diff --git a/StarCellBio/jquery.simulate.drag-sortable.js b/StarCellBio/jquery.simulate.drag-sortable.js
index 8ebf0739..69e4e08f 100644
--- a/StarCellBio/jquery.simulate.drag-sortable.js
+++ b/StarCellBio/jquery.simulate.drag-sortable.js
@@ -3,38 +3,46 @@
var opts = $.extend({}, $.fn.simulateDragSortable.defaults, options);
applyDrag = function(options) {
- var that = this,
- options = options || opts,
- handle = options.handle ? $(this).find(options.handle)[0] : $(this)[0],
- listItem = options.listItem,
- placeHolder = options.placeHolder,
- sibling = $(this),
- moveCounter = Math.floor(options.move),
- direction = moveCounter > 0 ? 'down' : 'up',
- moveVerticalAmount = 0,
- initialVerticalPosition = 0,
- extraDrag = !isNaN(parseInt(options.tolerance, 10)) ? function() { return Number(options.tolerance); } : function(obj) { return ($(obj).outerHeight() / 2) + 5; },
- dragPastBy = 0,
- dropOn = options.dropOn ? $(options.dropOn) : false,
- center = findCenter(handle),
- x = Math.floor(center.x),
- y = Math.floor(center.y),
- mouseUpAfter = (opts.debug ? 2500 : 10);
+ var that = this;
+ var options = options || opts;
+ var handle = options.handle ? $(this).find(options.handle)[0] : $(this)[0];
+ var listItem = options.listItem;
+ var placeHolder = options.placeHolder;
+ var sibling = $(this);
+ var moveCounter = Math.floor(options.move);
+ var direction = moveCounter > 0 ? 'down' : 'up';
+ var moveVerticalAmount = 0;
+ var initialVerticalPosition = 0;
+ var extraDrag = !isNaN(parseInt(options.tolerance, 10)) ? function() {
+ return Number(options.tolerance);
+ } : function(obj) {
+ return ($(obj).outerHeight() / 2) + 5;
+ };
+ var dragPastBy = 0;
+ var dropOn = options.dropOn ? $(options.dropOn) : false;
+ var center = findCenter(handle);
+ var x = Math.floor(center.x);
+ var y = Math.floor(center.y);
+ var mouseUpAfter = (opts.debug ? 2500 : 10);
if (dropOn) {
if (dropOn.length === 0) {
- if (console && console.log) { console.log('simulate.drag-sortable.js ERROR: Drop on target could not be found'); console.log(options.dropOn); }
+ if (console && console.log) {
+ console.log('simulate.drag-sortable.js ERROR: Drop on target could not be found'); console.log(options.dropOn);
+ }
sibling = dropOn.find('>*:last');
- moveCounter = -(dropOn.find('>*').length + 1) + (moveCounter + 1);
+ moveCounter = -(dropOn.find('>*').length + 1) + (moveCounter + 1);
if (dropOn.offset().top - $(this).offset().top < 0) {
initialVerticalPosition = sibling.offset().top - $(this).offset().top - extraDrag(this);
} else {
initialVerticalPosition = sibling.offset().top - $(this).offset().top - $(this).height();
} else if (moveCounter === 0) {
- if (console && console.log) { console.log('simulate.drag-sortable.js WARNING: Drag with move set to zero has no effect'); }
+ if (console && console.log) {
+ console.log('simulate.drag-sortable.js WARNING: Drag with move set to zero has no effect');
+ }
} else {
while (moveCounter !== 0) {
@@ -54,22 +62,36 @@
- dispatchEvent(handle, 'mousedown', createEvent('mousedown', handle, { clientX: x, clientY: y }));
- dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, { clientX: x+1, clientY: y+1 }));
+ dispatchEvent(handle, 'mousedown', createEvent('mousedown', handle, {
+ clientX: x,
+ clientY: y
+ }));
+ dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, {
+ clientX: x + 1,
+ clientY: y + 1
+ }));
if (dropOn) {
slideUpTo(x, y, initialVerticalPosition);
y += initialVerticalPosition;
- options = jQuery.extend(options, { move: moveCounter });
+ options = jQuery.extend(options, {
+ move: moveCounter
+ });
delete options.dropOn;
setTimeout(function() {
- dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, { clientX: x, clientY: y }));
+ dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, {
+ clientX: x,
+ clientY: y
+ }));
}, 5);
setTimeout(function() {
- dispatchEvent(handle, 'mouseup', createEvent('mouseup', handle, { clientX: x, clientY: y }));
+ dispatchEvent(handle, 'mouseup', createEvent('mouseup', handle, {
+ clientX: x,
+ clientY: y
+ }));
setTimeout(function() {
if (options.move) {
applyDrag.call(that, options);
@@ -107,42 +129,71 @@
setTimeout(function() {
- dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, { clientX: x, clientY: y + moveVerticalAmount }));
+ dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, {
+ clientX: x,
+ clientY: y + moveVerticalAmount
+ }));
}, 5);
setTimeout(function() {
- dispatchEvent(handle, 'mouseup', createEvent('mouseup', handle, { clientX: x, clientY: y + moveVerticalAmount }));
+ dispatchEvent(handle, 'mouseup', createEvent('mouseup', handle, {
+ clientX: x,
+ clientY: y + moveVerticalAmount
+ }));
}, mouseUpAfter);
return this.each(applyDrag);
function slideUpTo(x, y, targetOffset, goPastBy) {
- var moveBy, offset;
+ var moveBy;
+ var offset;
- if (!goPastBy) { goPastBy = 0; }
- if ((targetOffset < 0) && (goPastBy > 0)) { goPastBy = -goPastBy; }
+ if (!goPastBy) {
+ goPastBy = 0;
+ }
+ if ((targetOffset < 0) && (goPastBy > 0)) {
+ goPastBy = -goPastBy;
+ }
- for (offset = 0; Math.abs(offset) + 1 < Math.abs(targetOffset + goPastBy); offset += ((targetOffset + goPastBy - offset)/2) ) {
- dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, { clientX: x, clientY: y + Math.ceil(offset) }));
+ for (offset = 0; Math.abs(offset) + 1 < Math.abs(targetOffset + goPastBy); offset += ((targetOffset + goPastBy - offset) / 2)) {
+ dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, {
+ clientX: x,
+ clientY: y + Math.ceil(offset)
+ }));
offset = targetOffset + goPastBy;
- dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, { clientX: x, clientY: y + offset }));
- for (; Math.abs(offset) - 1 >= Math.abs(targetOffset); offset += ((targetOffset - offset)/2) ) {
- dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, { clientX: x, clientY: y + Math.ceil(offset) }));
+ dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, {
+ clientX: x,
+ clientY: y + offset
+ }));
+ for (; Math.abs(offset) - 1 >= Math.abs(targetOffset); offset += ((targetOffset - offset) / 2)) {
+ dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, {
+ clientX: x,
+ clientY: y + Math.ceil(offset)
+ }));
- dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, { clientX: x, clientY: y + targetOffset }));
+ dispatchEvent(document, 'mousemove', createEvent('mousemove', document, {
+ clientX: x,
+ clientY: y + targetOffset
+ }));
function createEvent(type, target, options) {
var evt;
var e = $.extend({
target: target,
- preventDefault: function() { },
- stopImmediatePropagation: function() { },
- stopPropagation: function() { },
- isPropagationStopped: function() { return true; },
- isImmediatePropagationStopped: function() { return true; },
- isDefaultPrevented: function() { return true; },
+ preventDefault: function() {},
+ stopImmediatePropagation: function() {},
+ stopPropagation: function() {},
+ isPropagationStopped: function() {
+ return true;
+ },
+ isImmediatePropagationStopped: function() {
+ return true;
+ },
+ isDefaultPrevented: function() {
+ return true;
+ },
bubbles: true,
cancelable: (type != 'mousemove'),
view: window,
@@ -168,7 +219,11 @@
} else if (document.createEventObject) {
evt = document.createEventObject();
$.extend(evt, e);
- evt.button = { 0:1, 1:4, 2:2 }[evt.button] || evt.button;
+ evt.button = {
+ 0: 1,
+ 1: 4,
+ 2: 2
+ }[evt.button] || evt.button;
return evt;
@@ -183,8 +238,8 @@
function findCenter(el) {
- var elm = $(el),
- o = elm.offset();
+ var elm = $(el);
+ var o = elm.offset();
return {
x: o.left + elm.outerWidth() / 2,
y: o.top + elm.outerHeight() / 2
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/decusability/AddMultipleDialog.js b/html_app/assignments/decusability/AddMultipleDialog.js
index 19551087..b1942217 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/decusability/AddMultipleDialog.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/decusability/AddMultipleDialog.js
@@ -1,103 +1,105 @@
var decusability = decusability || {};
decusability.static = decusability.static || {};
-decusability.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add = function (element, dialog, state) {
+decusability.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add = function(element, dialog, state) {
- $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function (e) {
- var element = $(this);
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- var cell_line = $(element).attr('cell_line');
- var name = $(element).attr('name');
- $(element).attr('aria-checked',true);
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
- skip_hash_update: true
- });
+ $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function(e) {
+ var element = $(this);
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ var cell_line = $(element).attr('cell_line');
+ var name = $(element).attr('name');
+ $(element).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ });
- var template = parsed.assignment.template;
- var rows = template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[cell_line].rows;
- var row = _.find(rows, function (eh) {
- return eh.treatment_id == treatment_id;
- });
- var cell_treatments_array = row.cell_treatments[name];
- _.each(cell_treatments_array, function (eh) {
- parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
- });
+ var template = parsed.assignment.template;
+ var rows = template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[cell_line].rows;
+ var row = _.find(rows, function(eh) {
+ return eh.treatment_id == treatment_id;
+ });
+ var cell_treatments_array = row.cell_treatments[name];
+ _.each(cell_treatments_array, function(eh) {
+ parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
+ });
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
-decusability.register = function (dialog, state) {
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_dialog', function (e) {
- var container = dialog;
- if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_cancel', function (e) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add', function (e) {
- decusability.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add(this, dialog, state);
- $(this).focus();
- });
+decusability.register = function(dialog, state) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_dialog', function(e) {
+ var container = dialog;
+ if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_cancel', function(e) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add', function(e) {
+ decusability.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add(this, dialog, state);
+ $(this).focus();
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select_all', function (e) {
- $('input[type=checkbox]' , dialog).attr('checked','checked');
- $('input[type=checkbox]' , dialog).attr('aria-checked',true);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select_all', function(e) {
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title_close', function (e) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_checkbox', function (e) {
- $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked',$(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked') =='false' ? true : false);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select', function (e) {
- var cell_line = $(this).attr('cell_line');
- var name = $(this).attr('name');
- $('input[type=checkbox][name="'+name+'"][cell_line="'+cell_line+'"]' , dialog).attr('checked','checked');
- $('input[type=checkbox][name="'+name+'"][cell_line="'+cell_line+'"]' , dialog).attr('aria-checked',true);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title_close', function(e) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_checkbox', function(e) {
+ $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked', $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked') == 'false' ? true : false);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select', function(e) {
+ var cell_line = $(this).attr('cell_line');
+ var name = $(this).attr('name');
+ $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"][cell_line="' + cell_line + '"]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"][cell_line="' + cell_line + '"]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ });
-decusability.setup = function (state) {
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var assignment = state.assignment;
- var experiment = state.experiment;
- var template = state.assignment.template;
- var onClose = state.close;
+decusability.setup = function(state) {
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var assignment = state.assignment;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ var onClose = state.close;
- var dialog = $("
- dialog.html(decusability.dialog({
- assignment: assignment,
- experiment: experiment,
- template: template
- }));
+ var dialog = $("
+ dialog.html(decusability.dialog({
+ assignment: assignment,
+ experiment: experiment,
+ template: template
+ }));
- dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
- decusability.register($(dialog), state);
+ dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
+ decusability.register($(dialog), state);
- var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
- _.each( css , function(v,k){
- dialog.css(k,v);
- });
+ var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
+ _.each(css, function(v, k) {
+ dialog.css(k, v);
+ });
- $('.scb_mit706s16_dialog').draggable({handle:'.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title'})
+ $('.scb_mit706s16_dialog').draggable({
+ handle: '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title'
+ })
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/decusability/assignment.js b/html_app/assignments/decusability/assignment.js
index 9e377578..d4f6e2c9 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/decusability/assignment.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/decusability/assignment.js
@@ -1,402 +1,569 @@
var __decusability = {
- id: 'decusability',
- name: 'StarCellBio Usability Test',
- course: 'usability',
- course_name: 'December 2013 Usability Testing',
- description: 'FACS and Western Blot for temperature sensitive mutants',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ['Goal & Introduction', 'Here come instructions when we build them']
+ id: 'decusability',
+ name: 'StarCellBio Usability Test',
+ course: 'usability',
+ course_name: 'December 2013 Usability Testing',
+ description: 'FACS and Western Blot for temperature sensitive mutants',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ['Goal & Introduction', 'Here come instructions when we build them']
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb', 'facs'],
+ gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'temperature',
+ title: 'Temperature',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ }
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' , 'facs'],
- gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: false},
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: false}
- ]
- },
- {kind: 'temperature', title: 'Temperature', editable: false},
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}
- ],
- actions: [
+ actions: []
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'concentration_id'],
+ map: ['concentrations', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'temperature'],
+ map: ['experiment_temperatures', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%PP1%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '1', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'short_name'],
+ default: ''
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ 'wt': {
+ title: 'Strain: Wild Type',
+ headings: ['Treatment', 'Temperature', ''],
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
- western_blot: {format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%, %PP1% %TEMPERATURE%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
- map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'concentration_id'],
- map: ['concentrations', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'temperature'],
- map: ['experiment_temperatures', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%PP1%': {
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '1', 'drug_id'],
- map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'short_name'], default: ''}
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
- },
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- 'wt': {
- title: 'Strain: Wild Type',
- headings: ['Treatment', 'Temperature', ''],
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
- cell_treatments: {
- NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
- cell_treatments: {
- NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'm1': {
- title: 'Strain: Mutant 1',
+ ]
+ },
+ 'm1': {
+ title: 'Strain: Mutant 1',
- headings: ['Treatment', 'Temperature', ''],
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
- cell_treatments: {
- NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm1',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ headings: ['Treatment', 'Temperature', ''],
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
- cell_treatments: {
- NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm1',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
- ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
- 'm2': {
- title: 'Strain: Mutant 2',
- headings: [ 'Treatment', 'Temperature', ''],
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
- cell_treatments: {
- NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
- cell_treatments: {
- NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
- ]
- }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
+ ]
- concentrations: {
- '0': {
- name: '',
- value: 0
- }
- drugs: {
- 'nc': {
- name: 'Growth Media',
- concentrations: [0]
- }
+ 'm2': {
+ title: 'Strain: Mutant 2',
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': {
- name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ headings: ['Treatment', 'Temperature', ''],
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- '40': {
- name: "37" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- },
+ ]
- cell_lines: {
- 'wt': {
- name: 'Wild Type'
- },
- 'm1': {
- name: 'Mutant 1'
- },
- 'm2': {
- name: 'Mutant 2'
- }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: ['cdk2', 'cyclin', 'cyclinE', 'pgk1'],
- 'cdk2': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-cdk2',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 33, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 34, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 35, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cdk2'
- },
- 'cyclin': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 58, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin B'
+ concentrations: {
+ '0': {
+ name: '',
+ value: 0
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'nc': {
+ name: 'Growth Media',
+ concentrations: [0]
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ '40': {
+ name: "37" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'wt': {
+ name: 'Wild Type'
+ },
+ 'm1': {
+ name: 'Mutant 1'
+ },
+ 'm2': {
+ name: 'Mutant 2'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: ['cdk2', 'cyclin', 'cyclinE', 'pgk1'],
+ 'cdk2': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-cdk2',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 33,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 34,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 35,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cdk2'
+ },
+ 'cyclin': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin B'
+ },
+ 'cyclinE': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin E'
+ },
+ 'pgk1': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'pgk1'
+ }
+ },
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 'm': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ },
+ 'r': {
+ name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
+ }
+ },
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
+ facs_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI',
+ conditions: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // models
+ western_blot: {
+ 'cyto': {
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: '*ANY*',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ }
+ ]
- 'cyclinE': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 48, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin E'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ marks: []
- 'pgk1': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 45, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'pgk1'
- }
- },
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 'm': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ }
+ ]
- 'r': {
- name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
- }
- },
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
- }
- },
- facs_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'PI',
- conditions: {
- 'whole': {name: 'PI'}
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ ]
- },
- model: { // models
- western_blot: {
- 'cyto': {
- 'parser_fixed': [
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: '*ANY*',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'm1',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'm2',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ facs: {
+ 'dna': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ shape: 'normal'
- facs: {
- 'dna': {
- 'parser_simple': [
- {
- match: [],
- shape: 'normal'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: 'm1',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'g2-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: 'm2',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'S-block'
- }
- ]
- }
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'g2-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'S-block'
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/microscopy_usability/AddMultipleDialog.js b/html_app/assignments/microscopy_usability/AddMultipleDialog.js
index 6eab9933..6477e20a 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/microscopy_usability/AddMultipleDialog.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/microscopy_usability/AddMultipleDialog.js
@@ -1,103 +1,105 @@
var microscopy_usability = microscopy_usability || {};
microscopy_usability.static = microscopy_usability.static || {};
-microscopy_usability.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add = function (element, dialog, state) {
+microscopy_usability.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add = function(element, dialog, state) {
- $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function (e) {
- var element = $(this);
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- var cell_line = $(element).attr('cell_line');
- var name = $(element).attr('name');
- $(element).attr('aria-checked',true);
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
- skip_hash_update: true
- });
+ $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function(e) {
+ var element = $(this);
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ var cell_line = $(element).attr('cell_line');
+ var name = $(element).attr('name');
+ $(element).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ });
- var template = parsed.assignment.template;
- var rows = template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[cell_line].rows;
- var row = _.find(rows, function (eh) {
- return eh.treatment_id == treatment_id;
- });
- var cell_treatments_array = row.cell_treatments[name];
- _.each(cell_treatments_array, function (eh) {
- parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
- });
+ var template = parsed.assignment.template;
+ var rows = template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[cell_line].rows;
+ var row = _.find(rows, function(eh) {
+ return eh.treatment_id == treatment_id;
+ });
+ var cell_treatments_array = row.cell_treatments[name];
+ _.each(cell_treatments_array, function(eh) {
+ parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
+ });
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
-microscopy_usability.register = function (dialog, state) {
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_dialog', function (e) {
- var container = dialog;
- if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_cancel', function (e) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add', function (e) {
- microscopy_usability.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add(this, dialog, state);
- $(this).focus();
- });
+microscopy_usability.register = function(dialog, state) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_dialog', function(e) {
+ var container = dialog;
+ if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_cancel', function(e) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add', function(e) {
+ microscopy_usability.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add(this, dialog, state);
+ $(this).focus();
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select_all', function (e) {
- $('input[type=checkbox]' , dialog).attr('checked','checked');
- $('input[type=checkbox]' , dialog).attr('aria-checked',true);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select_all', function(e) {
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title_close', function (e) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_checkbox', function (e) {
- $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked',$(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked') =='false' ? true : false);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select', function (e) {
- var cell_line = $(this).attr('cell_line');
- var name = $(this).attr('name');
- $('input[type=checkbox][name="'+name+'"][cell_line="'+cell_line+'"]' , dialog).attr('checked','checked');
- $('input[type=checkbox][name="'+name+'"][cell_line="'+cell_line+'"]' , dialog).attr('aria-checked',true);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title_close', function(e) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_checkbox', function(e) {
+ $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked', $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked') == 'false' ? true : false);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select', function(e) {
+ var cell_line = $(this).attr('cell_line');
+ var name = $(this).attr('name');
+ $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"][cell_line="' + cell_line + '"]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"][cell_line="' + cell_line + '"]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ });
-microscopy_usability.setup = function (state) {
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var assignment = state.assignment;
- var experiment = state.experiment;
- var template = state.assignment.template;
- var onClose = state.close;
+microscopy_usability.setup = function(state) {
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var assignment = state.assignment;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ var onClose = state.close;
- var dialog = $("
- dialog.html(microscopy_usability.dialog({
- assignment: assignment,
- experiment: experiment,
- template: template
- }));
+ var dialog = $("
+ dialog.html(microscopy_usability.dialog({
+ assignment: assignment,
+ experiment: experiment,
+ template: template
+ }));
- dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
- microscopy_usability.register($(dialog), state);
+ dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
+ microscopy_usability.register($(dialog), state);
- var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
- _.each( css , function(v,k){
- dialog.css(k,v);
- });
+ var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
+ _.each(css, function(v, k) {
+ dialog.css(k, v);
+ });
- $('.scb_mit706s16_dialog').draggable({handle:'.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title'})
+ $('.scb_mit706s16_dialog').draggable({
+ handle: '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title'
+ })
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/microscopy_usability/assignment.js b/html_app/assignments/microscopy_usability/assignment.js
index 1b2948bc..a38e932d 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/microscopy_usability/assignment.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/microscopy_usability/assignment.js
@@ -1,1095 +1,1649 @@
var __june_2014_usability = {
- id: 'microscopy_usability',
- name: 'Microscopy Usability Test',
- course: 'usability',
- course_name: 'StarCellBio Usability Testing',
- description: 'Microscopy Test of images',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ['Goal & Introduction', 'Here come instructions when we build them']
+ id: 'microscopy_usability',
+ name: 'Microscopy Usability Test',
+ course: 'usability',
+ course_name: 'StarCellBio Usability Testing',
+ description: 'Microscopy Test of images',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ['Goal & Introduction', 'Here come instructions when we build them']
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['micro'],
+ gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'collection',
+ title: 'Timepoints',
+ editable: false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ }
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'micro'],
- gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: false},
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: false},
- {kind: 'collection', title: 'Timepoints', editable: false}
- ]
- },
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}
- ],
- actions: [
+ actions: []
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ disable_blur: false,
+ disable_brightness: false
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'collection_id'],
+ map: ['collections', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ order: ['wt', 'cko'],
+ headings: [
+ '', 'Strains', 'Treatments', 'Timepoints'
+ ],
+ 'wt': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "control",
+ treatment_id: 'controlV3'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Wild type'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Control Virus'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 months"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'controlV3',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ control: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: '3 m',
+ microscope: ['HnE'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'Dye': ['HnE']
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ae',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
- microscopy: {
- disable_blur: false,
- disable_brightness: false
- },
- western_blot: {
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
- map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'collection_id'],
- map: ['collections', '%KEY%', 'name']}
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "control",
+ treatment_id: 'controlV6'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Wild type'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Control Virus'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "6 months"
- },
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- order: ['wt', 'cko'],
- headings: [
- '', 'Strains', 'Treatments', 'Timepoints'
- ],
- 'wt': {
- rows: [
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'controlV6',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ control: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "control", treatment_id: 'controlV3'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Wild type'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Control Virus'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 months"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'controlV3',
- cell_treatments: {
- control: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: '3 m', microscope: ['HnE'],
- conditions: {
- 'Dye': ['HnE']
- },
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ae', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}, temperature: '22'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "control", treatment_id: 'controlV6'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Wild type'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Control Virus'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "6 months"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'controlV6',
- cell_treatments: {
- control: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: '6 m', microscope: ['HnE'],
- conditions: {
- 'Dye': ['HnE']
- },
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ae', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}, temperature: '22'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: '6 m',
+ microscope: ['HnE'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'Dye': ['HnE']
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ae',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- },
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "control",
+ treatment_id: 'controlV1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Wild type'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Control Virus'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "1 year"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'controlV1',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ control: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "control", treatment_id: 'controlV1'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Wild type'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Control Virus'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "1 year"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'controlV1',
- cell_treatments: {
- control: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: '1 yr', microscope: ['HnE'],
- conditions: {
- 'Dye': ['HnE']
- },
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ae', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}, temperature: '22'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: '1 yr',
+ microscope: ['HnE'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'Dye': ['HnE']
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ae',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- },
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "cre",
+ treatment_id: 'creV3'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Wild type'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Cre Virus'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 months"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'creV3',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ cre: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "cre", treatment_id: 'creV3'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Wild type'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Cre Virus'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 months"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'creV3',
- cell_treatments: {
- cre: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: '3 m', microscope: ['HnE'],
- conditions: {
- 'Dye': ['HnE']
- },
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ac', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}, temperature: '22'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: '3 m',
+ microscope: ['HnE'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'Dye': ['HnE']
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- },
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "cre",
+ treatment_id: 'creV6'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Wild type'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Cre Virus'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "6 months"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'creV6',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ cre: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ collection_id: '6 m',
+ microscope: ['HnE'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'Dye': ['HnE']
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "cre", treatment_id: 'creV6'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Wild type'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Cre Virus'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "6 months"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'creV6',
- cell_treatments: {
- cre: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: '6 m', microscope: ['HnE'],
- conditions: {
- 'Dye': ['HnE']
- },
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ac', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}, temperature: '22'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "cre",
+ treatment_id: 'creV1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Wild type'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Cre Virus'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "1 year"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'creV1',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ cre: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ collection_id: '1 yr',
+ microscope: ['HnE'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'Dye': ['HnE']
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "cre", treatment_id: 'creV1'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Wild type'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Cre Virus'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "1 year"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'creV1',
- cell_treatments: {
- cre: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: '1 yr', microscope: ['HnE'],
- conditions: {
- 'Dye': ['HnE']
- },
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ac', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}, temperature: '22'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cko': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "control",
+ treatment_id: 'controlV3'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Conditional KO'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Control Virus'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 months"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'controlV3',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ control: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: '3 m',
+ microscope: ['HnE'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'Dye': ['HnE']
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ae',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22'
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- ]
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "control",
+ treatment_id: 'controlV6'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Conditional KO'
- 'cko': {
- rows: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Control Virus'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "6 months"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'controlV6',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ control: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ collection_id: '6 m',
+ microscope: ['HnE'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'Dye': ['HnE']
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ae',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "control", treatment_id: 'controlV3'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Conditional KO'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Control Virus'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 months"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'controlV3',
- cell_treatments: {
- control: [
- {cell_line: 'cko',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: '3 m', microscope: ['HnE'],
- conditions: {
- 'Dye': ['HnE']
- },
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ae', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}, temperature: '22'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "control",
+ treatment_id: 'controlV1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Conditional KO'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Control Virus'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "1 year"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'controlV1',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ control: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ collection_id: '1 yr',
+ microscope: ['HnE'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'Dye': ['HnE']
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ae',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "control", treatment_id: 'controlV6'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Conditional KO'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Control Virus'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "6 months"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'controlV6',
- cell_treatments: {
- control: [
- {cell_line: 'cko',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: '6 m', microscope: ['HnE'],
- conditions: {
- 'Dye': ['HnE']
- },
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ae', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}, temperature: '22'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "cre",
+ treatment_id: 'creV3'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Conditional KO'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Cre Virus'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 months"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'creV3',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ cre: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ collection_id: '3 m',
+ microscope: ['HnE'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'Dye': ['HnE']
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "control", treatment_id: 'controlV1'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Conditional KO'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Control Virus'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "1 year"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'controlV1',
- cell_treatments: {
- control: [
- {cell_line: 'cko',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: '1 yr', microscope: ['HnE'],
- conditions: {
- 'Dye': ['HnE']
- },
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ae', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}, temperature: '22'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ },
+ {
- },
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "cre",
+ treatment_id: 'creV6'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Conditional KO'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Cre Virus'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "6 months"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'creV6',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ cre: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ collection_id: '6 m',
+ microscope: ['HnE', 'ki67', 'cgrp'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'Dye': ['HnE'],
+ 'IHC': ['cgrp', 'ki67']
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "cre", treatment_id: 'creV3'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Conditional KO'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Cre Virus'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 months"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'creV3',
- cell_treatments: {
- cre: [
- {cell_line: 'cko',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: '3 m', microscope: ['HnE'],
- conditions: {
- 'Dye': ['HnE']
- },
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ac', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}, temperature: '22'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "cre",
+ treatment_id: 'creV1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Conditional KO'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Cre Virus'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "1 year"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'creV1',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ cre: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ collection_id: '1 yr',
+ microscope: ['HnE', 'cgrp', 'rgb'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'Dye': ['HnE'],
+ 'IHC': ['cgrp'],
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "cre", treatment_id: 'creV6'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Conditional KO'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Cre Virus'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "6 months"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'creV6',
- cell_treatments: {
- cre: [
- {cell_line: 'cko',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: '6 m', microscope: ['HnE', 'ki67', 'cgrp'],
- conditions: {
- 'Dye': ['HnE'],
- 'IHC': ['cgrp', 'ki67']
- },
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ac', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}, temperature: '22'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ }
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs',
+ collections: {
+ '3 m': {
+ name: '3 months'
+ },
+ '6 m': {
+ name: '6 months'
+ },
+ '1 yr': {
+ name: '1 year'
+ }
+ },
+ concentrations: {
- },
- {
+ '108': {
+ name: '10^8 PFU',
+ value: 1000
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'ac': {
+ name: 'Cre Virus',
+ concentrations: ['108']
+ },
+ 'ae': {
+ name: 'Control Virus',
+ concentrations: ['108']
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '22': {
+ name: "22" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'wt': {
+ name: 'Wild Type',
+ full_name: 'Wild Type'
+ },
+ 'cko': {
+ name: 'Conditional KO',
+ full_name: 'Conditional KO'
+ }
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "cre", treatment_id: 'creV1'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Conditional KO'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Cre Virus'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "1 year"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'creV1',
- cell_treatments: {
- cre: [
- {cell_line: 'cko',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: '1 yr', microscope: ['HnE', 'cgrp', 'rgb'],
- conditions: {
- 'Dye': ['HnE'],
- 'IHC': ['cgrp'],
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- },
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ac', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}, temperature: '22'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: ['cdk2', 'cyclin', 'cyclinE', 'pgk1'],
+ 'cdk2': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-cdk2',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 33,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 34,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 35,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cdk2'
+ },
+ 'cyclin': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin B'
+ },
+ 'cyclinE': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin E'
+ },
+ 'pgk1': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'pgk1'
+ }
+ }, //
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 'm': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ },
+ 'r': {
+ name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
+ }
+ }, //
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
+ facs_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI',
+ conditions: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ micro_kinds: {
+ 'IF': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling IF',
+ conditions: {
+ 'rgb': {
+ name: 'Nfib (red), DAPI (blue), control (green)',
+ short_name: 'R:Nfib, G:control, B:DAPI'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'IHC': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling IHC',
+ conditions: {
+ 'ki67': {
+ name: 'Ki-67 (brown), hematoxylin (blue)',
+ short_name: 'IHC: Ki-67'
+ },
+ 'cgrp': {
+ name: 'CGRP (brown), hematoxylin (blue)',
+ short_name: 'IHC: CGRP'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'Dye': {
+ name: 'Dye/Stain',
+ conditions: {
+ 'HnE': {
+ name: 'Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)',
+ short_name: 'Dye: H&E'
+ }
+ }
- ]
- }
+ },
+ 'na': {
+ name: 'None'
+ }
+ },
+ slides: {
+ 'img1': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_1/AD20E1_20x.jpg',
+ 'img2': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_2/AD20E2_20x.jpg',
+ 'img3': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_3/AD22E1_20x.jpg',
+ 'img4': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_3/AD22E1_40x.jpg',
+ 'img5': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_4/AD27E2_20x.jpg',
+ 'img6': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_5/AD1024E_3_20x.jpg',
+ 'img7': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_6/AD901_8_4x.jpg',
+ 'img8': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_7/AD901_50_4x.jpg',
+ 'img9': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_8/AD901_52_4x.jpg',
+ 'img10': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_9/AD1021E_20x.jpg',
- }
+ 'img11': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_3m/HnE/Sample_1/AD1024E_2_20x.jpg',
+ 'img12': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_3m/HnE/Sample_2/AD1024E_10x.jpeg',
+ 'img13': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_3m/HnE/Sample_2/AD1024E_20x.jpeg',
- },
+ 'img14': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_1/AD900E1_40x.jpg',
+ 'img15': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_2/AD900E3_20x.jpg',
+ 'img16': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_2/AD900E3_40x.jpg',
+ 'img17': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_3/AD987E1_40x-3.jpg',
+ 'img18': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_4m/AD901E25-1_he_20x.jpg',
+ 'img19': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_4m/AD901E25-1_he_40x.jpg',
+ 'img20': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_5m/AD901E25-2_he_40x-2.jpg',
+ 'img21': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_6m/AD901E25-3_he_20x.jpg',
+ 'img22': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_6m/AD901E25-3_he_40x.jpg',
+ 'img23': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_2only_20x.jpeg',
+ 'img24': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_2only_40x.jpeg',
+ 'img25': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_ki-67_20x.jpeg',
+ 'img26': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_ki-67_40xadj.jpg',
+ 'img27': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_2/AD901E25-2_2only_40x.jpg',
+ 'img28': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_2/AD901E25-2_ki-67_40xadj.jpg',
+ 'img29': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_2only_20x-2.jpeg',
+ 'img30': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_2only_40x-2.jpeg',
+ 'img31': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_ki-67_20x-2.jpeg',
+ 'img32': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_ki-67_40x-2.jpeg',
- add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs',
- collections: {
- '3 m': {
- name: '3 months'
- },
- '6 m': {
- name: '6 months'
- },
- '1 yr': {
- name: '1 year'
- }
- },
+ 'img33': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_1/AD985E-1_20x-2.jpg',
+ 'img34': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_2/AD985E-1_20x.jpg',
+ 'img35': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_3/ad985T1_4X-2.jpg',
+ 'img36': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_3/ad985T1_10X.jpg',
+ 'img37': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_3/ad985T1_20X.jpg',
+ 'img38': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_4/AD990E-1_20x.jpg',
+ 'img39': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_5m/AD1017_HE_20X.jpg',
+ 'img40': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_6m/AD3587E_HE_20X-1-2.jpg',
+ 'img41': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_blue_advanced4.jpeg',
+ 'img42': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_green_advanced4.jpeg',
+ 'img43': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_merge_advanced4.jpeg',
+ 'img44': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_red_advanced4.jpeg',
+ 'img45': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_2/AD3172E-02_60X_merge.jpg',
+ 'img46': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_3/AD984E2-01_R3D_D3D_PRJ_617_528_457_60X_merge.jpg',
+ 'img47': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_blue.jpeg',
+ 'img48': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_green.jpeg',
+ 'img49': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_merge.jpeg',
+ 'img50': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_red.jpeg',
+ 'img51': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_blue.jpeg',
+ 'img52': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_green.jpeg',
+ 'img53': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_merge.jpeg',
+ 'img54': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_red.jpeg',
+ 'img55': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/match/Sample_1/AD1017_NFIB_20X.jpg',
+ 'img56': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/match/Sample_2/AD3587E_NFIB_20X-1.jpg',
+ 'img60': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/CGRP_IHC/35873587E_advanced_strong_10X.jpg',
+ 'img61': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/CGRP_IHC/AD3172E_Nfib_10X_strong-2-0001.jpg',
+ 'img62': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/CGRP_IHC/35883588E_advanced_strong_20X.jpg',
- concentrations: {
+ 'img63': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/CGRP_IHC/31723172E_early_strong_20X-2.jpg',
+ 'img64': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/CGRP_IHC/AD1017_NFIB_20X.jpg',
+ 'img65': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/CGRP_IHC/35253525E_early_weak_20X.jpg',
+ 'img66': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/CGRP_IHC/35873587E_early_strong_20X.jpg',
+ 'img67': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/CGRP_IHC/AD3587E_NFIB_20X-1.jpg'
- '108': {
- name: '10^8 PFU',
- value: 1000
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'ac': {
- name: 'Cre Virus',
- concentrations: ['108']
- },
- 'ae': {
- name: 'Control Virus',
- concentrations: ['108']
- }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '22': {
- name: "22" + degreeEntity + "C"
- }
- },
- cell_lines: {
- 'wt': {
- name: 'Wild Type',
- full_name: 'Wild Type'
- },
- 'cko': {
- name: 'Conditional KO',
- full_name: 'Conditional KO'
- }
+ },
+ model: { // models
+ western_blot: {
+ 'cyto': {
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: '*ANY*',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ }
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: ['cdk2', 'cyclin', 'cyclinE', 'pgk1'],
- 'cdk2': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-cdk2',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 33, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 34, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 35, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cdk2'
+ ]
- 'cyclin': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 58, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin B'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'pp1',
+ cell_line: '*ANY*',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 33, // 34&35
+ intensity: .3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 34, // 34&35
+ intensity: .3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: .3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ }
+ ]
- 'cyclinE': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 48, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin E'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ marks: []
- 'pgk1': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 45, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'pgk1'
- }
- },//
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 'm': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ }
+ ]
- 'r': {
- name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
- }
- },//
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
- }
- },
- facs_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'PI',
- conditions: {
- 'whole': {name: 'PI'}
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- },
- micro_kinds: {
- 'IF': {
- name: 'Antibody-labeling IF',
- conditions: {
- 'rgb': {name: 'Nfib (red), DAPI (blue), control (green)',
- short_name: 'R:Nfib, G:control, B:DAPI'}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Nocodazole',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ ]
- 'IHC': {
- name: 'Antibody-labeling IHC',
- conditions: {
- 'ki67': {name: 'Ki-67 (brown), hematoxylin (blue)',
- short_name: 'IHC: Ki-67'},
- 'cgrp': {name: 'CGRP (brown), hematoxylin (blue)',
- short_name: 'IHC: CGRP'}
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ ]
- 'Dye': {
- name: 'Dye/Stain',
- conditions: {
- 'HnE': {name: 'Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E)',
- short_name: 'Dye: H&E'}
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Alpha',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 34, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ facs: {
+ 'dna': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ shape: 'normal'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'g2-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'S-block'
- 'na': {
- name: 'None'
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
+ shape: 'g2-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ drug_id: 'Alpha',
+ shape: 'alpha-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ shape: 'S-block'
- },
- slides: {
- 'img1': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_1/AD20E1_20x.jpg',
- 'img2': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_2/AD20E2_20x.jpg',
- 'img3': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_3/AD22E1_20x.jpg',
- 'img4': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_3/AD22E1_40x.jpg',
- 'img5': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_4/AD27E2_20x.jpg',
- 'img6': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_5/AD1024E_3_20x.jpg',
- 'img7': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_6/AD901_8_4x.jpg',
- 'img8': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_7/AD901_50_4x.jpg',
- 'img9': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_8/AD901_52_4x.jpg',
- 'img10': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_9/AD1021E_20x.jpg',
- 'img11': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_3m/HnE/Sample_1/AD1024E_2_20x.jpg',
- 'img12': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_3m/HnE/Sample_2/AD1024E_10x.jpeg',
- 'img13': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_3m/HnE/Sample_2/AD1024E_20x.jpeg',
+ ]
- 'img14': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_1/AD900E1_40x.jpg',
- 'img15': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_2/AD900E3_20x.jpg',
- 'img16': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_2/AD900E3_40x.jpg',
- 'img17': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_3/AD987E1_40x-3.jpg',
- 'img18': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_4m/AD901E25-1_he_20x.jpg',
- 'img19': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_4m/AD901E25-1_he_40x.jpg',
- 'img20': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_5m/AD901E25-2_he_40x-2.jpg',
- 'img21': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_6m/AD901E25-3_he_20x.jpg',
- 'img22': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_6m/AD901E25-3_he_40x.jpg',
- 'img23': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_2only_20x.jpeg',
- 'img24': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_2only_40x.jpeg',
- 'img25': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_ki-67_20x.jpeg',
- 'img26': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_ki-67_40xadj.jpg',
- 'img27': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_2/AD901E25-2_2only_40x.jpg',
- 'img28': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_2/AD901E25-2_ki-67_40xadj.jpg',
- 'img29': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_2only_20x-2.jpeg',
- 'img30': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_2only_40x-2.jpeg',
- 'img31': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_ki-67_20x-2.jpeg',
- 'img32': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_ki-67_40x-2.jpeg',
- 'img33': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_1/AD985E-1_20x-2.jpg',
- 'img34': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_2/AD985E-1_20x.jpg',
- 'img35': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_3/ad985T1_4X-2.jpg',
- 'img36': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_3/ad985T1_10X.jpg',
- 'img37': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_3/ad985T1_20X.jpg',
- 'img38': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_4/AD990E-1_20x.jpg',
- 'img39': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_5m/AD1017_HE_20X.jpg',
- 'img40': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_6m/AD3587E_HE_20X-1-2.jpg',
- 'img41': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_blue_advanced4.jpeg',
- 'img42': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_green_advanced4.jpeg',
- 'img43': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_merge_advanced4.jpeg',
- 'img44': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_red_advanced4.jpeg',
- 'img45': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_2/AD3172E-02_60X_merge.jpg',
- 'img46': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_3/AD984E2-01_R3D_D3D_PRJ_617_528_457_60X_merge.jpg',
- 'img47': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_blue.jpeg',
- 'img48': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_green.jpeg',
- 'img49': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_merge.jpeg',
- 'img50': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_red.jpeg',
- 'img51': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_blue.jpeg',
- 'img52': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_green.jpeg',
- 'img53': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_merge.jpeg',
- 'img54': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_red.jpeg',
- 'img55': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/match/Sample_1/AD1017_NFIB_20X.jpg',
- 'img56': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/match/Sample_2/AD3587E_NFIB_20X-1.jpg',
- 'img60': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/CGRP_IHC/35873587E_advanced_strong_10X.jpg',
- 'img61': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/CGRP_IHC/AD3172E_Nfib_10X_strong-2-0001.jpg',
- 'img62': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/CGRP_IHC/35883588E_advanced_strong_20X.jpg',
- 'img63': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/CGRP_IHC/31723172E_early_strong_20X-2.jpg',
- 'img64': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/CGRP_IHC/AD1017_NFIB_20X.jpg',
- 'img65': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/CGRP_IHC/35253525E_early_weak_20X.jpg',
- 'img66': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/CGRP_IHC/35873587E_early_strong_20X.jpg',
- 'img67': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/CGRP_IHC/AD3587E_NFIB_20X-1.jpg'
- },
- model: { // models
- western_blot: {
- 'cyto': {
- 'parser_fixed': [
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: '*ANY*',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'pp1',
- cell_line: '*ANY*',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 33, // 34&35
- intensity: .3,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 34, // 34&35
- intensity: .3,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: .3,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- marks: [
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'm1',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'm2',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Nocodazole',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Hydroxyurea',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Alpha',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 34, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ 'valid': ['cko', 'ac'],
+ 'slide': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img2',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img3',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img4',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img5',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img6',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img7',
+ mag: '4x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img8',
+ mag: '4x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img9',
+ mag: '4x'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
- facs: {
- 'dna': {
- 'parser_simple': [
- {
- match: [],
- shape: 'normal'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: 'm1',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'g2-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: 'm2',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'S-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
- shape: 'g2-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- drug_id: 'Alpha',
- shape: 'alpha-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
- shape: 'S-block'
- }
- ]
- }
+ /* Conditional KO */
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ drug_id: 'ae',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img2',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img3',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img4',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img5',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img6',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img7',
+ mag: '4x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img8',
+ mag: '4x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img9',
+ mag: '4x'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
- microscopy: {
- 'valid': ['cko', 'ac'],
- 'slide': {
- 'parser_simple': [
- {
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: 'img2', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img3', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img4', mag: '40x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img5', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img6', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img7', mag: '4x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img8', mag: '4x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img9', mag: '4x' }
- ]
- ]
- },
- /* Conditional KO */
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'cko',
- drug_id: 'ae',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: 'img2', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img3', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img4', mag: '40x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img5', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img6', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img7', mag: '4x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img8', mag: '4x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img9', mag: '4x' }
- ]
- ]
- },
- { /* 3 months*/
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'cko',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '3 m',
- kind: 'Dye',
- conditions: 'HnE',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: 'img11', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img12', mag: '10x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img13', mag: '20x' }
- ]
- ]
- },
- { /* 6 months*/
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'cko',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '6 m',
- kind: 'Dye',
- conditions: 'HnE',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: 'img14', mag: '40x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img15', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img16', mag: '40x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img17', mag: '40x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img18', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img19', mag: '40x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img20', mag: '40x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img21', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img22', mag: '40x' }
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'cko',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '6 m',
- kind: 'IHC',
- conditions: 'cgrp',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: 'img63', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img64', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img65', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img66', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img67', mag: '20x' }
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'cko',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '6 m',
- kind: 'IHC',
- conditions: 'ki67',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: 'img25', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img26', mag: '40x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img28', mag: '40x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img31', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img32', mag: '40x' }
- ]
- ]
- },
- /* 1 year */
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'cko',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '1 yr',
- kind: 'IHC',
- conditions: 'cgrp',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: 'img60', mag: '10x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img61', mag: '10x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img62', mag: '20x' }
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'cko',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '1 yr',
- kind: 'Dye',
- conditions: 'HnE',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: 'img33', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img34', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img35', mag: '4x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img36', mag: '10x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img37', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img38', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img39', mag: '20x' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img40', mag: '20x' }
- ]
- ]
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'cko',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '1 yr',
- kind: 'IF',
- conditions: 'rgb',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: 'img41', mag: '60x', if_type: 'blue' },
- {hash: 'img42', mag: '60x', if_type: 'green' },
- {hash: 'img43', mag: '60x', if_type: 'merge' },
- {hash: 'img44', mag: '60x', if_type: 'red' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img45', mag: '60x', if_type: 'merge' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img46', mag: '60x', if_type: 'merge' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img47', mag: '60x', if_type: 'blue' },
- {hash: 'img48', mag: '60x', if_type: 'green' },
- {hash: 'img49', mag: '60x', if_type: 'merge' },
- {hash: 'img50', mag: '60x', if_type: 'red' }
- ],
- [
- {hash: 'img51', mag: '60x', if_type: 'blue' },
- {hash: 'img52', mag: '60x', if_type: 'green' },
- {hash: 'img53', mag: '60x', if_type: 'merge' },
- {hash: 'img54', mag: '60x', if_type: 'red' }
- ]
- ]
- }
+ { /* 3 months*/
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '3 m',
+ kind: 'Dye',
+ conditions: 'HnE',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img11',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img12',
+ mag: '10x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img13',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ { /* 6 months*/
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '6 m',
+ kind: 'Dye',
+ conditions: 'HnE',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img14',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img15',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img16',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img17',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img18',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img19',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img20',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img21',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img22',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '6 m',
+ kind: 'IHC',
+ conditions: 'cgrp',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img63',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img64',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img65',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img66',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img67',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '6 m',
+ kind: 'IHC',
+ conditions: 'ki67',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img25',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img26',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img28',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img31',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img32',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ /* 1 year */
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '1 yr',
+ kind: 'IHC',
+ conditions: 'cgrp',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img60',
+ mag: '10x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img61',
+ mag: '10x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img62',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
- ]
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '1 yr',
+ kind: 'Dye',
+ conditions: 'HnE',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img33',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img34',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img35',
+ mag: '4x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img36',
+ mag: '10x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img37',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img38',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img39',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img40',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'cko',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '1 yr',
+ kind: 'IF',
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img41',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'blue'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img42',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img43',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'merge'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img44',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'red'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img45',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'merge'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img46',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'merge'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img47',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'blue'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img48',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img49',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'merge'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img50',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'red'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img51',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'blue'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img52',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img53',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'merge'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img54',
+ mag: '60x',
+ if_type: 'red'
+ }
+ ]
- }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/mit706s14/AddMultipleDialog.js b/html_app/assignments/mit706s14/AddMultipleDialog.js
index 76caeb34..664aa7c3 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/mit706s14/AddMultipleDialog.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/mit706s14/AddMultipleDialog.js
@@ -1,100 +1,102 @@
var mit706s14 = mit706s14 || {};
mit706s14.static = mit706s14.static || {};
-mit706s14.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add = function (element, dialog, state) {
+mit706s14.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add = function(element, dialog, state) {
- $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function (e) {
- var element = $(this);
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- var cell_line = $(element).attr('cell_line');
- var name = $(element).attr('name');
- $(element).attr('aria-checked',true);
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
- skip_hash_update: true
- });
+ $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function(e) {
+ var element = $(this);
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ var cell_line = $(element).attr('cell_line');
+ var name = $(element).attr('name');
+ $(element).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ });
- var template = parsed.assignment.template;
- var rows = template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[cell_line].rows;
-// var row = _.find(rows[0].cell_treatments, function (eh) {
-// return eh[0].treatment_id == treatment_id;
-// });
- var cell_treatments_array = rows[0].cell_treatments[name];
- _.each(cell_treatments_array, function (eh) {
- parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
- });
+ var template = parsed.assignment.template;
+ var rows = template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[cell_line].rows;
+ // var row = _.find(rows[0].cell_treatments, function (eh) {
+ // return eh[0].treatment_id == treatment_id;
+ // });
+ var cell_treatments_array = rows[0].cell_treatments[name];
+ _.each(cell_treatments_array, function(eh) {
+ parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
+ });
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
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- var container = dialog;
- if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- }
- });
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- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add', function (e) {
- mit706s14.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add(this, dialog, state);
- $(this).focus();
- });
+mit706s14.register = function(dialog, state) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s14_dialog', function(e) {
+ var container = dialog;
+ if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_cancel', function(e) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add', function(e) {
+ mit706s14.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add(this, dialog, state);
+ $(this).focus();
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select_all', function (e) {
- $('input[type=checkbox]' , dialog).attr('checked','checked');
- $('input[type=checkbox]' , dialog).attr('aria-checked',true);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select_all', function(e) {
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title_close', function (e) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_checkbox', function (e) {
- $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked',$(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked') =='false' ? true : false);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select', function (e) {
- var cell_line = $(this).attr('cell_line');
- var name = $(this).attr('name');
- $('input[type=checkbox][name="'+name+'"]' , dialog).attr('checked','checked');
- $('input[type=checkbox][name="'+name+'"]' , dialog).attr('aria-checked',true);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title_close', function(e) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_checkbox', function(e) {
+ $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked', $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked') == 'false' ? true : false);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select', function(e) {
+ var cell_line = $(this).attr('cell_line');
+ var name = $(this).attr('name');
+ $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ });
-mit706s14.setup = function (state) {
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var assignment = state.assignment;
- var experiment = state.experiment;
- var template = state.assignment.template;
- var onClose = state.close;
+mit706s14.setup = function(state) {
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var assignment = state.assignment;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ var onClose = state.close;
- var dialog = $("
- dialog.html(mit706s14.dialog({
- assignment: assignment,
- experiment: experiment,
- template: template
- }));
+ var dialog = $("
+ dialog.html(mit706s14.dialog({
+ assignment: assignment,
+ experiment: experiment,
+ template: template
+ }));
- dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
- mit706s14.register($(dialog), state);
+ dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
+ mit706s14.register($(dialog), state);
- var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
- _.each( css , function(v,k){
- dialog.css(k,v);
- });
+ var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
+ _.each(css, function(v, k) {
+ dialog.css(k, v);
+ });
- $('.scb_mit706s14_dialog').draggable({handle:'.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title'})
+ $('.scb_mit706s14_dialog').draggable({
+ handle: '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title'
+ })
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/mit706s14/assignment.js b/html_app/assignments/mit706s14/assignment.js
index 5b1dcfa9..9d7c0424 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/mit706s14/assignment.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/mit706s14/assignment.js
@@ -1,2318 +1,2946 @@
var __assignment_706_2014 = {
- id: 'assignment_706_2014',
- name: 'StarCellBio Problem 1',
- course: '7.06_Spring_2014',
- course_name: 'Class',
- description: 'Microscopy Test of images',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ['Goal & Introduction', 'Here come instructions when we build them']
+ id: 'assignment_706_2014',
+ name: 'StarCellBio Problem 1',
+ course: '7.06_Spring_2014',
+ course_name: 'Class',
+ description: 'Microscopy Test of images',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ['Goal & Introduction', 'Here come instructions when we build them']
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb', 'micro'],
+ gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: true
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ }
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' , 'micro'],
- gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: true},
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: true}
- ]
- },
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}
- ],
- actions: [
- ]
- },
- western_blot: {
- format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
- map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']}
+ actions: []
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ disable_blur: true,
+ disable_brightness: true
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ order: ['gfp', 'gfp1', 'gfp2', 'gfp3', 'gfp4', 'gfp5', 'gfpH', 'gfp100', 'gfpTD'],
+ headings: [
+ 'Strain', 'Growth media only', 'Growth media + ligand', 'Growth media + inhibitor',
+ 'Growth media + ligand + inhibitor'
+ ],
+ 'gfp': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
- },
- microscopy: {
- disable_blur: true,
- disable_brightness: true
- },
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- order: ['gfp', 'gfp1', 'gfp2', 'gfp3', 'gfp4', 'gfp5', 'gfpH', 'gfp100', 'gfpTD'],
- headings: [
- 'Strain', 'Growth media only', 'Growth media + ligand', 'Growth media + inhibitor',
- 'Growth media + ligand + inhibitor'
- ],
- 'gfp': {
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
+ ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]},
- temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]},
- temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]},
- temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }}
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- 'gfp1': {
- rows: [
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Protein A'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp1',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp1',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp1',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp1',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'gfp2': {
- rows: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Protein B'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp2',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp2',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp2',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp2',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'gfp3': {
- rows: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Protein C'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp3',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp3',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }}
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp3',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp3',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'gfp4': {
- rows: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Protein D'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp4',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp4',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp4',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp4',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp1': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Protein A'
- 'gfp5': {
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Protein E'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp5',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp5',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp5',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp5',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'gfpH': {
- rows: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Histone H2B'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpH',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpH',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpH',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpH',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'gfp100': {
- rows: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-p100'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp100',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp100',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp100',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp100',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'gfpTD': {
- rows: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-pTD'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }}
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs',
- collections: {
- '': {
- name: ''
- }
- },
- concentrations: {
- 100: {
- name: '',
- value: 100
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'gm': {
- name: 'Growth media only',
- concentrations: ['100']
- },
- 'gml': {
- name: 'Growth media + ligand',
- concentrations: ['100']
- },
- 'gmi': {
- name: 'Growth media + inhibitor',
- concentrations: ['100']
- },
- 'gmil': {
- name: 'Growth media + ligand + inhibitor',
- concentrations: ['100']
- }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '22': {
- name: "22" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
- cell_lines: {
- 'gfp': {
- name: 'GFP'
- },
- 'gfp1': {
- name: 'GFP-Protein A'
- },
- 'gfp2': {
- name: 'GFP-Protein B'
- },
- 'gfp3': {
- name: 'GFP-Protein C'
- },
- 'gfp4': {
- name: 'GFP-Protein D'
- },
- 'gfp5': {
- name: 'GFP-Protein E'
- },
- 'gfpH': {
- name: 'GFP-Histone H2B'
- },
- 'gfp100': {
- name: 'GFP-p100'
- },
- 'gfpTD': {
- name: 'GFP-pTD'
- }
+ 'gfp2': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Protein B'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: ['mp1', 'mp2', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'mp5', 'mpAG'],
- 'mp1': {
- name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein A',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 46, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'P-Protein A'
- },
- 'mp2': {
- name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein B',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 134, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'P-Protein B'
- },
- 'mp3': {
- name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein C',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 44, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'P-Protein C'
- },
- 'mp4': {
- name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein D',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 67, intensity: 0}
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- gel_name: 'P-Protein D'
- },
- 'mp5': {
- name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein E',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 74, intensity: 0}
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- gel_name: 'P-Protein E'
- },
- 'mpAG': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-GAPDH',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 37, intensity: 0}
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- gel_name: 'GAPDH'
- }
- },//
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 'm': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
- },
- 'r': {
- name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
- }
- },//
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
- micro_kinds: {
- 'IF': {
- name: 'Fluorescence',
- conditions: {
- 'rgb': {name: 'GFP (green)',
- short_name: 'G:GFP'}
+ 'gfp3': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Protein C'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
- },
- 'na': {
- name: 'None'
- }
- },
- slides: {
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- 'img4': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/c10.jpg',
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- 'img23': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/n8.jpg',
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- 'img30': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/n43.jpg',
- 'img31': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/n47.jpg',
- 'img32': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/n60.jpg',
- 'img46': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/n64.jpg',
- 'img36': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/pm2.jpg',
- 'img37': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/pm3.jpg',
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- [
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- }
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
- ],
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- [
- {
- hash: 'img36',
- mag: 'N/A',
- if_type: 'green'
- }
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- ],
- [
- {
- hash: 'img45',
- mag: 'N/A',
- if_type: 'green'
- }
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
- ],
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- [
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- [
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- }
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
- ],
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- [
- {
- hash: 'img9',
- mag: 'N/A',
- if_type: 'green'
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- hash: 'img10',
- mag: 'N/A',
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- }
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- [
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- hash: 'img17',
- mag: 'N/A',
- if_type: 'green'
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- hash: 'img18',
- mag: 'N/A',
- if_type: 'green'
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- hash: 'img19',
- mag: 'N/A',
- if_type: 'green'
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- hash: 'img20',
- mag: 'N/A',
- if_type: 'green'
- }
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
- ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
- }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
- model: { // models
- western_blot: {
- 'cyto': {
- 'parser_fixed': [
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfpH',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfpH',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfpH',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfpH',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- //CELL GFP p100
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp100',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ 'gfp4': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Protein D'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp100',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp100',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp100',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp5': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Protein E'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp1',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfpH': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Histone H2B'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp1',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp1',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp1',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp100': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-p100'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 161, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 161, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp3',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 71, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp3',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 71, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp3',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 71, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp3',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 71, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp4',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp4',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 94, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp4',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp4',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfpTD': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-pTD'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp5',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp5',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 101, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp5',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp5',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 101, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
- ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs',
+ collections: {
+ '': {
+ name: ''
+ }
+ },
+ concentrations: {
+ 100: {
+ name: '',
+ value: 100
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'gm': {
+ name: 'Growth media only',
+ concentrations: ['100']
+ },
+ 'gml': {
+ name: 'Growth media + ligand',
+ concentrations: ['100']
+ },
+ 'gmi': {
+ name: 'Growth media + inhibitor',
+ concentrations: ['100']
+ },
+ 'gmil': {
+ name: 'Growth media + ligand + inhibitor',
+ concentrations: ['100']
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '22': {
+ name: "22" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'gfp': {
+ name: 'GFP'
+ },
+ 'gfp1': {
+ name: 'GFP-Protein A'
+ },
+ 'gfp2': {
+ name: 'GFP-Protein B'
+ },
+ 'gfp3': {
+ name: 'GFP-Protein C'
+ },
+ 'gfp4': {
+ name: 'GFP-Protein D'
+ },
+ 'gfp5': {
+ name: 'GFP-Protein E'
+ },
+ 'gfpH': {
+ name: 'GFP-Histone H2B'
+ },
+ 'gfp100': {
+ name: 'GFP-p100'
+ },
+ 'gfpTD': {
+ name: 'GFP-pTD'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: ['mp1', 'mp2', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'mp5', 'mpAG'],
+ 'mp1': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein A',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 46,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'P-Protein A'
+ },
+ 'mp2': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein B',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 134,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'P-Protein B'
+ },
+ 'mp3': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein C',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'P-Protein C'
+ },
+ 'mp4': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein D',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 67,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'P-Protein D'
+ },
+ 'mp5': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein E',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 74,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'P-Protein E'
+ },
+ 'mpAG': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-GAPDH',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 37,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'GAPDH'
+ }
+ }, //
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 'm': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ },
+ 'r': {
+ name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
+ }
+ }, //
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
+ micro_kinds: {
+ 'IF': {
+ name: 'Fluorescence',
+ conditions: {
+ 'rgb': {
+ name: 'GFP (green)',
+ short_name: 'G:GFP'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'na': {
+ name: 'None'
+ }
+ },
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+ hash: 'img31',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img32',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img46',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'cytoplasm_nucleus'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfpH',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'nucleus'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp100',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'plasma_membrane'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp1',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gmi'],
- phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp1',
- drug_id: ['gml', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'plasma_membrane'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp2',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'plasma_membrane'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp3',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp3',
- drug_id: ['gml'],
- phenotype: 'nucleus'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp4',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp5',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
- }
- ]
+ ],
+ 'cytoplasm_nucleus': [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img9',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img10',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img11',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img12',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img13',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img14',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img16',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img17',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img18',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img19',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'img20',
+ mag: 'N/A',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // models
+ western_blot: {
+ 'cyto': {
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ //CELL GFP p100
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 161, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 161, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 71, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 71, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 71, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 71, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 94, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 101, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 101, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ ]
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ 'valid': ['pfl', 'ac'],
+ 'slide': {
+ 'complex_parser': [
+ {
+ match: []
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'cytoplasm_nucleus'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'nucleus'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'plasma_membrane'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gmi'],
+ phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ drug_id: ['gml', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'plasma_membrane'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'plasma_membrane'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ drug_id: ['gml'],
+ phenotype: 'nucleus'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/mit706s14ps2/AddMultipleDialog.js b/html_app/assignments/mit706s14ps2/AddMultipleDialog.js
index 73ba463e..fcd9dfd1 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/mit706s14ps2/AddMultipleDialog.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/mit706s14ps2/AddMultipleDialog.js
@@ -1,99 +1,101 @@
var mit706s14ps2 = mit706s14ps2 || {};
mit706s14ps2.static = mit706s14ps2.static || {};
-mit706s14ps2.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add = function (element, dialog, state) {
+mit706s14ps2.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add = function(element, dialog, state) {
- $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function (e) {
- var element = $(this);
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- var cell_line = $(element).attr('cell_line');
- var name = $(element).attr('name');
- $(element).attr('aria-checked',true);
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
- skip_hash_update: true
- });
+ $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function(e) {
+ var element = $(this);
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ var cell_line = $(element).attr('cell_line');
+ var name = $(element).attr('name');
+ $(element).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ });
- var template = parsed.assignment.template;
- var rows = template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[cell_line].rows;
- var row = _.find(rows, function (eh) {
- return eh.treatment_id == treatment_id;
- });
- var cell_treatments_array = row.cell_treatments[name];
- _.each(cell_treatments_array, function (eh) {
- parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
- });
+ var template = parsed.assignment.template;
+ var rows = template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[cell_line].rows;
+ var row = _.find(rows, function(eh) {
+ return eh.treatment_id == treatment_id;
+ });
+ var cell_treatments_array = row.cell_treatments[name];
+ _.each(cell_treatments_array, function(eh) {
+ parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
+ });
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
-mit706s14ps2.register = function (dialog, state) {
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s14ps2_dialog', function (e) {
- var container = dialog;
- if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_cancel', function (e) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add', function (e) {
- mit706s14ps2.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add(this, dialog, state);
- $(this).focus();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_checkbox', function (e) {
- $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked',$(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked') =='false' ? true : false);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select_all', function (e) {
- $('input[type=checkbox]' , dialog).attr('checked','checked');
- $('input[type=checkbox]' , dialog).attr('aria-checked',true);
- });
+mit706s14ps2.register = function(dialog, state) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s14ps2_dialog', function(e) {
+ var container = dialog;
+ if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_cancel', function(e) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add', function(e) {
+ mit706s14ps2.static.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_add(this, dialog, state);
+ $(this).focus();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_checkbox', function(e) {
+ $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked', $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked') == 'false' ? true : false);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select_all', function(e) {
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title_close', function (e) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select', function (e) {
- var cell_line = $(this).attr('cell_line');
- var name = $(this).attr('name');
- $('input[type=checkbox][name="'+name+'"]' , dialog).attr('checked','checked');
- $('input[type=checkbox][name="'+name+'"]' , dialog).attr('aria-checked',true);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title_close', function(e) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_select', function(e) {
+ var cell_line = $(this).attr('cell_line');
+ var name = $(this).attr('name');
+ $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ });
-mit706s14ps2.setup = function (state) {
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var assignment = state.assignment;
- var experiment = state.experiment;
- var template = state.assignment.template;
- var onClose = state.close;
+mit706s14ps2.setup = function(state) {
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var assignment = state.assignment;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ var onClose = state.close;
- var dialog = $("
- dialog.html(mit706s14ps2.dialog({
- assignment: assignment,
- experiment: experiment,
- template: template
- }));
+ var dialog = $("
+ dialog.html(mit706s14ps2.dialog({
+ assignment: assignment,
+ experiment: experiment,
+ template: template
+ }));
- dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
- mit706s14ps2.register($(dialog), state);
+ dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
+ mit706s14ps2.register($(dialog), state);
- var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
- _.each( css , function(v,k){
- dialog.css(k,v);
- });
+ var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
+ _.each(css, function(v, k) {
+ dialog.css(k, v);
+ });
- $('.scb_mit706s14ps2_dialog').draggable({handle:'.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title'})
+ $('.scb_mit706s14ps2_dialog').draggable({
+ handle: '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title'
+ })
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/mit706s14ps2/assignment.js b/html_app/assignments/mit706s14ps2/assignment.js
index a92b875a..2627cc28 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/mit706s14ps2/assignment.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/mit706s14ps2/assignment.js
@@ -1,1428 +1,1943 @@
var __assignment_706_2014_ps2 = {
- id: 'assignment_706_2014_ps2',
- name: 'StarCellBio Problem 2',
- course: '7.06_Spring_2014',
- course_name: 'Class2',
- description: 'FACS and Western Blot for temperature sensitive mutants',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- random_choose: true,
- randomize_all: false,
- random_order: [],
- finished_random: false,
- instructions: [
- ['Goal & Introduction', 'Here come instructions when we build them']
+ id: 'assignment_706_2014_ps2',
+ name: 'StarCellBio Problem 2',
+ course: '7.06_Spring_2014',
+ course_name: 'Class2',
+ description: 'FACS and Western Blot for temperature sensitive mutants',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ random_choose: true,
+ randomize_all: false,
+ random_order: [],
+ finished_random: false,
+ instructions: [
+ ['Goal & Introduction', 'Here come instructions when we build them']
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb', 'facs', 'micro'],
+ gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'duration',
+ title: 'Time',
+ editable: false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ }
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' , 'facs', 'micro' ],
- gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: false},
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: false},
- {kind: 'duration', title: 'Time', editable: false}
- ]
- },
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}
- ],
- actions: [
+ actions: []
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ disable_blur: true,
+ disable_brightness: true
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ order: ['S2'],
+ headings: [
+ '', 'Strain', 'Treatment', 'Treatment Duration'
+ ],
+ 'S2': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "B",
+ treatment_id: 'buffer'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Control siRNA'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'buffer',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ B: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['rgb', 'g', 'gr', 'rb'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb', 'g', 'gr', 'rb']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
- western_blot: {format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
- map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']}
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "R1",
+ treatment_id: 'rna1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'siRNA #1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
- },
- microscopy: {
- disable_blur: true,
- disable_brightness: true
- },
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- order: ['S2'],
- headings: [
- '', 'Strain', 'Treatment', 'Treatment Duration'
- ],
- 'S2': {
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "B", treatment_id: 'buffer'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Control siRNA'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'buffer',
- cell_treatments: {
- B: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default', microscope: ['rgb', 'g', 'gr', 'rb'],
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb', 'g', 'gr', 'rb']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'rna1',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ R1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "R1", treatment_id: 'rna1'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'siRNA #1'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'rna1',
- cell_treatments: {
- R1: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default', microscope: ['g'],
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['g']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'rna1', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "R2", treatment_id: 'rna2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'siRNA #2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'rna2',
- cell_treatments: {
- R2: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default', microscope: ['g', 'gr', 'rb'],
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['g', 'gr', 'rb']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'rna2', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['g'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['g']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'rna1',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "R2",
+ treatment_id: 'rna2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'siRNA #2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'rna2',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ R2: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "R3", treatment_id: 'rna3'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'siRNA #3'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'rna3',
- cell_treatments: {
- R3: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default', microscope: ['rgb', 'g', 'rb'],
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb', 'g', 'rb']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'rna3', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['g', 'gr', 'rb'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['g', 'gr', 'rb']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'rna2',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "R3",
+ treatment_id: 'rna3'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'siRNA #3'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'rna3',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ R3: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "R4", treatment_id: 'rna4'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'siRNA #4'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'rna4',
- cell_treatments: {
- R4: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default', microscope: ['na'],
- conditions: {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'rna4', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['rgb', 'g', 'rb'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb', 'g', 'rb']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'rna3',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "R4",
+ treatment_id: 'rna4'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'siRNA #4'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'rna4',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ R4: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "R5", treatment_id: 'rna5'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'siRNA #5'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'rna5',
- cell_treatments: {
- R5: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default', microscope: ['rgb', 'g'],
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb', 'g']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'rna5', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['na'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'rna4',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "R5",
+ treatment_id: 'rna5'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'siRNA #5'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'rna5',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ R5: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "GM", treatment_id: 'serum_growth_media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Serum-free media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'serum_growth_media',
- cell_treatments: {
- GM: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default', microscope: ['na'],
- conditions: {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Serum', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['rgb', 'g'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb', 'g']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'rna5',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "GM",
+ treatment_id: 'serum_growth_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Serum-free media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'serum_growth_media',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ GM: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "H", treatment_id: 'hydroxyurea'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Hydroxyurea'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'hydroxyurea',
- cell_treatments: {
- H: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {
- list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default',
- microscope: ['na'],
- conditions: {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
- duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {
- list: [
- {drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]
- },
- temperature: '25'
- }
- ]
- }}
- ]
- }
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['na'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Serum',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "H",
+ treatment_id: 'hydroxyurea'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Hydroxyurea'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'hydroxyurea',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ H: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "C", treatment_id: 'colchicine'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Colchicine'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'colchicine',
- cell_treatments: {
- C: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default', microscope: ['na'],
- conditions: {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Colchicine', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['na'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ ]
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
- collections: {
- '': {
- name: ''
- }
- },
- concentrations: {
- 100: {
- name: '',
- value: 100
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'nc': {
- name: 'Control siRNA',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'rna1': {
- name: 'siRNA #1',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'rna2': {
- name: 'siRNA #2',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'rna3': {
- name: 'siRNA #3',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'rna4': {
- name: 'siRNA #4',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'rna5': {
- name: 'siRNA #5',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'Colchicine': {
- name: 'Colchicine',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'Serum': {
- name: 'Serum-free media',
- concentrations: [100]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- 'Hydroxyurea': {
- name: 'Hydroxyurea',
- concentrations: [100]
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "C",
+ treatment_id: 'colchicine'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Colchicine'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'colchicine',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ C: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['na'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Colchicine',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': {
- name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
- }
- },
- cell_lines: {
- 'S2': {
- name: 'S2'
- }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
+ collections: {
+ '': {
+ name: ''
+ }
+ },
+ concentrations: {
+ 100: {
+ name: '',
+ value: 100
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'nc': {
+ name: 'Control siRNA',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'rna1': {
+ name: 'siRNA #1',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'rna2': {
+ name: 'siRNA #2',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'rna3': {
+ name: 'siRNA #3',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'rna4': {
+ name: 'siRNA #4',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'rna5': {
+ name: 'siRNA #5',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'Colchicine': {
+ name: 'Colchicine',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'Serum': {
+ name: 'Serum-free media',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'Hydroxyurea': {
+ name: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ }
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: ['chk1', 'rad21', 'cyclin', 'cyclinE', 'mad2', 'pgk1'],
- 'chk1': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-chk1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 54, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 55, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 58, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'chk1'
- },
- 'cyclin': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 58, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin B'
- },
- 'cyclinE': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 48, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin E'
- },
- 'mad2': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-Mad2',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 25, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'mad2'
- },
- 'pgk1': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 45, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'pgk1'
- },
- 'rad21': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-rad21/scc1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 68, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 29.5, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 19.9, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'rad21'
- }
- },//
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 'm': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
- },
- 'r': {
- name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
- }
- },//
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
- }
- },
- facs_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'PI',
- conditions: {
- 'whole': {name: 'PI'}
- }
- }
- },
- micro_kinds: {
- 'IF': {
- name: 'Antibody-labeling IF',
- conditions: {
- 'rgb': {name: 'γ-tubulin (red), α-tubulin (green), DAPI (blue)',
- short_name: 'R:γ-tub, G:α-tub, B:DAPI'},
- 'g': {name: 'H2B (green)',
- short_name: 'G:H2B'},
- 'gr': {name: 'H2B (green), α-tubulin(red)',
- short_name: 'G:H2B, R:α-tub'},
- 'rb': {name: 'Mad2 (red), DAPI (blue)',
- short_name: 'R:Mad2, B:DAPI'},
- 'na': {name: 'None',
- short_name: 'None'}
- }
- },
- 'na': {
- name: 'None'
- }
- },
- slides: {
- 'img0001': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_DNA-blue_Mad2-red/Mad2_off_kinetochores/Mad2_Cytoplasm_cropped.jpg',
- 'img0002': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_DNA-blue_Mad2-red/Mad2_on_kinetochore/Mad2_kinetochore_2_cropped.jpg',
- 'img0003': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_DNA-blue_Mad2-red/Mad2_on_kinetochore/Mad2_kinetochore_cropped.jpg',
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'S2': {
+ name: 'S2'
+ }
- 'img0004': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Interphase/Interphase_10.jpg',
- 'img0005': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Interphase/Interphase_12.jpg',
- 'img0006': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Interphase/Interphase_13.jpg',
- 'img0007': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Interphase/Maybe_Interphase_1.jpg',
- 'img0008': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Interphase/Maybe_Interphase_2.jpg',
- 'img0009': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Interphase/Maybe_Interphase_3.jpg',
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: ['chk1', 'rad21', 'cyclin', 'cyclinE', 'mad2', 'pgk1'],
+ 'chk1': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-chk1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 54,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 55,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'chk1'
+ },
+ 'cyclin': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin B'
+ },
+ 'cyclinE': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin E'
+ },
+ 'mad2': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-Mad2',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 25,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'mad2'
+ },
+ 'pgk1': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'pgk1'
+ },
+ 'rad21': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-rad21/scc1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 68,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 29.5,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 19.9,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'rad21'
+ }
+ }, //
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 'm': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ },
+ 'r': {
+ name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
+ }
+ }, //
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
+ facs_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI',
+ conditions: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ micro_kinds: {
+ 'IF': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling IF',
+ conditions: {
+ 'rgb': {
+ name: 'γ-tubulin (red), α-tubulin (green), DAPI (blue)',
+ short_name: 'R:γ-tub, G:α-tub, B:DAPI'
+ },
+ 'g': {
+ name: 'H2B (green)',
+ short_name: 'G:H2B'
+ },
+ 'gr': {
+ name: 'H2B (green), α-tubulin(red)',
+ short_name: 'G:H2B, R:α-tub'
+ },
+ 'rb': {
+ name: 'Mad2 (red), DAPI (blue)',
+ short_name: 'R:Mad2, B:DAPI'
+ },
+ 'na': {
+ name: 'None',
+ short_name: 'None'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'na': {
+ name: 'None'
+ }
+ },
+ slides: {
+ 'img0001': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_DNA-blue_Mad2-red/Mad2_off_kinetochores/Mad2_Cytoplasm_cropped.jpg',
+ 'img0002': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_DNA-blue_Mad2-red/Mad2_on_kinetochore/Mad2_kinetochore_2_cropped.jpg',
+ 'img0003': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_DNA-blue_Mad2-red/Mad2_on_kinetochore/Mad2_kinetochore_cropped.jpg',
- 'img0010': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Metaphase_arrest/Metaphase_arrest_1.jpg',
- 'img0011': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Metaphase_arrest/metaphase_arrest_4.jpg',
- 'img0012': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Metaphase_arrest/metaphase_arrest_5.jpg',
+ 'img0004': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Interphase/Interphase_10.jpg',
+ 'img0005': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Interphase/Interphase_12.jpg',
+ 'img0006': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Interphase/Interphase_13.jpg',
+ 'img0007': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Interphase/Maybe_Interphase_1.jpg',
+ 'img0008': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Interphase/Maybe_Interphase_2.jpg',
+ 'img0009': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Interphase/Maybe_Interphase_3.jpg',
- 'img0013': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Nocodazole_treated_cells/nocodazole_treated_1.jpg',
- 'img0014': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Nocodazole_treated_cells/nocodazole_treated_2.jpg',
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- 'img0016': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Nocodazole_treated_cells/nocodazole_treated_4.jpg',
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+ {
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+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
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+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 29.5,
+ intensity: 0.5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 19.9,
+ intensity: 0.5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
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+ weight: 25,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
+ },
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+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
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+ weight: 54,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
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- 'cyto': {
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- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
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- cell_line: 'S2',
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- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 68, // 34&35
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 29.5,
- intensity: 0.5,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 19.9,
- intensity: 0.5,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mad2',
- weight: 25,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'Chk1',
- weight: 54,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
- ]
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- cutoff: 1,
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- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 29.5,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 19.9,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mad2',
- weight: 25,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 25,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Chk1',
- weight: 54,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ cutoff: 1,
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+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 29.5,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 19.9,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mad2',
+ weight: 25,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 25,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Chk1',
+ weight: 54,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ }
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- },
- {
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- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'rna2',
- cell_line: 'S2',
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- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 68, // 34&35
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 29.5,
- intensity: 0.5,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mad2',
- weight: 25,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 19.9,
- intensity: 0.5,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'Chk1',
- weight: 59,
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Chk1',
- weight: 54,
- intensity: 0.5,
- primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'rna2',
+ cell_line: 'S2',
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+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 68, // 34&35
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 29.5,
+ intensity: 0.5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mad2',
+ weight: 25,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 19.9,
+ intensity: 0.5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Chk1',
+ weight: 59,
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Chk1',
+ weight: 54,
+ intensity: 0.5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'rna3',
- cell_line: 'S2',
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- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 68, // 34&35
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 25,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mad2',
- weight: 25,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Chk1',
- weight: 54,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'rna3',
+ cell_line: 'S2',
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+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 68, // 34&35
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 25,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mad2',
+ weight: 25,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Chk1',
+ weight: 54,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'rna4',
- cell_line: 'S2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 68, // 34&35
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Chk1',
- weight: 54,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mad2',
- weight: 25,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 32,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'rna4',
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 68, // 34&35
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Chk1',
+ weight: 54,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mad2',
+ weight: 25,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 32,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'rna5',
- cell_line: 'S2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 68, // 34&35
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 29.5,
- intensity: 0.5,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 19.9,
- intensity: 0.5,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'Chk1',
- weight: 54,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'rna5',
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 68, // 34&35
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 29.5,
+ intensity: 0.5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 19.9,
+ intensity: 0.5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Chk1',
+ weight: 54,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Colchicine',
- cell_line: 'S2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Chk1',
- weight: 54,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mad2',
- weight: 25,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 25,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 68, // 34&35
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Hydroxyurea',
- cell_line: 'S2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mad2',
- weight: 25,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Chk1',
- weight: 57,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 68, // 34&35
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Serum',
- cell_line: 'S2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Chk1',
- weight: 54,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mad2',
- weight: 25,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 32,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 68, // 34&35
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Colchicine',
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Chk1',
+ weight: 54,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mad2',
+ weight: 25,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 25,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 68, // 34&35
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ ]
- facs: {
- 'ticks': [50, 100, 150, 250],
- 'max': 250,
- 'dna': {
- 'parser_simple': [
- {
- match: [],
- shape: '2-peak-normal-400'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'nc',
- shape: '2-peak-normal-400'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'rna1',
- shape: 'peak-100-normal-400'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'rna2',
- shape: '2-peak-uneven-normal-400'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'rna3',
- shape: 'peak-100-normal-400'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'rna4',
- shape: 'peak-50-normal-400'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'rna5',
- shape: '4-peak-normal-400'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
- shape: 's-block-normal-400'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
- shape: 'peak-100-normal-400'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'Serum',
- shape: 'peak-50-normal-400'
- }
- ]
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mad2',
+ weight: 25,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Chk1',
+ weight: 57,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 68, // 34&35
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ ]
- microscopy: {
- 'valid': ['S2', 'nc'],
- 'slide': {
- 'conditions_parser': [
- {
- match: []
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Serum',
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Chk1',
+ weight: 54,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['chk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mad2',
+ weight: 25,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mad2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 32,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 68, // 34&35
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ facs: {
+ 'ticks': [50, 100, 150, 250],
+ 'max': 250,
+ 'dna': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ shape: '2-peak-normal-400'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ shape: '2-peak-normal-400'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'rna1',
+ shape: 'peak-100-normal-400'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'rna2',
+ shape: '2-peak-uneven-normal-400'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'rna3',
+ shape: 'peak-100-normal-400'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'rna4',
+ shape: 'peak-50-normal-400'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'rna5',
+ shape: '4-peak-normal-400'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ shape: 's-block-normal-400'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
+ shape: 'peak-100-normal-400'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'Serum',
+ shape: 'peak-50-normal-400'
+ }
+ ]
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['nc'],
- conditions: 'rgb',
- phenotype: 'composite3'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['nc'],
- conditions: 'rb',
- phenotype: 'composite'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['rna1'],
- conditions: 'g',
- phenotype: 'premature'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['rna2'],
- conditions: 'gr',
- phenotype: 'composite'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['rna2'],
- conditions: 'rb',
- phenotype: 'composite'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['rna3'],
- conditions: 'rgb',
- phenotype: 'metaphase'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['rna3'],
- conditions: 'rb',
- phenotype: 'on'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['rna4'],
- conditions: 'rgb',
- phenotype: 'interphase'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['rna5'],
- conditions: 'rgb',
- phenotype: 'composite4'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['rna5'],
- conditions: 'rb',
- phenotype: 'off'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['Serum'],
- conditions: 'rgb',
- phenotype: 'interphase'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['Hydroxyurea'],
- conditions: 'rgb',
- phenotype: 'interphase'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['Nocodazole'],
- conditions: 'rgb',
- phenotype: 'metaphase'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['Nocodazole'],
- conditions: 'rb',
- phenotype: 'on'
- }
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ 'valid': ['S2', 'nc'],
+ 'slide': {
- ]
+ 'conditions_parser': [
+ {
+ match: []
- }
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['nc'],
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ phenotype: 'composite3'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['nc'],
+ conditions: 'rb',
+ phenotype: 'composite'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['rna1'],
+ conditions: 'g',
+ phenotype: 'premature'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['rna2'],
+ conditions: 'gr',
+ phenotype: 'composite'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['rna2'],
+ conditions: 'rb',
+ phenotype: 'composite'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['rna3'],
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ phenotype: 'metaphase'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['rna3'],
+ conditions: 'rb',
+ phenotype: 'on'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['rna4'],
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ phenotype: 'interphase'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['rna5'],
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ phenotype: 'composite4'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['rna5'],
+ conditions: 'rb',
+ phenotype: 'off'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['Serum'],
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ phenotype: 'interphase'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['Hydroxyurea'],
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ phenotype: 'interphase'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['Nocodazole'],
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ phenotype: 'metaphase'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['Nocodazole'],
+ conditions: 'rb',
+ phenotype: 'on'
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/scb_ex/AddMultipleDialog.js b/html_app/assignments/scb_ex/AddMultipleDialog.js
index b2b52643..fa4fcf3e 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/scb_ex/AddMultipleDialog.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/scb_ex/AddMultipleDialog.js
@@ -1,252 +1,262 @@
if (typeof (scb_ex1) == 'undefined') {
- scb_ex1 = {};
+ scb_ex1 = {};
if (typeof (scb_ex1.static) == 'undefined') {
- scb_ex1.static = {};
+ scb_ex1.static = {};
-scb_ex1.static.scb_ex_inner_dialog_add_assignment_builder = function (element, dialog, state) {
+scb_ex1.static.scb_ex_inner_dialog_add_assignment_builder = function(element, dialog, state) {
- $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function (e) {
- var element = $(this);
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var spid = $(element).attr('spid');
- $(element).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function(e) {
+ var element = $(this);
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var spid = $(element).attr('spid');
+ $(element).attr('aria-checked', true);
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
- skip_hash_update: true
- });
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ });
- var template = parsed.assignment.template;
+ var template = parsed.assignment.template;
- var cell_treatments_array = [_.find( template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.rows , function(e) {return e.id == spid })];
+ var cell_treatments_array = [_.find(template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.rows, function(e) {
+ return e.id == spid
+ })];
- _.each(cell_treatments_array, function (eh) {
- parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
- });
+ _.each(cell_treatments_array, function(eh) {
+ parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
+ });
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
if (typeof (scb_ex2) == 'undefined') {
- scb_ex2 = {};
+ scb_ex2 = {};
if (typeof (scb_ex2.static) == 'undefined') {
- scb_ex2.static = {};
+ scb_ex2.static = {};
if (typeof (scb_ex3) == 'undefined') {
- scb_ex3 = {};
+ scb_ex3 = {};
if (typeof (scb_ex3.static) == 'undefined') {
- scb_ex3.static = {};
+ scb_ex3.static = {};
-scb_ex1.static.scb_ex_inner_dialog_add = function (element, dialog, state) {
- $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function (e) {
- var element = $(this);
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var cell_line = $(element).attr('cell_line');
- var name = $(element).attr('name');
- $(element).attr('aria-checked', true);
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
- skip_hash_update: true
- });
- var template = parsed.assignment.template;
-// var cell_treatments_array = [
-// {
-// cell_line: cell_line,
-// treatment_list: {list: [
-// {drug_list: {list: [
-// {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
-// ]}, temperature: '40', collection_id: state.source_state.collection_id, condition: state.source_state.condition}
-// ]}}
-// ];
- var treatment_id=$(element).attr('treatment_id');
- /*'rows' listed under each cell line, has a list of all treatments for this cell line*/
- /* each entry under 'rows' has treatment_id attribute*/
- /* treatment_id has to be unique for each entry under 'rows'
- * otherwise only the first one will be displayed in the setup table*/
- var rows = template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[cell_line].rows;
- var row = _.find(rows, function (eh) {
- return eh.treatment_id == treatment_id;
- });
- var cell_treatments_array = row.cell_treatments[name];
- _.each(cell_treatments_array, function (eh) {
- parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
- });
+scb_ex1.static.scb_ex_inner_dialog_add = function(element, dialog, state) {
+ $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function(e) {
+ var element = $(this);
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var cell_line = $(element).attr('cell_line');
+ var name = $(element).attr('name');
+ $(element).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
+ skip_hash_update: true
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
-scb_ex1.register = function (dialog, state) {
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_dialog', function (e) {
- var container = dialog;
- if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_cancel', function (e) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_add', function (e) {
- scb_ex1.static.scb_ex_inner_dialog_add(this, dialog, state);
- $(this).focus();
+ var template = parsed.assignment.template;
+ // var cell_treatments_array = [
+ // {
+ // cell_line: cell_line,
+ // treatment_list: {list: [
+ // {drug_list: {list: [
+ // {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
+ // ]}, temperature: '40', collection_id: state.source_state.collection_id, condition: state.source_state.condition}
+ // ]}}
+ // ];
+ //
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ /*'rows' listed under each cell line, has a list of all treatments for this cell line*/
+ /* each entry under 'rows' has treatment_id attribute*/
+ /* treatment_id has to be unique for each entry under 'rows'
+ * otherwise only the first one will be displayed in the setup table*/
+ var rows = template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[cell_line].rows;
+ var row = _.find(rows, function(eh) {
+ return eh.treatment_id == treatment_id;
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_select_all', function (e) {
- $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
- $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_clear_all', function (e) {
- $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('checked', false);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_checkbox', function (e) {
- $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked', $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked') == 'false' ? true : false);
- });
+ var cell_treatments_array = row.cell_treatments[name];
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_title_close', function (e) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_select', function (e) {
- var cell_line = $(this).attr('cell_line');
- var name = $(this).attr('name');
- $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"][cell_line="' + cell_line + '"]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
- $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"][cell_line="' + cell_line + '"]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ _.each(cell_treatments_array, function(eh) {
+ parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_add_assignment_builder', function (e) {
- scb_ex1.static.scb_ex_inner_dialog_add_assignment_builder(this, dialog, state);
- $(this).focus();
- });
+ });
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
-scb_ex1.setup = function (state) {
- console.info(state);
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var assignment = state.assignment;
- var experiment = state.experiment;
- var template = state.template;
- var onClose = state.close;
- var dialog = $("
- dialog.html(scb_ex.dialog({
- assignment: assignment,
- experiment: experiment,
- template: template
- }));
- dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
- scb_ex1.register($(dialog), state);
- var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
- _.each(css, function (v, k) {
- dialog.css(k, v);
- });
- $('.scb_ex_dialog').draggable({handle: '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_title'})
+scb_ex1.register = function(dialog, state) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_dialog', function(e) {
+ var container = dialog;
+ if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_cancel', function(e) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_add', function(e) {
+ scb_ex1.static.scb_ex_inner_dialog_add(this, dialog, state);
+ $(this).focus();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_select_all', function(e) {
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_clear_all', function(e) {
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('checked', false);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_checkbox', function(e) {
+ $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked', $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked') == 'false' ? true : false);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_title_close', function(e) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_select', function(e) {
+ var cell_line = $(this).attr('cell_line');
+ var name = $(this).attr('name');
+ $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"][cell_line="' + cell_line + '"]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"][cell_line="' + cell_line + '"]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_add_assignment_builder', function(e) {
+ scb_ex1.static.scb_ex_inner_dialog_add_assignment_builder(this, dialog, state);
+ $(this).focus();
+ });
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var assignment=state.assignment;
- var experiment=state.experiment;
- var template = state.template;
- var dialog=$("
- dialog.html(scb_ex.dialog({
- assignment: assignment,
- experiment: experiment,
- template: template
- }));
- dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
- scb_ex1.register($(dialog), state);
- var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
- _.each(css, function (v, k) {
- dialog.css(k, v);
- });
- $('.scb_ex_dialog').draggable({handle: '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_title'});
+scb_ex1.setup = function(state) {
+ console.info(state);
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var assignment = state.assignment;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.template;
+ var onClose = state.close;
+ var dialog = $("
+ dialog.html(scb_ex.dialog({
+ assignment: assignment,
+ experiment: experiment,
+ template: template
+ }));
+ dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
+ scb_ex1.register($(dialog), state);
+ var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
+ _.each(css, function(v, k) {
+ dialog.css(k, v);
+ });
+ $('.scb_ex_dialog').draggable({
+ handle: '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_title'
+ })
-scb_ex3.setup=function(state) {
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var assignment = state.assignment;
- var experiment = state.experiment;
- var template = state.template;
- var dialog = $("
- dialog.html(scb_ex.dialog({
- assignment: assignment,
- experiment: experiment,
- template: template
- }));
- dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
- scb_ex1.register($(dialog), state);
- var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
- _.each(css, function (v, k) {
- dialog.css(k, v);
- });
- $('.scb_ex_dialog').draggable({handle: '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_title'});
+scb_ex2.setup = function(state) {
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var assignment = state.assignment;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.template;
+ var dialog = $("
+ dialog.html(scb_ex.dialog({
+ assignment: assignment,
+ experiment: experiment,
+ template: template
+ }));
+ dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
+ scb_ex1.register($(dialog), state);
+ var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
+ _.each(css, function(v, k) {
+ dialog.css(k, v);
+ });
+ $('.scb_ex_dialog').draggable({
+ handle: '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_title'
+ });
-scb_ex1.assignment_builder_add_multiple = function (state) {
- console.info(state);
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var assignment = state.assignment;
- var experiment = state.experiment;
- var template = state.template;
- var onClose = state.close;
- var dialog = $("
- dialog.html(scb_ex.dialog_assignment_builder({
- assignment: assignment,
- experiment: experiment,
- template: template
- }));
- dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
- scb_ex1.register($(dialog), state);
- var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
- _.each(css, function (v, k) {
- dialog.css(k, v);
- });
+scb_ex3.setup = function(state) {
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var assignment = state.assignment;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.template;
+ var dialog = $("
+ dialog.html(scb_ex.dialog({
+ assignment: assignment,
+ experiment: experiment,
+ template: template
+ }));
+ dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
+ scb_ex1.register($(dialog), state);
+ var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
+ _.each(css, function(v, k) {
+ dialog.css(k, v);
+ });
+ $('.scb_ex_dialog').draggable({
+ handle: '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_title'
+ });
- $('.scb_ex_dialog').draggable({handle: '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_title'})
+scb_ex1.assignment_builder_add_multiple = function(state) {
+ console.info(state);
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var assignment = state.assignment;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.template;
+ var onClose = state.close;
+ var dialog = $("
+ dialog.html(scb_ex.dialog_assignment_builder({
+ assignment: assignment,
+ experiment: experiment,
+ template: template
+ }));
+ dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
+ scb_ex1.register($(dialog), state);
+ var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
+ _.each(css, function(v, k) {
+ dialog.css(k, v);
+ });
+ $('.scb_ex_dialog').draggable({
+ handle: '.scb_ex_inner_dialog_title'
+ })
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/scb_ex/assignment.js b/html_app/assignments/scb_ex/assignment.js
index 273d8f61..af1d0c74 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/scb_ex/assignment.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/scb_ex/assignment.js
@@ -1,5897 +1,7997 @@
degreeEntity = $('
var __scb_sample_1 = {
- id: 'scb_ex1',
- name: 'Exercise 1',
- course: 'SCB_SampleExercises',
- course_name: 'Sample Exercises',
- description: 'StarCellBio Exercise 1 – Protein localization',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ["Goal & Learning Objectives", scb_ex1_text.goal({})],
- ["Introduction", scb_ex1_text.intro({})],
- ["Background Information", scb_ex1_text.bg_info({})],
- ["Questions", scb_ex1_text.questions({})]
+ id: 'scb_ex1',
+ name: 'Exercise 1',
+ course: 'SCB_SampleExercises',
+ course_name: 'Sample Exercises',
+ description: 'StarCellBio Exercise 1 – Protein localization',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ["Goal & Learning Objectives", scb_ex1_text.goal({})],
+ ["Introduction", scb_ex1_text.intro({})],
+ ["Background Information", scb_ex1_text.bg_info({})],
+ ["Questions", scb_ex1_text.questions({})]
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['micro']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ }
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'micro' ]
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: false},
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: false}
- ]
- },
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}
- ],
- actions: [
- {
- kind: "add_many", name: "ADD SAMPLES", open: 'scb_ex1.setup',
- 'collection_id': '%CELL_LINE%'
- }
+ actions: [
+ {
+ kind: "add_many",
+ name: "ADD SAMPLES",
+ open: 'scb_ex1.setup',
+ 'collection_id': '%CELL_LINE%'
+ }
- ]
- },
- microscopy: {
- disable_blur: false,
- disable_brightness: false
- },
- western_blot: {format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
- map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']}
+ ]
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ disable_blur: false,
+ disable_brightness: false
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ order: ['no-gfp', 'gfp', 'gfp-pa', 'gfp-pb', 'gfp-pc', 'gfp-pd', 'gfp-ma', 'gfp-mb', 'gfp-nuc', 'gfp-cyto', 'gfp-pm',
+ 'gfp-er', 'gfp-nm'],
+ headings: [
+ '', 'Strains', 'Treatments'
+ ],
+ 'no-gfp': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'No-GFP'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
- },
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- order: ['no-gfp', 'gfp', 'gfp-pa', 'gfp-pb', 'gfp-pc', 'gfp-pd', 'gfp-ma', 'gfp-mb', 'gfp-nuc', 'gfp-cyto', 'gfp-pm',
- 'gfp-er', 'gfp-nm'],
- headings: [
- '', 'Strains', 'Treatments'
- ],
- 'no-gfp': {
- rows: [
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'no-gfp',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'No-GFP'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'no-gfp',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- ]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
- 'gfp': {
- rows: [
- {
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'gfp',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP'
- 'gfp-pa': {
- rows: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-ProA'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'gfp-pa',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- ]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp-pa': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
- 'gfp-pb': {
- rows: [
- {
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-ProB'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'gfp-pb',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-ProA'
- 'gfp-pc': {
- rows: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp-pa',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-ProC'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'gfp-pc',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- ]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp-pb': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
- 'gfp-pd': {
- rows: [
- {
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-ProD'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'gfp-pd',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-ProB'
- 'gfp-ma': {
- rows: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp-pb',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Mut ProA'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'gfp-ma',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- ]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp-pc': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
- 'gfp-mb': {
- rows: [
- {
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Mut ProB'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'gfp-mb',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-ProC'
- 'gfp-nuc': {
- rows: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp-pc',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Nuc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'gfp-nuc',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- ]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp-pd': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
- 'gfp-cyto': {
- rows: [
- {
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Cyto'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'gfp-cyto',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-ProD'
- 'gfp-pm': {
- rows: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp-pd',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-PM'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'gfp-pm',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- ]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp-ma': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Mut ProA'
- 'gfp-er': {
- rows: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp-ma',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-ER'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'gfp-er',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- ]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp-mb': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
- 'gfp-nm': {
- rows: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Mut ProB'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp-mb',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "growth_media", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-NM'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- growth_media: [
- {
- cell_line: 'gfp-nm',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0',
- conditions: {
- 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
- experiment_setup: scb_ex1_text.experiment_setup({}),
- collections: {
- '6 m': {
- name: '6 months'
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- },
- concentrations: {
- '0': {
- name: '',
- value: 0
- }
+ ]
- drugs: {
- 'nc': {
- name: 'Growth Media',
- concentrations: [0]
+ 'gfp-nuc': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Nuc'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp-nuc',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': {
- name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
- },
- '40': {
- name: "37" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ 'gfp-cyto': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Cyto'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp-cyto',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- },
- cell_lines: {
- 'no-gfp': {
- name: 'No-GFP'
- },
- 'gfp': {
- name: 'GFP'
- },
- 'gfp-pa': {
- name: 'GFP-ProA'
- },
- 'gfp-pb': {
- name: 'GFP-ProB'
- },
- 'gfp-pc': {
- name: 'GFP-ProC'
- },
- 'gfp-pd': {
- name: 'GFP-ProD'
- },
- 'gfp-ma': {
- name: 'GFP-Mut ProA'
- },
- 'gfp-mb': {
- name: 'GFP-Mut ProB'
- },
- 'gfp-nuc': {
- name: 'GFP-Nuc'
- },
- 'gfp-cyto': {
- name: 'GFP-Cyto'
- },
- 'gfp-pm': {
- name: 'GFP-PM'
- },
- 'gfp-er': {
- name: 'GFP-ER'
- },
- 'gfp-nm': {
- name: 'GFP-NM'
- }
+ ]
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- micro_kinds: {
- 'FLUOR': {
- name: 'Fluorescence',
- conditions: {
- 'gfp': {name: 'GFP (green)',
- short_name: 'G:GFP'}
+ 'gfp-pm': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-PM'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
- },
- 'na': {
- name: 'None'
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp-pm',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- },
- /* for microscopy only*/
- slides: {
- '1': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn2.jpg',
- '2': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn3.jpg',
- '3': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn5.jpg',
- '4': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn6.jpg',
- '5': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn7.jpg',
- '6': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn8.jpg',
- '7': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn11.jpg',
- '8': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn12.jpg',
- '9': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn15.jpg',
- '10': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn17.jpg',
- '11': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn20.jpg',
- '12': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/er_final/er1crop.jpg',
- '13': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/er_final/er2crop.jpg',
- '14': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/er_final/er3crop1.jpg',
- '15': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/er_final/er3crop2.jpg',
- '16': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/er_final/er5crop1.jpg',
- '17': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n2.jpg',
- '18': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n8.jpg',
- '19': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n9.jpg',
- '20': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n18.jpg',
- '21': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n34.jpg',
- '22': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n43.jpg',
- '23': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n47.jpg',
- '25': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n64.jpg',
- '26': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/nuc-a.jpg',
- '27': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/nuc-b.jpg',
- '28': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/nuc-c.jpg',
- '29': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/pm_final/pm-b.jpg',
- '30': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/pm_final/pm-c.jpg',
- '31': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/pm_final/pm2b.jpg',
- '33': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/pm_final/pm3b.jpg',
- '34': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/pm_final/pm34-1.jpg',
- '35': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/pm_final/pm34-2.jpg',
- '36': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c-a.jpg',
- '37': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c-b.jpg',
- '38': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c-c.jpg',
- '39': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c-d.jpg',
- '40': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c1.jpg',
- '41': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c7.jpg',
- '42': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c15-1.jpg',
- '43': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c15-2.jpg',
- '44': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c17.jpg',
- '45': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c29.jpg',
- '46': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nm_final/NM1crop.jpg',
- '47': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nm_final/nm2crop.jpg',
- '48': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nm_final/nm3crop1.jpg',
- '49': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nm_final/nm3crop2.jpg',
- '50': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nm_final/nm5crop.jpg',
- 'bo': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/negative_control.jpg',
- 'dummy': 'dummy'
+ ]
- model: {
- microscopy: {
- 'slide': {
- 'parser_simple': [
+ 'gfp-er': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-ER'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp-er',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'no-gfp',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: 'bo', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
- ]
- },
- { //nuc and cyto
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'gfp',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '1', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '2', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '3', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '4', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '5', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '6', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '7', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '8', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '9', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '10', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '11', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
- ]
- },
- {//er
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'gfp-pa',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '12', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '13', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '14', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '15', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '16', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
- ]
- },
- {//nucleus
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'gfp-pb',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '17', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '18', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '19', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '20', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '21', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '22', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '23', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '25', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '26', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '27', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '28', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
- ]
- },
- {//pm
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'gfp-pc',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '29', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '30', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '31', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '32', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '33', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '34', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '35', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
- ]
- },
- {//cyto
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'gfp-pd',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '36', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '37', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '38', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '39', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '40', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '41', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '42', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '45', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
- ]
- },
- {//pm
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'gfp-ma',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '29', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '30', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '31', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '32', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '33', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '34', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '35', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
- ]
- },
- {//nucleus
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'gfp-mb',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '17', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '18', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '19', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '20', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '21', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '22', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '23', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '25', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '26', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '27', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '28', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
- ]
- },
- {//nucleus
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'gfp-nuc',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '17', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '18', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '19', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '20', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '21', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '22', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '23', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '25', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '26', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '27', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '28', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
- ]
- },
- {//cyto
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'gfp-cyto',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '36', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '37', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '38', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '39', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '40', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '41', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '42', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '45', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
- ]
- },
- {//pm
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'gfp-pm',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '29', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '30', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '31', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '32', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '33', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '34', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '35', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
- ]
- },
- {//er
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'gfp-er',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '12', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '13', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '14', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '15', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '16', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
- ]
- },
- {//nm
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'gfp-nm',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '46', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '47', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '48', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '49', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '50', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
-var __scb_sample_2 = {
- id: 'scb_ex2',
- name: 'Exercise 2',
- course: 'SCB_SampleExercises',
- course_name: 'Sample Exercises',
- description: 'StarCellBio Exercise 2 – Orientation of Transmembrane Proteins',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ["Goal & Learning Objectives", scb_ex2_text.goal({})],
- ["Introduction", scb_ex2_text.intro({})],
- ["Background Information", scb_ex2_text.bg_info({})],
- ["Questions", scb_ex2_text.questions({})]
- ],
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'facs', 'wb'],
- gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: false},
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: false}
- ]
- },
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}
- ],
- actions: [
- {
- kind: "add_many", name: "ADD SAMPLES", open: 'scb_ex2.setup',
- 'collection_id': '%CELL_LINE%'
+ ]
+ }
- },
- microscopy: {
- disable_blur: false,
- disable_brightness: false
- },
- western_blot: {format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
- map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']}
- }
- },
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- order: ['nt', 'proX-Null', 'proY-Null', 'HproX-FLAG', 'HproY-FLAG'],
- headings: [
- '', 'Strains', 'Treatments'
- ],
- 'nt': {
- rows: [
- {
- treatment_id: 'gmBuf',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "GrowthMediaBuffer", treatment_id: 'gmBuf'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'NoTags'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media + Buffer'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- GrowthMediaBuffer: [
- {
- cell_line: 'nt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmBuf', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0'
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- treatment_id: 'gmProK',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "GrowthMediaProK", treatment_id: 'gmProK'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'NoTags'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media + ProK'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- GrowthMediaProK: [
- {
- cell_line: 'nt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmProK', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0'
- }
- ]}
- }
- ]
+ }
+ }
- }
- }
- ]
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp-nm': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "growth_media",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
- 'proX-Null': {
- rows: [
- {
- treatment_id: 'gmBuf',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "GrowthMediaBuffer", treatment_id: 'gmBuf'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'ProX-Null'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media + Buffer'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- GrowthMediaBuffer: [
- {
- cell_line: 'proX-Null',
- treatment_list: {
- list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmBuf', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0'
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- treatment_id: 'gmProK',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "GrowthMediaProK", treatment_id: 'gmProK'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'ProX-Null'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media + ProK'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- GrowthMediaProK: [
- {
- cell_line: 'proX-Null',
- treatment_list: {
- list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmProK', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0'
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-NM'
- 'proY-Null': {
- rows: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ growth_media: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp-nm',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- treatment_id: 'gmBuf',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "GrowthMediaBuffer", treatment_id: 'gmBuf'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'ProY-Null'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media + Buffer'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- GrowthMediaBuffer: [
- {
- cell_line: 'proY-Null',
- treatment_list: {
- list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmBuf', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0'
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0',
+ conditions: {
+ 'FLUOR': ['gfp']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- treatment_id: 'gmProK',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "GrowthMediaProK", treatment_id: 'gmProK'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'ProY-Null'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media + ProK'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- GrowthMediaProK: [
- {
- cell_line: 'proY-Null',
- treatment_list: {
- list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmProK', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0'
+ ]
+ }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- 'HproX-FLAG': {
- rows: [
- {
- treatment_id: 'gmBuf',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "GrowthMediaBuffer", treatment_id: 'gmBuf'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'His-ProX-FLAG'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media + Buffer'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- GrowthMediaBuffer: [
- {
- cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
- treatment_list: {
- list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmBuf', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0'
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- treatment_id: 'gmProK',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "GrowthMediaProK", treatment_id: 'gmProK'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'His-ProX-FLAG'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media + ProK'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- GrowthMediaProK: [
- {
- cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
- treatment_list: {
- list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmProK', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0'
+ }
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
+ experiment_setup: scb_ex1_text.experiment_setup({}),
+ collections: {
+ '6 m': {
+ name: '6 months'
+ }
+ },
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- 'HproY-FLAG': {
- rows: [
- {
- treatment_id: 'gmBuf',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "GrowthMediaBuffer", treatment_id: 'gmBuf'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'His-ProY-FLAG'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media + Buffer'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- GrowthMediaBuffer: [
- {
- cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
- treatment_list: {
- list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmBuf', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0'
+ concentrations: {
+ '0': {
+ name: '',
+ value: 0
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'nc': {
+ name: 'Growth Media',
+ concentrations: [0]
+ }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- treatment_id: 'gmProK',
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "GrowthMediaProK", treatment_id: 'gmProK'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'His-ProY-FLAG'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media + ProK'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- GrowthMediaProK: [
- {
- cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
- treatment_list: {
- list: [
- {
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmProK', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]},
- temperature: '0'
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ '40': {
+ name: "37" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'no-gfp': {
+ name: 'No-GFP'
+ },
+ 'gfp': {
+ name: 'GFP'
+ },
+ 'gfp-pa': {
+ name: 'GFP-ProA'
+ },
+ 'gfp-pb': {
+ name: 'GFP-ProB'
+ },
+ 'gfp-pc': {
+ name: 'GFP-ProC'
+ },
+ 'gfp-pd': {
+ name: 'GFP-ProD'
+ },
+ 'gfp-ma': {
+ name: 'GFP-Mut ProA'
+ },
+ 'gfp-mb': {
+ name: 'GFP-Mut ProB'
+ },
+ 'gfp-nuc': {
+ name: 'GFP-Nuc'
+ },
+ 'gfp-cyto': {
+ name: 'GFP-Cyto'
+ },
+ 'gfp-pm': {
+ name: 'GFP-PM'
+ },
+ 'gfp-er': {
+ name: 'GFP-ER'
+ },
+ 'gfp-nm': {
+ name: 'GFP-NM'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ micro_kinds: {
+ 'FLUOR': {
+ name: 'Fluorescence',
+ conditions: {
+ 'gfp': {
+ name: 'GFP (green)',
+ short_name: 'G:GFP'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'na': {
+ name: 'None'
+ }
+ },
+ /* for microscopy only*/
+ slides: {
+ '1': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn2.jpg',
+ '2': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn3.jpg',
+ '3': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn5.jpg',
+ '4': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn6.jpg',
+ '5': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn7.jpg',
+ '6': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn8.jpg',
+ '7': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn11.jpg',
+ '8': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn12.jpg',
+ '9': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn15.jpg',
+ '10': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn17.jpg',
+ '11': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nuc_and_cyto/cn20.jpg',
- }
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
- experiment_setup: scb_ex2_text.experiment_setup({}),
+ '12': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/er_final/er1crop.jpg',
+ '13': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/er_final/er2crop.jpg',
+ '14': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/er_final/er3crop1.jpg',
+ '15': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/er_final/er3crop2.jpg',
+ '16': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/er_final/er5crop1.jpg',
- concentrations: {
- '0': {
- name: '',
- value: 0
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'gmBuf': {
- name: 'Growth Media + Buffer'
+ '17': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n2.jpg',
+ '18': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n8.jpg',
+ '19': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n9.jpg',
+ '20': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n18.jpg',
+ '21': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n34.jpg',
+ '22': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n43.jpg',
+ '23': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n47.jpg',
+ '25': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/n64.jpg',
+ '26': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/nuc-a.jpg',
+ '27': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/nuc-b.jpg',
+ '28': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nucleus_final/nuc-c.jpg',
- },
- 'gmProK': {
- name: 'Growth Media + ProK'
- }
+ '29': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/pm_final/pm-b.jpg',
+ '30': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/pm_final/pm-c.jpg',
+ '31': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/pm_final/pm2b.jpg',
+ '33': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/pm_final/pm3b.jpg',
+ '34': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/pm_final/pm34-1.jpg',
+ '35': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/pm_final/pm34-2.jpg',
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': {
- name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
- },
- '40': {
- name: "37" + degreeEntity + "C"
- },
- '0': {
- name: ''
- }
- },
+ '36': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c-a.jpg',
+ '37': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c-b.jpg',
+ '38': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c-c.jpg',
+ '39': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c-d.jpg',
+ '40': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c1.jpg',
+ '41': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c7.jpg',
+ '42': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c15-1.jpg',
+ '43': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c15-2.jpg',
+ '44': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c17.jpg',
+ '45': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/cyto_final/c29.jpg',
- cell_lines: {
- 'nt': {
- name: 'NoTags'
- },
- 'proX-Null': {
- name: 'ProX-Null'
- },
- 'proY-Null': {
- name: 'ProY-Null'
+ '46': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nm_final/NM1crop.jpg',
+ '47': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nm_final/nm2crop.jpg',
+ '48': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nm_final/nm3crop1.jpg',
+ '49': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nm_final/nm3crop2.jpg',
+ '50': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/nm_final/nm5crop.jpg',
+ 'bo': 'images/microscopy/SCB_EX1/negative_control.jpg',
+ 'dummy': 'dummy'
+ },
+ model: {
+ microscopy: {
+ 'slide': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'no-gfp',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'bo',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
- 'HproX-FLAG': {
- name: 'His-ProX-FLAG'
+ { //nuc and cyto
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '1',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '2',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '3',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '4',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '5',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '6',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '7',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '8',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '9',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '10',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '11',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
- 'HproY-FLAG': {
- name: 'His-ProY-FLAG'
- }
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],
- '1': {
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 82, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 84, intensity: 0}
+ { //er
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp-pa',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '12',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
- gel_name: 'anti-Protein X'
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '13',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '14',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '15',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '16',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
- '2': {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- secondary: ['g'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 58, intensity: 0}
+ { //nucleus
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp-pb',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '17',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
- gel_name: 'anti-Protein Y'
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '18',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '19',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '20',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '21',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '22',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '23',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '25',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '26',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '27',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '28',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
- '3': {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 48, intensity: 0}
+ { //pm
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp-pc',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '29',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '30',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '31',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
- gel_name: 'anti-6xHis'
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '32',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '33',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '34',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '35',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
- '4': {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- secondary: ['g'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 45, intensity: 0}
+ { //cyto
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp-pd',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '36',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
- gel_name: 'anti-FLAG'
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '37',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '38',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '39',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '40',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '41',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '42',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '45',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
- '5': {
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 45, intensity: 0}
+ { //pm
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp-ma',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '29',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
- gel_name: 'anti-PGK1'
- }
- },
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 'r': {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Mouse'
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '30',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '31',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '32',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '33',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '34',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '35',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
- 'g': {
- name: 'Goat anti-Rabbit'
- }
- },
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
- }
- },
- facs_kinds: {
- 'Anti': {
- name: 'Antibody-labeling ',
- conditions: {
- 'His_488': {name: 'His 488'},
- 'FLAG_488': {name: 'FLAG 488'},
- 'proX_488': {name: 'ProX 488'},
- 'proY_488': {name: 'ProY 488'}
- }
+ { //nucleus
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp-mb',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '17',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '18',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '19',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '20',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '21',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '22',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '23',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '25',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '26',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '27',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '28',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ { //nucleus
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp-nuc',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '17',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '18',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '19',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '20',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '21',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '22',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '23',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '25',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '26',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '27',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '28',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ { //cyto
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp-cyto',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '36',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '37',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '38',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '39',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '40',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '41',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '42',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '45',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ { //pm
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp-pm',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '29',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '30',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '31',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '32',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '33',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '34',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '35',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ { //er
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp-er',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '12',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '13',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '14',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '15',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '16',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ { //nm
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp-nm',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '46',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '47',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '48',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '49',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '50',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
- },
- model: { // models
- western_blot: {
- 'cyto': {
- 'parser_fixed': [
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- drug: 'gmBuf',
- cell_line: 'nt',
- marks: [
- { //antibody 1
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- weight: 82,//84
- intensity: 0.5,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- { //antibody 2
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- weight: 210,//230
- intensity: 0.5,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- { //antibody 3
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 40,//84,232
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- { //antibody 4
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- weight: 84,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- { //antibody 5
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['5']
- }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- ]
- },
+ }
+ }
+var __scb_sample_2 = {
+ id: 'scb_ex2',
+ name: 'Exercise 2',
+ course: 'SCB_SampleExercises',
+ course_name: 'Sample Exercises',
+ description: 'StarCellBio Exercise 2 – Orientation of Transmembrane Proteins',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ["Goal & Learning Objectives", scb_ex2_text.goal({})],
+ ["Introduction", scb_ex2_text.intro({})],
+ ["Background Information", scb_ex2_text.bg_info({})],
+ ["Questions", scb_ex2_text.questions({})]
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['facs', 'wb'],
+ gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ }
+ ],
+ actions: [
+ {
+ kind: "add_many",
+ name: "ADD SAMPLES",
+ open: 'scb_ex2.setup',
+ 'collection_id': '%CELL_LINE%'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ disable_blur: false,
+ disable_brightness: false
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ order: ['nt', 'proX-Null', 'proY-Null', 'HproX-FLAG', 'HproY-FLAG'],
+ headings: [
+ '', 'Strains', 'Treatments'
+ ],
+ 'nt': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'gmBuf',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "GrowthMediaBuffer",
+ treatment_id: 'gmBuf'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'NoTags'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media + Buffer'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ GrowthMediaBuffer: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'nt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'static',
- drug: 'gmProK',
- cell_line: 'nt',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- weight: 82,//84
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- weight: 230,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 40,//84,232
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- weight: 84,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['5']
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ temperature: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'gmProK',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "GrowthMediaProK",
+ treatment_id: 'gmProK'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'NoTags'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media + ProK'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ GrowthMediaProK: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'nt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'static',
- drug: 'gmBuf',
- cell_line: 'proX-Null',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- weight: 82,//84
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- weight: 210,//232
- intensity: 0.5,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 40,//84,323
- intensity: 0,//none,none
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- weight: 84,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['5']
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmProK',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ temperature: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'proX-Null': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'gmBuf',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "GrowthMediaBuffer",
+ treatment_id: 'gmBuf'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'ProX-Null'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media + Buffer'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ GrowthMediaBuffer: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'proX-Null',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'static',
- drug: 'gmProK',
- cell_line: 'proX-Null',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- weight: 82,//84
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- weight: 230,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 40,//84,232
- intensity: 0,//none,none
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- weight: 84,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['5']
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ temperature: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'gmProK',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "GrowthMediaProK",
+ treatment_id: 'gmProK'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'ProX-Null'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media + ProK'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ GrowthMediaProK: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'proX-Null',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'static',
- drug: 'gmBuf',
- cell_line: 'proY-Null',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- weight: 82,//84
- intensity: 0.5,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- weight: 230,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 40,//84,323
- intensity: 0,//none, none
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- weight: 84,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['5']
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmProK',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ temperature: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'proY-Null': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'gmBuf',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "GrowthMediaBuffer",
+ treatment_id: 'gmBuf'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'ProY-Null'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media + Buffer'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ GrowthMediaBuffer: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'proY-Null',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'static',
- drug: 'gmProK',
- cell_line: 'proY-Null',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- weight: 82,//84
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- weight: 230,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 40,//84,232
- intensity: 0,//none,none
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- weight: 84,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['5']
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ temperature: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'gmProK',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "GrowthMediaProK",
+ treatment_id: 'gmProK'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'ProY-Null'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media + ProK'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ GrowthMediaProK: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'proY-Null',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'static',
- drug: 'gmBuf',
- cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
- marks: [
- /* Antibody 1 */
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- weight: 82,//84
- intensity: 0.5,//high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- weight: 88,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- /* Antibody 2 */
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- weight: 210,//230
- intensity: 0.5,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- /* Antibody 3 */
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 40,//84, 232
- intensity: 0,//high, none
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 84,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- /* Antibody 4 */
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- weight: 84,//232
- intensity: 2,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- /* Antibody 5 */
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['5']
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmProK',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ temperature: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'HproX-FLAG': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'gmBuf',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "GrowthMediaBuffer",
+ treatment_id: 'gmBuf'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'His-ProX-FLAG'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media + Buffer'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ GrowthMediaBuffer: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'static',
- drug: 'gmProK',
- cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- weight: 82,//84
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- weight: 230,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 40,//84,232
- intensity: 1,//none,none
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- weight: 84,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['5']
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ temperature: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'gmProK',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "GrowthMediaProK",
+ treatment_id: 'gmProK'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'His-ProX-FLAG'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media + ProK'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ GrowthMediaProK: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'static',
- drug: 'gmBuf',
- cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
- marks: [
- /* Antibody 1 */
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- weight: 82,//84
- intensity: 0.5,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- /* Antibody 2 */
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- weight: 210,//230
- intensity: 0.5,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- weight: 240,//232
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- /* Antibody 3 */
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 40,//84, 232
- intensity: 0,//none, high
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 232,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- /* Antibody 4 */
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- weight: 84,//232
- intensity: 0,//high
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- weight: 232,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- /* Antibody 5 */
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['5']
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmProK',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ temperature: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'HproY-FLAG': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'gmBuf',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "GrowthMediaBuffer",
+ treatment_id: 'gmBuf'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'His-ProY-FLAG'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media + Buffer'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ GrowthMediaBuffer: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'static',
- drug: 'gmProK',
- cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
- marks: [
- /* Antibody 1 */
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- weight: 82,//84
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
- weight: 84,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- /* Antibody 2 */
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- weight: 230,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
- weight: 232,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- /* Antibody 3 */
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 40,//84,232
- intensity: 0,//none,none
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- /* Antibody 4 */
- {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- weight: 84,//232
- intensity: 0,//none
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- /* Antibody 5 */
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['5']
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
- }
+ },
+ temperature: '0'
- ]
- }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- facs: {
- 'ticks': [50, 100 , 150],
- 'max': 200,
- 'scale': 'pseudo',
- 'dna': {
- 'parser_simple': [
- {
- match: [],
- shape: 'normal'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'gmProK',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- { //His 488
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'nt',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'His_488',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'proX-Null',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'His_488',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'proY-Null',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'His_488',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'His_488',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'His_488',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
- //FLAG 488
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'nt',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'FLAG_488',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'proX-Null',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'FLAG_488',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'proY-Null',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'FLAG_488',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'FLAG_488',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'FLAG_488',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
- //ProX 488
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'nt',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'proX_488',
- shape: 'graph-c'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'proX-Null',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'proX_488',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'proY-Null',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'proX_488',
- shape: 'graph-c'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'proX_488',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'proX_488',
- shape: 'graph-c'
- },
- //ProY 488
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'nt',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'proY_488',
- shape: 'graph-c'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'proX-Null',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'proY_488',
- shape: 'graph-c'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'proY-Null',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'proY_488',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'proY_488',
- shape: 'graph-c'
- },
+ {
+ treatment_id: 'gmProK',
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "GrowthMediaProK",
+ treatment_id: 'gmProK'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'His-ProY-FLAG'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media + ProK'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ GrowthMediaProK: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
- cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'gmBuf',
- condition: 'proY_488',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- }
- ]
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmProK',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '0'
- }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
- }
+ }
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
+ experiment_setup: scb_ex2_text.experiment_setup({}),
-var __scb_sample_3 = {
- id: 'scb_ex3',
- name: 'Exercise 3',
- course: 'SCB_SampleExercises',
- course_name: 'Sample Exercises',
- description: 'StarCellBio Exercise 3',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ["Goal & Learning Objectives", scb_ex3_text.goal({})],
- ["Introduction", scb_ex3_text.intro({})],
- ["Background Information", scb_ex3_text.bg_info({})],
- ["Questions", scb_ex3_text.questions({})]
- ],
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' , 'facs', 'micro' ],
- gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: false},
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: false},
- {kind: 'duration', title: 'Time', editable: false}
- ]
- },
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}
- ],
- actions: [
- {
- kind: "add_many", name: "ADD SAMPLES", open: 'scb_ex3.setup',
- 'collection_id': '%CELL_LINE%'
- }
+ concentrations: {
+ '0': {
+ name: '',
+ value: 0
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'gmBuf': {
+ name: 'Growth Media + Buffer'
- ]
- },
- western_blot: {format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%, %COLLECTION%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
