Releases: studentquiz/moodle-mod_studentquiz
Releases · studentquiz/moodle-mod_studentquiz
StudentQuiz 4.4.1
- Fix calculation in the ranking of negative points in the rating due to incorrect exclusion of hidden questions (Thank you all for your contribution @lucaboesch @machiaveli88 @Peyje @zabellemotte)
- Related to above: For clearer interpretation the "created question factor" has been renamed to "published question factor"
- And a few minor fixes
StudentQuiz 4.4.0
- Added support for question types with adaptive question behaviour (thanks @timhunt for your input)
- Changed the way capability overrides are applied using the Moodle event API
- This way fixed a bug where question capability overrides are not removed if a StudentQuiz capability has been removed
- Added finer grained StudentQuiz capabilites: 'organize' allows a role to move question within the StudentQuiz, 'changestate' allows a role to change the state of a question, 'manage' now only allows to edit and delete questions. Roles which had 'manage' will automatically receive the new capabilities
- Added a capability 'canselfratecomment' to allow a role to rate and comment its own question in the preview (thanks @HuongNV13)
- Added a setting to enable a scheduled task to delete orphaned questions (deleted questions and not-approved questions) and their related data once the question has reached the defined age (thanks @Clyxz)
- Added a workaround to display the comment area with the atto editor even if atto is not set as the primary editor in Moodle
- Changed moodle-plugin-ci for travis CI testing to the hard forked version of moodlehq
- Fixed the display when editing a comment in the preview mode (thanks @sangnguyen)
- Fixed a bug where questions could not be flagged
- Fixed a bug where students couldn't see their own questions when they were hidden
- Small fix for rating that it can only accept a rating between 1 and 5
- Small fix for digest settings (thanks @HuongNV13)
StudentQuiz 4.3.3
- improvements and fixes in the comment section (thanks @HuongNV13)
- minor fixes and improvements to testing
StudentQuiz 4.3.2
- Officially adding Moodle 3.9 support and with it automatically adding PHP 7.4 support as well
- Dropped Moodle 3.6 (end of life) and PHP 7.0 support. Technically PHP 7.1 is end of life as well but Moodle 3.5 LTS requires it. Consider upgrading your Moodle!
- Many improvements and fixes to UI, UX and functional code in the comment section (Thanks @HuongNV13)! Noteworthy:
- Which text editor plugins (atto toolbar) are enabled is now configurable in the StudentQuiz plugin admin settings page
- Fixed re-ratings were not saved
- Corrected the display of comment count
- Added Navigation crumbtrail in the quiz showing which question number to total is currently active (Thanks @HuongNV13)
StudentQuiz 4.3.1
- Fixes an error in the upgrade step where users were unable to upgrade.
This release replaces 4.3.0, so its changelog is included here:
- All notifications of StudentQuiz were sent immediatley. While you were able to opt-in or out of them using the notification settings, we've added a notification setting allowing to set the notifications to daily or weekly digests instead. Notifications coming from comments are still immediately. (Thanks @HuongNV13)
- Added comment history feature for edited comments. In a restore only affects new comments. (Thanks @HuongNV13)
- Setting "Publish new questions" is now allowed to be changed when questions already exists. The change of this setting only affects newly created questions as also stated in the help text.
- Other bug fixes and improvements (Thanks @HuongNV13 @timhunt)
StudentQuiz 4.2.0
- Removed unused migration code affecting the question categories of other existing StudentQuizzes during restore (and thus potential fix for question loss issue)
- Students can now also edit (and not only delete) their comment themselves within the time limit set in the settings (Thank you @lamtranb)
- Fixed various filter options not applying correctly due to past changes
- Fixed tags for questions in a subcategory weren't shown
- Fixed hidden questions are now correctly filtered and so don't have a side effect on the question count and table view anymore
- Removed unused database tables and fields
- Fix missing translation in state change during quiz
- And as always minor fixes and improvements (Thank you @HuongNV13 and @timhunt for your valuable input as always)
StudentQuiz 4.1.2
- Various fixes and improvements to the comments section (Thank you @lamtranb)
StudentQuiz 4.1.1
- Fixed error in upgrade code that it couldn't be upgraded to StudentQuiz 4.1.0. Sorry for the inconvenience!
StudentQuiz 4.1.0
- Added a brand new comment area, which enables comments to be added to other comments allowing topic related discussions. Comes also with a small editor. Thank you @lamtranb @HuongNV13 @timhunt for developing, reporting, organizing and reviewing!
StudentQuiz 4.0.5
In this release we have an important fix requiring your attention! Question states were missing in the backup since their introduction in v4.0.0. If you still have your StudentQuiz activity and you want to have these states in the backup, create a course backup after upgrading to this StudentQuiz version or later.
- Officially adding Moodle 3.8 support
- Improved the accessibility on the fast filters. Thanks @nashtechdev01
- Improved accessibility in date fields. Thanks @lamtranb
- Added question state to backup and restore. Restoring questions with these informations missing will get the state "new" and are visible.
- Approving a question sets it automatically to visible, independent on what was defined in the setting for publishing new questions
- Fixed a bug that questions couldn't be moved. Thanks @HuongNV13
- Fixed question state change within the StudentQuiz table not possible due to inactive staying button
- Changed option for publishing new questions to dropdown to better clarify their impact. Thanks @HuongNV13
- Now ensuring the question category exists if they're missing for whatever reason.
- Fixed same state change resubmits. Thanks @HuongNV13
- Added behat test to check for backup- and restorability of incoming PR's
- Fixed a behat test falsely reporting an error in travis
- Using string components from core wherever possible. Thanks @HuongNV13
- Cleaned up and reworded notifications a bit to a common order of the relevant informations.
Even if you haven't been named, thank you all for your help, reporting issues and other actions to help StudentQuiz getting better and better!