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339 lines (220 loc) · 16.7 KB

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339 lines (220 loc) · 16.7 KB

Change log

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning. See for instructions to keep up to date.


  • Remove unused legacy 'sf.solana.transforms.v1' from protobuf definitions
  • fix --interval-between-fetch so that it is followed. Note that it is incompatible with using --block-fetch-batch-size other than 1. A warning will be printed if you do.


  • Log RPC error code when block is skipped


  • Fix "unable to fetch block was skipped and should not have been requested" but when an endpoint is a load balancer pointing to different nodes -- this removes an optimization that reduces the number of RPC calls by assuming that no new block will appear below the 'latest slot' of your node. If you are indeed pointing to only single solana nodes, you can use the new --optimize-single-target flag to re-enable this optimization.
  • Fix startup always looking for 'first block' instead of 'cursor block', failing unnecessarily on non-archive nodes
  • Add --network flag (default: mainnet) -- this flag is used only to enable a special fix around block 13334464, which you don't want to skip on testnet or devnet.


  • Update to firehose-core version v1.6.5.

  • Added support to multiple endpoints through --endpoints flag for firesol fetch rpc.


  • Fixes fetching "huge" blocks --> no longer panics, increased default size and added --reader-node-line-buffer-size flag to control this
  • Bumped firehose-core to version v1.5.6.


  • Bumped firehose-core to version v1.5.1.

  • Fixed firesol fetch rpc to report fetch error(s) at least once each 30s.


  • Bumped firehose-core bundled binary in firehose-solana built Docker image.


  • Bumped firehose-core to latest version.

  • Fixed some edge cases when block skips.


  • Fixed tools check merged-blocks default range when -r <range> is not provided to now be [0, +∞] (was previously [HEAD, +∞]).

  • Fixed tools check merged-blocks to be able to run without a block range provided.

  • Added API Key based authentication to tools firehose-client and tools firehose-single-block-client, specify the value through environment variable FIREHOSE_API_KEY (you can use flag --api-key-env-var to change variable's name to something else than FIREHOSE_API_KEY).

  • Fixed tools check merged-blocks examples using block range (range should be specified as [<start>]?:[<end>]).

  • Added --substreams-tier2-max-concurrent-requests to limit the number of concurrent requests to the tier2 Substreams service.


Operator notes


  1. All firehose processes have been removed from this binary. You will need to run this program from the firecore binary
    • Previous firesol start ... command becomes firecore start ...
  2. New Poller: firesol no longer gets blocks from a Bigtable instance: it fetches the blocks using RPC calls
    • Run firecore start reader with --reader-node-path=/path/to/firesol and --reader-node-arguments=fetch rpc <https://your.solana.rpc/path> <start-block>
  3. New Block Format requires either fetching all the merged blocks again or converting them
    • Convert old blocks by running: ACCEPT_SOLANA_LEGACY_BLOCK_FORMAT=true firesol upgrade-merged-blocks <source-store> <dest-store> <start-num:stop-num>
  4. Upgrading your deployment will require a "stop the world" upgrade, where you start the new binaries, pointing to the new blocks, without any contact with the previous blocks or components.


  • All the firesol start ... commands have been removed. Use firecore binary to run the reader, merger, relayer, firehose and substreams services
  • All the existing firesol tools commands


  • Added fetch rpc <endpoint> <start_block> command fetches and prints the blocks in protobuf format, to be used by the firecore start reader command.
  • Added upgrade-merged-blocks command to perform the upgrade on previous solana merged-blocks.
  • Bumped firecore version to v1.2.0


  • Fixed Substreams scheduler sometimes taking a long time to spawn more than a single worker.


  • bumped firehose-core to v0.2.2


  • Firehose logs now include auth information (userID, keyID, realIP) along with blocks + egress bytes sent.


  • Filesource validation of block order in merged-blocks now works correctly when using indexes in firehose Blocks queries (regression in v0.2.6)


  • Flag substreams-rpc-endpoints removed, this was present by mistake and unused actually.
  • Flag substreams-rpc-cache-store-url removed, this was present by mistake and unused actually.
  • Flag substreams-rpc-cache-chunk-size removed, this was present by mistake and unused actually.


  • bumped firehose-core to v0.2.1



We have had reports of older versions of this software creating corrupted merged-blocks-files (with duplicate or extra out-of-bound blocks) This release adds additional validation of merged-blocks to prevent serving duplicate blocks from the firehose or substreams service. This may cause service outage if you have produced those blocks or downloaded them from another party who was affected by this bug.