- map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'duration'],
- map: ['durations', '%KEY%', 'name']}
- }
- },
- microscopy: {
- disable_blur: false,
- disable_brightness: false
- },
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- order: ['WT-EGFR', 'EGFR Null', 'EGFR-M1', 'EGFR-M2', 'NoUB',
- 'ConstActive', 'His-EGFR-FLAG', 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG', 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG'],
- headings: ['', 'Strain', 'Treatment', 'Treatment Duration'],
- 'WT-EGFR': {
- rows: [
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm30': [
- {
- 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- {
- 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- {
- 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 sec',
- 'duration_value': 30,
- 'microscope': ['egfr', 'pm', 'cyto', 'nuc', 'er', 'nm'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'IF': ['egfr', 'pm', 'cyto', 'nuc', 'er', 'nm']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox', 'name': 'gm30', 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'WT-EGFR'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 sec'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm60': [
- { 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '1 min',
- 'duration_value': 60,
- 'microscope': ['egfr', 'pm', 'cyto', 'nuc', 'er', 'nm'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'IF': ['egfr', 'pm', 'cyto', 'nuc', 'er', 'nm']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm60',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'WT-EGFR'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '1 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm6': [
- { 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '6 hrs',
- 'duration_value': 21600,
- 'microscope': ['egfr', 'pm', 'cyto', 'nuc', 'er', 'nm'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'IF': ['egfr', 'pm', 'cyto', 'nuc', 'er', 'nm']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm6',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'WT-EGFR'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '6 hrs'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF30': [
- { 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 sec',
- 'duration_value': 30,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF30',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'WT-EGFR'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 sec'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF60': [
- { 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '1 min',
- 'duration_value': 60,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF60',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'WT-EGFR'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '1 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF6': [
- { 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '6 hrs',
- 'duration_value': 21600,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF6',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'WT-EGFR'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '6 hrs'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmBuff': [
- { 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 min',
- 'duration_value': 1800,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmBuff',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'WT-EGFR'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + buffer'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmProK': [
- { 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaProK'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 min',
- 'duration_value': 1800,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmProK',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'WT-EGFR'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + ProK'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'}
- ]
- },
- 'EGFR Null': {
- rows: [
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm30': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 sec',
- 'duration_value': 30,
- 'microscope': ['egfr'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'IF': ['egfr']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm30',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR Null'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 sec'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm60': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '1 min',
- 'duration_value': 60,
- 'microscope': ['egfr'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'IF': ['egfr']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm60',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR Null'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '1 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm6': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '6 hrs',
- 'duration_value': 21600,
- 'microscope': ['egfr'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'IF': ['egfr']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm6',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR Null'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '6 hrs'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF30': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 sec',
- 'duration_value': 30,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF30',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR Null'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 sec'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF60': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '1 min',
- 'duration_value': 60,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF60',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR Null'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '1 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF6': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '6 hrs',
- 'duration_value': 21600,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF6',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR Null'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '6 hrs'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmBuff': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 min',
- 'duration_value': 1800,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmBuff',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR Null'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + buffer'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmProK': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaProK'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 min',
- 'duration_value': 1800,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmProK',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR Null'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + ProK'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'}
+ },
+ 'gmProK': {
+ name: 'Growth Media + ProK'
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ '40': {
+ name: "37" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ '0': {
+ name: ''
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'nt': {
+ name: 'NoTags'
+ },
+ 'proX-Null': {
+ name: 'ProX-Null'
+ },
+ 'proY-Null': {
+ name: 'ProY-Null'
+ },
+ 'HproX-FLAG': {
+ name: 'His-ProX-FLAG'
+ },
+ 'HproY-FLAG': {
+ name: 'His-ProY-FLAG'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'],
+ '1': {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 82,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 84,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-Protein X'
+ },
+ '2': {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ secondary: ['g'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-Protein Y'
+ },
+ '3': {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-6xHis'
+ },
+ '4': {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ secondary: ['g'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-FLAG'
+ },
+ '5': {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-PGK1'
+ }
+ },
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 'r': {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Mouse'
+ },
+ 'g': {
+ name: 'Goat anti-Rabbit'
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'EGFR-M1': {
- rows: [
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm30': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M1',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 sec',
- 'duration_value': 30,
- 'microscope': ['egfr'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'IF': ['egfr']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm30',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR-M1'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 sec'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm60': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M1',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '1 min',
- 'duration_value': 60,
- 'microscope': ['egfr'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'IF': ['egfr']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm60',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR-M1'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '1 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm6': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M1',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '6 hrs',
- 'duration_value': 21600,
- 'microscope': ['egfr'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'IF': ['egfr']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm6',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR-M1'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '6 hrs'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF30': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M1',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 sec',
- 'duration_value': 30,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF30',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR-M1'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 sec'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF60': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M1',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '1 min',
- 'duration_value': 60,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF60',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR-M1'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '1 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF6': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M1',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '6 hrs',
- 'duration_value': 21600,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF6',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR-M1'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '6 hrs'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'}
- ]
- },
- 'EGFR-M2': {
- rows: [
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm30': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M2',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 sec',
- 'duration_value': 30,
- 'microscope': ['egfr'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'IF': ['egfr']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm30',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR-M2'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 sec'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm60': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M2',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '1 min',
- 'duration_value': 60,
- 'microscope': ['egfr'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'IF': ['egfr']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm60',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR-M2'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '1 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm6': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M2',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '6 hrs',
- 'duration_value': 21600,
- 'microscope': ['egfr'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'IF': ['egfr']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm6',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR-M2'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '6 hrs'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF30': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M2',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 sec',
- 'duration_value': 30,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF30',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR-M2'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 sec'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF60': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M2',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '1 min',
- 'duration_value': 60,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF60',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR-M2'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '1 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF6': [
- { 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M2',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '6 hrs',
- 'duration_value': 21600,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF6',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'EGFR-M2'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '6 hrs'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'}
- ]
- },
- 'NoUB': {
- rows: [
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm30': [
- { 'cell_line': 'NoUB',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 sec',
- 'duration_value': 30,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm30',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'NoUB'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 sec'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm60': [
- { 'cell_line': 'NoUB',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '1 min',
- 'duration_value': 60,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm60',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'NoUB'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '1 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm6': [
- { 'cell_line': 'NoUB',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '6 hrs',
- 'duration_value': 21600,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm6',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'NoUB'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '6 hrs'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF30': [
- { 'cell_line': 'NoUB',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 sec',
- 'duration_value': 30,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF30',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'NoUB'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 sec'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF60': [
- { 'cell_line': 'NoUB',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '1 min',
- 'duration_value': 60,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF60',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'NoUB'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '1 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF6': [
- { 'cell_line': 'NoUB',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '6 hrs',
- 'duration_value': 21600,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
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- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF6',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'NoUB'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '6 hrs'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'}
+ },
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
- ]
- },
- 'ConstActive': {
- rows: [
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- { 'cell_line': 'ConstActive',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 sec',
- 'duration_value': 30,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm30',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'ConstActive'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 sec'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm60': [
- { 'cell_line': 'ConstActive',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '1 min',
- 'duration_value': 60,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gm60',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'ConstActive'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '1 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gm6': [
- { 'cell_line': 'ConstActive',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_media'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '6 hrs',
- 'duration_value': 21600,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
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- 'name': 'gm6',
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- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'ConstActive'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media only'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '6 hrs'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF30': [
- { 'cell_line': 'ConstActive',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 sec',
- 'duration_value': 30,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF30',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'ConstActive'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 sec'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF60': [
- { 'cell_line': 'ConstActive',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '1 min',
- 'duration_value': 60,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF60',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'ConstActive'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '1 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmEGF6': [
- { 'cell_line': 'ConstActive',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '6 hrs',
- 'duration_value': 21600,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
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- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmEGF6',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'ConstActive'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '6 hrs'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'}
- ]
- },
- 'His-EGFR-FLAG': {
- rows: [
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmBuff': [
- { 'cell_line': 'His-EGFR-FLAG',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 min',
- 'duration_value': 1800,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmBuff',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'His-EGFR-FLAG'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + buffer'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmProK': [
- { 'cell_line': 'His-EGFR-FLAG',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaProK'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 min',
- 'duration_value': 1800,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmProK',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'His-EGFR-FLAG'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + ProK'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'}
+ facs_kinds: {
+ 'Anti': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling ',
+ conditions: {
+ 'His_488': {
+ name: 'His 488'
+ },
+ 'FLAG_488': {
+ name: 'FLAG 488'
+ },
+ 'proX_488': {
+ name: 'ProX 488'
+ },
+ 'proY_488': {
+ name: 'ProY 488'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // models
+ western_blot: {
+ 'cyto': {
+ 'parser_fixed': [
- ]
- },
- 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG': {
- rows: [
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmBuff': [
- { 'cell_line': 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 min',
- 'duration_value': 1800,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmBuff',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + buffer'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmProK': [
- { 'cell_line': 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaProK'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 min',
- 'duration_value': 1800,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmProK',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + ProK'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'}
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ drug: 'gmBuf',
+ cell_line: 'nt',
+ marks: [
+ { //antibody 1
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ weight: 82, //84
+ intensity: 0.5, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
- ]
- },
- 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG': {
- rows: [
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmBuff': [
- { 'cell_line': 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 min',
- 'duration_value': 1800,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmBuff',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + buffer'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'},
- { 'cell_treatments': { 'gmProK': [
- { 'cell_line': 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG',
- 'treatment_list': { 'list': [
- { 'collection_id': 'default',
- 'drug_list': { 'list': [
- { 'concentration_id': '100',
- 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaProK'}
- ]},
- 'duration': '30 min',
- 'duration_value': 1800,
- 'microscope': ['na'],
- 'conditions': {
- 'na': ['None']
- },
- 'temperature': '25'}
- ]}}
- ]},
- 'cells': [
- { 'kind': 'checkbox',
- 'name': 'gmProK',
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': 'Growth media + ProK'},
- {'kind': 'text', 'text': '30 min'}
- ],
- 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'}
+ { //antibody 2
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ weight: 210, //230
+ intensity: 0.5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ { //antibody 3
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 40, //84,232
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
- ]
+ { //antibody 4
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 84, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ { //antibody 5
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['5']
- }
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
- experiment_setup: scb_ex3_text.experiment_setup({}),
- collections: {
- '30 s': {
- name: '30 sec'
- },
- '60 s': {
- name: '1 min'
- },
- '6 h': {
- name: '6 hrs'
- },
- '30 m': {
- name: '30 min'
- }
- },
- durations: {
- '30 sec': {
- name: '30 sec'
- },
- '1 min': {
- name: '1 min'
- },
- '6 h': {
- name: '6 hrs'
+ ]
- '30 min': {
- name: '30 min'
- }
- },
- concentrations: {
- 100: {
- name: '',
- value: 100
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'growth_media': {
- name: 'Growth media only',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'growth_mediaEGF': {
- name: 'Growth media + EGF',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'growth_mediaBuff': {
- name: 'Growth media + buffer',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'growth_mediaProK': {
- name: 'Growth media + ProK',
- concentrations: [100]
- }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': {
- name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
- }
- },
- cell_lines: {
- 'WT-EGFR': {
- name: 'WT-EGFR'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ drug: 'gmProK',
+ cell_line: 'nt',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ weight: 82, //84
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ weight: 230, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 40, //84,232
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 84, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['5']
+ }
+ ]
- 'EGFR Null': {
- name: 'EGFR Null'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ drug: 'gmBuf',
+ cell_line: 'proX-Null',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ weight: 82, //84
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ weight: 210, //232
+ intensity: 0.5, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 40, //84,323
+ intensity: 0, //none,none
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 84, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['5']
+ }
+ ]
- 'EGFR-M1': {
- name: 'EGFR-M1'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ drug: 'gmProK',
+ cell_line: 'proX-Null',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ weight: 82, //84
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ weight: 230, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 40, //84,232
+ intensity: 0, //none,none
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 84, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['5']
+ }
+ ]
- 'EGFR-M2': {
- name: 'EGFR-M2'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ drug: 'gmBuf',
+ cell_line: 'proY-Null',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ weight: 82, //84
+ intensity: 0.5, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ weight: 230, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 40, //84,323
+ intensity: 0, //none, none
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 84, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['5']
+ }
+ ]
- 'NoUB': {
- name: 'NoUB'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ drug: 'gmProK',
+ cell_line: 'proY-Null',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ weight: 82, //84
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ weight: 230, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 40, //84,232
+ intensity: 0, //none,none
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 84, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['5']
+ }
+ ]
- 'ConstActive': {
- name: 'ConstActive'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ drug: 'gmBuf',
+ cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
+ marks: [
+ /* Antibody 1 */
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ weight: 82, //84
+ intensity: 0.5, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ weight: 88,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ /* Antibody 2 */
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ weight: 210, //230
+ intensity: 0.5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ /* Antibody 3 */
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 40, //84, 232
+ intensity: 0, //high, none
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 84,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ /* Antibody 4 */
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 84, //232
+ intensity: 2, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ /* Antibody 5 */
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['5']
+ }
+ ]
- 'His-EGFR-FLAG': {
- name: 'His-EGFR-FLAG'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ drug: 'gmProK',
+ cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ weight: 82, //84
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ weight: 230, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 40, //84,232
+ intensity: 1, //none,none
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 84, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['5']
+ }
+ ]
- 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG': {
- name: 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ drug: 'gmBuf',
+ cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
+ marks: [
+ /* Antibody 1 */
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ weight: 82, //84
+ intensity: 0.5, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ /* Antibody 2 */
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ weight: 210, //230
+ intensity: 0.5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ weight: 240, //232
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ /* Antibody 3 */
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 40, //84, 232
+ intensity: 0, //none, high
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 232,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ /* Antibody 4 */
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 84, //232
+ intensity: 0, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 232,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ /* Antibody 5 */
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['5']
+ }
+ ]
- 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG': {
- name: 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG'
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ drug: 'gmProK',
+ cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
+ marks: [
+ /* Antibody 1 */
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ weight: 82, //84
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-Protein X',
+ weight: 84,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ /* Antibody 2 */
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ weight: 230, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-Protein Y',
+ weight: 232,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ /* Antibody 3 */
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 40, //84,232
+ intensity: 0, //none,none
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ /* Antibody 4 */
+ {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 84, //232
+ intensity: 0, //none
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ /* Antibody 5 */
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['5']
+ }
+ ]
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'],
- '1': {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 54, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'anti-EGFR'
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ facs: {
+ 'ticks': [50, 100, 150],
+ 'max': 200,
+ 'scale': 'pseudo',
+ 'dna': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ shape: 'normal'
- '2': {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 58, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'anti-pEGFR'
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'gmProK',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
- '3': {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 48, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'anti-pRAF'
+ { //His 488
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'nt',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'His_488',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
- '4': {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 25, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'anti-pMEK'
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'proX-Null',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'His_488',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
- '5': {
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 45, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'anti-PGK1'
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'proY-Null',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'His_488',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
- '6': {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-6xHis',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 68, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'anti-6xHis'
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'His_488',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
- '7': {
- name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 68, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'anti-FLAG'
- }
- },
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 'm': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'His_488',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- 'r': {
- name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
- }
- },
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
- }
- },
- facs_kinds: {
- 'Anti': {
- name: 'Antibody-labeling',
- conditions: {
- 'EGFR': {name: 'EGFR A488'}
- }
- }
- },
- micro_kinds: {
- 'IF': {
- name: 'Antibody-labeling IF',
- conditions: {
- 'egfr': { name: 'EGFR A488', short_name: 'EGFR'},
- 'pm': { name: 'PM A488', short_name: 'PM'},
- 'cyto': { name: 'Cyto A488', short_name: 'Cyto'},
- 'nuc': { name: 'Nuc A488', short_name: 'Nuc'},
- 'er': { name: 'ER A488', short_name: 'ER'},
- 'nm': { name: 'NM A488', short_name: 'NM'}
- }
+ //FLAG 488
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'nt',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'FLAG_488',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'proX-Null',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'FLAG_488',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'proY-Null',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'FLAG_488',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'FLAG_488',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'FLAG_488',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ //ProX 488
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'nt',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'proX_488',
+ shape: 'graph-c'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'proX-Null',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'proX_488',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'proY-Null',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'proX_488',
+ shape: 'graph-c'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'proX_488',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'proX_488',
+ shape: 'graph-c'
- 'na': {
- name: 'None'
+ //ProY 488
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'nt',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'proY_488',
+ shape: 'graph-c'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'proX-Null',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'proY_488',
+ shape: 'graph-c'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'proY-Null',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'proY_488',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'HproX-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'proY_488',
+ shape: 'graph-c'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'condition'],
+ cell_line: 'HproY-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'gmBuf',
+ condition: 'proY_488',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
- slides: {
- '1': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/pm_final/pm-b.jpg',
- '2': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/pm_final/pm-c.jpg',
- '3': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/pm_final/pm2b.jpg',
- '4': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/pm_final/pm3b.jpg',
- '5': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/pm_final/pm34-1.jpg',
- '6': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/pm_final/pm34-2.jpg',
- '7': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c-a.jpg',
- '8': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c-b.jpg',
- '9': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c-c.jpg',
- '10': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c-d.jpg',
- '11': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c1.jpg',
- '12': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c7.jpg',
- '13': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c15-1.jpg',
- '14': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c15-2.jpg',
- '15': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c17.jpg',
- '16': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c29.jpg',
- '17': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n2.jpg',
- '18': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n8.jpg',
- '19': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n9.jpg',
- '20': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n18.jpg',
- '21': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n34.jpg',
- '22': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n43.jpg',
- '23': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n47.jpg',
- '25': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n64.jpg',
- '26': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/nuc-a.jpg',
- '27': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/nuc-b.jpg',
- '28': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/nuc-c.jpg',
+ ]
- '29': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/er_final/er1crop.jpg',
- '30': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/er_final/er2crop.jpg',
- '31': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/er_final/er3crop1.jpg',
- '32': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/er_final/er3crop2.jpg',
- '33': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/er_final/er5crop1.jpg',
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- '34': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nm_final/NM1crop.jpg',
- '35': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nm_final/nm2crop.jpg',
- '36': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nm_final/nm3crop1.jpg',
- '37': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nm_final/nm3crop2.jpg',
- '38': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nm_final/nm5crop.jpg',
+var __scb_sample_3 = {
+ id: 'scb_ex3',
+ name: 'Exercise 3',
+ course: 'SCB_SampleExercises',
+ course_name: 'Sample Exercises',
+ description: 'StarCellBio Exercise 3',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ["Goal & Learning Objectives", scb_ex3_text.goal({})],
+ ["Introduction", scb_ex3_text.intro({})],
+ ["Background Information", scb_ex3_text.bg_info({})],
+ ["Questions", scb_ex3_text.questions({})]
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb', 'facs', 'micro'],
+ gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'duration',
+ title: 'Time',
+ editable: false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ }
+ ],
+ actions: [
+ {
+ kind: "add_many",
+ name: "ADD SAMPLES",
+ open: 'scb_ex3.setup',
+ 'collection_id': '%CELL_LINE%'
+ }
- 'bo': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/negative_control.jpg',
- 'dummy': 'dummy'
- },
- model: {
- western_blot: {
- 'cyto': {
- 'parser_fixed': [
- /* WT-EGFR */
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug: 'growth_media',
- duration: '*ANY*',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2, //high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
- ]
- },
+ ]
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'duration'],
+ map: ['durations', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ disable_blur: false,
+ disable_brightness: false
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ order: ['WT-EGFR', 'EGFR Null', 'EGFR-M1', 'EGFR-M2', 'NoUB',
+ 'ConstActive', 'His-EGFR-FLAG', 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG', 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG'],
+ headings: ['', 'Strain', 'Treatment', 'Treatment Duration'],
+ 'WT-EGFR': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm30': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '30 sec',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 1,//med
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 sec',
+ 'duration_value': 30,
+ 'microscope': ['egfr', 'pm', 'cyto', 'nuc', 'er', 'nm'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'IF': ['egfr', 'pm', 'cyto', 'nuc', 'er', 'nm']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm30',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'WT-EGFR'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 sec'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm60': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '1 min',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 2, //high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 2, //high
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 2, //high
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 2, //high
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '1 min',
+ 'duration_value': 60,
+ 'microscope': ['egfr', 'pm', 'cyto', 'nuc', 'er', 'nm'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'IF': ['egfr', 'pm', 'cyto', 'nuc', 'er', 'nm']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm60',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'WT-EGFR'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '1 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm6': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '6 h',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0.5, //low
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '6 hrs',
+ 'duration_value': 21600,
+ 'microscope': ['egfr', 'pm', 'cyto', 'nuc', 'er', 'nm'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'IF': ['egfr', 'pm', 'cyto', 'nuc', 'er', 'nm']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm6',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'WT-EGFR'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '6 hrs'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF30': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug: 'growth_mediaBuff',
- duration: '30 min',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2,//high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 sec',
+ 'duration_value': 30,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF30',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'WT-EGFR'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 sec'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF60': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug: 'growth_mediaProK',
- duration: '30 min',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
- },
- /* EGFR Null */
+ },
+ 'duration': '1 min',
+ 'duration_value': 60,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF60',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'WT-EGFR'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '1 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF6': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'EGFR Null',
- drug: '*ANY*',
- duration: '*ANY*',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
- },
- /* EGFR-M1 */
+ },
+ 'duration': '6 hrs',
+ 'duration_value': 21600,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF6',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'WT-EGFR'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '6 hrs'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmBuff': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'EGFR-M1',
- drug: '*ANY*',
- duration: '*ANY*',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2, //high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ }
- },
- /*EGFR-M2*/
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 min',
+ 'duration_value': 1800,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmBuff',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'WT-EGFR'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + buffer'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmProK': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'WT-EGFR',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'EGFR-M2',
- drug: 'growth_media',
- duration: '*ANY*',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2,//high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 min',
+ 'duration_value': 1800,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmProK',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'WT-EGFR'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + ProK'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'EGFR Null': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm30': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'EGFR-M2',
- drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '30 sec',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 1,//med
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 sec',
+ 'duration_value': 30,
+ 'microscope': ['egfr'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'IF': ['egfr']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm30',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR Null'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 sec'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm60': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'EGFR-M2',
- drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '1 min',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 2, //high
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 2, //high
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '1 min',
+ 'duration_value': 60,
+ 'microscope': ['egfr'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'IF': ['egfr']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm60',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR Null'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '1 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm6': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'EGFR-M2',
- drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '6 h',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
- },
- /*NoUB*/
+ },
+ 'duration': '6 hrs',
+ 'duration_value': 21600,
+ 'microscope': ['egfr'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'IF': ['egfr']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm6',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR Null'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '6 hrs'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF30': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'NoUB',
- drug: 'growth_media',
- duration: '*ANY*',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2, //high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 sec',
+ 'duration_value': 30,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF30',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR Null'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 sec'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF60': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'NoUB',
- drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '30 sec',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '1 min',
+ 'duration_value': 60,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF60',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR Null'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '1 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF6': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'NoUB',
- drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '1 min',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 2, //high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 2, //high
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 2, //high
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '6 hrs',
+ 'duration_value': 21600,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF6',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR Null'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '6 hrs'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmBuff': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'NoUB',
- drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '6 h',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ }
- },
- /*ConstActive*/
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 min',
+ 'duration_value': 1800,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmBuff',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR Null'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + buffer'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmProK': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR Null',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'ConstActive',
- drug: '*ANY*',
- duration: '*ANY*',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ }
- },
- /* His-EGFR-FLAG*/
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 min',
+ 'duration_value': 1800,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmProK',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR Null'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + ProK'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'EGFR-M1': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm30': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M1',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'His-EGFR-FLAG',
- drug: 'growth_mediaBuff',
- duration: '30 min',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 sec',
+ 'duration_value': 30,
+ 'microscope': ['egfr'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'IF': ['egfr']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm30',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR-M1'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 sec'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm60': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M1',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'His-EGFR-FLAG',
- drug: 'growth_mediaProK',
- duration: '30 min',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
- },
- /*His-EGFR-M1-FLAG */
+ },
+ 'duration': '1 min',
+ 'duration_value': 60,
+ 'microscope': ['egfr'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'IF': ['egfr']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm60',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR-M1'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '1 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm6': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M1',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG',
- drug: 'growth_mediaBuff',
- duration: '30 min',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '6 hrs',
+ 'duration_value': 21600,
+ 'microscope': ['egfr'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'IF': ['egfr']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm6',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR-M1'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '6 hrs'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF30': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M1',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG',
- drug: 'growth_mediaProK',
- duration: '30 min',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
- },
- /* His-EGFR-M2-FLAG*/
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 sec',
+ 'duration_value': 30,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF30',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR-M1'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 sec'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF60': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M1',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG',
- drug: 'growth_mediaBuff',
- duration: '30 min',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 2, // high
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '1 min',
+ 'duration_value': 60,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF60',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR-M1'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '1 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF6': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M1',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG',
- drug: 'growth_mediaProK',
- duration: '30 min',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 1
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['1']
- },
- //antibody 2
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
- weight: 140,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['2']
- },
- //antibody 3
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['3']
- },
- //antibody 4
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['4']
- },
- //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
- //antibody 6
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['6']
- },
- //antibody 7
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 120,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- },
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
- weight: 51,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['7']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
- },
- /*ANY cell_line*/
+ },
+ 'duration': '6 hrs',
+ 'duration_value': 21600,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF6',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR-M1'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '6 hrs'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'EGFR-M2': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm30': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M2',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- cell_line: '*ANY*',
- drug: '*ANY*',
- duration: '*ANY*',
- above_marks: [
- //antibody 5 is the same for all treatments
- {
- name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: 1, //med
- primary_anti_body: ['5']
- }
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 sec',
+ 'duration_value': 30,
+ 'microscope': ['egfr'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'IF': ['egfr']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
- ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm30',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR-M2'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 sec'
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'
- facs: {
- 'ticks': [50, 100, 150],
- 'max': 200,
- 'scale': 'pseudo',
- 'dna': {
- 'parser_simple': [
- {
- match: [],
- shape: '2-peak-normal-400'
- },
- /*The same graph for all treatments for EGFR Null*/
- {
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'EGFR Null',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- /*The same graph for all treatments for EGFR-M1*/
- {
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'EGFR-M1',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- /*The same graph for all treatments for EGFR-M2*/
- {
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'EGFR-M2',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
- /*The same graph for all treatments for NoUB*/
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm60': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M2',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line'],
- cell_line: 'NoUB',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
- /*WT-EGFR*/
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug_id: 'growth_media',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'duration'],
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '30 sec',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'duration'],
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '1 min',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '1 min',
+ 'duration_value': 60,
+ 'microscope': ['egfr'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'IF': ['egfr']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm60',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR-M2'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '1 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm6': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M2',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'duration'],
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '6 h',
- shape: 'graph-c'
- },
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '6 hrs',
+ 'duration_value': 21600,
+ 'microscope': ['egfr'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'IF': ['egfr']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm6',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR-M2'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '6 hrs'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF30': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M2',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaBuff',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 sec',
+ 'duration_value': 30,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF30',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR-M2'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 sec'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF60': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M2',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaProK',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- /*ConstActive*/
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '1 min',
+ 'duration_value': 60,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF60',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR-M2'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '1 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF6': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'EGFR-M2',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'ConstActive',
- drug_id: 'growth_media',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '6 hrs',
+ 'duration_value': 21600,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF6',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'EGFR-M2'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '6 hrs'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'NoUB': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm30': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'NoUB',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'duration'],
- cell_line: 'ConstActive',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '30 sec',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 sec',
+ 'duration_value': 30,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm30',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'NoUB'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 sec'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm60': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'NoUB',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'duration'],
- cell_line: 'ConstActive',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '1 min',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '1 min',
+ 'duration_value': 60,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm60',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'NoUB'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '1 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm6': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'NoUB',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'duration'],
- cell_line: 'ConstActive',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaEGF',
- duration: '6 h',
- shape: 'graph-c'
- },
- /*His-EGFR-FLAG*/
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '6 hrs',
+ 'duration_value': 21600,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm6',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'NoUB'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '6 hrs'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF30': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'NoUB',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'His-EGFR-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaBuff',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 sec',
+ 'duration_value': 30,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF30',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'NoUB'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 sec'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF60': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'NoUB',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'His-EGFR-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaProK',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- /*His-EGFR-M1-FLAG*/
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '1 min',
+ 'duration_value': 60,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF60',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'NoUB'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '1 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF6': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'NoUB',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaBuff',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '6 hrs',
+ 'duration_value': 21600,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF6',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'NoUB'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '6 hrs'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'ConstActive': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm30': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'ConstActive',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaProK',
- shape: 'graph-b'
- },
- /*His-EGFR-M2-FLAG*/
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 sec',
+ 'duration_value': 30,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm30',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'ConstActive'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 sec'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm60': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'ConstActive',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaBuff',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
- },
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '1 min',
+ 'duration_value': 60,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm60',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'ConstActive'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '1 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gm6': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'ConstActive',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG',
- drug_id: 'growth_mediaProK',
- shape: 'graph-b'
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_media'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'duration': '6 hrs',
+ 'duration_value': 21600,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
- ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gm6',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'ConstActive'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media only'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '6 hrs'
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_media6'
- microscopy: {
- 'slide': {
- 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF30': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'ConstActive',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'EGFR Null',
- drug_id: 'growth_media',
- kind: 'IF',
- conditions: 'egfr',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: 'bo', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 sec',
+ 'duration_value': 30,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF30',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'ConstActive'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 sec'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF30'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF60': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'ConstActive',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug_id: 'growth_media',
- kind: 'IF',
- conditions: 'egfr',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '1', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '2', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '3', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '4', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '5', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '6', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '1 min',
+ 'duration_value': 60,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF60',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'ConstActive'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '1 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF60'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmEGF6': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'ConstActive',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug_id: 'growth_media',
- kind: 'IF',
- conditions: 'pm',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '1', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '2', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '3', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '4', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '5', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '6', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaEGF'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '6 hrs',
+ 'duration_value': 21600,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmEGF6',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'ConstActive'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + EGF'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '6 hrs'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaEGF6'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'His-EGFR-FLAG': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmBuff': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'His-EGFR-FLAG',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug_id: 'growth_media',
- kind: 'IF',
- conditions: 'cyto',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '7', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '8', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '9', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '10', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '11', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '12', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '13', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '14', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '15', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '16', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 min',
+ 'duration_value': 1800,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmBuff',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'His-EGFR-FLAG'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + buffer'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmProK': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'His-EGFR-FLAG',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug_id: 'growth_media',
- kind: 'IF',
- conditions: 'nuc',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '18', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '19', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '20', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '21', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '22', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '23', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '25', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 min',
+ 'duration_value': 1800,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmProK',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'His-EGFR-FLAG'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + ProK'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmBuff': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug_id: 'growth_media',
- kind: 'IF',
- conditions: 'er',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '29', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '30', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '31', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '32', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '33', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 min',
+ 'duration_value': 1800,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmBuff',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + buffer'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmProK': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
- drug_id: 'growth_media',
- kind: 'IF',
- conditions: 'nm',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '34', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '35', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '36', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '37', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '38', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 min',
+ 'duration_value': 1800,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmProK',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + ProK'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmBuff': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'EGFR-M1',
- drug_id: 'growth_media',
- kind: 'IF',
- conditions: 'egfr',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '1', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '2', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '3', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '4', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '5', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '6', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 min',
+ 'duration_value': 1800,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmBuff',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + buffer'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 min'
+ }
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaBuff'
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_treatments': {
+ 'gmProK': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG',
+ 'treatment_list': {
+ 'list': [
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'EGFR-M2',
- drug_id: 'growth_media',
- kind: 'IF',
- conditions: 'egfr',
- imgs_hash: [
- [
- {hash: '1', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '2', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '3', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '4', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '5', if_type: 'green'}
- ],
- [
- {hash: '6', if_type: 'green'}
- ]
+ 'collection_id': 'default',
+ 'drug_list': {
+ 'list': [
+ {
+ 'concentration_id': '100',
+ 'drug_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ }
+ },
+ 'duration': '30 min',
+ 'duration_value': 1800,
+ 'microscope': ['na'],
+ 'conditions': {
+ 'na': ['None']
+ },
+ 'temperature': '25'
- ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'cells': [
+ {
+ 'kind': 'checkbox',
+ 'name': 'gmProK',
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': 'Growth media + ProK'
+ },
+ {
+ 'kind': 'text',
+ 'text': '30 min'
+ ],
+ 'treatment_id': 'growth_mediaProK'
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
+ experiment_setup: scb_ex3_text.experiment_setup({}),
+ collections: {
+ '30 s': {
+ name: '30 sec'
+ },
+ '60 s': {
+ name: '1 min'
+ },
+ '6 h': {
+ name: '6 hrs'
+ },
+ '30 m': {
+ name: '30 min'
+ }
+ },
+ durations: {
+ '30 sec': {
+ name: '30 sec'
+ },
+ '1 min': {
+ name: '1 min'
+ },
+ '6 h': {
+ name: '6 hrs'
+ },
+ '30 min': {
+ name: '30 min'
+ }
+ },
+ concentrations: {
+ 100: {
+ name: '',
+ value: 100
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'growth_media': {
+ name: 'Growth media only',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'growth_mediaEGF': {
+ name: 'Growth media + EGF',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'growth_mediaBuff': {
+ name: 'Growth media + buffer',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'growth_mediaProK': {
+ name: 'Growth media + ProK',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'WT-EGFR': {
+ name: 'WT-EGFR'
+ },
+ 'EGFR Null': {
+ name: 'EGFR Null'
+ },
+ 'EGFR-M1': {
+ name: 'EGFR-M1'
+ },
+ 'EGFR-M2': {
+ name: 'EGFR-M2'
+ },
+ 'NoUB': {
+ name: 'NoUB'
+ },
+ 'ConstActive': {
+ name: 'ConstActive'
+ },
+ 'His-EGFR-FLAG': {
+ name: 'His-EGFR-FLAG'
+ },
+ 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG': {
+ name: 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG'
+ },
+ 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG': {
+ name: 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7'],
+ '1': {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 54,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-EGFR'
+ },
+ '2': {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-pEGFR'
+ },
+ '3': {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-pRAF'
+ },
+ '4': {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 25,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-pMEK'
+ },
+ '5': {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-PGK1'
+ },
+ '6': {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-6xHis',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 68,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-6xHis'
+ },
+ '7': {
+ name: 'Rabbit anti-FLAG',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 68,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-FLAG'
+ }
+ },
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 'm': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ },
+ 'r': {
+ name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
+ }
+ },
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
+ facs_kinds: {
+ 'Anti': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling',
+ conditions: {
+ 'EGFR': {
+ name: 'EGFR A488'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ micro_kinds: {
+ 'IF': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling IF',
+ conditions: {
+ 'egfr': {
+ name: 'EGFR A488',
+ short_name: 'EGFR'
+ },
+ 'pm': {
+ name: 'PM A488',
+ short_name: 'PM'
+ },
+ 'cyto': {
+ name: 'Cyto A488',
+ short_name: 'Cyto'
+ },
+ 'nuc': {
+ name: 'Nuc A488',
+ short_name: 'Nuc'
+ },
+ 'er': {
+ name: 'ER A488',
+ short_name: 'ER'
+ },
+ 'nm': {
+ name: 'NM A488',
+ short_name: 'NM'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'na': {
+ name: 'None'
+ }
+ },
+ slides: {
+ '1': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/pm_final/pm-b.jpg',
+ '2': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/pm_final/pm-c.jpg',
+ '3': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/pm_final/pm2b.jpg',
+ '4': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/pm_final/pm3b.jpg',
+ '5': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/pm_final/pm34-1.jpg',
+ '6': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/pm_final/pm34-2.jpg',
+ '7': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c-a.jpg',
+ '8': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c-b.jpg',
+ '9': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c-c.jpg',
+ '10': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c-d.jpg',
+ '11': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c1.jpg',
+ '12': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c7.jpg',
+ '13': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c15-1.jpg',
+ '14': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c15-2.jpg',
+ '15': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c17.jpg',
+ '16': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/cyto_final/c29.jpg',
+ '17': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n2.jpg',
+ '18': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n8.jpg',
+ '19': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n9.jpg',
+ '20': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n18.jpg',
+ '21': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n34.jpg',
+ '22': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n43.jpg',
+ '23': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n47.jpg',
+ '25': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/n64.jpg',
+ '26': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/nuc-a.jpg',
+ '27': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/nuc-b.jpg',
+ '28': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nucleus_final/nuc-c.jpg',
+ '29': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/er_final/er1crop.jpg',
+ '30': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/er_final/er2crop.jpg',
+ '31': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/er_final/er3crop1.jpg',
+ '32': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/er_final/er3crop2.jpg',
+ '33': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/er_final/er5crop1.jpg',
+ '34': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nm_final/NM1crop.jpg',
+ '35': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nm_final/nm2crop.jpg',
+ '36': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nm_final/nm3crop1.jpg',
+ '37': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nm_final/nm3crop2.jpg',
+ '38': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/nm_final/nm5crop.jpg',
+ 'bo': 'images/microscopy/scb_ex3/negative_control.jpg',
+ 'dummy': 'dummy'
+ },
+ model: {
+ western_blot: {
+ 'cyto': {
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ /* WT-EGFR */
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug: 'growth_media',
+ duration: '*ANY*',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '30 sec',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '1 min',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '6 h',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0.5, //low
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaBuff',
+ duration: '30 min',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaProK',
+ duration: '30 min',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ /* EGFR Null */
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'EGFR Null',
+ drug: '*ANY*',
+ duration: '*ANY*',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ /* EGFR-M1 */
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'EGFR-M1',
+ drug: '*ANY*',
+ duration: '*ANY*',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ /*EGFR-M2*/
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'EGFR-M2',
+ drug: 'growth_media',
+ duration: '*ANY*',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'EGFR-M2',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '30 sec',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'EGFR-M2',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '1 min',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'EGFR-M2',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '6 h',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ /*NoUB*/
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'NoUB',
+ drug: 'growth_media',
+ duration: '*ANY*',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'NoUB',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '30 sec',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'NoUB',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '1 min',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 2, //high
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'NoUB',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '6 h',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ /*ConstActive*/
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'ConstActive',
+ drug: '*ANY*',
+ duration: '*ANY*',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ /* His-EGFR-FLAG*/
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'His-EGFR-FLAG',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaBuff',
+ duration: '30 min',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'His-EGFR-FLAG',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaProK',
+ duration: '30 min',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ /*His-EGFR-M1-FLAG */
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaBuff',
+ duration: '30 min',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaProK',
+ duration: '30 min',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ /* His-EGFR-M2-FLAG*/
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaBuff',
+ duration: '30 min',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 2, // high
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG',
+ drug: 'growth_mediaProK',
+ duration: '30 min',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 1
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-EGFR',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['1']
+ },
+ //antibody 2
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pEGFR',
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['2']
+ },
+ //antibody 3
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pRAF',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['3']
+ },
+ //antibody 4
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-pMEK',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['4']
+ },
+ //antibody 5 is included in *ANY* cell_line
+ //antibody 6
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-6xHis',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['6']
+ },
+ //antibody 7
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-FLAG',
+ weight: 51,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['7']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ /*ANY cell_line*/
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ cell_line: '*ANY*',
+ drug: '*ANY*',
+ duration: '*ANY*',
+ above_marks: [
+ //antibody 5 is the same for all treatments
+ {
+ name: 'Mouse anti-PGK1',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 1, //med
+ primary_anti_body: ['5']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ facs: {
+ 'ticks': [50, 100, 150],
+ 'max': 200,
+ 'scale': 'pseudo',
+ 'dna': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ shape: '2-peak-normal-400'
+ },
+ /*The same graph for all treatments for EGFR Null*/
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'EGFR Null',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
+ },
+ /*The same graph for all treatments for EGFR-M1*/
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'EGFR-M1',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
+ },
+ /*The same graph for all treatments for EGFR-M2*/
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'EGFR-M2',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ /*The same graph for all treatments for NoUB*/
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line'],
+ cell_line: 'NoUB',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ /*WT-EGFR*/
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug_id: 'growth_media',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'duration'],
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '30 sec',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'duration'],
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '1 min',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'duration'],
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '6 h',
+ shape: 'graph-c'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaBuff',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaProK',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
+ },
+ /*ConstActive*/
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'ConstActive',
+ drug_id: 'growth_media',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'duration'],
+ cell_line: 'ConstActive',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '30 sec',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'duration'],
+ cell_line: 'ConstActive',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '1 min',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'duration'],
+ cell_line: 'ConstActive',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaEGF',
+ duration: '6 h',
+ shape: 'graph-c'
+ },
+ /*His-EGFR-FLAG*/
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'His-EGFR-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaBuff',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'His-EGFR-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaProK',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
+ },
+ /*His-EGFR-M1-FLAG*/
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaBuff',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M1-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaProK',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
+ },
+ /*His-EGFR-M2-FLAG*/
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaBuff',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-3'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'His-EGFR-M2-FLAG',
+ drug_id: 'growth_mediaProK',
+ shape: 'graph-b'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ 'slide': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'EGFR Null',
+ drug_id: 'growth_media',
+ kind: 'IF',
+ conditions: 'egfr',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: 'bo',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug_id: 'growth_media',
+ kind: 'IF',
+ conditions: 'egfr',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '1',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '2',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '3',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '4',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '5',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '6',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug_id: 'growth_media',
+ kind: 'IF',
+ conditions: 'pm',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '1',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '2',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '3',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '4',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '5',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '6',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug_id: 'growth_media',
+ kind: 'IF',
+ conditions: 'cyto',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '7',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '8',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '9',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '10',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '11',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '12',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '13',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '14',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '15',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '16',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug_id: 'growth_media',
+ kind: 'IF',
+ conditions: 'nuc',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '18',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '19',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '20',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '21',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '22',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '23',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '25',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug_id: 'growth_media',
+ kind: 'IF',
+ conditions: 'er',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '29',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '30',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '31',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '32',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '33',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'WT-EGFR',
+ drug_id: 'growth_media',
+ kind: 'IF',
+ conditions: 'nm',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '34',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '35',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '36',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '37',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '38',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'EGFR-M1',
+ drug_id: 'growth_media',
+ kind: 'IF',
+ conditions: 'egfr',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '1',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '2',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '3',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '4',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '5',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '6',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'EGFR-M2',
+ drug_id: 'growth_media',
+ kind: 'IF',
+ conditions: 'egfr',
+ imgs_hash: [
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '1',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '2',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '3',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '4',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '5',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ hash: '6',
+ if_type: 'green'
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/sutd_intro_biology/assignment.js b/html_app/assignments/sutd_intro_biology/assignment.js
index 12c4d83b..614a0014 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/sutd_intro_biology/assignment.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/sutd_intro_biology/assignment.js
@@ -1,2320 +1,2948 @@
var __sutd_intro_biology = {
- id: 'sutd_intro_biology',
- name: 'StarCellBio Assignment 1 (CC13)',
- course: 'SUTD_Biology',
- course_name: 'Class',
- description: 'Microscopy Test of images',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ['Goal', scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology.goal()],
- ["Background Information", scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology.bg_info({})],
- ["Questions", scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology.questions({})]
+ id: 'sutd_intro_biology',
+ name: 'StarCellBio Assignment 1 (CC13)',
+ course: 'SUTD_Biology',
+ course_name: 'Class',
+ description: 'Microscopy Test of images',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ['Goal', scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology.goal()],
+ ["Background Information", scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology.bg_info({})],
+ ["Questions", scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology.questions({})]
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb', 'micro'],
+ gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: true
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ }
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' , 'micro'],
- gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: true},
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: true}
- ]
- },
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}
- ],
- actions: [
- ]
- },
- western_blot: {
- format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
- map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']}
+ actions: []
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ disable_blur: true,
+ disable_brightness: true
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ order: ['gfp', 'gfp1', 'gfp2', 'gfp3', 'gfp4', 'gfp5', 'gfpH', 'gfp100', 'gfpTD'],
+ headings: [
+ 'Strain', 'Growth media only', 'Growth media + ligand', 'Growth media + inhibitor',
+ 'Growth media + ligand + inhibitor'
+ ],
+ 'gfp': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
- },
- microscopy: {
- disable_blur: true,
- disable_brightness: true
- },
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- order: ['gfp', 'gfp1', 'gfp2', 'gfp3', 'gfp4', 'gfp5', 'gfpH', 'gfp100', 'gfpTD'],
- headings: [
- 'Strain', 'Growth media only', 'Growth media + ligand', 'Growth media + inhibitor',
- 'Growth media + ligand + inhibitor'
- ],
- 'gfp': {
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
+ ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]},
- temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]},
- temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]},
- temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }}
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- 'gfp1': {
- rows: [
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Protein A'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp1',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp1',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp1',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp1',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'gfp2': {
- rows: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Protein B'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp2',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp2',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp2',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp2',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'gfp3': {
- rows: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Protein C'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp3',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp3',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }}
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp3',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp3',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'gfp4': {
- rows: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Protein D'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp4',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp4',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp4',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp4',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp1': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Protein A'
- 'gfp5': {
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Protein E'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp5',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp5',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp5',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp5',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'gfpH': {
- rows: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-Histone H2B'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpH',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpH',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpH',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpH',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'gfp100': {
- rows: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-p100'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp100',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp100',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp100',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfp100',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- },
- 'gfpTD': {
- rows: [
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'GFP-pTD'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "G", treatment_id: 'media_only'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'L', treatment_id: 'ligand_media' },
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'I', treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'A', treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'}
- ],
- cell_treatments: {
- G: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- treatment_id: 'media_only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gm', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], L: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gml', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }}
- ]}}
- ], I: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmi', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ], A: [
- {cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'gmil', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]}, temperature: '22',
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs',
- collections: {
- '': {
- name: ''
- }
- },
- concentrations: {
- 100: {
- name: '',
- value: 100
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'gm': {
- name: 'Growth media only',
- concentrations: ['100']
- },
- 'gml': {
- name: 'Growth media + ligand',
- concentrations: ['100']
- },
- 'gmi': {
- name: 'Growth media + inhibitor',
- concentrations: ['100']
- },
- 'gmil': {
- name: 'Growth media + ligand + inhibitor',
- concentrations: ['100']
- }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '22': {
- name: "22" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
- cell_lines: {
- 'gfp': {
- name: 'GFP'
- },
- 'gfp1': {
- name: 'GFP-Protein A'
- },
- 'gfp2': {
- name: 'GFP-Protein B'
- },
- 'gfp3': {
- name: 'GFP-Protein C'
- },
- 'gfp4': {
- name: 'GFP-Protein D'
- },
- 'gfp5': {
- name: 'GFP-Protein E'
- },
- 'gfpH': {
- name: 'GFP-Histone H2B'
- },
- 'gfp100': {
- name: 'GFP-p100'
- },
- 'gfpTD': {
- name: 'GFP-pTD'
- }
+ 'gfp2': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Protein B'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: ['mp1', 'mp2', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'mp5', 'mpAG'],
- 'mp1': {
- name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein A',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 46, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'P-Protein A'
- },
- 'mp2': {
- name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein B',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 134, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'P-Protein B'
- },
- 'mp3': {
- name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein C',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 44, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'P-Protein C'
- },
- 'mp4': {
- name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein D',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 67, intensity: 0}
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- gel_name: 'P-Protein D'
- },
- 'mp5': {
- name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein E',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 74, intensity: 0}
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- gel_name: 'P-Protein E'
- },
- 'mpAG': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-GAPDH',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 37, intensity: 0}
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- gel_name: 'GAPDH'
- }
- },//
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 'm': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
- },
- 'r': {
- name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
- }
- },//
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
- micro_kinds: {
- 'IF': {
- name: 'Fluorescence',
- conditions: {
- 'rgb': {name: 'GFP (green)',
- short_name: 'G:GFP'}
+ 'gfp3': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Protein C'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
- },
- 'na': {
- name: 'None'
- }
- },
- slides: {
- 'img1': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/c1.jpg',
- 'img2': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/c4.jpg',
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- 'img4': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/c10.jpg',
- 'img40': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/c15-1.jpg',
- 'img41': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/c15-2.jpg',
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- 'img42': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/c25.jpg',
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- 'img23': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/n8.jpg',
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- 'img29': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/n34.jpg',
- 'img30': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/n43.jpg',
- 'img31': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/n47.jpg',
- 'img32': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/n60.jpg',
- 'img46': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/n64.jpg',
- 'img36': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/pm2.jpg',
- 'img37': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/pm3.jpg',
- 'img44': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/pm34-1.jpg',
- 'img45': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014/pm34-2.jpg'
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- [
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- }
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
- ],
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- [
- {
- hash: 'img36',
- mag: 'N/A',
- if_type: 'green'
- }
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- ],
- [
- {
- hash: 'img45',
- mag: 'N/A',
- if_type: 'green'
- }
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
- ],
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- [
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- }
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
- ],
- 'cytoplasm_nucleus': [
- [
- {
- hash: 'img9',
- mag: 'N/A',
- if_type: 'green'
- }
- ],
- [
- {
- hash: 'img10',
- mag: 'N/A',
- if_type: 'green'
- }
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- }
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
- ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
- }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
- model: { // models
- western_blot: {
- 'cyto': {
- 'parser_fixed': [
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfpH',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfpH',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfpH',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfpH',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- //CELL GFP p100
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp100',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ 'gfp4': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Protein D'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp100',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp100',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp100',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp5': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Protein E'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp1',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfpH': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-Histone H2B'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp1',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp1',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp1',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfp100': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-p100'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 161, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 161, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp3',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 71, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp3',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 71, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp3',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 71, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp3',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 71, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp4',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp4',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 94, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp4',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp4',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'gfpTD': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'GFP-pTD'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "G",
+ treatment_id: 'media_only'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'L',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'I',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'A',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor'
+ }
+ ],
+ cell_treatments: {
+ G: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ treatment_id: 'media_only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gm',
- cell_line: 'gfp5',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gm',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ L: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gml',
- cell_line: 'gfp5',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein D',
- weight: 67, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 101, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gml',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ I: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ treatment_id: 'inhibitor_media',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmi',
- cell_line: 'gfp5',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
- },
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmi',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ A: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ treatment_id: 'ligand_media_inhibitor',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'gmil',
- cell_line: 'gfp5',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'protein B',
- weight: 134, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein C',
- weight: 44, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 74, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'protein E',
- weight: 101, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
- },
- {
- name: 'anti-GAPDH',
- weight: 37, // 34&35
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: []
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'gmil',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '22',
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
- ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs',
+ collections: {
+ '': {
+ name: ''
+ }
+ },
+ concentrations: {
+ 100: {
+ name: '',
+ value: 100
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'gm': {
+ name: 'Growth media only',
+ concentrations: ['100']
+ },
+ 'gml': {
+ name: 'Growth media + ligand',
+ concentrations: ['100']
+ },
+ 'gmi': {
+ name: 'Growth media + inhibitor',
+ concentrations: ['100']
+ },
+ 'gmil': {
+ name: 'Growth media + ligand + inhibitor',
+ concentrations: ['100']
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '22': {
+ name: "22" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'gfp': {
+ name: 'GFP'
+ },
+ 'gfp1': {
+ name: 'GFP-Protein A'
+ },
+ 'gfp2': {
+ name: 'GFP-Protein B'
+ },
+ 'gfp3': {
+ name: 'GFP-Protein C'
+ },
+ 'gfp4': {
+ name: 'GFP-Protein D'
+ },
+ 'gfp5': {
+ name: 'GFP-Protein E'
+ },
+ 'gfpH': {
+ name: 'GFP-Histone H2B'
+ },
+ 'gfp100': {
+ name: 'GFP-p100'
+ },
+ 'gfpTD': {
+ name: 'GFP-pTD'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: ['mp1', 'mp2', 'mp3', 'mp4', 'mp5', 'mpAG'],
+ 'mp1': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein A',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 46,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'P-Protein A'
+ },
+ 'mp2': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein B',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 134,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'P-Protein B'
+ },
+ 'mp3': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein C',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'P-Protein C'
+ },
+ 'mp4': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein D',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 67,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'P-Protein D'
+ },
+ 'mp5': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-phospho-protein E',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 74,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'P-Protein E'
+ },
+ 'mpAG': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-GAPDH',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 37,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'GAPDH'
+ }
+ }, //
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 'm': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ },
+ 'r': {
+ name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
+ }
+ }, //
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
+ micro_kinds: {
+ 'IF': {
+ name: 'Fluorescence',
+ conditions: {
+ 'rgb': {
+ name: 'GFP (green)',
+ short_name: 'G:GFP'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'na': {
+ name: 'None'
+ }
+ },
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- },
- {
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- phenotype: 'nucleus'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp100',
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- phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfpTD',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'plasma_membrane'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp1',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gmi'],
- phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp1',
- drug_id: ['gml', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'plasma_membrane'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp2',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'plasma_membrane'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp3',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp3',
- drug_id: ['gml'],
- phenotype: 'nucleus'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp4',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'gfp5',
- drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
- phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
- }
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+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // models
+ western_blot: {
+ 'cyto': {
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ //CELL GFP p100
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 161, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 161, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 71, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 71, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 71, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 71, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 94, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gm',
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gml',
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein D',
+ weight: 67, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp4']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 101, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmi',
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'gmil',
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'protein B',
+ weight: 134, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein C',
+ weight: 44, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp3']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 74, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'protein E',
+ weight: 101, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mp5']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'anti-GAPDH',
+ weight: 37, // 34&35
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['mpAG']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: []
+ ]
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ 'valid': ['pfl', 'ac'],
+ 'slide': {
+ 'complex_parser': [
+ {
+ match: []
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'cytoplasm_nucleus'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfpH',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'nucleus'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp100',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfpTD',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'plasma_membrane'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gmi'],
+ phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp1',
+ drug_id: ['gml', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'plasma_membrane'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp2',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'plasma_membrane'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp3',
+ drug_id: ['gml'],
+ phenotype: 'nucleus'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp4',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'gfp5',
+ drug_id: ['gm', 'gml', 'gmi', 'gmil'],
+ phenotype: 'cytoplasm'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/sutd_intro_biology_ps2/AddMultipleDialog.js b/html_app/assignments/sutd_intro_biology_ps2/AddMultipleDialog.js
index 6a2031c5..a2b5bcfe 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/sutd_intro_biology_ps2/AddMultipleDialog.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/sutd_intro_biology_ps2/AddMultipleDialog.js
@@ -1,98 +1,100 @@
var sutd_ps2 = sutd_ps2 || {};
sutd_ps2.static = sutd_ps2.static || {};
-sutd_ps2.static.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_add = function (element, dialog, state) {
- $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function (e) {
- var element = $(this);
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- var cell_line = $(element).attr('cell_line');
- var name = $(element).attr('name');
- $(element).attr('aria-checked',true);
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
- skip_hash_update: true
- });
+sutd_ps2.static.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_add = function(element, dialog, state) {
+ $('input[type="checkbox"]:checked', dialog).each(function(e) {
+ var element = $(this);
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ var cell_line = $(element).attr('cell_line');
+ var name = $(element).attr('name');
+ $(element).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state({
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'add_many_dialog_box',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ });
- var template = parsed.assignment.template;
- var rows = template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[cell_line].rows;
- var row = _.find(rows, function (eh) {
- return eh.treatment_id == treatment_id;
- });
- var cell_treatments_array = row.cell_treatments[name];
- _.each(cell_treatments_array, function (eh) {
- parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
- });
+ var template = parsed.assignment.template;
+ var rows = template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[cell_line].rows;
+ var row = _.find(rows, function(eh) {
+ return eh.treatment_id == treatment_id;
+ });
+ var cell_treatments_array = row.cell_treatments[name];
+ _.each(cell_treatments_array, function(eh) {
+ parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.start(scb.utils.clone_and_clear(eh));
+ });
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ scb.utils.call_back(state.close);
-sutd_ps2.register = function (dialog, state) {
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.sutd_ps2_dialog', function (e) {
- var container = dialog;
- if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_cancel', function (e) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_add', function (e) {
- sutd_ps2.static.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_add(this, dialog, state);
- $(this).focus();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_checkbox', function (e) {
- $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked',$(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked') =='false' ? true : false);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_select_all', function (e) {
- $('input[type=checkbox]' , dialog).attr('checked','checked');
- $('input[type=checkbox]' , dialog).attr('aria-checked',true);
- });
+sutd_ps2.register = function(dialog, state) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.sutd_ps2_dialog', function(e) {
+ var container = dialog;
+ if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_cancel', function(e) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_add', function(e) {
+ sutd_ps2.static.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_add(this, dialog, state);
+ $(this).focus();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_checkbox', function(e) {
+ $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked', $(this, dialog).attr('aria-checked') == 'false' ? true : false);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_select_all', function(e) {
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('input[type=checkbox]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_title_close', function (e) {
- $(dialog).detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_select', function (e) {
- var cell_line = $(this).attr('cell_line');
- var name = $(this).attr('name');
- $('input[type=checkbox][name="'+name+'"]' , dialog).attr('checked','checked');
- $('input[type=checkbox][name="'+name+'"]' , dialog).attr('aria-checked',true);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_title_close', function(e) {
+ $(dialog).detach();
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog.parent(), 'click', '.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_select', function(e) {
+ var cell_line = $(this).attr('cell_line');
+ var name = $(this).attr('name');
+ $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"]', dialog).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('input[type=checkbox][name="' + name + '"]', dialog).attr('aria-checked', true);
+ });
-sutd_ps2.setup = function (state) {
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var assignment = state.assignment;
- var experiment = state.experiment;
- var template = state.assignment.template;
- var onClose = state.close;
+sutd_ps2.setup = function(state) {
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var assignment = state.assignment;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ var onClose = state.close;
- var dialog = $("
- dialog.html(sutd_ps2.dialog({
- assignment: assignment,
- experiment: experiment,
- template: template
- }));
+ var dialog = $("
+ dialog.html(sutd_ps2.dialog({
+ assignment: assignment,
+ experiment: experiment,
+ template: template
+ }));
- dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
- sutd_ps2.register($(dialog), state);
+ dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
+ sutd_ps2.register($(dialog), state);
- var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
- _.each( css , function(v,k){
- dialog.css(k,v);
- });
+ var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
+ _.each(css, function(v, k) {
+ dialog.css(k, v);
+ });
- $('.sutd_ps2_dialog').draggable({handle:'.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_title'})
+ $('.sutd_ps2_dialog').draggable({
+ handle: '.sutd_ps2_inner_dialog_title'
+ })
diff --git a/html_app/assignments/sutd_intro_biology_ps2/assignment.js b/html_app/assignments/sutd_intro_biology_ps2/assignment.js
index 98e6328e..4c894144 100644
--- a/html_app/assignments/sutd_intro_biology_ps2/assignment.js
+++ b/html_app/assignments/sutd_intro_biology_ps2/assignment.js
@@ -1,870 +1,1320 @@
var __sutd_intro_biology_ps2 = {
- id: 'sutd_intro_biology_ps2',
- name: 'StarCellBio Assignment 2 (CC14)',
- course: 'SUTD_Biology',
- course_name: 'SUTD Intro Biology',
- description: 'FACS and Western Blot for temperature sensitive mutants',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- random_choose: true,
- randomize_all: false,
- random_order: [],
- finished_random: false,
- instructions: [
- ["Goal", scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology_ps2.goal({})],
- ["Background Information", scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology_ps2.bg_info({})],
- ["Questions", scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology_ps2.questions({})]
+ id: 'sutd_intro_biology_ps2',
+ name: 'StarCellBio Assignment 2 (CC14)',
+ course: 'SUTD_Biology',
+ course_name: 'SUTD Intro Biology',
+ description: 'FACS and Western Blot for temperature sensitive mutants',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ random_choose: true,
+ randomize_all: false,
+ random_order: [],
+ finished_random: false,
+ instructions: [
+ ["Goal", scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology_ps2.goal({})],
+ ["Background Information", scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology_ps2.bg_info({})],
+ ["Questions", scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology_ps2.questions({})]
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb', 'facs', 'micro'],
+ gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'duration',
+ title: 'Time',
+ editable: false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ }
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' , 'facs', 'micro'],
- gel_types: ['.10', '.12', '.15']
+ actions: [
+ {
+ kind: "add_many",
+ name: "Add Samples",
+ open: 'sutd_ps2.setup',
+ css: {
+ width: '885px',
+ height: '600px',
+ left: 'inherit',
+ top: '15%'
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: false},
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: false},
- {kind: 'duration', title: 'Time', editable: false}
- ]
- },
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}
- ],
- actions: [
- {kind: "add_many", name: "Add Samples", open: 'sutd_ps2.setup', css: {
- width: '885px',
- height: '600px',
- left: 'inherit',
- top: '15%'
- },
- 'collection_id': '%CELL_LINE%'
- }
+ 'collection_id': '%CELL_LINE%'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ disable_blur: true,
+ disable_brightness: true
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ order: ['S2'],
+ headings: [
+ '', 'Strain', 'Treatment', 'Treatment Duration'
+ ],
+ 'S2': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "CR",
+ treatment_id: 'nc'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Control siRNA'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'nc',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ CR: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['rgb'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
- western_blot: {format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {
- attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
- map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']}
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "R1",
+ treatment_id: 'rna1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'siRNA #1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
- },
- microscopy: {
- disable_blur: true,
- disable_brightness: true
- },
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- order: ['S2'],
- headings: [
- '', 'Strain', 'Treatment', 'Treatment Duration'
- ],
- 'S2': {
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "CR", treatment_id: 'nc'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Control siRNA'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'nc',
- cell_treatments: {
- CR: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default',
- microscope: ['rgb'],
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]},
- temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "R1", treatment_id: 'rna1'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'siRNA #1'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'rna1',
- cell_treatments: {
- R1: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default', microscope: ['rgb'],
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'rna1', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]},
- temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'rna1',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ R1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "R2", treatment_id: 'rna2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'siRNA #2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'rna2',
- cell_treatments: {
- R2: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default', microscope: ['rgb'],
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'rna2', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]},
- temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "R3", treatment_id: 'rna3'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'siRNA #3'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'rna3',
- cell_treatments: {
- R3: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- collection_id: 'default', microscope: ['rgb'],
- conditions: {
- 'IF': ['rgb']
- },
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'rna3', concentration_id: '100'}
- ]},
- temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['rgb'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'rna1',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
- experiment_setup: scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology_ps2.experiment_setup({}),
- collections: {
- '': {
- name: ''
- }
- },
- concentrations: {
- 100: {
- name: '',
- value: 100
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'nc': {
- name: 'Control siRNA',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'rna1': {
- name: 'siRNA #1',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'rna2': {
- name: 'siRNA #2',
- concentrations: [100]
- },
- 'rna3': {
- name: 'siRNA #3',
- concentrations: [100]
- }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': {
- name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
- }
- },
- cell_lines: {
- 'S2': {
- name: 'S2'
- }
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: ['cyclinB', 'cyclinE', 'scc1', 'pgk1'],
- 'cyclinB': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 58, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin B'
- },
- 'cyclinE': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 54, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 55, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 58, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin E'
- },
- 'scc1': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-Scc1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 48, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'Scc1'
- },
- 'pgk1': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 25, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'pgk1'
- }
- },
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 'm': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- 'r': {
- name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
- }
- },
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
- }
- },
- facs_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Dye/Stain',
- conditions: {
- 'whole': {name: 'PI'}
- }
- }
- },
- micro_kinds: {
- 'IF': {
- name: 'Antibody-labeling IF',
- conditions: {
- 'rgb': {name: 'γ-tubulin (red), α-tubulin (green), DAPI (blue)',
- short_name: 'R:γ-tub, G:α-tub, B:DAPI'}
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "R2",
+ treatment_id: 'rna2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'siRNA #2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'rna2',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ R2: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['rgb'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'rna2',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- 'na': {
- name: 'None'
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "R3",
+ treatment_id: 'rna3'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'siRNA #3'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'rna3',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ R3: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['rgb'],
+ conditions: {
+ 'IF': ['rgb']
+ },
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'rna3',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- },
- slides: {
- 'img0001': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_4Normal_Anaphase_1_composite.jpg',
- 'img0002': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_4Normal_Anaphase_2_composite.jpg',
- 'img0003': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_4Normal_Anaphase_3_composite.jpg',
- 'img0004': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_4Normal_Anaphase_4_composite.jpg',
- 'img0005': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_4Normal_Anaphase_5_composite.jpg',
- 'img0006': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_4Normal_Anaphase_6_composite.jpg',
- 'img0007': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_5Normal_Anaphase_1_composite.jpg',
- 'img0008': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_5Normal_Anaphase_2_composite.jpg',
- 'img0009': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_5Normal_Anaphase_3_composite.jpg',
- 'img0010': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_5Normal_Anaphase_4_composite.jpg',
- 'img0011': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_5Normal_Anaphase_5_composite.jpg',
- 'img0012': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_5Normal_Anaphase_6_composite.jpg',
- 'img0013': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_6Normal_Anaphase_1_composite.jpg',
- 'img0014': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_6Normal_Anaphase_2_composite.jpg',
- 'img0015': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_6Normal_Anaphase_3_composite.jpg',
- 'img0016': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_6Normal_Anaphase_4_composite.jpg',
- 'img0017': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_6Normal_Anaphase_5_composite.jpg',
- 'img0018': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_6Normal_Anaphase_6_composite.jpg',
- 'img0019': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_7Normal_Anaphase_1_composite.jpg',
- 'img0020': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_7Normal_Anaphase_2_composite.jpg',
- 'img0021': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_7Normal_Anaphase_3_composite.jpg',
- 'img0022': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_7Normal_Anaphase_4_composite.jpg',
- 'img0024': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_7Normal_Anaphase_5_composite.jpg',
- 'img0025': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_7Normal_Anaphase_6_composite.jpg',
- 'img0027': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_8Normal_Anaphase_1_composite.jpg',
- 'img0028': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_8Normal_Anaphase_2_composite.jpg',
- 'img0029': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_8Normal_Anaphase_3_composite.jpg',
- 'img0034': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_8Normal_Anaphase_4_composite.jpg',
- 'img0035': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_8Normal_Anaphase_5_composite.jpg',
- 'img0036': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_8Normal_Anaphase_6_composite.jpg',
- 'img0037': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_9Normal_Anaphase_1_composite.jpg',
- 'img0038': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_9Normal_Anaphase_2_composite.jpg',
- 'img0039': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_9Normal_Anaphase_3_composite.jpg',
- 'img0040': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_9Normal_Anaphase_4_composite.jpg',
- 'img0041': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_9Normal_Anaphase_5_composite.jpg',
- 'img0042': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_9Normal_Anaphase_6_composite.jpg',
- 'img0043': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_10Normal_Anaphase_1_composite.jpg',
- 'img0044': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_10Normal_Anaphase_2_composite.jpg',
- 'img0045': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_10Normal_Anaphase_3_composite.jpg',
- 'img0046': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_10Normal_Anaphase_4_composite.jpg',
- 'img0047': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_10Normal_Anaphase_5_composite.jpg',
- 'img0048': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/cn/Interphase_10Normal_Metaphase_10Normal_Anaphase_6_composite.jpg',
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
+ experiment_setup: scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology_ps2.experiment_setup({}),
+ collections: {
+ '': {
+ name: ''
+ }
+ },
+ concentrations: {
+ 100: {
+ name: '',
+ value: 100
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'nc': {
+ name: 'Control siRNA',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'rna1': {
+ name: 'siRNA #1',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'rna2': {
+ name: 'siRNA #2',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ },
+ 'rna3': {
+ name: 'siRNA #3',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ }
- 'img0049': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna1/Metaphase_arrest1.jpg',
- 'img0050': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna1/Metaphase_arrest2.jpg',
- 'img0051': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna1/Metaphase_arrest3.jpg',
- 'img0052': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna1/Metaphase_arrest4.jpg',
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'S2': {
+ name: 'S2'
+ }
- 'img0053': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna2/MT_instability1.jpg',
- 'img0054': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna2/MT_instability2.jpg',
- 'img0055': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna2/MT_instability3.jpg',
- 'img0056': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna2/MT_instability4.jpg',
- 'img0057': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna2/MT_instability5.jpg',
- 'img0058': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna2/MT_instability6.jpg',
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: ['cyclinB', 'cyclinE', 'scc1', 'pgk1'],
- 'img0059': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna3/Interphase_10Normal_UnequalChromsomeDistribution1_composite.jpg',
- 'img0060': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna3/Interphase_10Normal_UnequalChromsomeDistribution2_composite.jpg',
- 'img0067': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna3/Interphase_10Normal_UnequalChromsomeDistribution3_composite.jpg',
- 'img0068': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna3/Interphase_10Normal_UnequalChromsomeDistribution4_composite.jpg',
- 'img0069': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna3/Interphase_12Normal_UnequalChromsomeDistribution1_composite.jpg',
- 'img0070': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna3/Interphase_12Normal_UnequalChromsomeDistribution2_composite.jpg',
- 'img0071': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna3/Interphase_12Normal_UnequalChromsomeDistribution3_composite.jpg',
- 'img0072': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna3/Interphase_12Normal_UnequalChromsomeDistribution4_composite.jpg',
- 'img0073': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna3/Interphase_13Normal_UnequalChromsomeDistribution1_composite.jpg',
- 'img0074': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna3/Interphase_13Normal_UnequalChromsomeDistribution2_composite.jpg',
- 'img0075': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna3/Interphase_13Normal_UnequalChromsomeDistribution3_composite.jpg',
- 'img0076': 'images/microscopy/sutd_2/rna3/Interphase_13Normal_UnequalChromsomeDistribution4_composite.jpg',
+ 'cyclinB': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin B'
+ },
+ 'cyclinE': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 54,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 55,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin E'
+ },
+ 'scc1': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-Scc1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'Scc1'
+ },
+ 'pgk1': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 25,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'pgk1'
+ }
- 'img0077': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/composites/Metaphase_Anaphase-control/Normal_Metaphase_8Normal_Anaphase_5_composite.jpg',
- 'img0078': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/composites/Metaphase_Anaphase-control/Normal_Metaphase_8Normal_Anaphase_6_composite.jpg',
- 'img0079': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/composites/Metaphase_Anaphase-control/Normal_Metaphase_9Normal_Anaphase_1_composite.jpg',
- 'img0080': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/composites/Metaphase_Anaphase-control/Normal_Metaphase_9Normal_Anaphase_2_composite.jpg',
- 'img0081': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/composites/Metaphase_Anaphase-control/Normal_Metaphase_9Normal_Anaphase_3_composite.jpg',
- 'img0082': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/composites/Metaphase_Anaphase-control/Normal_Metaphase_9Normal_Anaphase_4_composite.jpg',
- 'img0083': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/composites/Metaphase_Anaphase-control/Normal_Metaphase_9Normal_Anaphase_5_composite.jpg',
- 'img0084': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/composites/Metaphase_Anaphase-control/Normal_Metaphase_9Normal_Anaphase_6_composite.jpg',
- 'img0085': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Unequal_Chromosome_Distribution/Unequal_Chromosome_Distribution_2.jpg',
- 'img0087': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_IF_DNA-blue_MT-green_spindle_poles-red/Unequal_Chromosome_Distribution/Unequal_Chromosome_Distribution_6.jpg'
- },
- slide_parser: {
- 'default': {
- 'IF': {
- 'rgb': {
+ },
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 'm': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ },
+ 'r': {
+ name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
+ }
+ },
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
+ facs_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Dye/Stain',
+ conditions: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ micro_kinds: {
+ 'IF': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling IF',
+ conditions: {
+ 'rgb': {
+ name: 'γ-tubulin (red), α-tubulin (green), DAPI (blue)',
+ short_name: 'R:γ-tub, G:α-tub, B:DAPI'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'na': {
+ name: 'None'
+ }
+ },
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- cutoff: 1,
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- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 4,
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- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinB']
- },
- {
- name: 'Scc1',
- weight: 68,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Scc1',
- weight: 20,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Scc1',
- weight: 30,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 3,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
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- cutoff: 1,
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- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 0,
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- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 9,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinB']
- },
- {
- name: 'Scc1',
- weight: 68,
- intensity: 5,
- primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 3,
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- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 0,
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- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 9,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinB']
- },
- {
- name: 'Scc1',
- weight: 68,
- intensity: 5,
- primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
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- }
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- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'rna3',
- cell_line: 'S2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinB']
- },
- {
- name: 'Scc1',
- weight: 68,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Scc1',
- weight: 20,
- intensity: 3,
- primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Scc1',
- weight: 30,
- intensity: 3,
- primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 3,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
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+ }
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- }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ western_blot: {
+ 'cyto': {
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinB']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Scc1',
+ weight: 68,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Scc1',
+ weight: 20,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Scc1',
+ weight: 30,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ ]
- facs: {
- 'ticks': [50, 100, 150, 250],
- 'max': 250,
- 'scale': 'linear',
- 'dna': {
- 'parser_simple': [
- {
- match: [],
- shape: '2-peak-normal-400'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'nc',
- shape: '1-peak-normal-1-flatbump-400'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'rna1',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-2'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'rna2',
- shape: 'scaled-peak-2'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'rna3',
- shape: 'unequal-segregation'
- }
- ]
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'rna1',
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 9,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinB']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Scc1',
+ weight: 68,
+ intensity: 5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'rna2',
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 9,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinB']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Scc1',
+ weight: 68,
+ intensity: 5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ ]
- microscopy: {
- 'valid': ['S2', 'nc'],
- 'slide': {
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'rna3',
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinB']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Scc1',
+ weight: 68,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Scc1',
+ weight: 20,
+ intensity: 3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Scc1',
+ weight: 30,
+ intensity: 3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['scc1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ }
- 'conditions_parser': [
- {
- match: []
+ ]
+ }
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['nc'],
- conditions: 'rgb',
- phenotype: 'nc'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['rna1'],
- conditions: 'rgb',
- phenotype: 'rna1'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['rna2'],
- conditions: 'rgb',
- phenotype: 'rna2'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['rna3'],
- conditions: 'rgb',
- phenotype: 'rna3'
- }
- ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ facs: {
+ 'ticks': [50, 100, 150, 250],
+ 'max': 250,
+ 'scale': 'linear',
+ 'dna': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ shape: '2-peak-normal-400'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ shape: '1-peak-normal-1-flatbump-400'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'rna1',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-2'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'rna2',
+ shape: 'scaled-peak-2'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'rna3',
+ shape: 'unequal-segregation'
+ }
+ ]
- }
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ 'valid': ['S2', 'nc'],
+ 'slide': {
+ 'conditions_parser': [
+ {
+ match: []
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['nc'],
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ phenotype: 'nc'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['rna1'],
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ phenotype: 'rna1'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['rna2'],
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ phenotype: 'rna2'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['rna3'],
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ phenotype: 'rna3'
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/components/FACSModelFactory.js b/html_app/components/FACSModelFactory.js
index bbbec98a..67aa803d 100644
--- a/html_app/components/FACSModelFactory.js
+++ b/html_app/components/FACSModelFactory.js
@@ -1,659 +1,721 @@
scb.components = scb.components || {};
scb.components.FACSModelFactory = function scb_components_FACSModelFactory(model, template) {
- var self = this;
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.dna)) {
- self.dna = function (state) {
- var t = template;
- var m = model.dna;
- if (m.parser_simple) {
- var facs_lane = state.facs_lane;
- var cell_treatment = facs_lane.cell_treatment;
- var drug_treatments = cell_treatment.treatment_list.list;
- var duration= drug_treatments[0].duration;
- var shape = '';
- var facs_state = {
- cell_line: function (str) {
- return str == cell_treatment.cell_line
- },
- temperature: function (str) {
- return str == drug_treatments[0].temperature
- },
- condition: function (str){
- return str == facs_lane.conditions;
- },
- duration: function(str){
- return str == duration;
- },
- drug_id: function (str) {
- var any = false;
- _.each(drug_treatments, function (dt) {
- _.each(dt.drug_list.list, function (drug) {
- any |= (drug.drug_id == str);
- });
- });
- return any;
- }
- }
- _.each(m.parser_simple, function (rule) {
- if (rule.match.length == 0) {
- shape = rule.shape;
- }
- else {
- var matches = true;
- _.each(rule.match, function (property) {
- if (facs_state[property]) {
- matches &= facs_state[property](rule[property]);
- }
- else {
- console.info("UNDEFINED PROPERTY: " + property);
- }
- });
- if (matches) {
- shape = rule.shape;
- }
- }
- });
- state.shape = shape;
- self.shape_to_data(state);
+ var self = this;
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.dna)) {
+ self.dna = function(state) {
+ var t = template;
+ var m = model.dna;
+ if (m.parser_simple) {
+ var facs_lane = state.facs_lane;
+ var cell_treatment = facs_lane.cell_treatment;
+ var drug_treatments = cell_treatment.treatment_list.list;
+ var duration = drug_treatments[0].duration;
+ var shape = '';
+ var facs_state = {
+ cell_line: function(str) {
+ return str == cell_treatment.cell_line
+ },
+ temperature: function(str) {
+ return str == drug_treatments[0].temperature
+ },
+ condition: function(str) {
+ return str == facs_lane.conditions;
+ },
+ duration: function(str) {
+ return str == duration;
+ },
+ drug_id: function(str) {
+ var any = false;
+ _.each(drug_treatments, function(dt) {
+ _.each(dt.drug_list.list, function(drug) {
+ any |= (drug.drug_id == str);
+ });
+ });
+ return any;
+ }
+ }
+ _.each(m.parser_simple, function(rule) {
+ if (rule.match.length == 0) {
+ shape = rule.shape;
+ } else {
+ var matches = true;
+ _.each(rule.match, function(property) {
+ if (facs_state[property]) {
+ matches &= facs_state[property](rule[property]);
+ } else {
+ console.info("UNDEFINED PROPERTY: " + property);
+ }
+ });
+ if (matches) {
+ shape = rule.shape;
- // here we need to compute how this actually works
- /* I think:
- - Model will initiate random stuff when it starts
- - Here we will move model depending on drugs
- - And finish with collection time
- - Visualizer will count from here and draw DNA curve
- */
+ }
+ });
+ state.shape = shape;
+ self.shape_to_data(state);
+ }
+ // here we need to compute how this actually works
+ /* I think:
+ - Model will initiate random stuff when it starts
+ - Here we will move model depending on drugs
+ - And finish with collection time
+ - Visualizer will count from here and draw DNA curve
+ */
+ }
+ self.shape_to_data = function(state) {
+ var shape = ('' + state.shape).toLowerCase();
+ function g0g1(x) {
+ return 4 * Math.exp(-((x - 1) * (x - 1)) * 30);
+ }
+ function near_zero(x) {
+ return 1 / 2 * (x > 0 && x < 1 ? (.08 - x / 50) : 0);
+ }
+ function s(x) {
+ return .05 * (5 * (x > .8 && x < 1 ? x - .8 : 0) + (x > 1 & x < 2 ? (.8 + (2 - x) / 5) : 0) / .6 + 1.3 * (x > 2 & x < 2.3 ? (2.3 - x) / .3 : 0));
+ }
+ function g2m(x) {
+ return 1 / 2 * Math.exp(-((x - 2) * (x - 2) * 15));
+ }
+ function s_block(x) {
+ return Math.exp(-((2 - x) * Math.exp(2 - x) - .9) * ((2 - x) * Math.exp(2 - x) - .9) / .4);
+ }
+ function peak2g1(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.78, 0.08, 4, false) * 2;
+ }
+ function peak2g2(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.39, 0.08, 1, false) * 3;
+ }
+ function peak2Ug1(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.83, 0.165, 3, true) * 4.1;
+ }
+ function peak2Ug2(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.31, 0.14, -2, true) * 6;
+ }
+ /*
+ *The following 3 functions describe the asynchronous image
+ * with a tall peak at 50 and a small bump at 100, and flat
+ * middle ground.
+ */
+ function bump100(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 1.1, 0.2, -2, true) * 0.2;
+ }
+ function bigpeak50(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.5, 0.1, -3, true);
+ }
+ function middlenoise(x) {
+ var y = -Math.pow(x - 0.9, 2) + 0.25;
+ return (y > 0) ? y : 0;
+ }
+ /* These two functions are added for graph B */
+ /* The peak is between 0 an 1, trailing background noise from the right */
+ function peak021(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.15, 0.25, -3, true);
+ }
+ function tail(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.45, 0.3, -2, true) * 0.2;
+ }
+ /* graph C */
+ function graph_C(x, mean) {
+ return normal_dist(x, mean, 0.2, 0.5, false);
+ }
+ /*Single narrow peak */
+ function scaled_peak(x, mean) {
+ return normal_dist(x, mean, 0.13, 0.5, false);
+ }
+ function g1(x) {
+ // return normal_dist(x, 0.2, 0.27, -25, true)* 0.7;
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.15, 0.22, -26, true) * 0.3;
+ }
+ function g2(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.38, 0.09, 1, false) * 0.85;
+ }
+ function g3(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.85, 0.14, 3, true) * 0.5;
+ }
+ function g4(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 1, 0.32, 1, false) * 0.77;
+ }
+ /* Four peaks for Unequal segregation image */
+ function h1(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.3, 0.22, -26, true) * 0.3;
+ }
+ function h2(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.6, 0.11, 1, false);
+ }
+ function h3(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 1.2, 0.17, 3, true) * 0.6;
+ }
+ function h4(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 1.4, 0.45, 1, false) * 0.8;
+ }
+ function sblockg1(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.24, 0.2, -6, true) - 0.17;
+ }
+ function peak100(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.8, 0.05, 0.5, false);
+ }
+ function peak50(x) {
+ return normal_dist(x, 0.4, 0.05, 0.5, false);
+ }
+ ////////////////////
+ ////////////////////
+ ////////////////////
+ var number_of_curves = 1;
+ function erfc(x) {
+ // save the sign of x
+ var sign = (x >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
+ x = Math.abs(x);
+ // constants
+ var a1 = 0.254829592;
+ var a2 = -0.284496736;
+ var a3 = 1.421413741;
+ var a4 = -1.453152027;
+ var a5 = 1.061405429;
+ var p = 0.3275911;
+ // A&S formula 7.1.26
+ var t = 1.0 / (1.0 + p * x);
+ var y = 1.0 - (((((a5 * t + a4) * t) + a3) * t + a2) * t + a1) * t * Math.exp(-x * x);
+ return sign * y + 1; // erf(-x) = -erf(x);
+ }
+ function roundData(input) {
+ var round_number = 10000;
+ for (var index = 0; index < input.length; index++) {
+ input[index][0] = Math.round(input[index][0] * round_number) / round_number;
+ input[index][1] = Math.round(input[index][1] * round_number) / round_number;
- self.shape_to_data = function (state) {
- var shape = ('' + state.shape).toLowerCase();
- function g0g1(x) {
- return 4 * Math.exp(-((x - 1) * (x - 1)) * 30);
+ return input;
+ }
+ function normal_dist(x_val, location, scale, shape, haserror) {
+ var term1 = Math.exp(-((x_val - location) * (x_val - location)) / (2 * scale * scale));
+ var term2 = haserror ? erfc(-(shape * (x_val - location)) / (Math.sqrt(2) * scale)) : 1;
+ var term3 = Math.sqrt(Math.PI * 2) * scale;
+ return (term1 * term2) / term3;
+ }
+ function normalize(data, big_const, factor, y_scale) {
+ var factor = factor || .05;
+ var big_const = big_const || 2750;
+ var sum = 0;
+ _.each(data, function(s) {
+ sum += s[1];
+ });
+ _.each(data, function(s) {
+ // y= y/ sum(y_i)
+ s[1] = s[1] / sum * (1 - factor + 2 * factor * Math.random())
+ });
+ sum = 0;
+ _.each(data, function(s) {
+ sum += s[1];
+ });
+ console.log("Sum of normalized data: " + sum);
+ if (sum != 0) { /*normalizing the y values*/
+ _.each(data, function(s, index) {
+ if (template.model.facs.scale) {
+ data[index][1] = data[index][1] / sum * big_const;
+ } else {
+ data[index][1] = data[index][1] / sum * (template.model.facs.max ? ((big_const * 100) / template.model.facs.max) * number_of_curves : 2750);
+ });
+ }
- function near_zero(x) {
- return 1 / 2 * ( x > 0 && x < 1 ? (.08 - x / 50) : 0 );
+ _.each(data, function(s, index) { /*normalizing x values*/
+ /* new exercises will now have attribute 'scale' */
+ /* Using scale to distinguish old exercises and preserve the old normalization way*/
+ if (template.model.facs.scale) {
+ /*this is assuming that the start point is 0 */
+ data[index][0] = template.model.facs.max * data[index][0] / data[data.length - 1][0];
+ } else { /*to preserve the old exercise scaling, keeping old code*/
+ data[index][0] = data[index][0] * (template.model.facs.max ? ((template.model.facs.max * 50) / 100) : 50);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ var options = {
+ series: {
+ lines: {
+ show: true,
+ fill: true,
+ steps: true,
+ lineWidth: 1
+ },
+ points: {
+ show: false,
+ radius: .5,
+ fill: false
+ },
+ color: '#808080'
+ },
+ xaxis: {
+ show: true,
+ color: '#000000',
+ min: 0,
+ max: template.model.facs.max ? template.model.facs.max : 150,
+ ticks: template.model.facs.ticks ? template.model.facs.ticks : [50, 100],
+ tickLength: 0,
+ transform: function(v) {
+ if (template.model.facs.scale && template.model.facs.scale.indexOf('log') > -1) {
+ return Math.log(v + 0.0001) / Math.LN10; /*move away from zero*/
+ } else {
+ return v;
+ }
+ },
+ tickFormatter: function(v, axis) {
+ if (template.model.facs.scale && template.model.facs.scale.indexOf('pseudo') > -1) {
+ return "10^" + Math.round(v / template.model.facs.ticks[0]);
+ } else if (template.model.facs.scale && template.model.facs.scale.indexOf('log') > -1) {
+ return "10^" + (Math.round(Math.log(v) / Math.LN10)).toString(); //(Math.round( Math.log(v)/Math.LN10)).toString().sup();},
+ } else {
+ return v;
- function s(x) {
- return .05 * (5 * (x > .8 && x < 1 ? x - .8 : 0) + (x > 1 & x < 2 ? (.8 + (2 - x) / 5) : 0) / .6 + 1.3 * (x > 2 & x < 2.3 ? (2.3 - x) / .3 : 0));
+ },
+ font: {
+ family: 'sourcesanspro-regular',
+ size: 11,
+ }
+ },
+ yaxis: {
+ show: true,
+ color: '#000000',
+ min: template.model.facs.max ? 0 : -1,
+ max: 100,
+ tickLength: 0,
+ font: {
+ family: 'sourcesanspro-regular',
+ size: 11
+ }
+ },
+ // '': { ticks: [0.001,0.01,0.1,1,10,100],
+ // transform: function(v) {return Math.log(v+0.0001); /*move away from zero*/} , tickDecimals: 3 ,
+ // tickFormatter: function (v, axis) {return "10" + (Math.round( Math.log(v)/Math.LN10)).toString().sup();}
+ // },
+ legend: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ grid: {
+ clickable: true,
+ hoverable: true,
+ borderWidth: 0,
+ aboveData: true,
+ autoHighlight: false,
+ markings: [{
+ xaxis: {
+ from: 0,
+ to: template.model.facs.max ? template.model.facs.max : 150
+ },
+ yaxis: {
+ from: 0,
+ to: 0
+ },
+ color: "#000"
+ },
+ {
+ xaxis: {
+ from: 0,
+ to: 0
+ },
+ yaxis: {
+ from: 0,
+ to: 100
+ },
+ color: "#000"
+ }]
+ },
+ };
+ /* Old assignments do not have ticks */
+ var step = template.model.facs.ticks ? (template.model.facs.ticks[1] - template.model.facs.ticks[0]) : 50;
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'normal') {
+ var data = [];
+ var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 1;
+ var y = g0g1(x + bias) + 3 * g2m(x + bias) + near_zero(x + bias) + s(x + bias);
+ data.push([x, y]);
+ }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ },
+ // {label: 'phase 1', data:[[0,0.01],[0.8,0.01]],lines:{fill:false}},
+ // {label: 'phase 2', data:[[0.8,0.011],[1.2,0.011]],lines:{fill:false}},
+ // {label: 'phase 3', data:[[1.2,0.01],[1.8,0.01]],lines:{fill:false}},
+ // {label: 'phase 4', data:[[1.8,0.011],[2.3,0.011]],lines:{fill:false}}
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
+ if (shape == 'graph-c') {
+ var data = [];
+ /* 2 is location of the peak in terms of steps*/
+ var mean = 3 / (template.model.facs.max / step) * 2;
+ var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 1;
+ var y = graph_C(x + bias, mean);
+ data.push([x, y]);
+ }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
+ if (shape == 'graph-b') {
+ var data = [];
+ var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 1;
+ var y = peak021(x + bias) + tail(x + bias);
+ data.push([x, y]);
- function g2m(x) {
- return 1 / 2 * Math.exp(-((x - 2) * (x - 2) * 15));
+ }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 's-block') {
+ var data = [];
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 1;
+ var y = s_block(x);
+ data.push([x, y]);
- function s_block(x) {
- return Math.exp(-((2 - x) * Math.exp(2 - x) - .9) * ((2 - x) * Math.exp(2 - x) - .9) / .4);
+ }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
- function peak2g1(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.78, 0.08, 4, false)*2;
- }
- function peak2g2(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.39, 0.08, 1, false)*3 ;
- }
- function peak2Ug1(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.83, 0.165, 3, true)*4.1;
- }
- function peak2Ug2(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.31, 0.14, -2, true)*6;
- }
- /*
- *The following 3 functions describe the asynchronous image
- * with a tall peak at 50 and a small bump at 100, and flat
- * middle ground.
- */
- function bump100(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 1.1, 0.2, -2, true)*0.2;
- }
- function bigpeak50(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.5, 0.1, -3, true);
- }
- function middlenoise(x){
- var y= -Math.pow(x-0.9,2)+0.25;
- return (y>0)?y:0;
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'g1-block') {
+ }
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'g2-block') {
+ var data = [];
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 1;
+ var y = g2m(x);
+ data.push([x, y]);
+ }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
- /* These two functions are added for graph B */
- /* The peak is between 0 an 1, trailing background noise from the right */
- function peak021(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.15, 0.25, -3, true);
- }
- function tail(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.45, 0.3, -2, true)*0.2;
- }
- /* graph C */
- function graph_C(x, mean){
- return normal_dist(x, mean, 0.2, 0.5, false);
- }
- /*Single narrow peak */
- function scaled_peak(x, mean){
- return normal_dist(x, mean, 0.13, 0.5, false);
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'alpha-block') {
+ var data = [];
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 1;
+ var y = g0g1(x);
+ data.push([x, y]);
+ }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
- function g1(x){
- // return normal_dist(x, 0.2, 0.27, -25, true)* 0.7;
- return normal_dist(x, 0.15, 0.22, -26, true)* 0.3;
- }
- function g2(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.38, 0.09, 1, false)*0.85;
- }
- function g3(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.85, 0.14, 3, true)*0.5;
- }
- function g4(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 1, 0.32, 1, false)*0.77;
- }
- /* Four peaks for Unequal segregation image */
- function h1(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.3, 0.22, -26, true)* 0.3;
- }
- function h2(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.6, 0.11, 1, false);
- }
- function h3(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 1.2, 0.17, 3, true)*0.6;
- }
- function h4(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 1.4, 0.45, 1, false)*0.8;
- }
- function sblockg1(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.24, 0.2, -6, true)-0.17;
- }
- function peak100(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.8, 0.05, 0.5, false);
- }
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == '2-peak-normal-400') {
+ var data = [];
+ var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 2;
+ var y = peak2g1(x + bias) + peak2g2(x + bias);
+ data.push([x, y]);
- function peak50(x){
- return normal_dist(x, 0.4, 0.05, 0.5, false);
- }
+ }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ },
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'peak-100-normal-400') {
+ var data = [];
+ var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 1;
+ var y = peak100(x + bias);
+ data.push([x, y]);
- var number_of_curves = 1;
- function erfc(x) {
- // save the sign of x
- var sign = (x >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
- x = Math.abs(x);
- // constants
- var a1 = 0.254829592;
- var a2 = -0.284496736;
- var a3 = 1.421413741;
- var a4 = -1.453152027;
- var a5 = 1.061405429;
- var p = 0.3275911;
- // A&S formula 7.1.26
- var t = 1.0/(1.0 + p*x);
- var y = 1.0 - (((((a5 * t + a4) * t) + a3) * t + a2) * t + a1) * t * Math.exp(-x * x);
- return sign * y+1; // erf(-x) = -erf(x);
- }
- function roundData(input){
- var round_number = 10000;
- for(var index = 0 ; index < input.length; index++){
- input[index][0] = Math.round(input[index][0] * round_number)/round_number;
- input[index][1] = Math.round(input[index][1] * round_number)/round_number;
- }
- return input;
- }
- function normal_dist(x_val,location, scale, shape, haserror){
- var term1 = Math.exp(-((x_val - location) * (x_val - location))/(2*scale*scale));
- var term2 = haserror ? erfc(-(shape*(x_val-location))/(Math.sqrt(2)*scale)): 1;
- var term3 = Math.sqrt(Math.PI*2)*scale;
- return (term1*term2)/term3 ;
- }
- function normalize(data, big_const, factor, y_scale) {
- var factor = factor || .05;
- var big_const=big_const || 2750;
- var sum = 0;
- _.each(data, function (s) {
- sum += s[1];
- });
- _.each(data, function (s) {
- // y= y/ sum(y_i)
- s[1] = s[1] / sum * (1 - factor + 2 * factor * Math.random())
- });
- sum = 0;
- _.each(data, function (s) {
- sum += s[1];
- });
- console.log("Sum of normalized data: "+sum);
- if(sum!=0) { /*normalizing the y values*/
- _.each(data, function (s, index) {
- if (template.model.facs.scale) {
- data[index][1] = data[index][1] / sum * big_const;
- } else {
- data[index][1] = data[index][1] / sum * (template.model.facs.max ? ((big_const * 100) / template.model.facs.max) * number_of_curves : 2750 );
- }
- });
- }
- _.each(data, function (s, index) {/*normalizing x values*/
- /* new exercises will now have attribute 'scale' */
- /* Using scale to distinguish old exercises and preserve the old normalization way*/
- if(template.model.facs.scale){
- /*this is assuming that the start point is 0 */
- data[index][0]= template.model.facs.max * data[index][0] / data[data.length-1][0];
- }else { /*to preserve the old exercise scaling, keeping old code*/
- data[index][0] = data[index][0] * (template.model.facs.max ? ((template.model.facs.max*50)/100): 50 ) ;
- }
- });
+ }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ },
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
+ /* Single thin peak function scaled according to max value*/
+ /* can locate peaks at any multiple of 'step' (so far has been always 50)*/
+ if (shape.indexOf('scaled-peak') > -1) {
+ var data = [];
+ var mean = 0;
+ /*assuming that 150 is the third point on the scale*/
+ if (shape.indexOf('3') > -1) {
+ mean = 3 / (template.model.facs.max / step) * 3;
+ } else if (shape.indexOf('2') > -1) {
+ mean = 3 / (template.model.facs.max / step) * 2;
+ } else if (shape.indexOf('1') > -1) {
+ mean = 3 / (template.model.facs.max / step);
+ }
+ var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 1;
+ var y = scaled_peak(x + bias, mean);
+ data.push([x, y]);
- }
+ }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ },
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == '2-peak-uneven-normal-400') {
+ var data = [];
+ var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 2;
+ var y = peak2Ug1(x + bias) + peak2Ug2(x + bias);
+ data.push([x, y]);
+ }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ },
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == '1-peak-normal-1-flatbump-400') {
+ var data = [];
+ var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 2;
+ var y = bigpeak50(x + bias) + bump100(x + bias) + middlenoise(x + bias);
+ data.push([x, y]);
- var options = {
- series: {
- lines: {show: true, fill: true, steps: true, lineWidth: 1},
- points: {show: false, radius: .5, fill: false},
- color: '#808080'
- },
- xaxis: {
- show: true,
- color: '#000000',
- min: 0,
- max: template.model.facs.max ? template.model.facs.max: 150,
- ticks: template.model.facs.ticks ? template.model.facs.ticks: [50, 100],
- tickLength: 0,
- transform: function(v) {
- if(template.model.facs.scale && template.model.facs.scale.indexOf('log')>-1) {
- return Math.log(v + 0.0001) / Math.LN10; /*move away from zero*/
- }else{
- return v;
- }
- },
- tickFormatter: function (v, axis) {
- if (template.model.facs.scale && template.model.facs.scale.indexOf('pseudo') > -1) {
- return "10^"+Math.round(v/template.model.facs.ticks[0]);
- } else if (template.model.facs.scale && template.model.facs.scale.indexOf('log') > -1) {
- return "10^" + (Math.round(Math.log(v) / Math.LN10)).toString(); //(Math.round( Math.log(v)/Math.LN10)).toString().sup();},
- }
- else{
- return v;
- }
- },
- font: {
- family: 'sourcesanspro-regular',
- size: 11,
- }
- },
- yaxis: {
- show: true,
- color: '#000000',
- min: template.model.facs.max ? 0: -1 ,
- max: 100,
- tickLength:0,
- font: {
- family: 'sourcesanspro-regular',
- size: 11
- }
- },
-// '': { ticks: [0.001,0.01,0.1,1,10,100],
-// transform: function(v) {return Math.log(v+0.0001); /*move away from zero*/} , tickDecimals: 3 ,
-// tickFormatter: function (v, axis) {return "10" + (Math.round( Math.log(v)/Math.LN10)).toString().sup();}
-// },
- legend: {
- show: false
- },
- grid: {clickable: true, hoverable: true, borderWidth: 0, aboveData: true, autoHighlight: false, markings: [ { xaxis: { from: 0, to: template.model.facs.max ? template.model.facs.max: 150 },
- yaxis: { from: 0, to: 0 }, color: "#000" },
- { xaxis: { from: 0, to: 0 }, yaxis: { from: 0, to: 100 }, color: "#000" }]},
- };
- /* Old assignments do not have ticks */
- var step= template.model.facs.ticks?(template.model.facs.ticks[1]-template.model.facs.ticks[0]) : 50;
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'normal') {
- var data = [];
- var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 1;
- var y = g0g1(x + bias) + 3 * g2m(x + bias) + near_zero(x + bias) + s(x + bias);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data},
-// {label: 'phase 1', data:[[0,0.01],[0.8,0.01]],lines:{fill:false}},
-// {label: 'phase 2', data:[[0.8,0.011],[1.2,0.011]],lines:{fill:false}},
-// {label: 'phase 3', data:[[1.2,0.01],[1.8,0.01]],lines:{fill:false}},
-// {label: 'phase 4', data:[[1.8,0.011],[2.3,0.011]],lines:{fill:false}}
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
- if (shape == 'graph-c') {
- var data = [];
- /* 2 is location of the peak in terms of steps*/
- var mean=3/(template.model.facs.max/step)*2;
- var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 1;
- var y = graph_C(x + bias, mean);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data}
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
- if ( shape == 'graph-b') {
- var data = [];
- var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 1;
- var y= peak021(x + bias)+tail(x + bias);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data}
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
+ }
+ normalize(data, 1700);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ },
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'peak-50-normal-400') {
+ var data = [];
+ var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 1;
+ var y = peak50(x + bias);
+ data.push([x, y]);
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 's-block') {
- var data = [];
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 1;
- var y = s_block(x);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data}
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
+ }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ },
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == '4-peak-normal-400') {
+ var data = [];
+ var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 4;
+ var y = g1(x + bias) + g2(x + bias) + g3(x + bias) + g4(x + bias);
+ data.push([x, y]);
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'g1-block') {
+ }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ },
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'unequal-segregation') {
+ var data = [];
+ var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 4;
+ var y = h1(x + bias) + h2(x + bias) + h3(x + bias) + h4(x + bias);
+ data.push([x, y]);
- }
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'g2-block') {
- var data = [];
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 1;
- var y = g2m(x);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data}
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'alpha-block') {
- var data = [];
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 1;
- var y = g0g1(x);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data}
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == '2-peak-normal-400') {
- var data = [];
- var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 2;
- var y = peak2g1(x + bias) + peak2g2(x + bias);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data},
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'peak-100-normal-400') {
- var data = [];
- var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 1;
- var y = peak100(x+bias);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data},
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
- /* Single thin peak function scaled according to max value*/
- /* can locate peaks at any multiple of 'step' (so far has been always 50)*/
- if (shape.indexOf('scaled-peak')>-1) {
- var data = [];
- var mean=0;
- /*assuming that 150 is the third point on the scale*/
- if(shape.indexOf('3')>-1){
- mean=3/(template.model.facs.max/step) *3;
- }else if(shape.indexOf('2')>-1){
- mean=3/(template.model.facs.max/step)*2;
- }else if(shape.indexOf('1')>-1){
- mean=3/(template.model.facs.max/step);
- }
- var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 1;
- var y = scaled_peak(x+bias, mean);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data},
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == '2-peak-uneven-normal-400') {
- var data = [];
- var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 2;
- var y = peak2Ug1(x + bias) + peak2Ug2(x + bias);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data},
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == '1-peak-normal-1-flatbump-400') {
- var data = [];
- var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 2;
- var y = bigpeak50(x+bias)+bump100(x+bias)+middlenoise(x+bias);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data,1700);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data},
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'peak-50-normal-400') {
- var data = [];
- var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 1;
- var y = peak50(x+bias);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data},
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == '4-peak-normal-400') {
- var data = [];
- var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 4;
- var y = g1(x + bias) + g2(x + bias) + g3(x + bias) + g4(x + bias);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data},
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 'unequal-segregation') {
- var data = [];
- var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 4;
- var y = h1(x + bias)+ h2(x + bias) + h3(x + bias) + h4(x + bias);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data,4000);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data},
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
- if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 's-block-normal-400') {
- var data = [];
- var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
- for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
- number_of_curves = 1;
- var y = sblockg1(x + bias);
- data.push([x, y]);
- }
- normalize(data);
- roundData(data);
- state.data = {
- data: [
- { data: data},
- ],
- options: options
- };
- }
+ }
+ normalize(data, 4000);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ },
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
+ if (('' + shape).toLowerCase() == 's-block-normal-400') {
+ var data = [];
+ var bias = (Math.random() - .5) * .10;
+ for (var x = 0; x < 3; x += .01) {
+ number_of_curves = 1;
+ var y = sblockg1(x + bias);
+ data.push([x, y]);
- }
+ normalize(data);
+ roundData(data);
+ state.data = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ data: data
+ },
+ ],
+ options: options
+ };
+ }
- self.compute = function (state) {
- return self.dna(state);
+ }
+ self.compute = function(state) {
+ return self.dna(state);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/components/MicroscopyModelFactory.js b/html_app/components/MicroscopyModelFactory.js
index 7c80c56a..6a0c4a57 100644
--- a/html_app/components/MicroscopyModelFactory.js
+++ b/html_app/components/MicroscopyModelFactory.js
@@ -1,219 +1,228 @@
scb.components = scb.components || {};
scb.components.MicroscopyModelFactory = function scb_components_MicroscopyModelFactory(model, template) {
- var self = this;
+ var self = this;
- if(scb.utils.isDefined(model.slide)){//model here is template.model.microscopy
- self.slide = function(state){
- var hash_list = [];
- _.each(state.microscopy.lanes_list.list, function(x){
- if(x.current_slides.length > 0){
- _.each(x.current_slides, function(slide){
- hash_list.push(slide.hash);
- });
- }
- });
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.slide)) { //model here is template.model.microscopy
+ self.slide = function(state) {
+ var hash_list = [];
+ _.each(state.microscopy.lanes_list.list, function(x) {
+ if (x.current_slides.length > 0) {
+ _.each(x.current_slides, function(slide) {
+ hash_list.push(slide.hash);
+ });
+ }
+ });
- var microscopy_lane = state.microscopy_lane;
- var cell_line = microscopy_lane.cell_treatment.cell_line;
- var collection_id= microscopy_lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list.first.collection_id;
- var drug_id = microscopy_lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list.first.drug_list.list[0].drug_id;
- var slide_type = microscopy_lane.kind;
- var conditions = microscopy_lane.slide_conditions;
- var imgs = [];
- var isFound = false;
- var max;
- var index, alreadySelected, number_of_comparisons;
- var slide_array=[];
- var parser = model.slide;
+ var microscopy_lane = state.microscopy_lane;
+ var cell_line = microscopy_lane.cell_treatment.cell_line;
+ var collection_id = microscopy_lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list.first.collection_id;
+ var drug_id = microscopy_lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list.first.drug_list.list[0].drug_id;
+ var slide_type = microscopy_lane.kind;
+ var conditions = microscopy_lane.slide_conditions;
+ var imgs = [];
+ var isFound = false;
+ var max;
+ var index;
+ var alreadySelected;
+ var number_of_comparisons;
+ var slide_array = [];
+ var parser = model.slide;
- if (parser.parser_simple) {
+ if (parser.parser_simple) {
- var micro_state = {
- kind: function (str) {
- return str == slide_type;
- },
- collection_id: function (str) {
- return str == collection_id;
- },
- drug_id: function (str) {
- return str == drug_id;
- },
- cell_line: function (str) {
- return str == cell_line;
- },
- conditions: function (str) {
- return str == conditions;
+ var micro_state = {
+ kind: function(str) {
+ return str == slide_type;
+ },
+ collection_id: function(str) {
+ return str == collection_id;
+ },
+ drug_id: function(str) {
+ return str == drug_id;
+ },
+ cell_line: function(str) {
+ return str == cell_line;
+ },
+ conditions: function(str) {
+ return str == conditions;
+ }
+ };
+ _.each(parser.parser_simple, function(rule) {
+ var matches = true;
+ _.each(rule.match, function(property) {
+ if (micro_state[property]) {
+ matches &= micro_state[property](rule[property]);
+ } else {
+ console.info("UNDEFINED PROPERTY: " + property);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!isFound) {
+ if (matches) {
+ if (template.slide_parser) {
+ max = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions].length;
+ } else {
+ max = rule.imgs_hash.length;
+ }
+ number_of_comparisons = 0;
+ do {
+ /*Math.random returns num in [0,1) so no need to worry about subtracting 1 from index*/
+ index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max));
+ if (template.slide_parser) {
+ slide_array = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions][index];
+ } else {
+ slide_array = rule.imgs_hash[index];
+ for (var x = 0; x < slide_array.length; x++) {
+ if (!slide_array[x].hasOwnProperty('mag')) {
+ slide_array[x].mag = "N/A"
- };
- _.each(parser.parser_simple, function (rule) {
- var matches = true;
- _.each(rule.match, function (property) {
- if (micro_state[property]) {
- matches &= micro_state[property](rule[property]);
- } else {
- console.info("UNDEFINED PROPERTY: " + property);
- }
- });
- if (!isFound) {
- if (matches) {
- if (template.slide_parser) {
- max = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions].length;
- } else {
- max = rule.imgs_hash.length;
- }
- number_of_comparisons = 0;
- do {
- /*Math.random returns num in [0,1) so no need to worry about subtracting 1 from index*/
- index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max));
- if (template.slide_parser) {
- slide_array = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions][index];
- } else {
- slide_array = rule.imgs_hash[index];
- for( var x= 0; x < slide_array.length; x++){
- if(!slide_array[x].hasOwnProperty('mag')){
- slide_array[x].mag = "N/A"
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
- alreadySelected = false;
- _.each(slide_array, function (x) {
- if (_.contains(hash_list, x.hash)) {
- alreadySelected = true;
- }
- });
- number_of_comparisons += 1;
- } while (alreadySelected && number_of_comparisons < max);
- imgs = slide_array;
- isFound = true;
- }
- }
+ alreadySelected = false;
+ _.each(slide_array, function(x) {
+ if (_.contains(hash_list, x.hash)) {
+ alreadySelected = true;
+ }
- state.slides = imgs;
- state.slide_type = slide_type;
- }else if (parser.complex_parser){
- var micro_state = {
- drug_id: function (drug_list) {
- return drug_list.indexOf(drug_id) > -1;
- },
- cell_line: function (str) {
- //make it a list and you compare to each one in list not just str
- return str == cell_line;
- }
- };
- _.each(parser.complex_parser, function (rule) {
- if (rule.match.length == 0) {
- img_str = '../images/microscopy/black.jpg'
- }
- else {
- var matches = true;
- _.each(rule.match, function (property) {
- if (micro_state[property]) {
- matches &= micro_state[property](rule[property]);
- }else {
- console.info("UNDEFINED PROPERTY: " + property);
- }
- });
- if(!isFound){
- if(matches){
- var phenotype = rule.phenotype;
- max = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions][phenotype].length;
- number_of_comparisons = 0;
- do{
- index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - 1 + 1));
- slide_array = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions][phenotype][index];
- alreadySelected = false;
- _.each(slide_array, function(x){if(_.contains(hash_list, x.hash)) alreadySelected=true;
- });
- number_of_comparisons=number_of_comparisons+1;
- }while(alreadySelected && number_of_comparisons < max);
- imgs=slide_array;
- isFound = true;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- state.slides = imgs;
- state.slide_type = slide_type;
- }
- else if(parser.conditions_parser){
- var micro_state = {
- drug_id: function (arr) {
- var hasVal = false;
- for(var x = 0; x < arr.length; x++){
- if(arr[x] == drug_id)
- hasVal = true;
- }
- return hasVal;
- },
- cell_line: function (str) {
- //make it a list and you compare to each one in list not just str
- return str == cell_line;
- },
- conditions: function (str) {
- return str == conditions;
- }
- };
- _.each(parser.conditions_parser, function (rule) {
- if (rule.match.length == 0) {
- img_str = '../images/microscopy/black.jpg'
- }
- else {
- var matches = true;
- _.each(rule.match, function (property) {
- if (micro_state[property]) {
- matches &= micro_state[property](rule[property]);
- }else {
- console.info("UNDEFINED PROPERTY: " + property);
- }
- });
- if(!isFound){
- if(matches){
- var phenotype = rule.phenotype;
- var max = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions][phenotype].length;
- var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - 1 + 1));
- var slide_array = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions][phenotype][index];
- var alreadySelected = false;
- _.each(slide_array, function(x){if(_.contains(hash_list, x.hash)) alreadySelected=true;
- });
- var number_of_comparisons = 0;
- while(alreadySelected && number_of_comparisons < max){
- console.info(number_of_comparisons);
- index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - 1 + 1));
- slide_array = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions][phenotype][index];
- alreadySelected = false;
- _.each(slide_array, function(x){if(_.contains(hash_list, x.hash)) alreadySelected=true;
- });
- number_of_comparisons=number_of_comparisons+1;
- }
- imgs=slide_array;
- isFound = true;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- state.slides = imgs;
- state.slide_type = slide_type;
- }
- }
- }
+ number_of_comparisons += 1;
+ } while (alreadySelected && number_of_comparisons < max);
+ imgs = slide_array;
+ isFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ state.slides = imgs;
+ state.slide_type = slide_type;
+ } else if (parser.complex_parser) {
+ var micro_state = {
+ drug_id: function(drug_list) {
+ return drug_list.indexOf(drug_id) > -1;
+ },
+ cell_line: function(str) {
+ //make it a list and you compare to each one in list not just str
+ return str == cell_line;
+ }
+ };
- if(scb.utils.isDefined(model.is_ab)){
- self.slide = function(state) {
- var kind = state.microscopy_lane.kind;
- var conditions = state.microscopy_lane.slide_conditions;
- var identifier = state.microscopy_lane.cell_treatment.identifier;
- var key = kind+"%%"+conditions+"%%" + identifier;
- var image_state = model[key];
- state.slides = image_state['slides'];
- state.slide_type = image_state['slide_type'];
+ _.each(parser.complex_parser, function(rule) {
+ if (rule.match.length == 0) {
+ img_str = '../images/microscopy/black.jpg'
+ } else {
+ var matches = true;
+ _.each(rule.match, function(property) {
+ if (micro_state[property]) {
+ matches &= micro_state[property](rule[property]);
+ } else {
+ console.info("UNDEFINED PROPERTY: " + property);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!isFound) {
+ if (matches) {
+ var phenotype = rule.phenotype;
+ max = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions][phenotype].length;
+ number_of_comparisons = 0;
+ do {
+ index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - 1 + 1));
+ slide_array = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions][phenotype][index];
+ alreadySelected = false;
+ _.each(slide_array, function(x) {
+ if (_.contains(hash_list, x.hash)) {
+ alreadySelected = true;
+ }
+ });
+ number_of_comparisons = number_of_comparisons + 1;
+ } while (alreadySelected && number_of_comparisons < max);
+ imgs = slide_array;
+ isFound = true;
+ }
- }
+ }
+ });
+ state.slides = imgs;
+ state.slide_type = slide_type;
+ } else if (parser.conditions_parser) {
+ var micro_state = {
+ drug_id: function(arr) {
+ var hasVal = false;
+ for (var x = 0; x < arr.length; x++) {
+ if (arr[x] == drug_id) {
+ hasVal = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return hasVal;
+ },
+ cell_line: function(str) {
+ //make it a list and you compare to each one in list not just str
+ return str == cell_line;
+ },
+ conditions: function(str) {
+ return str == conditions;
+ }
+ };
+ _.each(parser.conditions_parser, function(rule) {
+ if (rule.match.length == 0) {
+ img_str = '../images/microscopy/black.jpg'
+ } else {
+ var matches = true;
+ _.each(rule.match, function(property) {
+ if (micro_state[property]) {
+ matches &= micro_state[property](rule[property]);
+ } else {
+ console.info("UNDEFINED PROPERTY: " + property);
+ }
+ });
+ if (!isFound) {
+ if (matches) {
+ var phenotype = rule.phenotype;
+ var max = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions][phenotype].length;
+ var index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - 1 + 1));
+ var slide_array = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions][phenotype][index];
+ var alreadySelected = false;
+ _.each(slide_array, function(x) {
+ if (_.contains(hash_list, x.hash)) {
+ alreadySelected = true;
+ }
+ });
+ var number_of_comparisons = 0;
+ while (alreadySelected && number_of_comparisons < max) {
+ console.info(number_of_comparisons);
+ index = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - 1 + 1));
+ slide_array = template.slide_parser[collection_id][slide_type][conditions][phenotype][index];
+ alreadySelected = false;
+ _.each(slide_array, function(x) {
+ if (_.contains(hash_list, x.hash)) {
+ alreadySelected = true;
+ }
+ });
+ number_of_comparisons = number_of_comparisons + 1;
+ }
+ imgs = slide_array;
+ isFound = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ state.slides = imgs;
+ state.slide_type = slide_type;
- self.compute = function (state) {
- return self.slide(state);
+ }
+ }
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.is_ab)) {
+ self.slide = function(state) {
+ var kind = state.microscopy_lane.kind;
+ var conditions = state.microscopy_lane.slide_conditions;
+ var identifier = state.microscopy_lane.cell_treatment.identifier;
+ var key = kind + "%%" + conditions + "%%" + identifier;
+ var image_state = model[key];
+ state.slides = image_state['slides'];
+ state.slide_type = image_state['slide_type'];
+ }
+ }
+ self.compute = function(state) {
+ return self.slide(state);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/components/ModelFactory.js b/html_app/components/ModelFactory.js
index 955b49cf..50282872 100644
--- a/html_app/components/ModelFactory.js
+++ b/html_app/components/ModelFactory.js
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
scb.components = scb.components || {};
scb.components.ModelFactory = function scb_components_ModelFactory(template) {
- var self = this;
+ var self = this;
- if(scb.utils.isDefined(template.model.western_blot)) {
- self.western_blot = new scb.components.WesternBlotModelFactory(template.model.western_blot, template);
- }
- if(scb.utils.isDefined(template.model.facs)) {
- self.facs = new scb.components.FACSModelFactory(template.model.facs, template);
- }
- if(scb.utils.isDefined(template.model.microscopy)) {
- self.microscopy = new scb.components.MicroscopyModelFactory(template.model.microscopy, template);
- }
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(template.model.western_blot)) {
+ self.western_blot = new scb.components.WesternBlotModelFactory(template.model.western_blot, template);
+ }
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(template.model.facs)) {
+ self.facs = new scb.components.FACSModelFactory(template.model.facs, template);
+ }
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(template.model.microscopy)) {
+ self.microscopy = new scb.components.MicroscopyModelFactory(template.model.microscopy, template);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/components/WesternBlotCanvas.js b/html_app/components/WesternBlotCanvas.js
index ddf5864c..6283c371 100644
--- a/html_app/components/WesternBlotCanvas.js
+++ b/html_app/components/WesternBlotCanvas.js
@@ -1,345 +1,340 @@
-if (typeof (scb.components ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.components = {};
+if (typeof (scb.components) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.components = {};
scb.components.WesternBlot = function scb_components_WesternBlot(state, context) {
- var self = this;
+ var self = this;
- self.initialize_bias = function () {
- var background = [];
- var height = 2000;
- var up = 0;
- var down = 0;
- var dump_factor_slope = -.2;
- var dump_factor_intercept = 0.6;
- var rnd_multiplier = 32;
- var rnd_trim = .007;
+ self.initialize_bias = function() {
+ var background = [];
+ var height = 2000;
+ var up = 0;
+ var down = 0;
+ var dump_factor_slope = -.2;
+ var dump_factor_intercept = 0.6;
+ var rnd_multiplier = 32;
+ var rnd_trim = .007;
- // clear background array
- for (var h = 0; h < height; h++) {
- background[h] = 0;
- }
- if (_.find(context.template.primary_anti_body[state.gel.primary_anti_body].secondary, function (e) {
- return e == state.gel.secondary_anti_body;
- })) {
+ // clear background array
+ for (var h = 0; h < height; h++) {
+ background[h] = 0;
+ }
- // move background up or down
- var trigger = 0;
- for (var h = 50; h < height; h++) {
- var rnd2 = Math.random();
- var rnd3 = Math.random();
- if (rnd2 < rnd_trim || rnd3 < rnd_trim) {
- trigger++;
- if (trigger > 2) {
- rnd_trim = rnd_trim * .5;
- }
- }
- up = up * (dump_factor_intercept + Math.random() * dump_factor_slope) + (rnd2 < rnd_trim ? rnd_multiplier : 0 ) + Math.random() * 2 / 3;
- down = down * (dump_factor_intercept + Math.random() * dump_factor_slope) + (rnd3 < rnd_trim ? rnd_multiplier : 0 ) + Math.random() * 2 / 3;
- background[h] += up;
- background[height - h] += down;
- }
+ if (_.find(context.template.primary_anti_body[state.gel.primary_anti_body].secondary, function(e) {
+ return e == state.gel.secondary_anti_body;
+ })) {
+ // move background up or down
+ var trigger = 0;
+ for (var h = 50; h < height; h++) {
+ var rnd2 = Math.random();
+ var rnd3 = Math.random();
+ if (rnd2 < rnd_trim || rnd3 < rnd_trim) {
+ trigger++;
+ if (trigger > 2) {
+ rnd_trim = rnd_trim * .5;
+ }
- var lane_yslope = [];
- var lanes = state.lanes_length;
- var yyslope = (Math.random() - .5) * 2;
- var yslope = yyslope;
- var middle = 5 + Math.round(Math.random() * 3);
- if (Math.random() < .5) {
- for (var lane = 0; lane < lanes; lane++) {
- yslope = (lane - middle) * (lane - middle) * yyslope / 400;
- yslope = yslope > .04 ? yslope * .75 : yslope;
- yslope = yslope < -.04 ? yslope * .75 : yslope;
- lane_yslope[lane] = yslope;
- }
- } else {
- for (var lane = 0; lane < lanes; lane++) {
- yslope = (lane - middle) * (lane - middle) * yyslope / 400 * ((lane - middle) < 0 ? -1 : 1 );
- yslope = yslope > .04 ? yslope * .75 : yslope;
- yslope = yslope < -.04 ? yslope * .75 : yslope;
- lane_yslope[lane] = yslope;
- }
- }
- self.background = background;
- self.lane_yslope = lane_yslope;
+ up = up * (dump_factor_intercept + Math.random() * dump_factor_slope) + (rnd2 < rnd_trim ? rnd_multiplier : 0) + Math.random() * 2 / 3;
+ down = down * (dump_factor_intercept + Math.random() * dump_factor_slope) + (rnd3 < rnd_trim ? rnd_multiplier : 0) + Math.random() * 2 / 3;
+ background[h] += up;
+ background[height - h] += down;
+ }
+ var lane_yslope = [];
+ var lanes = state.lanes_length;
+ var yyslope = (Math.random() - .5) * 2;
+ var yslope = yyslope;
+ var middle = 5 + Math.round(Math.random() * 3);
+ if (Math.random() < .5) {
+ for (var lane = 0; lane < lanes; lane++) {
+ yslope = (lane - middle) * (lane - middle) * yyslope / 400;
+ yslope = yslope > .04 ? yslope * .75 : yslope;
+ yslope = yslope < -.04 ? yslope * .75 : yslope;
+ lane_yslope[lane] = yslope;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (var lane = 0; lane < lanes; lane++) {
+ yslope = (lane - middle) * (lane - middle) * yyslope / 400 * ((lane - middle) < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+ yslope = yslope > .04 ? yslope * .75 : yslope;
+ yslope = yslope < -.04 ? yslope * .75 : yslope;
+ lane_yslope[lane] = yslope;
+ }
+ }
- self.build_one_tab = function (state) {
- var tab = {};
- tab.exposure = state.time;
- tab.name = scb.Utils.print_time(state.time);
- tab.gel = state.gel.id;
+ self.background = background;
+ self.lane_yslope = lane_yslope;
- tab.lanes = [];
- var lanes_list = state.gel.marks;
- for (var lane_index in lanes_list) {
- var lane = {};
- var lane_item = lanes_list[lane_index];
- lane.marks = [];
- for (var mark_index in lane_item.marks) {
- var mark = {};
- //TODO: need marks
- var sample_mark = lane_item.marks[mark_index];
- mark.position = sample_mark.weight;
- mark.intensity = 0.04 * sample_mark.intensity * tab.exposure * parseFloat(lane_item.amount_of_protein_loaded);
- lane.marks.push(mark);
- console.info("Mark intensity: " + mark.intensity + " " + tab.exposure + " " + sample_mark.intensity);
- }
- if (_.find(context.template.primary_anti_body[state.gel.primary_anti_body].secondary, function (e) {
- return e == state.gel.secondary_anti_body;
- })) {
+ }
- var bg_marks = context.template.primary_anti_body[state.gel.primary_anti_body].marks;
- for (var mark_index in bg_marks) {
- var mark = {};
- //TODO: need marks
- var sample_mark = bg_marks[mark_index];
- mark.position = sample_mark.weight;
- mark.intensity = 0.04 * sample_mark.intensity * tab.exposure * parseFloat(lane_item.amount_of_protein_loaded);
- lane.marks.push(mark);
- console.info("BG Mark intensity: " + mark.intensity + " " + tab.exposure + " " + sample_mark.intensity);
- }
- }
- var consolidated_lane = {} ;
- _.each( lane.marks , function(elem) {
- if( consolidated_lane[elem.position] )
- {
- consolidated_lane[elem.position] += elem.intensity;
- }
- else
- {
- consolidated_lane[elem.position] = elem.intensity;
- }
- });
- lane.marks = [];
- _.each( consolidated_lane , function( value, key ) {
- lane.marks.push( {
- position: parseFloat(key),
- intensity: value
- });
- });
- tab.lanes.push(lane);
- }
- var round_number = 100000;
- for(var index = 0 ; index < self.background.length; index++){
- self.background[index] = Math.round(self.background[index] * round_number)/round_number;
- }
- tab.background = self.background;
- for(var index = 0 ; index < self.lane_yslope.length; index++){
- self.lane_yslope[index] = Math.round(self.lane_yslope[index] * round_number)/round_number;
- }
- tab.lane_yslope = self.lane_yslope;
+ self.build_one_tab = function(state) {
+ var tab = {};
+ tab.exposure = state.time;
+ tab.name = scb.Utils.print_time(state.time);
+ tab.gel = state.gel.id;
- self.tab = tab;
- return tab;
+ tab.lanes = [];
+ var lanes_list = state.gel.marks;
+ for (var lane_index in lanes_list) {
+ var lane = {};
+ var lane_item = lanes_list[lane_index];
+ lane.marks = [];
+ for (var mark_index in lane_item.marks) {
+ var mark = {};
+ //TODO: need marks
+ var sample_mark = lane_item.marks[mark_index];
+ mark.position = sample_mark.weight;
+ mark.intensity = 0.04 * sample_mark.intensity * tab.exposure * parseFloat(lane_item.amount_of_protein_loaded);
+ lane.marks.push(mark);
+ console.info("Mark intensity: " + mark.intensity + " " + tab.exposure + " " + sample_mark.intensity);
+ }
+ if (_.find(context.template.primary_anti_body[state.gel.primary_anti_body].secondary, function(e) {
+ return e == state.gel.secondary_anti_body;
+ })) {
+ var bg_marks = context.template.primary_anti_body[state.gel.primary_anti_body].marks;
+ for (var mark_index in bg_marks) {
+ var mark = {};
+ //TODO: need marks
+ var sample_mark = bg_marks[mark_index];
+ mark.position = sample_mark.weight;
+ mark.intensity = 0.04 * sample_mark.intensity * tab.exposure * parseFloat(lane_item.amount_of_protein_loaded);
+ lane.marks.push(mark);
+ console.info("BG Mark intensity: " + mark.intensity + " " + tab.exposure + " " + sample_mark.intensity);
+ }
+ }
+ var consolidated_lane = {};
+ _.each(lane.marks, function(elem) {
+ if (consolidated_lane[elem.position]) {
+ consolidated_lane[elem.position] += elem.intensity;
+ } else {
+ consolidated_lane[elem.position] = elem.intensity;
+ }
+ });
+ lane.marks = [];
+ _.each(consolidated_lane, function(value, key) {
+ lane.marks.push({
+ position: parseFloat(key),
+ intensity: value
+ });
+ });
+ tab.lanes.push(lane);
+ }
+ var round_number = 100000;
+ for (var index = 0; index < self.background.length; index++) {
+ self.background[index] = Math.round(self.background[index] * round_number) / round_number;
+ tab.background = self.background;
+ for (var index = 0; index < self.lane_yslope.length; index++) {
+ self.lane_yslope[index] = Math.round(self.lane_yslope[index] * round_number) / round_number;
+ }
+ tab.lane_yslope = self.lane_yslope;
- self.paint_blot = function (canvas_id, tab) {
+ self.tab = tab;
+ return tab;
+ }
- var LANE_OFFSET_0 = 15.25; //14.50;
- var LANE_OFFSET_0A = 15.0;
- var LANE_OFFSET_1 = .12 + .75;
- var LANE_OFFSET_1A = .15 + .75;
- var LANE_OFFSET_2 = .88 + .75;
- var LANE_OFFSET_2A = .85 + .75;
+ self.paint_blot = function(canvas_id, tab) {
- var canvas = document.getElementById(canvas_id);
- var width = canvas.width;
- var height = canvas.height;
- if (width != canvas.clientWidth) {
- canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth;
- width = canvas.width;
- }
- if (height != canvas.clientHeight) {
- canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight;
- height = canvas.height;
- }
+ var LANE_OFFSET_0 = 15.25; //14.50;
+ var LANE_OFFSET_0A = 15.0;
+ var LANE_OFFSET_1 = .12 + .75;
+ var LANE_OFFSET_1A = .15 + .75;
+ var LANE_OFFSET_2 = .88 + .75;
+ var LANE_OFFSET_2A = .85 + .75;
- var g = canvas.getContext('2d');
- self.clear_canvas(canvas, width, height, g);
- g.strokeStyle = '#ffffff';
- g.shadowColor = '#ffffff';
+ var canvas = document.getElementById(canvas_id);
+ var width = canvas.width;
+ var height = canvas.height;
+ if (width != canvas.clientWidth) {
+ canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth;
+ width = canvas.width;
+ }
+ if (height != canvas.clientHeight) {
+ canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight;
+ height = canvas.height;
+ }
- var lanes = 15;
- var lane_width = width / (lanes + 1);
- lanes = tab.lanes.length > 15 ? lanes : tab.lanes.length;
+ var g = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ self.clear_canvas(canvas, width, height, g);
+ g.strokeStyle = '#ffffff';
+ g.shadowColor = '#ffffff';
- var background = tab.background;
- var lane_yslope = tab.lane_yslope;
+ var lanes = 15;
+ var lane_width = width / (lanes + 1);
+ lanes = tab.lanes.length > 15 ? lanes : tab.lanes.length;
- // paint background lane
- yslope_offset = {};
- var exposure = parseInt(tab.exposure);
- if (exposure < 1) {
- exposure = 1;
- }
- for (var lane = 0; lane < lanes; lane++) {
- var yslope = lane_yslope[lane];
- yslope_offset[lane] = yslope;
- // for(var h = 0; h < height; h++) {
- // var v = 255 - 4 - Math.round(background[h + xoffset] * Math.log(exposure / 50));
- // var v2 = 255 - Math.round(background[h + xoffset] * 8);
- // var color = 'rgb(' + v + ',' + v + ',' + v + ')';
- // var scolor = 'rgb(' + v2 + ',' + v2 + ',' + v2 + ')';
- //
- // g.strokeStyle = color;
- // g.shadowColor = scolor;
- // g.shadowBlur = Math.round(Math.log(exposure / 20));
- // g.lineWidth = 2;
- //
- // g.beginPath();
- // g.moveTo(lane_width * (lane + LANE_OFFSET_1), h);
- // g.lineTo(lane_width * (lane + LANE_OFFSET_2), h + yslope);
- // g.closePath();
- // g.stroke();
- // // g.fillRect(lane_width * (lane + .15), h, lane_width * .7, 1);
- // }
- }
+ var background = tab.background;
+ var lane_yslope = tab.lane_yslope;
+ // paint background lane
+ yslope_offset = {};
+ var exposure = parseInt(tab.exposure);
+ if (exposure < 1) {
+ exposure = 1;
+ }
+ for (var lane = 0; lane < lanes; lane++) {
+ var yslope = lane_yslope[lane];
+ yslope_offset[lane] = yslope;
+ // for(var h = 0; h < height; h++) {
+ // var v = 255 - 4 - Math.round(background[h + xoffset] * Math.log(exposure / 50));
+ // var v2 = 255 - Math.round(background[h + xoffset] * 8);
+ // var color = 'rgb(' + v + ',' + v + ',' + v + ')';
+ // var scolor = 'rgb(' + v2 + ',' + v2 + ',' + v2 + ')';
+ //
+ // g.strokeStyle = color;
+ // g.shadowColor = scolor;
+ // g.shadowBlur = Math.round(Math.log(exposure / 20));
+ // g.lineWidth = 2;
+ //
+ // g.beginPath();
+ // g.moveTo(lane_width * (lane + LANE_OFFSET_1), h);
+ // g.lineTo(lane_width * (lane + LANE_OFFSET_2), h + yslope);
+ // g.closePath();
+ // g.stroke();
+ // // g.fillRect(lane_width * (lane + .15), h, lane_width * .7, 1);
+ // }
+ }
+ var h = 10;
+ if (tab.exposure != 0) {
+ g.save();
+ var yoffset = 0;
+ var yoffset_next = 0;
+ for (var lane = 0; lane < lanes; lane++) {
var h = 10;
- if (tab.exposure != 0) {
- g.save();
- var yoffset = 0;
- var yoffset_next = 0;
- for (var lane = 0; lane < lanes; lane++) {
- var h = 10;
- g.lineCap = 'round';
- g.lineJoin = 'miter';
- g.shadowColor = '#b0b0b0';
- g.shadowBlur = 5;
+ g.lineCap = 'round';
+ g.lineJoin = 'miter';
+ g.shadowColor = '#b0b0b0';
+ g.shadowBlur = 5;
- var cnt = 0;
- var blurs = tab.lanes[lane].marks;
- var yslope = yslope_offset[lane];
- yoffset = yoffset_next;
- yoffset_next = yoffset + yslope * lane_width;
- for (var i = 0; i < blurs.length; i++) {
- var blur = blurs[i].position;
- var intensity = blurs[i].intensity;
- cnt++;
- if (intensity <= 0) {
- continue;
- }
- // if(intensity < 10) {
- // intensity = 12;
- // }
- if(state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.10')
- var blur_position = h + 26 / (blur + 10) * (height - h);
- else if( state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.12')
- var blur_position = 930 *Math.pow(blur,-0.582);
- else if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.15')
- var blur_position = 1385.1*Math.pow(blur,-0.765);
- //var blur_position = h + 26 / (blur + 10) * (height - h);
- var lineWidth = Math.log(intensity / 10);
- g.strokeStyle = '#c0c0c0';
- g.shadowBlur = 2;
- g.globalAlpha = 1;
- if (lineWidth < .5) {
- var alpha = 1;
- alpha = intensity / 12;
- g.globalAlpha = alpha;
- console.info("ALPHA " + alpha + " " + g.strokeStyle);
- g.shadowBlur = 0;
- }
- g.lineWidth = lineWidth > .25 ? lineWidth : .25;
- console.info("DISPL " + blurs[i].intensity + " " + Math.log(intensity / 10) + " " + g.lineWidth);
- g.beginPath();
- g.moveTo((lane_width * (lane + LANE_OFFSET_1A) - g.lineWidth / 2)-10, blur_position + yoffset);
- g.lineTo((lane_width * (lane + LANE_OFFSET_2A) + g.lineWidth / 2)-10, blur_position + yoffset_next);
- g.closePath();
- g.stroke();
- g.stroke();
- g.stroke();
- g.stroke();
- }
- g.globalAlpha = 1;
+ var cnt = 0;
+ var blurs = tab.lanes[lane].marks;
+ var yslope = yslope_offset[lane];
+ yoffset = yoffset_next;
+ yoffset_next = yoffset + yslope * lane_width;
+ for (var i = 0; i < blurs.length; i++) {
+ var blur = blurs[i].position;
+ var intensity = blurs[i].intensity;
+ cnt++;
+ if (intensity <= 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // if(intensity < 10) {
+ // intensity = 12;
+ // }
+ if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.10') {
+ var blur_position = h + 26 / (blur + 10) * (height - h);
+ } else if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.12') {
+ var blur_position = 930 * Math.pow(blur, -0.582);
+ } else if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.15') {
+ var blur_position = 1385.1 * Math.pow(blur, -0.765);
+ }
- }
- g.restore();
- }
- g.save();
- g.strokeStyle = '#000000';
- g.lineWidth = .5;
- g.shadowBlur = 0;
- g.fillStyle = '#000000';
- self.h = h ;
- self.height = height;
- if (state.gel.parent.parent.marker_loaded) {
- var weights = [10, 15, 20, 25, 37, 50, 75, 100, 150, 250];
- for (var weigth_index in weights) {
- if(state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.10' && weights[weigth_index]<=20){}
- else
- {
- var weight = weights[weigth_index];
- var position = self.weight_to_position(weight);
- // h + 26 / (weight + 10) * (height - h);
- g.font="9px Arial";
- g.fillText("" + weight, lane_width * (LANE_OFFSET_0) +1, position + 3);
- g.beginPath();
- g.moveTo((lane_width * (LANE_OFFSET_0) - g.lineWidth / 2)+1, position);
- g.lineTo((lane_width * (LANE_OFFSET_0A) + g.lineWidth / 2)+1, position);
- g.closePath();
- g.stroke();
- }
- }
- g.fillText("kDa", lane_width * (LANE_OFFSET_0), 10);
-// for(var lane = 0; lane < lanes; lane++) {
-// g.fillText("Lane " + (lane + 1), lane_width * (lane + LANE_OFFSET_1A ) - g.lineWidth / 2, 15);
-// }
+ //var blur_position = h + 26 / (blur + 10) * (height - h);
+ var lineWidth = Math.log(intensity / 10);
+ g.strokeStyle = '#c0c0c0';
+ g.shadowBlur = 2;
+ g.globalAlpha = 1;
+ if (lineWidth < .5) {
+ var alpha = 1;
+ alpha = intensity / 12;
+ g.globalAlpha = alpha;
+ console.info("ALPHA " + alpha + " " + g.strokeStyle);
+ g.shadowBlur = 0;
+ }
+ g.lineWidth = lineWidth > .25 ? lineWidth : .25;
+ console.info("DISPL " + blurs[i].intensity + " " + Math.log(intensity / 10) + " " + g.lineWidth);
+ g.beginPath();
+ g.moveTo((lane_width * (lane + LANE_OFFSET_1A) - g.lineWidth / 2) - 10, blur_position + yoffset);
+ g.lineTo((lane_width * (lane + LANE_OFFSET_2A) + g.lineWidth / 2) - 10, blur_position + yoffset_next);
+ g.closePath();
+ g.stroke();
+ g.stroke();
+ g.stroke();
+ g.stroke();
- else {
- // g.fillText("marker was not loaded", 5, 15);
+ g.globalAlpha = 1;
+ }
+ g.restore();
+ }
+ g.save();
+ g.strokeStyle = '#000000';
+ g.lineWidth = .5;
+ g.shadowBlur = 0;
+ g.fillStyle = '#000000';
+ self.h = h ;
+ self.height = height;
+ if (state.gel.parent.parent.marker_loaded) {
+ var weights = [10, 15, 20, 25, 37, 50, 75, 100, 150, 250];
+ for (var weigth_index in weights) {
+ if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.10' && weights[weigth_index] <= 20) {
+ } else {
+ var weight = weights[weigth_index];
+ var position = self.weight_to_position(weight);
+ // h + 26 / (weight + 10) * (height - h);
+ g.font = "9px Arial";
+ g.fillText("" + weight, lane_width * (LANE_OFFSET_0) + 1, position + 3);
+ g.beginPath();
+ g.moveTo((lane_width * (LANE_OFFSET_0) - g.lineWidth / 2) + 1, position);
+ g.lineTo((lane_width * (LANE_OFFSET_0A) + g.lineWidth / 2) + 1, position);
+ g.closePath();
+ g.stroke();
- g.restore();
+ }
+ g.fillText("kDa", lane_width * (LANE_OFFSET_0), 10);
+ // for(var lane = 0; lane < lanes; lane++) {
+ // g.fillText("Lane " + (lane + 1), lane_width * (lane + LANE_OFFSET_1A ) - g.lineWidth / 2, 15);
+ // }
+ } else {
+ // g.fillText("marker was not loaded", 5, 15);
+ g.restore();
+ }
- self.weight_to_position = function(weight) {
- var h = self.h;
- var height = self.height;
- if(state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.10')
- var position = h + 26 / (weight + 10) * (height - h);
- else if( state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.12')
- var position = 930 *Math.pow(weight,-0.582);
- else if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.15')
- var position = 1385.1*Math.pow(weight,-0.765);
- return position;
+ self.weight_to_position = function(weight) {
+ var h = self.h;
+ var height = self.height;
+ if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.10') {
+ var position = h + 26 / (weight + 10) * (height - h);
+ } else if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.12') {
+ var position = 930 * Math.pow(weight, -0.582);
+ } else if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.15') {
+ var position = 1385.1 * Math.pow(weight, -0.765);
+ return position;
+ }
- self.position_to_weight = function(position) {
- var h = self.h;
- var height = self.height;
- if( position != h )
- {
- if(state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.10')
- var weight = 26 * (height-h)/(position-h) - 10;
- else if( state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.12')
- var weight = Math.pow(930 /position,1/0.582);
- else if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.15')
- var weight = Math.pow(1385.1/position,1/0.765);
- return weight;
- }
- else
- {
- return "N/A";
- }
+ self.position_to_weight = function(position) {
+ var h = self.h;
+ var height = self.height;
+ if (position != h) {
+ if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.10') {
+ var weight = 26 * (height - h) / (position - h) - 10;
+ } else if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.12') {
+ var weight = Math.pow(930 / position, 1 / 0.582);
+ } else if (state.gel.parent.parent.gel_type == '.15') {
+ var weight = Math.pow(1385.1 / position, 1 / 0.765);
+ }
+ return weight;
+ } else {
+ return "N/A";
+ }
- self.clear_canvas = function (canvas, width, height, g) {
- g.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
- g.fillStyle = 'white';
- g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
- g.fillStyle = '#ecedf3';
- g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
- g.fillStyle = 'white';
- //g.fillRect(0, 0, width, 20);
- g.fillRect(width - 22, 0, width, height);
+ self.clear_canvas = function(canvas, width, height, g) {
+ g.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);
+ g.fillStyle = 'white';
+ g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
+ g.fillStyle = '#ecedf3';
+ g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
+ g.fillStyle = 'white';
+ //g.fillRect(0, 0, width, 20);
+ g.fillRect(width - 22, 0, width, height);
- }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/components/WesternBlotModelFactory.js b/html_app/components/WesternBlotModelFactory.js
index 75c90f4f..6121d9f8 100644
--- a/html_app/components/WesternBlotModelFactory.js
+++ b/html_app/components/WesternBlotModelFactory.js
@@ -1,371 +1,376 @@
scb.components = scb.components || {};
scb.components.WesternBlotModelFactory = function scb_components_WesternBlotModelFactory(model, template) {
- var self = this;
+ var self = this;
- function anti_body_match(primary_anti_body_array, gel, template) {
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(primary_anti_body_array)) {
- for (var i in primary_anti_body_array) {
- var anti_body_id = primary_anti_body_array[i];
- if (anti_body_id == gel.primary_anti_body) {
- var secondary_anti_bodies_array = template.primary_anti_body[gel.primary_anti_body].secondary;
- if (_.find(secondary_anti_bodies_array, function (e) {
- return e == gel.secondary_anti_body;
- })) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- } else {
+ function anti_body_match(primary_anti_body_array, gel, template) {
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(primary_anti_body_array)) {
+ for (var i in primary_anti_body_array) {
+ var anti_body_id = primary_anti_body_array[i];
+ if (anti_body_id == gel.primary_anti_body) {
+ var secondary_anti_bodies_array = template.primary_anti_body[gel.primary_anti_body].secondary;
+ if (_.find(secondary_anti_bodies_array, function(e) {
+ return e == gel.secondary_anti_body;
+ })) {
return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
- var keep;
+ var keep;
- self.parser_ab = function (lane, gel, rules, lane_marks) {
+ self.parser_ab = function(lane, gel, rules, lane_marks) {
- for (var rule_index in rules) {
- var rule = rules[rule_index];
+ for (var rule_index in rules) {
+ var rule = rules[rule_index];
+ if (rule.identifier == lane.cell_treatment.identifier) {
+ var rule_marks = rule.marks;
+ for (var rule_mark_index in rule_marks) {
+ var rule_mark = rule_marks[rule_mark_index];
+ if (anti_body_match(rule_mark.primary_anti_body, gel, template)) {
+ var intensity = rule_mark.intensity;
+ var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function(e) {
+ return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
+ });
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
+ update_mark.intensity += intensity;
+ } else {
+ lane_marks.push({
+ weight: rule_mark.weight,
+ intensity: intensity
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (rule.identifier == lane.cell_treatment.identifier) {
- var rule_marks = rule.marks;
- for (var rule_mark_index in rule_marks) {
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.cyto)) {
+ self.cyto = function(lane, gel, lane_marks) {
+ if (lane.kind == 'whole' || lane.kind == 'cyto' || lane.kind == 'whole_cell') {
+ if (lane.id == 'marker') {
+ lane_marks.push({
+ weight: 0,
+ intensity: 0
+ });
+ }
+ /* parser_1 is used only by __assigment_facs */
+ else if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.cyto.parser_1)) {
+ var rules = model.cyto.parser_1;
+ for (var rule_index in rules) {
+ var rule = rules[rule_index];
+ console.info("lane.cell_treatment.cell_line:" + lane.cell_treatment.cell_line);
+ console.info("rule.cell_line:" + rule.cell_line);
+ if (lane.cell_treatment.cell_line == rule.cell_line || rule.cell_line == '*ANY*') {
+ var treatments = lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list.list;
+ for (var treatment_index in treatments) {
+ var treatment = treatments[treatment_index];
+ var drugs = treatment.drug_list.list;
+ var drug = _.find(drugs, function(d) {
+ return d.drug_id == rule.drug;
+ });
+ var drug_concentration = drug ? parseFloat(template.concentrations[drug.concentration_id].value) : 0;
