This is an example for a simple task list build with JSF and CDI. You can start new process instances and work on JSF task forms and complete them.
If the process definition has configured an external form on the start event, it will be used. Otherwise the process instance will be directly started without parameters.
You can switch to a detail page with the process diagram highlighting the current activities:
This is implemented by a simple HTML page
- taskDetail.xhtml: JSF page, getting the taskId via JSF.
- taskDetail.html: Simple HTML page, getting the taskId via JavaWScript.
The magic happens because of, we basically had to add a piece JavaScript to our page to
- Load the BPMN 2.0 XML from the Process Engine via REST
- Render the BPMN via
- Add a CSS highlight class to mark the current activity.
$(document).ready(function() {
var restAccess = '/engine-rest';
var BpmnViewer = window.BpmnJS;
var viewer = new BpmnViewer({container: '#diagramCanvas', width: '100%', height: '100%'});
var container = $('#js-drop-zone');
// get the diagram
$.get(restAccess + '/task/#{}', function(marker) {
$.get(restAccess + '/process-definition/' + marker.processDefinitionId + '/xml', function(data) {
// show it in
viewer.importXML(data.bpmn20Xml, function(err) {
if (err) {
console.log('error rendering', err);
} else {
var canvas = viewer.get('canvas');
// zoom to fit full viewport
// add marker
canvas.addMarker(marker.taskDefinitionKey, 'highlight');
The JavaScript dependencies can be e.g. included by
- WebJars / JSF, see pom.xml lines 129-133
Deploy this project to your running Camunda JBoss or Wildfly distribution with either mvn clean jboss-as:deploy
use ant
to build and deploy the example to an application server.
For that to work you need to copy the file
and configure the path to your application server inside it.
Alternatively, you can also copy it to ${user.home}/.camunda/
to have a central configuration that works with all projects generated by the
Camunda BPM Maven Archetypes.
Load localhost:8080/jsf-simple-tasklist in your browser.
Built and tested against Camunda BPM version 7.3.0.
- You can not complete tasks with embedded forms.
Here are the detailed steps to be taken when you want to add this in your project:
- create a jsf-page which gets the taskid from the tasklist (or wherever). See line 7-9 taskDetail.xhtml how to get the taskId.
- include the bpmn.js cascading style sheet from the webjar see lines 28-30
- include the bpmn-js javascript and all dependent libraries (jquery.js, lodash.js, sax.js, snap.svg.js, jquery.mousewheel.js and bpmn-navigated-viewer.js, see lines 32-42
- define a div with a css class where to drop the diagram see lines 46-49
- include the javascript that renders the diagram.
- define a callback function that the page is loaded (line 52)
- initialize constants to the rest api and the viewer (lines 53-57)
- get the task object from the rest-api of the engine and define a callback function working with this task as marker (line 59)
- get the diagram xml for the task from rest-api the engine and define a callback function working with the diagram as data (line 60)
- call importXML of the viewer and define a callback function to handle with a possible error line 63
- if an error occures, write the error to the javascript console line 64-65
- otherwise get the canvas from the viewer, zoom it to the full view, exchange the css class to display the diagram istaed of display the error lines 66-71
- set a marker to the current task with the task definition key. line 73. The markup for the highlight is defined in a css part in line 16-26
- include the cascading style sheet
to display the diagram lines 81-82