diff --git a/.classpath b/.classpath
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a77e904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.classpath
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63e3e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Package Files #
+# gwt caches and compiled units #
+# boilerplate generated classes #
+# more caches and things from deploy #
diff --git a/.project b/.project
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e76381
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.project
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ stargenetics_gwt_java
+ org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.builder
+ org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder
+ com.google.gdt.eclipse.core.webAppProjectValidator
+ com.google.gwt.eclipse.core.gwtProjectValidator
+ org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature
+ com.google.gwt.eclipse.core.gwtNature
+ org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.nature
diff --git a/.settings/com.google.gdt.eclipse.core.prefs b/.settings/com.google.gdt.eclipse.core.prefs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc6cb35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.settings/com.google.gdt.eclipse.core.prefs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/.settings/com.google.gwt.eclipse.core.prefs b/.settings/com.google.gwt.eclipse.core.prefs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b898189
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.settings/com.google.gwt.eclipse.core.prefs
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs b/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c537b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml b/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcfc325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.settings/org.eclipse.wst.common.project.facet.core.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/src/java/beans/JavaBeans.gwt.xml b/src/java/beans/JavaBeans.gwt.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1836147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/java/beans/JavaBeans.gwt.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/java/beans/PropertyChangeEvent.java b/src/java/beans/PropertyChangeEvent.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca35931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/java/beans/PropertyChangeEvent.java
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+package java.beans;
+public class PropertyChangeEvent
+ private Object source;
+ private String name;
+ private Object oldValue;
+ private Object newValue;
+ public PropertyChangeEvent(Object source, String name, Object oldValue, Object newValue)
+ {
+ this.source = source;
+ this.name = name;
+ this.oldValue = oldValue;
+ this.newValue = newValue;
+ }
+ public String getPropertyName()
+ {
+ return name;
+ }
+ public Object getOldValue()
+ {
+ return oldValue;
+ }
+ public Object getNewValue()
+ {
+ return newValue;
+ }
diff --git a/src/java/beans/PropertyChangeListener.java b/src/java/beans/PropertyChangeListener.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c1e482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/java/beans/PropertyChangeListener.java
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+package java.beans;
+public interface PropertyChangeListener
+ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e);
diff --git a/src/java/beans/PropertyChangeSupport.java b/src/java/beans/PropertyChangeSupport.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecb47c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/java/beans/PropertyChangeSupport.java
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package java.beans;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+public class PropertyChangeSupport
+ private Object source;
+ private ArrayList listeners = new ArrayList();
+ public PropertyChangeSupport(Object source)
+ {
+ this.source = source;
+ }
+ public void firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent propertyChangeEvent)
+ {
+ for( PropertyChangeListener l : listeners)
+ {
+ l.propertyChange(propertyChangeEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
+ {
+ listeners.add(listener);
+ }
+ public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
+ {
+ listeners.remove(listener);
+ }
diff --git a/src/java/beans/StringTokenizer.java b/src/java/beans/StringTokenizer.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..724ae68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/java/beans/StringTokenizer.java
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+package java.beans;
+public class StringTokenizer
+ //TODO: make better or correct
+ private String str;
+ private String split;
+ private int index;
+ public StringTokenizer(String str, String split)
+ {
+ this.str = str;
+ this.split = split;
+ this.index = 0;
+ }
+ public boolean hasMoreTokens()
+ {
+ return str.indexOf(split,index) > 0;
+ }
+ public String nextToken()
+ {
+ int next_index = str.indexOf(split,index);
+ String ret = str.substring(index, next_index);
+ index = next_index;
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/src/star/genetics/Stargenetics_gwt_java.gwt.xml b/src/star/genetics/Stargenetics_gwt_java.gwt.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..000498d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/star/genetics/Stargenetics_gwt_java.gwt.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
diff --git a/src/star/genetics/client/Helper.java b/src/star/genetics/client/Helper.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae79f99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/star/genetics/client/Helper.java
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+package star.genetics.client;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Map.Entry;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import star.genetics.genetic.model.Creature;
+import star.genetics.genetic.model.ModelModifiedProvider;
+import star.genetics.visualizers.Visualizer;
+import star.genetics.visualizers.VisualizerFactory;
+public class Helper
+ public static void setVisualizerFromCreature(Visualizer v, Creature c)
+ {
+ v.setName(c.getName());
+ v.setNote(c.getNote());
+ v.setProperties(c.getProperties(), c.getSex());
+ }
+ public static void setVisualizerFromCreature(Visualizer v, Creature c, HashMap additional)
+ {
+ v.setName(c.getName());
+ v.setNote(c.getNote());
+ // additional.putAll(c.getProperties());
+ HashMap prop = new HashMap();
+ prop.putAll(c.getProperties());
+ prop.putAll(additional);
+ v.setProperties(prop, c.getSex());
+ }
+ public static Map parse(String value)
+ {
+ Map ret = new TreeMap();
+ if (value != null)
+ {
+ if (value.contains("=")) //$NON-NLS-1$
+ {
+ String elements[] = value.split(","); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ for (String element : elements)
+ {
+ if (element.indexOf('=') != -1)
+ {
+ String[] pair = element.split("=", 2); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ ret.put(pair[0], pair[1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException();
+ //throw new RuntimeException(MessageFormat.format(Messages.getString("Helper.0"), element, value)); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (!value.equalsIgnoreCase("wildtype")) //$NON-NLS-1$
+ {
+ throw new RuntimeException(Messages.getString("Helper.5")); //$NON-NLS-1$
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ public static String export(Map source)
+ {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
+ for (Entry entry : source.entrySet())
+ {
+ sb.append(entry.getKey() + "=" + entry.getValue() + ","); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
+ }
+ sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1);
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ private static String MODEL_PROVIDER_EXCEPTION = "Model Modified Provider not found"; //$NON-NLS-1$
diff --git a/src/star/genetics/client/Messages.java b/src/star/genetics/client/Messages.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..facabee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/star/genetics/client/Messages.java
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+package star.genetics.client;
+//import java.util.Locale;
+//import java.util.MissingResourceException;
+//import java.util.ResourceBundle;
+public class Messages
+ public static String getString(String key)
+ {
+ return '!' + key + '!';
+ }
diff --git a/src/star/genetics/client/Stargenetics_gwt_java.java b/src/star/genetics/client/Stargenetics_gwt_java.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3a7c51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/star/genetics/client/Stargenetics_gwt_java.java
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+package star.genetics.client;
+import star.genetics.genetic.impl.ChromosomeImpl;
+import star.genetics.genetic.impl.GeneImpl;
+import star.genetics.genetic.impl.GenomeImpl;
+import star.genetics.genetic.impl.MatingEngineImpl_XY;
+import star.genetics.genetic.impl.ModelImpl;
+import star.genetics.genetic.model.GeneticModel;
+import star.genetics.genetic.model.MatingEngine;
+import star.genetics.shared.FieldVerifier;
+import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
+import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
+import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickEvent;
+import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.ClickHandler;
+import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyCodes;
+import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyUpEvent;
+import com.google.gwt.event.dom.client.KeyUpHandler;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Button;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.DialogBox;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Label;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.TextBox;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.VerticalPanel;
+ * Entry point classes define onModuleLoad().
+ */
+public class Stargenetics_gwt_java implements EntryPoint
+ /**
+ * The message displayed to the user when the server cannot be reached or returns an error.
+ */
+ private static final String SERVER_ERROR = "An error occurred while " + "attempting to contact the server. Please check your network " + "connection and try again.";
+ MatingEngineImpl_XY me = new MatingEngineImpl_XY();
+ public void test2()
+ {
+ Object self = this;
+ MatingEngineImpl_XY me = this.me;
+ test(self, me);
+ }
+ public static int add(int a,int b)
+ {
+ return a+b;
+ }
+ public native void test(Object self, MatingEngine me)
+ /*-{
+ $wnd.__sg_entry_point = self;
+ $wnd.__sg_me = me;
+ $wnd.__sg_add = $entry(@star.genetics.client.Stargenetics_gwt_java::add(II));
+ return "Not A Number";
+ }-*/;
+ /**
+ * This is the entry point method.
+ */
+ public void onModuleLoad()
+ {
+ final Button sendButton = new Button("Send");
+ final TextBox nameField = new TextBox();
+ nameField.setText("GWT User");
+ final Label errorLabel = new Label();
+ // We can add style names to widgets
+ sendButton.addStyleName("sendButton");
+ // Add the nameField and sendButton to the RootPanel
+ // Use RootPanel.get() to get the entire body element
+ RootPanel.get("nameFieldContainer").add(nameField);
+ RootPanel.get("sendButtonContainer").add(sendButton);
+ RootPanel.get("errorLabelContainer").add(errorLabel);
+ // Focus the cursor on the name field when the app loads
+ nameField.setFocus(true);
+ nameField.selectAll();
+ // Create the popup dialog box
+ final DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox();
+ dialogBox.setText("Remote Procedure Call");
+ dialogBox.setAnimationEnabled(true);
+ final Button closeButton = new Button("Close");
+ // We can set the id of a widget by accessing its Element
+ closeButton.getElement().setId("closeButton");
+ final Label textToServerLabel = new Label();
+ final HTML serverResponseLabel = new HTML();
+ VerticalPanel dialogVPanel = new VerticalPanel();
+ dialogVPanel.addStyleName("dialogVPanel");
+ dialogVPanel.add(new HTML("Sending name to the server:"));
+ dialogVPanel.add(textToServerLabel);
+ dialogVPanel.add(new HTML(" Server replies:"));
+ dialogVPanel.add(serverResponseLabel);
+ dialogVPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(VerticalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT);
+ dialogVPanel.add(closeButton);
+ dialogBox.setWidget(dialogVPanel);
+ test2();
+ // Add a handler to close the DialogBox
+ closeButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler()
+ {
+ public void onClick(ClickEvent event)
+ {
+ dialogBox.hide();
+ sendButton.setEnabled(true);
+ sendButton.setFocus(true);
+ }
+ });
+ // Create a handler for the sendButton and nameField
+ class MyHandler implements ClickHandler, KeyUpHandler
+ {
+ /**
+ * Fired when the user clicks on the sendButton.
+ */
+ public void onClick(ClickEvent event)
+ {
+ sendNameToServer();
+ MatingEngineImpl_XY xy = new MatingEngineImpl_XY();
+ ModelImpl impl = new ModelImpl();
+ GenomeImpl genome = new GenomeImpl();
+ ChromosomeImpl c = new ChromosomeImpl("name", genome);
+ GeneImpl g = new GeneImpl("test", 2, c);
+ impl.setGenome(genome);
+ System.out.println(impl);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fired when the user types in the nameField.
+ */
+ public void onKeyUp(KeyUpEvent event)
+ {
+ if (event.getNativeKeyCode() == KeyCodes.KEY_ENTER)
+ {
+ sendNameToServer();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Send the name from the nameField to the server and wait for a response.
+ */
+ private void sendNameToServer()
+ {
+ // First, we validate the input.
+ errorLabel.setText("");
+ String textToServer = nameField.getText();
+ if (!FieldVerifier.isValidName(textToServer))
+ {
+ errorLabel.setText("Please enter at least four characters");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Then, we send the input to the server.
+ sendButton.setEnabled(false);
+ textToServerLabel.setText(textToServer);
+ serverResponseLabel.setText("");
+ }
+ }
+ // Add a handler to send the name to the server
+ MyHandler handler = new MyHandler();
+ sendButton.addClickHandler(handler);
+ nameField.addKeyUpHandler(handler);
+ }
diff --git a/src/star/genetics/client/messages.properties b/src/star/genetics/client/messages.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c929123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/star/genetics/client/messages.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
+About.1=About StarGenetics
+AboutBox.1=Web site: http://web.mit.edu/star/genetics/
+AboutBox.3=Report bugs to: star@mit.edu
+AboutBox.4=Java version:
+AboutBox.6=\ from
+AboutBox.8=OS version:
+Add.1=Add to strains
+AddMoreMatingsDialog.7=Value {0} is not valid, valid value is {1}
+AssociateExtension.3=Associate with sgz and sg1 extensions
+ChooseExperiment.0=Choose experimental setup
+ChooseExperiment.10=For mating & replica plating experiments involving tetrads
+ChooseExperiment.5=For mating & replica plating experiments NOT involving tetrads
+Crate.10=center, growx,growy
+Crate.8=Trait Summary
+Crate.9=DNA Marker Summary
+CreatureImpl.0=Creature "{0}" organizm "{1}" genetic makeup is {2} sterile {3} matings {4}
+DiploidAllelesImpl.0=There has to be 1 or 2 alleles to construct diploid set.