+ var drug_schedule = parseFloat(treatment.schedule_value);
+ var collection_schedule = parseFloat(lane.collection_schedule.schedule_value);
+ if (rule.transfer_function == 'linear_concentration_duration_with_max' && drug_concentration != 0) {
+ var exposure_time = collection_schedule - drug_schedule;
+ var rule_marks = rule.marks;
+ for (var rule_mark_index in rule_marks) {
+ var rule_mark = rule_marks[rule_mark_index];
+ var intensity = rule_mark.intensity_slope * exposure_time + rule_mark.intensity_intercept;
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(rule_mark.intensity_min) && (intensity < rule_mark.intensity_min)) {
+ intensity = rule_mark.intensity_min;
+ }
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(rule_mark.intensity_max) && (intensity > rule_mark.intensity_max)) {
+ intensity = rule_mark.intensity_max;
+ }
+ var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function(e) {
+ return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
+ });
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
+ update_mark.intensity += intensity;
+ } else {
+ lane_marks.push({
+ weight: rule_mark.weight,
+ intensity: intensity
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // end parser_1
+ else if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.cyto.parser_fixed)) {
+ var rules = model.cyto.parser_fixed;
+ for (var rule_index in rules) {
+ var rule = rules[rule_index];
+ if (rule.transfer_function == 'static') {
+ if (lane.cell_treatment.cell_line == rule.cell_line || rule.cell_line == '*ANY*') {
+ treatments = lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list;
+ keep = true;
+ if (rule.drug && rule.drug != '*ANY*') {
+ /* Check if this lane has rule.drug_id */
+ keep = treatments.first.drug_list.list[0].drug_id == rule.drug;
+ }
+ if (rule.temperature) {
+ var value = scb.utils.get(lane, ["cell_treatment", "treatment_list", "list", 0, "temperature"], null);
+ keep = keep && (rule.temperature == value);
+ }
+ if (rule.duration) {
+ var value = scb.utils.get(lane, ["cell_treatment", "treatment_list", "list", 0, "duration"], null);
+ keep = keep && (rule.duration == value || rule.duration == '*ANY*');
+ }
+ if (keep) {
+ var rule_marks = rule.marks;
+ for (var rule_mark_index in rule_marks) {
var rule_mark = rule_marks[rule_mark_index];
if (anti_body_match(rule_mark.primary_anti_body, gel, template)) {
- var intensity = rule_mark.intensity;
- var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function (e) {
- return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
+ var intensity = rule_mark.intensity;
+ var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function(e) {
+ return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
+ });
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
+ update_mark.intensity += intensity;
+ } else {
+ lane_marks.push({
+ weight: rule_mark.weight,
+ intensity: intensity
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (rule.transfer_function == 'delta') {
+ if (lane.cell_treatment.cell_line == rule.cell_line || rule.cell_line == '*ANY*') {
+ treatments = lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list.list;
+ /* Compares only one drug, I guess assuming that out of a list of
+ drugs at least one drug is unique per treatment */
+ for (var treatment_index in treatments) {
+ var treatment = treatments[treatment_index];
+ var drugs = treatment.drug_list.list;
+ var drug = _.find(drugs, function(d) {
+ return d.drug_id == rule.drug;
+ });
+ var drug_concentration = drug ? parseFloat(template.concentrations[drug.concentration_id].value) : 0;
+ /* if rule.drug is ANY, set drug_concentration to any value >= cutoff*/
+ drug_concentration = (rule.drug == '*ANY*') ? 1 : drug_concentration;
+ var marks_list = (drug_concentration >= rule.cutoff) ? rule.above_marks : rule.below_marks;
+ keep = true;
+ if (rule.duration) {
+ var value = scb.utils.get(lane, ["cell_treatment", "treatment_list", "list", 0, "duration"], null);
+ keep = keep && (rule.duration == value || rule.duration == '*ANY*');
+ }
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(marks_list) && keep) {
+ for (var mark_index in marks_list) {
+ var rule_mark = marks_list[mark_index];
+ if (rule_mark) {
+ if (anti_body_match(rule_mark.primary_anti_body, gel, template)) {
+ var intensity = rule_mark.intensity;
+ var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function(e) {
+ return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
+ });
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
update_mark.intensity += intensity;
- } else {
+ } else {
- weight: rule_mark.weight,
- intensity: intensity
+ weight: rule_mark.weight,
+ intensity: intensity
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //END parser Fixed
+ else if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.cyto.parser_ab)) {
+ var rules = model.cyto.parser_ab;
+ self.parser_ab(lane, rules, lane_marks);
+ lane.marks = lane_marks;
+ }
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.cyto)) {
- self.cyto = function (lane, gel, lane_marks) {
- if (lane.kind == 'whole' || lane.kind == 'cyto' || lane.kind == 'whole_cell') {
- if(lane.id == 'marker')
- lane_marks.push({ weight: 0, intensity: 0});
- /* parser_1 is used only by __assigment_facs */
- else if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.cyto.parser_1)) {
- var rules = model.cyto.parser_1;
- for (var rule_index in rules) {
- var rule = rules[rule_index];
- console.info("lane.cell_treatment.cell_line:" + lane.cell_treatment.cell_line);
- console.info("rule.cell_line:" + rule.cell_line);
- if (lane.cell_treatment.cell_line == rule.cell_line || rule.cell_line == '*ANY*') {
- var treatments = lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list.list;
- for (var treatment_index in treatments) {
- var treatment = treatments[treatment_index];
- var drugs = treatment.drug_list.list;
- var drug = _.find(drugs, function (d) {
- return d.drug_id == rule.drug;
- });
- var drug_concentration = drug ? parseFloat(template.concentrations[drug.concentration_id].value) : 0;
- var drug_schedule = parseFloat(treatment.schedule_value);
- var collection_schedule = parseFloat(lane.collection_schedule.schedule_value);
- if (rule.transfer_function == 'linear_concentration_duration_with_max' && drug_concentration != 0) {
- var exposure_time = collection_schedule - drug_schedule;
- var rule_marks = rule.marks;
- for (var rule_mark_index in rule_marks) {
- var rule_mark = rule_marks[rule_mark_index];
- var intensity = rule_mark.intensity_slope * exposure_time + rule_mark.intensity_intercept;
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(rule_mark.intensity_min) && (intensity < rule_mark.intensity_min)) {
- intensity = rule_mark.intensity_min;
- }
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(rule_mark.intensity_max) && (intensity > rule_mark.intensity_max)) {
- intensity = rule_mark.intensity_max;
- }
- var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function (e) {
- return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
- });
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
- update_mark.intensity += intensity;
- } else {
- lane_marks.push({
- weight: rule_mark.weight,
- intensity: intensity
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ self.nuclear = function(lane, gel, lane_marks) {
+ if (lane.kind == 'whole' || lane.kind == 'nuclear' || lane.kind == 'whole_cell') {
+ if (lane.id == 'marker') {
+ lane_marks.push({
+ weight: 0,
+ intensity: 0
+ });
+ } else if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.nuclear.parser_1)) {
+ var rules = model.nuclear.parser_1;
+ for (var rule_index in rules) {
+ var rule = rules[rule_index];
+ console.info("lane.cell_treatment.cell_line:" + lane.cell_treatment.cell_line);
+ console.info("rule.cell_line:" + rule.cell_line);
+ if (lane.cell_treatment.cell_line == rule.cell_line || rule.cell_line == '*ANY*') {
+ var treatments = lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list.list;
+ for (var treatment_index in treatments) {
+ var treatment = treatments[treatment_index];
+ var drugs = treatment.drug_list.list;
+ var drug = _.find(drugs, function(d) {
+ return d.drug_id == rule.drug;
+ });
+ var drug_concentration = drug ? parseFloat(template.concentrations[drug.concentration_id].value) : 0;
+ var drug_schedule = parseFloat(treatment.schedule_value);
+ var collection_schedule = parseFloat(lane.collection_schedule.schedule_value);
+ if (rule.transfer_function == 'linear_concentration_duration_with_max' && drug_concentration != 0) {
+ var exposure_time = collection_schedule - drug_schedule;
+ var rule_marks = rule.marks;
+ for (var rule_mark_index in rule_marks) {
+ var rule_mark = rule_marks[rule_mark_index];
+ var intensity = rule_mark.intensity_slope * exposure_time + rule_mark.intensity_intercept;
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(rule_mark.intensity_min) && (intensity < rule_mark.intensity_min)) {
+ intensity = rule_mark.intensity_min;
- } // end parser_1
- else if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.cyto.parser_fixed)) {
- var rules = model.cyto.parser_fixed;
- for (var rule_index in rules) {
- var rule = rules[rule_index];
- if (rule.transfer_function == 'static') {
- if (lane.cell_treatment.cell_line == rule.cell_line || rule.cell_line == '*ANY*') {
- treatments = lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list;
- keep = true;
- if(rule.drug && rule.drug != '*ANY*') {
- /* Check if this lane has rule.drug_id */
- keep = treatments.first.drug_list.list[0].drug_id == rule.drug;
- }
- if (rule.temperature) {
- var value = scb.utils.get(lane, ["cell_treatment", "treatment_list", "list", 0, "temperature"], null);
- keep = keep && ( rule.temperature == value );
- }
- if(rule.duration){
- var value = scb.utils.get(lane, ["cell_treatment", "treatment_list", "list", 0, "duration"], null);
- keep = keep && ( rule.duration == value || rule.duration == '*ANY*');
- }
- if (keep) {
- var rule_marks = rule.marks;
- for (var rule_mark_index in rule_marks) {
- var rule_mark = rule_marks[rule_mark_index];
- if (anti_body_match(rule_mark.primary_anti_body, gel, template)) {
- var intensity = rule_mark.intensity;
- var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function (e) {
- return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
- });
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
- update_mark.intensity += intensity;
- } else {
- lane_marks.push({
- weight: rule_mark.weight,
- intensity: intensity
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (rule.transfer_function == 'delta') {
- if (lane.cell_treatment.cell_line == rule.cell_line || rule.cell_line == '*ANY*') {
- treatments = lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list.list;
- /* Compares only one drug, I guess assuming that out of a list of
- drugs at least one drug is unique per treatment */
- for (var treatment_index in treatments) {
- var treatment = treatments[treatment_index];
- var drugs = treatment.drug_list.list;
- var drug = _.find(drugs, function (d) {
- return d.drug_id == rule.drug;
- });
- var drug_concentration = drug ? parseFloat(template.concentrations[drug.concentration_id].value) : 0;
- /* if rule.drug is ANY, set drug_concentration to any value >= cutoff*/
- drug_concentration=(rule.drug == '*ANY*')? 1 :drug_concentration;
- var marks_list = (drug_concentration >= rule.cutoff) ? rule.above_marks : rule.below_marks;
- keep = true;
- if(rule.duration){
- var value = scb.utils.get(lane, ["cell_treatment", "treatment_list", "list", 0, "duration"], null);
- keep = keep && ( rule.duration == value || rule.duration == '*ANY*');
- }
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(marks_list) && keep) {
- for (var mark_index in marks_list) {
- var rule_mark = marks_list[mark_index];
- if (rule_mark) {
- if (anti_body_match(rule_mark.primary_anti_body, gel, template)) {
- var intensity = rule_mark.intensity;
- var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function (e) {
- return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
- });
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
- update_mark.intensity += intensity;
- } else {
- lane_marks.push({
- weight: rule_mark.weight,
- intensity: intensity
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(rule_mark.intensity_max) && (intensity > rule_mark.intensity_max)) {
+ intensity = rule_mark.intensity_max;
+ var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function(e) {
+ return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
+ });
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
+ update_mark.intensity += intensity;
+ } else {
+ lane_marks.push({
+ weight: rule_mark.weight,
+ intensity: intensity
+ });
+ }
+ }
- //END parser Fixed
- else if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.cyto.parser_ab)) {
- var rules = model.cyto.parser_ab;
- self.parser_ab(lane, rules, lane_marks);
- }
- lane.marks = lane_marks;
+ }
- }
- self.nuclear = function (lane, gel, lane_marks) {
- if (lane.kind == 'whole' || lane.kind == 'nuclear' || lane.kind == 'whole_cell') {
- if (lane.id == 'marker')
- lane_marks.push({ weight: 0, intensity: 0});
- else if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.nuclear.parser_1)) {
- var rules = model.nuclear.parser_1;
- for (var rule_index in rules) {
- var rule = rules[rule_index];
- console.info("lane.cell_treatment.cell_line:" + lane.cell_treatment.cell_line);
- console.info("rule.cell_line:" + rule.cell_line);
- if (lane.cell_treatment.cell_line == rule.cell_line || rule.cell_line == '*ANY*') {
- var treatments = lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list.list;
- for (var treatment_index in treatments) {
- var treatment = treatments[treatment_index];
- var drugs = treatment.drug_list.list;
- var drug = _.find(drugs, function (d) {
- return d.drug_id == rule.drug;
- });
- var drug_concentration = drug ? parseFloat(template.concentrations[drug.concentration_id].value) : 0;
- var drug_schedule = parseFloat(treatment.schedule_value);
- var collection_schedule = parseFloat(lane.collection_schedule.schedule_value);
- if (rule.transfer_function == 'linear_concentration_duration_with_max' && drug_concentration != 0) {
- var exposure_time = collection_schedule - drug_schedule;
- var rule_marks = rule.marks;
- for (var rule_mark_index in rule_marks) {
- var rule_mark = rule_marks[rule_mark_index];
- var intensity = rule_mark.intensity_slope * exposure_time + rule_mark.intensity_intercept;
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(rule_mark.intensity_min) && (intensity < rule_mark.intensity_min)) {
- intensity = rule_mark.intensity_min;
- }
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(rule_mark.intensity_max) && (intensity > rule_mark.intensity_max)) {
- intensity = rule_mark.intensity_max;
- }
- var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function (e) {
- return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
- });
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
- update_mark.intensity += intensity;
- } else {
- lane_marks.push({
- weight: rule_mark.weight,
- intensity: intensity
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ }
+ } // end parser_1
+ else if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.nuclear.parser_fixed)) {
+ var rules = model.nuclear.parser_fixed;
+ for (var rule_index in rules) {
+ var rule = rules[rule_index];
+ if (rule.transfer_function == 'static') {
+ if (lane.cell_treatment.cell_line == rule.cell_line || rule.cell_line == '*ANY*') {
+ var keep = true;
+ if (rule.temperature) {
+ var value = scb.utils.get(lane, ["cell_treatment", "treatment_list", "list", 0, "temperature"], null);
+ keep = (rule.temperature == value);
+ }
+ if (keep) {
+ var rule_marks = rule.marks;
+ for (var rule_mark_index in rule_marks) {
+ var rule_mark = rule_marks[rule_mark_index];
+ if (anti_body_match(rule_mark.primary_anti_body, gel, template)) {
+ var intensity = rule_mark.intensity;
+ var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function(e) {
+ return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
+ });
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
+ update_mark.intensity += intensity;
+ } else {
+ lane_marks.push({
+ weight: rule_mark.weight,
+ intensity: intensity
+ });
+ }
- } // end parser_1
- else if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.nuclear.parser_fixed)) {
- var rules = model.nuclear.parser_fixed;
- for (var rule_index in rules) {
- var rule = rules[rule_index];
- if (rule.transfer_function == 'static') {
- if (lane.cell_treatment.cell_line == rule.cell_line || rule.cell_line == '*ANY*') {
- var keep = true;
- if (rule.temperature) {
- var value = scb.utils.get(lane, ["cell_treatment", "treatment_list", "list", 0, "temperature"], null);
- keep = ( rule.temperature == value );
- }
- if (keep) {
- var rule_marks = rule.marks;
- for (var rule_mark_index in rule_marks) {
- var rule_mark = rule_marks[rule_mark_index];
- if (anti_body_match(rule_mark.primary_anti_body, gel, template)) {
- var intensity = rule_mark.intensity;
- var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function (e) {
- return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
- });
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
- update_mark.intensity += intensity;
- } else {
- lane_marks.push({
- weight: rule_mark.weight,
- intensity: intensity
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else if (rule.transfer_function == 'delta') {
- if (lane.cell_treatment.cell_line == rule.cell_line || rule.cell_line == '*ANY*') {
- var treatments = lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list.list;
- for (var treatment_index in treatments) {
- var treatment = treatments[treatment_index];
- var drugs = treatment.drug_list.list;
- var drug = _.find(drugs, function (d) {
- return d.drug_id == rule.drug;
- });
- var drug_concentration = drug ? parseFloat(template.concentrations[drug.concentration_id].value) : 0;
- var marks_list = (drug_concentration >= rule.cutoff) ? rule.above_marks : rule.below_marks;
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(marks_list)) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (rule.transfer_function == 'delta') {
+ if (lane.cell_treatment.cell_line == rule.cell_line || rule.cell_line == '*ANY*') {
+ var treatments = lane.cell_treatment.treatment_list.list;
+ for (var treatment_index in treatments) {
+ var treatment = treatments[treatment_index];
+ var drugs = treatment.drug_list.list;
+ var drug = _.find(drugs, function(d) {
+ return d.drug_id == rule.drug;
+ });
+ var drug_concentration = drug ? parseFloat(template.concentrations[drug.concentration_id].value) : 0;
+ var marks_list = (drug_concentration >= rule.cutoff) ? rule.above_marks : rule.below_marks;
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(marks_list)) {
- for (var mark_index in marks_list) {
- var rule_mark = marks_list[mark_index];
- if (rule_mark) {
- if (anti_body_match(rule_mark.primary_anti_body, gel, template)) {
- var intensity = rule_mark.intensity;
- var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function (e) {
- return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
- });
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
- update_mark.intensity += intensity;
- } else {
- lane_marks.push({
- weight: rule_mark.weight,
- intensity: intensity
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ for (var mark_index in marks_list) {
+ var rule_mark = marks_list[mark_index];
+ if (rule_mark) {
+ if (anti_body_match(rule_mark.primary_anti_body, gel, template)) {
+ var intensity = rule_mark.intensity;
+ var update_mark = _.find(lane_marks, function(e) {
+ return e.weight == rule_mark.weight
+ });
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(update_mark)) {
+ update_mark.intensity += intensity;
+ } else {
+ lane_marks.push({
+ weight: rule_mark.weight,
+ intensity: intensity
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
- //END parser Fixed
- else if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.nuclear.parser_ab)) {
- var rules = model.nuclear.parser_ab;
- self.parser_ab(lane, rules, lane_marks);
- }
- lane.marks = lane_marks;
+ }
+ }
+ //END parser Fixed
+ else if (scb.utils.isDefined(model.nuclear.parser_ab)) {
+ var rules = model.nuclear.parser_ab;
+ self.parser_ab(lane, rules, lane_marks);
+ }
+ lane.marks = lane_marks;
+ }
- self.compute = function (lane, gel, lane_marks) {
- var parser_ab = false;
+ }
- if (
- (scb.utils.isDefined(model.cyto) && scb.utils.isDefined(model.cyto.parser_ab)) ||
- (scb.utils.isDefined(model.whole) && scb.utils.isDefined(model.whole.parser_ab)) ||
- (scb.utils.isDefined(model.nuclear) && scb.utils.isDefined(model.nuclear.parser_ab))
- )
- {
- parser_ab = true;
- }
+ self.compute = function(lane, gel, lane_marks) {
+ var parser_ab = false;
- if (parser_ab){
- ret = undefined;
- if (lane.id != 'marker') {
- if (lane.kind == 'whole' || lane.kind == 'whole_cell') {
- var rules = model.whole.parser_ab;
- self.parser_ab(lane, gel, rules, lane_marks);
- }
- if (lane.kind == 'nuclear') {
- var rules = model.nuclear.parser_ab;
- self.parser_ab(lane, rules, lane_marks);
- }
- if (lane.kind == 'cyto') {
- var rules = model.cyto.parser_ab;
- self.parser_ab(lane, rules, lane_marks);
- }
- }
+ if (
+ (scb.utils.isDefined(model.cyto) && scb.utils.isDefined(model.cyto.parser_ab)) ||
+ (scb.utils.isDefined(model.whole) && scb.utils.isDefined(model.whole.parser_ab)) ||
+ (scb.utils.isDefined(model.nuclear) && scb.utils.isDefined(model.nuclear.parser_ab))
+ ) {
+ parser_ab = true;
+ }
+ if (parser_ab) {
+ ret = undefined;
+ if (lane.id != 'marker') {
+ if (lane.kind == 'whole' || lane.kind == 'whole_cell') {
+ var rules = model.whole.parser_ab;
+ self.parser_ab(lane, gel, rules, lane_marks);
+ }
+ if (lane.kind == 'nuclear') {
+ var rules = model.nuclear.parser_ab;
+ self.parser_ab(lane, rules, lane_marks);
- else {
- var ret = self.cyto(lane, gel, lane_marks);
- console.info(lane_marks);
- return ret;
+ if (lane.kind == 'cyto') {
+ var rules = model.cyto.parser_ab;
+ self.parser_ab(lane, rules, lane_marks);
+ }
+ } else {
+ var ret = self.cyto(lane, gel, lane_marks);
+ console.info(lane_marks);
+ return ret;
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/google-analytics.js b/html_app/google-analytics.js
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index 6e77c600..c6313ba9 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorAssignmentSetupView.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorAssignmentSetupView.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -9,224 +9,227 @@ scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView || {};
-scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.ARROW_OFFSET = 15;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.ARROW_DIVISION = 2;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.ARROW_OFFSET = 15;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.ARROW_DIVISION = 2;
scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.HEADER_WIDTH = 579;
scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.HEADER_OFFSET = 34;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_assignment_name_value = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse(element);
-// parsed.assignment.course_name = $(element).val();
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view:'assignment_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- if( parsed.redisplay )
- {
- alert( "INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if( parsed.assignment )
- {
- parsed.assignment.name = $(element).val();
- }
-// scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_assignment_name_value = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse(element);
+ // parsed.assignment.course_name = $(element).val();
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'assignment_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.assignment) {
+ parsed.assignment.name = $(element).val();
+ }
+ // scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- if(parsed.assignment.name != ''){
- parsed.assignment.assignment_prepared = true;
- }
- else parsed.assignment.assignment_prepared = false;
- if(parsed.assignment.assignment_prepared){
- parsed.assignment.template = MASTER_TEMPLATE;
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: '../scb/create_new_assignment.js',
- data: JSON.stringify({assignment: parsed.assignment.__data__})
- }).done(function(e) {
- if(e == 'created'){
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'experiment_setup_page1',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
- }
- else{
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert('This assignment has already been created. Create a new assignment.',
- function() { $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove()/* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- }
- });
- }
+scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ if (parsed.assignment.name != '') {
+ parsed.assignment.assignment_prepared = true;
+ } else {
+ parsed.assignment.assignment_prepared = false;
+ }
+ if (parsed.assignment.assignment_prepared) {
+ parsed.assignment.template = MASTER_TEMPLATE;
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: '../scb/create_new_assignment.js',
+ data: JSON.stringify({
+ assignment: parsed.assignment.__data__
+ })
+ }).done(function(e) {
+ if (e == 'created') {
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'experiment_setup_page1',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+ } else {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert('This assignment has already been created. Create a new assignment.', function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove() /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ }
+ });
+ }
-scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_create_new_assignment = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.is_new_assignment = true;
- //INCLUDE ARCHIVED ASSIGNMENTS -- fix the request to one list
- parsed.assignment.description = assignment_template.description;
- parsed.assignment.last_instruction = assignment_template.last_instruction;
- parsed.assignment.name = assignment_template.name;
- parsed.assignment.template = assignment_template.template;
- parsed.assignment.template_id = assignment_template.id;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_create_new_assignment = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.is_new_assignment = true;
+ //INCLUDE ARCHIVED ASSIGNMENTS -- fix the request to one list
+ parsed.assignment.description = assignment_template.description;
+ parsed.assignment.last_instruction = assignment_template.last_instruction;
+ parsed.assignment.name = assignment_template.name;
+ parsed.assignment.template = assignment_template.template;
+ parsed.assignment.template_id = assignment_template.id;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_choose_existing_template = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.is_new_assignment = false;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_choose_existing_template = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.is_new_assignment = false;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_back_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.course_prepared = false;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_back_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.course_prepared = false;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_template_select = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.is_new_assignment = false;
- var template_id = $(element).val();
- var assignment_template = parsed.assignment.parent.get(template_id);
- parsed.assignment.description = assignment_template.description;
- parsed.assignment.last_instruction = assignment_template.last_instruction;
- parsed.assignment.name = assignment_template.name;
- parsed.assignment.template = assignment_template.template;
- parsed.assignment.template_id = assignment_template.id;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_template_select = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.is_new_assignment = false;
+ var template_id = $(element).val();
+ var assignment_template = parsed.assignment.parent.get(template_id);
+ parsed.assignment.description = assignment_template.description;
+ parsed.assignment.last_instruction = assignment_template.last_instruction;
+ parsed.assignment.name = assignment_template.name;
+ parsed.assignment.template = assignment_template.template;
+ parsed.assignment.template_id = assignment_template.id;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_assignment_setup_assignment_name_value', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_assignment_name_value(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_assignment_setup_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_assignment_setup_create_new_assignment', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_create_new_assignment(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_assignment_setup_choose_existing_template', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_choose_existing_template(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_assignment_setup_back_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_back_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_assignment_setup_assignment_list select', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_template_select(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_assignment_setup_assignment_name_value', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_assignment_name_value(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_assignment_setup_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_assignment_setup_create_new_assignment', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_create_new_assignment(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_assignment_setup_choose_existing_template', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_choose_existing_template(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_assignment_setup_back_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_back_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_assignment_setup_assignment_list select', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_assignment_setup_template_select(this, e);
+ });
scb.ui.InstructorAssignmentSetupView = function scb_ui_InstructorAssignmentSetupView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ // var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ // kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ }
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_assignment_setup.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
-// var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
-// kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_assignment_setup.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
- });
+ });
- }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorCourseSetupView.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorCourseSetupView.js
index 3b8d4cb7..451ab099 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorCourseSetupView.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorCourseSetupView.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -9,233 +9,234 @@ scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView || {};
-scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.ARROW_OFFSET = 15;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.ARROW_DIVISION = 2;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.ARROW_OFFSET = 15;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.ARROW_DIVISION = 2;
scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.HEADER_WIDTH = 579;
scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.HEADER_OFFSET = 34;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_course_name_value = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse(element);
-// parsed.assignment.course_name = $(element).val();
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view:'course_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- if( parsed.redisplay )
- {
- alert( "INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if( parsed.assignment )
- {
- parsed.assignment.course_name = $(element).val();
- }
-// scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_course_name_value = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse(element);
+ // parsed.assignment.course_name = $(element).val();
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'course_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.assignment) {
+ parsed.assignment.course_name = $(element).val();
+ }
+ // scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_course_code_value = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.course = $(element).val();
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view:'course_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- if( parsed.redisplay )
- {
- alert( "INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if( parsed.assignment )
- {
- parsed.assignment.course = $(element).val();
- }
-// scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_course_code_value = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.course = $(element).val();
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'course_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.assignment) {
+ parsed.assignment.course = $(element).val();
+ }
+ // scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_save_course_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- if(parsed.assignment.course && parsed.assignment.course_name != ''){
- parsed.assignment.course_prepared = true;
- }
- else parsed.assignment.course_prepared = false;
- if(parsed.assignment.course_prepared){
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: '../scb/create_course.js',
- data: JSON.stringify({course_code: parsed.assignment.course, course_name: parsed.assignment.course_name})
- }).done(function(e) {
- if(e == 'created'){
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'assignment_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
- }
- else{
- if(parsed.assignment.is_new_course){
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert('This course has already been created. Select an already created course.',
- function() { $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove()/* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- }
- else{
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'assignment_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
- }
- }
- });
- }
+scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_save_course_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ if (parsed.assignment.course && parsed.assignment.course_name != '') {
+ parsed.assignment.course_prepared = true;
+ } else {
+ parsed.assignment.course_prepared = false;
+ }
+ if (parsed.assignment.course_prepared) {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: '../scb/create_course.js',
+ data: JSON.stringify({
+ course_code: parsed.assignment.course,
+ course_name: parsed.assignment.course_name
+ })
+ }).done(function(e) {
+ if (e == 'created') {
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'assignment_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+ } else {
+ if (parsed.assignment.is_new_course) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert('This course has already been created. Select an already created course.', function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove() /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ } else {
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'assignment_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
-scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_choose_existing_course = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.is_new_course = false;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_choose_existing_course = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.is_new_course = false;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_create_new_course = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.is_new_course = true;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_create_new_course = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.is_new_course = true;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_course_select = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.is_new_course = false;
- var template_id = $(element).val();
- var assignment_template = parsed.assignment.parent.get(template_id);
- parsed.assignment.course_name = assignment_template.course_name;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_course_select = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.is_new_course = false;
- parsed.assignment.course = assignment_template.course;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+ var template_id = $(element).val();
+ var assignment_template = parsed.assignment.parent.get(template_id);
+ parsed.assignment.course_name = assignment_template.course_name;
+ parsed.assignment.course = assignment_template.course;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_course_setup_course_name_value', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_course_name_value(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_course_setup_course_code_value', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_course_code_value(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_course_setup_save_course_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_save_course_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_course_setup_create_new_course', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_create_new_course(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_course_setup_choose_existing_course', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_choose_existing_course(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_course_setup_course_list select', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_course_select(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_course_setup_course_name_value', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_course_name_value(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_course_setup_course_code_value', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_course_code_value(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_course_setup_save_course_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_save_course_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_course_setup_create_new_course', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_create_new_course(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_course_setup_choose_existing_course', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_choose_existing_course(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_course_setup_course_list select', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.scb_f_course_setup_course_select(this, e);
+ });
scb.ui.InstructorCourseSetupView = function scb_ui_InstructorCourseSetupView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
-// var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
-// kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_course_setup.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ // var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ // kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_course_setup.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorDashboardView.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorDashboardView.js
index fe72ad0c..7eabd71b 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorDashboardView.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorDashboardView.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -9,137 +9,138 @@ scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView = scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView || {};
-scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.ARROW_OFFSET = 15;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.ARROW_DIVISION = 2;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.ARROW_OFFSET = 15;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.ARROW_DIVISION = 2;
scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.HEADER_WIDTH = 579;
scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.HEADER_OFFSET = 34;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_f_dashboard_new_assignment_button = function (element, workarea) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.parse(element);
- var context = parsed.context;
- var parent = parsed.assignment.parent;
- var new_assignment_data = {
- id: Math.random().toString(36).substring(7),
- name: '',
- course: '',
- course_name: '',
- description: '',
- experiments: {},
- template: {},
- permission: 'Private',
- operation: 'edit'
- };
- var new_assignment = parent.start(new_assignment_data);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: new_assignment.id,
- view: 'course_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_f_dashboard_new_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.parse(element);
+ var context = parsed.context;
+ var parent = parsed.assignment.parent;
+ var new_assignment_data = {
+ id: Math.random().toString(36).substring(7),
+ name: '',
+ course: '',
+ course_name: '',
+ description: '',
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {},
+ permission: 'Private',
+ operation: 'edit'
+ };
+ var new_assignment = parent.start(new_assignment_data);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: new_assignment.id,
+ view: 'course_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
-scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_f_dashboard_course_management_button = function(element, workarea )
- var $target = $('.scb_s_dashboard_table_wrapper',workarea);
- var url = $(element).attr('href');
- $target.load(url);
- return false;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_f_dashboard_course_management_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var $target = $('.scb_s_dashboard_table_wrapper', workarea);
+ var url = $(element).attr('href');
+ $target.load(url);
+ return false;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left = function (element, workarea) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.parse(element);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.parse(element);
-scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right = function (element, workarea) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.parse(element);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.parse(element);
scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_dashboard_new_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_f_dashboard_new_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_assignments_new_experiment', function (e) {
- $('.scb_f_experiments_step_link').get(0).click();
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_dashboard_new_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_f_dashboard_new_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_assignments_new_experiment', function(e) {
+ $('.scb_f_experiments_step_link').get(0).click();
+ });
scb.ui.InstructorDashboardView = function scb_ui_InstructorDashboardView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ }
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_dashboard.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_dashboard_table_row').hover(function() {
+ $('.scb_s_dashboard_link', this).toggle();
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_dashboard.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_dashboard_table_row').hover(function(){
- $('.scb_s_dashboard_link', this).toggle();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
- }
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.js
index f9197721..28d6b857 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.js
@@ -1,182 +1,188 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View || {};
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page1_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'experiment_setup_page2',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page1_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'experiment_setup_page2',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_strain = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
- var strain_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- parsed.assignment.template.cell_lines[strain_id] = {name: $(element).val()};
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_strain = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
+ var strain_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ parsed.assignment.template.cell_lines[strain_id] = {
+ name: $(element).val()
+ };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_list_item = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
- var strain_id = $(element).attr('strain_id') ? $(element).attr('strain_id'): Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- parsed.assignment.template.cell_lines[strain_id] = {name: $(element).val()};
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_list_item = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
+ var strain_id = $(element).attr('strain_id') ? $(element).attr('strain_id') : Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ parsed.assignment.template.cell_lines[strain_id] = {
+ name: $(element).val()
+ };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_temperature = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.has_temperature = !parsed.assignment.has_temperature;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_temperature = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.has_temperature = !parsed.assignment.has_temperature;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_start_time = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.has_start_time = !parsed.assignment.has_start_time;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_start_time = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.has_start_time = !parsed.assignment.has_start_time;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_duration = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.has_duration = !parsed.assignment.has_duration;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_duration = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.has_duration = !parsed.assignment.has_duration;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_collection_time = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.has_collection_time = !parsed.assignment.has_collection_time;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_collection_time = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.has_collection_time = !parsed.assignment.has_collection_time;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_list_item', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_list_item(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_strain', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_strain(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_temperature', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_temperature(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_start_time', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_start_time(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_duration', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_duration(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_collection_time', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_collection_time(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_page1_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page1_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_list_item', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_list_item(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_strain', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_strain(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_temperature', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_temperature(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_start_time', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_start_time(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_duration', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_duration(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_collection_time', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_select_collection_time(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_page1_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page1_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
scb.ui.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View = function scb_ui_InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_experiment_setup_page1.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_experiment_setup_page1.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.js
index 154afa79..dd835d6a 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,397 +10,579 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View = scb.ui.static.InstructorExper
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page2_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- if(parsed.assignment.has_start_time){
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.experiment_setup.table[2].children.splice(2, 0, {kind: "start", title: "Treatment Start Time", editable: false});
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings.push('Start Time');
- }
- if(parsed.assignment.has_duration){
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.experiment_setup.table[2].children.splice(3, 0, {kind: "duration", title: "Duration", editable: false});
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings.push('Duration');
- }
- if(parsed.assignment.has_collection_time){
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.experiment_setup.table[2].children.splice(4, 0, {kind: "collection", title: "Collection Timepoints", editable: false});
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings.push('Collection');
- }
- if(parsed.assignment.has_temperature){
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.experiment_setup.table.splice(3, 0, {kind: 'temperature', title: 'Temperature', editable: false});
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings.push('Temperature');
- }
- //collection_id: 'default'
- _.each(parsed.assignment.template.cell_lines, function(strain, strain_id, list){
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[strain_id] = {rows:[]}
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.order.push(strain_id);
- _.each(parsed.assignment.template.drugs, function(drug, drug_id, list){
- if(parsed.assignment.has_collection_time && parsed.assignment.has_temperature){
- _.each(parsed.assignment.template.collections, function(collection, collection_id, list){
- _.each(parsed.assignment.template.experiment_temperatures, function(temperature, temperature_id, list){
- var row_treatment_id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(10);
- var row_element = {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "X", treatment_id: row_treatment_id},
- {kind: 'text', text: strain.name},
- {kind: 'text', text: drug.name},
- {kind: 'text', text: parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[drug.concentrations[0]].name},
- {kind: 'text', text: collection.name},
- {kind: 'text', text: temperature.name}
- ],
- treatment_id: row_treatment_id,
- cell_treatments: {
- "X": [
- {cell_line: strain_id,
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {
- list: [
- {drug_id: drug_id, concentration_id: drug.concentrations[0]},
- ]
- },
- collection_id: collection_id,
- temperature: temperature_id
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- };
- if(parsed.assignment.has_start_time){
- row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['schedule'] = drug.schedule[0];
- row_element.cells.splice(4, 0, {kind: 'text', text: parsed.assignment.template.start_times[drug.schedule[0]].name});
- }
- if(parsed.assignment.has_duration){
- row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['duration'] = drug.duration[0];
- row_element.cells.splice(5, 0, {kind: 'text', text: parsed.assignment.template.durations[drug.duration[0]].name});
- }
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[strain_id].rows.push(row_element);
- });
- });
- }
- else if(parsed.assignment.has_collection_time){
- _.each(parsed.assignment.template.collections, function(collection, collection_id, list){
- var row_treatment_id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(10);
- var row_element = {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "X", treatment_id: row_treatment_id},
- {kind: 'text', text: strain.name},
- {kind: 'text', text: drug.name},
- {kind: 'text', text: parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[drug.concentrations[0]].name},
- {kind: 'text', text: collection.name}
- ],
- treatment_id: row_treatment_id,
- cell_treatments: {
- "X": [
- {cell_line: strain_id,
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {
- list: [
- {drug_id: drug_id, concentration_id: drug.concentrations[0]},
- ]
- },
- collection_id: collection_id
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- };
- if(parsed.assignment.has_start_time){
- row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['schedule'] = drug.schedule[0];
- row_element.cells.splice(4, 0, {kind: 'text', text: parsed.assignment.template.start_times[drug.schedule[0]].name});
- }
- if(parsed.assignment.has_duration){
- row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['duration'] = drug.duration[0];
- row_element.cells.splice(5, 0, {kind: 'text', text: parsed.assignment.template.durations[drug.duration[0]].name});
- }
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[strain_id].rows.push(row_element);
- });
- }
- else if(parsed.assignment.has_temperature){
- _.each(parsed.assignment.template.experiment_temperatures, function(temperature, temperature_id, list){
- var row_treatment_id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(10);
- var row_element = {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "X", treatment_id: row_treatment_id},
- {kind: 'text', text: strain.name},
- {kind: 'text', text: drug.name},
- {kind: 'text', text: parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[drug.concentrations[0]].name},
- {kind: 'text', text: temperature.name}
- ],
- treatment_id: row_treatment_id,
- cell_treatments: {
- "X": [
- {cell_line: strain_id,
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {
- list: [
- {drug_id: drug_id, concentration_id: drug.concentrations[0]},
- ]
- },
- temperature: temperature_id
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- };
- if(parsed.assignment.has_start_time){
- row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['schedule'] = drug.schedule[0];
- row_element.cells.splice(4, 0, {kind: 'text', text: parsed.assignment.template.start_times[drug.schedule[0]].name});
- }
- if(parsed.assignment.has_duration){
- row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['duration'] = drug.duration[0];
- row_element.cells.splice(5, 0, {kind: 'text', text: parsed.assignment.template.durations[drug.duration[0]].name});
- }
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[strain_id].rows.push(row_element);
- });
- }
- else{
- var row_treatment_id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(10);
- var row_element = {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "X", treatment_id: row_treatment_id},
- {kind: 'text', text: strain.name},
- {kind: 'text', text: drug.name},
- {kind: 'text', text: parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[drug.concentrations[0]].name},
- ],
- treatment_id: row_treatment_id,
- cell_treatments: {
- "X": [
- {cell_line: strain_id,
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- drug_list: {
- list: [
- {drug_id: drug_id, concentration_id: drug.concentrations[0]},
- ]
- }
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- };
- if(parsed.assignment.has_start_time){
- row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['schedule'] = drug.schedule[0];
- row_element.cells.splice(4, 0, {kind: 'text', text: parsed.assignment.template.start_times[drug.schedule[0]].name});
- }
- if(parsed.assignment.has_duration){
- row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['duration'] = drug.duration[0];
- row_element.cells.splice(5, 0, {kind: 'text', text: parsed.assignment.template.durations[drug.duration[0]].name});
- }
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[strain_id].rows.push(row_element);
- }
- });
- });
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'experiment_setup_page3',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page2_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_start_time) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.experiment_setup.table[2].children.splice(2, 0, {
+ kind: "start",
+ title: "Treatment Start Time",
+ editable: false
+ });
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings.push('Start Time');
+ }
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_duration) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.experiment_setup.table[2].children.splice(3, 0, {
+ kind: "duration",
+ title: "Duration",
+ editable: false
+ });
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings.push('Duration');
+ }
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_collection_time) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.experiment_setup.table[2].children.splice(4, 0, {
+ kind: "collection",
+ title: "Collection Timepoints",
+ editable: false
+ });
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings.push('Collection');
+ }
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_temperature) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.experiment_setup.table.splice(3, 0, {
+ kind: 'temperature',
+ title: 'Temperature',
+ editable: false
+ });
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings.push('Temperature');
+ }
+ //collection_id: 'default'
+ _.each(parsed.assignment.template.cell_lines, function(strain, strain_id, list) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[strain_id] = {
+ rows: []
+ }
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.order.push(strain_id);
+ _.each(parsed.assignment.template.drugs, function(drug, drug_id, list) {
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_collection_time && parsed.assignment.has_temperature) {
+ _.each(parsed.assignment.template.collections, function(collection, collection_id, list) {
+ _.each(parsed.assignment.template.experiment_temperatures, function(temperature, temperature_id, list) {
+ var row_treatment_id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(10);
+ var row_element = {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "X",
+ treatment_id: row_treatment_id
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: strain.name
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: drug.name
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[drug.concentrations[0]].name
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: collection.name
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: temperature.name
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: row_treatment_id,
+ cell_treatments: {
+ "X": [
+ {
+ cell_line: strain_id,
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: drug_id,
+ concentration_id: drug.concentrations[0]
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_id: collection_id,
+ temperature: temperature_id
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ };
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_start_time) {
+ row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['schedule'] = drug.schedule[0];
+ row_element.cells.splice(4, 0, {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: parsed.assignment.template.start_times[drug.schedule[0]].name
+ });
+ }
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_duration) {
+ row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['duration'] = drug.duration[0];
+ row_element.cells.splice(5, 0, {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: parsed.assignment.template.durations[drug.duration[0]].name
+ });
+ }
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[strain_id].rows.push(row_element);
+ });
+ });
+ } else if (parsed.assignment.has_collection_time) {
+ _.each(parsed.assignment.template.collections, function(collection, collection_id, list) {
+ var row_treatment_id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(10);
+ var row_element = {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "X",
+ treatment_id: row_treatment_id
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: strain.name
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: drug.name
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[drug.concentrations[0]].name
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: collection.name
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: row_treatment_id,
+ cell_treatments: {
+ "X": [
+ {
+ cell_line: strain_id,
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: drug_id,
+ concentration_id: drug.concentrations[0]
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_id: collection_id
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ };
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_start_time) {
+ row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['schedule'] = drug.schedule[0];
+ row_element.cells.splice(4, 0, {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: parsed.assignment.template.start_times[drug.schedule[0]].name
+ });
+ }
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_duration) {
+ row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['duration'] = drug.duration[0];
+ row_element.cells.splice(5, 0, {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: parsed.assignment.template.durations[drug.duration[0]].name
+ });
+ }
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[strain_id].rows.push(row_element);
+ });
+ } else if (parsed.assignment.has_temperature) {
+ _.each(parsed.assignment.template.experiment_temperatures, function(temperature, temperature_id, list) {
+ var row_treatment_id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(10);
+ var row_element = {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "X",
+ treatment_id: row_treatment_id
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: strain.name
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: drug.name
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[drug.concentrations[0]].name
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: temperature.name
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: row_treatment_id,
+ cell_treatments: {
+ "X": [
+ {
+ cell_line: strain_id,
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: drug_id,
+ concentration_id: drug.concentrations[0]
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: temperature_id
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ };
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_start_time) {
+ row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['schedule'] = drug.schedule[0];
+ row_element.cells.splice(4, 0, {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: parsed.assignment.template.start_times[drug.schedule[0]].name
+ });
+ }
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_duration) {
+ row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['duration'] = drug.duration[0];
+ row_element.cells.splice(5, 0, {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: parsed.assignment.template.durations[drug.duration[0]].name
+ });
+ }
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[strain_id].rows.push(row_element);
+ });
+ } else {
+ var row_treatment_id = Math.random().toString(36).substring(10);
+ var row_element = {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "X",
+ treatment_id: row_treatment_id
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: strain.name
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: drug.name
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[drug.concentrations[0]].name
+ },
+ ],
+ treatment_id: row_treatment_id,
+ cell_treatments: {
+ "X": [
+ {
+ cell_line: strain_id,
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: drug_id,
+ concentration_id: drug.concentrations[0]
+ },
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ };
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_start_time) {
+ row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['schedule'] = drug.schedule[0];
+ row_element.cells.splice(4, 0, {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: parsed.assignment.template.start_times[drug.schedule[0]].name
+ });
+ }
+ if (parsed.assignment.has_duration) {
+ row_element.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0]['duration'] = drug.duration[0];
+ row_element.cells.splice(5, 0, {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: parsed.assignment.template.durations[drug.duration[0]].name
+ });
+ }
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog[strain_id].rows.push(row_element);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'experiment_setup_page3',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_edit = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id') ? $(element).attr('treatment_id'): Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- if(parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id]){
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id] = {concentrations: parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations, name: $(element).val(), schedule: parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule, duration: parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration};
- }
- else
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id] = {concentrations: [], name: $(element).val(), schedule: [], duration: []};
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_edit = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id') ? $(element).attr('treatment_id') : Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ if (parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id]) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id] = {
+ concentrations: parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations,
+ name: $(element).val(),
+ schedule: parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule,
+ duration: parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration
+ };
+ } else {
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id] = {
+ concentrations: [],
+ name: $(element).val(),
+ schedule: [],
+ duration: []
+ };
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_edit = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var concentration_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- var units= $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_units_edit select[treatment_id="'+$(element).attr('treatment_id')+'"]').val();
- parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[concentration_id] = {value: concentration_id, name: $(element).val() + ' ' + units, conc: $(element).val() , units: units};
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- if(parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations.length > 0){
- delete parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations[0]];
- }
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations = [];
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations.push(concentration_id);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_edit = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var concentration_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ var units = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_units_edit select[treatment_id="' + $(element).attr('treatment_id') + '"]').val();
+ parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[concentration_id] = {
+ value: concentration_id,
+ name: $(element).val() + ' ' + units,
+ conc: $(element).val(),
+ units: units
+ };
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ if (parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations.length > 0) {
+ delete parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations[0]];
+ }
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations = [];
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations.push(concentration_id);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_units_edit = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var concentration_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- var treatment_val= $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_edit[treatment_id="'+$(element).attr('treatment_id')+'"]').val();
- parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[concentration_id] = {value: concentration_id, name: treatment_val + ' ' + $(element).val(), conc: treatment_val, units: $(element).val()};
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- if(parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations.length > 0){
- delete parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations[0]];
- }
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations = [];
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations.push(concentration_id);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_units_edit = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var concentration_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ var treatment_val = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_edit[treatment_id="' + $(element).attr('treatment_id') + '"]').val();
+ parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[concentration_id] = {
+ value: concentration_id,
+ name: treatment_val + ' ' + $(element).val(),
+ conc: treatment_val,
+ units: $(element).val()
+ };
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ if (parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations.length > 0) {
+ delete parsed.assignment.template.concentrations[parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations[0]];
+ }
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations = [];
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].concentrations.push(concentration_id);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_edit = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var start_time_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- var units = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_units_edit select[treatment_id="'+$(element).attr('treatment_id')+'"]').val();
- parsed.assignment.template.start_times[start_time_id] = {name: $(element).val() + ' ' + units, time: $(element).val(), units: units};
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- if(parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule.length > 0){
- delete parsed.assignment.template.start_times[parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule[0]];
- }
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule = [];
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule.push(start_time_id);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_edit = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var start_time_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ var units = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_units_edit select[treatment_id="' + $(element).attr('treatment_id') + '"]').val();
+ parsed.assignment.template.start_times[start_time_id] = {
+ name: $(element).val() + ' ' + units,
+ time: $(element).val(),
+ units: units
+ };
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ if (parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule.length > 0) {
+ delete parsed.assignment.template.start_times[parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule[0]];
+ }
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule = [];
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule.push(start_time_id);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_units_edit = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var start_time_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- var start_time_val = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_edit[treatment_id="'+$(element).attr('treatment_id')+'"]').val();
- parsed.assignment.template.start_times[start_time_id] = {name: start_time_val + ' ' + $(element).val() , time: start_time_val, units: $(element).val() };
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- if(parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule.length > 0){
- delete parsed.assignment.template.start_times[parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule[0]];
- }
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule = [];
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule.push(start_time_id);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_units_edit = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var start_time_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ var start_time_val = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_edit[treatment_id="' + $(element).attr('treatment_id') + '"]').val();
+ parsed.assignment.template.start_times[start_time_id] = {
+ name: start_time_val + ' ' + $(element).val(),
+ time: start_time_val,
+ units: $(element).val()
+ };
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ if (parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule.length > 0) {
+ delete parsed.assignment.template.start_times[parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule[0]];
+ }
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule = [];
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].schedule.push(start_time_id);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_edit = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var duration_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- var units = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_units_edit select[treatment_id="'+$(element).attr('treatment_id')+'"]').val();
- parsed.assignment.template.durations[duration_id] = {name: $(element).val() + ' ' + units, duration: $(element).val(), units: units};
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- if(parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration.length > 0){
- delete parsed.assignment.template.durations[parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration[0]];
- }
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration = [];
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration.push(duration_id);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_edit = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var duration_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ var units = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_units_edit select[treatment_id="' + $(element).attr('treatment_id') + '"]').val();
+ parsed.assignment.template.durations[duration_id] = {
+ name: $(element).val() + ' ' + units,
+ duration: $(element).val(),
+ units: units
+ };
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ if (parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration.length > 0) {
+ delete parsed.assignment.template.durations[parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration[0]];
+ }
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration = [];
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration.push(duration_id);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_units_edit = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var duration_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- var duration_val = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_edit[treatment_id="'+$(element).attr('treatment_id')+'"]').val();
- parsed.assignment.template.durations[duration_id] = {name: duration_val + ' ' + $(element).val(), duration: duration_val, units: $(element).val()};
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- if(parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration.length > 0){
- delete parsed.assignment.template.durations[parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration[0]];
- }
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration = [];
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration.push(duration_id);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_units_edit = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var duration_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ var duration_val = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_edit[treatment_id="' + $(element).attr('treatment_id') + '"]').val();
+ parsed.assignment.template.durations[duration_id] = {
+ name: duration_val + ' ' + $(element).val(),
+ duration: duration_val,
+ units: $(element).val()
+ };
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ if (parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration.length > 0) {
+ delete parsed.assignment.template.durations[parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration[0]];
+ }
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration = [];
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id].duration.push(duration_id);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_treatment = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var drug_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- parsed.assignment.template.drugs[drug_id] = {concentrations: [], name: $(element).val(), schedule: [], duration: []};;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_treatment = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var drug_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ parsed.assignment.template.drugs[drug_id] = {
+ concentrations: [],
+ name: $(element).val(),
+ schedule: [],
+ duration: []
+ };;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_temperature_edit = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var temperature_id =$(element).attr('temperature_id') ? $(element).attr('temperature_id'): Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- parsed.assignment.template.experiment_temperatures[temperature_id] = { name: $(element).val() + degreeEntity + "C", temp: $(element).val()};
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_temperature_edit = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var temperature_id = $(element).attr('temperature_id') ? $(element).attr('temperature_id') : Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ parsed.assignment.template.experiment_temperatures[temperature_id] = {
+ name: $(element).val() + degreeEntity + "C",
+ temp: $(element).val()
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_temperature = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var temperature_id = $(element).attr('temperature_id') ? $(element).attr('temperature_id'): Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- parsed.assignment.template.experiment_temperatures[temperature_id] = {name: $(element).val() + degreeEntity + "C", temp: $(element).val() };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_temperature = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var temperature_id = $(element).attr('temperature_id') ? $(element).attr('temperature_id') : Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ parsed.assignment.template.experiment_temperatures[temperature_id] = {
+ name: $(element).val() + degreeEntity + "C",
+ temp: $(element).val()
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_collection_edit = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var collection_id = $(element).attr('collection_id') ? $(element).attr('collection_id'): Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- parsed.assignment.template.collections[collection_id] = {name: $(element).val()};
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_collection_edit = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var collection_id = $(element).attr('collection_id') ? $(element).attr('collection_id') : Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ parsed.assignment.template.collections[collection_id] = {
+ name: $(element).val()
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_collection = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var collection_id = $(element).attr('collection_id') ? $(element).attr('collection_id'): Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- parsed.assignment.template.collections[collection_id] = {name: $(element).val()};
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_collection = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var collection_id = $(element).attr('collection_id') ? $(element).attr('collection_id') : Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ parsed.assignment.template.collections[collection_id] = {
+ name: $(element).val()
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_treatment = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- delete parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id];
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_treatment = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ delete parsed.assignment.template.drugs[treatment_id];
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_temperature = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var temperature_id = $(element).attr('temperature_id') ;
- delete parsed.assignment.template.experiment_temperatures[temperature_id];
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_temperature = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var temperature_id = $(element).attr('temperature_id');
+ delete parsed.assignment.template.experiment_temperatures[temperature_id];
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_collection = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
- var collection_id = $(element).attr('collection_id') ;
- delete parsed.assignment.template.collections[collection_id];
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_collection = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.parse(element);
+ var collection_id = $(element).attr('collection_id');
+ delete parsed.assignment.template.collections[collection_id];
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
@@ -408,123 +590,125 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_c
scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_page2_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page2_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_edit', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_edit(this, e);
- });
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- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_edit(this, e);
- });
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- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_units_edit(this, e);
- });
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- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_edit(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_units_edit select', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_units_edit(this, e);
- });
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- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_edit(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_units_edit select', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_units_edit(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_temperature_edit', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_temperature_edit(this, e);
- });
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- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_collection_edit(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_temperature', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_temperature(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_treatment', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_treatment(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_collection', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_collection(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_treatment', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_treatment(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_temperature', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_temperature(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_collection', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_collection(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_page2_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page2_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_edit', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_edit(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_edit', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_edit(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_units_edit select', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_treatment_concentration_units_edit(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_edit', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_edit(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_units_edit select', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_start_time_units_edit(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_edit', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_edit(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_units_edit select', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_duration_units_edit(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_temperature_edit', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_temperature_edit(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_collection_edit', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_collection_edit(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_temperature', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_temperature(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_treatment', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_treatment(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_collection', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_add_collection(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_treatment', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_treatment(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_temperature', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_temperature(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_collection', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_collection(this, e);
+ });
scb.ui.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View = function scb_ui_InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ }
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_experiment_setup_page2.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_experiment_setup_page2.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
- });
+ });
- }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.js
index 3e067468..b80d47ee 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.js
@@ -1,254 +1,284 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View || {};
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.SORT_TOTAL = 4;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.SORT_TOTAL = 4;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_remove_row = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.parse(element);
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- var delete_row = null;
- _.each(parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog, function(strain){
- if(strain.rows){
- var delete_row = _.filter(strain.rows, function(row){
- return row.treatment_id == treatment_id;
- });
- if(delete_row.length > 0)
- strain.rows = _.without(strain.rows, delete_row[0]);
- }
- });
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_remove_row = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.parse(element);
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ var delete_row = null;
+ _.each(parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog, function(strain) {
+ if (strain.rows) {
+ var delete_row = _.filter(strain.rows, function(row) {
+ return row.treatment_id == treatment_id;
+ });
+ if (delete_row.length > 0) {
+ strain.rows = _.without(strain.rows, delete_row[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'experiment_setup_page4',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'experiment_setup_page4',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_sort_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.parse(element);
- $.jqDialog.content(scb_instructor_experiment_setup_page3.sort_window({assignment: parsed.assignment}));
- $('.scb_f_sort_close_button').click(function(){
- if($('.scb_s_sort_dialog').length >0){
- $('.scb_s_sort_dialog').remove();
- $('.overlay').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').hide();
- }
- });
- $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_sort').click(function(){
- parsed.assignment.sort = [];
- _.each($('.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_sort_row'), function(key,value,list){
- var index = value+1;
- if($('.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_checkbox_sort'+index, key).attr('checked')){
- var sort_object = {}
- sort_object['sort'] = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_field_sort'+index, key).val();
- sort_object['sort_type'] = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_type_sort'+index, key).val();
- parsed.assignment.sort.push(sort_object);
- }
- });
- if($('.scb_s_sort_dialog').length >0){
- $('.scb_s_sort_dialog').remove();
- $('.overlay').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').hide();
- }
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
- });
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_sort_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.parse(element);
+ $.jqDialog.content(scb_instructor_experiment_setup_page3.sort_window({
+ assignment: parsed.assignment
+ }));
+ $('.scb_f_sort_close_button').click(function() {
+ if ($('.scb_s_sort_dialog').length > 0) {
+ $('.scb_s_sort_dialog').remove();
+ $('.overlay').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').hide();
+ }
+ });
+ $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_sort').click(function() {
+ parsed.assignment.sort = [];
+ _.each($('.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_sort_row'), function(key, value, list) {
+ var index = value + 1;
+ if ($('.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_checkbox_sort' + index, key).attr('checked')) {
+ var sort_object = {}
+ sort_object['sort'] = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_field_sort' + index, key).val();
+ sort_object['sort_type'] = $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_type_sort' + index, key).val();
+ parsed.assignment.sort.push(sort_object);
+ }
+ });
+ if ($('.scb_s_sort_dialog').length > 0) {
+ $('.scb_s_sort_dialog').remove();
+ $('.overlay').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').hide();
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+ });
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_sort_close_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.parse(element);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_sort_close_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.parse(element);
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_sort = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.parse(element);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_sort = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.parse(element);
scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_remove_row', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_remove_row(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_sort_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_sort_button(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_remove_row', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page3_remove_row(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_sort_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.scb_f_experiment_setup_sort_button(this, e);
+ });
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.rows = function(dialog, sort_order){
- var rows =[];
- var headings = dialog.headings;
- var sorting_conditions = [];
- for(var x = 0 ; x < sort_order.length ; x++){
- for(var y = 0; y < headings.length; y++){
- if(sort_order[x]['sort'] == headings[y]){
- sorting_conditions.push([y-1, sort_order[x]['sort_type']]);
- }
- }
- }
- _.each(dialog.order, function(strain){
- _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row){
- var insert_row = {treatment_id:row.treatment_id, row: []};
- _.each(row.cells, function(cell){
- if(cell.kind=='text')
- insert_row.row.push(cell.text);
- });
- rows.push(insert_row);
- });
- });
- rows = rows.sort(
- function(a, b){
- if(a.treatment_id == 'zh1zia4i'|| b.treatment_id =='zh1zia4i'){
- console.log('foundit');
- }
- if(sort_order.length <=0){
- if( a.row[0] > b.row[0]) return 1;
- if( a.row[0] < b.row[0]) return -1;
- if(a.row[0] == b.row[0]) return 0;
- }
- if(sort_order.length >=1){
- if( a.row[sorting_conditions[0][0]] > b.row[sorting_conditions[0][0]]) return sorting_conditions[0][1] == 'Ascending'? 1: -1;
- if( a.row[sorting_conditions[0][0]] < b.row[sorting_conditions[0][0]]) return sorting_conditions[0][1] == 'Ascending' ? -1: 1;
-// if(a.row[sorting_conditions[0][0]] == b.row[sorting_conditions[0][0]]) return 0;
- }
- if(sort_order.length >=2){
- if( a.row[sorting_conditions[1][0]] > b.row[sorting_conditions[1][0]]) return sorting_conditions[1][1] == 'Ascending'? 1: -1;
- if( a.row[sorting_conditions[1][0]] < b.row[sorting_conditions[1][0]]) return sorting_conditions[1][1] == 'Ascending' ? -1: 1;
-// if(a.row[sorting_conditions[1][0]] == b.row[sorting_conditions[1][0]]) return 0;
- }
- if(sort_order.length >=3){
- if( a.row[sorting_conditions[2][0]] > b.row[sorting_conditions[2][0]]) return sorting_conditions[2][1] == 'Ascending'? 1: -1;
- if( a.row[sorting_conditions[2][0]] < b.row[sorting_conditions[2][0]]) return sorting_conditions[2][1] == 'Ascending' ? -1: 1;
-// if(a.row[sorting_conditions[2][0]] == b.row[sorting_conditions[2][0]]) return 0;
- }
- if(sort_order.length >=4){
- if( a.row[sorting_conditions[3][0]] > b.row[sorting_conditions[3][0]]) return sorting_conditions[3][1] == 'Ascending'? 1: -1;
- if( a.row[sorting_conditions[3][0]] < b.row[sorting_conditions[3][0]]) return sorting_conditions[3][1] == 'Ascending' ? -1: 1;
-// if(a.row[sorting_conditions[3][0]] == b.row[sorting_conditions[3][0]]) return 0;
- }
- }
- );
- return rows;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.rows = function(dialog, sort_order) {
+ var rows = [];
+ var headings = dialog.headings;
+ var sorting_conditions = [];
+ for (var x = 0; x < sort_order.length; x++) {
+ for (var y = 0; y < headings.length; y++) {
+ if (sort_order[x]['sort'] == headings[y]) {
+ sorting_conditions.push([y - 1, sort_order[x]['sort_type']]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _.each(dialog.order, function(strain) {
+ _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row) {
+ var insert_row = {
+ treatment_id: row.treatment_id,
+ row: []
+ };
+ _.each(row.cells, function(cell) {
+ if (cell.kind == 'text') {
+ insert_row.row.push(cell.text);
+ }
+ });
+ rows.push(insert_row);
+ });
+ });
+ rows = rows.sort(function(a, b) {
+ if (a.treatment_id == 'zh1zia4i' || b.treatment_id == 'zh1zia4i') {
+ console.log('foundit');
+ }
+ if (sort_order.length <= 0) {
+ if (a.row[0] > b.row[0]) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (a.row[0] < b.row[0]) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (a.row[0] == b.row[0]) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (sort_order.length >= 1) {
+ if (a.row[sorting_conditions[0][0]] > b.row[sorting_conditions[0][0]]) {
+ return sorting_conditions[0][1] == 'Ascending' ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ if (a.row[sorting_conditions[0][0]] < b.row[sorting_conditions[0][0]]) {
+ return sorting_conditions[0][1] == 'Ascending' ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ // if(a.row[sorting_conditions[0][0]] == b.row[sorting_conditions[0][0]]) return 0;
+ }
+ if (sort_order.length >= 2) {
+ if (a.row[sorting_conditions[1][0]] > b.row[sorting_conditions[1][0]]) {
+ return sorting_conditions[1][1] == 'Ascending' ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ if (a.row[sorting_conditions[1][0]] < b.row[sorting_conditions[1][0]]) {
+ return sorting_conditions[1][1] == 'Ascending' ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ // if(a.row[sorting_conditions[1][0]] == b.row[sorting_conditions[1][0]]) return 0;
+ }
+ if (sort_order.length >= 3) {
+ if (a.row[sorting_conditions[2][0]] > b.row[sorting_conditions[2][0]]) {
+ return sorting_conditions[2][1] == 'Ascending' ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ if (a.row[sorting_conditions[2][0]] < b.row[sorting_conditions[2][0]]) {
+ return sorting_conditions[2][1] == 'Ascending' ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ // if(a.row[sorting_conditions[2][0]] == b.row[sorting_conditions[2][0]]) return 0;
+ }
+ if (sort_order.length >= 4) {
+ if (a.row[sorting_conditions[3][0]] > b.row[sorting_conditions[3][0]]) {
+ return sorting_conditions[3][1] == 'Ascending' ? 1 : -1;
+ }
+ if (a.row[sorting_conditions[3][0]] < b.row[sorting_conditions[3][0]]) {
+ return sorting_conditions[3][1] == 'Ascending' ? -1 : 1;
+ }
+ // if(a.row[sorting_conditions[3][0]] == b.row[sorting_conditions[3][0]]) return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ return rows;
scb.ui.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View = function scb_ui_InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- var rows = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.rows(assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog, assignments.selected.sort);
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_experiment_setup_page3.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- rows: rows,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ var rows = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.rows(assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog, assignments.selected.sort);
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_experiment_setup_page3.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ rows: rows,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.js
index b43a05aa..bf1927ff 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,123 +10,129 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View = scb.ui.static.InstructorExper
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page4_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'select_technique',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page4_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'select_technique',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_page4_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page4_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_page4_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.scb_f_experiment_setup_page4_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
-scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.rows = function(dialog){
- var rows =[];
- var headings = dialog.headings;
- _.each(dialog.order, function(strain){
- _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row){
- var insert_row = {treatment_id:row.treatment_id, row: []};
- _.each(row.cells, function(cell){
- if(cell.kind=='text')
- insert_row.row.push(cell.text);
- else
- insert_row.row.push('cell_plate');
- });
- rows.push(insert_row);
- });
- });
- return rows;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.rows = function(dialog) {
+ var rows = [];
+ var headings = dialog.headings;
+ _.each(dialog.order, function(strain) {
+ _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row) {
+ var insert_row = {
+ treatment_id: row.treatment_id,
+ row: []
+ };
+ _.each(row.cells, function(cell) {
+ if (cell.kind == 'text') {
+ insert_row.row.push(cell.text);
+ } else {
+ insert_row.row.push('cell_plate');
+ }
+ });
+ rows.push(insert_row);
+ });
+ });
+ return rows;
scb.ui.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View = function scb_ui_InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- var rows = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.rows(assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog);
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_experiment_setup_page4.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- rows: rows,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ var rows = scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.rows(assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog);
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_experiment_setup_page4.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ rows: rows,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorFacsPage1View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorFacsPage1View.js
index c48ca248..cfdedf64 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorFacsPage1View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorFacsPage1View.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,111 +10,113 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View = scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View ||
-scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View.scb_f_facs_page1_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
+scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View.scb_f_facs_page1_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'facs_page2',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'facs_page2',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_page1_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View.scb_f_facs_page1_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_page1_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View.scb_f_facs_page1_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
scb.ui.InstructorFacsPage1View = function scb_ui_InstructorFacsPage1View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_facs_page1.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_facs_page1.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorFacsPage2View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorFacsPage2View.js
index cb065270..cd6f7700 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorFacsPage2View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorFacsPage2View.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,123 +10,127 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View = scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View ||
-scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View.scb_f_facs_page2_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var view = '';
- if(_.contains(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques, 'micro'))
- view = 'microscopy_page1';
- else view = 'dashboard';
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: view,
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View.scb_f_facs_page2_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var view = '';
+ if (_.contains(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques, 'micro')) {
+ view = 'microscopy_page1';
+ } else {
+ view = 'dashboard';
+ }
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: view,
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_page2_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View.scb_f_facs_page2_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_page2_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View.scb_f_facs_page2_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
scb.ui.InstructorFacsPage2View = function scb_ui_InstructorFacsPage2View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_facs_page2.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_facs_page2.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorFrame.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorFrame.js
index 429cd255..cc5ca9b6 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorFrame.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorFrame.js
@@ -5,1125 +5,1141 @@ scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame || {};
-scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash = function (state) {
- console.info("update_hash " + state.onhashchange);
- console.info($.bbq.getState());
- console.info(state);
- if (!state.onhashchange) {
- delete state.onhashchange;
- var History = window.History;
- if (!History.enabled) {
- return;
- }
- History.discardedState();
- History.discardedState();
- History.pushState(state, 2, "/#" + $.param(state));
+scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash = function(state) {
+ console.info("update_hash " + state.onhashchange);
+ console.info($.bbq.getState());
+ console.info(state);
+ if (!state.onhashchange) {
+ delete state.onhashchange;
+ var History = window.History;
+ if (!History.enabled) {
+ return;
+ History.discardedState();
+ History.discardedState();
+ History.pushState(state, 2, "/#" + $.param(state));
+ }
scb.ui.InstructorFrame = function scb_ui_InstructorFrame(master_model, context) {
- var self = this;
- var pending_save = false;
- context.main_frame = self;
- self.sections = {};
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(master_model.assignments, context);
- user_is_auth = typeof get_student_courses_result != "undefined" ? get_student_courses_result.is_auth : get_instructor_assignments_result.is_auth;
+ var self = this;
+ var pending_save = false;
+ context.main_frame = self;
+ self.sections = {};
- user_token = typeof get_student_courses_result != "undefined" ? get_student_courses_result.token : get_instructor_assignments_result.token;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(master_model.assignments, context);
+ user_is_auth = typeof get_student_courses_result != "undefined" ? get_student_courses_result.is_auth : get_instructor_assignments_result.is_auth;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.ensure_auth_context = function () {
- context = context || {};
- context.auth = context.auth || {};
- }
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state = function (state) {
- var ret = {
- redisplay: false
- };
- if (state.assignment_id) {
- var assignment = assignments.get(state.assignment_id);
- if (assignment) {
- assignments.selected_id = assignment.id;
- ret.assignment = assignment;
- if (state.experiment_id) {
- var experiment = assignment.experiments.get(state.experiment_id);
- if (experiment) {
- assignment.experiments.selected_id = experiment.id;
- ret.experiment = experiment;
- if (state.western_blot_id) {
- var western_blot = experiment.western_blot_list.get(state.western_blot_id);
- if (western_blot) {
- ret.western_blot = western_blot;
- if (state.western_blot_gel_id && western_blot) {
- var western_blot_gel = western_blot.gel_list.get(state.western_blot_gel_id);
- ret.western_blot_gel = western_blot_gel;
- }
- }
- }
- if (state.cell_treatment_id) {
- var cell_treatment = experiment.cell_treatment_list.get(state.cell_treatment_id);
- if (cell_treatment) {
- ret.cell_treatment = cell_treatment;
- if (state.treatment_id && cell_treatment) {
- var treatment = cell_treatment.treatment_list.get(state.treatment_id);
- ret.treatment = treatment;
- }
- }
- }
- if (state.facs_id) {
- var facs = experiment.facs_list.get(state.facs_id);
- if (facs) {
- ret.facs = facs;
- if (state.facs_lane_id && facs) {
- var facs_lane = facs.lanes_list.get(state.facs_lane_id)
- ret.facs_lane = facs_lane;
- }
- }
- }
- if (state.microscopy_id) {
- var microscopy = experiment.microscopy_list.get(state.microscopy_id);
- if(microscopy) {
- ret.microscopy = microscopy;
- }
- if (state.microscopy_lane_id && microscopy) {
- var microscopy_lane = microscopy.lanes_list.get(state.microscopy_lane_id)
- ret.microscopy_lane = microscopy_lane;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- state.onhashchange = false;
- state.view = 'course_setup';
- delete state.experiment_id;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- ret.redisplay = true;
- ret.redisplay_state = state;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- state.onhashchange = false;
- state.view = 'course_setup';
- delete state.assignment_id;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- ret.redisplay = true;
- ret.redisplay_state = state;
- }
- }
- if (ret.redisplay == false && state.skip_hash_update != true) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- }
- ret.context = context;
- return ret;
- }
+ user_token = typeof get_student_courses_result != "undefined" ? get_student_courses_result.token : get_instructor_assignments_result.token;
- window._assigments = assignments;
- self.current_tab = {
- hide: scb.Utils.noop,
- show: scb.Utils.noop
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.ensure_auth_context = function() {
+ context = context || {};
+ context.auth = context.auth || {};
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state = function(state) {
+ var ret = {
+ redisplay: false
- var workarea = context.ui;
- workarea.css({
- 'height': '100%'
- });
- scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax = false;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax = false;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax_message = '';
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax_display = function () {
- var saving = $('#saving');
- if (scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax) {
- saving.show();
- $('#saving_message', saving).html(scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax_message);
- }
- else {
- saving.hide();
- }
- }
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.save = function () {
- var tmp;
- try {
- tmp = assignments.selected.experiments.selected_id;
- } catch (ex) {
- }
- try {
- assignment.selected.experiments.selected_id = null;
- } catch (ex) {
- }
- var model_string = JSON.stringify(master_model);
- if (localStorage.getItem("scb_master_model") != model_string) {
- master_model.timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
- model_string = JSON.stringify(master_model);
- try {
- localStorage.setItem("scb_master_model", model_string);
- if (!scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax = true;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax = true;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax_message = '';
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax_display();
- scb.utils.server.call(model_string, function (state) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax = false;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax = !state.success;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax_message = !state.success ? 'Failed, will retry in 30 seconds.' : '';
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax_display();
- });
+ if (state.assignment_id) {
+ var assignment = assignments.get(state.assignment_id);
+ if (assignment) {
+ assignments.selected_id = assignment.id;
+ ret.assignment = assignment;
+ if (state.experiment_id) {
+ var experiment = assignment.experiments.get(state.experiment_id);
+ if (experiment) {
+ assignment.experiments.selected_id = experiment.id;
+ ret.experiment = experiment;
+ if (state.western_blot_id) {
+ var western_blot = experiment.western_blot_list.get(state.western_blot_id);
+ if (western_blot) {
+ ret.western_blot = western_blot;
+ if (state.western_blot_gel_id && western_blot) {
+ var western_blot_gel = western_blot.gel_list.get(state.western_blot_gel_id);
+ ret.western_blot_gel = western_blot_gel;
+ }
- catch (e) {
+ if (state.cell_treatment_id) {
+ var cell_treatment = experiment.cell_treatment_list.get(state.cell_treatment_id);
+ if (cell_treatment) {
+ ret.cell_treatment = cell_treatment;
+ if (state.treatment_id && cell_treatment) {
+ var treatment = cell_treatment.treatment_list.get(state.treatment_id);
+ ret.treatment = treatment;
+ }
+ }
+ if (state.facs_id) {
+ var facs = experiment.facs_list.get(state.facs_id);
+ if (facs) {
+ ret.facs = facs;
+ if (state.facs_lane_id && facs) {
+ var facs_lane = facs.lanes_list.get(state.facs_lane_id)
+ ret.facs_lane = facs_lane;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (state.microscopy_id) {
+ var microscopy = experiment.microscopy_list.get(state.microscopy_id);
+ if (microscopy) {
+ ret.microscopy = microscopy;
+ }
+ if (state.microscopy_lane_id && microscopy) {
+ var microscopy_lane = microscopy.lanes_list.get(state.microscopy_lane_id)
+ ret.microscopy_lane = microscopy_lane;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ state.view = 'course_setup';
+ delete state.experiment_id;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ ret.redisplay = true;
+ ret.redisplay_state = state;
+ }
- try {
- assignment.experiments.selected_id = tmp;
- } catch (ex) {
- }
- };
+ } else {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.load = function () {
- var master_model = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("scb_master_model"));
- starcellbio(context.ui, master_model);
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ state.view = 'course_setup';
+ delete state.assignment_id;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ ret.redisplay = true;
+ ret.redisplay_state = state;
+ }
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.clear_NO_PROMPT = function () {
- $.ajax({url: '/accounts/logout/', async: false, timeout: 5 });
- self.show({view: 'dashboard'});
- master_model = master_model_data;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.save();
- starcellbio(context.ui, master_model);
+ if (ret.redisplay == false && state.skip_hash_update != true) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.clear = function () {
- var r = prompt("This will restart whole assignment. Your saved data will be lost. Type: 'YES' to proceed.");
- if (r == 'YES') {
- self.show({view: 'dashboard'});
- master_model = master_model_data;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.save();
- starcellbio(context.ui, master_model);
+ ret.context = context;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ window._assigments = assignments;
+ self.current_tab = {
+ hide: scb.Utils.noop,
+ show: scb.Utils.noop
+ };
+ var workarea = context.ui;
+ workarea.css({
+ 'height': '100%'
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorDashboardView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorCourseSetupView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorAssignmentSetupView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage1View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFacsPage2View.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax = false;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax = false;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax_message = '';
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax_display = function() {
+ var saving = $('#saving');
+ if (scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax) {
+ saving.show();
+ $('#saving_message', saving).html(scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax_message);
+ } else {
+ saving.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.save = function() {
+ var tmp;
+ try {
+ tmp = assignments.selected.experiments.selected_id;
+ } catch ( ex ) {}
+ try {
+ assignment.selected.experiments.selected_id = null;
+ } catch ( ex ) {}
+ var model_string = JSON.stringify(master_model);
+ if (localStorage.getItem("scb_master_model") != model_string) {
+ master_model.timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
+ model_string = JSON.stringify(master_model);
+ try {
+ localStorage.setItem("scb_master_model", model_string);
+ if (!scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax = true;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax = true;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax_message = '';
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax_display();
+ scb.utils.server.call(model_string, function(state) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax = false;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax = !state.success;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.show_in_ajax_message = !state.success ? 'Failed, will retry in 30 seconds.' : '';
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax_display();
+ });
- else {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("Operation canceled!\n If you wanted to clear everything type YES in previous dialog.",
- function() {$('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();/* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });;
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ } catch ( e ) {}
+ }
+ try {
+ assignment.experiments.selected_id = tmp;
+ } catch ( ex ) {}
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.load = function() {
+ var master_model = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("scb_master_model"));
+ starcellbio(context.ui, master_model);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.clear_NO_PROMPT = function() {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: '/accounts/logout/',
+ async: false,
+ timeout: 5
+ });
+ self.show({
+ view: 'dashboard'
+ });
+ master_model = master_model_data;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.save();
+ starcellbio(context.ui, master_model);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.clear = function() {
+ var r = prompt("This will restart whole assignment. Your saved data will be lost. Type: 'YES' to proceed.");
+ if (r == 'YES') {
+ self.show({
+ view: 'dashboard'
+ });
+ master_model = master_model_data;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.save();
+ starcellbio(context.ui, master_model);
+ } else {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("Operation canceled!\n If you wanted to clear everything type YES in previous dialog.", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove(); /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });;
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- }
+ }
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.save_master_model', function () {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.save();
- alert("Save");
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.save_master_model', function() {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.save();
+ alert("Save");
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.load_master_model', function () {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.load();
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.load_master_model', function() {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.load();
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.clear_master_model', function () {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.clear();
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.clear_master_model', function() {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.clear();
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.remove_experiment', function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.confirm("Delete experiment?",
- function() {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- var model_id = scb.Utils.get_attribute($(this), 'experiment_id');
- assignments.selected.experiments.remove(model_id);
- assignments.selected.experiments.selected_id = null;
- self.show({});
- },// callback function for 'YES' button
- function() {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- return;
- } // callback function for 'NO' button
- );
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.remove_experiment', function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.scb_f_contact', function (evt) {
- $(workarea).append(scb_contact.contact({}));
- $(workarea).prepend(scb_common.contact_overlay());
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_contact_close_button', function () {
- $('.scb_s_contact_dialog').detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- });
- $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).load(function(){
- $('.scb_s_contact_dialog').draggable({ handle:'.scb_s_feedback_form'});
- var iframe = $('.scb_s_contact_iframe').get(0);
- var content = (iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow);
- content.body.style.fontSize = '90%';
- content.body.style.fontFamily = 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif';
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- $(inputs).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif');
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- var texts = content.querySelectorAll('input');
- $(texts).attr('placeholder', '');
- $(texts).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, sans-serif');
- var iframe = $('.scb_s_contact_iframe').contents();
- iframe.find('input[type="checkbox"]').css('height', '12px');
- var fieldset = content.querySelectorAll('fieldset');
- $(fieldset).css('border', '0');
- $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).contents().find(".scb_f_contact_submit_button").click(function(e){
- $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).load(function(){
- var profile = $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).contents().get(0);
- if(profile.body.textContent.indexOf('you for your feedback.') >0){
- parent.document.location.reload();
- }
- });
- });
- });
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.scb_f_user_guide', function (evt) {
- var iframe_history=['#'];
- var currentPush = false;
- $('body').append(scb_userguide.userguide({}));
- $("#closesearch").hide();
- $(".scb_s_ug_home").addClass('scb_s_ug_home_disabled');
- $('.scb_s_ug_home').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
- scb.utils.off_on('body', 'click', '.scb_f_ug_close_button', function () {
- $('.scb_f_ug_help_search_bar').detach();
- });
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- $(this).css({ cursor: "" });
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- {
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- }
- catch(err)
- {
- var popoutWindow =window.open("ug2/full_guide.html#"+popout_string);
- }
- });
- $("#closesearch").click(function(){
- $('.help_search_input').val('');
- $("#closesearch").hide();
- $(".scb_s_ug_home").click();
- });
- });
- });
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.scb_f_login', function (evt) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.ensure_auth_context();
- if(assignments.selected && !user_is_auth){
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.confirm("If you sign in to your account, you will lose your current work as a guest. Would you like to continue?",
- function() {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- if (user_is_auth) {
- window.location = '/accounts/logout/';
- }
- else {
- add_login_script(workarea);
- }
- evt.preventDefault();
- },// callback function for 'YES' button
- function() {
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- return;
- } // callback function for 'NO' button
- );
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- evt.preventDefault();
- }
- else{
- if (user_is_auth) {
- window.location = '/accounts/logout/';
- }
- else {
- add_login_script(workarea);
- }
- evt.preventDefault();
- }
- });
+ $.jqDialog.confirm("Delete experiment?", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ var model_id = scb.Utils.get_attribute($(this), 'experiment_id');
+ assignments.selected.experiments.remove(model_id);
+ assignments.selected.experiments.selected_id = null;
+ self.show({});
+ }, // callback function for 'YES' button
+ function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ return;
+ } // callback function for 'NO' button
+ );
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ });
- self.sections.dashboard = new scb.ui.InstructorDashboardView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.course_setup = new scb.ui.InstructorCourseSetupView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.assignment_setup = new scb.ui.InstructorAssignmentSetupView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.experiment_setup_page1 = new scb.ui.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.experiment_setup_page2 = new scb.ui.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.experiment_setup_page3 = new scb.ui.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.experiment_setup_page4 = new scb.ui.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.scb_f_contact', function(evt) {
+ $(workarea).append(scb_contact.contact({}));
+ $(workarea).prepend(scb_common.contact_overlay());
- self.sections.select_technique = new scb.ui.InstructorSelectTechniqueView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_contact_close_button', function() {
+ $('.scb_s_contact_dialog').detach();
- self.sections.western_blot_page1 = new scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.western_blot_page2 = new scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- self.sections.western_blot_page3 = new scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.western_blot_page4 = new scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.western_blot_page5 = new scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.microscopy_page1 = new scb.ui.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.microscopy_page2 = new scb.ui.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
+ $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).load(function() {
+ $('.scb_s_contact_dialog').draggable({
+ handle: '.scb_s_feedback_form'
+ });
+ var iframe = $('.scb_s_contact_iframe').get(0);
+ var content = (iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow);
+ content.body.style.fontSize = '90%';
+ content.body.style.fontFamily = 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif';
+ var inputs = content.getElementsByTagName('button');
+ $(inputs).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif');
+ var fieldset = content.querySelectorAll('fieldset');
+ var texts = content.querySelectorAll('input');
+ $(texts).attr('placeholder', '');
+ $(texts).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, sans-serif');
+ var iframe = $('.scb_s_contact_iframe').contents();
+ iframe.find('input[type="checkbox"]').css('height', '12px');
+ var fieldset = content.querySelectorAll('fieldset');
+ $(fieldset).css('border', '0');
+ $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).contents().find(".scb_f_contact_submit_button").click(function(e) {
+ $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).load(function() {
+ var profile = $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).contents().get(0);
+ if (profile.body.textContent.indexOf('you for your feedback.') > 0) {
+ parent.document.location.reload();
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
- self.sections.microscopy_page3 = new scb.ui.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.facs_page1 = new scb.ui.InstructorFacsPage1View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.scb_f_user_guide', function(evt) {
+ var iframe_history = ['#'];
+ var currentPush = false;
+ $('body').append(scb_userguide.userguide({}));
+ $("#closesearch").hide();
+ $(".scb_s_ug_home").addClass('scb_s_ug_home_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_home').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ scb.utils.off_on('body', 'click', '.scb_f_ug_close_button', function() {
+ $('.scb_f_ug_help_search_bar').detach();
- self.sections.facs_page2 = new scb.ui.InstructorFacsPage2View({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
+ $(function() {
+ $(".scb_f_ug_help_search_bar").mousemove(function(e) {
+ var myPos = $(this).offset();
+ myPos.bottom = $(this).offset().top + $(this).outerHeight();
+ myPos.right = $(this).offset().left + $(this).outerWidth();
+ if (myPos.bottom > e.pageY && e.pageY > myPos.bottom - 20 && myPos.right > e.pageX && e.pageX > myPos.right - 20) {
+ $(this).css({
+ cursor: "nwse-resize"
+ });
+ } else {
+ $(this).css({
+ cursor: ""
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').load(function() {
+ $('.scb_f_ug_help_search_bar').width($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('.scb_f_help_display').width() + 20);
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').width($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('.scb_f_help').width() + 20);
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').height($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('.scb_f_help').height() + 20);
+ $('.scb_f_ug_help_search_bar').draggable({
+ handle: '.user_guide_title'
+ });
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('body').css('font-family', "Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif");
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find("#popout").hide();
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().click(function(event) {
+ if (event.target.className != 'scb_s_ug_home' && event.target.id != 'search') {
+ if (iframe_history.length == 0) {
+ iframe_history = ['#'];
+ }
+ $(".scb_s_ug_home").removeClass('scb_s_ug_home_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_home').removeAttr('disabled');
+ if ($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find("#popout").length > 0) {
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find("#popout").hide();
+ }
+ var anchor_element = $(event.target).closest('.anchors')
+ if (event.target.className == 'intextlink') {
+ anchor_element = $(event.target).get(0);
+ }
+ var anchor_hash = $(anchor_element).attr('href');
+ var window_location = window.location.toString() + '/static/ug2/help.html' + anchor_hash;
+ hashchange_function(anchor_hash, anchor_element);
+ iframe_history.push(anchor_hash);
+ currentPush = true;
+ //console.log(iframe_history);
+ $(".scb_s_ug_back").removeClass('scb_s_ug_back_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_back').removeAttr('disabled');
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
- self.show = function (state) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.ensure_auth_context();
- context.auth.logged_in = user_is_auth;
- state = state || {
- view: 'dashboard'
+ $('#search').click(function() {
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').ready(function() {
+ $("#closesearch").show();
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find(".help_search_input").val($(".help_search_input").val());
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find("#search").click();
+ });
+ });
+ $('.help_search_input').keypress(function(e) {
+ var key = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : 0;
+ if (key == 13) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ console.log($(".help_search_input").val());
+ $('#search').click();
- if (state.onhashchange) {
- window.scrollTo(0, 0);
+ });
+ $(".scb_s_ug_home").click(function() {
+ iframe_history.push('#');
+ currentPush = true;
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find(".scb_s_ug_home").click();
+ $(".scb_s_ug_home").addClass('scb_s_ug_home_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_home').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ $(".scb_s_ug_back").removeClass('scb_s_ug_back_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_back').removeAttr('disabled');
+ $("#closesearch").hide();
+ $(".help_search_input").val("");
+ });
+ $(".scb_s_ug_back").click(function() {
+ var back_url = iframe_history.pop();
+ if (currentPush) {
+ back_url = iframe_history.pop();
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.save();
- console.info(JSON.stringify(state));
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- self.show(parsed.redisplay_state);
- return;
+ currentPush = false;
+ if (back_url) {
+ if (back_url == "#") {
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find(".scb_s_ug_home").click();
+ } else {
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('a[href="' + back_url + '"]').click();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $(".scb_s_ug_back").addClass('scb_s_ug_back_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_back').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ $(".scb_s_ug_home").addClass('scb_s_ug_home_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_home').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
- if (state.view == 'dashboard') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.dashboard.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
+ });
+ console.info('clicked main popout', $('.main_popout'));
+ $(".main_popout").click(function() {
+ var popout_string = "";
+ var visible = $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('.scb_s_section_inactive:visible');
+ if (visible.length == 1) {
+ if ($(visible).attr('class') == 'scb_s_section_inactive') {
+ popout_string = $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('*:visible ').closest('.scb_s_help_sublink').attr('class').split(' ')[1];
+ } else {
+ popout_string = $(visible).attr('class');
+ }
+ } else {
+ popout_string = $($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('span:visible').get(0)).attr('class');
- if (state.view == 'course_setup') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.course_setup.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
+ popout_string = popout_string.replace(/_/g, '-');
+ if ($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('.scb_s_section_inactive').length == 0) {
+ popout_string = "";
- if (state.view == 'assignment_setup') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.assignment_setup.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
+ try {
+ var popoutWindow = window.open("static/ug2/full_guide.html#" + popout_string);
+ } catch ( err ) {
+ var popoutWindow = window.open("ug2/full_guide.html#" + popout_string);
- if (state.view == 'experiment_setup_page1') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.experiment_setup_page1.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'experiment_setup_page2') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ });
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.experiment_setup_page2.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'experiment_setup_page3') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ $("#closesearch").click(function() {
+ $('.help_search_input').val('');
+ $("#closesearch").hide();
+ $(".scb_s_ug_home").click();
+ });
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.experiment_setup_page3.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'experiment_setup_page4') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ });
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.experiment_setup_page4.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
+ });
- if (state.view == 'select_technique') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.scb_f_login', function(evt) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.ensure_auth_context();
+ if (assignments.selected && !user_is_auth) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.select_technique.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'western_blot_page1') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.western_blot_page1.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'western_blot_page2') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ $.jqDialog.confirm("If you sign in to your account, you will lose your current work as a guest. Would you like to continue?", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ if (user_is_auth) {
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.western_blot_page2.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
+ window.location = '/accounts/logout/';
+ } else {
+ add_login_script(workarea);
- if (state.view == 'western_blot_page3') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }, // callback function for 'YES' button
+ function() {
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ return;
+ } // callback function for 'NO' button
+ );
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ } else {
+ if (user_is_auth) {
+ window.location = '/accounts/logout/';
+ } else {
+ add_login_script(workarea);
+ }
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ self.sections.dashboard = new scb.ui.InstructorDashboardView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.course_setup = new scb.ui.InstructorCourseSetupView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.assignment_setup = new scb.ui.InstructorAssignmentSetupView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.experiment_setup_page1 = new scb.ui.InstructorExperimentSetupPage1View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.experiment_setup_page2 = new scb.ui.InstructorExperimentSetupPage2View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.experiment_setup_page3 = new scb.ui.InstructorExperimentSetupPage3View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.experiment_setup_page4 = new scb.ui.InstructorExperimentSetupPage4View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.select_technique = new scb.ui.InstructorSelectTechniqueView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.western_blot_page1 = new scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.western_blot_page2 = new scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.western_blot_page3 = new scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.western_blot_page4 = new scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.western_blot_page5 = new scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.microscopy_page1 = new scb.ui.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.microscopy_page2 = new scb.ui.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.microscopy_page3 = new scb.ui.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.facs_page1 = new scb.ui.InstructorFacsPage1View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.facs_page2 = new scb.ui.InstructorFacsPage2View({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.ensure_auth_context();
+ context.auth.logged_in = user_is_auth;
+ state = state || {
+ view: 'dashboard'
+ }
+ if (state.onhashchange) {
+ window.scrollTo(0, 0);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.save();
+ console.info(JSON.stringify(state));
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ self.show(parsed.redisplay_state);
+ return;
+ }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.western_blot_page3.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'western_blot_page4') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ if (state.view == 'dashboard') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.western_blot_page4.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'western_blot_page5') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.dashboard.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'course_setup') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.western_blot_page5.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'facs_page1') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.course_setup.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.facs_page1.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'facs_page2') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ if (state.view == 'assignment_setup') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.facs_page2.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'microscopy_page1') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.assignment_setup.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'experiment_setup_page1') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.microscopy_page1.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'microscopy_page2') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.experiment_setup_page1.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'experiment_setup_page2') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.microscopy_page2.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'microscopy_page3') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.experiment_setup_page2.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'experiment_setup_page3') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.microscopy_page3.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'assignment_last') {
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.experiment_setup_page3.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'experiment_setup_page4') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.experiment_setup_page4.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
- if (parsed.experiment) {
- state.view = parsed.experiment.last_view ? parsed.experiment.last_view : 'experiment_design';
- self.show(state);
- }
- else {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("Experiment does not exist", function() { $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();/* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- if (parsed.assignment) {
- self.show({
- view: 'dashboard',
- assignment: parsed.assignment
- });
- }
- else {
- self.show({
- view: 'dashboard'
- });
- }
- }
- }
- if (user_is_auth) {
- $('.scb_s_login_status').text('SIGN OUT');
- }
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax_display();
+ if (state.view == 'select_technique') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.select_technique.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'western_blot_page1') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.western_blot_page1.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_queue = [];
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_inajax = false;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save = function(parsed){
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_queue.push( (new Date()).getTime() );
- setTimeout( function() {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_process(parsed);
- }, 5000 ) ;
+ if (state.view == 'western_blot_page2') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.western_blot_page2.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_process = function(parsed) {
- if( scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_inajax ) {
- console.info( "In ajax - skipping save" ) ;
- return ; }
- if( scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_queue.length > 0 ) {
- console.info( "Ajax save - clear Queue" ) ;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_queue = [];
- if(typeof post_state_result === 'undefined')
- token = user_token;
- else
- token = post_state_result.token;
- post_obj = {'token': token, 'model': parsed.context.master_model}
- console.log(post_obj);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_inajax = true;
- console.info( "Ajax save - start request " ) ;
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: 'scb/edit_assignment.js',
- data: JSON.stringify(post_obj),
- success: function (data){
- console.info( "Ajax save - request success " ) ;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_inajax = false;
- console.log(data) ;
- setTimeout( function() {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_process(parsed);
- },5000);
- },
- error: function(data) {
- console.info( "Ajax save - request failed, retry... " ) ;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_inajax = false;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- }
- });
- }
+ if (state.view == 'western_blot_page3') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.western_blot_page3.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_orig = function(parsed){
- if(!pending_save){
- setTimeout(function() {
- pending_save = false;
- console.log('believe');
- var token = 0;
- if(typeof post_state_result === 'undefined')
- token = user_token;
- else
- token = post_state_result.token;
- post_obj = {'token': token, 'model': parsed.context.master_model}
- console.log(post_obj);
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: 'scb/post_state.js',
- data: JSON.stringify(post_obj),
- success: function (data){
- console.log(data);
- }
- });
- }, 5000);
- pending_save = true;
- }
+ if (state.view == 'western_blot_page4') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.western_blot_page4.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh = function (navigation_state) {
- var state = navigation_state || $.deparam(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), true);
+ if (state.view == 'western_blot_page5') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
state.onhashchange = false;
- state.view = state.view || 'dashboard';
+ return;
+ }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.western_blot_page5.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
- $(window).bind('hashchange', function (e) {
- var state = $.deparam(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), true);
- state.onhashchange = true;
- state.view = state.view || 'dashboard';
+ if (state.view == 'facs_page1') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
- });
+ return;
+ }
- (function () {
- var state = $.deparam(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), true);
-// if(state.assignment_id)
-// delete state.assignment_id;
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.facs_page1.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'facs_page2') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
state.onhashchange = false;
- state.view = state.view || 'dashboard';
- })();
+ return;
+ }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.facs_page2.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'microscopy_page1') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.microscopy_page1.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'microscopy_page2') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.microscopy_page2.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'microscopy_page3') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.microscopy_page3.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'assignment_last') {
+ if (parsed.experiment) {
+ state.view = parsed.experiment.last_view ? parsed.experiment.last_view : 'experiment_design';
+ self.show(state);
+ } else {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("Experiment does not exist", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove(); /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ if (parsed.assignment) {
+ self.show({
+ view: 'dashboard',
+ assignment: parsed.assignment
+ });
+ } else {
+ self.show({
+ view: 'dashboard'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (user_is_auth) {
+ $('.scb_s_login_status').text('SIGN OUT');
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.in_ajax_display();
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_queue = [];
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_inajax = false;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save = function(parsed) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_queue.push((new Date()).getTime());
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_process(parsed);
+ }, 5000);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_process = function(parsed) {
+ if (scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_inajax) {
+ console.info("In ajax - skipping save");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_queue.length > 0) {
+ console.info("Ajax save - clear Queue");
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_queue = [];
+ if (typeof post_state_result === 'undefined') {
+ token = user_token;
+ } else {
+ token = post_state_result.token;
+ }
+ post_obj = {
+ 'token': token,
+ 'model': parsed.context.master_model
+ }
+ console.log(post_obj);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_inajax = true;
+ console.info("Ajax save - start request ");
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: 'scb/edit_assignment.js',
+ data: JSON.stringify(post_obj),
+ success: function(data) {
+ console.info("Ajax save - request success ");
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_inajax = false;
+ console.log(data);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_process(parsed);
+ }, 5000);
+ },
+ error: function(data) {
+ console.info("Ajax save - request failed, retry... ");
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_inajax = false;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save_orig = function(parsed) {
+ if (!pending_save) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ pending_save = false;
+ console.log('believe');
+ var token = 0;
+ if (typeof post_state_result === 'undefined') {
+ token = user_token;
+ } else {
+ token = post_state_result.token;
+ }
+ post_obj = {
+ 'token': token,
+ 'model': parsed.context.master_model
+ }
+ console.log(post_obj);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: 'scb/post_state.js',
+ data: JSON.stringify(post_obj),
+ success: function(data) {
+ console.log(data);
+ }
+ });
+ }, 5000);
+ pending_save = true;
+ }
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh = function(navigation_state) {
+ var state = navigation_state || $.deparam(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), true);
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ state.view = state.view || 'dashboard';
+ self.show(state);
+ }
+ $(window).bind('hashchange', function(e) {
+ var state = $.deparam(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), true);
+ state.onhashchange = true;
+ state.view = state.view || 'dashboard';
+ self.show(state);
+ });
+ (function() {
+ var state = $.deparam(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), true);
+ // if(state.assignment_id)
+ // delete state.assignment_id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ state.view = state.view || 'dashboard';
+ self.show(state);
+ })();
-function add_login_script(workarea){
- $(workarea).append(scb_auth.login({}));
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_login_close_button', function () {
- $('.scb_s_login_dialog').detach();
- });
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function(){
- var iframe = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').get(0);
- var content = (iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow);
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- iframe.find('input[type="radio"][value="student"]').attr('checked', 'checked');
- iframe.find('a:contains("Member")').click(function(){
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function(){
- var iframe = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents();
- $('.scb_s_login_form > div').text('Sign Up');
- $('.scb_s_login_dialog').addClass('scb_s_signup_dialog');
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').css('height', '560px');
- });
- });
- iframe.find('a:contains("Password")').click(function(){
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function(){
- $('.scb_s_login_form > div').text('Reset Password');
- });
- });
- iframe.find('a:contains("Back")').click(function(){
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function(){
- $('.scb_s_login_form > div').text('Sign In');
- });
- });
- iframe.find(".auth_submit_button").click(function(){
- var mask = document.createElement('div');
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- var profile = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents().get(0);
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- parent.document.location.reload();
- }
- else{
- $(mask).remove();
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').show();
- if($('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents().find('.login_submit').length >0)
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents().find('#errorMsg').html('Incorrect username or password. Try again');
- }
- });
- });
- });
+function add_login_script(workarea) {
+ $(workarea).append(scb_auth.login({}));
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_login_close_button', function() {
+ $('.scb_s_login_dialog').detach();
+ });
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function() {
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+ var texts = content.querySelectorAll('input');
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+ iframe.find('input[type="checkbox"]').css('height', '12px');
+ iframe.find('input[type="radio"][value="student"]').attr('checked', 'checked');
+ iframe.find('a:contains("Member")').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function() {
+ var iframe = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents();
+ $('.scb_s_login_form > div').text('Sign Up');
+ $('.scb_s_login_dialog').addClass('scb_s_signup_dialog');
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').css('height', '560px');
+ });
+ });
+ iframe.find('a:contains("Password")').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function() {
+ $('.scb_s_login_form > div').text('Reset Password');
+ });
+ });
+ iframe.find('a:contains("Back")').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function() {
+ $('.scb_s_login_form > div').text('Sign In');
+ });
+ });
+ iframe.find(".auth_submit_button").click(function() {
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+ 'visibility': 'visible'
+ });
+ $('body').prepend(mask);
+ var progress_icon = document.createElement('img');
+ progress_icon.src = '../../../images/homepage/ajax_loader.gif';
+ progress_icon.style.marginLeft = '50%';
+ progress_icon.style.marginTop = '50%';
+ $('.overlay').append(progress_icon);
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').hide();
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function() {
+ var profile = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents().get(0);
+ if (profile.body.textContent.indexOf('confirmed') > 0) {
+ parent.document.location.reload();
+ } else {
+ $(mask).remove();
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').show();
+ if ($('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents().find('.login_submit').length > 0) {
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents().find('#errorMsg').html('Incorrect username or password. Try again');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.js
index 398ddab2..fa72c685 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,114 +10,116 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View = scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopy
-scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.scb_f_microscopy_page1_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
+scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.scb_f_microscopy_page1_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'microscopy_page2',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'microscopy_page2',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_page1_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.scb_f_microscopy_page1_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_page1_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View.scb_f_microscopy_page1_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
scb.ui.InstructorMicroscopyPage1View = function scb_ui_InstructorMicroscopyPage1View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_microscopy_page1.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_microscopy_page1.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.js
index 90cf8f64..081a2e56 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,52 +10,52 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View = scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopy
-scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.scb_f_microscopy_page2_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
+scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.scb_f_microscopy_page2_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'microscopy_page3',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'microscopy_page3',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_page2_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.scb_f_microscopy_page2_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_page2_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.scb_f_microscopy_page2_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
@@ -63,62 +63,64 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View.register = function(workarea) {
scb.ui.InstructorMicroscopyPage2View = function scb_ui_InstructorMicroscopyPage2View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_microscopy_page2.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_microscopy_page2.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.js
index 231365d9..d8a5d738 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,52 +10,52 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View = scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopy
-scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.scb_f_microscopy_page3_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
+scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.scb_f_microscopy_page3_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'dashboard',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'dashboard',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_page3_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.scb_f_microscopy_page3_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_page3_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.scb_f_microscopy_page3_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
@@ -63,62 +63,64 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View.register = function(workarea) {
scb.ui.InstructorMicroscopyPage3View = function scb_ui_InstructorMicroscopyPage3View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_microscopy_page3.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_microscopy_page3.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorSelectTechniqueView.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorSelectTechniqueView.js
index 55f37f88..166ecfaf 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorSelectTechniqueView.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorSelectTechniqueView.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,145 +10,151 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView = scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTech
-scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.scb_f_select_technique_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design['techniques'] = [];
-// techniques: [ 'wb' , 'facs', 'micro' ]
- if($('.scb_f_select_technique_select_western_blot').attr('checked')){
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques.push('wb');
- parsed.assignment.template.model['western_blot'] = {};
- }
- if($('.scb_f_select_technique_select_facs').attr('checked')){
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques.push('facs');
- parsed.assignment.template.model['facs'] = {};
- }
- if($('.scb_f_select_technique_select_microscopy').attr('checked')){
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques.push('micro');
- parsed.assignment.template.model['microscopy'] = {};
- }
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var view = '';
- if(_.contains(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques, 'wb'))
- view = 'western_blot_page1';
- else if(_.contains(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques, 'facs'))
- view = 'facs_page1';
- else if(_.contains(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques, 'micro'))
- view = 'microscopy_page1';
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: view,
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.scb_f_select_technique_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design['techniques'] = [];
+ // techniques: [ 'wb' , 'facs', 'micro' ]
+ if ($('.scb_f_select_technique_select_western_blot').attr('checked')) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques.push('wb');
+ parsed.assignment.template.model['western_blot'] = {};
+ }
+ if ($('.scb_f_select_technique_select_facs').attr('checked')) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques.push('facs');
+ parsed.assignment.template.model['facs'] = {};
+ }
+ if ($('.scb_f_select_technique_select_microscopy').attr('checked')) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques.push('micro');
+ parsed.assignment.template.model['microscopy'] = {};
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var view = '';
+ if (_.contains(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques, 'wb')) {
+ view = 'western_blot_page1';
+ } else if (_.contains(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques, 'facs')) {
+ view = 'facs_page1';
+ } else if (_.contains(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques, 'micro')) {
+ view = 'microscopy_page1';
+ }
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: view,
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_select_technique_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.scb_f_select_technique_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_select_technique_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.scb_f_select_technique_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
-scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.enable_techniques = function(techniques){
- if(_.contains(techniques, 'wb'))
- $('.scb_f_select_technique_select_western_blot').attr('checked', true);
- if(_.contains(techniques, 'facs'))
- $('.scb_f_select_technique_select_facs').attr('checked', true);
- if(_.contains(techniques, 'micro'))
- $('.scb_f_select_technique_select_microscopy').attr('checked', true);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.enable_techniques = function(techniques) {
+ if (_.contains(techniques, 'wb')) {
+ $('.scb_f_select_technique_select_western_blot').attr('checked', true);
+ }
+ if (_.contains(techniques, 'facs')) {
+ $('.scb_f_select_technique_select_facs').attr('checked', true);
+ }
+ if (_.contains(techniques, 'micro')) {
+ $('.scb_f_select_technique_select_microscopy').attr('checked', true);
+ }
scb.ui.InstructorSelectTechniqueView = function scb_ui_InstructorSelectTechniqueView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_select_technique.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- var techniques = scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.enable_techniques(assignments.selected.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques);
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_select_technique.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ var techniques = scb.ui.static.InstructorSelectTechniqueView.enable_techniques(assignments.selected.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques);
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.js
index 7fc9f749..a11cd68e 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,174 +10,194 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBl
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.scb_f_western_blot_page1_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds = {};
- if($('.scb_f_western_blot_select_whole_cell_lysate').attr('checked')){
- parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds['whole'] = ({name: 'Whole Cell' });
- }
- if($('.scb_f_western_blot_select_cytoplasmic').attr('checked')){
- parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds['cyto'] = ({name: 'Cytoplasm' });
- }
- if($('.scb_f_western_blot_select_nuclear').attr('checked')){
- parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds['nuclear'] = ({name: 'Nuclear' });
- }
- if(_.contains(_.keys(parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds), 'nuclear')){
- parsed.assignment.template.model.western_blot['nuclear'] = {parser_fixed: []};
- }
- if(_.contains(_.keys(parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds), 'cyto')){
- parsed.assignment.template.model.western_blot['cyto'] = {parser_fixed: []};
- }
- if(_.contains(_.keys(parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds), 'whole') &&
- !_.contains(_.keys(parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds), 'nuclear') &&
- !_.contains(_.keys(parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds), 'cyto')){
- parsed.assignment.template.model.western_blot['cyto'] = {parser_fixed: []};
- }
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.gel_types = [];
- if($('.scb_f_western_blot_select_ten').attr('checked')){
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.gel_types.push('.10');
- }
- if($('.scb_f_western_blot_select_twelve').attr('checked')){
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.gel_types.push('.12');
- }
- if($('.scb_f_western_blot_select_fifteen').attr('checked')){
- parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.gel_types.push('.15');
- }
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'western_blot_page2',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.scb_f_western_blot_page1_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds = {};
+ if ($('.scb_f_western_blot_select_whole_cell_lysate').attr('checked')) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds['whole'] = ({
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ });
+ }
+ if ($('.scb_f_western_blot_select_cytoplasmic').attr('checked')) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds['cyto'] = ({
+ name: 'Cytoplasm'
+ });
+ }
+ if ($('.scb_f_western_blot_select_nuclear').attr('checked')) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds['nuclear'] = ({
+ name: 'Nuclear'
+ });
+ }
+ if (_.contains(_.keys(parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds), 'nuclear')) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.model.western_blot['nuclear'] = {
+ parser_fixed: []
+ };
+ }
+ if (_.contains(_.keys(parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds), 'cyto')) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.model.western_blot['cyto'] = {
+ parser_fixed: []
+ };
+ }
+ if (_.contains(_.keys(parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds), 'whole') &&
+ !_.contains(_.keys(parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds), 'nuclear') &&
+ !_.contains(_.keys(parsed.assignment.template.lysate_kinds), 'cyto')) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.model.western_blot['cyto'] = {
+ parser_fixed: []
+ };
+ }
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.gel_types = [];
+ if ($('.scb_f_western_blot_select_ten').attr('checked')) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.gel_types.push('.10');
+ }
+ if ($('.scb_f_western_blot_select_twelve').attr('checked')) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.gel_types.push('.12');
+ }
+ if ($('.scb_f_western_blot_select_fifteen').attr('checked')) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.gel_types.push('.15');
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'western_blot_page2',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page1_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.scb_f_western_blot_page1_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page1_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.scb_f_western_blot_page1_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.enable_checkboxes = function(lysate_kinds, gel_types){
- if(_.contains(_.keys(assignments.selected.template.lysate_kinds), 'whole'))
- $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_whole_cell_lysate').attr('checked', true);
- if(_.contains(_.keys(assignments.selected.template.lysate_kinds), 'nuclear'))
- $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_nuclear').attr('checked', true);
- if(_.contains(_.keys(assignments.selected.template.lysate_kinds), 'cyto'))
- $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_cytoplasmic').attr('checked', true);
- if(_.contains(gel_types, '.10'))
- $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_ten').attr('checked', true);
- if(_.contains(gel_types, '.12'))
- $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_twelve').attr('checked', true);
- if(_.contains(gel_types, '.15'))
- $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_fifteen').attr('checked', true);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.enable_checkboxes = function(lysate_kinds, gel_types) {
+ if (_.contains(_.keys(assignments.selected.template.lysate_kinds), 'whole')) {
+ $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_whole_cell_lysate').attr('checked', true);
+ }
+ if (_.contains(_.keys(assignments.selected.template.lysate_kinds), 'nuclear')) {
+ $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_nuclear').attr('checked', true);
+ }
+ if (_.contains(_.keys(assignments.selected.template.lysate_kinds), 'cyto')) {
+ $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_cytoplasmic').attr('checked', true);
+ }
+ if (_.contains(gel_types, '.10')) {
+ $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_ten').attr('checked', true);
+ }
+ if (_.contains(gel_types, '.12')) {
+ $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_twelve').attr('checked', true);
+ }
+ if (_.contains(gel_types, '.15')) {
+ $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_fifteen').attr('checked', true);
+ }
scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View = function scb_ui_InstructorWesternBlotPage1View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_western_blot_page1.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- var techniques = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.enable_checkboxes( assignments.selected.template.lysate_kinds, assignments.selected.template.ui.experimental_design.gel_types);
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_western_blot_page1.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ var techniques = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage1View.enable_checkboxes(assignments.selected.template.lysate_kinds, assignments.selected.template.ui.experimental_design.gel_types);
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.js
index 84fe7204..61a9fdf3 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,259 +10,265 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBl
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_page2_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_page2_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'western_blot_page3',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'western_blot_page3',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_primary_anti_body_list_item = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.parse(element);
- var anti_body_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id') ? $(element).attr('anti_body_id'): Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- if(!parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id]){
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id] = {
- name: $(element).val(),
- secondary: [],
- marks: [],
- total_marks: [],
- whole_marks:[],
- nuclear_marks: [],
- cyto_marks: [],
- gel_name: $(element).val()
- };
- }
- else{
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id] = {
- name: $(element).val(),
- secondary: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].secondary,
- marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].marks,
- whole_marks:parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].whole_marks,
- total_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].total_marks,
- nuclear_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].nuclear_marks,
- cyto_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].cyto_marks,
- gel_name: $(element).val()
- };
- }
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_primary_anti_body_list_item = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.parse(element);
+ var anti_body_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id') ? $(element).attr('anti_body_id') : Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ if (!parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id]) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id] = {
+ name: $(element).val(),
+ secondary: [],
+ marks: [],
+ total_marks: [],
+ whole_marks: [],
+ nuclear_marks: [],
+ cyto_marks: [],
+ gel_name: $(element).val()
+ };
+ } else {
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id] = {
+ name: $(element).val(),
+ secondary: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].secondary,
+ marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].marks,
+ whole_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].whole_marks,
+ total_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].total_marks,
+ nuclear_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].nuclear_marks,
+ cyto_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].cyto_marks,
+ gel_name: $(element).val()
+ };
+ }
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_secondary_anti_body_list_item = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.parse(element);
- var idExists=false;
- var existing_id = '';
- _.each(parsed.assignment.template.secondary_anti_body, function(key, value, list){
- if(key.name==$.trim($(element).val())){
- existing_id = value;
- idExists=true;
- }
- });
- var secondary_id = idExists ? existing_id: Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- var anti_body_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id') ? $(element).attr('anti_body_id'): Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- parsed.assignment.template.secondary_anti_body[secondary_id] = {name: $(element).val()};;
- if(!parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id]){
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id] = {
- name: '',
- secondary: [secondary_id],
- marks: [],
- whole_marks:[],
- total_marks: [],
- nuclear_marks: [],
- cyto_marks: [],
- gel_name: ''
- };
- }
- else{
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id] = {
- name: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].name,
- secondary:[secondary_id],
- marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].marks,
- whole_marks:parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].whole_marks,
- total_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].total_marks,
- nuclear_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].nuclear_marks,
- cyto_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].cyto_marks,
- gel_name: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].gel_name
- };
- }
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_secondary_anti_body_list_item = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.parse(element);
+ var idExists = false;
+ var existing_id = '';
+ _.each(parsed.assignment.template.secondary_anti_body, function(key, value, list) {
+ if (key.name == $.trim($(element).val())) {
+ existing_id = value;
+ idExists = true;
+ }
+ });
+ var secondary_id = idExists ? existing_id : Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ var anti_body_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id') ? $(element).attr('anti_body_id') : Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ parsed.assignment.template.secondary_anti_body[secondary_id] = {
+ name: $(element).val()
+ };;
+ if (!parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id]) {
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id] = {
+ name: '',
+ secondary: [secondary_id],
+ marks: [],
+ whole_marks: [],
+ total_marks: [],
+ nuclear_marks: [],
+ cyto_marks: [],
+ gel_name: ''
+ };
+ } else {
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id] = {
+ name: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].name,
+ secondary: [secondary_id],
+ marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].marks,
+ whole_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].whole_marks,
+ total_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].total_marks,
+ nuclear_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].nuclear_marks,
+ cyto_marks: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].cyto_marks,
+ gel_name: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].gel_name
+ };
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_add_primary_anti_body = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.parse(element);
- var anti_body_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id] = {
- name: '',
- secondary: [],
- marks: [],
- whole_marks:[],
- total_marks: [],
- nuclear_marks: [],
- cyto_marks: [],
- gel_name: ''
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_add_primary_anti_body = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.parse(element);
+ var anti_body_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id] = {
+ name: '',
+ secondary: [],
+ marks: [],
+ whole_marks: [],
+ total_marks: [],
+ nuclear_marks: [],
+ cyto_marks: [],
+ gel_name: ''
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_page2_remove_row = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.parse(element);
- var anti_body_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
- delete parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id];
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_page2_remove_row = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.parse(element);
+ var anti_body_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
+ delete parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id];
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page2_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_page2_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_primary_anti_body_list_item', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_primary_anti_body_list_item(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_secondary_anti_body_list_item', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_secondary_anti_body_list_item(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_add_primary_anti_body', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_add_primary_anti_body(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page2_remove_row', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_page2_remove_row(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page2_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_page2_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_primary_anti_body_list_item', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_primary_anti_body_list_item(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_secondary_anti_body_list_item', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_secondary_anti_body_list_item(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_add_primary_anti_body', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_add_primary_anti_body(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page2_remove_row', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.scb_f_western_blot_page2_remove_row(this, e);
+ });
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.rows = function(dialog){
- var rows =[];
- var headings = dialog.headings;
- _.each(dialog.order, function(strain){
- _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row){
- var insert_row = {treatment_id:row.treatment_id, row: []};
- _.each(row.cells, function(cell){
- if(cell.kind=='text')
- insert_row.row.push(cell.text);
- else
- insert_row.row.push('cell_plate');
- });
- rows.push(insert_row);
- });
- });
- return rows;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.rows = function(dialog) {
+ var rows = [];
+ var headings = dialog.headings;
+ _.each(dialog.order, function(strain) {
+ _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row) {
+ var insert_row = {
+ treatment_id: row.treatment_id,
+ row: []
+ };
+ _.each(row.cells, function(cell) {
+ if (cell.kind == 'text') {
+ insert_row.row.push(cell.text);
+ } else {
+ insert_row.row.push('cell_plate');
+ }
+ });
+ rows.push(insert_row);
+ });
+ });
+ return rows;
scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View = function scb_ui_InstructorWesternBlotPage2View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- var rows = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.rows(assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog);
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_western_blot_page2.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- rows: rows,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ var rows = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage2View.rows(assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog);
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_western_blot_page2.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ rows: rows,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.js
index ba914471..9fb4a4f0 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,210 +10,225 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBl
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_page3_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.parse(element);
- _.each(parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body, function(antibody){
- _.each(antibody.whole_marks, function(whole){
- antibody.total_marks.push(whole.weight);
- });
- _.each(antibody.nuclear_marks, function(nuclear){
- antibody.total_marks.push(nuclear.weight);
- });
- _.each(antibody.cyto_marks, function(cyto){
- antibody.total_marks.push(cyto.weight);
- });
- antibody.total_marks = _.uniq(antibody.total_marks);
- });
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'western_blot_page4',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_page3_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.parse(element);
+ _.each(parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body, function(antibody) {
+ _.each(antibody.whole_marks, function(whole) {
+ antibody.total_marks.push(whole.weight);
+ });
+ _.each(antibody.nuclear_marks, function(nuclear) {
+ antibody.total_marks.push(nuclear.weight);
+ });
+ _.each(antibody.cyto_marks, function(cyto) {
+ antibody.total_marks.push(cyto.weight);
+ });
+ antibody.total_marks = _.uniq(antibody.total_marks);
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'western_blot_page4',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_whole_antibody_size_list_item = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.parse(element);
- var anti_body_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].whole_marks_string = $(element).val();
- var marks = $(element).val().split(',');
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].whole_marks = [];
- _.each(marks, function(mark){
- var value = $.trim(mark);
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].whole_marks.push({weight: value, intensity: 0});
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_whole_antibody_size_list_item = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.parse(element);
+ var anti_body_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].whole_marks_string = $(element).val();
+ var marks = $(element).val().split(',');
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].whole_marks = [];
+ _.each(marks, function(mark) {
+ var value = $.trim(mark);
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].whole_marks.push({
+ weight: value,
+ intensity: 0
+ });
- });
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_nuclear_antibody_size_list_item = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.parse(element);
- var anti_body_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].nuclear_marks_string = $(element).val();
- var marks = $(element).val().split(',');
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].nuclear_marks = [];
- _.each(marks, function(mark){
- var value = $.trim(mark);
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].nuclear_marks.push({weight: value, intensity: 0});
- });
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_nuclear_antibody_size_list_item = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.parse(element);
+ var anti_body_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].nuclear_marks_string = $(element).val();
+ var marks = $(element).val().split(',');
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].nuclear_marks = [];
+ _.each(marks, function(mark) {
+ var value = $.trim(mark);
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].nuclear_marks.push({
+ weight: value,
+ intensity: 0
+ });
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_cyto_antibody_size_list_item = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.parse(element);
- var anti_body_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].cyto_marks_string = $(element).val();
- var marks = $(element).val().split(',');
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].cyto_marks = []
- _.each(marks, function(mark){
- var value = $.trim(mark);
- parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].cyto_marks.push({weight: value, intensity: 0});
- });
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_cyto_antibody_size_list_item = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.parse(element);
+ var anti_body_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].cyto_marks_string = $(element).val();
+ var marks = $(element).val().split(',');
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].cyto_marks = []
+ _.each(marks, function(mark) {
+ var value = $.trim(mark);
+ parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[anti_body_id].cyto_marks.push({
+ weight: value,
+ intensity: 0
+ });
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page3_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_page3_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_whole_antibody_size_list_item', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_whole_antibody_size_list_item(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_nuclear_antibody_size_list_item', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_nuclear_antibody_size_list_item(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_cyto_antibody_size_list_item', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_cyto_antibody_size_list_item(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page3_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_page3_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_whole_antibody_size_list_item', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_whole_antibody_size_list_item(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_nuclear_antibody_size_list_item', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_nuclear_antibody_size_list_item(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_cyto_antibody_size_list_item', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.scb_f_western_blot_cyto_antibody_size_list_item(this, e);
+ });
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.rows = function(dialog){
- var rows =[];
- var headings = dialog.headings;
- _.each(dialog.order, function(strain){
- _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row){
- var insert_row = {treatment_id:row.treatment_id, row: []};
- _.each(row.cells, function(cell){
- if(cell.kind=='text')
- insert_row.row.push(cell.text);
- else
- insert_row.row.push('cell_plate');
- });
- rows.push(insert_row);
- });
- });
- return rows;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.rows = function(dialog) {
+ var rows = [];
+ var headings = dialog.headings;
+ _.each(dialog.order, function(strain) {
+ _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row) {
+ var insert_row = {
+ treatment_id: row.treatment_id,
+ row: []
+ };
+ _.each(row.cells, function(cell) {
+ if (cell.kind == 'text') {
+ insert_row.row.push(cell.text);
+ } else {
+ insert_row.row.push('cell_plate');
+ }
+ });
+ rows.push(insert_row);
+ });
+ });
+ return rows;
scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View = function scb_ui_InstructorWesternBlotPage3View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- var rows = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.rows(assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog);
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_western_blot_page3.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- rows: rows,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ var rows = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage3View.rows(assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog);
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_western_blot_page3.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ rows: rows,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.js
index 340305be..96c78ae2 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,269 +10,282 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBl
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.rows = function(dialog){
- var rows =[];
- var headings = dialog.headings;
- _.each(dialog.order, function(strain){
- _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row){
- var insert_row = {treatment_id:row.treatment_id, row: []};
- _.each(row.cells, function(cell){
- if(cell.kind=='text')
- insert_row.row.push(cell.text);
- else
- insert_row.row.push('cell_plate');
- });
- rows.push(insert_row);
- });
- });
- return rows;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.rows = function(dialog) {
+ var rows = [];
+ var headings = dialog.headings;
+ _.each(dialog.order, function(strain) {
+ _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row) {
+ var insert_row = {
+ treatment_id: row.treatment_id,
+ row: []
+ };
+ _.each(row.cells, function(cell) {
+ if (cell.kind == 'text') {
+ insert_row.row.push(cell.text);
+ } else {
+ insert_row.row.push('cell_plate');
+ }
+ });
+ rows.push(insert_row);
+ });
+ });
+ return rows;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.scb_f_western_blot_page4_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: 'western_blot_page5',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.scb_f_western_blot_page4_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: 'western_blot_page5',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page4_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.scb_f_western_blot_page4_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page4_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.scb_f_western_blot_page4_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.rows = function(dialog){
- var rows =[];
- var headings = dialog.headings;
- _.each(dialog.order, function(strain){
- _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row){
- var insert_row = {treatment_id:row.treatment_id, row: ''};
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.rows = function(dialog) {
+ var rows = [];
+ var headings = dialog.headings;
+ _.each(dialog.order, function(strain) {
+ _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row) {
+ var insert_row = {
+ treatment_id: row.treatment_id,
+ row: ''
+ };
- var cells = _.filter(row.cells, function(cell){ return cell.kind=='text'; });
- cells = _.map(cells, function(cell){ return cell.text.replace(/\s+/g, ''); });
- insert_row.row = cells.join();
+ var cells = _.filter(row.cells, function(cell) {
+ return cell.kind == 'text';
+ });
+ cells = _.map(cells, function(cell) {
+ return cell.text.replace(/\s+/g, '');
+ });
+ insert_row.row = cells.join();
- rows.push(insert_row);
- });
- });
+ rows.push(insert_row);
+ });
+ });
- return rows;
+ return rows;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.scb_f_western_blot_page4_exposure_slider = function (e, ui) {
- var element = this;
- if($(this).hasClass('scb_f_western_blot_page4_exposure_slider')){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.parse(element);
- var antibody_id = $(element).attr('antibody_id');
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- var drug_id = '';
- var cell_line_id = '';
- _.each(parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog, function(cell_line, value, list){
- if(value != 'order'){
- _.each(cell_line.rows, function(row){
- if(row.treatment_id == treatment_id){
- cell_line_id = row.cell_treatments.X[0].cell_line
- drug_id = row.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].drug_id;
- }
- });
- }
- });
- _.each(parsed.assignment.template.model.western_blot, function(parser){
- var parser_exists = false;
- _.each(parser.parser_fixed, function(cell_parser){
- if(cell_parser.cell_line == cell_line_id && cell_parser.drug == drug_id){
- parser_exists = true;
- var marker_exists = false;
- _.each(cell_parser.above_marks, function(mark){
- if(mark.primary_anti_body[0] == antibody_id){
- marker_exists = true;
- mark.intensity = ui.value;
- }
- });
- if(!marker_exists){
- cell_parser.above_marks.push({
- name: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[antibody_id].name,
- weight: $(element).attr('weight'),
- intensity: ui.value,
- primary_anti_body: [antibody_id]
- });
- }
- }
- });
- if(!parser_exists){
- parser.parser_fixed.push({
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: drug_id,
- cell_line: cell_line_id,
- above_marks: [{
- name: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[antibody_id].name,
- weight:$(this).attr('weight'),
- intensity: ui.value,
- primary_anti_body: [antibody_id]
- }]
- });
- }
- });
- }
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.scb_f_western_blot_page4_exposure_slider = function(e, ui) {
+ var element = this;
+ if ($(this).hasClass('scb_f_western_blot_page4_exposure_slider')) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.parse(element);
+ var antibody_id = $(element).attr('antibody_id');
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+ var drug_id = '';
+ var cell_line_id = '';
+ _.each(parsed.assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog, function(cell_line, value, list) {
+ if (value != 'order') {
+ _.each(cell_line.rows, function(row) {
+ if (row.treatment_id == treatment_id) {
+ cell_line_id = row.cell_treatments.X[0].cell_line
+ drug_id = row.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].drug_id;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ _.each(parsed.assignment.template.model.western_blot, function(parser) {
+ var parser_exists = false;
+ _.each(parser.parser_fixed, function(cell_parser) {
+ if (cell_parser.cell_line == cell_line_id && cell_parser.drug == drug_id) {
+ parser_exists = true;
+ var marker_exists = false;
+ _.each(cell_parser.above_marks, function(mark) {
+ if (mark.primary_anti_body[0] == antibody_id) {
+ marker_exists = true;
+ mark.intensity = ui.value;
+ }
+ });
+ if (!marker_exists) {
+ cell_parser.above_marks.push({
+ name: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[antibody_id].name,
+ weight: $(element).attr('weight'),
+ intensity: ui.value,
+ primary_anti_body: [antibody_id]
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (!parser_exists) {
+ parser.parser_fixed.push({
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: drug_id,
+ cell_line: cell_line_id,
+ above_marks: [{
+ name: parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[antibody_id].name,
+ weight: $(this).attr('weight'),
+ intensity: ui.value,
+ primary_anti_body: [antibody_id]
+ }]
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.scb_f_western_blot_page4_adjust_sliders = function(assignment) {
- console.log(assignment);
- var strain_combos = [];
- _.each(assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog, function(cell_line, value, list){
- if(value != 'order'){
- _.each(cell_line.rows, function(row){
- strain_combos.push({
- treatment_id: row.treatment_id,
- cell_line: row.cell_treatments.X[0].cell_line,
- drug: row.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].drug_id
- });
- console.log(row.treatment_id);
- });
- }
- });
- _.each($('.scb_f_western_blot_page4_exposure_slider'), function(slider){
- var treatment_id = $(slider).attr('treatment_id');
- var antibody_id = $(slider).attr('antibody_id');
- _.each(strain_combos, function(combo){
- if(treatment_id == combo.treatment_id){
- _.each(assignment.template.model.western_blot, function(parser){
- _.each(parser.parser_fixed, function(cell_parser){
- if(cell_parser.cell_line == combo.cell_line && cell_parser.drug == combo.drug){
- _.each(cell_parser.above_marks, function(mark){
- if(mark.primary_anti_body[0] == antibody_id){
- $(slider).slider('value', mark.intensity);
- }
- });
- }
- });
- });
- /////
- }
- });
- });
+ console.log(assignment);
+ var strain_combos = [];
+ _.each(assignment.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog, function(cell_line, value, list) {
+ if (value != 'order') {
+ _.each(cell_line.rows, function(row) {
+ strain_combos.push({
+ treatment_id: row.treatment_id,
+ cell_line: row.cell_treatments.X[0].cell_line,
+ drug: row.cell_treatments.X[0].treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].drug_id
+ });
+ console.log(row.treatment_id);
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ _.each($('.scb_f_western_blot_page4_exposure_slider'), function(slider) {
+ var treatment_id = $(slider).attr('treatment_id');
+ var antibody_id = $(slider).attr('antibody_id');
+ _.each(strain_combos, function(combo) {
+ if (treatment_id == combo.treatment_id) {
+ _.each(assignment.template.model.western_blot, function(parser) {
+ _.each(parser.parser_fixed, function(cell_parser) {
+ if (cell_parser.cell_line == combo.cell_line && cell_parser.drug == combo.drug) {
+ _.each(cell_parser.above_marks, function(mark) {
+ if (mark.primary_anti_body[0] == antibody_id) {
+ $(slider).slider('value', mark.intensity);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ /////
+ }
+ });
+ });
scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View = function scb_ui_InstructorWesternBlotPage4View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- var rows = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.rows(assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog);
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_western_blot_page4.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- rows: rows,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('.scb_f_western_blot_page4_exposure_slider').slider({
- range: "min",
- value:15,
- min: 0,
- max: 30,
- step: 3,
- stop: scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.scb_f_western_blot_page4_exposure_slider
- });
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.scb_f_western_blot_page4_adjust_sliders(assignments.selected);
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ var rows = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.rows(assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog);
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_western_blot_page4.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ rows: rows,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('.scb_f_western_blot_page4_exposure_slider').slider({
+ range: "min",
+ value: 15,
+ min: 0,
+ max: 30,
+ step: 3,
+ stop: scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.scb_f_western_blot_page4_exposure_slider
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.scb_f_western_blot_page4_adjust_sliders(assignments.selected);
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.js b/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.js
index 739d78b5..044295e7 100644
--- a/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.js
+++ b/html_app/instructor/InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.js
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
@@ -10,136 +10,149 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBl
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'assignments',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'assignments',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.parse(element);
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- var view = '';
- if(_.contains(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques, 'facs'))
- view = 'facs_page1';
- else if(_.contains(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques, 'micro'))
- view = 'microscopy_page1';
- else view = 'dashboard';
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- view: view,
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_save_assignment_button = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage4View.parse(element);
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ var view = '';
+ if (_.contains(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques, 'facs')) {
+ view = 'facs_page1';
+ } else if (_.contains(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experimental_design.techniques, 'micro')) {
+ view = 'microscopy_page1';
+ } else {
+ view = 'dashboard';
+ }
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ view: view,
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh(state);
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_radio_no = function(element, workarea){
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_radio_no = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.has_background_bands = false;
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.has_background_bands = false;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_radio_yes = function(element, workarea){
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_radio_yes = function(element, workarea) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse(element);
- parsed.assignment.has_background_bands = true;
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse(element);
+ parsed.assignment.has_background_bands = true;
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_checkbox = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse(element);
- var antibody_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
- if($(element).attr('checked')){
- parsed.assignment.background_band_list[antibody_id] = 1;
-// parsed.assignment.background_band_list = _.uniq(parsed.assignment.background_band_list);
- }
- else{
- delete parsed.assignment.background_band_list[antibody_id];
- }
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_checkbox = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse(element);
+ var antibody_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
+ if ($(element).attr('checked')) {
+ parsed.assignment.background_band_list[antibody_id] = 1;
+ // parsed.assignment.background_band_list = _.uniq(parsed.assignment.background_band_list);
+ } else {
+ delete parsed.assignment.background_band_list[antibody_id];
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_weight_edit = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse(element);
- var antibody_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
- var marks = parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[antibody_id].marks;
- var mark_id = $(element).attr('mark_id') ? $(element).attr('mark_id'): Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- var markExists = false;
- _.each(marks, function(mark){
- if(mark_id == mark.id){
- mark.weight = $(element).val();
- markExists = true;
- }
- });
- if(!markExists){
- marks.push({id: mark_id, weight: $(element).val(), intensity: 0});
- }
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_weight_edit = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse(element);
+ var antibody_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
+ var marks = parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[antibody_id].marks;
+ var mark_id = $(element).attr('mark_id') ? $(element).attr('mark_id') : Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ var markExists = false;
+ _.each(marks, function(mark) {
+ if (mark_id == mark.id) {
+ mark.weight = $(element).val();
+ markExists = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (!markExists) {
+ marks.push({
+ id: mark_id,
+ weight: $(element).val(),
+ intensity: 0
+ });
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_intensity_edit = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse(element);
- var antibody_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
- var marks = parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[antibody_id].marks;
- var mark_id = $(element).attr('mark_id') ? $(element).attr('mark_id'): Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- var markExists = false;
- _.each(marks, function(mark){
- if(mark_id == mark.id){
- mark.intensity = $(element).val();
- markExists = true;
- }
- });
- if(!markExists){
- marks.push({id: mark_id, weight: 0, intensity: $(element).val()});
- }
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_intensity_edit = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse(element);
+ var antibody_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
+ var marks = parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[antibody_id].marks;
+ var mark_id = $(element).attr('mark_id') ? $(element).attr('mark_id') : Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+ var markExists = false;
+ _.each(marks, function(mark) {
+ if (mark_id == mark.id) {
+ mark.intensity = $(element).val();
+ markExists = true;
+ }
+ });
+ if (!markExists) {
+ marks.push({
+ id: mark_id,
+ weight: 0,
+ intensity: $(element).val()
+ });
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_add_background_band = function(element, workarea){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse(element);
- var antibody_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
- var mark_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_add_background_band = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.parse(element);
+ var antibody_id = $(element).attr('anti_body_id');
+ var mark_id = Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
- var marks = parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[antibody_id].marks;
+ var marks = parsed.assignment.template.primary_anti_body[antibody_id].marks;
- marks.push({id: mark_id, weight: 0, intensity: 0});
- scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
+ marks.push({
+ id: mark_id,
+ weight: 0,
+ intensity: 0
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorFrame.refresh();
@@ -149,124 +162,130 @@ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_add_backgr
scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_save_assignment_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_save_assignment_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_radio_no', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_radio_no(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_radio_yes', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_radio_yes(this, e);
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_save_assignment_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_save_assignment_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_radio_no', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_radio_no(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_radio_yes', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_radio_yes(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_checkbox', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_checkbox(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_intensity_edit', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_intensity_edit(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_weight_edit', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_weight_edit(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_add_background_band', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_add_background_band(this, e);
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_checkbox', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_checkbox(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_intensity_edit', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_intensity_edit(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_weight_edit', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_antibody_weight_edit(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_page5_add_background_band', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.scb_f_western_blot_page5_add_background_band(this, e);
- });
-scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.rows = function(dialog){
- var rows =[];
- var headings = dialog.headings;
- _.each(dialog.order, function(strain){
- _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row){
- var insert_row = {treatment_id:row.treatment_id, row: []};
- _.each(row.cells, function(cell){
- if(cell.kind=='text')
- insert_row.row.push(cell.text);
- else
- insert_row.row.push('cell_plate');
- });
- rows.push(insert_row);
- });
- });
- return rows;
+scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.rows = function(dialog) {
+ var rows = [];
+ var headings = dialog.headings;
+ _.each(dialog.order, function(strain) {
+ _.each(dialog[strain].rows, function(row) {
+ var insert_row = {
+ treatment_id: row.treatment_id,
+ row: []
+ };
+ _.each(row.cells, function(cell) {
+ if (cell.kind == 'text') {
+ insert_row.row.push(cell.text);
+ } else {
+ insert_row.row.push('cell_plate');
+ }
+ });
+ rows.push(insert_row);
+ });
+ });
+ return rows;
scb.ui.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View = function scb_ui_InstructorWesternBlotPage5View(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- self.show = function (state) {
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- var kind = 'select_course';
- if(assignments.selected.course_prepared){
- kind = 'create_assignment';
- }
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- var rows = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.rows(assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog);
- workarea.html(scb_instructor_western_blot_page5.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
- rows: rows,
- assignment: assignments.selected,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
+ });
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ var kind = 'select_course';
+ if (assignments.selected.course_prepared) {
+ kind = 'create_assignment';
+ }
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ var rows = scb.ui.static.InstructorWesternBlotPage5View.rows(assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog);
+ workarea.html(scb_instructor_western_blot_page5.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ headings: assignments.selected.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.headings,
+ rows: rows,
+ assignment: assignments.selected,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/master_model.js b/html_app/master_model.js
index 17b7eb6f..88f9fefb 100644
--- a/html_app/master_model.js
+++ b/html_app/master_model.js
@@ -3,4478 +3,6215 @@ degreeEntity = $('
///OLD ASSIGNMENTS//////////
var __assigment_facs = {
- id: 'assignment_3',
- name: 'FACS prototype',
- course: 'StarX',
- course_name: 'Prototypes',
- description: 'FACS prototype assignment.',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {
+ id: 'assignment_3',
+ name: 'FACS prototype',
+ course: 'StarX',
+ course_name: 'Prototypes',
+ description: 'FACS prototype assignment.',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {
+ },
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ['Goal & Introduction', 'FACS prototype assignment.']