  1. Find the affected files by running the following command (can be run multiple times in parallel, over smaller ranges)
tools check merged-blocks-batch <merged-blocks-store> <start> <stop>
  1. If you see any affected range, produce fixed merged-blocks files with the following command, on each range:
tools fix-bloated-merged-blocks <merged-blocks-store> <output-store> <start>:<stop>
  1. Copy the merged-blocks files created in output-store over to the your merged-blocks-store, replacing the corrupted files.


  • Added tools check merged-blocks-batch to simplify checking blocks continuity in batched mode, optionally writing results to a store
  • Added the command tools fix-bloated-merged-blocks to try to fix merged-blocks that contain duplicates and blocks outside of their range.
  • Command tools print one-block and merged-blocks now supports a new --output-format jsonl format. Bytes data can now printed as hex or base58 string instead of base64 string.
  • Added retry loop for merger when walking one block files. Some use-cases where the bundle reader was sending files too fast and the merger was not waiting to accumulate enough files to start bundling merged files


  • Bumped bstream: the filesource will now refuse to read blocks from a merged-files if they are not ordered or if there are any duplicate.
  • The command tools download-from-firehose will now fail if it is being served blocks "out of order", to prevent any corrupted merged-blocks from being created.
  • The command tools print merged-blocks did not print the whole merged-blocks file, the arguments were confusing: now it will parse <start_block> as a uint64.
  • The command tools unmerge-blocks did not cover the whole given range, now fixed


  • Breaking The reader-node-log-to-zap flag has been removed. This was a source of confusion for operators reporting Firehose on bugs because the node's logs where merged within normal Firehose on logs and it was not super obvious.

    Now, logs from the node will be printed to stdout unformatted exactly like presented by the chain. Filtering of such logs must now be delegated to the node's implementation and how it deals depends on the node's binary. Refer to it to determine how you can tweak the logging verbosity emitted by the node.


  • bump firehose-core to v0.1.11 with a regression fix for when a substreams has a start block in the reversible segment



  • bump firehose-core to v0.1.10 with new metrics substreams_active_requests and substreams_counter



The Substreams service exposed from this version will send progress messages that cannot be decoded by substreams clients prior to v1.1.12. Streaming of the actual data will not be affected. Clients will need to be upgraded to properly decode the new progress messages.


  • Bumped firehose-core to 0.1.8
  • Bumped substreams to v1.1.12 to support the new progress message format. Progression now relates to stages instead of modules. You can get stage information using the substreams info command starting at version v1.1.12.
  • Migrated to firehose-core
  • change block reader-node block encoding from hex to base64


  • Removed --substreams-tier1-request-stats and --substreams-tier1-request-stats (substreams request-stats are now always sent to clients)


  • More tolerant retry/timeouts on filesource (prevent "Context Deadline Exceeded")


This release candidate is a hotfix for an issue introduced at v0.2.1 and affecting production-mode where the stream will hang and some map_outputs will not be produced over some specific ranges of the chains.



Substreams Scheduler Improvements for Parallel Processing

The substreams scheduler has been improved to reduce the number of required jobs for parallel processing. This affects backprocessing (preparing the states of modules up to a "start-block") and forward processing (preparing the states and the outputs to speed up streaming in production-mode).

Jobs on tier2 workers are now divided in "stages", each stage generating the partial states for all the modules that have the same dependencies. A substreams that has a single store won't be affected, but one that has 3 top-level stores, which used to run 3 jobs for every segment now only runs a single job per segment to get all the states ready.

Substreams State Store Selection

The substreams server now accepts X-Sf-Substreams-Cache-Tag header to select which Substreams state store URL should be used by the request. When performing a Substreams request, the servers will optionally pick the state store based on the header. This enable consumers to stay on the same cache version when the operators needs to bump the data version (reasons for this could be a bug in Substreams software that caused some cached data to be corrupted on invalid).

To benefit from this, operators that have a version currently in their state store URL should move the version part from --substreams-state-store-url to the new flag --substreams-state-store-default-tag. For example if today you have in your config:

    substreams-state-store-url: /<some>/<path>/v3

You should convert to:

    substreams-state-store-url: /<some>/<path>
    substreams-state-store-default-tag: v3

Operators Upgrade

  • The app substreams-tier1 and substreams-tier2 should be upgraded concurrently. Some calls will fail while versions are misaligned.

  • Remove the flag --substreams-tier1-subrequests-size from your config, it is not used anymore.

Backend Changes

  • Authentication plugin trust can now specify an exclusive list of allowed headers (all lowercase), ex: trust://?allowed=x-sf-user-id,x-sf-api-key-id,x-real-ip,x-sf-substreams-cache-tag

  • The tier2 app no longer uses the common-auth-plugin, trust will always be used, so that tier1 can pass down its headers (ex: X-Sf-Substreams-Cache-Tag).

  • Added support for continuous authentication via the grpc auth plugin (allowing cutoff triggered by the auth system).



