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Seamless Access Website

Table of Contents

Before you start

IMPORTANT!! ALL CHANGES to the website should be made in branches that are merged via a pull request into the Master Branch.

The site is deployed from the Live branch.

Changes should NEVER be committed directly to the Live branch - this will not work. They must be put onto the master branch and then submitted by pull request to the Live branch. The reason that this process is required is twofold:

  1. there are critical site checks that are performed to ensure that the site builds correctly, and
  2. this process also provides an opportunity to preview the changes before they go live - an important best practice.

If this process is not followed, the site will not build.

About HUGO versioning

Occasionally a Hugo update will provide functionality that you'll want to leverage on the site. This situation happened in early 2020 when we wanted to include code syntax highlighting on the site which is only available in version 0.60 and later. The sit was originally published with version 0.51 of Hugo.

When updating, you will first need to update the Hugo version on your own computer. In addition, you'll need to update the Hugo version used for the build by making changes in the file at the Netlify site:

screen shot - setting the hugo version in Netlify

In the "Environment" section of the deploy settings, set the HUGO_VERSION to the version you are using. Be sure to use the version number as shown on the gohugoio/hugo repository release page (without the preceding 'v'), for example, '0.69.0'

The process for making updates

  1. Make and check the changes that you are going to make. ** Before making and saving changes, it is a good idea to create and use a branch for your changes

  2. Run the pages locally to make sure that they look okay

    • Type hugo server -D on the command line to run the website on your computer. You will need to type this command from the folder where your website files are stored.
    • Navigate to http://localhost:1313/ in your browser to see the site locally. What you see here is NOT what is currently on the website
    • You can make changes in the files and (for most changes) when you save them in your files, the changes will be reflected on your local branch and in your browser (if hugo is still running.)
    • to stop your local website from running, type control-C from your keyboard.
  3. When you are satisfied with your additions and changes, make sure that all of your changes have been committed to the master branch on Github. (It's a great idea to do this from a separate branch, and make a pull commit to contribute these changes to the site.)

  4. Create a pull request from the Master branch to the Live branch. This action will build the static site in Hugo, and run some diagnostics to ensure that the build worked well. You will need to wait until all of the checks have completed before doing the next step:

screen shot - checks complete

  1. Once the checks are complete, preview the site by clicking the "details" link on deploy-preview. Review all of the pages that you changed, and check all of the links. If anything needs to be corrected, make the corrections in the master branch. You should be able to see the changes in the deploy preview once the build is complete.

screen shot - click details for the deploy preview

  1. Once you're happy with the changes, merge the pull request to push the changes to production.

Updating metadata

Site subfooter

The information displayed in the site sub-footer is contained in the data > contact.yaml file. If any item is left blank (empty inside of the quotes), it will not display in the footer.

To add things to this subfooter, the Layouts > Partials > sub-footer.html file must be edited to include these items.

NOTE: the Business Name is displayed in the copyright in the main footer and in the address if one exists.

Social media

The site has been encoded with social media for the following types:

  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Medium
  • Facebook

Adding social media

To add social media links, update the social data file

data > social.yaml

Only items with a value will be displayed. If you do not want to include one of these social types, just leave the value blank.

Displaying social media

Social media is configured to be displayed for any item with a value in the data file.

Displaying in the footer

It will display in the footer as the social media icon which is also a link to the social media asset. The link will follow that put into the data file. To edit the display, you will need to edit the partial found at

themes > hugo-hero-theme > layouts > partials > social.html

Displaying elsewhere on the site

If you want to dipslay the soical media links on a page somewhere, you can do so by including the following text in your markdown file:

{{< socialinfo >}}

This addition will display a list of the available social media assets with the social logo and a short phrase liek "Follow us on twitter". To edit the display, you will need to edit the shortcode found at

layouts > shortcodes > socialinfo.html

Updating the site

General components


These are stored in the static/images folder

  • The site logo must be called logo.svg
  • There must be a mobile version of the logo which must be called logo-mobile.svg
  • If either logo needs to be changed, its file can just be replaced in this folder.