+ ],
+ ui_configuration: {
+ experiment_steps_setup: true, // this is not even checked...
+ experiment_steps_western_blot: false,
+ experiment_steps_facs: true,
+ experiment_steps_microscopy: false,
+ treatment_options_display_temperature: false,
+ lysate_display_ip: false,
+ amount_of_protein_loaded: 50,
+ experiment_setup_duration: 3600, // seconds
+ experiment_setup_resolution_height: 3600,
+ experiment_setup_physical_height: 600,
+ facs_cell_cycle_length: 24 * 3600, //24h cell cycle
+ facs_cell_cycle_step: 300 // 5 minutes
- template: {
- instructions:[
- ['Goal & Introduction','FACS prototype assignment.']
- ],
- ui_configuration: {
- experiment_steps_setup: true, // this is not even checked...
- experiment_steps_western_blot: false,
- experiment_steps_facs: true,
- experiment_steps_microscopy: false,
- treatment_options_display_temperature: false,
- lysate_display_ip: false,
- amount_of_protein_loaded: 50,
- experiment_setup_duration: 3600, // seconds
- experiment_setup_resolution_height: 3600,
- experiment_setup_physical_height: 600,
- facs_cell_cycle_length: 24 * 3600, //24h cell cycle
- facs_cell_cycle_step: 300 // 5 minutes
- },
- drug_template: {
- name: 'Negative Control',
- drug_id: 'nc',
- concentration_id: 0
- },
- experiment_templates: {
- 'default': {
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "10 min", schedule_value: 600, id: '10'},
- {schedule: "30 min", schedule_value: 1800, id: '30'},
- {schedule: "60 min", schedule_value: 3600, id: '60'}
- ]}
- },
- treatment_protocol_template: {
- 'default': {
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "10 min", schedule_value: 600, id: '10'},
- {schedule: "30 min", schedule_value: 1800, id: '30'},
- {schedule: "60 min", schedule_value: 3600, id: '60'}
- ]}
- }
- }
- },
- name: 'TUFTS CellBio Prototype Assignment',
- concentrations: {
- 1: {
- name: '1ug/ml',
- value: 1
- },
- 0: {
- name: '0ug/ml',
- value: 0
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 1: {
- name: 'Nocodazole', // G2 prometaphase drug
- concentrations: [1]
- },
- 'nc': {
- name: 'Negative Control',
- concentrations: [0]
- }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': { name: "25" + degreeEntity + "C" }
- },
- cell_lines: {
- 'strain 1': {
- name: 'Strain 1'
- }
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order:[1,2,3],
- 1: {
- name: 'rabbit anti-goat beta-actin',
- secondary: [2],
- marks: [
- {weight: 100, intensity: .01},
- {weight: 129, intensity: .11}
- ]
- },
- 2: {
- name: 'mouse anti-mouse phosphotyrosine',
- secondary: [3],
- marks: [
- {weight: 120, intensity: .01},
- {weight: 129, intensity: .11}
- ]
- },
- 3: {
- name: 'mouse anti-mouse cdk2',
- secondary: [3],
- marks: [
- {weight: 140, intensity: .01},
- {weight: 129, intensity: .11}
- ]
- }
- },
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 1: {
- name: 'donkey anti-rabbit'
- },
- 2: {
- name: 'rabbit anti-goat'
- },
- 3: {
- name: 'goat anti-mouse'
+ drug_template: {
+ name: 'Negative Control',
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: 0
+ },
+ experiment_templates: {
+ 'default': {
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "10 min",
+ schedule_value: 600,
+ id: '10'
+ },
+ {
+ schedule: "30 min",
+ schedule_value: 1800,
+ id: '30'
+ },
+ {
+ schedule: "60 min",
+ schedule_value: 3600,
+ id: '60'
- },
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
- },
- 'cyto': {
- name: 'Cytoplasm'
- },
- 'nuclear': {
- name: 'Nuclear'
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ treatment_protocol_template: {
+ 'default': {
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "10 min",
+ schedule_value: 600,
+ id: '10'
+ },
+ {
+ schedule: "30 min",
+ schedule_value: 1800,
+ id: '30'
+ },
+ {
+ schedule: "60 min",
+ schedule_value: 3600,
+ id: '60'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ name: 'TUFTS CellBio Prototype Assignment',
+ concentrations: {
+ 1: {
+ name: '1ug/ml',
+ value: 1
+ },
+ 0: {
+ name: '0ug/ml',
+ value: 0
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 1: {
+ name: 'Nocodazole', // G2 prometaphase drug
+ concentrations: [1]
+ },
+ 'nc': {
+ name: 'Negative Control',
+ concentrations: [0]
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "25" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'strain 1': {
+ name: 'Strain 1'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: [1, 2, 3],
+ 1: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-goat beta-actin',
+ secondary: [2],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 100,
+ intensity: .01
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 129,
+ intensity: .11
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-mouse phosphotyrosine',
+ secondary: [3],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 120,
+ intensity: .01
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 129,
+ intensity: .11
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-mouse cdk2',
+ secondary: [3],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 140,
+ intensity: .01
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 129,
+ intensity: .11
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 1: {
+ name: 'donkey anti-rabbit'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-goat'
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'goat anti-mouse'
+ }
+ },
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ },
+ 'cyto': {
+ name: 'Cytoplasm'
+ },
+ 'nuclear': {
+ name: 'Nuclear'
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // model
+ facs: {
+ 'dna': {
+ 'parser_1': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'strain 1',
+ 'drug': 1,
+ 'action': 'block_cycle'
- },
- model: { // model
- facs: {
- 'dna': {
- 'parser_1': [
- {
- 'cell_line': 'strain 1',
- 'drug': 1,
- 'action': 'block_cycle'
- }
- ]
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ western_blot: { // this applies to western blot
+ 'cyto': { // it acts on cytoplasm (thus on whole cell lysate as well)
+ 'parser_1': [
+ // simple models as documented
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'strain 1', // as defined in cell_lines
+ 'drug': 1, // these are required preconditions
+ 'transfer_function': 'linear_concentration_duration_with_max', // this is transfer function
+ 'marks': [
+ // these are the marks that will appear
+ {
+ weight: 50,
+ intensity_slope: -0.01,
+ intensity_intercept: 300,
+ intensity_max: 1000,
+ intensity_min: 5
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity_slope: 0.02,
+ intensity_intercept: .3,
+ intensity_max: 1000,
+ intensity_min: 5
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 35,
+ intensity_slope: 0.001,
+ intensity_intercept: 4,
+ intensity_max: 1000,
+ intensity_min: 5
- },
- western_blot: { // this applies to western blot
- 'cyto': { // it acts on cytoplasm (thus on whole cell lysate as well)
- 'parser_1': [
- // simple models as documented
- {
- 'cell_line': 'strain 1', // as defined in cell_lines
- 'drug': 1, // these are required preconditions
- 'transfer_function': 'linear_concentration_duration_with_max', // this is transfer function
- 'marks': [
- // these are the marks that will appear
- {
- weight: 50,
- intensity_slope: -0.01,
- intensity_intercept: 300,
- intensity_max: 1000,
- intensity_min: 5
- },
- {
- weight: 75,
- intensity_slope: 0.02,
- intensity_intercept: .3,
- intensity_max: 1000,
- intensity_min: 5
- },
- {
- weight: 35,
- intensity_slope: 0.001,
- intensity_intercept: 4,
- intensity_max: 1000,
- intensity_min: 5
- }
- ]
- }
- ],
- 'parser_fixed': [
- {'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'static', // this is transfer function
- 'marks': [
- // these are the marks that will appear
- {
- weight: 60,
- intensity: 300
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'static', // this is transfer function
+ 'marks': [
+ // these are the marks that will appear
+ {
+ weight: 60,
+ intensity: 300
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
var __basic_tests = {
- id: 'basic_tests',
- name: 'SCB Basic Tests',
- course: 'StarX',
- course_name: 'Prototypes',
- description: 'Biochemical approach to analyzing vulva development in C. elegans. ',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ['Goal & Introduction', '$DISPLAY_ASSIGNMENT_INSTRUCTIONS$']
+ id: 'basic_tests',
+ name: 'SCB Basic Tests',
+ course: 'StarX',
+ course_name: 'Prototypes',
+ description: 'Biochemical approach to analyzing vulva development in C. elegans. ',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ['Goal & Introduction', '$DISPLAY_ASSIGNMENT_INSTRUCTIONS$']
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb', 'facs']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [
+ {
+ kind: "cell_line",
+ title: "Strain",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "treatments",
+ children: [
+ {
+ kind: "drug",
+ title: "Treatments",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "concentration",
+ title: "Concentration",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "start",
+ title: "Start",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "duration",
+ title: "Duration",
+ editable: false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "custom",
+ title: "Stimulation Time",
+ editable: false,
+ key: "stimulation_time"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "actions",
+ title: "Actions"
+ }
+ actions: [
+ {
+ kind: "add_protocol",
+ title: "Add Treatment Protocol"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'concentration_id'],
+ map: ['concentrations', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' , 'facs' ]
- },
- experiment_setup: {table: [
- {kind: "cell_line",
- title: "Strain",
- editable: false
- },
- {kind: "treatments",
- children: [
- {kind: "drug", title: "Treatments", editable: false},
- {kind: "concentration", title: "Concentration", editable: false},
- {kind: "start", title: "Start", editable: false},
- {kind: "duration", title: "Duration", editable: false}
- ]
- },
- {kind: "custom",
- title: "Stimulation Time",
- editable: false,
- key: "stimulation_time"},
- {kind: "actions",
- title: "Actions"
+ experiment_setup_actions: {
+ cell_lines: [
+ {
+ id: 'wt',
+ title: 'Wild Type',
+ cell_line: 'wt'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'm1',
+ title: 'Mutant 1',
+ cell_line: 'm1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_protocol_list: [
+ {
+ id: 'P1',
+ title: 'Buffer Only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d', // end
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
- ], actions: [
- {kind: "add_protocol", title: "Add Treatment Protocol"}
+ }
- },
- western_blot: {format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%, %CONCENTRATION%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'], map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%CONCENTRATION%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'concentration_id'], map: ['concentrations', '%KEY%', 'name']}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'P2',
+ title: 'V1 low conc',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d', // end
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '1',
+ concentration_id: '1'
+ }
+ ]
- }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- experiment_setup_actions: {
- cell_lines: [
- {
- id: 'wt',
- title: 'Wild Type',
- cell_line: 'wt'
- },
- {
- id: 'm1',
- title: 'Mutant 1',
- cell_line: 'm1'
+ {
+ id: 'P3',
+ title: 'V1 high conc',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d', // end
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '1',
+ concentration_id: '125'
+ }
+ ]
- ],
- treatment_protocol_list: [
- {
- id: 'P1',
- title: 'Buffer Only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', // start
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', // end
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: 0}
- ]}}
- ]}
- },
- {
- id: 'P2',
- title: 'V1 low conc',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', // start
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', // end
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '1', concentration_id: '1'}
- ]}}
- ]}
- },
- {
- id: 'P3',
- title: 'V1 high conc',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', // start
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', // end
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '1', concentration_id: '125'}
- ]}}
- ]}
- },
- {
- id: 'P4',
- title: 'V2 low conc',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', // start
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', // end
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '1', concentration_id: '50'}
- ]}}
- ]}
- },
- {
- id: 'P5',
- title: 'Many drugs',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', // start
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', // end
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '1', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '2', concentration_id: '5'},
- {drug_id: '3', concentration_id: '10'}
- ]}}
- ]}
- },
- {
- id: 'P6',
- title: 'Many drugs, Many times',
- treatment_list: {
- list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', // start
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', // end
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '1', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '2', concentration_id: '5'},
- {drug_id: '3', concentration_id: '10'}
- ]}}
- ]}
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'P4',
+ title: 'V2 low conc',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d', // end
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '1',
+ concentration_id: '50'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'P5',
+ title: 'Many drugs',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d', // end
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '1',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '2',
+ concentration_id: '5'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '3',
+ concentration_id: '10'
+ }
+ ]
- ],
- collection_schedule_list: [
- {id: '3 d', title: '3 days'}
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ id: 'P6',
+ title: 'Many drugs, Many times',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d', // end
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '1',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '2',
+ concentration_id: '5'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '3',
+ concentration_id: '10'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ collection_schedule_list: [
+ {
+ id: '3 d',
+ title: '3 days'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs, Vulvarines 1-4, identified in your chemical screen. To get started, click Add Treatment Protocol. For each treatment protocol, select the C. elegans strain, treatment(s), and treatment dose. For all of your treatments, treat the C. elegans immediately (time = 0 minutes) and collect after 3 days. Once you finish setting up your experiment, select Finish setup & run experiment. After you run your experiment, you will be unable to change your treatment protocols. ',
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs, Vulvarines 1-4, identified in your chemical screen. To get started, click Add Treatment Protocol. For each treatment protocol, select the C. elegans strain, treatment(s), and treatment dose. For all of your treatments, treat the C. elegans immediately (time = 0 minutes) and collect after 3 days. Once you finish setting up your experiment, select Finish setup & run experiment. After you run your experiment, you will be unable to change your treatment protocols. ',
- concentrations: {
- '1': {
- name: '1 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 1000
- },
- '5': {
- name: '5 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 5000
- },
- '10': {
- name: '10 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 10000
- },
- '20': {
- name: '20 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 20000
- },
- '25': {
- name: '25 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 25000
- },
- '40': {
- name: '40 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 40000
- },
- '80': {
- name: '80 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 80000
- },
- '125': {
- name: '125 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 125000
- },
- '10n': {
- name: '10 nM',
- value: 10
- },
- '50': {
- name: '50 nM',
- value: 50
- },
- '100': {
- name: '100 nM',
- value: 100
- },
- '200': {
- name: '200 nM',
- value: 200
- },
- '400': {
- name: '400 nM',
- value: 400
- },
- '0': {
- name: '0 nM',
- value: 0
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'nc': {
- name: 'Buffer only',
- concentrations: [0]
- },
- '1': {
- name: 'Vulvarine 1',
- concentrations: [5, 10, 20, 40, 80]
- },
- '2': {
- name: 'Vulvarine 2',
- concentrations: [50, 100, 200, 400]
- },
- '3': {
- name: 'Vulvarine 3',
- concentrations: [1, 5, 25, 125]
- },
- '4': {
- name: 'Vulvarine 4',
- concentrations: ['10n', 50, 100, 200, 400]
- }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': {
- name: "25" + degreeEntity + "C"
- }
- },
- cell_lines: {
- 'wt': {
- name: 'Wild Type'
- },
- 'm1': {
- name: 'Mutant 1'
- }
+ concentrations: {
+ '1': {
+ name: '1 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 1000
+ },
+ '5': {
+ name: '5 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 5000
+ },
+ '10': {
+ name: '10 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 10000
+ },
+ '20': {
+ name: '20 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 20000
+ },
+ '25': {
+ name: '25 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 25000
+ },
+ '40': {
+ name: '40 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 40000
+ },
+ '80': {
+ name: '80 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 80000
+ },
+ '125': {
+ name: '125 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 125000
+ },
+ '10n': {
+ name: '10 nM',
+ value: 10
+ },
+ '50': {
+ name: '50 nM',
+ value: 50
+ },
+ '100': {
+ name: '100 nM',
+ value: 100
+ },
+ '200': {
+ name: '200 nM',
+ value: 200
+ },
+ '400': {
+ name: '400 nM',
+ value: 400
+ },
+ '0': {
+ name: '0 nM',
+ value: 0
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'nc': {
+ name: 'Buffer only',
+ concentrations: [0]
+ },
+ '1': {
+ name: 'Vulvarine 1',
+ concentrations: [5, 10, 20, 40, 80]
+ },
+ '2': {
+ name: 'Vulvarine 2',
+ concentrations: [50, 100, 200, 400]
+ },
+ '3': {
+ name: 'Vulvarine 3',
+ concentrations: [1, 5, 25, 125]
+ },
+ '4': {
+ name: 'Vulvarine 4',
+ concentrations: ['10n', 50, 100, 200, 400]
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "25" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'wt': {
+ name: 'Wild Type'
+ },
+ 'm1': {
+ name: 'Mutant 1'
+ }
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order:[1,2,3,9,4,5,6,7,8],
- 1: {
- name: 'rabbit anti-let-23',
- secondary: [1],
- marks: [
- {weight: 24, intensity: .11},
- {weight: 36, intensity: .4},
- {weight: 48, intensity: .04}
- ],
- gel_name: 'anti-let-23'
- },
- 2: {
- name: 'mouse anti-let-60',
- secondary: [3],
- marks: [
- {weight: 48, intensity: .04}
- ],
- gel_name: 'anti-let-60'
- },
- 3: {
- name: 'goat anti-lin15A',
- secondary: [2],
- marks: [
- {weight: 12, intensity: .02}
- ],
- gel_name: 'anti-lin15A'
- },
- 9: {
- name: 'goat anti-lin15B',
- secondary: [2],
- marks: [
- {weight: 100, intensity: .01},
- {weight: 129, intensity: .11}
- ],
- gel_name: 'anti-lin15B'
- },
- 4: {
- name: 'goat anti-lin-1',
- secondary: [2],
- gel_name: 'anti-lin-1'
- },
- 5: {
- name: 'mouse anti-Dpy-5',
- secondary: [3],
- gel_name: 'anti-Dpy-5'
- },
- 6: {
- name: 'rabbit anti-Lon-2',
- secondary: [1],
- gel_name: 'anti-Lon-2'
- },
- 7: {
- name: 'mouse anti-Sma-4',
- secondary: [3],
- gel_name: 'anti-Sma-4'
- },
- 8: {
- name: 'goat anti-Unc-22',
- secondary: [2],
- gel_name: 'anti-Unc-22'
- }
- },
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 1: {
- name: 'donkey anti-rabbit'
- },
- 2: {
- name: 'rabbit anti-goat'
- },
- 3: {
- name: 'goat anti-mouse'
- }
- },
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
- },
- 'cyto': {
- name: 'Cytoplasm'
- },
- 'nuclear': {
- name: 'Nuclear'
- }
- },
- facs_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
- },
- 'cyto': {
- name: 'Cytoplasm'
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: [1, 2, 3, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
+ 1: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-let-23',
+ secondary: [1],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 24,
+ intensity: .11
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 36,
+ intensity: .4
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: .04
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-let-23'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-let-60',
+ secondary: [3],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: .04
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-let-60'
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'goat anti-lin15A',
+ secondary: [2],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 12,
+ intensity: .02
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-lin15A'
+ },
+ 9: {
+ name: 'goat anti-lin15B',
+ secondary: [2],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 100,
+ intensity: .01
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 129,
+ intensity: .11
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'anti-lin15B'
+ },
+ 4: {
+ name: 'goat anti-lin-1',
+ secondary: [2],
+ gel_name: 'anti-lin-1'
+ },
+ 5: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-Dpy-5',
+ secondary: [3],
+ gel_name: 'anti-Dpy-5'
+ },
+ 6: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-Lon-2',
+ secondary: [1],
+ gel_name: 'anti-Lon-2'
+ },
+ 7: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-Sma-4',
+ secondary: [3],
+ gel_name: 'anti-Sma-4'
+ },
+ 8: {
+ name: 'goat anti-Unc-22',
+ secondary: [2],
+ gel_name: 'anti-Unc-22'
+ }
+ },
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 1: {
+ name: 'donkey anti-rabbit'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-goat'
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'goat anti-mouse'
+ }
+ },
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ },
+ 'cyto': {
+ name: 'Cytoplasm'
+ },
+ 'nuclear': {
+ name: 'Nuclear'
+ }
+ },
+ facs_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ },
+ 'cyto': {
+ name: 'Cytoplasm'
+ },
+ 'nuclear': {
+ name: 'Nuclear'
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // model
+ western_blot: { // this applies to western blot
+ 'cyto': { // it acts on cytoplasm (thus on whole cell lysate as well)
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 1, // Vul 1
+ 'cutoff': 10000,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-23',
+ weight: 150,
+ intensity: -40,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 2, // Vul 2
+ 'cutoff': 200,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-60',
+ weight: 21,
+ intensity: -100,
+ primary_anti_body: [2]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 3, // Vul 3
+ 'cutoff': 25000,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-15A',
+ weight: 79,
+ intensity: -100,
+ primary_anti_body: [3]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-15B',
+ weight: 163,
+ intensity: -100,
+ primary_anti_body: [9]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 4, // Vul 3
+ 'cutoff': 400,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-1',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -100,
+ primary_anti_body: [4]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
- 'nuclear': {
- name: 'Nuclear'
- }
- },
- model: {// model
- western_blot: {// this applies to western blot
- 'cyto': {// it acts on cytoplasm (thus on whole cell lysate as well)
- 'parser_fixed': [
- {
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 1, // Vul 1
- 'cutoff': 10000,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-23',
- weight: 150,
- intensity: -40,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
- },
- {
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 2, // Vul 2
- 'cutoff': 200,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-60',
- weight: 21,
- intensity: -100,
- primary_anti_body: [2]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
- },
- {
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 3, // Vul 3
- 'cutoff': 25000,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-15A',
- weight: 79,
- intensity: -100,
- primary_anti_body: [3]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-15B',
- weight: 163,
- intensity: -100,
- primary_anti_body: [9]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
- },
- {
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 4, // Vul 3
- 'cutoff': 400,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-1',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -100,
- primary_anti_body: [4]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
- },
- {
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'static',
- 'marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-23',
- weight: 150,
- intensity: 40,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-60',
- weight: 21,
- intensity: 100,
- primary_anti_body: [2]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-15A',
- weight: 79,
- intensity: 100,
- primary_anti_body: [3]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-15B',
- weight: 163,
- intensity: 100,
- primary_anti_body: [9]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-1',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 100,
- primary_anti_body: [4]
- },
- {
- name: 'Dpy-5',
- weight: 20,
- intensity: 60,
- primary_anti_body: [5]
- },
- {
- name: 'Lan-2',
- weight: 100,
- intensity: 40,
- primary_anti_body: [6]
- },
- {
- name: 'Sma-4',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 25,
- primary_anti_body: [7]
- },
- {
- name: 'Unc-22',
- weight: 40,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: [8]
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'static',
+ 'marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-23',
+ weight: 150,
+ intensity: 40,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-60',
+ weight: 21,
+ intensity: 100,
+ primary_anti_body: [2]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-15A',
+ weight: 79,
+ intensity: 100,
+ primary_anti_body: [3]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-15B',
+ weight: 163,
+ intensity: 100,
+ primary_anti_body: [9]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-1',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 100,
+ primary_anti_body: [4]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Dpy-5',
+ weight: 20,
+ intensity: 60,
+ primary_anti_body: [5]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Lan-2',
+ weight: 100,
+ intensity: 40,
+ primary_anti_body: [6]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sma-4',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 25,
+ primary_anti_body: [7]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Unc-22',
+ weight: 40,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: [8]
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
var __assignment2 = {
- id: 'assignment_2',
- course:'7.02',
- course_name: 'MIT Course 7.02',
- name: 'StarCellBio Prototype Assignment',
- description: 'Biochemical approach to analyzing vulva development in C. elegans. ',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ['Goal & Introduction','Your new lab is studying vulva development in C. elegans . You screen a chemical library and identify four new drugs, which all affect vulva development, and you name them Vulvarine 1, 2, 3 and 4. Increasing amounts of Vulvarines 1 and 2 result in a vulvaless phenotype in the wild-type worms whereas treatment of wild-type worms with Vulvarines 3 and 4 results in a multivulva phenotype. Your advisor tells you that some proteins involved in the vulva development pathway are already known and she advises you to do western blots to test if some of these proteins are affected by these treatments. i) Use the StarCellBio software to analyze the western blots from worms treated with increasing doses of Vulvarines. Choose the gene products whose expression you would like to check. ii) Which proteins are affected by Vulvarine treatment? What is the critical Vulvarine concentration for each treatment? iii) Look up the biological function of each protein whose expression is affected by the drug and speculate as to how the change in its levels may have a role in vulva development. ']
+ id: 'assignment_2',
+ course: '7.02',
+ course_name: 'MIT Course 7.02',
+ name: 'StarCellBio Prototype Assignment',
+ description: 'Biochemical approach to analyzing vulva development in C. elegans. ',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ['Goal & Introduction', 'Your new lab is studying vulva development in C. elegans . You screen a chemical library and identify four new drugs, which all affect vulva development, and you name them Vulvarine 1, 2, 3 and 4. Increasing amounts of Vulvarines 1 and 2 result in a vulvaless phenotype in the wild-type worms whereas treatment of wild-type worms with Vulvarines 3 and 4 results in a multivulva phenotype. Your advisor tells you that some proteins involved in the vulva development pathway are already known and she advises you to do western blots to test if some of these proteins are affected by these treatments. i) Use the StarCellBio software to analyze the western blots from worms treated with increasing doses of Vulvarines. Choose the gene products whose expression you would like to check. ii) Which proteins are affected by Vulvarine treatment? What is the critical Vulvarine concentration for each treatment? iii) Look up the biological function of each protein whose expression is affected by the drug and speculate as to how the change in its levels may have a role in vulva development. ']
- ],
- add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs, Vulvarines 1-4, identified in your chemical screen. To get started, click Add Treatment Protocol. For each treatment protocol, select the C. elegans strain, treatment(s), and treatment dose. For all of your treatments, treat the C. elegans immediately (time = 0 minutes) and collect after 3 days. Once you finish setting up your experiment, select Finish setup & run experiment. After you run your experiment, you will be unable to change your treatment protocols. ',
- ui_configuration: {
- experiment_steps_setup: true, // this is not even checked...
- experiment_steps_western_blot: true,
- experiment_steps_facs: false,
- experiment_steps_microscopy: false,
- treatment_options_display_temperature: false,
- treatment_options_edit_schedule: false,
- lysate_display_ip: false,
- amount_of_protein_loaded: 50,
- experiment_setup_duration: 3600, // seconds
- experiment_setup_resolution_height: 3600,
- experiment_setup_physical_height: 600,
- collection_times_fixed: true,
- maximum_number_of_treatments_per_protocol: 1,
- show_add_new_experiment_rows: true
- },
- drug_template: {
- name: 'Buffer only',
- drug_id: 'nc',
- concentration_id: 0
+ ],
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs, Vulvarines 1-4, identified in your chemical screen. To get started, click Add Treatment Protocol. For each treatment protocol, select the C. elegans strain, treatment(s), and treatment dose. For all of your treatments, treat the C. elegans immediately (time = 0 minutes) and collect after 3 days. Once you finish setting up your experiment, select Finish setup & run experiment. After you run your experiment, you will be unable to change your treatment protocols. ',
+ ui_configuration: {
+ experiment_steps_setup: true, // this is not even checked...
+ experiment_steps_western_blot: true,
+ experiment_steps_facs: false,
+ experiment_steps_microscopy: false,
+ treatment_options_display_temperature: false,
+ treatment_options_edit_schedule: false,
+ lysate_display_ip: false,
+ amount_of_protein_loaded: 50,
+ experiment_setup_duration: 3600, // seconds
+ experiment_setup_resolution_height: 3600,
+ experiment_setup_physical_height: 600,
+ collection_times_fixed: true,
+ maximum_number_of_treatments_per_protocol: 1,
+ show_add_new_experiment_rows: true
+ },
+ drug_template: {
+ name: 'Buffer only',
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: 0
+ },
+ experiment_templates: {
+ 'default': {
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "3 d",
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ id: '3 d'
+ }
+ ]
- experiment_templates: {
- 'default': {
- collection_schedule_list: {
- list: [
- {
- schedule: "3 d",
- schedule_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
- id: '3 d'
- }
- ]
+ treatment: {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately',
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d'
+ }
+ },
+ 'treatment_protocol_template': {
+ 'P1': {
+ title: 'Basic protocol',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately',
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "3 d",
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ id: '3 d'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ name: '7.02 StarCellBio Prototype Assignment',
+ concentrations: {
+ 1: {
+ name: '1 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 1000
+ },
+ 5: {
+ name: '5 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 5000
+ },
+ 10: {
+ name: '10 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 10000
+ },
+ 20: {
+ name: '20 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 20000
+ },
+ 25: {
+ name: '25 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 25000
+ },
+ 40: {
+ name: '40 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 40000
+ },
+ 80: {
+ name: '80 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 80000
+ },
+ 125: {
+ name: '125 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 125000
+ },
+ '10n': {
+ name: '10 nM',
+ value: 10
+ },
+ 50: {
+ name: '50 nM',
+ value: 50
+ },
+ 100: {
+ name: '100 nM',
+ value: 100
+ },
+ 200: {
+ name: '200 nM',
+ value: 200
+ },
+ 400: {
+ name: '400 nM',
+ value: 400
+ },
+ 0: {
+ name: '0 nM',
+ value: 0
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'nc': {
+ name: 'Buffer only',
+ concentrations: [0]
+ },
+ 1: {
+ name: 'Vulvarine 1',
+ concentrations: [5, 10, 20, 40, 80]
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'Vulvarine 2',
+ concentrations: [50, 100, 200, 400]
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'Vulvarine 3',
+ concentrations: [1, 5, 25, 125]
+ },
+ 4: {
+ name: 'Vulvarine 4',
+ concentrations: ['10n', 50, 100, 200, 400]
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "25" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'wt': {
+ name: 'Wild Type'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: [1, 2, 3, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8],
+ 1: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-let-23',
+ secondary: [1],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 24,
+ intensity: .11
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 36,
+ intensity: .4
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: .04
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-let-60',
+ secondary: [3],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: .04
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'goat anti-lin15A',
+ secondary: [2],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 12,
+ intensity: .02
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 9: {
+ name: 'goat anti-lin15B',
+ secondary: [2],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 100,
+ intensity: .01
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 129,
+ intensity: .11
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 4: {
+ name: 'goat anti-lin-1',
+ secondary: [2]
+ },
+ 5: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-Dpy-5',
+ secondary: [3]
+ },
+ 6: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-Lon-2',
+ secondary: [1]
+ },
+ 7: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-Sma-4',
+ secondary: [3]
+ },
+ 8: {
+ name: 'goat anti-Unc-22',
+ secondary: [2]
+ }
+ },
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 1: {
+ name: 'donkey anti-rabbit'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-goat'
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'goat anti-mouse'
+ }
+ },
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ },
+ 'cyto': {
+ name: 'Cytoplasm'
+ },
+ 'nuclear': {
+ name: 'Nuclear'
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // model
+ western_blot: { // this applies to western blot
+ 'cyto': { // it acts on cytoplasm (thus on whole cell lysate as well)
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 1, // Vul 1
+ 'cutoff': 10000,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-23',
+ weight: 150,
+ intensity: -40,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 2, // Vul 2
+ 'cutoff': 200,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-60',
+ weight: 21,
+ intensity: -100,
+ primary_anti_body: [2]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 3, // Vul 3
+ 'cutoff': 25000,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-15A',
+ weight: 79,
+ intensity: -100,
+ primary_anti_body: [3]
- treatment: {
- schedule_value: 0,
- schedule: 'immediately',
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
- duration: '3 d'
+ {
+ name: 'let-15B',
+ weight: 163,
+ intensity: -100,
+ primary_anti_body: [9]
- },
- 'treatment_protocol_template': {
- 'P1': {
- title: 'Basic protocol',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: 0}
- ]}}
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {
- list: [
- {
- schedule: "3 d",
- schedule_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
- id: '3 d'
- }
- ]
- }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 4, // Vul 3
+ 'cutoff': 400,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-1',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -100,
+ primary_anti_body: [4]
- }
- },
- name: '7.02 StarCellBio Prototype Assignment',
- concentrations: {
- 1: {
- name: '1 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 1000
- },
- 5: {
- name: '5 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 5000
- },
- 10: {
- name: '10 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 10000
- },
- 20: {
- name: '20 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 20000
- },
- 25: {
- name: '25 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 25000
- },
- 40: {
- name: '40 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 40000
- },
- 80: {
- name: '80 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 80000
- },
- 125: {
- name: '125 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 125000
- },
- '10n': {
- name: '10 nM',
- value: 10
- },
- 50: {
- name: '50 nM',
- value: 50
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
- 100: {
- name: '100 nM',
- value: 100
- },
- 200: {
- name: '200 nM',
- value: 200
- },
- 400: {
- name: '400 nM',
- value: 400
- },
- 0: {
- name: '0 nM',
- value: 0
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'nc': {
- name: 'Buffer only',
- concentrations: [0]
- },
- 1: {
- name: 'Vulvarine 1',
- concentrations: [5, 10, 20, 40, 80]
- },
- 2: {
- name: 'Vulvarine 2',
- concentrations: [50, 100, 200, 400]
- },
- 3: {
- name: 'Vulvarine 3',
- concentrations: [1, 5, 25, 125]
- },
- 4: {
- name: 'Vulvarine 4',
- concentrations: ['10n', 50, 100, 200, 400]
- }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': {
- name: "25" + degreeEntity + "C"
- }
- },
- cell_lines: {
- 'wt': {
- name: 'Wild Type'
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'static',
+ 'marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-23',
+ weight: 150,
+ intensity: 40,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-60',
+ weight: 21,
+ intensity: 100,
+ primary_anti_body: [2]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-15A',
+ weight: 79,
+ intensity: 100,
+ primary_anti_body: [3]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-15B',
+ weight: 163,
+ intensity: 100,
+ primary_anti_body: [9]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-1',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 100,
+ primary_anti_body: [4]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Dpy-5',
+ weight: 20,
+ intensity: 60,
+ primary_anti_body: [5]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Lan-2',
+ weight: 100,
+ intensity: 40,
+ primary_anti_body: [6]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sma-4',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 25,
+ primary_anti_body: [7]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Unc-22',
+ weight: 40,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: [8]
+ }
+ ]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order:[1,2,3,9,4,5,6,7,8],
- 1: {
- name: 'rabbit anti-let-23',
- secondary: [1],
- marks: [
- {weight: 24, intensity: .11},
- {weight: 36, intensity: .4},
- {weight: 48, intensity: .04}
- ]
- },
- 2: {
- name: 'mouse anti-let-60',
- secondary: [3],
- marks: [
- {weight: 48, intensity: .04}
- ]
- },
- 3: {
- name: 'goat anti-lin15A',
- secondary: [2],
- marks: [
- {weight: 12, intensity: .02}
- ]
- },
- 9: {
- name: 'goat anti-lin15B',
- secondary: [2],
- marks: [
- {weight: 100, intensity: .01},
- {weight: 129, intensity: .11}
+var __assigment_tufts = {
+ id: 'assignment_tufts',
+ name: 'Bio52 Assignment',
+ course: 'Bio52',
+ course_name: 'Tufts Bio52',
+ description: 'Bio52 Homework Assignment.',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {
+ },
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ['Goal & Introduction', "Here come instructions"]
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [ //
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [ //
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'concentration',
+ title: 'Concentration',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'duration',
+ title: 'Time',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ ]
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ } //
+ ], //
+ actions: [] //
+ },
+ western_blot: {},
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ 'wt': {
+ title: 'Strain: Wild Type',
+ headings: [
+ 'Select', 'Treatment Protocol'
+ ],
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'SEL'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: '0.1% FBS'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'P1',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ 'SEL': [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: '0 min',
+ duration_value: -1,
+ duration: '18h',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 1,
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "18h",
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18,
+ id: '3'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ stimulation_time: '0 minutes',
+ name: '0.1% FBS'
+ }
+ }
- 4: {
- name: 'goat anti-lin-1',
- secondary: [2]
- },
- 5: {
- name: 'mouse anti-Dpy-5',
- secondary: [3]
- },
- 6: {
- name: 'rabbit anti-Lon-2',
- secondary: [1]
- },
- 7: {
- name: 'mouse anti-Sma-4',
- secondary: [3]
- },
- 8: {
- name: 'goat anti-Unc-22',
- secondary: [2]
- }
- },
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 1: {
- name: 'donkey anti-rabbit'
- },
- 2: {
- name: 'rabbit anti-goat'
- },
- 3: {
- name: 'goat anti-mouse'
- }
- },
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
- },
- 'cyto': {
- name: 'Cytoplasm'
- },
- 'nuclear': {
- name: 'Nuclear'
- }
- },
- model: {// model
- western_blot: {// this applies to western blot
- 'cyto': {// it acts on cytoplasm (thus on whole cell lysate as well)
- 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'SEL'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: '0.1% FBS & EGF'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'P2',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ 'SEL': [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 1, // Vul 1
- 'cutoff': 10000,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-23',
- weight: 150,
- intensity: -40,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: '0 min',
+ duration_value: -1,
+ duration: '18h',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 1,
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 2, // Vul 2
- 'cutoff': 200,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-60',
- weight: 21,
- intensity: -100,
- primary_anti_body: [2]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
- },
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18,
+ schedule: '18h',
+ duration_value: 600,
+ duration: '10 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 2,
+ concentration_id: 1
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "3h 10 min",
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 600,
+ id: '31'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ stimulation_time: '10 minutes',
+ name: '0.1% FBS & EGF'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'SEL'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: '0.1% FBS & Erlotinib & EGF'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'P3',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ 'SEL': [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 3, // Vul 3
- 'cutoff': 25000,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-15A',
- weight: 79,
- intensity: -100,
- primary_anti_body: [3]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-15B',
- weight: 163,
- intensity: -100,
- primary_anti_body: [9]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: '0 min',
+ duration_value: -1,
+ duration: '18h',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 1,
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 4, // Vul 3
- 'cutoff': 400,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-1',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -100,
- primary_anti_body: [4]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18,
+ schedule: '18h',
+ duration_value: -1,
+ duration: '15 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 3,
+ concentration_id: 20
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'static',
- 'marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-23',
- weight: 150,
- intensity: 40,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-60',
- weight: 21,
- intensity: 100,
- primary_anti_body: [2]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-15A',
- weight: 79,
- intensity: 100,
- primary_anti_body: [3]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-15B',
- weight: 163,
- intensity: 100,
- primary_anti_body: [9]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-1',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 100,
- primary_anti_body: [4]
- },
- {
- name: 'Dpy-5',
- weight: 20,
- intensity: 60,
- primary_anti_body: [5]
- },
- {
- name: 'Lan-2',
- weight: 100,
- intensity: 40,
- primary_anti_body: [6]
- },
- {
- name: 'Sma-4',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 25,
- primary_anti_body: [7]
- },
- {
- name: 'Unc-22',
- weight: 40,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: [8]
- }
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 15 * 60,
+ schedule: '18h 15min',
+ duration_value: 600,
+ duration: '10 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 2,
+ concentration_id: 1
+ }
+ }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
-var __assigment_tufts = {
- id: 'assignment_tufts',
- name: 'Bio52 Assignment',
- course:'Bio52',
- course_name: 'Tufts Bio52',
- description: 'Bio52 Homework Assignment.',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {
- },
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ['Goal & Introduction',"Here come instructions"]
- ],
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' ]
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [ //
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: false}, //
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [//
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: false},//
- {kind: 'concentration', title: 'Concentration', editable: false},//
- {kind: 'duration', title: 'Time', editable: false},//
- ]
- },//
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}//
- ],//
- actions: []//
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "18h 25 min",
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 25 * 60,
+ id: '325'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ stimulation_time: '10 minutes',
+ name: '0.1% FBS & Erlotinib & EGF'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- western_blot: {},
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- 'wt': {
- title: 'Strain: Wild Type',
- headings: [
- 'Select', 'Treatment Protocol'
- ],
- rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'SEL'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: '0.1% FBS & U0126 & EGF'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'P4',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ 'SEL': [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'SEL'},
- {kind: 'text', text: '0.1% FBS'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'P1',
- cell_treatments: {
- 'SEL': [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: '0 min', duration_value: -1, duration: '18h', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 1, concentration_id: 0}
- ]}}
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "18h", schedule_value: 3600 * 18, id: '3'}
- ]},
- stimulation_time: '0 minutes',
- name: '0.1% FBS'
- }
- ]
- }
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: '0 min',
+ duration_value: -1,
+ duration: '18h',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 1,
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'SEL'},
- {kind: 'text', text: '0.1% FBS & EGF'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'P2',
- cell_treatments: {
- 'SEL': [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: '0 min', duration_value: -1, duration: '18h', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 1, concentration_id: 0}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18, schedule: '18h', duration_value: 600, duration: '10 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 2, concentration_id: 1}
- ]}}
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "3h 10 min", schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 600, id: '31'}
- ]},
- stimulation_time: '10 minutes',
- name: '0.1% FBS & EGF'
- }
- ]
- }
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18,
+ schedule: '18h',
+ duration_value: -1,
+ duration: '15 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 4,
+ concentration_id: 10
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'SEL'},
- {kind: 'text', text: '0.1% FBS & Erlotinib & EGF'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'P3',
- cell_treatments: {
- 'SEL': [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: '0 min', duration_value: -1, duration: '18h', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 1, concentration_id: 0}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18, schedule: '18h', duration_value: -1, duration: '15 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 3, concentration_id: 20}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 15 * 60, schedule: '18h 15min', duration_value: 600, duration: '10 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 2, concentration_id: 1}
- ]}}
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "18h 25 min", schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 25 * 60, id: '325'}
- ]},
- stimulation_time: '10 minutes',
- name: '0.1% FBS & Erlotinib & EGF'
- }
- ]}
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 15 * 60,
+ schedule: '18h 15min',
+ duration_value: 600,
+ duration: '10 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 2,
+ concentration_id: 1
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "18h 25 min",
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 25 * 60,
+ id: '325'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ stimulation_time: '10 minutes',
+ name: '0.1% FBS & U0126 & EGF'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'SEL'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: '0.1% FBS & Erlotinib & U0126 & EGF'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'P5',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ 'SEL': [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: '0 min',
+ duration_value: -1,
+ duration: '18h',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 1,
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'SEL'},
- {kind: 'text', text: '0.1% FBS & U0126 & EGF'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'P4',
- cell_treatments: {
- 'SEL': [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: '0 min', duration_value: -1, duration: '18h', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 1, concentration_id: 0}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18, schedule: '18h', duration_value: -1, duration: '15 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 4, concentration_id: 10}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 15 * 60, schedule: '18h 15min', duration_value: 600, duration: '10 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 2, concentration_id: 1}
- ]}}
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "18h 25 min", schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 25 * 60, id: '325'}
- ]},
- stimulation_time: '10 minutes',
- name: '0.1% FBS & U0126 & EGF'
- }
- ]}
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18,
+ schedule: '18h',
+ duration_value: -1,
+ duration: '15 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 3,
+ concentration_id: 20
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 4,
+ concentration_id: 10
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'SEL'},
- {kind: 'text', text: '0.1% FBS & Erlotinib & U0126 & EGF'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'P5',
- cell_treatments: {
- 'SEL': [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: '0 min', duration_value: -1, duration: '18h', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 1, concentration_id: 0}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18, schedule: '18h', duration_value: -1, duration: '15 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 3, concentration_id: 20},
- {drug_id: 4, concentration_id: 10}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 15 * 60, schedule: '18h 15min', duration_value: 600, duration: '10 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 2, concentration_id: 1}
- ]}}
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "18h 25 min", schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 25 * 60, id: '325'}
- ]},
- stimulation_time: '10 minutes',
- name: '0.1% FBS & Erlotinib & U0126 & EGF'
- }
- ]}
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 15 * 60,
+ schedule: '18h 15min',
+ duration_value: 600,
+ duration: '10 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 2,
+ concentration_id: 1
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "18h 25 min",
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 25 * 60,
+ id: '325'
+ ]
+ },
+ stimulation_time: '10 minutes',
+ name: '0.1% FBS & Erlotinib & U0126 & EGF'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- ]
+ ]
- }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ drug_template: {
+ name: 'Serum Starvation',
+ drug_id: 1,
+ concentration_id: 0
+ },
+ experiment_templates: {
+ 'default': {
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "10 min",
+ schedule_value: 600,
+ id: '10'
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ 'treatment_protocol_template': {
+ 'P1': {
+ title: 'Serum starvation alone',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: '0 min',
+ duration_value: 3600 * 18,
+ duration: '18h',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 1,
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "18h",
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18,
+ id: '3'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ stimulation_time: '0 minutes'
- drug_template: {
- name: 'Serum Starvation',
- drug_id: 1,
- concentration_id: 0
+ 'P2': {
+ title: 'Serum starvation + agonist treatment',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: '0 min',
+ duration_value: 3600 * 18,
+ duration: '18h',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 1,
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18,
+ schedule: '18h',
+ duration_value: 600,
+ duration: '10 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 2,
+ concentration_id: 1
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "3h 10 min",
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 600,
+ id: '31'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ stimulation_time: '10 minutes'
- experiment_templates: {
- 'default': {
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "10 min", schedule_value: 600, id: '10'}
- ]}
- },
- 'treatment_protocol_template': {
- 'P1': {
- title: 'Serum starvation alone',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: '0 min', duration_value: 3600 * 18, duration: '18h', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 1, concentration_id: 0}
- ]}}
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "18h", schedule_value: 3600 * 18, id: '3'}
- ]},
- stimulation_time: '0 minutes'
- },
- 'P2': {
- title: 'Serum starvation + agonist treatment',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: '0 min', duration_value: 3600 * 18, duration: '18h', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 1, concentration_id: 0}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18, schedule: '18h', duration_value: 600, duration: '10 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 2, concentration_id: 1}
- ]}}
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "3h 10 min", schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 600, id: '31'}
- ]},
- stimulation_time: '10 minutes'
- },
- 'P3': {
- title: 'Serum starvation + EGFR inhibitor + agonist',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: '0 min', duration_value: 3600 * 18, duration: '18h', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 1, concentration_id: 0}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18, schedule: '18h', duration_value: 900, duration: '15 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 3, concentration_id: 20}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 15 * 60, schedule: '18h 15min', duration_value: 600, duration: '10 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 2, concentration_id: 1}
- ]}}
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "18h 25 min", schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 25 * 60, id: '325'}
- ]},
- stimulation_time: '10 minutes'
- },
- 'P4': {
- title: 'Serum starvation + MEK inhibitor + agonist',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: '0 min', duration_value: 3600 * 18, duration: '18h', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 1, concentration_id: 0}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18, schedule: '18h', duration_value: 900, duration: '15 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 4, concentration_id: 10}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 15 * 60, schedule: '18h 15min', duration_value: 600, duration: '10 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 2, concentration_id: 1}
- ]}}
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "18h 25 min", schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 25 * 60, id: '325'}
- ]},
- stimulation_time: '10 minutes'
- },
- 'P5': {
- title: 'Serum starvation + EGFR inhibitor & MEK inhibitor + agonist',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: '0 min', duration_value: 3600 * 18, duration: '18h', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 1, concentration_id: 0}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18, schedule: '18h', duration_value: 900, duration: '15 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 3, concentration_id: 20},
- {drug_id: 4, concentration_id: 10}
- ]}},
- {schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 15 * 60, schedule: '18h 15min', duration_value: 600, duration: '10 min', drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 2, concentration_id: 1}
- ]}}
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "18h 25 min", schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 25 * 60, id: '325'}
- ]},
- stimulation_time: '10 minutes'
+ 'P3': {
+ title: 'Serum starvation + EGFR inhibitor + agonist',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: '0 min',
+ duration_value: 3600 * 18,
+ duration: '18h',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 1,
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
- }
+ },
+ {
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18,
+ schedule: '18h',
+ duration_value: 900,
+ duration: '15 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 3,
+ concentration_id: 20
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 15 * 60,
+ schedule: '18h 15min',
+ duration_value: 600,
+ duration: '10 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 2,
+ concentration_id: 1
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "18h 25 min",
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 25 * 60,
+ id: '325'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ stimulation_time: '10 minutes'
- name: 'TUFTS CellBio Prototype Assignment',
- concentrations: {
- 0: {
- name: '0.1%',
- value: 0
- },
- 1: {
- name: '100ng/mL',
- value: 100
- },
- 20: {
- name: '20'+microEntity+'M',
- value: 20
- },
- 10: {
- name: '10'+microEntity+'M',
- value: 10
- }
+ 'P4': {
+ title: 'Serum starvation + MEK inhibitor + agonist',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: '0 min',
+ duration_value: 3600 * 18,
+ duration: '18h',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 1,
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18,
+ schedule: '18h',
+ duration_value: 900,
+ duration: '15 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 4,
+ concentration_id: 10
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 15 * 60,
+ schedule: '18h 15min',
+ duration_value: 600,
+ duration: '10 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 2,
+ concentration_id: 1
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "18h 25 min",
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 25 * 60,
+ id: '325'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ stimulation_time: '10 minutes'
+ 'P5': {
+ title: 'Serum starvation + EGFR inhibitor & MEK inhibitor + agonist',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: '0 min',
+ duration_value: 3600 * 18,
+ duration: '18h',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 1,
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18,
+ schedule: '18h',
+ duration_value: 900,
+ duration: '15 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 3,
+ concentration_id: 20
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 4,
+ concentration_id: 10
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 15 * 60,
+ schedule: '18h 15min',
+ duration_value: 600,
+ duration: '10 min',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 2,
+ concentration_id: 1
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "18h 25 min",
+ schedule_value: 3600 * 18 + 25 * 60,
+ id: '325'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ stimulation_time: '10 minutes'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ name: 'TUFTS CellBio Prototype Assignment',
+ concentrations: {
+ 0: {
+ name: '0.1%',
+ value: 0
+ },
+ 1: {
+ name: '100ng/mL',
+ value: 100
+ },
+ 20: {
+ name: '20' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 20
+ },
+ 10: {
+ name: '10' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 10
+ }
- drugs: {
+ },
- 1: {name: 'FBS',
- concentrations: [0]
- },
- 2: {
- name: 'EGF',
- concentrations: [1]
- },
- 3: {
- name: 'Erlotinib',
- concentrations: [20]
- },
- 4: {
- name: 'U0126',
- concentrations: [10]
- }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': { name: "25" + degreeEntity + "C" }
- },
- cell_lines: {
- 'wt': {
- name: 'Wild Type'
- }
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: [1,2,3,4,5],
- 1: {
- name: 'rabbit anti P-ERK1/2',
- secondary: [1],
- marks: [
- {weight: 44, intensity: .1},
- {weight: 42, intensity: .1}
- ],
- gel_name: 'P-ERK1/2'
- },
- 2: {
- name: 'rabbit anti ERK1/2',
- secondary: [1],
- marks: [
- {weight: 44, intensity: 1},
- {weight: 42, intensity: 1}
- ],
- gel_name: 'ERK1/2'
- },
- 3: {
- name: 'rabbit anti P-EGFR',
- secondary: [1],
- marks: [
- {weight: 175, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'P-EGFR'
- },
- 4: {
- name: 'rabbit anti EGFR',
- secondary: [1],
- marks: [
- {weight: 134, intensity: 1}
- ],
- gel_name: 'EGFR'
- },
- 5: {
- name: 'rabbit anti tubulin',
- secondary: [1],
- marks: [
- {weight: 50, intensity: 20}
- ],
- gel_name: 'tubulin'
- }
- },
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 1: {
- name: 'goat anti rabbit HRP'
- },
- 2: {
- name: 'goat anti mouse HRP'
- }
- },
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
+ drugs: {
+ 1: {
+ name: 'FBS',
+ concentrations: [0]
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'EGF',
+ concentrations: [1]
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'Erlotinib',
+ concentrations: [20]
+ },
+ 4: {
+ name: 'U0126',
+ concentrations: [10]
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "25" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'wt': {
+ name: 'Wild Type'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
+ 1: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti P-ERK1/2',
+ secondary: [1],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: .1
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 42,
+ intensity: .1
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'P-ERK1/2'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti ERK1/2',
+ secondary: [1],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: 1
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 42,
+ intensity: 1
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'ERK1/2'
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti P-EGFR',
+ secondary: [1],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 175,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'P-EGFR'
+ },
+ 4: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti EGFR',
+ secondary: [1],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 134,
+ intensity: 1
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'EGFR'
+ },
+ 5: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti tubulin',
+ secondary: [1],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 50,
+ intensity: 20
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'tubulin'
+ }
+ },
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 1: {
+ name: 'goat anti rabbit HRP'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'goat anti mouse HRP'
+ }
+ },
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // model
+ western_blot: { // this applies to western blot
+ 'cyto': { // it acts on cytoplasm (thus on whole cell lysate as well)
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 2, // FBS
+ 'cutoff': 50,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'P-ERK',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: .1,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'P-ERK',
+ weight: 42,
+ intensity: .1,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'P-EGFR',
+ weight: 175,
+ intensity: .2,
+ primary_anti_body: [3]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'P-ERK',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: -.1,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'P-ERK',
+ weight: 42,
+ intensity: -.1,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 3, // Erlotinib
+ 'cutoff': 10,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'P-ERK',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: -.1,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'P-ERK',
+ weight: 42,
+ intensity: -.1,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'P-EGFR',
+ weight: 175,
+ intensity: -.2,
+ primary_anti_body: [3]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 4, // U0126
+ 'cutoff': 10,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'P-ERK',
+ weight: 44,
+ intensity: -.1,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'P-ERK',
+ weight: 42,
+ intensity: -.1,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'P-EGFR',
+ weight: 175,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: [3]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var __decusability_newfacs = {
+ id: 'decusability2',
+ name: 'StarCellBio Usability Test2',
+ course: 'usability',
+ course_name: 'December 2013 Usability Testing',
+ description: 'FACS and Western Blot for temperature sensitive mutants',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ['Goal & Introduction', 'Here come instructions when we build them']
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb', 'facs']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [ //
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [ //
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ ]
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'temperature',
+ title: 'Temperature',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ } //
+ ], //
+ actions: []
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'concentration_id'],
+ map: ['concentrations', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'temperature'],
+ map: ['experiment_temperatures', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%PP1%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '1', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'short_name'],
+ default: ''
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ 'wt': {
+ title: 'Strain: Wild Type',
+ headings: ['Treatment', 'Temperature', ''],
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ facs: {
+ 'whole': 1,
+ 'a': 1
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ facs: {
+ 'whole': 1,
+ 'a': 1
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ facs: {
+ 'whole': 1,
+ 'a': 1
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ facs: {
+ 'whole': 1,
+ 'a': 1
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'm1': {
+ title: 'Strain: Mutant 1',
+ headings: ['Treatment', 'Temperature', ''],
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ facs: {
+ 'whole': 1,
+ 'a': 1
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ facs: {
+ 'whole': 1,
+ 'a': 1
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ facs: {
+ 'whole': 1,
+ 'a': 1
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ facs: {
+ 'whole': 1,
+ 'a': 1
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'm2': {
+ title: 'Strain: Mutant 2',
+ headings: ['Treatment', 'Temperature', ''],
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ facs: {
+ 'whole': 1,
+ 'a': 1
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ facs: {
+ 'whole': 1,
+ 'a': 1
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ facs: {
+ 'whole': 1,
+ 'a': 1
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ facs: {
+ 'whole': 1,
+ 'a': 1
+ },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
+ concentrations: {
+ '0': {
+ name: '',
+ value: 0
+ },
+ '2': {
+ name: '2 ' + microEntity + 'g/mL',
+ value: 5
+ },
+ '15': {
+ name: '15 ' + microEntity + 'g/mL',
+ value: 5
+ },
+ '200': {
+ name: '200 mM',
+ value: 5
+ },
+ '1u': {
+ name: '1 unit',
+ value: 1000
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'nc': {
+ name: 'Growth Media',
+ concentrations: [0]
+ },
+ 'Nocodazole': {
+ name: 'Nocodazole',
+ concentrations: [15]
+ },
+ 'Alpha': {
+ name: 'Alpha Factor',
+ concentrations: [2]
+ },
+ 'Hydroxyurea': {
+ name: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ concentrations: [200]
+ },
+ 'pp1': {
+ name: 'Protein Phosphatase 1',
+ concentrations: ['1u'],
+ short_name: 'PP1'
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ '40': {
+ name: "37" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'wt': {
+ name: 'Wild Type'
+ },
+ 'm1': {
+ name: 'Mutant 1'
+ },
+ 'm2': {
+ name: 'Mutant 2'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: ['cdk2', 'cyclin', 'cyclinE', 'pgk1'],
+ 'cdk2': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-cdk2',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 33,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 34,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 35,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cdk2'
+ },
+ 'cyclin': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin B'
+ },
+ 'cyclinE': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin E'
+ },
+ 'pgk1': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'pgk1'
+ }
+ }, //
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 'm': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ },
+ 'r': {
+ name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
+ }
+ }, //
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
+ facs_kinds: {
+ 'Dye': {
+ name: 'Dye/Stain',
+ conditions: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI',
+ short_name: 'PI'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'Anti': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling ',
+ conditions: {
+ 'a': {
+ name: 'Antibody',
+ short_name: 'Antibody'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // models
+ western_blot: {
+ 'cyto': {
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: '*ANY*',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'pp1',
+ cell_line: '*ANY*',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 33, // 34&35
+ intensity: .3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 34, // 34&35
+ intensity: .3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: .3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Nocodazole',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Alpha',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 34, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ facs: {
+ 'dna': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ shape: 'normal'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'g2-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'S-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
+ shape: 'g2-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ drug_id: 'Alpha',
+ shape: 'alpha-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ shape: 'S-block'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var __usability_test = {
+ id: 'usability_test',
+ name: 'SCB Usability Test',
+ course: 'StarX',
+ course_name: 'Prototypes',
+ description: "Placeholder",
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [['Placeholder', 'Usability test']],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb', 'facs']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "cell_line",
+ title: "Strain",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "treatments",
+ children: [
+ {
+ kind: "drug",
+ title: "Treatment",
+ editable: true
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "concentration",
+ title: "Concentration",
+ editable: true
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "start",
+ title: "Start",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "duration",
+ title: "Duration",
+ editable: false
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "actions",
+ title: "Actions"
+ }
+ ],
+ actions: []
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'concentration_id'],
+ map: ['concentrations', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_setup_actions: {
+ cell_lines: [
+ {
+ id: 'wt',
+ title: 'Wild Type',
+ cell_line: 'wt'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_protocol_list: [
+ {
+ id: 'P1',
+ title: 'Buffer Only',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d', // end
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: 0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'P2',
+ title: 'V1 low conc',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d', // end
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '1',
+ concentration_id: '1'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'P3',
+ title: 'V1 high conc',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d', // end
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '1',
+ concentration_id: '125'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'P4',
+ title: 'V2 low conc',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d', // end
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '1',
+ concentration_id: '50'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'P5',
+ title: 'Many drugs',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d', // end
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '1',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '2',
+ concentration_id: '5'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '3',
+ concentration_id: '10'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'P6',
+ title: 'Many drugs, Many times',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d', // end
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '1',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '2',
+ concentration_id: '5'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: '3',
+ concentration_id: '10'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ collection_schedule_list: [
+ {
+ id: '3 d',
+ title: '3 days'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs, Vulvarines 1-4, identified in your chemical screen. To get started, click Add Treatment Protocol. For each treatment protocol, select the C. elegans strain, treatment(s), and treatment dose. For all of your treatments, treat the C. elegans immediately (time = 0 minutes) and collect after 3 days. Once you finish setting up your experiment, select Finish setup & run experiment. After you run your experiment, you will be unable to change your treatment protocols. ',
+ concentrations: {
+ '1': {
+ name: '1 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 1000
+ },
+ '5': {
+ name: '5 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 5000
+ },
+ '10': {
+ name: '10 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 10000
+ },
+ '20': {
+ name: '20 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 20000
+ },
+ '25': {
+ name: '25 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 25000
+ },
+ '40': {
+ name: '40 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 40000
+ },
+ '80': {
+ name: '80 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 80000
+ },
+ '125': {
+ name: '125 ' + microEntity + 'M',
+ value: 125000
+ },
+ '10n': {
+ name: '10 nM',
+ value: 10
+ },
+ '50': {
+ name: '50 nM',
+ value: 50
+ },
+ '100': {
+ name: '100 nM',
+ value: 100
+ },
+ '200': {
+ name: '200 nM',
+ value: 200
+ },
+ '400': {
+ name: '400 nM',
+ value: 400
+ },
+ '0': {
+ name: '0 nM',
+ value: 0
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'nc': {
+ name: 'Buffer only',
+ concentrations: [0]
+ },
+ '1': {
+ name: 'Vulvarine 1',
+ concentrations: [5, 10, 20, 40, 80]
+ },
+ '2': {
+ name: 'Vulvarine 2',
+ concentrations: [50, 100, 200, 400]
+ },
+ '3': {
+ name: 'Vulvarine 3',
+ concentrations: [1, 5, 25, 125]
+ },
+ '4': {
+ name: 'Vulvarine 4',
+ concentrations: ['10n', 50, 100, 200, 400]
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "25" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'wt': {
+ name: 'Wild Type'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: [1, 2, 3, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9],
+ 1: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-let-23',
+ secondary: [1],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 24,
+ intensity: .11
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 36,
+ intensity: .4
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: .04
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'let-23'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-let-60',
+ secondary: [3],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: .04
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'let-60'
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'goat anti-lin15A',
+ secondary: [2],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 12,
+ intensity: .02
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'lin15A'
+ },
+ 9: {
+ name: 'goat anti-lin15B',
+ secondary: [2],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 100,
+ intensity: .01
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 129,
+ intensity: .11
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'lin15B'
+ },
+ 4: {
+ name: 'goat anti-lin-1',
+ secondary: [2],
+ gel_name: 'lin-1'
+ },
+ 5: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-Dpy-5',
+ secondary: [3],
+ gel_name: 'Dpy-5'
+ },
+ 6: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-Lon-2',
+ secondary: [1],
+ gel_name: 'Lon-2'
+ },
+ 7: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-Sma-4',
+ secondary: [3],
+ gel_name: 'Sma-4'
+ },
+ 8: {
+ name: 'goat anti-Unc-22',
+ secondary: [2],
+ gel_name: 'Unc-22'
+ },
+ 9: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-tubulin',
+ secondary: [1],
+ gel_name: 'anti-tubulin',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 50,
+ intensity: 25.1
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 1: {
+ name: 'donkey anti-rabbit'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-goat'
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'goat anti-mouse'
+ }
+ },
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }, /*
+ 'cyto':{
+ name:'Cytoplasm'
+ },
+ 'nuclear':{
+ name:'Nuclear'
+ }*/
+ },
+ model: { // model
+ western_blot: { // this applies to western blot
+ 'cyto': { // it acts on cytoplasm (thus on whole cell lysate as well)
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 1, // Vul 1
+ 'cutoff': 10000,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-23',
+ weight: 150,
+ intensity: -40,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 2, // Vul 2
+ 'cutoff': 200,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-60',
+ weight: 21,
+ intensity: -100,
+ primary_anti_body: [2]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 3, // Vul 3
+ 'cutoff': 25000,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-15A',
+ weight: 79,
+ intensity: -100,
+ primary_anti_body: [3]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-15B',
+ weight: 163,
+ intensity: -100,
+ primary_anti_body: [9]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'delta',
+ 'drug': 4, // Vul 3
+ 'cutoff': 400,
+ 'above_marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-1',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -100,
+ primary_anti_body: [4]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'below_marks': []
+ },
+ {
+ 'cell_line': 'wt',
+ 'transfer_function': 'static',
+ 'marks': [
+ {
+ name: 'let-23',
+ weight: 150,
+ intensity: 40,
+ primary_anti_body: [1]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-60',
+ weight: 21,
+ intensity: 100,
+ primary_anti_body: [2]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-15A',
+ weight: 79,
+ intensity: 100,
+ primary_anti_body: [3]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-15B',
+ weight: 163,
+ intensity: 100,
+ primary_anti_body: [9]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'let-1',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 100,
+ primary_anti_body: [4]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Dpy-5',
+ weight: 20,
+ intensity: 60,
+ primary_anti_body: [5]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Lan-2',
+ weight: 100,
+ intensity: 40,
+ primary_anti_body: [6]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Sma-4',
+ weight: 75,
+ intensity: 25,
+ primary_anti_body: [7]
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Unc-22',
+ weight: 40,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: [8]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var __microscopy_test = {
+ id: 'microscopy_test',
+ name: 'StarCellBio Microscopy Test',
+ course: 'StarX',
+ course_name: 'Prototypes',
+ description: 'Microscopy Test of images',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ['Goal & Introduction', 'Here come instructions when we build them']
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb', 'facs', 'micro']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: true
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: true
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'concentration',
+ title: 'Treatment Concentration/Dose',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "start",
+ title: "Treatment Start Time",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: "collection",
+ title: "Collection Timepoints",
+ editable: true
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ }
+ ],
+ actions: []
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ disable_blur: false,
+ disable_brightness: false
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'collection_id'],
+ map: ['collections', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_setup_actions: {
+ cell_lines: [
+ {
+ id: 'p+',
+ title: 'p53+/+;Rb+/+',
+ cell_line: 'p+'
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'pfl',
+ title: 'p53fl/fl;Rbfl/fl',
+ cell_line: 'pfl'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_protocol_list: [
+ {
+ id: 'ADC',
+ title: 'Adenovirus-Cre',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 5000,
+ collection_id: '6 m',
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ concentration_id: 108
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'ADE',
+ title: 'Adenovirus-Empty',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule_value: 5000,
+ collection_id: '6 m',
+ schedule: 'immediately', // start
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'ae',
+ concentration_id: '108'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ collection_schedule_list: []
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs',
+ collections: {
+ '3 m': {
+ name: '3 months'
+ },
+ '6 m': {
+ name: '6 months'
+ },
+ '1 yr': {
+ name: '1 year'
+ }
+ },
+ concentrations: {
+ '108': {
+ name: '10^8 PFU',
+ value: 1000
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'ac': {
+ name: 'Adenovirus-Cre',
+ concentrations: ['108']
+ },
+ 'ae': {
+ name: 'Adenovirus-Empty',
+ concentrations: ['108']
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '22': {
+ name: "22" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'p+': {
+ name: 'p53+/+;Rb+/+'
+ },
+ 'pfl': {
+ name: 'p53fl/fl;Rbfl/fl'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: ['cdk2', 'cyclin', 'cyclinE', 'pgk1'],
+ 'cdk2': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-cdk2',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 33,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 34,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 35,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cdk2'
+ },
+ 'cyclin': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin B'
+ },
+ 'cyclinE': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin E'
+ },
+ 'pgk1': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'pgk1'
+ }
+ }, //
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 'm': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ },
+ 'r': {
+ name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
+ }
+ }, //
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
+ facs_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI',
+ conditions: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ micro_kinds: {
+ 'IF': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling IF',
+ conditions: {
+ 'rgb': {
+ name: 'NFIB (red), DAPI (blue), control (green)',
+ short_name: 'IF: RGB'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'IHC': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling IHC',
+ conditions: {
+ 'NFIB': {
+ name: 'NFIB',
+ short_name: 'IHC: NFIB'
+ },
+ 'ki67': {
+ name: 'Ki-67',
+ short_name: 'IHC: Ki-67'
+ },
+ 'secondary': {
+ name: 'Secondary only control',
+ short_name: 'IHC: Secondary'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'Dye': {
+ name: 'Dye/Stain',
+ conditions: {
+ 'HnE': {
+ name: 'H&E',
+ short_name: 'Dye: H&E'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ slides: {
+ // 'img1': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_1/AD20E1_20x.jpg',
+ 'img2': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_2/AD20E2_20x.jpg',
+ 'img3': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_3/AD22E1_20x.jpg',
+ 'img4': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_3/AD22E1_40x.jpg',
+ 'img5': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_4/AD27E2_20x.jpg',
+ 'img6': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_5/AD1024E_3_20x.jpg',
+ 'img7': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_6/AD901_8_4x.jpg',
+ 'img8': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_7/AD901_50_4x.jpg',
+ 'img9': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_8/AD901_52_4x.jpg',
+ 'img10': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_9/AD1021E_20x.jpg',
+ 'img11': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_3m/HnE/Sample_1/AD1024E_2_20x.jpg',
+ 'img12': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_3m/HnE/Sample_2/AD1024E_10x.jpeg',
+ 'img13': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_3m/HnE/Sample_2/AD1024E_20x.jpeg',
+ 'img14': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_1/AD900E1_40x.jpg',
+ 'img15': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_2/AD900E3_20x.jpg',
+ 'img16': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_2/AD900E3_40x.jpg',
+ 'img17': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_3/AD987E1_40x-3.jpg',
+ 'img18': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_4m/AD901E25-1_he_20x.jpg',
+ 'img19': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_4m/AD901E25-1_he_40x.jpg',
+ 'img20': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_5m/AD901E25-2_he_40x-2.jpg',
+ 'img21': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_6m/AD901E25-3_he_20x.jpg',
+ 'img22': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_6m/AD901E25-3_he_40x.jpg',
+ 'img23': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_2only_20x.jpeg',
+ 'img24': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_2only_40x.jpeg',
+ 'img25': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_ki-67_20x.jpeg',
+ 'img26': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_ki-67_40xadj.jpg',
+ 'img27': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_2/AD901E25-2_2only_40x.jpg',
+ 'img28': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_2/AD901E25-2_ki-67_40xadj.jpg',
+ 'img29': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_2only_20x-2.jpeg',
+ 'img30': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_2only_40x-2.jpeg',
+ 'img31': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_ki-67_20x-2.jpeg',
+ 'img32': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_ki-67_40x-2.jpeg',
+ 'img33': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_1/AD985E-1_20x-2.jpg',
+ 'img34': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_2/AD985E-1_20x.jpg',
+ 'img35': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_3/ad985T1_4X-2.jpg',
+ 'img36': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_3/ad985T1_10X.jpg',
+ 'img37': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_3/ad985T1_20X.jpg',
+ 'img38': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_4/AD990E-1_20x.jpg',
+ 'img39': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_5m/AD1017_HE_20X.jpg',
+ 'img40': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_6m/AD3587E_HE_20X-1-2.jpg',
+ 'img41': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_blue_advanced4.jpeg',
+ 'img42': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_green_advanced4.jpeg',
+ 'img43': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_merge_advanced4.jpeg',
+ 'img44': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_red_advanced4.jpeg',
+ 'img45': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_2/AD3172E-02_60X_merge.jpg',
+ 'img46': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_3/AD984E2-01_R3D_D3D_PRJ_617_528_457_60X_merge.jpg',
+ 'img47': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_blue.jpeg',
+ 'img48': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_green.jpeg',
+ 'img49': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_merge.jpeg',
+ 'img50': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_red.jpeg',
+ 'img51': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_blue.jpeg',
+ 'img52': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_green.jpeg',
+ 'img53': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_merge.jpeg',
+ 'img54': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_red.jpeg',
+ 'img55': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/match/Sample_1/AD1017_NFIB_20X.jpg',
+ 'img56': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/match/Sample_2/AD3587E_NFIB_20X-1.jpg'
+ },
+ slide_parser: {
+ 'default': {
+ 'Dye': {
+ 'HnE': {
+ // '1': [{
+ // hash: 'img1',
+ // mag: '20x'
+ // }],
+ '1': [{
+ hash: 'img2',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '2': [{
+ hash: 'img3',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '3': [{
+ hash: 'img5',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '4': [{
+ hash: 'img6',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '5': [{
+ hash: 'img7',
+ mag: '4x'
+ }],
+ '6': [{
+ hash: 'img8',
+ mag: '4x'
+ }],
+ '7': [{
+ hash: 'img9',
+ mag: '4x'
+ }],
+ '8': [{
+ hash: 'img10',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '9': [{
+ hash: 'img4',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ '3 m': {
+ 'Dye': {
+ 'HnE': {
+ '1': [{
+ hash: 'img11',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '2': [{
+ hash: 'img12',
+ mag: '10x'
+ }],
+ '3': [{
+ hash: 'img13',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ '6 m': {
+ 'Dye': {
+ 'HnE': {
+ '1': [{
+ hash: 'img14',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }],
+ '2': [{
+ hash: 'img15',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '3': [{
+ hash: 'img17',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }],
+ '4': [{
+ hash: 'img18',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '5': [{
+ hash: 'img20',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }],
+ '6': [{
+ hash: 'img21',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '7': [{
+ hash: 'img16',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }],
+ '8': [{
+ hash: 'img22',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }],
+ '9': [{
+ hash: 'img19',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }]
+ }
+ },
+ 'IHC': {
+ 'secondary': {
+ '1': [{
+ hash: 'img23',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '2': [{
+ hash: 'img27',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }],
+ '3': [{
+ hash: 'img29',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '4': [{
+ hash: 'img30',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }],
+ '5': [{
+ hash: 'img24',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }]
+ },
+ 'ki67': {
+ '1': [{
+ hash: 'img25',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '2': [{
+ hash: 'img28',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }],
+ '3': [{
+ hash: 'img31',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '4': [{
+ hash: 'img26',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }],
+ '5': [{
+ hash: 'img32',
+ mag: '40x'
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ '1 yr': {
+ 'Dye': {
+ 'HnE': {
+ '1': [{
+ hash: 'img33',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '2': [{
+ hash: 'img34',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '3': [{
+ hash: 'img35',
+ mag: '4x'
+ }],
+ '4': [{
+ hash: 'img38',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '5': [{
+ hash: 'img39',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '6': [{
+ hash: 'img40',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '7': [{
+ hash: 'img36',
+ mag: '10x'
+ }],
+ '8': [{
+ hash: 'img37',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }]
+ }
- model: { // model
- western_blot: { // this applies to western blot
- 'cyto': { // it acts on cytoplasm (thus on whole cell lysate as well)
- 'parser_fixed': [
+ 'IF': {
+ 'rgb': {
+ '1': [{
+ hash: 'img44',
+ if_type: 'red',
+ mag: '60x'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img41',
+ if_type: 'blue',
+ mag: '60x'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img42',
+ if_type: 'green',
+ mag: '60x'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img43',
+ if_type: 'merge',
+ mag: '60x'
+ }],
+ '2': [{
+ hash: 'img45',
+ if_type: 'merge',
+ mag: '60x'
+ }],
+ '3': [{
+ hash: 'img46',
+ if_type: 'merge',
+ mag: '60x'
+ }],
+ '4': [{
+ hash: 'img50',
+ if_type: 'red',
+ mag: '60x'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img47',
+ if_type: 'blue',
+ mag: '60x'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img48',
+ if_type: 'green',
+ mag: '60x'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img49',
+ if_type: 'merge',
+ mag: '60x'
+ }],
+ '5': [{
+ hash: 'img54',
+ if_type: 'red',
+ mag: '60x'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img51',
+ if_type: 'blue',
+ mag: '60x'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img52',
+ if_type: 'green',
+ mag: '60x'
+ },
+ {
+ hash: 'img53',
+ if_type: 'merge',
+ mag: '60x'
+ }]
+ }
+ },
+ 'IHC': {
+ 'NFIB': {
+ '1': [{
+ hash: 'img55',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }],
+ '2': [{
+ hash: 'img56',
+ mag: '20x'
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // models
+ western_blot: {
+ 'cyto': {
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: '*ANY*',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'pp1',
+ cell_line: '*ANY*',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 33, // 34&35
+ intensity: .3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 34, // 34&35
+ intensity: .3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: .3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ marks: []
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Nocodazole',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Alpha',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 34, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ facs: {
+ 'dna': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ shape: 'normal'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'g2-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'S-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
+ shape: 'g2-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ drug_id: 'Alpha',
+ shape: 'alpha-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ shape: 'S-block'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ 'valid': ['pfl', 'ac'],
+ 'slide': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'pfl',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '3 m',
+ kind: 'Dye',
+ conditions: 'HnE'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'pfl',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '6 m',
+ kind: 'Dye',
+ conditions: 'HnE'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'pfl',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '6 m',
+ kind: 'IHC',
+ conditions: 'secondary'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'pfl',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '6 m',
+ kind: 'IHC',
+ conditions: 'ki67'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'pfl',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '1 yr',
+ kind: 'Dye',
+ conditions: 'HnE'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'pfl',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '1 yr',
+ kind: 'IF',
+ conditions: 'rgb'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'pfl',
+ drug_id: 'ac',
+ collection_id: '1 yr',
+ kind: 'IHC',
+ conditions: 'NFIB'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var __assigment_706 = {
+ id: 'mit_7_06_0313',
+ name: '7.06 Spring 2013',
+ course: '7.06',
+ course_name: 'MIT Course 7.06',
+ description: 'FACS and Western Blot for temperature sensitive mutants',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ instructions: [
+ ['Goal & Introduction', 'Here come instructions when we build them']
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb', 'facs']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [ //
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [ //
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'concentration',
+ title: 'Concentration',
+ editable: false
+ } //
+ ]
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'temperature',
+ title: 'Temperature',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ } //
+ ], //
+ actions: []
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'concentration_id'],
+ map: ['concentrations', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'temperature'],
+ map: ['experiment_temperatures', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%PP1%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '1', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'short_name'],
+ default: ''
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ 'wt': {
+ title: 'Strain: Wild Type',
+ headings: [
+ 'Treatment', 'Temperature', '- PP1', '+ PP1'
+ ],
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'PP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'PP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Nocodazole'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'PP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'nocodazole,25',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
+ concentration_id: '15'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
+ concentration_id: '15'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Nocodazole'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'PP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'nocodazole,40',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
+ concentration_id: '15'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
+ concentration_id: '15'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Hydroxyurea'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'PP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'hydroxyurea,25',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ concentration_id: '200'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ concentration_id: '200'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Hydroxyurea'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'PP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'hydroxyurea,40',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 2, // FBS
- 'cutoff': 50,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'P-ERK',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: .1,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- },
- {
- name: 'P-ERK',
- weight: 42,
- intensity: .1,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- },
- {
- name: 'P-EGFR',
- weight: 175,
- intensity: .2,
- primary_anti_body: [3]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': [
- {
- name: 'P-ERK',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: -.1,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- },
- {
- name: 'P-ERK',
- weight: 42,
- intensity: -.1,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ concentration_id: '200'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
- },
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 3, // Erlotinib
- 'cutoff': 10,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'P-ERK',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: -.1,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- },
- {
- name: 'P-ERK',
- weight: 42,
- intensity: -.1,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- },
- {
- name: 'P-EGFR',
- weight: 175,
- intensity: -.2,
- primary_anti_body: [3]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ concentration_id: '200'
+ }
- },
- {
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 4, // U0126
- 'cutoff': 10,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'P-ERK',
- weight: 44,
- intensity: -.1,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- },
- {
- name: 'P-ERK',
- weight: 42,
- intensity: -.1,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- },
- {
- name: 'P-EGFR',
- weight: 175,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: [3]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
- ]
- }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- }
- }
-var __decusability_newfacs = {
- id: 'decusability2',
- name: 'StarCellBio Usability Test2',
- course: 'usability',
- course_name: 'December 2013 Usability Testing',
- description: 'FACS and Western Blot for temperature sensitive mutants',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ['Goal & Introduction','Here come instructions when we build them']
- ],
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' , 'facs']
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [ //
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: false}, //
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [//
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: false},//
+ ,
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Alpha Factor'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'PP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'alpha_factor,25',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Alpha',
+ concentration_id: '2'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
- },//
- {kind: 'temperature', title: 'Temperature', editable: false},//
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}//
- ],//
- actions: [
- ]
- },
- western_blot: {format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%, %PP1% %TEMPERATURE%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'], map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%CONCENTRATION%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'concentration_id'], map: ['concentrations', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TEMPERATURE%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'temperature'], map: ['experiment_temperatures', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%PP1%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '1', 'drug_id'], map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'short_name'], default: ''}
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
- },
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- 'wt': {
- title: 'Strain: Wild Type',
- headings: ['Treatment', 'Temperature', ''],
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- facs: {'whole': 1, 'a': 1},
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- facs: {'whole': 1, 'a': 1},
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- facs: {'whole': 1, 'a': 1},
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- facs: {'whole': 1, 'a': 1},
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- 'm1': {
- title: 'Strain: Mutant 1',
- headings: ['Treatment', 'Temperature', ''],
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm1',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- facs: {'whole': 1, 'a': 1},
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm1',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- facs: {'whole': 1, 'a': 1},
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm1',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- facs: {'whole': 1, 'a': 1},
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm1',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- facs: {'whole': 1, 'a': 1},
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- 'm2': {
- title: 'Strain: Mutant 2',
- headings: [ 'Treatment', 'Temperature', ''],
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- facs: {'whole': 1, 'a': 1},
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- facs: {'whole': 1, 'a': 1},
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- facs: {'whole': 1, 'a': 1},
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {
- facs: {'whole': 1, 'a': 1},
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Alpha',
+ concentration_id: '2'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
- }
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
- concentrations: {
- '0': {
- name: '',
- value: 0
- },
- '2': {
- name: '2 ' + microEntity + 'g/mL',
- value: 5
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ,
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Alpha Factor'
- '15': {
- name: '15 ' + microEntity + 'g/mL',
- value: 5
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"
- '200': {
- name: '200 mM',
- value: 5
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
- '1u': {
- name: '1 unit',
- value: 1000
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'nc': {
- name: 'Growth Media',
- concentrations: [0]
- },
- 'Nocodazole': {
- name: 'Nocodazole',
- concentrations: [15]
- },
- 'Alpha': {
- name: 'Alpha Factor',
- concentrations: [2]
- },
- 'Hydroxyurea': {
- name: 'Hydroxyurea',
- concentrations: [200]
- },
- 'pp1': {
- name: 'Protein Phosphatase 1',
- concentrations: ['1u'],
- short_name: 'PP1'
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'PP1'
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'alpha_factor,40',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Alpha',
+ concentration_id: '2'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'Alpha',
+ concentration_id: '2'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': {
- name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
- },
- '40': {
- name: "37" + degreeEntity + "C"
- }
- },
+ ]
+ },
+ 'm1': {
+ title: 'Strain: Mutant 1',
- cell_lines: {
- 'wt': {
- name: 'Wild Type'
+ headings: [
+ 'Treatment', 'Temperature', '- PP1', '+ PP1'
+ ],
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
- 'm1': {
- name: 'Mutant 1'
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
- 'm2': {
- name: 'Mutant 2'
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'PP1'
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: ['cdk2', 'cyclin', 'cyclinE', 'pgk1'],
- 'cdk2': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-cdk2',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 33, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 34, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 35, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cdk2'
- },
- 'cyclin': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 58, intensity: 0},
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin B'
- },
- 'cyclinE': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 48, intensity: 0},
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin E'
- },
- 'pgk1': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 45, intensity: 0},
- ],
- gel_name: 'pgk1'
- }
- },//
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 'm': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
- 'r': {
- name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
- }
- },//
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'PP1'
- },
- facs_kinds: {
- 'Dye':{
- name:'Dye/Stain',
- conditions: {
- 'whole': {name: 'PI',
- short_name: 'PI'}
- }
- },
- 'Anti':{
- name:'Antibody-labeling ',
- conditions: {
- 'a': {name: 'Antibody',
- short_name: 'Antibody'}
- }
- }
- },
- model: { // models
- western_blot: {
- 'cyto': {
- 'parser_fixed': [
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: '*ANY*',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'pp1',
- cell_line: '*ANY*',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 33, // 34&35
- intensity: .3,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 34, // 34&35
- intensity: .3,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: .3,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- marks: [
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'm1',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'm2',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Nocodazole',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Hydroxyurea',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Alpha',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 34, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
- },
- facs: {
- 'dna': {
- 'parser_simple': [
- {
- match: [],
- shape: 'normal'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: 'm1',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'g2-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: 'm2',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'S-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
- shape: 'g2-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- drug_id: 'Alpha',
- shape: 'alpha-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
- shape: 'S-block'
- }
- ]
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
- }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
- }
- };
+ ]
-var __usability_test = {
- id: 'usability_test',
- name: 'SCB Usability Test',
- course: 'StarX',
- course_name: 'Prototypes',
- description: "Placeholder",
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [['Placeholder', 'Usability test']],
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' , 'facs' ]
- },
- experiment_setup: {table: [
- {kind: "cell_plate",
- title: " ",
- editable: false},
- {kind: "cell_line",
- title: "Strain",
- editable: false
- },
- {kind: "treatments",
- children: [
- {kind: "drug", title: "Treatment", editable: true},
- {kind: "concentration", title: "Concentration", editable: true},
- {kind: "start", title: "Start", editable: false},
- {kind: "duration", title: "Duration", editable: false}
- ]
- },
- {kind: "actions",
- title: "Actions"
- }
- ], actions: [
- ]
- },
- western_blot: {format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%, %CONCENTRATION%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'], map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%CONCENTRATION%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'concentration_id'], map: ['concentrations', '%KEY%', 'name']}
- }
- }
+ 'm2': {
+ title: 'Strain: Mutant 2',
- experiment_setup_actions: {
- cell_lines: [
+ headings: [
+ 'Treatment', 'Temperature', '- PP1', '+ PP1'
+ ],
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
- id: 'wt',
- title: 'Wild Type',
- cell_line: 'wt'
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'PP1'
- ],
- treatment_protocol_list: [
- {
- id: 'P1',
- title: 'Buffer Only',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', // start
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', // end
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: 0}
- ]}}
- ]}
- },
- {
- id: 'P2',
- title: 'V1 low conc',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', // start
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', // end
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '1', concentration_id: '1'}
- ]}}
- ]}
- },
- {
- id: 'P3',
- title: 'V1 high conc',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', // start
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', // end
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '1', concentration_id: '125'}
- ]}}
- ]}
- },
- {
- id: 'P4',
- title: 'V2 low conc',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', // start
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', // end
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '1', concentration_id: '50'}
- ]}}
- ]}
- },
- {
- id: 'P5',
- title: 'Many drugs',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', // start
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', // end
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '1', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '2', concentration_id: '5'},
- {drug_id: '3', concentration_id: '10'}
- ]}}
- ]}
- },
- {
- id: 'P6',
- title: 'Many drugs, Many times',
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm2',
treatment_list: {
- list: [
- {schedule_value: 0, schedule: 'immediately', // start
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d', // end
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '1', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: '2', concentration_id: '5'},
- {drug_id: '3', concentration_id: '10'}
- ]}}
- ]}
- }
- ],
- collection_schedule_list: [
- {id: '3 d', title: '3 days'}
- ]
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs, Vulvarines 1-4, identified in your chemical screen. To get started, click Add Treatment Protocol. For each treatment protocol, select the C. elegans strain, treatment(s), and treatment dose. For all of your treatments, treat the C. elegans immediately (time = 0 minutes) and collect after 3 days. Once you finish setting up your experiment, select Finish setup & run experiment. After you run your experiment, you will be unable to change your treatment protocols. ',
- concentrations: {
- '1': {
- name: '1 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 1000
- },
- '5': {
- name: '5 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 5000
- },
- '10': {
- name: '10 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 10000
- },
- '20': {
- name: '20 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 20000
- },
- '25': {
- name: '25 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 25000
- },
- '40': {
- name: '40 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 40000
- },
- '80': {
- name: '80 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 80000
- },
- '125': {
- name: '125 ' + microEntity + 'M',
- value: 125000
- },
- '10n': {
- name: '10 nM',
- value: 10
- },
- '50': {
- name: '50 nM',
- value: 50
- },
- '100': {
- name: '100 nM',
- value: 100
- },
- '200': {
- name: '200 nM',
- value: 200
- },
- '400': {
- name: '400 nM',
- value: 400
- },
- '0': {
- name: '0 nM',
- value: 0
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'nc': {
- name: 'Buffer only',
- concentrations: [0]
- },
- '1': {
- name: 'Vulvarine 1',
- concentrations: [5, 10, 20, 40, 80]
- },
- '2': {
- name: 'Vulvarine 2',
- concentrations: [50, 100, 200, 400]
- },
- '3': {
- name: 'Vulvarine 3',
- concentrations: [1, 5, 25, 125]
- },
- '4': {
- name: 'Vulvarine 4',
- concentrations: ['10n', 50, 100, 200, 400]
- }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': {
- name: "25" + degreeEntity + "C"
- }
- },
- cell_lines: {
- 'wt': {
- name: 'Wild Type'
- }
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order:[1,2,3,9,4,5,6,7,8,9],
- 1: {
- name: 'rabbit anti-let-23',
- secondary: [1],
- marks: [
- {weight: 24, intensity: .11},
- {weight: 36, intensity: .4},
- {weight: 48, intensity: .04}
- ],
- gel_name: 'let-23'
- },
- 2: {
- name: 'mouse anti-let-60',
- secondary: [3],
- marks: [
- {weight: 48, intensity: .04}
- ],
- gel_name: 'let-60'
- },
- 3: {
- name: 'goat anti-lin15A',
- secondary: [2],
- marks: [
- {weight: 12, intensity: .02}
- ],
- gel_name: 'lin15A'
- },
- 9: {
- name: 'goat anti-lin15B',
- secondary: [2],
- marks: [
- {weight: 100, intensity: .01},
- {weight: 129, intensity: .11}
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- gel_name: 'lin15B'
- },
- 4: {
- name: 'goat anti-lin-1',
- secondary: [2],
- gel_name: 'lin-1'
- },
- 5: {
- name: 'mouse anti-Dpy-5',
- secondary: [3],
- gel_name: 'Dpy-5'
- },
- 6: {
- name: 'rabbit anti-Lon-2',
- secondary: [1],
- gel_name: 'Lon-2'
- },
- 7: {
- name: 'mouse anti-Sma-4',
- secondary: [3],
- gel_name: 'Sma-4'
- },
- 8: {
- name: 'goat anti-Unc-22',
- secondary: [2],
- gel_name: 'Unc-22'
- },
- 9: {
- name: 'rabbit anti-tubulin',
- secondary: [1],
- gel_name: 'anti-tubulin',
- marks: [
- {weight: 50, intensity: 25.1}
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
- }
- },
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 1: {
- name: 'donkey anti-rabbit'
+ }
- 2: {
- name: 'rabbit anti-goat'
- },
- 3: {
- name: 'goat anti-mouse'
- }
- },
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
- }, /*
- 'cyto':{
- name:'Cytoplasm'
- },
- 'nuclear':{
- name:'Nuclear'
- }*/
- },
- model: {// model
- western_blot: {// this applies to western blot
- 'cyto': {// it acts on cytoplasm (thus on whole cell lysate as well)
- 'parser_fixed': [
- {
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 1, // Vul 1
- 'cutoff': 10000,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-23',
- weight: 150,
- intensity: -40,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
- },
- {
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 2, // Vul 2
- 'cutoff': 200,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-60',
- weight: 21,
- intensity: -100,
- primary_anti_body: [2]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
- },
- {
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 3, // Vul 3
- 'cutoff': 25000,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-15A',
- weight: 79,
- intensity: -100,
- primary_anti_body: [3]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-15B',
- weight: 163,
- intensity: -100,
- primary_anti_body: [9]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
- },
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Growth Media'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'NOPP1'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: 'PP1'
+ }
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ PP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'delta',
- 'drug': 4, // Vul 3
- 'cutoff': 400,
- 'above_marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-1',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -100,
- primary_anti_body: [4]
- }
- ],
- 'below_marks': []
- },
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ },
+ {
+ drug_id: 'pp1',
+ concentration_id: '1u'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ NOPP1: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- 'cell_line': 'wt',
- 'transfer_function': 'static',
- 'marks': [
- {
- name: 'let-23',
- weight: 150,
- intensity: 40,
- primary_anti_body: [1]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-60',
- weight: 21,
- intensity: 100,
- primary_anti_body: [2]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-15A',
- weight: 79,
- intensity: 100,
- primary_anti_body: [3]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-15B',
- weight: 163,
- intensity: 100,
- primary_anti_body: [9]
- },
- {
- name: 'let-1',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 100,
- primary_anti_body: [4]
- },
- {
- name: 'Dpy-5',
- weight: 20,
- intensity: 60,
- primary_anti_body: [5]
- },
- {
- name: 'Lan-2',
- weight: 100,
- intensity: 40,
- primary_anti_body: [6]
- },
- {
- name: 'Sma-4',
- weight: 75,
- intensity: 25,
- primary_anti_body: [7]
- },
- {
- name: 'Unc-22',
- weight: 40,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: [8]
- }
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '0'
+ }
+ },
+ temperature: '40'
- ]
- }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
- }
+ }
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
-var __microscopy_test = {
- id: 'microscopy_test',
- name: 'StarCellBio Microscopy Test',
- course: 'StarX',
- course_name: 'Prototypes',
- description: 'Microscopy Test of images',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ['Goal & Introduction','Here come instructions when we build them']
- ],
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' , 'facs' , 'micro']
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: true},
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: true},
- {kind: 'concentration', title: 'Treatment Concentration/Dose', editable: false},
- {kind: "start", title: "Treatment Start Time", editable: false},
- {kind: "collection", title: "Collection Timepoints", editable: true}
- ]
- },
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}
- ],
- actions: [
- ]
- },
- microscopy: {
- disable_blur: false,
- disable_brightness: false
- },
- western_blot: {
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'], map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%COLLECTION%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'collection_id'], map:['collections', '%KEY%', 'name']}
- }
- }
- },
- experiment_setup_actions: {
- cell_lines: [
- {
- id: 'p+',
- title: 'p53+/+;Rb+/+',
- cell_line: 'p+'
- },
- {
- id: 'pfl',
- title: 'p53fl/fl;Rbfl/fl',
- cell_line: 'pfl'
- }
- ],
- treatment_protocol_list: [
- {
- id: 'ADC',
- title: 'Adenovirus-Cre',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 5000, collection_id: '6 m', schedule: 'immediately', // start
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ac', concentration_id: 108}
- ]}}
- ]}
- },
- {
- id: 'ADE',
- title: 'Adenovirus-Empty',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {schedule_value: 5000, collection_id: '6 m',schedule: 'immediately', // start
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'ae', concentration_id: '108'}
- ]}}
- ]}
- }
- ],
- collection_schedule_list: [
- ]
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'On this page, set up your experiment to treat the wild-type worms with the four new drugs',
- collections:{
- '3 m': {
- name: '3 months'
- },
- '6 m': {
- name: '6 months'
- },
- '1 yr': {
- name: '1 year'
- }
- },
- concentrations: {
- '108': {
- name: '10^8 PFU',
- value: 1000
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'ac': {
- name: 'Adenovirus-Cre',
- concentrations: ['108']
- },
- 'ae': {
- name: 'Adenovirus-Empty',
- concentrations: ['108']
- }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '22': {
- name: "22" + degreeEntity + "C"
- }
- },
+ concentrations: {
+ '0': {
+ name: '',
+ value: 0
+ },
+ '2': {
+ name: '2 ' + microEntity + 'g/mL',
+ value: 5
+ },
+ '15': {
+ name: '15 ' + microEntity + 'g/mL',
+ value: 5
+ },
+ '200': {
+ name: '200 mM',
+ value: 5
+ },
+ '1u': {
+ name: '1 unit',
+ value: 1000
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'nc': {
+ name: 'Growth Media',
+ concentrations: [0]
+ },
+ 'Nocodazole': {
+ name: 'Nocodazole',
+ concentrations: [15]
+ },
+ 'Alpha': {
+ name: 'Alpha Factor',
+ concentrations: [2]
+ },
+ 'Hydroxyurea': {
+ name: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ concentrations: [200]
+ },
+ 'pp1': {
+ name: 'Protein Phosphatase 1',
+ concentrations: ['1u'],
+ short_name: 'PP1'
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ },
+ '40': {
+ name: "37" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
- cell_lines: {
- 'p+': {
- name: 'p53+/+;Rb+/+'
- },
- 'pfl': {
- name: 'p53fl/fl;Rbfl/fl'
- }
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'wt': {
+ name: 'Wild Type'
+ },
+ 'm1': {
+ name: 'Mutant 1'
+ },
+ 'm2': {
+ name: 'Mutant 2'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: ['cdk1', 'cdk2', 'cdt1', 'cyclin', 'cyclinE', 'pgk1', 'rad21', 'securin'],
+ 'cdk1': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-cdk1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 34,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 35,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 36,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cdk1'
+ },
+ 'cdk2': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-cdk2',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 33,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 34,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ {
+ weight: 35,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cdk2'
+ },
+ 'cdt1': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-cdt1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cdt1'
+ },
+ 'cyclin': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin B'
+ },
+ 'cyclinE': {
+ name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
+ secondary: ['m'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'cyclin E'
+ },
+ 'pgk1': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'pgk1'
+ },
+ 'rad21': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-rad21',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 68,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'rad21'
+ },
+ 'securin': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-securin',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 41.8,
+ intensity: 0
+ },
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'securin'
+ }
+ }, //
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 'm': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ },
+ 'r': {
+ name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
+ }
+ }, //
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
+ facs_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI',
+ conditions: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // models
+ western_blot: {
+ 'cyto': {
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: '*ANY*',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdt1',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
+ },
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: ['cdk2', 'cyclin', 'cyclinE', 'pgk1'],
- 'cdk2': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-cdk2',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 33, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 34, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 35, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cdk2'
- },
- 'cyclin': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 58, intensity: 0},
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin B'
- },
- 'cyclinE': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 48, intensity: 0},
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin E'
- },
- 'pgk1': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 45, intensity: 0},
- ],
- gel_name: 'pgk1'
- }
- },//
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 'm': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: 2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- 'r': {
- name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
- }
- },//
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
- }
- },
- facs_kinds: {
- 'whole':{
- name:'PI',
- conditions: {
- 'whole': {name: 'PI'}
- }
- }
- },
- micro_kinds: {
- 'IF':{
- name:'Antibody-labeling IF',
- conditions: {
- 'rgb': {name: 'NFIB (red), DAPI (blue), control (green)',
- short_name: 'IF: RGB'}
- }
- },
- 'IHC':{
- name:'Antibody-labeling IHC',
- conditions: {
- 'NFIB': {name: 'NFIB',
- short_name: 'IHC: NFIB'},
- 'ki67': {name: 'Ki-67',
- short_name: 'IHC: Ki-67'},
- 'secondary': {name: 'Secondary only control',
- short_name: 'IHC: Secondary'}
- }
- },
- 'Dye':{
- name: 'Dye/Stain',
- conditions: {
- 'HnE': {name: 'H&E',
- short_name: 'Dye: H&E'}
- }
- }
- },
- slides:{
-// 'img1': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_1/AD20E1_20x.jpg',
- 'img2': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_2/AD20E2_20x.jpg',
- 'img3': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_3/AD22E1_20x.jpg',
- 'img4': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_3/AD22E1_40x.jpg',
- 'img5': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_4/AD27E2_20x.jpg',
- 'img6': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_5/AD1024E_3_20x.jpg',
- 'img7': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_6/AD901_8_4x.jpg',
- 'img8': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_7/AD901_50_4x.jpg',
- 'img9': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_8/AD901_52_4x.jpg',
- 'img10': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/Normal_lung/HnE/Sample_9/AD1021E_20x.jpg',
- 'img11': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_3m/HnE/Sample_1/AD1024E_2_20x.jpg',
- 'img12': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_3m/HnE/Sample_2/AD1024E_10x.jpeg',
- 'img13': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_3m/HnE/Sample_2/AD1024E_20x.jpeg',
- 'img14': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_1/AD900E1_40x.jpg',
- 'img15': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_2/AD900E3_20x.jpg',
- 'img16': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_2/AD900E3_40x.jpg',
- 'img17': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_3/AD987E1_40x-3.jpg',
- 'img18': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_4m/AD901E25-1_he_20x.jpg',
- 'img19': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_4m/AD901E25-1_he_40x.jpg',
- 'img20': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_5m/AD901E25-2_he_40x-2.jpg',
- 'img21': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_6m/AD901E25-3_he_20x.jpg',
- 'img22': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/HnE/Sample_6m/AD901E25-3_he_40x.jpg',
- 'img23': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_2only_20x.jpeg',
- 'img24': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_2only_40x.jpeg',
- 'img25': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_ki-67_20x.jpeg',
- 'img26': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_1/AD901E25-1_ki-67_40xadj.jpg',
- 'img27': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_2/AD901E25-2_2only_40x.jpg',
- 'img28': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_2/AD901E25-2_ki-67_40xadj.jpg',
- 'img29': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_2only_20x-2.jpeg',
- 'img30': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_2only_40x-2.jpeg',
- 'img31': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_ki-67_20x-2.jpeg',
- 'img32': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_6m/matching/Sample_3/AD901E25-3_ki-67_40x-2.jpeg',
- 'img33': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_1/AD985E-1_20x-2.jpg',
- 'img34': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_2/AD985E-1_20x.jpg',
- 'img35': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_3/ad985T1_4X-2.jpg',
- 'img36': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_3/ad985T1_10X.jpg',
- 'img37': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_3/ad985T1_20X.jpg',
- 'img38': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_4/AD990E-1_20x.jpg',
- 'img39': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_5m/AD1017_HE_20X.jpg',
- 'img40': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/HnE/Sample_6m/AD3587E_HE_20X-1-2.jpg',
- 'img41': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_blue_advanced4.jpeg',
- 'img42': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_green_advanced4.jpeg',
- 'img43': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_merge_advanced4.jpeg',
- 'img44': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_1/AD3172EAD3172E_60X_red_advanced4.jpeg',
- 'img45': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_2/AD3172E-02_60X_merge.jpg',
- 'img46': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_3/AD984E2-01_R3D_D3D_PRJ_617_528_457_60X_merge.jpg',
- 'img47': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_blue.jpeg',
- 'img48': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_green.jpeg',
- 'img49': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_merge.jpeg',
- 'img50': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_4/G5G5_60X_red.jpeg',
- 'img51': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_blue.jpeg',
- 'img52': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_green.jpeg',
- 'img53': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_merge.jpeg',
- 'img54': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/IF/Sample_5/J5J5_60X_red.jpeg',
- 'img55': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/match/Sample_1/AD1017_NFIB_20X.jpg',
- 'img56': 'images/microscopy/microscopy_test/lung_1yr/match/Sample_2/AD3587E_NFIB_20X-1.jpg'
- },
- slide_parser:{
- 'default':{
- 'Dye':{
- 'HnE':{
- // '1': [{
-// hash: 'img1',
-// mag: '20x'
-// }],
- '1': [{
- hash: 'img2',
- mag: '20x'
- }],
- '2': [{
- hash: 'img3',
- mag: '20x'
- }],
- '3': [{
- hash: 'img5',
- mag: '20x'
- }],
- '4': [{
- hash: 'img6',
- mag: '20x'
- }],
- '5': [{
- hash: 'img7',
- mag: '4x'
- }],
- '6': [{
- hash: 'img8',
- mag: '4x'
- }],
- '7': [{
- hash: 'img9',
- mag: '4x'
- }],
- '8': [{
- hash: 'img10',
- mag: '20x'
- }],
- '9':[{
- hash: 'img4',
- mag: '40x'
- }]
- }
- }
- },
- '3 m':{
- 'Dye':{
- 'HnE':{
- '1':[{
- hash: 'img11',
- mag: '20x'
- }],
- '2':[{
- hash: 'img12',
- mag:'10x'
- }],
- '3':[{
- hash: 'img13',
- mag: '20x'
- }]
- }
- }
- },
- '6 m':{
- 'Dye':{
- 'HnE':{
- '1':[{
- hash: 'img14',
- mag: '40x'
- }],
- '2':[{
- hash: 'img15',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '3':[{
- hash: 'img17',
- mag:'40x'
- }],
- '4':[{
- hash: 'img18',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '5':[{
- hash: 'img20',
- mag: '40x'
- }],
- '6':[{
- hash: 'img21',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '7':[{
- hash: 'img16',
- mag: '40x'
- }],
- '8':[{
- hash: 'img22',
- mag: '40x'
- }],
- '9':[{
- hash: 'img19',
- mag: '40x'
- }]
- }
- },
- 'IHC':{
- 'secondary':{
- '1':[{
- hash: 'img23',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '2':[{
- hash: 'img27',
- mag: '40x'
- }],
- '3':[{
- hash: 'img29',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '4':[{
- hash: 'img30',
- mag: '40x'
- }],
- '5': [{
- hash: 'img24',
- mag: '40x'
- }]
- },
- 'ki67':{
- '1':[{
- hash: 'img25',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '2':[{
- hash: 'img28',
- mag: '40x'
- }],
- '3':[{
- hash: 'img31',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '4':[{
- hash: 'img26',
- mag: '40x'
- }],
- '5':[{
- hash: 'img32',
- mag: '40x'
- }]
- }
- }
- },
- '1 yr':{
- 'Dye':{
- 'HnE':{
- '1':[{
- hash: 'img33',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '2': [{
- hash: 'img34',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '3':[{
- hash: 'img35',
- mag:'4x'
- }],
- '4':[{
- hash: 'img38',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '5':[{
- hash: 'img39',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '6':[{
- hash: 'img40',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '7': [{
- hash: 'img36',
- mag:'10x'
- }],
- '8': [{
- hash: 'img37',
- mag:'20x'
- }]
- }
- },
- 'IF': {
- 'rgb':{
- '1':[{
- hash: 'img44',
- if_type: 'red',
- mag:'60x'
- },
- {
- hash: 'img41',
- if_type: 'blue',
- mag:'60x'
- },
- {
- hash: 'img42',
- if_type: 'green',
- mag:'60x'
- },
- {
- hash: 'img43',
- if_type: 'merge',
- mag:'60x'
- }],
- '2':[{
- hash: 'img45',
- if_type: 'merge',
- mag:'60x'
- }],
- '3':[{
- hash: 'img46',
- if_type: 'merge',
- mag:'60x'
- }],
- '4':[{
- hash: 'img50',
- if_type: 'red',
- mag:'60x'
- },
- {
- hash: 'img47',
- if_type: 'blue',
- mag:'60x'
- },
- {
- hash: 'img48',
- if_type: 'green',
- mag:'60x'
- },
- {
- hash: 'img49',
- if_type: 'merge',
- mag:'60x'
- }],
- '5':[{
- hash: 'img54',
- if_type: 'red',
- mag:'60x'
- },
- {
- hash: 'img51',
- if_type: 'blue',
- mag:'60x'
- },
- {
- hash: 'img52',
- if_type: 'green',
- mag:'60x'
- },
- {
- hash: 'img53',
- if_type: 'merge',
- mag:'60x'
- }]
- }
- },
- 'IHC': {
- 'NFIB':{
- '1':[{
- hash: 'img55',
- mag:'20x'
- }],
- '2':[{
- hash: 'img56',
- mag:'20x'
- }]
- }
- }
- }
- },
- model: { // models
- western_blot: {
- 'cyto': {
- 'parser_fixed': [
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: '*ANY*',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'pp1',
- cell_line: '*ANY*',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 33, // 34&35
- intensity: .3,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 34, // 34&35
- intensity: .3,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: .3,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- marks: [
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'm1',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'm2',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Nocodazole',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Hydroxyurea',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Alpha',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 34, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
+ {
+ name: 'Securin',
+ weight: 41.8,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['securin']
- facs: {
- 'dna': {
- 'parser_simple': [
- {
- match: [],
- shape: 'normal'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: 'm1',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'g2-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: 'm2',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'S-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
- shape: 'g2-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- drug_id: 'Alpha',
- shape: 'alpha-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
- shape: 'S-block'
- }
- ]
- }
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- microscopy: {
- 'valid': ['pfl', 'ac'],
- 'slide': {
- 'parser_simple':[
- {
- match: [],
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind','conditions'],
- cell_line: 'pfl',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '3 m',
- kind: 'Dye',
- conditions: 'HnE'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind','conditions'],
- cell_line: 'pfl',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '6 m',
- kind: 'Dye',
- conditions: 'HnE'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind','conditions'],
- cell_line: 'pfl',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '6 m',
- kind: 'IHC',
- conditions: 'secondary'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind','conditions'],
- cell_line: 'pfl',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '6 m',
- kind: 'IHC',
- conditions: 'ki67'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind','conditions'],
- cell_line: 'pfl',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '1 yr',
- kind: 'Dye',
- conditions: 'HnE'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind','conditions'],
- cell_line: 'pfl',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '1 yr',
- kind: 'IF',
- conditions: 'rgb'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'collection_id', 'kind','conditions'],
- cell_line: 'pfl',
- drug_id: 'ac',
- collection_id: '1 yr',
- kind: 'IHC',
- conditions: 'NFIB'
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- }
- };
-var __assigment_706 = {
- id: 'mit_7_06_0313',
- name: '7.06 Spring 2013',
- course: '7.06',
- course_name: 'MIT Course 7.06',
- description: 'FACS and Western Blot for temperature sensitive mutants',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- instructions: [
- ['Goal & Introduction','Here come instructions when we build them']
- ],
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' , 'facs' ]
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [ //
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: false}, //
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [//
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: false},//
- {kind: 'concentration', title: 'Concentration', editable: false}//
- ]
- },//
- {kind: 'temperature', title: 'Temperature', editable: false},//
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}//
- ],//
- actions: [
- ]
- },
- western_blot: {format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%, %PP1% %TEMPERATURE%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'], map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%CONCENTRATION%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'concentration_id'], map: ['concentrations', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TEMPERATURE%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'temperature'], map: ['experiment_temperatures', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%PP1%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '1', 'drug_id'], map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'short_name'], default: ''}
- }
+ {
+ name: 'rad21',
+ weight: 68,
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- 'wt': {
- title: 'Strain: Wild Type',
- headings: [
- 'Treatment', 'Temperature', '- PP1', '+ PP1'
- ],
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'PP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'PP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Nocodazole'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'PP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'nocodazole,25',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Nocodazole', concentration_id: '15'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Nocodazole', concentration_id: '15'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ,
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Nocodazole'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'PP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'nocodazole,40',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Nocodazole', concentration_id: '15'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Nocodazole', concentration_id: '15'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ,
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Hydroxyurea'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'PP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'hydroxyurea,25',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea', concentration_id: '200'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea', concentration_id: '200'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ,
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Hydroxyurea'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'PP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'hydroxyurea,40',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea', concentration_id: '200'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea', concentration_id: '200'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ,
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Alpha Factor'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'PP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'alpha_factor,25',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Alpha', concentration_id: '2'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Alpha', concentration_id: '2'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ,
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Alpha Factor'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'PP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'alpha_factor,40',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Alpha', concentration_id: '2'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'wt',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'Alpha', concentration_id: '2'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- 'm1': {
- title: 'Strain: Mutant 1',
- headings: [
- 'Treatment', 'Temperature', '- PP1', '+ PP1'
- ],
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'PP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm1',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm1',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'PP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm1',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm1',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- },
- 'm2': {
- title: 'Strain: Mutant 2',
- headings: [
- 'Treatment', 'Temperature', '- PP1', '+ PP1'
- ],
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "30 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'PP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,25',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- },
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Growth Media'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "37 " + degreeEntity + "C"},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'NOPP1'},
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: 'PP1'}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'media_only,40',
- cell_treatments: {
- PP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'},
- {drug_id: 'pp1', concentration_id: '1u'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ], NOPP1: [
- {cell_line: 'm2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '0'}
- ]}, temperature: '40'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
+ {
+ name: 'pgk1',
+ weight: 45,
+ intensity: 10,
+ primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
- concentrations: {
- '0': {
- name: '',
- value: 0
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'pp1',
+ cell_line: '*ANY*',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk1',
+ weight: 34, //35&36
+ intensity: .5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- '2': {
- name: '2 ' + microEntity + 'g/mL',
- value: 5
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 33, // 34&35
+ intensity: .3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ }
+ ],
+ below_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk1',
+ weight: 35, //35&36
+ intensity: .5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- '15': {
- name: '15 ' + microEntity + 'g/mL',
- value: 5
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk1',
+ weight: 36, //35&36
+ intensity: .5,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- '200': {
- name: '200 mM',
- value: 5
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 34, // 34&35
+ intensity: .3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- '1u': {
- name: '1 unit',
- value: 1000
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'nc': {
- name: 'Growth Media',
- concentrations: [0]
- },
- 'Nocodazole': {
- name: 'Nocodazole',
- concentrations: [15]
- },
- 'Alpha': {
- name: 'Alpha Factor',
- concentrations: [2]
- },
- 'Hydroxyurea': {
- name: 'Hydroxyurea',
- concentrations: [200]
- },
- 'pp1': {
- name: 'Protein Phosphatase 1',
- concentrations: ['1u'],
- short_name: 'PP1'
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: .3,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': {
- name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 29.5, // 34&35
+ intensity: .1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- '40': {
- name: "37" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 19.9, // 34&35
+ intensity: .1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- cell_lines: {
- 'wt': {
- name: 'Wild Type'
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdt1',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk1',
+ weight: 36, //35&36
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Securin',
+ weight: 41.8,
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['securin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 68, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- 'm1': {
- name: 'Mutant 1'
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 29.5, // 34&35
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- 'm2': {
- name: 'Mutant 2'
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 19.9, // 34&35
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: ['cdk1', 'cdk2', 'cdt1', 'cyclin', 'cyclinE', 'pgk1', 'rad21', 'securin'],
- 'cdk1': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-cdk1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 34, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 35, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 36, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cdk1'
- },
- 'cdk2': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-cdk2',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 33, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 34, intensity: 0},
- {weight: 35, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'cdk2'
- },
- 'cdt1': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-cdt1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 65, intensity: 0},
- ],
- gel_name: 'cdt1'
- },
- 'cyclin': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin B',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 58, intensity: 0},
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin B'
- },
- 'cyclinE': {
- name: 'mouse anti-cyclin E',
- secondary: ['m'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 48, intensity: 0},
- ],
- gel_name: 'cyclin E'
- },
- 'pgk1': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-pgk1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 45, intensity: 0},
- ],
- gel_name: 'pgk1'
- },
- 'rad21': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-rad21',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 68, intensity: 0},
- ],
- gel_name: 'rad21'
- },
- 'securin': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-securin',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 41.8, intensity: 0},
- ],
- gel_name: 'securin'
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdt1',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: -.8,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk1',
+ weight: 35, //35&36
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },//
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 'm': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Nocodazole',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdt1',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
- 'r': {
- name: 'goat anti-rabbit'
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk1',
+ weight: 36, //35&36
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ ,
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 29.5, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 19.9, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },//
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdt1',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: -.8,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk1',
+ weight: 35, //35&36
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 29.5, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 19.9, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- facs_kinds: {
- 'whole':{
- name:'PI',
- conditions: {
- 'whole': {name: 'PI'}
- }
- }
- },
- model: { // models
- western_blot: {
- 'cyto': {
- 'parser_fixed': [
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: '*ANY*',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdt1',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: 2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Securin',
- weight: 41.8,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['securin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'rad21',
- weight: 68,
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'pgk1',
- weight: 45,
- intensity: 10,
- primary_anti_body: ['pgk1']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'pp1',
- cell_line: '*ANY*',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk1',
- weight: 34, //35&36
- intensity: .5,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 33, // 34&35
- intensity: .3,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- }
- ],
- below_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdk1',
- weight: 35, //35&36
- intensity: .5,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk1',
- weight: 36, //35&36
- intensity: .5,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 34, // 34&35
- intensity: .3,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: .3,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 29.5, // 34&35
- intensity: .1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 19.9, // 34&35
- intensity: .1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'm1',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdt1',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk1',
- weight: 36, //35&36
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'Securin',
- weight: 41.8,
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['securin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 68, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 29.5, // 34&35
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 19.9, // 34&35
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'm2',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdt1',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: -.8,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk1',
- weight: 35, //35&36
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Nocodazole',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdt1',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk1',
- weight: 36, //35&36
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- ,
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 29.5, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 19.9, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Hydroxyurea',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdt1',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: -.8,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk1',
- weight: 35, //35&36
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 29.5, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 19.9, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'Alpha',
- cell_line: 'wt',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdt1',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: 0,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk1',
- weight: 35, //35&36
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 34, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 29.5, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 19.9, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'Alpha',
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdt1',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: 0,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
- facs: {
- 'dna': {
- 'parser_simple': [
- {
- match: [],
- shape: 'normal'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: 'm1',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'g2-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: 'm2',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'S-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
- shape: 'g2-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- drug_id: 'Alpha',
- shape: 'alpha-block'
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
- cell_line: 'wt',
- drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
- shape: 'S-block'
- }
- ]
- }
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk1',
+ weight: 35, //35&36
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 34, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 29.5, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 19.9, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ facs: {
+ 'dna': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ shape: 'normal'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: 'm1',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'g2-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: 'm2',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'S-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ drug_id: 'Nocodazole',
+ shape: 'g2-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ drug_id: 'Alpha',
+ shape: 'alpha-block'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id'],
+ cell_line: 'wt',
+ drug_id: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ shape: 'S-block'
+ ]
- };
+ }
+ }
+ }
@@ -4483,732 +6220,787 @@ var __assigment_706 = {
///NEW ASSIGNMENTS//////////
-var blank_model = {
- id: '',
- name: '',
- course: '',
- course_name: '',
- description: '',
- notebook: {},
- experiments: {},
- template: {
- random_choose: true,
- randomize_all: false,
- random_order: [],
- finished_random: false,
- instructions: [
- ['','']
- ],
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ 'wb' , 'facs', 'micro' ]
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [ //
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: false}, //
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [//
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: false},//
- {kind: 'duration', title: 'Time', editable: false},
- ]
- },//
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}//
- ],//
- actions: [
- ]
+var blank_model = {
+ id: '',
+ name: '',
+ course: '',
+ course_name: '',
+ description: '',
+ notebook: {},
+ experiments: {},
+ template: {
+ random_choose: true,
+ randomize_all: false,
+ random_order: [],
+ finished_random: false,
+ instructions: [
+ ['', '']
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['wb', 'facs', 'micro']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [ //
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [ //
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'duration',
+ title: 'Time',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ ]
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ } //
+ ], //
+ actions: []
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ disable_blur: true,
+ disable_brightness: true
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ order: ['S2'],
+ headings: [
+ '', 'Strain', 'Treatment', 'Treatment Duration'
+ ],
+ 'S2': {
+ rows: [
+ {
+ cells: [
+ {
+ kind: 'checkbox',
+ name: "B",
+ treatment_id: 'buffer'
- western_blot: {format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'], map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- }
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'S2'
- microscopy: {
- disable_blur: true,
- disable_brightness: true
- },
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- order: ['S2'],
- headings: [
- '','Strain', 'Treatment', 'Treatment Duration'
- ],
- 'S2': {
- rows: [
- {
- cells: [
- {kind: 'checkbox', name: "B", treatment_id: 'buffer'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'S2'},
- {kind: 'text', text: 'Control siRNA'},
- {kind: 'text', text: "3 days"}
- ],
- treatment_id: 'buffer',
- cell_treatments: {
- B: [
- {cell_line: 'S2',
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: 'default', microscope: ['rgb', 'g', 'gr', 'rb'],
- duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3, duration: '3 d',
- drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: 'nc', concentration_id: '100'},
- ]}, temperature: '25'
- }
- ]}}
- ]
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
- add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
- collections:{
- '': {
- name: ''
- }
- },
- concentrations: {
- 100: {
- name: '',
- value: 100
- }
- },
- drugs: {
- 'nc': {
- name: 'Control siRNA',
- concentrations: [100]
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: 'Control siRNA'
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'text',
+ text: "3 days"
+ ],
+ treatment_id: 'buffer',
+ cell_treatments: {
+ B: [
+ {
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: 'default',
+ microscope: ['rgb', 'g', 'gr', 'rb'],
+ duration_value: 3600 * 24 * 3,
+ duration: '3 d',
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ concentration_id: '100'
+ },
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: '25'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ add_new_row_instructions: 'add new row instructions',
+ collections: {
+ '': {
+ name: ''
+ }
+ },
+ concentrations: {
+ 100: {
+ name: '',
+ value: 100
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 'nc': {
+ name: 'Control siRNA',
+ concentrations: [100]
+ }
- },
- experiment_temperatures: {
- '25': {
- name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
- }
- },
- cell_lines: {
- 'S2': {
- name: 'S2'
- }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "30" + degreeEntity + "C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'S2': {
+ name: 'S2'
+ }
- },
- time_unit: {
- kind: 'minutes'
- },
- primary_anti_body: {
- order: ['chk1'],
- 'chk1': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-chk1',
- secondary: ['r'],
- marks: [
- {weight: 54, intensity: 0}
- ],
- gel_name: 'chk1'
- },
- },//
- secondary_anti_body: {
- 'm': {
- name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
- }
- },//
- lysate_kinds: {
- 'whole': {
- name: 'Whole Cell'
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'minutes'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ order: ['chk1'],
+ 'chk1': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-chk1',
+ secondary: ['r'],
+ marks: [
+ {
+ weight: 54,
+ intensity: 0
+ }
+ ],
+ gel_name: 'chk1'
+ },
+ }, //
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 'm': {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-mouse'
+ }
+ }, //
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ }
+ },
+ facs_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI',
+ conditions: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'PI'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ micro_kinds: {
+ 'IF': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling IF',
+ conditions: {
+ 'rgb': {
+ name: 'γ-tubulin (red), α-tubulin (green), DAPI (blue)',
+ short_name: 'R:γ-tub, G:α-tub, B:DAPI'
+ },
+ 'g': {
+ name: 'H2B (green)',
+ short_name: 'G:H2B'
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ slides: {
+ 'img0001': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_DNA-blue_Mad2-red/Mad2_off_kinetochores/Mad2_Cytoplasm_cropped.jpg'
+ },
+ slide_parser: {
+ 'default': {
+ 'IF': {
+ 'rgb': {
+ 'interphase': [
+ [{
+ 'hash': 'img0004',
+ 'if_type': 'merge',
+ 'mag': 'N/A'
+ }]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // models
+ western_blot: {
+ 'cyto': {
+ 'parser_fixed': [
+ {
+ transfer_function: 'delta',
+ cutoff: 1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ above_marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 68, // 34&35
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- facs_kinds: {
- 'whole':{
- name:'PI',
- conditions: {
- 'whole': {name: 'PI'}
- }
- }
- },
- micro_kinds: {
- 'IF':{
- name:'Antibody-labeling IF',
- conditions: {
- 'rgb': {name: 'γ-tubulin (red), α-tubulin (green), DAPI (blue)',
- short_name: 'R:γ-tub, G:α-tub, B:DAPI'},
- 'g': {name: 'H2B (green)',
- short_name: 'G:H2B'}
- }
- }
- },
- slides: {
- 'img0001': 'images/microscopy/assignment_706_2014_ps2/Antibody_Labeling_DNA-blue_Mad2-red/Mad2_off_kinetochores/Mad2_Cytoplasm_cropped.jpg'
- },
- slide_parser: {
- 'default':{
- 'IF':{
- 'rgb':{
- 'interphase':[
- [{'hash': 'img0004', 'if_type': 'merge', 'mag': 'N/A'}]
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- },
- model: { // models
- western_blot: {
- 'cyto': {
- 'parser_fixed': [
- {
- transfer_function: 'delta',
- cutoff: 1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: 'S2',
- above_marks: [
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 68, // 34&35
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- facs: {
- 'ticks': [50, 100, 150, 250],
- 'max': 250,
- 'dna': {
- 'parser_simple': [
- {
- match: [],
- shape: '2-peak-normal-400'
- },
- {
- match: ['drug_id'],
- drug_id: 'nc',
- shape: '2-peak-normal-400'
- }
- ]
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ facs: {
+ 'ticks': [50, 100, 150, 250],
+ 'max': 250,
+ 'dna': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ shape: '2-peak-normal-400'
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['drug_id'],
+ drug_id: 'nc',
+ shape: '2-peak-normal-400'
+ }
+ ]
- }
- },
- microscopy: {
- 'valid': ['S2', 'nc'],
- 'slide': {
- 'conditions_parser':[
- {
- match: [],
- },
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
- cell_line: 'S2',
- drug_id: ['nc'],
- conditions: 'rgb',
- phenotype: 'composite3'
- }
- ]
- }
- }
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ 'valid': ['S2', 'nc'],
+ 'slide': {
+ 'conditions_parser': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ },
+ {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'drug_id', 'conditions'],
+ cell_line: 'S2',
+ drug_id: ['nc'],
+ conditions: 'rgb',
+ phenotype: 'composite3'
+ ]
- }
+ }
+ }
+ }
var ps2_strain_A = {
- 'western_blot':
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: '',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdt1',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk1',
- weight: 36, //35&36
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 48,
- intensity: -4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- },
- {
- name: 'Securin',
- weight: 41.8,
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['securin']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 68, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 29.5, // 34&35
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- },
- {
- name: 'Rad21',
- weight: 19.9, // 34&35
- intensity: 1,
- primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
- }
- ]
- },
- 'facs':
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: '',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'g2-block'
- }
- };
-var ps2_strain_B = {
- 'western_blot':
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: '',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cdt1',
- weight: 65,
- intensity: -.8,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk1',
- weight: 35, //35&36
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cdk2',
- weight: 35, // 34&35
- intensity: -1,
- primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
- },
- {
- name: 'Cyclin B',
- weight: 58,
- intensity: -2,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
- }
- ]
- },
- 'facs':
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: '',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'S-block'
- }
- };
+ 'western_blot': {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: '',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdt1',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk1',
+ weight: 36, //35&36
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 48,
+ intensity: -4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Securin',
+ weight: 41.8,
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['securin']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 68, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 29.5, // 34&35
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Rad21',
+ weight: 19.9, // 34&35
+ intensity: 1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['rad21']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'facs': {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: '',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'g2-block'
+ }
+var ps2_strain_B = {
+ 'western_blot': {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: '',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cdt1',
+ weight: 65,
+ intensity: -.8,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdt1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk1',
+ weight: 35, //35&36
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk1']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cdk2',
+ weight: 35, // 34&35
+ intensity: -1,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cdk2']
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin B',
+ weight: 58,
+ intensity: -2,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclin']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'facs': {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: '',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'S-block'
+ }
var ps2_strain_C = {
- 'western_blot':
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: '',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 148,
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- }
- ]
- },
- 'facs':
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: '',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'g1-block'
- }
- };
-var ps2_strain_D = {
- 'western_blot':
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: '',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 25,
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- }
- ]
- },
- 'facs':
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: '',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'alpha-block'
- }
- };
-var ps2_strain_E = {
- 'western_blot':
- {
- transfer_function: 'static',
- cutoff: -1,
- drug: 'nc',
- cell_line: '',
- temperature: '40',
- marks: [
- {
- name: 'Cyclin E',
- weight: 15,
- intensity: 4,
- primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
- }
- ]
- },
- 'facs':
- {
- match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
- cell_line: '',
- temperature: 40,
- shape: 'g2-block'
- }
- };
+ 'western_blot': {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: '',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 148,
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'facs': {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: '',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'g1-block'
+ }
+var ps2_strain_D = {
+ 'western_blot': {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: '',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 25,
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'facs': {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: '',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'alpha-block'
+ }
+var ps2_strain_E = {
+ 'western_blot': {
+ transfer_function: 'static',
+ cutoff: -1,
+ drug: 'nc',
+ cell_line: '',
+ temperature: '40',
+ marks: [
+ {
+ name: 'Cyclin E',
+ weight: 15,
+ intensity: 4,
+ primary_anti_body: ['cyclinE']
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'facs': {
+ match: ['cell_line', 'temperature'],
+ cell_line: '',
+ temperature: 40,
+ shape: 'g2-block'
+ }
master_model_data = {
- app_title: 'StarCellBio',
- app_description: 'StarCellBio Placeholder',
- assignments: {
- list: [
- __decusability, __assignment_706_2014, __assignment_706_2014_ps2, __june_2014_usability, __sutd_intro_biology,
- __scb_sample_1, __scb_sample_2, __scb_sample_3,__sutd_intro_biology_ps2
- ]
- },
- ui: {}
+ app_title: 'StarCellBio',
+ app_description: 'StarCellBio Placeholder',
+ assignments: {
+ list: [
+ __decusability, __assignment_706_2014, __assignment_706_2014_ps2, __june_2014_usability, __sutd_intro_biology,
+ __scb_sample_1, __scb_sample_2, __scb_sample_3, __sutd_intro_biology_ps2
+ ]
+ },
+ ui: {}
window.master_model_data = master_model_data;
-var fix_assignment_models = function (assignment_result) {
- console.log(assignment_result);
- var usability_test = {};
- var assignment_706 = {};
- var decusability = {};
- var decusability_newfacs = {};
- var assignment_tufts = {};
- var microscopy_test ={};
- var assignment_706_2014 ={};
- var assignment_706_2014_ps2 ={};
- var june_2014_usability = {};
- var sutd_intro_biology = {};
- for (var x = 0; x < assignment_result.length; x++){
- if(assignment_result[x].id == 'usability_test'){
- usability_test = assignment_result[x];
- usability_test.description = scb_model_microscopy.abstract();
- usability_test.template.setup_video_box = scb_model_microscopy.setup_video_box();
- usability_test.template.setup_video_box_kind = 'coin-slider';
- usability_test.template.experiment_setup = scb_model_usability.experiment_setup();
- assignment_result[x] = usability_test;
- }
- if(assignment_result[x].id == 'microscopy_test'){
- microscopy_test = assignment_result[x];
- microscopy_test.description = scb_model_microscopy.abstract();
- microscopy_test.template.setup_video_box = scb_model_microscopy.setup_video_box();
- microscopy_test.template.setup_video_box_kind = 'coin-slider';
- microscopy_test.template.experiment_setup = scb_model_microscopy.experiment_setup();
- assignment_result[x] = microscopy_test;
- }
- if(assignment_result[x].id == 'mit_7_06_0313'){
- assignment_706 = assignment_result[x];
- assignment_706.description = scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.assignment_overview();
- assignment_706.template.instructions = [
- ['Goal & Introduction', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.goal_and_introduction()],
- ['Question 1',scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.question_1()],
- ['Question 2', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.question_2()],
- ['Question 3', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.question_3()],
- ['Reference Information', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.reference_information()]
- ];
- assignment_706.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.experiment_setup();
- assignment_706.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
- name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
- open: 'mit706s13.setup',
- css: {
- width: '800px',
- height: '900px',
- left: 'inherit',
- top: '000px'
- }
- });
- assignment_result[x] = assignment_706;
- }
- if(assignment_result[x].id == 'assignment_706_2014'){
- assignment_706_2014 = assignment_result[x];
- assignment_706_2014.template.instructions = [
- ['Introduction', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14.introduction()],
- ['Background Information',scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14.background_information()],
- ['Question 1', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14.question_1()],
- ['Question 2', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14.question_2()]
- ];
- assignment_706_2014.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14.experiment_setup();
- assignment_706_2014.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
- name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
- open: 'mit706s14.setup',
- css: {
- width: '885px',
- height: '540px',
- left: 'inherit',
- top: '15%'
- }
- });
- assignment_result[x] = assignment_706_2014;
- }
- if(assignment_result[x].id == 'assignment_706_2014_ps2'){
- assignment_706_2014_ps2 = assignment_result[x];
- //assignment_706_2014_ps2 = choose_n_mutant_strains(assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order, ['m1', 'm2'], assignment_706_2014_ps2);
- if(assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.finished_random){}
- else{
- var element1 = assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[1];
- var element2 = assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[2];
- var element3 = assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[3];
- var element4 = assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[4];
- var element5 = assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[5];
- //based on the random order, reinsert the elements in the appropriate spot
- for(var y = 0; y < assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order.length; y++){
- var element = null;
- if(assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order[y] == 1){
- element = element1;
- }
- else if(assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order[y] == 2){
- element = element2;
- }
- else if(assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order[y] == 3){
- element = element3;
- }
- else if(assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order[y] == 4){
- element = element4;
- }
- else if(assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order[y] == 5){
- element = element5;
- }
- assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[y+1] = element;
- }
- //In the order I replace each of the numbers with their corresponding rna name
- var order_array = ps2_change(assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order);
- //rename the 5 proteins to their new order, determined by the for loop above
- assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[1].cells[2].text = 'siRNA #1';
- assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[2].cells[2].text = 'siRNA #2';
- assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[3].cells[2].text = 'siRNA #3';
- assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[4].cells[2].text = 'siRNA #4' ;
- assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[5].cells[2].text = 'siRNA #5';
- //replace the names of the drugs in the template with the new order array.
