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a5ddf2b · Oct 21, 2019


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File metadata and controls

1522 lines (1099 loc) · 47.7 KB


Version History

1.4.6 (2019-10-21)

  • Multiple Python 3 compatibility improvements
  • Upgraded dependencies * cryptography => 2.8 * gevent => 1.4.0 * PyYAML => 5.1
  • Bower removed from frontend build process, replace with npm
  • Interface.name_slug now updates when Device.hostname does

1.4.5 (2019-05-14)

  • Fix #344: Refresh interface address and network assignments each time a Network object is saved. This was necessary because, if a network object is reparented, the interfaces that have IPs assigned from the children of this network object, do not get updated to reflect the new parent network. The bug fix in this version ensures that the interfaces will always reflect the correct parent networks.

1.4.4 (2018-11-08)

  • Allow the Interface.speed to be null. The existing behavior is preserved where speed is set to the configured default value when the field is omitted on Interface creation. It will only be set to a null value if None is explicitly passed in, or the default is configured to be None.

  • Documentation fixes * Clarify version release process. * Update Circuit docs to reflect changes in how addresses are returned

    (PR #335).

1.4.3 (2018-08-30)

  • This version reverts PR #222, which was pushed with release v1.4.2. The revert was prompted by conflicts that this change caused with a few of Dropbox's internal tools. We plan to address these conflicts and submit a new release once these issues are resolved.
  • Fix #121: Enabled forceful parent delete (and reparent) for Network objects. + Addresses scenario where a user accidentally adds a network. Previously, if that network had any children, deleting the network was impossible due to protections on the network database field. The server changes in this release allow a newly added pynsot flag --force-delete to override the native Django PROTECT safe guard and forcefully delete the network. The only scenario where this is still not allowed is if the network in question has no parents and it's children are leaf nodes. In this case, an error is raised.

1.4.2 (2018-08-28)

  • Fix #222: Enhanced set queries to support filtering by concrete object fields. + A side effect of enabling this, attribute names now have a constraint which prohibit them from being the same as a concrete field on the resource that the attribute is being created on.
  • Fix #261: Enabled support to enumerate addresses for all child interfaces. Previously the Addresses column of pynsot's circuits output only displayed the interfaces directly associated with the circuit. This feature now appends the addresses for the children of those addresses.

1.4.1 (2018-07-23)

  • Fix bug in NsotSerializer.to_internal_value() that tried to modify an immutable QueryDict.
  • Fix Bower registry URL ( is deprecated).
  • Upgrade Gunicorn to 19.5.0, fixing CVE-2018-1000164.

1.4.0 (2018-07-10)

  • Upgrade Django v1.11.11, djangorestframework to v3.7.7
  • Remove django-smart-selects, which is no longer necessary

1.3.0 (2018-01-12)

  • Introducing the Protocol resource object which can be used to model protocol sessions of various types, such as BGP, IS-IS, or more.
    • The type for a Protocol is defined using a ProtocolType object which has optional required attributes that can be used to establish Protocol attributes required when creating a new session of this type.
    • A Protocol may be bound to a Circuit or an Interface (but not both).
  • Fix #267: The /users page in the web UI has been disabled and removed from the menu until an actual view can be created. This was causing confusion, especially amongst new users.
  • Fix #298: Circuits can now be filtered by the A/Z endpoint interface slug (aka natural key) or ID number.
  • Fix #307: Fix Vagrant setup issues related to the upstream security changes to PyPI causing the Vagrant install to fail.

1.2.3 (2017-09-20)

  • Enhance Network "get_next" methods to optionally allocate/reserve at the same time
    • Users can send a POST request to next_network and next_address actions. If it is a POST request then the action will get the networks or addresses and then save them as Network objects in the database as allocated. If the user sends the reserve flag and sets it as True, then it will be saved in the reserved state instead of allocated.
  • Fixed a bug in the web UI for interface creation where a Device query would return a list instead of an object.
  • Sped up Interface.networks() for MySQL users by splitting a subquery up into two separate queries.

1.2.2 (2017-08-30)

  • Support for object-level permissions have been implemented using the django-guardian plugin. For tree objects (currently Interface and Network objects) that can have children and ancestors, the permissions will be inherited by child nodes unless a more specific permission has been set on the child object.
  • Object-level permissions may be managed using the built-in admin dashboard.

1.2.1 (2017-08-01)


Users who previously updated to NSoT v1.2.0 will have a new database data migration applied to correct the bug in the previous data migration. Users upgrading from pre-1.2.0 to 1.2.1 will not affected by this fix and the correct data migration will only be applied once.

  • Fixed a bug in the data migration for the newly-added Interface.name_slug field that would cause interfaces with / in their name to have their name slug incorrectly "slugified". A new data migration has been added to correct this.
  • Fixed a bug that was occuring with model permissions enabled causing 404 errors to be returned as 500 errors in specific cases. The 404 handler has been changed to only check authenticated state and not model permisisons.

