается на [color=lightblue]75%[/color]. + + - [color=yellow]Кислотный[/color] урон снижается на [color=lightblue]60%[/color]. + + - [color=yellow]Оглушающий[/color] урон снижается на [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. + + - [color=orange]Взрывной[/color] урон снижается на [color=lightblue]50%[/color]. + priority: 0 + component: Armor + title: null +- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTMedical + entities: + - uid: 6519 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-25.5 + pos: 3.5503206,-39.216133 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3189 +- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitERTSecurity + entities: + - uid: 6451 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-25.5 + pos: -5.5123954,-39.309883 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3190 +- proto: ClothingShoesBootsLaceup + entities: + - uid: 3722 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-25.5 + pos: -16.568241,9.145143 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3191 +- proto: ClothingShoesLeather + entities: + - uid: 7482 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-27.5 + pos: -12.217991,4.3535457 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3192 +- proto: ClothingUniformJumpskirtCentcomFormalDress + entities: + - uid: 3717 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-27.5 + pos: -14.539978,9.611614 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3193 +- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomAdmiral + entities: + - uid: 2316 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-25.5 + pos: -14.624595,9.281697 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3194 +- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomFormal + entities: + - uid: 3718 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-25.5 + pos: -14.383728,9.486614 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3195 + - uid: 7399 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-34.5 + pos: -4.33956,-15.358884 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3196 +- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitCentcomOfficer + entities: + - uid: 5456 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-34.5 + pos: -4.5702133,-15.393351 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3197 +- proto: ComfyChair + entities: + - uid: 2194 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-34.5 + pos: -0.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3198 + - uid: 2421 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-31.5 + pos: 28.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3199 + - uid: 2450 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-32.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 17.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3200 + - uid: 2452 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-33.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 19.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3201 + - uid: 2453 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-30.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3202 + - uid: 2492 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-30.5 + pos: 20.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3203 + - uid: 2493 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-30.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 20.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3204 + - uid: 2494 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-32.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 19.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3205 + - uid: 3611 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-24.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3206 + - uid: 3612 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-19.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3207 + - uid: 3613 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3208 + - uid: 3614 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3209 + - uid: 3615 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-22.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3210 + - uid: 3616 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-34.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3211 + - uid: 3617 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-34.5 + pos: -24.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3212 + - uid: 3618 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-30.5 + pos: -23.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3213 + - uid: 3619 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3214 + - uid: 3620 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-23.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -24.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3215 + - uid: 3879 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3216 + - uid: 4437 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-22.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3217 + - uid: 4441 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3218 + - uid: 4442 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3219 + - uid: 4443 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-22.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3220 + - uid: 4444 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3247 + - uid: 4445 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3387 + - uid: 4446 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3388 + - uid: 4447 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3389 + - uid: 4448 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-20.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3390 + - uid: 4449 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3391 + - uid: 4450 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-17.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3392 + - uid: 4451 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-17.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3436 + - uid: 4453 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3437 + - uid: 4458 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3438 + - uid: 4470 components: - type: Transform - pos: -34.5,1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3439 + - uid: 4472 components: - type: Transform - pos: -32.5,1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3440 + - uid: 5422 components: - type: Transform - pos: -32.5,-2.5 + pos: 17.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3441 +- proto: ComputerAlert + entities: + - uid: 4973 components: - type: Transform - pos: -34.5,-2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3442 + - uid: 5338 components: - type: Transform - pos: -34.5,-0.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3818 +- proto: computerBodyScanner + entities: + - uid: 611 components: - type: Transform - pos: -33.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3902 +- proto: ComputerCargoBounty + entities: + - uid: 7640 components: - type: Transform - pos: -32.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -12.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3936 +- proto: ComputerCargoOrders + entities: + - uid: 1624 components: - type: Transform - pos: -34.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3937 + - uid: 3782 components: - type: Transform - pos: -34.5,4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3938 +- proto: ComputerCargoShuttle + entities: + - uid: 1625 components: - type: Transform - pos: -34.5,5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3943 +- proto: ComputerCloningConsole + entities: + - uid: 575 components: - type: Transform - pos: -34.5,6.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3944 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 722: + - CloningPodSender: CloningPodReceiver + 723: + - MedicalScannerSender: MedicalScannerReceiver +- proto: ComputerComms + entities: + - uid: 652 components: - type: Transform - pos: -33.5,7.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3945 + - uid: 3629 components: - type: Transform - pos: -32.5,7.5 + pos: -18.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3946 + - uid: 3630 components: - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,7.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3979 + - uid: 3837 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,1.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -25.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3980 +- proto: ComputerCommssCentComm + entities: + - uid: 50 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,1.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 0.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3981 + - uid: 5458 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,1.5 + pos: -19.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3982 +- proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring + entities: + - uid: 593 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3983 + - uid: 608 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3984 + - uid: 656 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3985 + - uid: 4399 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,2.5 + pos: 3.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4144 +- proto: ComputerCriminalRecords + entities: + - uid: 498 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,9.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4145 + - uid: 590 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4191 + - uid: 591 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,12.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4192 + - uid: 813 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -4.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4193 + - uid: 2426 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-0.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4201 + - uid: 3258 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4206 + - uid: 6606 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-15.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4210 +- proto: ComputerId + entities: + - uid: 589 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-15.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4211 + - uid: 651 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,7.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4212 + - uid: 3907 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,7.5 + pos: -25.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4213 +- proto: ComputerMassMedia + entities: + - uid: 2340 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,30.5 + pos: -0.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4214 +- proto: ComputerPowerMonitoring + entities: + - uid: 3256 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,30.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4215 + - uid: 3573 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,27.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4226 + - uid: 4971 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,27.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4227 +- proto: ComputerReinforcementCentCom + entities: + - uid: 4398 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,26.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4228 +- proto: ComputerSalvageExpedition + entities: + - uid: 2299 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,26.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4229 +- proto: ComputerShipyard + entities: + - uid: 6568 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,27.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4241 +- proto: ComputerShuttleCargo + entities: + - uid: 1658 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,29.5 + pos: -13.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4244 +- proto: ComputerShuttleSalvage + entities: + - uid: 2317 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,30.5 + pos: -12.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4245 +- proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor + entities: + - uid: 499 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,29.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4246 + - uid: 592 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,27.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4247 + - uid: 814 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,26.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4248 + - uid: 2300 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,26.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4249 + - uid: 2745 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,30.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4251 +- proto: ComputerTelevision + entities: + - uid: 3715 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,24.5 + pos: -14.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4264 +- proto: ComputerWage + entities: + - uid: 2343 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -1.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4267 +- proto: ConveyorBelt + entities: + - uid: 1576 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,21.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4268 + - uid: 1577 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,24.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4269 + - uid: 1578 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,21.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4270 + - uid: 1579 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,20.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4271 + - uid: 1580 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4272 + - uid: 1581 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4274 + - uid: 1582 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,17.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4275 + - uid: 1583 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,16.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4276 + - uid: 1584 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,16.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4277 + - uid: 1585 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,14.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4278 + - uid: 1586 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,14.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4279 + - uid: 1587 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,14.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4280 + - uid: 5902 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,14.5 + pos: -19.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4281 + - uid: 5903 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,26.5 + pos: -19.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4282 + - uid: 5904 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,12.5 + pos: -19.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4283 +- proto: CrateArmoryLaser + entities: + - uid: 7283 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-14.5 + pos: -8.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4284 +- proto: CrateArmoryShotgun + entities: + - uid: 6532 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,6.5 + pos: -9.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4285 +- proto: CrateArmorySMG + entities: + - uid: 6531 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,7.5 + pos: -6.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4288 +- proto: CrateEmergencyRadiation + entities: + - uid: 5379 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,3.5 + pos: 23.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4289 +- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEControl + entities: + - uid: 7187 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,7.5 + pos: 32.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4290 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - type: ContainerContainer + containers: + entity_storage: !type:Container + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ents: + - 846 + paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot + showEnts: False + occludes: True + ent: null +- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEShielding + entities: + - uid: 6617 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-0.5 + pos: 27.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4291 + - uid: 6622 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-0.5 + pos: 26.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4292 + - uid: 7171 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-3.5 + pos: 28.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4293 +- proto: CrateEngineeringCableBulk + entities: + - uid: 5328 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-3.5 + pos: 30.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4294 +- proto: CrateEngineeringCableLV + entities: + - uid: 5380 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-2.5 + pos: 19.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4295 +- proto: CrateEngineeringCableMV + entities: + - uid: 5381 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-1.5 + pos: 16.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4296 +- proto: CrateFunToyBox + entities: + - uid: 6530 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-0.5 + pos: -8.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4297 +- proto: CrateHydroponicsSeedsExotic + entities: + - uid: 6527 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,1.5 + pos: -5.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4298 + - uid: 7598 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,2.5 + pos: -9.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4300 +- proto: CrateMedicalSurgery + entities: + - uid: 629 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,2.5 + pos: 10.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4301 +- proto: CrateMousetrapBoxes + entities: + - uid: 6529 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,2.5 + pos: -7.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4302 +- proto: CrateServiceJanitorialSupplies + entities: + - uid: 2922 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-19.5 + pos: -4.5,-43.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4303 +- proto: CrateVendingMachineRestockDiscountDansFilled + entities: + - uid: 7288 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-21.5 + pos: -8.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4304 + - uid: 7291 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-22.5 + pos: -6.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4317 + - uid: 7294 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-23.5 + pos: -7.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4318 + - uid: 7300 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-25.5 + pos: -7.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4319 +- proto: CrewMonitoringServer + entities: + - uid: 7481 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-24.5 + pos: 30.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4320 + - type: SingletonDeviceNetServer + active: False + available: False +- proto: CrowbarRed + entities: + - uid: 515 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-23.5 + pos: 20.552847,-10.547255 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4321 + - uid: 1451 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-23.5 + pos: 14.506881,6.5434804 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4322 + - uid: 2225 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-34.5 + pos: -11.468896,17.467602 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4323 + - uid: 2467 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-30.5 + pos: 22.533863,23.410753 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4324 + - uid: 2870 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-21.5 + pos: 4.569995,19.321579 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4325 + - uid: 3899 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,19.5 + pos: -12.531932,-6.3835163 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4326 + - uid: 5347 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,17.5 + pos: 21.478167,-17.501467 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4327 +- proto: CryogenicSleepUnitSpawnerLateJoin + entities: + - uid: 2784 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,15.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4328 + - uid: 3428 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,14.5 + pos: 10.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4366 +- proto: DeployableBarrier + entities: + - uid: 3144 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,14.5 + pos: 6.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4368 + - uid: 3145 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,14.5 + pos: 5.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4422 + - uid: 3146 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,14.5 + pos: 12.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4602 + - uid: 3147 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,14.5 + pos: 13.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4671 +- proto: DiceBag + entities: + - uid: 3763 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,10.5 + pos: -24.498522,4.631134 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4672 +- proto: DiseaseDiagnoser + entities: + - uid: 822 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,12.5 + pos: 5.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4673 +- proto: DisposalBend + entities: + - uid: 2059 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,14.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4750 + - uid: 2073 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4751 + - uid: 2074 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,32.5 + pos: -5.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5025 + - uid: 2076 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5058 + - uid: 2086 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,32.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5064 + - uid: 2091 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,32.5 + pos: -0.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5065 + - uid: 2093 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,29.5 + pos: 31.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5114 + - uid: 2117 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,30.5 + pos: 20.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5115 + - uid: 2118 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,29.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 20.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5116 + - uid: 2125 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5117 + - uid: 2129 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,26.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5118 + - uid: 2179 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,26.5 + pos: -0.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5169 + - uid: 2180 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,23.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5170 + - uid: 3639 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5320 + - uid: 3852 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5324 + - uid: 4649 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5344 + - uid: 4650 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,20.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5355 + - uid: 4925 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,21.5 + pos: -11.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5392 + - uid: 4949 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5412 + - uid: 4951 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5781 + - uid: 4952 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5782 + - uid: 5897 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,17.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5783 +- proto: DisposalJunction + entities: + - uid: 2082 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,10.5 + pos: -5.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5922 + - uid: 4948 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5923 +- proto: DisposalJunctionFlipped + entities: + - uid: 2080 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-4.5 + pos: -5.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5924 + - uid: 2081 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-8.5 + pos: -5.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5925 + - uid: 2120 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,17.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5926 + - uid: 2134 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,32.5 + pos: -0.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5927 + - uid: 3640 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,17.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5949 + - uid: 4927 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,16.5 + pos: -13.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5950 +- proto: DisposalPipe + entities: + - uid: 2060 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-16.5 + pos: -10.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5983 + - uid: 2061 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,11.5 + pos: -10.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5984 + - uid: 2062 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-17.5 + pos: -10.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5985 + - uid: 2063 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-17.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5986 + - uid: 2064 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-14.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5987 + - uid: 2065 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5988 + - uid: 2066 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-14.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5989 + - uid: 2067 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-14.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5993 + - uid: 2068 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-13.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5994 + - uid: 2069 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-14.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5995 + - uid: 2070 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-10.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5996 + - uid: 2071 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5997 + - uid: 2072 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-13.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6101 + - uid: 2077 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6160 + - uid: 2078 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,14.5 + pos: -5.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6161 + - uid: 2079 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-10.5 + pos: -5.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6162 + - uid: 2083 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,6.5 + pos: -5.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6163 + - uid: 2084 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,8.5 + pos: -5.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6164 + - uid: 2085 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,5.5 + pos: -5.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6165 + - uid: 2087 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6280 + - uid: 2088 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6281 + - uid: 2089 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6286 + - uid: 2090 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6287 + - uid: 2094 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 30.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6301 + - uid: 2095 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-0.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 29.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6302 + - uid: 2096 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6303 + - uid: 2097 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 27.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6304 + - uid: 2098 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 26.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6305 + - uid: 2099 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,0.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6306 + - uid: 2100 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-4.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6307 + - uid: 2101 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6449 + - uid: 2102 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6450 + - uid: 2103 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6451 + - uid: 2104 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 20.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6452 + - uid: 2105 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 20.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6453 + - uid: 2106 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 20.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6454 + - uid: 2107 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,6.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6461 + - uid: 2108 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-8.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 18.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6462 + - uid: 2109 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-8.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 17.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6492 + - uid: 2110 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6505 + - uid: 2111 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6507 + - uid: 2112 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6508 + - uid: 2113 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6509 + - uid: 2114 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6510 + - uid: 2115 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6511 + - uid: 2116 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6512 + - uid: 2121 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6513 + - uid: 2122 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6514 + - uid: 2123 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-5.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6515 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-7.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6516 + - uid: 2124 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-7.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6517 + - uid: 2126 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-6.5 + pos: 4.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6518 + - uid: 2127 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-6.5 + pos: 4.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6519 + - uid: 2128 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-8.5 + pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6520 + - uid: 2130 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6547 + - uid: 2131 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6548 + - uid: 2132 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6549 + - uid: 2133 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,9.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6550 + - uid: 2135 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-3.5 + pos: -0.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6551 + - uid: 2136 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,9.5 + pos: -0.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6552 + - uid: 2137 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,9.5 + pos: -0.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6553 + - uid: 2138 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,9.5 + pos: -0.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6554 + - uid: 2139 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,9.5 + pos: -0.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6575 + - uid: 2140 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,7.5 + pos: -0.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6576 + - uid: 2141 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,8.5 + pos: -0.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6577 + - uid: 2181 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6578 + - uid: 2182 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6581 + - uid: 2183 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6582 + - uid: 2184 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,9.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6592 + - uid: 2185 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,8.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6610 + - uid: 2186 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,8.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6615 + - uid: 2187 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6752 + - uid: 2188 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,6.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6768 + - uid: 2189 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6769 + - uid: 2190 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-13.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6772 + - uid: 3641 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-10.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6775 + - uid: 3642 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-13.5 + pos: -21.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6778 + - uid: 3643 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-14.5 + pos: -21.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6779 + - uid: 3644 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6785 + - uid: 3645 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-12.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6842 + - uid: 3646 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6875 + - uid: 3647 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6977 + - uid: 3648 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6978 + - uid: 3649 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-9.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6979 + - uid: 3650 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6980 + - uid: 3651 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6981 + - uid: 3652 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6982 + - uid: 3653 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6983 + - uid: 3654 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6984 + - uid: 3655 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6985 + - uid: 3656 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6986 + - uid: 3657 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6992 + - uid: 3658 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6993 + - uid: 3844 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-9.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6994 + - uid: 3845 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-8.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6995 + - uid: 3846 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-8.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6996 + - uid: 3847 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,3.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6997 + - uid: 3848 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-5.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6998 + - uid: 3849 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-5.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6999 + - uid: 3850 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-4.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7000 + - uid: 3851 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-5.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7001 + - uid: 4926 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-4.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7002 + - uid: 4928 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7003 + - uid: 4929 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-6.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7004 + - uid: 4930 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7005 + - uid: 4931 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7006 + - uid: 4932 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7007 + - uid: 4933 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7008 + - uid: 4934 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7009 + - uid: 4935 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7010 + - uid: 4936 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7011 + - uid: 4937 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7012 + - uid: 4938 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,6.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7013 + - uid: 4939 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7014 + - uid: 4940 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7015 + - uid: 4941 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7016 + - uid: 4942 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7017 + - uid: 4943 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,2.5 + pos: -0.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7018 + - uid: 4944 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,1.5 + pos: -0.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7019 + - uid: 4945 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,2.5 + pos: -0.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7020 + - uid: 4946 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-1.5 + pos: -0.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7021 + - uid: 4947 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-0.5 + pos: -0.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7022 + - uid: 4953 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-3.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7023 + - uid: 4954 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: CloningPod - entities: - - uid: 722 + - uid: 4955 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-13.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: Construction - containers: - - machine_parts - - machine_board -- proto: ClosetChefFilled - entities: - - uid: 4579 + - uid: 4956 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClosetEmergencyFilledRandom - entities: - - uid: 1071 + - uid: 4957 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 1072 + - uid: 4958 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 2044 + - uid: 4959 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,24.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4148 + - uid: 4960 components: - type: Transform - pos: -33.5,1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4149 + - uid: 4961 components: - type: Transform - pos: -33.5,-2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4159 + - uid: 4962 components: - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,6.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5352 + - uid: 4963 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-26.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6147 + - uid: 4964 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6252 + - uid: 4965 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,-16.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClosetFireFilled - entities: - - uid: 1073 + - uid: 5785 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 1074 + - uid: 5888 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-6.5 + pos: -13.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 4158 + - uid: 5889 components: - type: Transform - pos: -29.5,6.5 + pos: -13.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5356 + - uid: 5890 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-26.5 + pos: -13.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6146 + - uid: 5891 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-28.5 + pos: -13.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClosetL3JanitorFilled - entities: - - uid: 6229 + - uid: 5892 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-31.5 + pos: -13.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClosetLegalFilled - entities: - - uid: 2490 + - uid: 5893 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,23.5 + pos: -13.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClosetRadiationSuitFilled - entities: - - uid: 2442 + - uid: 5894 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-26.5 + pos: -13.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5331 + - uid: 5895 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-15.5 + pos: -13.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5332 + - uid: 5896 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-18.5 + pos: -13.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClosetSteelBase - entities: - - uid: 2491 + - uid: 5898 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,23.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClosetToolFilled - entities: - - uid: 3254 + - uid: 5899 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,19.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingBackpackDuffelCargo - entities: - - uid: 6932 + - uid: 5900 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.4863143,25.64425 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingBackpackERTSecurity +- proto: DisposalTrunk entities: - - uid: 2901 + - uid: 2058 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.642612,32.410297 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2902 + - uid: 2075 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.439487,32.566547 + pos: -3.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2903 + - uid: 2092 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.6113625,32.457172 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 31.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2904 + - uid: 2119 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.4551125,32.613422 - parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingBackpackSatchelHolding - entities: - - uid: 3737 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 9.5,-2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2178 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.540686,12.537982 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingBeltChiefEngineerFilled - entities: - - uid: 6956 + - uid: 3638 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.568373,-22.468605 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,2.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingBeltSecurityFilled - entities: - - uid: 1460 + - uid: 3843 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.4730563,-12.590733 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3151 + - uid: 4924 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.512553,25.678463 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3152 + - uid: 4950 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.637553,25.537838 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingBeltSheathFilled - entities: - - uid: 3725 + - uid: 5901 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.72449,12.605259 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingBeltUtilityFilled +- proto: DisposalUnit entities: - - uid: 2241 + - uid: 531 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.339353,8.480244 + pos: 31.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3909 + - uid: 630 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.494019,-9.4266615 + pos: 9.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5345 + - uid: 836 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.530863,-26.462372 + pos: 13.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingEyesGlassesChemical - entities: - - uid: 6846 + - uid: 1407 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5108106,-10.103214 + pos: -3.5,1.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingEyesGlassesSecurity - entities: - - uid: 2204 + - uid: 1663 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.59961,30.616188 + pos: -9.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2205 + - uid: 2177 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.490234,30.741188 + pos: -3.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4173 + - uid: 3462 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5571308,30.616188 + pos: -19.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4388 + - uid: 3842 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.4477558,30.694313 + pos: -22.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingEyesGlassesSunglasses - entities: - - uid: 2449 + - uid: 4923 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.8832245,12.471813 + pos: -11.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6947 +- proto: DoorRemoteCC + entities: + - uid: 6635 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.440563,-8.922831 + pos: -19.927963,10.504134 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6948 +- proto: DoubleGlassAirlock + entities: + - uid: 5993 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.440563,-8.922831 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6949 +- proto: Dresser + entities: + - uid: 3435 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.440563,-8.922831 + pos: -14.5,8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingEyesHudDiagnostic +- proto: DrinkFlask entities: - - uid: 5371 + - uid: 3773 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.529047,-22.34483 + pos: -11.533806,6.6228595 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesColorBlue +- proto: DrinkGoldenCup entities: - - uid: 6950 + - uid: 3769 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.706188,-9.407206 + pos: -26.535545,11.773157 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6951 + - uid: 4375 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.706188,-9.407206 + pos: -3.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6952 + - uid: 4376 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.706188,-9.407206 + pos: 2.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingHandsGlovesCombat +- proto: DrinkHotCoffee entities: - - uid: 255 + - uid: 5464 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.4165058,30.959938 + pos: 16.572073,-29.470444 parent: 1668 - - uid: 297 +- proto: DrinkMugHeart + entities: + - uid: 1399 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.6508808,30.850563 + pos: 2.5713959,-11.619784 parent: 1668 - - uid: 823 +- proto: DrinkShaker + entities: + - uid: 6621 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.41518,30.975563 + pos: 10.4809675,-21.408005 parent: 1668 - - uid: 833 +- proto: DrinkShotGlass + entities: + - uid: 3889 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.57143,30.913063 + pos: -24.572554,-3.3475308 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3724 + - uid: 3890 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.552616,8.708888 + pos: -24.400679,-3.4725308 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingHeadHatWelding +- proto: DrinkWhiskeyBottleFull entities: - - uid: 2197 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.4187617,24.501104 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 3700 + - uid: 3875 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.435745,6.5478344 + pos: -27.52259,-4.144406 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5372 +- proto: EmergencyLight + entities: + - uid: 3155 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.357172,-22.34483 + pos: 9.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5373 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3156 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.544672,-22.46983 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,29.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingHeadsetAltCentCom - entities: - - uid: 1435 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3157 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.47396702,1.5393463 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3823 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3158 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.6429226,32.7473 + pos: 7.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3824 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3159 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.7522976,32.637924 + pos: 24.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3825 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3160 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.661858,32.6848 + pos: 29.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3826 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3161 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.771233,32.575424 + pos: 23.5,5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingMaskGas - entities: - - uid: 2224 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3162 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.500146,17.576977 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 29.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingMaskGasAtmos - entities: - - uid: 5346 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3163 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.493792,-17.470217 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingMaskGasDeathSquad - entities: - - uid: 299 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3164 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.360958,32.006813 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 821 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3165 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.59024,31.975563 + pos: -6.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 822 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3166 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.34024,32.022438 + pos: -2.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1434 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3167 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.595333,31.897438 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,26.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingNeckBronzeheart - entities: - - uid: 4377 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3168 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-21.5 + pos: -2.5,16.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingNeckCloakNanotrasen - entities: - - uid: 2452 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3169 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.456188,-9.313456 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2737 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3170 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.456188,-9.313456 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4266 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 3171 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.456188,-9.313456 + pos: 18.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4615 + - type: PointLight + enabled: True + - type: ActiveEmergencyLight + - uid: 5995 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.456188,-9.313456 + pos: -27.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingNeckGoldmedal - entities: - - uid: 4378 + - uid: 6152 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-21.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -31.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingNeckLawyerbadge +- proto: EncryptionKey_GROUPS_0 entities: - - uid: 4379 + - uid: 7334 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-23.5 + pos: -5.2924147,26.740412 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6936 + - uid: 7350 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.539907,21.362776 + pos: -5.4799147,26.667444 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingOuterArmorCaptainCarapace - entities: - - uid: 3771 + - uid: 7351 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.455681,6.5291095 + pos: -5.677831,26.698715 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingOuterHardsuitDeathsquad - entities: - - uid: 2897 + - uid: 7352 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.403695,32.551796 + pos: -5.802831,26.615324 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2898 + - uid: 7353 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.653695,32.69242 + pos: -5.3132477,26.313032 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2899 + - uid: 7354 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.372445,32.53617 + pos: -5.552831,26.240065 parent: 1668 - - type: GroupExamine - group: - - hoverMessage: "" - contextText: verb-examine-group-other - icon: /Textures/Interface/examine-star.png - components: - - Armor - - ClothingSpeedModifier - entries: - - message: >- - It provides the following protection: - - - [color=yellow]Blunt[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. - - - [color=yellow]Slash[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. - - - [color=yellow]Piercing[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. - - - [color=yellow]Heat[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. - - - [color=yellow]Radiation[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]90%[/color]. - - - [color=yellow]Caustic[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. - - - [color=orange]Explosion[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. - priority: 0 - component: Armor - title: null - - uid: 2900 + - uid: 7355 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.653695,32.676796 + pos: -5.7299147,26.260912 parent: 1668 - - type: GroupExamine - group: - - hoverMessage: "" - contextText: verb-examine-group-other - icon: /Textures/Interface/examine-star.png - components: - - Armor - - ClothingSpeedModifier - entries: - - message: >- - It provides the following protection: - - - [color=yellow]Blunt[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. - - - [color=yellow]Slash[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. - - - [color=yellow]Piercing[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. - - - [color=yellow]Heat[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. - - - [color=yellow]Radiation[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]90%[/color]. - - - [color=yellow]Caustic[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. - - - [color=orange]Explosion[/color] damage reduced by [color=lightblue]80%[/color]. - priority: 0 - component: Armor - title: null -- proto: ClothingShoesBootsLaceup +- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled entities: - - uid: 3722 + - uid: 628 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.568241,9.145143 + pos: 16.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6953 + - uid: 2237 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.518688,-8.610331 + pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6954 + - uid: 3908 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.518688,-8.610331 + pos: -16.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6955 + - uid: 3910 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.518688,-8.610331 + pos: -9.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingShoesBootsMagAdv - entities: - - uid: 2909 + - uid: 3911 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.4296377,30.58716 + pos: -13.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2910 + - uid: 3912 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.6171377,30.446535 + pos: -4.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2911 + - uid: 3913 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.407025,30.634035 + pos: 15.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2912 + - uid: 3914 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.6414,30.415285 + pos: 21.5,17.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingShoesLeather - entities: - - uid: 3775 + - uid: 3915 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.574664,4.498021 + pos: 13.5,18.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitDeathSquad - entities: - - uid: 2206 + - uid: 3916 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.35466,32.444313 + pos: 18.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2722 + - uid: 3917 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.637115,32.584938 + pos: 18.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4398 + - uid: 3918 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.40274,32.428688 + pos: 2.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4723 + - uid: 4150 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.651535,32.600563 + pos: -28.5,1.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ClothingUniformJumpsuitNanotrasen +- proto: FaxMachineCentcom entities: - - uid: 2446 + - uid: 76 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.362438,-9.485331 + pos: -2.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2451 + - type: FaxMachine + name: Центральное Командование +- proto: filingCabinet + entities: + - uid: 594 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.362438,-9.485331 + pos: 10.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2453 + - uid: 595 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.362438,-9.485331 + pos: 11.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2728 + - uid: 650 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.362438,-9.485331 + pos: 1.5,1.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ComfyChair - entities: - - uid: 502 + - uid: 816 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 17.5,12.5 + pos: -6.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2194 + - uid: 3840 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,24.5 + pos: -24.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2421 + - uid: 3841 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,21.5 + pos: -23.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2447 +- proto: filingCabinetDrawer + entities: + - uid: 1628 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,9.5 + pos: -12.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2450 + - uid: 1660 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 17.5,14.5 + pos: -11.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2492 +- proto: filingCabinetTall + entities: + - uid: 1626 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,21.5 + pos: -12.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2493 + - uid: 1627 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 20.5,19.5 + pos: -11.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2494 +- proto: FirelockGlass + entities: + - uid: 15 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 19.5,19.5 + pos: 5.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3171 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 16 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 17.5,13.5 + pos: 4.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3611 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 17 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,11.5 + pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3612 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 18 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -15.5,11.5 + pos: 3.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3613 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 19 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -24.5,10.5 + pos: 5.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3614 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 20 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -24.5,11.5 + pos: 4.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3615 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 21 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -22.5,11.5 + pos: 3.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3616 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 22 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -22.5,10.5 + pos: 3.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3617 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 23 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,5.5 + pos: -4.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3618 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 24 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,5.5 + pos: -4.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3619 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 25 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -23.5,3.5 + pos: -6.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3620 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 26 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -24.5,3.5 + pos: -5.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3718 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 27 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,12.5 + pos: -6.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3879 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 28 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -25.5,-6.5 + pos: -5.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4189 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 29 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,13.5 + pos: -4.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4437 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 125 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-26.5 + pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4441 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 131 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-29.5 + pos: -4.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4442 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 492 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-29.5 + pos: 25.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4443 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 493 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-25.5 + pos: 26.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4444 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 495 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,-26.5 + pos: 27.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4445 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 559 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,-25.5 + pos: 12.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4446 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 560 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-26.5 + pos: 14.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4447 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 733 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-25.5 + pos: 2.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4448 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 735 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-26.5 + pos: 2.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4449 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 772 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-25.5 + pos: -3.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4450 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 773 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-28.5 + pos: -3.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4451 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 1619 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-28.5 + pos: -4.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4453 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 1620 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-29.5 + pos: -4.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4458 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4265 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-28.5 + pos: -3.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4470 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4266 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-28.5 + pos: 2.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4472 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4299 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-29.5 + pos: 6.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5422 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4404 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-29.5 + pos: -8.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6614 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4405 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,15.5 + pos: -8.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6616 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4406 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,14.5 + pos: -8.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ComputerAlert - entities: - - uid: 4973 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4407 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 15.5,-20.5 + pos: 7.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5338 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4408 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 21.5,-16.5 + pos: 7.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: computerBodyScanner - entities: - - uid: 611 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4409 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-6.5 + pos: 7.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ComputerCargoBounty - entities: - - uid: 6923 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4630 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,23.5 + pos: -13.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: ComputerCargoOrders - entities: - - uid: 1624 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4631 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,11.5 + pos: -14.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 1653 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4632 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -13.5,14.5 + pos: 13.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: ComputerCargoShuttle - entities: - - uid: 1625 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4633 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,12.5 + pos: 12.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 1652 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4754 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -12.5,14.5 + pos: 16.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: ComputerCloningConsole - entities: - - uid: 575 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4968 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-13.5 + pos: 12.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 722: - - CloningPodSender: CloningPodReceiver - 723: - - MedicalScannerSender: MedicalScannerReceiver -- proto: ComputerComms - entities: - - uid: 652 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 4969 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-1.5 + pos: 13.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 3447 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 5045 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,12.5 + pos: 19.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCAdmiral - - uid: 3629 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 5046 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,6.5 + pos: 20.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCAdmiral - - uid: 3630 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 5047 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,11.5 + pos: 21.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCAdmiral - - uid: 3837 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 5222 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -25.5,-7.5 + pos: 25.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: ComputerCrewMonitoring - entities: - - uid: 593 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 5224 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,3.5 + pos: 24.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 608 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 5233 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 15.5,-4.5 + pos: 26.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 656 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 5254 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-1.5 + pos: 29.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ComputerCriminalRecords - entities: - - uid: 498 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 5255 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 28.5,-8.5 + pos: 29.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 591 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 5256 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,4.5 + pos: 29.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 653 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 5876 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -1.5,-2.5 + pos: -14.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 813 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 5877 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -4.5,-13.5 + pos: -13.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2426 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 6239 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,17.5 + pos: 3.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 3258 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 6244 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,22.5 + pos: 2.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: ComputerId - entities: - - uid: 589 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 6245 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 13.5,3.5 + pos: 4.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 651 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 6267 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-0.5 + pos: -5.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3448 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 6268 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,12.5 + pos: -4.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3907 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - uid: 6269 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,-5.5 + pos: -3.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ComputerPalletConsole + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None +- proto: Fireplace entities: - - uid: 6930 + - uid: 3393 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,27.5 + pos: -23.5,12.