+DiscardCrate.1=Discard this experiment and start new experiment
+DiscardCrate.2=Are you sure you want to discard this experiment?
+DiscardCrate.3=Discard experiment
+DiscardExperiment.1=Discard this experiment and start new experiment
+DiscardExperiment.2=Discard this experiment
+DiscardExperiment.3=Discard Experiment {0}
+DiscardExperiment.4=Are you sure you want to discard experiment {0}?
+DiscardExperiment.6=Don't ask me again
+ErrorDialogHandler.0=Exception occured
+ErrorDialogHandler.3= The system reported an issue that is likely related to issue with reading downloaded file or opening URL. If issue persists after re-downloading the file please consider reporting it to the development team.
System reported following message: {0}
We would appreciate if you would report this issue to development team. Would you like to report this to developers?
+ErrorDialogHandler.4={0} We would appreciate if you would report this issue to development team. Would you like to report this to developers?
+Experiment.0=Active Experiment
+Experiment.1=Please enter new experiment name
+Experiment.2=Rename experiment
+Export.0=Save report as Excel workbook
+Export.2=Excel export file
+ExportAsSGZ.0=SGZ Encryptor
XLS->SGZ encoder
Please select the Excel file (XLS) that you wish to encrypt.
+ExportAsSGZ.10=File not found.
+ExportAsSGZ.11=Excel file is not valid, try opening file and test it before attempting to encrypt it.
+ExportAsSGZ.2=XLS to SGZ encoder
+ExportAsSGZ.4=Select XLS file to encrypt
+ExportAsSGZ.6=StarGenetics Excel Template (.xls)
+ExportAsSGZ.9=The file {0} has been encrypted as {1}. You will find it in the same directory as your XLS file, with a SGZ extension instead.
+ExportAsSGZMulti.0=SGZ Encryptor - Multiple Problems
+Feedback.0=Send suggestions
+FileList.10=Creature names:
+FileList.14=Parse: Failed
+FileList.18=Add file
+FileList.19=Export as SGZ
+FileList.2=Path: {0}
+FileList.22=SGZ file
+FileList.26=The file {0} has been created.
+FileList.31=StarGenetics File Types (.xls)
+FileList.32=File {0} is already in the list.
+FileList.4=Remove from list
+FileList.6=Parse: OK
+FileList.8=Sex type: {0}
+GelFilter.0=Choose DNA markers to be displayed:
+GelFilter.1=No gels selected
+GelFilter.4=Change selection
+GelFilter.5=Pick DNA markers to display
+GelFilter.7=Display None
+GelVisual.5=\ \ Exp
+GettingStarted.0=Getting Started
+GettingStarted.2=Getting Started
+GroupBy.23=Phenotype description:
+GroupBy.4={0} ({1}%)
+GroupByGel.4={0} ({1}%)
+GroupByGel.6=Phenotype description:
+Helper.0=Invalid value: {0} as part of {1}
+Helper.10=Save document?
+Helper.14=File {0} does not exist.
+Helper.16=File {0} is not readable.
+Helper.18=Invalid URI {0}, can not open.
+Helper.20=Invalid URI, can not open file.
+Helper.5=Invalid value, must contain at least one '=' sign
+Helper.9=You have unsaved changes. Would you like to save your experiment? Select 'Yes' to save your changes. Select 'No' to continue.
+HideCrate.1=Are you sure you want to discard this experiment?
+HideCrate.2=Discard experiment
+History.0=Saved experiments
+History.1=Open in new window
+History.3=Unknown experiment type: {0}
+History.6=Unknown experiment type: {0}
+Main.1=You have unsaved changes, do you want to quit?
+Main.2=Do you want to quit?
Welcome to StarGenetics
To get started:
- Click on File->New to select an exercise file from our list.
- Click on File->Open to select your own StarGenetics .xls or .sgz file.
+MainPanel.10=We encountered error opening a StarGenetics document.
+MainPanel.9=Unsupported visualizer class, supported classes: {0}
+Mate.2=Add more matings
+Mate.3=How many more matings would you like to perform?
+Mate.4=Add more matings
+Mate.5=Please wait...
Please wait...
+MatingEngineImpl_Common.3=All progenies are dead\!
+MatingEngineImpl_Common.4=Parents can not mate\!
+MatingEngineImpl_MAT.0=Mapping order should be in range 0-3
+MatingExperiment.0=Active Experiment
+MatingExperiment.1=Please enter new experiment name
+MatingExperiment.2=Rename experiment
+MatingPanel.1=Please wait, generating visuals for
+MatingPanel.2=Replica plates:
+MatingPanel.24=Clear counters
+MatingPanel.26= Mating site
+MatingPanel.28=Mating site
+MatingPanel.29=These two strains cannot mate.
+MatingPanel.3=Replica plates:
+MatingPanel.33= Tetrads
Display individual tetrads
+MatingPanel.36=Display summary
+MatingPanel.38=Tetrad type
+MatingPanel.41=Tetrad type
Tetrad type summary not applicable
+MatingPanel.52=Replica plating conditions
+MatingPanel.53=Replica plate
+MatingPanel.54=Experiment {0} is already available.\n
+MatingPanel.55=Plating conditions:
+MatingPanel.56= Plate on a lawn of:
+MatingPanel.59=  And replica plate on:
+MatingPanel.60=Replica plate
+MatingPanel.61=Trying to cross two organisms of same sex type. \n
+MatingPanel.63=This experiment is already available: lawn: {0}, media: {1}. \n
+ModelSaver.1=StarGenetics File Type (.sg1)
+ModelSaver.4=Are you sure you want to override file '{0}'?
+ModelSaver.5=File exists, override?
+ModelSaver.7=File is not saved, please try SAVE operation again
Drop strain here
+Save.2=StarGenetics File Type (.sg1)
+Save.5=Are you sure you want to override file "{0}"?
+Save.6=File exists, override?
+Save.8=File is not saved, please try SAVE operation again
+Screenshot.0=Save screenshot
+Screenshot.2=PNG file (.png)
+Screenshot.5=Please select oversapling factor\n1 - no oversampling,\n10 - good for poster publishing\n.5 - good for web publishing\n
+Screenshot.7=Please wait...
+Screenshot.8=Please wait, saving screenshot...
+Set.1=Set as parent
+SetAsParent.0=Set as a parent
+Sex.10=Unknown sex type
+Sex.2=All Y chromosomes have one gene on them, to be male all X chromosomes have to have one gene on them too. Organism: {0}
+Sex.4=All Y chromosomes have no genes on them, to be female all X chromosomes have to have two genes on them. Organism: {0}
+Sex.5=Inconsistent Y chromosomes. Organism: {0}
+Sex.7=All X chromosome's genes have to have one or two alleles on them. Organism: {0}
+Sex.8=X chromosome genes are missing. Organism: {0}
+Sex.9=All X chromosome's genes have to have one or two alleles on them. Organism: {0}
+SillyParentLabel.1=Drop here to mate.
+Sporulate.0=Mate & sporulate
+Sporulate.1=Mate and sporulate
+Sporulate.2=Add more tetrads
+Sporulate.3=How many more tetrads?
+Sporulate.4=Analyze more tetrads
+Sporulate.7=How many more tetrads?
+Sporulate.8=Analyze more tetrads
+VisualizerFactoryImpl.1=Unable to instantiate visualizer. ({0})
+InputOutput.1=Not specified
+InputOutput.13=\ (hidden)
+InputOutput.2=Filename is: {0} URL is: {1}
+InputOutput.8=Saved experiments
+InputOutput.9=Discarded experiments
+JGel.0=Marker summary
+LanguageSelector.0=Select language
+LanguageSelector.5=Would you like to restart the application in {0}?
+LanguageSelector.6=Confirm language change
+Load.0=Your code is: {0}.\nThis unique code for provided email address: {1}\nPlease write this information down.
+Load.17=XLS has to have following sheets: {0}, {1} and {2}.
+Load.18={0} sheet is missing columns, requried columns are: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}
+Load.19={0} sheet is missing columns, requried columns are: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}
+Load.22=Invalid data in row {0}, at least one of the columns has missing data.
+Load.25=Organism {0} in the Organisms for Mating tab is incorrectly coded for a sex-linked gene. If a gene is X-linked, then only one allele should be listed for a male (XY) organism.
+Load.27=Organism {0} in the Organisms for Mating tab is incorrectly coded for a sex-linked gene. If a gene is X-linked, then two alleles should be listed for a female (XX) organism.
+Load.28=Inconsistent Y chromosomes. Organism: {0}
+Load.29=Unknown sex type
+Load.32=Organism {1} in the Organisms for Mating tab is incorrectly coded for an autosomal-linked gene {0}. Two alleles should be listed for an autosomal gene.
+Load.33=Gene {0} in organism {1} listed in the "Organisms for Mating" tab has not been correctly defined in the "Genes & Alleles" tab.
+Load.34=Unknown sex type
+Load.36=There is not valid number of alleles in row {0} and column {1}: {2}
+Load.37=Duplicate gene name {0} on chromosome {2} in row {1}
+Load.38=Heading row is missing
+Load.39=Invalid data in row {0}, at least one of the columns has missing data.
+Load.46=File size is 0, please try to download it again. Or attach the file in an email to star@mit.edu.
+Load.52=Please type your MIT e-mail address so that a unique version of this exercise can be assigned to you:
+Load.53=StarGenetics exercise will not load unless you provide a value in previous dialog. Please try again.
+Load2.0=\ - no localized message
+Load2.10=Can not find heading row for "{0}" sheet.
+Load2.12=Invalid data in row {0}, at least one of the columns has missing data.
+Load2.14=Can not find {0}.
+Load2.15=Can not find heading row for "{0}" sheet.
+Load2.18=Can not find allele "{1}" for "{0}" sheet.
+Load2.20=Can not find heading row for {0} sheet.
+Load2.24=Invalid data in row {0}, at least one of the columns has missing data.
+Load2.25=Duplicate gene name {0} on chromosome {2} in row {1}
+Load2.26=Can not find heading row for {0} sheet.
+Load2.28=Invalid data in row {0}, at least one of the columns has missing data.
+NewExperiment.0=New experiment
+NewExperiment.1=Save this experiment and start new experiment
+NewReplicationExperiment.0=Non-tetrad experiment
+Open.4=StarGenetics File Types (.sg1, .xls, .sgz)
+Open.6=File not found:
+Options.1=Display options dialog...
+OrganismList.0=Organism already in the list.
+OrganismList.1=Are you sure you want to delete {0}?
+OrganismList.2=Confirm remove
+Parents.0=Mating site
+ParentsList.0=Would you like to replace {0} parent?
+ParentsList.1=Replace parent?
+ParentsList.2=If you want to mate different organisms, start new experiment or discard it.
+ParentsList.3=Are you sure you want to delete {0}?
+ParentsList.4=Confirm remove
ovum donor
sperm donor
+ParentsListUnisex.0=To start mating with new parents please click 'New experiment' or 'Discard experiment'
+ParentsListUnisex.1=If you want to mate different organisms, start new experiment or discard it.
+ParentsListUnisex.2=Are you sure you want to delete {0}?
+ParentsListUnisex.3=Confirm remove
+Properties.1=No organism selected
+PropertiesPanel.22=Please enter a new strain name
+PropertiesPanel.3=Rename strain
+PropertiesPanel.23=Please enter a new strain name
+PropertiesPanel.4=Rename creature
+PunnettSqaure.0=Punnett Square
+PunnettSquare.1=Genotype frequency:
+PunnettSquare.2=Parental Genotype 1:
+PunnettSquare.3=Parental Genotype 2:
+PunnettSquare.4=Monohybrid Punnett square table:
+PunnettSquareButton.0=Punnett Square
+PunnettSquareDialog.0=Punnett Square
+PunnettSquareModel2.0=Please select all 4 parental genotypes first. \n
+PunnettSquareModel4.0=Please select all 4 parental genotypes first. \n
+QuitDialog.3=Thank you for your participation\! A new web browser window will open.