1.2.0 (2017-07-28)

  • Fix #262: Natural keys can now be used any place a primary key could be used for related fields on Interfaces and Circuits.
    • For Circuits, the default is now to display the A/Z endpoint interfaces by their natural key (e.g. device_hostname:name format).
    • For Interfaces, the Device hostname may now be used to create or retrieve interfaces (no more need to lookup the Device ID first)
    • Interface now has a name_slug field that can be used for natural key lookups. This is now also officially the natural key field.
    • Network now has a cidr field that can be used for displaying the network_address/prefix_length without additional effort
    • Network now has a parent field that can be used for displaying the parent CIDR without an additional lookup
  • All underlying serializer code has been streamlined to reduce code duplication where possible.
  • All "update" serializers have been moved to subclasses of "partial update" serializers with extra required fields specified as "extra kwargs" vs. re-defining the fields.
  • The fields for site_id and attributes have been moved to the base ResourceSerializer since ALL resources inherit these anyways.
  • Bugfix in NsotSerializer when view isn't part of the context that caused a crash.
  • Util stats functions can now be directly imported from nsot.util

1.1.8 (2017-07-26)

  • Upgrade setuptools in the Docker container, fixing #277
  • Add various indicies to the Change model to speed up lookups
  • Add a diff API endpoint to /change/, which returns a unified diff of the JSON representation of the changed object, from its state before the given Change happened and its current state.

1.1.7 (2017-07-13)

  • This adds a new setting called NSOT_NEW_USERS_AS_SUPERUSER which defaults to True, to toggle whether users coming in via the auth_header authentication method (proxy authentication) are created with superuser permissions. If toggled to False, new users are not given superuser and it will be expected that custom permissions will be utilized to control admin privileges.
  • This also updates the API permissions validation from requiring "staff" permissions to requiring model permissions. For existing users that already have staff/superuser permission and default behaviors, there is no impact.

1.1.6 (2017-07-12)

  • Fix #279: Bugfix in fetching locale-aware javascript for admin panel which was preventing admin panel widgets from properly loading, displaying only their basic styled HTML rendering. This can be seen in the group add/edit panel where you're selecting permissions for a group.
  • Fix #280: Fix 500 error when modifying users in admin panel by adding the password field back into the user change form for display purposes only.

1.1.5 (2017-06-05)

  • Groups have been re-enabled in the admin dashboard UI so that group-level object permissions can be managed within NSoT. There is no other integration of this support at this time.

1.1.4 (2017-05-30)

  • Fix #260 - Add Interface tree traversal methods
    • Similar to the methods already available on Network, this adds parent, ancestors, root, siblings, children and descendants to the InterfaceViewSet as well as corresponding get_* methods to the Interface model.

1.1.3 (2017-02-03)

  • Bump django-smart-selects to version 1.3.x * Fixes a regression that was introduced in version 1.2.9 when an XSS bug

    was fixed

  • Change requirements.txt to use Compatible Release version specifiers and track patch-level updates on all of our dependencies

1.1.2 (2017-01-25)

  • Reimplements the Network.get_next_network method
  • Network.get_next_network now optionally returns networks that can be strictly allocated by passing the strict_allocation=True paremeter.
  • Fixed a minor bug in /api/:resource/:id/query/ API endpoints where unique would always evaluate to True if present in the query parameters.

1.1.1 (2017-01-27)

  • Add name_slug field to Circuit, make it the natural key to fix a bug with Circuit names that contain slashes

1.1 (2017-01-23)

  • A formal :ref:`deprecation-policy` has been implemented which dictates a three-feature release cycle for removing deprecated API endpoints. Please see the documentation on this topic for more details.
  • Fix #203 - Implementation of Circuits as a resource object.
    • A Circuit has one-to-one relationship with each of A and Z side endpoint Interfaces.
    • Circuits are resource objects and therefore may have attributes and support set query lookups.
    • A circuit must have at least an A-side endpoint defined. For circuits for which you do not own the remote end, you may leave the Z-side empty and specify the remote endpoint by customizing the circuit name.
  • Circuits have the following detail routes available in the API:
    • circuits/:id/devices/ - List peer devices on either end of circuit
    • circuits/:id/interfaces/ - List interfaces bound to the circuit
    • circuits/:id/addresses/ - List addresses bound to circuit interfaces
  • Interfaces have a new interfaces/:id/circuit/ detail route that will display the circuit to which an interface is bound.
  • Devices have a new devices/:id/circuits/ detail route that will display all circuits bound to interfaces on the device.
  • Fix #191 - The Interface object unicode representation changed to device_hostname:name so that it can more easily be used as a slug for computing Circuit slug.
  • Fix #230 - The misspelled networks/:id/descendents/ API endpoint is pending deprecation in exchange for networks/:id/descendants/.