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ComputerPowerMonitoring +- proto: Flash entities: - - uid: 3256 + - uid: 1452 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 16.5,18.5 + pos: 10.538131,4.4341054 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3573 + - uid: 3748 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -15.5,4.5 + pos: -26.453917,8.594473 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4971 + - uid: 4698 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 15.5,-21.5 + pos: 24.48021,-8.554767 parent: 1668 -- proto: ComputerReinforcementCentCom +- proto: FloorDrain entities: - - uid: 2799 + - uid: 573 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,0.5 + pos: 12.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ComputerShipyard - entities: - - uid: 105 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 3421 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,17.5 + pos: -20.5,15.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ComputerShuttleCargo - entities: - - uid: 3719 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 6623 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,17.5 + pos: -16.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ComputerStationRecords - entities: - - uid: 3720 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7264 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-15.5 + pos: 21.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ComputerSurveillanceCameraMonitor - entities: - - uid: 499 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7289 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 28.5,-9.5 + pos: -7.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 654 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7290 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,-2.5 + pos: 21.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 814 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7292 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-13.5 + pos: 18.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2250 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7293 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 15.5,3.5 + pos: 18.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2745 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7295 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,18.5 + pos: 31.5,3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ComputerTelevision - entities: - - uid: 3715 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7296 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,12.5 + pos: 31.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ConveyorBelt - entities: - - uid: 1576 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7303 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -16.5,24.5 + pos: 3.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1577 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7304 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -15.5,24.5 + pos: -2.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1578 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7305 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,24.5 + pos: 11.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1579 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7306 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,24.5 + pos: 5.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1580 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7307 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,24.5 + pos: -2.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1581 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7308 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,24.5 + pos: 1.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1582 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7309 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -16.5,28.5 + pos: 1.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1583 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7310 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -15.5,28.5 + pos: -10.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1584 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7311 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,28.5 + pos: -9.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1585 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7312 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,28.5 + pos: 8.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1586 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7313 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,28.5 + pos: 9.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1587 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7314 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,28.5 + pos: 7.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5902 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7608 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-33.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5903 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7609 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-32.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5904 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7610 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-31.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateArmoryLaser - entities: - - uid: 6533 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7611 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: CrateArmoryShotgun - entities: - - uid: 6532 + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} + - uid: 7612 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,24.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -7.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: CrateArmorySMG + - type: Fixtures + fixtures: {} +- proto: FoodBoxDonkpocketPizza entities: - - uid: 6531 + - uid: 2227 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,26.5 + pos: -14.517971,17.62628 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: CrateEmergencyRadiation - entities: - - uid: 5379 + - uid: 3905 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-13.5 + pos: -13.406932,-7.1178913 parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEControl +- proto: FoodBoxDonut entities: - - uid: 2808 + - uid: 1400 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-10.5 + pos: -3.5536041,-11.463534 parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEShielding - entities: - - uid: 792 + - uid: 2496 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-13.5 + pos: 28.583382,10.652384 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 2809 + - uid: 3745 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-10.5 + pos: -23.474928,11.563223 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2810 + - uid: 3752 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-10.5 + pos: -19.463516,4.614471 parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateEngineeringCableBulk - entities: - - uid: 5328 + - uid: 3874 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-15.5 + pos: -27.444466,-3.3787808 parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateEngineeringCableLV - entities: - - uid: 5380 + - uid: 3891 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-13.5 + pos: -22.447554,-6.441281 parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateEngineeringCableMV +- proto: FoodCondimentBottleEnzyme entities: - - uid: 5381 + - uid: 4592 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-13.5 + pos: -11.611271,-26.1594 parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateEngineeringShuttle - entities: - - uid: 2144 + - uid: 4593 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-13.5 + pos: -11.470646,-26.268776 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: CrateFoodPizza +- proto: FoodCondimentPacketPepper entities: - - uid: 6528 + - uid: 4619 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,22.5 + pos: 2.4944715,-29.54472 parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateFunToyBox +- proto: FoodCondimentPacketSalt entities: - - uid: 6530 + - uid: 4618 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,28.5 + pos: 2.4007215,-29.404095 parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateHydroponicsSeedsExotic +- proto: FoodMeat entities: - - uid: 6527 + - uid: 54 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,17.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo -- proto: CrateMedicalSurgery - entities: - - uid: 629 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 55 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-4.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: EntityStorage - air: - volume: 200 - immutable: False - temperature: 293.14673 - moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - type: ContainerContainer - containers: - entity_storage: !type:Container - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ents: - - 108 - - 107 - paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot - showEnts: False - occludes: True - ent: null -- proto: CrateEngineeringAMEShielding - entities: - - uid: 6617 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 56 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-14.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6622 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 57 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-14.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 7171 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 58 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-14.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateEngineeringCableBulk - entities: - - uid: 5328 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 59 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-15.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateEngineeringCableLV - entities: - - uid: 5380 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 60 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-13.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateEngineeringCableMV - entities: - - uid: 5381 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 61 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-13.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateFunToyBox - entities: - - uid: 6530 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 62 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,28.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateHydroponicsSeedsExotic - entities: - - uid: 6527 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 63 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,17.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 7598 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 64 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-35.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateMedicalSurgery - entities: - - uid: 629 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 65 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-4.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: CrateMousetrapBoxes - entities: - - uid: 6529 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 66 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,26.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: CrowbarRed - entities: - - uid: 515 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 67 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.552847,-10.547255 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 1451 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 68 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.506881,6.5434804 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2225 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 69 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.468896,17.467602 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2467 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage + - uid: 655 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.533863,23.410753 + parent: 4577 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: FoodPlateSmall + entities: + - uid: 6627 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5503339,-25.456686 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2870 + - uid: 6628 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.561338,19.119057 + pos: 0.5503339,-25.394186 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3899 + - uid: 6629 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.531932,-6.3835163 + pos: 0.5503339,-25.316061 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5347 +- proto: FoodPoppy + entities: + - uid: 6605 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.478167,-17.501467 + pos: -11.182456,6.7149878 parent: 1668 -- proto: CryogenicSleepUnit +- proto: FoodTartGapple entities: - - uid: 3154 + - uid: 4380 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-15.5 + pos: 2.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 3633 +- proto: GasMinerNitrogenStationLarge + entities: + - uid: 1442 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-16.5 + pos: 21.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: CryoPod +- proto: GasMinerOxygenStationLarge entities: - - uid: 6642 + - uid: 6661 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-4.5 + pos: 24.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DeathsquadPDA +- proto: GasMixerFlipped entities: - - uid: 298 + - uid: 5389 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.579019,31.366188 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 579 + - type: GasMixer + inletTwoConcentration: 0.78 + inletOneConcentration: 0.22 + targetPressure: 300 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' +- proto: GasPassiveVent + entities: + - uid: 4712 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.399555,31.459938 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 820 + - uid: 5391 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.587055,31.366188 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 21.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 834 + - uid: 6141 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.407144,31.491188 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DefibrillatorCabinetFilled - entities: - - uid: 2807 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7265 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-10.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 22.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2914 +- proto: GasPipeBend + entities: + - uid: 1441 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,2.5 + pos: -1.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3123 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 3660 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,6.5 + pos: -16.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3133 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3670 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-17.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3139 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3674 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6644 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3675 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,9.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DeployableBarrier - entities: - - uid: 3144 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3676 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 3145 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3684 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,29.5 + pos: -15.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 3146 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3686 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,29.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 3147 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 4711 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,29.5 + pos: 24.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity -- proto: DiceBag - entities: - - uid: 3763 + - uid: 5070 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.498522,4.631134 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DiseaseDiagnoser - entities: - - uid: 2804 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5388 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-11.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DisposalBend - entities: - - uid: 160 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5401 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2059 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 5503 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,14.5 + pos: 20.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2073 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5513 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -10.5,10.5 + pos: 13.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2074 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5519 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,10.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 7.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2076 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5529 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -1.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2086 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5539 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-4.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2091 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5540 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-4.5 + pos: 0.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2125 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5541 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-1.5 + pos: -1.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2129 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5555 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-5.5 + pos: -8.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2179 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5560 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,8.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2180 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5581 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3639 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 5596 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3852 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5597 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -22.5,-0.5 + pos: -5.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4649 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5598 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -16.5,-32.5 + pos: 4.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4650 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5599 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -16.5,-33.5 + pos: 4.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4925 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5661 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-22.5 + pos: -20.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4949 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5699 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,-18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4951 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5711 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,-16.5 + pos: -10.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4952 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5787 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,-18.5 + pos: 13.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5897 - components: + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6308 + components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,-32.5 + pos: 4.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DisposalJunction - entities: - - uid: 2082 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6309 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4948 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6665 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -0.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DisposalJunctionFlipped - entities: - - uid: 2080 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6667 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2081 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6721 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2120 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6734 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-1.5 + pos: 2.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2134 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6739 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-5.5 + pos: -3.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3640 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6752 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,-0.5 + pos: -11.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4927 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6781 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-22.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DisposalPipe - entities: - - uid: 155 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6784 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 13.5,-4.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 157 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6787 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 13.5,-3.5 + pos: -2.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 158 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6806 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 13.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 159 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6836 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,-1.5 + pos: 25.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2060 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6837 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,13.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 25.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2061 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6844 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,12.5 + pos: 32.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2062 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6847 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,11.5 + pos: 19.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2063 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6927 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,10.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -6.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2064 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7026 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,10.5 + pos: 5.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2065 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7094 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,10.5 + pos: 12.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2066 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7123 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,10.5 + pos: 1.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2067 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7157 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,9.5 + pos: -11.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2068 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7221 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,8.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2069 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7222 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,7.5 + pos: 19.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2070 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7268 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,6.5 + pos: 22.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2071 + - uid: 7626 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,5.5 + pos: -13.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2072 + - uid: 7632 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,4.5 + pos: -11.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2077 + - uid: 7633 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,0.5 + pos: -10.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2078 +- proto: GasPipeFourway + entities: + - uid: 3678 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,1.5 + pos: -21.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2079 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5397 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,2.5 + pos: 12.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2083 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5492 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-1.5 + pos: 25.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2084 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5571 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-2.5 + pos: -0.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2085 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6310 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-3.5 + pos: -0.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2087 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6671 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-4.5 + pos: 10.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2088 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6677 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-4.5 + pos: 10.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2089 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6700 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-4.5 + pos: -0.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2090 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6751 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,-4.5 + pos: -13.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2115 + - uid: 6835 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-1.5 + pos: 24.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2116 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6896 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-1.5 + pos: 24.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2121 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6945 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-1.5 + pos: -19.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2122 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7057 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-1.5 + pos: 10.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2123 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' +- proto: GasPipeStraight + entities: + - uid: 51 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,-1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2124 + - uid: 52 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-1.5 + pos: 24.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2126 + - uid: 1439 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-2.5 + pos: -14.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2127 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 1440 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2128 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 3664 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-4.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2130 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3665 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-5.5 + pos: -18.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2131 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3666 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-5.5 + pos: -19.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2132 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3667 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-5.5 + pos: -20.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2133 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3668 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-5.5 + pos: -21.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2135 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3669 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2136 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3672 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2137 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3673 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-8.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2138 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3677 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2139 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3679 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-10.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2140 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3680 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-11.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2141 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3681 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-12.5 + pos: -18.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2181 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3682 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,4.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2182 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3683 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2183 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3685 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,6.5 + pos: -15.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2184 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3690 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,7.5 + pos: -21.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2185 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3691 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,8.5 + pos: -21.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2186 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3692 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,8.5 + pos: -21.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2187 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 3693 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,3.5 + pos: -21.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2188 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 4714 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,3.5 + pos: 20.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2189 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 4715 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,3.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 19.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2190 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5067 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3641 + - uid: 5390 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3642 + - uid: 5415 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 18.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3643 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5416 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 17.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3644 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5418 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-0.5 + pos: 15.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3645 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5419 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,-0.5 + pos: 14.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3646 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5466 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -18.5,-0.5 + pos: 13.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3647 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5467 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -17.5,-0.5 + pos: 13.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3648 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5468 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -16.5,-0.5 + pos: 13.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3649 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5469 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -15.5,-0.5 + pos: 13.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3650 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5471 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3651 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5472 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3652 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5479 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 17.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3653 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5480 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 18.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3654 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5481 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3655 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5482 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3656 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5483 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3657 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5484 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3658 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5485 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-0.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3844 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5486 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,-8.5 + pos: 25.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3845 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5487 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,-7.5 + pos: 25.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3846 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5488 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,-6.5 + pos: 25.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3847 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5489 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,-5.5 + pos: 25.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3848 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5490 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,-4.5 + pos: 25.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3849 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5491 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,-3.5 + pos: 25.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3850 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5493 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 26.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3851 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5494 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,-1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 27.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4926 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5495 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-22.5 + pos: 28.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4928 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5496 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -13.5,-21.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 29.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4929 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5497 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -13.5,-20.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 30.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4930 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5498 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -13.5,-19.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 31.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4931 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5499 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4932 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5500 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4933 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5501 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4934 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5502 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4935 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5504 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-18.5 + pos: 20.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4936 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5508 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4937 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5509 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4938 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5511 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,-18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4939 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5512 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4940 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5514 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4941 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5515 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4942 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5516 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4943 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5517 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-17.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4944 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5518 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4945 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5522 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-15.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4946 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5523 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-14.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4947 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5524 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-13.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4953 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5525 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-17.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4954 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5526 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4955 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5527 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4956 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5531 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4957 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5532 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4958 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5533 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4959 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5534 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4960 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5535 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4961 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5536 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4962 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5545 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-18.5 + pos: -0.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4963 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5546 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-18.5 + pos: -0.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4964 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5547 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-18.5 + pos: -0.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4965 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5548 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-18.5 + pos: -0.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5785 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5549 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -15.5,-32.5 + pos: -0.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5888 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5552 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-23.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5889 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5553 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-24.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5890 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5556 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-25.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5891 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5557 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-26.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5892 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5558 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-27.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5893 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5559 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-28.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5894 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5561 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-29.5 + pos: -13.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5895 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5562 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-30.5 + pos: -13.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5896 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5564 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-31.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5898 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5567 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,-32.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5899 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5568 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -17.5,-33.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5900 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5569 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -18.5,-33.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DisposalTrunk - entities: - - uid: 154 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5570 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 13.5,-5.5 + pos: -0.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2058 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5574 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,14.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2075 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5575 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2119 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5576 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 9.5,-2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2178 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5577 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,8.5 + pos: 0.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3638 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5578 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3843 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5579 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,-9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4924 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5580 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -11.5,-23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4950 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5586 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,-16.5 + pos: -0.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5901 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5587 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,-33.5 + pos: -0.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DisposalUnit - entities: - - uid: 156 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5588 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-5.5 + pos: -0.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 630 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5589 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-2.5 + pos: -0.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 836 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5590 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-16.5 + pos: -0.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1407 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5591 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,1.5 + pos: -0.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1663 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5600 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,14.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2177 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5601 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3462 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5602 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3842 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5603 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-9.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4923 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5604 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-23.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: Dresser - entities: - - uid: 3435 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5605 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,8.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DrinkFlask - entities: - - uid: 3773 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5606 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.533806,6.6228595 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DrinkGoldenCup - entities: - - uid: 3769 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5608 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.535545,11.773157 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4375 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5609 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4376 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5610 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DrinkHotCoffee - entities: - - uid: 5464 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5611 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.572073,-29.470444 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DrinkMugHeart - entities: - - uid: 1399 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5612 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5713959,-11.619784 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DrinkShaker - entities: - - uid: 6621 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5614 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.581316,-21.304184 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DrinkShotGlass - entities: - - uid: 3889 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5615 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.572554,-3.3475308 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3890 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5616 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.400679,-3.4725308 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: DrinkWhiskeyBottleFull - entities: - - uid: 3875 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5617 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.52259,-4.144406 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: EmergencyLight - entities: - - uid: 3155 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5618 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,25.5 + pos: 4.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3156 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5619 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,29.5 + pos: 4.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3157 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5620 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,29.5 + pos: 4.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3158 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5621 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,15.5 + pos: 4.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3159 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5622 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,13.5 + pos: 4.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3160 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5623 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,23.5 + pos: 4.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3161 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5624 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3162 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5625 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 29.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3163 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5626 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 10.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3164 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5629 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3165 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5630 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,4.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3166 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5631 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-9.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3167 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5632 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,26.5 + pos: -10.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3168 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5633 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3169 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5634 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,31.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight - - uid: 3170 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5635 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 16.5,31.5 + pos: -13.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: PointLight - enabled: True - - type: ActiveEmergencyLight -- proto: EpinephrineChemistryBottle - entities: - - uid: 1462 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5636 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.808971,-12.626007 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1463 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5637 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.818524,-12.297882 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ExtinguisherCabinetFilled - entities: - - uid: 628 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5638 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2237 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5639 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3908 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5640 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3910 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5641 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3911 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5642 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3912 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5644 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3913 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5645 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,15.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3914 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5646 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,17.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3915 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5647 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3916 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5648 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3917 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5649 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3918 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5650 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-9.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4150 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5651 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: FaxMachineCentcom - entities: - - uid: 76 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5653 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-2.5 + pos: -30.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: FaxMachine - name: CentComm -- proto: filingCabinet - entities: - - uid: 594 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5654 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,6.5 + pos: -30.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 595 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5655 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,6.5 + pos: -30.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 650 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5656 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,1.5 + pos: -30.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 816 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5657 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-9.5 + pos: -30.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3840 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5662 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,-9.5 + pos: -20.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3841 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5668 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,0.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: filingCabinetDrawer - entities: - - uid: 1628 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5672 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,12.5 + pos: -0.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1660 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5673 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,14.5 + pos: -0.5,5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: filingCabinetTall - entities: - - uid: 1626 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5674 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,8.5 + pos: -0.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1627 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5675 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,8.5 + pos: -0.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1661 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5676 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,17.5 + pos: -0.5,8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: FireAxeCabinetFilled - entities: - - uid: 6647 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5677 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-28.5 + pos: -0.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: FirelockGlass - entities: - - uid: 15 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5680 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-3.5 + pos: -0.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 16 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5681 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 17 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5682 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-4.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 18 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5683 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 19 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5684 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 20 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5685 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 21 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5686 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,4.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 22 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5687 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 23 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5688 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,4.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo - - uid: 24 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5689 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 25 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5690 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 26 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5691 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 27 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5692 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 28 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5693 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 29 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5694 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-4.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 125 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5695 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,16.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 131 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5701 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-5.5 + pos: -10.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 492 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5702 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-7.5 + pos: -10.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 493 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5703 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-7.5 + pos: -10.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 495 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5704 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-7.5 + pos: -10.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 559 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5705 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,2.5 + pos: -10.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 560 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5706 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,2.5 + pos: -10.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 733 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5708 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-11.5 + pos: -10.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 735 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5709 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-12.5 + pos: -10.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 772 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5710 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-12.5 + pos: -10.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 773 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5715 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-11.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 1619 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5716 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo - - uid: 1620 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5717 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,10.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo - - uid: 4299 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5718 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-24.5 + pos: -10.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4404 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5719 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-27.5 + pos: -10.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4405 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5720 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-26.5 + pos: -10.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4406 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5721 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-25.5 + pos: -10.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4407 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5722 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-27.5 + pos: -10.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4408 - components: + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5725 + components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-26.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4409 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5726 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-25.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4630 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5727 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4631 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5728 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4632 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5729 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4633 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5730 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 17.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4754 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5732 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4968 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5733 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4969 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5734 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5045 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5735 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5046 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5736 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5047 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5737 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5222 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5738 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5224 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5739 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 26.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5233 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5740 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 27.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5254 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5745 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-18.5 + pos: 11.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5255 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5746 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-17.5 + pos: 11.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5256 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5747 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-16.5 + pos: 11.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5876 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5748 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,-29.5 + pos: 11.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 5877 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5749 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-29.5 + pos: 11.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6239 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5750 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-34.5 + pos: 11.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6244 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5751 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-34.5 + pos: 11.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6245 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5752 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-34.5 + pos: 11.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6267 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5753 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-34.5 + pos: 11.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6268 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5754 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-34.5 + pos: 11.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6269 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5755 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-34.5 + pos: 11.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: Fireplace - entities: - - uid: 3393 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5757 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,12.5 + pos: 28.5,13.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: Flash - entities: - - uid: 1452 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5758 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.538131,4.4341054 + pos: 28.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3748 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5759 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.453917,8.594473 + pos: 28.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4698 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5760 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.48021,-8.554767 + pos: 28.5,16.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: FloorDrain - entities: - - uid: 3421 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5761 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,15.5 + pos: 28.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: Fixtures - fixtures: {} - - uid: 6622 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5762 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-16.5 + pos: 28.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: Fixtures - fixtures: {} - - uid: 6623 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5766 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-33.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: Fixtures - fixtures: {} - - uid: 6718 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5767 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-22.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: Fixtures - fixtures: {} - - uid: 6876 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5768 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-25.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: Fixtures - fixtures: {} -- proto: FoodBoxDonkpocketPizza - entities: - - uid: 2227 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5769 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.517971,17.62628 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3905 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5770 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.406932,-7.1178913 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: FoodBoxDonut - entities: - - uid: 1400 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5771 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5536041,-11.463534 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2496 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5773 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.583382,10.652384 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3745 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5774 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.474928,11.563223 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3752 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5775 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.463516,4.614471 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3874 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5776 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.444466,-3.3787808 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3891 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5777 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.447554,-6.441281 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 17.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: FoodCondimentBottleEnzyme - entities: - - uid: 4592 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5778 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.611271,-26.1594 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 18.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4593 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5780 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.470646,-26.268776 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: FoodCondimentPacketPepper - entities: - - uid: 4619 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 5790 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.4944715,-29.54472 + pos: -13.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: FoodCondimentPacketSalt - entities: - - uid: 4618 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5791 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.4007215,-29.404095 + pos: -13.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: FoodMeat - entities: - - uid: 5459 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5792 components: - type: Transform - parent: 5458 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 5460 + pos: -13.5,-28.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5793 components: - type: Transform - parent: 5458 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 5461 + pos: -13.5,-27.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5794 components: - type: Transform - parent: 5458 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 5462 + pos: -13.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5796 components: - type: Transform - parent: 5458 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage - - uid: 5848 + pos: -13.5,-24.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5798 components: - type: Transform - parent: 5458 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: FoodPlateSmall - entities: - - uid: 6627 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5799 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5503339,-25.456686 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6628 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5800 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5503339,-25.394186 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6629 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5801 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5503339,-25.316061 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: FoodPoppy - entities: - - uid: 6605 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5802 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.182456,6.7149878 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: FoodSaladColeslaw - entities: - - uid: 6937 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5803 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.664907,20.706526 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: FoodTartGapple - entities: - - uid: 4380 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5804 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-23.