+QuitDialog.4=Take Survey
+QuitDialog.7=Thank you for using StarGenetics
This survey will take less than 2 minutes to complete. Your input regarding this software will greatly improve its usability in the classroom.
+RecentDocuments.1=Recent documents
+RecentDocuments.11=Clear recent document list
+RecentDocuments.12=Unable to clear document list
+RecentDocuments.13=Failed to open
+Remove.1=Remove from strains
+RemoveOrganism.0=Remove from strains
+RenameCrate.1=Please enter new experiment name
+RenameCrate.2=Rename experiment
+RenameExperiment.1=Please enter new experiment name
+RenameExperiment.2=Rename experiment
+ReplicaExperimentAddAll.0=Add all strains
+ReplicaExperimentAddAll.1=Add all strains from strainbox to experiment
+ReplicaPanel.0=Replica plates:
+ReplicaPanel.1=Plating conditions:
+ReplicaPanel.12= Plate on a lawn of:
+ReplicaPanel.15=  And replica plate on:
+ReplicaPanel.16=Replica plate
+ReplicaPanel.17=Trying to cross two organisms of same sex type. \n
+ReplicaPanel.19=This experiment is already available, lawn: {0} media: {1}. \n
+ReplicaPanel.20=Strain is already in the list.
+ReplicationExperiment.0=Active Experiment
+RuleImpl.1=makeChromosomeRule failed for allele {0} in rule {1}
+RuleImpl.2=Can not determine chromosome for rule {0}.
+Tools.0=Suggestion box
+WebSamples.0=Reading {0}
+WebSamples.1=No connection to internet available. Can not open external URL.
+WebSamples.3=Welcome to StarGenetics
+WebSamples.5=Can not access samples, please use File->Open to load problems from local disk.
+YeastParentLabel.1=Drop here to mate.
+YeastProgenyLabel.10=Lawn grows, it shadows everything else...
+YeastProgenyLabel.21=\ -- Creature is null.
+YeastProgenyLabel.22=Lawn grows, it shadows everything else...
+NewMatingExperiment.0=Tetrad experiment
+CrateModelImpl.0=Exp. {0}
+Peas.plantheight=Plant height
+Peas.flowercolor=Flower color
+Peas.flowerpodposition=Flower pod position
+Peas.podcolor=Pod color
+Peas.podshape=Pod Shape
+Peas.peacolor=Pea color
+Peas.peashape=Pea shape
+Fly.bodycolor=Body color
+Fly.eyecolor=Eye color
+Fly.wingsize=Wing size
+Fly.wingvein=Wing vein
diff --git a/src/star/genetics/client/messages_en.properties b/src/star/genetics/client/messages_en.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9366b5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/star/genetics/client/messages_en.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+#Thu Aug 22 15:14:45 EDT 2013
+GroupBy.4={0} ({1}%)
+YeastParentLabel.1=Drop here to mate.
+ReplicationExperiment.0=Active Experiment
+ReplicaPanel.1=Plating conditions\:
+ReplicaPanel.0=Replica plates\:
+RecentDocuments.1=Recent documents
+AssociateExtension.3=Associate with sgz and sg1 extensions
+Sex.9=All X chromosome's genes have to have one or two alleles on them. Organism\: {0}
+Sex.8=Organism {0} in the Organisms for Mating tab is incorrectly coded for a sex-linked gene. If a gene is X-linked, then only one allele should be listed for a male (XY) organism and two alleles should be listed for a female (XX) organism.
+Peas.flowercolor=Flower color
+Load.0=Your code is\: {0}.\\nThis unique code for provided email address\: {1}\\nPlease write this information down.
+Sex.7=All X chromosome's genes have to have one or two alleles on them. Organism\: {0}
+Sex.5=Inconsistent Y chromosomes. Organism\: {0}
+Sex.4=Organism {0} in the Organisms for Mating tab is incorrectly coded for a sex-linked gene. If a gene is X-linked, then two alleles should be listed for a female (XX) organism.
+Sex.2=Organism {0} in the Organisms for Mating tab is incorrectly coded for a sex-linked gene. If a gene is X-linked, then only one allele should be listed for a male (XY) organism.
+Set.1=Set as parent
+Remove.1=Remove from strains
+Peas.flowerpodposition=Flower pod position
+WebSamples.5=Can not access samples, please use File->Open to load problems from local disk.
+WebSamples.3=Welcome to StarGenetics
+PunnettSquareModel4.0=Please select all 4 parental genotypes first. \\n
+WebSamples.1=No connection to internet available. Can not open external URL.
+WebSamples.0=Reading {0}
+Save.8=File is not saved, please try SAVE operation again
+Save.6=File exists, override?
+Save.5=Are you sure you want to override file "{0}"?
+VisualizerFactoryImpl.1=Unable to instantiate visualizer. ({0})
+Fly.wingvein=Wing vein
+Save.2=StarGenetics File Type (.sg1)
+DiscardExperiment.6=Don't ask me again
+DiscardExperiment.4=Are you sure you want to discard experiment {0}?
+DiscardExperiment.3=Discard Experiment {0}
+DiscardExperiment.2=Discard this experiment
+DiscardExperiment.1=Discard this experiment and start new experiment
+Helper.9=You have unsaved changes. Would you like to save your experiment? Select 'Yes' to save your changes. Select 'No' to continue.
+RenameCrate.2=Rename experiment
+RenameCrate.1=Please enter new experiment name
+Peas.peacolor=Pea color
+Export.2=Excel export file
+Helper.5=Invalid value, must contain at least one '\=' sign
+Export.0=Save report as Excel workbook
+Helper.0=Invalid value\: {0} as part of {1}
+Helper.20=Invalid URI, can not open file.
This survey will take less than 2 minutes to complete. Your input regarding this software will greatly improve its usability in the classroom.
+QuitDialog.7=Thank you for using StarGenetics
+QuitDialog.4=Take Survey
+QuitDialog.3=Thank you for your participation\\\! A new web browser window will open.
+Helper.18=Invalid URI {0}, can not open.
+HideCrate.2=Discard experiment
+Helper.16=File {0} is not readable.
+HideCrate.1=Are you sure you want to discard this experiment?
+Helper.14=File {0} does not exist.
+Helper.10=Save document?
+Add.1=Add to strains
+GroupBy.23=Phenotype description\:
+Crate.10=center, growx,growy
+MatingExperiment.2=Rename experiment
+MatingExperiment.1=Please enter new experiment name
+MatingExperiment.0=Active Experiment
+MatingEngineImpl_MAT.0=Mapping order should be in range 0-3
+RenameExperiment.2=Rename experiment
+RenameExperiment.1=Please enter new experiment name
+AddMoreMatingsDialog.7=Value {0} is not valid, valid value is {1}
+CreatureImpl.0=Creature "{0}" organizm "{1}" genetic makeup is {2} sterile {3} matings {4}
+OrganismList.2=Confirm remove
+ParentsListUnisex.3=Confirm remove
+OrganismList.1=Are you sure you want to delete {0}?
+History.6=Unknown experiment type\: {0}
+ParentsListUnisex.2=Are you sure you want to delete {0}?
+OrganismList.0=Organism already in the list.
+ParentsListUnisex.1=If you want to mate different organisms, start new experiment or discard it.
+ParentsListUnisex.0=To start mating with new parents please click 'New experiment' or 'Discard experiment'
+History.3=Unknown experiment type\: {0}
+History.1=Open in new window
+History.0=Saved experiments
+Experiment.2=Rename experiment
+Experiment.1=Please enter new experiment name
+Experiment.0=Active Experiment
+ExportAsSGZ.9=The file {0} has been encrypted as {1}. You will find it in the same directory as your XLS file, with a SGZ extension instead.
+ExportAsSGZ.6=StarGenetics Excel Template (.xls)
+ExportAsSGZ.4=Select XLS file to encrypt
+ExportAsSGZ.2=XLS to SGZ encoder
XLS->SGZ encoder
Please select the Excel file (XLS) that you wish to encrypt.
+ExportAsSGZ.0=SGZ Encryptor
+Fly.bodycolor=Body color
+SetAsParent.0=Set as a parent
+ParentsList.4=Confirm remove
+ParentsList.3=Are you sure you want to delete {0}?
+ParentsList.2=If you want to mate different organisms, start new experiment or discard it.
+ParentsList.1=Replace parent?
+ParentsList.0=Would you like to replace {0} parent?
+MatingPanel.63=This experiment is already available\: lawn\: {0}, media\: {1}. \\n
+GroupByGel.6=Phenotype description\:
+MatingPanel.61=Trying to cross two organisms of same sex type. \\n
+MatingPanel.60=Replica plate
+GroupByGel.4={0} ({1}%)
+ReplicaPanel.20=Strain is already in the list.
+ErrorDialogHandler.4={0} We would appreciate if you would report this issue to development team. Would you like to report this to developers?
Drop strain here
+Peas.podshape=Pod Shape
+ErrorDialogHandler.3= The system reported an issue that is likely related to issue with reading downloaded file or opening URL. If issue persists after re-downloading the file please consider reporting it to the development team.
System reported following message\: {0}
We would appreciate if you would report this issue to development team. Would you like to report this to developers?
+ErrorDialogHandler.0=Exception occured
+LanguageSelector.6=Confirm language change
+Feedback.0=Send suggestions
+LanguageSelector.5=Would you like to restart the application in {0}?
Monohybrid sex-linked Punnett Square
+PunnettSquare3.4=Monohybrid sex-linked Punnett square table\:
+PunnettSquare3.3=Parental Genotype 2\:
+PunnettSquare3.2=Parental Genotype 1\:
+LanguageSelector.0=Select language
+PunnettSquare3.1=Genotype frequency\:
+MatingPanel.59=  And replica plate on\:
+MatingPanel.56= Plate on a lawn of\:
+ReplicaPanel.19=This experiment is already available, lawn\: {0} media\: {1}. \\n
+MatingPanel.55=Plating conditions\:
+MatingPanel.54=Experiment {0} is already available.\\n
+ReplicaPanel.17=Trying to cross two organisms of same sex type. \\n
+MatingPanel.53=Replica plate
+ReplicaPanel.16=Replica plate
+MatingPanel.52=Replica plating conditions
+ReplicaPanel.15=  And replica plate on\:
+ReplicaPanel.12= Plate on a lawn of\:
+Load.53=StarGenetics exercise will not load unless you provide a value in previous dialog. Please try again.
+Load.52=Please type your MIT e-mail address so that a unique version of this exercise can be assigned to you\:
+Properties.1=No organism selected
+RemoveOrganism.0=Remove from strains
Tetrad type summary not applicable
+MatingPanel.41=Tetrad type
+YeastProgenyLabel.22=Lawn grows, it shadows everything else...
+YeastProgenyLabel.21=\\ -- Creature is null.
+PropertiesPanel.4=Rename creature
+PropertiesPanel.3=Rename strain
+Load.46=File size is 0, please try to download it again. Or attach the file in an email to star@mit.edu.
+GelVisual.5=\\ \\ Exp
+InputOutput.13=\\ (hidden)
+MatingPanel.38=Tetrad type
+MatingPanel.36=Display summary
Display individual tetrads
+FileList.32=File {0} is already in the list.
+MatingPanel.33= Tetrads
+FileList.31=StarGenetics File Types (.xls)
+YeastProgenyLabel.10=Lawn grows, it shadows everything else...
+Load.39=Invalid data in row {0}, at least one of the columns has missing data.
+Load.38=Heading row is missing
+Load.37=Duplicate gene name {0} on chromosome {2} in row {1}
+Load.36=There is not valid number of alleles in row {0} and column {1}\: {2}
+Load.34=Unknown sex type
+Load.33=Gene {0} ({1}) listed in the "Organisms for Mating" tab has not been correctly defined in the "Genes & Alleles" tab.