1.0.13 (2017-01-12)

  • Provides the ability to more efficiently access the device hostname associated with an interface, using the cached device_hostname field.
  • Provides the ability access interface objects by natural key of device_hostname:name. Ex. foo-bar1:eth1

1.0.12 (2017-01-12)

  • Fix #252 - Fixes bug in get_next_network for assigned networks of
    different prefix lengths

1.0.11 (2017-01-10)

  • Fix #250 - Improves treatment of get_next_network and assigned state
  • Fix #238 - Update to Docker instructions
  • Fix #219 - Better handling of attempts to create objects in non-existent sites
  • Moved Vagrantfile to root of repo

1.0.10 (2016-12-05)

  • Fix for handling IPAddress defaults in migrations, to avoid attempting validation of a NULL default.

1.0.9 (2016-11-23)

  • Added missing database migrations related to having changed or added the verbose_name on a bunch of model fields prior to 1.0 release. No schema changes are actually made in the migration. This is being released so that some pending pull requests can be merged in more cleanly.

1.0.8 (2016-10-24)

  • Provides the ability to require uniqueness for results of queries using the optional unique=true param. Queries with multiple results that have this flag set will return an error. Implements #221.

1.0.7 (2016-10-24)

  • Implemented changes needed to upgrade to Django REST Framework v3.5.0
  • Added fields = '__all__' to all default model serializers used for displaying objects
  • Changes required for django-filter>=0.15 were made for filtersets using custom fields.

1.0.6 (2016-10-18)

  • Improve performance in Network.get_next_network() for large prefixes
    • The fix in #224 introduced a notable performance bug due to iterating all descendents vs. only direct children.
    • This patch addresses the performance issue by attempting to pre-seed the list of dirty networks via excluding ones with ineligible prefix lengths as well as immediately checking whether a candidate subnet is dirty BEFORE iterating child networks vs. AFTER.

1.0.5 (2016-10-13)

  • Fix #224 - Fixed a bug in Network.next_network() where a nested child (descendent) would continually be offered as free, even if it existed in the database. All descendent networks for a parent are now inspected when determining availability.

1.0.4 (2016-09-29)

  • Replaced settings.NETWORK_INTERCONNECT_PREFIXLEN (an integer) with settings.NETWORK_INTERCONNECT_PREFIXES (a tuple) to support IPv6 prefixes, which defaults to prefixes (/31, /127).
  • Network.next_address() was changed to calculate available addresses differently if the network from which you are allocating is determined to be an interconnect network. For interconnects, gateway and broadcast addresses can be returned. For any other networks, they cannot.

1.0.3 (2016-09-08)

  • Fix #216 - Fixed a bug in Network.next_network() where networks containing children were being offered as free. Networks are now only offered if they do not have any child networks.
  • Fix #212 - Updated requirements to require djangorestframework>=3.4.4 and removed nsot.api.serializers.LimitedForeignKeyField since this functionality is now built into DRF.

1.0.2 (2016-08-31)

  • Ubuntu 16.04 is now officially supported.
  • Fix #213 - Updated requirements to utilize cryptography==1.5 so that install will work on Ubuntu versions 12.04 through 16.04. (Credit: @slinderud)
  • Finally fixed to work on both Linux and Darwin. For real this time.

1.0.1 (2016-07-08)

  • Fix #209 - Fixed a bug in Network.closest_parent() that would sometimes cause an incorrect parent network to be returned when performing a "closest parent" lookup for a CIDR.

1.0 (2016-04-27)

  • Completely documented all object fields including help_text, verbose_names, labels, default values, etc. for every field so that is cascades to serializers and form fields.

0.17.4 (2016-04-22)

  • Fixed a bug in Network.next_address() and Network.next_network() where children w/ busy states were mistakenly being excluded from the filter and therefore causing them to be offered as free. This also addressed a related bug where networks were not offered unless they came after the last prefix of the last matching child.

0.17.3 (2016-04-21)

  • Added documentation for set queries for both how they work and for how to use them.
  • Fixed a typo in Docker readme
  • Added an entry-point for snot-server because reasons

0.17.2 (2016-04-17)

  • Filtering of Interfaces by mac_address can now be done using either the string (e.g. '00:00:00:00:00:01') or integer (e.g. 1) representations.

0.17.1 (2016-04-07)

  • Fixed a bug that would cause set queries lookups of attributes values containing spaces to always fail. When performing a set queries for an attribute=value pair, if a value contains a space, it must be quoted, and it will be properly parsed.
  • When performing a set query for an attribute that does not exist, an error is raised.
  • When performing a set query, if no attribute pairs are found, an empty set is returned.
  • Docs: Fixed a typo in data model doc
  • Docs: Fixed incorrect year for a bunch of entries in changelog

0.17 (2016-03-31)

  • BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE - API version 1.0 is now the global default.
  • Fix #167 - Web UI has been updated to use API v1.0
  • Ripped out all pre-v1 code.
  • Updated the browsable API renderer to not display "filter forms", so that browsable API views with tons of results and related fields don't deadlock.

0.16 (2016-03-29)

  • Finally added a login screen to the web UI.
  • Fixes #130 - Redirect to login screen if a 401 is detected
  • This adds HTTP interceptor for 401 responses that will redirect to the DRF API login web screen.
  • Also skinned the default DRF login screen to match the NSoT theme.
  • Stopgap fix in services.js to check for response.status. This will have to be adjusted as a part of the API version 1.0 migration, along with all of the other JS code.