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ForkPlastic - entities: - - uid: 4200 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5816 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.20438054,-25.436565 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4252 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5817 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.20438054,-25.436565 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5451 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5818 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.20438054,-25.436565 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: GasFilter - entities: - - uid: 6652 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5819 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,-5.5 + pos: 8.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' -- proto: GasMinerNitrogenStation - entities: - - uid: 4715 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5820 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 25.5,-29.5 + pos: 9.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: GasMinerOxygenStation - entities: - - uid: 4703 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5821 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,-29.5 + pos: 10.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: GasMixer - entities: - - uid: 5070 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5822 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 21.5,-30.5 + pos: 11.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - type: GasMixer - enabled: True - - type: ArrivalsProtect -- proto: GasPassiveVent - entities: - - uid: 3430 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5823 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 25.5,-32.5 + pos: 12.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5399 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5998 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,-28.5 + pos: -14.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6141 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5999 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,-32.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6312 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6000 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 20.5,-28.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: GasPipeBend - entities: - - uid: 3660 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6001 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3670 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6002 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -23.5,5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3674 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6130 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -23.5,9.5 + pos: -14.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3675 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6137 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -18.5,9.5 + pos: -18.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3676 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6138 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -18.5,11.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3684 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6139 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,11.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3686 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6226 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -15.5,9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4712 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6315 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 21.5,-32.5 + pos: -5.5,-36.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4714 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6316 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 18.5,-31.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 4716 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6317 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,-30.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5067 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6318 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-28.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5069 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6319 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,-28.5 + pos: -4.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5389 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6320 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 18.5,-32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 5503 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6321 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 20.5,-18.5 + pos: -2.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5513 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6322 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5519 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6323 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5529 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6324 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -1.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5539 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6325 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5540 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6326 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-17.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5541 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6327 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,-17.5 + pos: 4.5,-36.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5555 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6328 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-19.5 + pos: 4.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5560 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6329 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,-19.5 + pos: 4.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5596 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6330 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-4.5 + pos: 4.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5597 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6331 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,3.5 + pos: -0.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5598 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6332 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,3.5 + pos: -0.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5599 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6333 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-4.5 + pos: -0.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5661 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6656 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5699 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6663 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -10.5,10.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 18.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5711 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6664 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,27.5 + pos: 15.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5787 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6666 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,-32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6308 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6668 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-37.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6309 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6669 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-37.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6311 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6670 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-31.5 + pos: 10.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6656 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6673 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,-6.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6657 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6674 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 11.5,-6.5 + pos: 10.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6660 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6675 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6663 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6676 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 9.5,-2.5 + pos: 10.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6664 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6678 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6665 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6680 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-1.5 + pos: 7.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6666 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6681 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-5.5 + pos: 6.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6667 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6682 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6678 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6683 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.5,-10.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6679 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6684 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-10.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6680 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6685 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-11.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6681 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6686 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-11.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6711 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6687 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6712 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6688 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6713 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6689 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 15.5,-32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' -- proto: GasPipeFourway - entities: - - uid: 3678 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6691 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,9.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5492 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6692 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5571 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6693 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-11.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6310 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6694 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-37.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' -- proto: GasPipeStraight - entities: - - uid: 3664 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6695 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -17.5,5.5 + pos: -7.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3665 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6696 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -18.5,5.5 + pos: -8.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3666 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6697 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,5.5 + pos: -9.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3667 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6702 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6703 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3669 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6704 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -22.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3672 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6705 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -23.5,7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3673 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6706 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -23.5,8.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3677 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6707 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -22.5,9.5 + pos: -6.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3679 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6708 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,9.5 + pos: 0.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3680 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6709 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,9.5 + pos: 1.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3681 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6710 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,10.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3682 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6711 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -17.5,11.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3683 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6716 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -16.5,11.5 + pos: 9.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3685 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6717 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3690 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6718 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3691 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6719 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,11.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3692 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6720 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,12.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3693 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6723 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,13.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4702 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6724 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,-32.5 + pos: 3.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4711 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6729 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 22.5,-30.5 + pos: -2.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4713 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6730 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 23.5,-29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5068 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6731 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 21.5,-29.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5387 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6732 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 16.5,-30.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5391 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6733 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,-31.5 + pos: 1.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 5394 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6735 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 17.5,-30.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5401 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6736 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,-30.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5402 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6737 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 18.5,-30.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5406 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6738 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,-32.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5418 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6740 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 15.5,-30.5 + pos: -4.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5419 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6741 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,-30.5 + pos: -5.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5466 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6742 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-29.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5467 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6743 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-28.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5468 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6744 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-27.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5469 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6745 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-26.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5471 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6746 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,-25.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5472 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6747 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 15.5,-25.5 + pos: -11.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5479 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6753 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 17.5,-25.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5480 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6754 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 18.5,-25.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5481 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6757 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,-25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5482 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6758 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 21.5,-25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5483 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6759 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 22.5,-25.5 + pos: -15.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5484 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6760 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,-25.5 + pos: -16.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5485 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6761 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,-25.5 + pos: -17.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5486 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6762 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-24.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5487 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6766 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-23.5 + pos: -14.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5488 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6767 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-22.5 + pos: -14.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5489 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6768 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-21.5 + pos: -14.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5490 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6769 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-20.5 + pos: -14.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5491 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6770 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-19.5 + pos: -14.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5493 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6771 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 26.5,-18.5 + pos: -14.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5494 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6772 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 27.5,-18.5 + pos: -14.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5495 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6773 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 28.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5496 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6775 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 29.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5497 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6776 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 30.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5498 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6777 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 31.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5499 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6778 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5500 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6779 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5501 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6780 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 22.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5502 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6785 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 21.5,-18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -1.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5504 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6786 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-19.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -1.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5508 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6788 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 13.5,-24.5 + pos: -2.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5509 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6789 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 13.5,-23.5 + pos: -2.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5511 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6791 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 13.5,-21.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5512 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6792 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 13.5,-20.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5514 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6793 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,-19.5 + pos: -1.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5515 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6794 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-19.5 + pos: -0.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5516 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6795 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-19.5 + pos: 0.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5517 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6797 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5518 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6798 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5522 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6802 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5523 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6803 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5524 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6804 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5525 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6805 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5526 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6807 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 15.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5527 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6811 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 16.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5531 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6812 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 16.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5532 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6813 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 16.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5533 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6815 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-18.5 + pos: 17.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5534 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6816 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,-18.5 + pos: 18.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5535 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6817 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-18.5 + pos: 19.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5536 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6818 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-18.5 + pos: 20.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5545 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6822 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5546 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6823 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5547 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6825 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5548 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6826 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-23.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5549 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6827 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-24.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5550 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6828 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5552 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6829 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,-22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5553 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6830 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5556 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6831 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-19.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5557 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6832 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-19.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5558 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6833 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-19.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5559 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6838 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 26.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5561 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6839 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 27.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5562 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6840 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5564 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6841 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-22.5 + pos: 29.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5567 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6842 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,-15.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 30.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5568 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6843 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,-14.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 31.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5569 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6848 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,-13.5 + pos: 24.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5570 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6849 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,-12.5 + pos: 24.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5574 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6850 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5575 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6851 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5576 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6852 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5577 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6856 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-11.5 + pos: 18.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5578 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6857 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-11.5 + pos: 17.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5579 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6858 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-11.5 + pos: 16.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5580 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6859 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-11.5 + pos: 15.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5586 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6860 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-10.5 + anchored: False + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 15.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5587 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - type: Physics + canCollide: True + bodyType: Dynamic + - uid: 6861 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-9.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5588 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6862 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-8.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5589 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6866 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5590 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6867 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-6.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5591 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6868 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5600 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6869 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,-4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5601 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6870 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 26.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5602 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6871 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 27.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5603 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6872 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5604 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6873 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 29.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5605 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6874 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 30.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5606 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6875 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 31.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5608 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6876 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5609 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6877 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5610 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6878 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,3.5 + pos: 25.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5611 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6879 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,3.5 + pos: 26.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5612 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6880 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,3.5 + pos: 27.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5614 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6881 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,3.5 + pos: 28.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5615 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6882 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,3.5 + pos: 29.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5616 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6883 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,3.5 + pos: 30.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5617 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6884 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,3.5 + pos: 31.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5618 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6889 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,2.5 + pos: 24.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5619 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6890 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,1.5 + pos: 24.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5620 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6891 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,0.5 + pos: 24.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5621 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6892 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-1.5 + pos: 24.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5622 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6893 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-2.5 + pos: 24.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5623 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6894 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-3.5 + pos: 24.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5624 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6895 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-4.5 + pos: 24.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5625 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6897 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-4.5 + pos: 23.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5626 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6898 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-4.5 + pos: 22.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5629 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6899 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-0.5 + pos: 21.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5630 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6900 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-0.5 + pos: 20.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5631 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6902 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-0.5 + pos: 18.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5632 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6903 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-0.5 + pos: 17.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5633 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6904 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-0.5 + pos: 25.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5634 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6905 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-0.5 + pos: 26.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5635 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6906 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,-0.5 + pos: 27.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5636 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6907 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,-0.5 + pos: 28.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5637 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6908 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -15.5,-0.5 + pos: 29.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5638 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6909 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -16.5,-0.5 + pos: 30.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5639 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6910 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -17.5,-0.5 + pos: 31.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5640 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6911 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -18.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5641 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6912 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5642 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6913 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5644 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6914 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -22.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5645 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6915 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -23.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5646 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6920 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -24.5,-0.5 + pos: 24.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5647 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6922 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -25.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5648 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6923 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -26.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5649 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6924 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -27.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5650 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6925 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -28.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5651 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6928 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -29.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -6.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5653 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6929 components: - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,-1.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -6.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5654 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6930 components: - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -6.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5655 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6932 components: - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5656 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6934 components: - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5657 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6935 components: - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5662 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6936 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5668 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6937 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,0.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5672 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6938 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,4.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5673 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6939 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,5.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5674 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6940 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5675 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6941 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,7.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5676 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6942 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5677 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6943 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,9.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5680 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6944 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,11.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5681 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6946 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,10.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5682 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6947 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,10.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5683 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6948 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,10.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5684 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6949 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,10.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5685 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6950 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,10.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5686 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6951 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5687 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6955 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,12.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -23.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5688 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6956 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,12.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5689 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6957 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,12.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -25.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5690 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6958 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,12.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -26.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5691 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6959 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,12.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -27.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5692 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6960 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,12.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -28.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5693 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6961 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,12.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -29.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5694 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6962 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,12.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -30.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5695 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6963 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,12.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -31.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5701 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6964 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,17.5 + pos: -22.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5702 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6965 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,18.5 + pos: -22.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5703 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6966 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,19.5 + pos: -22.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5704 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6967 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,20.5 + pos: -22.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5705 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6969 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,21.5 + pos: -22.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5706 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6970 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,22.5 + pos: -22.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5708 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6971 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,24.5 + pos: -22.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5709 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6972 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,25.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5710 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6973 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,26.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5715 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6982 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,10.5 + pos: -4.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5716 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6983 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5717 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6984 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,10.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5718 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6986 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,11.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5719 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6987 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5720 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6988 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,13.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -20.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5721 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6991 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,14.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5722 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6992 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,15.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5725 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6993 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,12.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5726 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6994 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,12.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5727 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6995 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,12.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5728 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6996 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 15.5,12.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5729 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6997 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 16.5,12.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5730 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6998 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 17.5,12.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5732 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6999 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5733 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7000 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 20.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5734 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7001 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 21.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5735 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7002 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 22.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5736 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7003 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5737 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7004 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5738 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7005 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 25.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5739 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7007 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 26.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5740 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7008 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 27.5,12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5745 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7009 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,13.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5746 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7010 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,14.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5747 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7011 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,15.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5748 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7013 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5749 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7014 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,17.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5750 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7015 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5751 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7016 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,19.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5752 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7017 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,20.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5753 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7018 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,21.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5754 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7019 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,22.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5755 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7020 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,23.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5757 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7021 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,13.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5758 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7022 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,14.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5759 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7023 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,15.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5760 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7024 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,16.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5761 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7029 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,17.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5762 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7030 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 5.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5766 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7032 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,-0.5 + pos: 4.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5767 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7033 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-0.5 + pos: 3.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5768 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7034 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-0.5 + pos: 2.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5769 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7035 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-0.5 + pos: 1.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5770 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7036 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-0.5 + pos: 0.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5771 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7048 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-0.5 + pos: -19.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5773 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7049 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,-0.5 + pos: -18.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5774 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7050 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,-0.5 + pos: -17.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5775 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7054 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 15.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5776 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7055 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 16.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5777 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7056 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 17.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5778 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7059 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 18.5,-0.5 + pos: 12.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5790 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7060 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-30.5 + pos: 12.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5791 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7061 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-29.5 + pos: 12.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5792 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7062 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-28.5 + pos: 12.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5793 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7070 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-27.5 + anchored: False + pos: 10.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5794 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - type: Physics + canCollide: True + bodyType: Dynamic + - uid: 7076 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-26.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5796 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7077 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-24.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5798 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7078 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5799 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7079 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5800 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7080 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5801 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7081 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5802 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7082 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5803 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7083 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-32.5 - parent: 1668 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5804 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7086 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-32.5 + pos: 10.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5816 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7087 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-32.5 + pos: 10.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5817 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7088 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,-32.5 + pos: 10.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5818 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7089 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-32.5 + pos: 10.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5819 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7090 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-32.5 + pos: 10.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5820 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7091 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-32.5 + pos: 10.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5821 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7095 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-32.5 + pos: 11.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5822 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7097 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-32.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5823 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7098 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,-32.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5998 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7100 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,-25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5999 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7101 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -15.5,-25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6000 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7102 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -16.5,-25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6001 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7103 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -17.5,-25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6002 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7104 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -18.5,-25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6130 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7105 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,-32.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6137 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7106 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -18.5,-32.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6138 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7112 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,-32.5 + pos: 9.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6139 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7113 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-32.5 + pos: 7.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6226 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7114 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -15.5,-32.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6315 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7115 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-36.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6316 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7116 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-35.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6317 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7117 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-34.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6318 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7118 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-33.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6319 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7125 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-37.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6320 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7126 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-37.5 + pos: 0.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6321 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7127 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-37.5 + pos: -0.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6322 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7128 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -1.5,-37.5 + pos: -1.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6323 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7129 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-37.5 + pos: -2.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6324 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7130 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-37.5 + pos: -3.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6325 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7131 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-37.5 + pos: -4.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6326 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7132 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-37.5 + pos: -5.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6327 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7133 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-36.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6328 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7134 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-35.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6329 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7135 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-34.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6330 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7136 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-33.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6331 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7137 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-38.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6332 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7141 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-39.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6333 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7142 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-40.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6658 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7143 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-4.5 + pos: -11.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6659 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7144 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-3.5 + pos: -11.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6661 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7145 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6662 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7146 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6668 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7147 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-4.5 + pos: -11.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6669 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7148 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-3.5 + pos: -11.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6670 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7149 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 5.5,-2.5 + pos: -11.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6671 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7150 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,-1.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6672 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7151 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-1.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6673 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7152 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-1.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6674 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7154 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-6.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6675 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7155 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-7.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6676 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7156 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-8.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6677 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7211 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-9.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6682 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7212 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6683 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7213 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6684 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7214 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 8.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6685 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7215 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6686 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7216 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6687 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7217 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 11.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6688 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7218 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-12.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6689 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7223 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-13.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6690 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7224 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-14.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6691 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7225 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-15.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6692 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7226 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-16.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6693 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7227 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-17.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6694 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7228 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6695 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7229 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6696 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7230 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6697 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7231 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-21.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 22.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6698 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7232 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-22.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6699 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7233 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-23.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6700 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7234 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-24.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6701 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7241 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-25.5 + pos: 19.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6702 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7242 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-26.5 + pos: 19.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6703 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7243 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-27.5 + pos: 19.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6704 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7244 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-28.5 + pos: 19.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6710 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,-2.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7266 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 22.5,-32.5 + pos: 21.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6714 + - uid: 7267 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.5,-33.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7618 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-33.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7619 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-34.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7620 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7623 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 15.5,-31.5 + pos: -13.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6715 + - uid: 7624 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 15.5,-30.5 + pos: -13.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6716 + - uid: 7625 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,-29.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -13.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6717 + - uid: 7631 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,-29.5 + pos: -11.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-34.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7635 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7636 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-37.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7637 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-38.