+Load.32=Organism {1} in the Organisms for Mating tab is incorrectly coded for an autosomal-linked gene {0}. Two alleles should be listed for an autosomal gene.
+Peas.plantheight=Plant height
+Fly.eyecolor=Eye color
+DiploidAllelesImpl.0=There has to be 1 or 2 alleles to construct diploid set.
+MatingPanel.29=These two strains cannot mate.
+MatingPanel.28=Mating site
+FileList.26=The file {0} has been created.
+MatingPanel.26= Mating site
+MatingPanel.24=Clear counters
+FileList.22=SGZ file
+Tools.0=Suggestion box
+Load.29=Unknown sex type
+Load.28=Inconsistent Y chromosomes. Organism\: {0}
+Load.27=Organism {0} in the Organisms for Mating tab is incorrectly coded for a sex-linked gene. If a gene is X-linked, then two alleles should be listed for a female (XX) organism.
+SillyParentLabel.1=Drop here to mate.
+MainPanel.10=We encountered error opening a StarGenetics document.
+ExportAsSGZ.11=Excel file is not valid, try opening file and test it before attempting to encrypt it.
+Load.25=Organism {0} in the Organisms for Mating tab is incorrectly coded for a sex-linked gene. If a gene is X-linked, then only one allele should be listed for a male (XY) organism.
+ExportAsSGZ.10=File not found.
+Load.22=Invalid data in row {0}, at least one of the columns has missing data.
+FileList.19=Export as SGZ
+FileList.18=Add file
ovum donor
+GettingStarted.2=Getting Started
+PunnettSquareModel2.0=Please select all 4 parental genotypes first. \\n
+FileList.10=Creature names\:
+GettingStarted.0=Getting Started
+Load.19={0} sheet is missing columns, required columns are\: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}
+Load.18={0} sheet is missing columns, required columns are\: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}
+Load.17=XLS has to have following sheets\: {0}, {1} and {2}.
+NewReplicationExperiment.0=Non-tetrad experiment
+Main.2=Do you want to quit?
+Main.1=You have unsaved changes, do you want to quit?
+RuleImpl.2=Can not determine chromosome for rule {0}.
+RuleImpl.1=makeChromosomeRule failed for allele {0} in rule {1}
Please wait...
+Mate.5=Please wait...
+Mate.4=Add more matings
+Mate.3=How many more matings would you like to perform?
+Mate.2=Add more matings
+RecentDocuments.13=Failed to open
+RecentDocuments.12=Unable to clear document list
+RecentDocuments.11=Clear recent document list
+Open.6=File not found\:
+ModelSaver.7=File is not saved, please try SAVE operation again
+Open.4=StarGenetics File Types (.sg1, .xls, .sgz)
+ModelSaver.5=File exists, override?
+ModelSaver.4=Are you sure you want to override file '{0}'?
+ModelSaver.1=StarGenetics File Type (.sg1)
Dihybrid Punnett Square
+PunnettSquare2.4=Dihybrid Punnett square table\:
+PunnettSquare2.3=Parental Genotype 2\:
+PunnettSquare2.2=Parental Genotype 1\:
+PunnettSquare2.1=Genotype frequency\:
+Peas.peashape=Pea shape
+PunnettSquareButton.0=Punnett Square
+Crate.9=DNA Marker Summary
+Crate.8=Trait Summary
+ExportAsSGZMulti.0=SGZ Encryptor - Multiple Problems
+DiscardCrate.3=Discard experiment
+DiscardCrate.2=Are you sure you want to discard this experiment?
+DiscardCrate.1=Discard this experiment and start new experiment
+JGel.0=Marker summary
+NewExperiment.1=Save this experiment and start new experiment
+Load2.0=\\ - no localized message
+NewExperiment.0=New experiment
Monohybrid Punnett Square
+PunnettSquare.4=Monohybrid Punnett square table\:
+PunnettSquare.3=Parental Genotype 2\:
+PunnettSquare.2=Parental Genotype 1\:
+PunnettSquare.1=Genotype frequency\:
+NewMatingExperiment.0=Tetrad experiment
+AboutBox.8=OS version\:
+Load2.28=Invalid data in row {0}, at least one of the columns has missing data.
+AboutBox.6=\\ from
+Load2.26=Can not find heading row for {0} sheet.
+AboutBox.4=Java version\:
+Load2.25=Duplicate gene name {0} on chromosome {2} in row {1}
+AboutBox.3=Report bugs to\: star@mit.edu
+Load2.24=Invalid data in row {0}, at least one of the columns has missing data.
+FileList.8=Sex type\: {0}
+AboutBox.1=Web site\: http\://star.mit.edu/genetics/
+FileList.6=Parse\: OK
+Load2.20=Can not find heading row for {0} sheet.
+FileList.4=Remove from list
+FileList.2=Path\: {0}
+PunnettSquareDialog.0=Punnett Square
+GelFilter.7=Display None
+GelFilter.5=Pick DNA markers to display
+GelFilter.4=Change selection
+Load2.18=Can not find allele "{1}" for "{0}" sheet.
+GelFilter.1=No gels selected
+GelFilter.0=Choose DNA markers to be displayed\:
+InputOutput.9=Discarded experiments
+InputOutput.8=Saved experiments
+Load2.15=Can not find heading row for "{0}" sheet.
+Load2.14=Can not find {0}.
+Load2.12=Invalid data in row {0}, at least one of the columns has missing data.
+Load2.10=Can not find heading row for "{0}" sheet.
+InputOutput.2=Filename is\: {0} URL is\: {1}
+InputOutput.1=Not specified
+Parents.0=Mating site
+Options.1=Display options dialog...
+Sporulate.8=Analyze more tetrads
+Sporulate.7=How many more tetrads?
+Sporulate.4=Analyze more tetrads
+Sporulate.3=How many more tetrads?
+Sporulate.2=Add more tetrads
+ReplicaExperimentAddAll.1=Add all strains from strainbox to experiment
+PropertiesPanel.23=Please enter a new strain name
+Sporulate.1=Mate and sporulate
+ReplicaExperimentAddAll.0=Add all strains
+PropertiesPanel.22=Please enter a new strain name
+Sporulate.0=Mate & sporulate
+MatingPanel.3=Replica plates\:
+MatingPanel.2=Replica plates\:
+MatingPanel.1=Please wait, generating visuals for
+Peas.podcolor=Pod color
+About.1=About StarGenetics
+PunnettSqaure.0=Punnett Square
+ChooseExperiment.5=For mating & replica plating experiments NOT involving tetrads
+ChooseExperiment.0=Choose experimental setup
+CrateModelImpl.0=Exp. {0}
+Sex.10=Unknown sex type
+Fly.wingsize=Wing size
+MatingEngineImpl_Common.4=Parents can not mate\\\!
+MatingEngineImpl_Common.3=All progenies are dead\\\!
+MainPanel.9=Unsupported visualizer class, supported classes\: {0}
+ChooseExperiment.10=For mating & replica plating experiments involving tetrads
+Screenshot.8=Please wait, saving screenshot...
+Screenshot.7=Please wait...
+Screenshot.5=Please select oversapling factor\\n1 - no oversampling,\\n10 - good for poster publishing\\n.5 - good for web publishing\\n
Welcome to StarGenetics
To get started\:
- Click on File->New to select an exercise file from our list.
- Click on File->Open to select your own StarGenetics .xls or .sgz file.
+Screenshot.2=PNG file (.png)
+Screenshot.0=Save screenshot
diff --git a/src/star/genetics/client/messages_ht.properties b/src/star/genetics/client/messages_ht.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ac4609
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/star/genetics/client/messages_ht.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+#Thu Aug 22 15:14:42 EDT 2013
+GroupBy.4={0} ({1}%)
+YeastParentLabel.1=Mete la pou f\u00E8 kwazman
+ReplicationExperiment.0=Esperimantasyon w ap f\u00E8 kounyea
+ReplicaPanel.1=Kondisyon plakaj\:
+ReplicaPanel.0=Plak pou replik\:
+RecentDocuments.1=Dokiman resan
+RecentDocuments.0=Dokiman resan
+AssociateExtension.3=Asosye ak ekstansyon sgz epi sg1
+Sex.9=Tout j\u00E8n kwomoz\u00F2m X dwe gen 1 ou 2 al\u00E8l sou yo. \u00D2ganis\: {0}
+Sex.8=\u00D2ganis {0} anba etik\u00E8t "\u00D2ganis ki pou kwaze" resevwa yon move kod pou yon j\u00E8n ki lye ak s\u00E8ks. Si yon j\u00E8n gen yon lyezon-X, f\u00F2k se yon grenn al\u00E8l ki afiche pou yon \u00F2ganis ki mal (XY) e f\u00F2k se 2 al\u00E8l ki afiche pou yon \u00F2ganis ki fem\u00E8l (XX)
+Peas.flowercolor=Koul\u00E8 fl\u00E8
+Load.0=K\u00F2d ou se\: {0}.\\nSa se yon k\u00F2d inik pou adr\u00E8s imel ou bay la\: {1}\\nSouple ekri enf\u00F2masyon sa a.
+Sex.7=Tout j\u00E8n ki sou kwomoz\u00F2m X yo dwe gen 1 ou 2 al\u00E8l. \u00D2ganis\: {0}
+Sex.5=Kwomoz\u00F2m Y yo pa konsistan. \u00D2ganis\: {0}
+Sex.4=\u00D2ganis {0} anba etik\u00E8t "\u00D2ganis ki pou kwaze" resevwa yon move kod pou yon j\u00E8n ki lye ak s\u00E8ks. Si yon j\u00E8n gen yon lyezon-X, f\u00F2k se 2 al\u00E8l ki afiche pou yon \u00F2ganis ki fem\u00E8l (XX)
+Sex.2=\u00D2ganis {0} anba etik\u00E8t "\u00D2ganis ki pral kwaze" resevwa yon move kod pou yon j\u00E8n ki lye ak s\u00E8ks. Si yon j\u00E8n gen yon lyezon-X, f\u00F2k se yon grenn al\u00E8l ki afiche pou yon \u00F2ganis ki mal (XY)
+Set.1=Defini k\u00F2m paran
+Remove.1=Retire nan souch yo
+Peas.flowerpodposition=Pozisyon fl\u00E8 ak gous
+WebSamples.5=Pa kapab jwenn echantiyon, tanpri s\u00E8vi ak Fichye Ouvri (File>Open) pou telechaje egz\u00E8sis ki nan disk lokal la.
+WebSamples.3=StarGenetics ap di w "On\u00E8\!"
+PunnettSquareModel4.0=Tanpri, chwazi tou l\u00E8 4 jenotip paran yo dab\u00F2, \\n
+WebSamples.1=Pa gen koneksyon ent\u00E8n\u00E8t disponib. Pa ka ouvri sit ekst\u00E8n (URL)
+WebSamples.0=Lekti {0}
+Save.8=Fichye a pa Kons\u00E8ve, eseye operasyon Kons\u00E8ve a ank\u00F2
+Save.6=Fichye a deja egziste. \u00C8ske ou s\u00E8ten ou vle ranplase l?
+Save.5=\u00C8ske ou s\u00E8ten ou vle ranplase fichye '{0}'?
+VisualizerFactoryImpl.1=Tip vizyaliz\u00E8 ki afiche anba etik\u00E8t "Kote kwazman yo ap f\u00E8t" pa k\u00F2r\u00E8k ({0})
+Fly.wingvein=Venn z\u00E8l
+Save.2=Tip fichye pou StarGenetics (.sg1)
+DiscardExperiment.9=Pa elimine
+DiscardExperiment.6=Pa mande m ank\u00F2
+DiscardExperiment.4=Eske ou s\u00E8ten ou vle elimine esperimantasyon an {0}?
+DiscardExperiment.3=Elimine esperimantasyon an {0}
+DiscardExperiment.2=Elimine esperimantasyon sa a
+DiscardExperiment.1=Elimine esperimantasyon sa a epi k\u00F2manse yon l\u00F2t
+Helper.9=Ou gen chanjman ki poko kons\u00E8ve. \u00C8ske ou vle Kons\u00E8ve esperimantasyon an? Chwazi 'Wi' pou Kons\u00E8ve chanjman yo. Chwazi 'Non' pou kontinye.