0.15.10 (2016-03-28)

  • Fix #168 - Fix a 500 when assigning address that is in multiple sites

0.15.9 (2016-03-17)

  • Bring a lot of documentation up to speed for
  • Added docstrings in places where there were none.
  • Added code examples to some docstrings
  • Updated requirements: Django==1.8.11

0.15.8 (2016-03-12)

  • Fixes #171: Implemented API support for lookup by closest parent
  • This implements a new detail route on the Networks endpoint at networks/{cidr}/closest_parent/. The Network need not exist in the database and if found, the closest matching parent network will be returned.
  • The endpoint also accepts a prefix_length argument to optionally restrict how far it will recurse to find possible parents.

0.15.7 (2016-03-12)

  • Migrated to built-in filtering of Interface objects in API.
  • Also added the ability to filter by device__hostname, e.g. GET /api/interfaces/?device__hostname=foo-bar1

0.15.6 (2016-03-10)

  • Fixes #169: Bugfix when filtering objects by 'attributes' in list view
  • Fixed a bug that would result in a 500 crash when filtering by attributes in list view if multiple sites have matching objects.
  • Fixes #166: Added a settings toggle to display IPv6 in compressed form. (See: settings.NSOT_COMPRESS_IPV6)

0.15.5 (2016-03-08)

  • Bugfix to filtering networks in API and and update requirements.
  • Fixed shebang in and used it to bump the version!
  • Upgrade requirements: certifi==2016.2.28
  • Bugfix in API filtering for Network objects that would result in an empty set if both include_ips and include_networks were set to True.
  • Added unit tests to extercise include_ips/include_networks filters, because come on.

0.15.4 (2016-03-02)

  • Made authentication API endpoints version-aware.
    • Overlooked the API authentication endpoints when doing the API versioning.
  • Moved API version header to root of tests so that the "API version" message shows up on all executions of unit tests.
  • Updated requirements django-rest-swagger==0.3.5.

0.15.3 (2016-02-29)

  • Complete overhaul of API filtering to use DRF built-in filtering.
  • All overloads in views of .get_queryset() has been removed and replaced with filter_class objects stored in nsot.api.filters
  • All Resource filtering is now done using built-in DjangoFilterBackend objects using either filter_class or filter_fields.

0.15.2 (2016-02-24)

  • Fixes #118 - Network objects are now round-trippable in API.
    • You may now provide either cidr or network_address + prefix_length when creating a Network object.
    • A Network object returned by the API may now be full used for create or update, making them round-trippable.
  • Verbose names and help text have been added to all Network fields, so that they display all pretty like.

0.15.1 (2016-02-23)

  • Added X-Forward-For into request logging.
  • Also added an API test for sending X-Forward-For

0.15 (2016-02-22)

  • Full support for PATCH in the API and some resultant bug fixes to PUT.
    • Specifically, this means any resource that is allowed to have attributes can now be partially updated using PATCH, because PATCH operations have been made attribute-aware.
    • Attributes themselves cannot YET be partially updated, but we hope to address that in a future... PATCH.
  • Serializers
    • PATCH support enabled for complex objects: Attributes, Devices, Interfaces, Networks.
    • ResourceSerializer subclasses now all inherit default behavior for handling attributes. The .create() and .update() methods now take an optional commit= argument to toggle whether to save an object after updating attributes. This is so that descendent serializers subclasses can overload this method and not call save until they choose (such as in Interface serializers).
    • Each resource now has PUT and PATCH serializers broken out explicitly to facilitate the "optional fields" nature of PATCH vs. the "mandatory fields" nature of PUT.
  • Attributes
    • All error messages raised when validating attributes include the word "attributes" so that you know it's a validation error specific to attributes.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Bugfix in handling PUT requests where attributes would be initialized if not provided. Attributes are now mandatory on any PUT requests and will result in an error if they are missing.
    • Bugfix when assigning more than one IP address from the same network to an Interface that would result in a 500 error (and unit tests now catch this).

0.14.2 (2016-02-19)

  • Bugfixes w/ natural_key lookups that would result in a 500 error.
    • Turns out that site_pk was incorrectly being dropped when doing natural_key lookups, which would result in a 500 w/ multiple sites.
    • We now detect when multiple objects are returned when looking up resources by natural_key and display a helpful 400 error.
    • Reverted top-level URL router back to Bulk default router because the SimpleRouter base doesn't provide api-root, and we kind of (really) want that.