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7638 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - proto: GasPipeTJunction entities: - uid: 3671 @@ -27552,6 +28355,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -23.5,6.5 parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5465 components: - type: Transform @@ -27559,7 +28364,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5470 components: - type: Transform @@ -27567,14 +28372,14 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5473 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5477 components: - type: Transform @@ -27582,7 +28387,7 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5478 components: - type: Transform @@ -27590,7 +28395,7 @@ entities: pos: 25.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5510 components: - type: Transform @@ -27598,7 +28403,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5520 components: - type: Transform @@ -27606,7 +28411,7 @@ entities: pos: 7.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5528 components: - type: Transform @@ -27614,7 +28419,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5530 components: - type: Transform @@ -27622,7 +28427,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5537 components: - type: Transform @@ -27630,14 +28435,14 @@ entities: pos: -8.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5542 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5543 components: - type: Transform @@ -27645,7 +28450,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5544 components: - type: Transform @@ -27653,7 +28458,15 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5551 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5563 components: - type: Transform @@ -27661,21 +28474,21 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5572 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5592 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5593 components: - type: Transform @@ -27683,7 +28496,7 @@ entities: pos: 4.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5594 components: - type: Transform @@ -27691,7 +28504,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5595 components: - type: Transform @@ -27699,7 +28512,7 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5607 components: - type: Transform @@ -27707,7 +28520,7 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5613 components: - type: Transform @@ -27715,14 +28528,14 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5627 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5628 components: - type: Transform @@ -27730,14 +28543,14 @@ entities: pos: -6.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5643 components: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5652 components: - type: Transform @@ -27745,7 +28558,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5660 components: - type: Transform @@ -27753,7 +28566,7 @@ entities: pos: -21.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5665 components: - type: Transform @@ -27761,7 +28574,7 @@ entities: pos: 5.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5678 components: - type: Transform @@ -27769,21 +28582,21 @@ entities: pos: -0.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5679 components: - type: Transform pos: -0.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5698 components: - type: Transform pos: -6.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5700 components: - type: Transform @@ -27791,7 +28604,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5707 components: - type: Transform @@ -27799,7 +28612,7 @@ entities: pos: -10.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5723 components: - type: Transform @@ -27807,7 +28620,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5724 components: - type: Transform @@ -27815,7 +28628,7 @@ entities: pos: 11.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5731 components: - type: Transform @@ -27823,7 +28636,7 @@ entities: pos: 18.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5741 components: - type: Transform @@ -27831,22 +28644,13 @@ entities: pos: 28.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5772 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-0.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5786 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -13.5,-32.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - uid: 5788 components: - type: Transform @@ -27854,7 +28658,7 @@ entities: pos: 13.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5789 components: - type: Transform @@ -27862,7 +28666,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5795 components: - type: Transform @@ -27870,7 +28674,7 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5797 components: - type: Transform @@ -27878,99 +28682,414 @@ entities: pos: -13.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5805 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5815 components: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6640 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6600 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,-5.5 + pos: 10.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6653 + - uid: 6657 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-5.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6654 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6658 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-6.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 17.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6708 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6662 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 16.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6709 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6679 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 17.5,-32.5 + pos: 8.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' -- proto: GasPort - entities: - - uid: 208 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6690 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6722 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.5,-33.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6727 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6749 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6756 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 20.5,-32.5 + pos: -14.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3577 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6765 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6782 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-16.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6790 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6796 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -14.5,4.5 + pos: 1.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3659 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6801 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,6.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -5.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3662 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-24.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6810 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -16.5,4.5 + pos: 16.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6655 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,-24.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6821 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-7.5 + pos: 24.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6705 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6846 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,-6.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6865 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6901 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 19.5,13.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6916 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,19.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6931 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-1.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6953 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,3.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6954 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -22.5,3.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6968 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,8.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6981 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -3.5,-5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6985 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,10.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7012 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-12.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7025 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7031 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-1.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7093 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7099 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7109 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 8.5,11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7119 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7139 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,9.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7161 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,23.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7162 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7209 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-18.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7210 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7239 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7240 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 19.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7621 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-36.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7639 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-36.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: GasPort + entities: + - uid: 1443 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - uid: 6706 + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 3577 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3659 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3662 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -16.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5772 components: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' + color: '#FF0000FF' - proto: GasPressurePump entities: - uid: 3663 @@ -27979,60 +29098,67 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -14.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5395 + - uid: 5417 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 20.5,-30.5 + pos: 16.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - type: GasPressurePump - enabled: True + targetPressure: 300 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 5400 + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6660 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 20.5,-31.5 + pos: 19.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - type: GasPressurePump - enabled: True + targetPressure: 4500 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#990000FF' - - type: ArrivalsProtect -- proto: GasThermoMachineFreezer + color: '#FF0000FF' +- proto: GasVentPump entities: - - uid: 6641 + - uid: 1444 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-4.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: GasVentPump - entities: + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 3687 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -14.5,9.5 parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 3688 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -21.5,8.5 parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 3689 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -24.5,6.5 parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 3694 components: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,14.5 parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5474 components: - type: Transform @@ -28040,14 +29166,14 @@ entities: pos: 16.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5475 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5476 components: - type: Transform @@ -28055,7 +29181,7 @@ entities: pos: 26.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5505 components: - type: Transform @@ -28063,14 +29189,14 @@ entities: pos: 20.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5506 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5507 components: - type: Transform @@ -28078,29 +29204,21 @@ entities: pos: 32.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5521 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5538 components: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5551 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,-26.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5554 components: - type: Transform @@ -28108,7 +29226,7 @@ entities: pos: 10.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5565 components: - type: Transform @@ -28116,7 +29234,7 @@ entities: pos: -11.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5566 components: - type: Transform @@ -28124,7 +29242,7 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5573 components: - type: Transform @@ -28132,15 +29250,7 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5581 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,-11.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5583 components: - type: Transform @@ -28148,14 +29258,14 @@ entities: pos: -5.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5658 components: - type: Transform pos: -30.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5659 components: - type: Transform @@ -28163,7 +29273,7 @@ entities: pos: -30.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5663 components: - type: Transform @@ -28171,7 +29281,7 @@ entities: pos: -22.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5664 components: - type: Transform @@ -28179,21 +29289,21 @@ entities: pos: -20.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5666 components: - type: Transform pos: -6.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5667 components: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5669 components: - type: Transform @@ -28201,7 +29311,7 @@ entities: pos: -3.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5670 components: - type: Transform @@ -28209,14 +29319,14 @@ entities: pos: 0.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5671 components: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5696 components: - type: Transform @@ -28224,507 +29334,3590 @@ entities: pos: -1.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' + color: '#0000FFFF' - uid: 5697 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -6.5,9.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -6.5,9.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5712 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,27.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5713 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,23.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5742 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,13.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5743 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 28.5,11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5744 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,13.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,24.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,19.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5779 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 12.5,-1.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5806 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5814 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5824 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5825 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 5887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6003 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6227 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6334 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-36.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6335 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -0.5,-41.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6714 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 6715 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7063 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7219 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 4.5,-12.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7220 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7235 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 26.5,-5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7236 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 26.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7237 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7238 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#0000FFFF' + - uid: 7622 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-36.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7627 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: GasVentScrubber + entities: + - uid: 6140 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6698 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6699 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6701 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -2.5,-27.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6726 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-33.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6728 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6750 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,-18.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6755 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -14.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6763 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-27.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6764 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-15.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6799 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6800 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6809 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-24.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6814 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-20.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6820 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 21.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6824 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,-24.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6834 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,-14.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6845 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 32.5,-16.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6885 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,-6.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6886 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 32.5,-6.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6887 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 32.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6888 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6917 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,19.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6918 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 25.5,19.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6919 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 32.5,13.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6921 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.5,13.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6974 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,3.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6975 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6976 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -32.5,3.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6977 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -19.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6978 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-1.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 6989 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7006 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-18.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7037 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-1.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7038 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 4.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7051 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,10.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7064 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7068 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,0.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7075 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7084 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,22.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7110 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7121 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7140 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,8.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7158 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,27.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7159 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,23.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7163 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -12.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7168 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-33.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7208 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-12.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: AtmosPipeColor + color: '#FF0000FF' + - uid: 7629 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-36.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7630 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -10.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: GeneratorRTG + entities: + - uid: 2553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 34.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PowerSupplier + supplyRate: 300000 +- proto: GeneratorRTGDamaged + entities: + - uid: 2344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 34.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2350 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 30.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2351 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 30.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: GravityGenerator + entities: + - uid: 1140 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.5,-11.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: Grille + entities: + - uid: 30 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 31 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 32 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 33 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 34 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 35 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 36 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 37 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 38 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 39 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 40 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 41 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 42 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 43 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 44 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 45 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 46 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 47 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 80 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 81 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 82 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 83 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 84 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 85 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 105 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 106 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 107 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 108 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 132 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 133 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 154 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 155 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 156 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 157 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 158 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 159 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 186 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 189 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,-5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 191 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 192 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 193 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 194 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 195 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 196 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 197 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 198 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 199 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 200 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 201 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 202 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 203 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 204 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 205 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 212 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 223 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 224 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 225 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 238 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 239 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-13.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 241 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-13.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 245 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 278 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 279 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 282 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 283 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 292 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 313 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 341 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 342 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 343 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 344 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 345 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 448 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,-6.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 449 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 450 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,-2.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 451 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 452 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,3.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 35.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 454 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,-7.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 455 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-8.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 456 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,-8.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 457 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 31.5,-7.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 458 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 31.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 459 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 461 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 473 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,-6.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 474 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 475 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,-2.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 476 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 34.5,-1.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 477 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 34.5,0.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 478 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 479 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,3.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 672 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 673 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 674 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 675 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 678 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 679 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 680 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 681 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 702 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 703 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 704 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 725 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 742 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 743 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-13.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 765 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 766 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 767 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 768 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-13.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 769 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 782 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 783 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 784 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 785 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 845 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,-16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 849 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,11.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 850 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 855 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,32.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1467 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,18.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,18.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1515 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,18.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1517 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,18.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1594 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,20.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1595 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1596 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1597 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1598 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1599 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1600 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,26.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,26.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,26.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1603 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1604 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1605 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1606 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1652 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1667 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,32.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1669 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,32.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 1670 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,32.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2002 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2003 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2004 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2246 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2247 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2248 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 25.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 26.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 27.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2288 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2289 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 30.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2290 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 31.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2291 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2346 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,15.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2347 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2348 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,19.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,18.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2546 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,20.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2754 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,24.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2758 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2772 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,24.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2792 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 13.5,30.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 2808 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,26.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2809 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,26.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2810 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,27.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2811 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2815 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,30.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 2816 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2817 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,27.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2818 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,26.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2819 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,26.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,27.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,27.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2880 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,30.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 2887 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,30.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 3387 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3388 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -28.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3389 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,11.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3390 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3392 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3436 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3437 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3438 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3439 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3440 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3441 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3936 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -30.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3937 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3938 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3943 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3944 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3945 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3946 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3979 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3980 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -33.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3981 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3982 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,-2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3983 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,-2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3984 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -32.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3985 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -34.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4226 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4227 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4257 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4258 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-15.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4259 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4260 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4261 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-15.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4262 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4317 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4318 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4319 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4321 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4325 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4326 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4327 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4328 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4366 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4602 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4671 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-34.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4672 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-34.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4673 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 0.5,-34.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4750 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,-22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5025 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5064 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5065 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5114 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5115 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-24.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5116 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5117 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5118 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5169 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 31.5,-19.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5170 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,-19.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5781 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5782 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -0.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5783 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5922 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-33.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5923 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5924 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5925 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-34.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5926 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-34.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5927 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-34.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5949 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5950 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5994 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-24.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6078 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6160 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-33.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6161 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6162 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6163 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-33.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6164 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6165 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6280 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-38.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6281 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6301 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-46.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6302 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,-44.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6303 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-46.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6304 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-45.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6305 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-44.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6306 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-46.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6307 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-44.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6311 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6312 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6575 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7503 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-36.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-37.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7505 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-38.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7507 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-41.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7508 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-42.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7509 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7510 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7511 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7512 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7513 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7514 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7645 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-18.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7646 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-19.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7647 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-19.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7648 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-18.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: GroundTobacco + entities: + - uid: 3755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.558027,8.843213 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.370527,8.827588 + parent: 1668 +- proto: Handcuffs + entities: + - uid: 2913 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5145116,-43.441082 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2914 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.4520116,-43.534832 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3751 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.604141,8.625723 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3948 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.6707616,-43.331707 + parent: 1668 +- proto: HandLabeler + entities: + - uid: 2228 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.611721,14.56378 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2229 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.361721,12.50128 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2240 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.4985683,16.513187 + parent: 1668 +- proto: HighSecCCAdmiralLocked + entities: + - uid: 6571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: HighSecCCArmoryLocked + entities: + - uid: 49 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 654 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,20.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 657 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 729 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.5,14.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 730 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,18.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 731 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 19.5,17.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,20.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,18.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 775 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,22.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 794 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,20.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 852 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,20.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 854 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 3429 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,20.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 3430 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,28.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: Godmode + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 3431 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 11.5,28.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: Godmode + - type: ArrivalsProtect +- proto: HighSecCCOfficerLocked + entities: + - uid: 568 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.5,-14.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 2249 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 2250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 3572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 3860 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -21.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 3861 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-2.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 3862 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-2.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 4639 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,0.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 4640 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,0.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5460 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,-27.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: HighSecCentComLocked + entities: + - uid: 549 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 32.5,-19.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 550 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 551 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-14.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,-12.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 554 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 556 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 14.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 557 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 565 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-6.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 569 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 570 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-8.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 571 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 12.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 572 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 574 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-6.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 974 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,21.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 2499 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 4746 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 4755 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 4756 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,13.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 4763 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5175 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,13.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5176 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,11.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5177 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,13.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5178 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5179 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5180 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-24.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5182 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5183 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-24.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5214 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-6.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5217 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -0.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5712 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5219 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,27.5 + pos: -0.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5713 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5455 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,23.5 + pos: 16.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5714 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5932 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,16.5 + pos: 17.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5742 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 5945 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,13.5 + pos: 18.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5743 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 5946 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 28.5,11.5 + pos: 18.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5744 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 5996 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,13.5 + pos: 18.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5756 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 5997 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,24.5 + pos: 16.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5763 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 6005 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,19.5 + pos: 16.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5779 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 6276 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 12.5,-1.5 + pos: 8.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5780 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6278 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,-0.5 + pos: 8.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5806 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6279 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-32.5 + pos: 6.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5814 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6286 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-32.5 + pos: -26.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5824 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6287 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-31.5 + pos: -26.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5825 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6313 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,-31.5 + pos: 6.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 5887 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6395 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,-23.5 + pos: -28.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6003 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6396 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,-25.5 + pos: -28.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6227 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6594 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -16.5,-32.5 + pos: -7.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6334 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6595 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-36.5 + pos: -7.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' - - uid: 6335 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6596 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -0.5,-41.5 + pos: -9.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AtmosPipeColor - color: '#0055CCFF' -- proto: GasVentScrubber - entities: - - uid: 6140 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6597 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -17.5,-32.5 + pos: -9.5,0.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: GeneratorBasic15kW - entities: - - uid: 5176 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 6614 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-21.5 + pos: 21.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5177 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 7189 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-25.5 + pos: 14.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5178 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune + - uid: 7190 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-23.5 + pos: 12.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5179 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: HighSecMTFCplsLocked + entities: + - uid: 649 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-25.5 + pos: 2.5,-42.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5180 +- proto: HighSecMTFLocked + entities: + - uid: 558 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-23.5 + pos: -3.5,-42.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5181 + - uid: 792 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-21.5 + pos: 0.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5455 + - uid: 1804 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-24.5 + pos: 0.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5456 + - uid: 2198 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-22.5 + pos: -1.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6596 + - uid: 2199 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-25.5 + pos: -1.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6597 + - uid: 2201 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-25.5 + pos: 11.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6598 + - uid: 2202 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-23.5 + pos: 14.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6599 + - uid: 2927 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-23.5 + pos: 7.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6635 + - uid: 3249 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-21.5 + pos: 4.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6636 +- proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen + entities: + - uid: 3422 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-21.5 + pos: -20.5,15.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: GeneratorRTG + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None +- proto: hydroponicsTray entities: - - uid: 5182 + - uid: 7565 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-25.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5183 + - uid: 7566 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-23.5 + pos: -14.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5184 + - uid: 7567 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-21.5 + pos: -14.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: GravityGenerator - entities: - - uid: 1140 + - uid: 7568 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-11.5 + pos: -14.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: GroundTobacco - entities: - - uid: 3755 + - uid: 7569 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.558027,8.843213 + pos: -14.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3756 + - uid: 7572 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.370527,8.827588 + pos: -11.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: GunSafeShotgunTrenchgun - entities: - - uid: 6526 + - uid: 7573 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,30.5 + pos: -11.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity -- proto: GunSafeSubMachineGunDrozd - entities: - - uid: 2923 + - uid: 7574 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,30.5 + pos: -11.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity -- proto: Handcuffs - entities: - - uid: 3751 + - uid: 7575 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.604141,8.625723 + pos: -11.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: HandLabeler - entities: - - uid: 2228 + - uid: 7576 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.611721,14.56378 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2229 + - uid: 7577 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.361721,12.50128 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2240 + - uid: 7578 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.4985683,16.513187 + pos: -8.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: HighSecArmoryLocked - entities: - - uid: 2553 + - uid: 7579 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,20.5 + pos: -8.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2784 + - uid: 7580 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,28.5 + pos: -8.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 2785 + - uid: 7581 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,28.5 + pos: -8.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity -- proto: HighSecCentralCommandLocked - entities: - - uid: 3791 + - uid: 7584 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,5.5 + pos: -9.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCOfficer - - uid: 3794 + - uid: 7585 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,0.5 + pos: -9.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCOfficer - - type: Tag - tags: - - HighSecDoor - - EmagImmune - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 3795 + - uid: 7586 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,0.5 + pos: -9.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCOfficer - - type: Tag - tags: - - HighSecDoor - - EmagImmune - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 3797 + - uid: 7587 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-2.5 + pos: -9.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCOfficer - - type: Tag - tags: - - HighSecDoor - - EmagImmune - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 3860 + - uid: 7588 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCOfficer - - type: Tag - tags: - - HighSecDoor - - EmagImmune - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 3863 + - uid: 7589 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-42.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - MTF - - type: Tag - tags: - - HighSecDoor - - EmagImmune - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 3864 + - uid: 7590 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-42.5 + pos: -13.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - MTF - - type: Tag - tags: - - HighSecDoor - - EmagImmune - - type: ArrivalsProtect -- proto: HighSecCommandLocked - entities: - - uid: 123 + - uid: 7591 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-14.5 + pos: -13.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: HighSecDoor - entities: - - uid: 565 + - uid: 7592 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-6.5 + pos: -13.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - type: Tag - tags: - - HighSecDoor - - EmagImmune - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 5932 + - uid: 7593 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-32.5 + pos: -13.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: HospitalCurtainsOpen +- proto: JanitorialTrolley entities: - - uid: 3422 + - uid: 6495 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,15.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: hydroponicsTray +- proto: JawsOfLife entities: - - uid: 2290 + - uid: 5370 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-21.5 + pos: 20.616133,-22.396145 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2291 +- proto: KitchenElectricGrill + entities: + - uid: 2916 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-22.5 + pos: -10.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2814 +- proto: KitchenKnife + entities: + - uid: 7359 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-23.5 + pos: -11.247841,-26.483541 parent: 1668 -- proto: JanitorialTrolley - entities: - - uid: 2881 + - uid: 7360 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -17.5,-31.5 + pos: -11.331175,-26.379303 parent: 1668 -- proto: JawsOfLife - entities: - - uid: 4261 + - uid: 7361 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.501507,-22.363987 + pos: -11.341591,-26.243792 parent: 1668 - proto: KitchenMicrowave entities: @@ -28738,18 +32931,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4589 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-28.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: KitchenReagentGrinder entities: - - uid: 2922 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-9.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 4590 components: - type: Transform @@ -28760,37 +32943,20 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: KitchenSpike - entities: - - uid: 4581 + - uid: 7602 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-21.5 + pos: -10.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: KnifePlastic +- proto: KitchenSpike entities: - - uid: 3726 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.9231305,-25.45219 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4253 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.9231305,-25.45219 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 5214 + - uid: 4581 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.9231305,-25.45219 + pos: -7.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - proto: Lamp entities: - - uid: 1442 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.93100256,1.9752237 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2829 components: - type: Transform @@ -28813,13 +32979,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.37576,12.926986 parent: 1668 -- proto: LargeBeaker - entities: - - uid: 5066 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -10.010703,-28.243814 - parent: 1668 - proto: Lighter entities: - uid: 3754 @@ -28834,9 +32993,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - proto: LockerBoozeFilled entities: - uid: 4417 @@ -28844,46 +33000,37 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - proto: LockerBrigmedicFilled entities: - - uid: 2801 + - uid: 3863 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,19.5 + pos: -9.5,19.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: LockerChemistryFilled +- proto: LockerChiefEngineerFilledHardsuit entities: - - uid: 2876 + - uid: 5253 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-13.5 + pos: -15.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: LockerChiefEngineerFilled - entities: - - uid: 6491 + - uid: 5420 components: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: LockerChiefMedicalOfficerFilled +- proto: LockerChiefMedicalOfficerFilledHardsuit entities: - - uid: 6495 + - uid: 3794 components: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand + - uid: 3795 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 - proto: LockerElectricalSuppliesFilled entities: - uid: 1178 @@ -28891,25 +33038,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 2039 components: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 5322 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - proto: LockerEngineerFilledHardsuit entities: - uid: 3796 @@ -28917,17 +33055,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 5252 components: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - proto: LockerEvidence entities: - uid: 3148 @@ -28935,27 +33067,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - proto: LockerFreezer entities: - - uid: 5458 + - uid: 4577 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-21.5 + pos: -10.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - type: EntityStorage air: volume: 200 immutable: False - temperature: 293.1496 + temperature: 293.14948 moles: - - 1.7459903 - - 6.568249 + - 1.3911434 + - 5.2333493 - 0 - 0 - 0 @@ -28972,25 +33098,41 @@ entities: showEnts: False occludes: True ents: - - 5459 - - 5460 - - 5461 - - 5462 - - 5848 + - 54 + - 55 + - 56 + - 57 + - 58 + - 59 + - 60 + - 61 + - 62 + - 63 + - 64 + - 65 + - 66 + - 67 + - 68 + - 69 + - 655 paper_label: !type:ContainerSlot showEnts: False occludes: True ent: null -- proto: LockerHeadOfSecurityFilled +- proto: LockerHeadOfPersonnelFilled entities: - - uid: 3153 + - uid: 3797 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: LockerHeadOfSecurityFilledHardsuit + entities: + - uid: 3792 components: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - proto: LockerQuarterMasterFilled entities: - uid: 2235 @@ -28998,19 +33140,30 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo -- proto: LockerResearchDirectorFilled +- proto: LockerResearchDirectorFilledHardsuit entities: - - uid: 6494 + - uid: 3791 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-3.5 + pos: -10.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: LockerSalvageSpecialistFilledHardsuit + entities: + - uid: 6480 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5,22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6481 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6482 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - proto: LockerSecurityFilled entities: - uid: 511 @@ -29018,25 +33171,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 19.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - uid: 512 components: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - uid: 815 components: - type: Transform pos: -6.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - proto: LockerWardenFilled entities: - uid: 2713 @@ -29044,9 +33188,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - proto: LockerWeldingSuppliesFilled entities: - uid: 129 @@ -29054,711 +33195,598 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -26.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 2040 components: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - uid: 5319 components: - type: Transform pos: 28.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - proto: MachineCentrifuge entities: - - uid: 1426 + - uid: 7042 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-9.5 + pos: 3.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - proto: MachineElectrolysisUnit entities: - - uid: 6506 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-9.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: MagazinePistolTopSubMachineGun - entities: - - uid: 3896 + - uid: 1462 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.453807,-3.1600308 + pos: 5.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: MaterialBiomass +- proto: MagazineAntiMaterielRifleSR entities: - - uid: 2495 + - uid: 7420 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.210049,-12.580112 + pos: 8.511398,29.58569 parent: 1668 -- proto: MedalCase - entities: - - uid: 6922 + - uid: 7421 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.47654,4.596927 + pos: 8.480986,29.752863 parent: 1668 -- proto: MedicalBed +- proto: MagazinePistolTopSubMachineGun entities: - - uid: 612 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-7.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 1195 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-14.