- replace_names(assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.drugs, order_array, ['siRNA #1', 'siRNA #2', 'siRNA #3', 'siRNA #4' , 'siRNA #5']);
- assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.finished_random = true;
- }
- assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.instructions = [
- ['Getting Started', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14ps2.page1()],
- ['Background Information',scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14ps2.page2()],
- ['Questions', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14ps2.page3()]
- ];
- assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14.experiment_setup();
- assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
- name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
- open: 'mit706s14ps2.setup',
- css: {
- width: '885px',
- height: '600px',
- left: 'inherit',
- top: '000px'
- }
- });
- assignment_result[x] = assignment_706_2014_ps2;
- }
- if(assignment_result[x].id == 'sutd_intro_biology'){
- sutd_intro_biology = assignment_result[x];
- sutd_intro_biology.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology.experiment_setup();
- sutd_intro_biology.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
- name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
- open: 'mit706s14.setup',
- css: {
- width: '885px',
- height: '600px',
- left: 'inherit',
- top: '000px'
- }
- });
- assignment_result[x] = sutd_intro_biology;
- }
- if(assignment_result[x].id == 'decusability'){
- decusability = assignment_result[x];
- decusability.template.instructions = [
- ['Welcome to the Usability Evaluation', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.welcome_usability()],
- ['Introduction',scb_assignment_specific_decusability.intro()],
- ['Reference Material',scb_assignment_specific_decusability.ref()],
- ['Question 1', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.question_1()],
- ['Question 2', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.question_2()]
- ];
- decusability.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_decusability.experiment_setup();
- decusability.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
- name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
- open: 'decusability.setup',
- css: {
- width: '800px',
- height: '700px',
- left: 'inherit',
- top: '000px'
- }
- });
- assignment_result[x] = decusability;
- }
- if(assignment_result[x].id == 'microscopy_usability'){
- june_2014_usability = assignment_result[x];
- june_2014_usability.template.instructions = [
- ['Welcome to the Usability Evaluation', scb_assignment_specific_microscopy_usability.welcome_usability()],
- ['Introduction',scb_assignment_specific_microscopy_usability.intro()],
- ['Background Information',scb_assignment_specific_microscopy_usability.ref()],
- ['Question 1', scb_assignment_specific_microscopy_usability.question_1()]
- ];
- june_2014_usability.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_microscopy_usability.experiment_setup();
- june_2014_usability.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
- name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
- open: 'microscopy_usability.setup',
- css: {
- width: '680px',
- height: '566px',
- left: 'inherit',
- top: '000px'
- }
- });
- assignment_result[x] = june_2014_usability;
- }
- if(assignment_result[x].id == 'decusability2'){
- decusability_newfacs = assignment_result[x];
- decusability_newfacs.template.instructions = [
- ['Welcome to the Usability Evaluation', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.welcome_usability()],
- ['Introduction',scb_assignment_specific_decusability.intro()],
- ['Reference Material',scb_assignment_specific_decusability.ref()],
- ['Question 1', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.question_1()],
- ['Question 2', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.question_2()]
- ];
- decusability_newfacs.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_decusability.experiment_setup();
- decusability_newfacs.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
- name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
- open: 'decusability.setup',
- css: {
- width: '800px',
- height: '700px',
- left: 'inherit',
- top: '000px'
- }
- });
- assignment_result[x] = decusability_newfacs;
- }
- if(assignment_result[x].id == 'assignment_tufts'){
- assignment_tufts = assignment_result[x];
- assignment_tufts.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
- name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
- open: 'mit706s13.setup',
- css: {
- width: '600px',
- height: '400px',
- left: 'inherit',
- top: '000px'
- }
- });
- assignment_tufts.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_tufts.experiment_setup();
- assignment_tufts.description = scb_assignment_specific_tufts.assignment_overview();
- assignment_result[x] = assignment_tufts;
- }
- }
- return assignment_result;
+var fix_assignment_models = function(assignment_result) {
+ console.log(assignment_result);
+ var usability_test = {};
+ var assignment_706 = {};
+ var decusability = {};
+ var decusability_newfacs = {};
+ var assignment_tufts = {};
+ var microscopy_test = {};
+ var assignment_706_2014 = {};
+ var assignment_706_2014_ps2 = {};
+ var june_2014_usability = {};
+ var sutd_intro_biology = {};
+ for (var x = 0; x < assignment_result.length; x++) {
+ if (assignment_result[x].id == 'usability_test') {
+ usability_test = assignment_result[x];
+ usability_test.description = scb_model_microscopy.abstract();
+ usability_test.template.setup_video_box = scb_model_microscopy.setup_video_box();
+ usability_test.template.setup_video_box_kind = 'coin-slider';
+ usability_test.template.experiment_setup = scb_model_usability.experiment_setup();
+ assignment_result[x] = usability_test;
+ }
+ if (assignment_result[x].id == 'microscopy_test') {
+ microscopy_test = assignment_result[x];
+ microscopy_test.description = scb_model_microscopy.abstract();
+ microscopy_test.template.setup_video_box = scb_model_microscopy.setup_video_box();
+ microscopy_test.template.setup_video_box_kind = 'coin-slider';
+ microscopy_test.template.experiment_setup = scb_model_microscopy.experiment_setup();
+ assignment_result[x] = microscopy_test;
+ }
+ if (assignment_result[x].id == 'mit_7_06_0313') {
+ assignment_706 = assignment_result[x];
+ assignment_706.description = scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.assignment_overview();
+ assignment_706.template.instructions = [
+ ['Goal & Introduction', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.goal_and_introduction()],
+ ['Question 1', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.question_1()],
+ ['Question 2', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.question_2()],
+ ['Question 3', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.question_3()],
+ ['Reference Information', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.reference_information()]
+ ];
+ assignment_706.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_mit706s13.experiment_setup();
+ assignment_706.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
+ name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
+ open: 'mit706s13.setup',
+ css: {
+ width: '800px',
+ height: '900px',
+ left: 'inherit',
+ top: '000px'
+ }
+ });
+ assignment_result[x] = assignment_706;
+ }
+ if (assignment_result[x].id == 'assignment_706_2014') {
+ assignment_706_2014 = assignment_result[x];
+ assignment_706_2014.template.instructions = [
+ ['Introduction', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14.introduction()],
+ ['Background Information', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14.background_information()],
+ ['Question 1', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14.question_1()],
+ ['Question 2', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14.question_2()]
+ ];
+ assignment_706_2014.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14.experiment_setup();
+ assignment_706_2014.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
+ name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
+ open: 'mit706s14.setup',
+ css: {
+ width: '885px',
+ height: '540px',
+ left: 'inherit',
+ top: '15%'
+ }
+ });
+ assignment_result[x] = assignment_706_2014;
+ }
+ if (assignment_result[x].id == 'assignment_706_2014_ps2') {
+ assignment_706_2014_ps2 = assignment_result[x];
+ //assignment_706_2014_ps2 = choose_n_mutant_strains(assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order, ['m1', 'm2'], assignment_706_2014_ps2);
+ if (assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.finished_random) {
+ } else {
+ var element1 = assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[1];
+ var element2 = assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[2];
+ var element3 = assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[3];
+ var element4 = assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[4];
+ var element5 = assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[5];
+ //based on the random order, reinsert the elements in the appropriate spot
+ for (var y = 0; y < assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order.length; y++) {
+ var element = null;
+ if (assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order[y] == 1) {
+ element = element1;
+ } else if (assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order[y] == 2) {
+ element = element2;
+ } else if (assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order[y] == 3) {
+ element = element3;
+ } else if (assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order[y] == 4) {
+ element = element4;
+ } else if (assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order[y] == 5) {
+ element = element5;
+ }
+ assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[y + 1] = element;
+ }
+ //In the order I replace each of the numbers with their corresponding rna name
+ var order_array = ps2_change(assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.random_order);
+ //rename the 5 proteins to their new order, determined by the for loop above
+ assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[1].cells[2].text = 'siRNA #1';
+ assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[2].cells[2].text = 'siRNA #2';
+ assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[3].cells[2].text = 'siRNA #3';
+ assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[4].cells[2].text = 'siRNA #4' ;
+ assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.add_multiple_dialog.S2.rows[5].cells[2].text = 'siRNA #5';
+ //replace the names of the drugs in the template with the new order array.
+ replace_names(assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.drugs, order_array, ['siRNA #1', 'siRNA #2', 'siRNA #3', 'siRNA #4', 'siRNA #5']);
+ assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.finished_random = true;
+ }
+ assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.instructions = [
+ ['Getting Started', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14ps2.page1()],
+ ['Background Information', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14ps2.page2()],
+ ['Questions', scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14ps2.page3()]
+ ];
+ assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_mit706s14.experiment_setup();
+ assignment_706_2014_ps2.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
+ name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
+ open: 'mit706s14ps2.setup',
+ css: {
+ width: '885px',
+ height: '600px',
+ left: 'inherit',
+ top: '000px'
+ }
+ });
+ assignment_result[x] = assignment_706_2014_ps2;
+ }
+ if (assignment_result[x].id == 'sutd_intro_biology') {
+ sutd_intro_biology = assignment_result[x];
+ sutd_intro_biology.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_sutd_intro_biology.experiment_setup();
+ sutd_intro_biology.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
+ name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
+ open: 'mit706s14.setup',
+ css: {
+ width: '885px',
+ height: '600px',
+ left: 'inherit',
+ top: '000px'
+ }
+ });
+ assignment_result[x] = sutd_intro_biology;
+ }
+ if (assignment_result[x].id == 'decusability') {
+ decusability = assignment_result[x];
+ decusability.template.instructions = [
+ ['Welcome to the Usability Evaluation', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.welcome_usability()],
+ ['Introduction', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.intro()],
+ ['Reference Material', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.ref()],
+ ['Question 1', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.question_1()],
+ ['Question 2', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.question_2()]
+ ];
+ decusability.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_decusability.experiment_setup();
+ decusability.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
+ name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
+ open: 'decusability.setup',
+ css: {
+ width: '800px',
+ height: '700px',
+ left: 'inherit',
+ top: '000px'
+ }
+ });
+ assignment_result[x] = decusability;
+ }
+ if (assignment_result[x].id == 'microscopy_usability') {
+ june_2014_usability = assignment_result[x];
+ june_2014_usability.template.instructions = [
+ ['Welcome to the Usability Evaluation', scb_assignment_specific_microscopy_usability.welcome_usability()],
+ ['Introduction', scb_assignment_specific_microscopy_usability.intro()],
+ ['Background Information', scb_assignment_specific_microscopy_usability.ref()],
+ ['Question 1', scb_assignment_specific_microscopy_usability.question_1()]
+ ];
+ june_2014_usability.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_microscopy_usability.experiment_setup();
+ june_2014_usability.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
+ name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
+ open: 'microscopy_usability.setup',
+ css: {
+ width: '680px',
+ height: '566px',
+ left: 'inherit',
+ top: '000px'
+ }
+ });
+ assignment_result[x] = june_2014_usability;
+ }
+ if (assignment_result[x].id == 'decusability2') {
+ decusability_newfacs = assignment_result[x];
+ decusability_newfacs.template.instructions = [
+ ['Welcome to the Usability Evaluation', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.welcome_usability()],
+ ['Introduction', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.intro()],
+ ['Reference Material', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.ref()],
+ ['Question 1', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.question_1()],
+ ['Question 2', scb_assignment_specific_decusability.question_2()]
+ ];
+ decusability_newfacs.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_decusability.experiment_setup();
+ decusability_newfacs.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
+ name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
+ open: 'decusability.setup',
+ css: {
+ width: '800px',
+ height: '700px',
+ left: 'inherit',
+ top: '000px'
+ }
+ });
+ assignment_result[x] = decusability_newfacs;
+ }
+ if (assignment_result[x].id == 'assignment_tufts') {
+ assignment_tufts = assignment_result[x];
+ assignment_tufts.template.ui.experiment_setup.actions.push({
+ name: 'ADD SAMPLES',
+ open: 'mit706s13.setup',
+ css: {
+ width: '600px',
+ height: '400px',
+ left: 'inherit',
+ top: '000px'
+ }
+ });
+ assignment_tufts.template.experiment_setup = scb_assignment_specific_tufts.experiment_setup();
+ assignment_tufts.description = scb_assignment_specific_tufts.assignment_overview();
+ assignment_result[x] = assignment_tufts;
+ }
+ }
+ return assignment_result;
-function ps2_change(array){
- var return_array = []
- for(var x =0; x");
- dialog.html(scb_mit706s16.dialog({
- assignment: assignment,
- experiment: experiment,
- template: template
- }));
+ var dialog = $("
+ dialog.html(scb_mit706s16.dialog({
+ assignment: assignment,
+ experiment: experiment,
+ template: template
+ }));
- dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
- mit706s13.register($(dialog), state);
+ dialog.appendTo($(workarea));
+ mit706s13.register($(dialog), state);
- var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
- _.each( css , function(v,k){
- dialog.css(k,v);
- });
+ var css = scb.utils.get(state, ['source_state', 'css']);
+ _.each(css, function(v, k) {
+ dialog.css(k, v);
+ });
- $('.scb_mit706s16_dialog').draggable({handle:'.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title'})
+ $('.scb_mit706s16_dialog').draggable({
+ handle: '.scb_mit706s16_inner_dialog_title'
+ })
diff --git a/html_app/model.js b/html_app/model.js
index dfd2bce0..fef9b88b 100644
--- a/html_app/model.js
+++ b/html_app/model.js
@@ -1,277 +1,316 @@
- random_choose: true,
- randomize_all: false,
- random_order: [],
- finished_random: false,
- instructions: [
- ['','']
- ],
- ui: {
- experimental_design: {
- techniques: [ '']
- },
- experiment_setup: {
- table: [ //
- {kind: "cell_plate", title: " ", editable: false},
- {kind: 'cell_line', title: 'Strain', editable: false}, //
- {kind: 'treatments',
- children: [//
- {kind: 'drug', title: 'Treatment', editable: false},
- {kind: 'concentration', title: 'Treatment Concentration', editable: false}
+ random_choose: true,
+ randomize_all: false,
+ random_order: [],
+ finished_random: false,
+ instructions: [
+ ['', '']
+ ],
+ ui: {
+ experimental_design: {
+ techniques: ['']
+ },
+ experiment_setup: {
+ table: [ //
+ {
+ kind: "cell_plate",
+ title: " ",
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: 'Strain',
+ editable: false
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'treatments',
+ children: [ //
+ {
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: 'Treatment',
+ editable: false
+ },
+ {
+ kind: 'concentration',
+ title: 'Treatment Concentration',
+ editable: false
+ }
- ]
- },//
- {kind: 'actions', title: 'Actions'}//
- ],//
- actions: [
+ ]
+ }, //
+ {
+ kind: 'actions',
+ title: 'Actions'
+ } //
+ ], //
+ actions: []
+ },
+ western_blot: {
+ format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
+ keys: {
+ '%CELL_LINE%': {
+ attr: ['cell_line'],
+ map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ '%TREATMENT%': {
+ attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'],
+ map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']
+ },
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ disable_blur: true,
+ disable_brightness: true
+ },
+ add_multiple_dialog: {
+ order: [],
+ headings: [
+ '', 'Strain', 'Treatment', 'Treatment Concentration'
+ ],
+ }
+ },
+ collections: {},
+ concentrations: {},
+ drugs: {},
+ experiment_temperatures: {},
+ cell_lines: {},
+ start_times: {},
+ durations: {},
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: ''
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {}, //
+ secondary_anti_body: {}, //
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ },
+ facs_kinds: {
+ '': {
+ name: '',
+ conditions: {
+ '': {
+ name: ''
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ micro_kinds: {
+ '': {
+ name: '',
+ conditions: {
+ '': {
+ name: '',
+ short_name: ''
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ slides: {
+ '': ''
+ },
+ slide_parser: {
+ '': {
+ '': {
+ '': {
+ '': [
+ [{
+ 'hash': '',
+ 'if_type': '',
+ 'mag': ''
+ }]
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ model: { // models
+ western_blot: {
+ },
+ facs: {
+ 'ticks': [],
+ 'max': 0,
+ 'dna': {
+ 'parser_simple': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ shape: ''
+ },
+ {
+ match: [],
+ drug_id: '',
+ shape: ''
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ microscopy: {
+ 'valid': [],
+ 'slide': {
+ 'conditions_parser': [
+ {
+ match: [],
+ },
+ {
+ match: [],
+ cell_line: '',
+ drug_id: [''],
+ conditions: '',
+ phenotype: ''
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
- ]
- },
- western_blot: {format: "%CELL_LINE%, %TREATMENT%",
- keys: {
- '%CELL_LINE%': {attr: ['cell_line'], map: ['cell_lines', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- '%TREATMENT%': {attr: ['treatment_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_list', 'list', '0', 'drug_id'], map: ['drugs', '%KEY%', 'name']},
- }
- },
- microscopy: {
- disable_blur: true,
- disable_brightness: true
- },
- add_multiple_dialog: {
- order: [],
- headings: [
- '','Strain', 'Treatment', 'Treatment Concentration'
- ],
- }
- },
- collections:{},
- concentrations: {},
- drugs: {},
- experiment_temperatures: {},
- cell_lines: {},
- start_times:{},
- durations: {},
- time_unit: {
- kind: ''
- },
- primary_anti_body: {},//
- secondary_anti_body: {},//
- lysate_kinds: {
- },
- facs_kinds: {
- '':{
- name:'',
- conditions: {
- '': {name: ''}
- }
- }
- },
- micro_kinds: {
- '':{
- name:'',
- conditions: {
- '': {name: '',
- short_name: ''}
- }
- }
- },
- slides: {
- '': ''
- },
- slide_parser: {
- '':{
- '':{
- '':{
- '':[
- [{
- 'hash': '',
- 'if_type': '',
- 'mag': ''
- }]
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- },
- model: { // models
- western_blot: {
- },
- facs: {
- 'ticks': [],
- 'max': 0,
- 'dna': {
- 'parser_simple': [
- {
- match: [],
- shape: ''
- },
- {
- match: [],
- drug_id: '',
- shape: ''
- }
- ]
- }
- },
- microscopy: {
- 'valid': [],
- 'slide': {
- 'conditions_parser':[
- {
- match: [],
- },
- {
- match: [],
- cell_line: '',
- drug_id: [''],
- conditions: '',
- phenotype: ''
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- }
- name : 'Basic Template',
- concentrations : {
- 1 : {
- name : '1ug/ml',
- value : 1
- },
- 2 : {
- name : '2ug/ml',
- value : 2
- },
- 5 : {
- name : '5ug/ml',
- value : 5
- }
- },
- drugs : {
- 1 : {
- name : 'Nocodazole',
- concentrations : [1, 2, 5]
- },
- 2 : {
- name : 'Hydroxyurea',
- concentrations : [1, 5]
- },
- 3 : {
- name : 'Aminopterin',
- concentrations : [1, 2]
- }
- },
- experiment_temperatures : {
- '25' : {
- name : "25'C"
- },
- '20' : {
- name : "20'C"
- },
- '30' : {
- name : "30'C"
- }
- },
- cell_lines : {
- 'hela' : {
- name : 'HeLa'
- },
- 'mfc-7' : {
- name : 'MFC-7'
- },
- '293t' : {
- name : '293T'
- },
- 'cho' : {
- name : 'CHO'
- }
- },
- time_unit : {
- kind : 'hours'
- },
- primary_anti_body : {
- 1 : {
- name : 'rabbit anti-goat beta-actin'
- },
- 2 : {
- name : 'mouse anti-mouse phosphotyrosine'
- },
- 3 : {
- name : 'mouse anti-mouse cdk2'
- }
- },
- secondary_anti_body : {
- 1 : {
- name : 'donkey anti-rabbit'
- },
- 2 : {
- name : 'rabbit anti-goat'
- },
- 3 : {
- name : 'goat anti-mouse'
- }
- },
- ip_primary_anti_body : {
- 1 : {
- name : 'ip primary 1'
- },
- 2 : {
- name : 'ip primary 2'
- }
- },
- ip_secondary_anti_body : {
- 1 : {
- name : 'ip secondary 1'
- },
- 2 : {
- name : 'ip secondary 2'
- }
- },
- lysate_kinds : {
- 'whole' : {
- name : 'Whole Cell'
- },
- 'cyto' : {
- name : 'Cytoplasm'
- },
- 'nuclear' : {
- name : 'Nuclear'
- }
- },
- micro_kinds : {
- 'IF':{
- name:'Antibody-labeling IF',
- conditions: {
- 'NFIB': {name: 'NFIB (red), DAPI (blue), control (green)'}
- }
- },
- 'IHC':{
- name:'Antibody-labeling IHC',
- conditions: {
- 'NFIB': {name: 'NFIB'},
- 'KI67': {name: 'Ki-67'},
- '2nd': {name: 'Secondary only control'}
- }
- },
- 'Dye':{
- name: 'Dye/Stain',
- conditions: {
- 'HnE': {name: 'H&E'}
- }
+ name: 'Basic Template',
+ concentrations: {
+ 1: {
+ name: '1ug/ml',
+ value: 1
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: '2ug/ml',
+ value: 2
+ },
+ 5: {
+ name: '5ug/ml',
+ value: 5
+ }
+ },
+ drugs: {
+ 1: {
+ name: 'Nocodazole',
+ concentrations: [1, 2, 5]
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'Hydroxyurea',
+ concentrations: [1, 5]
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'Aminopterin',
+ concentrations: [1, 2]
+ }
+ },
+ experiment_temperatures: {
+ '25': {
+ name: "25'C"
+ },
+ '20': {
+ name: "20'C"
+ },
+ '30': {
+ name: "30'C"
+ }
+ },
+ cell_lines: {
+ 'hela': {
+ name: 'HeLa'
+ },
+ 'mfc-7': {
+ name: 'MFC-7'
+ },
+ '293t': {
+ name: '293T'
+ },
+ 'cho': {
+ name: 'CHO'
+ }
+ },
+ time_unit: {
+ kind: 'hours'
+ },
+ primary_anti_body: {
+ 1: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-goat beta-actin'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-mouse phosphotyrosine'
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'mouse anti-mouse cdk2'
+ }
+ },
+ secondary_anti_body: {
+ 1: {
+ name: 'donkey anti-rabbit'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'rabbit anti-goat'
+ },
+ 3: {
+ name: 'goat anti-mouse'
+ }
+ },
+ ip_primary_anti_body: {
+ 1: {
+ name: 'ip primary 1'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'ip primary 2'
+ }
+ },
+ ip_secondary_anti_body: {
+ 1: {
+ name: 'ip secondary 1'
+ },
+ 2: {
+ name: 'ip secondary 2'
+ }
+ },
+ lysate_kinds: {
+ 'whole': {
+ name: 'Whole Cell'
+ },
+ 'cyto': {
+ name: 'Cytoplasm'
+ },
+ 'nuclear': {
+ name: 'Nuclear'
+ }
+ },
+ micro_kinds: {
+ 'IF': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling IF',
+ conditions: {
+ 'NFIB': {
+ name: 'NFIB (red), DAPI (blue), control (green)'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'IHC': {
+ name: 'Antibody-labeling IHC',
+ conditions: {
+ 'NFIB': {
+ name: 'NFIB'
+ },
+ 'KI67': {
+ name: 'Ki-67'
+ },
+ '2nd': {
+ name: 'Secondary only control'
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ 'Dye': {
+ name: 'Dye/Stain',
+ conditions: {
+ 'HnE': {
+ name: 'H&E'
+ }
+ }
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/model/Assignments.js b/html_app/model/Assignments.js
index 306499a2..856a602a 100644
--- a/html_app/model/Assignments.js
+++ b/html_app/model/Assignments.js
@@ -2,55 +2,55 @@
scb.AssignmentList = function scb_AssignmentList(data, context) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = null;
- var proto = scb.Assignment;
- scb.utils.accessor2_with_setter(self, 'selected_id', data, function(e) {
- context.js_model.current_assignment = self.selected;
- });
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, proto, context, self);
- self.selected_id = data.selected_id;
- self.start = function (d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- var ret = new scb.Assignment(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = null;
+ var proto = scb.Assignment;
+ scb.utils.accessor2_with_setter(self, 'selected_id', data, function(e) {
+ context.js_model.current_assignment = self.selected;
+ });
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, proto, context, self);
+ self.selected_id = data.selected_id;
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ var ret = new scb.Assignment(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
scb.Assignment = function scb_Assignment(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'notebook',{},scb.Notebook,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'experiments',{},scb.ExperimentList,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'template',{},scb.Template,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'course','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'course_name','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'last_instruction',0,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'operation','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'permission','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'template_id',null,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'students',0,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'sort',[],null,context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'notebook', {}, scb.Notebook, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'experiments', {}, scb.ExperimentList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'template', {}, scb.Template, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'course', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'course_name', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'last_instruction', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'operation', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'permission', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'template_id', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'students', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'sort', [], null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'is_new_assignment',true,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'is_new_course',true,null,context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_new_assignment', true, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_new_course', true, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'has_background_bands',false,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'background_band_list',{},null,context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'has_background_bands', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'background_band_list', {}, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'course_prepared',null,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'assignment_prepared',null,null,context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'course_prepared', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'assignment_prepared', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'has_temperature',false,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'has_start_time',false,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'has_duration',false,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'has_collection_time',false,null,context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'has_temperature', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'has_start_time', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'has_duration', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'has_collection_time', false, null, context);
diff --git a/html_app/model/CellTreatment.js b/html_app/model/CellTreatment.js
index 9f49da77..35916246 100644
--- a/html_app/model/CellTreatment.js
+++ b/html_app/model/CellTreatment.js
@@ -1,102 +1,91 @@
'use strict';
scb.CellTreatmentList = function scb_CellTreatmentList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.CellTreatment, context);
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.CellTreatment, context);
- self.start = function(d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- var ret = new scb.CellTreatment(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ var ret = new scb.CellTreatment(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
- self.duplicate = function(id) {
- var new_list = [];
- var list = data.list ;
- for( var i in list )
- {
- var elem = list[i];
- new_list.push(elem)
- if( id == elem.id)
- {
- var new_elem = scb.Utils.clone_and_clear(elem);
- new_list.push( new_elem );
- }
- }
- data.list = new_list;
-// return self.start(scb.Utils.clone_and_clear(scb.utils.find(data.list,id)));
- }
+ self.duplicate = function(id) {
+ var new_list = [];
+ var list = data.list;
+ for (var i in list) {
+ var elem = list[i];
+ new_list.push(elem)
+ if (id == elem.id) {
+ var new_elem = scb.Utils.clone_and_clear(elem);
+ new_list.push(new_elem);
+ }
+ }
+ data.list = new_list;
+ // return self.start(scb.Utils.clone_and_clear(scb.utils.find(data.list,id)));
+ }
scb.CellTreatment = function scb_CellTreatment(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'cell_line','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'treatment_list',{},scb.TreatmentList,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'stimulation_time','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'collection_schedule_list',{},scb.CollectionScheduleList, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'identifier','',null,context);
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- self.format_row = function()
- {
- var display_text = self.name;
- var template = context.template;
- if( template.ui.western_blot.format )
- {
- var orig_template = template.ui.western_blot.format;
- var new_text = '' + orig_template
- var keys = template.ui.western_blot.keys;
- var resolve = function(value)
- {
- var ret = self;
- var success = true;
- _.each(value.attr,function(e){
- if(!_.isUndefined(ret[e]))
- {
- ret = ret[e];
- }
- else
- {
- success = false;
- }
- });
- var text = template;
- if(value.hasOwnProperty('map')){
- _.each(value.map,function(e){
- if(!_.isUndefined(text[e]))
- {
- text = text[e];
- }
- if(e=='%KEY%' && !_.isUndefined(text[ret]))
- {
- text = text[ret];
- }
- });
- }else{
- text = ret;
- }
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cell_line', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'treatment_list', {}, scb.TreatmentList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'stimulation_time', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'collection_schedule_list', {}, scb.CollectionScheduleList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'identifier', '', null, context);
- if(! success && scb.utils.isDefined(value.default) )
- {
- text = value.default;
- }
- return text;
+ self.format_row = function() {
+ var display_text = self.name;
+ var template = context.template;
+ if (template.ui.western_blot.format) {
+ var orig_template = template.ui.western_blot.format;
+ var new_text = '' + orig_template
+ var keys = template.ui.western_blot.keys;
+ var resolve = function(value) {
+ var ret = self;
+ var success = true;
+ _.each(value.attr, function(e) {
+ if (!_.isUndefined(ret[e])) {
+ ret = ret[e];
+ } else {
+ success = false;
+ }
+ });
+ var text = template;
+ if (value.hasOwnProperty('map')) {
+ _.each(value.map, function(e) {
+ if (!_.isUndefined(text[e])) {
+ text = text[e];
- _.each(keys, function(value,key,keys){
- var regexp = new RegExp(key);
- new_text = new_text.replace( regexp , resolve(value));
- });
- display_text = new_text == orig_template ? display_text : new_text;
- display_text = display_text.replace(/(, *)+/g, ", ");
+ if (e == '%KEY%' && !_.isUndefined(text[ret])) {
+ text = text[ret];
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ text = ret;
+ }
+ if (!success && scb.utils.isDefined(value.default)) {
+ text = value.default;
- return display_text;
- };
+ return text;
+ }
+ _.each(keys, function(value, key, keys) {
+ var regexp = new RegExp(key);
+ new_text = new_text.replace(regexp, resolve(value));
+ });
+ display_text = new_text == orig_template ? display_text : new_text;
+ display_text = display_text.replace(/(, *)+/g, ", ");
+ }
+ return display_text;
+ };
- scb.Utils.accessor_toString(self.cell_line);
+ scb.Utils.accessor_toString(self.cell_line);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/CollectionSchedule.js b/html_app/model/CollectionSchedule.js
index dd540bbe..685d4c9f 100644
--- a/html_app/model/CollectionSchedule.js
+++ b/html_app/model/CollectionSchedule.js
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
'use strict';
scb.CollectionScheduleList = function scb_CollectionScheduleList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.CollectionSchedule, context, self);
- self.start = function(d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- d.name = d.name || "Schedule " + data.counter++;
- var ret = new scb.CollectionSchedule(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.CollectionSchedule, context, self);
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ d.name = d.name || "Schedule " + data.counter++;
+ var ret = new scb.CollectionSchedule(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
scb.CollectionSchedule = function scb_CollectionSchedule(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- // should be getter only
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'schedule_value', "0", null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'schedule', "now");
- self.schedule = function(v) {
- if ( typeof (v) == 'undefined') {
- // getter
- var time = parseFloat(data.schedule_value);
- var days = Math.floor((time % 604800) / 86400);
- //var days = Math.floor(time / 86400);
- var months = Math.floor(time /2592000);
- var weeks = Math.floor((time % 2592000) / 604800);
- var hours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
- var minutes = Math.round((time % 3600) / 60);
- var now = (time < 60 );
- return scb_common.format_time_detailed({
- weeks: weeks,
- days : days,
- hours : hours,
- minutes : minutes,
- months: months,
- now : now
- }).trim();
- } else {
- // setter
- var time = scb.Utils.parse_time(v, context.template.time_unit.kind);
- data.schedule_value = time;
- data.schedule = self.schedule();
- }
- }
- scb.Utils.accessor_toString(self.schedule);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ // should be getter only
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'schedule_value', "0", null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'schedule', "now");
+ self.schedule = function(v) {
+ if (typeof (v) == 'undefined') {
+ // getter
+ var time = parseFloat(data.schedule_value);
+ var days = Math.floor((time % 604800) / 86400);
+ //var days = Math.floor(time / 86400);
+ var months = Math.floor(time / 2592000);
+ var weeks = Math.floor((time % 2592000) / 604800);
+ var hours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
+ var minutes = Math.round((time % 3600) / 60);
+ var now = (time < 60);
+ return scb_common.format_time_detailed({
+ weeks: weeks,
+ days: days,
+ hours: hours,
+ minutes: minutes,
+ months: months,
+ now: now
+ }).trim();
+ } else {
+ // setter
+ var time = scb.Utils.parse_time(v, context.template.time_unit.kind);
+ data.schedule_value = time;
+ data.schedule = self.schedule();
+ }
+ }
+ scb.Utils.accessor_toString(self.schedule);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/Drugs.js b/html_app/model/Drugs.js
index 3b1dad75..9fb69286 100644
--- a/html_app/model/Drugs.js
+++ b/html_app/model/Drugs.js
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
'use strict';
-scb.DrugList = function scb_DrugList(data, context,parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.Drug, context);
- self.start = function(d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- var ret = new scb.Drug(d, context);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
- self.start_default = function(d) {
- d = context.template.drug_template ? context.template.drug_template : d ;
- d = d ? d : {} ;
- d = scb.Utils.clone_and_clear(d);
- var ret = new scb.Drug(d, context,self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
- self.set_list = function(drug_list) {
- data.list.length = 0;
- for(var i in drug_list) {
- var drug = drug_list[i];
- data.list.push(drug._data);
- }
- }
+scb.DrugList = function scb_DrugList(data, context, parent) {
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.Drug, context);
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ var ret = new scb.Drug(d, context);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ self.start_default = function(d) {
+ d = context.template.drug_template ? context.template.drug_template : d ;
+ d = d ? d : {} ;
+ d = scb.Utils.clone_and_clear(d);
+ var ret = new scb.Drug(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ self.set_list = function(drug_list) {
+ data.list.length = 0;
+ for (var i in drug_list) {
+ var drug = drug_list[i];
+ data.list.push(drug._data);
+ }
+ }
-scb.Drug = function scb_Drug(data, context,parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'drug_id', null);
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'concentration_id', null);
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'collection_id', null);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'drug_id', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'concentration_id', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'collection_id', null, null, context);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'drug_name', function() {
- return data.drug_id != null ? context.template.drugs[data.drug_id].name : '';
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'drug_concentration' , function() {
- if(data.concentration_id != null && data.concentration_id != '' ) {
- return context.template.concentrations[data.concentration_id].name;
- }else{
- return '';
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.Utils.accessor_toString(self.drug_id);
- scb.Utils.accessor_toString(self.concentration_id);
+scb.Drug = function scb_Drug(data, context, parent) {
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'drug_id', null);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'concentration_id', null);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'collection_id', null);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'drug_id', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'concentration_id', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'collection_id', null, null, context);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'drug_name', function() {
+ return data.drug_id != null ? context.template.drugs[data.drug_id].name : '';
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'drug_concentration', function() {
+ if (data.concentration_id != null && data.concentration_id != '') {
+ return context.template.concentrations[data.concentration_id].name;
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.Utils.accessor_toString(self.drug_id);
+ scb.Utils.accessor_toString(self.concentration_id);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/Experiment.js b/html_app/model/Experiment.js
index e6f957a6..0d985a91 100644
--- a/html_app/model/Experiment.js
+++ b/html_app/model/Experiment.js
@@ -1,67 +1,67 @@
-'use strict';// strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
+'use strict'; // strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
scb.ExperimentList = function scb_ExperimentList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.Experiment, context, self);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.Experiment, context, self);
- self.start = function(d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- if (Object.keys(d).length == 0) {
- if (this.parent.template.experiment_templates && this.parent.template.experiment_templates['default']) {
- d = scb.utils.clone_and_clear(this.parent.template.experiment_templates['default']);
- }
- }
- if (! d.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
- d.name = self.next_name(true);
- }
- var ret = new scb.Experiment(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ if (Object.keys(d).length == 0) {
+ if (this.parent.template.experiment_templates && this.parent.template.experiment_templates['default']) {
+ d = scb.utils.clone_and_clear(this.parent.template.experiment_templates['default']);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!d.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
+ d.name = self.next_name(true);
+ }
+ var ret = new scb.Experiment(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
- self.next_name = function(please_increment) {
- var ret = 'Experiment ' + data.counter;
- if (please_increment == true) {
- data.counter++;
- }
- return ret;
- }
+ self.next_name = function(please_increment) {
+ var ret = 'Experiment ' + data.counter;
+ if (please_increment == true) {
+ data.counter++;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
scb.Experiment = function scb_Experiment(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- // experiment_design_fields
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'hypothesis','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'objective','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'technique','',null,context);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ // experiment_design_fields
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'hypothesis', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'objective', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'technique', '', null, context);
- // ui state
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'last_view','experiment_design',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data, 'prev_step', 0, null,context);
+ // ui state
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data, 'last_step', 0, null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data, 'last_scroll', 0, null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data, 'last_technique', 'undefined', null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data, 'last_id', 'undefined', null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data, 'last_technique_view', 'undefined', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'last_view', 'experiment_design', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'prev_step', 0, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data, 'last_param', 'undefined', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'last_step', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'last_scroll', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'last_technique', 'undefined', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'last_id', 'undefined', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'last_technique_view', 'undefined', null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'cell_treatment_list',{},scb.CellTreatmentList,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'western_blot_list',{},scb.WesternBlotList,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'facs_list',{},scb.FacsList,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'microscopy_list',{},scb.MicroscopyList,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'setup_finished',false,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'setup_visible',true,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'new_row',{},null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'design_wb_cb',false,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'design_fc_cb',false,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'design_mi_cb',false,null,context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'last_param', 'undefined', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cell_treatment_list', {}, scb.CellTreatmentList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'western_blot_list', {}, scb.WesternBlotList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'facs_list', {}, scb.FacsList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'microscopy_list', {}, scb.MicroscopyList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'setup_finished', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'setup_visible', true, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'new_row', {}, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'design_wb_cb', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'design_fc_cb', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'design_mi_cb', false, null, context);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/Facs.js b/html_app/model/Facs.js
index 97b951b2..a2443ef8 100644
--- a/html_app/model/Facs.js
+++ b/html_app/model/Facs.js
@@ -1,220 +1,231 @@
-'use strict';// strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
+'use strict'; // strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
scb.FacsList = function scb_FacsList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.Facs, context, self);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_tabs_index', 0, null, context);
- self.start = function (d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- d.name = d.name || "F. C. " + data.counter++;
- var ret = new scb.Facs(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
- self.new_using_making_lysates = function (making_lysates_id) {
- var experiment = context.js_model.current_session.making_lysate_list.get(making_lysates_id);
- var d = {
- name: "Facs " + data.counter++,
- display_lysates_id: making_lysates_id
- };
- var ml = new scb.Facs(d, context, self);
- //TODO here we will count lysates and if there are less than 10 we will fill lanes up
- data.list.push(d);
- return ml;
- }
- self.duplicate = function (id) {
- var orig = self.get(id);
- var clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orig.__data__));
- delete clone.id;
- if (("" + clone.name).indexOf('(Copy)') == -1) {
- clone.name = clone.name + " (Copy)";
- }
- delete clone.created_at;
- clone.finished = false;
- delete clone.canvas_data;
- clone.gels_list = _.clone(clone.gels_list);
- clone.exposure_list = _.clone(clone.exposure_list);
- try {
- for (var i in clone.lanes_list.list) {
- var lane = clone.lanes_list.list[i];
- lane.marks = [];
- }
- for (var i in clone.exposure_list.list) {
- var exp = clone.exposure_list.list[i];
- exp.canvas_data = null;
- }
- } catch (err) {
- }
- ;
- var ml = new scb.Facs(clone, context, self);
- data.list.push(clone);
- return ml;
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.Facs, context, self);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_tabs_index', 0, null, context);
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ d.name = d.name || "F. C. " + data.counter++;
+ var ret = new scb.Facs(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ self.new_using_making_lysates = function(making_lysates_id) {
+ var experiment = context.js_model.current_session.making_lysate_list.get(making_lysates_id);
+ var d = {
+ name: "Facs " + data.counter++,
+ display_lysates_id: making_lysates_id
+ };
+ var ml = new scb.Facs(d, context, self);
+ //TODO here we will count lysates and if there are less than 10 we will fill lanes up
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ml;
+ }
+ self.duplicate = function(id) {
+ var orig = self.get(id);
+ var clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orig.__data__));
+ delete clone.id;
+ if (("" + clone.name).indexOf('(Copy)') == -1) {
+ clone.name = clone.name + " (Copy)";
+ delete clone.created_at;
+ clone.finished = false;
+ delete clone.canvas_data;
+ clone.gels_list = _.clone(clone.gels_list);
+ clone.exposure_list = _.clone(clone.exposure_list);
+ try {
+ for (var i in clone.lanes_list.list) {
+ var lane = clone.lanes_list.list[i];
+ lane.marks = [];
+ }
+ for (var i in clone.exposure_list.list) {
+ var exp = clone.exposure_list.list[i];
+ exp.canvas_data = null;
+ }
+ } catch ( err ) {}
+ ;
+ var ml = new scb.Facs(clone, context, self);
+ data.list.push(clone);
+ return ml;
+ }
scb.Facs = function scb_Facs(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lanes_list', {}, scb.FacsLaneList, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'samples_finished', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'sample_prepared', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'sample_analysis', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'double_analysis', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gate_count', 0, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'midpoint', {}, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'prep_scroll', 0, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'samples_scroll', 0, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'show_analysis', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'apply_dna_analysis_to_all', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'instructions_show_state', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'samples_show_state', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lane_selected', null, null, context);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_lane', function () {
- if (self.lane_selected) {
- return self.lanes_list.get(self.lane_selected);
- }
- else {
- return null;
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lanes_list', {}, scb.FacsLaneList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'samples_finished', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'sample_prepared', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'sample_analysis', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'double_analysis', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gate_count', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'midpoint', {}, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'prep_scroll', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'samples_scroll', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'show_analysis', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'apply_dna_analysis_to_all', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'instructions_show_state', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'samples_show_state', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lane_selected', null, null, context);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_lane', function() {
+ if (self.lane_selected) {
+ return self.lanes_list.get(self.lane_selected);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_cell_treatment_enabled', {}, null, context);
+ /* Values are 'fixed' or 'live' */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_cell_treatment_live', {}, null, context);
+ /* to save selected lane for each cell_treatment */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_tab_selected', {}, null, context);
+ self.rows_state = function(exp) {
+ var skip_placeholders = false;
+ if (_.keys(context.template.facs_kinds).length == 1 && _.keys(context.template.facs_kinds[Object.keys(context.template.facs_kinds)[0]].conditions).length == 1) {
+ skip_placeholders = true;
+ }
+ var experiment = exp || self.parent.parent;
+ var template = context.template;
+ var grouped_rows = self.lanes_list.grouped_list;
+ var rows = [];
+ _.each(experiment.cell_treatment_list.list, function(e) {
+ if (grouped_rows[e.id]) {
+ /* a list of already chosen conditions for this sample */
+ var chosen_conditions = _.map(grouped_rows[e.id], function(z) {
+ return z.conditions
+ }).sort();
+ var avail_conditions = [];
+ /* the conditions available for this sample can be
+ specified in two ways:
+ 1) In the cell_treatment list under 'facs'
+ 2) or in 'facs_kinds', that applies to all samples
+ */
+ var facs_kinds = e.treatment_list.list[0].facs;
+ if (_.isEmpty(facs_kinds)) {
+ facs_kinds = template.facs_kinds;
+ _.each(_.keys(facs_kinds), function(a) {
+ _.each(_.keys(facs_kinds[a].conditions), function(c) {
+ avail_conditions.push(c);
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ /* Make a list of all conditions available for this sample */
+ _.each(_.keys(facs_kinds), function(a) {
+ _.each(facs_kinds[a], function(c) {
+ avail_conditions.push(c);
+ });
+ });
- }, scb.utils.noop);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_cell_treatment_enabled', {}, null, context);
- /* Values are 'fixed' or 'live' */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_cell_treatment_live', {}, null, context);
- /* to save selected lane for each cell_treatment */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_tab_selected', {}, null, context);
- self.rows_state = function (exp) {
var skip_placeholders = false;
- if (_.keys(context.template.facs_kinds).length == 1 && _.keys(context.template.facs_kinds[Object.keys(context.template.facs_kinds)[0]].conditions).length == 1) {
- skip_placeholders = true;
+ /* if there are more conditions available add a placeholder */
+ if (chosen_conditions.length >= avail_conditions.length) {
+ skip_placeholders = true;
- var experiment = exp || self.parent.parent;
- var template = context.template;
- var grouped_rows = self.lanes_list.grouped_list;
- var rows = [];
- _.each(experiment.cell_treatment_list.list, function (e) {
- if (grouped_rows[e.id]) {
- /* a list of already chosen conditions for this sample */
- var chosen_conditions = _.map(grouped_rows[e.id], function(z){return z.conditions}).sort();
- var avail_conditions = [];
- /* the conditions available for this sample can be
- specified in two ways:
- 1) In the cell_treatment list under 'facs'
- 2) or in 'facs_kinds', that applies to all samples
- */
- var facs_kinds= e.treatment_list.list[0].facs;
- if (_.isEmpty(facs_kinds)){
- facs_kinds = template.facs_kinds;
- _.each(_.keys(facs_kinds), function (a) {
- _.each(_.keys(facs_kinds[a].conditions), function (c) {
- avail_conditions.push(c);
- });
- });
- }else {
- /* Make a list of all conditions available for this sample */
- _.each(_.keys(facs_kinds), function (a) {
- _.each(facs_kinds[a], function (c) {
- avail_conditions.push(c);
- });
- });
- }
- var skip_placeholders = false;
- /* if there are more conditions available add a placeholder */
- if(chosen_conditions.length >= avail_conditions.length) {
- skip_placeholders = true;
- }
- /*
- after samples were prepared want to initialize dict with
- first lane for each cell_treatment
- */
- if(self.sample_prepared){
- if(!self.is_tab_selected.hasOwnProperty(e.id)){
- self.is_tab_selected[e.id]= grouped_rows[e.id][0].id;
- }
- }
- _.each(grouped_rows[e.id], function (ee, index) {
- rows.push({
- kind: 'existing',
- cell_treatment: e,
- lane: ee,
- display_sample: index == 0,
- is_sample_enabled: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
- index: index,
- is_valid: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id] && ee && ee.conditions,
- live: self.is_cell_treatment_live[e.id+'_'+ee.id],
- is_tab_selected: self.is_tab_selected[e.id] === ee.id,
- more_conditions: !skip_placeholders
- });
- });
- if (!skip_placeholders) {
- rows.push({
- kind: 'placeholder',
- display_sample: false,
- cell_treatment: e,
- is_sample_enabled: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
- is_valid: false,
- live: self.is_cell_treatment_live[e.id+'_']
- });
- }
- } else {
- rows.push({
- kind: 'new',
- row_type: 'new',
- display_sample: true,
- cell_treatment: e,
- is_sample_enabled: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
- is_valid: false,
- live: self.is_cell_treatment_live[e.id+'_']
- })
- }
- });
- var count = 0;
- _.each(rows, function (e) {
- if (e.is_valid) count++;
- if(!self.is_cell_treatment_live[e.id])
- {
- self.is_cell_treatment_live[e.id] = false;
- }
- });
- _.each(rows, function (r, index, rows) {
- r.display_text = r.cell_treatment.format_row();
- });
- _.each(rows, function (r, index, rows) {
- var identifier = r.cell_treatment.identifier;
- var facs_kinds = context.template.facs_kinds;
- var list = { 'Live': [], 'Fixed': []};
- _.each(facs_kinds, function (obj, key) {
- if (obj['Live'] && obj['Live'].indexOf(identifier)>=0) {
- r.has_live = true;
- list['Live'].push(key);
- }
- if (obj['Fixed'] && obj['Fixed'].indexOf(identifier)>=0) {
- r.has_fixed = true;
- list['Fixed'].push(key);
- }
- });
- r.lysate_types = list;
- });
- rows = _.sortBy(rows, function (obj) {
- if (obj.kind == 'existing')return obj.lane.order_id; else return;
+ /*
+ after samples were prepared want to initialize dict with
+ first lane for each cell_treatment
+ */
+ if (self.sample_prepared) {
+ if (!self.is_tab_selected.hasOwnProperty(e.id)) {
+ self.is_tab_selected[e.id] = grouped_rows[e.id][0].id;
+ }
+ }
+ _.each(grouped_rows[e.id], function(ee, index) {
+ rows.push({
+ kind: 'existing',
+ cell_treatment: e,
+ lane: ee,
+ display_sample: index == 0,
+ is_sample_enabled: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
+ index: index,
+ is_valid: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id] && ee && ee.conditions,
+ live: self.is_cell_treatment_live[e.id + '_' + ee.id],
+ is_tab_selected: self.is_tab_selected[e.id] === ee.id,
+ more_conditions: !skip_placeholders
+ });
- return {rows: rows, valid: count};
- }
+ if (!skip_placeholders) {
+ rows.push({
+ kind: 'placeholder',
+ display_sample: false,
+ cell_treatment: e,
+ is_sample_enabled: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
+ is_valid: false,
+ live: self.is_cell_treatment_live[e.id + '_']
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ rows.push({
+ kind: 'new',
+ row_type: 'new',
+ display_sample: true,
+ cell_treatment: e,
+ is_sample_enabled: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
+ is_valid: false,
+ live: self.is_cell_treatment_live[e.id + '_']
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ var count = 0;
+ _.each(rows, function(e) {
+ if (e.is_valid) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ if (!self.is_cell_treatment_live[e.id]) {
+ self.is_cell_treatment_live[e.id] = false;
+ }
+ });
+ _.each(rows, function(r, index, rows) {
+ r.display_text = r.cell_treatment.format_row();
+ });
+ _.each(rows, function(r, index, rows) {
+ var identifier = r.cell_treatment.identifier;
+ var facs_kinds = context.template.facs_kinds;
+ var list = {
+ 'Live': [],
+ 'Fixed': []
+ };
+ _.each(facs_kinds, function(obj, key) {
+ if (obj['Live'] && obj['Live'].indexOf(identifier) >= 0) {
+ r.has_live = true;
+ list['Live'].push(key);
+ }
+ if (obj['Fixed'] && obj['Fixed'].indexOf(identifier) >= 0) {
+ r.has_fixed = true;
+ list['Fixed'].push(key);
+ }
+ });
+ r.lysate_types = list;
+ });
+ rows = _.sortBy(rows, function(obj) {
+ if (obj.kind == 'existing') {
+ return obj.lane.order_id;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ return {
+ rows: rows,
+ valid: count
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/model/FacsLanes.js b/html_app/model/FacsLanes.js
index 1ee6117d..9f86ddcd 100644
--- a/html_app/model/FacsLanes.js
+++ b/html_app/model/FacsLanes.js
@@ -1,160 +1,162 @@
'use strict';
scb.FacsLaneList = function scb_FacsLaneList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'list', []);
- Object.defineProperty(self, "list", {
- get: function () {
- var ret = [];
- for (var i in data.list) {
- var d = data.list[i];
- ret.push(new scb.FacsLane(d, context, self));
- }
- return ret;
- }
- });
- self.start = function (d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- var ret = new scb.FacsLane(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'list', []);
+ Object.defineProperty(self, "list", {
+ get: function() {
+ var ret = [];
+ for (var i in data.list) {
+ var d = data.list[i];
+ ret.push(new scb.FacsLane(d, context, self));
+ }
+ return ret;
- self.ensure_experiment_lanes_for_experiment = function (experiment_id) {
- var assignment = context.js_model.current_assignment;
- var experiment = assignment.experiments.get(experiment_id);
- var ctl = experiment.cell_treatment_list.list;
- for (var cti in ctl) {
- var ct = ctl[cti];
- var csl = ct.collection_schedule_list.list;
- for (var csi in csl) {
- var cs = csl[csi];
- var list = self.filter(experiment.id, ct.id, cs.id);
- if (list.length == 0) {
- self.start({
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- cell_treatment_id: ct.id,
- collection_schedule_id: cs.id,
- });
- }
- }
+ });
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ var ret = new scb.FacsLane(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ self.ensure_experiment_lanes_for_experiment = function(experiment_id) {
+ var assignment = context.js_model.current_assignment;
+ var experiment = assignment.experiments.get(experiment_id);
+ var ctl = experiment.cell_treatment_list.list;
+ for (var cti in ctl) {
+ var ct = ctl[cti];
+ var csl = ct.collection_schedule_list.list;
+ for (var csi in csl) {
+ var cs = csl[csi];
+ var list = self.filter(experiment.id, ct.id, cs.id);
+ if (list.length == 0) {
+ self.start({
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ cell_treatment_id: ct.id,
+ collection_schedule_id: cs.id,
+ });
+ }
+ }
- self.duplicate = function (id) {
- var orig = _.find(data.list, function (e) {
- return e.id == id;
- });
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(orig)) {
- var clone = scb.utils.clone_and_clear(orig)
- return self.start(clone);
- }
+ self.duplicate = function(id) {
+ var orig = _.find(data.list, function(e) {
+ return e.id == id;
+ });
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(orig)) {
+ var clone = scb.utils.clone_and_clear(orig)
+ return self.start(clone);
+ }
- self.remove = function (id) {
- var new_list = _.reject(data.list, function (s) {
- return s.id == id
- });
- data.list.length = 0;
- for (var i in new_list) {
- data.list.push(new_list[i]);
- }
- console.info(data.list);
+ self.remove = function(id) {
+ var new_list = _.reject(data.list, function(s) {
+ return s.id == id
+ });
+ data.list.length = 0;
+ for (var i in new_list) {
+ data.list.push(new_list[i]);
- self.get = function (id) {
- return new scb.FacsLane(_.find(data.list, function (e) {
- return e.id == id;
- }), context, self);
+ console.info(data.list);
+ }
+ self.get = function(id) {
+ return new scb.FacsLane(_.find(data.list, function(e) {
+ return e.id == id;
+ }), context, self);
+ }
+ self.reorder = function(new_order) {
+ var new_list = [];
+ for (var i in new_order) {
+ var new_id = new_order[i];
+ new_list.push(_.find(data.list, function(e) {
+ return e.id == new_id
+ }));
- self.reorder = function (new_order) {
- var new_list = [];
- for (var i in new_order) {
- var new_id = new_order[i];
- new_list.push(_.find(data.list, function (e) {
- return e.id == new_id
- }));
- }
- if (new_list.length == data.list.length) {
- data.list = new_list;
- } else {
- }
+ if (new_list.length == data.list.length) {
+ data.list = new_list;
+ } else {
- self.filter = function (experiment_id, cell_treatment_id, collection_schedule_id) {
- var all = self.list;
- var ret = [];
- for (var i in all) {
- var x = all[i];
- if (x.experiment.id == experiment_id && x.cell_treatment.id == cell_treatment_id && x.collection_schedule.id == collection_schedule_id) {
- ret.push(x);
- }
- }
- return ret;
+ }
+ self.filter = function(experiment_id, cell_treatment_id, collection_schedule_id) {
+ var all = self.list;
+ var ret = [];
+ for (var i in all) {
+ var x = all[i];
+ if (x.experiment.id == experiment_id && x.cell_treatment.id == cell_treatment_id && x.collection_schedule.id == collection_schedule_id) {
+ ret.push(x);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
- self.reset = function () {
- data.list = [];
- }
+ self.reset = function() {
+ data.list = [];
+ }
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'length', function () {
- return data.list.length;
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'length', function() {
+ return data.list.length;
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.ModelHelpers.grouped_list(self, 'cell_treatment_id');
+ scb.ModelHelpers.grouped_list(self, 'cell_treatment_id');
scb.FacsLane = function scb_FacsLane(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'kind', _.keys(context.template.facs_kinds)[0], null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'conditions', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'live', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cell_treatment_id', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gates_id', 0, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'exp_id', 0, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'bisector_gate_created', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'canvas_metadata', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'canvas_metadata_analysis', {points: [], ranges: []}, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gate_selected', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'experiment_id', self.parent.parent.parent.parent);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_gate', function () {
- if (self.gate_selected) {
- return _.find(self.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(e) {
- return self.gate_selected == e.unique_id;
- });
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'kind', _.keys(context.template.facs_kinds)[0], null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'conditions', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'live', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cell_treatment_id', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gates_id', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'exp_id', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'bisector_gate_created', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'canvas_metadata', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'canvas_metadata_analysis', {
+ points: [],
+ ranges: []
+ }, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gate_selected', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'experiment_id', self.parent.parent.parent.parent);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_gate', function() {
+ if (self.gate_selected) {
+ return _.find(self.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(e) {
+ return self.gate_selected == e.unique_id;
+ });
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'experiment', function () {
- var assignment = context.js_model.current_assignment;
- var experiment = assignment.experiments.get(data.experiment_id);
- return experiment;
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'experiment', function() {
+ var assignment = context.js_model.current_assignment;
+ var experiment = assignment.experiments.get(data.experiment_id);
+ return experiment;
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'cell_treatment', function () {
- return self.experiment.cell_treatment_list.get(data.cell_treatment_id);
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'cell_treatment', function() {
+ return self.experiment.cell_treatment_list.get(data.cell_treatment_id);
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'collection_schedule', function () {
- return self.cell_treatment.collection_schedule_list.get(data.collection_schedule_id);
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'collection_schedule', function() {
+ return self.cell_treatment.collection_schedule_list.get(data.collection_schedule_id);
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'kinds', function () {
- return context.template.facs_kinds;
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'kinds', function() {
+ return context.template.facs_kinds;
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
- self.display_text = self.parent.parent.parent.parent.cell_treatment_list.get(self.cell_treatment_id).format_row();
+ self.display_text = self.parent.parent.parent.parent.cell_treatment_list.get(self.cell_treatment_id).format_row();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/FacsLanesPreparation.js b/html_app/model/FacsLanesPreparation.js
index abb00feb..e5013945 100644
--- a/html_app/model/FacsLanesPreparation.js
+++ b/html_app/model/FacsLanesPreparation.js
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
'use strict';
scb.FacsLanePreparationList = function scb_FacsLanePreparationList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.FacsLanePreparation, context, self);
- self.start = function(d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- var ret = new scb.FacsLanePreparation(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- };
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.FacsLanePreparation, context, self);
- self.duplicate = function(id) {
- var orig = _.find(data.list, function(e) {
- return e.id == id;
- });
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(orig)) {
- var clone = scb.utils.clone_and_clear(orig)
- return self.start(clone);
- }
- };
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ var ret = new scb.FacsLanePreparation(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ };
- self.reorder = function(new_order) {
- var new_list = [];
- for (var i in new_order ) {
- var new_id = new_order[i];
- new_list.push(_.find(data.list, function(e) {
- return e.id == new_id
- }));
- }
- if (new_list.length == data.list.length) {
- data.list = new_list;
- } else {
- }
- }
+ self.duplicate = function(id) {
+ var orig = _.find(data.list, function(e) {
+ return e.id == id;
+ });
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(orig)) {
+ var clone = scb.utils.clone_and_clear(orig)
+ return self.start(clone);
+ }
+ };
- self.filter = function(experiment_id, cell_treatment_id, collection_schedule_id) {
- var all = self.list;
- var ret = [];
- for (var i in all ) {
- var x = all[i];
- if (x.experiment.id == experiment_id && x.cell_treatment.id == cell_treatment_id && x.collection_schedule.id == collection_schedule_id) {
- ret.push(x);
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
+ self.reorder = function(new_order) {
+ var new_list = [];
+ for (var i in new_order) {
+ var new_id = new_order[i];
+ new_list.push(_.find(data.list, function(e) {
+ return e.id == new_id
+ }));
+ }
+ if (new_list.length == data.list.length) {
+ data.list = new_list;
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
- self.reset = function() {
- data.list = [];
- }
+ self.filter = function(experiment_id, cell_treatment_id, collection_schedule_id) {
+ var all = self.list;
+ var ret = [];
+ for (var i in all) {
+ var x = all[i];
+ if (x.experiment.id == experiment_id && x.cell_treatment.id == cell_treatment_id && x.collection_schedule.id == collection_schedule_id) {
+ ret.push(x);
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ self.reset = function() {
+ data.list = [];
+ }
scb.FacsLanePreparation = function scb_FacsLanePreparation(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'kind', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'treatment', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'sub_treatment', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'chart_data', null, null, context);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'kind', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'treatment', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'sub_treatment', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'chart_data', null, null, context);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/LensMap.js b/html_app/model/LensMap.js
index 765ebcc8..e13e98bc 100644
--- a/html_app/model/LensMap.js
+++ b/html_app/model/LensMap.js
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-'use strict';// strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
+'use strict'; // strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
-scb.LensMapProxy = {
-'original': null,
-'display' :null,
-'cache': null
+scb.LensMapProxy = {
+ 'original': null,
+ 'display': null,
+ 'cache': null
scb.LensMap = function scb_LensMap(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'action', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'blur', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'brightness', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cache_blur', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cache_brightness', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'height', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'width', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'src', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'xparam', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'mag', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'if_type', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'yparam', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'isFirstDrag', true, null, context);
- self.lane_id = self.parent.id;
- var template = context.template;
- self.disable_blur = template.ui.microscopy.disable_blur;
- self.disable_brightness = template.ui.microscopy.disable_brightness;
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'orig', function () {
- return scb.LensMapProxy.original;
- }, function (d) {
- scb.LensMapProxy.original = d;
- });
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'cache', function () {
- return scb.LensMapProxy.cache;
- }, function (d) {
- scb.LensMapProxy.cache = d;
- });
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'display', function () {
- return scb.LensMapProxy.display;
- }, function (d) {
- scb.LensMapProxy.display = d;
- });
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'action', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'blur', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'brightness', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cache_blur', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cache_brightness', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'height', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'width', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'src', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'xparam', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'mag', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'if_type', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'yparam', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'isFirstDrag', true, null, context);
+ self.lane_id = self.parent.id;
+ var template = context.template;
+ self.disable_blur = template.ui.microscopy.disable_blur;
+ self.disable_brightness = template.ui.microscopy.disable_brightness;
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'orig', function() {
+ return scb.LensMapProxy.original;
+ }, function(d) {
+ scb.LensMapProxy.original = d;
+ });
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'cache', function() {
+ return scb.LensMapProxy.cache;
+ }, function(d) {
+ scb.LensMapProxy.cache = d;
+ });
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'display', function() {
+ return scb.LensMapProxy.display;
+ }, function(d) {
+ scb.LensMapProxy.display = d;
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/LysateKind.js b/html_app/model/LysateKind.js
index 65edfedb..c638cbc3 100644
--- a/html_app/model/LysateKind.js
+++ b/html_app/model/LysateKind.js
@@ -1,92 +1,92 @@
-'use strict';// strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
+'use strict'; // strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
scb.LysateKindList = function scb_LysateKindList(data, context) {
- var self = this;
+ var self = this;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.LysateKind, context, self);
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.LysateKind, context, self);
- self.start = function(d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- var ret = new scb.LysateKind(d, context);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ var ret = new scb.LysateKind(d, context);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
scb.LysateKind = function scb_LysateKind(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, "whole_cell", false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, "cytoplasm", false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, "nuclear", false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, "ip", false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, "ip_primary_anti_body", "", null, context);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, "whole_cell", false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, "cytoplasm", false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, "nuclear", false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, "ip", false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, "ip_primary_anti_body", "", null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'experiment_id', "");
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'cell_treatment_id', "");
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'collection_time_id', "");
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'ip_secondary_anti_body', "");
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'experiment_id', "");
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'cell_treatment_id', "");
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'collection_time_id', "");
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'ip_secondary_anti_body', "");
- var experiment = context.js_model.current_session.experiment_setup_list.get(data.experiment_id);
- var cell_treatment = experiment.cell_treatment_list.get(data.cell_treatment_id);
- var collection_time = experiment.collection_schedule_list.get(data.collection_time_id);
+ var experiment = context.js_model.current_session.experiment_setup_list.get(data.experiment_id);
+ var cell_treatment = experiment.cell_treatment_list.get(data.cell_treatment_id);
+ var collection_time = experiment.collection_schedule_list.get(data.collection_time_id);
- self.cell_line_id = cell_treatment.cell_line();
- self.treatment_list = [];
- for (var ti in cell_treatment.treatment_list.list ) {
- var tid = cell_treatment.treatment_list.list[ti].id;
- var treatment = cell_treatment.treatment_list.get(tid);
- var drug_list = treatment.drug_list;
- var drugs = [];
- for (var di in drug_list.list ) {
- var dit = drug_list.list[di].id;
- var drug = drug_list.get(dit);
- var name = drug.drug_name;
- var concentration = drug.drug_concentration();
- drugs.push({
- name : name,
- concentration : concentration
- });
- }
- self.treatment_list.push({
- schedule : treatment.schedule,
- temperature : treatment.temperature,
- drug_list : drugs
- });
- }
- self.collection_time = collection_time.schedule();
+ self.cell_line_id = cell_treatment.cell_line();
+ self.treatment_list = [];
+ for (var ti in cell_treatment.treatment_list.list) {
+ var tid = cell_treatment.treatment_list.list[ti].id;
+ var treatment = cell_treatment.treatment_list.get(tid);
+ var drug_list = treatment.drug_list;
+ var drugs = [];
+ for (var di in drug_list.list) {
+ var dit = drug_list.list[di].id;
+ var drug = drug_list.get(dit);
+ var name = drug.drug_name;
+ var concentration = drug.drug_concentration();
+ drugs.push({
+ name: name,
+ concentration: concentration
+ });
+ }
+ self.treatment_list.push({
+ schedule: treatment.schedule,
+ temperature: treatment.temperature,
+ drug_list: drugs
+ });
+ }
+ self.collection_time = collection_time.schedule();
- self.lysates = function() {
- var ret = [];
- var template = {
- lysate_kind_id : self.id
- };
- var kinds = ['whole_cell', 'cytoplasm', 'nuclear'];
- for (var i in kinds ) {
- if (data[kinds[i]]) {
- var t = _.clone(template);
- t.kind = kinds[i];
- ret.push(t);
- }
- }
- if (data.ip) {
- var t = _.clone(template);
- t.kind = 'ip';
- t.ip_primary_anti_body = data.ip_primary_anti_body;
- ret.push(t);
- }
- return ret;
- }
+ self.lysates = function() {
+ var ret = [];
+ var template = {
+ lysate_kind_id: self.id
+ };
+ var kinds = ['whole_cell', 'cytoplasm', 'nuclear'];
+ for (var i in kinds) {
+ if (data[kinds[i]]) {
+ var t = _.clone(template);
+ t.kind = kinds[i];
+ ret.push(t);
+ }
+ }
+ if (data.ip) {
+ var t = _.clone(template);
+ t.kind = 'ip';
+ t.ip_primary_anti_body = data.ip_primary_anti_body;
+ ret.push(t);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
- self.__defineGetter__('empty', function() {
- var kinds = ['whole_cell', 'cytoplasm', 'nuclear', 'ip'];
- for (var i in kinds ) {
- if (data[kinds[i]]) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- });
+ self.__defineGetter__('empty', function() {
+ var kinds = ['whole_cell', 'cytoplasm', 'nuclear', 'ip'];
+ for (var i in kinds) {
+ if (data[kinds[i]]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/MakingLysates.js b/html_app/model/MakingLysates.js
index 560c8677..02ab3033 100644
--- a/html_app/model/MakingLysates.js
+++ b/html_app/model/MakingLysates.js
@@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
-'use strict';// strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
+'use strict'; // strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
scb.MakingLysateList = function scb_MakingLysateList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.MakingLysate, context, self);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.MakingLysate, context, self);
- self.start = function(d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- if (!d.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
- d.name = 'Setup ' + data.counter++;
- }
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ if (!d.hasOwnProperty('name')) {
+ d.name = 'Setup ' + data.counter++;
+ }
- var ret = new scb.MakingLysate(d, context);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
+ var ret = new scb.MakingLysate(d, context);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
- self.new_using_experiment = function(experiment_setup_id) {
- var experiment = context.js_model.current_session.experiment_setup_list.get(experiment_setup_id);
- var d = {
- name : "Lysate prep " + data.counter++
- };
- var ml = new scb.MakingLysate(d, context);
- for (var ct in experiment.cell_treatment_list.list ) {
- var cell_treatment_data = experiment.cell_treatment_list.list[ct];
- for (var st in experiment.collection_schedule_list.list ) {
- var collection_time_data = experiment.collection_schedule_list.list[st];
- ml.lysate_kind_list.start({
- experiment_id : experiment.id,
- cell_treatment_id : cell_treatment_data.id,
- collection_time_id : collection_time_data.id
- });
- }
- }
- data.list.push(d);
- self.select_id(ml.id);
- return ml;
- }
+ self.new_using_experiment = function(experiment_setup_id) {
+ var experiment = context.js_model.current_session.experiment_setup_list.get(experiment_setup_id);
+ var d = {
+ name: "Lysate prep " + data.counter++
+ };
+ var ml = new scb.MakingLysate(d, context);
+ for (var ct in experiment.cell_treatment_list.list) {
+ var cell_treatment_data = experiment.cell_treatment_list.list[ct];
+ for (var st in experiment.collection_schedule_list.list) {
+ var collection_time_data = experiment.collection_schedule_list.list[st];
+ ml.lysate_kind_list.start({
+ experiment_id: experiment.id,
+ cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_data.id,
+ collection_time_id: collection_time_data.id
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ data.list.push(d);
+ self.select_id(ml.id);
+ return ml;
+ }
-scb.MakingLysate = function scb_MakingLysate(data, context,parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'finished', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lysate_kind_list', {}, scb.LysateKindList, context);
+scb.MakingLysate = function scb_MakingLysate(data, context, parent) {
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'finished', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lysate_kind_list', {}, scb.LysateKindList, context);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/Microscopy.js b/html_app/model/Microscopy.js
index a9b02113..0149a537 100644
--- a/html_app/model/Microscopy.js
+++ b/html_app/model/Microscopy.js
@@ -1,239 +1,249 @@
-'use strict';// strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
+'use strict'; // strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
scb.MicroscopyList = function scb_MicroscopyList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.Microscopy, context, self);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_tabs_index', 0, null, context);
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.Microscopy, context, self);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_tabs_index', 0, null, context);
- self.start = function (d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- d.name = d.name || "M. " + data.counter++;
- var ret = new scb.Microscopy(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
- self.new_using_making_lysates = function (making_lysates_id) {
- var experiment = context.js_model.current_session.making_lysate_list.get(making_lysates_id);
- var d = {
- name:"Microscopy " + data.counter++,
- display_lysates_id:making_lysates_id
- };
- var ml = new scb.Microscopy(d, context);
- //TODO here we will count lysates and if there are less than 10 we will fill lanes up
- data.list.push(d);
- return ml;
- }
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ d.name = d.name || "M. " + data.counter++;
+ var ret = new scb.Microscopy(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
- self.duplicate = function (id) {
- var orig = self.get(id);
- var clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orig.__data__));
- delete clone.id;
- if (("" + clone.name).indexOf('(Copy)') == -1) {
- clone.name = clone.name + " (Copy)";
- }
- delete clone.created_at;
- clone.finished = false;
- delete clone.canvas_data;
- clone.gels_list = _.clone(clone.gels_list);
- clone.exposure_list = _.clone(clone.exposure_list);
- try {
- for (var i in clone.lanes_list.list) {
- var lane = clone.lanes_list.list[i];
- lane.marks = [];
- }
- for (var i in clone.exposure_list.list) {
- var exp = clone.exposure_list.list[i];
- exp.canvas_data = null;
- }
- } catch (err) {
- }
- ;
- var ml = new scb.Microscopy(clone, context, self);
- data.list.push(clone);
- return ml;
+ self.new_using_making_lysates = function(making_lysates_id) {
+ var experiment = context.js_model.current_session.making_lysate_list.get(making_lysates_id);
+ var d = {
+ name: "Microscopy " + data.counter++,
+ display_lysates_id: making_lysates_id
+ };
+ var ml = new scb.Microscopy(d, context);
+ //TODO here we will count lysates and if there are less than 10 we will fill lanes up
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ml;
+ }
+ self.duplicate = function(id) {
+ var orig = self.get(id);
+ var clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orig.__data__));
+ delete clone.id;
+ if (("" + clone.name).indexOf('(Copy)') == -1) {
+ clone.name = clone.name + " (Copy)";
+ delete clone.created_at;
+ clone.finished = false;
+ delete clone.canvas_data;
+ clone.gels_list = _.clone(clone.gels_list);
+ clone.exposure_list = _.clone(clone.exposure_list);
+ try {
+ for (var i in clone.lanes_list.list) {
+ var lane = clone.lanes_list.list[i];
+ lane.marks = [];
+ }
+ for (var i in clone.exposure_list.list) {
+ var exp = clone.exposure_list.list[i];
+ exp.canvas_data = null;
+ }
+ } catch ( err ) {}
+ ;
+ var ml = new scb.Microscopy(clone, context, self);
+ data.list.push(clone);
+ return ml;
+ }
scb.Microscopy = function scb_Microscopy(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'slide_prepared', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lanes_list', {}, scb.MicroscopyLaneList, context);
- /* samples_finished is true after LOAD was clicked */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'samples_finished', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lane_selected', null, null, context);
- /* Has a dict of all lane_ids and corresponding value: 'checked' or 'undefined'
- * it is set in MicroscopyView */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_cell_treatment_enabled', {}, null, context);
- /* to save selected lane for each cell_treatment */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_tab_selected', {}, null, context);
- /* for each cell_treatment want to save starting tab */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_tabs_index', {}, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'warning_fired', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'laser_on', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'red_enabled', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'blue_enabled', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'green_enabled', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'merge_enabled', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'scroll', 0, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'prep_scroll', 0, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'samples_show_state', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'navigation_show_state', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'enable_samples', false, null, context);
- /* The total number of lanes for the currently selected sample (cell_treatment_id),
- * used for display and navigation through the small tabs */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'total_num_tabs', 0, null, context);
- var template = context.template;
- self.disable_blur = template.ui.microscopy.disable_blur;
- self.disable_brightness = template.ui.microscopy.disable_brightness;
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'light_on', false, null, context);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_lane', function () {
- if (self.lane_selected) {
- return self.lanes_list.get(self.lane_selected);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'slide_prepared', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lanes_list', {}, scb.MicroscopyLaneList, context);
+ /* samples_finished is true after LOAD was clicked */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'samples_finished', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lane_selected', null, null, context);
+ /* Has a dict of all lane_ids and corresponding value: 'checked' or 'undefined'
+ * it is set in MicroscopyView */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_cell_treatment_enabled', {}, null, context);
+ /* to save selected lane for each cell_treatment */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_tab_selected', {}, null, context);
+ /* for each cell_treatment want to save starting tab */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_tabs_index', {}, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'warning_fired', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'laser_on', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'red_enabled', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'blue_enabled', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'green_enabled', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'merge_enabled', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'scroll', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'prep_scroll', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'samples_show_state', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'navigation_show_state', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'enable_samples', false, null, context);
+ /* The total number of lanes for the currently selected sample (cell_treatment_id),
+ * used for display and navigation through the small tabs */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'total_num_tabs', 0, null, context);
+ var template = context.template;
+ self.disable_blur = template.ui.microscopy.disable_blur;
+ self.disable_brightness = template.ui.microscopy.disable_brightness;
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'light_on', false, null, context);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_lane', function() {
+ if (self.lane_selected) {
+ return self.lanes_list.get(self.lane_selected);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
+ self.rows_state = function(exp) {
+ var experiment = exp || self.parent.parent;
+ var grouped_rows = self.lanes_list.grouped_list;
+ var rows = [];
+ _.each(experiment.cell_treatment_list.list, function(e) {
+ if (grouped_rows[e.id] && !('na' in e.treatment_list.list[0].conditions)) {
+ /*find all conditions already chosen for this lane*/
+ var chosen_conditions = _.map(grouped_rows[e.id], function(z) {
+ return z.slide_conditions
+ }).sort();
+ /*find all conditions available for this lane*/
+ var avail_conditions = [];
+ var lane_conditions_dict = e.treatment_list.list[0].conditions;
+ _.each(_.keys(lane_conditions_dict), function(a) {
+ _.each(lane_conditions_dict[a], function(c) {
+ avail_conditions.push(c);
+ })
+ });
+ var skip_placeholders = false;
+ /* number of chosen conditions should not exceed the number available*/
+ if (chosen_conditions.length >= avail_conditions.length) {
+ skip_placeholders = true;
- else {
- return null;
+ /* after samples were prepared want to initialize dict with
+ initial tab value */
+ if (self.slide_prepared) {
+ if (!self.start_tabs_index.hasOwnProperty(e.id)) {
+ self.start_tabs_index[e.id] = 0;
+ }
- }, scb.utils.noop);
- self.rows_state = function (exp) {
- var experiment = exp || self.parent.parent;
- var grouped_rows = self.lanes_list.grouped_list;
- var rows = [];
- _.each(experiment.cell_treatment_list.list, function (e) {
- if (grouped_rows[e.id] && !('na' in e.treatment_list.list[0].conditions)) {
- /*find all conditions already chosen for this lane*/
- var chosen_conditions= _.map(grouped_rows[e.id], function(z){return z.slide_conditions}).sort();
- /*find all conditions available for this lane*/
- var avail_conditions= [];
- var lane_conditions_dict=e.treatment_list.list[0].conditions;
- _.each(_.keys(lane_conditions_dict), function(a){
- _.each(lane_conditions_dict[a],function(c){
- avail_conditions.push(c);
- })
- });
- var skip_placeholders=false;
- /* number of chosen conditions should not exceed the number available*/
- if(chosen_conditions.length >= avail_conditions.length){
- skip_placeholders = true;
- }
- /* after samples were prepared want to initialize dict with
- initial tab value */
- if(self.slide_prepared){
- if(!self.start_tabs_index.hasOwnProperty(e.id)){
- self.start_tabs_index[e.id] = 0;
- }
- }
- /* find total number of tabs for this sample*/
- /* the number of valid lanes for this CellTreatment*/
- var num_tabs=0;
- _.each(grouped_rows[e.id], function(ee){
- if(self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id] && ee && ee.slide_conditions){
- num_tabs+=1;
- }
- });
- var is_valid;
- _.each(grouped_rows[e.id], function (ee, index) {
- is_valid=false;
- /* identifies a complete lane, an enabled treatment with analysis and condition */
- if(
- self.is_cell_treatment_enabled.hasOwnProperty(e.id) &&
- typeof ee !== 'undefined' &&
- ee.slide_conditions !== null)
- {
- is_valid = true;
- }
- /*
- after samples were prepared want to initialize dict with
- first valid lane for each cell_treatment
- */
- if(self.slide_prepared && !self.is_tab_selected.hasOwnProperty(e.id) && is_valid){
- self.is_tab_selected[e.id]= ee.id;
- }
- rows.push({
- /* existing means that lane was created */
- kind:'existing',
- cell_treatment:e,
- lane:ee,
- /* used in sample prep */
- display_sample:index == 0,
- /* if checkbox is checked*/
- is_sample_enabled:self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
- index:index,
- is_valid: is_valid,
- /* used for displaying the selected lane in the samples list*/
- is_tab_selected: self.is_tab_selected[e.id] == ee.id,
- display_text: e.format_row(),
- /* at most 4 tabs can be displayed */
- display_tab: false,
- num_tabs: num_tabs,
- more_conditions: !skip_placeholders
- });
- });
- if (!skip_placeholders) {
- rows.push({
- kind:'placeholder',
- display_sample:false,
- cell_treatment:e,
- is_sample_enabled:self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
- is_valid:false
- });
- }
- } else {
- rows.push({
- kind:'new',
- row_type:'new',
- display_sample:true,
- cell_treatment:e,
- is_sample_enabled:self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
- is_valid:false,
- display_text: e.format_row()
- })
- }
+ /* find total number of tabs for this sample*/
+ /* the number of valid lanes for this CellTreatment*/
+ var num_tabs = 0;
+ _.each(grouped_rows[e.id], function(ee) {
+ if (self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id] && ee && ee.slide_conditions) {
+ num_tabs += 1;
+ }
- var valid_lane_index=0;
- /* for each valid lane, that belongs to the selected cell_treatment,
- check if it is withing the bound of 4 tabs */
- if(self.samples_finished) {
- _.each(rows, function (e) {
- /* Make sure that lane e is complete and belongs to the selected cell_treatment */
- if (e.is_valid && e.cell_treatment.id == self.selected_lane.cell_treatment_id) {
- if (valid_lane_index >= self.start_tabs_index[e.cell_treatment.id] &&
- valid_lane_index < self.start_tabs_index[e.cell_treatment.id] + 4) {
- e.display_tab = true;
- }
- valid_lane_index++;
- /* total number of tabs for this sample */
- if (e.lane.id === self.lane_selected) {
- self.total_num_tabs = e.num_tabs;
- }
- }
- });
- }
- var count = 0;
- _.each(rows, function (e) {
- if (e.is_valid) count++;
+ var is_valid;
+ _.each(grouped_rows[e.id], function(ee, index) {
+ is_valid = false;
+ /* identifies a complete lane, an enabled treatment with analysis and condition */
+ if (
+ self.is_cell_treatment_enabled.hasOwnProperty(e.id) &&
+ typeof ee !== 'undefined' &&
+ ee.slide_conditions !== null) {
+ is_valid = true;
+ }
+ /*
+ after samples were prepared want to initialize dict with
+ first valid lane for each cell_treatment
+ */
+ if (self.slide_prepared && !self.is_tab_selected.hasOwnProperty(e.id) && is_valid) {
+ self.is_tab_selected[e.id] = ee.id;
+ }
+ rows.push({
+ /* existing means that lane was created */
+ kind: 'existing',
+ cell_treatment: e,
+ lane: ee,
+ /* used in sample prep */
+ display_sample: index == 0,
+ /* if checkbox is checked*/
+ is_sample_enabled: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
+ index: index,
+ is_valid: is_valid,
+ /* used for displaying the selected lane in the samples list*/
+ is_tab_selected: self.is_tab_selected[e.id] == ee.id,
+ display_text: e.format_row(),
+ /* at most 4 tabs can be displayed */
+ display_tab: false,
+ num_tabs: num_tabs,
+ more_conditions: !skip_placeholders
+ });
- rows = _.sortBy(rows, function(obj){ if(obj.kind=='existing')return obj.lane.order_id; else return;});
- return {rows:rows, valid:count};
+ if (!skip_placeholders) {
+ rows.push({
+ kind: 'placeholder',
+ display_sample: false,
+ cell_treatment: e,
+ is_sample_enabled: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
+ is_valid: false
+ });
+ }
+ } else {
+ rows.push({
+ kind: 'new',
+ row_type: 'new',
+ display_sample: true,
+ cell_treatment: e,
+ is_sample_enabled: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
+ is_valid: false,
+ display_text: e.format_row()
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ var valid_lane_index = 0;
+ /* for each valid lane, that belongs to the selected cell_treatment,
+ check if it is withing the bound of 4 tabs */
+ if (self.samples_finished) {
+ _.each(rows, function(e) {
+ /* Make sure that lane e is complete and belongs to the selected cell_treatment */
+ if (e.is_valid && e.cell_treatment.id == self.selected_lane.cell_treatment_id) {
+ if (valid_lane_index >= self.start_tabs_index[e.cell_treatment.id] &&
+ valid_lane_index < self.start_tabs_index[e.cell_treatment.id] + 4) {
+ e.display_tab = true;
+ }
+ valid_lane_index++;
+ /* total number of tabs for this sample */
+ if (e.lane.id === self.lane_selected) {
+ self.total_num_tabs = e.num_tabs;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ var count = 0;
+ _.each(rows, function(e) {
+ if (e.is_valid) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ });
+ rows = _.sortBy(rows, function(obj) {
+ if (obj.kind == 'existing') {
+ return obj.lane.order_id;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ return {
+ rows: rows,
+ valid: count
+ };
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/MicroscopyLanes.js b/html_app/model/MicroscopyLanes.js
index ad06a684..9b8169ec 100644
--- a/html_app/model/MicroscopyLanes.js
+++ b/html_app/model/MicroscopyLanes.js
@@ -1,149 +1,149 @@
'use strict';
scb.MicroscopyLaneList = function scb_MicroscopyLaneList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'list', []);
- Object.defineProperty(self, "list", {
- get: function () {
- var ret = [];
- for (var i in data.list) {
- var d = data.list[i];
- ret.push(new scb.MicroscopyLane(d, context, self));
- }
- return ret;
- }
- });
- self.start = function (d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- var ret = new scb.MicroscopyLane(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'list', []);
+ Object.defineProperty(self, "list", {
+ get: function() {
+ var ret = [];
+ for (var i in data.list) {
+ var d = data.list[i];
+ ret.push(new scb.MicroscopyLane(d, context, self));
+ }
+ return ret;
- self.ensure_experiment_lanes_for_experiment = function (experiment_id) {
- var assignment = context.js_model.current_assignment;
- var experiment = assignment.experiments.get(experiment_id);
- var ctl = experiment.cell_treatment_list.list;
- for (var cti in ctl) {
- var ct = ctl[cti];
- var csl = ct.collection_schedule_list.list;
- for (var csi in csl) {
- var cs = csl[csi];
- var list = self.filter(experiment.id, ct.id, cs.id);
- if (list.length == 0) {
- self.start({
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- cell_treatment_id: ct.id,
- collection_schedule_id: cs.id,
- });
- }
- }
+ });
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ var ret = new scb.MicroscopyLane(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ self.ensure_experiment_lanes_for_experiment = function(experiment_id) {
+ var assignment = context.js_model.current_assignment;
+ var experiment = assignment.experiments.get(experiment_id);
+ var ctl = experiment.cell_treatment_list.list;
+ for (var cti in ctl) {
+ var ct = ctl[cti];
+ var csl = ct.collection_schedule_list.list;
+ for (var csi in csl) {
+ var cs = csl[csi];
+ var list = self.filter(experiment.id, ct.id, cs.id);
+ if (list.length == 0) {
+ self.start({
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ cell_treatment_id: ct.id,
+ collection_schedule_id: cs.id,
+ });
+ }
+ }
- self.duplicate = function (id) {
- var orig = _.find(data.list, function (e) {
- return e.id == id;
- });
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(orig)) {
- var clone = scb.utils.clone_and_clear(orig)
- return self.start(clone);
- }
+ self.duplicate = function(id) {
+ var orig = _.find(data.list, function(e) {
+ return e.id == id;
+ });
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(orig)) {
+ var clone = scb.utils.clone_and_clear(orig)
+ return self.start(clone);
+ }
- self.remove = function (id) {
- var new_list = _.reject(data.list, function (s) {
- return s.id == id
- });
- data.list.length = 0;
- for (var i in new_list) {
- data.list.push(new_list[i]);
- }
- console.info(data.list);
+ self.remove = function(id) {
+ var new_list = _.reject(data.list, function(s) {
+ return s.id == id
+ });
+ data.list.length = 0;
+ for (var i in new_list) {
+ data.list.push(new_list[i]);
- self.get = function (id) {
- return new scb.MicroscopyLane(_.find(data.list, function (e) {
- return e.id == id;
- }), context, self);
+ console.info(data.list);
+ }
+ self.get = function(id) {
+ return new scb.MicroscopyLane(_.find(data.list, function(e) {
+ return e.id == id;
+ }), context, self);
+ }
+ self.reorder = function(new_order) {
+ var new_list = [];
+ for (var i in new_order) {
+ var new_id = new_order[i];
+ new_list.push(_.find(data.list, function(e) {
+ return e.id == new_id
+ }));
- self.reorder = function (new_order) {
- var new_list = [];
- for (var i in new_order) {
- var new_id = new_order[i];
- new_list.push(_.find(data.list, function (e) {
- return e.id == new_id
- }));
- }
- if (new_list.length == data.list.length) {
- data.list = new_list;
- } else {
- }
+ if (new_list.length == data.list.length) {
+ data.list = new_list;
+ } else {
- self.filter = function (experiment_id, cell_treatment_id, collection_schedule_id) {
- var all = self.list;
- var ret = [];
- for (var i in all) {
- var x = all[i];
- if (x.experiment.id == experiment_id && x.cell_treatment.id == cell_treatment_id && x.collection_schedule.id == collection_schedule_id) {
- ret.push(x);
- }
- }
- return ret;
+ }
+ self.filter = function(experiment_id, cell_treatment_id, collection_schedule_id) {
+ var all = self.list;
+ var ret = [];
+ for (var i in all) {
+ var x = all[i];
+ if (x.experiment.id == experiment_id && x.cell_treatment.id == cell_treatment_id && x.collection_schedule.id == collection_schedule_id) {
+ ret.push(x);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
- self.reset = function () {
- data.list = [];
- }
+ self.reset = function() {
+ data.list = [];
+ }
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'length', function () {
- return data.list.length;
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'length', function() {
+ return data.list.length;
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.ModelHelpers.grouped_list(self, 'cell_treatment_id');
+ scb.ModelHelpers.grouped_list(self, 'cell_treatment_id');
scb.MicroscopyLane = function scb_MicroscopyLane(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'kind', _.keys(context.template.micro_kinds)[0], null, context);
- //scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lens_map', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lens_map', {}, scb.LensMap, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'slide_conditions', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cell_treatment_id', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'current_slides', [], null, context);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'kind', _.keys(context.template.micro_kinds)[0], null, context);
+ //scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lens_map', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lens_map', {}, scb.LensMap, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'slide_conditions', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cell_treatment_id', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'current_slides', [], null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'mag', '0', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'mag', '0', null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'experiment_id', self.parent.parent.parent.parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'experiment_id', self.parent.parent.parent.parent);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'experiment', function () {
- var assignment = context.js_model.current_assignment;
- var experiment = assignment.experiments.get(data.experiment_id);
- return experiment;
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'experiment', function() {
+ var assignment = context.js_model.current_assignment;
+ var experiment = assignment.experiments.get(data.experiment_id);
+ return experiment;
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'cell_treatment', function () {
- return self.experiment.cell_treatment_list.get(data.cell_treatment_id);
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'cell_treatment', function() {
+ return self.experiment.cell_treatment_list.get(data.cell_treatment_id);
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'collection_schedule', function () {
- return self.cell_treatment.collection_schedule_list.get(data.collection_schedule_id);
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'collection_schedule', function() {
+ return self.cell_treatment.collection_schedule_list.get(data.collection_schedule_id);
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'kinds', function () {
- return context.template.micro_kinds;
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'kinds', function() {
+ return context.template.micro_kinds;
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
- self.display_text = self.parent.parent.parent.parent.cell_treatment_list.get(self.cell_treatment_id).format_row();
+ self.display_text = self.parent.parent.parent.parent.cell_treatment_list.get(self.cell_treatment_id).format_row();
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/ModelHelpers.js b/html_app/model/ModelHelpers.js
index b34a45c3..22d95fb7 100644
--- a/html_app/model/ModelHelpers.js
+++ b/html_app/model/ModelHelpers.js
@@ -1,75 +1,74 @@
'use strict';
scb.ModelHelpers = {};
-scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code = function (self, data, proto, context) {
+scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code = function(self, data, proto, context) {
- scb.utils.initialize_field(data, 'list', []);
- scb.utils.initialize_field(data, 'selected_id', null);
- scb.utils.initialize_field(data, 'counter', 1);
+ scb.utils.initialize_field(data, 'list', []);
+ scb.utils.initialize_field(data, 'selected_id', null);
+ scb.utils.initialize_field(data, 'counter', 1);
- scb.utils.initialize_field(self, 'selected', null);
- scb.utils.wrap_list(self, 'list', data, proto, context);
+ scb.utils.initialize_field(self, 'selected', null);
+ scb.utils.wrap_list(self, 'list', data, proto, context);
- if (!scb.utils.isDefined(self.selected_id)) {
- scb.utils.accessor2(self, 'selected_id', data);
+ if (!scb.utils.isDefined(self.selected_id)) {
+ scb.utils.accessor2(self, 'selected_id', data);
+ }
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.selected_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return new proto(scb.utils.find(data.list, selected_id), context, self);
+ } else {
+ return null;
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected', function () {
- var selected_id = self.selected_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return new proto(scb.utils.find(data.list, selected_id), context, self);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- self.get = function (id) {
- var d = scb.utils.find(data.list, id);
- return scb.utils.isDefined(d) ? new proto(d, context, self) : null;
- }
+ self.get = function(id) {
+ var d = scb.utils.find(data.list, id);
+ return scb.utils.isDefined(d) ? new proto(d, context, self) : null;
+ }
- self.remove = function (id) {
- var new_list = scb.utils.reject(data.list, id);
- data.list.length = 0;
- for (var i in new_list) {
- data.list.push(new_list[i]);
- }
- if (id == data.selected_id) {
- data.selected_id = null;
- }
+ self.remove = function(id) {
+ var new_list = scb.utils.reject(data.list, id);
+ data.list.length = 0;
+ for (var i in new_list) {
+ data.list.push(new_list[i]);
+ }
+ if (id == data.selected_id) {
+ data.selected_id = null;
+ }
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'length', function () {
- return data.list.length;
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'length', function() {
+ return data.list.length;
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- self.__data__ = data;
+ self.__data__ = data;
-scb.ModelHelpers.grouped_list = function(self,childs_field) {// is called from FacsLanes, childs_field == 'cell_treatment_id'
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'grouped_list', function () {
- var list = self.list;
- var ret = _.groupBy(_.sortBy(list, function (e) {
- return e.created_at;
- }), function (e) {
- return e[childs_field];
- });
- return ret;
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+scb.ModelHelpers.grouped_list = function(self, childs_field) { // is called from FacsLanes, childs_field == 'cell_treatment_id'
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'grouped_list', function() {
+ var list = self.list;
+ var ret = _.groupBy(_.sortBy(list, function(e) {
+ return e.created_at;
+ }), function(e) {
+ return e[childs_field];
+ });
+ return ret;
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
-scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code = function (self, data, context) {
- if(! data )
- {
- console.info( "HERE" ) ;
- }
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'id', scb.Utils.generateUUID(self.constructor.name + '_'));
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'name', data.id);
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'description', '');
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'created_at', (new Date()).getTime());
+scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code = function(self, data, context) {
+ if (!data) {
+ console.info("HERE");
+ }
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'id', scb.Utils.generateUUID(self.constructor.name + '_'));
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'name', data.id);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'description', '');
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'created_at', (new Date()).getTime());
- scb.utils.accessor2_getter_only(self, 'id', data);
- scb.utils.accessor2(self, 'name', data);
- scb.utils.accessor2(self, 'description', data);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_getter_only(self, 'id', data);
+ scb.utils.accessor2(self, 'name', data);
+ scb.utils.accessor2(self, 'description', data);
- self.__data__ = data;
+ self.__data__ = data;
diff --git a/html_app/model/Notebook.js b/html_app/model/Notebook.js
index 51cd123d..b5e933f4 100644
--- a/html_app/model/Notebook.js
+++ b/html_app/model/Notebook.js
@@ -1,97 +1,96 @@
-'use strict';// strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
+'use strict'; // strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
scb.Notebook = function scb_Notebook(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'scroll', 0, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'edit_text', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'edit_image', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'sections',{},scb.NotebookSectionList,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_experiment_id', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_western_blot_id', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_western_blot_gel_id', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_facs_id', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_facs_lane_id', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_microscopy_id', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_microscopy_lane_id', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'section_selected', null, null, context);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_section', function () {
- if (self.section_selected) {
- return self.sections.get(self.section_selected);
- }
- else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'scroll', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'edit_text', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'edit_image', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'sections', {}, scb.NotebookSectionList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_experiment_id', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_western_blot_id', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_western_blot_gel_id', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_facs_id', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_facs_lane_id', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_microscopy_id', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'image_microscopy_lane_id', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'section_selected', null, null, context);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_section', function() {
+ if (self.section_selected) {
+ return self.sections.get(self.section_selected);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_experiment', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.experiments.get(selected_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_western_blot', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.experiments.get(self.image_experiment_id).western_blot_list.get(self.image_western_blot_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_western_blot_gel', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.experiments.get(self.image_experiment_id).western_blot_list.get(self.image_western_blot_id).gel_list.get(self.image_western_blot_gel_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_facs', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.experiments.get(self.image_experiment_id).facs_list.get(self.image_facs_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_facs_lane', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.experiments.get(self.image_experiment_id).facs_list.get(self.image_facs_id).lanes_list.get(self.image_facs_lane_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_microscopy', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.experiments.get(self.image_experiment_id).microscopy_list.get(self.image_microscopy_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_microscopy_lane', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.experiments.get(self.image_experiment_id).microscopy_list.get(self.image_microscopy_id).lanes_list.get(self.image_microscopy_lane_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_experiment', function () {
- var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.experiments.get(selected_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_western_blot', function () {
- var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.experiments.get(self.image_experiment_id).western_blot_list.get(self.image_western_blot_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_western_blot_gel', function () {
- var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.experiments.get(self.image_experiment_id).western_blot_list.get(self.image_western_blot_id).gel_list.get(self.image_western_blot_gel_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_facs', function () {
- var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.experiments.get(self.image_experiment_id).facs_list.get(self.image_facs_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_facs_lane', function () {
- var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.experiments.get(self.image_experiment_id).facs_list.get(self.image_facs_id).lanes_list.get(self.image_facs_lane_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_microscopy', function () {
- var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.experiments.get(self.image_experiment_id).microscopy_list.get(self.image_microscopy_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_microscopy_lane', function () {
- var selected_id = self.image_experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.experiments.get(self.image_experiment_id).microscopy_list.get(self.image_microscopy_id).lanes_list.get(self.image_microscopy_lane_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/NotebookElement.js b/html_app/model/NotebookElement.js
index 39da7ddc..1143f0f3 100644
--- a/html_app/model/NotebookElement.js
+++ b/html_app/model/NotebookElement.js
@@ -1,106 +1,106 @@
-'use strict';// strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
+'use strict'; // strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
scb.NotebookElementList = function scb_NotebookElementList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.NotebookElement, context, self);
- self.start = function(d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- d.name = d.name || "Section. " + data.counter++;
- var ret = new scb.NotebookElement(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.NotebookElement, context, self);
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ d.name = d.name || "Section. " + data.counter++;
+ var ret = new scb.NotebookElement(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
scb.NotebookElement = function scb_NotebookElement(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- // experiment_design_fields
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'type','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'data',null,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'view','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'experiment_id','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'headings',null,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'rows',[],null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'western_blot_id','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'gel_id','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'exposure_time','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'facs_id','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'facs_lane_id','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'microscopy_id','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'microscopy_lane_id','',null,context);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_experiment', function () {
- var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_western_blot', function () {
- var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id).western_blot_list.get(self.western_blot_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_western_blot_gel', function () {
- var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id).western_blot_list.get(self.western_blot_id).gel_list.get(self.gel_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_facs', function () {
- var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id).facs_list.get(self.facs_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_facs_lane', function () {
- var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id).facs_list.get(self.facs_id).lanes_list.get(self.facs_lane_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_microscopy', function () {
- var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id).microscopy_list.get(self.microscopy_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_microscopy_lane', function () {
- var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
- if (selected_id != null) {
- return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id).microscopy_list.get(self.microscopy_id).lanes_list.get(self.microscopy_lane_id);
- } else {
- return null;
- }
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ // experiment_design_fields
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'type', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'data', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'view', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'experiment_id', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'headings', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'rows', [], null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'western_blot_id', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gel_id', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'exposure_time', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'facs_id', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'facs_lane_id', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'microscopy_id', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'microscopy_lane_id', '', null, context);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_experiment', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_western_blot', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id).western_blot_list.get(self.western_blot_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_western_blot_gel', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id).western_blot_list.get(self.western_blot_id).gel_list.get(self.gel_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_facs', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id).facs_list.get(self.facs_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_facs_lane', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id).facs_list.get(self.facs_id).lanes_list.get(self.facs_lane_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_microscopy', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id).microscopy_list.get(self.microscopy_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'selected_microscopy_lane', function() {
+ var selected_id = self.experiment_id;
+ if (selected_id != null) {
+ return self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.experiments.get(self.experiment_id).microscopy_list.get(self.microscopy_id).lanes_list.get(self.microscopy_lane_id);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/NotebookSection.js b/html_app/model/NotebookSection.js
index f468605f..0635f0dd 100644
--- a/html_app/model/NotebookSection.js
+++ b/html_app/model/NotebookSection.js
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
-'use strict';// strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
+'use strict'; // strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
scb.NotebookSectionList = function scb_NotebookSectionList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.NotebookSection, context, self);
- self.start = function(d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- d.name = d.name || "Section. " + data.counter++;
- var ret = new scb.NotebookSection(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.NotebookSection, context, self);
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ d.name = d.name || "Section. " + data.counter++;
+ var ret = new scb.NotebookSection(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
scb.NotebookSection = function scb_NotebookSection(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- // experiment_design_fields
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'hypothesis','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'objective','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'technique','',null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'order_id',0,null,context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self,data,'elements',{},scb.NotebookElementList,context);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ // experiment_design_fields
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'hypothesis', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'objective', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'technique', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'order_id', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'elements', {}, scb.NotebookElementList, context);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/Template.js b/html_app/model/Template.js
index c930f6f4..f3c24f6e 100644
--- a/html_app/model/Template.js
+++ b/html_app/model/Template.js
@@ -1,369 +1,367 @@
'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.template ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.template = {};
+if (typeof (scb.template) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.template = {};
scb.template.DEBUGGER = function scb_template_DEBUGGER(self, data, name) {
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- if (!_.contains(_.keys(self), key)) {
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, key, function () {
- try {
- throw new Error(name + " Read field " + key);
- } catch (e) {
- console.info(e.message, e.stack);
- }
- return data[key];
- }, function (v) {
- data[key] = v;
- });
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ if (!_.contains(_.keys(self), key)) {
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, key, function() {
+ try {
+ throw new Error(name + " Read field " + key);
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ console.info(e.message, e.stack);
- });
+ return data[key];
+ }, function(v) {
+ data[key] = v;
+ });
+ }
+ });
scb.TemplateWrapper = function scb_Template(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, value, null, context);
- });
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, value, null, context);
+ });
scb.template.ui_experiment_setup = function scb_template_ui_experiment_setup(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- /*
- table - format of table - array - kind, title, editable, children: [table]
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'table', [], null, context);
- /*
- actions - available actions - array - scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'actions', [], null, context);
- scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.ui_experiment_setup");
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ /*
+ table - format of table - array - kind, title, editable, children: [table]
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'table', [], null, context);
+ /*
+ actions - available actions - array - scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'actions', [], null, context);
+ scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.ui_experiment_setup");
scb.template.ui_experimental_design = function scb_template_ui_experimental_design(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'techniques', [], null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gel_types', [], null, context);
- scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.ui_experimental_design");
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'techniques', [], null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gel_types', [], null, context);
+ scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.ui_experimental_design");
scb.template.WesternBlot = function scb_TemplateUI_WesternBlot(data, context, parent) {
- /* this is used to format cell lines */
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'format', '', null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'keys', {}, null, context);
- scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.WesternBlot");
+ /* this is used to format cell lines */
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'format', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'keys', {}, null, context);
+ scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.WesternBlot");
scb.template.Microscopy = function scb_template_Microscopy(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'disable_brightness', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'disable_blur', false, null, context);
- scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.Microscopy");
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'disable_brightness', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'disable_blur', false, null, context);
+ scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.Microscopy");
scb.template.UI = function scb_TemplateUI(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'experimental_design', {}, scb.template.ui_experimental_design, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'experiment_setup', {}, scb.template.ui_experiment_setup, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'microscopy', {}, scb.template.Microscopy, context);
- /**
- add_multiple_dialog
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'add_multiple_dialog', {}, null, context);
- /*
- western_blot
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'western_blot', {}, scb.template.WesternBlot, context);
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- if (!_.contains(_.keys(self), key)) {
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, key, function () {
- try {
- throw new Error("scb.template.UI Read field '" + key + "'");
- } catch (e) {
- console.info(e.message, e.stack, _.keys(self));
- }
- return data[key];
- }, function (v) {
- data[key] = v;
- });
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'experimental_design', {}, scb.template.ui_experimental_design, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'experiment_setup', {}, scb.template.ui_experiment_setup, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'microscopy', {}, scb.template.Microscopy, context);
+ /**
+ add_multiple_dialog
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'add_multiple_dialog', {}, null, context);
+ /*
+ western_blot
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'western_blot', {}, scb.template.WesternBlot, context);
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ if (!_.contains(_.keys(self), key)) {
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, key, function() {
+ try {
+ throw new Error("scb.template.UI Read field '" + key + "'");
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ console.info(e.message, e.stack, _.keys(self));
- });
+ return data[key];
+ }, function(v) {
+ data[key] = v;
+ });
+ }
+ });
scb.Instructions = function scb_Instructions(data, context, parent) {
- //TODO: make this accessors (custom)
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- _.each(data, function (value, index) {
- self[index] = value;
- })
- self.length = data.length;
- self['title'] = data[0];
- self['text'] = data[1];
+ //TODO: make this accessors (custom)
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ _.each(data, function(value, index) {
+ self[index] = value;
+ })
+ self.length = data.length;
+ self['title'] = data[0];
+ self['text'] = data[1];
scb.InstructionsList = function scb_InstructionsList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- //TODO: make this accessors (custom)
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- _.each(data, function (value, index) {
- self[index] = value;
- })
- self.length = data.length;
+ var self = this;
+ //TODO: make this accessors (custom)
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ _.each(data, function(value, index) {
+ self[index] = value;
+ })
+ self.length = data.length;
scb.template.CellLine = function scb_CellLine(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
- scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.CellLine");
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
+ scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.CellLine");
scb.template.CellLines = function scb_CellLines(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.CellLine, context);
- });
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.CellLine, context);
+ });
scb.template.Drug = function scb_Drug(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'concentrations', [], null, context);
- scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.Drug");
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'concentrations', [], null, context);
+ scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.Drug");
scb.template.Drugs = function scb_Drugs(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.Drug, context);
- });
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.Drug, context);
+ });
scb.template.LysateKind = function scb_LysateKind(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
- scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.LysateKind");
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
+ scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.LysateKind");
scb.template.LysateKinds = function scb_LysateKinds(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.LysateKind, context);
- });
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.LysateKind, context);
+ });
scb.template.PrimaryAntiBody = function scb_template_PrimaryAntiBody(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'secondary', '', null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'marks', [], null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gel_name', '', null, context);
- scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.PrimaryAntiBody");
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'secondary', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'marks', [], null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gel_name', '', null, context);
+ scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.PrimaryAntiBody");
scb.template.PrimaryAntiBodies = function scb_template_PrimaryAntiBodies(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'order', [], null, context);
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- if (key != 'order') {
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.PrimaryAntiBody, context);
- }
- });
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'order', [], null, context);
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ if (key != 'order') {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.PrimaryAntiBody, context);
+ }
+ });
scb.template.SecondaryAntiBody = function scb_template_SecondaryAntiBody(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
- scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.SecondaryAntiBody");
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
+ scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.SecondaryAntiBody");
scb.template.SecondaryAntiBodies = function scb_template_SecondaryAntiBodies(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- if (key != 'order') {
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.SecondaryAntiBody, context);
- }
- });
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ if (key != 'order') {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.SecondaryAntiBody, context);
+ }
+ });
scb.template.Concentration = function scb_template_Concentration(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'value', 0, null, context);
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'value', 0, null, context);
scb.template.Concentrations = function scb_template_Concentrations(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.Concentration, context);
- });
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.Concentration, context);
+ });
-scb.template.MicroscopyKindCondition = function scb_template_MicroscopyKindCondition(data,context, parent )
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'short_name', null, null, context);
- scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.MicroscopyKindCondition");
+scb.template.MicroscopyKindCondition = function scb_template_MicroscopyKindCondition(data, context, parent) {
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'short_name', null, null, context);
+ scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.MicroscopyKindCondition");
-scb.template.MicroscopyKindConditions = function scb_template_MicroscopyKindConditions(data, context, parent)
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.MicroscopyKindCondition, context);
- });
+scb.template.MicroscopyKindConditions = function scb_template_MicroscopyKindConditions(data, context, parent) {
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.MicroscopyKindCondition, context);
+ });
scb.template.MicroscopyKind = function scb_template_MicroscopyKind(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null , context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'conditions', {}, scb.template.MicroscopyKindConditions, context);
- scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.MicroscopyKind");
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'name', '', null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'conditions', {}, scb.template.MicroscopyKindConditions, context);
+ scb.template.DEBUGGER(self, data, "scb.template.MicroscopyKind");
scb.template.MicroscopyKinds = function scb_template_MicroscopyKinds(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.MicroscopyKind, context);
- });
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, {}, scb.template.MicroscopyKind, context);
+ });
scb.template.Slides = function scb_template_Slides(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, '', null, context);
- });
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, key, '', null, context);
+ });
scb.Template = function scb_Template(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
- scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'instructions', [], scb.InstructionsList, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'ui', {}, scb.template.UI, context);
- /*
- experiment_setup - text to display for experiment setup - scb_s_experiment_setup_instructions
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'experiment_setup', null, null, context);
- /*
- cell_lines
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cell_lines', {}, scb.template.CellLines, context);
- /*
- drugs
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'drugs', {}, scb.template.Drugs, context);
- /*
- lysate_kinds
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lysate_kinds', {}, scb.template.LysateKinds, context);
- /*
- primary_anti_body
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'primary_anti_body', {}, scb.template.PrimaryAntiBodies, context);
- /*
- secondary_anti_body
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'secondary_anti_body', {}, scb.template.SecondaryAntiBodies, context);
- /*
- concentrations
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'concentrations', {}, scb.template.Concentrations, context);
- /*
- micro_kinds
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'micro_kinds', {}, scb.template.MicroscopyKinds, context);
- /*
- slide_parser
- TODO: understand slide_parser
- scb_components_MicroscopyModelFactory.self.slide
- */
- /*
- slides
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'slides', {}, scb.template.MicroscopySlides, context);
- /*
- experiment_temperatures !!!
- */
- /*
- model - TODO: this will be a big one!
- */
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'model', {}, null, context);
- _.each(data, function (value, key) {
- if (!_.contains(_.keys(self), key)) {
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, key, function () {
- try {
- throw new Error("scb.Template Read field " + key);
- } catch (e) {
- console.info(e.message, e.stack);
- }
- return data[key];
- }, function (v) {
- data[key] = v;
- });
+ var self = this;
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, '__data__', data);
+ scb.utils.value_hidden(self, 'parent', parent);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'instructions', [], scb.InstructionsList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'ui', {}, scb.template.UI, context);
+ /*
+ experiment_setup - text to display for experiment setup - scb_s_experiment_setup_instructions
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'experiment_setup', null, null, context);
+ /*
+ cell_lines
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cell_lines', {}, scb.template.CellLines, context);
+ /*
+ drugs
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'drugs', {}, scb.template.Drugs, context);
+ /*
+ lysate_kinds
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lysate_kinds', {}, scb.template.LysateKinds, context);
+ /*
+ primary_anti_body
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'primary_anti_body', {}, scb.template.PrimaryAntiBodies, context);
+ /*
+ secondary_anti_body
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'secondary_anti_body', {}, scb.template.SecondaryAntiBodies, context);
+ /*
+ concentrations
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'concentrations', {}, scb.template.Concentrations, context);
+ /*
+ micro_kinds
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'micro_kinds', {}, scb.template.MicroscopyKinds, context);
+ /*
+ slide_parser
+ TODO: understand slide_parser
+ scb_components_MicroscopyModelFactory.self.slide
+ */
+ /*
+ slides
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'slides', {}, scb.template.MicroscopySlides, context);
+ /*
+ experiment_temperatures !!!
+ */
+ /*
+ model - TODO: this will be a big one!
+ */
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'model', {}, null, context);
+ _.each(data, function(value, key) {
+ if (!_.contains(_.keys(self), key)) {
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, key, function() {
+ try {
+ throw new Error("scb.Template Read field " + key);
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ console.info(e.message, e.stack);
- });
+ return data[key];
+ }, function(v) {
+ data[key] = v;
+ });
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/html_app/model/Treatment.js b/html_app/model/Treatment.js
index 5ebfcf10..a4a548d6 100644
--- a/html_app/model/Treatment.js
+++ b/html_app/model/Treatment.js
@@ -1,126 +1,129 @@
'use strict';
scb.TreatmentList = function scb_TreatmentList(data, context) {
- var self = this;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.Treatment, context);
- self.first_state = function(){
- if(self.list.length ==1){
- return self.list[0];
- }
- else return null;
- }
- self.first = self.first_state();
- self.start = function(d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? _.clone(scb.utils.get(context, ['template', 'experiment_templates', 'default', 'treatment'], {})) : d);
- var ret = new scb.Treatment(d, context, self);
- if (ret.drug_list.length == 0) {
- ret.drug_list.start_default({});
- }
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
+ var self = this;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.Treatment, context);
+ self.first_state = function() {
+ if (self.list.length == 1) {
+ return self.list[0];
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ self.first = self.first_state();
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? _.clone(scb.utils.get(context, ['template', 'experiment_templates', 'default', 'treatment'], {})) : d);
+ var ret = new scb.Treatment(d, context, self);
+ if (ret.drug_list.length == 0) {
+ ret.drug_list.start_default({});
+ }
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
scb.Treatment = function scb_Treatment(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'drug_list', {}, scb.DrugList, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'temperature', "20", null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'collection_id', "0", null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'collection_time', "0", null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'microscope', {}, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'conditions', {}, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'facs', {}, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'drug_list', {}, scb.DrugList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'temperature', "20", null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'collection_id', "0", null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'collection_time', "0", null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'microscope', {}, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'conditions', {}, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'facs', {}, null, context);
- // should be getter only
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_time_value', "0", null, context);
- // should be getter only
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'duration_value', "0", null, context);
- if(data.start_time_value !== "0"){
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'start_time', self.schedule_value);
- Object.defineProperty(self, 'start_time', {
- get : function() {
- var time = parseFloat(data.schedule_value);
- var days = Math.floor((time % 604800) / 86400);
+ // should be getter only
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_time_value', "0", null, context);
+ // should be getter only
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'duration_value', "0", null, context);
+ if (data.start_time_value !== "0") {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'start_time', self.schedule_value);
+ Object.defineProperty(self, 'start_time', {
+ get: function() {
+ var time = parseFloat(data.schedule_value);
+ var days = Math.floor((time % 604800) / 86400);
- var hours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
- var minutes = Math.round((time % 3600) / 60);
+ var hours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
+ var minutes = Math.round((time % 3600) / 60);
- var months = Math.floor(time /2592000);
+ var months = Math.floor(time / 2592000);
- var weeks = Math.floor((time % 2592000) / 604800);
- var now = (time < 60 );
- return scb_common.format_time_detailed({
- weeks: weeks,
- days : days,
- hours : hours,
- minutes : minutes,
- months: months,
- now : now
- }).trim();
- },
- set : function(v) {
- var time = scb.Utils.parse_time(v, context.template.time_unit.kind);
- data.schedule_value = time;
- data.schedule = self.schedule;
- }
- });
- }else{
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_time', "", null, context);
- }
- if(data.duration_value !== "0"){
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'duration', self.duration_value);
- Object.defineProperty(self, 'duration', {
- get : function() {
- var time = parseFloat(data.duration_value);
- var days = Math.floor((time % 604800) / 86400);
- var hours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
- var minutes = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60);
- var months = Math.floor(time /2592000);
- var weeks = Math.floor((time % 2592000) / 604800);
- var now = (time < 30 );
- if( time < 0 ) return '' ;
- if(time < 60){
- var seconds= Math.round(time%60);
- return scb_common.format_time_detailed_w_sec({
- days : days,
- hours : hours,
- minutes : minutes,
- seconds: seconds,
- now : now
- }).trim();
+ var weeks = Math.floor((time % 2592000) / 604800);
+ var now = (time < 60);
+ return scb_common.format_time_detailed({
+ weeks: weeks,
+ days: days,
+ hours: hours,
+ minutes: minutes,
+ months: months,
+ now: now
+ }).trim();
+ },
+ set: function(v) {
+ var time = scb.Utils.parse_time(v, context.template.time_unit.kind);
+ data.schedule_value = time;
+ data.schedule = self.schedule;
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_time', "", null, context);
+ }
+ if (data.duration_value !== "0") {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'duration', self.duration_value);
+ Object.defineProperty(self, 'duration', {
+ get: function() {
+ var time = parseFloat(data.duration_value);
+ var days = Math.floor((time % 604800) / 86400);
+ var hours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
+ var minutes = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60);
+ var months = Math.floor(time / 2592000);
+ var weeks = Math.floor((time % 2592000) / 604800);
+ var now = (time < 30);
+ if (time < 0) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ if (time < 60) {
+ var seconds = Math.round(time % 60);
+ return scb_common.format_time_detailed_w_sec({
+ days: days,
+ hours: hours,
+ minutes: minutes,
+ seconds: seconds,
+ now: now
+ }).trim();
- }else {
- return scb_common.format_time_detailed({
- weeks: weeks,
- days: days,
- hours: hours,
- minutes: minutes,
- seconds: seconds,
- months: months,
- now: now
- }).trim();
- }
- },
- set : function(v) {
- var time = scb.Utils.parse_time(v, context.template.time_unit.kind);
- data.duration_value = time;
- data.duration = self.duration;
- }
- });
+ } else {
+ return scb_common.format_time_detailed({
+ weeks: weeks,
+ days: days,
+ hours: hours,
+ minutes: minutes,
+ seconds: seconds,
+ months: months,
+ now: now
+ }).trim();
+ }
+ },
+ set: function(v) {
+ var time = scb.Utils.parse_time(v, context.template.time_unit.kind);
+ data.duration_value = time;
+ data.duration = self.duration;
+ }
+ });
- }else{
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'duration', "", null, context);
- }
+ } else {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'duration', "", null, context);
+ }
- self.temperature_name = function() {
- return context.template.experiment_temperatures[data.temperature].name;
- }
+ self.temperature_name = function() {
+ return context.template.experiment_temperatures[data.temperature].name;
+ }
- scb.Utils.accessor_toString(self.temperature);
+ scb.Utils.accessor_toString(self.temperature);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/WesternBlot.js b/html_app/model/WesternBlot.js
index d106b6aa..c11cfd6e 100644
--- a/html_app/model/WesternBlot.js
+++ b/html_app/model/WesternBlot.js
@@ -1,183 +1,188 @@
-'use strict';// strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
+'use strict'; // strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
scb.WesternBlotList = function scb_WesternBlotList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.WesternBlot, context, self);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_tabs_index', 0, null, context);
- self.start = function (d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- d.name = d.name || "W. B. " + data.counter++;
- var ret = new scb.WesternBlot(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
- self.new_using_making_lysates = function (making_lysates_id) {
- var experiment = context.js_model.current_session.making_lysate_list.get(making_lysates_id);
- var d = {
- name:"Western Blot " + data.counter++,
- display_lysates_id:making_lysates_id
- };
- var ml = new scb.WesternBlot(d, context);
- //TODO here we will count lysates and if there are less than 10 we will fill lanes up
- data.list.push(d);
- return ml;
- }
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.WesternBlot, context, self);
- self.duplicate = function (id) {
- var orig = self.get(id);
- var clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orig.__data__));
- delete clone.id;
- if (("" + clone.name).indexOf('(Copy)') == -1) {
- clone.name = clone.name + " (Copy)";
- }
- delete clone.created_at;
- clone.finished = false;
- delete clone.canvas_data;
- clone.gels_list = _.clone(clone.gels_list);
- clone.exposure_list = _.clone(clone.exposure_list);
- try {
- for (var i in clone.lanes_list.list) {
- var lane = clone.lanes_list.list[i];
- lane.marks = [];
- }
- for (var i in clone.exposure_list.list) {
- var exp = clone.exposure_list.list[i];
- exp.canvas_data = null;
- }
- } catch (err) {
- }
- ;
- var ml = new scb.WesternBlot(clone, context, self);
- data.list.push(clone);
- return ml;
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_tabs_index', 0, null, context);
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ d.name = d.name || "W. B. " + data.counter++;
+ var ret = new scb.WesternBlot(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ self.new_using_making_lysates = function(making_lysates_id) {
+ var experiment = context.js_model.current_session.making_lysate_list.get(making_lysates_id);
+ var d = {
+ name: "Western Blot " + data.counter++,
+ display_lysates_id: making_lysates_id
+ };
+ var ml = new scb.WesternBlot(d, context);
+ //TODO here we will count lysates and if there are less than 10 we will fill lanes up
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ml;
+ }
+ self.duplicate = function(id) {
+ var orig = self.get(id);
+ var clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(orig.__data__));
+ delete clone.id;
+ if (("" + clone.name).indexOf('(Copy)') == -1) {
+ clone.name = clone.name + " (Copy)";
+ delete clone.created_at;
+ clone.finished = false;
+ delete clone.canvas_data;
+ clone.gels_list = _.clone(clone.gels_list);
+ clone.exposure_list = _.clone(clone.exposure_list);
+ try {
+ for (var i in clone.lanes_list.list) {
+ var lane = clone.lanes_list.list[i];
+ lane.marks = [];
+ }
+ for (var i in clone.exposure_list.list) {
+ var exp = clone.exposure_list.list[i];
+ exp.canvas_data = null;
+ }
+ } catch ( err ) {}
+ ;
+ var ml = new scb.WesternBlot(clone, context, self);
+ data.list.push(clone);
+ return ml;
+ }
scb.WesternBlot = function scb_WesternBlot(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lysate_prepared', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'marker_loaded', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'wells_loaded', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gel_type', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_transfered', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lanes_list', {}, scb.WesternBlotLaneList, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gel_list', {}, scb.WesternBlotGelList, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'last_gel', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'canvas_metadata', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'prep_scroll', 0, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_cell_treatment_enabled', {}, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'samples_show_state', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'measure_show_state', false, null, context);
- self.rows_state = function (exp) {
- var skip_placeholders = false;
- if (_.keys(context.template.lysate_kinds).length == 1) {
- skip_placeholders = true;
- }
- var experiment = exp || self.parent.parent;
- var grouped_rows = self.lanes_list.grouped_list;
- var rows = [];
- _.each(experiment.cell_treatment_list.list, function (e) {
- if (grouped_rows[e.id]) {
- _.each(grouped_rows[e.id], function (ee, index) {
- rows.push({
- kind:'existing',
- cell_treatment:e,
- lane:ee,
- display_sample:index == 0,
- is_sample_enabled:self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
- index:index,
- is_valid:self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id] && ee,
- is_marker: false,
- display_text: e.format_row()
- });
- });
- if (!skip_placeholders) {
- rows.push({
- kind:'placeholder',
- display_sample:false,
- cell_treatment:e,
- is_sample_enabled:self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
- is_marker: false,
- is_valid:false
- });
- }
- } else {
- rows.push({
- kind:'new',
- row_type:'new',
- display_sample:true,
- cell_treatment:e,
- is_sample_enabled:self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
- is_marker: false,
- is_valid:false,
- display_text: e.format_row()
- })
- }
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lysate_prepared', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'marker_loaded', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'wells_loaded', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gel_type', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_transfered', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'lanes_list', {}, scb.WesternBlotLaneList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'gel_list', {}, scb.WesternBlotGelList, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'last_gel', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'canvas_metadata', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'prep_scroll', 0, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_cell_treatment_enabled', {}, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'samples_show_state', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'measure_show_state', false, null, context);
+ self.rows_state = function(exp) {
+ var skip_placeholders = false;
+ if (_.keys(context.template.lysate_kinds).length == 1) {
+ skip_placeholders = true;
+ }
+ var experiment = exp || self.parent.parent;
+ var grouped_rows = self.lanes_list.grouped_list;
+ var rows = [];
+ _.each(experiment.cell_treatment_list.list, function(e) {
+ if (grouped_rows[e.id]) {
+ _.each(grouped_rows[e.id], function(ee, index) {
+ rows.push({
+ kind: 'existing',
+ cell_treatment: e,
+ lane: ee,
+ display_sample: index == 0,
+ is_sample_enabled: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
+ index: index,
+ is_valid: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id] && ee,
+ is_marker: false,
+ display_text: e.format_row()
+ });
- if(grouped_rows['marker_treatment']){
- _.each(grouped_rows['marker_treatment'], function (ee, index) {
- //ee.order_id = rows.length;
- rows.push({
- kind:'existing',
- lane:ee,
- display_sample:index == 0,
- index:index,
- is_valid:false,
- is_marker: true,
- display_text: ee.name
- });
- });
+ if (!skip_placeholders) {
+ rows.push({
+ kind: 'placeholder',
+ display_sample: false,
+ cell_treatment: e,
+ is_sample_enabled: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
+ is_marker: false,
+ is_valid: false
+ });
- var count = 0;
- _.each(rows, function (e) {
- if (e.is_valid) count++;
+ } else {
+ rows.push({
+ kind: 'new',
+ row_type: 'new',
+ display_sample: true,
+ cell_treatment: e,
+ is_sample_enabled: self.is_cell_treatment_enabled[e.id],
+ is_marker: false,
+ is_valid: false,
+ display_text: e.format_row()
+ })
+ }
+ });
+ if (grouped_rows['marker_treatment']) {
+ _.each(grouped_rows['marker_treatment'], function(ee, index) {
+ //ee.order_id = rows.length;
+ rows.push({
+ kind: 'existing',
+ lane: ee,
+ display_sample: index == 0,
+ index: index,
+ is_valid: false,
+ is_marker: true,
+ display_text: ee.name
- if(self.lysate_prepared){
- var existing_rows = 0;
- rows = _.sortBy(rows, function(obj){
- if(obj.kind == 'existing' && (obj.is_valid || obj.is_marker)){
- existing_rows ++;
- return obj.lane.order_id;
- }
- else return;
- });
- if(self.marker_loaded) {
- if (rows[1].is_marker) {
- var marker = rows[1];
- rows.splice(1, 1);
- rows.splice(existing_rows, 0, marker);
- }
- if (rows[rows.length - 1].is_marker) {
- var marker = rows[rows.length - 1];
- rows.splice(rows.length - 1, 1);
- rows.splice(existing_rows, 0, marker);
- }
- }
- }
+ });
+ }
+ var count = 0;
+ _.each(rows, function(e) {
+ if (e.is_valid) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ });
- return {rows:rows, valid:count};
+ if (self.lysate_prepared) {
+ var existing_rows = 0;
+ rows = _.sortBy(rows, function(obj) {
+ if (obj.kind == 'existing' && (obj.is_valid || obj.is_marker)) {
+ existing_rows++;
+ return obj.lane.order_id;
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ });
+ if (self.marker_loaded) {
+ if (rows[1].is_marker) {
+ var marker = rows[1];
+ rows.splice(1, 1);
+ rows.splice(existing_rows, 0, marker);
+ }
+ if (rows[rows.length - 1].is_marker) {
+ var marker = rows[rows.length - 1];
+ rows.splice(rows.length - 1, 1);
+ rows.splice(existing_rows, 0, marker);
+ }
+ }
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'rows_state_count', function(){
- return self.rows_state().valid;
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- //self.rows_state_count = self.rows_state().valid;
+ return {
+ rows: rows,
+ valid: count
+ };
+ }
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'rows_state_count', function() {
+ return self.rows_state().valid;
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ //self.rows_state_count = self.rows_state().valid;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/WesternBlotExposure.js b/html_app/model/WesternBlotExposure.js
index ca4cd6fd..adcf471d 100644
--- a/html_app/model/WesternBlotExposure.js
+++ b/html_app/model/WesternBlotExposure.js
@@ -1,54 +1,54 @@
'use strict';
scb.WesternBlotExposureList = function scb_WesternBlotExposureList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.WesternBlotExposure, context, self);
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.WesternBlotExposure, context, self);
- self.start = function(d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- var ret = new scb.WesternBlotExposure(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ var ret = new scb.WesternBlotExposure(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
scb.WesternBlotExposure = function scb_WesternBlotExposure(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'canvas_data', null, null, context);
- // should be getter only
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'schedule_value', "30", null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'schedule', "1 min");
- self.schedule = function(v) {
- if ( typeof (v) == 'undefined') {
- // getter
- var time = parseFloat(data.schedule_value);
- //var weeks = Math.floor(time / 604800);
- var days = Math.floor(time / 86400);
- var hours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
- var minutes = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60);
- var seconds = time % 60;
- var now = (time == 0);
- return scb_common.format_time_detailed_w_sec({
- days : days,
- hours : hours,
- minutes : minutes,
- seconds : seconds,
- now : now
- }).trim();
- } else {
- // setter
- var time = scb.Utils.parse_time(v, context.template.time_unit.kind);
- data.schedule_value = time;
- data.schedule = self.schedule();
- }
- }
- scb.Utils.accessor_toString(self.schedule);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'canvas_data', null, null, context);
+ // should be getter only
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'schedule_value', "30", null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'schedule', "1 min");
+ self.schedule = function(v) {
+ if (typeof (v) == 'undefined') {
+ // getter
+ var time = parseFloat(data.schedule_value);
+ //var weeks = Math.floor(time / 604800);
+ var days = Math.floor(time / 86400);
+ var hours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
+ var minutes = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60);
+ var seconds = time % 60;
+ var now = (time == 0);
+ return scb_common.format_time_detailed_w_sec({
+ days: days,
+ hours: hours,
+ minutes: minutes,
+ seconds: seconds,
+ now: now
+ }).trim();
+ } else {
+ // setter
+ var time = scb.Utils.parse_time(v, context.template.time_unit.kind);
+ data.schedule_value = time;
+ data.schedule = self.schedule();
+ }
+ }
+ scb.Utils.accessor_toString(self.schedule);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/WesternBlotGel.js b/html_app/model/WesternBlotGel.js
index 3480682d..e1cbe5c1 100644
--- a/html_app/model/WesternBlotGel.js
+++ b/html_app/model/WesternBlotGel.js
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
-'use strict';// strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
+'use strict'; // strict mode to eliminate some common bugs
scb.WesternBlotGelList = function scb_WesternBlotGelList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.WesternBlotGel, context, self);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_tabs_index', 0, null, context);
- self.start = function(d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- d.name = d.name || "BLOT";
- data.counter++;
- var ret = new scb.WesternBlotGel(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- }
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.WesternBlotGel, context, self);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'start_tabs_index', 0, null, context);
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ d.name = d.name || "BLOT";
+ data.counter++;
+ var ret = new scb.WesternBlotGel(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ }
scb.WesternBlotGel = function scb_WesternBlotGel(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'primary_anti_body', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'secondary_anti_body', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'exposure_time', "60", null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_developed', false, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'canvas_data', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'canvas_metadata', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'marks', [], null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'primary_anti_body', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'secondary_anti_body', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'exposure_time', "60", null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'is_developed', false, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'canvas_data', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'canvas_metadata', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'marks', [], null, context);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/model/WesternBlotLanes.js b/html_app/model/WesternBlotLanes.js
index adaeee1a..46aec198 100644
--- a/html_app/model/WesternBlotLanes.js
+++ b/html_app/model/WesternBlotLanes.js
@@ -1,91 +1,89 @@
'use strict';
scb.WesternBlotLaneList = function scb_WesternBlotLaneList(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.WesternBlotLane, context, self);
- self.start = function (d) {
- d = ( typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
- var ret = new scb.WesternBlotLane(d, context, self);
- data.list.push(d);
- return ret;
- };
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_list_code(self, data, scb.WesternBlotLane, context, self);
- self.duplicate = function (id) {
- var orig = _.find(data.list, function (e) {
- return e.id == id;
- });
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(orig)) {
- var clone = scb.utils.clone_and_clear(orig)
- return self.start(clone);
- }
- };
- self.reorder = function (new_order) {
- var new_list = [];
- for (var i in new_order) {
- var new_id = new_order[i];
- for(var x in data.list){
- if(data.list[x].id ==new_id){
- data.list[x].order_id=parseInt(i);
- new_list.push(data.list[x]);
- }
-// if(new_id == 'marker'){
-// new_list.push(data.list[x]);
-// }
- }
- }
- if (new_list.length == data.list.length ) {
- //|| ($.inArray("marker", new_list) && new_list.length == data.list.length+1)
- data.list = new_list;
- }
- else {
+ self.start = function(d) {
+ d = (typeof (d) == 'undefined' ? {} : d);
+ var ret = new scb.WesternBlotLane(d, context, self);
+ data.list.push(d);
+ return ret;
+ };
+ self.duplicate = function(id) {
+ var orig = _.find(data.list, function(e) {
+ return e.id == id;
+ });
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(orig)) {
+ var clone = scb.utils.clone_and_clear(orig)
+ return self.start(clone);
+ }
+ };
+ self.reorder = function(new_order) {
+ var new_list = [];
+ for (var i in new_order) {
+ var new_id = new_order[i];
+ for (var x in data.list) {
+ if (data.list[x].id == new_id) {
+ data.list[x].order_id = parseInt(i);
+ new_list.push(data.list[x]);
- };
+ // if(new_id == 'marker'){
+ // new_list.push(data.list[x]);
+ // }
+ }
+ }
+ if (new_list.length == data.list.length) {
+ //|| ($.inArray("marker", new_list) && new_list.length == data.list.length+1)
+ data.list = new_list;
+ } else {
+ }
+ };
- scb.ModelHelpers.grouped_list(self,'cell_treatment_id');
+ scb.ModelHelpers.grouped_list(self, 'cell_treatment_id');
scb.WesternBlotLane = function scb_WesternBlotLane(data, context, parent) {
- var self = this;
- self.parent = parent;
- scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'kind', _.keys(context.template.lysate_kinds)[0], null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'ip', false, null, context);
-// scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'amount_of_protein_loaded', context.template.ui_configuration.amount_of_protein_loaded, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'marks', [], null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cell_treatment_id', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'collection_schedule_id', null, null, context);
- scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'order_id', 0, null, context);
-// if (context.template.ui_configuration.lysate_display_ip) {
-// scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'ip_primary_anti_body', _.keys(context.template.ip_primary_anti_body)[0], null, context);
-// scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'ip_secondary_anti_body', _.keys(context.template.ip_secondary_anti_body)[0], null, context);
-// }
+ var self = this;
+ self.parent = parent;
+ scb.ModelHelpers.common_entry_code(self, data, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'kind', _.keys(context.template.lysate_kinds)[0], null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'ip', false, null, context);
+ // scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'amount_of_protein_loaded', context.template.ui_configuration.amount_of_protein_loaded, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'marks', [], null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'cell_treatment_id', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'collection_schedule_id', null, null, context);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'order_id', 0, null, context);
+ // if (context.template.ui_configuration.lysate_display_ip) {
+ // scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'ip_primary_anti_body', _.keys(context.template.ip_primary_anti_body)[0], null, context);
+ // scb.Utils.initialize_accessor_field(self, data, 'ip_secondary_anti_body', _.keys(context.template.ip_secondary_anti_body)[0], null, context);
+ // }
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'experiment_id', null);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(data, 'experiment_id', null);
- scb.Utils.accessor2(self, 'making_lysate_id', data);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'experiment', function () {
- var experiment = self.parent.parent.parent.parent;
- return experiment;
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.Utils.accessor2(self, 'making_lysate_id', data);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'experiment', function() {
+ var experiment = self.parent.parent.parent.parent;
+ return experiment;
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'cell_treatment', function () {
- return self.experiment.cell_treatment_list.get(data.cell_treatment_id);
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'cell_treatment', function() {
+ return self.experiment.cell_treatment_list.get(data.cell_treatment_id);
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'collection_schedule', function () {
- return self.cell_treatment.collection_schedule_list.get(data.collection_schedule_id);
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'collection_schedule', function() {
+ return self.cell_treatment.collection_schedule_list.get(data.collection_schedule_id);
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'kinds', function () {
- return context.template.lysate_kinds;
- }, scb.utils.noop);
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(self, 'kinds', function() {
+ return context.template.lysate_kinds;
+ }, scb.utils.noop);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/ref_lib/rl.js b/html_app/ref_lib/rl.js
index 5a490307..b487fe2e 100644
--- a/html_app/ref_lib/rl.js
+++ b/html_app/ref_lib/rl.js
@@ -1,218 +1,226 @@
-function getRL(){
-$.get( "ref_library.html", function(data) {
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- htmlObject.innerHTML = data;
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- $(headers5).wrap('
- var main_headers = $('.heading');
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- divider.className = 'rl_dividing_line';
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- window.location.hash = '';
- setTimeout( function() { window.location.hash = x ;} , 20);
- fixImages();
-}).done(function() { window.hash = window.location.hash});
+function getRL() {
+ $.get("ref_library.html", function(data) {
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+ $('.SCBTOC4').css('margin-left', '75px');
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+ $('.related').remove();
+ $('.footer').remove();
+ $('.sphinxsidebar').remove();
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+ $(headers5).wrap('
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+ fixImages();
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+ window.hash = window.location.hash
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- if($(element).parent().parent().parent().first().children().first().text().indexOf('Western') > -1)
- $(element).parent().attr('name', 'WB'+$(element).parent().attr('name'));
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- $(element).parent().attr('name', 'FC'+$(element).parent().attr('name'));
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+ if ($(element).text().indexOf('General') > -1) {
+ if ($(element).parent().parent().parent().first().children().first().text().indexOf('Western') > -1) {
+ $(element).parent().attr('name', 'WB' + $(element).parent().attr('name'));
+ }
+ }
+ if ($(element).parent().parent().parent().first().children().first().text().indexOf('Flow') > -1 && $(element).text().indexOf('Experimental') == -1) {
+ $(element).parent().attr('name', 'FC' + $(element).parent().attr('name'));
+ }
+ // if($(element).parent().parent().parent().first().children().first().text().indexOf('Microscopy') > -1 && $(element).text().indexOf('Experimental')==-1)
+ // $(element).parent().attr('name', 'M'+$(element).parent().attr('name'));
-function addHyperlink5(parent){
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- $(element).parent().attr('name', 'FC'+$(element).parent().attr('name'));
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-// $(element).parent().attr('name', 'M'+$(element).parent().attr('name'));
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+ $(element).parent().attr('name', 'FC' + $(element).parent().attr('name'));
+ }
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+ // $(element).parent().attr('name', 'M'+$(element).parent().attr('name'));
//toggle visibility of children, not used currently because toggle is made inactive
-function bindToggle(item){
- $(item).click(function(){
- $(item).parent().children().toggle();
- });
+function bindToggle(item) {
+ $(item).click(function() {
+ $(item).parent().children().toggle();
+ });
-function fixImages(){
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- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/principle_of_high_resolution_sds_gel_electrophoresis.png"]').nextUntil('.SCB-Normal').wrapAll('
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/principle_of_high_resolution_sds_gel_electrophoresis.png"]').attr('src', '../../../images/ref_lib/principle_of_high_resolution_sds_gel_electrophoresis.png');
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- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/gel_blue_coomassie.jpg"]').nextUntil('.SCB-Normal').wrapAll('
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/gel_blue_coomassie.jpg"]').attr('src', '../../../images/ref_lib/gel_blue_coomassie.jpg');
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- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/antibody.png"]').nextUntil('.SCB-Normal').wrapAll('
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/antibody.png"]').attr('src', '../../../images/ref_lib/antibody.png');
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- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/sds-page.jpg"]').nextUntil('.SCB-Normal').wrapAll('
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/sds-page.jpg"]').attr('src', '../../../images/ref_lib/sds-page.jpg');
+function fixImages() {
+ //$('img[src="../media/uploads/principle_of_high_resolution_sds_gel_electrophoresis.png"]').after('
+ $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/principle_of_high_resolution_sds_gel_electrophoresis.png"]').nextUntil('.SCB-Normal').wrapAll('
+ $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/principle_of_high_resolution_sds_gel_electrophoresis.png"]').attr('src', '../../../images/ref_lib/principle_of_high_resolution_sds_gel_electrophoresis.png');
+ //$('img[src="../media/uploads/gel_blue_coomassie.jpg"]').after('
+ $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/gel_blue_coomassie.jpg"]').nextUntil('.SCB-Normal').wrapAll('
+ $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/gel_blue_coomassie.jpg"]').attr('src', '../../../images/ref_lib/gel_blue_coomassie.jpg');
+ //$('img[src="../media/uploads/antibody.png"]').after('
+ $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/antibody.png"]').nextUntil('.SCB-Normal').wrapAll('
+ $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/antibody.png"]').attr('src', '../../../images/ref_lib/antibody.png');
+ //$('img[src="../media/uploads/sds-page.jpg"]').after('
+ $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/sds-page.jpg"]').nextUntil('.SCB-Normal').wrapAll('
+ $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/sds-page.jpg"]').attr('src', '../../../images/ref_lib/sds-page.jpg');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/starcellbio.app.js b/html_app/starcellbio.app.js
index 4ed9b87a..f2aec8d4 100644
--- a/html_app/starcellbio.app.js
+++ b/html_app/starcellbio.app.js
@@ -2,129 +2,123 @@
// this is first thing executed (after JQuery, thus I can setup workspaces here...)
var console = console || {
- info: function () {
- },
- log: function (){
- }
+ info: function() {},
+ log: function() {}
var scb = scb || {};
-function init_scb(jquery_selector_main, master_model){
+function init_scb(jquery_selector_main, master_model) {
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: 'scb/initialize_courses.js',
- data: JSON.stringify(master_model_data),
- async: false
- }).done(starcellbio(jquery_selector_main, master_model));
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: 'scb/initialize_courses.js',
+ data: JSON.stringify(master_model_data),
+ async: false
+ }).done(starcellbio(jquery_selector_main, master_model));
function starcellbio(jquery_selector_main, master_model) {
- try {
- var workarea = $(jquery_selector_main);
- //TODO: index should use approprate master model, at this stage I'll just user window.master_model as a starting point.