Site favicon

  • This image is stored in the static folder and must be called favicon.png

Home page


The home page hero is specified in the content/ file which contains the following parameters:

  • date: The date & time that this section was last updated. This date is not displayed anywhere, but updating it can be handy for others who may be editing this part of the page
  • heroHeading: This is the header text displayed in the hero
  • heroSubHeading: This is the sub header text displayed in the hero
  • heroBackground: This is the background image displayed. This image is automatically colored by the general site color settings (see above). The image must be added to the folder static/images and the file name in this markdown file should reflect the name of the file that you want displayed (note: the file name is in quotes, and is in the format 'images/<file-name>')

The rest of the home page

The rest of the home page is configured in the content/homepage folder. Each markdown file describes a section of the home page. The file will not need to be edited.

For each section of the site, you will create a new markdown page (with the exception of one section which is described below.) Each markdown file has a header and a body.

In the header:

  • title: The header text in the section
  • weight: A number representing the order that this section should appear on the home page
  • background (optional): The background image that should be displayed, if any. As will the hero background, the file should be stored in the static/images folder, and the file name is listed here. (note: the file name is in quotes, and is in the format 'images/<file-name>'). If there should be no background image, use the value ''.
  • button (optional): The text that should be displayed on a button.
  • buttonLink (included if there is a button value): Where the reader should be directed when they click the button.

In the body of the markdown file, you should include the text that you want to display under the header.

The Service

This content is stored in the content > services folder

The content included in the services folder are used in multiple places:

  • As single pages
  • As summaries, such as on the home page
  • As a list of services, for example, on the services landing page

From a content perspective, each page should have the following header elements:

Name Description Example
title the title for the page. Displayed on the browser title bar title: 'SeamlessAccess for Researchers'
date the publication date for the page. This field is optional, but useful to get search engines to re-index the page if it changes date: 2018-11-18T12:33:46+10:00
icon an image to be displayed for the service in summary and list views. The image should be included in the static > services folder icon: 'services/service-icon-1.png'
draft indication if this page is a draft or not. It is possible that this feature is not implemented on this site - not tested draft: false
featured Indication if this page should display in the summary view. Only the featured items are included in the summary view with a link to see all services featured: true
weight the order that this item should be displayed in the list and summary views. Note, this is a dumb indicator. You are going to want to be careful about assigning different numbers to each page to avoid conflicts weight: 1
heroHeading on the page there is text that can be displayed over the hero image. This optional text will be displayed as a header heroHeading: 'SeamlessAccess for Researchers'
heroSubHeadingLead Additional text that can be displayed over the hero image. This optional text will be displayed as lead-in text to the sub header and will be styled differently heroSubHeadingLead: 'Catchy Lead-in! '
heroSubHeading Additional text that can be displayed over the hero image. This optional text will be displayed as a sub header heroSubHeading: 'Include a useful subheader here'
heroBackground the image that is displayed as a hero image. Note that this image is automatically overlayed with an overlay background to make all images look more similar to each other heroBackground: 'services/service1.jpg'

In Action section

This content is stored in the content > work folder. There is no menu pick for this content - it is displayed on the home page and at the bottom of the services page.

Use Cases

Use cases are displayed from the "In Action" section on the home page. There is no top-level link to this content. The In Action section provides links to demos, videos, etc; lists of implementations; and use cases that one can use to get a sense of how SeamlessAccess works, and who is using it.

The content for this section is stored in the content > work folder. The page provides the front matter for the In Action section, and each additional page listed serves as a use case. For each use case, you will need the following header elements:

Name Description Example
title the title for the page. Displayed on the browser title bar title: 'SpringerNature'
date the publication date for the page. This field is optional, but useful to get search engines to re-index the page if it changes date: 2018-11-18T12:33:46+10:00
draft indication if this page is a draft or not. It is possible that this feature is not implemented on this site - not tested draft: false
weight the order that this item should be displayed in the list and summary views. Note, this is a dumb indicator. You are going to want to be careful about assigning different numbers to each page to avoid conflicts weight: 1
heroHeading on the page there is text that can be displayed over the hero image. This optional text will be displayed as a header heroHeading: ''
heroSubHeading Additional text that can be displayed over the hero image. This optional text will be displayed as a sub header heroSubHeading: ''
heroBackground the image that is displayed as a hero image. Note that this image is automatically overlayed with an overlay background to make all images look more similar to each other. While this image can be referenced by URL, it is a little safer to store the image in the static > work folder and reference it here 'work/fileName.jpg' heroBackground: ''
thumbnail this is the image that displays on the summary and list version. You can make it the same as the header image, or something different (including the same image with different dimensions thumbnail: ''
images a list of images for the gallery. Note the format shown in the example images: ['', '','','','','']

About section

This content is stored in the content > about folder.

