minimalistic event system
Installation via pip
(runs on Python 3)
Registered handlers (a bag of handlers) getting called when event gets fired
using ideas from "axel events"
and "event system" from
from visitoolkit_eventsystem import eventsystem
# handlers are callback functions in your code,
# when firing an event visitoolkit_eventsystem will call them with the given argument(s)
def cb1(event_id, *arg, **args):
if event_id > 0:
# handle event...
return True
return False
# Default is synchronous execution of handlers (blocking main thread, collecting all results)
# sync_mode=False means asynchronous execution of handlers (one background thread calls all handlers)
# =>Details about flag "exc_info"(default is True):
# =>Flag "traceback" (default is False) controls verbosity of error_info when an exception occurred
es = eventsystem.EventSystem(sync_mode=True)
# adding or removing handlers in list-like syntax
es += cb1
#The execution result is returned as a list containing all results per handler having this structure:
# exec_result = [
# (True, result, handler), # on success
# (False, error_info, handler), # on error
# (None, None, handler), ... # asynchronous execution
# ]
# firing event
result = es(42)
Increasing logging level for bughunting:
import logging
visitoolkit_eventsystem is used in visitoolkit_connector as core part of visitoolkit.
visitoolkit is written for the proprietary Building and Process Management System
'ProMoS NT' (c) MST Systemtechnik AG'
(also known as 'Saia Visi.Plus' (c) Saia-Burgess Controls AG)
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Disclaimer: Use 'visitoolkit' at your own risk!