- // master model is JSON creature, context is JavaScript creature; thus master_model needs to be savable, whereas context will not be.
- var master_model_local = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("scb_master_model"));
- if( master_model_local )
- {
- master_model = master_model_local;
- }
- if(get_user_result.account_type == '' || get_user_result.account_type == 'student')
- {
- $.ajax({
- type: "GET",
- url: '../scb/get_student_courses.js',
- }).done(function() {
- get_student_courses_result.list = fix_assignment_models(get_student_courses_result.list);
- master_model.assignments = get_student_courses_result;
- var init_model = master_model.assignments ? master_model : master_model_data;
- window.master_model = init_model;
- for (var i in init_model.assignments.list) {
- if (_.keys(init_model.assignments.list[i].template).length == 0) {
- init_model.assignments.list[i].template = MASTER_TEMPLATE;
- }
- }
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(init_model, 'templates', [MASTER_TEMPLATE]);
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(init_model, 'sessions', {});
- var context = new scb.Context();
- context.ui = workarea;
- context.master_model = init_model;
- window.master_context = context;
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(context, 'js_model', {});
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(context, 'template', function () {
- return context.js_model.current_assignment.template;
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- var main_frame = new scb.ui.MainFrame(init_model, context);
- });
- }
- else if(get_user_result.account_type == 'instructor'){
- location.href="ab/assignments";
+ try {
+ var workarea = $(jquery_selector_main);
+ //TODO: index should use approprate master model, at this stage I'll just user window.master_model as a starting point.
+ // master model is JSON creature, context is JavaScript creature; thus master_model needs to be savable, whereas context will not be.
+ var master_model_local = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("scb_master_model"));
+ if (master_model_local) {
+ master_model = master_model_local;
+ }
- }
- else if(get_user_result.account_type == 'preview') {
- master_model = master_model_preview;
- $(jquery_selector_main).html( "This is preview" );
- var init_model = master_model.assignments ? master_model : master_model_data;
- window.master_model = init_model;
- for (var i in init_model.assignments.list) {
- if (_.keys(init_model.assignments.list[i].template).length == 0) {
- init_model.assignments.list[i].template = MASTER_TEMPLATE;
- }
- }
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(init_model, 'templates', [MASTER_TEMPLATE]);
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(init_model, 'sessions', {});
- var context = new scb.Context();
- context.ui = workarea;
- context.master_model = init_model;
- window.master_context = context;
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(context, 'js_model', {});
- scb.utils.accessor2_custom(context, 'template', function () {
- return context.js_model.current_assignment.template;
- }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
- var main_frame = new scb.ui.MainFrame(init_model, context);
- }
- } catch (err) {
- if (document.documentMode < 9) {
- alert("Only IE9+, Safari 5+, Chromium and Firefox 10+ are supported, please upgrade your browser ");
+ if (get_user_result.account_type == '' || get_user_result.account_type == 'student') {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "GET",
+ url: '../scb/get_student_courses.js',
+ }).done(function() {
+ get_student_courses_result.list = fix_assignment_models(get_student_courses_result.list);
+ master_model.assignments = get_student_courses_result;
+ var init_model = master_model.assignments ? master_model : master_model_data;
+ window.master_model = init_model;
+ for (var i in init_model.assignments.list) {
+ if (_.keys(init_model.assignments.list[i].template).length == 0) {
+ init_model.assignments.list[i].template = MASTER_TEMPLATE;
+ }
- alert("Unable to run due to an error: " + err);
- }
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(init_model, 'templates', [MASTER_TEMPLATE]);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(init_model, 'sessions', {});
+ var context = new scb.Context();
+ context.ui = workarea;
+ context.master_model = init_model;
+ window.master_context = context;
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(context, 'js_model', {});
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(context, 'template', function() {
+ return context.js_model.current_assignment.template;
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ var main_frame = new scb.ui.MainFrame(init_model, context);
+ });
+ } else if (get_user_result.account_type == 'instructor') {
+ location.href = "ab/assignments";
+ } else if (get_user_result.account_type == 'preview') {
+ master_model = master_model_preview;
+ $(jquery_selector_main).html("This is preview");
+ var init_model = master_model.assignments ? master_model : master_model_data;
+ window.master_model = init_model;
+ for (var i in init_model.assignments.list) {
+ if (_.keys(init_model.assignments.list[i].template).length == 0) {
+ init_model.assignments.list[i].template = MASTER_TEMPLATE;
+ }
+ }
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(init_model, 'templates', [MASTER_TEMPLATE]);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(init_model, 'sessions', {});
-scb.Context = function scb_Context() {
- var self = this;
+ var context = new scb.Context();
+ context.ui = workarea;
+ context.master_model = init_model;
- self['_event_map'] = {};
+ window.master_context = context;
- self.register = function (name, fn) {
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(self['_event_map'], name, []);
- self['_event_map'][name].push(fn);
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(context, 'js_model', {});
+ scb.utils.accessor2_custom(context, 'template', function() {
+ return context.js_model.current_assignment.template;
+ }, scb.utils.read_only_exception);
+ var main_frame = new scb.ui.MainFrame(init_model, context);
- self.unregister = function (name, fn) {
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(self['_event_map'], name, []);
+ } catch ( err ) {
+ if (document.documentMode < 9) {
+ alert("Only IE9+, Safari 5+, Chromium and Firefox 10+ are supported, please upgrade your browser ");
+ alert("Unable to run due to an error: " + err);
+ }
- self.invoke = function (name) {
- scb.Utils.initialize_field(self['_event_map'], name, []);
- var array = self['_event_map'][name];
- for (var i in array) {
- var fn = array[i];
- fn();
- }
+scb.Context = function scb_Context() {
+ var self = this;
+ self['_event_map'] = {};
+ self.register = function(name, fn) {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(self['_event_map'], name, []);
+ self['_event_map'][name].push(fn);
+ }
+ self.unregister = function(name, fn) {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(self['_event_map'], name, []);
+ }
+ self.invoke = function(name) {
+ scb.Utils.initialize_field(self['_event_map'], name, []);
+ var array = self['_event_map'][name];
+ for (var i in array) {
+ var fn = array[i];
+ fn();
+ }
- self.fire = self.invoke;
+ self.fire = self.invoke;
diff --git a/html_app/ug2/parse_wiki.js b/html_app/ug2/parse_wiki.js
index fce42573..c37203c0 100644
--- a/html_app/ug2/parse_wiki.js
+++ b/html_app/ug2/parse_wiki.js
@@ -1,200 +1,206 @@
-function getUG(){
-$.get( "user_guide.html", function(data) {
- var htmlObject = document.createElement('div');
- htmlObject.innerHTML = data;
- document.body.innerHTML = data;
- document.body.innerHTML= document.body.innerHTML.replace(//g, "");
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- $('.related').remove();
- $('.footer').remove();
- $('.sphinxsidebar').remove();
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- if(this.textContent== "")
- $(this).remove();
- });
- var main_headers = $('.SCB-Heading1Allcaps');
- $(main_headers).wrap('');
- var subheaders = $('.SCB-Heading1');
- var lists = $('ul');
- $(subheaders).wrap('');
- main_headers = $('.heading');
- subheaders = $('.subheading');
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- var counter = 1;
- for (var y=0; y .subheading').attr('class', 'subtitle');
- $('.subtitle > a').each(function(){ $(this).html($(this).text());});
- $('.title > .SCB-Normal').remove();
- $('.body').prepend('Table of Contents
- $('.title > a').each(function(){
- $(this).attr('href', '#' +$(this).attr('name'));
- $(this).attr('name', '');
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- $('.subtitle > a').each(function(){
- $(this).attr('href', '#'+$(this).attr('name'));
- $(this).attr('name', '');
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- back_to_top.href = "#";
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- back_to_top.style.color = 'blue';
- back_to_top.innerHTML='Back to Top ';
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- $('.subheading').append(back_to_top);
- $('.heading >.subheading').parent().children('.back_to_top').remove();
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- $('.heading span>a').after(' ');
- $('.body strong').css('color', 'black !important');
- $('.body').prepend('User Guide ');
- $('a[href="#scb-s-help-sublink-23"]').next().remove();
- var x = window.location.hash;
- window.location.hash = '';
- setTimeout( function() { window.location.hash = x ;} , 20);
-}).done(function() { window.hash = window.location.hash});
+function getUG() {
+ $.get("user_guide.html", function(data) {
+ var htmlObject = document.createElement('div');
+ htmlObject.innerHTML = data;
+ document.body.innerHTML = data;
+ document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace(//g, "");
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+ $('.related').remove();
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+ $('.SCB-Heading1Allcaps:contains("")').each(function() {
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+ $(this).remove();
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+ var subheaders = $('.SCB-Heading1');
+ var lists = $('ul');
+ $(subheaders).wrap('');
+ main_headers = $('.heading');
+ subheaders = $('.subheading');
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+ $(nextN).children('a').attr('name', 'scb-s-help-sublink-' + counter);
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+ $('.title').children('p').remove();
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+ $('.title').children('.subheading').children('p').remove();
+ $('.title').children('ul').remove()
+ $('.title > .subheading').attr('class', 'subtitle');
+ $('.subtitle > a').each(function() {
+ $(this).html($(this).text());
+ });
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+ $('.body').prepend('Table of Contents
+ $('.title > a').each(function() {
+ $(this).attr('href', '#' + $(this).attr('name'));
+ $(this).attr('name', '');
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+ $('.subtitle > a').each(function() {
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+ $('.heading span>a').after(' ');
+ $('.body strong').css('color', 'black !important');
+ $('.body').prepend('User Guide ');
+ $('a[href="#scb-s-help-sublink-23"]').next().remove();
+ var x = window.location.hash;
+ window.location.hash = '';
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ window.location.hash = x ;
+ }, 20);
+ }).done(function() {
+ window.hash = window.location.hash
+ });
//toggle visibility of children, not used currently because toggle is made inactive
-function bindToggle(item){
- $(item).click(function(){
- $(item).parent().children().toggle();
- });
+function bindToggle(item) {
+ $(item).click(function() {
+ $(item).parent().children().toggle();
+ });
-function fixImages(){
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/scb_icon_trash.png"]').addClass('resize_icon_popout');
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/scb_icon_trash.png"]').attr('src', '../../../images/user_guide/scb_ug_trash.png');
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/scb_all_homepage_f_test_0000s_0000s_0000s_0000_18-envelope.png"]').addClass('resize_icon_popout');
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/scb_all_homepage_f_test_0000s_0000s_0000s_0000_18-envelope.png"]').attr('src', '../../../images/user_guide/scb_ug_envelope.png');
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/scb_all_homepage_f_test_0000s_0000s_0000s_0003_33-cabinet.png"]').addClass('resize_icon_popout');
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/scb_all_homepage_f_test_0000s_0000s_0000s_0003_33-cabinet.png"]').attr('src', '../../../images/user_guide/scb_ug_cabinet.png');
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/scb_all_homepage_f_test_0000s_0000s_0000s_0006_96-book.png"]').addClass('resize_icon_popout');
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/scb_all_homepage_f_test_0000s_0000s_0000s_0006_96-book.png"]').attr('src', '../../../images/user_guide/scb_ug_book.png');
- $('img[src="../media/uploads/starcellbio/scb_icons_copy.png"]').addClass('resize_icon_popout');
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- //screenshots
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/ug2/ug.js b/html_app/ug2/ug.js
index 4d1bcb45..b1d543ac 100644
--- a/html_app/ug2/ug.js
+++ b/html_app/ug2/ug.js
@@ -1,323 +1,326 @@
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+var total = 0;
last_element_offset = 0;
//function to redirect popout link to the new page, NOT USED, code redone in MainFrame for new handler
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- {
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- popout_string =="";
- var popoutWindow =window.open("full_guide.html#"+popout_string);
- //the timeout is needed, because the javascript has to load first,
- //and then you can use the hash to the anchor
+function popoutGuide() {
+ var popout_string = "";
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+ if ($(visible).attr('class') == 'scb_s_section_inactive') {
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+ if ($('.scb_s_section_inactive').length == 0) {
+ popout_string == "";
+ }
+ var popoutWindow = window.open("full_guide.html#" + popout_string);
+ //the timeout is needed, because the javascript has to load first,
+ //and then you can use the hash to the anchor
//This sets up the user guide
-$.get( "/static/ug2/user_guide.html", function(data) {
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- htmlObject.innerHTML = data;
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- var links = body.getElementsByClassName('SCB-Heading1Allcaps');
- var sublinks = [];
- var number = 0;
- //Go through all headings and begin parsing, sublinks and sections, and creating wrappers
- for(var i=0; i ' + next.innerHTML.trim()+' ';}
- }
- next = next.nextSibling;
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" + "
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- fixImages();
+$.get("/static/ug2/user_guide.html", function(data) {
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+ var links = body.getElementsByClassName('SCB-Heading1Allcaps');
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+ while (next != null && (next.nodeName == '#text' || next.className != "SCB-Heading1Allcaps")) {
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+ } else {
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" + "
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+ $('.special').append(' ');
+ $('.scb_s_help_link_2').append(" ");
+ fixImages();
//Main function; clear the current state of the user guide and search for terms.
-function searchUG(){
- mainUG();
- total = 0;
- var counter = 0;
- var elements = [];
- var search_string = "*"
- if($(".help_search_input").val()=="")
- alert('A phrase was not typed. Please type a value before searching.');
- else{
- var searchTerms = $(".help_search_input").val().trim().split(' ');
- jQuery.expr[':'].contains = function(a, i, m) {
- return jQuery(a).text().toUpperCase()
- .indexOf(m[3].toUpperCase()) >= 0;
- };
- for(var x =0; x < searchTerms.length ; x++){
- search_string = search_string+ ":contains('"+searchTerms[x]+"')";
- }
- var list= $(search_string);
- if(list.length == 0)
- $('.scb_display_search_count').text('0 of 0');
- //alert("I\'m sorry we can\'t find that word");
- else{
- var list= $(search_string);
- list = $(list).filter('.special')
- var search_sections = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
- elements.push(list[i]);
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- search_sections.push('scb_s_main_section_' +parseInt(classnames[index].match(/\d+$/)));
- if(classnames[index].indexOf('help_sub_section') >0 )
- search_sections.push('scb_s_help_sublink_' +parseInt(classnames[index].match(/\d+$/)));
- }
- console.log(list[i]);
- }
- search_sections = $.unique(search_sections);
- $('.scb_s_main_help_link').css('display', 'none');
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- $('.arrow-down-blue').css('left', ($('.arrow-down-blue').parent().width() / scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.ARROW_DIVISION) - scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.ARROW_OFFSET + 'px');
+ $('.arrow-down-blue').detach();
+ $(selected_element).append('
+ var section = $(selected_element).attr('value');
+ $('.arrow-down-blue').css('left', ($('.arrow-down-blue').parent().width() / scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.ARROW_DIVISION) - scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.ARROW_OFFSET + 'px');
- $('.scb_s_display_section').hide()
- $('.scb_s_display_section[value="' + section + '"]').show();
+ $('.scb_s_display_section').hide()
+ $('.scb_s_display_section[value="' + section + '"]').show();
- parsed.assignment.last_instruction = $('.scb_assignments_header_link_selected').index() - 1 - 1;
- console.log(parsed.assignment.last_instruction);
+ parsed.assignment.last_instruction = $('.scb_assignments_header_link_selected').index() - 1 - 1;
+ console.log(parsed.assignment.last_instruction);
- var assignment_window = $('.scb_s_assignment_scroll', '.scb_s_assignments_view').get(0);
- if (assignment_window.scrollHeight == assignment_window.clientHeight)
- $('.scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll').addClass('scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll_abs');
- else $('.scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll').removeClass('scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll_abs');
+ var assignment_window = $('.scb_s_assignment_scroll', '.scb_s_assignments_view').get(0);
+ if (assignment_window.scrollHeight == assignment_window.clientHeight) {
+ $('.scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll').addClass('scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll_abs');
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll').removeClass('scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll_abs');
+ }
-scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right = function (element, workarea) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.parse(element);
- $('.scb_s_assignment_scroll', '.scb_s_assignments_view').scrollTop(0);
- var last_element = $('.scb_s_assignments_slider_header', '.scb_s_assignments_view').children().last().prev().get(0);
- var selected_element;
- if ($('.scb_assignments_header_link_selected', '.scb_s_assignments_view').get(0) == last_element || $('.scb_assignments_header_link_selected', '.scb_s_assignments_view').get(0) == $(last_element, '.scb_s_assignments_view').prev().get(0)) {
- selected_element = last_element;
- $('.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right').addClass('scb_s_assignment_header_img_right_inactive');
- $('.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left').removeClass('scb_s_assignment_header_img_left_inactive');
- }
- else {
- selected_element = $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper')[$('.scb_assignments_header_link_selected').index()];
+scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.parse(element);
+ $('.scb_s_assignment_scroll', '.scb_s_assignments_view').scrollTop(0);
+ var last_element = $('.scb_s_assignments_slider_header', '.scb_s_assignments_view').children().last().prev().get(0);
+ var selected_element;
+ if ($('.scb_assignments_header_link_selected', '.scb_s_assignments_view').get(0) == last_element || $('.scb_assignments_header_link_selected', '.scb_s_assignments_view').get(0) == $(last_element, '.scb_s_assignments_view').prev().get(0)) {
+ selected_element = last_element;
+ $('.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right').addClass('scb_s_assignment_header_img_right_inactive');
+ $('.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left').removeClass('scb_s_assignment_header_img_left_inactive');
+ } else {
+ selected_element = $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper')[$('.scb_assignments_header_link_selected').index()];
- $('.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right').removeClass('scb_s_assignment_header_img_right_inactive');
- $('.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left').removeClass('scb_s_assignment_header_img_left_inactive');
- }
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper').removeClass('scb_assignments_header_link_selected');
- $(selected_element).addClass('scb_assignments_header_link_selected');
+ $('.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right').removeClass('scb_s_assignment_header_img_right_inactive');
+ $('.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left').removeClass('scb_s_assignment_header_img_left_inactive');
+ }
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper').removeClass('scb_assignments_header_link_selected');
+ $(selected_element).addClass('scb_assignments_header_link_selected');
- $('.arrow-down-blue').detach();
- $(selected_element).append('
- var section = $(selected_element).attr('value');
- $('.arrow-down-blue').css('left', ($('.arrow-down-blue').parent().width() / scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.ARROW_DIVISION) - scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.ARROW_OFFSET + 'px');
+ $('.arrow-down-blue').detach();
+ $(selected_element).append('
+ var section = $(selected_element).attr('value');
+ $('.arrow-down-blue').css('left', ($('.arrow-down-blue').parent().width() / scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.ARROW_DIVISION) - scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.ARROW_OFFSET + 'px');
- $('.scb_s_display_section').hide()
- $('.scb_s_display_section[value="' + section + '"]').show();
+ $('.scb_s_display_section').hide()
+ $('.scb_s_display_section[value="' + section + '"]').show();
- parsed.assignment.last_instruction = $('.scb_assignments_header_link_selected').index() - 1;
- console.log(parsed.assignment.last_instruction);
- var assignment_window = $('.scb_s_assignment_scroll').get(0);
- if (assignment_window.scrollHeight == assignment_window.clientHeight)
- $('.scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll').addClass('scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll_abs');
- else $('.scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll').removeClass('scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll_abs');
+ parsed.assignment.last_instruction = $('.scb_assignments_header_link_selected').index() - 1;
+ console.log(parsed.assignment.last_instruction);
+ var assignment_window = $('.scb_s_assignment_scroll').get(0);
+ if (assignment_window.scrollHeight == assignment_window.clientHeight) {
+ $('.scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll').addClass('scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll_abs');
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll').removeClass('scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll_abs');
+ }
scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.register = function(workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left', function (e) {
- if(!$(this).hasClass('scb_s_assignment_header_img_left_inactive')) {
- scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left(this, e);
- }
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left', function(e) {
+ if (!$(this).hasClass('scb_s_assignment_header_img_left_inactive')) {
+ scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_left(this, e);
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right', function(e) {
+ if (!$(this).hasClass('scb_s_assignment_header_img_right_inactive')) {
+ scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right(this, e);
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_assignments_new_experiment', function(e) {
+ $('.scb_f_experiments_step_link').get(0).click();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_assignments_print_assignment', function(e) {
+ console.log("assignment_id" + this.id);
+ var pdf_file;
+ if (this.id == "scb_ex1") {
+ pdf_file = "SCB Exercise 1_ver 7_questions.pdf";
+ } else if (this.id == "scb_ex2") {
+ pdf_file = "SCB Exercise 2_ver 10 questions.pdf";
+ } else if (this.id == "scb_ex3") {
+ pdf_file = "SCB Exercise 3_ver17_questions.pdf";
+ } else if (this.id == "decusability") {
+ pdf_file = "decusability_assignment.pdf";
+ }
+ var pdfwindow = window.open("../../pdf/" + pdf_file, '_blank', false);
+ $(pdfwindow.document).load(function() {});
+ });
+scb.ui.AssignmentsView = function scb_ui_AssignmentsView(gstate) {
+ var self = this;
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
+ var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function(assignment) {
+ return (assignment.course);
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right', function (e) {
- if(!$(this).hasClass('scb_s_assignment_header_img_right_inactive')) {
- scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.scb_s_assignment_header_img_right(this, e);
- }
+ _.each(courses, function(v, k) {
+ try {
+ v.name = v[0].course_name
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ console.info(e);
+ };
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_assignments_new_experiment', function (e) {
- $('.scb_f_experiments_step_link').get(0).click();
+ window.courses = courses;
+ window.assignments = assignments;
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var last_step = 1;
+ var prev_step;
+ if (assignments.selected.experiments.selected != null) {
+ prev_step = assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
+ } else {
+ prev_step = null;
+ }
+ workarea.html(scb_assignments.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignments: assignments,
+ last_step: last_step,
+ prev_step: prev_step,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ courses: courses,
+ }));
+ scb.ui.static.HomepageView.select_list_item($('.scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item', workarea).first(), gstate.workarea);
+ document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper', '.scb_s_assignments_view').css('width',
+ (scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.HEADER_WIDTH / assignments.selected.template.instructions.length) - scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.HEADER_OFFSET + 'px');
+ $('.arrow-down-blue', '.scb_s_assignments_view').css('left', ($('.arrow-down-blue', '.scb_s_assignments_view').parent().width() / scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.ARROW_DIVISION) - scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.ARROW_OFFSET + 'px');
+ $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_assignments_print_assignment', function (e) {
- console.log("assignment_id"+ this.id);
- var pdf_file;
- if(this.id=="scb_ex1"){
- pdf_file="SCB Exercise 1_ver 7_questions.pdf";
- }
- else if(this.id=="scb_ex2"){
- pdf_file="SCB Exercise 2_ver 10 questions.pdf";
- }
- else if(this.id=="scb_ex3"){
- pdf_file="SCB Exercise 3_ver17_questions.pdf";
- }
- else if(this.id=="decusability"){
- pdf_file="decusability_assignment.pdf";
- }
- var pdfwindow = window.open("../../pdf/"+pdf_file, '_blank', false);
- $(pdfwindow.document).load(function(){
- });
+ var assignment_window = $('.scb_s_assignment_scroll', '.scb_s_assignments_view').get(0);
+ if (assignment_window.scrollHeight == assignment_window.clientHeight) {
+ $('.scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll', '.scb_s_assignments_view').addClass('scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll_abs');
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll', '.scb_s_assignments_view').removeClass('scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll_abs');
+ }
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ $(window).resize(function() {
-scb.ui.AssignmentsView = function scb_ui_AssignmentsView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- self.show = function (state) {
- var assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(gstate.context.master_model.assignments, gstate.context);
- var courses = _.groupBy(assignments.list, function (assignment) {
- return (assignment.course);
- });
- _.each( courses, function(v,k) {
- try {
- v.name = v[0].course_name
- } catch(e)
- {
- console.info(e);
- };
- });
- window.courses = courses;
- window.assignments = assignments;
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var last_step=1;
- var prev_step;
- if(assignments.selected.experiments.selected !=null)
- prev_step=assignments.selected.experiments.selected.prev_step;
- else prev_step = null;
- workarea.html(scb_assignments.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignments: assignments,
- last_step: last_step,
- prev_step: prev_step,
- context: gstate.context,
- courses: courses,
- }));
- scb.ui.static.HomepageView.select_list_item($('.scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item',workarea).first(), gstate.workarea);
- document.title = "Assignments - StarCellBio"
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper','.scb_s_assignments_view').css('width' ,
- (scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.HEADER_WIDTH/assignments.selected.template.instructions.length)-scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.HEADER_OFFSET+ 'px');
- $('.arrow-down-blue','.scb_s_assignments_view').css('left', ($('.arrow-down-blue','.scb_s_assignments_view').parent().width()/scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.ARROW_DIVISION)-scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.ARROW_OFFSET+'px');
- $('.scb_s_ref_info_link').click(function(){
- $('.scb_assignments_header_link_wrapper[value="Reference Material"]').click();
- });
- var assignment_window = $('.scb_s_assignment_scroll','.scb_s_assignments_view').get(0);
- if(assignment_window.scrollHeight == assignment_window.clientHeight)
- $('.scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll','.scb_s_assignments_view').addClass('scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll_abs');
- else $('.scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll','.scb_s_assignments_view').removeClass('scb_s_assignments_bottom_scroll_abs');
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
- }
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/ui/ExperimentDesignView.js b/html_app/ui/ExperimentDesignView.js
index eed73e12..affa2aec 100644
--- a/html_app/ui/ExperimentDesignView.js
+++ b/html_app/ui/ExperimentDesignView.js
@@ -3,164 +3,151 @@
scb.ui = scb.ui || {};
scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView = scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView || {};
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.parsed = function(element)
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view:'experiment_design',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.parsed = function(element) {
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_design',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.update_experiment_design_hypothesis = function(element)
- {
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view:'experiment_design',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- if( parsed.redisplay )
- {
- alert( "INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if( parsed.experiment )
- {
- parsed.experiment.hypothesis = $(element).attr('value');
- }
- }
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.scb_s_experiment_design_objective = function(element)
- {
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view:'experiment_design',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- if( parsed.redisplay )
- {
- alert( "INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if( parsed.experiment )
- {
- parsed.experiment.objective = $(element).attr('value');
- }
- }
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.scb_s_experiment_design_technique_answer = function(element)
- {
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view:'experiment_design',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- if( parsed.redisplay )
- {
- alert( "INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if( parsed.experiment )
- {
- parsed.experiment.technique = $(element).attr('value');
- }
- }
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.scb_s_experiment_name_edit = function(element)
- {
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view:'experiment_design',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- if( parsed.redisplay )
- {
- alert( "INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if( parsed.experiment )
- {
- parsed.experiment.name = $(element).attr('value');
- }
- }
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.register = function(workarea)
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_experiment_design_hypothesis', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.update_experiment_design_hypothesis(this);
- });
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.update_experiment_design_hypothesis = function(element) {
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_design',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.experiment) {
+ parsed.experiment.hypothesis = $(element).attr('value');
+ }
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_experiment_design_objective', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.scb_s_experiment_design_objective(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_experiment_design_technique_answer', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.scb_s_experiment_design_technique_answer(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_experiment_name_edit', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.scb_s_experiment_name_edit(this);
- });
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.scb_s_experiment_design_objective = function(element) {
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_design',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.experiment) {
+ parsed.experiment.objective = $(element).attr('value');
+ }
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.scb_s_experiment_design_technique_answer = function(element) {
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_design',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.experiment) {
+ parsed.experiment.technique = $(element).attr('value');
+ }
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.scb_s_experiment_name_edit = function(element) {
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_design',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.experiment) {
+ parsed.experiment.name = $(element).attr('value');
+ }
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.register = function(workarea) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_experiment_design_hypothesis', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.update_experiment_design_hypothesis(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_experiment_design_objective', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.scb_s_experiment_design_objective(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_experiment_design_technique_answer', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.scb_s_experiment_design_technique_answer(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_experiment_name_edit', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.scb_s_experiment_name_edit(this);
+ });
scb.ui.ExperimentDesignView = function scb_ui_ExperimentDesignView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- self.show = function(state) {
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- workarea.html(scb_experiment_design.main({
- global_template : gstate.context.master_model,
- context: gstate.context,
- t : state.assignment.template,
- prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
- last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
- assignment: state.assignment,
- experiment: state.experiment
- }));
- state.experiment.prev_step = 1;
- state.experiment.last_view = 'experiment_design';
- if(state.experiment.last_step < scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.TOTAL_STEPS)
- state.experiment.last_step = 3;
- document.title = state.experiment.name + " - StarCellBio" ;
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
- }
+ var self = this;
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ workarea.html(scb_experiment_design.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ t: state.assignment.template,
+ prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
+ last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
+ assignment: state.assignment,
+ experiment: state.experiment
+ }));
+ state.experiment.prev_step = 1;
+ state.experiment.last_view = 'experiment_design';
+ if (state.experiment.last_step < scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.TOTAL_STEPS) {
+ state.experiment.last_step = 3;
+ }
+ document.title = state.experiment.name + " - StarCellBio";
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/ui/ExperimentSetupView.js b/html_app/ui/ExperimentSetupView.js
index 0ad1bc60..313260b6 100644
--- a/html_app/ui/ExperimentSetupView.js
+++ b/html_app/ui/ExperimentSetupView.js
@@ -4,974 +4,995 @@ scb.ui = scb.ui || {};
scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView || {};
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.parse = function (element) {
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
- var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.parse = function(element) {
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ var treatment_id = $(element).attr('treatment_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
- treatment_id: treatment_id,
- view: 'experiment_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
+ treatment_id: treatment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- return parsed;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog = function (element, workarea) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.parse(element);
- var template = parsed.assignment.template;
- var action = scb.utils.get(template, ['ui', 'experiment_setup', 'actions' , 0, 'open'], scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog_old);
- if (typeof(action) == 'string' && typeof(eval(action)) == 'function') {
- action = eval(action);
- }
- else {
- action = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog_old;
- }
- scb.Utils.call_back(action, {
- workarea: workarea,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- template: template,
- element: element,
- close: scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh,
- source_state: scb.utils.get(template, ['ui', 'experiment_setup', 'actions' , 0])
- });
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog = function(element, workarea) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.parse(element);
+ var template = parsed.assignment.template;
+ var action = scb.utils.get(template, ['ui', 'experiment_setup', 'actions', 0, 'open'], scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog_old);
+ if (typeof (action) == 'string' && typeof (eval(action)) == 'function') {
+ action = eval(action);
+ } else {
+ action = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog_old;
+ }
+ scb.Utils.call_back(action, {
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ template: template,
+ element: element,
+ close: scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh,
+ source_state: scb.utils.get(template, ['ui', 'experiment_setup', 'actions', 0])
+ });
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog_old = function (state) {
- var element = state.element;
- var dialog_selector = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog');
- dialog_selector.dialog("open");
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog_selector, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_apply', function (e) {
- //TODO: form new 'cell_treatment' using dialog box
- var experiment_id = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'experiment_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
- var template = parsed.assignment.template;
- var cell_lines = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_dialog_cell_lines_select').val();
- var treatments = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_dialog_treatments_select').val();
- var schedules = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_dialog_collection_select').val();
- _.each(cell_lines, function (cell_line) {
- var cell_line_template = scb.utils.find(template.experiment_setup_actions.cell_lines, cell_line);
- _.each(treatments, function (treatment) {
- var treatment_template = scb.utils.find(template.experiment_setup_actions.treatment_protocol_list, treatment);
- _.each(schedules, function (schedule) {
- var collection_template = scb.utils.find(template.experiment_setup_actions.collection_schedule_list, schedule);
- var construct = {};
- _.each(cell_line_template, function (v, k) {
- if (k != 'id' && k != 'title') {
- construct[k] = v;
- }
- });
- _.each(treatment_template, function (v, k) {
- if (k != 'id' && k != 'title') {
- construct[k] = v;
- }
- });
- _.each(collection_template, function (v, k) {
- if (k != 'id' && k != 'title') {
- construct[k] = v;
- }
- });
- cell_treatment_list.start(construct);
- console.info("NEXT");
- });
- });
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog_old = function(state) {
+ var element = state.element;
+ var dialog_selector = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog');
+ dialog_selector.dialog("open");
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog_selector, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_apply', function(e) {
+ //TODO: form new 'cell_treatment' using dialog box
+ var experiment_id = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').attr('assignment_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
+ var template = parsed.assignment.template;
+ var cell_lines = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_dialog_cell_lines_select').val();
+ var treatments = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_dialog_treatments_select').val();
+ var schedules = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_dialog_collection_select').val();
+ _.each(cell_lines, function(cell_line) {
+ var cell_line_template = scb.utils.find(template.experiment_setup_actions.cell_lines, cell_line);
+ _.each(treatments, function(treatment) {
+ var treatment_template = scb.utils.find(template.experiment_setup_actions.treatment_protocol_list, treatment);
+ _.each(schedules, function(schedule) {
+ var collection_template = scb.utils.find(template.experiment_setup_actions.collection_schedule_list, schedule);
+ var construct = {};
+ _.each(cell_line_template, function(v, k) {
+ if (k != 'id' && k != 'title') {
+ construct[k] = v;
+ }
+ });
+ _.each(treatment_template, function(v, k) {
+ if (k != 'id' && k != 'title') {
+ construct[k] = v;
+ }
+ });
+ _.each(collection_template, function(v, k) {
+ if (k != 'id' && k != 'title') {
+ construct[k] = v;
+ }
+ });
+ cell_treatment_list.start(construct);
+ console.info("NEXT");
- console.info("DETACH HERE!")
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_apply(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(dialog_selector, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_cancel', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_cancel(this);
+ });
+ console.info("DETACH HERE!")
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_apply(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(dialog_selector, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_dialog_cancel', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_cancel(this);
+ });
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_apply = function (param) {
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').dialog("close");
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').detach();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_apply = function(param) {
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').dialog("close");
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').detach();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_cancel = function (param) {
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').dialog("close").detach();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_cancel = function(param) {
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').dialog("close").detach();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_sample = function (param) {
- var experiment_id = $(param).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(param).attr('assignment_id');
- var cell_treatment_id = $(param).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_sample = function(param) {
+ var experiment_id = $(param).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(param).attr('assignment_id');
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(param).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
+ cell_treatment_list.remove(cell_treatment_id);
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').detach();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
- view: 'experiment_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
- cell_treatment_list.remove(cell_treatment_id);
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').detach();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_duplicate_sample = function(param) {
+ var experiment_id = $(param).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(param).attr('assignment_id');
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(param).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_row($(param).parent().parent());
+ var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
+ cell_treatment_list.duplicate(cell_treatment_id);
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').detach();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_duplicate_sample = function (param) {
- var experiment_id = $(param).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(param).attr('assignment_id');
- var cell_treatment_id = $(param).attr('cell_treatment_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
- view: 'experiment_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_row($(param).parent().parent());
- var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
- cell_treatment_list.duplicate(cell_treatment_id);
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').detach();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_open_select_technique = function(param) {
+ var experiment_id = $(param).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(param).attr('assignment_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.experiment.setup_finished = true;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_open_select_technique = function (param) {
- var experiment_id = $(param).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(param).attr('assignment_id');
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.register = function(workarea) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_open_experiment_setup_readonly', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_open_experiment_setup_readonly(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog', function(e) {
+ $(workarea).prepend(scb_common.contact_overlay());
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog(this, workarea);
+ e.preventDefault();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_sample', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_sample(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_duplicate_sample', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_duplicate_sample(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_open_select_technique', function(e) {
+ if ($('.scb_s_warning_dialog').length > 0) {
+ $('.scb_s_warning_dialog').remove();
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_open_select_technique(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_experiment_setup_create_new_set_up', function(e) {
+ var experiment_id = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_create_new_set_up').attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_create_new_set_up').attr('assignment_id');
var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'experiment_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- parsed.experiment.setup_finished = true;
+ $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_new_set_up').attr('checked', 'checked');
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_new_set_up').css('visibility', 'visible');
+ parsed.experiment.setup_visible = true;
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.register = function (workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_open_experiment_setup_readonly', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_open_experiment_setup_readonly(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog', function (e) {
- $(workarea).prepend(scb_common.contact_overlay());
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_action_open_add_samples_dialog(this, workarea);
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_sample', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_remove_sample(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_experiment_setup_duplicate_sample', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_experiment_setup_duplicate_sample(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_open_select_technique', function (e) {
- if($('.scb_s_warning_dialog').length >0)
- $('.scb_s_warning_dialog').remove();
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_open_select_technique(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_experiment_setup_create_new_set_up', function(e){
- var experiment_id = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_create_new_set_up').attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_create_new_set_up').attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'experiment_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_new_set_up').attr('checked', 'checked');
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_new_set_up').css('visibility', 'visible');
- parsed.experiment.setup_visible = true;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_experiment_setup_new_row', function (e) {
- var mode = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_details_view', workarea).attr('mode');
- if (mode != 'readonly') {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_row_edit(this);
- var row = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_new_row(this);
- var edit_elements = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_row[cell_treatment_id="' + row.id + '"]', workarea)[0];
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(edit_elements);
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on($(document), 'mouseup', $(document), function (e) {
- if (true) {
- if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'option') {
- var container = $(".scb_s_experiment_setup_table_row", $(document));
- if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
- $(container).each(function (c) {
- var container = $(this);
- if (container.attr('data-is_editing') == "true") {
- container.removeAttr('data-is_editing');
- console.info("-- click outside -- edit row -- ");
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_row(container);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
- });
- }
- }
- }
- if (true) {
- if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'option') {
- var container = $(".scb_s_experiment_setup_new_row", $(document));
- if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
- $(container).each(function (c) {
- var container = $(this);
- if (container.attr('data-is_editing') == "true") {
- container.removeAttr('data-is_editing');
- console.info("-- click outside --");
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_new_row(container);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
- });
- }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_experiment_setup_new_row', function(e) {
+ var mode = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_details_view', workarea).attr('mode');
+ if (mode != 'readonly') {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_row_edit(this);
+ var row = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_new_row(this);
+ var edit_elements = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_row[cell_treatment_id="' + row.id + '"]', workarea)[0];
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(edit_elements);
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on($(document), 'mouseup', $(document), function(e) {
+ if (true) {
+ if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'option') {
+ var container = $(".scb_s_experiment_setup_table_row", $(document));
+ if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
+ $(container).each(function(c) {
+ var container = $(this);
+ if (container.attr('data-is_editing') == "true") {
+ container.removeAttr('data-is_editing');
+ console.info("-- click outside -- edit row -- ");
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_row(container);
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_row', function (e) {
- var mode = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_details_view', workarea).attr('mode');
- if (mode != 'readonly') {
- if (!$(this).data('is_editing')) {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(this);
+ }
+ }
+ if (true) {
+ if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'option') {
+ var container = $(".scb_s_experiment_setup_new_row", $(document));
+ if (container.has(e.target).length === 0) {
+ $(container).each(function(c) {
+ var container = $(this);
+ if (container.attr('data-is_editing') == "true") {
+ container.removeAttr('data-is_editing');
+ console.info("-- click outside --");
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_new_row(container);
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
- });
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_row', function(e) {
+ var mode = $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_details_view', workarea).attr('mode');
+ if (mode != 'readonly') {
+ if (!$(this).data('is_editing')) {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(this);
+ }
+ }
+ });
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_open_experiment_setup_readonly = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.parse(element);
- if (parsed.experiment) {
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- if (parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.length == 0) {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("Please set up at least one sample.",
- function() { $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();/* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- else{
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_setup_overlay());
- $(element).attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)');
- $('#jqDialog_box').css('width', '570px');
- $.jqDialog.content(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_setup_dialog({assignment: parsed.assignment, experiment: parsed.experiment}));
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- //$('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_confirm());
- $('.scb_f_open_experiment_setup').click( function () {
- if($('.scb_s_warning_dialog').length >0){
- $('.scb_s_warning_dialog').remove();
- $('.overlay').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').hide();
- }
- });
- $('.scb_f_open_select_technique').click(function(){
- if($('.scb_s_warning_dialog').length >0){
- $('.scb_s_warning_dialog').remove();
- $('.overlay').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').hide();
- }
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_open_select_technique(this);
- });
- }
- }
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.headings = function (table_map) {
- var headings = [];
- _.each(table_map, function (part) {
- if (part.kind == 'cell_plate') {
- headings.push(part);
- }
- if (part.kind == 'cell_line') {
- headings.push(part);
- }
- if (part.kind == 'treatments') {
- for (var subpart_index in part.children) {
- var subpart = part.children[subpart_index];
- headings.push(subpart);
- }
- }
- if (part.kind == 'temperature') {
- headings.push(part);
- }
- if (part.kind == 'custom') {
- headings.push(part);
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_open_experiment_setup_readonly = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.parse(element);
+ if (parsed.experiment) {
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ if (parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list.length == 0) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("Please set up at least one sample.", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove(); /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ event.preventDefault();
+ } else {
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_setup_overlay());
+ $(element).attr('href', 'javascript:void(0)');
+ $('#jqDialog_box').css('width', '570px');
+ $.jqDialog.content(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_setup_dialog({
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment
+ }));
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ //$('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_confirm());
+ $('.scb_f_open_experiment_setup').click(function() {
+ if ($('.scb_s_warning_dialog').length > 0) {
+ $('.scb_s_warning_dialog').remove();
+ $('.overlay').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').hide();
- if (part.kind == 'actions') {
- headings.push(part);
+ });
+ $('.scb_f_open_select_technique').click(function() {
+ if ($('.scb_s_warning_dialog').length > 0) {
+ $('.scb_s_warning_dialog').remove();
+ $('.overlay').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').hide();
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.scb_f_open_select_technique(this);
+ });
+ }
- });
- return headings;
+ }
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row = function (sample, headings, template, rows) {
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.headings = function(table_map) {
+ var headings = [];
+ _.each(table_map, function(part) {
+ if (part.kind == 'cell_plate') {
+ headings.push(part);
+ }
+ if (part.kind == 'cell_line') {
+ headings.push(part);
+ }
+ if (part.kind == 'treatments') {
+ for (var subpart_index in part.children) {
+ var subpart = part.children[subpart_index];
+ headings.push(subpart);
+ }
+ }
+ if (part.kind == 'temperature') {
+ headings.push(part);
+ }
+ if (part.kind == 'custom') {
+ headings.push(part);
+ }
+ if (part.kind == 'actions') {
+ headings.push(part);
+ }
- var treatment_list = sample.treatment_list.list;
- var size = treatment_list.length;
- var total_height = 0;
- _.each(treatment_list, function (treatment) {
- total_height += treatment.drug_list.length;
- });
- _.each(treatment_list, function (treatment, treatment_index) {
- var drug_list = treatment.drug_list.list;
- _.each(drug_list, function (drug, drug_index) {
- var row = [];
- _.each(headings, function (part) {
- if (drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0 && part.kind == 'cell_line') {
- console.log(sample.cell_line);
- console.log(template.cell_lines);
- console.log(template.cell_lines[sample.cell_line]);
- row.push({
- kind: 'cell_line',
- title: template.cell_lines[sample.cell_line].name,
- rows: total_height,
- first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
- treatment: treatment.id
- });
- }
- else if (part.kind == 'drug') {
- row.push({
- kind: 'drug',
- title: drug.drug_name,
- rows: 1,
- first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
- treatment: treatment.id
- });
- }
- else if (part.kind == 'concentration') {
- row.push({
- kind: 'concentration',
- title: drug.drug_concentration,
- rows: 1,
- first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
- treatment: treatment.id
- });
- }
- else if (drug_index == 0 && part.kind == 'start') {
- row.push({
- kind: 'start',
- title: treatment.start_time,
- rows: drug_list.length,
- first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
- treatment: treatment.id
- });
- }
- else if (drug_index == 0 && part.kind == 'duration') {
- row.push({
- kind: 'duration',
- title: treatment.duration,
- rows: drug_list.length,
- first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
- treatment: treatment.id
- })
- }
- else if (drug_index == 0 && part.kind == 'collection') {
- row.push({
- kind: 'collection',
- title: treatment.collection_time,
- rows: drug_list.length,
- first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
- treatment: treatment.id
- })
- }
- else if (drug_index == 0 && part.kind == 'temperature') {
- row.push({
- kind: 'temperature',
- title: template.experiment_temperatures[treatment.temperature].name,
- rows: drug_list.length,
- first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
- treatment: treatment.id
- })
- }
- else if (drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0 && part.kind == 'custom') {
- row.push({
- kind: part.kind,
- title: sample[part.key],
- rows: total_height,
- first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
- treatment: treatment.id
- })
- }
- else if (drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0 && part.kind == 'cell_plate') {
- row.push({
- kind: part.kind,
- title: '',
- rows: total_height,
- first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
- treatment: treatment.id
- })
- }
- else if (drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0 && part.kind == 'actions') {
- row.push({
- kind: part.kind,
- rows: total_height,
- first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
- treatment: treatment.id
- });
- }
- });
- rows.push({
- id: sample.id,
- columns: row,
- treatment: treatment
- });
- });
- });
+ });
+ return headings;
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.rows = function (cell_treatment_list, headings, template) {
- var rows = [];
- _.each(cell_treatment_list, function (sample) {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row(sample, headings, template, rows);
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row = function(sample, headings, template, rows) {
+ var treatment_list = sample.treatment_list.list;
+ var size = treatment_list.length;
+ var total_height = 0;
+ _.each(treatment_list, function(treatment) {
+ total_height += treatment.drug_list.length;
+ });
+ _.each(treatment_list, function(treatment, treatment_index) {
+ var drug_list = treatment.drug_list.list;
+ _.each(drug_list, function(drug, drug_index) {
+ var row = [];
+ _.each(headings, function(part) {
+ if (drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0 && part.kind == 'cell_line') {
+ console.log(sample.cell_line);
+ console.log(template.cell_lines);
+ console.log(template.cell_lines[sample.cell_line]);
+ row.push({
+ kind: 'cell_line',
+ title: template.cell_lines[sample.cell_line].name,
+ rows: total_height,
+ first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
+ treatment: treatment.id
+ });
+ } else if (part.kind == 'drug') {
+ row.push({
+ kind: 'drug',
+ title: drug.drug_name,
+ rows: 1,
+ first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
+ treatment: treatment.id
+ });
+ } else if (part.kind == 'concentration') {
+ row.push({
+ kind: 'concentration',
+ title: drug.drug_concentration,
+ rows: 1,
+ first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
+ treatment: treatment.id
+ });
+ } else if (drug_index == 0 && part.kind == 'start') {
+ row.push({
+ kind: 'start',
+ title: treatment.start_time,
+ rows: drug_list.length,
+ first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
+ treatment: treatment.id
+ });
+ } else if (drug_index == 0 && part.kind == 'duration') {
+ row.push({
+ kind: 'duration',
+ title: treatment.duration,
+ rows: drug_list.length,
+ first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
+ treatment: treatment.id
+ })
+ } else if (drug_index == 0 && part.kind == 'collection') {
+ row.push({
+ kind: 'collection',
+ title: treatment.collection_time,
+ rows: drug_list.length,
+ first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
+ treatment: treatment.id
+ })
+ } else if (drug_index == 0 && part.kind == 'temperature') {
+ row.push({
+ kind: 'temperature',
+ title: template.experiment_temperatures[treatment.temperature].name,
+ rows: drug_list.length,
+ first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
+ treatment: treatment.id
+ })
+ } else if (drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0 && part.kind == 'custom') {
+ row.push({
+ kind: part.kind,
+ title: sample[part.key],
+ rows: total_height,
+ first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
+ treatment: treatment.id
+ })
+ } else if (drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0 && part.kind == 'cell_plate') {
+ row.push({
+ kind: part.kind,
+ title: '',
+ rows: total_height,
+ first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
+ treatment: treatment.id
+ })
+ } else if (drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0 && part.kind == 'actions') {
+ row.push({
+ kind: part.kind,
+ rows: total_height,
+ first_row: drug_index == 0 && treatment_index == 0,
+ treatment: treatment.id
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ rows.push({
+ id: sample.id,
+ columns: row,
+ treatment: treatment
+ });
- return rows;
+ });
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_rows = function (new_row, context, headings, template) {
- var rows = [];
- if (scb.utils.isDefined(new_row)) {
- var ct = new scb.CellTreatment(new_row, context);
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row(ct, headings, template, rows);
- }
- return rows;
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.rows = function(cell_treatment_list, headings, template) {
+ var rows = [];
+ _.each(cell_treatment_list, function(sample) {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row(sample, headings, template, rows);
+ });
+ return rows;
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.ensure_save = function () {
- var container = $(".scb_s_experiment_setup_table_row", $(document));
- $(container).each(
- function (e) {
- if ($(this).attr('data-is_editing') == 'true') {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_row(this);
- }
- }
- )
- container = $(".scb_s_experiment_setup_new_row", $(document));
- $(container).each(
- function (e) {
- if ($(this).attr('data-is_editing') == 'true') {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_new_row(this);
- }
- }
- )
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_rows = function(new_row, context, headings, template) {
+ var rows = [];
+ if (scb.utils.isDefined(new_row)) {
+ var ct = new scb.CellTreatment(new_row, context);
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row(ct, headings, template, rows);
+ }
+ return rows;
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_row = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.parse(element);
- $(element).attr('data-is_editing', true);
- var template = parsed.context.template;
- var cell_line_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line;
- var drug_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id;
- var concentration_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id;
- var collection_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id;
- var treatment_line = parsed.treatment.drug_list.list[0];
- var temperature = parsed.experiment.new_row.temperature;
- var refresh = false;
- if (drug_id && concentration_id) {
- var valid = _.find(template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations, function (a) {
- return a == concentration_id
- });
- if (!_.isUndefined(valid)) {
- treatment_line.drug_id = drug_id;
- treatment_line.concentration_id = concentration_id;
- refresh = true;
- } else {
- refresh = true;
- }
- }
- if (cell_line_id) {
- parsed.cell_treatment.cell_line_id = cell_line_id;
- parsed.cell_treatment.cell_line = cell_line_id;
- refresh = true;
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.ensure_save = function() {
+ var container = $(".scb_s_experiment_setup_table_row", $(document));
+ $(container).each(function(e) {
+ if ($(this).attr('data-is_editing') == 'true') {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_row(this);
- if (collection_id) {
- parsed.treatment.collection_id = collection_id;
- refresh = true;
+ }
+ )
+ container = $(".scb_s_experiment_setup_new_row", $(document));
+ $(container).each(function(e) {
+ if ($(this).attr('data-is_editing') == 'true') {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_new_row(this);
- if (temperature) {
- parsed.treatment.temperature = temperature;
- refresh = true;
- }
- if (refresh) {
- parsed.experiment.new_row = {};
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_new_row = function (element) {
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'experiment_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ }
+ )
- $(element).attr('data-is_editing', false);
- $(element).addClass('scb_s_experiment_setup_new_row_gray');
- var template = parsed.context.template;
- var cell_line_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line;
- var drug_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id;
- var concentration_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id;
- var schedule_value = parsed.experiment.new_row.schedule_value;
- var duration_value = parsed.experiment.new_row.duration_value;
- var temperature = parsed.experiment.new_row.temperature;
- if (parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id)
- var collection_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id;
- if (drug_id && concentration_id) {
- var valid = _.find(template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations, function (a) {
- return a == concentration_id
- });
- if (!_.isUndefined(valid)) {
- var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
- var ret = cell_treatment_list.start({
- title: 'New row',
- cell_line: cell_line_id,
- treatment_list: {list: [
- {collection_id: collection_id || 0, schedule_value: schedule_value, duration_value: duration_value, drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: drug_id, concentration_id: concentration_id}
- ]}, temperature: temperature
- }
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "18h", schedule_value: 18 * 3600, id: '3'}
- ]}
- });
- parsed.experiment.new_row = {};
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- return ret;
- }
- else {
- parsed.experiment.new_row = {};
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- return null;
- }
- }
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable = function (element, template) {
- var kind = $(element).attr('kind');
- var cell = _.find(template.ui.experiment_setup.table, function (e) {
- return e.kind == kind
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_row = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.parse(element);
+ $(element).attr('data-is_editing', true);
+ var template = parsed.context.template;
+ var cell_line_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line;
+ var drug_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id;
+ var concentration_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id;
+ var collection_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id;
+ var treatment_line = parsed.treatment.drug_list.list[0];
+ var temperature = parsed.experiment.new_row.temperature;
+ var refresh = false;
+ if (drug_id && concentration_id) {
+ var valid = _.find(template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations, function(a) {
+ return a == concentration_id
- if (!scb.utils.isDefined(cell)) {
- var treatments = _.find(template.ui.experiment_setup.table, function (e) {
- return e.kind == 'treatments'
- });
- cell = _.find(treatments.children, function (e) {
- return e.kind == kind
- });
+ if (!_.isUndefined(valid)) {
+ treatment_line.drug_id = drug_id;
+ treatment_line.concentration_id = concentration_id;
+ refresh = true;
+ } else {
+ refresh = true;
- console.info("editable " + kind + " " + cell + " " + (cell && cell.editable));
- return (cell && cell.editable) || false;
+ }
+ if (cell_line_id) {
+ parsed.cell_treatment.cell_line_id = cell_line_id;
+ parsed.cell_treatment.cell_line = cell_line_id;
+ refresh = true;
+ }
+ if (collection_id) {
+ parsed.treatment.collection_id = collection_id;
+ refresh = true;
+ }
+ if (temperature) {
+ parsed.treatment.temperature = temperature;
+ refresh = true;
+ }
+ if (refresh) {
+ parsed.experiment.new_row = {};
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit = function (element) {
- if ($(element).attr('data-is_editing') != 'true') {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.ensure_save();
- }
- var row_element = element;
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.parse(element);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var template = parsed.context.template;
- var cell_line = parsed.cell_treatment.cell_line;
- var treatment_line = parsed.treatment.drug_list.list[0];
- var drug_id = treatment_line.drug_id;
- var concentration_id = treatment_line.concentration_id;
- //var collection_id = parsed.cell_treatment.collection_id;
- var collection_id = parsed.cell_treatment.treatment_list.list[0].collection_id;
- var temperature = parsed.treatment.temperature;
- if ($(element).attr('data-is_editing') != 'true') {
- parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line = cell_line;
- parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id = drug_id;
- parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id = concentration_id;
- parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id = collection_id;
- parsed.experiment.new_row.temperature = temperature;
- $(element).attr('data-is_editing', true);
- }
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_element', element).each(function (index) {
- var element = this;
- var kind = $(element).attr('kind');
- if (kind == 'cell_line' && scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable(element, template)) {
- if (_.keys(template.cell_lines).length > 1) {
- $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.cell_lines_edit({
- global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
- template: template,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- cell_line_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line
- }));
- scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function (e) {
- console.info($(this).val());
- parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line = $(this).val();
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(row_element);
- });
- }
- }
- if (kind == 'drug') {
- if (_.keys(template.drugs).length > 1 && scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable(element, template)) {
- $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.drug_edit({
- global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
- template: template,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- drug_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id
- }));
- scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function (e) {
- console.info($(this).val());
- parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id = $(this).val();
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(row_element);
- });
- }
- else {
- delete parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id;
- }
- }
- if (kind == 'collection') {
- if (_.keys(template.collections).length > 1 && scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable(element, template)) {
- $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.collection_edit({
- global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
- template: template,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- collection_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id
- }));
- scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function (e) {
- console.info($(this).val());
- parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id = $(this).val();
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(row_element);
- });
- }
- else {
- delete parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id;
- }
- }
- if (kind == 'concentration') {
- if (_.keys(template.concentrations).length > 1 && scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable(element, template)) {
- var drug_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id;
- if (drug_id && template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations) {
- $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.concentration_edit({
- global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
- template: template,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- drug_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id,
- concentrations: template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations,
- concentration_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id
- }));
- scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function (e) {
- console.info($(this).val());
- parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id = $(this).val();
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(row_element);
- });
- }
- else {
- $(element).html("Select drug first");
- }
- } else if (_.keys(template.concentrations).length == 1 && !scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable(element, template))
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.save_new_row = function(element) {
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ $(element).attr('data-is_editing', false);
+ $(element).addClass('scb_s_experiment_setup_new_row_gray');
+ var template = parsed.context.template;
+ var cell_line_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line;
+ var drug_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id;
+ var concentration_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id;
+ var schedule_value = parsed.experiment.new_row.schedule_value;
+ var duration_value = parsed.experiment.new_row.duration_value;
+ var temperature = parsed.experiment.new_row.temperature;
+ if (parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id) {
+ var collection_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id;
+ }
+ if (drug_id && concentration_id) {
+ var valid = _.find(template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations, function(a) {
+ return a == concentration_id
+ });
+ if (!_.isUndefined(valid)) {
+ var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
+ var ret = cell_treatment_list.start({
+ title: 'New row',
+ cell_line: cell_line_id,
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
- }
- else {
- delete parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id;
+ collection_id: collection_id || 0,
+ schedule_value: schedule_value,
+ duration_value: duration_value,
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: drug_id,
+ concentration_id: concentration_id
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ temperature: temperature
- }
- if (kind == 'temperature') {
- if (_.keys(template.experiment_temperatures).length > 1 && scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable(element, template)) {
- var temperature = parsed.experiment.new_row.temperature;
- $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.temperature_edit({
- global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
- template: template,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- temperature: temperature
- }));
- scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function (e) {
- parsed.experiment.new_row.temperature = $(this).val();
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(row_element);
- });
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "18h",
+ schedule_value: 18 * 3600,
+ id: '3'
+ ]
+ });
+ parsed.experiment.new_row = {};
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ parsed.experiment.new_row = {};
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable = function(element, template) {
+ var kind = $(element).attr('kind');
+ var cell = _.find(template.ui.experiment_setup.table, function(e) {
+ return e.kind == kind
+ });
+ if (!scb.utils.isDefined(cell)) {
+ var treatments = _.find(template.ui.experiment_setup.table, function(e) {
+ return e.kind == 'treatments'
+ });
+ cell = _.find(treatments.children, function(e) {
+ return e.kind == kind
+ }
+ console.info("editable " + kind + " " + cell + " " + (cell && cell.editable));
+ return (cell && cell.editable) || false;
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit = function(element) {
+ if ($(element).attr('data-is_editing') != 'true') {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.ensure_save();
+ }
+ var row_element = element;
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.parse(element);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var template = parsed.context.template;
+ var cell_line = parsed.cell_treatment.cell_line;
+ var treatment_line = parsed.treatment.drug_list.list[0];
+ var drug_id = treatment_line.drug_id;
+ var concentration_id = treatment_line.concentration_id;
+ //var collection_id = parsed.cell_treatment.collection_id;
+ var collection_id = parsed.cell_treatment.treatment_list.list[0].collection_id;
+ var temperature = parsed.treatment.temperature;
+ if ($(element).attr('data-is_editing') != 'true') {
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line = cell_line;
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id = drug_id;
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id = concentration_id;
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id = collection_id;
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.temperature = temperature;
+ $(element).attr('data-is_editing', true);
+ }
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_element', element).each(function(index) {
+ var element = this;
+ var kind = $(element).attr('kind');
+ if (kind == 'cell_line' && scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable(element, template)) {
+ if (_.keys(template.cell_lines).length > 1) {
+ $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.cell_lines_edit({
+ global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
+ template: template,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ cell_line_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line
+ }));
+ scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function(e) {
+ console.info($(this).val());
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line = $(this).val();
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(row_element);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (kind == 'drug') {
+ if (_.keys(template.drugs).length > 1 && scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable(element, template)) {
+ $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.drug_edit({
+ global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
+ template: template,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ drug_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id
+ }));
+ scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function(e) {
+ console.info($(this).val());
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id = $(this).val();
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(row_element);
+ });
+ } else {
+ delete parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id;
+ }
+ }
+ if (kind == 'collection') {
+ if (_.keys(template.collections).length > 1 && scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable(element, template)) {
+ $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.collection_edit({
+ global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
+ template: template,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ collection_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id
+ }));
+ scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function(e) {
+ console.info($(this).val());
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id = $(this).val();
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(row_element);
+ });
+ } else {
+ delete parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id;
+ }
+ }
+ if (kind == 'concentration') {
+ if (_.keys(template.concentrations).length > 1 && scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable(element, template)) {
+ var drug_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id;
+ if (drug_id && template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations) {
+ $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.concentration_edit({
+ global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
+ template: template,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ drug_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id,
+ concentrations: template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations,
+ concentration_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id
+ }));
+ scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function(e) {
+ console.info($(this).val());
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id = $(this).val();
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(row_element);
+ });
+ } else {
+ $(element).html("Select drug first");
+ }
+ } else if (_.keys(template.concentrations).length == 1 && !scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable(element, template)) {
-scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_row_edit = function (element) {
- if ($(element).attr('data-is_editing') != 'true') {
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.ensure_save();
+ } else {
+ delete parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id;
+ }
- var row_element = element;
+ if (kind == 'temperature') {
+ if (_.keys(template.experiment_temperatures).length > 1 && scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit_is_editable(element, template)) {
+ var temperature = parsed.experiment.new_row.temperature;
+ $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.temperature_edit({
+ global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
+ template: template,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ temperature: temperature
+ }));
+ scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function(e) {
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.temperature = $(this).val();
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.row_edit(row_element);
+ });
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ }
+ }
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- view: 'experiment_setup',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ });
- $(element).attr('data-is_editing', true);
- $(element).removeClass('scb_s_experiment_setup_new_row_gray');
- var template = parsed.context.template;
- if (_.keys(parsed.experiment.new_row).length == 0) {
+scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_row_edit = function(element) {
+ if ($(element).attr('data-is_editing') != 'true') {
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.ensure_save();
+ }
+ var row_element = element;
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ view: 'experiment_setup',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ $(element).attr('data-is_editing', true);
+ $(element).removeClass('scb_s_experiment_setup_new_row_gray');
+ var template = parsed.context.template;
+ if (_.keys(parsed.experiment.new_row).length == 0) {
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.cell_line || _.keys(template.cell_lines)[0];
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].drug_id || _.keys(template.drugs)[0];
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].concentration_id || _.keys(template.concentrations)[0];
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.schedule_value = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].schedule_value || 0;
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].collection_id || 0;
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.duration_value = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].duration_value || 0;
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.temperature = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].temperature || 0;
+ }
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_td', element).each(function(index) {
+ var element = this;
+ var kind = $(element).attr('kind');
+ if (kind == 'cell_line') {
+ if (_.keys(template.cell_lines).length > 1) {
+ // this is editable
+ $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.cell_lines_edit({
+ global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
+ template: template,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ cell_line_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line
+ }));
+ } else {
parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.cell_line || _.keys(template.cell_lines)[0];
+ $(element).html(template.cell_lines[parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line].name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (kind == 'drug') {
+ if (_.keys(template.drugs).length > 1) {
+ $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.drug_edit({
+ global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
+ template: template,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ drug_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id
+ }));
+ scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function(e) {
+ console.info($(this).val());
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id = $(this).val();
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_row_edit(row_element);
+ });
+ } else {
parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].drug_id || _.keys(template.drugs)[0];
- parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].concentration_id || _.keys(template.concentrations)[0];
- parsed.experiment.new_row.schedule_value = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].schedule_value || 0;
- parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].collection_id || 0;
- parsed.experiment.new_row.duration_value = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].duration_value || 0;
- parsed.experiment.new_row.temperature = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].temperature || 0;
- }
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_td', element).each(function (index) {
- var element = this;
- var kind = $(element).attr('kind');
- if (kind == 'cell_line') {
- if (_.keys(template.cell_lines).length > 1) {
- // this is editable
- $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.cell_lines_edit({
- global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
- template: template,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- cell_line_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line
- }));
- }
- else {
- parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.cell_line || _.keys(template.cell_lines)[0];
- $(element).html(template.cell_lines[parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line].name);
- }
- }
- if (kind == 'drug') {
- if (_.keys(template.drugs).length > 1) {
- $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.drug_edit({
- global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
- template: template,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- drug_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id
- }));
- scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function (e) {
- console.info($(this).val());
- parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id = $(this).val();
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_row_edit(row_element);
- });
- }
- else {
- parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].drug_id || _.keys(template.drugs)[0];
- }
- }
- if (kind == 'collection') {
- if (_.keys(template.collections).length > 1) {
- $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.collection_edit({
- global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
- template: template,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- collection_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id
- }));
- scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function (e) {
- console.info($(this).val());
- parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id = $(this).val();
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_row_edit(row_element);
- });
- }
- else {
- parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].collection_id || _.keys(template.collections)[0];
- }
- }
- if (kind == 'concentration') {
- if (_.keys(template.concentrations).length > 1) {
- var drug_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id;
- if (drug_id && template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations) {
- $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.concentration_edit({
- global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
- template: template,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- drug_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id,
- concentrations: template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations,
- concentration_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id
- }));
- scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function (e) {
- console.info($(this).val());
- parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id = $(this).val();
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_row_edit(row_element);
- });
- }
- else {
- $(element).html("Select drug first");
- }
- } else {
- parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].concentration_id || _.keys(template.concentrations)[0];
- }
+ }
+ }
+ if (kind == 'collection') {
+ if (_.keys(template.collections).length > 1) {
+ $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.collection_edit({
+ global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
+ template: template,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ collection_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id
+ }));
+ scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function(e) {
+ console.info($(this).val());
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id = $(this).val();
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_row_edit(row_element);
+ });
+ } else {
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].collection_id || _.keys(template.collections)[0];
+ }
+ }
+ if (kind == 'concentration') {
+ if (_.keys(template.concentrations).length > 1) {
+ var drug_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id;
+ if (drug_id && template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations) {
+ $(element).html(scb_experiment_setup.concentration_edit({
+ global_template: parsed.context.master_model,
+ template: template,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ drug_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id,
+ concentrations: template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations,
+ concentration_id: parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id
+ }));
+ scb.utils.off_on(element, "change", "select", function(e) {
+ console.info($(this).val());
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id = $(this).val();
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_row_edit(row_element);
+ });
+ } else {
+ $(element).html("Select drug first");
- if (kind == 'actions') {
- var cell_line_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line;
- var drug_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id;
- if (parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id)
- var collection_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id;
- var concentration_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id;
- if (drug_id && concentration_id) {
- var valid = _.find(template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations, function (a) {
- return a == concentration_id
- });
- if (!_.isUndefined(valid)) {
- $('button', element).removeAttr('disabled');
- $('button', element).click(function () {
- var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
- cell_treatment_list.start({
- title: 'New row',
- cell_line: cell_line_id,
- treatment_list: {list: [
- { collection_id: collection_id || 0,schedule_value: 0, duration_value: 0, drug_list: {list: [
- {drug_id: drug_id, concentration_id: concentration_id}
- ]}
- }
- ]},
- collection_schedule_list: {list: [
- {schedule: "18h", schedule_value: 18 * 3600, id: '3'}
- ]}
- });
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
- }
- }
+ } else {
+ parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id = template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row.treatment_list.list[0].drug_list.list[0].concentration_id || _.keys(template.concentrations)[0];
+ }
+ }
+ if (kind == 'actions') {
+ var cell_line_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.cell_line;
+ var drug_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.drug_id;
+ if (parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id) {
+ var collection_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.collection_id;
+ }
+ var concentration_id = parsed.experiment.new_row.concentration_id;
+ if (drug_id && concentration_id) {
+ var valid = _.find(template.drugs[drug_id].concentrations, function(a) {
+ return a == concentration_id
+ });
+ if (!_.isUndefined(valid)) {
+ $('button', element).removeAttr('disabled');
+ $('button', element).click(function() {
+ var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
+ cell_treatment_list.start({
+ title: 'New row',
+ cell_line: cell_line_id,
+ treatment_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ collection_id: collection_id || 0,
+ schedule_value: 0,
+ duration_value: 0,
+ drug_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ drug_id: drug_id,
+ concentration_id: concentration_id
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ collection_schedule_list: {
+ list: [
+ {
+ schedule: "18h",
+ schedule_value: 18 * 3600,
+ id: '3'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
+ }
+ }
- });
+ });
scb.ui.ExperimentSetupView = function scb_ui_ExperimentSetupView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- self.show = function (state) {
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var experiment = state.experiment;
- var template = state.assignment.template;
- var headings = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.headings(template.ui.experiment_setup.table);
- var rows = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.rows(experiment.cell_treatment_list.list, headings, template);
- var new_rows = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_rows(template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row, gstate.context, headings, template);
- if (experiment.setup_finished) {
- state.mode = 'readonly';
- state.last_view = 'experiment_run';
- }
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').detach();
- workarea.html(scb_experiment_setup.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- t: template,
- context: gstate.context,
- assignment: state.assignment,
- experiment: state.experiment,
- headings: headings,
- rows: rows,
- prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
- last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
- new_rows: new_rows,
- kind: state.mode
- }));
- state.experiment.prev_step=2;
- if(state.last_view == 'experiment_run'){
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_instructions').hide();
- }
- if(state.experiment.last_step < scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.TOTAL_STEPS )
- state.experiment.last_step = 4;
- if (rows.length > 0 || state.experiment.setup_visible){
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_new_set_up').css('visibility', 'visible');
- $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_new_set_up').prop('checked','checked');
- }
- state.experiment.last_view = state.last_view;
+ var self = this;
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ var headings = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.headings(template.ui.experiment_setup.table);
+ var rows = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.rows(experiment.cell_treatment_list.list, headings, template);
+ var new_rows = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.new_rows(template.ui.experiment_setup.new_row, gstate.context, headings, template);
+ if (experiment.setup_finished) {
+ state.mode = 'readonly';
+ state.last_view = 'experiment_run';
+ }
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').detach();
+ workarea.html(scb_experiment_setup.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ t: template,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ assignment: state.assignment,
+ experiment: state.experiment,
+ headings: headings,
+ rows: rows,
+ prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
+ last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
+ new_rows: new_rows,
+ kind: state.mode
+ }));
+ state.experiment.prev_step = 2;
+ if (state.last_view == 'experiment_run') {
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_instructions').hide();
+ }
+ if (state.experiment.last_step < scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.TOTAL_STEPS) {
+ state.experiment.last_step = 4;
+ }
+ if (rows.length > 0 || state.experiment.setup_visible) {
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_new_set_up').css('visibility', 'visible');
+ $('.scb_f_experiment_setup_new_set_up').prop('checked', 'checked');
+ }
+ state.experiment.last_view = state.last_view;
- if (state.mode == 'readonly') {
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').hide();
- }
- else {
- $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').dialog({autoOpen: false})
+ if (state.mode == 'readonly') {
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').hide();
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_experiment_setup_table_add_samples_dialog').dialog({
+ autoOpen: false
+ })
- }
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
- };
+ }
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/ui/FacsView.js b/html_app/ui/FacsView.js
index 53b70a8f..84e85777 100644
--- a/html_app/ui/FacsView.js
+++ b/html_app/ui/FacsView.js
@@ -9,1612 +9,1672 @@ scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_SCROLL = 5;
scb.ui.static.FacsView.MAX_GATE = 150;
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var facs_id = $(element).attr('facs_id');
- var facs_lane_id = $(element).attr('facs_lane_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- facs_id: facs_id,
- facs_lane_id: facs_lane_id,
- view: 'facs',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- parsed.state = state;
- return parsed;
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var facs_id = $(element).attr('facs_id');
+ var facs_lane_id = $(element).attr('facs_lane_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ facs_id: facs_id,
+ facs_lane_id: facs_lane_id,
+ view: 'facs',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ parsed.state = state;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_active = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var val = $(element).attr('checked');
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
- parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_enabled[cell_treatment_id] = val;
- if(val === 'checked') {
- $('.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type', $(element).parent().parent()).each(function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type(this);
- });
- }else{
- /*want to remove the FacsLane*/
- var lanes = _.filter(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function (lane) {
- return cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
- });
- _.each(lanes,function(lane){
- parsed.facs.lanes_list.remove(lane.id);
- });
- }
- parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_cell_treatment_radio = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- /* val is 'fixed' or 'live' */
- var val = $(element).val();
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
- /* map_key is "cell_treatment.id_[lane.id]" */
- var map_key = $(element).attr('map_key');
- parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_live[map_key] = val;
- $('.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type', $(element).parent().parent()).each(function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type(this);
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_active = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var val = $(element).attr('checked');
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_enabled[cell_treatment_id] = val;
+ if (val === 'checked') {
+ $('.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type', $(element).parent().parent()).each(function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type(this);
- parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
- event = true;
- if (event) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var slide_type = $(element).attr('value');
- if (slide_type == '') {
- return;
- }
- var avail_conditions = [];
- var lane_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
- /* cell_treatment_id identifies the sample (analysis, conditions are not involved) */
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ } else {
+ /*want to remove the FacsLane*/
var lanes = _.filter(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
- return lane.kind == slide_type && cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
+ return cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
+ });
+ _.each(lanes, function(lane) {
+ parsed.facs.lanes_list.remove(lane.id);
+ }
+ parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
- /* Want to find the number of conditions available for this cell_treatment */
- var facs_kinds = _.filter(cell_treatment_list.list , function(lane){
- return lane.id == cell_treatment_id; })[0].treatment_list.first.facs;
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_cell_treatment_radio = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ /* val is 'fixed' or 'live' */
+ var val = $(element).val();
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ /* map_key is "cell_treatment.id_[lane.id]" */
+ var map_key = $(element).attr('map_key');
+ parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_live[map_key] = val;
+ $('.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type', $(element).parent().parent()).each(function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type(this);
+ });
+ parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
+ event = true;
+ if (event) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
- /* Find a list of available conditions for this slide type */
- if (_.isEmpty(facs_kinds)) {
- avail_conditions = _.keys(parsed.assignment.template.facs_kinds[slide_type].conditions);
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var slide_type = $(element).attr('value');
+ if (slide_type == '') {
+ return;
+ }
+ var avail_conditions = [];
+ var lane_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
+ /* cell_treatment_id identifies the sample (analysis, conditions are not involved) */
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ var lanes = _.filter(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
+ return lane.kind == slide_type && cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
+ });
+ var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
+ /* Want to find the number of conditions available for this cell_treatment */
+ var facs_kinds = _.filter(cell_treatment_list.list, function(lane) {
+ return lane.id == cell_treatment_id;
+ })[0].treatment_list.first.facs;
+ /* Find a list of available conditions for this slide type */
+ if (_.isEmpty(facs_kinds)) {
+ avail_conditions = _.keys(parsed.assignment.template.facs_kinds[slide_type].conditions);
+ } else {
+ avail_conditions = facs_kinds[slide_type];
+ }
+ /* Want to check if there are more (than already chosen) conditions available for this sample) */
+ if (lanes.length >= avail_conditions.length) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("You've already selected this option.", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ return;
+ }
+ if (lane_id == '') { /*This means that the Lane does not 'exist' yet*/
+ var line;
+ if (_.size(avail_conditions) == 1) {
+ var slide_conditions_val = avail_conditions[0];
+ line = parsed.facs.lanes_list.start({
+ kind: slide_type,
+ conditions: slide_conditions_val,
+ cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
+ experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id,
+ live: parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_live[cell_treatment_id + '_']
+ });
} else {
- avail_conditions = facs_kinds[slide_type];
- }
- /* Want to check if there are more (than already chosen) conditions available for this sample) */
- if (lanes.length >= avail_conditions.length) {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("You've already selected this option.",
- function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
- });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- return;
+ line = parsed.facs.lanes_list.start({
+ kind: slide_type,
+ cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
+ experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id,
+ live: parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_live[cell_treatment_id + '_']
+ });
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ var map_key = cell_treatment_id + '_' + line.id;
+ parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_live[map_key] = parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_live[cell_treatment_id + '_'];
- if (lane_id == '') {/*This means that the Lane does not 'exist' yet*/
- var line;
- if (_.size(avail_conditions) == 1) {
- var slide_conditions_val = avail_conditions[0];
- line = parsed.facs.lanes_list.start({
- kind: slide_type,
- conditions: slide_conditions_val,
- cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
- experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id,
- live: parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_live[cell_treatment_id+'_']
- });
- }
- else {
- line = parsed.facs.lanes_list.start({
- kind: slide_type,
- cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
- experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id,
- live: parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_live[cell_treatment_id + '_']
- });
- }
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
- var map_key = cell_treatment_id + '_' + line.id;
- parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_live[map_key] = parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_live[cell_treatment_id + '_'];
- }
- else {
- parsed.facs.lanes_list.get(lane_id).kind = slide_type;
- }
- if (event) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+ } else {
+ parsed.facs.lanes_list.get(lane_id).kind = slide_type;
+ }
+ if (event) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_add_all_conditions = function (element, event) {
- /* Select all conditions for all types/kinds */
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
- var lanes = _.filter(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
- return cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
- });
- var facs_kinds = parsed.assignment.template.facs_kinds;
- _.each(_.keys(facs_kinds), function(kind){
- var conditions = _.keys(facs_kinds[kind].conditions);
- _.each(conditions, function(condition){
- /* find if a lane exists with this condition */
- var lane = _.find(lanes, function(lane){
- return lane.conditions === condition
- });
- if (typeof lane === 'undefined'){
- parsed.facs.lanes_list.start({
- kind: kind,
- conditions: condition,
- cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
- experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id
- });
- }
- });
- /* want to remove any lanes that did not have condition selected */
- var lanes_no_cond = _.filter(lanes, function(lane){
- return lane.conditions == null
- });
- _.each(lanes_no_cond, function(lane){
- parsed.facs.lanes_list.remove(lane.id);
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_add_all_conditions = function(element, event) {
+ /* Select all conditions for all types/kinds */
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ var lanes = _.filter(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
+ return cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
+ });
+ var facs_kinds = parsed.assignment.template.facs_kinds;
+ _.each(_.keys(facs_kinds), function(kind) {
+ var conditions = _.keys(facs_kinds[kind].conditions);
+ _.each(conditions, function(condition) {
+ /* find if a lane exists with this condition */
+ var lane = _.find(lanes, function(lane) {
+ return lane.conditions === condition
+ });
+ if (typeof lane === 'undefined') {
+ parsed.facs.lanes_list.start({
+ kind: kind,
+ conditions: condition,
+ cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
+ experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id
+ }
- if (event) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+ /* want to remove any lanes that did not have condition selected */
+ var lanes_no_cond = _.filter(lanes, function(lane) {
+ return lane.conditions == null
+ });
+ _.each(lanes_no_cond, function(lane) {
+ parsed.facs.lanes_list.remove(lane.id);
+ });
+ });
+ if (event) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_conditions = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop();
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_conditions = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop();
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var lane_conditions = $(element).attr('value');
+ if (lane_conditions == '') {
+ return;
+ }
+ var lane_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
+ var current_lane = parsed.facs.lanes_list.get(lane_id);
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ var lanes_list = _.filter(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
+ return lane.kind == current_lane.kind && cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id;
+ });
+ for (var index = 0; index < lanes_list.length; index++) {
+ if (lanes_list[index].conditions == lane_conditions) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("You've already selected this condition option.", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ return;
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- var lane_conditions = $(element).attr('value');
- if (lane_conditions == '') {
- return;
- }
- var lane_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
- var current_lane = parsed.facs.lanes_list.get(lane_id);
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ }
+ current_lane.conditions = lane_conditions;
- var lanes_list= _.filter(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function(lane){
- return lane.kind == current_lane.kind && cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id;
- });
- for (var index = 0; index < lanes_list.length; index++) {
- if (lanes_list[index].conditions == lane_conditions) {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("You've already selected this condition option.",
- function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- return;
- }
+ /* When condition selected for this Lane, want to enable conditions for the placeholder below*/
+ var placeholder = $('span.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type[cell_treatment_id="' + cell_treatment_id + '"][lane_kind="placeholder"]');
+ /* Want to check if there is a placeholder*/
+ if (placeholder.length > 0) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type(placeholder);
+ }
- }
- current_lane.conditions = lane_conditions;
- /* When condition selected for this Lane, want to enable conditions for the placeholder below*/
- var placeholder=$('span.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type[cell_treatment_id="' + cell_treatment_id + '"][lane_kind="placeholder"]');
- /* Want to check if there is a placeholder*/
- if(placeholder.length>0) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type(placeholder);
- }
- if (event) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+ if (event) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_prepare_lysates = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var rows_state = parsed.facs.rows_state();
- if (rows_state && rows_state.valid < 1) {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_prepare_lysates = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var rows_state = parsed.facs.rows_state();
+ if (rows_state && rows_state.valid < 1) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("Please select at least 1 sample to prepare.", function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
- });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- }
- else {
- /* want to find the first lane in the list that is valid
- and select it */
- var valid_lane = _.find(rows_state.rows, function(r){
- return r.is_valid ;
- });
- parsed.facs.lane_selected = valid_lane.lane.id;
- parsed.facs.sample_prepared = true;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+ $.jqDialog.alert("Please select at least 1 sample to prepare.", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ } else {
+ /* want to find the first lane in the list that is valid
+ and select it */
+ var valid_lane = _.find(rows_state.rows, function(r) {
+ return r.is_valid;
+ });
+ parsed.facs.lane_selected = valid_lane.lane.id;
+ parsed.facs.sample_prepared = true;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_active_all = function (element, event) {
- $('.scb_f_facs_sample_active').each(function (e) {
- var element = this;
- $(element).attr('checked', 'checked');
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_active(element);
- });
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_active_all = function(element, event) {
+ $('.scb_f_facs_sample_active').each(function(e) {
+ var element = this;
+ $(element).attr('checked', 'checked');
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_active(element);
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_inactive_all = function (element) {
- $('.scb_f_facs_sample_active').each(function (e) {
- var element = this;
- $(element).attr('checked', false);
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_active(element);
- });
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_inactive_all = function(element) {
+ $('.scb_f_facs_sample_active').each(function(e) {
+ var element = this;
+ $(element).attr('checked', false);
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_active(element);
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_run_samples = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_run_samples = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- parsed.facs.samples_finished = true;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.facs.samples_finished = true;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list_select = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if (parsed.facs.samples_finished) {
- parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
- $('li', $(element).parent()).removeClass('scb_s_facs_sample_selected');
- $(element).addClass('scb_s_facs_sample_selected');
- parsed.facs.lane_selected = parsed.facs_lane.id;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list_select = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.facs.samples_finished) {
+ parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
+ $('li', $(element).parent()).removeClass('scb_s_facs_sample_selected');
+ $(element).addClass('scb_s_facs_sample_selected');
+ parsed.facs.lane_selected = parsed.facs_lane.id;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_selected = function (element) {
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_selected = function(element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if ($(element).text().length <= 1) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
- else {
- parsed.facs.name = $(element).val();
- }
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if ($(element).text().length <= 1) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ } else {
+ parsed.facs.name = $(element).val();
+ }
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_tab = function (element) {
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_tab = function(element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
- parsed.facs.lane_selected = parsed.facs_lane.id;
- parsed.facs.is_tab_selected[parsed.facs.selected_lane.cell_treatment_id] = parsed.facs.lane_selected;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ parsed.facs.lane_selected = parsed.facs_lane.id;
+ parsed.facs.is_tab_selected[parsed.facs.selected_lane.cell_treatment_id] = parsed.facs.lane_selected;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_tools_start_analysis = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_tools_start_analysis = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
- parsed.facs.show_analysis = true;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ parsed.facs.show_analysis = true;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_single_range_button = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
- parsed.facs.sample_analysis = !parsed.facs.sample_analysis;
- parsed.facs.double_analysis = false;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_single_range_button = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
+ parsed.facs.sample_analysis = !parsed.facs.sample_analysis;
+ parsed.facs.double_analysis = false;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_double_range_button = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
- parsed.facs.double_analysis = !parsed.facs.double_analysis;
- parsed.facs.sample_analysis = false;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_double_range_button = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
+ parsed.facs.double_analysis = !parsed.facs.double_analysis;
+ parsed.facs.sample_analysis = false;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_note_close_button= function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
- var note = $(element).attr('note');
- note = '.' + note;
- $(note).slideUp('400', function () {
- parsed.facs.instructions_show_state = $('.scb_s_facs_tools_instructions_followup').is(":visible");
- parsed.facs.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_facs_tools_samples_followup').is(":visible");
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_note_close_button = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
+ var note = $(element).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ $(note).slideUp('400', function() {
+ parsed.facs.instructions_show_state = $('.scb_s_facs_tools_instructions_followup').is(":visible");
+ parsed.facs.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_facs_tools_samples_followup').is(":visible");
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_remove = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_remove = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.facs.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var cell_treatment_id = '';
- var lysate_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var cell_treatment_id = '';
+ var lysate_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
- /* Find cell_treatment_id for this sample*/
- _.each(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function (lane) {
- if (lysate_id == lane.id) {
- cell_treatment_id = lane.cell_treatment_id;
- }
- });
- /* Delete this Lane from the lanes_list*/
- parsed.facs.lanes_list.remove(lysate_id);
- /*
- * If this is the only Lane for this CellTreatment,
- * then remove it from the list of enabled samples
- */
- var lanes = _.filter(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function (lane) {
- return cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
- });
- if (lanes.length < 1) {
- parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_enabled[cell_treatment_id] = false;
+ /* Find cell_treatment_id for this sample*/
+ _.each(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
+ if (lysate_id == lane.id) {
+ cell_treatment_id = lane.cell_treatment_id;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
+ /* Delete this Lane from the lanes_list*/
+ parsed.facs.lanes_list.remove(lysate_id);
+ /*
+ * If this is the only Lane for this CellTreatment,
+ * then remove it from the list of enabled samples
+ */
+ var lanes = _.filter(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
+ return cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
+ });
+ if (lanes.length < 1) {
+ parsed.facs.is_cell_treatment_enabled[cell_treatment_id] = false;
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_tools_toggle = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- var note = $(element).attr('note');
- note = '.' + note;
- parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_tools_toggle = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ var note = $(element).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
- $(note).slideDown('400', function () {
- parsed.facs.instructions_show_state = $('.scb_s_facs_tools_instructions_followup').is(":visible");
- parsed.facs.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_facs_tools_samples_followup').is(":visible");
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
+ $(note).slideDown('400', function() {
+ parsed.facs.instructions_show_state = $('.scb_s_facs_tools_instructions_followup').is(":visible");
+ parsed.facs.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_facs_tools_samples_followup').is(":visible");
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_analyze_remove_point = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_analyze_remove_point = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.facs.samples_scroll = $(".scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list").scrollTop();
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var from = parseFloat($(element).attr('from'));
+ var to = parseFloat($(element).attr('to'));
+ parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points = parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points ? parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points : [];
+ var element = _.find(parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(e) {
+ return e.from == from && e.to == to;
+ });
+ var elements = _.filter(parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(e) {
+ return e.display_id == element.display_id;
+ })
+ if (elements.length > 1) {
+ parsed.facs_lane.bisector_gate_created = false;
+ parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points = _.without(
+ parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, elements[0]
+ );
+ parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points = _.without(
+ parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, elements[1]
+ );
+ }
+ //delete two gates for bisector
+ else {
+ parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points = _.without(parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, element);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata(parsed);
+ parsed.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all = false;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var from = parseFloat($(element).attr('from'));
- var to = parseFloat($(element).attr('to'));
- parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points = parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points ? parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points : [];
- var element = _.find(parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function (e) {
- return e.from == from && e.to == to;
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_apply_to_all = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all = $(element).attr('checked') == 'checked';
+ if (parsed.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all) {
+ _.each(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function(facs_lane) {
+ facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points));
+ facs_lane.exp_id = parsed.facs_lane.exp_id;
+ facs_lane.bisector_gate_created = parsed.facs_lane.bisector_gate_created;
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.evaluate_chart({
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ facs: parsed.facs,
+ facs_lane: facs_lane,
+ context: parsed.context
+ });
- var elements = _.filter(parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function (e) {
- return e.display_id == element.display_id;
- })
- if (elements.length > 1) {
- parsed.facs_lane.bisector_gate_created = false;
- parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points = _.without(
- parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, elements[0]
- );
- parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points = _.without(
- parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, elements[1]
- );
- }
- //delete two gates for bisector
- else
- parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points = _.without(parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, element);
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata(parsed);
- parsed.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all = false;
+ }
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_apply_to_all = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- parsed.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all = $(element).attr('checked') == 'checked';
- if (parsed.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all) {
- _.each(parsed.facs.lanes_list.list, function (facs_lane) {
- facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(parsed.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points));
- facs_lane.exp_id = parsed.facs_lane.exp_id;
- facs_lane.bisector_gate_created = parsed.facs_lane.bisector_gate_created;
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.evaluate_chart({
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- facs: parsed.facs,
- facs_lane: facs_lane,
- context: parsed.context
- });
- });
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_left_facs = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.facs.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.facs.parent.start_tabs_index - 1;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_left_facs = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.facs.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.facs.parent.start_tabs_index - 1;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_right_facs = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.facs.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.facs.parent.start_tabs_index + 1;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_right_facs = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.facs.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.facs.parent.start_tabs_index + 1;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_add_facs = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.facs.parent.list.length == scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS) {
+ parsed.facs.parent.start_tabs_index = 1;
+ } else if (parsed.facs.parent.list.length > scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS) {
+ parsed.facs.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.facs.parent.length - (scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS - 1);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_add_facs = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.facs.parent.list.length == scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS) {
- parsed.facs.parent.start_tabs_index = 1;
- }
- else if (parsed.facs.parent.list.length > scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS)
- parsed.facs.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.facs.parent.length - (scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS - 1);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_remove = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_remove = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(element);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
+ var id_list = [];
+ for (var x = 0; x < parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length; x++) {
+ id_list.push(parsed.experiment.facs_list.list[x].id);
+ }
+ parsed.state.index = id_list.indexOf(parsed.facs.id);
- var id_list = [];
- for (var x = 0; x < parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length; x++) {
- id_list.push(parsed.experiment.facs_list.list[x].id);
- }
- parsed.state.index = id_list.indexOf(parsed.facs.id);
+ parsed.experiment.facs_list.remove(parsed.facs.id);
- parsed.experiment.facs_list.remove(parsed.facs.id);
+ if (parsed.state.index == parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length) {
+ parsed.state.index = parsed.state.index - 1;
+ }
+ //fix tab indexing for display
+ if (parsed.state.index > parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length - scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS) {
- if (parsed.state.index == parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length) {
- parsed.state.index = parsed.state.index - 1;
- }
- //fix tab indexing for display
- if (parsed.state.index > parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length - scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS) {
- if (
- (
- parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length == scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS + 1 ||
- parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length == scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS + 2
- ) &&
- parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index <= 1
- )
- parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index + 1;
- else parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index - 1;
+ if (
+ (
+ parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length == scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS + 1 ||
+ parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length == scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS + 2
+ ) &&
+ parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index <= 1
+ ) {
+ parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index + 1;
+ } else {
+ parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index - 1;
- delete parsed.state.skip_hash_update;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+ }
+ delete parsed.state.skip_hash_update;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.register = function (workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_facs_sample_active', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_active(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_sample_active_all', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_active_all(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_sample_inactive_all', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_inactive_all(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_prepare_lysates', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_prepare_lysates(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_facs_single_range_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_single_range_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_facs_double_range_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_double_range_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_facs_select_conditions', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_conditions(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_add_all_conditions', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_add_all_conditions(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_run_samples', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_run_samples(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_gel_tab', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_tab(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_sample_remove', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_remove(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_run_samples_short', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_run_samples(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_remove', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_remove(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list>li', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list_select(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'blur', '.scb_s_facs_selected', function (e) {
- $('.scb_s_facs_selected').text($('.scb_s_facs_selected').attr('value'));
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_selected(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'keydown', '.scb_s_facs_selected', function (e) {
- if ($('.scb_s_facs_selected').text().length <= 10) {
- }
- else {
- $('.scb_s_facs_selected').text();
- e.preventDefault();
- this.textContent = this.textContent.substring(0, this.textContent.length - 1)
- return false;
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_facs_left_facs', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_left_facs(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_facs_right_facs', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_right_facs(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_facs_add_facs', function (e, ui) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_add_facs(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_tools_start_analysis', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_tools_start_analysis(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_tools_toggle', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_tools_toggle(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_note_close_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_note_close_button(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_analyze_remove_point', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_analyze_remove_point(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_apply_to_all', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_apply_to_all(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'mouseup', document, function (e, ui) {
- var container = $(".scb_f_controls_note");
- container.slideUp(); // hide
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_controls_note', function (e, ui) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_info_icon', function (e, ui) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- var note = $(this).attr('note');
- note = '.' + note;
- if ($(note).is(":visible"))
- $(note).slideUp();
- else $(note).slideDown();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_cell_treatment_radio', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_cell_treatment_radio(this);
- });
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.register = function(workarea) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_facs_sample_active', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_active(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_sample_active_all', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_active_all(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_sample_inactive_all', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_inactive_all(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_prepare_lysates', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_prepare_lysates(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_facs_single_range_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_single_range_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_facs_double_range_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_double_range_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_lysate_type(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_facs_select_conditions', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_select_conditions(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_add_all_conditions', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_add_all_conditions(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_run_samples', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_run_samples(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_gel_tab', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_tab(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_sample_remove', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_sample_remove(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_run_samples_short', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_run_samples(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_remove', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_remove(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list>li', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list_select(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'blur', '.scb_s_facs_selected', function(e) {
+ $('.scb_s_facs_selected').text($('.scb_s_facs_selected').attr('value'));
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_selected(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'keydown', '.scb_s_facs_selected', function(e) {
+ if ($('.scb_s_facs_selected').text().length <= 10) {
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_facs_selected').text();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.textContent = this.textContent.substring(0, this.textContent.length - 1)
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_facs_left_facs', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_left_facs(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_facs_right_facs', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_right_facs(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_facs_add_facs', function(e, ui) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_s_facs_add_facs(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_tools_start_analysis', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_tools_start_analysis(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_tools_toggle', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_tools_toggle(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_note_close_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_note_close_button(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_analyze_remove_point', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_analyze_remove_point(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_apply_to_all', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_apply_to_all(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'mouseup', document, function(e, ui) {
+ var container = $(".scb_f_controls_note");
+ container.slideUp(); // hide
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_controls_note', function(e, ui) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_info_icon', function(e, ui) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var note = $(this).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ if ($(note).is(":visible")) {
+ $(note).slideUp();
+ } else {
+ $(note).slideDown();
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_facs_cell_treatment_radio', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.scb_f_facs_cell_treatment_radio(this);
+ });
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata = function (state) {
- var facs_lane = state.facs_lane;
- facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points = facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points ? facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points : [];
- facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.ranges = [];
- var ranges = facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.ranges;
- var points = facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points;
- var raw_data = scb.utils.get(facs_lane, ['canvas_metadata_analysis', 'raw_data', 0], []);
- var data = [];
- var template=state.assignment.template;
- points = points.sort(function (a, b) {
- return a.from > b.from;
- });
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata = function(state) {
+ var facs_lane = state.facs_lane;
+ facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points = facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points ? facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points : [];
+ facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.ranges = [];
+ var ranges = facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.ranges;
+ var points = facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points;
+ var raw_data = scb.utils.get(facs_lane, ['canvas_metadata_analysis', 'raw_data', 0], []);
+ var data = [];
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ points = points.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return a.from > b.from;
+ });
+ colors = ['#000000']
+ var total = 0;
+ _.each(raw_data.data, function(e) {
+ total += e[1];
+ });
+ function range(pts) {
+ var carray = _.difference(colors, _.pluck(points, 'c'));
+ var c = carray.length > 0 ? carray[0] : colors[0];
+ // if(_.size(state.facs.midpoint) != 0){
+ // c = state.facs.midpoint.color;
+ // }
+ var from = pts.from;
+ var to = pts.to;
+ var horizontal = pts.y;
+ var new_id = 0;
+ var bisector_id = '';
+ if (_.size(state.facs.midpoint) != 0) {
+ new_id = state.facs.midpoint.display_id;
+ bisector_id = 'b';
+ } else {
+ if (!pts.display_id) {
+ //new_id = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000000000).toString(27);
+ state.facs_lane.exp_id = state.facs_lane.exp_id + 1;
+ new_id = state.facs_lane.exp_id;
+ state.facs_lane.gates_id = new_id;
+ bisector_id = 'a';
+ }
+ }
+ pts.c = pts.c || c;
+ pts.display_id = pts.display_id || new_id;
+ pts.bisector_id = pts.bisector_id || bisector_id;
+ pts.unique_id = pts.unique_id || Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000).toString(27);
+ var scaled_from = pts.from;
+ var scaled_to = pts.to;
+ if (template.model.facs.scale && (template.model.facs.scale.indexOf("pseudo") > -1)) {
+ scaled_from = Math.round(Math.pow(10, pts.from / 50.0)); //50 is a step size
+ scaled_to = Math.round(Math.pow(10, pts.to / 50.0));
+ }
- colors = ['#000000']
+ /*display_from and display_to represent the value of the gate that will be displayed in the template.
+ * For pseudo-logarithmic scale their values are modified to replicate logarithmic scale values */
+ var range = {
+ from: pts.from,
+ to: pts.to,
+ display_from: scaled_from,
+ display_to: scaled_to,
+ color: pts.c,
+ display_id: pts.display_id,
+ bisector_id: pts.bisector_id,
+ percentage: 0
+ };
+ var series = [];
+ var percentage = 0;
+ _.each(raw_data.data, function(element) {
+ var x = element[0];
+ if (x >= from && x <= to) {
+ series.push(element);
+ percentage += element[1];
+ }
+ });
- var total = 0;
- _.each(raw_data.data, function (e) {
- total += e[1];
+ var bisector_points = _.filter(points, function(x) {
+ return x.display_id == pts.display_id && state.facs_lane.bisector_gate_created;
- function range(pts) {
- var carray = _.difference(colors, _.pluck(points, 'c'));
- var c = carray.length > 0 ? carray[0] : colors[0];
-// if(_.size(state.facs.midpoint) != 0){
-// c = state.facs.midpoint.color;
-// }
- var from = pts.from;
- var to = pts.to;
- var horizontal = pts.y;
- var new_id = 0;
- var bisector_id = '';
- if (_.size(state.facs.midpoint) != 0) {
- new_id = state.facs.midpoint.display_id;
- bisector_id = 'b';
- }
- else {
- if (!pts.display_id) {
- //new_id = Math.floor(Math.random()*1000000000).toString(27);
- state.facs_lane.exp_id = state.facs_lane.exp_id + 1;
- new_id = state.facs_lane.exp_id;
- state.facs_lane.gates_id = new_id;
- bisector_id = 'a';
- }
- }
- pts.c = pts.c || c;
- pts.display_id = pts.display_id || new_id;
- pts.bisector_id = pts.bisector_id || bisector_id;
- pts.unique_id = pts.unique_id || Math.floor(Math.random()*1000000000).toString(27);
- var scaled_from=pts.from;
- var scaled_to=pts.to;
- if(template.model.facs.scale && (template.model.facs.scale.indexOf("pseudo") > -1)){
- scaled_from = Math.round(Math.pow(10, pts.from/50.0));//50 is a step size
- scaled_to = Math.round(Math.pow(10, pts.to/50.0));
+ _.each(points, function(p) {
+ if (bisector_points.length == 2) {
+ if (p != bisector_points[0] && p != bisector_points[1]) {
+ p.bisector_id = '';
- /*display_from and display_to represent the value of the gate that will be displayed in the template.
- * For pseudo-logarithmic scale their values are modified to replicate logarithmic scale values */
- var range = {
- from: pts.from,
- to: pts.to,
- display_from: scaled_from,
- display_to: scaled_to,
- color: pts.c,
- display_id: pts.display_id,
- bisector_id: pts.bisector_id,
- percentage: 0
- };
- var series = [];
- var percentage = 0;
- _.each(raw_data.data, function (element) {
- var x = element[0];
- if (x >= from && x <= to) {
- series.push(element);
- percentage += element[1];
- }
- });
- var bisector_points = _.filter(points, function (x) {
- return x.display_id == pts.display_id && state.facs_lane.bisector_gate_created;
- });
- _.each(points, function (p) {
- if (bisector_points.length == 2) {
- if (p != bisector_points[0] && p != bisector_points[1])
- p.bisector_id = '';
- }
- else if (!state.facs_lane.bisector_gate_created) {
- p.bisector_id = '';
- }
- });
+ } else if (!state.facs_lane.bisector_gate_created) {
+ p.bisector_id = '';
+ }
+ });
- if (range.bisector_id == 'b') {
- range.percentage = 100 - _.find(ranges, function (x) {
- return x.bisector_id == 'a'
- }).percentage;
- }
- else
- range.percentage = Math.round(percentage / total * 100);
- //data.push({data: series, color: pts.c });
- data.push({
- label: pts.display_id + ' ' + pts.bisector_id,
- data: [
- [from, horizontal],
- [from, horizontal + 5],
- [from, horizontal + 2.5],
- [to, horizontal + 2.5],
- [to, horizontal + 5],
- [to, horizontal]
- ], grid: {show: false},
- xaxis: {tickSize: 5},
- color: pts.c,
- lines: {show: true, fill: false, steps: true, lineWidth: 1}
- });
- ranges.push(range);
- }
- for (var i in points) {
- var pts = points[i];
- if (pts.from > pts.to) {
- var tmp = pts.from;
- pts.from = pts.to;
- pts.to = tmp;
- }
- range(pts);
+ if (range.bisector_id == 'b') {
+ range.percentage = 100 - _.find(ranges, function(x) {
+ return x.bisector_id == 'a'
+ }).percentage;
+ } else {
+ range.percentage = Math.round(percentage / total * 100);
- ranges = _.sortBy(ranges, function (obj) {
- return obj.display_id;
- });
- state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.ranges = _.sortBy(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.ranges, function (obj) {
- return obj.display_id;
+ //data.push({data: series, color: pts.c });
+ data.push({
+ label: pts.display_id + ' ' + pts.bisector_id,
+ data: [
+ [from, horizontal],
+ [from, horizontal + 5],
+ [from, horizontal + 2.5],
+ [to, horizontal + 2.5],
+ [to, horizontal + 5],
+ [to, horizontal]
+ ],
+ grid: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ xaxis: {
+ tickSize: 5
+ },
+ color: pts.c,
+ lines: {
+ show: true,
+ fill: false,
+ steps: true,
+ lineWidth: 1
+ }
- var count_of_gates_per_id = _.countBy(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.ranges, function (obj) {
- return obj.display_id;
- });
- data.push({data: raw_data.data, grid: {show: false}, xaxis: {tickSize: 5}, lines: {show: true, fill: false}});
- if (facs_lane.canvas_metadata) {
- facs_lane.canvas_metadata.data = data;
+ ranges.push(range);
+ }
+ for (var i in points) {
+ var pts = points[i];
+ if (pts.from > pts.to) {
+ var tmp = pts.from;
+ pts.from = pts.to;
+ pts.to = tmp;
+ }
+ range(pts);
+ }
+ ranges = _.sortBy(ranges, function(obj) {
+ return obj.display_id;
+ });
+ state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.ranges = _.sortBy(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.ranges, function(obj) {
+ return obj.display_id;
+ });
+ var count_of_gates_per_id = _.countBy(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.ranges, function(obj) {
+ return obj.display_id;
+ });
+ data.push({
+ data: raw_data.data,
+ grid: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ xaxis: {
+ tickSize: 5
+ },
+ lines: {
+ show: true,
+ fill: false
+ });
+ if (facs_lane.canvas_metadata) {
+ facs_lane.canvas_metadata.data = data;
+ }
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.evaluate_chart = function (state) {
- if (!state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata) {
- var canvas_metadata = {
- data: [
- { label: "Foo", data: [
- [10, Math.random() * 1],
- [17, Math.random() * -14],
- [30, Math.random() * 5]
- ] },
- { label: "Bar", data: [
- [11, Math.random() * 13],
- [19, Math.random() * 11],
- [30, Math.random() * -7]
- ] }
- ],
- grid: {show: false},
- xaxis: {tickSize: 5},
- options: {
- series: {
- lines: { show: true },
- points: { show: true }
- }
- }
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.evaluate_chart = function(state) {
+ if (!state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata) {
+ var canvas_metadata = {
+ data: [
+ {
+ label: "Foo",
+ data: [
+ [10, Math.random() * 1],
+ [17, Math.random() * -14],
+ [30, Math.random() * 5]
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ label: "Bar",
+ data: [
+ [11, Math.random() * 13],
+ [19, Math.random() * 11],
+ [30, Math.random() * -7]
+ ]
- var model = new scb.components.ModelFactory(state.context.template);
- model.facs.compute(state);
- state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata = state.data ? state.data : canvas_metadata;
- state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.raw_data = state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata.data;
+ ],
+ grid: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ xaxis: {
+ tickSize: 5
+ },
+ options: {
+ series: {
+ lines: {
+ show: true
+ },
+ points: {
+ show: true
+ }
+ }
+ }
- state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata.options.hooks = { bindEvents: [ function (plot, eventHolder) {
- var xaxes = plot.getXAxes()[0];
- var yaxes = plot.getYAxes()[0];
- var sensitivity = 4;
- /* Old assignments do not have max value given, they were using the value of a constant MAX_VALUE=150*/
- var max_x = state.assignment.template.model.facs.max;
- max_x = max_x ? max_x : 150;
- if (state.facs.samples_finished && state.facs_lane.selected_gate) {
- var selected_gate = state.facs.selected_lane.selected_gate;
- var number_of_gates = _.filter(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function (e) {
- return e.display_id == selected_gate.display_id
- });
+ var model = new scb.components.ModelFactory(state.context.template);
+ model.facs.compute(state);
+ state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata = state.data ? state.data : canvas_metadata;
+ state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.raw_data = state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata.data;
+ }
+ state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata.options.hooks = {
+ bindEvents: [function(plot, eventHolder) {
+ var xaxes = plot.getXAxes()[0];
+ var yaxes = plot.getYAxes()[0];
+ var sensitivity = 4;
+ /* Old assignments do not have max value given, they were using the value of a constant MAX_VALUE=150*/
+ var max_x = state.assignment.template.model.facs.max;
+ max_x = max_x ? max_x : 150;
+ if (state.facs.samples_finished && state.facs_lane.selected_gate) {
+ var selected_gate = state.facs.selected_lane.selected_gate;
+ var number_of_gates = _.filter(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(e) {
+ return e.display_id == selected_gate.display_id
+ });
- var isdoublegate = number_of_gates.length == 2;
+ var isdoublegate = number_of_gates.length == 2;
- if (isdoublegate) {
+ if (isdoublegate) {
+ var selected_gate = null;
+ if (number_of_gates[0].from < number_of_gates[1].from) {
+ selected_gate = number_of_gates[0];
+ } else {
+ selected_gate = number_of_gates[1];
+ }
+ var from_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.from));
+ var to_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.to));
+ var height_val = Math.round(yaxes.p2c(selected_gate.y));
+ var styles_guider = {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: height_val + 24 + 'px',
+ left: to_val + 53 + "px",
+ height: '6px', //'5px',
+ color: 'black',
+ background: 'black',
+ width: "5px",
+ 'border-left': 'none',
+ 'border-right': 'none',
+ 'vertical-align': 'center'
+ }
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
+ } else {
+ if (selected_gate.from) {
+ var from_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.from));
+ var to_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.to));
+ var height_val = Math.round(yaxes.p2c(selected_gate.y));
+ var styles_guider = {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: height_val + 16 + 'px',
+ left: from_val + 53 + "px",
+ height: '6px', //'5px',
+ color: 'black',
+ background: 'transparent',
+ width: Math.abs(to_val - from_val) - 6 + "px",
+ 'border-left': '5px solid ' + 'black',
+ 'border-right': '5px solid ' + 'black',
+ 'vertical-align': 'center',
+ }
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var click = function(e) {
+ var srcElement = e.srcElement || e.target;
+ var px = xaxes.c2p(e.clientX - srcElement.getBoundingClientRect().left - plot.pointOffset({
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
+ }).left);
+ var py = yaxes.c2p(e.offsetY);
+ var fromy = py > 16 ? py : 16;
+ fromy = fromy > 90 ? 90 : fromy;
+ px = Math.round(px);
+ if (!state.facs.double_analysis) {
+ console.info("Click on: " + px + " " + py);
+ if (!isNaN(from)) {
+ var to = px;
+ if (to < 0) {
+ to = 0;
+ } else if (to > max_x) {
+ to = max_x;
+ }
+ /* point to edit is defined only an existing gate bound is dragged */
+ /* Last point to hover over */
+ if (point_to_edit) {
+ _.each(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(x) {
+ if (
+ point_to_edit.from == x.to &&
+ Math.abs(point_to_edit.y - x.y) == 5 &&
+ Math.abs(from - x.to) < sensitivity
+ ) {
+ x.to = to;
+ } else if (
+ point_to_edit.to == x.from &&
+ Math.abs(point_to_edit.y - x.y) < 16 &&
+ Math.abs(from - x.from) < sensitivity
+ ) {
+ x.from = to;
+ }
+ });
+ if (Math.abs(point_to_edit.from - from) < sensitivity) {
+ point_to_edit.from = to;
+ } else {
+ point_to_edit.to = to;
+ }
+ /* number of gates for this gate_id, can be 1 or 2 */
+ var number_of_gates = _.filter(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(e) {
+ return e.display_id == point_to_edit.display_id
+ });
+ if (number_of_gates.length == 2) { /* this gate is a double gate */
var selected_gate = null;
if (number_of_gates[0].from < number_of_gates[1].from) {
- selected_gate = number_of_gates[0];
- }
- else {
- selected_gate = number_of_gates[1];
+ selected_gate = number_of_gates[0];
+ } else {
+ selected_gate = number_of_gates[1];
var from_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.from));
var to_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.to));
var height_val = Math.round(yaxes.p2c(selected_gate.y));
var styles_guider = {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: height_val + 24 + 'px',
+ left: to_val + 53 + "px",
+ height: '6px', //'5px',
+ color: 'black',
+ background: 'black',
+ width: "5px",
+ 'border-left': 'none',
+ 'border-right': 'none',
+ 'vertical-align': 'center'
+ }
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
+ } else {
+ if (point_to_edit.from) {
+ var from_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(point_to_edit.from));
+ var to_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(point_to_edit.to));
+ var height_val = Math.round(yaxes.p2c(point_to_edit.y));
+ var styles_guider = {
position: 'absolute',
- top: height_val + 24 + 'px',
- left: to_val + 53 + "px",
+ top: height_val + 16 + 'px',
+ left: from_val + 53 + "px",
height: '6px', //'5px',
color: 'black',
- background: 'black',
- width: "5px",
- 'border-left': 'none',
- 'border-right': 'none',
+ background: 'transparent',
+ width: Math.abs(to_val - from_val) - 6 + "px",
+ 'border-left': '5px solid ' + 'black',
+ 'border-right': '5px solid ' + 'black',
'vertical-align': 'center'
+ }
+ state.facs_lane.gate_selected = point_to_edit.unique_id;
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* sample_analysis is set to true when (only) single gate is selected */
+ /* after the single gate was placed want to set sample_analysis back to false */
+ state.facs.sample_analysis = false;
+ /* need from and 'to' to go from left to right*/
+ if (from > to) {
+ var swap = to;
+ to = from;
+ from = swap;
+ }
+ state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points.push({
+ from: Math.round(from),
+ to: Math.round(to),
+ y: Math.round(fromy)
+ });
- else {
- if (selected_gate.from) {
- var from_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.from));
- var to_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.to));
- var height_val = Math.round(yaxes.p2c(selected_gate.y));
- var styles_guider = {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: height_val + 16 + 'px',
- left: from_val + 53 + "px",
- height: '6px', //'5px',
- color: 'black',
- background: 'transparent',
- width: Math.abs(to_val - from_val) - 6 + "px",
- 'border-left': '5px solid ' + 'black',
- 'border-right': '5px solid ' + 'black',
- 'vertical-align': 'center',
- }
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
- }
+ var unique_id = null;
+ if (point_to_edit) {
+ unique_id = point_to_edit.unique_id;
- }
+ point_to_edit = null;
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata(state);
+ var gate_selected = _.find(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(e) {
+ return (e.from == from && e.to == to) || (unique_id && unique_id == e.unique_id)
+ });
+ state.facs_lane.gate_selected = gate_selected.unique_id;
+ state.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all = false;
+ from = NaN;
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_helper').text('');
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ } else {
+ /* from was not set, user just clicked on the plot or clicked and dragged but gate
+ * button was not selected */
+ var selected_gate = _.filter(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(e) {
+ return px <= e.to && px >= e.from && Math.abs(e.y - py) <= sensitivity
+ });
+ if (selected_gate.length >= 1) {
+ selected_gate = selected_gate[0];
+ state.facs_lane.gate_selected = selected_gate.unique_id;
+ }
+ var number_of_gates = _.filter(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(e) {
+ return e.display_id == selected_gate.display_id
+ });
- var click = function (e) {
- var srcElement = e.srcElement || e.target;
- var px = xaxes.c2p(e.clientX - srcElement.getBoundingClientRect().left - plot.pointOffset({x: 0, y: 0}).left);
- var py = yaxes.c2p(e.offsetY);
- var fromy = py > 16 ? py : 16;
- fromy = fromy > 90 ? 90 : fromy;
- px = Math.round(px);
- if (!state.facs.double_analysis) {
- console.info("Click on: " + px + " " + py);
- if (!isNaN(from)) {
- var to = px;
- if(to < 0){
- to = 0;
- }else if(to > max_x){
- to = max_x;
- }
- /* point to edit is defined only an existing gate bound is dragged */
- /* Last point to hover over */
- if (point_to_edit) {
- _.each(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function (x) {
- if (
- point_to_edit.from == x.to &&
- Math.abs(point_to_edit.y - x.y) == 5 &&
- Math.abs(from - x.to) < sensitivity
- )
- {
- x.to = to;
- } else if (
- point_to_edit.to == x.from &&
- Math.abs(point_to_edit.y - x.y) < 16 &&
- Math.abs(from - x.from) < sensitivity
- )
- {
- x.from = to;
- }
- });
- if (Math.abs(point_to_edit.from - from) < sensitivity) {
- point_to_edit.from = to;
- } else {
- point_to_edit.to = to;
- }
- /* number of gates for this gate_id, can be 1 or 2 */
- var number_of_gates = _.filter(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function (e) {
- return e.display_id == point_to_edit.display_id
- });
- if (number_of_gates.length == 2) { /* this gate is a double gate */
- var selected_gate = null;
- if (number_of_gates[0].from < number_of_gates[1].from) {
- selected_gate = number_of_gates[0];
- }
- else {
- selected_gate = number_of_gates[1];
- }
- var from_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.from));
- var to_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.to));
- var height_val = Math.round(yaxes.p2c(selected_gate.y));
- var styles_guider = {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: height_val + 24 + 'px',
- left: to_val + 53 + "px",
- height: '6px', //'5px',
- color: 'black',
- background: 'black',
- width: "5px",
- 'border-left': 'none',
- 'border-right': 'none',
- 'vertical-align': 'center'
- }
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
- } else {
- if (point_to_edit.from) {
- var from_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(point_to_edit.from));
- var to_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(point_to_edit.to));
- var height_val = Math.round(yaxes.p2c(point_to_edit.y));
- var styles_guider = {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: height_val + 16 + 'px',
- left: from_val + 53 + "px",
- height: '6px', //'5px',
- color: 'black',
- background: 'transparent',
- width: Math.abs(to_val - from_val) - 6 + "px",
- 'border-left': '5px solid ' + 'black',
- 'border-right': '5px solid ' + 'black',
- 'vertical-align': 'center'
- }
- state.facs_lane.gate_selected = point_to_edit.unique_id;
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- /* sample_analysis is set to true when (only) single gate is selected */
- /* after the single gate was placed want to set sample_analysis back to false */
- state.facs.sample_analysis = false;
- /* need from and 'to' to go from left to right*/
- if (from > to){
- var swap = to;
- to = from;
- from = swap;
- }
- state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points.push({from: Math.round(from), to: Math.round(to), y: Math.round(fromy)});
- }
- var unique_id = null;
- if (point_to_edit) {
- unique_id = point_to_edit.unique_id;
- }
- point_to_edit = null;
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata(state);
- var gate_selected=_.find(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function (e) {
- return (e.from == from && e.to == to) || (unique_id && unique_id == e.unique_id)
- });
- state.facs_lane.gate_selected = gate_selected.unique_id;
- state.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all = false;
- from = NaN;
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_helper').text('');
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ if (number_of_gates.length == 2) { /* double gate */
+ if (number_of_gates[0].from < number_of_gates[1].from) {
+ selected_gate = number_of_gates[0];
+ } else {
+ selected_gate = number_of_gates[1];
+ }
+ var from_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.from));
+ var to_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.to));
+ var height_val = Math.round(yaxes.p2c(selected_gate.y));
+ var styles_guider = {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: height_val + 24 + 'px',
+ left: to_val + 53 + "px",
+ height: '6px', //'5px',
+ color: 'black',
+ background: 'black',
+ width: "5px",
+ 'border-left': 'none',
+ 'border-right': 'none',
+ 'vertical-align': 'center',
+ }
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
+ } else {
+ if (selected_gate.from) {
+ var from_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.from));
+ var to_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.to));
+ var height_val = Math.round(yaxes.p2c(selected_gate.y));
+ var styles_guider = {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: height_val + 16 + 'px',
+ left: from_val + 53 + "px",
+ height: '6px', //'5px',
+ color: 'black',
+ background: 'transparent',
+ width: Math.abs(to_val - from_val) - 6 + "px",
+ 'border-left': '5px solid ' + 'black',
+ 'border-right': '5px solid ' + 'black',
+ 'vertical-align': 'center',
- else {
- /* from was not set, user just clicked on the plot or clicked and dragged but gate
- * button was not selected */
- var selected_gate = _.filter(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function (e) {
- return px <= e.to && px >= e.from && Math.abs(e.y - py) <= sensitivity
- });
- if (selected_gate.length >= 1) {
- selected_gate = selected_gate[0];
- state.facs_lane.gate_selected = selected_gate.unique_id;
- }
- var number_of_gates = _.filter(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function (e) {
- return e.display_id == selected_gate.display_id
- });
- if (number_of_gates.length == 2) { /* double gate */
- if (number_of_gates[0].from < number_of_gates[1].from) {
- selected_gate = number_of_gates[0];
- }
- else {
- selected_gate = number_of_gates[1];
- }
- var from_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.from));
- var to_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.to));
- var height_val = Math.round(yaxes.p2c(selected_gate.y));
- var styles_guider = {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: height_val + 24 + 'px',
- left: to_val + 53 + "px",
- height: '6px', //'5px',
- color: 'black',
- background: 'black',
- width: "5px",
- 'border-left': 'none',
- 'border-right': 'none',
- 'vertical-align': 'center',
- }
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
- }
- else {
- if (selected_gate.from) {
- var from_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.from));
- var to_val = Math.round(xaxes.p2c(selected_gate.to));
- var height_val = Math.round(yaxes.p2c(selected_gate.y));
- var styles_guider = {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: height_val + 16 + 'px',
- left: from_val + 53 + "px",
- height: '6px', //'5px',
- color: 'black',
- background: 'transparent',
- width: Math.abs(to_val - from_val) - 6 + "px",
- 'border-left': '5px solid ' + 'black',
- 'border-right': '5px solid ' + 'black',
- 'vertical-align': 'center',
- }
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
- }
- }
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
+ }
- }
- if (state.facs.double_analysis) {
- console.log('click double analysis')
- if(state.facs.gate_count == 0){
- from = 0;
- fromy= py > 16 ? py: 16;
- fromy = fromy > 90 ? 90: fromy;
- from_point = {top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
- left: ($('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left) };
- var point = match(px, py);
- point_to_edit = point;
- if (!isNaN(from)) {
- var to = px;
- if(to < 0){
- to = 0;
- }else if(to > max_x){
- to = max_x;
- }
- if (point_to_edit) {
- if (Math.abs(point_to_edit.from - from) < sensitivity) {
- point_to_edit.from = to;
- } else {
- point_to_edit.to = to;
- }
- }else {
- state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points.push({from: Math.round(from), to: Math.round(to), y: Math.round(fromy)});
- }
- point_to_edit = null;
- state.facs_lane.bisector_gate_created = true;
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata(state);
- state.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all = false;
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_helper').text('');
- state.facs.midpoint.from = px;
- state.facs.midpoint.from = state.facs.midpoint.from > 0 ? state.facs.midpoint.from : 0;
- state.facs.midpoint.fromy= (py > 16 ? py: 16);
- state.facs.midpoint.fromy = (state.facs.midpoint.fromy > 90 ? 90: state.facs.midpoint.fromy) -5 ;
- state.facs.midpoint.from_point = {top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
- left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left) };
- state.facs.midpoint.display_id = state.facs_lane.gates_id;
- //second gate starts
- console.info("SET FROM " + px);
- from = px;
- if(from < 0){
- from = 0;
- }else if(from > max_x){
- from = max_x;
- }
- fromy= (py > 16 ? py: 16);
- fromy = (fromy > 90 ? 90: fromy)-5;
- from_point = {top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
- left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left) };
- var point = match(px, py-5);
- point_to_edit = point;
- var to = max_x ;
- if(to < 0){
- to = 0;
- }else if(to > max_x){
- to = max_x;
- }
- if (point_to_edit) {
- if (Math.abs(point_to_edit.from - from) < sensitivity) {
- point_to_edit.from = to;
- } else {
- point_to_edit.to = to;
- }
- }else {
- state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points.push({from: Math.round(from), to: Math.round(to), y: Math.round(fromy)});
- }
- var unique_id = null;
- if(point_to_edit){
- unique_id = point_to_edit.unique_id;
- }
- point_to_edit = null;
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata(state);
- state.facs_lane.gate_selected = _.find(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(e){ return (e.from == from && e.to == to) || (unique_id && unique_id == e.unique_id) }).unique_id;
- state.facs.gate_count=0;
- state.facs.midpoint = {};
- state.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all = false;
- from = NaN;
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_helper').text('');
- state.facs.double_analysis = false;
- $('.scb_s_facs_double_range_button').button('disable');
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
- }
- }
- };
- var match = function (px, py) {
- var point = _.find(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function (e) {
- var overlap = (Math.abs(px - e.from) < 4 || Math.abs(px - e.to) < sensitivity) && (Math.abs(py - e.y) < 3) && e == state.facs_lane.selected_gate;
- return overlap;
- });
- return point;
- }
- var from = NaN;
- var fromy = NaN;
- var from_point = null;
- var point_to_edit = null;
- var move = function (e) {
- var srcElement = e.srcElement || e.target;
- var px = xaxes.c2p(e.clientX - srcElement.getBoundingClientRect().left - plot.pointOffset({x: 0, y: 0}).left);
- var py = yaxes.c2p(e.offsetY);
- px = Math.round(px);
- var button = scb.utils.isDefined(e.buttons) ? e.buttons : e.which;
- console.info(px + " " + from + " " + point_to_edit + " cb=" + button + " b=" + e.button + " bs=" + e.buttons);
- if (!state.facs.double_analysis) {
- window._dump_event = e;
- var point = match(px, py);
- /* button is one if mouse is clicked and dragged */
- if (button == 1 && isNaN(from) && (state.facs.sample_analysis || point)) {
- console.info("SET FROM " + px);
- /* from is set here after mouse down */
- from = px;
- if(from < 0){
- from=0;
- }else if(from> max_x){
- from=max_x;
- }
- fromy = py > 16 ? py : 16;
- fromy = fromy > 90 ? 90 : fromy;
- from_point = {top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
- left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left) };
- point = match(px, py);
- point_to_edit = point;
- }
- /* Hovering over the canvas */
- if (button == 0 && isNaN(from)) {
- point = match(px, py);
- if (point) { /* hover over gate endpoint */
- $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'ew-resize');
- }
- else {
- $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'pointer');
- }
- }
- /* Changing width of already existing gate*/
- if (button == 1 && !isNaN(from)) {
- var to_point = {
- top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
- left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left)
- };
- var left = from_point.left > to_point.left;
- var styles = {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: from_point.top + 'px',
- left: Math.min(from_point.left, to_point.left) + "px",
- height: (310 - from_point.top) + 'px', //'5px',
- color: point_to_edit ? point_to_edit.c : 'black',
- background: (point_to_edit ? ( left ? 'white' : 'white' ) : 'transparent'),
- width: Math.abs(from_point.left - to_point.left) + "px",
- 'vertical-align': 'center',
- }
- var styles_guider = {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: '0px',
- left: Math.min(from_point.left, to_point.left) + "px",
- height: 310 + 'px', //'5px',
- color: point_to_edit ? point_to_edit.c : 'black',
- background: (point_to_edit ? ( left ? 'white' : 'white' ) : 'transparent'),
- width: Math.abs(from_point.left - to_point.left) + "px",
- 'border-left': (point_to_edit ? ( left ? '2px solid ' + 'black' : '1px solid black' ) : '2px dashed black'),
- 'border-right': (point_to_edit ? ( !left ? '2px solid ' + 'black' : '1px solid black' ) : '2px dashed black'),
- 'vertical-align': 'center',
- }
- console.info(styles);
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_helper').css(styles);
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
- if (point_to_edit) {
- console.info("ew" + px);
- $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'ew-resize');
- }
- else {
- console.info("pt" + px);
- $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'pointer');
- }
- }
- if (button == 0 && !isNaN(from)) {
- /* if the user drew the gate beyond the bounds of the canvas
- * still create a gate */
- var to = px;
- if(to < 0){
- to = 0;
- }else if(to > max_x){
- to = max_x;
- }
- state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points.push({from: Math.round(from), to: Math.round(to), y: Math.round(fromy)});
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata(state);
- state.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all = false;
- from = NaN;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
- }
- else if (state.facs.double_analysis) {
- console.log('double.analysis for move');
- window._dump_event = e;
- console.log(state.facs.gate_count);
- console.log(from);
- console.info('stats:' + button + ' ' + isNaN(from));
- if (button == 0 && !isNaN(from) && (state.facs.gate_count == 1 || state.facs.gate_count == 2)) {
- var to_point = {
- top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
- left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left)
- };
- var left = from_point.left > to_point.left;
- var styles = {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: from_point.top + 'px',
- left: Math.min(from_point.left, to_point.left) + "px",
- height: (310 - from_point.top) + 'px', //'5px',
- color: point_to_edit ? point_to_edit.c : 'black',
- background: (point_to_edit ? ( left ? 'white' : 'white' ) : '#808080'),
- width: Math.abs(from_point.left - to_point.left) + "px",
- 'border-left': (point_to_edit ? ( left ? '2px solid ' + 'black' : '1px solid black' ) : '2px solid black'),
- 'border-right': (point_to_edit ? ( !left ? '2px solid ' + 'black' : '1px solid black' ) : '2px solid black'),
- 'vertical-align': 'center',
- }
- console.info(styles);
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_helper').css(styles);
- if (point_to_edit) {
- console.info("ew" + px);
- $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'ew-resize');
- }
- else {
- console.info("pt" + px);
- $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'pointer');
- }
- }
- //if buttons is released and there is not a starting point, just browsing the screen
- if (button == 0 && isNaN(from)) {
- var styles = {
- position: 'absolute',
- top: '0px',
- left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left) + "px",
- height: (310) + 'px', //'5px',
- background: 'black',
- width: "2px",
- 'vertical-align': 'center',
- };
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart_helper').css(styles);
- // is it over line?