Intro text

This is written in markdown in the file. There is a header that affects the background image:

Name Description Example
title The title for the page. Displayed on the browser title bar title: 'About'
date the publication date for the page. This field is optional, but useful to get search engines to re-index the page if it changes date: 2018-12-06T09:29:16+10:00
layout indicates that the layout that should be used is the "about layout". Don't change this value layout: 'aboutlayout'
hero as with the other pages, you can include a hero image and text here. the usual fields are included hero: false; heroHeading: ''; heroSubHeading: ''
background the image that is behind the text that is shown behind the text in markdown. If you have an image that is light on the left side, with an image on the right, it will look best (without update of the layout) background: ''


Each subsection is a separate page in the about folder. They are displayed in order by their weight. The intro paragraph is "highlighted" with emphasized text. The headers for these pages should be as follows:

Name Description Example
title The title for the page. Displayed on the browser title bar title: 'Community'
date the publication date for the page. This field is optional, but useful to get search engines to re-index the page if it changes date: 2018-12-06T09:29:16+10:00
icon this image is shown in the list on the about landing page. the image should be square, and will automatically be resized to be the same size. icon: 'features/noun_The Process_1885341.svg'
featured This value needs to be true to be shown on the about landing page featured: true
draft indication if this page is a draft or not. It is possible that this feature is not implemented on this site - not tested draft: false
type indicates the layout type for the page - this should remain as "about" type: about
description this text is displayed on the about landing page description: "Short description here. New image is needed."
weight the order that this item should be displayed in the list and summary views. Note, this is a dumb indicator. You are going to want to be careful about assigning different numbers to each page to avoid conflicts weight: 2
hero as with the other pages, you can include a hero image and text here. the usual fields are included heroHeading: ' Community'; heroSubHeading: 'Who is SeamlessAccess?'; heroBackground: ''

Contact section

Contact section of home page


The information displayed in the box comes from the following file:

content > homepage >

  • Title = blue “Get Involved” text. Note that it displays in title case regardless of how you type it in at the metadata
  • Background = the background image in this section. NOTE: the background is an overlay of the light grey color on the site. If no image is included, the background will be light grey by default
  • Button = the text displayed in the button. Note that it will be in all caps regardless of how it is expressed in the metadata buttonLink = the page that the reader will go when clicking the button - this is currently configured to go to the “contact” section of the site, or the content at content > contact >
  • Body = whatever you put into the body of this file will display in this box on the home page. You can use normal markdown formatting.
  • Weight = Please leave this number as-is. It is currently used as a shortcut for the rendering engine to know which content from the homepage content folder goes in this box.


To format this section, you need to edit the following file:

layouts > index.html

At the time of this writing, the rendering of this box can be found in lines 103-115 of this file.

103      <!-- Contact -->
104      {{ range first 1 $reusablePages }}
105      <div class="col-12 col-md-4">
106        <div class="row bg-ltgrey bg-cover bg-position-top bg-overlay pt-4 pb-4" style='background-image: url("{{ .Params.background | relURL }}");'>
107          <div class="col-2"></div>
108          <div class="col-8">
109          <h2 class="text-primary text-capitalize">{{ .Title }}</h2>
110          <p>{{ .Content }}</p>
111          <a class="button" href="{{ .Params.buttonLink | relURL }}">{{ .Params.button }}</a>
112          </div>
113          <div class="col-2"></div>
114        </div>
115      </div>
116      {{ end }}
  • Lines 104 & 116 functionality select the file from the homepage content folder.
  • The div in line 105 places the block in 4 columns (of the 12 column block to place it next to the recent news section (which is 8 columns). This arrangement is if the responsive size is medium or larger. If smaller, this block takes up the full width of the screen (12 columns)
  • Lines 107, 108 and 113 makes a 2:8:2 size ratio across the width - blankspace to content block to blankspace.
  • Line 109 uses the “title” parameter in the home page content (above) and renders it capitalized in H2 size in the primary color (blue)
  • Line 120 renders the content (body) in the home page content (above). It uses the style sheet used over the rest of the home page.
  • Line 111 renders the button which links to the page listed in the buttonLink parameter and displays the text in the button parameter as displayed in the home page content (above)