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 1196 + - uid: 3153 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-13.5 + pos: 4.5554476,19.207918 parent: 1668 -- proto: MedicalBiofabricator - entities: - - uid: 439 + - uid: 3154 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-11.5 + pos: 4.5710726,19.317293 parent: 1668 -- proto: MedicalScanner - entities: - - uid: 723 + - uid: 3896 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-14.5 + pos: -13.453807,-3.1600308 parent: 1668 -- proto: MedicalTechFab +- proto: MagazinePulseRifle entities: - - uid: 616 + - uid: 2498 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-7.5 + pos: 3.4218254,30.532028 parent: 1668 -- proto: MedkitBruteFilled - entities: - - uid: 622 + - uid: 2798 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.703841,-7.3571634 + pos: 3.7968254,32.703903 parent: 1668 -- proto: MedkitBurnFilled - entities: - - uid: 621 + - uid: 2825 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.594466,-7.4821634 + pos: 3.7187004,30.766403 parent: 1668 -- proto: MedkitFilled - entities: - - uid: 620 + - uid: 2839 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.516341,-7.5759134 + pos: 3.3593254,32.516403 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1454 + - uid: 2846 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.537778,-2.524952 + pos: 3.5155754,32.485153 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3897 + - uid: 2847 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.438182,-5.5085163 + pos: 3.8124504,32.53203 parent: 1668 -- proto: MedkitOxygenFilled - entities: - - uid: 625 + - uid: 2891 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.547591,-7.3884134 + pos: 3.5937004,32.703903 parent: 1668 -- proto: MedkitRadiationFilled - entities: - - uid: 623 + - uid: 2894 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.266341,-7.6071634 + pos: 3.2030754,32.50078 parent: 1668 -- proto: MedkitToxinFilled - entities: - - uid: 624 + - uid: 2895 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.406966,-7.4977884 + pos: 3.5312004,30.766403 parent: 1668 -- proto: Mirror - entities: - - uid: 1650 + - uid: 2896 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,14.5 + pos: 3.2655754,32.71953 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6845 + - uid: 2897 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-14.5 + pos: 3.4374504,32.71953 parent: 1668 -- proto: MopItem - entities: - - uid: 6230 + - uid: 2902 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.485325,-31.461966 + pos: 3.3124504,30.563278 parent: 1668 -- proto: MousetrapArmed - entities: - - uid: 225 + - uid: 2923 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.365294,-25.307285 + pos: 3.8124504,30.547653 parent: 1668 - - uid: 238 + - uid: 3122 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.365294,-25.01041 + pos: 3.3124504,30.766403 parent: 1668 - - type: StepTriggerActive - - uid: 239 + - uid: 3247 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.349669,-25.88541 + pos: 3.8124504,30.750778 parent: 1668 - - uid: 240 + - uid: 3248 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.349669,-25.57291 + pos: 3.5624504,30.516403 parent: 1668 - - uid: 241 +- proto: MagazinePulseShotgun + entities: + - uid: 2204 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.349669,-26.588535 + pos: 15.60105,32.578903 parent: 1668 - - uid: 242 + - uid: 2814 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.349669,-26.29166 + pos: 15.272925,32.71953 parent: 1668 - - uid: 245 + - uid: 2841 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.334044,-27.19791 + pos: 15.3198,32.53203 parent: 1668 - - uid: 246 + - uid: 2886 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.334044,-26.932285 + pos: 15.772925,32.766403 parent: 1668 - - uid: 279 + - uid: 3209 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.334044,-27.57291 + pos: 15.866675,32.641403 parent: 1668 -- proto: NetworkConfigurator - entities: - - uid: 1461 + - uid: 3823 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.484868,-12.584605 + pos: 15.522925,32.766403 parent: 1668 -- proto: NitrogenCanister +- proto: MagazinePulseSubMachinePistol entities: - - uid: 5413 + - uid: 2845 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-28.5 + pos: 15.929175,30.813278 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: NTFlag - entities: - - uid: 1190 + - uid: 2889 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,7.5 + pos: 15.8823,30.672653 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2143 + - uid: 2890 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-38.5 + pos: 15.3198,30.485153 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2249 + - uid: 2924 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-38.5 + pos: 15.85105,30.516403 parent: 1668 -- proto: NTHandyFlag - entities: - - uid: 1187 + - uid: 2925 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.51589,5.5499916 + pos: 15.5698,30.485153 parent: 1668 -- proto: Omnitool - entities: - - uid: 4393 + - uid: 2926 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.630873,-13.468605 + pos: 15.647925,30.688278 parent: 1668 -- proto: OperatingTable - entities: - - uid: 610 + - uid: 3123 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-5.5 + pos: 15.5073,30.875778 parent: 1668 -- proto: OxygenCanister - entities: - - uid: 5415 + - uid: 3124 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-28.5 + pos: 15.3823,30.688278 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6719 + - uid: 3210 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-7.5 + pos: 15.28855,30.891403 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: OxygenTankFilled - entities: - - uid: 3901 + - uid: 3634 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.625682,-7.0710163 + pos: 15.78855,30.891403 parent: 1668 -- proto: PaintingAmogusTriptych +- proto: MaterialBiomass entities: - - uid: 3766 + - uid: 2495 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,7.5 + pos: 13.210049,-12.580112 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6942 + - uid: 3781 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,7.5 + pos: 13.170456,-12.599489 parent: 1668 -- proto: PaintingHelloWorld - entities: - - uid: 3767 + - uid: 7486 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,3.5 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 -- proto: PaintingNightHawks - entities: - - uid: 3779 + - uid: 7487 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,4.5 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 -- proto: PaintingSadClown - entities: - - uid: 6943 + - uid: 7488 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,7.5 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 -- proto: PaintingSaturn - entities: - - uid: 3776 + - uid: 7489 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,5.5 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 -- proto: PaintingTheGreatWave - entities: - - uid: 3743 + - uid: 7490 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,13.5 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 -- proto: PaintingTheSonOfMan - entities: - - uid: 3744 + - uid: 7491 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,9.5 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 -- proto: Paper - entities: - - uid: 2915 + - uid: 7492 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.536467,0.64872134 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2916 + - uid: 7493 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.44271702,0.72684634 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2919 + - uid: 7494 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.645842,0.55497134 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 -- proto: PaperBin10 - entities: - - uid: 6630 + - uid: 7495 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-2.5 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 -- proto: ParchisBoard - entities: - - uid: 3764 + - uid: 7496 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.482897,2.599884 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 -- proto: PenCentcom - entities: - - uid: 2905 + - uid: 7497 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.468134,12.0128975 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2924 + - uid: 7498 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.16146702,1.3987213 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6600 + - uid: 7499 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.4166579,1.6018463 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 -- proto: PercentileDie - entities: - - uid: 3765 + - uid: 7500 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.522638,2.6762333 + pos: 13.185662,-12.584291 parent: 1668 -- proto: PhoneInstrument +- proto: MedicalBed entities: - - uid: 2464 + - uid: 612 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.471363,23.660753 + pos: 13.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3742 + - uid: 1195 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.555511,10.655831 + pos: 13.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3876 + - uid: 1196 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.67884,-3.3787808 + pos: 13.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PianoInstrument +- proto: MedicalScanner entities: - - uid: 4474 + - uid: 723 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 0.5,-29.5 + pos: 9.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PlaqueAtmos +- proto: MedicalTechFab entities: - - uid: 4383 + - uid: 616 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-24.5 + pos: 9.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6646 +- proto: MedkitBruteFilled + entities: + - uid: 622 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-28.5 + pos: 14.703841,-7.3571634 parent: 1668 -- proto: PlasmaReinforcedWindowDirectional +- proto: MedkitBurnFilled entities: - - uid: 7024 + - uid: 621 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 32.5,-34.5 + pos: 14.594466,-7.4821634 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7025 +- proto: MedkitFilled + entities: + - uid: 620 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 32.5,-33.5 + pos: 14.516341,-7.5759134 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7026 + - uid: 1454 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 32.5,-32.5 + pos: 15.537778,-2.524952 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7027 + - uid: 3897 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 32.5,-32.5 + pos: -13.438182,-5.5085163 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7028 +- proto: MedkitOxygenFilled + entities: + - uid: 625 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 33.5,-32.5 + pos: 15.547591,-7.3884134 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7029 +- proto: MedkitRadiationFilled + entities: + - uid: 623 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 34.5,-32.5 + pos: 15.266341,-7.6071634 parent: 1668 -- proto: PlasticFlapsAirtightClear +- proto: MedkitToxinFilled entities: - - uid: 1590 + - uid: 624 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,24.5 + pos: 15.406966,-7.4977884 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1591 +- proto: Mirror + entities: + - uid: 1650 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,24.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1592 +- proto: MopBucket + entities: + - uid: 6228 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,28.5 + pos: -17.484179,-31.509739 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1593 +- proto: MopItem + entities: + - uid: 6230 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,28.5 + pos: -17.485325,-31.461966 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1623 + - uid: 6505 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,15.5 + pos: -4.496473,-39.433212 parent: 1668 -- proto: PlushieAtmosian +- proto: Multitool entities: - - uid: 6890 + - uid: 846 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.549469,-29.409344 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PortableScrubber + parent: 7187 + - type: Physics + canCollide: False + - type: InsideEntityStorage +- proto: OperatingTable entities: - - uid: 3696 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,4.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 5764 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-31.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 5765 + - uid: 610 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-31.5 + pos: 9.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterContrabandBeachStarYamamoto +- proto: OxygenTankFilled entities: - - uid: 6638 + - uid: 3901 components: - - type: MetaData - desc: A picture depicting a woman at the beach. Neat. - name: Beach Star Bratton! - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,33.5 + pos: -12.625682,-7.0710163 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterContrabandC20r +- proto: PaintingAmogusTriptych entities: - - uid: 6734 + - uid: 3766 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,33.5 + pos: -21.5,7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterContrabandEAT +- proto: PaintingHelloWorld entities: - - uid: 6737 + - uid: 3767 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-26.5 + pos: -17.5,3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterContrabandHighEffectEngineering +- proto: PaintingNightHawks entities: - - uid: 4576 + - uid: 3779 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-20.5 + pos: -25.5,4.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterContrabandMissingGloves +- proto: PaintingSaturn entities: - - uid: 6945 + - uid: 3776 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-21.5 + pos: -9.5,5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterContrabandRedRum +- proto: PaintingTheGreatWave entities: - - uid: 6918 + - uid: 3743 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,25.5 + pos: -20.5,13.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterContrabandRobustSoftdrinks +- proto: PaintingTheSonOfMan entities: - - uid: 6958 + - uid: 3744 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-14.5 + pos: -17.5,9.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterContrabandSpaceUp +- proto: PaperBin10 entities: - - uid: 6746 + - uid: 6630 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-7.5 + pos: -3.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterContrabandTools +- proto: ParchisBoard entities: - - uid: 6731 + - uid: 3764 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-21.5 + pos: -23.482897,2.599884 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterContrabandUnreadableAnnouncement +- proto: PenCap entities: - - uid: 6917 + - uid: 6603 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,18.5 + pos: -20.479628,12.125576 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterContrabandVoteWeh +- proto: PercentileDie entities: - - uid: 6745 + - uid: 3765 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,6.5 + pos: -18.522638,2.6762333 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitAnatomyPoster +- proto: PhoneInstrument entities: - - uid: 6733 + - uid: 2464 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-6.5 + pos: 29.471363,23.660753 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitCarpMount - entities: - - uid: 6740 + - uid: 3742 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,33.5 + pos: -19.555511,10.655831 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6915 + - uid: 3876 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,7.5 + pos: -26.67884,-3.3787808 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitCleanliness +- proto: PianoInstrument entities: - - uid: 6735 + - uid: 4474 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-31.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 0.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6736 +- proto: PlaqueAtmos + entities: + - uid: 4383 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-20.5 + pos: 2.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitCohibaRobustoAd +- proto: PlasticFlapsAirtightClear entities: - - uid: 6732 + - uid: 1590 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-24.5 + pos: -16.5,24.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitEnlist - entities: - - uid: 6633 + - uid: 1591 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,16.5 + pos: -14.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6639 + - uid: 1592 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,33.5 + pos: -16.5,28.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitHelpOthers - entities: - - uid: 6738 + - uid: 1593 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-27.5 + pos: -14.5,28.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitHereForYourSafety - entities: - - uid: 6959 + - uid: 1623 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-19.5 + pos: -4.5,15.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitHighClassMartini +- proto: PortableScrubber entities: - - uid: 6739 + - uid: 3696 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-20.5 + pos: -14.5,4.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitJustAWeekAway - entities: - - uid: 6741 + - uid: 5764 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-0.5 + pos: 16.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitLoveIan - entities: - - uid: 6957 + - uid: 5765 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-16.5 + pos: 17.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6960 +- proto: PosterContrabandEAT + entities: + - uid: 7649 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -22.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - proto: PosterLegitNanomichiAd entities: @@ -29769,11 +33797,6 @@ entities: parent: 1668 - proto: PosterLegitNanotrasenLogo entities: - - uid: 469 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,13.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 797 components: - type: Transform @@ -29804,11 +33827,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1464 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,30.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 1861 components: - type: Transform @@ -29864,11 +33882,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2918 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,13.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 3450 components: - type: Transform @@ -29904,10 +33917,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -25.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4395 + - uid: 4575 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-24.5 + pos: 0.5,-20.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4576 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 4635 components: @@ -29954,232 +33972,96 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6613 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,30.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6632 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,16.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6721 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,1.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6722 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-2.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6882 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitNTTGC - entities: - - uid: 6884 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,17.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitPeriodicTable - entities: - - uid: 6913 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-14.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitRenault - entities: - - uid: 6962 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-6.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitReportCrimes - entities: - - uid: 6743 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,1.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitSafetyEyeProtection - entities: - - uid: 6914 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-8.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothDelam - entities: - - uid: 6912 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-12.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothEpi - entities: - - uid: 6910 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-8.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothHardhat - entities: - - uid: 6911 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothMeth - entities: - - uid: 6909 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-12.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitSafetyMothPiping - entities: - - uid: 6887 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-31.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitSafetyReport +- proto: PosterMapBagel entities: - - uid: 6747 + - uid: 7408 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-7.5 + pos: -4.5,5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitSecWatch +- proto: PosterMapDelta entities: - - uid: 6781 + - uid: 7418 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-12.5 + pos: 2.5,2.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitUeNo +- proto: PosterMapLighthouse entities: - - uid: 6744 + - uid: 7410 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitVacation +- proto: PosterMapMarathon entities: - - uid: 6885 + - uid: 7409 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,9.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6886 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-4.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6919 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,28.5 + pos: -12.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6946 + - uid: 7411 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-29.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 6.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitWalk +- proto: PosterMapMetaRight entities: - - uid: 6961 + - uid: 7413 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-7.5 + pos: -7.5,7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterLegitWorkForAFuture +- proto: PosterMapMoose entities: - - uid: 6742 + - uid: 7414 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,33.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6916 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,13.5 + pos: 6.5,4.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterMapBagel +- proto: PosterMapOrigin entities: - - uid: 6749 + - uid: 7502 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,5.5 + pos: -1.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterMapDelta +- proto: PosterMapPacked entities: - - uid: 6750 + - uid: 7416 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterMapLighthouse - entities: - - uid: 6754 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterMapMarathon - entities: - - uid: 6751 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-3.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterMapMoose - entities: - - uid: 6755 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: PosterMapOrigin - entities: - - uid: 6759 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,5.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: PosterMapPillar entities: - - uid: 6753 + - uid: 7417 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-20.5 + pos: -7.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - proto: PosterMapSaltern entities: - - uid: 6756 + - uid: 7415 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-29.5 + pos: -4.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - proto: PosterMapSplit entities: - - uid: 6757 + - uid: 7363 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-3.5 + pos: -6.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - proto: PosterMapWaystation entities: - - uid: 6758 + - uid: 7412 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-6.5 + pos: 5.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - proto: PottedPlant15 entities: @@ -30200,13 +34082,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 19.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 543 components: - type: Transform pos: 19.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 602 components: - type: MetaData @@ -30224,16 +34104,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 708 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-5.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 709 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,4.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 803 components: - type: Transform @@ -30319,6 +34189,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -10.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 3631 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,10.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 3856 components: - type: Transform @@ -30396,7 +34271,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 19.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 603 components: - type: MetaData @@ -30404,16 +34278,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 706 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,4.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 707 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-5.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 804 components: - type: Transform @@ -30573,11 +34437,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6498 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-4.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: PowerDrill entities: - uid: 3698 @@ -30587,17 +34446,32 @@ entities: parent: 1668 - proto: Poweredlight entities: - - uid: 476 + - uid: 123 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -5.5,-43.5 + pos: -25.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 130 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 - uid: 510 components: - type: Transform pos: 20.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 523 @@ -30606,6 +34480,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 21.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 524 @@ -30614,6 +34490,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 31.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 525 @@ -30621,6 +34499,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,8.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 526 @@ -30628,6 +34508,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,8.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 527 @@ -30635,6 +34517,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,8.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 576 @@ -30642,6 +34526,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 577 @@ -30650,6 +34536,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 12.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 578 @@ -30658,6 +34546,17 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 17.5,3.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 579 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,7.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 580 @@ -30666,6 +34565,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 34.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 581 @@ -30674,6 +34575,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 34.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 582 @@ -30681,6 +34584,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,5.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 583 @@ -30688,6 +34593,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 23.5,5.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 584 @@ -30695,6 +34602,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 29.5,5.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 585 @@ -30703,6 +34612,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 29.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 586 @@ -30711,6 +34622,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 23.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 587 @@ -30719,6 +34632,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 19.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 588 @@ -30727,6 +34642,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 19.5,2.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 737 @@ -30735,6 +34652,18 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 7.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 738 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 739 @@ -30742,6 +34671,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 740 @@ -30750,6 +34681,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 17.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 1384 @@ -30757,6 +34690,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,1.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 1385 @@ -30764,6 +34699,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,1.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 1386 @@ -30771,6 +34708,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,1.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 1387 @@ -30779,6 +34718,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 0.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 1388 @@ -30786,6 +34727,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,1.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 1389 @@ -30794,6 +34737,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -8.5,4.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 1390 @@ -30801,6 +34746,27 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,4.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 1391 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 1392 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 1393 @@ -30809,6 +34775,27 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -2.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 1394 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 1.5,-5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 1395 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -2.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 1396 @@ -30816,6 +34803,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,4.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 1481 @@ -30824,6 +34813,27 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,6.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 1482 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 1483 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,5.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 1484 @@ -30832,6 +34842,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -8.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 1485 @@ -30840,6 +34852,28 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -8.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 1486 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-7.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 1487 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-7.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2151 @@ -30848,6 +34882,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -5.5,16.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2152 @@ -30855,6 +34891,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,17.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2153 @@ -30863,6 +34901,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -14.5,14.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2154 @@ -30870,6 +34910,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,12.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2155 @@ -30878,6 +34920,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -9.5,8.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2156 @@ -30886,6 +34930,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,8.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2157 @@ -30894,6 +34940,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -3.5,13.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2158 @@ -30902,6 +34950,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,15.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2159 @@ -30910,6 +34960,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 13.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2219 @@ -30917,6 +34969,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,31.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2220 @@ -30924,6 +34978,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -7.5,31.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2221 @@ -30932,6 +34988,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -8.5,19.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2222 @@ -30940,6 +34998,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -5.5,28.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2223 @@ -30948,20 +35008,28 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -5.5,22.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 2351 + - uid: 2722 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,8.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2723 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,8.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2724 @@ -30969,6 +35037,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,14.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2725 @@ -30976,6 +35046,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,15.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2726 @@ -30983,6 +35055,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,15.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2727 @@ -30991,6 +35065,17 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 20.5,13.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 2728 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2729 @@ -30999,6 +35084,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 23.5,10.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2730 @@ -31007,6 +35094,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 33.5,10.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2731 @@ -31015,6 +35104,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 34.5,19.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2732 @@ -31023,6 +35114,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 34.5,15.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2733 @@ -31031,6 +35124,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 22.5,19.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2734 @@ -31039,72 +35134,65 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 22.5,15.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2735 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 25.5,20.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: ApcPowerReceiver - powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 2736 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 31.5,20.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: ApcPowerReceiver - powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 2739 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 20.5,20.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: ApcPowerReceiver - powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 2788 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 27.5,-33.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2792 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 34.5,-31.5 + pos: 25.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2798 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 2736 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 31.5,-34.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 31.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2803 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 2737 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 4.5,-43.5 + pos: 32.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2811 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 2738 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-23.5 + pos: 24.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2908 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 2739 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,20.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2931 components: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,32.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2932 @@ -31112,6 +35200,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 6.5,32.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2933 @@ -31119,6 +35209,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,32.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2934 @@ -31127,6 +35219,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,27.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2939 @@ -31134,6 +35228,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,25.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2940 @@ -31142,6 +35238,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 5.5,26.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2941 @@ -31150,6 +35248,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 13.5,26.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2942 @@ -31158,20 +35258,18 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 9.5,19.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 3135 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,6.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 3701 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -21.5,14.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 3702 @@ -31180,6 +35278,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -26.5,10.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 3703 @@ -31188,6 +35288,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -18.5,10.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 3704 @@ -31196,6 +35298,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -14.5,10.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 3705 @@ -31203,6 +35307,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,6.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 3706 @@ -31211,6 +35317,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -24.5,4.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 3707 @@ -31218,6 +35326,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -15.5,6.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 3708 @@ -31225,6 +35335,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,6.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4167 @@ -31233,6 +35345,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -29.5,6.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4168 @@ -31241,6 +35355,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -33.5,3.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4169 @@ -31249,6 +35365,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -29.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4170 @@ -31256,6 +35374,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -31.5,1.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4171 @@ -31263,6 +35383,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -27.5,0.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4172 @@ -31271,6 +35393,17 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -26.5,4.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 4173 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,0.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4174 @@ -31279,6 +35412,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -21.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4175 @@ -31287,6 +35422,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -17.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4176 @@ -31294,6 +35431,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4177 @@ -31301,6 +35440,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -12.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4178 @@ -31309,68 +35450,18 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -13.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 4329 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -26.5,-9.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4334 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -26.5,-3.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4340 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-4.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4392 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-7.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4396 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-7.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4397 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-4.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4399 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,16.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4400 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,23.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4402 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,23.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4499 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,6.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 4596 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -10.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4597 @@ -31378,6 +35469,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -8.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4598 @@ -31385,6 +35478,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4599 @@ -31393,6 +35488,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 9.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4600 @@ -31400,6 +35497,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4601 @@ -31407,6 +35506,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4603 @@ -31415,6 +35516,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -5.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4604 @@ -31423,6 +35526,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 4.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4637 @@ -31431,6 +35536,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -7.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4638 @@ -31439,6 +35546,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 4694 @@ -31447,20 +35556,18 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 26.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 5056 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-2.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 5353 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 20.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5354 @@ -31468,6 +35575,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5357 @@ -31476,6 +35585,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5358 @@ -31484,6 +35595,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 6.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5359 @@ -31491,6 +35604,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5360 @@ -31498,6 +35613,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 18.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5361 @@ -31506,6 +35623,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 27.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5362 @@ -31514,6 +35633,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 23.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5363 @@ -31522,6 +35643,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 34.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5364 @@ -31529,6 +35652,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5365 @@ -31537,6 +35662,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 30.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5366 @@ -31545,6 +35672,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 19.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5367 @@ -31553,25 +35682,17 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 28.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 5408 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 22.5,-32.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 5452 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,8.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 5582 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5826 @@ -31580,6 +35701,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -7.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5827 @@ -31587,6 +35710,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5828 @@ -31595,6 +35720,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -5.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5829 @@ -31603,6 +35730,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 4.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5830 @@ -31610,6 +35739,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5831 @@ -31617,6 +35748,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5847 @@ -31625,6 +35758,17 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,33.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 5848 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5849 @@ -31632,6 +35776,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5850 @@ -31639,6 +35785,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5851 @@ -31647,6 +35795,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -14.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5852 @@ -31654,6 +35804,27 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 5853 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 5883 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,8.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5884 @@ -31661,6 +35832,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,6.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5885 @@ -31668,6 +35841,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,1.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5886 @@ -31676,6 +35851,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 15.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5933 @@ -31683,13 +35860,23 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 6089 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-28.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 6102 components: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6154 @@ -31698,6 +35885,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -13.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6155 @@ -31706,19 +35895,22 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -19.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 6228 + - uid: 6232 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-13.5 + pos: -31.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 6463 components: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6464 @@ -31726,6 +35918,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6465 @@ -31734,6 +35928,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6466 @@ -31742,6 +35938,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,-43.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6467 @@ -31750,6 +35948,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -2.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6468 @@ -31758,6 +35958,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 1.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6469 @@ -31765,6 +35967,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -11.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6470 @@ -31772,6 +35976,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6471 @@ -31779,6 +35985,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6472 @@ -31786,6 +35994,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6473 @@ -31794,6 +36004,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -3.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6474 @@ -31802,93 +36014,88 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 2.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 6502 + - uid: 6607 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-9.5 + pos: -1.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 - uid: 6609 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 12.5,18.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 6723 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,2.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6724 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,2.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6725 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -13.5,-1.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6730 + - uid: 7183 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 28.5,10.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6760 + - uid: 7603 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-7.5 + pos: -8.5,-36.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6761 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-7.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6766 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 7604 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,6.5 + pos: -13.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6784 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 7605 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-22.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6874 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-28.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6883 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,23.5 + pos: -14.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6920 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 7606 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,18.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6921 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 7607 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,18.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -11.5,-42.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6944 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 7651 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 4.5,16.5 + pos: -20.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - proto: PoweredlightLED entities: @@ -31897,6 +36104,18 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 22.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 7473 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 22.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - proto: PoweredlightSodium @@ -31907,6 +36126,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -1.5,26.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5227 @@ -31915,6 +36136,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 34.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5229 @@ -31922,6 +36145,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5878 @@ -31930,6 +36155,28 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -10.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 6633 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False + - type: ApcPowerReceiver + powerLoad: 0 + - uid: 7465 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 34.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - proto: PoweredSmallLight @@ -31939,6 +36186,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,24.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2051 @@ -31946,6 +36195,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -2.5,21.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2052 @@ -31953,6 +36204,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,21.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2217 @@ -31960,6 +36213,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -15.5,28.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2218 @@ -31968,6 +36223,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: -15.5,24.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2740 @@ -31975,6 +36232,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,19.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2762 @@ -31982,6 +36241,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,22.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2831 @@ -31990,6 +36251,8 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 5.5,21.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2929 @@ -31998,6 +36261,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 2.5,31.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2930 @@ -32006,6 +36271,8 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 16.5,31.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2935 @@ -32013,6 +36280,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,25.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2936 @@ -32020,6 +36289,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,28.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2937 @@ -32027,6 +36298,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,28.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2938 @@ -32034,6 +36307,8 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,25.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 2943 @@ -32041,19 +36316,17 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,19.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 4504 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -22.5,-22.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 5368 components: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - uid: 5369 @@ -32062,13 +36335,27 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 16.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 + - type: PointLight + enabled: False - type: ApcPowerReceiver powerLoad: 0 - - uid: 6782 + - uid: 7644 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -22.5,-28.5 + pos: -23.5,-18.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: PrinterDoc + entities: + - uid: 847 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - proto: Protolathe entities: @@ -32094,26 +36381,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2200 + - uid: 2205 components: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2201 + - uid: 2892 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2889 + - uid: 2893 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2890 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,32.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 3117 components: - type: Transform @@ -32134,6 +36416,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 13.5,32.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 3208 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,32.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3716 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,9.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 5327 components: - type: Transform @@ -32144,6 +36436,41 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 6486 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6494 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7320 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7322 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,-13.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7323 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 21.5,-13.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7324 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.5,-13.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 - proto: RadioHandheld entities: - uid: 3903 @@ -32163,27 +36490,23 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 1076 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 34.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 1077 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 34.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 1078 components: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 4434 components: - type: Transform @@ -32341,16 +36664,16 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 29.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6144 + - uid: 7342 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-23.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -23.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6145 + - uid: 7343 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,-27.5 + pos: -23.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - proto: RailingCornerSmall entities: @@ -32419,6 +36742,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 +- proto: RandomFoodBakedWhole + entities: + - uid: 4615 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 - proto: RandomFoodMeal entities: - uid: 4608 @@ -32443,17 +36773,108 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 +- proto: RandomPosterLegit + entities: + - uid: 7400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,-7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-7.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 22.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,6.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,0.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 33.5,-1.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: RandomVendingDrinks + entities: + - uid: 706 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 709 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7181 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-16.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: RandomVendingSnacks + entities: + - uid: 707 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 708 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5991 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-22.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: Rapier + entities: + - uid: 3194 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.57949,12.4730015 + parent: 1668 +- proto: RCDRecharging + entities: + - uid: 3826 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.4928455,-43.362957 + parent: 1668 - proto: ReagentContainerFlour entities: - - uid: 4594 + - uid: 1661 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.626896,-28.3469 + pos: -11.589235,-25.743502 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4595 + - uid: 2823 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.376896,-28.50315 + pos: -11.807985,-25.977877 parent: 1668 - proto: Recycler entities: @@ -32524,108 +36945,110 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 33.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ReinforcedWindow +- proto: ReinforcedUraniumWindow entities: - - uid: 50 + - uid: 4702 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-3.5 + pos: 3.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 51 + - uid: 4713 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-3.5 + pos: 3.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 52 + - uid: 6659 components: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 53 + - uid: 6748 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-1.5 + pos: 2.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 54 + - uid: 6853 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-0.5 + pos: 1.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 55 + - uid: 7248 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,1.5 + pos: -0.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 56 + - uid: 7249 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,2.5 + pos: -2.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 57 + - uid: 7250 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,2.5 + pos: -3.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 58 + - uid: 7251 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,2.5 + pos: -4.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 59 + - uid: 7252 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,2.5 + pos: -4.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 60 + - uid: 7253 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,2.5 + pos: -4.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 61 + - uid: 7254 components: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 62 + - uid: 7255 components: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 63 + - uid: 7256 components: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 64 + - uid: 7257 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-0.5 + pos: -1.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 65 + - uid: 7258 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-1.5 + pos: -0.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 66 + - uid: 7259 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-2.5 + pos: 0.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 67 + - uid: 7260 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-3.5 + pos: 2.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 68 + - uid: 7261 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-3.5 + pos: 3.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 69 + - uid: 7262 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-3.5 + pos: 3.5,1.5 parent: 1668 +- proto: ReinforcedWindow + entities: - uid: 77 components: - type: Transform @@ -32703,11 +37126,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 150 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 151 components: - type: Transform @@ -32798,11 +37216,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 197 + - uid: 206 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-23.5 + pos: 7.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 207 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 214 components: @@ -32849,7 +37271,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 17.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 244 components: - type: Transform @@ -33078,12 +37499,7 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 35.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 457 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-29.5 - parent: 1668 + - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 462 components: - type: Transform @@ -33132,36 +37548,6 @@ entities: pos: 34.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 474 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-29.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 475 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-29.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 531 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 553 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-27.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 554 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-17.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 670 components: - type: Transform @@ -33295,11 +37681,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -10.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 828 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-17.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 829 components: - type: Transform @@ -33310,11 +37691,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 831 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-17.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 1193 components: - type: Transform @@ -33355,11 +37731,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1429 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-8.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 1466 components: - type: Transform @@ -33480,126 +37851,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2094 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-15.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2095 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-16.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2096 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-19.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2097 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-21.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2098 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2100 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2101 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2102 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2103 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-21.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2104 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2105 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2106 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2107 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2108 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2109 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2110 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-21.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2111 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2112 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-23.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2113 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2118 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2242 components: - type: Transform @@ -33615,24 +37866,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2246 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-28.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2247 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-29.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2248 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-28.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2276 components: - type: Transform @@ -33673,30 +37906,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2285 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-27.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2287 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-29.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2288 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-29.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2289 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-26.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2337 components: - type: Transform @@ -33717,24 +37926,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2346 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-29.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2347 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-29.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2349 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-29.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2505 components: - type: Transform @@ -33755,87 +37946,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2510 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-28.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2511 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-26.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2512 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-25.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2513 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2546 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-23.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2556 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2557 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-21.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2750 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2755 components: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2756 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-22.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2758 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2767 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-23.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2771 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2772 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-30.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2777 components: - type: Transform @@ -33876,30 +38001,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2815 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2816 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-25.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2817 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-26.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2841 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-29.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2858 components: - type: Transform @@ -33910,46 +38011,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 4.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2906 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-15.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 3122 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-8.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 3126 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,7.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 3127 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,7.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 3128 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-15.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 3248 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-32.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 3249 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-32.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 3250 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-32.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 3287 components: - type: Transform @@ -34105,10 +38166,35 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -12.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4265 + - uid: 4251 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-20.5 + pos: -3.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4252 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-15.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4253 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4254 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4255 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-17.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4256 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 4305 components: @@ -34223,6 +38309,26 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 4703 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4721 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 17.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4722 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4723 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 4752 components: - type: Transform @@ -34248,6 +38354,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 19.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 5394 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 5880 components: - type: Transform @@ -34293,65 +38404,40 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5976 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-27.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 5977 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-27.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 5978 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-23.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 5979 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-23.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 5980 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-25.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 5981 + - uid: 5983 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-25.5 + pos: -22.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5982 + - uid: 6024 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-25.5 + pos: -2.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5990 + - uid: 6025 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-21.5 + pos: -2.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5991 + - uid: 6084 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-21.5 + pos: -22.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5992 + - uid: 6146 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-21.5 + pos: -15.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6024 + - uid: 6147 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-33.5 + pos: -15.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6025 + - uid: 6148 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-32.5 + pos: -22.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 6156 components: @@ -34413,57 +38499,101 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 1.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6707 + - uid: 6552 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,-32.5 + pos: -18.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6770 + - uid: 6554 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-20.5 + pos: -18.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6771 + - uid: 7515 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-24.5 + pos: -15.5,-36.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6783 + - uid: 7516 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,6.5 + pos: -15.