0.14.1 (2016-02-19)

  • Issue #50 - Adds better device name validation
  • Fixed regex to match DNS hostname requirements. Added unit tests for device name checking
  • Fix device name / attribute name comment

0.14 (2016-02-17)

  • Implement GET/PUT objects by natural_key and minor fixes.
  • General
    • Upgraded drf-nested-routers==0.11.1
    • Re-organized nsot.api.urls to improve readability
    • Implemented natural_key mappings for Device and Network resources
  • Networks
    • Updated Network.objects.get_by_address() to support optional site= argument for filtering by site_id.
  • Serializers
    • Moved .create(), .update() methods from Device, Network serializers to new ResourceSerializer base.
  • Change Events
    • Fix when deleting a resource object using the API failed for any reason the "Delete" change event would still be created. The Change event will now only be kept after a successful delete.
  • Views
    • Implemented NsotViewSet.get_object() support for nested serializers
    • Updated Network lookup_value_regex to support loookup by pk or IPv4/IPv6 natural_key.

0.13.2 (2016-02-16)

  • Fix #142 - Properly catch non-serializer errors in API views.
  • This includes unique constraints and integrity errors.
  • Added a regression test for this error case.

0.13.1 (2016-02-11)

  • Fixes #82: Implemented for regex-based attribute lookups via the API.
  • You now may append _regex to an attribute name in a set query and provide a regex pattern as the value to perform regex-based lookups.

0.13 (2016-02-02)

  • Implement API filtering for value objects & perf. tweaks (Fixes #137)
  • Value objects now have a site_id attribute that is hidden and automatically populated by their parent Attribtue, similarly to Interface objects and their parent Device.
  • New API endpoint: /api/sites/:site_id/values/
  • Improved performance when creating/updating Interface objects by not explicitly looking up the parent Device object EVERY time.

0.12.7 (2015-12-23)

  • Small tweaks to web UI
  • Site index page
    • Interface count now added to Site dashboard
    • Links for ipv4/6 and network usage now link to filtered Network list
    • "Changes" renamed to "Recent Changes"
    • Under "Network Usage", "In Use" renamed to "Assigned"
  • Networks list
    • Added "ip_version" filter
    • Columns now link to filtered Network list

0.12.5 (2015-12-18)

  • Upgrade to Django==1.8.7 and DRF==3.3.2
  • Filter fields now implemented in Browsable API (new in DRF 3.3)
  • Added django-crispy-forms as a dependency
  • Bootstrap JS updated to v3.3.5
  • Bower updated to include Bootstrap fonts (DRF 3.3. needs this)

0.12.4 (2015-12-09)

  • Made include_ips=True default when retrieving Networks (fix #120)

0.12.3 (2015-12-04)

  • Implemented basic support for Interfaces in Web UI.
    • Create, update, delete all work
    • Device still only showing by id, should be displayed by hostname
    • Type only showing by id, should be displayed as selection of human-readable names derived from the schema.

0.12.2 (2015-12-03)

  • Use native 'inet' type for storing IPs in PostgreSQL. (fixes #128)

0.12.1 (2015-11-19)

  • Fix 500 crash when querying OPTIONS to view schema in API (fixes #126)
    • The bulk update mixin had to be subclassed to utilize super(), because it does not extend a pre-existing django-rest-framework mixin.
    • The inheritance order of the bulk mixins used in the Resource viewset also had to be changed because of this.
  • Cleanup: The viewset for Attributes now inherits from ResourceViewSet.
  • Cleanup: The viewset for Sites has been moved before ResourceViewSet for better readability (because Site is not a Resource type).

0.12 (2015-11-17)

  • Basic concept of Network states, one of which is 'reserved'.
  • Interaction w/ Interfaces to set state='assigned' on Assignment.
  • Basic API endpoint to view /api/networks/reserved/ to view reserved Networks.

0.11.7 (2015-10-29)

  • Implemented more backend gunicorn options for default http service
    • max-requests: Max requests per worker before restart
    • max-requests-jitter - Random jitter in seconds between worker restart
    • preload - Whether to preload app before forking

0.11.6 (2015-10-22)

  • Disabled caching by default (set to dummy caching)
  • Added a section in the config docs for caching.
  • Updated requirements-dev.txt to (re-)include sphinx-autobuild

0.11.5 (2015-10-20)

  • Update Interface serializer to properly encode None as JSON.
    • It was encoding it as a string ('None') vs. objects (null)

0.11.4 (2015-10-20)

  • Fix to allow null values for MAC address on Interfaces.
  • Serializer and model fields now allow MAC to be set to None.
  • Also added missing lines to causing missing static/templates, which is problematic for new dev. environments or external contributors.

0.11.3 (2015-10-20)

  • MAC address bugfix and a little cleanup in exceptions and validation
  • Integers are no longer being improperly cast to strings and then back to an incorrect integer representation. (fixes #111)
  • Added extra unit tests and regression tests for this bug.
  • Moved all references to exceptions into nsot.exc.
  • Moved email validator to nsot.validators.

0.11.2 (2015-10-16)

  • Updated nsot-server management commands to Django 1.8 syntax
  • Bugfix in user_proxy in string formatting on startup
  • Implemented support for -v/--verbosity flag in nsot-server commands to adjust loglevel (fix #59)
  • Cleaned up the gunicorn service to read from CLI args
  • Updated to include some of the newer settings.