Substreams protocol change

  • Bumps substreams from v1.0.x to v1.1.1 -> RPC protocol changed from sf.substreams.v1.Stream/Blocks to sf.substreams.rpc.v2.Stream/Blocks. See release notes from for details.


  • Added support for "requester pays" buckets on Google Storage in url, ex: gs://my-bucket/path?project=my-project-id


  • Config value substreams-stores-save-interval and substreams-output-cache-save-interval have been merged together as a single value to avoid potential bugs that would arise when the value is different for those two. The new configuration value is called substreams-cache-save-interval.

    • To migrate, remove usage of substreams-stores-save-interval: <number> and substreams-output-cache-save-interval: <number> if defined in your config file and replace with substreams-cache-save- interval: <number>, if you had two different value before, pick the biggest of the two as the new value to put. We are currently setting to 1000 for Ethereum Mainnet.
  • Updated to Substreams v0.2.0, please refer to release page for further info about Substreams changes.

  • Updated --substreams-output-cache-save-interval default value to 1000.


  • Added tools bt blocks --bt-project=<bigtable_project> --bt-instance=<bigtable_instance> <start-block-num> <stop-block-num> command to scan bigtable rows

    • Added --firehose-enabled flag to output FIRE log
  • Added reader-bt application to sync directly from bigtable

    • Added --reader-bt-readiness-max-latency flag
    • Added --reader-bt-data-dir flag
    • Added --reader-bt-debug-firehose-logs flag
    • Added --reader-bt-log-to-zap flag
    • Added --reader-bt-shutdown-delay flag
    • Added --reader-bt-working-dir flag
    • Added --reader-bt-blocks-chan-capacity flag
    • Added --reader-bt-one-block-suffix flag
    • Added --reader-bt-startup-delay flag
    • Added --reader-bt-grpc-listen-addr flag


  • Removed dgraphql application and all associated flags
  • Removed tools reproc replaced with tools bt blocks

Project Rename

Flags and environment variables rename

  • All config via environment variables that started with SFSOL_ now starts with FIRESOL_

  • Changed config-file default from ./sf.yaml to "", preventing failure without this flag.

  • Renamed common-blocks-store-url to common-merged-blocks-store-url

  • Renamed common-oneblock-store-url to common-one-block-store-url

  • Renamed common-blockstream-addr to common-live-blocks-addr

  • Renamed common-protocol-first-streamable-block to common-first-streamable-block

  • Added common-forked-blocks-store-url

  • Renamed the mindreader application to reader

    • Renamed mindreaderPlugin to readerPlugin
  • Renamed all the mindreader-node-* flags to reader-node-*

    • Renamed mindreader-node-start-block-num to reader-node-start-block-num
    • Renamed mindreader-node-stop-block-num to reader-node-stop-block-num
    • Renamed mindreader-node-blocks-chan-capacity to reader-node-blocks-chan-capacity
    • Renamed mindreader-node-wait-upload-complete-on-shutdown to reader-node-wait-upload-complete-on-shutdown
    • Renamed mindreader-node-oneblock-suffix to reader-node-one-block-suffix
    • Renamed mindreader-node-deepmind-batch-files-path to reader-node-firehose-batch-files-path
    • Renamed mindreader-node-purge-account-data to reader-node-purge-account-data
    • Added reader-node-arguments
    • Removed reader-node-merge-and-store-directly
    • Removed reader-node-block-data-working-dir
    • Removed reader-node-extra-arguments
    • Removed reader-node-merge-threshold-block-age
  • Renamed all instances of deepmind to firehose

    • Renamed path-to-deepmind-batch-files to path-to-firehose-batch-files
    • Renamed mindreader-node-deepmind-batch-files-path to reader-node-firehose-batch-files-path
  • Renamed debug-deepmind to debug-firehose-logs

    • Renamed mindreader-node-debug-deep-mind to reader-node-debug-firehose-logs
  • Renamed dmlog to firelog

    • Flag <path_to_dmlog.dmlog> changed to <path_to_firelog.firelog>
  • Renamed DMLOG prefix to FIRE

  • Added/Removed merger-* flags

    • Removed merger-writers-leeway
    • Removed merger-one-block-deletion-threads
    • Removed merger-max-one-block-operations-batch-size
    • Added merger-time-between-store-pruning
    • Added merger-prune-forked-blocks-after
    • Added merger-stop-block
  • Added/Removed firehose-* flags

    • Removed firehose-blocks-store-urls
    • Removed firehose-real-time-tolerance
    • Removed firehose-blocks-store-urls
    • Removed firehose-real-time-tolerance
  • Removed relayer-* flags

    • Removed relayer-source-request-burst
    • Removed relayer-merger-addr
    • Removed relayer-buffer-size
    • Removed relayer-min-start-offset