+RenameCrate.2=Bay esperimantasyon an yon l\u00F2t non
+RenameCrate.1=Tanri, bay esperimantasyon yon l\u00F2t non
+Peas.peacolor=Koul\u00E8 pwa
+Export.2=Eksp\u00F2te fichye Excel
+RenameCrate.0=Bay yon l\u00F2t non
+Helper.5=done an pa valid, f\u00F2 gen omwen yon siy '\='
+Export.0=Kons\u00E8ve rap\u00F2 a nan yon fichye Excel
+Helper.0=Done a pa valid\: {0} ki se yon pati nan {1}
+Helper.20=Adr\u00E8s URI pa valid, fichye a pa ka ouvri.
Echikye Punnett di-ibrid ki asosye ak s\u00E8ks
+PunnettSquare4.4=Echikye Punnett di-ibrid ki asosye ak s\u00E8ks
+PunnettSquare4.3=Jenotip paran 2\:
+PunnettSquare4.2=Jenotip paran 1\:
+PunnettSquare4.1=Frekans Jenotip\:
Ank\u00E8t sa a ap pran mwens pase 2 minit pou konplete l. K\u00F2mant\u00E8 w sou lojisy\u00E8l sa a ap ede anpil pou amelyore li.
+QuitDialog.7=M\u00E8si pout\u00E8t ou s\u00E8vi ak StarGenetics
+Fly.matings=Kwazman yo
+QuitDialog.4=Reponn kesyon\u00E8
+QuitDialog.3=M\u00E8si pou patisipasyon w\\\! Yon nouvo navigat\u00E8 web pral ouvri.
+Helper.18=Adr\u00E8s URI {0} pa valid, li pa ka ouvri.
+QuitDialog.2=Pa kite sa
+HideCrate.2=Elimine esperimantasyon an
+QuitDialog.1=Kite sa
+Helper.16=Fichye {0} a pa lizib.
+HideCrate.1=\u00C8ske ou s\u00E8ten ou vle elimine esperimantasyon sa a?
+Helper.14=Fichye {0} pa egziste.
+Helper.10=Kons\u00E8ve fichye?
+Add.1=Ajoute sou souch
+Fly.aristae=Long\u00E8 ant\u00E8n
+GroupBy.23=Deskripsyon fenotip
+Crate.10=mitan, agrandi x, agrandi y
+MatingExperiment.2=Bay esperimantasyon an yon l\u00F2t non
+MatingExperiment.1=Tanpri, bay esperimantasyon an yon l\u00F2t non
+MatingExperiment.0=Esperimantasyon w ap f\u00E8 kounyea
+MatingEngineImpl_MAT.0=Mapping order should be in range 0-3
+RenameExperiment.2=Tanpri, bay esperimantasyon an yon l\u00F2t non
+RenameExperiment.1=Tanpri, bay esperimantasyon an yon l\u00F2t non.
+AddMoreMatingsDialog.7={0} a pa valab; se {1} ki valab
+RenameExperiment.0=Bay yon l\u00F2t non
+CreatureImpl.0=\u00D2ganis "{0}" \u00D2ganis "{1}" jenotip {2} steril {3} kwazman {4}
+OrganismList.2=Konfime ou vle elimine
+ParentsListUnisex.3=Konfime ou vle elimine
+OrganismList.1=\u00C8ske ou s\u00E8ten ou vle efase {0}?
+History.6=Tip esperimantasyon nou pa konnen\: {0}
+ParentsListUnisex.2=\u00C8ske ou s\u00E8ten ou vle efase {0}?
+OrganismList.0=\u00D2ganis la deja nan lis la.
+ParentsListUnisex.1=Si ou vle kwaze diferan \u00F2ganis, k\u00F2manse yon nouvo esperimantasyon oubyen efase l.
+ParentsListUnisex.0=Pou k\u00F2manse kwaze diferan paran, klike sou "Nouvo esperimantasyon" oubyen "Elimine esperimantasyon".
+History.3=Tip esperimantasyon nou pa konnen\: {0}
+History.1=Ouvri nan yon l\u00F2t fen\u00E8t
+History.0=Kons\u00E8ve esperimantasyon an
+Experiment.2=Bay esperimantasyon an yon l\u00F2t non
+Experiment.1=Tanpri, bay esperimantasyon an yon l\u00F2t non
+Experiment.0=Esperimantasyon w ap f\u00E8 kounyea
+ExportAsSGZ.9=Fichye {0} kripte nan nouvo fichye {1}. W ap jwenn li nan menm dosye kote fichye XLS ou a ye. Men, l ap gen ekstansyon SGZ.
+ExportAsSGZ.6=Eskelt\u00E8t fichye Excel (.xls) pou StarGenetics
+ExportAsSGZ.4=Chwazi ki fichye XLS ou pral kripte
+ExportAsSGZ.2=Kodaj XLS a SGZ
Kodaj XLS->SGZ
Tanpri chwazi fichye Excel (XLS) ou vle kripte a.
+Screenshot.10=Foto ekran an
+ExportAsSGZ.0=Kript\u00E8 SGZ
+Fly.bodycolor=Koul\u00E8 k\u00F2
+SetAsParent.0=Defini k\u00F2m yon paran
+ParentsList.4=Konfime ou vle elimine
+ParentsList.3=\u00C8ske ou s\u00E8ten ou vle efase {0}?
+ParentsList.2=Si ou vle kwaze diferan \u00F2ganis, k\u00F2manse yon nouvo esperimantasyon oubyen elimine l.
+ParentsList.1=Ranplase yon paran?
+ParentsList.0=\u00C8ske ou vle chanje youn nan paran {0} yo?
+MatingPanel.63=Esperimantasyon sa a deja disponib\: kouch\: {0}, sip\u00F2 kilti\: {1}. \\n
+GroupByGel.6=Deskripsyon fenotip
+MatingPanel.61=N ap eseye kwaze 2 \u00F2ganis ki gen menm s\u00E8ks. \\n
+MatingPanel.60=Plak pou replik
+GroupByGel.4={0} ({1}%)
+ReplicaPanel.20=Souch sa a nan lis la deja
+ErrorDialogHandler.4={0} Tanpri, voye yon rap\u00F2 sou pwobl\u00E8m sa a bay pwogram\u00E8 yo. \u00C8ske ou ta renmen voye yon rap\u00F2 sou pwobl\u00E8m sa a bay pwogram\u00E8 yo ?
Depoze souch la la a
+Peas.podshape=F\u00F2m gous
+ErrorDialogHandler.3= Lojsy\u00E8l la rap\u00F2te yon pwobl\u00E8m ki an rap\u00F2 ak fichye ki telechaje a oswa ak adr\u00E8s URL yon sit ent\u00E8n\u00E8t ki pa ka ouvri. Si pwobl\u00E8m sa a kontinye apre ou telechaje fichye sa a ank\u00F2, ou ta dwe enf\u00F2me pwogram\u00E8 yo.
Lojisy\u00E8l la rap\u00F2te pwobl\u00E8m sa a\: {0}
Tanpri, voye yon rap\u00F2 soupwobl\u00E8m sa a bay pwogram\u00E8 yo. \u00C8ske ou ta renmen voye yon rap\u00F2 sou pwobl\u00E8m sa a bay pwogram\u00E8 yo ?
+ErrorDialogHandler.0=Gen yon er\u00E8 ki f\u00E8t
+LanguageSelector.6=Konfime chanjman lang
+Feedback.0=Voye di nou sa w panse
+LanguageSelector.5=\u00C8ske ou vle re-demare lojisy\u00E8l la an {0}?
Echikye Punnett mono-ibrid pou yon j\u00E8n ki lye ak s\u00E8ks.
+PunnettSquare3.4=Echikye Punnett mono-ibrid pou yon j\u00E8n ki lye ak s\u00E8ks\:
+PunnettSquare3.3=Jenotip paran 2\:
+PunnettSquare3.2=Jenotip paran 1\:
+LanguageSelector.0=Chwazi ki lang
+PunnettSquare3.1=Frekans jenotip\:
+MatingPanel.59=  Epi plak pou replik sou\:
+MatingPanel.56= Plak sou kouch\:
+ReplicaPanel.19=Esperimantasyon sa a deja disponib, kouch {0} sip\u00F2 kilti\: {1}. \\n
+MatingPanel.55=Kondisyon plakaj\:
+MatingPanel.54=Esperimantasyon {0} sa a deja disponib.\\n
+ReplicaPanel.17=N ap eseye kwaze 2 \u00F2ganis ki gen menm tip s\u00E8ksy\u00E8l. \\n
+MatingPanel.53=Plak pou replik
+ReplicaPanel.16=Plak pou replik
+MatingPanel.52=Plak pou replik Kondisyon
Sip\u00F2 kilti ("medya")
+ReplicaPanel.15=  Epi plak pou replik sou\:
+ReplicaPanel.12= Plak sou kouch\:
+Load.53=Egz\u00E8sis StarGenetics la a p ap mache si ou pa mete enf\u00F2masyon nou f\u00E8k mande w la. Tanpri, eseye ank\u00F2.
+Load.52=Tanpri, tape adr\u00E8s imel ou pou nou ka prepare yon v\u00E8syon egz\u00E8sis sa a espesyalman pou wou.
+Properties.1=Pa gen \u00F2ganis ki chwazi
+RemoveOrganism.0=Retire nan souch yo
Rezime sou tip tetrad pa aplikab
+MatingPanel.41=Tip tetrad
+YeastProgenyLabel.22=Kouch la t\u00E8lman pouse, li kouvri tout l\u00F2t bagay
+YeastProgenyLabel.21=\\ -- \u00F2ganis la nil.
+PropertiesPanel.4=Bay \u00F2ganis la yon l\u00F2t non
+PropertiesPanel.3=Bay souch la yon l\u00F2t non
+Load.46=Gwos\u00E8 fichye a se 0, eseye telechaje l ank\u00F2. Oubyen tache fichye nan yon imel pou voye l bay star@mit.edu.
+GelVisual.5=\\ \\ Esperim.
+InputOutput.13=\\ (kache)
+MatingPanel.38=tip tetrad
+MatingPanel.36=Afiche rezime
Afiche tetrad endividy\u00E8l
+FileList.32=Fichye {0} a nan lis la deja
+MatingPanel.33= Tetrad
+FileList.31=Tip fichye StarGenetics (.xls)
+YeastProgenyLabel.10=Kouch la t\u00E8lman pouse, li kouvri tout l\u00F2t bagay
+Load.39=Gen done ki pa valid nan ranje {0}. Gen omwen youn nan kol\u00F2n yo ki manke done.
+Load.38=Ranje anl\u00E8 n\u00E8t la (ki pou gen tit kol\u00F2n yo) pa la
+Load.37=Non {0} j\u00E8n ki double sou kwomoz\u00F2m {2} nan ranje {1}
+Load.36=Kantite al\u00E8l yo pa valid nan ranje {0} epi kol\u00F2n {1}\: {2}
+Load.34=Nou pa konnen tip seksy\u00E8l sa a
+Load.33=J\u00E8n {0} ({1}) ki anba etik\u00E8t "\u00D2ganis ki pou kwaze" pa te resevwa yon bon definisyon nan etik\u00E8t "J\u00E8n & al\u00E8l"
+Load.32=\u00D2ganis {1} anba etik\u00E8t "\u00D2ganis ki pou kwaze" resevwa yon move kod pou yon j\u00E8n ki otomal {0}. Yon j\u00E8n ki otosomal dwe gen 2 al\u00E8l.
+Peas.plantheight=Wot\u00E8 plant
+Fly.eyecolor=Koul\u00E8 zye
+DiploidAllelesImpl.0=F\u00F2k gen 1 ou 2 al\u00E8l pou konstwi ansanm diployid
+MatingPanel.29=2 souch sa yo pa ka kwaze
+MatingPanel.28=Sit kwazman
+FileList.26=Fichye {0} has been created.