0.11.1 (2015-10-15)

  • Made gunicorn worker timeout configurable by CLI or
  • New setting: settings.NSOT_NUM_WORKERS (default: 4) to tweak number of workers
  • New setting: settings.NSOT_WORKER_TIMEOUT (default: 30) to tweak default worker timeout
  • nsot-server start now takes a -t/--timeout option at runtime to override globald defaults.

0.11 (2015-10-15)

  • Enabled caching for Interface API endpoints.
  • Cache is invalidated on save or delete of an Interface object.

0.10.6 (2015-10-13)

  • Removed stale deps. and updated core deps. to latest stable versions

0.10.5 (2015-10-13)

  • Bugfix when explicitly setting parent_id=None on Interface create.

0.10.4 (2015-10-13)

  • Implemented bulk update of all objects using the REST API.
  • Objects can now be bulk-updated using PUT by providing a list of updated objects as the payload.
  • Unit tests have been updated accordingly to test for both bulk create and bulk update.

0.10.3 (2015-10-08)

  • Added a Vagrantfile, improved documentation, and made some UX fixes.
  • Read auth header from settings vs. hard-coded inside of user_proxy command (fix #57)
  • User proxy now also defers to default values from within
  • Added a vagrant directory containing a Vagrantfile to bootstrap NSoT in a self-contained virtual machine
  • Added a new 'assignments' endpoint for Networks, to tell where they are being assigned to Interfaces.
  • Added new nsot.utils.stats and ability to calculate network utilization.

0.10.2 (2015-10-08)

  • Always return empty query when set query is invalid (fix #99)

0.10.1 (2015-10-08)

  • Improved indexing on common attribute-value lookups.
  • All attribute-value lookups are index now by the most commonly used search patterns (name, value, resource_name) and (resource_name, resource_id)
  • Moved Interface.get_networks() and Interface.get_addresses() to used concrete JSON cache fields on the objects. This is a huge query-time optimization.
  • Tweaked admin panel fields a little bit to remove references to now defunct 'Resource' objects.

0.10 (2015-10-05)

  • Overhauled the relationship between Values and Resources.
  • Drastic performance improvement and more accurate indexing of attribute Values in databases with millions of rows.
  • Got rid of multi-table inheritance from base Resource model that was used to allow a generic foreign key from attribute Values to Resources (Devices, Networks, Interfaces are all resources)
  • All Resource subclasses are abstract now. Which means the model fields they inherit are concrete on their own table.
  • The Value object does not have an FK, and instead has a composite primary key to (resource_name, resource_id) … for example ('Device', 16999) which is indexed together.
  • The Attribute name is now also stored in a concrete field on the Value at creation, eliminating a lookup to the Attribute table.
  • All of these changes are accounted for in the database migrations, but need to be done carefully! It's going to be quicker and easier for databases that don't have Interfaces.

0.9.4 (2015-10-02)

  • Bug and performance fixes for Interface objects.
  • Fix poor performance when there are lots of Interface objects.
  • Bugfix to missing interface type 53 (proprietary virtual/internal)
  • Added smart_selects==1.1.1 so that FK lookups on Interface.parent will be limited to owning Device.
  • Temporarily convert Interface.parent_id to raw ID field, until an autocomplete feature can be added to the browsable API.
  • Updated unit tests to validated CRUD for Interface.parent_id.

0.9.3 (2015-09-30)

  • Fix a 500 crash when database IntegrityError happens.
    • This will now be treated as a 409 CONFLICT.

0.9.2 (2015-09-30)

Schema change to fix confusion when selecting parent objects.

  • Benchmarks for Network and Interface objects are a little faster now too, direct table access for parent.
  • Device objects no longer have an extraneous parent attribute.

0.9.1 (2015-09-29)

  • Enhanced and clarified sections in README.rst
  • Converted README from .md to .rst
  • Clarified virtualenvwrapper instructions (fix #90)
  • Made use of git clone more explicit (fix #91)
  • Updated required version of Django REST Framework to v3.2.4

0.9 (2015-08-06)

  • Implemented top-level Interface resource object.
  • Addresses are assigned to Interfaces by way of Assignment objects, which are used to enforce relationship-level constraints on the assignment of Network objects to Device Interfaces.
  • A Device can zero or more Interfaces; an Interface can have multiple addresses, and addresses are 'assigned' to Interfaces
  • Networks are derived as the parent networks of the addresses for each interface.
  • Moved hard-coded variable data in into module-global constants.
  • Renamed all model "choices" lists to end in "_CHOICES"
  • New requirements: django-macaddress v1.3.2, Django v1.8.4
  • Updated to include IRC mention.
  • All constants moved from nsot.constants to nsot.conf.settings and nsot.constants has been eliminiated. (fix #87)
  • All data validators have been moved to nsot.validators and added new validators for cidr and host addresses.
  • Moved .to_representation() methods on all 'resource' serializers to the top-level nsot.api.serializers.NsotSerializer
  • Fixed a crash when creating Network objects without the CIDR being unicode.
  • Fixed a bug when looking up a single object in API without providing site_pk
  • IP assignments must now be unique to a device/interface tuple.
  • Addresses can now be explicitly assigned to an interface, or overwritten
  • Added a new nsot.serializers.JSONListField type to serialize JSON <-> Python lists
  • Added util for deriving attributes from custom model fields that required custom serializer fields.
  • Added tests.api_tests.util.filter_interfaces for simplifying Interface testing.
  • Added 'ip_version' as a filter field for Network API lookups.