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6847 + - uid: 7517 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,8.5 + pos: -15.5,-38.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7518 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7519 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-41.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7520 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,-42.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7521 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -13.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7523 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7524 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7525 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -9.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7526 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-43.5 parent: 1668 - proto: RubberStampApproved entities: - - uid: 6489 + - uid: 7270 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.503832,-7.398362 + pos: -3.4286058,-2.5033817 parent: 1668 - proto: RubberStampCentcom entities: - - uid: 2917 + - uid: 3749 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.630217,1.1330963 + pos: -20.5068,11.16328 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3749 + - uid: 7271 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5068,11.16328 + pos: -1.6074884,1.2843839 parent: 1668 - proto: RubberStampDenied entities: - - uid: 590 + - uid: 7263 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.691332,-7.585862 + pos: -3.4438124,-2.74679 parent: 1668 - proto: RubberStampQm entities: @@ -34479,35 +38609,33 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -12.532179,11.55442 parent: 1668 -- proto: SawAdvanced +- proto: SalvageExpeditionsComputerCircuitboard entities: - - uid: 107 + - uid: 7302 components: - type: Transform - parent: 629 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: ScalpelAdvanced - entities: - - uid: 108 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.767156,31.557184 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7348 components: - type: Transform - parent: 629 - - type: Physics - canCollide: False - - type: InsideEntityStorage -- proto: Screen + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.447822,31.648462 + parent: 1668 +- proto: SalvageMagnet entities: - - uid: 6988 + - uid: 1634 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,3.5 + pos: -0.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6989 +- proto: SalvageMagnetMachineCircuitboard + entities: + - uid: 7344 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-4.5 + pos: -5.4352765,25.168133 parent: 1668 - proto: SecurityTechFab entities: @@ -34518,53 +38646,64 @@ entities: parent: 1668 - proto: SeedExtractor entities: - - uid: 223 + - uid: 7583 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-23.5 + pos: -8.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: SeismicCharge +- proto: SheetPlasteel entities: - - uid: 1079 + - uid: 2904 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.4071865,-3.4493918 + pos: 3.4928455,-43.581707 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3129 + - uid: 2905 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5634365,-3.3712668 + pos: 3.3209705,-43.347332 parent: 1668 -- proto: Sheetifier - entities: - - uid: 2802 + - uid: 2908 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,19.5 + pos: 3.3834705,-43.456707 parent: 1668 -- proto: ShowcaseRobotAntique - entities: - - uid: 6931 + - uid: 2911 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,8.5 + pos: 3.3053455,-43.300457 parent: 1668 -- proto: ShuttersRadiationOpen +- proto: SheetSteel entities: - - uid: 6879 + - uid: 2906 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-23.5 + pos: 4.2897205,-43.269207 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6880 + - uid: 2907 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-23.5 + pos: 4.3365955,-43.487957 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6881 + - uid: 2909 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-23.5 + pos: 4.2897205,-43.394207 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2910 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.3990955,-43.706707 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2912 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.3834705,-43.612957 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3825 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.3990955,-43.706707 parent: 1668 - proto: SignalButton entities: @@ -34573,66 +38712,27 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 786: - - Pressed: Toggle - 787: - - Pressed: Toggle - 788: - - Pressed: Toggle - uid: 1611 components: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 1607: - - Pressed: Toggle - 1610: - - Pressed: Toggle - uid: 1612 components: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 1608: - - Pressed: Toggle - 1609: - - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 1804 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,19.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 1552: - - Pressed: Toggle - uid: 2712 components: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 2150: - - Pressed: Toggle - 2149: - - Pressed: Toggle - 2148: - - Pressed: Toggle - 2147: - - Pressed: Toggle - 2146: - - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 2920 + - uid: 3906 components: + - type: MetaData + name: Command Room Vault - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-4.5 + pos: -19.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: @@ -34642,71 +38742,103 @@ entities: - Pressed: Toggle 3787: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 2927 + - uid: 5242 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-20.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: SignalButtonDirectional + entities: + - uid: 718 components: - type: MetaData - name: le funny admin button + name: западные затворы - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,32.5 + pos: 0.32197165,2.500081 parent: 1668 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 2926: + 720: - Pressed: Toggle - 2925: + 786: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 2928 + 787: + - Pressed: Toggle + 411: + - Pressed: Toggle + 642: + - Pressed: Toggle + - uid: 1406 components: - type: MetaData - name: le funny admin button + name: южные затворы - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,32.5 + pos: 0.87289757,2.500081 parent: 1668 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 2886: + 1433: - Pressed: Toggle - 2790: + 719: - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 5242 + - uid: 1430 components: + - type: MetaData + name: восточные затворы - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-20.5 + pos: 0.6877124,2.500081 parent: 1668 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 5238: - - Pressed: Toggle - 5237: - - Pressed: Toggle - 5236: + 1434: - Pressed: Toggle - 5235: + 4144: - Pressed: Toggle - 5234: + 1437: - Pressed: Toggle - 5239: + 1438: - Pressed: Toggle - 5241: + 2342: - Pressed: Toggle - 5240: - - Pressed: Toggle - - uid: 6442 + - uid: 1431 components: + - type: MetaData + name: южные затворы - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-40.5 + pos: 0.5025272,2.500081 parent: 1668 - type: DeviceLinkSource linkedPorts: - 6521: + 788: - Pressed: Toggle - 6525: + 1435: - Pressed: Toggle - 6524: + 4241: - Pressed: Toggle - 6523: + - uid: 1436 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5003204,-0.18463585 + parent: 1668 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 716: - Pressed: Toggle - 6522: + - uid: 4145 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.4977002,-0.18463585 + parent: 1668 + - type: DeviceLinkSource + linkedPorts: + 717: - Pressed: Toggle - proto: SignalButtonExt1 entities: @@ -34726,13 +38858,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,4.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: SignAtmos - entities: - - uid: 6888 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-29.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: SignCargo entities: - uid: 2207 @@ -34740,20 +38865,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,13.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: SignChem - entities: - - uid: 6764 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-10.5 - parent: 1668 -- proto: SignCloning - entities: - - uid: 6763 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-17.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: SignDirectionalEng entities: - uid: 2882 @@ -34907,11 +39018,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 5.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6762 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-3.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: SignPlaque entities: - uid: 3770 @@ -34929,11 +39035,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6645 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-3.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: SignRadiationMed entities: - uid: 5348 @@ -34973,6 +39074,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -13.5,4.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 3870 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 3871 components: - type: Transform @@ -35020,6 +39126,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -19.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 +- proto: SignSmoking + entities: + - uid: 4634 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -1.5,-20.5 + parent: 1668 - proto: SignSpace entities: - uid: 1792 @@ -35047,15 +39160,21 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -17.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 6143 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -22.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 6231 components: - type: Transform pos: -32.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6232 + - uid: 7652 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-25.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -24.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - proto: Sink entities: @@ -35079,25 +39198,8 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 6.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6877 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 21.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6878 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,-24.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: SMESBasic entities: - - uid: 327 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-30.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 5078 components: - type: Transform @@ -35127,6 +39229,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -20.47715,15.560694 parent: 1668 +- proto: SoapOmega + entities: + - uid: 6553 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.4900203,-39.32435 + parent: 1668 - proto: SodaDispenser entities: - uid: 4427 @@ -35171,7 +39280,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - proto: StasisBed entities: - uid: 609 @@ -35179,14 +39287,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 11.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: StationAnchorIndestructible - entities: - - uid: 83 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 33.5,-33.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: StatueVenusBlue entities: - uid: 4180 @@ -35201,14 +39301,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -21.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: Stool - entities: - - uid: 2913 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-17.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: StoolBar entities: - uid: 4412 @@ -35236,9 +39328,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -14.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCOfficer - proto: Stunbaton entities: - uid: 2746 @@ -35263,11 +39352,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2199 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-31.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2521 components: - type: Transform @@ -35298,747 +39382,467 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: SuitStorageBasic - entities: - - uid: 1185 + - uid: 6598 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-7.5 + pos: 28.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 1188 +- proto: SuitStorageCargoEVAHardsuit + entities: + - uid: 6512 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-5.5 + pos: -5.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 3431 + - uid: 6513 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-6.5 + pos: -5.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: SuitStorageCaptain +- proto: SuitStorageCentcomCarporatHardsuit entities: - - uid: 3768 + - uid: 2915 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,4.5 + pos: -10.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCOfficer -- proto: SuitStorageCE +- proto: SuitStorageNTSRA entities: - - uid: 6490 + - uid: 6508 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-3.5 + pos: -10.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: SuitStorageCMO +- proto: SuitStorageSalv entities: - - uid: 6497 + - uid: 6509 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-9.5 + pos: -10.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: SuitStorageHOS - entities: - - uid: 6496 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14673 + moles: + - 1.7459903 + - 6.568249 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - uid: 6511 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-9.5 + pos: -5.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: SuitStorageRD +- proto: SuitStorageSec entities: - - uid: 6493 + - uid: 7335 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-3.5 + pos: 7.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: SurveillanceCameraCommand - entities: - - uid: 6817 + - uid: 7336 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-2.5 + pos: 12.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraCommand - nameSet: True - id: Operator Room - - uid: 6818 + - uid: 7337 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -21.5,-3.5 + pos: 12.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraCommand - nameSet: True - id: Conference Room - - uid: 6819 + - uid: 7338 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-6.5 + pos: 6.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraCommand - nameSet: True - id: HighSec Storage Room - - uid: 6820 + - uid: 7339 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -21.5,6.5 + pos: 6.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraCommand - nameSet: True - id: Command Reception - - uid: 6821 +- proto: SuitStorageWarden + entities: + - uid: 6507 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -22.5,12.5 + pos: -10.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraCommand - nameSet: True - id: Command Conference Room - - uid: 6822 +- proto: SurveillanceCameraCommand + entities: + - uid: 7422 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,9.5 + pos: -18.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraCommand - nameSet: True - id: Command Bedroom - - uid: 6825 + id: Приемная адмирала + - uid: 7423 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-41.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraCommand - nameSet: True - id: ERT West Room - - uid: 6826 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 3.5,-41.5 + pos: -18.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraCommand - nameSet: True - id: ERT East Room - - uid: 6827 + id: Офис адмирала + - uid: 7424 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-43.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraCommand - nameSet: True - id: ERT Central Room -- proto: SurveillanceCameraEngineering - entities: - - uid: 5407 + id: Комната адмирала + - uid: 7425 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 23.5,-31.5 + pos: -10.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraEngineering - nameSet: True - id: Atmospherics - - uid: 6790 + id: Склад + - uid: 7426 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 17.5,-20.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraEngineering - nameSet: True - id: Eng Lobby - - uid: 6791 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-18.5 + pos: -21.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraEngineering - nameSet: True - id: Power Supply - - uid: 6792 + id: Комната совещаний + - uid: 7427 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 29.5,-23.5 + pos: -0.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraEngineering - nameSet: True - id: Power Generation - - uid: 6793 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 30.5,-12.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraEngineering - nameSet: True - id: Grav Generation - - uid: 6810 + id: Рубка управления + - uid: 7432 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 0.5,21.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraEngineering - nameSet: True - id: North Substation - - uid: 6823 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,4.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraEngineering - nameSet: True - id: Command Substation - - uid: 6824 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -26.5,4.5 + pos: -0.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraEngineering - nameSet: True - id: West Substation - - uid: 6828 + id: Стык Низ + - uid: 7433 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 17.5,-15.5 + pos: -18.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraEngineering - nameSet: True - id: Medbay Substation - - uid: 6829 + id: Стык слева от сервиса + - uid: 7434 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 17.5,-18.5 + pos: -29.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraEngineering - nameSet: True - id: Eng Substation -- proto: SurveillanceCameraGeneral + id: Стык шаттла ПЦК +- proto: SurveillanceCameraEngineering entities: - - uid: 6830 + - uid: 7444 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 32.5,0.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: Arrivals East - - uid: 6831 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 19.5,-0.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: Arrivals West - - uid: 6832 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-17.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: Service Hallway North - - uid: 6833 + id: Инженерная-Главная комната + - uid: 7445 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,-25.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 34.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: Service Hallway West - - uid: 6834 + id: Генераторная + - uid: 7446 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-25.5 + pos: 30.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: Docking SouthWest - - uid: 6835 + id: Серверная +- proto: SurveillanceCameraGeneral + entities: + - uid: 7439 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -8.5,-31.5 + pos: -19.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: Service Hallway SouthWest - - uid: 6836 + id: Коридор к шаттлу ПЦК + - uid: 7440 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 7.5,-31.5 + pos: 0.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: Service Hallway SouthEast - - uid: 6837 + id: Коридор у сервиса + - uid: 7457 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,-25.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 28.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: Service Hallway East - - uid: 6838 + id: Эвак 1 + - uid: 7458 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-19.5 + pos: 22.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: Service Hallway NorthEast - - uid: 6839 + id: Эвак 2 + - uid: 7459 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -31.5,-0.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 13.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: Docking West - - uid: 6840 + id: КПП-коридор + - uid: 7460 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -29.5,5.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: Waiting Room West - - uid: 6841 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-1.5 + pos: 2.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraGeneral - nameSet: True - id: West Hallway + id: Коридор карго-сб - proto: SurveillanceCameraMedical entities: - - uid: 6794 + - uid: 7441 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-14.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraMedical - nameSet: True - id: Cloning - - uid: 6795 + id: Приемная меда + - uid: 7442 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-12.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 11.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraMedical - nameSet: True - id: Chemistry - - uid: 6796 + id: Клон-комната + - uid: 7443 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 13.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraMedical - nameSet: True - id: Medical + id: Мед-Главная комната - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterCommand entities: - - uid: 6864 + - uid: 7388 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-29.5 + pos: 32.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterEngineering entities: - - uid: 6871 + - uid: 7394 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-29.5 + pos: 34.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterGeneral entities: - - uid: 6869 + - uid: 7391 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-30.5 + pos: 31.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterMedical entities: - - uid: 6870 + - uid: 7395 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-29.5 + pos: 31.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterScience entities: - - uid: 6873 + - uid: 7393 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-29.5 + pos: 33.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterSecurity entities: - - uid: 6867 + - uid: 7390 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-30.5 + pos: 33.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterService entities: - - uid: 6872 + - uid: 7389 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-29.5 + pos: 34.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - proto: SurveillanceCameraRouterSupply entities: - - uid: 6868 + - uid: 7392 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-30.5 + pos: 32.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - proto: SurveillanceCameraSecurity entities: - - uid: 6765 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-12.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSecurity - nameSet: True - id: Service checkpoint - - uid: 6801 + - uid: 5459 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 29.5,19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 28.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSecurity - nameSet: True - id: Court room north - - uid: 6802 + id: Комната у эвака + - uid: 7448 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 24.5,13.5 + pos: 13.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSecurity - nameSet: True - id: Court room south - - uid: 6803 + id: КПП эвака + - uid: 7449 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 18.5,20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSecurity - nameSet: True - id: Judge room - - uid: 6804 + id: ССБ-Бриг + - uid: 7450 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 10.5,15.5 + pos: 9.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSecurity - nameSet: True - id: Brig lobby - - uid: 6805 + id: ССБ-Оружейная + - uid: 7451 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,19.5 + pos: 28.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSecurity - nameSet: True - id: Warden room - - uid: 6806 + id: Суд-смотрящие + - uid: 7454 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 6.5,22.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSecurity - nameSet: True - id: Interrogation room - - uid: 6807 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,26.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSecurity - nameSet: True - id: Brig west - - uid: 6808 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,27.5 + pos: 27.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSecurity - nameSet: True - id: Armory - - uid: 6809 + id: Суд-Главная + - uid: 7455 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,26.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSecurity - nameSet: True - id: Brig east - - uid: 6815 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 13.5,1.5 + pos: 18.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSecurity - nameSet: True - id: Medbay checkpoint - - uid: 6816 + id: Суд-Адвокатская + - uid: 7456 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-11.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSecurity - nameSet: True - id: Arrivals checkpoint + id: Суд-Приемная - proto: SurveillanceCameraService entities: - - uid: 6797 + - uid: 7428 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 10.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraService - nameSet: True - id: Bar - - uid: 6798 + id: Бар + - uid: 7429 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,-29.5 - parent: 1668 - - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraService - nameSet: True - id: Canteen - - uid: 6799 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-24.5 + pos: 2.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraService - nameSet: True - id: Kitchen - - uid: 6800 + id: Столовая 2 + - uid: 7430 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-33.5 + pos: -3.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraService - nameSet: True - id: Jani closet -- proto: SurveillanceCameraSupply - entities: - - uid: 6811 + id: Столовая 1 + - uid: 7431 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,11.5 + pos: -11.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSupply - nameSet: True - id: Cargo lobby - - uid: 6812 + id: Кухня + - uid: 7617 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -11.5,17.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSupply - nameSet: True - id: Cargo command room - - uid: 6813 + id: Ботаника +- proto: SurveillanceCameraSupply + entities: + - uid: 7435 components: - type: Transform rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -11.5,31.5 + pos: -8.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSupply - nameSet: True - id: Cargo bay north - - uid: 6814 + id: Приемная карго + - uid: 7436 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,19.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - type: SurveillanceCamera - setupAvailableNetworks: - - SurveillanceCameraSupply - nameSet: True - id: Cargo bay south -- proto: SurveillanceCameraWirelessRouterConstructed - entities: - - uid: 6866 + id: Комната заказов + - uid: 7437 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-30.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,16.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: SurveillanceCameraWirelessRouterEntertainment - entities: - - uid: 6865 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + id: Мини-склад + - uid: 7438 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-30.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,25.5 parent: 1668 + - type: SurveillanceCamera + id: Склад - proto: Table entities: - uid: 528 @@ -36046,19 +39850,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 529 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 530 components: - type: Transform pos: 21.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 631 components: - type: Transform @@ -36154,18 +39955,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -10.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2284 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-30.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 2348 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-30.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 2826 components: - type: Transform @@ -36196,6 +39985,26 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,23.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 4263 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4264 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-16.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.5,-15.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4397 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-15.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 5244 components: - type: Transform @@ -36236,25 +40045,25 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 16.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6151 + - uid: 6270 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-22.5 + pos: 14.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6270 + - uid: 6572 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-27.5 + pos: -8.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6571 + - uid: 6581 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-33.5 + pos: -10.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6572 + - uid: 6582 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-33.5 + pos: 9.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 6583 components: @@ -36266,6 +40075,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 7.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 6608 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,-18.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 6624 components: - type: Transform @@ -36276,45 +40090,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: TableCarpet - entities: - - uid: 699 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,14.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6595 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,12.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6606 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,13.5 - parent: 1668 - proto: TableReinforced entities: - - uid: 98 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-9.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 99 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-10.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 126 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 206 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,0.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 216 components: - type: Transform @@ -36335,52 +40117,45 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 461 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-40.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 480 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-40.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 489 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect missingComponents: - Climbable + - Damageable - uid: 491 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect missingComponents: - Climbable + - Damageable - uid: 494 components: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect missingComponents: - Climbable + - Damageable - uid: 500 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 501 components: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect + - uid: 502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-10.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 503 components: - type: Transform @@ -36456,16 +40231,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 642 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,1.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 643 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,1.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 645 components: - type: Transform @@ -36486,11 +40251,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 738 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-9.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 770 components: - type: Transform @@ -36501,16 +40261,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -3.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 794 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-17.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 805 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-17.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 809 components: - type: Transform @@ -36531,20 +40281,20 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1194 + - uid: 820 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-12.5 + pos: 3.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1427 + - uid: 823 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-9.5 + pos: 5.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1433 + - uid: 1194 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,1.5 + pos: 13.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 1617 components: @@ -36646,6 +40396,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.5,29.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 2876 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,30.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 2878 components: - type: Transform @@ -36656,40 +40411,40 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 10.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2891 + - uid: 2881 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,30.5 + pos: 10.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2892 + - uid: 2928 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,31.5 + pos: 16.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2893 + - uid: 3079 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,32.5 + pos: 8.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2894 + - uid: 3121 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,30.5 + pos: 16.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2895 + - uid: 3211 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,31.5 + pos: 2.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2896 + - uid: 3212 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,32.5 + pos: 2.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3079 + - uid: 3250 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,17.5 + pos: 16.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 3255 components: @@ -36726,10 +40481,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -12.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3634 + - uid: 3633 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,4.5 + pos: -11.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 3635 components: @@ -36751,6 +40506,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.5,6.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 3774 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,31.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 3798 components: - type: Transform @@ -36866,16 +40626,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -24.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4256 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-15.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 4263 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-16.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 4344 components: - type: Transform @@ -36951,6 +40701,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 2.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 4580 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 4582 components: - type: Transform @@ -36961,11 +40716,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -9.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4584 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-28.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 4586 components: - type: Transform @@ -36996,6 +40746,11 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 5314 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 27.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 5315 components: - type: Transform @@ -37026,11 +40781,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -4.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6458 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-39.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 6459 components: - type: Transform @@ -37041,19 +40791,66 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 3.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6767 + - uid: 6483 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-17.5 + pos: -6.5,-43.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: TableWood + - uid: 6498 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-43.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6516 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7040 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7041 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7396 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 28.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: TableReinforcedGlass entities: - - uid: 2099 + - uid: 7582 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7601 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-35.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: TableStone + entities: + - uid: 7461 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-21.5 + pos: -1.5,1.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7462 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -1.5,0.5 parent: 1668 +- proto: TableWood + entities: - uid: 2352 components: - type: Transform @@ -37179,6 +40976,36 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 34.5,12.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 2442 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,13.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2443 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,15.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2444 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,15.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 16.5,16.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 2486 components: - type: Transform @@ -37214,5867 +41041,5966 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -26.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3398 + - uid: 3398 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3399 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -25.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3400 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -15.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3401 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -14.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3402 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3403 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -16.5,8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3404 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -19.5,10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3405 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3406 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,11.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,12.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3409 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3410 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3417 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,2.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3445 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,10.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3446 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -23.5,11.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3829 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3830 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3831 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-4.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3832 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3833 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -26.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3834 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -24.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3835 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3836 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -17.5,-3.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4184 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -27.5,-8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4369 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4370 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4371 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -3.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4372 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4373 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4374 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 2.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4418 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-27.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4419 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4420 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4421 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 6.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4422 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4424 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-24.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: TelecomServerFilled + entities: + - uid: 7447 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 30.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: TintedWindow + entities: + - uid: 2752 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 2760 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 7.5,21.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: ToiletEmpty + entities: + - uid: 3420 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -21.5,15.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: ToolboxMechanicalFilled + entities: + - uid: 3900 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.610057,-7.2428913 + parent: 1668 +- proto: ToyRubberDuck + entities: + - uid: 3423 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.47715,15.513819 + parent: 1668 +- proto: TrashBag + entities: + - uid: 6504 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -4.433973,-39.464462 + parent: 1668 +- proto: TwoWayLever + entities: + - uid: 1588 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,23.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: TwoWayLever + nextSignalLeft: True + - uid: 1589 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -12.5,29.5 + parent: 1668 + - type: TwoWayLever + nextSignalLeft: True + - uid: 5906 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-32.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5907 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -18.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: Vaccinator + entities: + - uid: 821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-9.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VariantCubeBox + entities: + - uid: 7284 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.792081,-22.565546 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7285 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.364998,-22.398764 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7286 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.5941644,-22.461306 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7287 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -7.7816644,-22.565546 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineAmmo + entities: + - uid: 2821 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.5,27.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineBooze + entities: + - uid: 3408 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,8.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4415 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.5,-26.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 4416 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineCargoDrobe + entities: + - uid: 2209 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,31.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineCentDrobe + entities: + - uid: 2522 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -10.5,4.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineChefvend + entities: + - uid: 3793 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-28.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineClothing + entities: + - uid: 6150 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -20.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineCondiments + entities: + - uid: 6626 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 1.5,-25.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineDinnerware + entities: + - uid: 4578 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-21.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineEngivend + entities: + - uid: 5250 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-20.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineLawDrobe + entities: + - uid: 2489 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 18.5,23.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineMedical + entities: + - uid: 617 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 15.5,-5.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6601 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 9.5,-12.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineMTFEngineer + entities: + - uid: 3427 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: VendingMachineMTFJanitor + entities: + - uid: 3772 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.5,12.5 + pos: -6.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3399 +- proto: VendingMachineMTFLeader + entities: + - uid: 6517 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,12.5 + pos: 5.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3400 +- proto: VendingMachineMTFMedical + entities: + - uid: 6458 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,12.5 + pos: 5.5,-42.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3401 +- proto: VendingMachineMTFSecurity + entities: + - uid: 6476 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,12.5 + pos: -6.5,-42.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3402 +- proto: VendingMachineNutri + entities: + - uid: 7599 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,12.5 + pos: -13.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3403 + missingComponents: + - AccessReader +- proto: VendingMachineSec + entities: + - uid: 2820 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,8.5 + pos: 9.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3404 + - uid: 3259 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,10.5 + pos: 8.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3405 +- proto: VendingMachineSeeds + entities: + - uid: 7600 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,10.5 + pos: -14.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3406 + missingComponents: + - AccessReader +- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEngineering + entities: + - uid: 6556 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,11.5 + pos: -2.5,-45.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3407 +- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA + entities: + - uid: 2045 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,12.5 + pos: -3.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3409 + - uid: 4286 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,8.5 + pos: 10.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3410 + - uid: 6555 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,4.5 + pos: 1.5,-45.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3411 +- proto: VendingMachineWallMedical + entities: + - uid: 831 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,4.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 10.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3417 + - uid: 6615 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,2.5 + pos: 6.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3418 +- proto: VendingMachineYouTool + entities: + - uid: 5251 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,2.5 + pos: 23.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3445 +- proto: WallmountTelescreen + entities: + - uid: 3449 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,10.5 + pos: -18.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3446 +- proto: WallmountTelevision + entities: + - uid: 3452 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,11.5 + pos: -23.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3829 +- proto: WallRiveted + entities: + - uid: 1 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.5,-9.5 + pos: 10.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3830 + - uid: 2 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,-9.5 + pos: 9.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3831 + - uid: 3 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,-4.5 + pos: 8.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3832 + - uid: 4 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,-3.5 + pos: 8.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3833 + - uid: 5 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.5,-3.5 + pos: 7.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3834 + - uid: 6 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,-3.5 + pos: 6.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3835 + - uid: 7 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-9.5 + pos: 6.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3836 + - uid: 8 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-3.5 + pos: 10.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4184 + - uid: 9 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,-8.5 + pos: 9.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4369 + - uid: 10 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-23.5 + pos: 8.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4370 + - uid: 11 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-22.5 + pos: 8.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4371 + - uid: 12 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-21.5 + pos: 7.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4372 + - uid: 13 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-23.5 + pos: 6.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4373 + - uid: 14 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-22.5 + pos: 6.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4374 + - uid: 70 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-21.5 + pos: 3.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4418 + - uid: 71 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-27.5 + pos: -4.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4419 + - uid: 72 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-21.5 + pos: -1.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4420 + - uid: 73 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-21.5 + pos: 0.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4421 + - uid: 74 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-21.5 + pos: 1.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4423 + - uid: 75 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-25.5 + pos: -2.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4424 + - uid: 78 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-24.5 + pos: 5.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6728 + - uid: 79 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,10.5 + pos: 5.5,6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: TelecomServerFilled - entities: - - uid: 3121 + - uid: 86 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-15.5 + pos: 3.5,5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: Telecrystal5 - entities: - - uid: 3772 + - uid: 87 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.611931,6.5603595 + pos: 3.5,7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: TintedWindow - entities: - - uid: 2752 + - uid: 88 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,22.5 + pos: 2.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2760 + - uid: 89 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,21.5 + pos: 1.5,7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToiletEmpty - entities: - - uid: 3420 + - uid: 90 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -21.5,15.5 + pos: 1.5,6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToolboxMechanicalFilled - entities: - - uid: 3900 + - uid: 91 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.610057,-7.2428913 + pos: 1.5,5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineAtmosTech - entities: - - uid: 6889 + - uid: 96 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.377594,-29.299969 + pos: 5.5,5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineBartender - entities: - - uid: 6898 + - uid: 97 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5385118,-24.247501 + pos: 8.5,6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineBoxer - entities: - - uid: 793 + - uid: 98 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.494053,-15.45146 + pos: 7.5,6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineCaptain - entities: - - uid: 1189 + - uid: 99 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.035681,6.6117244 + pos: 6.5,6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineCargoTech - entities: - - uid: 6897 + - uid: 100 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.366757,26.262602 + pos: 6.5,5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineChaplain - entities: - - uid: 1186 + - uid: 101 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.6200008,16.762861 + pos: 6.5,4.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineChef - entities: - - uid: 6899 + - uid: 102 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.860091,-28.497501 + pos: 8.5,4.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineChemist - entities: - - uid: 6901 + - uid: 137 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.7089076,-9.834605 + pos: 8.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineChiefEngineer - entities: - - uid: 6892 + - uid: 138 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.221512,-23.216656 + pos: 7.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineChiefMedicalOfficer - entities: - - uid: 6900 + - uid: 139 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.343676,-12.106804 + pos: 6.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineClown - entities: - - uid: 6907 + - uid: 140 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.574588,-33.40033 + pos: 5.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineDetective - entities: - - uid: 2145 + - uid: 141 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.249651,23.679073 + pos: 3.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineEngineer - entities: - - uid: 6891 + - uid: 142 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.955887,-23.01353 + pos: 1.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineGreytider - entities: - - uid: 2142 + - uid: 143 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5147417,19.684673 + pos: 1.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineHamlet - entities: - - uid: 6503 + - uid: 144 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.969621,-28.458797 + pos: 1.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineHeadOfPersonnel - entities: - - uid: 6500 + - uid: 145 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.714695,-2.0789247 + pos: 2.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineHeadOfSecurity - entities: - - uid: 592 + - uid: 146 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.675076,17.818161 + pos: 3.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineJanitor - entities: - - uid: 6905 + - uid: 147 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.176952,-31.706894 + pos: 5.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineLawyer - entities: - - uid: 6904 + - uid: 148 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.429096,21.772528 + pos: 6.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineLibrarian - entities: - - uid: 6903 + - uid: 149 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.65788,12.674046 + pos: 7.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineMedicalDoctor - entities: - - uid: 6902 + - uid: 150 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.723116,-4.147105 + pos: 7.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineMime - entities: - - uid: 6908 + - uid: 174 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.395194,-30.337831 + pos: 8.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineMusician - entities: - - uid: 6499 + - uid: 175 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.78786826,-28.113647 + pos: 8.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineParamedic - entities: - - uid: 3427 + - uid: 176 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.656263,-7.212401 + pos: 8.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurinePassenger - entities: - - uid: 3428 + - uid: 177 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.387323,5.715851 + pos: 8.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineQuartermaster - entities: - - uid: 6896 + - uid: 178 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.016072,14.885906 + pos: 12.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineRatKing - entities: - - uid: 6906 + - uid: 179 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.512383,13.407988 + pos: 12.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineResearchDirector - entities: - - uid: 3429 + - uid: 180 components: - type: Transform - pos: -32.494865,6.5819006 + pos: 16.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineSalvage - entities: - - uid: 6895 + - uid: 181 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.514065,26.593782 + pos: 16.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineSecurity - entities: - - uid: 6488 + - uid: 182 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.024659,25.7943 + pos: 16.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6893 + - uid: 185 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.445951,-11.38564 + pos: 16.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyFigurineWarden - entities: - - uid: 6894 + - uid: 208 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.3459373,19.764877 + pos: 6.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: ToyRubberDuck - entities: - - uid: 3423 + - uid: 213 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.47715,15.513819 + pos: 2.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: TwoWayLever - entities: - - uid: 1588 + - uid: 229 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,23.5 + pos: 8.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: TwoWayLever - nextSignalLeft: True - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 1576: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - 1577: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - 1578: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - 1579: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - 1580: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - 1581: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - - uid: 1589 + - uid: 230 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,29.5 + pos: 8.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: TwoWayLever - nextSignalLeft: True - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 1582: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - 1583: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - 1584: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - 1585: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - 1586: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - 1587: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - - uid: 5906 + - uid: 231 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-32.5 + pos: 8.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 5902: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - 5903: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - 5904: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off - - uid: 5907 + - uid: 232 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-31.5 + pos: 6.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: DeviceLinkSource - linkedPorts: - 5908: - - Left: Forward - - Right: Reverse - - Middle: Off -- proto: Vaccinator - entities: - - uid: 2800 + - uid: 233 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-12.5 + pos: 5.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineAmmo - entities: - - uid: 2821 + - uid: 234 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,27.5 + pos: 4.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineBooze - entities: - - uid: 3408 + - uid: 235 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,8.5 + pos: 3.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCAdmiral - - uid: 4415 + - uid: 236 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-26.5 + pos: 2.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 4416 + - uid: 237 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-21.5 + pos: 6.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: VendingMachineCargoDrobe - entities: - - uid: 2209 + - uid: 254 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,31.5 + pos: 17.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: VendingMachineCart - entities: - - uid: 764 + - uid: 255 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,-9.5 + pos: 16.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: VendingMachineCentDrobe - entities: - - uid: 649 + - uid: 256 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,1.5 + pos: 16.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2444 + - uid: 257 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,10.5 + pos: 16.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCAdmiral -- proto: VendingMachineChefvend - entities: - - uid: 4262 + - uid: 258 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-21.5 + pos: 15.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: VendingMachineChemicals - entities: - - uid: 644 + - uid: 273 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-9.5 + pos: 8.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: VendingMachineClothing - entities: - - uid: 2738 + - uid: 274 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-17.5 + pos: 8.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6150 + - uid: 276 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-29.5 + pos: 12.5,9.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineCondiments - entities: - - uid: 6626 + - uid: 277 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-25.5 + pos: 12.5,7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineDinnerware - entities: - - uid: 4578 + - uid: 293 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-21.5 + pos: 3.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: VendingMachineEGMCMedic - entities: - - uid: 473 + - uid: 294 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-42.5 + pos: 4.5,9.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineEGMCOfficer - entities: - - uid: 459 + - uid: 295 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-43.5 + pos: 5.5,9.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineEGMCSpecialits - entities: - - uid: 477 + - uid: 296 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-43.5 + pos: 5.5,8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineEngivend - entities: - - uid: 5250 + - uid: 297 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-20.5 + pos: 7.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: VendingMachineGames - entities: - - uid: 6608 + - uid: 298 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,10.5 + pos: 6.5,7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineLawDrobe - entities: - - uid: 2489 + - uid: 299 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,23.5 + pos: 15.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: VendingMachineMedical - entities: - - uid: 617 + - uid: 300 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-5.5 + pos: 15.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6601 + - uid: 315 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-12.5 + pos: -2.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: VendingMachineOfficerWeaponEGMC - entities: - - uid: 460 + - uid: 316 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-41.5 + pos: -2.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineSalvage - entities: - - uid: 6938 + - uid: 317 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,31.5 + pos: -2.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCCargo -- proto: VendingMachineSec - entities: - - uid: 2820 + - uid: 318 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,27.5 + pos: -3.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 3259 + - uid: 319 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,21.5 + pos: -4.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 5457 + - uid: 320 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-10.5 + pos: -4.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity -- proto: VendingMachineSeedsUnlocked - entities: - - uid: 2117 + - uid: 321 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-23.5 + pos: -6.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEngineering - entities: - - uid: 6556 + - uid: 322 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-45.5 + pos: -7.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineTankDispenserEVA - entities: - - uid: 2045 + - uid: 323 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,23.5 + pos: -8.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4286 + - uid: 324 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,29.5 + pos: -6.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6555 + - uid: 325 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-45.5 + pos: -7.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineTheater - entities: - - uid: 2448 + - uid: 326 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-15.5 + pos: -8.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineWeaponEGMC - entities: - - uid: 479 + - uid: 327 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-41.5 + pos: -8.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineWeaponEGMCSpecialits - entities: - - uid: 478 + - uid: 328 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-42.5 + pos: -7.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineWinter - entities: - - uid: 2443 + - uid: 329 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-16.5 + pos: -8.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: VendingMachineYouTool - entities: - - uid: 5251 + - uid: 379 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-21.5 + pos: 35.5,9.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: WallmountTelescreen - entities: - - uid: 3449 + - uid: 380 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,7.5 + pos: 35.5,8.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: WallmountTelevision - entities: - - uid: 3452 + - uid: 381 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,1.5 + pos: 35.5,7.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: WallRiveted - entities: - - uid: 1 + - uid: 417 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,2.5 + pos: 29.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2 + - uid: 418 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,2.5 + pos: 29.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3 + - uid: 419 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,1.5 + pos: 29.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4 + - uid: 420 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,2.5 + pos: 28.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5 + - uid: 421 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,2.5 + pos: 27.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6 + - uid: 422 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,2.5 + pos: 26.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 7 + - uid: 423 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,1.5 + pos: 25.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 8 + - uid: 424 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-3.5 + pos: 24.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 9 + - uid: 425 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-3.5 + pos: 23.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 10 + - uid: 426 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-2.5 + pos: 22.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 11 + - uid: 427 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-3.5 + pos: 21.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 12 + - uid: 428 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-3.5 + pos: 20.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 13 + - uid: 429 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-3.5 + pos: 19.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 14 + - uid: 430 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-2.5 + pos: 18.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 70 + - uid: 658 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 71 + - uid: 660 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 72 + - uid: 661 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,-3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 73 + - uid: 662 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,-3.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 74 + - uid: 663 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 75 + - uid: 664 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 78 + - uid: 665 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 85 + - uid: 666 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-33.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 86 + - uid: 667 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 87 + - uid: 668 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 88 + - uid: 669 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 89 + - uid: 686 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,7.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 90 + - uid: 687 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,6.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 91 + - uid: 689 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 96 + - uid: 690 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 97 + - uid: 691 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,6.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 100 + - uid: 692 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,5.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 101 + - uid: 693 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 102 + - uid: 694 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,4.