- var point = match(px, py);
- if (point) {
- console.info("ew" + px);
- $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'ew-resize');
- }
- else {
- console.info("pt" + px);
- $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'pointer');
- }
- console.info(point);
+ }
+ }
+ if (state.facs.double_analysis) {
+ console.log('click double analysis')
+ if (state.facs.gate_count == 0) {
+ from = 0;
+ fromy = py > 16 ? py : 16;
+ fromy = fromy > 90 ? 90 : fromy;
+ from_point = {
+ top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
+ left: ($('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left)
+ };
+ var point = match(px, py);
+ point_to_edit = point;
+ if (!isNaN(from)) {
+ var to = px;
+ if (to < 0) {
+ to = 0;
+ } else if (to > max_x) {
+ to = max_x;
+ }
+ if (point_to_edit) {
+ if (Math.abs(point_to_edit.from - from) < sensitivity) {
+ point_to_edit.from = to;
+ } else {
+ point_to_edit.to = to;
- //if button depressed and there is a starting point
- if (button == 1 && isNaN(from) && (state.facs.gate_count == 0)) {
-// console.info("SET FROM " + px);
-// from = px;
-// from = from > 0 ? from : 0;
-// from = from > scb.ui.static.FacsView.MAX_GATE ? scb.ui.static.FacsView.MAX_GATE : from;
-// from = from < 0 ? 0 : from;
-// fromy= py > 16 ? py: 16;
-// fromy = fromy > 90 ? 90: fromy;
-// from_point = {top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
-// left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left) };
-// var point = match(px, py);
-// point_to_edit = point;
+ } else {
+ state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points.push({
+ from: Math.round(from),
+ to: Math.round(to),
+ y: Math.round(fromy)
+ });
+ }
+ point_to_edit = null;
+ state.facs_lane.bisector_gate_created = true;
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata(state);
+ state.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all = false;
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_helper').text('');
+ state.facs.midpoint.from = px;
+ state.facs.midpoint.from = state.facs.midpoint.from > 0 ? state.facs.midpoint.from : 0;
+ state.facs.midpoint.fromy = (py > 16 ? py : 16);
+ state.facs.midpoint.fromy = (state.facs.midpoint.fromy > 90 ? 90 : state.facs.midpoint.fromy) - 5;
+ state.facs.midpoint.from_point = {
+ top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
+ left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left)
+ };
+ state.facs.midpoint.display_id = state.facs_lane.gates_id;
+ //second gate starts
+ console.info("SET FROM " + px);
+ from = px;
+ if (from < 0) {
+ from = 0;
+ } else if (from > max_x) {
+ from = max_x;
+ }
+ fromy = (py > 16 ? py : 16);
+ fromy = (fromy > 90 ? 90 : fromy) - 5;
+ from_point = {
+ top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
+ left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left)
+ };
+ var point = match(px, py - 5);
+ point_to_edit = point;
+ var to = max_x;
+ if (to < 0) {
+ to = 0;
+ } else if (to > max_x) {
+ to = max_x;
+ }
+ if (point_to_edit) {
+ if (Math.abs(point_to_edit.from - from) < sensitivity) {
+ point_to_edit.from = to;
+ } else {
+ point_to_edit.to = to;
- if (button == 1 && !isNaN(from) && (state.facs.gate_count == 0)) {
+ } else {
+ state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points.push({
+ from: Math.round(from),
+ to: Math.round(to),
+ y: Math.round(fromy)
+ });
+ }
+ var unique_id = null;
+ if (point_to_edit) {
+ unique_id = point_to_edit.unique_id;
+ }
+ point_to_edit = null;
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata(state);
+ state.facs_lane.gate_selected = _.find(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(e) {
+ return (e.from == from && e.to == to) || (unique_id && unique_id == e.unique_id)
+ }).unique_id;
+ state.facs.gate_count = 0;
+ state.facs.midpoint = {};
+ state.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all = false;
+ from = NaN;
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_helper').text('');
+ state.facs.double_analysis = false;
+ $('.scb_s_facs_double_range_button').button('disable');
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-// state.facs.gate_count= scb.ui.static.FacsView.MAX_GATE ;
-// var to_point = {
-// top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
-// left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left)
-// };
-// var left = from_point.left > to_point.left;
-// if (point_to_edit) {
-// console.info("ew" + px);
-// $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'ew-resize');
-// }
-// else {
-// console.info("pt" + px);
-// $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'pointer');
-// }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var match = function(px, py) {
+ var point = _.find(state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points, function(e) {
+ var overlap = (Math.abs(px - e.from) < 4 || Math.abs(px - e.to) < sensitivity) && (Math.abs(py - e.y) < 3) && e == state.facs_lane.selected_gate;
+ return overlap;
+ });
+ return point;
+ }
+ var from = NaN;
+ var fromy = NaN;
+ var from_point = null;
+ var point_to_edit = null;
+ var move = function(e) {
+ var srcElement = e.srcElement || e.target;
+ var px = xaxes.c2p(e.clientX - srcElement.getBoundingClientRect().left - plot.pointOffset({
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
+ }).left);
+ var py = yaxes.c2p(e.offsetY);
+ px = Math.round(px);
+ var button = scb.utils.isDefined(e.buttons) ? e.buttons : e.which;
+ console.info(px + " " + from + " " + point_to_edit + " cb=" + button + " b=" + e.button + " bs=" + e.buttons);
+ if (!state.facs.double_analysis) {
+ window._dump_event = e;
+ var point = match(px, py);
+ /* button is one if mouse is clicked and dragged */
+ if (button == 1 && isNaN(from) && (state.facs.sample_analysis || point)) {
+ console.info("SET FROM " + px);
+ /* from is set here after mouse down */
+ from = px;
+ if (from < 0) {
+ from = 0;
+ } else if (from > max_x) {
+ from = max_x;
+ }
+ fromy = py > 16 ? py : 16;
+ fromy = fromy > 90 ? 90 : fromy;
+ from_point = {
+ top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
+ left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left)
+ };
+ point = match(px, py);
+ point_to_edit = point;
+ }
+ /* Hovering over the canvas */
+ if (button == 0 && isNaN(from)) {
+ point = match(px, py);
+ if (point) { /* hover over gate endpoint */
+ $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'ew-resize');
+ } else {
+ $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'pointer');
+ }
+ }
+ /* Changing width of already existing gate*/
+ if (button == 1 && !isNaN(from)) {
+ var to_point = {
+ top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
+ left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left)
+ };
+ var left = from_point.left > to_point.left;
+ var styles = {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: from_point.top + 'px',
+ left: Math.min(from_point.left, to_point.left) + "px",
+ height: (310 - from_point.top) + 'px', //'5px',
+ color: point_to_edit ? point_to_edit.c : 'black',
+ background: (point_to_edit ? (left ? 'white' : 'white') : 'transparent'),
+ width: Math.abs(from_point.left - to_point.left) + "px",
+ 'vertical-align': 'center',
+ }
- }
+ var styles_guider = {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: '0px',
+ left: Math.min(from_point.left, to_point.left) + "px",
+ height: 310 + 'px', //'5px',
+ color: point_to_edit ? point_to_edit.c : 'black',
+ background: (point_to_edit ? (left ? 'white' : 'white') : 'transparent'),
+ width: Math.abs(from_point.left - to_point.left) + "px",
+ 'border-left': (point_to_edit ? (left ? '2px solid ' + 'black' : '1px solid black') : '2px dashed black'),
+ 'border-right': (point_to_edit ? (!left ? '2px solid ' + 'black' : '1px solid black') : '2px dashed black'),
+ 'vertical-align': 'center',
+ }
+ console.info(styles);
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_helper').css(styles);
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_guider').css(styles_guider);
+ if (point_to_edit) {
+ console.info("ew" + px);
+ $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'ew-resize');
+ } else {
+ console.info("pt" + px);
+ $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'pointer');
+ }
+ }
+ if (button == 0 && !isNaN(from)) {
+ /* if the user drew the gate beyond the bounds of the canvas
+ * still create a gate */
+ var to = px;
+ if (to < 0) {
+ to = 0;
+ } else if (to > max_x) {
+ to = max_x;
+ state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points.push({
+ from: Math.round(from),
+ to: Math.round(to),
+ y: Math.round(fromy)
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata(state);
+ state.facs.apply_dna_analysis_to_all = false;
+ from = NaN;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
+ } else if (state.facs.double_analysis) {
+ console.log('double.analysis for move');
+ window._dump_event = e;
+ console.log(state.facs.gate_count);
+ console.log(from);
+ console.info('stats:' + button + ' ' + isNaN(from));
+ if (button == 0 && !isNaN(from) && (state.facs.gate_count == 1 || state.facs.gate_count == 2)) {
+ var to_point = {
+ top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
+ left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left)
+ };
+ var left = from_point.left > to_point.left;
+ var styles = {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: from_point.top + 'px',
+ left: Math.min(from_point.left, to_point.left) + "px",
+ height: (310 - from_point.top) + 'px', //'5px',
+ color: point_to_edit ? point_to_edit.c : 'black',
+ background: (point_to_edit ? (left ? 'white' : 'white') : '#808080'),
+ width: Math.abs(from_point.left - to_point.left) + "px",
+ 'border-left': (point_to_edit ? (left ? '2px solid ' + 'black' : '1px solid black') : '2px solid black'),
+ 'border-right': (point_to_edit ? (!left ? '2px solid ' + 'black' : '1px solid black') : '2px solid black'),
+ 'vertical-align': 'center',
+ }
+ console.info(styles);
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_helper').css(styles);
+ if (point_to_edit) {
+ console.info("ew" + px);
+ $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'ew-resize');
+ } else {
+ console.info("pt" + px);
+ $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'pointer');
+ }
+ }
+ //if buttons is released and there is not a starting point, just browsing the screen
+ if (button == 0 && isNaN(from)) {
+ var styles = {
+ position: 'absolute',
+ top: '0px',
+ left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left) + "px",
+ height: (310) + 'px', //'5px',
+ background: 'black',
+ width: "2px",
+ 'vertical-align': 'center',
+ };
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart_helper').css(styles);
+ // is it over line?
+ var point = match(px, py);
+ if (point) {
+ console.info("ew" + px);
+ $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'ew-resize');
+ } else {
+ console.info("pt" + px);
+ $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'pointer');
+ }
+ console.info(point);
+ }
+ //if button depressed and there is a starting point
+ if (button == 1 && isNaN(from) && (state.facs.gate_count == 0)) {
+ // console.info("SET FROM " + px);
+ // from = px;
+ // from = from > 0 ? from : 0;
+ // from = from > scb.ui.static.FacsView.MAX_GATE ? scb.ui.static.FacsView.MAX_GATE : from;
+ // from = from < 0 ? 0 : from;
+ // fromy= py > 16 ? py: 16;
+ // fromy = fromy > 90 ? 90: fromy;
+ // from_point = {top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
+ // left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left) };
+ //
+ // var point = match(px, py);
+ // point_to_edit = point;
+ }
+ if (button == 1 && !isNaN(from) && (state.facs.gate_count == 0)) {
+ // state.facs.gate_count= scb.ui.static.FacsView.MAX_GATE ;
+ // var to_point = {
+ // top: (e.clientY - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().top),
+ // left: (e.clientX - $('.scb_s_facs_chart_wrapper', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).getBoundingClientRect().left)
+ // };
+ // var left = from_point.left > to_point.left;
+ // if (point_to_edit) {
+ // console.info("ew" + px);
+ // $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'ew-resize');
+ // }
+ // else {
+ // console.info("pt" + px);
+ // $(plot.getPlaceholder()).css('cursor', 'pointer');
+ // }
+ }
- eventHolder.click(click);
- eventHolder.mousemove(move);
+ }
+ eventHolder.click(click);
+ eventHolder.mousemove(move);
- draw: [ function (plot, canvascontext) {
- var xaxes = plot.getXAxes()[0];
- var yaxes = plot.getYAxes()[0];
+ draw: [function(plot, canvascontext) {
+ var xaxes = plot.getXAxes()[0];
+ var yaxes = plot.getYAxes()[0];
- var points = state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points.length > 0 ? state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points : [];
- _.each(points, function (p) {
- var y_coord = yaxes.p2c(p.y);
- var x_coord = xaxes.p2c((p.to - p.from) / 2 + p.from);
- canvascontext.fillText(p.display_id + ' ' + p.bisector_id, x_coord + 20, y_coord - 2);
- });
- console.log('draw_overlay');
+ var points = state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points.length > 0 ? state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata_analysis.points : [];
+ _.each(points, function(p) {
+ var y_coord = yaxes.p2c(p.y);
+ var x_coord = xaxes.p2c((p.to - p.from) / 2 + p.from);
+ canvascontext.fillText(p.display_id + ' ' + p.bisector_id, x_coord + 20, y_coord - 2);
+ });
+ console.log('draw_overlay');
- }
- ]
- };
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata(state);
- if (state.chart) {
- //Canvas is drawn here
- $.plot(state.chart, state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata.data, state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata.options);
+ ]
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata(state);
+ if (state.chart) {
+ //Canvas is drawn here
+ $.plot(state.chart, state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata.data, state.facs_lane.canvas_metadata.options);
+ }
-scb.ui.static.FacsView.charts = function (workarea) {
- $('.scb_s_facs_chart').each(function () {
+scb.ui.static.FacsView.charts = function(workarea) {
+ $('.scb_s_facs_chart').each(function() {
- var chart = $(this);
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(this);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ var chart = $(this);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.FacsView.parse(this);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.chart = chart;
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.evaluate_chart(parsed);
- })
+ parsed.chart = chart;
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.evaluate_chart(parsed);
+ })
scb.ui.FacsView = function scb_ui_FacsView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- self.show = function (state) {
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var template = state.assignment.template;
- var rows_state = state.facs.rows_state();
- var can_prepare_lysate = rows_state.valid > 0;
- var kind = 'sample_prep';
- if (state.facs.sample_prepared) {
- kind = 'analyze';
- if (state.facs && state.facs.selected_lane) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata({
- facs: state.facs,
- facs_lane: state.facs.selected_lane,
- assignment: state.assignment
- });
- }
- }
+ var self = this;
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ var rows_state = state.facs.rows_state();
+ var can_prepare_lysate = rows_state.valid > 0;
+ var kind = 'sample_prep';
+ if (state.facs.sample_prepared) {
+ kind = 'analyze';
+ if (state.facs && state.facs.selected_lane) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.reevaluate_metadata({
+ facs: state.facs,
+ facs_lane: state.facs.selected_lane,
+ assignment: state.assignment
+ });
+ }
+ }
- state.experiment.last_technique_view = 'facs';
- var scroll_num = 0;
- if ($('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').length == 0)
- scroll_num = scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_SCROLL;
- else
- scroll_num = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).scrollTop;
- workarea.html(scb_facs.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignment: state.assignment,
- experiment: state.experiment,
- context: gstate.context,
- facs: state.facs,
- t: template,
- rows: rows_state.rows,
- rows_valid: rows_state.valid,
- kind: kind,
- last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
- prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
- kinds: template.facs_kinds,
- can_prepare_lysate: can_prepare_lysate
- }));
- if (kind == 'sample_prep'){
- $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table', '.scb_s_facs_view').scrollTop(state.facs.prep_scroll);
- }else{
- $('.scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list', '.scb_s_facs_view').scrollTop(state.facs.samples_scroll);
- }
- state.experiment.prev_step = scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_STEPS;
- if (state.experiment.last_step >= scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_STEPS)
- state.experiment.last_step = 6;
- state.experiment.last_technique = 'FLOW CYTOMETRY';
- state.experiment.last_id = state.facs.id;
- state.experiment.last_param = 'facs_id';
- document.title = "FACS - StarCellBio";
- state.facs.parent.selected_id = state.facs.id;
- state.experiment.last_view = 'facs';
- state.experiment.last_technique_view = state.experiment.last_view;
- if(state.facs.parent.start_tabs_index <= 0){
- state.facs.parent.start_tabs_index = 0;
- $('.scb_s_facs_left_facs').prop('disabled', true);
- $('.scb_s_facs_right_facs').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- else $('.scb_s_facs_left_facs').prop('disabled', false);
- if(state.facs.parent.start_tabs_index + scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS-1 ==state.facs.parent.list.length-1){
- $('.scb_s_facs_right_facs').prop('disabled', true);
- $('.scb_s_facs_left_facs').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- else $('.scb_s_facs_right_facs').prop('disabled', false);
- if (state.facs.samples_finished) {
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.charts(workarea);
- }
- else {
- $('.scb_s_facs_samples_graph_area').css('opacity', '.25');
- $('.scb_s_facs_samples_graph_area button').prop('disabled', true);
- }
+ state.experiment.last_technique_view = 'facs';
+ var scroll_num = 0;
+ if ($('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').length == 0) {
+ scroll_num = scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_SCROLL;
+ } else {
+ scroll_num = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table', '.scb_s_facs_view').get(0).scrollTop;
+ }
- $("label[for='scb_facs_check']", '.scb_s_facs_view').attr('title', 'Single gate');
- $("label[for='scb_facs_check2']", '.scb_s_facs_view').attr('title', 'Bisector gate');
- $("label[class='scb_s_facs_label']", '.scb_s_facs_view').tooltip();
+ workarea.html(scb_facs.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignment: state.assignment,
+ experiment: state.experiment,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ facs: state.facs,
+ t: template,
+ rows: rows_state.rows,
+ rows_valid: rows_state.valid,
+ kind: kind,
+ last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
+ prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
+ kinds: template.facs_kinds,
+ can_prepare_lysate: can_prepare_lysate
+ }));
+ if (kind == 'sample_prep') {
+ $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table', '.scb_s_facs_view').scrollTop(state.facs.prep_scroll);
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_facs_choose_samples_order_list', '.scb_s_facs_view').scrollTop(state.facs.samples_scroll);
+ }
+ state.experiment.prev_step = scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_STEPS;
+ if (state.experiment.last_step >= scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_STEPS) {
+ state.experiment.last_step = 6;
+ }
+ state.experiment.last_technique = 'FLOW CYTOMETRY';
+ state.experiment.last_id = state.facs.id;
+ state.experiment.last_param = 'facs_id';
- _.each($(".scb_s_experiment_step_button"), function (e) {
- if (!$(e).hasClass('scb_s_experiment_step_visited'))
- $(e).attr('title', 'To use this button, start a new ' + $(e).text() + ' Experiment.');
- else $(e).removeAttr('title');
- });
- $(".scb_s_facs_selected").keypress(function (e) {
- return e.which != 13;
- });
- if (kind == 'analyze') {
- $('.scb_s_facs_single_range_button').button();
- $('.scb_s_facs_double_range_button').button();
- if (state.facs.samples_finished && state.facs.selected_lane.bisector_gate_created)
- $('.scb_s_facs_double_range_button').button('disable');
+ document.title = "FACS - StarCellBio";
- }
+ state.facs.parent.selected_id = state.facs.id;
+ state.experiment.last_view = 'facs';
+ state.experiment.last_technique_view = state.experiment.last_view;
+ if (state.facs.parent.start_tabs_index <= 0) {
+ state.facs.parent.start_tabs_index = 0;
+ $('.scb_s_facs_left_facs').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('.scb_s_facs_right_facs').prop('disabled', false);
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_facs_left_facs').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
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- window.mySwipe = Swipe(elem, {
- continuous: false,
- disableScroll: true,
- transitionEnd: function(index, element) {
- $('.slider_dots li').attr('class','');
- $($('.slider_dots li')[index]).attr('class','on');}
- });
- document.body.scrollTop = state.experiment.last_scroll;
+ if (state.facs.parent.start_tabs_index + scb.ui.static.FacsView.TOTAL_TABS - 1 == state.facs.parent.list.length - 1) {
+ $('.scb_s_facs_right_facs').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('.scb_s_facs_left_facs').prop('disabled', false);
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_facs_right_facs').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ if (state.facs.samples_finished) {
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.charts(workarea);
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_facs_samples_graph_area').css('opacity', '.25');
+ $('.scb_s_facs_samples_graph_area button').prop('disabled', true);
+ }
- $('#main').css({
- position: 'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function () {
+ $("label[for='scb_facs_check']", '.scb_s_facs_view').attr('title', 'Single gate');
+ $("label[for='scb_facs_check2']", '.scb_s_facs_view').attr('title', 'Bisector gate');
- $('#main').css({
- position: 'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
- });
+ $("label[class='scb_s_facs_label']", '.scb_s_facs_view').tooltip();
+ _.each($(".scb_s_experiment_step_button"), function(e) {
+ if (!$(e).hasClass('scb_s_experiment_step_visited')) {
+ $(e).attr('title', 'To use this button, start a new ' + $(e).text() + ' Experiment.');
+ } else {
+ $(e).removeAttr('title');
+ }
+ });
+ $(".scb_s_facs_selected").keypress(function(e) {
+ return e.which != 13;
+ });
+ if (kind == 'analyze') {
+ $('.scb_s_facs_single_range_button').button();
+ $('.scb_s_facs_double_range_button').button();
+ if (state.facs.samples_finished && state.facs.selected_lane.bisector_gate_created) {
+ $('.scb_s_facs_double_range_button').button('disable');
+ }
- });
+ var elem = document.getElementById('slider');
+ window.mySwipe = Swipe(elem, {
+ continuous: false,
+ disableScroll: true,
+ transitionEnd: function(index, element) {
+ $('.slider_dots li').attr('class', '');
+ $($('.slider_dots li')[index]).attr('class', 'on');
+ }
+ });
+ document.body.scrollTop = state.experiment.last_scroll;
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/ui/HomepageView.js b/html_app/ui/HomepageView.js
index 5cd84b2f..bb0e4100 100644
--- a/html_app/ui/HomepageView.js
+++ b/html_app/ui/HomepageView.js
@@ -1,226 +1,234 @@
'use strict';
-if( typeof (scb.ui ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.ui = {};
+if (typeof (scb.ui) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.ui = {};
scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.HomepageView = scb.ui.static.HomepageView || {} ;
-scb.ui.static.HomepageView.select_list_item = function(element,workarea,aria)
- $('.learn_more_dynamic').attr('value', $(element).attr('value'));
- $('.scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item').attr('aria-selected', false);
- $(element).attr('aria-selected', true);
- var name = 'experimental_design_'+$(element).attr('data-id');
- var template = scb_homepage[name];
- if( template )
- {
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- $('.scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item').removeClass('scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item_selected');
- $(element).addClass('scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item_selected');
- }
- else
- {
- $('.scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_list_info',workarea).html(" can not found " + name );
- }
+scb.ui.static.HomepageView.select_list_item = function(element, workarea, aria) {
+ $('.learn_more_dynamic').attr('value', $(element).attr('value'));
+ $('.scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item').attr('aria-selected', false);
+ $(element).attr('aria-selected', true);
+ var name = 'experimental_design_' + $(element).attr('data-id');
+ var template = scb_homepage[name];
+ if (template) {
+ $('.scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_list_info', workarea).html(template({})).attr('aria-live', aria ? 'polite' : 'off');
+ $('.scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item').removeClass('scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item_selected');
+ $(element).addClass('scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item_selected');
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_list_info', workarea).html(" can not found " + name);
+ }
scb.ui.static.HomepageView.register = function(workarea) {
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- scb.ui.static.HomepageView.select_list_item(this,workarea,true);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.learn_more_dynamic', function (e) {
- var pop_string = $(this).attr('value');
- var url = "static/ref_lib/full_library.html#"+pop_string;
- var popoutWindow =window.open("static/ref_lib/full_library.html#"+pop_string);
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.HomepageView.select_list_item(this, workarea, true);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.learn_more_dynamic', function(e) {
+ var pop_string = $(this).attr('value');
+ var url = "static/ref_lib/full_library.html#" + pop_string;
+ var popoutWindow = window.open("static/ref_lib/full_library.html#" + pop_string);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_create_student_account', function(e) {
+ $(workarea).append(scb_auth.signup({}));
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_signup_close_button', function() {
+ $('.scb_s_signup_dialog').detach();
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_create_student_account', function (e) {
- $(workarea).append(scb_auth.signup({}));
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_signup_close_button', function () {
- $('.scb_s_signup_dialog').detach();
- });
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- iframe.find('input[type="radio"][value="student"]').attr('checked', 'checked');
- iframe.find('#toggle_message').html(
- 'Your instructor should have provided you with a code that you need ' +
- 'to enter below to register and use this StarCellBio tool. Please contact ' +
- 'your instructor if you have not received this code. You will receive an ' +
- 'email to confirm your account. Your work will be saved in this account.'
- );
- iframe.find(".auth_submit_button").click(function(){
- var mask = document.createElement('div');
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- $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').contents().find('#errorMsg').html('Incorrect username or password. Try again');
- }
- });
- });
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+ iframe.find('input[type="radio"][value="student"]').attr('checked', 'checked');
+ iframe.find('#toggle_message').html(
+ 'Your instructor should have provided you with a code that you need ' +
+ 'to enter below to register and use this StarCellBio tool. Please contact ' +
+ 'your instructor if you have not received this code. You will receive an ' +
+ 'email to confirm your account. Your work will be saved in this account.'
+ );
+ iframe.find(".auth_submit_button").click(function() {
+ var mask = document.createElement('div');
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+ if ($('.scb_f_signup_iframe').contents().find('.login_submit').length > 0) {
+ $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').contents().find('#errorMsg').html('Incorrect username or password. Try again');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_homepage_see_more_button', function(e) {
+ alert("under construction!");
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_create_instructors_account', function(e) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_homepage_see_more_button', function (e) {
- alert( "under construction!");
+ $(workarea).append(scb_auth.signup({}));
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_signup_close_button', function() {
+ $('.scb_s_signup_dialog').detach();
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_create_instructors_account', function (e) {
- $(workarea).append(scb_auth.signup({}));
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_signup_close_button', function () {
- $('.scb_s_signup_dialog').detach();
- });
- $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').load(function(){
- var iframe = $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').get(0);
- var content = (iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow);
- content.body.style.fontSize = '90%';
- content.body.style.fontFamily = 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif';
- var inputs = content.getElementsByTagName('button');
- $(inputs).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif');
- var fieldset = content.querySelectorAll('fieldset');
- $(fieldset).children().wrap('
- var texts = content.querySelectorAll('input');
- $(texts).attr('placeholder', '');
- $(texts).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, sans-serif');
- var iframe = $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').contents();
- iframe.find('input[type="checkbox"]').css('height', '12px');
- iframe.find('input[type="radio"][value="instructor"]').attr('checked', 'checked');
- iframe.find('#div_id_course_code').css('display', 'none');
- iframe.find('#toggle_message').text(
- "In the instructor account, instructors set up and customize " +
- "their own StarCellBio assignments and experiments. The email address " +
- "for the instructor account must be different from those used to set " +
- "up other StarCellBio accounts. To set up an instructor account, enter " +
- "your email and password below and then click Create Account."
- );
- iframe.find(".auth_submit_button").click(function(){
- var mask = document.createElement('div');
- mask.className='overlay';
- $(mask).css({'width': '100%','height': '100%','position': 'fixed', 'z-index': '993', 'background': 'rgba(125,125,125,0.7)', 'visibility': 'visible'});
- $('body').prepend(mask);
- var progress_icon = document.createElement('img');
- progress_icon.src = '../../../images/homepage/ajax_loader.gif';
- progress_icon.style.marginLeft = '50%';
- progress_icon.style.marginTop= '50%';
- $('.overlay').append(progress_icon);
- $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').hide();
- $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').load(function(){
- var profile = $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').contents().get(0);
- if(profile.body.textContent.indexOf('confirmed') >0){
- parent.document.location.reload();
- }
- else{
- $(mask).remove();
- $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').show();
- if($('.scb_f_signup_iframe').contents().find('.login_submit').length >0)
- $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').contents().find('#errorMsg').html('Incorrect username or password. Try again');
- }
- });
- });
- });
+ $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').load(function() {
+ var iframe = $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').get(0);
+ var content = (iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow);
+ content.body.style.fontSize = '90%';
+ content.body.style.fontFamily = 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif';
+ var inputs = content.getElementsByTagName('button');
+ $(inputs).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif');
+ var fieldset = content.querySelectorAll('fieldset');
+ $(fieldset).children().wrap('
+ var texts = content.querySelectorAll('input');
+ $(texts).attr('placeholder', '');
+ $(texts).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, sans-serif');
+ var iframe = $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').contents();
+ iframe.find('input[type="checkbox"]').css('height', '12px');
+ iframe.find('input[type="radio"][value="instructor"]').attr('checked', 'checked');
+ iframe.find('#div_id_course_code').css('display', 'none');
+ iframe.find('#toggle_message').text(
+ "In the instructor account, instructors set up and customize " +
+ "their own StarCellBio assignments and experiments. The email address " +
+ "for the instructor account must be different from those used to set " +
+ "up other StarCellBio accounts. To set up an instructor account, enter " +
+ "your email and password below and then click Create Account."
+ );
+ iframe.find(".auth_submit_button").click(function() {
+ var mask = document.createElement('div');
+ mask.className = 'overlay';
+ $(mask).css({
+ 'width': '100%',
+ 'height': '100%',
+ 'position': 'fixed',
+ 'z-index': '993',
+ 'background': 'rgba(125,125,125,0.7)',
+ 'visibility': 'visible'
+ });
+ $('body').prepend(mask);
+ var progress_icon = document.createElement('img');
+ progress_icon.src = '../../../images/homepage/ajax_loader.gif';
+ progress_icon.style.marginLeft = '50%';
+ progress_icon.style.marginTop = '50%';
+ $('.overlay').append(progress_icon);
+ $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').hide();
+ $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').load(function() {
+ var profile = $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').contents().get(0);
+ if (profile.body.textContent.indexOf('confirmed') > 0) {
+ parent.document.location.reload();
+ } else {
+ $(mask).remove();
+ $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').show();
+ if ($('.scb_f_signup_iframe').contents().find('.login_submit').length > 0) {
+ $('.scb_f_signup_iframe').contents().find('#errorMsg').html('Incorrect username or password. Try again');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_instructor_resources', function (e) {
- alert( "under construction!");
- });
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_instructor_resources', function(e) {
+ alert("under construction!");
+ });
scb.ui.HomepageView = function scb_ui_HomepageView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- self.show = function(state) {
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- workarea.html(scb_homepage.main({
- global_template : gstate.context.master_model,
- context: gstate.context
- }));
- scb.ui.static.HomepageView.select_list_item($('.scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item').first(),gstate.workarea,false);
- document.title = "Home - StarCellBio";
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
- }
+ var self = this;
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ workarea.html(scb_homepage.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ context: gstate.context
+ }));
+ scb.ui.static.HomepageView.select_list_item($('.scb_s_homepage_experimental_design_bullet_item').first(), gstate.workarea, false);
+ document.title = "Home - StarCellBio";
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
-function inConstructionError(){
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("In Construction",
- function() {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- return;
+function inConstructionError() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("In Construction", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ return;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/ui/MainFrame.js b/html_app/ui/MainFrame.js
index b2aa9116..2d643626 100644
--- a/html_app/ui/MainFrame.js
+++ b/html_app/ui/MainFrame.js
@@ -6,1116 +6,1124 @@ scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.MainFrame = scb.ui.static.MainFrame || {};
scb.ui.static.MainFrame.LOGOUT_URL = '/scb/logout/';
-scb.ui.static.MainFrame.update_hash = function (state) {
- // only send a google page event if the hash changed
- if (state.onhashchange) {
- // construct a url path to use with google analytics
- ga_path = '';
- if (state.assignment_id) {
- ga_path += '/' + state.assignment_id;
- }
- ga_path += '/' + state.view;
- // send it
- ga('send', {
- 'hitType': 'pageview',
- 'page': ga_path,
- });
- // other state fields that we aren't currently tracking:
- // experiment_id: appears to be a unique identifier
- // facs_id: appears to be a unique identifier
- }
- if (!state.onhashchange) {
- delete state.onhashchange;
- var History = window.History;
- if (!History.enabled) {
- return;
- }
- History.discardedState();
- History.discardedState();
- if (get_user_result && get_user_result.account_type == 'preview') {
- // skip
- }
- else {
- History.pushState(state, 2, "/#" + $.param(state));
- }
+scb.ui.static.MainFrame.update_hash = function(state) {
+ // only send a google page event if the hash changed
+ if (state.onhashchange) {
+ // construct a url path to use with google analytics
+ ga_path = '';
+ if (state.assignment_id) {
+ ga_path += '/' + state.assignment_id;
+ ga_path += '/' + state.view;
+ // send it
+ ga('send', {
+ 'hitType': 'pageview',
+ 'page': ga_path,
+ });
+ // other state fields that we aren't currently tracking:
+ // experiment_id: appears to be a unique identifier
+ // facs_id: appears to be a unique identifier
+ }
+ if (!state.onhashchange) {
+ delete state.onhashchange;
+ var History = window.History;
+ if (!History.enabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ History.discardedState();
+ History.discardedState();
+ if (get_user_result && get_user_result.account_type == 'preview') {
+ // skip
+ } else {
+ History.pushState(state, 2, "/#" + $.param(state));
+ }
+ }
scb.ui.MainFrame = function scb_ui_MainFrame(master_model, context) {
- var self = this;
- var pending_save = false;
- context.main_frame = self;
- self.sections = {};
- var assignment = null;
- assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(master_model.assignments, context);
+ var self = this;
+ var pending_save = false;
+ context.main_frame = self;
+ self.sections = {};
+ var assignment = null;
+ assignments = new scb.AssignmentList(master_model.assignments, context);
- user_is_auth = typeof get_student_courses_result != "undefined" ? get_student_courses_result.is_auth : get_instructor_assignments_result.is_auth;
+ user_is_auth = typeof get_student_courses_result != "undefined" ? get_student_courses_result.is_auth : get_instructor_assignments_result.is_auth;
- user_token = typeof get_student_courses_result != "undefined" ? get_student_courses_result.token : get_instructor_assignments_result.token;
+ user_token = typeof get_student_courses_result != "undefined" ? get_student_courses_result.token : get_instructor_assignments_result.token;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.ensure_auth_context = function () {
- context = context || {};
- context.auth = context.auth || {};
- }
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state = function (state) {
- var ret = {
- redisplay: false
- };
- if (state.assignment_id) {
- var assignment = assignments.get(state.assignment_id);
- if (assignment) {
- assignments.selected_id = assignment.id;
- ret.assignment = assignment;
- if (state.notebook_id) {
- var notebook = assignment.notebook;
- if (notebook) {
- ret.notebook = notebook;
- if (state.section_id) {
- var section = notebook.sections.get(state.section_id);
- if (section) {
- assignment.notebook.sections.selected_id = section.id
- ret.section = section;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (state.experiment_id) {
- var experiment = assignment.experiments.get(state.experiment_id);
- if (experiment) {
- assignment.experiments.selected_id = experiment.id;
- ret.experiment = experiment;
- if (state.western_blot_id) {
- var western_blot = experiment.western_blot_list.get(state.western_blot_id);
- if (western_blot) {
- ret.western_blot = western_blot;
- if (state.western_blot_gel_id && western_blot) {
- var western_blot_gel = western_blot.gel_list.get(state.western_blot_gel_id);
- ret.western_blot_gel = western_blot_gel;
- }
- }
- }
- if (state.cell_treatment_id) {
- var cell_treatment = experiment.cell_treatment_list.get(state.cell_treatment_id);
- if (cell_treatment) {
- ret.cell_treatment = cell_treatment;
- if (state.treatment_id && cell_treatment) {
- var treatment = cell_treatment.treatment_list.get(state.treatment_id);
- ret.treatment = treatment;
- }
- }
- }
- if (state.facs_id) {
- var facs = experiment.facs_list.get(state.facs_id);
- if (facs) {
- ret.facs = facs;
- if (state.facs_lane_id && facs) {
- var facs_lane = facs.lanes_list.get(state.facs_lane_id)
- ret.facs_lane = facs_lane;
- }
- }
- }
- if (state.microscopy_id) {
- var microscopy = experiment.microscopy_list.get(state.microscopy_id);
- if (microscopy) {
- ret.microscopy = microscopy;
- }
- if (state.microscopy_lane_id && microscopy) {
- var microscopy_lane = microscopy.lanes_list.get(state.microscopy_lane_id)
- ret.microscopy_lane = microscopy_lane;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // if experiment_id is invalid go to assignment
-// $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
-// $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
-// $.jqDialog.alert('Experiment ' + state.experiment_id + ' does not exist.', function() {
-// $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
-// $('.error_overlay').remove();/* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
-// $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
-// $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- state.onhashchange = false;
- state.view = 'assignments';
- delete state.experiment_id;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.update_hash(state);
- ret.redisplay = true;
- ret.redisplay_state = state;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- // if assignment_id is invalid go to assignments
-// $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
-// $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
-// $.jqDialog.alert('Assignment ' + state.assignment_id + ' does not exist.', function() {
-// $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
-// $('.error_overlay').remove();/* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
-// $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
-// $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- state.onhashchange = false;
- state.view = 'assignments';
- delete state.assignment_id;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.update_hash(state);
- ret.redisplay = true;
- ret.redisplay_state = state;
- }
- }
- if (ret.redisplay == false && state.skip_hash_update != true) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.update_hash(state);
- }
- ret.context = context;
- return ret;
- }
- window._assigments = assignments;
- self.current_tab = {
- hide: scb.Utils.noop,
- show: scb.Utils.noop
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.ensure_auth_context = function() {
+ context = context || {};
+ context.auth = context.auth || {};
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state = function(state) {
+ var ret = {
+ redisplay: false
- var workarea = context.ui;
- workarea.css({
- 'height': '100%'
- });
- scb.ui.static.HomepageView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.register(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax = false;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax = false;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax_message = '';
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax_display = function () {
- var saving = $('#saving');
- if (scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax) {
- saving.show();
- $('#saving_message', saving).html(scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax_message);
- }
- else {
- saving.hide();
- }
- }
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.save = function () {
- var tmp;
- try {
- tmp = assignments.selected.experiments.selected_id;
- } catch (ex) {
- }
- try {
- assignment.selected.experiments.selected_id = null;
- } catch (ex) {
+ if (state.assignment_id) {
+ var assignment = assignments.get(state.assignment_id);
+ if (assignment) {
+ assignments.selected_id = assignment.id;
+ ret.assignment = assignment;
+ if (state.notebook_id) {
+ var notebook = assignment.notebook;
+ if (notebook) {
+ ret.notebook = notebook;
+ if (state.section_id) {
+ var section = notebook.sections.get(state.section_id);
+ if (section) {
+ assignment.notebook.sections.selected_id = section.id
+ ret.section = section;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- var model_string = JSON.stringify(master_model);
- if (localStorage.getItem("scb_master_model") != model_string) {
- master_model.timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
- model_string = JSON.stringify(master_model);
- try {
- localStorage.setItem("scb_master_model", model_string);
- if (!scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax = true;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax = true;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax_message = '';
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax_display();
- scb.utils.server.call(model_string, function (state) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax = false;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax = !state.success;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax_message = !state.success ? 'Failed, will retry in 30 seconds.' : '';
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax_display();
- });
+ if (state.experiment_id) {
+ var experiment = assignment.experiments.get(state.experiment_id);
+ if (experiment) {
+ assignment.experiments.selected_id = experiment.id;
+ ret.experiment = experiment;
+ if (state.western_blot_id) {
+ var western_blot = experiment.western_blot_list.get(state.western_blot_id);
+ if (western_blot) {
+ ret.western_blot = western_blot;
+ if (state.western_blot_gel_id && western_blot) {
+ var western_blot_gel = western_blot.gel_list.get(state.western_blot_gel_id);
+ ret.western_blot_gel = western_blot_gel;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (state.cell_treatment_id) {
+ var cell_treatment = experiment.cell_treatment_list.get(state.cell_treatment_id);
+ if (cell_treatment) {
+ ret.cell_treatment = cell_treatment;
+ if (state.treatment_id && cell_treatment) {
+ var treatment = cell_treatment.treatment_list.get(state.treatment_id);
+ ret.treatment = treatment;
+ }
- catch (e) {
+ if (state.facs_id) {
+ var facs = experiment.facs_list.get(state.facs_id);
+ if (facs) {
+ ret.facs = facs;
+ if (state.facs_lane_id && facs) {
+ var facs_lane = facs.lanes_list.get(state.facs_lane_id)
+ ret.facs_lane = facs_lane;
+ }
+ }
+ if (state.microscopy_id) {
+ var microscopy = experiment.microscopy_list.get(state.microscopy_id);
+ if (microscopy) {
+ ret.microscopy = microscopy;
+ }
+ if (state.microscopy_lane_id && microscopy) {
+ var microscopy_lane = microscopy.lanes_list.get(state.microscopy_lane_id)
+ ret.microscopy_lane = microscopy_lane;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // if experiment_id is invalid go to assignment
+ // $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ // $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ // $.jqDialog.alert('Experiment ' + state.experiment_id + ' does not exist.', function() {
+ // $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ // $('.error_overlay').remove();/* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
+ // $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ // $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ state.view = 'assignments';
+ delete state.experiment_id;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.update_hash(state);
+ ret.redisplay = true;
+ ret.redisplay_state = state;
+ }
- try {
- assignment.experiments.selected_id = tmp;
- } catch (ex) {
- }
- };
+ } else {
+ // if assignment_id is invalid go to assignments
+ // $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ // $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ // $.jqDialog.alert('Assignment ' + state.assignment_id + ' does not exist.', function() {
+ // $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ // $('.error_overlay').remove();/* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
+ // $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ // $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.load = function () {
- var master_model = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("scb_master_model"));
- starcellbio(context.ui, master_model);
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ state.view = 'assignments';
+ delete state.assignment_id;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.update_hash(state);
+ ret.redisplay = true;
+ ret.redisplay_state = state;
+ }
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.clear_NO_PROMPT = function () {
- $.ajax({url: scb.ui.static.MainFrame.LOGOUT_URL, async: false, timeout: 5 });
- self.show({view: 'assignments'});
- master_model = master_model_data;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.save();
- starcellbio(context.ui, master_model);
+ if (ret.redisplay == false && state.skip_hash_update != true) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.update_hash(state);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.clear = function () {
- var r = prompt("This will restart whole assignment. Your saved data will be lost. Type: 'YES' to proceed.");
- if (r == 'YES') {
- self.show({view: 'assignments'});
- master_model = master_model_data;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.save();
- starcellbio(context.ui, master_model);
- }
- else {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("Operation canceled!\n If you wanted to clear everything type YES in previous dialog.",
- function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
- });
- ;
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ ret.context = context;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ window._assigments = assignments;
+ self.current_tab = {
+ hide: scb.Utils.noop,
+ show: scb.Utils.noop
+ };
+ var workarea = context.ui;
+ workarea.css({
+ 'height': '100%'
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.HomepageView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.AssignmentsView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentDesignView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.register(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax = false;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax = false;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax_message = '';
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax_display = function() {
+ var saving = $('#saving');
+ if (scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax) {
+ saving.show();
+ $('#saving_message', saving).html(scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax_message);
+ } else {
+ saving.hide();
+ }
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.save = function() {
+ var tmp;
+ try {
+ tmp = assignments.selected.experiments.selected_id;
+ } catch ( ex ) {}
+ try {
+ assignment.selected.experiments.selected_id = null;
+ } catch ( ex ) {}
+ var model_string = JSON.stringify(master_model);
+ if (localStorage.getItem("scb_master_model") != model_string) {
+ master_model.timestamp = (new Date()).getTime();
+ model_string = JSON.stringify(master_model);
+ try {
+ localStorage.setItem("scb_master_model", model_string);
+ if (!scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax = true;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax = true;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax_message = '';
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax_display();
+ scb.utils.server.call(model_string, function(state) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax = false;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax = !state.success;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.show_in_ajax_message = !state.success ? 'Failed, will retry in 30 seconds.' : '';
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax_display();
+ });
+ } catch ( e ) {}
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.save_master_model', function () {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.save();
- alert("Save");
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.load_master_model', function () {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.load();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.clear_master_model', function () {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.clear();
+ try {
+ assignment.experiments.selected_id = tmp;
+ } catch ( ex ) {}
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.load = function() {
+ var master_model = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("scb_master_model"));
+ starcellbio(context.ui, master_model);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.clear_NO_PROMPT = function() {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: scb.ui.static.MainFrame.LOGOUT_URL,
+ async: false,
+ timeout: 5
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.remove_experiment', function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.confirm("Delete experiment?",
- function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- var model_id = scb.Utils.get_attribute($(this), 'experiment_id');
- assignments.selected.experiments.remove(model_id);
- assignments.selected.experiments.selected_id = null;
- self.show({});
- },// callback function for 'YES' button
- function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- return;
- } // callback function for 'NO' button
- );
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.scb_f_contact', function (evt) {
- $(workarea).append(scb_contact.contact({}));
- $(workarea).prepend(scb_common.contact_overlay());
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_contact_close_button', function () {
- $('.scb_s_contact_dialog').detach();
- $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- });
- $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).load(function () {
- $('.scb_s_contact_dialog').draggable({ handle: '.scb_s_feedback_form'});
- var iframe = $('.scb_s_contact_iframe').get(0);
- var content = (iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow);
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- content.body.style.fontFamily = 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif';
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- $(inputs).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif');
- var fieldset = content.querySelectorAll('fieldset');
- var texts = content.querySelectorAll('input');
- $(texts).attr('placeholder', '');
- $(texts).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, sans-serif');
- var iframe = $('.scb_s_contact_iframe').contents();
- iframe.find('input[type="checkbox"]').css('height', '12px');
- var fieldset = content.querySelectorAll('fieldset');
- $(fieldset).css('border', '0');
- $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).contents().find(".scb_f_contact_submit_button").click(function (e) {
- $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).load(function () {
- var profile = $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).contents().get(0);
- if (profile.body.textContent.indexOf('you for your feedback.') > 0) {
- parent.document.location.reload();
- }
- });
- });
- });
+ self.show({
+ view: 'assignments'
+ master_model = master_model_data;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.save();
+ starcellbio(context.ui, master_model);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.clear = function() {
+ var r = prompt("This will restart whole assignment. Your saved data will be lost. Type: 'YES' to proceed.");
+ if (r == 'YES') {
+ self.show({
+ view: 'assignments'
+ });
+ master_model = master_model_data;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.save();
+ starcellbio(context.ui, master_model);
+ } else {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("Operation canceled!\n If you wanted to clear everything type YES in previous dialog.", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ ;
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ }
+ }
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.scb_f_user_guide', function (evt) {
- var iframe_history = ['#'];
- var currentPush = false;
- $('body').append(scb_userguide.userguide({}));
- $("#closesearch").hide();
- $(".scb_s_ug_home").addClass('scb_s_ug_home_disabled');
- $('.scb_s_ug_home').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
- scb.utils.off_on('body', 'click', '.scb_f_ug_close_button', function () {
- $('.scb_f_ug_help_search_bar').detach();
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- var myPos = $(this).offset();
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- else {
- $(this).css({ cursor: "" });
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- });
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- }
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- $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find("#popout").hide();
- }
- var anchor_element = $(event.target).closest('.anchors')
- if (event.target.className == 'intextlink')
- anchor_element = $(event.target).get(0);
- var anchor_hash = $(anchor_element).attr('href');
- var window_location = window.location.toString() + '/static/ug2/help.html' + anchor_hash;
- hashchange_function(anchor_hash, anchor_element);
- iframe_history.push(anchor_hash);
- currentPush = true;
- $(".scb_s_ug_back").removeClass('scb_s_ug_back_disabled');
- $('.scb_s_ug_back').removeAttr('disabled');
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- }
- });
- $('#search').click(function () {
- $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').ready(function () {
- $("#closesearch").show();
- $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find(".help_search_input").val($(".help_search_input").val());
- $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find("#search").click();
- });
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- $('.help_search_input').keypress(function (e) {
- var key = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : 0;
- if (key == 13) {
- e.preventDefault();
- $('#search').click();
- }
- });
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- $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find(".scb_s_ug_home").click();
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- $('.scb_s_ug_home').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
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- $('.scb_s_ug_back').removeAttr('disabled');
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- $(".help_search_input").val("");
- });
- $(".scb_s_ug_back").click(function () {
- var back_url = iframe_history.pop();
- if (currentPush) {
- back_url = iframe_history.pop();
- }
- currentPush = false;
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.save_master_model', function() {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.save();
+ alert("Save");
+ });
- if (back_url) {
- if (back_url == "#")
- $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find(".scb_s_ug_home").click();
- else
- $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('a[href="' + back_url + '"]').click();
- }
- else {
- $(".scb_s_ug_back").addClass('scb_s_ug_back_disabled');
- $('.scb_s_ug_back').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.load_master_model', function() {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.load();
+ });
- $(".scb_s_ug_home").addClass('scb_s_ug_home_disabled');
- $('.scb_s_ug_home').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
- }
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.clear_master_model', function() {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.clear();
+ });
- $(".main_popout").click(function () {
- var popout_string = "";
- var visible = $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('.scb_s_section_inactive:visible');
- if (visible.length == 1) {
- if ($(visible).attr('class') == 'scb_s_section_inactive')
- popout_string = $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('*:visible ').closest('.scb_s_help_sublink').attr('class').split(' ')[1];
- else
- popout_string = $(visible).attr('class');
- }
- else {
- popout_string = $($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('span:visible').get(0)).attr('class');
- }
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.remove_experiment', function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- popout_string = popout_string.replace(/_/g, '-');
- if ($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('.scb_s_section_inactive').length == 0)
- popout_string = "";
- try {
- var popoutWindow = window.open("static/ug2/full_guide.html#" + popout_string);
- }
- catch (err) {
- var popoutWindow = window.open("ug2/full_guide.html#" + popout_string);
- }
- });
- $("#closesearch").click(function () {
- $('.help_search_input').val('');
- $("#closesearch").hide();
- $(".scb_s_ug_home").click();
- });
- });
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- });
+ $.jqDialog.confirm("Delete experiment?", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ var model_id = scb.Utils.get_attribute($(this), 'experiment_id');
+ assignments.selected.experiments.remove(model_id);
+ assignments.selected.experiments.selected_id = null;
+ self.show({});
+ }, // callback function for 'YES' button
+ function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ return;
+ } // callback function for 'NO' button
+ );
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.scb_f_login', function (evt) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.ensure_auth_context();
- if (assignments.selected && !user_is_auth) {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.confirm("If you sign in to your account, you will lose your current work as a guest. Would you like to continue?",
- function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- if (user_is_auth) {
- window.location = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.LOGOUT_URL;
- }
- else {
- add_login_script(workarea);
- }
- evt.preventDefault();
- }, // callback function for 'YES' button
- function () {
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- return;
- } // callback function for 'NO' button
- );
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- evt.preventDefault();
- }
- else {
- if (user_is_auth) {
+ });
- window.location = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.LOGOUT_URL;
- }
- else {
- add_login_script(workarea);
- }
- evt.preventDefault();
- }
- });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.scb_f_contact', function(evt) {
+ $(workarea).append(scb_contact.contact({}));
- self.sections.homepage = new scb.ui.HomepageView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.assignments = new scb.ui.AssignmentsView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
+ $(workarea).prepend(scb_common.contact_overlay());
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_contact_close_button', function() {
+ $('.scb_s_contact_dialog').detach();
- self.sections.experiment_design = new scb.ui.ExperimentDesignView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
+ $('.contact_overlay').remove();
- self.sections.experiment_setup = new scb.ui.ExperimentSetupView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.facs = new scb.ui.FacsView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- });
- self.sections.select_technique = new scb.ui.SelectTechniqueView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
+ $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).load(function() {
+ $('.scb_s_contact_dialog').draggable({
+ handle: '.scb_s_feedback_form'
+ });
+ var iframe = $('.scb_s_contact_iframe').get(0);
+ var content = (iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow);
+ content.body.style.fontSize = '90%';
+ content.body.style.fontFamily = 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif';
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+ $(inputs).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif');
+ var fieldset = content.querySelectorAll('fieldset');
+ var texts = content.querySelectorAll('input');
+ $(texts).attr('placeholder', '');
+ $(texts).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, sans-serif');
+ var iframe = $('.scb_s_contact_iframe').contents();
+ iframe.find('input[type="checkbox"]').css('height', '12px');
+ var fieldset = content.querySelectorAll('fieldset');
+ $(fieldset).css('border', '0');
+ $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).contents().find(".scb_f_contact_submit_button").click(function(e) {
+ $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).load(function() {
+ var profile = $('.scb_s_contact_iframe', workarea).contents().get(0);
+ if (profile.body.textContent.indexOf('you for your feedback.') > 0) {
+ parent.document.location.reload();
+ }
+ });
+ });
- self.sections.western_blot = new scb.ui.WesternBlotView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- })
- self.sections.microscopy = new scb.ui.MicroscopyView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.scb_f_user_guide', function(evt) {
+ var iframe_history = ['#'];
+ var currentPush = false;
+ $('body').append(scb_userguide.userguide({}));
+ $("#closesearch").hide();
+ $(".scb_s_ug_home").addClass('scb_s_ug_home_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_home').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ scb.utils.off_on('body', 'click', '.scb_f_ug_close_button', function() {
+ $('.scb_f_ug_help_search_bar').detach();
- self.sections.notebook = new scb.ui.NotebookView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
+ $(function() {
+ $(".scb_f_ug_help_search_bar").mousemove(function(e) {
+ var myPos = $(this).offset();
+ myPos.bottom = $(this).offset().top + $(this).outerHeight();
+ myPos.right = $(this).offset().left + $(this).outerWidth();
+ if (myPos.bottom > e.pageY && e.pageY > myPos.bottom - 20 && myPos.right > e.pageX && e.pageX > myPos.right - 20) {
+ $(this).css({
+ cursor: "nwse-resize"
+ });
+ } else {
+ $(this).css({
+ cursor: ""
+ });
+ }
+ });
- self.sections.western_blot_gel = new scb.ui.WesternBlotGelView({
- workarea: workarea,
- context: context
- })
- self.show = function (state) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.ensure_auth_context();
- context.auth.logged_in = user_is_auth;
- state = state || {
- view: 'homepage'
- }
- if (state.onhashchange) {
- window.scrollTo(0, 0);
- }
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.save();
- console.info(JSON.stringify(state));
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- self.show(parsed.redisplay_state);
- return;
- }
- if (state.view == 'homepage') {
- self.sections.homepage.show({
- workarea: x
- });
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').load(function() {
+ $('.scb_f_ug_help_search_bar').width($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('.scb_f_help_display').width() + 20);
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').width($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('.scb_f_help').width() + 20);
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').height($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('.scb_f_help').height() + 20);
+ $('.scb_f_ug_help_search_bar').draggable({
+ handle: '.user_guide_title'
+ });
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('body').css('font-family', "Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif");
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find("#popout").hide();
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().click(function(event) {
+ if (event.target.className != 'scb_s_ug_home' && event.target.id != 'search') {
+ if (iframe_history.length == 0) {
+ iframe_history = ['#'];
+ }
+ $(".scb_s_ug_home").removeClass('scb_s_ug_home_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_home').removeAttr('disabled');
+ if ($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find("#popout").length > 0) {
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find("#popout").hide();
+ }
+ var anchor_element = $(event.target).closest('.anchors')
+ if (event.target.className == 'intextlink') {
+ anchor_element = $(event.target).get(0);
+ }
+ var anchor_hash = $(anchor_element).attr('href');
+ var window_location = window.location.toString() + '/static/ug2/help.html' + anchor_hash;
+ hashchange_function(anchor_hash, anchor_element);
+ iframe_history.push(anchor_hash);
+ currentPush = true;
+ $(".scb_s_ug_back").removeClass('scb_s_ug_back_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_back').removeAttr('disabled');
+ event.preventDefault();
- if (state.view == 'assignments') {
- if (!parsed.assignment) {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.selected_id ? assignments.selected_id : get_student_courses_result.is_selected;
- if (state.assignment_id == null || state.assignment_id == 'null') {
- state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- }
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ });
- assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.assignments.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignments: assignments
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'notebook') {
- if (!parsed.notebook) {
- delete state.onhashchange;
- var experiment = '';
- if (!parsed.assignment.experiments.selected) {
- experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.start({});
- }
- else {
- experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.selected;
- }
+ $('#search').click(function() {
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').ready(function() {
+ $("#closesearch").show();
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find(".help_search_input").val($(".help_search_input").val());
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find("#search").click();
+ });
+ });
- state.experiment_id = experiment.id;
- var notebook = assignments.get(state.assignment_id).notebook;
+ $('.help_search_input').keypress(function(e) {
+ var key = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : 0;
+ if (key == 13) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $('#search').click();
+ }
+ });
- var section = '';
- if (!notebook.sections.selected) {
- section = notebook.sections.start({});
- var History = window.History;
- if (History.enabled) {
- History.replaceState("New Notebook Section", "New Notebook Section", '#' + $.param(state));
- }
- }
- else {
- section = notebook.sections.selected;
- }
+ $(".scb_s_ug_home").click(function() {
+ iframe_history.push('#');
+ currentPush = true;
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find(".scb_s_ug_home").click();
+ $(".scb_s_ug_home").addClass('scb_s_ug_home_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_home').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ $(".scb_s_ug_back").removeClass('scb_s_ug_back_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_back').removeAttr('disabled');
+ $("#closesearch").hide();
+ $(".help_search_input").val("");
+ });
- state.notebook_id = notebook.id;
- state.section_id = section.id;
- state.onhashchange = true;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.update_hash(state);
- self.sections.notebook.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- notebook: parsed.notebook,
- section: parsed.section
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'experiment_design') {
- if (!parsed.experiment) {
- delete state.onhashchange;
- var experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.start({});
- state.experiment_id = experiment.id;
- var History = window.History;
- if (History.enabled) {
- History.replaceState("New Experiment", "New Experiment", '#' + $.param(state));
- }
- state.onhashchange = true;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- self.sections.experiment_design.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment
- });
+ $(".scb_s_ug_back").click(function() {
+ var back_url = iframe_history.pop();
+ if (currentPush) {
+ back_url = iframe_history.pop();
- if (state.view == 'experiment_setup') {
- self.sections.experiment_setup.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- mode: 'readwrite',
- last_view: 'experiment_setup',
- });
+ currentPush = false;
+ if (back_url) {
+ if (back_url == "#") {
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find(".scb_s_ug_home").click();
+ } else {
+ $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('a[href="' + back_url + '"]').click();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $(".scb_s_ug_back").addClass('scb_s_ug_back_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_back').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+ $(".scb_s_ug_home").addClass('scb_s_ug_home_disabled');
+ $('.scb_s_ug_home').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
- if (state.view == 'experiment_run') {
- self.sections.experiment_setup.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- mode: 'readonly',
- last_view: 'experiment_run',
- });
+ });
+ $(".main_popout").click(function() {
+ var popout_string = "";
+ var visible = $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('.scb_s_section_inactive:visible');
+ if (visible.length == 1) {
+ if ($(visible).attr('class') == 'scb_s_section_inactive') {
+ popout_string = $('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('*:visible ').closest('.scb_s_help_sublink').attr('class').split(' ')[1];
+ } else {
+ popout_string = $(visible).attr('class');
+ }
+ } else {
+ popout_string = $($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('span:visible').get(0)).attr('class');
- if (state.view == 'facs') {
- var id_list = [];
- for (var x = 0; x < parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length; x++) {
- id_list.push(parsed.experiment.facs_list.list[x].id);
- }
- if (!parsed.facs) {
- if (state.facs_id && id_list.indexOf(state.facs_id) < 0 && parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length > 0) {
- parsed.facs = parsed.experiment.facs_list.list[state.index];
- }
- else {
- delete state.onhashchange;
- var facs = parsed.experiment.facs_list.start({});
- state.facs_id = facs.id;
- var History = window.History;
- if (History.enabled) {
- History.replaceState("New FACS", "New FACS", '#' + $.param(state));
- }
- state.onhashchange = true;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- }
- self.sections.facs.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- facs: parsed.facs
- });
+ popout_string = popout_string.replace(/_/g, '-');
+ if ($('iframe.scb_s_ug_dialog').contents().find('.scb_s_section_inactive').length == 0) {
+ popout_string = "";
+ }
+ try {
+ var popoutWindow = window.open("static/ug2/full_guide.html#" + popout_string);
+ } catch ( err ) {
+ var popoutWindow = window.open("ug2/full_guide.html#" + popout_string);
- if (state.view == 'select_technique') {
- self.sections.select_technique.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment
- });
+ });
- }
- if (state.view == 'western_blot') {
+ $("#closesearch").click(function() {
+ $('.help_search_input').val('');
+ $("#closesearch").hide();
+ $(".scb_s_ug_home").click();
+ });
- var id_list = [];
- for (var x = 0; x < parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length; x++) {
- id_list.push(parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list[x].id);
- }
+ });
- if (!parsed.western_blot) {
- if (state.western_blot_id && id_list.indexOf(state.western_blot_id) < 0 && parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length > 0) {
- parsed.western_blot = parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list[state.index];
+ });
- }
- else {
- var western_blot = parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start({});
- state.western_blot_id = western_blot.id;
- var History = window.History;
- if (History.enabled) {
- History.replaceState("New WB", "New WB", '#' + $.param(state));
- }
- state.onhashchange = true;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- }
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea.parent(), 'click', '.scb_f_login', function(evt) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.ensure_auth_context();
+ if (assignments.selected && !user_is_auth) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- if (parsed.western_blot.is_transfered) {
- state.view = 'western_blot_gel';
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
+ $.jqDialog.confirm("If you sign in to your account, you will lose your current work as a guest. Would you like to continue?", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ if (user_is_auth) {
- self.sections.western_blot.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- western_blot: parsed.western_blot
- });
+ window.location = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.LOGOUT_URL;
+ } else {
+ add_login_script(workarea);
+ }
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }, // callback function for 'YES' button
+ function() {
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ return;
+ } // callback function for 'NO' button
+ );
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ } else {
+ if (user_is_auth) {
+ window.location = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.LOGOUT_URL;
+ } else {
+ add_login_script(workarea);
+ }
+ evt.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ self.sections.homepage = new scb.ui.HomepageView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.assignments = new scb.ui.AssignmentsView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.experiment_design = new scb.ui.ExperimentDesignView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.experiment_setup = new scb.ui.ExperimentSetupView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.facs = new scb.ui.FacsView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.select_technique = new scb.ui.SelectTechniqueView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.western_blot = new scb.ui.WesternBlotView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ })
+ self.sections.microscopy = new scb.ui.MicroscopyView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.notebook = new scb.ui.NotebookView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ });
+ self.sections.western_blot_gel = new scb.ui.WesternBlotGelView({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ context: context
+ })
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.ensure_auth_context();
+ context.auth.logged_in = user_is_auth;
+ state = state || {
+ view: 'homepage'
+ }
+ if (state.onhashchange) {
+ window.scrollTo(0, 0);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.save();
+ console.info(JSON.stringify(state));
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ self.show(parsed.redisplay_state);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'homepage') {
+ self.sections.homepage.show({
+ workarea: x
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'assignments') {
+ if (!parsed.assignment) {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.selected_id ? assignments.selected_id : get_student_courses_result.is_selected;
+ if (state.assignment_id == null || state.assignment_id == 'null') {
+ state.assignment_id = assignments.list[0].id;
- if (state.view == 'microscopy') {
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ assignments.selected_id = state.assignment_id ? state.assignment_id : null;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.assignments.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignments: assignments
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'notebook') {
+ if (!parsed.notebook) {
+ delete state.onhashchange;
+ var experiment = '';
+ if (!parsed.assignment.experiments.selected) {
+ experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.start({});
+ } else {
+ experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.selected;
+ }
- var id_list = [];
- for (var x = 0; x < parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length; x++) {
- id_list.push(parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list[x].id);
- }
+ state.experiment_id = experiment.id;
+ var notebook = assignments.get(state.assignment_id).notebook;
- if (!parsed.microscopy) {
- if (state.microscopy_id && id_list.indexOf(state.microscopy_id) < 0 && parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length > 0) {
- parsed.microscopy = parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list[state.index];
+ var section = '';
- }
- else {
- delete state.onhashchange;
- var microscopy = parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start({});
- state.microscopy_id = microscopy.id;
- var History = window.History;
- if (History.enabled) {
- History.replaceState("New Microscopy", "New Microscopy", '#' + $.param(state));
- }
- state.onhashchange = true;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- }
- self.sections.microscopy.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- microscopy: parsed.microscopy
- });
+ if (!notebook.sections.selected) {
+ section = notebook.sections.start({});
+ var History = window.History;
+ if (History.enabled) {
+ History.replaceState("New Notebook Section", "New Notebook Section", '#' + $.param(state));
+ }
+ } else {
+ section = notebook.sections.selected;
- if (state.view == 'western_blot_gel') {
- if (parsed.western_blot.last_gel && parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list.length == 1)
- parsed.western_blot.last_gel = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list[0].id;
- if (!parsed.western_blot) {
- state.onhashchange = false;
- state.view = 'select_technique';
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- if (!parsed.western_blot.is_transfered) {
- state.view = 'western_blot';
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- if (!parsed.western_blot_gel) {
- var gel_id = parsed.western_blot.last_gel;
- if (!gel_id) {
- gel = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start({});
- parsed.western_blot.last_gel = gel.id;
- gel_id = gel.id;
- }
- state.western_blot_gel_id = gel_id;
- state.onhashchange = false;
- self.show(state);
- return;
- }
- self.sections.western_blot_gel.show({
- workarea: workarea,
- assignment: parsed.assignment,
- experiment: parsed.experiment,
- western_blot: parsed.western_blot,
- western_blot_gel: parsed.western_blot_gel
- });
- }
- if (state.view == 'experiment_last') {
+ state.notebook_id = notebook.id;
+ state.section_id = section.id;
+ state.onhashchange = true;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.update_hash(state);
+ self.sections.notebook.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ notebook: parsed.notebook,
+ section: parsed.section
+ });
+ }
- if (parsed.experiment) {
- state.view = parsed.experiment.last_view ? parsed.experiment.last_view : 'experiment_design';
- self.show(state);
- }
- else {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("Experiment does not exist", function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
- });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- if (parsed.assignment) {
- self.show({
- view: 'assignments',
- assignment: parsed.assignment
- });
- }
- else {
- self.show({
- view: 'assignments'
- });
- }
- }
- }
- if (user_is_auth) {
- $('.scb_s_login_status').text('SIGN OUT');
- $('.scb_f_try_an_experiment').click();
+ if (state.view == 'experiment_design') {
+ if (!parsed.experiment) {
+ delete state.onhashchange;
+ var experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.start({});
+ state.experiment_id = experiment.id;
+ var History = window.History;
+ if (History.enabled) {
+ History.replaceState("New Experiment", "New Experiment", '#' + $.param(state));
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax_display();
+ state.onhashchange = true;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ self.sections.experiment_design.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment
+ });
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_queue = [];
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_inajax = false;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save = function (parsed) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_queue.push((new Date()).getTime());
- setTimeout(function () {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_process(parsed);
- }, 5000);
+ if (state.view == 'experiment_setup') {
+ self.sections.experiment_setup.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ mode: 'readwrite',
+ last_view: 'experiment_setup',
+ });
+ if (state.view == 'experiment_run') {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_process = function (parsed) {
- if (scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_inajax) {
- console.info("In ajax - skipping save");
- return;
+ self.sections.experiment_setup.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ mode: 'readonly',
+ last_view: 'experiment_run',
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'facs') {
+ var id_list = [];
+ for (var x = 0; x < parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length; x++) {
+ id_list.push(parsed.experiment.facs_list.list[x].id);
+ }
+ if (!parsed.facs) {
+ if (state.facs_id && id_list.indexOf(state.facs_id) < 0 && parsed.experiment.facs_list.list.length > 0) {
+ parsed.facs = parsed.experiment.facs_list.list[state.index];
+ } else {
+ delete state.onhashchange;
+ var facs = parsed.experiment.facs_list.start({});
+ state.facs_id = facs.id;
+ var History = window.History;
+ if (History.enabled) {
+ History.replaceState("New FACS", "New FACS", '#' + $.param(state));
+ }
+ state.onhashchange = true;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
- if (scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_queue.length > 0) {
- console.info("Ajax save - clear Queue");
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_queue = [];
- if (typeof post_state_result === 'undefined')
- token = user_token;
- else
- token = post_state_result.token;
- post_obj = {'token': token, 'model': parsed.context.master_model}
- console.log(post_obj);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_inajax = true;
- console.info("Ajax save - start request ");
- if (get_user_result && get_user_result.account_type == 'preview') {
- console.info("In ajax - preview - skipping save");
- }
- else {
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: 'scb/post_state.js',
- data: JSON.stringify(post_obj),
- success: function (data) {
- console.info("Ajax save - request success ");
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_inajax = false;
- console.log(data);
- setTimeout(function () {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_process(parsed);
- }, 5000);
- },
- error: function (data) {
- console.info("Ajax save - request failed, retry... ");
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_inajax = false;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save(parsed);
- }
- });
+ }
+ self.sections.facs.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ facs: parsed.facs
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'select_technique') {
+ self.sections.select_technique.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment
+ });
- }
- }
+ if (state.view == 'western_blot') {
+ var id_list = [];
+ for (var x = 0; x < parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length; x++) {
+ id_list.push(parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list[x].id);
+ }
+ if (!parsed.western_blot) {
+ if (state.western_blot_id && id_list.indexOf(state.western_blot_id) < 0 && parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length > 0) {
+ parsed.western_blot = parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list[state.index];
+ } else {
+ var western_blot = parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start({});
+ state.western_blot_id = western_blot.id;
+ var History = window.History;
+ if (History.enabled) {
+ History.replaceState("New WB", "New WB", '#' + $.param(state));
+ }
+ state.onhashchange = true;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (parsed.western_blot.is_transfered) {
+ state.view = 'western_blot_gel';
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_orig = function (parsed) {
- if (!pending_save) {
- setTimeout(function () {
- pending_save = false;
- console.log('believe');
- var token = 0;
- if (typeof post_state_result === 'undefined')
- token = user_token;
- else
- token = post_state_result.token;
- post_obj = {'token': token, 'model': parsed.context.master_model}
- console.log(post_obj);
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: 'scb/post_state.js',
- data: JSON.stringify(post_obj),
- success: function (data) {
- console.log(data);
- }
- });
- }, 5000);
- pending_save = true;
+ self.sections.western_blot.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ western_blot: parsed.western_blot
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'microscopy') {
+ var id_list = [];
+ for (var x = 0; x < parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length; x++) {
+ id_list.push(parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list[x].id);
+ }
+ if (!parsed.microscopy) {
+ if (state.microscopy_id && id_list.indexOf(state.microscopy_id) < 0 && parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length > 0) {
+ parsed.microscopy = parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list[state.index];
+ } else {
+ delete state.onhashchange;
+ var microscopy = parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start({});
+ state.microscopy_id = microscopy.id;
+ var History = window.History;
+ if (History.enabled) {
+ History.replaceState("New Microscopy", "New Microscopy", '#' + $.param(state));
+ }
+ state.onhashchange = true;
+ self.show(state);
+ return;
+ }
+ self.sections.microscopy.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ microscopy: parsed.microscopy
+ });
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh = function (navigation_state) {
- var state = navigation_state || $.deparam(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), true);
+ if (state.view == 'western_blot_gel') {
+ if (parsed.western_blot.last_gel && parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list.length == 1) {
+ parsed.western_blot.last_gel = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list[0].id;
+ }
+ if (!parsed.western_blot) {
state.onhashchange = false;
- state.view = state.view || 'homepage';
+ state.view = 'select_technique';
- }
- $(window).bind('hashchange', function (e) {
- var state = $.deparam(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), true);
- state.onhashchange = true;
- state.view = state.view || 'homepage';
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!parsed.western_blot.is_transfered) {
+ state.view = 'western_blot';
+ state.onhashchange = false;
- });
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!parsed.western_blot_gel) {
+ var gel_id = parsed.western_blot.last_gel;
+ if (!gel_id) {
+ gel = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start({});
+ parsed.western_blot.last_gel = gel.id;
+ gel_id = gel.id;
+ }
- (function () {
- var state = $.deparam(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), true);
- state.onhashchange = true;
- state.view = state.view || 'homepage';
+ state.western_blot_gel_id = gel_id;
+ state.onhashchange = false;
- })();
- /* register with context SHOW_EXPERIMENT event */
- context.register('show_experiment', function () {
- self.current_tab.hide(function () {
- self.sections.experiment.show(function () {
- self.current_tab = self.sections.experiment;
- });
- })
- });
- /* register with context SHOW_MAKING_LYSATES event */
- context.register('show_making_lysates', function () {
- self.current_tab.hide(function () {
- self.sections.making_lysates.show(function () {
- self.current_tab = self.sections.making_lysates;
- });
- })
- });
+ return;
+ }
+ self.sections.western_blot_gel.show({
+ workarea: workarea,
+ assignment: parsed.assignment,
+ experiment: parsed.experiment,
+ western_blot: parsed.western_blot,
+ western_blot_gel: parsed.western_blot_gel
+ });
+ }
+ if (state.view == 'experiment_last') {
-function add_login_script(workarea) {
+ if (parsed.experiment) {
+ state.view = parsed.experiment.last_view ? parsed.experiment.last_view : 'experiment_design';
+ self.show(state);
+ } else {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $(workarea).append(scb_auth.login({}));
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_login_close_button', function () {
- $('.scb_s_login_dialog').detach();
- });
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function () {
- var iframe = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').get(0);
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- $(inputs).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif');
- var fieldset = content.querySelectorAll('fieldset');
- $(fieldset).children().wrap('
- var texts = content.querySelectorAll('input');
- $(texts).attr('placeholder', '');
- $(texts).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, sans-serif');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- var iframe = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents();
- iframe.find('input[type="checkbox"]').css('height', '12px');
- iframe.find('input[type="radio"][value="student"]').attr('checked', 'checked');
- iframe.find('a:contains("Member")').click(function () {
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function () {
- var iframe = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents();
- $('.scb_s_login_form > div').text('Sign Up');
- $('.scb_s_login_dialog').addClass('scb_s_signup_dialog');
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').css('height', '560px');
- });
+ $.jqDialog.alert("Experiment does not exist", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
- iframe.find('a:contains("Password")').click(function () {
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function () {
- $('.scb_s_login_form > div').text('Reset Password');
- });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ if (parsed.assignment) {
+ self.show({
+ view: 'assignments',
+ assignment: parsed.assignment
+ });
+ } else {
+ self.show({
+ view: 'assignments'
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (user_is_auth) {
+ $('.scb_s_login_status').text('SIGN OUT');
+ $('.scb_f_try_an_experiment').click();
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.in_ajax_display();
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_queue = [];
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_inajax = false;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save = function(parsed) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_queue.push((new Date()).getTime());
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_process(parsed);
+ }, 5000);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_process = function(parsed) {
+ if (scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_inajax) {
+ console.info("In ajax - skipping save");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_queue.length > 0) {
+ console.info("Ajax save - clear Queue");
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_queue = [];
+ if (typeof post_state_result === 'undefined') {
+ token = user_token;
+ } else {
+ token = post_state_result.token;
+ }
+ post_obj = {
+ 'token': token,
+ 'model': parsed.context.master_model
+ }
+ console.log(post_obj);
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_inajax = true;
+ console.info("Ajax save - start request ");
+ if (get_user_result && get_user_result.account_type == 'preview') {
+ console.info("In ajax - preview - skipping save");
+ } else {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: 'scb/post_state.js',
+ data: JSON.stringify(post_obj),
+ success: function(data) {
+ console.info("Ajax save - request success ");
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_inajax = false;
+ console.log(data);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_process(parsed);
+ }, 5000);
+ },
+ error: function(data) {
+ console.info("Ajax save - request failed, retry... ");
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_inajax = false;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save(parsed);
+ }
- iframe.find('a:contains("Back")').click(function () {
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function () {
- $('.scb_s_login_form > div').text('Sign In');
- });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.pending_save_orig = function(parsed) {
+ if (!pending_save) {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ pending_save = false;
+ console.log('believe');
+ var token = 0;
+ if (typeof post_state_result === 'undefined') {
+ token = user_token;
+ } else {
+ token = post_state_result.token;
+ }
+ post_obj = {
+ 'token': token,
+ 'model': parsed.context.master_model
+ }
+ console.log(post_obj);
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: 'scb/post_state.js',
+ data: JSON.stringify(post_obj),
+ success: function(data) {
+ console.log(data);
+ }
+ }, 5000);
+ pending_save = true;
+ }
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh = function(navigation_state) {
+ var state = navigation_state || $.deparam(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), true);
+ state.onhashchange = false;
+ state.view = state.view || 'homepage';
+ self.show(state);
+ }
+ $(window).bind('hashchange', function(e) {
+ var state = $.deparam(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), true);
+ state.onhashchange = true;
+ state.view = state.view || 'homepage';
+ self.show(state);
+ });
+ (function() {
+ var state = $.deparam(location.hash.replace(/^#/, ''), true);
+ state.onhashchange = true;
+ state.view = state.view || 'homepage';
+ self.show(state);
+ })();
+ /* register with context SHOW_EXPERIMENT event */
+ context.register('show_experiment', function() {
+ self.current_tab.hide(function() {
+ self.sections.experiment.show(function() {
+ self.current_tab = self.sections.experiment;
+ });
+ })
+ });
+ /* register with context SHOW_MAKING_LYSATES event */
+ context.register('show_making_lysates', function() {
+ self.current_tab.hide(function() {
+ self.sections.making_lysates.show(function() {
+ self.current_tab = self.sections.making_lysates;
+ });
+ })
+ });
- iframe.find(".auth_submit_button").click(function () {
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- progress_icon.src = '../../../images/homepage/ajax_loader.gif';
- progress_icon.style.marginLeft = '50%';
- progress_icon.style.marginTop = '50%';
+function add_login_script(workarea) {
+ $(workarea).append(scb_auth.login({}));
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_login_close_button', function() {
+ $('.scb_s_login_dialog').detach();
+ });
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function() {
+ var iframe = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').get(0);
+ var content = (iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow);
+ content.body.style.fontSize = '90%';
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+ $(inputs).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, sans-serif');
+ var fieldset = content.querySelectorAll('fieldset');
+ $(fieldset).children().wrap('
+ var texts = content.querySelectorAll('input');
+ $(texts).attr('placeholder', '');
+ $(texts).css('font-family', 'Trebuchet MS, sans-serif');
+ var iframe = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents();
+ iframe.find('input[type="checkbox"]').css('height', '12px');
+ iframe.find('input[type="radio"][value="student"]').attr('checked', 'checked');
+ iframe.find('a:contains("Member")').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function() {
+ var iframe = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents();
+ $('.scb_s_login_form > div').text('Sign Up');
+ $('.scb_s_login_dialog').addClass('scb_s_signup_dialog');
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').css('height', '560px');
+ });
+ });
+ iframe.find('a:contains("Password")').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function() {
- $('.overlay').append(progress_icon);
+ $('.scb_s_login_form > div').text('Reset Password');
+ });
+ });
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').hide();
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function () {
- var profile = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents().get(0);
- if (profile.body.textContent.indexOf('confirmed') > 0) {
- parent.document.location.reload();
+ iframe.find('a:contains("Back")').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function() {
- }
+ $('.scb_s_login_form > div').text('Sign In');
+ });
+ });
- else {
- $(mask).remove();
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').show();
- if ($('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents().find('.login_submit').length > 0)
- $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents().find('#errorMsg').html('Incorrect username or password. Try again');
+ iframe.find(".auth_submit_button").click(function() {
+ var mask = document.createElement('div');
+ mask.className = 'overlay';
+ $(mask).css({
+ 'width': '100%',
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+ $('.overlay').append(progress_icon);
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').hide();
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').load(function() {
+ var profile = $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents().get(0);
+ if (profile.body.textContent.indexOf('confirmed') > 0) {
+ parent.document.location.reload();
+ } else {
+ $(mask).remove();
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').show();
+ if ($('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents().find('.login_submit').length > 0) {
+ $('.scb_f_login_iframe').contents().find('#errorMsg').html('Incorrect username or password. Try again');
+ }
- }
- });
- });
+ }
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/html_app/ui/MicroscopyView.js b/html_app/ui/MicroscopyView.js
index ac85a8dc..d91b8c90 100644
--- a/html_app/ui/MicroscopyView.js
+++ b/html_app/ui/MicroscopyView.js
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
scb.ui = scb.ui || {};
scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView || {};
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS = 4;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS = 4;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_CONDITION_CHARS = 11;
@@ -15,18 +15,18 @@ var disableSlider = false;
var caman;
var img_width;
var img_height;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC = 150;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.UPPER_SCROLL_LIMIT = 350;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS = 300;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM = 400;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR= 4;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BRIGHTNESS= 250;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC = 150;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.UPPER_SCROLL_LIMIT = 350;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS = 300;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM = 400;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR = 4;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 250;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS = 1;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 10;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS = 1;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 10;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.NORMAL_MIN_BRIGHTNESS = 0;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.NORMAL_MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 8.5;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.NORMAL_MIN_BRIGHTNESS = 0;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.NORMAL_MAX_BRIGHTNESS = 8.5;
scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT = 10;
@@ -62,729 +62,718 @@ var mouseStillDown_right = false;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var microscopy_id = $(element).attr('microscopy_id');
- var microscopy_lane_id = $(element).attr('microscopy_lane_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- microscopy_id: microscopy_id,
- microscopy_lane_id: microscopy_lane_id,
- view: 'microscopy',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- parsed.state = state;
- return parsed;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var microscopy_id = $(element).attr('microscopy_id');
+ var microscopy_lane_id = $(element).attr('microscopy_lane_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ microscopy_id: microscopy_id,
+ microscopy_lane_id: microscopy_lane_id,
+ view: 'microscopy',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ parsed.state = state;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_lens_draw_slide = function(state){
- var model = new scb.components.ModelFactory(state.context.template);
- model.microscopy.compute(state);
- /* state.slides contains the computed image hash */
- var img_sample = state.slides[0].hash;
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_switch_disabled').removeClass('scb_s_microscopy_switch_disabled');
- var notebook_id = null;
- if(state.i_want)
- notebook_id = state.i_want;
- var enableIFSlider = false;
- /* If the slide already assigned, don't change it */
- /* Why is this done only after compute? */
- if(state.microscopy_lane.current_slides.length == 0){
- state.microscopy_lane.current_slides = state.slides;
- }
- var fluorescence = (state.slide_type == 'IF' || state.slide_type == 'FLUOR' || state.slide_type == 'DyeFluor');
- if (fluorescence) {
- if ((state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type ) || (!state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.action && state.slides.length > 1 )) {
- if (state.microscopy_lane.current_slides.length != 1) {
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_if').prop('disabled', false);
- if ($('.scb_s_microscopy_if[checked="checked"]').length > 0) {
- var selected_filter = $('.scb_s_microscopy_if[checked="checked"]').prop('title').toLowerCase();
- $('.scb_f_microscopy_' + selected_filter).prop('checked', 'checked');
- state.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
- state.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
- state.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
- state.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
- if (selected_filter == 'all')
- selected_filter = 'merge';
- state.microscopy[selected_filter + '_enabled'] = true;
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = selected_filter;
- img_sample = $.grep(state.microscopy_lane.current_slides, function (e) {
- return e.if_type == selected_filter;
- })[0].hash;
- }
- else {
- if ((state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type == 'red')) {
- set_filters('red', state);
- }
- else if ((state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type == 'green')) {
- set_filters('green', state);
- }
- else if ((state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type == 'blue')) {
- set_filters('blue', state);
- }
- else if ((state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type == 'merge')) {
- set_filters('all', state);
- }
- else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'red') {
- set_filters('red', state);
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'red';
- }
- else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'green') {
- set_filters('green', state);
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'green';
- }
- else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'blue') {
- set_filters('blue', state);
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'blue';
- }
- else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'merge') {
- set_filters('all', state);
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'merge';
- }
- else {
- set_filters('red', state);
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'red';
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- var color = state.microscopy_lane.current_slides[0].if_type;
- if (color == 'merge')
- color = 'all';
- set_filters(color, state);
- }
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_lens_draw_slide = function(state) {
+ var model = new scb.components.ModelFactory(state.context.template);
+ model.microscopy.compute(state);
+ /* state.slides contains the computed image hash */
+ var img_sample = state.slides[0].hash;
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_switch_disabled').removeClass('scb_s_microscopy_switch_disabled');
+ var notebook_id = null;
+ if (state.i_want) {
+ notebook_id = state.i_want;
+ }
+ var enableIFSlider = false;
+ /* If the slide already assigned, don't change it */
+ /* Why is this done only after compute? */
+ if (state.microscopy_lane.current_slides.length == 0) {
+ state.microscopy_lane.current_slides = state.slides;
+ }
+ var fluorescence = (state.slide_type == 'IF' || state.slide_type == 'FLUOR' || state.slide_type == 'DyeFluor');
+ if (fluorescence) {
+ if ((state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type) || (!state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.action && state.slides.length > 1)) {
+ if (state.microscopy_lane.current_slides.length != 1) {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_if').prop('disabled', false);
+ if ($('.scb_s_microscopy_if[checked="checked"]').length > 0) {
+ var selected_filter = $('.scb_s_microscopy_if[checked="checked"]').prop('title').toLowerCase();
+ $('.scb_f_microscopy_' + selected_filter).prop('checked', 'checked');
+ state.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
+ state.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
+ state.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
+ state.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
+ if (selected_filter == 'all') {
+ selected_filter = 'merge';
+ }
+ state.microscopy[selected_filter + '_enabled'] = true;
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = selected_filter;
+ img_sample = $.grep(state.microscopy_lane.current_slides, function(e) {
+ return e.if_type == selected_filter;
+ })[0].hash;
+ } else {
+ if ( (state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type == 'red') ) {
+ set_filters('red', state);
+ } else if ( (state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type == 'green') ) {
+ set_filters('green', state);
+ } else if ( (state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type == 'blue') ) {
+ set_filters('blue', state);
+ } else if ( (state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type == 'merge') ) {
+ set_filters('all', state);
+ } else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'red') {
+ set_filters('red', state);
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'red';
+ } else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'green') {
+ set_filters('green', state);
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'green';
+ } else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'blue') {
+ set_filters('blue', state);
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'blue';
+ } else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'merge') {
+ set_filters('all', state);
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'merge';
+ } else {
+ set_filters('red', state);
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'red';
+ }
- else {
- //how to categorize a single IF slide and initialize the filter state
- if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'red') {
- set_filters('red', state);
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'red';
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_red').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'green') {
- set_filters('green', state);
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'green';
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_green').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'blue') {
- set_filters('blue', state);
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'blue';
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_blue').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'merge') {
- set_filters('all', state);
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'merge';
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_all').prop('disabled', false);
- }
+ } else {
+ var color = state.microscopy_lane.current_slides[0].if_type;
+ if (color == 'merge') {
+ color = 'all';
+ set_filters(color, state);
+ }
} else {
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_if').prop('disabled', true);
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_if').prop('checked', false);
+ //how to categorize a single IF slide and initialize the filter state
+ if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'red') {
+ set_filters('red', state);
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'red';
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_red').prop('disabled', false);
+ } else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'green') {
+ set_filters('green', state);
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'green';
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_green').prop('disabled', false);
+ } else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'blue') {
+ set_filters('blue', state);
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'blue';
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_blue').prop('disabled', false);
+ } else if (state.slides[0].if_type == 'merge') {
+ set_filters('all', state);
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'merge';
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_all').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
- if(state.microscopy.light_on){
- $('#brightup').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', false);
- } else{
- $('#brightup').prop('disabled', true);
- $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_if').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_if').prop('checked', false);
+ }
+ if (state.microscopy.light_on) {
+ $('#brightup').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', false);
+ } else {
+ $('#brightup').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', true);
+ }
+ if (!fluorescence) {
+ if (state.microscopy.light_on) {
+ if (state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.src) {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_mag').text(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag);
+ init(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, false, draw, state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.src, notebook_id);
+ } else {
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag = state.slides[0].mag;
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_mag').text(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag);
+ init(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, true, false, draw, state.assignment.template.slides[img_sample], notebook_id);
+ }
+ disableSlider = false;
+ if_light_on_and_laser_on = false;
+ } else {
+ init_wb('/images/microscopy/black.jpg');
+ disableSlider = true;
+ if_light_on_and_laser_on = false;
- if (!fluorescence) {
- if (state.microscopy.light_on) {
- if (state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.src) {
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_mag').text(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag);
- init(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, false, draw, state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.src, notebook_id);
- } else {
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag = state.slides[0].mag;
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_mag').text(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag);
- init(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, true, false, draw, state.assignment.template.slides[img_sample], notebook_id);
- }
- disableSlider = false;
- if_light_on_and_laser_on = false;
- } else {
- init_wb('/images/microscopy/black.jpg');
- disableSlider = true;
- if_light_on_and_laser_on = false;
- }
- } else { /* Fluorescent */
- /* Disable the light_on button for Fluorescent images */
- $('.scb_f_microscopy_light').addClass('scb_s_microscopy_switch_disabled');
- $('.scb_f_microscopy_light').prop('disabled', true);
- $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', true);
- $('#brightup').prop('disabled', true);
- if (!state.microscopy.light_on && !state.microscopy.laser_on) {
- init_wb('/images/microscopy/black.jpg');
- disableSlider = true;
- if_light_on_and_laser_on = true;
- change_brightness_lines(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness, true);
- } else if (state.microscopy.light_on && !state.microscopy.laser_on) {
- if (state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness > 1)
- init_wb_mod(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, '/images/microscopy/white.jpg');
- else
- init_wb_mod(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, '/images/microscopy/black.jpg');
- disableSlider = false;
- enableIFSlider = true;
- min_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS;
- max_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MAX_BRIGHTNESS;
- if_light_on_and_laser_on = true;
- change_brightness_lines(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness, false);
- } else if (!state.microscopy.light_on && state.microscopy.laser_on) {
- if (state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.src) {
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_mag').text(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag);
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.cache_brightness = state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness;
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS;
- init(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, true, draw, state.microscopy_lane.current_slides.length != 1 ? state.assignment.template.slides[img_sample] : state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.src, notebook_id);
- } else {
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag = state.slides[0].mag;
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_mag').text(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag);
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.cache_brightness = state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness;
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS;
- init(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, true, true, draw, state.assignment.template.slides[img_sample], notebook_id);
- }
- disableSlider = true;
- min_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS;
- max_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MAX_BRIGHTNESS;
- if_light_on_and_laser_on = true;
- } else if (state.microscopy.light_on && state.microscopy.laser_on) {
- disableSlider = false;
- enableIFSlider = true;
- if (state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.src) {
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_mag').text(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag);
- init(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, true, draw, state.microscopy_lane.current_slides.length != 1 ? state.assignment.template.slides[img_sample] : state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.src, notebook_id);
- }
- else {
- state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag = state.slides[0].mag;
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_mag').text(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag);
- init(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, true, true, draw, state.assignment.template.slides[img_sample], notebook_id);
- }
- min_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS;
- max_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MAX_BRIGHTNESS;
- if_light_on_and_laser_on = true;
+ } else { /* Fluorescent */
+ /* Disable the light_on button for Fluorescent images */
+ $('.scb_f_microscopy_light').addClass('scb_s_microscopy_switch_disabled');
+ $('.scb_f_microscopy_light').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#brightup').prop('disabled', true);
+ if (!state.microscopy.light_on && !state.microscopy.laser_on) {
+ init_wb('/images/microscopy/black.jpg');
+ disableSlider = true;
+ if_light_on_and_laser_on = true;
+ change_brightness_lines(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness, true);
+ } else if (state.microscopy.light_on && !state.microscopy.laser_on) {
+ if (state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness > 1) {
+ init_wb_mod(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, '/images/microscopy/white.jpg');
+ } else {
+ init_wb_mod(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, '/images/microscopy/black.jpg');
+ }
+ disableSlider = false;
+ enableIFSlider = true;
+ min_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS;
+ max_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MAX_BRIGHTNESS;
+ if_light_on_and_laser_on = true;
+ change_brightness_lines(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness, false);
+ } else if (!state.microscopy.light_on && state.microscopy.laser_on) {
+ if (state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.src) {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_mag').text(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag);
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.cache_brightness = state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness;
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS;
+ init(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, true, draw, state.microscopy_lane.current_slides.length != 1 ? state.assignment.template.slides[img_sample] : state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.src, notebook_id);
+ } else {
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag = state.slides[0].mag;
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_mag').text(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag);
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.cache_brightness = state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness;
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS;
+ init(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, true, true, draw, state.assignment.template.slides[img_sample], notebook_id);
+ }
+ disableSlider = true;
+ min_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS;
+ max_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MAX_BRIGHTNESS;
+ if_light_on_and_laser_on = true;
+ } else if (state.microscopy.light_on && state.microscopy.laser_on) {
+ disableSlider = false;
+ enableIFSlider = true;
+ if (state.microscopy_lane.lens_map && state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.src) {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_mag').text(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag);
+ init(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, true, draw, state.microscopy_lane.current_slides.length != 1 ? state.assignment.template.slides[img_sample] : state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.src, notebook_id);
+ } else {
+ state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag = state.slides[0].mag;
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_mag').text(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map.mag);
+ init(state.microscopy_lane.lens_map, true, true, draw, state.assignment.template.slides[img_sample], notebook_id);
+ }
+ min_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS;
+ max_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MAX_BRIGHTNESS;
+ if_light_on_and_laser_on = true;
- }
- }
- if (!disableSlider && !enableIFSlider) {
- min_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.NORMAL_MIN_BRIGHTNESS;
- max_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.NORMAL_MAX_BRIGHTNESS;
- disableBlur = state.microscopy.disable_blur;
- disableBrightness = state.microscopy.disable_brightness;
- if (state.microscopy.disable_blur){
- $('#fblurup').prop('disabled', true);
- $('#fblurdown').prop('disabled', true);
- $('#blurup').prop('disabled', true);
- $('#blurdown').prop('disabled', true);
- }
- if(state.microscopy.disable_brightness){
- $('#brightup').prop('disabled', true);
- $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', true);
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_brightness_focus_middle').children().attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- }
+ }
+ if (!disableSlider && !enableIFSlider) {
+ min_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.NORMAL_MIN_BRIGHTNESS;
+ max_brightness = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.NORMAL_MAX_BRIGHTNESS;
+ }
+ disableBlur = state.microscopy.disable_blur;
+ disableBrightness = state.microscopy.disable_brightness;
+ if (state.microscopy.disable_blur) {
+ $('#fblurup').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#fblurdown').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#blurup').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#blurdown').prop('disabled', true);
+ }
+ if (state.microscopy.disable_brightness) {
+ $('#brightup').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_brightness_focus_middle').children().attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
-function set_filters(name, state){
- state.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
- state.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
- state.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
- state.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_'+name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1)+'.png');
- $('.scb_f_microscopy_'+name).prop('checked', 'checked');
- if(name == 'all')
- name = 'merge';
- state.microscopy[name+'_enabled'] = true;
+function set_filters(name, state) {
+ state.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
+ state.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
+ state.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
+ state.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_' + name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1) + '.png');
+ $('.scb_f_microscopy_' + name).prop('checked', 'checked');
+ if (name == 'all') {
+ name = 'merge';
+ }
+ state.microscopy[name + '_enabled'] = true;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.microscopy.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop();
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var slide_type = $(element).attr('value');
- if (slide_type == '') {
- return;
- }
- var slide_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
- var lanes = _.filter(parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
- return lane.kind == slide_type && cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
- });
- /* Want to check if there are more conditions available for this analysis type*/
- if(lanes.length > 0) {
- /* Find conditions available for this analysis type*/
- var cond_avail = lanes[0].cell_treatment.treatment_list.first.conditions[slide_type];
- /* If the number of existing lanes is equal to num of conditions available */
- if (lanes.length >= cond_avail.length) {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("You've already selected this slide option.",
- function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
- });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- return;
- }
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.microscopy.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop();
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var slide_type = $(element).attr('value');
+ if (slide_type == '') {
+ return;
+ }
+ var slide_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ var lanes = _.filter(parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
+ return lane.kind == slide_type && cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
+ });
+ /* Want to check if there are more conditions available for this analysis type*/
+ if (lanes.length > 0) {
+ /* Find conditions available for this analysis type*/
+ var cond_avail = lanes[0].cell_treatment.treatment_list.first.conditions[slide_type];
+ /* If the number of existing lanes is equal to num of conditions available */
+ if (lanes.length >= cond_avail.length) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("You've already selected this slide option.", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ return;
- /* Since there are more conditions available, we can:
- 1) create a new MicroscopyLane, or
- 2) change the the 'kind' of this existing Lane
- */
- if (slide_id == '') {/*This means that the Lane does not 'exist' yet*/
- var cell_treatment_list=parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
- /* Want to find the number of conditions available for this cell_treatment */
- var conditions = _.filter(cell_treatment_list.list , function(lane){
- return lane.id == cell_treatment_id; })[0].treatment_list.first.conditions;
- if ( _.size(conditions[slide_type]) == 1) {
- var slide_conditions_val = conditions[slide_type][0];
- /* Create MicroscopyLane*/
- parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.start({
- kind: slide_type,
- slide_conditions: slide_conditions_val,
- cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
- experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id
- });
- }else {
- /*If there many kinds or conditions slide_condition will be selected later*/
- parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.start({
- kind: slide_type,
- cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
- experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id
- });
- }
- }else {
- parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.get(slide_id).kind = slide_type;
+ }
+ /* Since there are more conditions available, we can:
+ 1) create a new MicroscopyLane, or
+ 2) change the the 'kind' of this existing Lane
+ */
+ if (slide_id == '') { /*This means that the Lane does not 'exist' yet*/
+ var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
+ /* Want to find the number of conditions available for this cell_treatment */
+ var conditions = _.filter(cell_treatment_list.list, function(lane) {
+ return lane.id == cell_treatment_id;
+ })[0].treatment_list.first.conditions;
+ if (_.size(conditions[slide_type]) == 1) {
+ var slide_conditions_val = conditions[slide_type][0];
+ /* Create MicroscopyLane*/
+ parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.start({
+ kind: slide_type,
+ slide_conditions: slide_conditions_val,
+ cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
+ experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id
+ });
+ } else {
+ /*If there many kinds or conditions slide_condition will be selected later*/
+ parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.start({
+ kind: slide_type,
+ cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
+ experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id
+ });
+ } else {
+ parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.get(slide_id).kind = slide_type;
+ }
- if (event) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+ if (event) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_add_all_conditions = function (element, event) {
- /* Select all conditions for all types/kinds */
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.microscopy.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
- var lanes = _.filter(parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list, function (lane) {
- return cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
- });
- /* Need to get available conditions for each cell_treatment*/
- var cell_treatment_list=parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
- /* Want to find a dict of kinds and conditions available for this cell_treatment */
- var micro_kinds = _.filter(cell_treatment_list.list , function(lane){
- return lane.id == cell_treatment_id; })[0].treatment_list.first.conditions;
- _.each(_.keys(micro_kinds), function(type){
- _.each(micro_kinds[type], function(condition){
- /* find if a lane exists with this condition */
- var lane = _.find(lanes, function(lane){
- return lane.slide_conditions === condition
- });
- /* if not, create a new MicroscopyLane */
- if (typeof lane === 'undefined'){
- parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.start({
- kind: type,
- slide_conditions: condition,
- cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
- experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id
- });
- }
- });
- /* want to remove any lanes that did not have condition selected */
- var lanes_no_cond = _.filter(lanes, function(lane){
- return lane.slide_conditions === null
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_add_all_conditions = function(element, event) {
+ /* Select all conditions for all types/kinds */
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.microscopy.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_facs_samples_table').scrollTop();
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ var lanes = _.filter(parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
+ return cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
+ });
+ /* Need to get available conditions for each cell_treatment*/
+ var cell_treatment_list = parsed.experiment.cell_treatment_list;
+ /* Want to find a dict of kinds and conditions available for this cell_treatment */
+ var micro_kinds = _.filter(cell_treatment_list.list, function(lane) {
+ return lane.id == cell_treatment_id;
+ })[0].treatment_list.first.conditions;
+ _.each(_.keys(micro_kinds), function(type) {
+ _.each(micro_kinds[type], function(condition) {
+ /* find if a lane exists with this condition */
+ var lane = _.find(lanes, function(lane) {
+ return lane.slide_conditions === condition
+ });
+ /* if not, create a new MicroscopyLane */
+ if (typeof lane === 'undefined') {
+ parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.start({
+ kind: type,
+ slide_conditions: condition,
+ cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
+ experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id
- _.each(lanes_no_cond, function(lane){
- parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.remove(lane.id);
- });
- })
- if (event) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+ }
+ });
+ /* want to remove any lanes that did not have condition selected */
+ var lanes_no_cond = _.filter(lanes, function(lane) {
+ return lane.slide_conditions === null
+ });
+ _.each(lanes_no_cond, function(lane) {
+ parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.remove(lane.id);
+ });
+ })
+ if (event) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_select_conditions = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.microscopy.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop();
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var slide_conditions = $(element).attr('value');
- if (slide_conditions == '') {
- return;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_select_conditions = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.microscopy.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop();
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var slide_conditions = $(element).attr('value');
+ if (slide_conditions == '') {
+ return;
+ }
+ var slide_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ /* Want to uncheck all checked radio buttons for this lane */
+ var cond_list = $('input.scb_f_microscopy_select_conditions[cell_treatment_id="' + cell_treatment_id + '"][lane_id="' + slide_id + '"]');
+ for (var i = 0; i < cond_list.length; i++) {
+ if ($(cond_list[i]).attr('value') != slide_conditions && $(cond_list[i]).attr('checked') == 'checked') {
+ $(cond_list[i]).attr('checked', false);
- var slide_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
- /* Want to uncheck all checked radio buttons for this lane */
- var cond_list= $('input.scb_f_microscopy_select_conditions[cell_treatment_id="'+ cell_treatment_id+'"][lane_id="'+slide_id+'"]');
- for (var i=0; i < cond_list.length; i++){
- if($(cond_list[i]).attr('value') != slide_conditions && $(cond_list[i]).attr('checked')=='checked'){
- $(cond_list[i]).attr('checked', false);
- }
+ }
+ /* Iterating over all lanes and comparing it to the selected one*/
+ /* Comparing based on condition, kind, cell_treatment_id*/
+ for (var index = 0; index < parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list.length; index++) {
+ var lane = parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list[index];
+ if (
+ lane.slide_conditions == slide_conditions &&
+ lane.kind == parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.get(slide_id).kind &&
+ lane.cell_treatment_id == cell_treatment_id
+ ) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("You've already selected this condition option.", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ return;
- /* Iterating over all lanes and comparing it to the selected one*/
- /* Comparing based on condition, kind, cell_treatment_id*/
- for (var index = 0; index < parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list.length; index++) {
- var lane = parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list[index];
- if (
- lane.slide_conditions == slide_conditions &&
- lane.kind == parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.get(slide_id).kind &&
- lane.cell_treatment_id == cell_treatment_id
- ) {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("You've already selected this condition option.",
- function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- return;
+ }
+ parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.get(slide_id).slide_conditions = slide_conditions;
+ /* When condition selected for this Lane, want to enable conditions for the placeholder below*/
+ var placeholder = $('span.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type[cell_treatment_id="' + cell_treatment_id + '"][lane_kind="placeholder"]');
+ /* Want to check if there is a placeholder*/
+ if (placeholder.length > 0) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type(placeholder);
+ }
- }
+ if (event) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_remove = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.microscopy.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop();
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var cell_treatment_id = '';
+ var lysate_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
+ /* Find cell_treatment_id for this sample*/
+ _.each(parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
+ if (lysate_id == lane.id) {
+ cell_treatment_id = lane.cell_treatment_id;
- parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.get(slide_id).slide_conditions = slide_conditions;
- /* When condition selected for this Lane, want to enable conditions for the placeholder below*/
- var placeholder=$('span.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type[cell_treatment_id="' + cell_treatment_id + '"][lane_kind="placeholder"]');
- /* Want to check if there is a placeholder*/
- if(placeholder.length>0) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type(placeholder);
- }
- if (event) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+ });
+ /* Delete this Lane from the lanes_list*/
+ parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.remove(lysate_id);
+ /* If this is the only Lane for this CellTreatment,
+ * then remove it from the list of enabled samples*/
+ var lanes = _.filter(parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
+ return cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
+ });
+ if (lanes.length < 1) {
+ parsed.microscopy.is_cell_treatment_enabled[cell_treatment_id] = false;
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_remove = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.microscopy.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop();
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var cell_treatment_id = '';
- var lysate_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
+ var val = $(element).attr('checked');
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
- /* Find cell_treatment_id for this sample*/
- _.each(parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list, function (lane) {
- if (lysate_id == lane.id) {
- cell_treatment_id = lane.cell_treatment_id;
- }
- });
+ parsed.microscopy.is_cell_treatment_enabled[cell_treatment_id] = val;
- /* Delete this Lane from the lanes_list*/
- parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.remove(lysate_id);
- /* If this is the only Lane for this CellTreatment,
- * then remove it from the list of enabled samples*/
- var lanes = _.filter(parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list, function (lane) {
- return cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
+ if (val === 'checked') {
+ $('.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type', $(element).parent().parent()).each(function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type(this);
+ });
+ } else {
+ /*want to remove the MicroscopyLane*/
+ var lanes = _.filter(parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list, function(lane) {
+ return cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
- if (lanes.length < 1) {
- parsed.microscopy.is_cell_treatment_enabled[cell_treatment_id] = false;
+ _.each(lanes, function(lane) {
+ parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.remove(lane.id);
+ });
+ }
+ parsed.microscopy.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop();
+ if (event) {
+ var rows_count = parsed.microscopy.rows_state();
+ if (rows_count.valid > (scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_ROWS - 1)) {
+ var element = $('.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active[cell_treatment_id="' + cell_treatment_id + '"]');
+ var parent = $(element).parent();
+ var note = $("" + rows_count.valid + " ");
+ note.appendTo(parent);
+ console.info(parent);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ $(note).detach();
+ }, 500);
+ }
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_remove = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var id_list = [];
+ for (var x = 0; x < parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length; x++) {
+ id_list.push(parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list[x].id);
+ }
+ parsed.state.index = id_list.indexOf(parsed.microscopy.id);
+ parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.remove(parsed.microscopy.id);
+ if (parsed.state.index == parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length) {
+ parsed.state.index = parsed.state.index - 1;
+ }
+ //fix tab indexing for display
+ if (parsed.state.index > parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS) {
+ if ((parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length == scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS + 1 || parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length == scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS + 2) && parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index <= 1) {
+ parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index + 1;
+ } else {
+ parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index - 1;
+ }
- var val = $(element).attr('checked');
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ delete parsed.state.skip_hash_update;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
- parsed.microscopy.is_cell_treatment_enabled[cell_treatment_id] = val;
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_selected = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
- if(val === 'checked') {
- $('.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type', $(element).parent().parent()).each(function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type(this);
- });
- }else{
- /*want to remove the MicroscopyLane*/
- var lanes = _.filter(parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.list, function (lane) {
- return cell_treatment_id == lane.cell_treatment_id
- });
- _.each(lanes,function(lane){
- parsed.microscopy.lanes_list.remove(lane.id);
- });
- }
- parsed.microscopy.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop();
- if (event) {
- var rows_count = parsed.microscopy.rows_state();
- if (rows_count.valid > (scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_ROWS - 1)) {
- var element = $('.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active[cell_treatment_id="' + cell_treatment_id + '"]');
- var parent = $(element).parent();
- var note = $("" + rows_count.valid + " ");
- note.appendTo(parent);
- console.info(parent);
- setTimeout(function () {
- $(note).detach();
- }, 500);
- }
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+ parsed.microscopy.name = $(element).text();
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_remove = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var id_list = [];
- for( var x=0; x < parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length; x++){id_list.push(parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list[x].id);}
- parsed.state.index= id_list.indexOf(parsed.microscopy.id);
- parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.remove(parsed.microscopy.id);
- if(parsed.state.index == parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length){
- parsed.state.index = parsed.state.index -1 ;
- }
- //fix tab indexing for display
- if(parsed.state.index > parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS) {
- if((parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length == scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS+1 || parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list.length == scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS+2) && parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index <=1)
- parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index+1;
- else parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index-1;
- }
- delete parsed.state.skip_hash_update;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_prepare_slides = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ var rows_state = parsed.microscopy.rows_state();
+ if (rows_state && rows_state.valid < 1) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_selected = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ if ($('.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active:checked').length > 0) {
- parsed.microscopy.name = $(element).text();
+ $.jqDialog.alert("Please select microscopy analysis and/or conditions for at least one sample.", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove(); /* callback function for 'OK' button*/ return;
+ });
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_prepare_slides = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- var rows_state = parsed.microscopy.rows_state();
- if (rows_state && rows_state.valid < 1) {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- if($('.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active:checked').length > 0){
- $.jqDialog.alert("Please select microscopy analysis and/or conditions for at least one sample.", function() {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();/* callback function for 'OK' button*/ return;});
- }
- else{
- $.jqDialog.alert("No samples selected.", function() {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();/* callback function for 'OK' button*/ return;});
- }
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- }
- else{
- /* want to find the first lane in the list that valid
- and select it */
- var valid_lane = _.find(rows_state.rows, function(r){
- return r.is_valid ;
- });
- parsed.microscopy.lane_selected = valid_lane.lane.id;
- parsed.microscopy.slide_prepared = true;
- window.scrollTo(0, 0);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+ } else {
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_choose_gel_type_input = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ $.jqDialog.alert("No samples selected.", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove(); /* callback function for 'OK' button*/ return;
+ });
- parsed.microscopy.gel_type = $(element).val();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active_all = function (element) {
- $('.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active').each(function (e) {
- var element = this;
- $(element).attr('checked', true);
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active(element);
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ } else {
+ /* want to find the first lane in the list that valid
+ and select it */
+ var valid_lane = _.find(rows_state.rows, function(r) {
+ return r.is_valid;
+ parsed.microscopy.lane_selected = valid_lane.lane.id;
+ parsed.microscopy.slide_prepared = true;
+ window.scrollTo(0, 0);
+ }
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_choose_gel_type_input = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.microscopy.gel_type = $(element).val();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_inactive_all = function (element) {
- $('.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active').each(function(e){
- var element = this;
- $(element).attr('checked', false);
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active(element);
- });
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active_all = function(element) {
+ $('.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active').each(function(e) {
+ var element = this;
+ $(element).attr('checked', true);
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active(element);
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_load_slides = function(element){
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_inactive_all = function(element) {
+ $('.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active').each(function(e) {
+ var element = this;
+ $(element).attr('checked', false);
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active(element);
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- parsed.microscopy.samples_finished = true;
- parsed.microscopy.enable_samples = true;
- var lane_kind = parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.kind;
- if(lane_kind=='IF' || lane_kind == 'FLUOR' ){
- parsed.microscopy.laser_on = true;
- parsed.microscopy.light_on =false;
- }
- else{
- parsed.microscopy.laser_on = false;
- parsed.microscopy.light_on = true;
- }
- $('#lens').remove();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_load_slides = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.microscopy.samples_finished = true;
+ parsed.microscopy.enable_samples = true;
+ var lane_kind = parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.kind;
+ if (lane_kind == 'IF' || lane_kind == 'FLUOR') {
+ parsed.microscopy.laser_on = true;
+ parsed.microscopy.light_on = false;
+ } else {
+ parsed.microscopy.laser_on = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.light_on = true;
+ }
+ $('#lens').remove();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_slide_tab = function(element){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if(parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'IF' || parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'FLUOR'){
- parsed.microscopy.laser_on = true;
- }
- else{
- parsed.microscopy.laser_on = false;
- }
- parsed.microscopy.lane_selected = parsed.microscopy_lane.id;
- parsed.microscopy.is_tab_selected[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.cell_treatment_id]
- = parsed.microscopy.lane_selected;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_slide_tab = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'IF' || parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'FLUOR') {
+ parsed.microscopy.laser_on = true;
+ } else {
+ parsed.microscopy.laser_on = false;
+ }
+ parsed.microscopy.lane_selected = parsed.microscopy_lane.id;
+ parsed.microscopy.is_tab_selected[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.cell_treatment_id] = parsed.microscopy.lane_selected;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list_select = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if(parsed.microscopy.enable_samples){
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if (parsed.microscopy.samples_finished) {
- if (parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'IF' || parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'FLUOR') {
- parsed.microscopy.laser_on = true;
- }
- else {
- parsed.microscopy.laser_on = false;
- }
- $('li', $(element).parent()).removeClass('scb_s_microscopy_sample_selected');
- $(element).addClass('scb_s_microscopy_sample_selected');
- parsed.microscopy.lane_selected = parsed.microscopy_lane.id;
- parsed.microscopy.scroll = $('.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list').scrollTop();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
- }
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list_select = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.microscopy.enable_samples) {
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.microscopy.samples_finished) {
+ if (parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'IF' || parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'FLUOR') {
+ parsed.microscopy.laser_on = true;
+ } else {
+ parsed.microscopy.laser_on = false;
+ }
+ $('li', $(element).parent()).removeClass('scb_s_microscopy_sample_selected');
+ $(element).addClass('scb_s_microscopy_sample_selected');
+ parsed.microscopy.lane_selected = parsed.microscopy_lane.id;
+ parsed.microscopy.scroll = $('.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list').scrollTop();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
+ }
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_left_microscopy = function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_left_microscopy = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index -1;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+ parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index - 1;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy = function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index +1;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+ parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index + 1;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_lane_left = function(element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- var cell_treatment_id = parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.cell_treatment_id;
- if (parsed.microscopy.start_tabs_index[cell_treatment_id] > 0) {
- parsed.microscopy.start_tabs_index[cell_treatment_id]--;
- }
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ var cell_treatment_id = parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.cell_treatment_id;
+ if (parsed.microscopy.start_tabs_index[cell_treatment_id] > 0) {
+ parsed.microscopy.start_tabs_index[cell_treatment_id]--;
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_lane_right = function(element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- var cell_treatment_id = parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.cell_treatment_id;
- var max_tab_index = parsed.microscopy.total_num_tabs - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS;
- if (parsed.microscopy.start_tabs_index[cell_treatment_id] < max_tab_index) {
- parsed.microscopy.start_tabs_index[cell_treatment_id]++;
- }
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+ var cell_treatment_id = parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.cell_treatment_id;
+ var max_tab_index = parsed.microscopy.total_num_tabs - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS;
+ if (parsed.microscopy.start_tabs_index[cell_treatment_id] < max_tab_index) {
+ parsed.microscopy.start_tabs_index[cell_treatment_id]++;
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_add_microscopy= function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- console.log(parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index);
- console.log(parsed.microscopy.parent.list.length);
- if(parsed.microscopy.parent.list.length==scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS){
- parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = 1;
- }
- else if (parsed.microscopy.parent.list.length >scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS)
- parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.microscopy.parent.length-(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS-1);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_add_microscopy = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ console.log(parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index);
+ console.log(parsed.microscopy.parent.list.length);
+ if (parsed.microscopy.parent.list.length == scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS) {
+ parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = 1;
+ } else if (parsed.microscopy.parent.list.length > scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS) {
+ parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.microscopy.parent.length - (scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS - 1);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
@@ -825,768 +814,805 @@ you pass a callback function to the method so that it calls the draw method imme
-function draw_lens(param, addition, state, canvas){
- console.log(state.xparam);
- console.log(state.yparam);
- if(state.xparam > scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.UPPER_SCROLL_LIMIT){
- $('#left', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- mouseStillDown_left = false;
- }
- else{
- $('#left', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- if(state.xparam < -img_width){
- $('#right', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- mouseStillDown_right = false;
- }
- else{
- $('#right', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- if(state.yparam > scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.UPPER_SCROLL_LIMIT){
- $('#up', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- mouseStillDown_up = false;
- }
- else{
- $('#up', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- if(state.yparam < -img_height){
- $('#down', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- mouseStillDown_down = false;
- }
- else{
- $('#down', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- if(true){
- switch(param)
- {
- case 'x':
- state.xparam = state.xparam + addition;
- break;
- case 'y':
- state.yparam = state.yparam + addition;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- var samples_area = $('.scb_s_microscopy_view').find(".scb_s_microscopy_slide_content[microscopy_lane_id='"+state.parent.id+"']", '#main').get(0);
- $('#scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline_'+state.lane_id+' svg image', '#main').attr('transform',"matrix(1,0,0,1,"+state.xparam+","+state.yparam+")" );
- }
- else{
- console.error( "ERROR IN DRAW! ");
- debugger;
- }
+function draw_lens(param, addition, state, canvas) {
+ console.log(state.xparam);
+ console.log(state.yparam);
+ if (state.xparam > scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.UPPER_SCROLL_LIMIT) {
+ $('#left', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ mouseStillDown_left = false;
+ } else {
+ $('#left', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ if (state.xparam < -img_width) {
+ $('#right', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ mouseStillDown_right = false;
+ } else {
+ $('#right', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ if (state.yparam > scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.UPPER_SCROLL_LIMIT) {
+ $('#up', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ mouseStillDown_up = false;
+ } else {
+ $('#up', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ if (state.yparam < -img_height) {
+ $('#down', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ mouseStillDown_down = false;
+ } else {
+ $('#down', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ if (true) {
+ switch (param) {
+ case 'x':
+ state.xparam = state.xparam + addition;
+ break;
+ case 'y':
+ state.yparam = state.yparam + addition;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ var samples_area = $('.scb_s_microscopy_view').find(".scb_s_microscopy_slide_content[microscopy_lane_id='" + state.parent.id + "']", '#main').get(0);
+ $('#scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline_' + state.lane_id + ' svg image', '#main').attr('transform', "matrix(1,0,0,1," + state.xparam + "," + state.yparam + ")");
+ } else {
+ console.error("ERROR IN DRAW! ");
+ debugger;
+ }
-function draw(state){
- var canvas=document.getElementById("lens");
- document.onkeydown=function (e) {
- e = e || window.event;
- if(caman_lock){
- console.log('nope');
- }
- else{
- if (e.keyCode == '37' && $('#left', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled') == false) {
- // l arrow
- e.preventDefault();
- draw_lens('x', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
- console.log('left')
- }
- else if (e.keyCode == '38' && $('#up', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled')== false) {
- // u arrow
- e.preventDefault();
- draw_lens('y', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state,document.getElementById("lens"));
- console.log('up');
- }
- else if (e.keyCode == '39' && $('#right', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled')== false) {
- // r arrow
- e.preventDefault();
- draw_lens('x', -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
- console.log('right');
- }
- else if (e.keyCode == '40' && $('#down', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled')== false) {
- // d arrow
- e.preventDefault();
- draw_lens('y', -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
- console.log('down');
- }
- }
- };
- $('#up', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').mousedown(function(){
- if(caman_lock){
- }
- else{
- mouseStillDown_up = true;
- moveUp();
- }
- });
- $('#down', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').mousedown(function(){
- if(caman_lock){
- }
- else{
- mouseStillDown_down = true;
- moveDown();
- }
- });
- $('#left', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').mousedown(function(){
- if(caman_lock){
- }
- else{
- mouseStillDown_left = true;
- moveLeft();
- }
- });
- $('#right', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').mousedown(function(){
- if(caman_lock){
- }
- else{
- mouseStillDown_right = true;
- moveRight();
- }
- });
- $(document).mouseup(function(event) {
- mouseStillDown_up = false;
- mouseStillDown_down = false;
- mouseStillDown_left = false;
- mouseStillDown_right = false;
- });
- function moveUp() {
- if (!mouseStillDown_up) { return; } // we could have come back from
- // SetInterval and the mouse is no longer down
- draw_lens('y', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
- console.log('up');
- if (mouseStillDown_up) { setTimeout(moveUp, 100); }
- }
- function moveDown() {
- if (!mouseStillDown_down) { return; } // we could have come back from
- // SetInterval and the mouse is no longer down
- draw_lens('y', -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
- console.log('down');
- if (mouseStillDown_down) { setTimeout(moveDown, 100); }
- }
- function moveLeft() {
- if (!mouseStillDown_left) { return; } // we could have come back from
- // SetInterval and the mouse is no longer down
- draw_lens('x', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
- console.log('left');
- if (mouseStillDown_left) { setTimeout(moveLeft, 100); }
- }
- function moveRight() {
- if (!mouseStillDown_right) { return; } // we could have come back from
- // SetInterval and the mouse is no longer down
- draw_lens('x', -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
- console.log('right');
- if (mouseStillDown_right) { setTimeout(moveRight, 100); }
- }
- $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function(){
- if(caman_lock){
- console.log('nope');
- }
- else{
- if($('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline_'+state.lane_id+' svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('xlink:href') == '/images/microscopy/black.jpg'){
- if(state.brightness >=scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BRIGHTNESS){
- $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- }
- else{
- $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#brightdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- state.brightness = state.brightness +scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BRIGHTNESS_LARGE_INCREMENT;
- }
- else{
- if(state.brightness >=max_brightness){
- $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- }
- else{
- $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#brightdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- if(state.brightness >=scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS)
- state.brightness = state.brightness + scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BRIGHTNESS_UP_INCREMENT;
- else state.brightness = state.brightness + scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BRIGHTNESS_DOWN_INCREMENT;
- console.log(state.brightness);
- console.log('brightup');
- var svg =document.getElementById("svg");
- }
- $('#lensfilter #brightness #b_red', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness+'');
- $('#lensfilter #brightness #b_green', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness+'');
- $('#lensfilter #brightness #b_blue', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness+'');
- $('#filter1 #b_red', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness+'');
- $('#filter1 #b_green', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness+'');
- $('#filter1 #b_blue', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness+'');
- change_brightness_lines(state.brightness, false);
- }
- });
- $('#brightdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function(){
- if(caman_lock){
- console.log('nope');
- }
- else{
- if($('#svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('xlink:href') == '/images/microscopy/black.jpg'){
- if(state.brightness <=scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BRIGHTNESS){
- $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- }
- else{
- $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#brightdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- state.brightness = state.brightness -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BRIGHTNESS_LARGE_INCREMENT;
- }
- else{
- if(state.brightness <=min_brightness){
- $('#brightdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- }
- else{
- $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#brightdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- if(state.brightness <=scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS)
- state.brightness = state.brightness - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BRIGHTNESS_DOWN_INCREMENT;
- else state.brightness = state.brightness - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BRIGHTNESS_UP_INCREMENT;
- console.log(state.brightness);
- console.log('brightdown');
- var svg =document.getElementById("svg");
- }
- $('#lensfilter #brightness #b_red', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness+'');
- $('#lensfilter #brightness #b_green', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness+'');
- $('#lensfilter #brightness #b_blue', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness+'');
- $('#filter1 #b_red', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness+'');
- $('#filter1 #b_green', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness+'');
- $('#filter1 #b_blue', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness+'');
- change_brightness_lines(state.brightness, false);
- }
- });
- $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function(){
- console.log(state.blur);
- console.log(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR);
- if(state.blur >=scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR && !isLeft){
- $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- }
- else {
- $('#fblurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#fblurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- modify_state_blur(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BLUR_COARSE_INCREMENT, state, 'up');
- console.log(state.blur)
- console.log('*');
- });
- $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function(){
- console.log(state.blur);
- console.log(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR);
- if(state.blur >=scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR && isLeft){
- $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- }
- else {
- $('#fblurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#fblurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- modify_state_blur(-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BLUR_COARSE_INCREMENT, state, 'down');
- console.log(state.blur)
- console.log('*');
- });
- $('#fblurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function(){
- console.log(state.blur);
- console.log(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR);
- if(state.blur >=scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR && !isLeft){
- $('#fblurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- }
- else {
- $('#fblurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#fblurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- modify_state_blur(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BLUR_FINE_INCREMENT, state, 'up');
- console.log(state.blur)
- console.log('*');
- });
- $('#fblurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function(){
- console.log(state.blur);
- console.log(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR);
- if(state.blur >=scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR && isLeft){
- $('#fblurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- }
- else {
- $('#fblurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#fblurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- modify_state_blur(-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BLUR_FINE_INCREMENT, state, 'down');
- console.log(state.blur)
- console.log('*');
- });
- console.log('draw');
+function draw(state) {
+ var canvas = document.getElementById("lens");
+ document.onkeydown = function(e) {
+ e = e || window.event;
+ if (caman_lock) {
+ console.log('nope');
+ } else {
+ if (e.keyCode == '37' && $('#left', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled') == false) {
+ // l arrow
+ e.preventDefault();
+ draw_lens('x', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
+ console.log('left')
+ } else if (e.keyCode == '38' && $('#up', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled') == false) {
+ // u arrow
+ e.preventDefault();
+ draw_lens('y', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
+ console.log('up');
+ } else if (e.keyCode == '39' && $('#right', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled') == false) {
+ // r arrow
+ e.preventDefault();
+ draw_lens('x', -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
+ console.log('right');
+ } else if (e.keyCode == '40' && $('#down', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled') == false) {
+ // d arrow
+ e.preventDefault();
+ draw_lens('y', -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
+ console.log('down');
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ $('#up', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').mousedown(function() {
+ if (caman_lock) {
+ } else {
+ mouseStillDown_up = true;
+ moveUp();
+ }
+ });
+ $('#down', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').mousedown(function() {
+ if (caman_lock) {
+ } else {
+ mouseStillDown_down = true;
+ moveDown();
+ }
+ });
+ $('#left', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').mousedown(function() {
+ if (caman_lock) {
+ } else {
+ mouseStillDown_left = true;
+ moveLeft();
+ }
+ });
+ $('#right', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').mousedown(function() {
+ if (caman_lock) {
+ } else {
+ mouseStillDown_right = true;
+ moveRight();
+ }
+ });
+ $(document).mouseup(function(event) {
+ mouseStillDown_up = false;
+ mouseStillDown_down = false;
+ mouseStillDown_left = false;
+ mouseStillDown_right = false;
+ });
+ function moveUp() {
+ if (!mouseStillDown_up) {
+ return;
+ } // we could have come back from
+ // SetInterval and the mouse is no longer down
+ draw_lens('y', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
+ console.log('up');
+ if (mouseStillDown_up) {
+ setTimeout(moveUp, 100);
+ }
+ }
+ function moveDown() {
+ if (!mouseStillDown_down) {
+ return;
+ } // we could have come back from
+ // SetInterval and the mouse is no longer down
+ draw_lens('y', -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
+ console.log('down');
+ if (mouseStillDown_down) {
+ setTimeout(moveDown, 100);
+ }
+ }
+ function moveLeft() {
+ if (!mouseStillDown_left) {
+ return;
+ } // we could have come back from
+ // SetInterval and the mouse is no longer down
+ draw_lens('x', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
+ console.log('left');
+ if (mouseStillDown_left) {
+ setTimeout(moveLeft, 100);
+ }
+ }
+ function moveRight() {
+ if (!mouseStillDown_right) {
+ return;
+ } // we could have come back from
+ // SetInterval and the mouse is no longer down
+ draw_lens('x', -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_DRAW_INCREMENT, state, document.getElementById("lens"));
+ console.log('right');
+ if (mouseStillDown_right) {
+ setTimeout(moveRight, 100);
+ }
+ }
+ $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function() {
+ if (caman_lock) {
+ console.log('nope');
+ } else {
+ if ($('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline_' + state.lane_id + ' svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('xlink:href') == '/images/microscopy/black.jpg') {
+ if (state.brightness >= scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BRIGHTNESS) {
+ $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#brightdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ state.brightness = state.brightness + scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BRIGHTNESS_LARGE_INCREMENT;
+ } else {
+ if (state.brightness >= max_brightness) {
+ $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#brightdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ if (state.brightness >= scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS) {
+ state.brightness = state.brightness + scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BRIGHTNESS_UP_INCREMENT;
+ } else {
+ state.brightness = state.brightness + scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BRIGHTNESS_DOWN_INCREMENT;
+ }
+ console.log(state.brightness);
+ console.log('brightup');
+ var svg = document.getElementById("svg");
+ }
+ $('#lensfilter #brightness #b_red', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness + '');
+ $('#lensfilter #brightness #b_green', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness + '');
+ $('#lensfilter #brightness #b_blue', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness + '');
+ $('#filter1 #b_red', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness + '');
+ $('#filter1 #b_green', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness + '');
+ $('#filter1 #b_blue', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness + '');
+ change_brightness_lines(state.brightness, false);
+ }
+ });
+ $('#brightdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function() {
+ if (caman_lock) {
+ console.log('nope');
+ } else {
+ if ($('#svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('xlink:href') == '/images/microscopy/black.jpg') {
+ if (state.brightness <= scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BRIGHTNESS) {
+ $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#brightdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ state.brightness = state.brightness - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BRIGHTNESS_LARGE_INCREMENT;
+ } else {
+ if (state.brightness <= min_brightness) {
+ $('#brightdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ $('#brightup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#brightdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ if (state.brightness <= scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.WHITE_MIN_BRIGHTNESS) {
+ state.brightness = state.brightness - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BRIGHTNESS_DOWN_INCREMENT;
+ } else {
+ state.brightness = state.brightness - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BRIGHTNESS_UP_INCREMENT;
+ }
+ console.log(state.brightness);
+ console.log('brightdown');
+ var svg = document.getElementById("svg");
+ }
+ $('#lensfilter #brightness #b_red', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness + '');
+ $('#lensfilter #brightness #b_green', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness + '');
+ $('#lensfilter #brightness #b_blue', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness + '');
+ $('#filter1 #b_red', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness + '');
+ $('#filter1 #b_green', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness + '');
+ $('#filter1 #b_blue', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('slope', state.brightness + '');
+ change_brightness_lines(state.brightness, false);
+ }
+ });
+ $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function() {
+ console.log(state.blur);
+ console.log(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR);
+ if (state.blur >= scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR && !isLeft) {
+ $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ $('#fblurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#fblurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ modify_state_blur(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BLUR_COARSE_INCREMENT, state, 'up');
+ console.log(state.blur)
+ console.log('*');
+ });
+ $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function() {
+ console.log(state.blur);
+ console.log(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR);
+ if (state.blur >= scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR && isLeft) {
+ $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ $('#fblurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#fblurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ modify_state_blur(-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BLUR_COARSE_INCREMENT, state, 'down');
+ console.log(state.blur)
+ console.log('*');
+ });
+ $('#fblurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function() {
+ console.log(state.blur);
+ console.log(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR);
+ if (state.blur >= scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR && !isLeft) {
+ $('#fblurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ $('#fblurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#fblurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ modify_state_blur(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BLUR_FINE_INCREMENT, state, 'up');
+ console.log(state.blur)
+ console.log('*');
+ });
+ $('#fblurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function() {
+ console.log(state.blur);
+ console.log(scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR);
+ if (state.blur >= scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR && isLeft) {
+ $('#fblurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ $('#fblurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#fblurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#blurup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#blurdown', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ modify_state_blur(-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.BLUR_FINE_INCREMENT, state, 'down');
+ console.log(state.blur)
+ console.log('*');
+ });
+ console.log('draw');
-function change_brightness_lines(brightness_value, brightness_disabled){
- if(brightness_disabled && disableSlider){
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_brightness_focus_middle', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').children().attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- }
- else{
- if(if_light_on_and_laser_on){
- var list_of_lines = $('.scb_s_microscopy_brightness_focus_middle', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').children();
- if (brightness_value > 1)
- $(list_of_lines[0]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[0]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value >1.5)
- $(list_of_lines[1]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[1]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 2 )
- $(list_of_lines[2]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[2]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value >2.5 )
- $(list_of_lines[3]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[3]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 3 )
- $(list_of_lines[4]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[4]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 3.5 )
- $(list_of_lines[5]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[5]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value >4 )
- $(list_of_lines[6]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[6]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value >4.5)
- $(list_of_lines[7]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[7]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 5)
- $(list_of_lines[8]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[8]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value >5.5)
- $(list_of_lines[9]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[9]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 6 )
- $(list_of_lines[10]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[10]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value >6.5)
- $(list_of_lines[11]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[11]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value >7 )
- $(list_of_lines[12]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[12]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 7.5 )
- $(list_of_lines[13]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[13]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 8 )
- $(list_of_lines[14]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[14]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 8.5)
- $(list_of_lines[15]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[15]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 9 )
- $(list_of_lines[16]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[16]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 9.5 )
- $(list_of_lines[17]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[17]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- }
- else{
- var list_of_lines = $('.scb_s_microscopy_brightness_focus_middle', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').children();
- if (brightness_value > 0)
- $(list_of_lines[0]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[0]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 0.1 )
- $(list_of_lines[1]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[1]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 0.2 )
- $(list_of_lines[2]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[2]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 0.3 )
- $(list_of_lines[3]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[3]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 0.4 )
- $(list_of_lines[4]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[4]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 0.5 )
- $(list_of_lines[5]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[5]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 0.6 )
- $(list_of_lines[6]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[6]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 0.7 )
- $(list_of_lines[7]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[7]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 0.8 )
- $(list_of_lines[8]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[8]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 0.9 )
- $(list_of_lines[9]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[9]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 1 )
- $(list_of_lines[10]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[10]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value >2)
- $(list_of_lines[11]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[11]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value >3 )
- $(list_of_lines[12]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[12]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 4 )
- $(list_of_lines[13]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[13]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 5 )
- $(list_of_lines[14]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[14]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 6 )
- $(list_of_lines[15]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[15]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 7 )
- $(list_of_lines[16]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[16]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- if (brightness_value > 8 )
- $(list_of_lines[17]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
- else
- $(list_of_lines[17]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
- }
- }
+function change_brightness_lines(brightness_value, brightness_disabled) {
+ if (brightness_disabled && disableSlider) {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_brightness_focus_middle', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').children().attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ } else {
+ if (if_light_on_and_laser_on) {
+ var list_of_lines = $('.scb_s_microscopy_brightness_focus_middle', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').children();
+ if (brightness_value > 1) {
+ $(list_of_lines[0]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[0]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 1.5) {
+ $(list_of_lines[1]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[1]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 2) {
+ $(list_of_lines[2]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[2]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 2.5) {
+ $(list_of_lines[3]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[3]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 3) {
+ $(list_of_lines[4]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[4]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 3.5) {
+ $(list_of_lines[5]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[5]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 4) {
+ $(list_of_lines[6]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[6]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 4.5) {
+ $(list_of_lines[7]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[7]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 5) {
+ $(list_of_lines[8]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[8]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 5.5) {
+ $(list_of_lines[9]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[9]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 6) {
+ $(list_of_lines[10]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[10]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 6.5) {
+ $(list_of_lines[11]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[11]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 7) {
+ $(list_of_lines[12]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[12]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 7.5) {
