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# Python binding for Sophus library: sophus-pybind
sophus-pybind implement python binding for sophus that provides access to SO3, SE3, interpolate and iterativeMean features.
The user interface is inspired by scipy.spacial.transform.Rotation.
Here is a specific list of features.

## Feature list
* SO3
  * Initialize with from_quat(), from_matrix(), exp()
  * Convert to functions: to_quat(), to_matrix(), log()
  * Multiplication with SO3 or 3D points
  * Operator [] for setting/getting items with index or slices
  * Inverse, copy, print, and len
  * Function vectorization
* SE3
  * Initialize with from_quat_and_translation(), from_matrix(), from_matrix3x4(), exp()
  * Convert to functions to_quat_and_translation(), to_matrix(), to_matrix3x4(), log()
  * Multiplication with SE3 or 3D points
  * Operator [] for setting/getting items with index or slices
  * Function vectorization
  * Inverse, copy, print, and len
  * Interpolate between two SE3
  * Iterative mean of a group of SE3

## Python module (pysophus) installation step
# Create virtual environment
python3 -m venv ~/sophus_venv
source ~/sophus_venv/bin/activate

# Install package
git clone <sophus-package>
cd Sophus
pip install .

## Example code
Example code is provided in `sophus_pybind/examples/sophus_quickstart_tutorial.ipynb`
cd Sophus
python3 -m jupyter notebook sophus_pybind/examples/sophus_quickstart_tutorial.ipynb
`python3 -m jupyter` ensures that the jupyter comes from the virtual environment that contains the sophus-pybind module.

## Re-generate stub files (.pyi) for annotation
cd Sophus
# install pybind11-stubgen that will create stub file for a python module
pip3 install pybind11-stubgen

# Create stub files (Requires sophus-pybind to be installed in prior)

# Re-install the sophus-pybind project with the stub file
pip install .

## Vectorization detail
In python, we choose to export our Sophus::SO3 as a vector of SO3 objects by binding the cpp object `SO3Group` defined below. This is because numerical code in python tends to work with array of values to get efficient program. This approach is inspired by scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation.
class SO3Group : public std::vector<Sophus::SO3<Scalar>>
class SE3Group : public std::vector<Sophus::SE3<Scalar>>

### Passing a single SO3/SE3 object to c++ code in python binding
To allow other python binding c++ code to take in a single SO3/SE3 object, we also build a caster so that, even if we wrap SO3Group/SE3Group in python, those can be implicitly converted to the c++ Sophus::SO3/SE3 object at boundaries between languages.
This is so we can pass python SO3/SE3 object to c++ function as if they were regular 1-element Sophus::SO3/SE3 object. This simplifies binding the rest of c++ code. The implicit cast fails if the python object is not a 1-element object.