0.8.6 (2015-07-29)

  • Add remote IP address in request logger.

0.8.5 (2015-07-24)

  • Broke out media (css, etc.), nav, and scripts into their own include files.
  • Updated main FeView to inherit default template context
  • Added a template context processor to globally modify template context to inject app version.
  • Added API and API Reference to dropdown "gear" menu
  • Fix #77 - Only collect static files on nsot-server start if settings.SERVE_STATIC_FILES=True.

0.8.4 (2015-07-20)

  • Fix including of static files in install.
  • Also make sure that tests packages aren't included.

0.8.3 (2015-07-20)

  • Improvements to managing static files and other server mgmt fixups.
  • The default STATIC_ROOT setting has been changed back to $BASE_DIR/staticfiles
  • Added 'staticfiles' to .gitignore
  • The 'nsot-server start' command has been updated to collect the static files automatically. This can be disabled by passing --no-collectstatic.
  • Renamed nsot-server --noupgrade to --no-upgrade
  • Added help text to nsot-server start arguments.
  • Added a URL redirect handler for favicon.ico (fixes #73) and included a placeholder favicon and included a <link> in the web UI template.
  • Replaced package_data in with grafting files in
  • Updated the sdist command to truly include the built static files prior to making the distribution.
  • Updated Django requirement to v1.8.3

0.8.2 (2015-07-19)

  • Large update to FE build/dist!
  • We're now using npm to manage our frontend dev dependencies and gulp to manage our front end builds
  • Add some node files and built assets to .gitignore
  • Gulp added w/ tasks for linting, caching templates, annotating ng DI, concat, minify, etc.
  • Setup npm devDependencies and shrinkwrap them for consistent build
  • Relocated js/css into src directory that isn't included with dist build
  • Updated angular code to not explicitly put DI params twice since that happens at build
  • Angular templates are now compiled to javascript and added to the template cache
  • Fixed some lint errors (semicolons!)
  • updated to support running all tests (python & javascript)
  • updated to build static on develop/sdist commands
  • Removed 3rd party deps from the checked in repo
  • Fixed to not include pyc's under tests

0.8.1 (2015-07-16)

  • Implement network/address allocation endpoints for Network objects.
  • For database models the following methods have been added:
    • get_next_address() - Returns a list of next available a addresses (fixes #49)
    • get_next_network() - Returns a list of next available networks matching the provided prefix_length. (fixes #48)
  • For the REST API, the following endpoints have been added to Network objects in detail view (e.g. GET /api/sites/1/networks/10/:endpoint1):
    • next_address - Returns a list of next available a addresses
    • next_network - Returns a list of next available networks matching the provided prefix_length.
    • parent - Return the parent Network for this Network
  • Updated all of the tree traversal methods to explicitly order results by (network_address, prefix_length) so that results are in tree order.
  • Corrected a typo in the README file (fixes #69)
  • All new functionality is completely unit-tested!

0.8 (2015-07-16)

  • Implement tree traversal endpoints for Network objects.
  • For database models the following methods have been added:
    • is_child_node() - Returns whether Network is a child node
    • is_leaf_node() - Returns whether Network has no children
    • is_root_node() - Returns whether Network has no parent
    • get_ancestors() - Return all parents for a Network
    • get_children() - Return immediate children for a Network
    • get_descendents() - Return ALL children for a Network
    • get_root() - Return the root node of this Network
    • get_siblings() - Returns Networks with the same parent
  • For the REST API, the following endpoints have been added to Network objects detail view (e.g. GET /api/sites/1/networks/10/:endpoint):
    • ancestors - Return all parents for a Network
    • children - Return immediate children for a Network
    • descendents - Return ALL children for a Network
    • root - Return the root node of this Network
    • siblings - Returns Networks with the same parent
  • All new functionality is completely unit-tested!

0.7.4 (2015-07-14)

  • Multiple bug fixes related to looking up Attributes using set queries.
  • Fix #66 - Handle 500 error when multiple Sites contain an Attribute of the same name.
  • Fix #67 - Bugfix when an Attribute name isn't found when performing a set query.
  • Resource.objects.set_query() now takes an optional site_id argument that will always be sent when called internally by the API.
  • Added site_id to repr for Attribute objects to make it less confusing when working with multiple sites containing Attributes of the same name.
  • Fixed a bug in Attribute.all_by_name() that would cause the last Attribute matching the desired name, even if the site_id conflicted with the parent resource object. Attribute.all_by_name() now requires a site argument.
  • If a set query raises an exception (such as when no matching Attribute is found), an empty queryset is returned.