+MatingPanel.26= Sit kwazman
+MatingPanel.24=Mete kont\u00E8 yo sou 0
+FileList.22=fichye SGZ
+Tools.0=Bwat pou k\u00F2mant\u00E8
+Load.29=Nou pa konnen tip seksy\u00E8l sa a
+Load.28=Kwomoz\u00F2m Y yo pa konsistan. \u00D2ganis\: {0}
+Load.27=\u00D2ganis {0} anba etik\u00E8t "\u00D2ganis ki pou kwaze" resevwa yon move kod pou yon j\u00E8n ki lye ak s\u00E8ks. Si yon j\u00E8n gen yon lyezon-X, f\u00F2k se 2 al\u00E8l ki afiche pou yon \u00F2ganis ki fem\u00E8l (XX)
+SillyParentLabel.1=Depoze la a pou f\u00E8 kwazman.
+MainPanel.10=Gen er\u00E8 ki par\u00E8t l\u00E8 n ap ouvri yon dokiman StarGenetics.
+ExportAsSGZ.11=Fichye Excel la pa valid, eseye ouvri l epi teste l anvan ou eseye kripte li.
+Load.25=\u00D2ganis {0} anba etik\u00E8t "\u00D2ganis ki pral kwaze" resevwa yon move kod pou yon j\u00E8n ki lye ak s\u00E8ks. Si yon j\u00E8n gen yon lyezon-X, f\u00F2k se yon grenn al\u00E8l ki afiche pou yon \u00F2ganis ki mal (XY)
+ExportAsSGZ.10=Pa jwenn fichye
+Load.22=Gen done ki pa valid nan ranje {0}. Gen omwen youn nan kol\u00F2n yo ki manke done.
+FileList.19=Eksp\u00F2te k\u00F2m SGZ
+FileList.18=Ajoute fichye
Donat\u00E8 Esp\u00E8m
Donat\u00E8 Ovil
+FileList.14=Analiz la echwe
+GettingStarted.2=N ap k\u00F2manse
+PunnettSquareModel2.0=Tanpri, chwazi tou l\u00E8 4 jenotip paran yo dab\u00F2, \\n
+FileList.10=Non \u00F2ganis yo\:
+GettingStarted.0=N ap k\u00F2manse
+Load.19=Paj {0} manke kol\u00F2n. Kol\u00F2n obligatwa yo se\: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}
+Load.18=Paj {0} manke kol\u00F2n. Kol\u00F2n obligatwa yo se\: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}
+Load.17=XLS dwe gen paj sa yo\: {0}, {1} ak {2}.
+NewReplicationExperiment.0=Esperimantasyon san tetrad
+Main.2=Ou vle kite sa?
+Main.1=Ou gen chanjman ki poko kons\u00E8ve. \u00C8ske ou vle kite sa?
+RuleImpl.2=Pa ka jwenn kwomoz\u00F2m pou r\u00E8g ki an konsiderasyon {0}.
+RuleImpl.1=makeChromosomeRule pa mache pou al\u00E8l {0} nan r\u00E8g {1}
Tanpri, ret tann\\u2026
+Mate.5=Tanpri, ret tann\\u2026
+Mate.4=Ajoute plis kwazman
+Mate.3=Konbyen kwazman ou vle realize?
+Mate.2=Ajoute plis kwazman
+RecentDocuments.13=Pa ka ouvri
+RecentDocuments.12=Pa ka efase lis dokiman resan
+RecentDocuments.11=Efase lis dokiman resan
+Open.6=\ Fichye sa a pa egziste\:
+ModelSaver.7=Fichye a pa Kons\u00E8ve. Eseye operasyon KONS\u00C8VE a ank\u00F2
+Open.4=Tip fichye StarGenetics (.sg1, .xls, .sgz)
+ModelSaver.5=Fichye a deka egziste. Ou s\u00E8ten ou vle ranplase l?
+ModelSaver.4=\u00C8ske ou s\u00E8ten ou vle ranplase fichye '{0}'?
+ModelSaver.1=Tip fichye pou StarGenetics (.sg1)
Echikye Punnett di-ibrid
+PunnettSquare2.4=Echikye Punnett di-ibrid
+PunnettSquare2.3=Jenotip paran 2\:
+PunnettSquare2.2=Jenotip paran 1\:
+PunnettSquare2.1=Frekans jenotip\:
+Peas.peashape=F\u00F2m paw
+PunnettSquareButton.0=Echikye Punnett
+Crate.9=Rezime mak\u00E8 ADN
+Crate.8=Rezime tr\u00E8
+Crate.6=Ann \u00F2d
+ExportAsSGZMulti.0=Kript\u00E8 SGZ - Plizy\u00E8 egz\u00E8sis
+DiscardCrate.3=Elimine esperimantasyon an
+DiscardCrate.2=\u00C8ske ou s\u00E8ten ou vle elimine esperimantasyon sa a?
+DiscardCrate.1=Elimine esperimantasyon sa a epi k\u00F2manse yon l\u00F2t
+JGel.0=Rezime referans
+NewExperiment.1=Kons\u00E8ve esperimantasyon sa a epi k\u00F2manse yon nouvo
+Load2.0=\\ - pa gen mesaj lokalize
+NewExperiment.0=F\u00E8 yon l\u00F2t esperimantasyon
Echikye Punnett mono-ibrid\:
+PunnettSquare.4=Echikye Punnett mono-ibrid\:
+PunnettSquare.3=Jenotip paran 2\:
+PunnettSquare.2=Jenotip paran 1\:
+PunnettSquare.1=Frekans jenotip\:
+NewMatingExperiment.0=Esperimantasyon tetrad
+AboutBox.8=V\u00E8syon sist\u00E8m esplwatasyon\:
+Load2.28=Gen done ki pa valid nan ranje {0}, omwen youn nan kol\u00F2n yo manke done.
+AboutBox.6=\\ ki soti nan
+Load2.26=Pa ka jwenn ranje ant\u00E8t pou paj "{0}"
+AboutBox.4=V\u00E8syon Java\:
+Load2.25=Non {0} j\u00E8n ki double sou kwomoz\u00F2m {2} nan ranje {1}
+AboutBox.3=Voye er\u00E8 yo bay\: star@mit.edu
+Load2.24=Gen done ki pa valid nan ranje {0}, omwen youn nan kol\u00F2n yo manke done.
+FileList.8=Tip s\u00E8ks\: {0}
+AboutBox.1=Sit ent\u00E8n\u00E8t\: http\://star.mit.edu/genetics/
+FileList.6=Analiz\: OK
+Load2.20=Pa ka jwenn ranje ant\u00E8t pou paj "{0}"
+FileList.4=Retire nan lis la
+FileList.2=Trajektwa\: {0}
+PunnettSquareDialog.3=Ki asosye ak s\u00E8ks
+PunnettSquareDialog.0=Echikye Punnett
+AboutBox.14=Ki sa sa ye
+GelFilter.7=Pa montre okenn
+GelFilter.5=Chwazi mak\u00E8 ADN ki pou afiche
+GelFilter.4=Chanje seleksyon
+Load2.18=Pa ka jwenn al\u00E8l "{1}" pou paj "{0}"
+GelFilter.1=Pa gen j\u00E8l ki seleksyone
+GelFilter.0=Chwazi mak\u00E8 ADN ki pou afiche\:
+InputOutput.9=Esperimantasyon ki elimine
+InputOutput.8=Esperimantasyon ki Kons\u00E8ve
+Load2.15=Pa ka jwenn ranje ant\u00E8t pou paj "{0}"
+Load2.14=Pa ka jwenn {0}.
+Load2.12=Gen done ki pa valid nan ranje {0}, omwen youn nan kol\u00F2n yo manke done.
+InputOutput.4=Paran oswa desandan?
+Load2.10=Paj "{0}" manke ranje ki pou anl\u00E8 n\u00E8t la (sa ki pou gen tit kol\u00F2n yo)
+InputOutput.2=Non fichye a se\: {0} adr\u00E8s URL la se\: {1}
+InputOutput.1=Pa espesifye
+Parents.0=Sit kwazman
+Options.1=Afiche bwat dyal\u00F2g ki pou chwazi opsyon yo\\u2026
+Sporulate.8=Analize plis tetrad
+Sporulate.7=Konbyen tetrad anplis?
+Sporulate.4=Analize plis tetrad
+Sporulate.3=Konbyen tetrad anplis?
+Sporulate.2=Ajoute plis tetrad
+ReplicaExperimentAddAll.1=Ajoute tout souch soti nan bwat souch ale nan seksyon esperimantasyon
+PropertiesPanel.23=Tanpri, bay souch la yon l\u00F2t non
+Sporulate.1=F\u00E8 kwazman & devlope esp\u00F2
+ReplicaExperimentAddAll.0=Ajoute tout souch yo
+PropertiesPanel.22=Tanpri, bay souch la yon l\u00F2t non
+Sporulate.0=F\u00E8 kwazman & devlope esp\u00F2
+MatingPanel.3=Plak pou replik\:
+MatingPanel.2=Plak pou replik\:
+MatingPanel.1=Tanpri, rete tann. N ap kreye imaj pou
+Peas.podcolor=Koul\u00E8 gous
+About.1=Kisa StarGenetics ye
+About.0=Ki sa sa ye
+PunnettSqaure.0=Echikye Punnett
+ChooseExperiment.5=Pou esperimantasyon sou kwazman ak plak replik ki PA s\u00E8vi ak tetrad
+ChooseExperiment.0=Chwazi konfigirasyon eksperimantal
+CrateModelImpl.0=Esp {0}
+Sex.10=Nou pa konnen tip seksy\u00E8l sa a
+Fly.wingsize=Gwos\u00E8 z\u00E8l
+MatingEngineImpl_Common.4=Paran yo pa ka kwaze\\\!
+MatingEngineImpl_Common.3=Tout desandan yo mouri\\\!
+MainPanel.9=Nou pa sip\u00F2te kategori vizyaliz\u00E8 sa a. Nou sip\u00F2te kategori\: {0}
+Peas.matings=Kwazman yo
+ChooseExperiment.10=Pou esperimantasyon sou kwazman ak plak replik ki s\u00E8vi ak tetrad
+Screenshot.8=Tanpri, rete tann pandan imaj ekran ap Kons\u00E8ve
+Screenshot.7=\ Souple, rete tann\\u2026
+Screenshot.5=Chwazi fakt\u00E8 echantiyon an plis\\n1 - san echantiyon an plis,\\n10 -6 bon pou pibliye sou papye\\n.5 - bon pou pibliye sou sit web\\n
StarGenetics ap di w "On\u00E8\!"
Pou k\u00F2manse\:
- Klike sou Fichye->Nouvo pou chwazi yon fichye egz\u00E8sis nan lis nou an.
- Klike sou Fichye->Ouvri pou chwazi fichye StarGenetics .xls ou .sgz pa w.
+Screenshot.2=Fichye nan f\u00F2ma PNG (.png)
+Screenshot.0=Kons\u00E8ve imaj ki sou ekran an
diff --git a/src/star/genetics/client/messages_pt.properties b/src/star/genetics/client/messages_pt.properties
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc1838b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/star/genetics/client/messages_pt.properties
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+#Thu Aug 22 15:14:43 EDT 2013
+GroupBy.4={0} ({1}%)
+YeastParentLabel.1=Deixe aqui para cruzar.
+ReplicationExperiment.0=Experi\u00EAncia ativa
+ReplicaPanel.1=Condi\u00E7\u00F5es das l\u00E2minas
+ReplicaPanel.0=L\u00E2minas replicadas\:
+RecentDocuments.1=Documentos recentes
+RecentDocuments.0=Documentos recentes
+AssociateExtension.3=Associar com as extens\u00F5es sgz e sg1
+Sex.9=Todos os cromossomas X t\u00EAm de possuir um ou dois alelos. Organismo\: {0}
+Sex.8=Faltam genes no cromossoma X. Organismo\: {0}
+Peas.flowercolor=C\u00F4r das flores
+Load.0=O seu c\u00F3digo \u00E9\: {0}. \\n Este c\u00F3digo \u00FAnico para o endere\u00E7o de e-mail fornecido\: {1} \\n Por favor anote esta informa\u00E7\u00E3o.
