Undergraduate numerical analysis, first semester, APPM 4650, instructor Stephen Becker. University of Colorado Boulder
Which demos we did are listed on the syllabus
How the demos worked:
- For the first 2 or 3 weeks, the demos were designed to be done by students. About half of these demos have two versions, one version is completely filled out and has more details/comments (this is on the ''Master'' branch of git), and the other version on the ''student'' branch of git has a more open-ended demo designed to be filled out by the students in zoom breakout rooms
- After attendance at the live sessions dropped, around week 3 or so we switched to a more passive style of demo, where the instructor shared their screen and did the demo, and students watched
- As mentioned in the syllabus, a few days didn't have demos, and a few days we did alternative activities to demos (e.g., talk about examples of numerical analysis in the scientific literature)