When the user clicks the button on the home page, they will be brought to the “contact” page. The content for this page can be found here:

content > contact >

The layout for this page uses can be found here:

layouts > contact > contact.html

Site wide data that are used in the contact page can be found in the following file:

data > contact.yaml

  • email
  • phone
  • businessName
  • address - note that the address is only displayed if there is one configured
  • url

Getting Started Section

The landing page for this section is a little different from the others - it is organized more like the Home Page is. Since each part of the landing page for Getting Started is slightly different from the others, it is less configurable than the other pages on the site, and will require some HTML in some cases to make adjustments. This is where you find each of the pieces of content for the page:


The Getting Stated page is formatted in the file layouts > work > list.html. Page-specific styling for this page can be found in assets > pages > work > _page-work-list.scss_ (Though, at the time of this writing, this file is empty.) It is best for someone who is familiar with HTML and/or CSS to edit these files. However, some of the content can be updated by non-coders


Getting Started Intro

CONTENT LOCATION: content > work >

The lead-in content and hero image are specified in the index file in the work section.


Getting Started Steps

CONTENT LOCATION: data > startedsteps.json

The steps listed here are configured in a data file to make them easier to adjust if necessary. Each mini-block (image with a description) is a separate object listed in the data file. The header of this section is configured in the HTML for this section - see below.

Name Description Example
title not used
description The text displayed under the image "Gather information and plan",
image the relative URL for the item. These images should be stored in the static > getting-started folder "features/getting-started/icn_gettingstarted-1.svg"
sectionurl the relative URL for the details for this step. The name included here generaly will be the file name of one of the files within the content > work folder, without the .md extension. "step1"


Getting Started Step 1

CONTENT LOCATION (Landing page section): layouts > partials > work-step-1.html

The content displayed on the Getting Started landing page and that on the Step 1 content page are in different locations.

CONTENT LOCATION (Interior page section): content > work >

The interior pages of this section have a few attributes that can be used to control content. Otherwise the content is managed as it is with other pages on the site. The page attributes for the interior pages in the Getting Started section (content > work folder)

Name Description Example
title The page title 'Step 1'
date Publication / update date for the page 2020-02-15T12:33:46+10:00
draft Indication of if the page is a draft of not false
weight The order that this page should be displayed when a list of pages in this section are shown 1
stepname The descriptive title for the step 'Gather information and make a plan'
heroBackground / heroHeading / heroSubHeading As with other section of the site, the Getting Started section can have a hero image with a heading and subheading. At the time of this writing, they are not used. ''
thumbnail The theme being used has a format to list summaries of items included in the work content folder (themes > hugo-here=theme > layouts > work > summary.html). At the time of this writing, this feature is not used. If used, the thumbnail image specified for this attribute would be displayed in the summary ''
images This attribute expects a list of image URLs (using the conventions used elsewhere), separated by commas. When present, it will display these images in a gallery at the bottom of the page. []


Getting Started Step 2

CONTENT LOCATION (Landing page section): data > implementflavors.json

The implementation flavors listed here are configured in a data file to make them easier to adjust if necessary. Each mini-block (image with a title and description) is a separate object listed in the data file. The header for this section and lead in for the implementation flavors are configured in the landing page HTML file as describe in the "Overall formatting" section above.

Name Description Example
title The title displayed just under the image in the section "Limited"
description The text displayed under the image "Lets you use the SeamlessAccess discovery service for users to find and sign into their preferred Identity Provider, but doesn’t integrate this service into your site"
image the relative URL for the item. These images should be stored in the static > work folder "work/icn_flavors_limited.svg",

CONTENT LOCATION (Interior page section): content > work >

This page is configures as for Step 1 described above.


Getting Started Step 3

CONTENT LOCATION (Landing page section): layouts > partials > work-step-3.html

The content displayed on the Getting Started landing page and that on the Step 3 content page are in different locations.

CONTENT LOCATION (Interior page section): content > work >

This page is configures as for Step 1 described above.


Getting Started Step 4

CONTENT LOCATION (Landing page section): layouts > partials > work-step-4.html

The content displayed on the Getting Started landing page and that on the Step 4 content page are in different locations.

CONTENT LOCATION (Interior page section): content > work >

This page is configures as for Step 1 described above.


Getting Started Step 5

CONTENT LOCATION (Landing page section): layouts > partials > work-step-5.html

The content displayed on the Getting Started landing page and that on the Step 5 content page are in different locations.

CONTENT LOCATION (Interior page section): content > work >

This page is configures as for Step 1 described above.