The Global Hub Manager is responsible for distributing workloads across clusters and collecting resource status data into its database via transport.
- manager
- cmd: Command-line utilities for the manager.
- pkg: Core logic and functionalities.
- configs: Holds configurations, schemas, and related assets.
- controllers: Includes common controllers such as migration and backup controllers.
- processes: Periodically running internal jobs, such as the policy compliance cronjob and managed hub cluster management job.
- restapis: Exposes REST APIs, such as managed clusters, policies, and subscriptions.
- spec:
- specdb: Handles database operations for synchronizing resources to the database and retrieving them for transport.
- controllers: Watches resources and persists them in the database.
- syncers: Syncs resources from the database and sends them via transport.
- status:
- conflator: Merges bundles inserted by transports and prepares them for dispatch.
- dispactcher: Routes bundles or events between components, from transport to conflator, and delivers bundles from the conflator to the database worker pool.
- handlers: Defines how transferred bundles are persisted in the database.
- webhook: The webhooks, such as disabling placement controllers for the global resource.