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 113 + - uid: 695 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 114 + - uid: 696 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 115 + - uid: 697 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 116 + - uid: 698 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,2.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 117 + - uid: 699 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,1.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 118 + - uid: 724 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 119 + - uid: 726 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-3.5 + pos: 14.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 120 + - uid: 727 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-3.5 + pos: 15.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 121 + - uid: 728 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-2.5 + pos: 16.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 122 + - uid: 745 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -3.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 137 + - uid: 746 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -4.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 138 + - uid: 747 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 139 + - uid: 748 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 140 + - uid: 749 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 141 + - uid: 750 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 142 + - uid: 751 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-6.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 143 + - uid: 752 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-7.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 144 + - uid: 753 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 145 + - uid: 756 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 146 + - uid: 757 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-8.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 147 + - uid: 826 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-8.5 + pos: -13.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 174 + - uid: 827 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-7.5 + pos: -13.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 175 + - uid: 832 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-8.5 + pos: 11.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 176 + - uid: 833 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-9.5 + pos: 10.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 177 + - uid: 834 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 178 + - uid: 835 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-10.5 + pos: 8.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 179 + - uid: 837 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-8.5 + pos: 14.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 180 + - uid: 838 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-7.5 + pos: 14.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 181 + - uid: 839 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-8.5 + pos: 14.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 182 + - uid: 840 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-10.5 + pos: 8.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 184 + - uid: 841 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-7.5 + pos: 11.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 185 + - uid: 842 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-5.5 + pos: 13.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 187 + - uid: 843 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-4.5 + pos: 14.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 188 + - uid: 844 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-5.5 + pos: 14.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 209 + - uid: 851 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-8.5 + pos: -13.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 210 + - uid: 1080 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-10.5 + pos: -13.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 211 + - uid: 1081 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-9.5 + pos: -13.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 213 + - uid: 1082 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-9.5 + pos: -13.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 229 + - uid: 1083 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-14.5 + pos: -12.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 230 + - uid: 1084 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-13.5 + pos: -11.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 231 + - uid: 1085 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-12.5 + pos: -10.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 232 + - uid: 1132 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-14.5 + pos: 15.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 233 + - uid: 1133 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-14.5 + pos: 16.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 234 + - uid: 1134 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-14.5 + pos: 17.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 235 + - uid: 1135 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-14.5 + pos: 18.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 236 + - uid: 1136 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-14.5 + pos: 18.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 237 + - uid: 1138 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-12.5 + pos: 18.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 248 + - uid: 1139 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,4.5 + pos: 29.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 249 + - uid: 1141 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,3.5 + pos: 35.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 250 + - uid: 1142 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,4.5 + pos: 35.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 251 + - uid: 1143 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,6.5 + pos: 35.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 252 + - uid: 1144 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,7.5 + pos: 35.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 253 + - uid: 1145 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,8.5 + pos: 35.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 256 + - uid: 1152 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,7.5 + pos: 35.5,-11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 257 + - uid: 1183 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,6.5 + pos: 35.5,-12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 258 + - uid: 1184 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,7.5 + pos: 35.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 273 + - uid: 1322 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,7.5 + pos: -2.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 274 + - uid: 1408 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 276 + - uid: 1409 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,9.5 + pos: -2.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 277 + - uid: 1410 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,7.5 + pos: 1.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 293 + - uid: 1411 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,9.5 + pos: 3.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 294 + - uid: 1412 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,9.5 + pos: 3.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 295 + - uid: 1413 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 296 + - uid: 1414 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,8.5 + pos: -4.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 300 + - uid: 1415 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 315 + - uid: 1416 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-6.5 + pos: -4.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 316 + - uid: 1490 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-7.5 + pos: -5.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 317 + - uid: 1491 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-8.5 + pos: -7.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 318 + - uid: 1492 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-8.5 + pos: -9.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 319 + - uid: 1493 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-8.5 + pos: -8.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 320 + - uid: 1494 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-6.5 + pos: -8.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 321 + - uid: 1495 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-6.5 + pos: -11.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 322 + - uid: 1496 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-6.5 + pos: -12.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 323 + - uid: 1497 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-6.5 + pos: -13.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 324 + - uid: 1498 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-8.5 + pos: -14.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 325 + - uid: 1499 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-8.5 + pos: -15.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 326 + - uid: 1500 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-8.5 + pos: -16.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 328 + - uid: 1501 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-3.5 + pos: -16.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 329 + - uid: 1502 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-3.5 + pos: -16.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 330 + - uid: 1503 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-3.5 + pos: -16.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 331 + - uid: 1504 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-4.5 + pos: -14.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 332 + - uid: 1505 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-5.5 + pos: -8.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 333 + - uid: 1506 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-6.5 + pos: -8.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 334 + - uid: 1507 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-7.5 + pos: -8.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 335 + - uid: 1508 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-8.5 + pos: -7.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 344 + - uid: 1509 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-34.5 + pos: -4.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 345 + - uid: 1510 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-35.5 + pos: -5.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 346 + - uid: 1511 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,6.5 + pos: -9.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 349 + - uid: 1512 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,6.5 + pos: -11.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 350 + - uid: 1523 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,6.5 + pos: -2.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 351 + - uid: 1524 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,6.5 + pos: -2.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 352 + - uid: 1525 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,6.5 + pos: -3.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 353 + - uid: 1526 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,6.5 + pos: -4.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 354 + - uid: 1527 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,6.5 + pos: 1.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 356 + - uid: 1528 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,6.5 + pos: 1.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 357 + - uid: 1529 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,6.5 + pos: 2.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 358 + - uid: 1530 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,6.5 + pos: 3.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 359 + - uid: 1531 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,6.5 + pos: 3.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 362 + - uid: 1532 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,9.5 + pos: 0.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 363 + - uid: 1535 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,9.5 + pos: -1.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 364 + - uid: 1536 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,9.5 + pos: 3.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 365 + - uid: 1537 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,9.5 + pos: 3.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 366 + - uid: 1538 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,9.5 + pos: -14.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 367 + - uid: 1553 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 368 + - uid: 1554 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 369 + - uid: 1555 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 370 + - uid: 1556 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 371 + - uid: 1557 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 372 + - uid: 1558 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 373 + - uid: 1559 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 374 + - uid: 1560 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 375 + - uid: 1561 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 376 + - uid: 1562 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 377 + - uid: 1563 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 378 + - uid: 1564 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,9.5 + pos: -4.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 379 + - uid: 1565 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,9.5 + pos: -5.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 380 + - uid: 1567 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,8.5 + pos: -11.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 381 + - uid: 1568 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,7.5 + pos: -11.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 382 + - uid: 1569 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,8.5 + pos: -7.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 383 + - uid: 1570 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,7.5 + pos: -7.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 384 + - uid: 1571 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,8.5 + pos: -11.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 385 + - uid: 1573 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,8.5 + pos: -13.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 386 + - uid: 1574 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-7.5 + pos: -14.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 387 + - uid: 1575 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-8.5 + pos: -14.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 388 + - uid: 1664 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-9.5 + pos: -7.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 389 + - uid: 1665 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-9.5 + pos: -8.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 390 + - uid: 1666 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-8.5 + pos: -10.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 391 + - uid: 1794 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-7.5 + pos: 3.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 392 + - uid: 1795 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-7.5 + pos: 2.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 394 + - uid: 1796 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-7.5 + pos: 1.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 395 + - uid: 1797 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-7.5 + pos: 0.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 397 + - uid: 1798 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-9.5 + pos: 0.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 398 + - uid: 1799 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-9.5 + pos: -1.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 399 + - uid: 1800 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-9.5 + pos: -2.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 400 + - uid: 1801 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-7.5 + pos: -3.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 402 + - uid: 1994 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-9.5 + pos: 4.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 403 + - uid: 1995 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-9.5 + pos: 5.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 404 + - uid: 1996 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-9.5 + pos: 5.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 405 + - uid: 1997 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-7.5 + pos: 5.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 406 + - uid: 1998 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-7.5 + pos: 4.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 407 + - uid: 2005 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-7.5 + pos: 0.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 409 + - uid: 2006 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-7.5 + pos: 0.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 410 + - uid: 2007 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-7.5 + pos: -0.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 411 + - uid: 2008 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-7.5 + pos: -1.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 412 + - uid: 2009 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-9.5 + pos: -3.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 413 + - uid: 2238 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-9.5 + pos: 17.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 414 + - uid: 2239 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-9.5 + pos: 16.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 415 + - uid: 2245 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-9.5 + pos: 15.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 416 + - uid: 2251 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-10.5 + pos: 15.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 417 + - uid: 2252 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-10.5 + pos: 15.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 418 + - uid: 2253 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-11.5 + pos: 16.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 419 + - uid: 2254 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-12.5 + pos: 17.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 420 + - uid: 2255 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-12.5 + pos: 18.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 421 + - uid: 2256 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-12.5 + pos: 20.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 422 + - uid: 2257 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-12.5 + pos: 21.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 423 + - uid: 2258 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-12.5 + pos: 21.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 424 + - uid: 2259 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-12.5 + pos: 21.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 425 + - uid: 2260 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-12.5 + pos: 21.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 426 + - uid: 2261 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-12.5 + pos: 21.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 427 + - uid: 2262 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-12.5 + pos: 21.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 428 + - uid: 2263 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-12.5 + pos: 35.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 429 + - uid: 2264 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-12.5 + pos: 35.5,11.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 430 + - uid: 2265 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-12.5 + pos: 35.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 431 + - uid: 2266 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-1.5 + pos: 35.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 432 + - uid: 2267 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-0.5 + pos: 35.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 433 + - uid: 2268 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,0.5 + pos: 35.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 438 + - uid: 2274 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-35.5 + pos: 24.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 440 + - uid: 2275 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-35.5 + pos: 32.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 441 + - uid: 2292 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-35.5 + pos: 35.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 448 + - uid: 2293 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-35.5 + pos: 35.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 449 + - uid: 2294 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-35.5 + pos: 35.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 450 + - uid: 2295 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-35.5 + pos: 35.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 451 + - uid: 2296 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-35.5 + pos: 35.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 452 + - uid: 2297 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-35.5 + pos: 35.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 453 + - uid: 2298 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-34.5 + pos: 35.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 454 + - uid: 2301 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-35.5 + pos: 17.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 468 + - uid: 2302 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-1.5 + pos: 17.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 470 + - uid: 2303 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,0.5 + pos: 17.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 658 + - uid: 2304 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-2.5 + pos: 17.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 659 + - uid: 2305 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-2.5 + pos: 17.5,22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 660 + - uid: 2306 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,1.5 + pos: 17.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 661 + - uid: 2307 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,2.5 + pos: 17.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 662 + - uid: 2308 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,2.5 + pos: 18.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 663 + - uid: 2309 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,2.5 + pos: 19.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 664 + - uid: 2310 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,1.5 + pos: 20.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 665 + - uid: 2311 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,3.5 + pos: 21.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 666 + - uid: 2312 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,4.5 + pos: 21.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 667 + - uid: 2313 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,5.5 + pos: 21.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 668 + - uid: 2314 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,5.5 + pos: 21.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 669 + - uid: 2315 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,5.5 + pos: 21.5,21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 686 + - uid: 2318 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,5.5 + pos: 35.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 687 + - uid: 2319 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,5.5 + pos: 35.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 689 + - uid: 2320 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,6.5 + pos: 34.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 690 + - uid: 2321 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,7.5 + pos: 33.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 691 + - uid: 2322 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,7.5 + pos: 32.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 692 + - uid: 2323 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,7.5 + pos: 31.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 693 + - uid: 2324 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,6.5 + pos: 30.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 694 + - uid: 2325 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,7.5 + pos: 29.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 695 + - uid: 2326 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,7.5 + pos: 28.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 696 + - uid: 2327 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,7.5 + pos: 27.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 697 + - uid: 2328 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,5.5 + pos: 26.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 698 + - uid: 2329 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,7.5 + pos: 25.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 724 + - uid: 2330 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-9.5 + pos: 24.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 726 + - uid: 2331 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-12.5 + pos: 23.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 727 + - uid: 2332 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-12.5 + pos: 22.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 728 + - uid: 2333 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-12.5 + pos: 22.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 745 + - uid: 2334 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-14.5 + pos: 24.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 746 + - uid: 2335 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -4.5,-14.5 + pos: 34.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 747 + - uid: 2336 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -5.5,-14.5 + pos: 32.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 748 + - uid: 2501 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-14.5 + pos: 13.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 749 + - uid: 2502 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-14.5 + pos: 13.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 750 + - uid: 2503 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-14.5 + pos: 13.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 752 + - uid: 2504 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-13.5 + pos: 13.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 753 + - uid: 2508 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-12.5 + pos: 10.5,19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 754 + - uid: 2514 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-10.5 + pos: 7.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 755 + - uid: 2515 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-9.5 + pos: 6.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 756 + - uid: 2516 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-10.5 + pos: 10.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 757 + - uid: 2517 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-12.5 + pos: 13.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 806 + - uid: 2518 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-29.5 + pos: 14.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 826 + - uid: 2519 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,11.5 + pos: 15.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 827 + - uid: 2520 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,12.5 + pos: 16.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 832 + - uid: 2547 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-15.5 + pos: 7.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 835 + - uid: 2548 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-15.5 + pos: 6.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 837 + - uid: 2549 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-15.5 + pos: 5.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 838 + - uid: 2550 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-14.5 + pos: 4.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 839 + - uid: 2551 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-13.5 + pos: 7.5,17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 840 + - uid: 2552 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-17.5 + pos: 7.5,18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 841 + - uid: 2559 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-17.5 + pos: 16.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 842 + - uid: 2560 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-17.5 + pos: 15.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 843 + - uid: 2561 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-17.5 + pos: 14.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 844 + - uid: 2748 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-16.5 + pos: 3.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 851 + - uid: 2749 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,10.5 + pos: 4.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 898 + - uid: 2750 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,6.5 + pos: 1.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 1080 + - uid: 2751 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,9.5 + pos: 4.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1081 + - uid: 2753 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,8.5 + pos: 3.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1082 + - uid: 2757 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,7.5 + pos: 6.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1083 + - uid: 2759 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,7.5 + pos: 7.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1084 + - uid: 2761 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,7.5 + pos: 2.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1085 + - uid: 2766 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,7.5 + pos: 17.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1132 + - uid: 2767 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-16.5 + pos: 17.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1133 + - uid: 2768 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-16.5 + pos: 16.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1134 + - uid: 2769 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-16.5 + pos: 15.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1135 + - uid: 2770 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-16.5 + pos: 14.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1136 + - uid: 2833 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-15.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 2.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1138 + - uid: 2834 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-13.5 + pos: 1.5,23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1139 + - uid: 2835 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-14.5 + pos: 1.5,24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1141 + - uid: 2836 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-13.5 + pos: 1.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1142 + - uid: 2837 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-14.5 + pos: 1.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1143 + - uid: 2838 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-15.5 + pos: 1.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1144 + - uid: 2843 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-16.5 + pos: 17.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1145 + - uid: 2844 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-17.5 + pos: 17.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1152 + - uid: 3184 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-11.5 + pos: 0.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1183 + - uid: 3187 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-12.5 + pos: 0.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1184 + - uid: 3188 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-10.5 + pos: 0.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1322 + - uid: 3189 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,5.5 + pos: 0.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1392 + - uid: 3190 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-30.5 + pos: 0.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1394 + - uid: 3191 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-31.5 + pos: 0.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1395 + - uid: 3192 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-32.5 + pos: 0.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1408 + - uid: 3198 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,17.5 + pos: 4.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1409 + - uid: 3199 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,17.5 + pos: 5.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1410 + - uid: 3200 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,17.5 + pos: 6.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1411 + - uid: 3201 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,17.5 + pos: 7.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1412 + - uid: 3202 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,15.5 + pos: 8.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1413 + - uid: 3203 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,16.5 + pos: 9.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1414 + - uid: 3204 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,14.5 + pos: 10.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1415 + - uid: 3205 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,13.5 + pos: 11.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1416 + - uid: 3206 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,12.5 + pos: 12.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1490 + - uid: 3207 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,13.5 + pos: 13.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1491 + - uid: 3214 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,13.5 + pos: 18.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1492 + - uid: 3215 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,13.5 + pos: 18.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1493 + - uid: 3216 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,13.5 + pos: 18.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1494 + - uid: 3217 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,14.5 + pos: 18.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1495 + - uid: 3218 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,13.5 + pos: 18.5,28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1496 + - uid: 3219 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,13.5 + pos: 18.5,27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1497 + - uid: 3220 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,13.5 + pos: 18.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1498 + - uid: 3221 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,13.5 + pos: 18.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1499 + - uid: 3222 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,13.5 + pos: 35.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1500 + - uid: 3223 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,13.5 + pos: 34.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1501 + - uid: 3224 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,14.5 + pos: 33.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1502 + - uid: 3225 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,15.5 + pos: 32.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1503 + - uid: 3226 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,16.5 + pos: 31.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1504 + - uid: 3227 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,18.5 + pos: 30.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1505 + - uid: 3228 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,16.5 + pos: 29.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1506 + - uid: 3229 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,17.5 + pos: 28.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1507 + - uid: 3230 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,18.5 + pos: 27.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1508 + - uid: 3231 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,18.5 + pos: 26.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1509 + - uid: 3232 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,18.5 + pos: 25.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1510 + - uid: 3233 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,18.5 + pos: 24.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1511 + - uid: 3234 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,18.5 + pos: 23.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1512 + - uid: 3235 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,18.5 + pos: 22.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1523 + - uid: 3236 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,18.5 + pos: 21.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1524 + - uid: 3237 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,19.5 + pos: 20.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1525 + - uid: 3238 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,19.5 + pos: 19.5,25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1526 + - uid: 3269 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,19.5 + pos: -17.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1527 + - uid: 3270 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,18.5 + pos: -18.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1528 + - uid: 3271 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,19.5 + pos: -19.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1529 + - uid: 3272 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,19.5 + pos: -20.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1530 + - uid: 3273 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,19.5 + pos: -21.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1531 + - uid: 3277 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,18.5 + pos: -19.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1532 + - uid: 3278 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,17.5 + pos: -19.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1535 + - uid: 3279 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,17.5 + pos: -19.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1536 + - uid: 3280 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,21.5 + pos: -20.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1537 + - uid: 3281 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,20.5 + pos: -21.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1538 + - uid: 3282 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,19.5 + pos: -22.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1553 + - uid: 3283 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,20.5 + pos: -22.5,15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1554 + - uid: 3284 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,22.5 + pos: -22.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1555 + - uid: 3294 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,23.5 + pos: -10.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1556 + - uid: 3295 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,24.5 + pos: -11.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1557 + - uid: 3296 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,25.5 + pos: -12.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1558 + - uid: 3297 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,26.5 + pos: -13.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1559 + - uid: 3298 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,27.5 + pos: -14.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1560 + - uid: 3299 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,28.5 + pos: -15.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1561 + - uid: 3300 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,29.5 + pos: -16.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1562 + - uid: 3301 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,30.5 + pos: -17.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1563 + - uid: 3302 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,31.5 + pos: -17.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1564 + - uid: 3303 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,32.5 + pos: -17.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1565 + - uid: 3304 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,32.5 + pos: -13.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1567 + - uid: 3312 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,32.5 + pos: -17.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1568 + - uid: 3317 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,34.5 + pos: -18.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1569 + - uid: 3318 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,33.5 + pos: -19.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1570 + - uid: 3319 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,32.5 + pos: -20.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1571 + - uid: 3333 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,33.5 + pos: -17.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1573 + - uid: 3336 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,32.5 + pos: -13.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1574 + - uid: 3337 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,32.5 + pos: -13.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1575 + - uid: 3338 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,31.5 + pos: -14.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1664 + - uid: 3339 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,34.5 + pos: -15.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1665 + - uid: 3340 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,34.5 + pos: -16.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1666 + - uid: 3341 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,34.5 + pos: -17.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1794 + - uid: 3342 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,22.5 + pos: -17.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1795 + - uid: 3347 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,22.5 + pos: -22.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1796 + - uid: 3351 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,22.5 + pos: -25.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1797 + - uid: 3352 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,22.5 + pos: -23.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1798 + - uid: 3353 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,23.5 + pos: -24.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1799 + - uid: 3354 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,22.5 + pos: -25.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1800 + - uid: 3355 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,22.5 + pos: -25.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1801 + - uid: 3356 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,22.5 + pos: -25.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1994 + - uid: 3357 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,15.5 + pos: -25.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1995 + - uid: 3358 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,15.5 + pos: -25.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1996 + - uid: 3359 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,16.5 + pos: -28.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1997 + - uid: 3360 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,17.5 + pos: -28.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1998 + - uid: 3361 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,17.5 + pos: -28.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2005 + - uid: 3362 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,24.5 + pos: -26.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2006 + - uid: 3363 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,25.5 + pos: -28.5,5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2007 + - uid: 3364 components: - type: Transform - pos: -0.5,25.5 + pos: -28.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2008 + - uid: 3365 components: - type: Transform - pos: -1.5,25.5 + pos: -28.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2009 + - uid: 3366 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,25.5 + pos: -27.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2238 + - uid: 3367 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,9.5 + pos: -22.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2239 + - uid: 3368 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,9.5 + pos: -23.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2245 + - uid: 3369 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,15.5 + pos: -24.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2251 + - uid: 3370 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,16.5 + pos: -25.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2252 + - uid: 3371 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,17.5 + pos: -26.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2253 + - uid: 3372 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,17.5 + pos: -27.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2254 + - uid: 3373 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,17.5 + pos: -28.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2255 + - uid: 3374 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,17.5 + pos: -18.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2256 + - uid: 3375 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,17.5 + pos: -19.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2257 + - uid: 3376 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,10.5 + pos: -23.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2258 + - uid: 3377 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,13.5 + pos: -24.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2259 + - uid: 3378 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,14.5 + pos: -25.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2260 + - uid: 3379 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,15.5 + pos: -26.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2261 + - uid: 3380 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,16.5 + pos: -27.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2262 + - uid: 3381 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,17.5 + pos: -28.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2263 + - uid: 3382 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,10.5 + pos: -28.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2264 + - uid: 3383 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,11.5 + pos: -28.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2265 + - uid: 3384 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,12.5 + pos: -28.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2266 + - uid: 3443 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,13.5 + pos: -17.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2267 + - uid: 3444 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,14.5 + pos: -18.5,14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2268 + - uid: 3447 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,15.5 + pos: -15.5,-43.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2274 + - uid: 3448 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,14.5 + pos: -15.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2275 + - uid: 3780 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,14.5 + pos: -21.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2292 + - uid: 3783 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,16.5 + pos: -28.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2293 + - uid: 3784 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,17.5 + pos: -28.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2294 + - uid: 3785 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,18.5 + pos: -28.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2295 + - uid: 3786 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,19.5 + pos: -28.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2296 + - uid: 3919 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,20.5 + pos: -29.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2297 + - uid: 3920 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,21.5 + pos: -31.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2298 + - uid: 3921 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,22.5 + pos: -32.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2301 + - uid: 3922 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,18.5 + pos: -33.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2302 + - uid: 3923 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,19.5 + pos: -34.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2303 + - uid: 3924 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,20.5 + pos: -34.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2304 + - uid: 3925 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,21.5 + pos: -33.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2305 + - uid: 3926 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,22.5 + pos: -32.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2306 + - uid: 3927 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,23.5 + pos: -31.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2307 + - uid: 3928 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,24.5 + pos: -30.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2308 + - uid: 3929 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,24.5 + pos: -29.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2309 + - uid: 3930 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,24.5 + pos: -29.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2310 + - uid: 3931 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,24.5 + pos: -31.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2311 + - uid: 3932 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,24.5 + pos: -34.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2312 + - uid: 4188 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,23.5 + pos: 5.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2313 + - uid: 4189 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,19.5 + pos: 5.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2314 + - uid: 4190 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,20.5 + pos: 5.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2315 + - uid: 4191 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,21.5 + pos: -6.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2318 + - uid: 4192 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,23.5 + pos: -6.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2319 + - uid: 4193 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,24.5 + pos: -6.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2320 + - uid: 4194 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,24.5 + pos: 5.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2321 + - uid: 4195 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,24.5 + pos: 5.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2322 + - uid: 4196 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,24.5 + pos: 4.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2323 + - uid: 4197 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,24.5 + pos: 3.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2324 + - uid: 4198 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,24.5 + pos: 2.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2325 + - uid: 4199 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,24.5 + pos: 1.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2326 + - uid: 4200 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,24.5 + pos: 0.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2327 + - uid: 4201 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,24.5 + pos: -1.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2328 + - uid: 4202 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,24.5 + pos: -2.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2329 + - uid: 4203 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,24.5 + pos: -3.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2330 + - uid: 4204 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,24.5 + pos: -4.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2331 + - uid: 4205 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,24.5 + pos: -5.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2332 + - uid: 4206 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,24.5 + pos: -6.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2333 + - uid: 4207 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,20.5 + pos: 14.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2334 + - uid: 4208 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,20.5 + pos: 14.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2335 + - uid: 4209 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,20.5 + pos: 14.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2336 + - uid: 4210 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,20.5 + pos: 11.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2350 + - uid: 4211 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-28.5 + pos: 10.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2501 + - uid: 4212 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,16.5 + pos: 9.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2502 + - uid: 4213 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,17.5 + pos: 8.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2503 + - uid: 4214 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,18.5 + pos: 7.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2504 + - uid: 4215 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,19.5 + pos: 6.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2508 + - uid: 4216 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,19.5 + pos: -9.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2514 + - uid: 4217 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,16.5 + pos: -10.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2515 + - uid: 4218 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,16.5 + pos: -11.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2516 + - uid: 4219 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,20.5 + pos: -12.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2517 + - uid: 4220 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,20.5 + pos: -9.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2518 + - uid: 4221 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,20.5 + pos: -12.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2519 + - uid: 4234 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,20.5 + pos: -14.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2520 + - uid: 4235 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,20.5 + pos: -15.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2547 + - uid: 4236 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,20.5 + pos: -15.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2548 + - uid: 4237 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,20.5 + pos: -15.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2549 + - uid: 4238 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,20.5 + pos: -14.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2550 + - uid: 4240 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,20.5 + pos: -35.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2551 + - uid: 4244 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,17.5 + pos: -12.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2552 + - uid: 4245 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,18.5 + pos: -11.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2559 + - uid: 4246 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,23.5 + pos: -10.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2560 + - uid: 4247 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,23.5 + pos: -9.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2561 + - uid: 4248 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,23.5 + pos: -8.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2748 + - uid: 4249 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,26.5 + pos: -7.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2749 + - uid: 4250 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,26.5 + pos: -15.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2751 + - uid: 4267 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,23.5 + pos: -12.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2753 + - uid: 4268 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,23.5 + pos: 11.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2757 + - uid: 4269 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,23.5 + pos: -12.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2759 + - uid: 4270 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,23.5 + pos: -6.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2761 + - uid: 4271 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,26.5 + pos: -6.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2766 + - uid: 4272 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,25.5 + pos: -6.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2768 + - uid: 4273 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,26.5 + pos: -6.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2769 + - uid: 4274 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,26.5 + pos: -8.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2770 + - uid: 4275 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,26.5 + pos: -8.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2783 + - uid: 4276 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,26.5 + pos: -8.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2793 + - uid: 4277 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,32.5 + pos: -9.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2833 + - uid: 4278 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 2.5,23.5 + pos: -10.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2834 + - uid: 4279 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,23.5 + pos: -11.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2835 + - uid: 4280 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,24.5 + pos: -12.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2836 + - uid: 4281 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,25.5 + pos: -12.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2883 + - uid: 4282 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,32.5 + pos: -12.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2885 + - uid: 4283 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,30.5 + pos: -12.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3140 + - uid: 4284 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-0.5 + pos: -12.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - - uid: 3221 + - uid: 4285 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,25.5 + pos: -12.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3222 + - uid: 4288 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,25.5 + pos: 11.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3223 + - uid: 4289 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,25.5 + pos: 10.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3224 + - uid: 4290 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,25.5 + pos: 9.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3225 + - uid: 4291 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,25.5 + pos: 8.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3226 + - uid: 4292 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,25.5 + pos: 7.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3227 + - uid: 4293 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,25.5 + pos: 11.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3228 + - uid: 4294 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,25.5 + pos: 11.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3229 + - uid: 4295 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,25.5 + pos: 11.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3230 + - uid: 4296 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,25.5 + pos: 11.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3231 + - uid: 4297 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,25.5 + pos: 11.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3232 + - uid: 4298 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,25.5 + pos: 11.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3233 + - uid: 4300 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,25.5 + pos: 7.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3234 + - uid: 4301 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,25.5 + pos: 5.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3235 + - uid: 4302 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,25.5 + pos: 5.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3236 + - uid: 4303 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,25.5 + pos: 5.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3237 + - uid: 4304 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,25.5 + pos: 5.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3238 + - uid: 4329 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,25.5 + pos: -1.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3262 + - uid: 4330 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-10.5 + pos: -2.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3263 + - uid: 4331 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-10.5 + pos: -3.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3264 + - uid: 4332 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-10.5 + pos: -4.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3265 + - uid: 4333 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-10.5 + pos: -5.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3266 + - uid: 4334 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,-10.5 + pos: 0.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3267 + - uid: 4335 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-10.5 + pos: 1.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3268 + - uid: 4336 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-10.5 + pos: 2.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3269 + - uid: 4337 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-10.5 + pos: 3.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3270 + - uid: 4338 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-10.5 + pos: 4.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3271 + - uid: 4353 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-10.5 + pos: -8.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3272 + - uid: 4356 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,-10.5 + pos: -4.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3273 + - uid: 4357 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-10.5 + pos: -3.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3274 + - uid: 4358 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,13.5 + pos: -2.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3275 + - uid: 4362 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,13.5 + pos: 1.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3276 + - uid: 4363 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,13.5 + pos: 2.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3277 + - uid: 4364 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,14.5 + pos: 3.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3278 + - uid: 4368 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,15.5 + pos: 7.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3279 + - uid: 4641 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,16.5 + pos: -15.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3280 + - uid: 4642 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,16.5 + pos: -15.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3281 + - uid: 4643 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,16.5 + pos: -15.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3282 + - uid: 4644 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,16.5 + pos: -15.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3283 + - uid: 4645 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,15.5 + pos: -15.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3284 + - uid: 4646 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,14.5 + pos: -16.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3285 + - uid: 4647 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,13.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: -15.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3286 + - uid: 4648 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,13.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3294 + - uid: 4654 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -14.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3295 + - uid: 4655 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -13.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3296 + - uid: 4657 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -10.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3297 + - uid: 4658 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -11.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3298 + - uid: 4659 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -9.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3299 + - uid: 4660 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -8.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3300 + - uid: 4661 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -7.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3301 + - uid: 4662 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,3.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -6.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3302 + - uid: 4666 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -2.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3303 + - uid: 4670 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 1.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3304 + - uid: 4674 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,1.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 5.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3305 + - uid: 4675 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 6.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3306 + - uid: 4676 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 7.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3307 + - uid: 4677 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 8.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3308 + - uid: 4678 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,-2.5 + pos: 29.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3309 + - uid: 4679 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 9.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3310 + - uid: 4680 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 10.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3311 + - uid: 4681 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-2.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 11.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3312 + - uid: 4682 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-2.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 14.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3313 + - uid: 4683 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-3.5 + pos: 14.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3314 + - uid: 4684 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-4.5 + pos: 35.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3315 + - uid: 4685 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-9.5 + pos: 35.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3316 + - uid: 4686 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-8.5 + pos: 35.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3317 + - uid: 4687 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,1.5 + pos: 35.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3318 + - uid: 4688 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,1.5 + pos: 35.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3319 + - uid: 4689 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,1.5 + pos: 35.