0.7.3 (2015-07-09)

  • Fix #58: Typo in permissions docs
  • Fix #64: New command to generate key

0.7.2 (2015-07-07)

  • Fix #62 - 500 error when API authenticate is malformed.

0.7.1 (2015-07-02)

  • Remove need to "collectstatic", remove 'nsot.log' log handler.
    • Static files will default to being served from within the nsot library itself, eliminating the need to colectstatic.
    • nsot-server will no longer drop an empty nsot.log file in the directory from which it is called.

0.7 (2015-07-01)

  • Replace backend with Django + Django REST Framework + Gunicorn + Gevent

0.5.6 (2015-06-15)

  • Actually pass num_processes down to tornado

0.5.5 (2015-06-11)

  • Fix #46: Purge attribute index before a Device object is deleted.

0.5.4 (2015-06-08)

  • Update libs and small UI fixes
    • Add filter options to networks page
    • css cleanup
    • Fix bug where all changes were for site id 1. fixes #51
    • Update libraries to later versions to get some new features.

0.5.3 (2015-05-29)

  • Bugfix in validating Attribute when constraints are not dict.

0.5.2 (2015-04-13)

  • Fix #40 Auth token verification now uses session from request handler
    • This is very difficult to reproduce, so changing the request handler (which is currently the only caller of User.verify_auth_token()) to send its own session when calling is a best guess at solving this.k

0.5.1 (2015-04-13)

  • Fix #41 so set queries on networks include optional filter arguments.

0.5 (2015-04-07)

  • Add support for logging errors to Sentry if sentry_dsn is set.

0.4.4 (2015-04-02)

  • Bugfix for displaying IPs when filtering Networks w/ attrs. (fix #34)
  • Added some extra networks to the test fixtures for API tests.
  • Updated fixtures for network set queries to reflect extra networks.

0.4.3 (2015-04-01)

  • UI Updates
    • fixes #19
    • fixes #32
  • Show attributes on Device/Network pages.
  • Show latest changes on Device/Network pages.
  • Provide NSOT_VERSION to jinja and angular templates.
  • Show version in NSoT UI

0.4.1 (2015-03-31)

  • Only import mrproxy for user_proxy arg in nsot-ctl. (fixes #24)

0.4 (2015-03-31)

  • Add support for filtering networks by cidr/addr/prefix/attrs. (fix #18)

0.3.3 (2015-03-30)

  • If restrict_networks is null, treat it as an empty list. (fix #22)

0.3.2 (2015-03-30)

  • Explicitly include and order all dependent packages.
    • This is so that enum34 (dependency of cryptography) can be properly installed using an internal PyPI mirror (See: pyca/cryptography#1803)
  • Removed six from requirements-dev.txt
  • Bumped version to differentiate these underlying changes.

0.3.1 (2015-03-19)

  • Allow lookup of Devices by hostname or attributes.

0.3 (2015-03-12)

  • Added support for set operation queries on Devices and Networks.
  • New "query" endpoint on each of these resources take a "?query=" argument that is a string representation of attribute/value pairs for intersection, difference, and union operations.
  • All new functionality unit tested!

0.2.2 (2015-03-06)

  • Bugfix for 500 error when creating Network w/ null cidr (fixes #13)

0.2.1 (2015-03-05)

  • Bug fix for 500 error when validating null hostname (fixes #11)

0.2.0 (2015-03-04)

  • Added support for bulk creation of Attributes, Devices, and Networks
  • When creating a collection via POST, a 201 CREATED response is generated without a Location header. The payload includes the created objects.

0.1.0 (2015-02-28)

  • Bugfix in string format when validating attribute that doesn't exist.

0.0.9 (2015-02-10)

  • Implemented API key (auth_token) authentication
  • Cookies are now stored as secure cookies using cookie_secret setting.
  • New site setting for storing secret_key used for crypto.
  • User has a new .secret_key field which is generated when User is created
    • User should obtain key through web UI (however that is NYI)
    • Secret key is used as user password to generate an auth_token
  • Auth token is serialized, and encrypted with server's key and also contains an expiration timestamp (default 10 minutes)
  • AuthToken can be done using "Authorization" header or query args.
  • New User methods for generating and validating auth_token
  • API endpoints still also accept "default" login methods.
  • Added a models.get_db_session() function to make getting a session easier!
  • Added a Model.query classmethod to make model queries easier!!
  • All new changes are unit tested!
  • If you're checking out the API auth stuff and want to test it out, see the README.auth.rst file!
  • Web views use "default" auth (currently user_auth_header)
  • API views use "default" or "auth_token"
  • AuthToken can now be done using "Authorization" header or query args.

0.0.2 (2015-01-12)

  • Add setting to toggle for checking XSRF cookies on API calls.

0.0.1 (2014-12-03)

  • Initial scaffolding for NSoT
  • Python packaging
  • Inital models
  • Support for add/remove/update/list Sites