+Sex.7=Todos os cromossomas X t\u00EAm de possuir um ou dois alelos. Organismo\: {0}
+Sex.5=Cromossomas Y inconsistentes. Organismo\: {0}
+Sex.4=Todos os cromossomas Y n\u00E3o t\u00EAm genes, para ser f\u00EAmea todos os cromossomas X t\u00EAm de possuir dois genes. Organismo\: {0}
+Sex.2=Todos os cromossomas Y t\u00EAm um gene, para ser macho todos os cromossomas X tem de possuir um gene tamb\u00E9m. Organismo\: {0}
+Set.1=Definir como progenitor
+Remove.1=Remover das variedades
+Peas.flowerpodposition=Disposi\u00E7\u00E3o das flores
+WebSamples.5=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel aceder \u00E0s amostras, por favor use Ficheiro->Abrir para carregar exerc\u00EDcios do disco local.
+WebSamples.3=Bem vindo \u00E0 StarGenetics
+PunnettSquareModel4.0=Por favor escolha primeiro todos os 4 gen\u00F3tipos dos progenitores.
+WebSamples.1=Liga\u00E7\u00E3o \u00E0 internet indispon\u00EDvel. N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel abrir o endere\u00E7o.
+WebSamples.0=A ler {0}
+Save.8=O ficheiro n\u00E3o foi guardado, por favor tente gravar novamente
+Save.6=Ficheiro existente, substituir?
+Save.5=Tem a certeza que pretende substituir o ficheiro '{0}'?
+VisualizerFactoryImpl.1=Imposs\u00EDvel instanciar o visualizador. ({0})
+Fly.wingvein=Veio da asa
+Save.2=Tipo de ficheiro StarGenetics (.sg1)
+DiscardExperiment.6=N\u00E3o voltar a perguntar
+DiscardExperiment.4=Tem a certeza que pretende eliminar a experi\u00EAncia? {0}?
+DiscardExperiment.3=Eliminar experi\u00EAncia {0}
+DiscardExperiment.2=Eliminar esta experi\u00EAncia
+DiscardExperiment.1=Eliminar esta experi\u00EAncia e come\u00E7ar uma nova
+Helper.9=Tem altera\u00E7\u00F5es por guardar. Gostaria de guardar a experi\u00EAncia? Prima 'Sim' para guardar. Prima 'N\u00E3o' para continuar.
+RenameCrate.2=Mudar o nome \u00E0 experi\u00EAncia
+RenameCrate.1=Por favor introduza um novo nome para a experi\u00EAncia
+Peas.peacolor=C\u00F4r da ervilha
+Export.2=Exportar ficheiro de Excel
+RenameCrate.0=Mudar o nome
+Helper.5=Valor inv\u00E1lido, tem de conter pelo menos um sinal de "\="
+Export.0=Guardar como um ficheiro de Excel
+Helper.0=Valor inv\u00E1lido\: {0} como parte de {1}
+Helper.20=URI inv\u00E1lido, n\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel abrir o ficheiro.
+PunnettSquare4.5=Quadro de cruzamento de diibridismo ligado ao sexo
+PunnettSquare4.4=Quadro de cruzamento de diibridismo ligado ao sexo
+PunnettSquare4.3=Gen\u00F3tipo do progenitor 2\:
+PunnettSquare4.2=Gen\u00F3tipo do progenitor 1\:
+PunnettSquare4.1=Frequ\u00EAncia do gen\u00F3tipo\:
Este question\u00E1rio demora menos de 2 minutos a responder. As suas opini\u00F5es acerca deste software s\u00E3o muito importantes para melhorar a usabilidade na sala de aula.
+QuitDialog.7=Obrigado por utilizar o StarGenetics
+QuitDialog.4=Fazer question\u00E1rio
+QuitDialog.3=Obrigado pela sua participa\u00E7\u00E3o\! Ser\u00E1 aberta uma nova janela do navegador de internet.
+Helper.18=URI {0} inv\u00E1lido, n\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel abrir.
+HideCrate.2=Eliminar a experi\u00EAncia
+Helper.16=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel ler o ficheiro {0}
+HideCrate.1=Tem a certeza que pretende eliminar a experi\u00EAncia?
+Helper.14=O ficheiro {0} n\u00E3o existe.
+Helper.10=Guardar o documento?
+Add.1=Adicionar \u00E0s variedades
+GroupBy.23=Descri\u00E7\u00E3o do fen\u00F3tipo\:
+Crate.10=centro, crescimentox,crescimentoy
+MatingExperiment.2=Mudar o nome \u00E0 experi\u00EAncia
+MatingExperiment.1=Por favor introduza um novo nome para a experi\u00EAncia
+MatingExperiment.0=Experi\u00EAncia ativa
+MatingEngineImpl_MAT.0=A ordem de mapeamento deve estar no intervalo 0-3
+RenameExperiment.2=Mudar o nome \u00E0 experi\u00EAncia
+RenameExperiment.1=Por favor introduza um novo nome para a experi\u00EAncia
+AddMoreMatingsDialog.7=O valor {0} n\u00E3o \u00E9 v\u00E1lido, o valor v\u00E1lido \u00E9 {1}
+RenameExperiment.0=Mudar o nome
+CreatureImpl.0=Criatura "{0}" organismo "{1}" composi\u00E7\u00E3o gen\u00E9tica \u00E9 {2} est\u00E9ril {3] cruzamentos {4}
+OrganismList.2=Confirme a remo\u00E7\u00E3o
+ParentsListUnisex.3=Confirme remover
+OrganismList.1=Tem a certeza que pretende eliminar {0}?
+History.6=Tipo de experi\u00EAncia desconhecido\: {0}
+ParentsListUnisex.2=Tem a certeza que pretende eliminar {0}?
+OrganismList.0=O organismo j\u00E1 consta da lista.
+ParentsListUnisex.1=Se pretende cruzar organismos diferentes, comece uma nova experi\u00EAncia ou elimine esta.
+ParentsListUnisex.0=Para iniciar o cruzamento com novos progenitores por favor clique 'Nova experi\u00EAncia' ou 'Eliminar experi\u00EAncia'
+History.3=Tipo de experi\u00EAncia desconhecido\: {0}
+History.1=Abrir numa nova janela
+History.0=Experi\u00EAncias guardadas
+Experiment.2=Mudar o nome \u00E0 experi\u00EAncia
+Experiment.1=Por favor introduza um novo nome para a experi\u00EAncia
+Experiment.0=Experi\u00EAncia ativa
+ExportAsSGZ.9=O ficheiro {0} foi encriptado como {1}. Encontrar\u00E1 o ficheiro na mesma pasta onde est\u00E1 o ficheiro XLS, com a extens\u00E3o SGZ.
+ExportAsSGZ.6=Modelo StarGenetics em Excel (.xls)
+ExportAsSGZ.4=Escolha o ficheiro XLS a encriptar
+ExportAsSGZ.2=Codificador de XLS para SGZ
Codificador XLS->SGZ
Por favor escolha o ficheiro de Excel (XLS) que pretende encriptar.
+Screenshot.10=Captura de ecr\u00E3
+ExportAsSGZ.0=Encriptador SGZ
+Fly.bodycolor=C\u00F4r do corpo
+SetAsParent.0=Definir como progenitor
+ParentsList.4=Confirme a elimina\u00E7\u00E3o
+ParentsList.3=Tem a certeza que pretene eliminar {0}?
+ParentsList.2=Se pretende cruzar organismos diferentes, comece uma nova experi\u00EAncia ou substitua esta.
+ParentsList.1=Substituir progenitor?
+ParentsList.0=Pretende substituir o progenitor {0}?
+MatingPanel.63=Esta experi\u00EAncia j\u00E1 est\u00E1 dispon\u00EDvel, camada\: {0} media\: {1}. \\n
+GroupByGel.6=Descri\u00E7\u00E3o do fen\u00F3tipo\:
+MatingPanel.61=Tentou cruzar dois organismos do mesmo sexo. \\n
+MatingPanel.60=L\u00E2mina replicada\:
+GroupByGel.4={0} ({1}%)
+ReplicaPanel.20=Variedade j\u00E1 existente na lista.
+ErrorDialogHandler.4={0} Agradeciamos que reportasse este assunto \u00E0 equipa de desenvolvimento. Gostaria de reportar este problema aos programadores?
+MyDropTarget.1=Deixe a variedade aqui
+Peas.podshape=Forma da vagem
+ErrorDialogHandler.3= O sistema reportou um problema que normalmente est\u00E1 relacionado com a abertura do programa que foi descarregado ou com a abertura do endere\u00E7o URL. Se o problema persistir depois de repetir o download do programa, considere reportar o problema aos programadores.
O sistema reportou a seguinte mensagem\: {0}
Agradeciamos que reportasse este assunto \u00E0 equipa de desenvolvimento. Gostaria de reportar este problema aos programadores?
+ErrorDialogHandler.0=Ocorreu uma exce\u00E7\u00E3o
+LanguageSelector.6=Confirme a altera\u00E7\u00E3o do idioma
+Feedback.0=Enviar sugest\u00F5es
+LanguageSelector.5=Gostaria de reiniciar a aplica\u00E7\u00E3o em {0}?
+PunnettSquare3.5=Quadro de cruzamento de monoibridismo ligado ao sexo
+PunnettSquare3.4=Quadro de cruzamento de monoibridismo ligado ao sexo
+PunnettSquare3.3=Gen\u00F3tipo do progenitor 2\:
+PunnettSquare3.2=Gen\u00F3tipo do progenitor 1\:
+LanguageSelector.0=Selecione o idioma
+PunnettSquare3.1=Frequ\u00EAncia do gen\u00F3tipo\:
+MatingPanel.59=  E l\u00E2mina replicada em\:
+MatingPanel.56= Camada laminar de\:
+ReplicaPanel.19=Esta experi\u00EAncia j\u00E1 est\u00E1 dispon\u00EDvel, camada\: {0} media\: {1}. \\n
+MatingPanel.55=Condi\u00E7\u00F5es das l\u00E2minas
+MatingPanel.54=Experi\u00EAncia {0} j\u00E1 est\u00E1 dispon\u00EDvel. \\n
+ReplicaPanel.17=Tentou cruzar dois organismos do mesmo sexo. \\n
+MatingPanel.53=L\u00E2mina replicada\:
+ReplicaPanel.16=L\u00E2mina replicada\:
+MatingPanel.52=Condi\u00E7\u00F5es de replica\u00E7\u00E3o das l\u00E2minas
+ReplicaPanel.15=  E replica\u00E7\u00E3o nas l\u00E2minas em\:
+ReplicaPanel.12= --, Camada laminar de\:
+Load.53=O exerc\u00EDcio do StarGenetics n\u00E3o iniciar\u00E1 a n\u00E3o ser que forne\u00E7a um valor na janela anterior. Por favor tente novamente.
+Load.52=Por favor introduza o seu endere\u00E7o de email do MIT para que uma vers\u00E3o \u00FAnica deste exerc\u00EDcio lhe possa ser entregue.
+Properties.1=Nenhum organismo selecionado
+RemoveOrganism.0=Remover das variedades
Resumo do tipo de t\u00E9trada n\u00E3o aplic\u00E1vel
+MatingPanel.41=Tipo de t\u00E9trada
+YeastProgenyLabel.22=A camada cresceu, e cobriu tudo\u2026
+YeastProgenyLabel.21=\\ \u2013 Sem indiv\u00EDduo
+PropertiesPanel.4=Mudar o nome ao indiv\u00EDduo
+PropertiesPanel.3=Mudar o nome \u00E0 variedade
+Load.46=O tamanho do ficheiro \u00E9 0, por favor repita o download, ou anexe o ficheiro num email e envie-o para star@mit.edu.
+GelVisual.5=\\ \\ Exp
+InputOutput.13=\\ (oculto)
+MatingPanel.38=Tipo de t\u00E9trada
+MatingPanel.36=Mostrar resumo
+MatingPanel.35=Mostrar as t\u00E9tradas individuais
+FileList.32=O ficheiro {0} j\u00E1 consta da lista.
