- Case 1: if nums[mid] == target → found!
- Case 2: if nums[mid] < target→ if exists, the target should be in the right half of the array, left=mid+1
- Case 3: if nums[mid] > target→ if exists, the target should be in the left half of the array, right=mid-1
- Guarantee that the search space decreases after each iteration
- Guarantee that the target (if exists) is not ruled out when we change the value of L or R
def binary_search(alist, target):
# corner case
if not alist:
return None
# left, right, mid are index
left, right = 0, len(alist)-1
while left <= right:
mid = (left + right) // 2
if alist[mid] == target:
return mid
elif alist[mid] > target:
right = mid - 1
left = mid + 1
return None
有意思的一个情况是给出一个二维矩阵(排好序的),然后找出指定的target。解决办法是把二维矩阵拉伸为一维,然后执行binary search,再把找到的index还原为二维的表达方式。如给出一个(4, 3)的二维矩阵,n=4,m=3。
[1, 2, 3]
[4, 5, 6]
[7, 8, 9]
[10, 11, 12]
How is it different from Q1?
- You don’t know if mid is the answer or not
- You need to include mid each time you get into halves
- Case 1: if nums[mid] == target → found!
- Case 2: if nums[mid] > target, if exists, the target should be in the left half, right=mid
- Case 3: if nums[mid ] < target, if exists, the target should be in the right half, left=mid
def find_closest(array, target):
# corner case
if not array:
return None
left, right = 0, len(array)-1
while left < right-1:
mid = (left+right)//2
if array[mid] == target:
return array[mid]
elif array[mid] > target:
# 因为是最近似,所以不是mid+1或mid-1,而是mid本身
right = mid
left = mid
# 检验mid左右两边的差以确定哪个最近似
if abs(array[left]-target) > abs(array[right]-target):
return array[right]
return array[left]
return None