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3320 + - uid: 4690 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,13.5 + pos: 35.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3321 + - uid: 4691 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,13.5 + pos: 35.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3322 + - uid: 4692 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,13.5 + pos: 35.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3323 + - uid: 4693 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.5,13.5 + pos: 35.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3324 + - uid: 4699 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,13.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 12.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3325 + - uid: 4700 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,10.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 13.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3326 + - uid: 4701 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,7.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 14.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3331 + - uid: 4704 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,12.5 + pos: 22.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3332 + - uid: 4705 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,10.5 + pos: 21.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3333 + - uid: 4706 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,9.5 + pos: 26.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3334 + - uid: 4707 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,8.5 + pos: 26.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3335 + - uid: 4708 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,7.5 + pos: 26.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3336 + - uid: 4709 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,6.5 + pos: 26.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3337 + - uid: 4710 components: - type: Transform - pos: -13.5,4.5 + pos: 26.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3338 + - uid: 4717 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,7.5 + pos: 20.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3339 + - uid: 4718 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,7.5 + pos: 23.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3340 + - uid: 4719 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,7.5 + pos: 24.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3341 + - uid: 4720 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,4.5 + pos: 18.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3342 + - uid: 4724 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,6.5 + pos: 14.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3343 + - uid: 4725 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,7.5 + pos: 14.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3344 + - uid: 4726 components: - type: Transform - pos: -20.5,7.5 + pos: 22.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3345 + - uid: 4727 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,7.5 + pos: 21.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3346 + - uid: 4728 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,7.5 + pos: 20.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3347 + - uid: 4729 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,1.5 + pos: 18.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3348 + - uid: 4730 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.5,7.5 + pos: 18.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3349 + - uid: 4731 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,7.5 + pos: 18.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3350 + - uid: 4732 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,7.5 + pos: 19.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3351 + - uid: 4733 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,6.5 + pos: 18.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3352 + - uid: 4734 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,1.5 + pos: 18.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3353 + - uid: 4735 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,1.5 + pos: 18.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3354 + - uid: 4736 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,1.5 + pos: 17.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3355 + - uid: 4737 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,2.5 + pos: 16.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3356 + - uid: 4738 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,3.5 + pos: 15.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3357 + - uid: 4739 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,4.5 + pos: 14.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3358 + - uid: 4740 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,5.5 + pos: 14.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3359 + - uid: 4741 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,1.5 + pos: 18.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3360 + - uid: 4742 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,2.5 + pos: 14.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3361 + - uid: 4743 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,3.5 + pos: 22.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3362 + - uid: 4744 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.5,1.5 + pos: 19.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3363 + - uid: 4745 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,5.5 + pos: 25.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3364 + - uid: 4747 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,6.5 + pos: 22.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3365 + - uid: 4748 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,7.5 + pos: 22.5,-24.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3366 + - uid: 4758 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,1.5 + pos: 15.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3367 + - uid: 4759 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-10.5 + pos: 17.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3368 + - uid: 4760 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-10.5 + pos: 18.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3369 + - uid: 4761 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,-10.5 + pos: 18.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3370 + - uid: 5041 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,-10.5 + pos: 22.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3371 + - uid: 5042 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.5,-10.5 + pos: 22.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3372 + - uid: 5043 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,-10.5 + pos: 22.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3373 + - uid: 5044 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-10.5 + pos: 22.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3374 + - uid: 5048 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,-2.5 + pos: 30.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3375 + - uid: 5049 components: - type: Transform - pos: -19.5,-2.5 + pos: 33.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3376 + - uid: 5050 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-2.5 + pos: 34.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3377 + - uid: 5051 components: - type: Transform - pos: -24.5,-2.5 + pos: 23.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3378 + - uid: 5052 components: - type: Transform - pos: -25.5,-2.5 + pos: 31.5,-14.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3379 + - uid: 5053 components: - type: Transform - pos: -26.5,-2.5 + pos: 24.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3380 + - uid: 5054 components: - type: Transform - pos: -27.5,-2.5 + pos: 25.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3381 + - uid: 5055 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-2.5 + pos: 26.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3382 + - uid: 5056 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-3.5 + pos: 27.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3383 + - uid: 5057 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-4.5 + pos: 28.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3384 + - uid: 5059 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-9.5 + pos: 30.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3443 + - uid: 5060 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,14.5 + pos: 31.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3444 + - uid: 5061 components: - type: Transform - pos: -18.5,14.5 + pos: 32.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3780 + - uid: 5062 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-2.5 + pos: 33.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3783 + - uid: 5063 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-5.5 + pos: 34.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3784 + - uid: 5066 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-6.5 + pos: 27.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3785 + - uid: 5102 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-7.5 + pos: 29.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3786 + - uid: 5103 components: - type: Transform - pos: -28.5,-8.5 + pos: 29.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3919 + - uid: 5104 components: - type: Transform - pos: -29.5,2.5 + pos: 28.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3920 + - uid: 5105 components: - type: Transform - pos: -31.5,2.5 + pos: 27.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3921 + - uid: 5106 components: - type: Transform - pos: -32.5,2.5 + pos: 23.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3922 + - uid: 5107 components: - type: Transform - pos: -33.5,2.5 + pos: 28.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3923 + - uid: 5113 components: - type: Transform - pos: -34.5,2.5 + pos: 28.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3924 + - uid: 5119 components: - type: Transform - pos: -34.5,-3.5 + pos: 30.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3925 + - uid: 5120 components: - type: Transform - pos: -33.5,-3.5 + pos: 34.5,-19.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3926 + - uid: 5392 components: - type: Transform - pos: -32.5,-3.5 + pos: 27.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3927 + - uid: 5396 components: - type: Transform - pos: -31.5,-3.5 + pos: 26.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3928 + - uid: 5451 components: - type: Transform - pos: -30.5,-3.5 + pos: 27.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3929 + - uid: 5452 components: - type: Transform - pos: -29.5,-3.5 + pos: 27.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3930 + - uid: 5453 components: - type: Transform - pos: -29.5,7.5 + pos: 27.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3931 + - uid: 5454 components: - type: Transform - pos: -31.5,7.5 + pos: 27.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3932 + - uid: 5462 components: - type: Transform - pos: -34.5,7.5 + pos: 35.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4188 + - uid: 5784 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-15.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -15.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4190 + - uid: 5864 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-17.5 + pos: -17.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4194 + - uid: 5879 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-19.5 + pos: -3.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4195 + - uid: 5881 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-20.5 + pos: -3.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4196 + - uid: 5882 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-20.5 + pos: -2.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4197 + - uid: 5905 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-20.5 + pos: -3.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4198 + - uid: 5909 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4199 + - uid: 5913 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4202 + - uid: 5917 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -20.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4203 + - uid: 5918 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -19.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4204 + - uid: 5919 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -18.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4205 + - uid: 5920 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-20.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -17.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4207 + - uid: 5921 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-18.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -16.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4208 + - uid: 5930 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-19.5 + pos: -15.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4209 + - uid: 5931 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-20.5 + pos: -15.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4216 + - uid: 5941 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-15.5 + pos: -17.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4217 + - uid: 5942 components: - type: Transform - pos: -10.5,-15.5 + pos: -16.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4218 + - uid: 5943 components: - type: Transform - pos: -11.5,-15.5 + pos: -17.5,-22.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4219 + - uid: 5944 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-15.5 + pos: -17.5,-23.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4220 + - uid: 5960 components: - type: Transform - pos: -9.5,-17.5 + pos: -34.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4221 + - uid: 5963 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.5,-17.5 + pos: -21.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4234 + - uid: 5964 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,-17.5 + pos: -21.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4235 + - uid: 5965 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-17.5 + pos: -22.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4236 + - uid: 5966 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-16.5 + pos: -23.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4237 + - uid: 5968 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-15.5 + pos: -22.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4238 + - uid: 5969 components: - type: Transform - pos: -14.5,-15.5 + pos: -26.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4239 + - uid: 5970 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-19.5 + pos: -17.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4240 + - uid: 5971 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-18.5 + pos: -16.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4250 + - uid: 5973 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-20.5 + pos: -26.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4273 + - uid: 5974 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-24.5 + pos: -24.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4330 + - uid: 5976 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-24.5 + pos: -24.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4331 + - uid: 5978 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-24.5 + pos: -18.5,-21.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4332 + - uid: 5982 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-24.5 + pos: -27.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4333 + - uid: 5984 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-24.5 + pos: -34.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4335 + - uid: 5985 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-24.5 + pos: -30.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4336 + - uid: 5986 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-24.5 + pos: -32.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4337 + - uid: 5988 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-24.5 + pos: -35.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4338 + - uid: 5989 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-24.5 + pos: -27.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4353 + - uid: 5990 components: - type: Transform - pos: -8.5,-30.5 + pos: -23.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4356 + - uid: 6069 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-30.5 + pos: -30.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4357 + - uid: 6075 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-30.5 + pos: -32.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4358 + - uid: 6076 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-30.5 + pos: -35.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4362 + - uid: 6077 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-30.5 + pos: -22.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4363 + - uid: 6081 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-30.5 + pos: -18.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4364 + - uid: 6085 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-30.5 + pos: -28.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4641 + - uid: 6086 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-27.5 + pos: -28.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4642 + - uid: 6087 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-28.5 + pos: -31.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4643 + - uid: 6088 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-23.5 + pos: -22.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4644 + - uid: 6091 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-22.5 + pos: -35.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4645 + - uid: 6092 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-21.5 + pos: -22.5,-25.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4646 + - uid: 6151 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-28.5 + pos: -31.5,-26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4647 + - uid: 6233 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: -15.5,-29.5 + pos: -6.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4648 + - uid: 6234 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -15.5,-30.5 + pos: -6.5,-36.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4654 + - uid: 6235 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -14.5,-34.5 + pos: -6.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4655 + - uid: 6236 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -13.5,-34.5 + pos: -6.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4656 + - uid: 6237 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -12.5,-34.5 + pos: -5.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4657 + - uid: 6238 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -10.5,-34.5 + pos: -4.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4658 + - uid: 6241 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -11.5,-34.5 + pos: 1.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4659 + - uid: 6242 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -9.5,-34.5 + pos: 2.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4660 + - uid: 6246 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -8.5,-34.5 + pos: 3.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4661 + - uid: 6247 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -7.5,-34.5 + pos: 4.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4662 + - uid: 6248 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -6.5,-34.5 + pos: 5.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4666 + - uid: 6249 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -2.5,-34.5 + pos: 5.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4670 + - uid: 6250 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 1.5,-34.5 + pos: 5.5,-36.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4674 + - uid: 6251 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 5.5,-34.5 + pos: 5.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4675 + - uid: 6271 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 6.5,-34.5 + pos: -2.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4676 + - uid: 6272 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-34.5 + pos: 2.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4677 + - uid: 6273 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 8.5,-34.5 + pos: 2.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4678 + - uid: 6274 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-13.5 + pos: 1.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4679 + - uid: 6292 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 9.5,-34.5 + pos: -3.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4680 + - uid: 6293 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 10.5,-34.5 + pos: -3.5,-45.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4681 + - uid: 6294 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 11.5,-34.5 + pos: -3.5,-46.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4682 + - uid: 6297 components: - type: Transform - rot: 3.141592653589793 rad - pos: 14.5,-32.5 + pos: 2.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4683 + - uid: 6298 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-33.5 + pos: 2.5,-45.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4684 + - uid: 6299 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-18.5 + pos: 2.5,-46.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4685 + - uid: 6361 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-19.5 + pos: -4.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4686 + - uid: 6362 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-20.5 + pos: -5.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4687 + - uid: 6363 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-22.5 + pos: -6.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4688 + - uid: 6364 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-23.5 + pos: -7.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4689 + - uid: 6365 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-24.5 + pos: -7.5,-43.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4690 + - uid: 6366 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-21.5 + pos: -7.5,-42.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4691 + - uid: 6367 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-25.5 + pos: -7.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4692 + - uid: 6368 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-26.5 + pos: -7.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4693 + - uid: 6369 components: - type: Transform - pos: 35.5,-27.5 + pos: -7.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4699 + - uid: 6370 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 12.5,-34.5 + pos: -7.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4700 + - uid: 6371 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 13.5,-34.5 + pos: -7.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4701 + - uid: 6372 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 14.5,-34.5 + pos: -7.5,-36.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4704 + - uid: 6373 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-33.5 + pos: -7.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4705 + - uid: 6374 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-33.5 + pos: 6.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4706 + - uid: 6375 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-31.5 + pos: 6.5,-36.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4707 + - uid: 6376 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-32.5 + pos: 6.5,-37.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4708 + - uid: 6377 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-30.5 + pos: 6.5,-38.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4709 + - uid: 6378 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-29.5 + pos: 6.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4710 + - uid: 6379 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-28.5 + pos: 6.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4717 + - uid: 6380 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-33.5 + pos: 6.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4718 + - uid: 6381 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-33.5 + pos: 6.5,-42.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4719 + - uid: 6382 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-33.5 + pos: 6.5,-43.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4720 + - uid: 6383 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-32.5 + pos: 6.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4724 + - uid: 6384 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-21.5 + pos: 5.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4725 + - uid: 6385 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-22.5 + pos: 4.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4726 + - uid: 6386 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-27.5 + pos: 3.5,-44.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4727 + - uid: 6387 components: - type: Transform - pos: 21.5,-27.5 + pos: 2.5,-43.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4728 + - uid: 6388 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-27.5 + pos: 2.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4729 + - uid: 6389 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-22.5 + pos: -3.5,-43.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4730 + - uid: 6390 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-23.5 + pos: -3.5,-41.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4731 + - uid: 6534 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-24.5 + pos: 7.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4732 + - uid: 6535 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-27.5 + pos: 8.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4733 + - uid: 6536 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-26.5 + pos: 9.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4734 + - uid: 6537 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-27.5 + pos: 10.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4735 + - uid: 6538 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-28.5 + pos: 11.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4736 + - uid: 6539 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-28.5 + pos: 12.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4737 + - uid: 6540 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-28.5 + pos: 13.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4738 + - uid: 6541 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-28.5 + pos: 14.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4739 + - uid: 6542 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-28.5 + pos: 15.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4740 + - uid: 6543 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-29.5 + pos: 15.5,-34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4741 + - uid: 6544 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-33.5 + pos: 15.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4742 + - uid: 6545 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-31.5 + pos: 16.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4743 + - uid: 6546 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-26.5 + pos: 17.5,-33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4744 + - uid: 6602 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-33.5 + pos: -18.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4745 + - uid: 6636 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-33.5 + pos: 28.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4747 + - uid: 6638 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-23.5 + pos: 29.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4748 + - uid: 6655 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-24.5 + pos: -22.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4758 + - uid: 6952 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-19.5 + pos: 30.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4759 + - uid: 7172 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-19.5 + pos: -18.5,-17.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4760 + - uid: 7173 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-19.5 + pos: -22.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4761 + - uid: 7174 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-18.5 + pos: -22.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5041 + - uid: 7176 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-22.5 + pos: -21.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5042 + - uid: 7177 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-21.5 + pos: -20.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5043 + - uid: 7178 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-20.5 + pos: -19.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5044 + - uid: 7179 components: - type: Transform - pos: 22.5,-19.5 + pos: -18.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5048 + - uid: 7184 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-14.5 + pos: -23.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5049 + - uid: 7185 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-14.5 + pos: -24.5,-16.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5050 + - uid: 7186 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-14.5 + pos: -23.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5052 + - uid: 7191 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-14.5 + pos: -24.5,-20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5053 + - uid: 7193 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-27.5 + pos: -24.5,-18.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5054 + - uid: 7196 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-27.5 + pos: 31.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5055 + - uid: 7372 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-27.5 + pos: 32.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5057 + - uid: 7373 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-27.5 + pos: 33.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5059 + - uid: 7374 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-27.5 + pos: 34.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5060 + - uid: 7375 components: - type: Transform - pos: 31.5,-27.5 + pos: 35.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5061 + - uid: 7376 components: - type: Transform - pos: 32.5,-27.5 + pos: 35.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5062 + - uid: 7377 components: - type: Transform - pos: 33.5,-27.5 + pos: 35.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5063 + - uid: 7419 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-27.5 + pos: -11.5,-43.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5102 + - uid: 7501 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-15.5 + pos: -15.5,-35.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5103 + - uid: 7650 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-19.5 + pos: 14.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5104 +- proto: WallRivetedIndestructible + entities: + - uid: 113 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-19.5 + pos: 16.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5105 + - uid: 114 components: - type: Transform - pos: 27.5,-19.5 + pos: 16.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5106 + - uid: 115 components: - type: Transform - pos: 23.5,-19.5 + pos: 17.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5107 + - uid: 116 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-20.5 + pos: 18.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5113 + - uid: 117 components: - type: Transform - pos: 28.5,-26.5 + pos: 18.5,1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5119 + - uid: 118 components: - type: Transform - pos: 30.5,-19.5 + pos: 18.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5120 + - uid: 119 components: - type: Transform - pos: 34.5,-19.5 + pos: 18.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5388 + - uid: 120 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-31.5 + pos: 17.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5390 + - uid: 121 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,-29.5 + pos: 16.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5396 + - uid: 122 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-33.5 + pos: 16.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5405 + - uid: 184 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,-31.5 + pos: 35.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5409 + - uid: 187 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 25.5,-31.5 + pos: 18.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5784 + - uid: 188 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -15.5,-34.5 + pos: 18.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5864 + - uid: 209 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-28.5 + pos: 18.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5879 + - uid: 210 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-39.5 + pos: 18.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5881 + - uid: 211 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-40.5 + pos: 18.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5882 + - uid: 248 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-38.5 + pos: 16.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5905 + - uid: 249 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-38.5 + pos: 18.5,3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5909 + - uid: 250 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -16.5,-34.5 + pos: 18.5,4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5913 + - uid: 251 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-34.5 + pos: 18.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5917 + - uid: 252 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -20.5,-30.5 + pos: 18.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5918 + - uid: 253 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -19.5,-30.5 + pos: 18.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5919 + - uid: 330 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -18.5,-30.5 + pos: 19.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5920 + - uid: 331 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -17.5,-30.5 + pos: 22.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5921 + - uid: 332 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -16.5,-30.5 + pos: 23.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5930 + - uid: 333 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-33.5 + pos: 24.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5931 + - uid: 334 components: - type: Transform - pos: -15.5,-31.5 + pos: 28.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5941 + - uid: 335 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-27.5 + pos: 29.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5942 + - uid: 346 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-22.5 + pos: 30.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5943 + - uid: 349 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-22.5 + pos: 32.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5944 + - uid: 350 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-23.5 + pos: 33.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5963 + - uid: 351 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-30.5 + pos: 34.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5964 + - uid: 352 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-29.5 + pos: 35.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5965 + - uid: 353 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-29.5 + pos: 18.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5966 + - uid: 354 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-29.5 + pos: 19.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5967 + - uid: 356 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-21.5 + pos: 20.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5968 + - uid: 357 components: - type: Transform - pos: -22.5,-21.5 + pos: 21.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5969 + - uid: 358 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-21.5 + pos: 22.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5970 + - uid: 359 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.5,-21.5 + pos: 23.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5971 + - uid: 362 components: - type: Transform - pos: -16.5,-21.5 + pos: 24.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5972 + - uid: 363 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-28.5 + pos: 25.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5973 + - uid: 364 components: - type: Transform - pos: -23.5,-22.5 + pos: 26.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5974 + - uid: 365 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-28.5 + pos: 27.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5975 + - uid: 366 components: - type: Transform - pos: -21.5,-22.5 + pos: 28.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6233 + - uid: 367 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-35.5 + pos: 29.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6234 + - uid: 368 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-36.5 + pos: 30.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6235 + - uid: 369 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-37.5 + pos: 31.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6236 + - uid: 370 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-38.5 + pos: 32.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6237 + - uid: 371 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-38.5 + pos: 33.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6238 + - uid: 372 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-38.5 + pos: 34.5,9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6241 + - uid: 373 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-38.5 + pos: 34.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6242 + - uid: 374 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-38.5 + pos: 34.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6246 + - uid: 375 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-38.5 + pos: 28.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6247 + - uid: 376 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-38.5 + pos: 24.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6248 + - uid: 377 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-38.5 + pos: 29.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6249 + - uid: 378 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-37.5 + pos: 35.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6250 + - uid: 382 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-36.5 + pos: 35.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6251 + - uid: 383 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-35.5 + pos: 34.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6271 + - uid: 384 components: - type: Transform - pos: -2.5,-40.5 + pos: 34.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6272 + - uid: 385 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-39.5 + pos: 22.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6273 + - uid: 386 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-40.5 + pos: 23.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6274 + - uid: 387 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,-40.5 + pos: 18.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6292 + - uid: 388 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-44.5 + pos: 19.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6293 + - uid: 389 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-45.5 + pos: 32.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6294 + - uid: 390 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-46.5 + pos: 23.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6297 + - uid: 391 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-44.5 + pos: 30.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6298 + - uid: 392 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-45.5 + pos: 24.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6299 + - uid: 394 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-46.5 + pos: 33.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6361 + - uid: 395 components: - type: Transform - pos: -4.5,-44.5 + pos: 29.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6362 + - uid: 397 components: - type: Transform - pos: -5.5,-44.5 + pos: 31.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6363 + - uid: 398 components: - type: Transform - pos: -6.5,-44.5 + pos: 20.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6364 + - uid: 399 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-44.5 + pos: 33.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6365 + - uid: 400 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-43.5 + pos: 35.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6366 + - uid: 402 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-42.5 + pos: 34.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6367 + - uid: 403 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-41.5 + pos: 33.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6368 + - uid: 404 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-40.5 + pos: 22.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6369 + - uid: 405 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-39.5 + pos: 21.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6370 + - uid: 406 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-38.5 + pos: 20.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6371 + - uid: 407 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-37.5 + pos: 19.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6372 + - uid: 409 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-36.5 + pos: 23.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6373 + - uid: 410 components: - type: Transform - pos: -7.5,-35.5 + pos: 28.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6374 + - uid: 412 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-35.5 + pos: 33.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6375 + - uid: 413 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-36.5 + pos: 35.5,-1.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6376 + - uid: 414 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-37.5 + pos: 32.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6377 + - uid: 415 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-38.5 + pos: 35.5,-0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6378 + - uid: 416 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-39.5 + pos: 33.5,0.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6379 + - uid: 431 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-40.5 + pos: 20.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6380 + - uid: 432 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-41.5 + pos: 11.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6381 + - uid: 433 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-42.5 + pos: 7.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6382 + - uid: 468 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-43.5 + pos: 7.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6383 + - uid: 469 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,-44.5 + pos: 9.5,26.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6384 + - uid: 470 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,-44.5 + pos: 13.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6385 + - uid: 659 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-44.5 + pos: 12.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6386 + - uid: 754 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-44.5 + pos: 11.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6387 + - uid: 755 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-43.5 + pos: 10.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6388 + - uid: 898 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-41.5 + pos: 9.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6389 + - uid: 2206 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-43.5 + pos: 3.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6390 + - uid: 2555 components: - type: Transform - pos: -3.5,-41.5 + pos: 3.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6534 + - uid: 2783 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-35.5 + pos: 2.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6535 + - uid: 2785 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,-35.5 + pos: 17.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6536 + - uid: 2788 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,-35.5 + pos: 8.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6537 + - uid: 2789 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,-35.5 + pos: 7.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6538 + - uid: 2790 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,-35.5 + pos: 1.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6539 + - uid: 2793 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,-35.5 + pos: 6.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6540 + - uid: 2794 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,-35.5 + pos: 5.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6541 + - uid: 2795 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,-35.5 + pos: 4.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6542 + - uid: 2796 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-35.5 + pos: 15.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6543 + - uid: 2797 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-34.5 + pos: 2.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6544 + - uid: 2799 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,-33.5 + pos: 11.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6545 + - uid: 2800 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,-33.5 + pos: 1.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6546 + - uid: 2801 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,-33.5 + pos: 1.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6788 + - uid: 2802 components: - type: Transform - pos: 29.5,-27.5 + pos: 1.5,31.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: WallRivetedIndestructible - entities: - - uid: 555 + - uid: 2803 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,26.5 + pos: 1.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 556 + - uid: 2804 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,26.5 + pos: 17.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 641 + - uid: 2805 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,30.5 + pos: 17.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 655 + - uid: 2806 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,30.5 + pos: 17.5,31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 657 + - uid: 2807 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,33.5 + pos: 17.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 672 + - uid: 2840 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,33.5 + pos: 14.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 673 + - uid: 2842 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,33.5 + pos: 14.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 674 + - uid: 2848 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,33.5 + pos: 4.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 675 + - uid: 2849 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,33.5 + pos: 4.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 678 + - uid: 2850 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,33.5 + pos: 14.5,32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 679 + - uid: 2851 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,33.5 + pos: 4.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 680 + - uid: 2852 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,33.5 + pos: 14.5,30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 681 + - uid: 2853 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,33.5 + pos: 30.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 702 + - uid: 2854 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,33.5 + pos: -9.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 703 + - uid: 2855 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,33.5 + pos: -9.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 704 + - uid: 2856 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,33.5 + pos: -9.5,-5.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 725 + - uid: 2857 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,33.5 + pos: -9.5,-6.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 742 + - uid: 2883 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,33.5 + pos: -9.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 743 + - uid: 2884 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,32.5 + pos: -9.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 751 + - uid: 2885 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,27.5 + pos: -9.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 763 + - uid: 2888 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,28.5 + pos: -9.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 765 + - uid: 2898 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,29.5 + pos: 3.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 766 + - uid: 2899 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,30.5 + pos: 1.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 767 + - uid: 2900 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,31.5 + pos: 0.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 768 + - uid: 2901 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,32.5 + pos: 2.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 769 + - uid: 2903 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,27.5 + pos: 15.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 782 + - uid: 3125 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,28.5 + pos: 18.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 783 + - uid: 3193 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,29.5 + pos: 17.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 784 + - uid: 3195 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,30.5 + pos: 16.5,29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 785 + - uid: 3196 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,31.5 + pos: 16.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 845 + - uid: 3197 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,32.5 + pos: 16.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 846 + - uid: 3213 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,33.5 + pos: 18.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 847 + - uid: 3262 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,33.5 + pos: -9.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 848 + - uid: 3263 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,33.5 + pos: -10.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 849 + - uid: 3264 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,29.5 + pos: -11.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 850 + - uid: 3265 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,29.5 + pos: -12.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 853 + - uid: 3266 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,29.5 + pos: -13.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 855 + - uid: 3267 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,29.5 + pos: -14.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1424 + - uid: 3268 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,29.5 + pos: -15.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1425 + - uid: 3274 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,29.5 + pos: -16.5,-10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1467 + - uid: 3275 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,32.5 + pos: -17.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1473 + - uid: 3276 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,30.5 + pos: -18.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1474 + - uid: 3285 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,26.5 + pos: -19.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1488 + - uid: 3286 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,27.5 + pos: -22.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1489 + - uid: 3305 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,28.5 + pos: -20.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1513 + - uid: 3306 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,29.5 + pos: -10.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1514 + - uid: 3307 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,30.5 + pos: -11.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1515 + - uid: 3308 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,31.5 + pos: -12.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1516 + - uid: 3309 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,32.5 + pos: -13.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1517 + - uid: 3310 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,33.5 + pos: -14.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1594 + - uid: 3311 components: - type: Transform - pos: 0.5,34.5 + pos: -15.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1595 + - uid: 3313 components: - type: Transform - pos: 1.5,34.5 + pos: -16.5,-2.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1596 + - uid: 3314 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,34.5 + pos: -16.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1597 + - uid: 3315 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,34.5 + pos: -16.5,-4.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1598 + - uid: 3316 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,34.5 + pos: -16.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1599 + - uid: 3320 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.5,34.5 + pos: -16.5,-8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1600 + - uid: 3321 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5,34.5 + pos: -23.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1601 + - uid: 3322 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,34.5 + pos: -24.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1602 + - uid: 3323 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.5,34.5 + pos: -25.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1603 + - uid: 3324 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.5,34.5 + pos: -26.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1604 + - uid: 3325 components: - type: Transform - pos: 10.5,34.5 + pos: -27.5,13.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1605 + - uid: 3326 components: - type: Transform - pos: 11.5,34.5 + pos: -27.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1606 + - uid: 3331 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.5,34.5 + pos: -27.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1634 + - uid: 3332 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.5,34.5 + pos: -17.5,12.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1635 + - uid: 3334 components: - type: Transform - pos: 14.5,34.5 + pos: -17.5,10.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1650 + - uid: 3335 components: - type: Transform - pos: 15.5,34.5 + pos: -17.5,8.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1651 + - uid: 3343 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.5,34.5 + pos: -17.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1667 + - uid: 3344 components: - type: Transform - pos: 17.5,34.5 + pos: -18.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1669 + - uid: 3345 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,34.5 + pos: -20.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1670 + - uid: 3346 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,33.5 + pos: -21.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1671 + - uid: 3348 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,32.5 + pos: -22.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2002 + - uid: 3349 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,31.5 + pos: -26.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2003 + - uid: 3350 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,30.5 + pos: -25.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2004 + - uid: 3771 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,29.5 + pos: 0.5,33.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2012 + - uid: 3824 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,28.5 + pos: 15.5,34.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2092 + - uid: 6854 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,27.5 + pos: -24.5,7.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2093 + - uid: 7641 components: - type: Transform - pos: 18.5,26.5 + pos: 21.5,-7.5 parent: 1668 - proto: WardrobeCargoFilled entities: @@ -43083,6 +47009,24 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -5.5,19.5 parent: 1668 + - type: EntityStorage + air: + volume: 200 + immutable: False + temperature: 293.14948 + moles: + - 1.3911434 + - 5.2333493 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 + - 0 - proto: WardrobePrisonFilled entities: - uid: 2765 @@ -43110,6 +47054,13 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 15.5,27.5 parent: 1668 +- proto: WardrobeSalvageFilled + entities: + - uid: 7349 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,31.5 + parent: 1668 - proto: WarpPoint entities: - uid: 6637 @@ -43138,6 +47089,18 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -1.5,18.5 parent: 1668 +- proto: WaterTankHighCapacity + entities: + - uid: 7357 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -8.5,-23.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7613 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -11.5,-42.5 + parent: 1668 - proto: WeaponAdvancedLaser entities: - uid: 3130 @@ -43207,7 +47170,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 24.5,-9.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - proto: WeaponDisabler entities: - uid: 4697 @@ -43217,11 +47179,6 @@ entities: parent: 1668 - proto: WeaponDominatorNT entities: - - uid: 79 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 10.5444565,3.9803991 - parent: 1668 - uid: 1459 components: - type: Transform @@ -43232,10 +47189,10 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -25.555511,12.593331 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6780 + - uid: 7247 components: - type: Transform - pos: 26.613934,-11.4401045 + pos: -11.372667,4.5549927 parent: 1668 - proto: WeaponEarthGovXRay entities: @@ -43249,83 +47206,92 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.526353,32.55544 parent: 1668 -- proto: WeaponPistolN1984 +- proto: WeaponPistolACP14 entities: - - uid: 3774 + - uid: 3133 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.4228115,-9.521386 + pos: 8.526353,30.524189 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3894 + - uid: 3134 components: - type: Transform - pos: -12.346658,4.475792 + pos: 8.588853,30.446064 parent: 1668 -- proto: WeaponPulseCarbine - entities: - - uid: 2202 + - uid: 3135 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5531197,32.415283 + pos: 8.635728,30.305439 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2203 + - uid: 3902 components: - type: Transform - pos: 6.5062447,32.64966 + pos: -12.469432,-9.508516 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3124 +- proto: WeaponPulseRifleAP12 + entities: + - uid: 2200 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.544843,32.634033 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.2855492,32.000397 parent: 1668 - - uid: 3125 + - uid: 2203 components: - type: Transform - pos: 12.669843,32.477783 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 2.6136742,31.219149 parent: 1668 -- proto: WeaponPulsePistol +- proto: WeaponPulseRifleXMLG entities: - - uid: 4389 + - uid: 2917 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.546056,32.663063 + pos: 5.910549,32.70352 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4390 + - uid: 2919 components: - type: Transform - pos: 5.686681,32.522438 + pos: 6.113674,32.500397 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4721 +- proto: WeaponPulseShotgunHellHammer + entities: + - uid: 2920 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.653802,32.491188 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 16.510952,31.672274 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4722 +- proto: WeaponPulseSMGTritonM3 + entities: + - uid: 2918 components: - type: Transform - pos: 13.481927,32.663063 + pos: 13.564726,32.562897 parent: 1668 -- proto: WeaponRevolverMatebaNew - entities: - - uid: 1436 + - uid: 2921 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.4898672,30.350563 + pos: 12.580351,32.57852 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1445 +- proto: WeaponRevolverDeckard + entities: + - uid: 3768 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.6461172,30.288063 + pos: -12.392023,4.511138 parent: 1668 - - uid: 1456 +- proto: WeaponRifleAR18 + entities: + - uid: 3140 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.456459,30.319313 + pos: 8.530321,29.994818 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6611 + - uid: 3141 components: - type: Transform - pos: 16.628334,30.272438 + pos: 8.530321,30.088568 parent: 1668 - proto: WeaponRifleSR127 entities: @@ -43334,15 +47300,35 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 8.479478,29.789814 parent: 1668 -- proto: WeaponSubMachineGunMP7 + - uid: 3139 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 8.495103,29.586689 + parent: 1668 +- proto: WeaponShotguntrenchgun4034 entities: - - uid: 6603 + - uid: 3126 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.519303,30.544327 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3127 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 10.566178,30.403702 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 3128 components: - type: Transform - pos: 8.51666,29.42835 + pos: 10.613053,30.263077 parent: 1668 - proto: WeaponSubMachineGunP90 entities: + - uid: 3129 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 4.532072,18.989985 + parent: 1668 - uid: 3895 components: - type: Transform @@ -43355,11 +47341,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: -16.435745,6.6259594 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4394 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 21.568373,-15.468605 - parent: 1668 - proto: WelderIndustrial entities: - uid: 5374 @@ -43386,24 +47367,15 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 0.5,18.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: WeldingFuelTankHighCapacity - entities: - - uid: 6843 - components: - - type: Transform - pos: 26.5,-13.5 - parent: 1668 - - uid: 6844 + - uid: 5320 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: WetFloorSign - entities: - - uid: 5883 + - uid: 5321 components: - type: Transform - pos: -17.066446,-31.95819 + pos: 26.5,-13.5 parent: 1668 - proto: Windoor entities: @@ -43412,69 +47384,108 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 12.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - uid: 564 components: - type: Transform pos: 14.5,2.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - uid: 2409 components: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - uid: 2410 components: - type: Transform pos: 31.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune - uid: 2710 components: - type: Transform pos: 9.5,16.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CCSecurity - - uid: 4255 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: WindoorBarLocked + entities: + - uid: 4410 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-16.5 + pos: 7.5,-28.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - - uid: 6848 + - type: Door + pryingQuality: None + - type: Tag + tags: + - Structure + - EmagImmune +- proto: WindoorMTFCommandLocked + entities: + - uid: 6499 components: - type: Transform - pos: 3.5,-17.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-40.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand -- proto: WindoorBarLocked +- proto: WindoorMTFEngineeringLocked entities: - - uid: 4410 + - uid: 6501 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 7.5,-28.5 + pos: 5.5,-39.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: WindoorMTFJanitorLocked + entities: + - uid: 6506 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -6.5,-39.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: WindoorMTFMedicalLocked + entities: + - uid: 6500 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 3.5,-39.5 + parent: 1668 +- proto: WindoorMTFSecurityLocked + entities: + - uid: 6502 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: -5.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - type: AccessReader - access: - - - CentralCommand - proto: WindoorSecure entities: - uid: 2345 @@ -43851,19 +47862,16 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 25.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 487 components: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 488 components: - type: Transform pos: 27.5,6.5 parent: 1668 - - type: ArrivalsProtect - uid: 490 components: - type: Transform @@ -43908,6 +47916,11 @@ entities: rot: 3.141592653589793 rad pos: 13.5,-15.5 parent: 1668 + - uid: 1552 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 3.5,-40.5 + parent: 1668 - uid: 2395 components: - type: Transform @@ -43984,12 +47997,6 @@ entities: - type: Transform pos: 26.5,20.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 2440 - components: - - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-15.5 - parent: 1668 - uid: 3757 components: - type: Transform @@ -44020,76 +48027,126 @@ entities: rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -14.5,-3.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4254 + - uid: 4411 components: - type: Transform - pos: 2.5,-17.5 + pos: 7.5,-27.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 4411 + - uid: 4716 components: - type: Transform - pos: 7.5,-27.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5217 + - uid: 5068 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-15.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5219 + - uid: 5069 components: - type: Transform - pos: 4.5,-17.5 + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 21.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 5386 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 20.5,-28.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 20.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5397 + - uid: 5387 components: - type: Transform - pos: 19.5,-29.5 + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 21.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 5398 components: - type: Transform - pos: 20.5,-29.5 + pos: 21.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5410 + - uid: 5399 components: - type: Transform - rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: 20.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5411 + - uid: 5402 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,-28.5 + pos: 23.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5416 + - uid: 5403 components: - type: Transform - pos: 24.5,-29.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,-30.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5417 + - uid: 5404 components: - type: Transform - pos: 25.5,-29.5 + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 23.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5453 + - uid: 5405 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5406 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 20.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5407 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 20.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5408 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-17.5 + pos: 24.5,-31.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 5454 + - uid: 5409 components: - type: Transform rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: -3.5,-16.5 + pos: 24.5,-30.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5410 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: 24.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5411 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 24.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5412 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 23.5,-31.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5413 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 23.5,-29.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 5414 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 3.141592653589793 rad + pos: 24.5,-29.5 parent: 1668 - uid: 5928 components: @@ -44103,23 +48160,36 @@ entities: rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad pos: -18.5,-32.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6314 + - uid: 6487 components: - type: Transform - rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 24.5,-29.5 + pos: 3.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 - - uid: 6787 + - uid: 6488 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 5.5,-39.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6489 + components: + - type: Transform + rot: 1.5707963267948966 rad + pos: -5.5,-39.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 6503 components: - type: Transform rot: -1.5707963267948966 rad - pos: 2.5,-17.5 + pos: -5.5,-39.5 parent: 1668 -- proto: Wrench - entities: - - uid: 6720 + - uid: 7452 components: - type: Transform - pos: 9.506623,-4.4162817 + pos: 27.5,22.5 + parent: 1668 + - uid: 7453 + components: + - type: Transform + pos: 29.5,22.5 parent: 1668 ...