+FileList.31=Tipos de ficheiros StarGenetics (.xls)
+YeastProgenyLabel.10=A camada cresceu, e cobriu tudo\u2026
+Load.39=Dados inv\u00E1lidos na linha {0}, pelo menos uma das colunas tem dados em falta.
+Load.38=Falta a linha de cabe\u00E7alho
+Load.37=Nome de gene duplicado {0} no cromossoma {2} na linha {1}
+Load.36=H\u00E1 um n\u00FAmero inv\u00E1lido de alelos na linha {0} e na coluna {1}\: {2}
+Load.34=Sexo desconhecido
+Load.33=O gene {0} no organismo {1} especificado no quadro de "Organismos para cruzamento" n\u00E3o foi corretamente definido na aba "Genes & Alelos".
+Load.32=Organismo {1} do quadro de cruzamento est\u00E1 incorretamente codificado para um gene ligado a um autossoma {0}. Devem ser especificados dois alelos para um gene autoss\u00F3mico.
+Peas.plantheight=Altura da planta
+Fly.eyecolor=C\u00F4r dos olhos
+DiploidAllelesImpl.0=Tem de existir 1 ou 2 alelos para construir um conjunto dipl\u00F3ide
+MatingPanel.29=Estas duas variedades n\u00E3o podem cruzar-se.
+MatingPanel.28=Caixa de cruzamento
+FileList.26=O ficheiro {0} foi criado.
+MatingPanel.26=Caixa de cruzamento
+MatingPanel.24=Limpar contadores
+FileList.22=Ficheiro SGZ
+Tools.0=Caixa de sugest\u00F5es
+Load.29=Sexo desconhecido
+Load.28=Cromossomas Y inconsistentes. Organismo\: {0}
+Load.27=O Organismo {0} do quadro de cruzamento est\u00E1 incorretamente codificado para um gene ligado ao sexo. Se um gene est\u00E1 ligado a X, ent\u00E3o devem serespecificados dois alelos para um organismo f\u00EAmea (XX).
+SillyParentLabel.1=Deixe aqui para cruzar.
+MainPanel.10=Foi detetado um erro ao abrir um documento do StarGenetics
+ExportAsSGZ.11=O ficheiro de Excel \u00E9 inv\u00E1lido, tente abrir o ficheiro e teste-o antes de tentar encript\u00E1-lo.
+Load.25=O organismo {0} no quadro de cruzamento est\u00E1 incorretamente codificado para um gene ligado ao sexo. Se um gene est\u00E1 ligado a X, ent\u00E3o deve ser especificado um \u00FAnico alelo para um organismo macho (XY).
+ExportAsSGZ.10=Ficheiro n\u00E3o encontrado.
+Load.22=Dados inv\u00E1lidos na linha {0}, pelo menos uma das colunas tem dados em falta.
+FileList.19=Exportar como SGZ
+FileList.18=Adicionar ficheiro
dador de esperma
+PunnettSquareModel2.0=Por favor escolha primeiro todos os 4 gen\u00F3tipos dos progenitores.
+FileList.10=Nomes das criaturas\:
+Load.19=Faltam colunas na folha {0}, as colunas obrigat\u00F3rias s\u00E3o\: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}
+Load.18=Faltam colunas na folha {0}, as colunas obrigat\u00F3rias s\u00E3o\: {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}
+Load.17=O ficheiro XLS tem de conter as seguintes folhas\: {0}, {1} e {2}.
+NewReplicationExperiment.0=Experi\u00EAncia sem t\u00E9tradas
+Main.2=Pretende sair?
+Main.1=Tem altera\u00E7\u00F5es n\u00E3o guardadas, pretente sair?
+RuleImpl.2=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel determinar o cromossoma para a condi\u00E7\u00E3o {0}.
+RuleImpl.1=makeChromosomeRule falhou para o alelo {0} na condi\u00E7\u00E3o {1}
+Mate.6=Espere por favor\u2026
+Mate.5=Espere por favor\u2026
+Mate.4=Adicionar cruzamentos
+Mate.3=Quantos cruzamentos pretende realizar?
+Mate.2=Adicionar cruzamentos
+RecentDocuments.13=Falha ao abrir
+RecentDocuments.12=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel limpar a lista de documentos
+RecentDocuments.11=Limpar a lista de documentos recentes
+Open.6=Ficheiro n\u00E3o encontrado.
+ModelSaver.7=O ficheiro n\u00E3o foi guardado, por favor tente gravar novamente
+Open.4=Tipos de ficheiros StarGenetics (.sg1, .xls, .sgz)
+ModelSaver.5=Ficheiro existente, substituir?
+ModelSaver.4=Tem a certeza que pretende substituir o ficheiro '{0}'?
+ModelSaver.1=Ficheiro StarGenetics do tipo (.sg1)
+PunnettSquare2.5=Quadro de cruzamento de diibridismo\:
+PunnettSquare2.4=Quadro de cruzamento de diibridismo\:
+PunnettSquare2.3=Gen\u00F3tipo do progenitor 2\:
+PunnettSquare2.2=Gen\u00F3tipo do progenitor 1\:
+PunnettSquare2.1=Frequ\u00EAncia do gen\u00F3tipo\:
+Peas.peashape=Forma da ervilha
+PunnettSquareButton.0=Quadro de cruzamento
+Crate.9=Resumo dos marcadores DNA
+Crate.8=Resumo das caracter\u00EDsticas
+ExportAsSGZMulti.0=Encriptador SGZ - V\u00E1rios problemas
+DiscardCrate.3=Eliminar experi\u00EAncia
+DiscardCrate.2=Tem a certeza que pretende eliminar esta experi\u00EAncia?
+DiscardCrate.1=Eliminar esta experi\u00EAncia e come\u00E7ar uma nova
+JGel.0=Resumo dos marcadores
+NewExperiment.1=Guarde esta experi\u00EAncia e comece uma nova
+Load2.0=\\ - mensagem n\u00E3o localizada
+NewExperiment.0=Nova experi\u00EAncia
+PunnettSquare.5=Quadro de cruzamento de monoibridismo\:
+PunnettSquare.4=Quadro de cruzamento de monoibridismo\:
+PunnettSquare.3=Gen\u00F3tipo do progenitor 2\:
+PunnettSquare.2=Gen\u00F3tipo do progenitor 1\:
+PunnettSquare.1=Frequ\u00EAncia do gen\u00F3tipo\:
+NewMatingExperiment.0=Experi\u00EAncia de t\u00E9tradas
+AboutBox.8=Vers\u00E3o de sistema operativo\:
+Load2.28=Dados inv\u00E1lidos na linha {0}, pelo menos uma das colunas tem dados em falta.
+AboutBox.6=\\ de
+Load2.26=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel encontrar a linha de cabe\u00E7alho na folha {0}.
+AboutBox.4=Vers\u00E3o Java\:
+Load2.25=Nome de gene duplicado {0} no cromossoma {2} na linha {1}
+AboutBox.3=Comunique erros a\: star@mit.edu
+Load2.24=Dados inv\u00E1lidos na linha {0}, pelo menos uma das colunas tem dados em falta.
+FileList.8=Sexo\: {0}
+AboutBox.2=Vers\u00E3o da compila\u00E7\u00E3o\:
+AboutBox.1=Endere\u00E7o Web\:
+FileList.6=Parse\: OK
+Load2.20=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel encontrar a linha de cabe\u00E7alho na folha {0}.
+FileList.4=Remover da lista
+FileList.2=Caminho\: {0}
+PunnettSquareDialog.3=Ligado ao sexo
+PunnettSquareDialog.0=Quadro de cruzamento
+GelFilter.7=Ocultar todos
+GelFilter.5=Escolha os marcadores de DNA a serem mostrados\:
+GelFilter.4=Alterar a sele\u00E7\u00E3o
+Load2.18=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel encontrar o alelo "{1}" na folha "{0}".
+GelFilter.1=Nenhum gel selecionado
+GelFilter.0=Escolha os marcadores de DNA a serem mostrados\:
+InputOutput.9=Experi\u00EAncias eliminadas
+InputOutput.8=Experi\u00EAncias guardadas
+Load2.15=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel encontrar a linha de cabe\u00E7alho na folha {0}.
+Load2.14=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel encontrar {0}.
+Load2.12=Dados inv\u00E1lidos na linha {0}, pelo menos uma das colunas tem dados em falta.
+Load2.10=N\u00E3o \u00E9 poss\u00EDvel encontrar a linha de cabe\u00E7alho na folha {0}.
+InputOutput.2=O Ficheiro \u00E9\: {0} o URL \u00E9\: {1}
+InputOutput.1=N\u00E3o especificado
+Parents.0=Caixa de cruzamento
+Options.1=Mostrar a caixa de op\u00E7\u00F5es\u2026
+Sporulate.8=Analisar mais t\u00E9tradas
+Sporulate.7=Quantas mais t\u00E9tradas?
+Sporulate.4=Analisar mais t\u00E9tradas
+Sporulate.3=Quantas mais t\u00E9tradas?
+Sporulate.2=Adicionar t\u00E9tradas
+ReplicaExperimentAddAll.1=Adicionar todas as variedades \u00E0 experi\u00EAncia
+PropertiesPanel.23=Por favor d\u00EA um novo nome \u00E0 variedade
+Sporulate.1=Cruzamento e esporula\u00E7\u00E3o
+ReplicaExperimentAddAll.0=Adicionar todas as variedades
+PropertiesPanel.22=Por favor d\u00EA um novo nome \u00E0 variedade
+Sporulate.0=Cruzamento & esporula\u00E7\u00E3o
+MatingPanel.3=L\u00E2minas replicadas\:
+MatingPanel.2=L\u00E2minas replicadas\:
+MatingPanel.1=Por favor aguarde, a gerar os gr\u00E1ficos para
+Peas.podcolor=C\u00F4r da vagem
+About.1=Acerca StarGenetics
+PunnettSqaure.0=Quadros de cruzamento
+ChooseExperiment.5=Para experi\u00EAncias de cruzamento e replica\u00E7\u00E3o n\u00E3o envolvendo t\u00E9tradas
+ChooseExperiment.0=Escolha a configura\u00E7\u00E3o da experi\u00EAncia
+CrateModelImpl.0=Exp. {0}
+Sex.10=Sexo desconhecido
+Fly.wingsize=Tamanho da asa
+MatingEngineImpl_Common.4=Progenitores n\u00E3o podem cruzar\\\!
+MatingEngineImpl_Common.3=Todos os descendentes morreram\\\!
+MainPanel.9=Classe de visualiza\u00E7\u00E3o n\u00E3o suportada, classes suportadas\: {0}
+ChooseExperiment.10=Para experi\u00EAncias de cruzamento e replica\u00E7\u00E3o envolvendo t\u00E9tradas
+Screenshot.8=Aguarde por favor, a guardar a captura de ecr\u00E3\u2026
+Screenshot.7=Aguarde por favor\u2026
+Screenshot.5=Por favor escolha o fator de oversampling\\n1 - Sem oversampling, \\n10 - bom para publica\u00E7\u00E3o em poster\\n.5 - bom para a publica\u00E7\u00E3o na web\\n
Bem vindo \u00E0 StarGenetics
Para come\u00E7ar\:
- Clique em Ficheiro->Novo Para escolher um exerc\u00EDcio da nossa lista.
+ * FieldVerifier validates that the name the user enters is valid.
+ *
+ *
+ * This class is in the shared package because we use it in both
+ * the client code and on the server. On the client, we verify that the name is
+ * valid before sending an RPC request so the user doesn't have to wait for a
+ * network round trip to get feedback. On the server, we verify that the name is
+ * correct to ensure that the input is correct regardless of where the RPC
+ * originates.
+ *
+ *
+ * When creating a class that is used on both the client and the server, be sure
+ * that all code is translatable and does not use native JavaScript. Code that
+ * is not translatable (such as code that interacts with a database or the file
+ * system) cannot be compiled into client side JavaScript. Code that uses native
+ * JavaScript (such as Widgets) cannot be run on the server.
+ *