Moweb = Mobile + Web.
A multi-platform react native/react native web base app that can be server as an example, or expanded upon.
Running simultaneously on chrome and android. Changes will instantly reflect on both when you save code changes in your text editor.
Login Screen:
Settings Screen:
This is a simple proof of concept.
It is modern as of November 2022.
It combines multiple example's ideas, along with my custom changes, to create a React Native application that works for iOS, Android, and web browsers. It attempts to display how many common problems can be solved.
- Typescript
- React Native
- React Native Web
- React Navigation
- Jest Testing
- example of basic automatic dark/light theming
- Simple but thorough example
Make sure you are already capable of running react native development on your system.
> yarn
> cd ios
> pod install
> cd ..
> yarn start # preferably run the packager in a different terminal window
> yarn ios
Applicaton should open in an iOS simulator.
> yarn
> yarn start # preferably run the packager in a different terminal window
> yarn android
Applicaton should open in an Android emulator.
> yarn
> yarn web
Open a browser and go to localhost:8080.