Before we start ensure you have one of the supported devices:
- iPhone 5,1 (iPhone 5 GSM)
- iPhone 5,2 (iPhone 5 Global)
- iPhone 5,3 (iPhone 5c GSM)
- iPhone 5,4 (iPhone 5c Global)
- iPad 3,4 (iPad 4 Wi-Fi)
- iPad 3,5 (iPad 4 GSM)
- iPad 3,6 (iPad 4 Global)
- Download the .ipa file from here or from releases
- Install the .ipa file using Sideloadly
- Open the "Socket" app on your device and press "jailbreak"
- Enjoy!
Jailbreak website:
Socket Repo:
By default this jailbreak does NOT install Cydia, instead it uses Zebra, specifically my fork
Also note that this jailbreak does NOT destory sandbox containers, you may have to resign some apps using the container-resign package, which can be found in the base Socket Repo in Zebra (you need to install this to use it). Then you can run the command as show below using a terminal or ssh. SSH
container-resign <path-to-binary>
container-resign /Applications/
As with all jailbreaks, there is NO WARRANTY with this software, so use at your own risk.
If you are looking to build Socket from source please refer to BUILDING.MD
If you have an issue please report it via this repo's issues tab.
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