+ $(list_of_lines[13]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[13]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 8) {
+ $(list_of_lines[14]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[14]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 8.5) {
+ $(list_of_lines[15]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[15]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 9) {
+ $(list_of_lines[16]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[16]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 9.5) {
+ $(list_of_lines[17]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[17]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ } else {
+ var list_of_lines = $('.scb_s_microscopy_brightness_focus_middle', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').children();
+ if (brightness_value > 0) {
+ $(list_of_lines[0]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[0]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 0.1) {
+ $(list_of_lines[1]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[1]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 0.2) {
+ $(list_of_lines[2]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[2]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 0.3) {
+ $(list_of_lines[3]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[3]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 0.4) {
+ $(list_of_lines[4]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[4]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 0.5) {
+ $(list_of_lines[5]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[5]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 0.6) {
+ $(list_of_lines[6]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[6]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 0.7) {
+ $(list_of_lines[7]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[7]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 0.8) {
+ $(list_of_lines[8]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[8]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 0.9) {
+ $(list_of_lines[9]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[9]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 1) {
+ $(list_of_lines[10]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[10]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 2) {
+ $(list_of_lines[11]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[11]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 3) {
+ $(list_of_lines[12]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[12]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 4) {
+ $(list_of_lines[13]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[13]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 5) {
+ $(list_of_lines[14]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[14]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 6) {
+ $(list_of_lines[15]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[15]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 7) {
+ $(list_of_lines[16]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[16]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ if (brightness_value > 8) {
+ $(list_of_lines[17]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Green.png');
+ } else {
+ $(list_of_lines[17]).attr('src', 'images/microscopy/Brightness/Brightness_Line_Gray.png');
+ }
+ }
+ }
function getNatural($mainImage) {
- var mainImage = $mainImage[0],
- d = {};
- if (mainImage.naturalWidth === undefined) {
- var i = new Image();
- i.src = mainImage.src;
- d.oWidth = i.width;
- d.oHeight = i.height;
- } else {
- d.oWidth = mainImage.naturalWidth;
- d.oHeight = mainImage.naturalHeight;
- }
- return d;
+ var mainImage = $mainImage[0];
+ var d = {};
+ if (mainImage.naturalWidth === undefined) {
+ var i = new Image();
+ i.src = mainImage.src;
+ d.oWidth = i.width;
+ d.oHeight = i.height;
+ } else {
+ d.oWidth = mainImage.naturalWidth;
+ d.oHeight = mainImage.naturalHeight;
+ }
+ return d;
-function getDimensions(url){
-// if(isNew || !state.src){
-// $.jqDialog.notify("The slide is being loaded. Please wait while the image loads.", 2);
-// $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
-// $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
-// $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
-// }
- var img = new Image();
- img.src = url;
- var int = setInterval(function() {
- if (img.complete) {
- clearInterval(int);
- var obj={};
- obj.oWidth = this.width; obj.oHeight = this.height;
- return obj;
- }
- }, 50);
+function getDimensions(url) {
+ // if(isNew || !state.src){
+ // $.jqDialog.notify("The slide is being loaded. Please wait while the image loads.", 2);
+ // $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ // $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ // $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ // }
+ var img = new Image();
+ img.src = url;
+ var int = setInterval(function() {
+ if (img.complete) {
+ clearInterval(int);
+ var obj = {};
+ obj.oWidth = this.width;
+ obj.oHeight = this.height;
+ return obj;
+ }
+ }, 50);
//This function will initialize the image and serialize the data of the
//original unprocessed image to a string
-function init(state, isNew, isIF, draw, image_source, notebook_id){
- if(isIF){
- $('#scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg').remove();
- $( "#brightup" ).unbind( "click");
- $( "#brightdown" ).unbind( "click");
- $( "#blurup" ).unbind( "click");
- $( "#blurdown" ).unbind( "click");
- $( "#fblurup" ).unbind( "click");
- $( "#fblurdown" ).unbind( "click");
- }
- $('#spy').remove();
- if(isNew || !state.src || state.width == 0 || state.height == 0){
-// var image_dimensions = document.createElement('img');
-// image_dimensions.src = image_source;
-// $('.scb_s_microscopy_view')[0].appendChild(image_dimensions);
-// var img = $(image_dimensions);
-// var naturalDimension = null;
-// // while(naturalDimension == null){
-// naturalDimension = getDimensions(image_source);
-// // }
- var img = new Image();
- img.src = image_source;
- var int = setInterval(function() {
- $.jqDialog.notify("The image is still loading because of a slow internet connection. Please wait while the image loads.", 1);
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- if (img.complete) {
- $('#jqDialog_box').hide()
- clearInterval(int);
- var naturalDimension={};
- naturalDimension.oWidth = img.width; naturalDimension.oHeight = img.height;
- if(Math.ceil(naturalDimension.oWidth/scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM) <= 1 || Math.ceil(naturalDimension.oHeight/scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM) <= 1){
- img_width =naturalDimension.oWidth;
- img_height =naturalDimension.oHeight;
- state.width = naturalDimension.oWidth;
- state.height = naturalDimension.oHeight;
- }
- else{
- img_width = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM;
- var height_proportion = Math.ceil((scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM*naturalDimension.oHeight)/naturalDimension.oWidth);
- img_height = height_proportion;
- naturalDimension.oHeight=img_height;
- naturalDimension.oWidth =img_width;
- state.width = naturalDimension.oWidth;
- state.height = naturalDimension.oHeight;
- }
- initialize_state(state, isNew, isIF, draw, image_source, naturalDimension, notebook_id)
- }
- }, 1000);
- }
- else{
- initialize_state(state, isNew, isIF, draw, image_source, notebook_id)
- }
+function init(state, isNew, isIF, draw, image_source, notebook_id) {
+ if (isIF) {
+ $('#scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg').remove();
+ $("#brightup").unbind("click");
+ $("#brightdown").unbind("click");
+ $("#blurup").unbind("click");
+ $("#blurdown").unbind("click");
+ $("#fblurup").unbind("click");
+ $("#fblurdown").unbind("click");
+ }
+ $('#spy').remove();
+ if (isNew || !state.src || state.width == 0 || state.height == 0) {
+ // var image_dimensions = document.createElement('img');
+ // image_dimensions.src = image_source;
+ // $('.scb_s_microscopy_view')[0].appendChild(image_dimensions);
+ // var img = $(image_dimensions);
+ // var naturalDimension = null;
+ // // while(naturalDimension == null){
+ // naturalDimension = getDimensions(image_source);
+ // // }
+ var img = new Image();
+ img.src = image_source;
+ var int = setInterval(function() {
+ $.jqDialog.notify("The image is still loading because of a slow internet connection. Please wait while the image loads.", 1);
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ if (img.complete) {
+ $('#jqDialog_box').hide()
+ clearInterval(int);
+ var naturalDimension = {};
+ naturalDimension.oWidth = img.width;
+ naturalDimension.oHeight = img.height;
+ if (Math.ceil(naturalDimension.oWidth / scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM) <= 1 || Math.ceil(naturalDimension.oHeight / scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM) <= 1) {
+ img_width = naturalDimension.oWidth;
+ img_height = naturalDimension.oHeight;
+ state.width = naturalDimension.oWidth;
+ state.height = naturalDimension.oHeight;
+ } else {
+ img_width = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM;
+ var height_proportion = Math.ceil((scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM * naturalDimension.oHeight) / naturalDimension.oWidth);
+ img_height = height_proportion;
+ naturalDimension.oHeight = img_height;
+ naturalDimension.oWidth = img_width;
+ state.width = naturalDimension.oWidth;
+ state.height = naturalDimension.oHeight;
+ }
+ initialize_state(state, isNew, isIF, draw, image_source, naturalDimension, notebook_id)
+ }
+ }, 1000);
+ } else {
+ initialize_state(state, isNew, isIF, draw, image_source, notebook_id)
+ }
-function initialize_state(state, isNew, isIF, draw, image_source, naturalDimension, notebook_id){
- var controls = document.getElementById('scb_s_microscopy_lens_controls', '.scb_s_microscopy_view');
- var outline = $('body').find('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline', '#main').get(0);
- var samples_area = $('body').find(".scb_s_microscopy_slide_content[microscopy_lane_id='"+state.parent.id+"']", '#main').get(0);
- if(samples_area){
- $(samples_area).append(controls);
-// if(image_dimensions.src.indexOf('static') < 0 && image_dimensions.src.indexOf('') >=0)
-// image_dimensions.src = [image_dimensions.src.slice(0, 22), 'static/', image_dimensions.src.slice(22)].join('');
- if(isNew){
- state.brightness= 1;
- state.action = 'start';
- if(!disableBlur){
- var randomblur = Math.round(Math.ceil(Math.random()*scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR) / 1) * 1;
- var randomside = Math.round(Math.ceil(Math.random()*2));
- if(randomside == 1){
- isLeft = false;
- }
- else{
- isLeft = true;
- }
- state.blur = randomblur;
- }
- var randomxparam = Math.ceil(Math.random() * (scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC - -(state.width-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC)) + -(state.width-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC));
- var randomyparam = Math.ceil(Math.random() * (scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC - -(state.height-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC)) + -(state.height-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC));
- state.xparam = randomxparam;
- state.yparam = randomyparam;
- state.src = image_source;
- }
- else{
- state.src = image_source;
- }
- if($('.scb_s_notebook_view').length > 0 ){
- }
- else{
- Raphael.st.draggable = function() {
- var me = this,
- lx = 0,
- ly = 0,
- ox = state.xparam,
- oy = state.yparam,
- moveFnc = function(dx, dy) {
- lx = dx + ox; // add the new change in x to the drag origin
- ly = dy + oy; // do the same for y
- me.transform('t' + lx + ',' + ly);
- },
- startFnc = function() {
- if(state.isFirstDrag){
- state.isFirstDrag = false;
- }
- else{
- //if first time, then 0 otherwise make it state.xparam
- ox = state.xparam;
- oy = state.yparam;
- }
- },
- endFnc = function() {
- ox = lx;
- oy = ly;
- state.xparam = lx;
- state.yparam = ly;
- };
- this.drag(moveFnc, startFnc, endFnc);
- };
- }
- var outline = null;
- if(notebook_id ){
- outline = document.getElementById(notebook_id);
- }
- else{
- outline = document.getElementById('scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline_'+state.lane_id);
- }
- var paper = Raphael(outline);
- var mySet=paper.set();
- var filter1 = paper.filterCreate("filter1");
- var blur1 = Raphael.filterOps.feGaussianBlur({id: 'blur', stdDeviation: state.blur, "in": "SourceGraphic"});
- filter1.appendOperation(blur1);
- var ct1 = Raphael.filterOps.feComponentTransfer({
- feFuncR: {type: "linear", slope: state.brightness, id: 'b_red'},
- feFuncG: {type: "linear", slope: state.brightness, id: 'b_green'},
- feFuncB: {type: "linear", slope:state.brightness, id: 'b_blue'}
- });
- filter1.appendOperation(ct1);
- var image = paper.image(image_source, 0, 0,state.width, state.height);
- image.filterInstall(filter1);
- mySet.push(image);
- if($('.scb_s_notebook_view').length > 0 ){
- }
- else{
- mySet.draggable();
- }
- state.action = 'initialized';
- $('#scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline_'+state.lane_id+' svg image').attr('transform',"matrix(1,0,0,1,"+state.xparam+","+state.yparam+")" );
- $('svg').css('position', 'static'); //or initial
- if($('.scb_s_notebook_view').length > 0 ){
- }
- else{
- change_brightness_lines(state.brightness, disableBrightness);
- draw(state);
- }
- }
+function initialize_state(state, isNew, isIF, draw, image_source, naturalDimension, notebook_id) {
+ var controls = document.getElementById('scb_s_microscopy_lens_controls', '.scb_s_microscopy_view');
+ var outline = $('body').find('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline', '#main').get(0);
+ var samples_area = $('body').find(".scb_s_microscopy_slide_content[microscopy_lane_id='" + state.parent.id + "']", '#main').get(0);
+ if (samples_area) {
+ $(samples_area).append(controls);
+ // if(image_dimensions.src.indexOf('static') < 0 && image_dimensions.src.indexOf('') >=0)
+ // image_dimensions.src = [image_dimensions.src.slice(0, 22), 'static/', image_dimensions.src.slice(22)].join('');
+ if (isNew) {
+ state.brightness = 1;
+ state.action = 'start';
+ if (!disableBlur) {
+ var randomblur = Math.round(Math.ceil(Math.random() * scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR) / 1) * 1;
+ var randomside = Math.round(Math.ceil(Math.random() * 2));
+ if (randomside == 1) {
+ isLeft = false;
+ } else {
+ isLeft = true;
+ }
+ state.blur = randomblur;
+ }
+ var randomxparam = Math.ceil(Math.random() * (scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC - -(state.width - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC)) + -(state.width - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC));
+ var randomyparam = Math.ceil(Math.random() * (scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC - -(state.height - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC)) + -(state.height - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.ARC));
+ state.xparam = randomxparam;
+ state.yparam = randomyparam;
+ state.src = image_source;
+ } else {
+ state.src = image_source;
+ }
+ if ($('.scb_s_notebook_view').length > 0) {
+ } else {
+ Raphael.st.draggable = function() {
+ var me = this;
+ var lx = 0;
+ var ly = 0;
+ var ox = state.xparam;
+ var oy = state.yparam;
+ var moveFnc = function(dx, dy) {
+ lx = dx + ox; // add the new change in x to the drag origin
+ ly = dy + oy; // do the same for y
+ me.transform('t' + lx + ',' + ly);
+ };
+ var startFnc = function() {
+ if (state.isFirstDrag) {
+ state.isFirstDrag = false;
+ } else {
+ //if first time, then 0 otherwise make it state.xparam
+ ox = state.xparam;
+ oy = state.yparam;
+ }
+ };
+ var endFnc = function() {
+ ox = lx;
+ oy = ly;
+ state.xparam = lx;
+ state.yparam = ly;
+ };
+ this.drag(moveFnc, startFnc, endFnc);
+ };
+ }
+ var outline = null;
+ if (notebook_id) {
+ outline = document.getElementById(notebook_id);
+ } else {
+ outline = document.getElementById('scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline_' + state.lane_id);
+ }
+ var paper = Raphael(outline);
+ var mySet = paper.set();
+ var filter1 = paper.filterCreate("filter1");
+ var blur1 = Raphael.filterOps.feGaussianBlur({
+ id: 'blur',
+ stdDeviation: state.blur,
+ "in": "SourceGraphic"
+ });
+ filter1.appendOperation(blur1);
+ var ct1 = Raphael.filterOps.feComponentTransfer({
+ feFuncR: {
+ type: "linear",
+ slope: state.brightness,
+ id: 'b_red'
+ },
+ feFuncG: {
+ type: "linear",
+ slope: state.brightness,
+ id: 'b_green'
+ },
+ feFuncB: {
+ type: "linear",
+ slope: state.brightness,
+ id: 'b_blue'
+ }
+ });
+ filter1.appendOperation(ct1);
+ var image = paper.image(image_source, 0, 0, state.width, state.height);
+ image.filterInstall(filter1);
+ mySet.push(image);
+ if ($('.scb_s_notebook_view').length > 0) {
+ } else {
+ mySet.draggable();
+ }
+ state.action = 'initialized';
+ $('#scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline_' + state.lane_id + ' svg image').attr('transform', "matrix(1,0,0,1," + state.xparam + "," + state.yparam + ")");
+ $('svg').css('position', 'static'); //or initial
+ if ($('.scb_s_notebook_view').length > 0) {
+ } else {
+ change_brightness_lines(state.brightness, disableBrightness);
+ draw(state);
+ }
+ }
-function copy_state(current_state, new_state, new_state_source){
- new_state.brightness = current_state.brightness;
- new_state.xparam = current_state.xparam;
- new_state.yparam = current_state.yparam;
- new_state.blur = current_state.blur;
- new_state.action = 'start';
- new_state.src = new_state_source;
- $('.scb_s_microscope_status', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').text(new_state.action);
- return new_state;
+function copy_state(current_state, new_state, new_state_source) {
+ new_state.brightness = current_state.brightness;
+ new_state.xparam = current_state.xparam;
+ new_state.yparam = current_state.yparam;
+ new_state.blur = current_state.blur;
+ new_state.action = 'start';
+ new_state.src = new_state_source;
+ $('.scb_s_microscope_status', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').text(new_state.action);
+ return new_state;
@@ -1595,68 +1621,64 @@ function copy_state(current_state, new_state, new_state_source){
//////////////////ORIGINAL FUNCTIONS/////////////////////////
-function modify_state_blur(addition, state, direction){
- caman_lock = true;
- var svg =document.getElementById("svg");
- if(state.blur >scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR){
- state.blur = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR;
- }
- else if (state.blur <-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR){
- state.blur = -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR;
- }
- if (state.blur == 0 && direction =='up'){
- isLeft = false;
- var canvas = document.getElementById('lens');
- state.blur = state.blur + Math.abs(addition);
- }
- else if (state.blur == 0 && direction =='down'){
- isLeft = true;
- var canvas = document.getElementById('lens');
- state.blur = state.blur + Math.abs(addition);
- }
- else if(isLeft){
- var canvas = document.getElementById('lens');
- state.blur = state.blur + -addition;
- }
- else {
- var canvas = document.getElementById('lens');
- state.blur = state.blur + addition;
- }
- $(".scb_s_microscopy_slide_content[microscopy_lane_id='"+state.parent.id+"'] #filter1 *[in='SourceGraphic']", '#main').get(0).setAttribute('stdDeviation', state.blur);
- caman_lock = false;
+function modify_state_blur(addition, state, direction) {
+ caman_lock = true;
+ var svg = document.getElementById("svg");
+ if (state.blur > scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR) {
+ state.blur = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR;
+ } else if (state.blur < -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR) {
+ state.blur = -scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BLUR;
+ }
+ if (state.blur == 0 && direction == 'up') {
+ isLeft = false;
+ var canvas = document.getElementById('lens');
+ state.blur = state.blur + Math.abs(addition);
+ } else if (state.blur == 0 && direction == 'down') {
+ isLeft = true;
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+ state.blur = state.blur + Math.abs(addition);
+ } else if (isLeft) {
+ var canvas = document.getElementById('lens');
+ state.blur = state.blur + -addition;
+ } else {
+ var canvas = document.getElementById('lens');
+ state.blur = state.blur + addition;
+ }
+ $(".scb_s_microscopy_slide_content[microscopy_lane_id='" + state.parent.id + "'] #filter1 *[in='SourceGraphic']", '#main').get(0).setAttribute('stdDeviation', state.blur);
+ caman_lock = false;
-function reset_image(img2string){
- var image = document.createElement('img');
- image.src = img2string;
- return image;
+function reset_image(img2string) {
+ var image = document.createElement('img');
+ image.src = img2string;
+ return image;
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_note_close_button= function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- var note = $(element).attr('note');
- note = '.' +note;
- $(note).slideUp('400', function(){
- parsed.microscopy.navigation_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_navigation_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
- parsed.microscopy.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_samples_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
- //scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_note_close_button = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ var note = $(element).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ $(note).slideUp('400', function() {
+ parsed.microscopy.navigation_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_navigation_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
+ parsed.microscopy.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_samples_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
+ //scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_tools_toggle = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
- var note = $(element).attr('note');
- note = '.' +note;
- $(note).slideDown('400', function(){
- parsed.microscopy.navigation_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_navigation_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
- parsed.microscopy.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_samples_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
- //scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_tools_toggle = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(element);
+ var note = $(element).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ $(note).slideDown('400', function() {
+ parsed.microscopy.navigation_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_navigation_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
+ parsed.microscopy.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_samples_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
+ //scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
@@ -1664,495 +1686,492 @@ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_tools_toggle = function (element)
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.register = function (workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type(this, e);
- });
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- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_add_all_conditions(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_microscopy_select_conditions', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_select_conditions(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_remove', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_remove(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'blur', '.scb_s_microscopy_selected', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_selected(this);
- });
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- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_load_slides(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_left_microscopy', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_left_microscopy(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_lane_left', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_lane_left(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_lane_right', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_lane_right(this);
- });
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.register = function(workarea) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_select_slide_type(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_add_all_conditions', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_add_all_conditions(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_microscopy_select_conditions', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_select_conditions(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_remove', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_remove(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'blur', '.scb_s_microscopy_selected', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_selected(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_load_slides', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_load_slides(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_left_microscopy', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_left_microscopy(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_lane_left', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_lane_left(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_lane_right', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_lane_right(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_slide_tab', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_slide_tab(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_add_microscopy', function(e, ui) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_add_microscopy(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_microscopy_laser', function(e) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_slide_tab', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_slide_tab(this);
- });
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- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_add_microscopy(this);
- });
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- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if($(this).attr('checked') =='checked'){
- parsed.microscopy.laser_on = true;
- }
- else{
- parsed.microscopy.laser_on = false;
- }
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ if ($(this).attr('checked') == 'checked') {
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_microscopy_light', function (e) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if($(this).attr('checked') =='checked'){
- parsed.microscopy.light_on = true;
- }
- else{
- parsed.microscopy.light_on = false;
- }
- if(!parsed.microscopy.light_on){
- $('#brightup').prop('disabled', true);
- $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', true);
- }
- else{
- $('#brightup').prop('disabled', false);
- $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ parsed.microscopy.laser_on = true;
+ } else {
+ parsed.microscopy.laser_on = false;
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list>li', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list_select(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_prepare_slides', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_prepare_slides(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active_all', function (e, ui) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active_all(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_sample_inactive_all', function (e, ui){
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_inactive_all(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_sample_remove', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_remove(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_red', function (e, ui){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if( parsed.microscopy_lane.kind != 'IF' ){
- parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = true;
- parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_Red.png');
- return;
- }
- else if(parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'IF' && !parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type){
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("No available image for this filter",
- function() {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- return;
- }
- else{
- for(var x = 0; x < parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides.length; x ++){
- if(parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].if_type == 'red'){
- parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = true;
- parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'red';
- draw_lens('x', 0,parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map, document.getElementById("lens"));
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_Red.png');
- var new_state = copy_state(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, scb.LensMap, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash])
- init(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, true, draw, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash], null);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_blue', function (e, ui){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if( parsed.microscopy_lane.kind != 'IF' ){
- parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = true;
- parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_Blue.png');
- return;
- }
- else if(parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'IF' && !parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type){
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("No available image for this filter",
- function() {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- return;
- }
- else{
- for(var x = 0; x < parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides.length; x ++){
- if(parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].if_type == 'blue'){
- parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = true;
- parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'blue';
- draw_lens('x', 0,parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map, document.getElementById("lens"));
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_Blue.png');
- var new_state = copy_state(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, scb.LensMap, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash])
- init(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, true, draw, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash], null);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_green', function (e, ui){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if( parsed.microscopy_lane.kind != 'IF' ){
- parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = true;
- parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_Green.png');
- return;
- }
- else if(parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'IF' && !parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type){
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("No available image for this filter",
- function() {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- return;
- }
- else{
- for(var x = 0; x < parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides.length; x ++){
- if(parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].if_type == 'green'){
- parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = true;
- parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'green';
- draw_lens('x', 0,parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map, document.getElementById("lens"));
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_Green.png');
- var new_state = copy_state(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, scb.LensMap, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash])
- init(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, true, draw, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash], null);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_all', function (e, ui){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if( parsed.microscopy_lane.kind != 'IF' ){
- parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = true;
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_All.png');
- return;
- }
- else if(parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'IF' && !parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type){
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("No available image for this filter",
- function() {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- return;
- }
- else{
- for(var x = 0; x < parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides.length; x ++){
- if(parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].if_type == 'merge'){
- parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
- parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = true;
- parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'merge';
- draw_lens('x', 0,parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map, document.getElementById("lens"));
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_All.png');
- var new_state = copy_state(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, scb.LensMap, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash])
- init(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, true, draw, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash], null);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_tools_toggle', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_tools_toggle(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_note_close_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_note_close_button(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'mouseup', document, function(e,ui){
- var container = $(".scb_f_controls_note");
- container.slideUp(); // hide
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click','.scb_f_controls_note', function(e,ui){
- e.stopPropagation();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click','.scb_f_info_icon', function(e,ui){
- e.stopPropagation();
- var note = $(this).attr('note');
- note = '.' +note;
- if($(note).is(":visible"))
- $(note).slideUp();
- else $(note).slideDown();
- });
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_microscopy_light', function(e) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if ($(this).attr('checked') == 'checked') {
+ parsed.microscopy.light_on = true;
+ } else {
+ parsed.microscopy.light_on = false;
+ }
+ if (!parsed.microscopy.light_on) {
+ $('#brightup').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ $('#brightup').prop('disabled', false);
+ $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list>li', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list_select(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_prepare_slides', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_prepare_slides(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active_all', function(e, ui) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active_all(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_sample_inactive_all', function(e, ui) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_inactive_all(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_sample_remove', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_remove(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_red', function(e, ui) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.microscopy_lane.kind != 'IF') {
+ parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = true;
+ parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_Red.png');
+ return;
+ } else if (parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'IF' && !parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("No available image for this filter", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ return;
+ } else {
+ for (var x = 0; x < parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides.length; x++) {
+ if (parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].if_type == 'red') {
+ parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = true;
+ parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'red';
+ draw_lens('x', 0, parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map, document.getElementById("lens"));
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_Red.png');
+ var new_state = copy_state(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, scb.LensMap, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash])
+ init(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, true, draw, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash], null);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_blue', function(e, ui) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.microscopy_lane.kind != 'IF') {
+ parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = true;
+ parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_Blue.png');
+ return;
+ } else if (parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'IF' && !parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("No available image for this filter", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ return;
+ } else {
+ for (var x = 0; x < parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides.length; x++) {
+ if (parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].if_type == 'blue') {
+ parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = true;
+ parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'blue';
+ draw_lens('x', 0, parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map, document.getElementById("lens"));
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_Blue.png');
+ var new_state = copy_state(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, scb.LensMap, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash])
+ init(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, true, draw, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash], null);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_green', function(e, ui) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.microscopy_lane.kind != 'IF') {
+ parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = true;
+ parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_Green.png');
+ return;
+ } else if (parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'IF' && !parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("No available image for this filter", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ return;
+ } else {
+ for (var x = 0; x < parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides.length; x++) {
+ if (parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].if_type == 'green') {
+ parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = true;
+ parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'green';
+ draw_lens('x', 0, parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map, document.getElementById("lens"));
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_Green.png');
+ var new_state = copy_state(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, scb.LensMap, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash])
+ init(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, true, draw, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash], null);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_all', function(e, ui) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.microscopy_lane.kind != 'IF') {
+ parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = true;
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_All.png');
+ return;
+ } else if (parsed.microscopy_lane.kind == 'IF' && !parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map.if_type) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("No available image for this filter", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ return;
+ } else {
+ for (var x = 0; x < parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides.length; x++) {
+ if (parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].if_type == 'merge') {
+ parsed.microscopy.red_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.blue_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.green_enabled = false;
+ parsed.microscopy.merge_enabled = true;
+ parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map.if_type = 'merge';
+ draw_lens('x', 0, parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.lens_map, document.getElementById("lens"));
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_filter', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('src', 'images/microscopy/Filter_Slider_All.png');
+ var new_state = copy_state(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, scb.LensMap, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash])
+ init(parsed.microscopy_lane.lens_map, false, true, draw, parsed.assignment.template.slides[parsed.microscopy.selected_lane.current_slides[x].hash], null);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_tools_toggle', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_tools_toggle(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_microscopy_note_close_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_f_microscopy_note_close_button(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'mouseup', document, function(e, ui) {
+ var container = $(".scb_f_controls_note");
+ container.slideUp(); // hide
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_controls_note', function(e, ui) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_info_icon', function(e, ui) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var note = $(this).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ if ($(note).is(":visible")) {
+ $(note).slideUp();
+ } else {
+ $(note).slideDown();
+ }
+ });
-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.draw_slides = function (workarea) {
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content', '#main').each(function () {
+scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.draw_slides = function(workarea) {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content', '#main').each(function() {
- var slide = $(this);
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ var slide = $(this);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.parse(this);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.slide = slide;
- parsed.i_want = slide.attr('i_want');
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_lens_draw_slide(parsed);
- })
+ parsed.slide = slide;
+ parsed.i_want = slide.attr('i_want');
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.scb_s_microscopy_lens_draw_slide(parsed);
+ })
//This function will initialize the image and serialize the data of the
//original unprocessed image to a string
-function init_wb(image_source){
- $('#spy').remove();
- var controls = document.getElementById('scb_s_microscopy_lens_controls', '.scb_s_microscopy_view');
- var samples_area = $('body').find(".scb_s_microscopy_slide_content", '#main').get(0);
- if(samples_area){
- $(samples_area).append(controls);
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('width', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM+'px');
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('height', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM+'px');
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').css('top', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_TOP_OFFSET+'px');
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('xlink:href', image_source);
- }
+function init_wb(image_source) {
+ $('#spy').remove();
+ var controls = document.getElementById('scb_s_microscopy_lens_controls', '.scb_s_microscopy_view');
+ var samples_area = $('body').find(".scb_s_microscopy_slide_content", '#main').get(0);
+ if (samples_area) {
+ $(samples_area).append(controls);
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('width', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM + 'px');
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('height', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM + 'px');
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').css('top', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_TOP_OFFSET + 'px');
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('xlink:href', image_source);
+ }
//This function will initialize the image and serialize the data of the
//original unprocessed image to a string
-function init_wb_mod(state, image_source){
- $('#spy').remove();
- var controls = document.getElementById('scb_s_microscopy_lens_controls', '.scb_s_microscopy_view');
- var samples_area = $('body').find(".scb_s_microscopy_slide_content", '#main').get(0);
- if(samples_area){
- $(samples_area).append(controls);
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('width', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM+'px');
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('height', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM+'px');
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').css('top', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_TOP_OFFSET+'px');
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('xlink:href', image_source);
- draw(state);
- }
+function init_wb_mod(state, image_source) {
+ $('#spy').remove();
+ var controls = document.getElementById('scb_s_microscopy_lens_controls', '.scb_s_microscopy_view');
+ var samples_area = $('body').find(".scb_s_microscopy_slide_content", '#main').get(0);
+ if (samples_area) {
+ $(samples_area).append(controls);
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('width', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM + 'px');
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('height', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.PICTURE_LIM + 'px');
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').css('top', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.LENS_TOP_OFFSET + 'px');
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline svg image', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').attr('xlink:href', image_source);
+ draw(state);
+ }
scb.ui.MicroscopyView = function scb_ui_MicroscopyView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
+ var self = this;
- self.show = function (state) {
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var template = state.assignment.template;
- var rows_state = state.microscopy.rows_state();
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ var rows_state = state.microscopy.rows_state();
- var can_prepare_slide = rows_state.valid > 0;
+ var can_prepare_slide = rows_state.valid > 0;
- var kind = 'sample_prep';
- if (state.microscopy.slide_prepared) {
- kind = 'prepare_slide';
- }
- state.experiment.last_technique_view = 'microscopy';
- var warning_visible = $('.scb_s_microscopy_load_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
- workarea.html(scb_microscopy.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignment: state.assignment,
- experiment: state.experiment,
- context: gstate.context,
- microscopy: state.microscopy,
- t: template,
- rows: rows_state.rows,
- rows_valid: rows_state.valid,
- last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
- prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- kinds: template.micro_kinds,
- can_prepare_slide: can_prepare_slide
- }));
- if (kind == 'sample_prep'){
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').scrollTop(state.microscopy.prep_scroll);
- var conds= $("span.scb_s_western_blot_choose_gel_type_input_text");
- _.each(conds, function(c){
- if($(c).text().length > scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_CONDITION_CHARS){
- $(c).parent().css('width', '200px');
- }else{
- $(c).parent().css('width', '100px');
- }
- })
+ var kind = 'sample_prep';
+ if (state.microscopy.slide_prepared) {
+ kind = 'prepare_slide';
+ }
+ state.experiment.last_technique_view = 'microscopy';
+ var warning_visible = $('.scb_s_microscopy_load_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
+ workarea.html(scb_microscopy.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignment: state.assignment,
+ experiment: state.experiment,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ microscopy: state.microscopy,
+ t: template,
+ rows: rows_state.rows,
+ rows_valid: rows_state.valid,
+ last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
+ prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ kinds: template.micro_kinds,
+ can_prepare_slide: can_prepare_slide
+ }));
+ if (kind == 'sample_prep') {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').scrollTop(state.microscopy.prep_scroll);
+ var conds = $("span.scb_s_western_blot_choose_gel_type_input_text");
+ _.each(conds, function(c) {
+ if ($(c).text().length > scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_CONDITION_CHARS) {
+ $(c).parent().css('width', '200px');
+ } else {
+ $(c).parent().css('width', '100px');
- state.experiment.prev_step=6;
- if(state.experiment.last_step >= scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_STEPS)
- state.experiment.last_step = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_STEPS+1;
- state.experiment.last_technique = 'MICROSCOPY';
- state.experiment.last_id = state.microscopy.id;
- state.experiment.last_param = 'microscopy_id';
- document.body.scrollTop = state.experiment.last_scroll;
- state.experiment.last_view = 'microscopy';
- document.title = "Microscopy - StarCellBio";
- state.microscopy.parent.selected_id = state.microscopy.id;
- if(state.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index <= 0){
- state.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = 0;
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_left_microscopy', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- else $('.scb_s_microscopy_left_microscopy', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- if(state.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index + scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS-1 ==state.microscopy.parent.list.length-1){
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_left_microscopy', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- else $('.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
- if (kind == 'sample_prep') {
- }else{
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_progress_gray_bar', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').children().each(function () { console.log($(this).css('left'));
- $(this).css('left', parseInt($(this).css('left'))-scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BRIGHTNESS+'px');
- });
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_progress_bar', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').css('top', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.GRAY_BAR_TOP_OFFSET+'px');
- }
- if(!state.microscopy.light_on){
- $('#brightup').prop('disabled', true);
- $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', true);
- }
- if (state.microscopy.samples_finished) {
- $(".scb_s_microscopy_lane_left").prop('disabled', false);
- $(".scb_s_microscopy_lane_right").prop('disabled', false);
- var cell_treatment_id = state.microscopy.selected_lane.cell_treatment_id;
- if(state.microscopy.start_tabs_index[cell_treatment_id] <= 0){
- $(".scb_s_microscopy_lane_left").prop('disabled', true);
- }
- if(state.microscopy.start_tabs_index[cell_treatment_id] + scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS >=
- state.microscopy.total_num_tabs){
- $(".scb_s_microscopy_lane_right").prop('disabled', true);
- }
- //debugger;
- if(!state.microscopy.warning_fired || warning_visible){
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_load_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').show();
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_load_followup>.scb_f_controls_close_button', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function(){
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_load_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').fadeOut();
- //state.microscopy.enable_samples = true;
- });
- state.microscopy.warning_fired = true;
- }
+ })
+ }
+ state.experiment.prev_step = 6;
- }
- if (state.microscopy.samples_finished) {
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.draw_slides(workarea);
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').scrollTop(state.microscopy.scroll);
- }
- else{
- init_wb('../images/microscopy/black.jpg');
+ if (state.experiment.last_step >= scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_STEPS) {
+ state.experiment.last_step = scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_STEPS + 1;
+ }
+ state.experiment.last_technique = 'MICROSCOPY';
+ state.experiment.last_id = state.microscopy.id;
+ state.experiment.last_param = 'microscopy_id';
- }
- var elem = document.getElementById('slider');
- window.mySwipe = Swipe(elem, {
- continuous: false,
- disableScroll: true,
- transitionEnd: function(index, element) {
- $('.slider_dots li').attr('class','');
- $($('.slider_dots li')[index]).attr('class','on');}
- });
- _.each($(".scb_s_experiment_step_button"), function (e) {
- if(!$(e).hasClass('scb_s_experiment_step_visited'))
- $(e).attr('title', 'To use this button, start a new '+$(e).text()+' Experiment.');
- else $(e).removeAttr('title');
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ document.body.scrollTop = state.experiment.last_scroll;
+ state.experiment.last_view = 'microscopy';
+ document.title = "Microscopy - StarCellBio";
+ state.microscopy.parent.selected_id = state.microscopy.id;
+ if (state.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index <= 0) {
+ state.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = 0;
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_left_microscopy', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_left_microscopy', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ if (state.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index + scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS - 1 == state.microscopy.parent.list.length - 1) {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_left_microscopy', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ if (kind == 'sample_prep') {
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_progress_gray_bar', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').children().each(function() {
+ console.log($(this).css('left'));
+ $(this).css('left', parseInt($(this).css('left')) - scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.MAX_BRIGHTNESS + 'px');
+ });
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_progress_bar', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').css('top', scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.GRAY_BAR_TOP_OFFSET + 'px');
+ }
+ if (!state.microscopy.light_on) {
+ $('#brightup').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('#brightdown').prop('disabled', true);
+ }
+ if (state.microscopy.samples_finished) {
+ $(".scb_s_microscopy_lane_left").prop('disabled', false);
+ $(".scb_s_microscopy_lane_right").prop('disabled', false);
+ var cell_treatment_id = state.microscopy.selected_lane.cell_treatment_id;
+ if (state.microscopy.start_tabs_index[cell_treatment_id] <= 0) {
+ $(".scb_s_microscopy_lane_left").prop('disabled', true);
+ }
+ if (state.microscopy.start_tabs_index[cell_treatment_id] + scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.TOTAL_TABS >=
+ state.microscopy.total_num_tabs) {
+ $(".scb_s_microscopy_lane_right").prop('disabled', true);
+ }
+ //debugger;
+ if (!state.microscopy.warning_fired || warning_visible) {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_load_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').show();
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_load_followup>.scb_f_controls_close_button', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').click(function() {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_load_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').fadeOut();
+ //state.microscopy.enable_samples = true;
+ });
+ state.microscopy.warning_fired = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (state.microscopy.samples_finished) {
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.draw_slides(workarea);
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').scrollTop(state.microscopy.scroll);
+ } else {
+ init_wb('../images/microscopy/black.jpg');
+ }
+ var elem = document.getElementById('slider');
+ window.mySwipe = Swipe(elem, {
+ continuous: false,
+ disableScroll: true,
+ transitionEnd: function(index, element) {
+ $('.slider_dots li').attr('class', '');
+ $($('.slider_dots li')[index]).attr('class', 'on');
+ }
+ });
+ _.each($(".scb_s_experiment_step_button"), function(e) {
+ if (!$(e).hasClass('scb_s_experiment_step_visited')) {
+ $(e).attr('title', 'To use this button, start a new ' + $(e).text() + ' Experiment.');
+ } else {
+ $(e).removeAttr('title');
+ }
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/ui/NotebookView.js b/html_app/ui/NotebookView.js
index 91b89f79..0be4b114 100644
--- a/html_app/ui/NotebookView.js
+++ b/html_app/ui/NotebookView.js
@@ -3,274 +3,282 @@
scb.ui = scb.ui || {};
scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.NotebookView = scb.ui.static.NotebookView || {};
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.TOTAL_TABS = 4;
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var notebook_id = $(element).attr('notebook_id');
- var section_id = $(element).attr('section_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- notebook_id: notebook_id,
- section_id: section_id,
- view: 'notebook',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- parsed.state = state;
- return parsed;
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.TOTAL_TABS = 4;
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var notebook_id = $(element).attr('notebook_id');
+ var section_id = $(element).attr('section_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ notebook_id: notebook_id,
+ section_id: section_id,
+ view: 'notebook',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ parsed.state = state;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_text_button = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.notebook.edit_text = true;
- parsed.notebook.edit_image = false;
- //tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent()
- if (event) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_text_button = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.notebook.edit_text = true;
+ parsed.notebook.edit_image = false;
+ //tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent()
+ if (event) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_button = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.notebook.edit_image = true;
- parsed.notebook.edit_text = false;
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_button = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (event) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+ parsed.notebook.edit_image = true;
+ parsed.notebook.edit_text = false;
+ if (event) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_save_text_button = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_save_text_button = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
- if (event) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
+ if (event) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_close_button = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.notebook.edit_image = false;
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_close_button = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ parsed.notebook.edit_image = false;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_insert_open_button = function(element){
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_insert_open_button = function(element) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_save_text_button = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.section.elements.start({type: 'text',
- data: tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent()
- });
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_save_text_button = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.notebook.edit_text = false;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ parsed.section.elements.start({
+ type: 'text',
+ data: tinyMCE.activeEditor.getContent()
+ });
+ parsed.notebook.edit_text = false;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_insert_close_button = function(element){
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_insert_close_button = function(element) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_add_section_button = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- var new_section = parsed.notebook.sections.start({
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id,
- notebook_id: parsed.notebook.id
- });
- parsed.notebook.sections.selected_id = new_section.id;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_add_section_button = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ var new_section = parsed.notebook.sections.start({
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id,
+ notebook_id: parsed.notebook.id
+ });
+ parsed.notebook.sections.selected_id = new_section.id;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_experiment_design_link = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- var image_id = $(element).attr('image_id');
- var current_experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.get(image_id);
- parsed.notebook.image_experiment_id = current_experiment.id;
- var selected_experiment = parsed.notebook.selected_experiment;
- parsed.section.elements.start({type: 'image',
- view: 'experiment_design',
- experiment_id: current_experiment.id
- });
- parsed.experiment.last_view = 'notebook';
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_experiment_design_link = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ var image_id = $(element).attr('image_id');
+ var current_experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.get(image_id);
+ parsed.notebook.image_experiment_id = current_experiment.id;
+ var selected_experiment = parsed.notebook.selected_experiment;
+ parsed.section.elements.start({
+ type: 'image',
+ view: 'experiment_design',
+ experiment_id: current_experiment.id
+ });
+ parsed.experiment.last_view = 'notebook';
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_experiment_setup_link = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- var image_id = $(element).attr('image_id');
- var current_experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.get(image_id);
- parsed.notebook.image_experiment_id = current_experiment.id;
- var selected_experiment = parsed.notebook.selected_experiment;
- var headings = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.headings(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experiment_setup.table);
- var rows = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.rows(current_experiment.cell_treatment_list.list, headings, parsed.assignment.template);
- _.each(rows, function(e){delete e.treatment });
- parsed.section.elements.start({type: 'image',
- view: 'experiment_setup',
- experiment_id: current_experiment.id,
- headings: headings,
- rows: rows
- });
- parsed.experiment.last_view = 'notebook';
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_experiment_setup_link = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ var image_id = $(element).attr('image_id');
+ var current_experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.get(image_id);
+ parsed.notebook.image_experiment_id = current_experiment.id;
+ var selected_experiment = parsed.notebook.selected_experiment;
+ var headings = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.headings(parsed.assignment.template.ui.experiment_setup.table);
+ var rows = scb.ui.static.ExperimentSetupView.rows(current_experiment.cell_treatment_list.list, headings, parsed.assignment.template);
+ _.each(rows, function(e) {
+ delete e.treatment
+ });
+ parsed.section.elements.start({
+ type: 'image',
+ view: 'experiment_setup',
+ experiment_id: current_experiment.id,
+ headings: headings,
+ rows: rows
+ });
+ parsed.experiment.last_view = 'notebook';
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_wb_link = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var image_id = $(element).attr('image_id');
- var wb_id = $(element).attr('wb_id');
- var e_id = $(element).attr('e_id');
- var current_experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.get(e_id);
- var western_blot = current_experiment.western_blot_list.get(wb_id);
- var gel = current_experiment.western_blot_list.get(wb_id).gel_list.get(image_id);
- parsed.notebook.image_western_blot_id = western_blot.id;
- parsed.notebook.image_experiment_id = current_experiment.id;
- parsed.notebook.image_western_blot_gel_id = gel.id;
- var rows = western_blot.rows_state().rows;
- _.each(rows, function(e){
- delete e.cell_treatment;
- e.lane_id = e.lane.id;
- e.lane_name = e.lane.kinds[e.lane.kind].name;
- e.is_valid = e.is_valid ? true: false;
- delete e.lane;
- });
- parsed.section.elements.start({type: 'image',
- view: 'western_blot',
- experiment_id: current_experiment.id,
- western_blot_id: western_blot.id,
- gel_id: gel.id,
- rows: rows,
- exposure_time: scb.utils.print_time_w_seconds(gel.exposure_time)
- });
- parsed.experiment.last_view = 'notebook';
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_wb_link = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var image_id = $(element).attr('image_id');
+ var wb_id = $(element).attr('wb_id');
+ var e_id = $(element).attr('e_id');
+ var current_experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.get(e_id);
+ var western_blot = current_experiment.western_blot_list.get(wb_id);
+ var gel = current_experiment.western_blot_list.get(wb_id).gel_list.get(image_id);
+ parsed.notebook.image_western_blot_id = western_blot.id;
+ parsed.notebook.image_experiment_id = current_experiment.id;
+ parsed.notebook.image_western_blot_gel_id = gel.id;
+ var rows = western_blot.rows_state().rows;
+ _.each(rows, function(e) {
+ delete e.cell_treatment;
+ e.lane_id = e.lane.id;
+ e.lane_name = e.lane.kinds[e.lane.kind].name;
+ e.is_valid = e.is_valid ? true : false;
+ delete e.lane;
+ });
+ parsed.section.elements.start({
+ type: 'image',
+ view: 'western_blot',
+ experiment_id: current_experiment.id,
+ western_blot_id: western_blot.id,
+ gel_id: gel.id,
+ rows: rows,
+ exposure_time: scb.utils.print_time_w_seconds(gel.exposure_time)
+ });
+ parsed.experiment.last_view = 'notebook';
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_facs_link = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var image_id = $(element).attr('image_id');
- var facs_id = $(element).attr('facs_id');
- var e_id = $(element).attr('e_id');
- var current_experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.get(e_id);
- var facs = current_experiment.facs_list.get(facs_id);
- var lane = current_experiment.facs_list.get(facs_id).lanes_list.get(image_id);
- parsed.notebook.image_facs_id = facs.id;
- parsed.notebook.image_experiment_id = current_experiment.id;
- parsed.notebook.image_facs_lane_id = lane.id;
- parsed.section.elements.start({type: 'image',
- view: 'facs',
- experiment_id: current_experiment.id,
- facs_id: facs.id,
- facs_lane_id: lane.id
- });
- parsed.experiment.last_view = 'notebook';
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_facs_link = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var image_id = $(element).attr('image_id');
+ var facs_id = $(element).attr('facs_id');
+ var e_id = $(element).attr('e_id');
+ var current_experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.get(e_id);
+ var facs = current_experiment.facs_list.get(facs_id);
+ var lane = current_experiment.facs_list.get(facs_id).lanes_list.get(image_id);
+ parsed.notebook.image_facs_id = facs.id;
+ parsed.notebook.image_experiment_id = current_experiment.id;
+ parsed.notebook.image_facs_lane_id = lane.id;
+ parsed.section.elements.start({
+ type: 'image',
+ view: 'facs',
+ experiment_id: current_experiment.id,
+ facs_id: facs.id,
+ facs_lane_id: lane.id
+ });
+ parsed.experiment.last_view = 'notebook';
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_micro_link = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var image_id = $(element).attr('image_id');
- var microscopy_id = $(element).attr('micro_id');
- var e_id = $(element).attr('e_id');
- var current_experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.get(e_id);
- var microscopy = current_experiment.microscopy_list.get(microscopy_id);
- var lane = current_experiment.microscopy_list.get(microscopy_id).lanes_list.get(image_id);
- parsed.notebook.image_microscopy_id = microscopy.id;
- parsed.notebook.image_experiment_id = current_experiment.id;
- parsed.notebook.image_microscopy_lane_id = lane.id;
- parsed.section.elements.start({type: 'image',
- view: 'microscopy',
- experiment_id: current_experiment.id,
- microscopy_id: microscopy.id,
- microscopy_lane_id: lane.id
- });
- parsed.experiment.last_view = 'notebook';
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_micro_link = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var image_id = $(element).attr('image_id');
+ var microscopy_id = $(element).attr('micro_id');
+ var e_id = $(element).attr('e_id');
+ var current_experiment = parsed.assignment.experiments.get(e_id);
+ var microscopy = current_experiment.microscopy_list.get(microscopy_id);
+ var lane = current_experiment.microscopy_list.get(microscopy_id).lanes_list.get(image_id);
+ parsed.notebook.image_microscopy_id = microscopy.id;
+ parsed.notebook.image_experiment_id = current_experiment.id;
+ parsed.notebook.image_microscopy_lane_id = lane.id;
+ parsed.section.elements.start({
+ type: 'image',
+ view: 'microscopy',
+ experiment_id: current_experiment.id,
+ microscopy_id: microscopy.id,
+ microscopy_lane_id: lane.id
+ });
+ parsed.experiment.last_view = 'notebook';
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_section = function(element){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.notebook.section_selected = parsed.section.id;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_section = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.notebook.section_selected = parsed.section.id;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
@@ -284,266 +292,268 @@ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_section = function(element){
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_inactive_all = function (element) {
- $('.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active').each(function(e){
- var element = this;
- $(element).attr('checked', false);
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active(element);
- });
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_inactive_all = function(element) {
+ $('.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active').each(function(e) {
+ var element = this;
+ $(element).attr('checked', false);
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_microscopy_sample_active(element);
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_s_microscopy_slide_tab = function(element){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- parsed.microscopy.lane_selected = parsed.microscopy_lane.id;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_s_microscopy_slide_tab = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.microscopy.lane_selected = parsed.microscopy_lane.id;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list_select = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if(parsed.microscopy.enable_samples){
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if (parsed.microscopy.samples_finished) {
- $('li', $(element).parent()).removeClass('scb_s_microscopy_sample_selected');
- $(element).addClass('scb_s_microscopy_sample_selected');
- parsed.microscopy.lane_selected = parsed.microscopy_lane.id;
- parsed.microscopy.scroll = $('.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list').scrollTop();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
- }
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list_select = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.microscopy.enable_samples) {
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.microscopy.samples_finished) {
+ $('li', $(element).parent()).removeClass('scb_s_microscopy_sample_selected');
+ $(element).addClass('scb_s_microscopy_sample_selected');
+ parsed.microscopy.lane_selected = parsed.microscopy_lane.id;
+ parsed.microscopy.scroll = $('.scb_s_microscopy_choose_samples_order_list').scrollTop();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
+ }
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy = function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_s_microscopy_right_microscopy = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index +1;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+ parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index + 1;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_s_microscopy_add_microscopy= function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- console.log(parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index);
- console.log(parsed.microscopy.parent.list.length);
- if(parsed.microscopy.parent.list.length==scb.ui.static.NotebookView.TOTAL_TABS){
- parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = 1;
- }
- else if (parsed.microscopy.parent.list.length >scb.ui.static.NotebookView.TOTAL_TABS)
- parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.microscopy.parent.length-(scb.ui.static.NotebookView.TOTAL_TABS-1);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_s_microscopy_add_microscopy = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ console.log(parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index);
+ console.log(parsed.microscopy.parent.list.length);
+ if (parsed.microscopy.parent.list.length == scb.ui.static.NotebookView.TOTAL_TABS) {
+ parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = 1;
+ } else if (parsed.microscopy.parent.list.length > scb.ui.static.NotebookView.TOTAL_TABS) {
+ parsed.microscopy.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.microscopy.parent.length - (scb.ui.static.NotebookView.TOTAL_TABS - 1);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_microscopy_note_close_button= function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- var note = $(element).attr('note');
- note = '.' +note;
- $(note).slideUp('400', function(){
- parsed.microscopy.navigation_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_navigation_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
- parsed.microscopy.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_samples_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
- //scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_microscopy_note_close_button = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ var note = $(element).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ $(note).slideUp('400', function() {
+ parsed.microscopy.navigation_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_navigation_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
+ parsed.microscopy.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_samples_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
+ //scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_microscopy_tools_toggle = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
- var note = $(element).attr('note');
- note = '.' +note;
- $(note).slideDown('400', function(){
- parsed.microscopy.navigation_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_navigation_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
- parsed.microscopy.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_samples_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
- //scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.register = function (workarea) {
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_microscopy_tools_toggle = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(element);
+ var note = $(element).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ $(note).slideDown('400', function() {
+ parsed.microscopy.navigation_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_navigation_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
+ parsed.microscopy.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_microscopy_tools_samples_followup', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').is(":visible");
+ //scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_text_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_text_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_image_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_image_close_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_close_button(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_save_text_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_save_text_button(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_image_insert_open_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_insert_open_button(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_image_insert_close_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_insert_close_button(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_add_section_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_add_section_button(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_experiment_design_link', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_experiment_design_link(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_experiment_setup_link', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_experiment_setup_link(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_wb_link', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_wb_link(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_facs_link', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_facs_link(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_micro_link', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_micro_link(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_section', function (e) {
- if(e.target.className.indexOf('scb_s_notebook_section') > -1){
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_section(this);
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_notebook_choose_samples_order_list>li', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_s_notebook_choose_samples_order_list_select(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_sample_inactive_all', function (e, ui){
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_sample_inactive_all(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_sample_remove', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_sample_remove(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_tools_toggle', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_tools_toggle(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_note_close_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_note_close_button(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'mouseup', document, function(e,ui){
- var container = $(".scb_f_controls_note");
- container.slideUp(); // hide
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click','.scb_f_controls_note', function(e,ui){
- e.stopPropagation();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click','.scb_f_info_icon', function(e,ui){
- e.stopPropagation();
- var note = $(this).attr('note');
- note = '.' +note;
- if($(note).is(":visible"))
- $(note).slideUp();
- else $(note).slideDown();
- });
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.register = function(workarea) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_text_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_text_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_image_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_image_close_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_close_button(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_save_text_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_save_text_button(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_image_insert_open_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_insert_open_button(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_image_insert_close_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_image_insert_close_button(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_add_section_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_add_section_button(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_experiment_design_link', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_experiment_design_link(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_experiment_setup_link', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_experiment_setup_link(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_wb_link', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_wb_link(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_facs_link', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_facs_link(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_micro_link', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_micro_link(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_section', function(e) {
+ if (e.target.className.indexOf('scb_s_notebook_section') > -1) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_section(this);
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_notebook_choose_samples_order_list>li', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_s_notebook_choose_samples_order_list_select(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_sample_inactive_all', function(e, ui) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_sample_inactive_all(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_sample_remove', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_sample_remove(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_tools_toggle', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_tools_toggle(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_notebook_note_close_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_f_notebook_note_close_button(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'mouseup', document, function(e, ui) {
+ var container = $(".scb_f_controls_note");
+ container.slideUp(); // hide
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_controls_note', function(e, ui) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_info_icon', function(e, ui) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var note = $(this).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ if ($(note).is(":visible")) {
+ $(note).slideUp();
+ } else {
+ $(note).slideDown();
+ }
+ });
-scb.ui.static.NotebookView.draw_slides = function (workarea) {
- $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').each(function () {
+scb.ui.static.NotebookView.draw_slides = function(workarea) {
+ $('.scb_s_microscopy_slide_content', '.scb_s_microscopy_view').each(function() {
- var slide = $(this);
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(this);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ var slide = $(this);
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.NotebookView.parse(this);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.slide = slide;
- scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_s_microscopy_lens_draw_slide(parsed);
- })
+ parsed.slide = slide;
+ scb.ui.static.NotebookView.scb_s_microscopy_lens_draw_slide(parsed);
+ })
scb.ui.NotebookView = function scb_ui_NotebookView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- self.show = function (state) {
- var workarea = gstate.workarea;
- var template = state.assignment.template;
- var kind = 'sample_prep';
- var last_step=10;
- var prev_step=10;
- workarea.html(scb_notebook.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- assignment: state.assignment,
- experiment: state.experiment,
- context: gstate.context,
- notebook: state.notebook,
- section: state.section,
- t: template,
- last_step: state.experiment.last_step == 0 ? last_step :state.experiment.last_step,
- prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step == 0 ? prev_step : state.experiment.prev_step,
- }));
-// _.each(state.notebook.sections.list, function(s){
-// if(s){
-// _.each(s.elements.list, function(e){
-// if(e.view=='facs'){
-// // $($(".scb_s_notebook_section[section_id='"+s.id+"'] > .scb_s_notebook_text_section .scb_s_facs_chart")[x]).attr('facs_lane_id', e.lane_id);
-// // $($(".scb_s_notebook_section[section_id='"+s.id+"'] > .scb_s_notebook_text_section .scb_s_facs_chart")[x]).attr('facs_id', e.facs_id);
-// }
-// if(e.view=='microscopy'){
-// // $($(".scb_s_notebook_section[section_id='"+s.id+"'] > .scb_s_notebook_text_section .scb_s_microscopy_slide_content")[x]).attr('microscopy_lane_id', s.elements[x].lane_id);
-// // $($(".scb_s_notebook_section[section_id='"+s.id+"'] > .scb_s_notebook_text_section .scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline")[x]).attr('id', 'scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline_'+s.elements[x].lane_id);
-// }
-// });
-// }
-// });
- document.body.scrollTop = state.experiment.last_scroll;
- if(state.notebook.edit_text){
- tinymce.init({
- selector: "textarea.scb_s_notebook_text_edit",
- menubar: false,
- toolbar_items_size: 'small',
- toolbar: "fontselect | fontsizeselect | bold italic underline | bullist numlist | outdent indent | link unlink"
- });
- }
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_paint_all(workarea, gstate, state);
- scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.draw_slides(workarea);
- scb.ui.static.FacsView.charts(workarea);
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ var workarea = gstate.workarea;
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ var kind = 'sample_prep';
+ var last_step = 10;
+ var prev_step = 10;
+ workarea.html(scb_notebook.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ assignment: state.assignment,
+ experiment: state.experiment,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ notebook: state.notebook,
+ section: state.section,
+ t: template,
+ last_step: state.experiment.last_step == 0 ? last_step : state.experiment.last_step,
+ prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step == 0 ? prev_step : state.experiment.prev_step,
+ }));
+ // _.each(state.notebook.sections.list, function(s){
+ // if(s){
+ // _.each(s.elements.list, function(e){
+ // if(e.view=='facs'){
+ // // $($(".scb_s_notebook_section[section_id='"+s.id+"'] > .scb_s_notebook_text_section .scb_s_facs_chart")[x]).attr('facs_lane_id', e.lane_id);
+ // // $($(".scb_s_notebook_section[section_id='"+s.id+"'] > .scb_s_notebook_text_section .scb_s_facs_chart")[x]).attr('facs_id', e.facs_id);
+ // }
+ // if(e.view=='microscopy'){
+ // // $($(".scb_s_notebook_section[section_id='"+s.id+"'] > .scb_s_notebook_text_section .scb_s_microscopy_slide_content")[x]).attr('microscopy_lane_id', s.elements[x].lane_id);
+ // // $($(".scb_s_notebook_section[section_id='"+s.id+"'] > .scb_s_notebook_text_section .scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline")[x]).attr('id', 'scb_s_microscopy_slide_content_lens_outline_'+s.elements[x].lane_id);
+ // }
+ //
+ // });
+ // }
+ // });
+ document.body.scrollTop = state.experiment.last_scroll;
+ if (state.notebook.edit_text) {
+ tinymce.init({
+ selector: "textarea.scb_s_notebook_text_edit",
+ menubar: false,
+ toolbar_items_size: 'small',
+ toolbar: "fontselect | fontsizeselect | bold italic underline | bullist numlist | outdent indent | link unlink"
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_paint_all(workarea, gstate, state);
+ scb.ui.static.MicroscopyView.draw_slides(workarea);
+ scb.ui.static.FacsView.charts(workarea);
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/html_app/ui/SelectTechniqueView.js b/html_app/ui/SelectTechniqueView.js
index 0c574cf5..4786b2dc 100644
--- a/html_app/ui/SelectTechniqueView.js
+++ b/html_app/ui/SelectTechniqueView.js
@@ -3,141 +3,151 @@
scb.ui = scb.ui || {};
scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView = scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView || {};
-scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
-scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.TOTAL_TABS = 5;
-scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.wbparse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var western_blot_id = $(element).attr('western_blot_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- western_blot_id: western_blot_id,
- view: 'western_blot',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- parsed.state = state;
- return parsed;
+scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
+scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.TOTAL_TABS = 5;
+scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.wbparse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var western_blot_id = $(element).attr('western_blot_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ western_blot_id: western_blot_id,
+ view: 'western_blot',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ parsed.state = state;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.fparse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var facs_id = $(element).attr('facs_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- facs_id: facs_id,
- view: 'facs',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- parsed.state = state;
- return parsed;
+scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.fparse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var facs_id = $(element).attr('facs_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ facs_id: facs_id,
+ view: 'facs',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ parsed.state = state;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.mparse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var microscopy_id = $(element).attr('microscopy_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- microscopy_id: microscopy_id,
- view: 'microscopy',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- parsed.state = state;
- return parsed;
+scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.mparse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var microscopy_id = $(element).attr('microscopy_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ microscopy_id: microscopy_id,
+ view: 'microscopy',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ parsed.state = state;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.disable_techniques = function (state) {
- var template = state.template;
- var workarea = state.workarea;
+scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.disable_techniques = function(state) {
+ var template = state.template;
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
- var techniques = template.ui.experimental_design.techniques;
+ var techniques = template.ui.experimental_design.techniques;
- $('.scb_f_select_technique').addClass('scb_s_select_technique_disabled');
- _.each(techniques, function (e) {
- if (e == 'wb') {
- $('.scb_s_select_technique_western_blot').removeClass('scb_s_select_technique_disabled');
- }
- else if (e == 'facs') {
- $('.scb_s_select_technique_flow').removeClass('scb_s_select_technique_disabled');
- }
- else if (e == 'micro') {
- $('.scb_s_select_technique_micro').removeClass('scb_s_select_technique_disabled');
+ $('.scb_f_select_technique').addClass('scb_s_select_technique_disabled');
+ _.each(techniques, function(e) {
+ if (e == 'wb') {
+ $('.scb_s_select_technique_western_blot').removeClass('scb_s_select_technique_disabled');
+ } else if (e == 'facs') {
+ $('.scb_s_select_technique_flow').removeClass('scb_s_select_technique_disabled');
+ } else if (e == 'micro') {
+ $('.scb_s_select_technique_micro').removeClass('scb_s_select_technique_disabled');
- }
- });
- $('a','.scb_s_select_technique_disabled').removeAttr('href').css('cursor','default');
+ }
+ });
+ $('a', '.scb_s_select_technique_disabled').removeAttr('href').css('cursor', 'default');
-scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.scb_s_select_technique_open_western_blot = function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.wbparse(element);
- var blot = $.grep(parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list, function(e){ return e.id == $(element).attr('western_blot_id'); });
- var i = 0;
- while( (element = element.previousSibling) != null )
- i++;
- if(i/2 >= parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.length-5)
- parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.length -5;
- else
- parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index = i/2;
+scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.scb_s_select_technique_open_western_blot = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.wbparse(element);
+ var blot = $.grep(parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list, function(e) {
+ return e.id == $(element).attr('western_blot_id');
+ });
+ var i = 0;
+ while ((element = element.previousSibling) != null) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i / 2 >= parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.length - 5) {
+ parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.length - 5;
+ } else {
+ parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index = i / 2;
+ }
-scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.scb_s_select_technique_open_facs = function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.fparse(element);
- var blot = $.grep(parsed.experiment.facs_list.list, function(e){ return e.id == $(element).attr('facs_id'); });
- var i = 0;
- while( (element = element.previousSibling) != null )
- i++;
- if(i/2 >= parsed.experiment.facs_list.length-5)
- parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.facs_list.length -5;
- else
- parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index = i/2;
+scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.scb_s_select_technique_open_facs = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.fparse(element);
+ var blot = $.grep(parsed.experiment.facs_list.list, function(e) {
+ return e.id == $(element).attr('facs_id');
+ });
+ var i = 0;
+ while ((element = element.previousSibling) != null) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i / 2 >= parsed.experiment.facs_list.length - 5) {
+ parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.facs_list.length - 5;
+ } else {
+ parsed.experiment.facs_list.start_tabs_index = i / 2;
+ }
-scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.scb_s_select_technique_open_microscopy = function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.mparse(element);
- var blot = $.grep(parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list, function(e){ return e.id == $(element).attr('microscopy_id'); });
- var i = 0;
- while( (element = element.previousSibling) != null )
- i++;
- if(i/2 >= parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.length-5)
- parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.length -5;
- else
- parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index = i/2;
+scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.scb_s_select_technique_open_microscopy = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.mparse(element);
+ var blot = $.grep(parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.list, function(e) {
+ return e.id == $(element).attr('microscopy_id');
+ });
+ var i = 0;
+ while ((element = element.previousSibling) != null) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i / 2 >= parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.length - 5) {
+ parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.length - 5;
+ } else {
+ parsed.experiment.microscopy_list.start_tabs_index = i / 2;
+ }
-scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.register = function (workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_select_technique_open_western_blot', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.scb_s_select_technique_open_western_blot(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_select_technique_open_facs', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.scb_s_select_technique_open_facs(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_select_technique_open_microscopy', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.scb_s_select_technique_open_microscopy(this);
- });
+scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.register = function(workarea) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_select_technique_open_western_blot', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.scb_s_select_technique_open_western_blot(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_select_technique_open_facs', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.scb_s_select_technique_open_facs(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_select_technique_open_microscopy', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.scb_s_select_technique_open_microscopy(this);
+ });
@@ -145,52 +155,58 @@ scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.register = function (workarea) {
scb.ui.SelectTechniqueView = function scb_ui_SelectTechniqueView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- self.show = function (state) {
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var experiment = state.experiment;
- var template = state.assignment.template;
- workarea.html(scb_select_technique.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- t: template,
- context: gstate.context,
- last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
- prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
- assignment: state.assignment,
- experiment: state.experiment
- }));
- state.experiment.prev_step=3;
- if(state.experiment.last_step > scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.TOTAL_STEPS)
- state.experiment.last_step = scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.TOTAL_STEPS+1;
- else
- state.experiment.last_step = scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.TOTAL_STEPS;
- state.experiment.last_view = 'select_technique';
- $('html').css("overflow", "auto");
- scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.disable_techniques({template: template, workarea: workarea});
- _.each($(".scb_s_experiment_step_button"), function (e) {
- if(!$(e).hasClass('scb_s_experiment_step_visited'))
- $(e).attr('title', 'To use this button, start a new '+$(e).text()+' Experiment.');
- else $(e).removeAttr('title');
- });
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ workarea.html(scb_select_technique.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ t: template,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
+ prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
+ assignment: state.assignment,
+ experiment: state.experiment
+ }));
+ state.experiment.prev_step = 3;
+ if (state.experiment.last_step > scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.TOTAL_STEPS) {
+ state.experiment.last_step = scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.TOTAL_STEPS + 1;
+ } else {
+ state.experiment.last_step = scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.TOTAL_STEPS;
+ state.experiment.last_view = 'select_technique';
+ $('html').css("overflow", "auto");
+ scb.ui.static.SelectTechniqueView.disable_techniques({
+ template: template,
+ workarea: workarea
+ });
+ _.each($(".scb_s_experiment_step_button"), function(e) {
+ if (!$(e).hasClass('scb_s_experiment_step_visited')) {
+ $(e).attr('title', 'To use this button, start a new ' + $(e).text() + ' Experiment.');
+ } else {
+ $(e).removeAttr('title');
+ }
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/ui/WesternBlotGelView.js b/html_app/ui/WesternBlotGelView.js
index 97b44cfb..c023a083 100644
--- a/html_app/ui/WesternBlotGelView.js
+++ b/html_app/ui/WesternBlotGelView.js
@@ -1,436 +1,442 @@
scb.ui = scb.ui || {};
scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView || {};
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_TABS = 4;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.Y_OFFSET = 40;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_TABS = 4;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.Y_OFFSET = 40;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.X_OFFSET = 12;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.X_SCALE = 22;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.X_OFFSET = 12;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.X_SCALE = 22;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.Y_LABEL_OFFSET = 12;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.AMOUNT_PROTEIN_LOADED = 10;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.Y_LABEL_OFFSET = 12;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.AMOUNT_PROTEIN_LOADED = 10;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.BOUND_OFFSET = 288;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.CANVAS_HEIGHT = 247;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.BOUND_OFFSET = 288;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.CANVAS_HEIGHT = 247;
scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.CANVAS_WIDTH = 325;
scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.MOUSE_SLIDER_OFFSET = 20;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var western_blot_id = $(element).attr('western_blot_id');
- var western_blot_gel_id = $(element).attr('western_blot_gel_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- western_blot_id: western_blot_id,
- western_blot_gel_id: western_blot_gel_id,
- view: 'western_blot_gel',
- skip_hash_update: false
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- parsed.state = state;
- return parsed;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var western_blot_id = $(element).attr('western_blot_id');
+ var western_blot_gel_id = $(element).attr('western_blot_gel_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ western_blot_id: western_blot_id,
+ western_blot_gel_id: western_blot_gel_id,
+ view: 'western_blot_gel',
+ skip_hash_update: false
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ parsed.state = state;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_anti_body_select_primary = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_anti_body_select_primary = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- console.info(parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body);
- parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body = $('option:selected', element).attr('model_id');
- console.info(parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body);
- console.info(parsed.western_blot_gel);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ console.info(parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body);
+ parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body = $('option:selected', element).attr('model_id');
+ console.info(parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body);
+ console.info(parsed.western_blot_gel);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_anti_body_select_secondary = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_anti_body_select_secondary = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- parsed.western_blot_gel.secondary_anti_body = $('option:selected', element).attr('model_id');
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.western_blot_gel.secondary_anti_body = $('option:selected', element).attr('model_id');
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_blot_and_develop = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if (parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body && parsed.western_blot_gel.secondary_anti_body) {
- parsed.western_blot_gel.is_developed = true;
- if (parsed.context.template.primary_anti_body[parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body].gel_name) {
- var gel_name = parsed.context.template.primary_anti_body[parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body].gel_name;
- var counter = 0;
- _.find(parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list, function (e) {
- if (e.name.indexOf(gel_name) == 0) {
- counter++;
- }
- });
- parsed.western_blot_gel.name = parsed.context.template.primary_anti_body[parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body].gel_name + (counter == 0 ? '' : ' - ' + (counter + 1));
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_blot_and_develop = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body && parsed.western_blot_gel.secondary_anti_body) {
+ parsed.western_blot_gel.is_developed = true;
+ if (parsed.context.template.primary_anti_body[parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body].gel_name) {
+ var gel_name = parsed.context.template.primary_anti_body[parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body].gel_name;
+ var counter = 0;
+ _.find(parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list, function(e) {
+ if (e.name.indexOf(gel_name) == 0) {
+ counter++;
- } else {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("Please select primary & secondary antibodies.",
- function() { $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- /* callback function for 'OK' button*/ });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ });
+ parsed.western_blot_gel.name = parsed.context.template.primary_anti_body[parsed.western_blot_gel.primary_anti_body].gel_name + (counter == 0 ? '' : ' - ' + (counter + 1));
- $('.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider').detach();
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id,
- view: 'western_blot_gel',
- western_blot_id: parsed.western_blot.id,
- western_blot_gel_id: parsed.western_blot_gel.id,
- onhashchange: true
- };
- parsed.western_blot.last_gel = parsed.western_blot_gel.id;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(state);
+ } else {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_reprobe = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ $.jqDialog.alert("Please select primary & secondary antibodies.", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if(parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list.length >= scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_TABS){
- parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index +1;
- }
- var gel = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start({});
- parsed.western_blot.last_gel = gel.id;
- parsed.state.western_blot_gel_id = gel.id;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ }
+ $('.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider').detach();
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id,
+ view: 'western_blot_gel',
+ western_blot_id: parsed.western_blot.id,
+ western_blot_gel_id: parsed.western_blot_gel.id,
+ onhashchange: true
+ };
+ parsed.western_blot.last_gel = parsed.western_blot_gel.id;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(state);
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_reprobe = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if (parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list.length >= scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_TABS) {
+ parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index + 1;
+ }
+ var gel = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start({});
+ parsed.western_blot.last_gel = gel.id;
+ parsed.state.western_blot_gel_id = gel.id;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_western_blot_gel_remove = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_western_blot_gel_remove = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var index = -1;
+ for (var i = 0; i < parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list.length; i++) {
+ if (parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list[i].id == parsed.western_blot_gel.id) {
+ index = i;
+ break;
- var index = -1;
- for(var i = 0; i < parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list.length; i ++){
- if(parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list[i].id == parsed.western_blot_gel.id){
- index = i;
- break;
- }
+ }
+ parsed.western_blot.gel_list.remove(parsed.western_blot_gel.id);
+ if (parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index + scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_TABS != parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list.length) {
+ parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index - 1;
+ if (parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index < 0) {
+ parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index = 0;
- parsed.western_blot.gel_list.remove(parsed.western_blot_gel.id);
- if(parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index + scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_TABS != parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list.length){
- parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index -1;
- if(parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index <0)
- parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index =0;
- }
- var list = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list;
- parsed.western_blot.last_gel = list.length > 0 ? list[index -1].id : null;
- parsed.state.view = 'western_blot';
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+ }
+ var list = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.list;
+ parsed.western_blot.last_gel = list.length > 0 ? list[index - 1].id : null;
+ parsed.state.view = 'western_blot';
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider_array = [0, 0,1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 1 * 60, 2 * 60, 5 * 60, 10 * 60, 20 * 60, 60 * 60];
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider_array = [0, 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 1 * 60, 2 * 60, 5 * 60, 10 * 60, 20 * 60, 60 * 60];
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider = function(e, ui) {
+ var element = this;
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var value = ui.value || $(element).slider('value');
+ parsed.western_blot_gel.exposure_time = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider_array[value];
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider = function (e, ui) {
- var element = this;
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ $('.scb_s_wb_exposure_time_value', $(element).parent()).text(scb.utils.print_time_w_seconds(parsed.western_blot_gel.exposure_time));
+ $('.ui-slider-handle').mouseup(function() {
+ if (_.isObject(e)) {
+ var state = {
+ assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
+ experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id,
+ view: 'western_blot_gel',
+ western_blot_id: parsed.western_blot.id,
+ western_blot_gel_id: parsed.western_blot_gel.id,
+ onhashchange: false
+ };
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(state);
- var value = ui.value || $(element).slider('value');
- parsed.western_blot_gel.exposure_time = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider_array[value];
- $('.scb_s_wb_exposure_time_value', $(element).parent()).text(scb.utils.print_time_w_seconds(parsed.western_blot_gel.exposure_time));
- $('.ui-slider-handle').mouseup(function(){
- if (_.isObject(e)) {
- var state = {
- assignment_id: parsed.assignment.id,
- experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id,
- view: 'western_blot_gel',
- western_blot_id: parsed.western_blot.id,
- western_blot_gel_id: parsed.western_blot_gel.id,
- onhashchange: false
- };
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(state);
- }
- });
+ });
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider_index = function (exposure_time) {
- var ret = 0;
- _.find(scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider_array, function (a, b) {
- if (exposure_time >= a) {
- ret = b;
- console.log(ret);
- return false;
- }
- });
- console.log(ret);
- return ret;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider_index = function(exposure_time) {
+ var ret = 0;
+ _.find(scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider_array, function(a, b) {
+ if (exposure_time >= a) {
+ ret = b;
+ console.log(ret);
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ console.log(ret);
+ return ret;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_paint_all = function (workarea, gstate, state) {
- var gels = $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel[is_developed="true"]', workarea || $('body'));
- gels.each(function (index, element) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_paint(element, gstate, state);
- });
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_paint_all = function(workarea, gstate, state) {
+ var gels = $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel[is_developed="true"]', workarea || $('body'));
+ gels.each(function(index, element) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_paint(element, gstate, state);
+ });
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_paint = function (element, gstate, state) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_paint = function(element, gstate, state) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var context = gstate.context;
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ if (parsed.western_blot_gel.marks.length == 0) {
+ // develop gel
+ var rows_state = parsed.western_blot.rows_state();
+ var lanes = [];
+ _.each(rows_state.rows, function(r) {
+ if (r.is_valid || r.is_marker) {
+ lanes.push(r.lane);
+ }
+ });
+ var template = gstate.context.template;
+ var model = new scb.components.ModelFactory(template);
+ var lane_marks = [];
+ _.each(lanes, function(lane, index) {
+ var marks = [];
+ model.western_blot.compute(lane, parsed.western_blot_gel, marks);
+ lane_marks.push({
+ marks: marks,
+ amount_of_protein_loaded: scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.AMOUNT_PROTEIN_LOADED
+ });
+ });
+ parsed.western_blot_gel.marks = lane_marks;
+ }
+ var gel = parsed.western_blot_gel;
+ if (gel.canvas_metadata == null) {
+ if (parsed.western_blot.canvas_metadata == null) {
+ var cstate = {
+ time: 0,
+ gel: gel,
+ lanes_length: gel.marks.length
+ }
+ var c = new scb.components.WesternBlot(cstate, context);
+ c.initialize_bias();
+ parsed.western_blot.canvas_metadata = {
+ background: c.background,
+ lane_yslope: c.lane_yslope,
+ lane_xoffset: c.lane_xoffset
+ }
- var context = gstate.context;
- if (parsed.western_blot_gel.marks.length == 0) {
- // develop gel
- var rows_state = parsed.western_blot.rows_state();
- var lanes = [];
- _.each(rows_state.rows, function (r) {
- if (r.is_valid || r.is_marker) lanes.push(r.lane);
- });
- var template = gstate.context.template;
- var model = new scb.components.ModelFactory(template);
- var lane_marks = [];
- _.each(lanes, function (lane, index) {
- var marks = [];
- model.western_blot.compute(lane, parsed.western_blot_gel, marks);
- lane_marks.push({marks: marks, amount_of_protein_loaded: scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.AMOUNT_PROTEIN_LOADED});
- });
- parsed.western_blot_gel.marks = lane_marks;
+ gel.canvas_metadata = parsed.western_blot.canvas_metadata;
+ }
+ var cstate = {
+ time: gel.exposure_time,
+ gel: gel
+ }
+ var c = new scb.components.WesternBlot(cstate, context);
+ c.background = gel.canvas_metadata.background;
+ c.lane_yslope = gel.canvas_metadata.lane_yslope;
+ c.lane_xoffset = gel.canvas_metadata.lane_xoffset;
+ c.build_one_tab(cstate);
+ var canvas_id = parsed.western_blot_gel.id;
+ c.paint_blot(canvas_id, c.tab);
+ gel.canvas_data = c.tab;
+ var parent = $($(element).parent());
+ var slider = $('.scb_f_slider', $(parent));
+ var slider_value = $('.scb_f_slider_value', $(parent));
+ var vslider = $('.scb_f_vslider', $(parent));
+ var vslider_value = $('.scb_f_vslider_value', $(parent));
+ function set_slider(y) {
+ slider.css('top', (y - scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.Y_OFFSET) + 'px');
+ slider_value.css('top', (y - scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.Y_OFFSET - scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.Y_LABEL_OFFSET) + 'px');
+ var ww = Math.round(c.position_to_weight(y - scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.Y_OFFSET));
+ var weight = ww > 0 ? ww + " kDa" : "N/A";
+ if (!parsed.western_blot.marker_loaded) {
+ weight = "NaN";
- var gel = parsed.western_blot_gel;
- if (gel.canvas_metadata == null) {
- if (parsed.western_blot.canvas_metadata == null) {
- var cstate = {
- time: 0,
- gel: gel,
- lanes_length: gel.marks.length
- }
- var c = new scb.components.WesternBlot(cstate, context);
- c.initialize_bias();
- parsed.western_blot.canvas_metadata = {
- background: c.background,
- lane_yslope: c.lane_yslope,
- lane_xoffset: c.lane_xoffset
- }
- }
- gel.canvas_metadata = parsed.western_blot.canvas_metadata;
+ slider_value.html(weight);
+ if (_.isUndefined(y)) {
+ slider.hide();
+ slider_value.hide();
+ } else {
+ slider.show();
+ //slider_value.show();
- var cstate = {
- time: gel.exposure_time,
- gel: gel
+ }
+ function set_vslider(x) {
+ vslider.css('left', x + 'px');
+ vslider_value.css('left', (x - scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.X_OFFSET) + 'px');
+ var ww = Math.round(c.position_to_weight(x));
+ var weight = ww > 0 ? Math.round(x / scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.X_SCALE) + " " : "N/A";
+ if (!parsed.western_blot.marker_loaded) {
+ weight = "NaN";
- var c = new scb.components.WesternBlot(cstate, context);
- c.background = gel.canvas_metadata.background;
- c.lane_yslope = gel.canvas_metadata.lane_yslope;
- c.lane_xoffset = gel.canvas_metadata.lane_xoffset;
- c.build_one_tab(cstate);
- var canvas_id = parsed.western_blot_gel.id;
- c.paint_blot(canvas_id, c.tab);
- gel.canvas_data = c.tab;
- var parent = $($(element).parent());
- var slider = $('.scb_f_slider', $(parent));
- var slider_value = $('.scb_f_slider_value', $(parent));
- var vslider = $('.scb_f_vslider', $(parent));
- var vslider_value = $('.scb_f_vslider_value', $(parent));
- function set_slider(y) {
- slider.css('top', (y-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.Y_OFFSET )+ 'px');
- slider_value.css('top', (y-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.Y_OFFSET-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.Y_LABEL_OFFSET) + 'px');
- var ww = Math.round(c.position_to_weight(y-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.Y_OFFSET));
- var weight = ww > 0 ? ww + " kDa" : "N/A";
- if (!parsed.western_blot.marker_loaded) {
- weight = "NaN";
- }
- slider_value.html(weight);
- if (_.isUndefined(y)) {
- slider.hide();
- slider_value.hide();
- }
- else {
- slider.show();
- //slider_value.show();
- }
+ vslider_value.html(weight);
+ if (_.isUndefined(x)) {
+ vslider.hide();
+ vslider_value.hide();
+ } else {
+ vslider.show();
- function set_vslider(x) {
- vslider.css('left', x + 'px');
- vslider_value.css('left', (x-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.X_OFFSET ) + 'px');
- var ww = Math.round(c.position_to_weight(x));
- var weight = ww > 0 ? Math.round(x/scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.X_SCALE ) + " " : "N/A";
- if (!parsed.western_blot.marker_loaded) {
- weight = "NaN";
- }
- vslider_value.html(weight);
- if (_.isUndefined(x)) {
- vslider.hide();
- vslider_value.hide();
- }
- else {
- vslider.show();
- }
+ }
+ set_slider(gel.canvas_metadata.slider);
+ set_vslider(gel.canvas_metadata.vslider);
+ $(parent).unbind('mousemove').bind('mousemove', function(evt) {
+ var poffset = element.getBoundingClientRect();
+ var eX = evt.clientX;
+ var eY = evt.clientY;
+ var bound = poffset.top;
+ var upper_bound = bound + scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.BOUND_OFFSET;
+ bound = upper_bound - scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.CANVAS_HEIGHT;
+ var y = (eY);
+ var x = (eX - poffset.left) - scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.MOUSE_SLIDER_OFFSET;
+ window.__evt = evt ;
+ window.__element = element;
+ if (true || $(evt.srcElement ? evt.srcElement : evt.target).is('canvas')) {
+ gel.canvas_metadata.slider = evt.clientY - poffset.top;
+ gel.canvas_metadata.vslider = x;
+ if ((y ) < Math.abs(bound) || (y) > Math.abs(upper_bound) || x < 0 || x > scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.CANVAS_WIDTH) {
+ slider.hide();
+ slider_value.hide();
+ vslider.hide();
+ vslider_value.hide();
+ delete gel.canvas_metadata.slider;
+ delete gel.canvas_metadata.vslider;
+ } else {
+ console.log('within bounds');
+ set_slider(gel.canvas_metadata.slider);
+ set_vslider(gel.canvas_metadata.vslider);
+ }
- set_slider(gel.canvas_metadata.slider);
- set_vslider(gel.canvas_metadata.vslider);
- $(parent).unbind('mousemove').bind('mousemove', function (evt) {
- var poffset = element.getBoundingClientRect();
- var eX = evt.clientX;
- var eY = evt.clientY;
- var bound = poffset.top ;
- var upper_bound = bound+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.BOUND_OFFSET;
- bound = upper_bound - scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.CANVAS_HEIGHT;
- var y = (eY);
- var x = (eX - poffset.left)- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.MOUSE_SLIDER_OFFSET ;
- window.__evt = evt ;
- window.__element = element;
- if (true || $(evt.srcElement ? evt.srcElement: evt.target).is('canvas')) {
- gel.canvas_metadata.slider = evt.clientY - poffset.top;
- gel.canvas_metadata.vslider= x;
- if ((y )< Math.abs(bound)|| (y) > Math.abs(upper_bound) || x < 0 || x > scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.CANVAS_WIDTH) {
- slider.hide();
- slider_value.hide();
- vslider.hide();
- vslider_value.hide();
- delete gel.canvas_metadata.slider;
- delete gel.canvas_metadata.vslider;
- } else {
- console.log('within bounds');
- set_slider(gel.canvas_metadata.slider);
- set_vslider(gel.canvas_metadata.vslider);
- }
- }
- });
- $(parent).unbind('mouseout').bind('mouseout', function (evt) {
- });
+ });
+ $(parent).unbind('mouseout').bind('mouseout', function(evt) {});
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_tab_select_many = function (element, event) {
- var target = $("option:selected", element).attr('href');
- document.location = target;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_tab_select_many = function(element, event) {
+ var target = $("option:selected", element).attr('href');
+ document.location = target;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_left_western_blot = function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_left_western_blot = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index -1;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+ parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index - 1;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_right_western_blot = function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_right_western_blot = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index +1;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+ parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index + 1;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_western_blot_note_close_button= function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
- var note = $(element).attr('note');
- note = '.' +note;
- $(note).slideUp('400', function(){
- parsed.western_blot.measure_show_state = $('.scb_s_western_blot_tools_measure_followup').is(":visible");
- parsed.western_blot.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_western_blot_tools_samples_followup').is(":visible");
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_western_blot_note_close_button = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
+ var note = $(element).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ $(note).slideUp('400', function() {
+ parsed.western_blot.measure_show_state = $('.scb_s_western_blot_tools_measure_followup').is(":visible");
+ parsed.western_blot.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_western_blot_tools_samples_followup').is(":visible");
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_western_blot_tools_toggle = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
- var note = $(element).attr('note');
- note = '.' +note;
- $(note).slideDown('400', function(){
- parsed.western_blot.measure_show_state = $('.scb_s_western_blot_tools_measure_followup').is(":visible");
- parsed.western_blot.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_western_blot_tools_samples_followup').is(":visible");
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- });
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_western_blot_tools_toggle = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.parse(element);
+ var note = $(element).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ $(note).slideDown('400', function() {
+ parsed.western_blot.measure_show_state = $('.scb_s_western_blot_tools_measure_followup').is(":visible");
+ parsed.western_blot.samples_show_state = $('.scb_s_western_blot_tools_samples_followup').is(":visible");
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ });
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.register = function (workarea) {
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_wb_anti_body_select_primary', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_anti_body_select_primary(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_wb_anti_body_select_secondary', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_anti_body_select_secondary(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_blot_and_develop', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_blot_and_develop(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_reprobe', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_reprobe(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_gel_remove', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_western_blot_gel_remove(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_gel_left_western_blot', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_left_western_blot(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_gel_right_western_blot', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_right_western_blot(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_western_blot_tab_select_many', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_tab_select_many(this, e);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_tools_toggle', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_western_blot_tools_toggle(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_note_close_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_western_blot_note_close_button(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'mouseup', document, function(e,ui){
- var container = $(".scb_f_controls_note");
- container.slideUp(); // hide
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click','.scb_f_controls_note', function(e,ui){
- e.stopPropagation();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click','.scb_f_info_icon', function(e,ui){
- e.stopPropagation();
- var note = $(this).attr('note');
- note = '.' +note;
- if($(note).is(":visible"))
- $(note).slideUp();
- else $(note).slideDown();
- });
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.register = function(workarea) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_wb_anti_body_select_primary', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_anti_body_select_primary(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_wb_anti_body_select_secondary', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_anti_body_select_secondary(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_blot_and_develop', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_blot_and_develop(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_reprobe', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_reprobe(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_gel_remove', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_western_blot_gel_remove(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_gel_left_western_blot', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_left_western_blot(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_gel_right_western_blot', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_right_western_blot(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_s_western_blot_tab_select_many', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_tab_select_many(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_tools_toggle', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_western_blot_tools_toggle(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_note_close_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_western_blot_note_close_button(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'mouseup', document, function(e, ui) {
+ var container = $(".scb_f_controls_note");
+ container.slideUp(); // hide
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_controls_note', function(e, ui) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_info_icon', function(e, ui) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var note = $(this).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ if ($(note).is(":visible")) {
+ $(note).slideUp();
+ } else {
+ $(note).slideDown();
+ }
+ });
@@ -439,103 +445,108 @@ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.register = function (workarea) {
scb.ui.WesternBlotGelView = function scb_WesternBlotGelView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
- self.show = function (state) {
- state.experiment.last_technique_view = 'western_blot_gel';
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var experiment = state.experiment;
- var template = state.assignment.template;
- var rows_state = state.western_blot.rows_state();
- var rows = rows_state.rows;
- var kind = 'prepare_gel';
- workarea.html(scb_western_blot_gel.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- t: template,
- assignment: state.assignment,
- experiment: state.experiment,
- western_blot: state.western_blot,
- context: gstate.context,
- last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
- prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
- western_blot_gel: state.western_blot_gel,
- rows: rows,
- kind: kind,
- valid_rows: rows_state.valid
- }));
- state.experiment.prev_step=4;
- if(state.experiment.last_step >= scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_STEPS)
- state.experiment.last_step = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_STEPS+1;
- state.experiment.last_technique = 'WESTERN BLOT';
- state.experiment.last_id = state.western_blot.id;
- state.experiment.last_param = 'western_blot_id';
- document.body.scrollTop = state.experiment.last_scroll;
- if(state.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index <= 0){
- state.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index = 0;
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_left_western_blot').prop('disabled', true);
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_right_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- else $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_left_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
- if(state.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index + scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_TABS-1 ==state.western_blot.gel_list.list.length-1){
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_right_western_blot').prop('disabled', true);
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_left_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- else $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_right_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
- if(kind != 'sample_prep') {
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_video_box_wrapper').remove();
- }
- state.experiment.last_view = 'western_blot_gel';
- state.western_blot.last_gel = state.western_blot_gel.id;
- state.western_blot.parent.selected_id = state.western_blot.id;
- $('.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider').slider({
- orientation: "horizontal",
- range: "min",
- min: 1,
- max: scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider_array.length-1,
- value: scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider_index(state.western_blot_gel.exposure_time),
- slide: scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider,
- change: scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider,
- create: function(event, ui){
- $('.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider').attr('role', 'slider');
- $('.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider .ui-slider-handle').attr({
- 'aria-labelledby': "scb_s_wb_exposure_time_value",
- 'aria-valuemin': "0",
- 'aria-valuemax': "100",
- 'aria-valuenow': "0",
- 'aria-valuetext': "1 minute"
- });
- }
- }).each(scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider);
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_paint_all(workarea, gstate, state);
- _.each($(".scb_s_experiment_step_button"), function (e) {
- if(!$(e).hasClass('scb_s_experiment_step_visited'))
- $(e).attr('title', 'To use this button, start a new '+$(e).text()+' Experiment.');
- else $(e).removeAttr('title');
- });
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_sortable_item').removeClass('scb_s_western_blot_sortable_item');
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: 0
- });
- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ var self = this;
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ state.experiment.last_technique_view = 'western_blot_gel';
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ var rows_state = state.western_blot.rows_state();
+ var rows = rows_state.rows;
+ var kind = 'prepare_gel';
+ workarea.html(scb_western_blot_gel.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ t: template,
+ assignment: state.assignment,
+ experiment: state.experiment,
+ western_blot: state.western_blot,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
+ prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
+ western_blot_gel: state.western_blot_gel,
+ rows: rows,
+ kind: kind,
+ valid_rows: rows_state.valid
+ }));
+ state.experiment.prev_step = 4;
+ if (state.experiment.last_step >= scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_STEPS) {
+ state.experiment.last_step = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_STEPS + 1;
+ state.experiment.last_technique = 'WESTERN BLOT';
+ state.experiment.last_id = state.western_blot.id;
+ state.experiment.last_param = 'western_blot_id';
+ document.body.scrollTop = state.experiment.last_scroll;
+ if (state.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index <= 0) {
+ state.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index = 0;
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_left_western_blot').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_right_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_left_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ if (state.western_blot.gel_list.start_tabs_index + scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.TOTAL_TABS - 1 == state.western_blot.gel_list.list.length - 1) {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_right_western_blot').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_left_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_right_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
+ if (kind != 'sample_prep') {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_video_box_wrapper').remove();
+ }
+ state.experiment.last_view = 'western_blot_gel';
+ state.western_blot.last_gel = state.western_blot_gel.id;
+ state.western_blot.parent.selected_id = state.western_blot.id;
+ $('.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider').slider({
+ orientation: "horizontal",
+ range: "min",
+ min: 1,
+ max: scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider_array.length - 1,
+ value: scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider_index(state.western_blot_gel.exposure_time),
+ slide: scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider,
+ change: scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider,
+ create: function(event, ui) {
+ $('.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider').attr('role', 'slider');
+ $('.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider .ui-slider-handle').attr({
+ 'aria-labelledby': "scb_s_wb_exposure_time_value",
+ 'aria-valuemin': "0",
+ 'aria-valuemax': "100",
+ 'aria-valuenow': "0",
+ 'aria-valuetext': "1 minute"
+ });
+ }
+ }).each(scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_f_wb_exposure_slider);
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotGelView.scb_s_western_blot_gel_paint_all(workarea, gstate, state);
+ _.each($(".scb_s_experiment_step_button"), function(e) {
+ if (!$(e).hasClass('scb_s_experiment_step_visited')) {
+ $(e).attr('title', 'To use this button, start a new ' + $(e).text() + ' Experiment.');
+ } else {
+ $(e).removeAttr('title');
+ }
+ });
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_sortable_item').removeClass('scb_s_western_blot_sortable_item');
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/ui/WesternBlotView.js b/html_app/ui/WesternBlotView.js
index ef4e651f..efcdf23c 100644
--- a/html_app/ui/WesternBlotView.js
+++ b/html_app/ui/WesternBlotView.js
@@ -3,792 +3,803 @@
scb.ui = scb.ui || {};
scb.ui.static = scb.ui.static || {};
scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView || {};
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS = 4;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_SCROLL = 5;
-function resetScrollValue(parsed){
- parsed.experiment.last_scroll =0 ;
- parsed.experiment.last_scroll=document.body.scrollTop;
- return parsed;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS = 4;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_STEPS = 5;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_SCROLL = 5;
+function resetScrollValue(parsed) {
+ parsed.experiment.last_scroll = 0 ;
+ parsed.experiment.last_scroll = document.body.scrollTop;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse = function (element) {
- var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
- var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
- var western_blot_id = $(element).attr('western_blot_id');
- var state = {
- experiment_id: experiment_id,
- assignment_id: assignment_id,
- western_blot_id: western_blot_id,
- view: 'western_blot',
- skip_hash_update: true
- };
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
- parsed.state = state;
- return parsed;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse = function(element) {
+ var assignment_id = $(element).attr('assignment_id');
+ var experiment_id = $(element).attr('experiment_id');
+ var western_blot_id = $(element).attr('western_blot_id');
+ var state = {
+ experiment_id: experiment_id,
+ assignment_id: assignment_id,
+ western_blot_id: western_blot_id,
+ view: 'western_blot',
+ skip_hash_update: true
+ };
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.MainFrame.validate_state(state);
+ parsed.state = state;
+ return parsed;
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_remove = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_remove = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
- var lysate_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
- if (lysate_id != '') {
- parsed.western_blot.lanes_list.remove(lysate_id);
- }
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ var lysate_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
+ if (lysate_id != '') {
+ parsed.western_blot.lanes_list.remove(lysate_id);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_remove = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var id_list = [];
- for( var x=0; x < parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length; x++){id_list.push(parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list[x].id);}
- parsed.state.index= id_list.indexOf(parsed.western_blot.id);
- parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.remove(parsed.western_blot.id);
- if(parsed.state.index == parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length){
- parsed.state.index = parsed.state.index -1 ;
- }
- //fix tab indexing for display
- if(parsed.state.index > parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length -scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS) {
- if((parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length == scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS+1 || parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length == scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS+2) && parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index <=1)
- parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index+1;
- else parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index-1;
- }
- delete parsed.state.skip_hash_update;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_remove = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var id_list = [];
+ for (var x = 0; x < parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length; x++) {
+ id_list.push(parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list[x].id);
+ }
+ parsed.state.index = id_list.indexOf(parsed.western_blot.id);
+ parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.remove(parsed.western_blot.id);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_select_lysate_type = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if($(element).attr('kind')){
- lysate_type=$(element).attr('kind');
- }
- else{
- var lysate_type = $(element).attr('value');
- if (lysate_type == '') {
- return;
- }
- }
- var lysate_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
- if (lysate_id == '') {
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
- parsed.western_blot.lanes_list.start({
- kind: lysate_type,
- cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
- experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id
- });
- if (event) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
- }
- else {
- parsed.western_blot.lanes_list.get(lysate_id).kind = lysate_type;
+ if (parsed.state.index == parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length) {
+ parsed.state.index = parsed.state.index - 1;
+ }
+ //fix tab indexing for display
+ if (parsed.state.index > parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length - scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS) {
+ if ((parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length == scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS + 1 || parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.list.length == scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS + 2) && parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index <= 1) {
+ parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index + 1;
+ } else {
+ parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index = parsed.experiment.western_blot_list.start_tabs_index - 1;
+ }
+ delete parsed.state.skip_hash_update;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active = function (element, event) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_select_lysate_type = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if ($(element).attr('kind')) {
+ lysate_type = $(element).attr('kind');
+ } else {
+ var lysate_type = $(element).attr('value');
+ if (lysate_type == '') {
+ return;
- var val = $(element).attr('checked');
- var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ }
- parsed.western_blot.is_cell_treatment_enabled[cell_treatment_id] = val;
- $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_lysate_type', $(element).parent().parent()).each(function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_select_lysate_type(this);
+ var lysate_id = $(element).attr('lane_id');
+ if (lysate_id == '') {
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ parsed.western_blot.lanes_list.start({
+ kind: lysate_type,
+ cell_treatment_id: cell_treatment_id,
+ experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id
- parsed.western_blot.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop();
if (event) {
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- var rows_count = parsed.western_blot.rows_state();
- if (rows_count.valid > (scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.MAX_ROWS - 1)) {
- var element = $('.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active[cell_treatment_id="' + cell_treatment_id + '"]');
- var parent = $(element).parent();
- var note = $("" + rows_count.valid + " ");
- note.appendTo(parent);
- console.info(parent);
- setTimeout(function () {
- $(note).detach();
- }, 500);
- }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ } else {
+ parsed.western_blot.lanes_list.get(lysate_id).kind = lysate_type;
+ }
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_selected = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- if($(element).text().length <=1){
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var val = $(element).attr('checked');
+ var cell_treatment_id = $(element).attr('cell_treatment_id');
+ parsed.western_blot.is_cell_treatment_enabled[cell_treatment_id] = val;
+ $('.scb_f_western_blot_select_lysate_type', $(element).parent().parent()).each(function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_select_lysate_type(this);
+ });
+ parsed.western_blot.prep_scroll = $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop();
+ if (event) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ var rows_count = parsed.western_blot.rows_state();
+ if (rows_count.valid > (scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.MAX_ROWS - 1)) {
+ var element = $('.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active[cell_treatment_id="' + cell_treatment_id + '"]');
+ var parent = $(element).parent();
+ var note = $("" + rows_count.valid + " ");
+ note.appendTo(parent);
+ console.info(parent);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ $(note).detach();
+ }, 500);
- else{
+ }
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_selected = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ if ($(element).text().length <= 1) {
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ } else {
parsed.western_blot.name = $(element).val();
- }
+ }
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_prepare_lysates = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- var rows_state = parsed.western_blot.rows_state();
- if (rows_state.valid > scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.MAX_ROWS) {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $('#jqDialog_box').css('width', '450px');
- $.jqDialog.alert(scb_western_blot.wb_sample_error(),
- function() { /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
- $('#jqDialog_box').css('width', '');
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove()});
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- } else if(rows_state.valid === scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.MAX_ROWS){
- $('#jqDialog_box').css('width', '450px');
- $.jqDialog.confirm(scb_western_blot.wb_15_samples_error(),
- function() { /* callback function for 'YES' button */
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- parsed.western_blot.lysate_prepared = true;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- },
- function() { /* callback function for 'NO' button */
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- }
- );
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- } else if (rows_state.valid < 1) {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.alert("Please select at least 1 lysate to prepare.", function() {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove(); /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
- });
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- }
- else {
- parsed.western_blot.lysate_prepared = true;
- window.scrollTo(0, 0);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_prepare_lysates = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ var rows_state = parsed.western_blot.rows_state();
+ if (rows_state.valid > scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.MAX_ROWS) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').css('width', '450px');
+ $.jqDialog.alert(scb_western_blot.wb_sample_error(), function() { /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
+ $('#jqDialog_box').css('width', '');
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove()
+ });
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ } else if (rows_state.valid === scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.MAX_ROWS) {
+ $('#jqDialog_box').css('width', '450px');
+ $.jqDialog.confirm(scb_western_blot.wb_15_samples_error(), function() { /* callback function for 'YES' button */
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ parsed.western_blot.lysate_prepared = true;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }, function() { /* callback function for 'NO' button */
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ );
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_load_marker = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- parsed.western_blot.lanes_list.start({
- id: 'marker',
- name: 'Marker',
- cell_treatment_id: "marker_treatment",
- experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id,
- kind: 'marker'
+ } else if (rows_state.valid < 1) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.alert("Please select at least 1 lysate to prepare.", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove(); /* callback function for 'OK' button*/
- parsed.western_blot.marker_loaded = true;
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ } else {
+ parsed.western_blot.lysate_prepared = true;
+ window.scrollTo(0, 0);
+ }
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_load_marker = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.western_blot.lanes_list.start({
+ id: 'marker',
+ name: 'Marker',
+ cell_treatment_id: "marker_treatment",
+ experiment_id: parsed.experiment.id,
+ kind: 'marker'
+ });
+ parsed.western_blot.marker_loaded = true;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.populate_wells = function (rows, state) {
- state.western_blot.wells_loaded = true;
- var canvas = $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel', '.scb_s_western_blot_view').get(0);
- canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth;
- canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight;
- var g = canvas.getContext('2d');
- function getImage(index) {
- return $('img', '.scb_wells')[index];
- }
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.populate_wells = function(rows, state) {
+ state.western_blot.wells_loaded = true;
+ var canvas = $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel', '.scb_s_western_blot_view').get(0);
+ canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth;
+ canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight;
- g.drawImage(getImage(15), 0, 0);
+ var g = canvas.getContext('2d');
- var i = 0;
- _.each(rows, function (elem, index, array) {
- if (elem.is_sample_enabled) {
- g.drawImage(getImage(i++), 0, 0);
- }
- });
- if (state.western_blot.marker_loaded) {
- g.drawImage(getImage(i), 0, 0);
+ function getImage(index) {
+ return $('img', '.scb_wells')[index];
+ }
+ g.drawImage(getImage(15), 0, 0);
+ var i = 0;
+ _.each(rows, function(elem, index, array) {
+ if (elem.is_sample_enabled) {
+ g.drawImage(getImage(i++), 0, 0);
+ });
+ if (state.western_blot.marker_loaded) {
+ g.drawImage(getImage(i), 0, 0);
+ }
- var canvas = $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel', '.scb_s_western_blot_view').get(0);
- canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth;
- canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight;
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.draw_wells = function(rows, state) {
+ var canvas = $('.scb_s_western_blot_gel', '.scb_s_western_blot_view').get(0);
+ canvas.width = canvas.clientWidth;
+ canvas.height = canvas.clientHeight;
- var g = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ var g = canvas.getContext('2d');
- function getImage(index) {
- return $('img', '.scb_wells')[index];
- }
+ function getImage(index) {
+ return $('img', '.scb_wells')[index];
+ }
- g.drawImage(getImage(15), 0, 0);
+ g.drawImage(getImage(15), 0, 0);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_choose_gel_type_input = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- parsed.western_blot.gel_type = $(element).val();
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_choose_gel_type_input = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.western_blot.gel_type = $(element).val();
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_run_gel_and_transfer = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- if (parsed.redisplay) {
- alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
- }
- parsed.western_blot.is_transfered = true;
- //TODO: before repaint need to do steps in animation...
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_run_gel_and_transfer = function(element) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ if (parsed.redisplay) {
+ alert("INVALID ELEMENT!");
+ }
+ parsed.western_blot.is_transfered = true;
+ //TODO: before repaint need to do steps in animation...
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active_all = function (element) {
- $('.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active').each(function (e) {
- var element = this;
- $(element).attr('checked', true);
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active(element);
- });
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active_all = function(element) {
+ $('.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active').each(function(e) {
+ var element = this;
+ $(element).attr('checked', true);
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active(element);
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_inactive_all = function (element) {
- $('.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active').each(function(e){
- var element = this;
- $(element).attr('checked', false);
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active(element);
- });
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_inactive_all = function(element) {
+ $('.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active').each(function(e) {
+ var element = this;
+ $(element).attr('checked', false);
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active(element);
+ });
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_left_western_blot = function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index -1;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_left_western_blot = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index - 1;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_right_western_blot = function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index +1;
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_right_western_blot = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index + 1;
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_add_western_blot= function(element, event){
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- console.log(parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index);
- console.log(parsed.western_blot.parent.list.length);
- if(parsed.western_blot.parent.list.length==scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS){
- parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index = 1;
- }
- else if (parsed.western_blot.parent.list.length >scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS)
- parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.parent.length-(scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS-1);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_add_western_blot = function(element, event) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ console.log(parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index);
+ console.log(parsed.western_blot.parent.list.length);
+ if (parsed.western_blot.parent.list.length == scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS) {
+ parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index = 1;
+ } else if (parsed.western_blot.parent.list.length > scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS) {
+ parsed.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index = parsed.western_blot.parent.length - (scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS - 1);
+ }
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh(parsed.state);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_list_item = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- var new_order = [];
- var list = $('.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_order_list', '.scb_s_western_blot_view').get(0);
- var children =$(list.children);
- for(var v = 0; v < children.length; v ++){
- $(list).append($(children[v]));
- if($(children[v]).attr('class').indexOf('ui-sortable-helper') > -1){
- $('.ui-sortable-placeholder').text($(children[v]).text());
- $('.ui-sortable-placeholder').css('visibility', 'visible');
- $('.ui-sortable-placeholder').attr('id', $(children[v]).attr('id'));
- $('.ui-sortable-placeholder').attr('class', 'scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_list_item');
- }
- }
- for(var v=0; v -1) {
+ $('.ui-sortable-placeholder').text($(children[v]).text());
+ $('.ui-sortable-placeholder').css('visibility', 'visible');
+ $('.ui-sortable-placeholder').attr('id', $(children[v]).attr('id'));
+ $('.ui-sortable-placeholder').attr('class', 'scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_list_item');
+ }
+ }
+ for (var v = 0; v < children.length; v++) {
+ if ($(children[v]).attr('class').indexOf('ui-sortable-helper') <= -1) {
+ new_order[v] = $(children[v]).attr('id');
+ }
+ }
+ for (var v = 0; v < new_order.length; v++) {
+ if (new_order[v] == undefined) {
+ new_order.splice(v, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ console.log(new_order);
+ parsed.western_blot.lanes_list.reorder(new_order);
-scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_sort_up_button = function (element) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(element);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- var new_order = [];
- var list = $('.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_order_list', '.scb_s_western_blot_view').get(0);
- var children =$(list.children);
- var v=0;
- while(v 10) {
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_selected').text()
- e.preventDefault();
- this.textContent= this.textContent.substring(0, this.textContent.length-1)
- return false;
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_prepare_lysates', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_prepare_lysates(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_load_marker', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_load_marker(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_load_all', function (e) {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(this);
- var rows_state = parsed.western_blot.rows_state();
- console.log(rows_state.valid);
- if (!parsed.western_blot.marker_loaded &&
- rows_state.valid !== scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.MAX_ROWS) {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
- $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
- $.jqDialog.confirm("The protein size marker has not been added to your samples. Would you like to continue?",
- function () {
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.populate_wells(rows_state.rows, parsed);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- },// callback function for 'YES' button
- function () {
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
- return;
- } // callback function for 'NO' button
- );
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.register = function(workarea) {
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_select_lysate_type', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_select_lysate_type(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_sample_remove', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_remove(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'change', '.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active(this, e);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_remove', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_remove(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'blur', '.scb_s_western_blot_selected', function(e) {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_selected').text($('.scb_s_western_blot_selected').attr('value'));
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_selected(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'keydown', '.scb_s_western_blot_selected', function(e) {
+ if ($('.scb_s_western_blot_selected').text().length > 10) {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_selected').text()
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.textContent = this.textContent.substring(0, this.textContent.length - 1)
+ return false;
+ }
- } else {
- var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(this);
- parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.populate_wells(parsed.western_blot.rows_state().rows, parsed);
- scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_choose_gel_type_input', function (e, ui) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_choose_gel_type_input(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_run_gel_and_transfer', function (e, ui) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_run_gel_and_transfer(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_left_western_blot', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_left_western_blot(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_right_western_blot', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_right_western_blot(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active_all', function (e, ui) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active_all(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_add_western_blot', function (e, ui) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_add_western_blot(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_tools_toggle', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_tools_toggle(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_note_close_button', function (e) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_note_close_button(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_sample_inactive_all', function (e, ui){
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_inactive_all(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_wb_up_button', function (e, ui){
- var item = $('.markedLi');
- var prev = item.prev();
- if (prev.length == 0)
- return;
- prev.css('z-index', 999).css('position','relative').animate({ top: item.height() }, 250);
- item.css('z-index', 1000).css('position', 'relative').animate({ top: '-' + prev.height() }, 300, function () {
- prev.css('z-index', '').css('top', '').css('position', '');
- item.css('z-index', '').css('top', '').css('position', '');
- item.insertBefore(prev);
- });
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_sort_up_button($('.markedLi', '.scb_s_western_blot_view').get(0));
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_wb_down_button', function (e, ui){
- var item = $('.markedLi');
- var next = item.next();
- if (next.length == 0)
- return;
- next.css('z-index', 999).css('position', 'relative').animate({ top: '-' + item.height() }, 250);
- item.css('z-index', 1000).css('position', 'relative').animate({ top: next.height() }, 300, function () {
- next.css('z-index', '').css('top', '').css('position', '');
- item.css('z-index', '').css('top', '').css('position', '');
- item.insertAfter(next);
- });
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_sort_down_button($('.markedLi', '.scb_s_western_blot_view').get(0));
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_gel_tab', function (e, ui) {
- var link = $('a', $(this));
- var href = link.attr('href');
- if( href )
- {
- document.location = href;
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'mouseup', '.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_list_item', function(e, ui){
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_list_item(this);
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'mouseup', document, function(e,ui){
- var container = $(".scb_f_controls_note");
- container.slideUp(); // hide
- });
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click','.scb_f_controls_note', function(e,ui){
- e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_prepare_lysates', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_prepare_lysates(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_load_marker', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_load_marker(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_load_all', function(e) {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(this);
+ var rows_state = parsed.western_blot.rows_state();
+ console.log(rows_state.valid);
+ if (!parsed.western_blot.marker_loaded &&
+ rows_state.valid !== scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.MAX_ROWS) {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'hidden');
+ $('body').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.general_error_overlay());
+ $.jqDialog.confirm("The protein size marker has not been added to your samples. Would you like to continue?", function() {
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.populate_wells(rows_state.rows, parsed);
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }, // callback function for 'YES' button
+ function() {
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ $('html').css('overflow', 'visible');
+ return;
+ } // callback function for 'NO' button
+ );
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend(scb_experiment_setup.experiment_error());
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ } else {
+ var parsed = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.parse(this);
+ parsed = resetScrollValue(parsed);
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.populate_wells(parsed.western_blot.rows_state().rows, parsed);
+ scb.ui.static.MainFrame.refresh();
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_choose_gel_type_input', function(e, ui) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_choose_gel_type_input(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_run_gel_and_transfer', function(e, ui) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_run_gel_and_transfer(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_left_western_blot', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_left_western_blot(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_right_western_blot', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_right_western_blot(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active_all', function(e, ui) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_active_all(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_add_western_blot', function(e, ui) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_add_western_blot(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_tools_toggle', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_tools_toggle(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_note_close_button', function(e) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_note_close_button(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_western_blot_sample_inactive_all', function(e, ui) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_f_western_blot_sample_inactive_all(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_wb_up_button', function(e, ui) {
+ var item = $('.markedLi');
+ var prev = item.prev();
+ if (prev.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ prev.css('z-index', 999).css('position', 'relative').animate({
+ top: item.height()
+ }, 250);
+ item.css('z-index', 1000).css('position', 'relative').animate({
+ top: '-' + prev.height()
+ }, 300, function() {
+ prev.css('z-index', '').css('top', '').css('position', '');
+ item.css('z-index', '').css('top', '').css('position', '');
+ item.insertBefore(prev);
- scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click','.scb_f_info_icon', function(e,ui){
- e.stopPropagation();
- var note = $(this).attr('note');
- note = '.' +note;
- if($(note).is(":visible"))
- $(note).slideUp();
- else $(note).slideDown();
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_sort_up_button($('.markedLi', '.scb_s_western_blot_view').get(0));
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_wb_down_button', function(e, ui) {
+ var item = $('.markedLi');
+ var next = item.next();
+ if (next.length == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ next.css('z-index', 999).css('position', 'relative').animate({
+ top: '-' + item.height()
+ }, 250);
+ item.css('z-index', 1000).css('position', 'relative').animate({
+ top: next.height()
+ }, 300, function() {
+ next.css('z-index', '').css('top', '').css('position', '');
+ item.css('z-index', '').css('top', '').css('position', '');
+ item.insertAfter(next);
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_sort_down_button($('.markedLi', '.scb_s_western_blot_view').get(0));
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_s_western_blot_gel_tab', function(e, ui) {
+ var link = $('a', $(this));
+ var href = link.attr('href');
+ if (href) {
+ document.location = href;
+ e.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'mouseup', '.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_list_item', function(e, ui) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_list_item(this);
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'mouseup', document, function(e, ui) {
+ var container = $(".scb_f_controls_note");
+ container.slideUp(); // hide
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_controls_note', function(e, ui) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on(workarea, 'click', '.scb_f_info_icon', function(e, ui) {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var note = $(this).attr('note');
+ note = '.' + note;
+ if ($(note).is(":visible")) {
+ $(note).slideUp();
+ } else {
+ $(note).slideDown();
+ }
+ });
scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.MAX_ROWS = 15;
scb.ui.WesternBlotView = function scb_ui_WesternBlotView(gstate) {
- var self = this;
+ var self = this;
- self.show = function (state) {
- var workarea = state.workarea;
- var experiment = state.experiment;
- var template = state.assignment.template;
- var rows_state = state.western_blot.rows_state();
+ self.show = function(state) {
+ var workarea = state.workarea;
+ var experiment = state.experiment;
+ var template = state.assignment.template;
+ var rows_state = state.western_blot.rows_state();
- var kind = 'sample_prep';
- if (state.western_blot.lysate_prepared) {
- kind = 'prepare_gel';
- }
+ var kind = 'sample_prep';
+ if (state.western_blot.lysate_prepared) {
+ kind = 'prepare_gel';
+ }
- var can_prepare_lysate = rows_state.valid > 0;
- state.experiment.last_technique_view = 'western_blot';
- workarea.html(scb_western_blot.main({
- global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
- t: template,
- assignment: state.assignment,
- experiment: state.experiment,
- western_blot: state.western_blot,
- rows: rows_state.rows,
- context: gstate.context,
- rows_valid: rows_state.valid,
- last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
- prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
- kind: kind,
- kinds: template.lysate_kinds,
- can_prepare_lysate: can_prepare_lysate
- }));
- if (kind == 'sample_prep'){
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop(state.western_blot.prep_scroll);
- }
- state.experiment.prev_step=4;
- if(state.experiment.last_step >= scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_STEPS)
- state.experiment.last_step = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_STEPS+1;
- state.experiment.last_technique = 'WESTERN BLOT';
- state.experiment.last_id = state.western_blot.id;
- state.experiment.last_param = 'western_blot_id';
- document.body.scrollTop = state.experiment.last_scroll;
- if(state.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index <= 0){
- state.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index = 0;
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_left_western_blot').prop('disabled', true);
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_right_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- else $('.scb_s_western_blot_left_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
- if(state.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index + scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS -1 ==state.western_blot.parent.list.length-1){
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_right_western_blot').prop('disabled', true);
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_left_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
- }
- else $('.scb_s_western_blot_right_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
- document.title = "Western Blot - StarCellBio";
- if(kind != 'sample_prep') {
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_video_box_wrapper').remove();
- }
- else {
- if (_.keys(template.lysate_kinds).length == 1) {
- $('button.scb_f_western_blot_sample_remove').hide();
- //strange bug where clicks not reflected in place, hitting cancel button corrects this problem.
- }
- }
- if (kind == 'prepare_gel') {
- if(state.western_blot.wells_loaded) {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.populate_wells(rows_state.rows, state);
- } else {
- scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.draw_wells(rows_state.rows, state);
- }
- if(rows_state.valid === scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.MAX_ROWS){
- $(".scb_s_western_blot_add_marker_wrapper").css('opacity','.25').children().prop('disabled', true);
- }
+ var can_prepare_lysate = rows_state.valid > 0;
+ state.experiment.last_technique_view = 'western_blot';
+ workarea.html(scb_western_blot.main({
+ global_template: gstate.context.master_model,
+ t: template,
+ assignment: state.assignment,
+ experiment: state.experiment,
+ western_blot: state.western_blot,
+ rows: rows_state.rows,
+ context: gstate.context,
+ rows_valid: rows_state.valid,
+ last_step: state.experiment.last_step,
+ prev_step: state.experiment.prev_step,
+ kind: kind,
+ kinds: template.lysate_kinds,
+ can_prepare_lysate: can_prepare_lysate
+ }));
+ if (kind == 'sample_prep') {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_table').scrollTop(state.western_blot.prep_scroll);
+ }
+ state.experiment.prev_step = 4;
+ if (state.experiment.last_step >= scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_STEPS) {
+ state.experiment.last_step = scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_STEPS + 1;
+ }
+ state.experiment.last_technique = 'WESTERN BLOT';
+ state.experiment.last_id = state.western_blot.id;
+ state.experiment.last_param = 'western_blot_id';
+ document.body.scrollTop = state.experiment.last_scroll;
+ if (state.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index <= 0) {
+ state.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index = 0;
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_left_western_blot').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_right_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_left_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
- }
+ if (state.western_blot.parent.start_tabs_index + scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.TOTAL_TABS - 1 == state.western_blot.parent.list.length - 1) {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_right_western_blot').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_left_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_right_western_blot').prop('disabled', false);
+ }
- if (state.western_blot.gel_type == null) {
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_area').children().not('.scb_s_western_blot_choose_gel_type').not('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_type_info').not('.scb_f_wb_gel_type_followup').css('opacity', '.25');
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_area button').not('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_type_info').prop('disabled', true);
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_area button').not('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_type_info').css('cursor', 'default');
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_gel_area').css('opacity', '.25');
- $('canvas', $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_gel_area')).hide();
- }
- state.western_blot.parent.selected_id = state.western_blot.id;
- state.experiment.last_view = 'western_blot';
- if(!state.western_blot.wells_loaded){
- $('ol.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_order_list').sortable();
- }
- else{
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_list_item').removeClass('scb_s_western_blot_sortable_item');
- $('.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_list_item').removeClass('scb_s_movable_item');
- }
- _.each($(".scb_s_experiment_step_button"), function (e) {
- if(!$(e).hasClass('scb_s_experiment_step_visited'))
- $(e).attr('title', 'To use this button, start a new '+$(e).text()+' Experiment.');
- else $(e).removeAttr('title');
- });
- var stopVideo = function (player) {
- var vidSrc = player.prop('src');
- player.prop('src', ''); // to force it to pause
- player.prop('src', vidSrc);
- };
- $(".scb_s_western_blot_selected").keypress(function (e) {
- return e.which != 13;
- });
- var elem = document.getElementById('slider');
- window.mySwipe = Swipe(elem, {
- continuous: false,
- disableScroll: true,
- transitionEnd: function (index, element) {
- var current_video = $($(element).find('iframe')[0]).attr('id');
- _.each($(element).parent().children(), function (video) {
- if ($($(video).find('iframe')[0]).attr('id') !== current_video) {
- stopVideo($($(video).find('iframe')[0]));
- }
- });
- $('.slider_dots li').attr('class', '');
- $($('.slider_dots li')[index]).attr('class', 'on');
- }
+ document.title = "Western Blot - StarCellBio";
+ if (kind != 'sample_prep') {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_video_box_wrapper').remove();
+ } else {
+ if (_.keys(template.lysate_kinds).length == 1) {
+ $('button.scb_f_western_blot_sample_remove').hide();
+ //strange bug where clicks not reflected in place, hitting cancel button corrects this problem.
+ }
+ }
+ if (kind == 'prepare_gel') {
+ if (state.western_blot.wells_loaded) {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.populate_wells(rows_state.rows, state);
+ } else {
+ scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.draw_wells(rows_state.rows, state);
+ }
+ if (rows_state.valid === scb.ui.static.WesternBlotView.MAX_ROWS) {
+ $(".scb_s_western_blot_add_marker_wrapper").css('opacity', '.25').children().prop('disabled', true);
+ }
+ }
+ if (state.western_blot.gel_type == null) {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_area').children().not('.scb_s_western_blot_choose_gel_type').not('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_type_info').not('.scb_f_wb_gel_type_followup').css('opacity', '.25');
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_area button').not('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_type_info').prop('disabled', true);
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_area button').not('.scb_s_western_blot_gel_type_info').css('cursor', 'default');
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_gel_area').css('opacity', '.25');
+ $('canvas', $('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_gel_area')).hide();
+ }
+ state.western_blot.parent.selected_id = state.western_blot.id;
+ state.experiment.last_view = 'western_blot';
+ if (!state.western_blot.wells_loaded) {
+ $('ol.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_order_list').sortable();
+ } else {
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_list_item').removeClass('scb_s_western_blot_sortable_item');
+ $('.scb_s_western_blot_choose_samples_list_item').removeClass('scb_s_movable_item');
+ }
+ _.each($(".scb_s_experiment_step_button"), function(e) {
+ if (!$(e).hasClass('scb_s_experiment_step_visited')) {
+ $(e).attr('title', 'To use this button, start a new ' + $(e).text() + ' Experiment.');
+ } else {
+ $(e).removeAttr('title');
+ }
+ });
+ var stopVideo = function(player) {
+ var vidSrc = player.prop('src');
+ player.prop('src', ''); // to force it to pause
+ player.prop('src', vidSrc);
+ };
+ $(".scb_s_western_blot_selected").keypress(function(e) {
+ return e.which != 13;
+ });
+ var elem = document.getElementById('slider');
+ window.mySwipe = Swipe(elem, {
+ continuous: false,
+ disableScroll: true,
+ transitionEnd: function(index, element) {
+ var current_video = $($(element).find('iframe')[0]).attr('id');
+ _.each($(element).parent().children(), function(video) {
+ if ($($(video).find('iframe')[0]).attr('id') !== current_video) {
+ stopVideo($($(video).find('iframe')[0]));
+ }
- /* Click on the slider dots
- $('#nav li').on('click', function () {
- $('.slider_dots li').attr('class','');
- $($('.slider_dots li')[$(this).index()]).attr('class','on');
- window.mySwipe.slide($(this).index(), 200);
- });
- */
- $('.slider_dots li').css('cursor', 'default');
- if(!state.western_blot.wells_loaded){
- $('body').mousedown(function(e){
- if($(e.target).parents('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_area').length ==1){
- if($(e.target).hasClass('scb_s_western_blot_sortable_item')){
- $('.markedLi').removeClass('markedLi');
- $(e.target).addClass('markedLi');
- }
- }
- else
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- $(window).resize(function(){
- $('#main').css({
- position:'absolute',
- left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth())/2,
- top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight())/2
- });
- });
+ $('.slider_dots li').attr('class', '');
+ $($('.slider_dots li')[index]).attr('class', 'on');
+ }
+ });
+ /* Click on the slider dots
+ $('#nav li').on('click', function () {
+ $('.slider_dots li').attr('class','');
+ $($('.slider_dots li')[$(this).index()]).attr('class','on');
+ window.mySwipe.slide($(this).index(), 200);
+ });
+ */
+ $('.slider_dots li').css('cursor', 'default');
+ if (!state.western_blot.wells_loaded) {
+ $('body').mousedown(function(e) {
+ if ($(e.target).parents('.scb_s_western_blot_samples_area').length == 1) {
+ if ($(e.target).hasClass('scb_s_western_blot_sortable_item')) {
+ $('.markedLi').removeClass('markedLi');
+ $(e.target).addClass('markedLi');
+ }
+ } else {
+ $('.markedLi').removeClass('markedLi');
+ }
+ });
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: 0
+ });
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ $('#main').css({
+ position: 'absolute',
+ left: ($(window).width() - $('#main').outerWidth()) / 2,
+ top: ($(window).height() - $('#main').outerHeight()) / 2
+ });
+ });
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/html_app/utils/CSFRFix.js b/html_app/utils/CSFRFix.js
index cedd83b2..1040dce3 100644
--- a/html_app/utils/CSFRFix.js
+++ b/html_app/utils/CSFRFix.js
@@ -1,72 +1,72 @@
-$(document).ajaxSend(function (event, xhr, settings) {
- function getCookie(name) {
- var cookieValue = null;
- if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
- var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
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- var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
- // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
- if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
- cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
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+$(document).ajaxSend(function(event, xhr, settings) {
+ function getCookie(name) {
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- // url could be relative or scheme relative or absolute
- var host = document.location.host; // host + port
- var protocol = document.location.protocol;
- var sr_origin = '//' + host;
- var origin = protocol + sr_origin;
- // Allow absolute or scheme relative URLs to same origin
- return (url == origin || url.slice(0, origin.length + 1) == origin + '/') ||
- (url == sr_origin || url.slice(0, sr_origin.length + 1) == sr_origin + '/') ||
- // or any other URL that isn't scheme relative or absolute i.e relative.
- !(/^(\/\/|http:|https:).*/.test(url));
- }
+ function sameOrigin(url) {
+ // url could be relative or scheme relative or absolute
+ var host = document.location.host; // host + port
+ var protocol = document.location.protocol;
+ var sr_origin = '//' + host;
+ var origin = protocol + sr_origin;
+ // Allow absolute or scheme relative URLs to same origin
+ return (url == origin || url.slice(0, origin.length + 1) == origin + '/') ||
+ (url == sr_origin || url.slice(0, sr_origin.length + 1) == sr_origin + '/') ||
+ // or any other URL that isn't scheme relative or absolute i.e relative.
+ !(/^(\/\/|http:|https:).*/.test(url));
+ }
- function safeMethod(method) {
- return (/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/.test(method));
- }
+ function safeMethod(method) {
+ return (/^(GET|HEAD|OPTIONS|TRACE)$/.test(method));
+ }
- if (!safeMethod(settings.type) && sameOrigin(settings.url)) {
- xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie('csrftoken'));
- }
+ if (!safeMethod(settings.type) && sameOrigin(settings.url)) {
+ xhr.setRequestHeader("X-CSRFToken", getCookie('csrftoken'));
+ }
-if (typeof (scb.Utils ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.Utils = {};
- scb.utils = scb.Utils;
+if (typeof (scb.Utils) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.Utils = {};
+ scb.utils = scb.Utils;
scb.utils.server = scb.utils.server || {};
-scb.utils.getCsfrToken = function () {
- var name = 'csrftoken';
- var cookieValue = null;
- if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
- var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
- for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
- var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
- // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
- if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
- cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
- break;
- }
- }
+scb.utils.getCsfrToken = function() {
+ var name = 'csrftoken';
+ var cookieValue = null;
+ if (document.cookie && document.cookie != '') {
+ var cookies = document.cookie.split(';');
+ for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
+ var cookie = jQuery.trim(cookies[i]);
+ // Does this cookie string begin with the name we want?
+ if (cookie.substring(0, name.length + 1) == (name + '=')) {
+ cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
+ break;
+ }
- return cookieValue;
+ }
+ return cookieValue;
-scb.utils.server.is_auth = function (callback) {
-scb.utils.call_back(callback, {
- success: true,
- data: {}
- });
- return;
+scb.utils.server.is_auth = function(callback) {
+ scb.utils.call_back(callback, {
+ success: true,
+ data: {}
+ });
+ return;
$.ajax({url: '/scb/is_auth/', data: '', type: 'GET', success: function (a, b, c) {
if (b == "success") {
@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ scb.utils.call_back(callback, {
-scb.utils.server.call = function (data, callback) {
- scb.utils.call_back(callback, {
- success: true,
- data: {}
- });
- return;
+scb.utils.server.call = function(data, callback) {
+ scb.utils.call_back(callback, {
+ success: true,
+ data: {}
+ });
+ return;
$.ajax({url: '/scb/is_auth/', type: data ? 'POST' : 'GET',
data: data,
diff --git a/html_app/utils/Utilities.js b/html_app/utils/Utilities.js
index 6edaa3f5..39a1d5af 100644
--- a/html_app/utils/Utilities.js
+++ b/html_app/utils/Utilities.js
@@ -1,23 +1,22 @@
//'use strict';
-if (typeof (scb.Utils ) == 'undefined') {
- scb.Utils = {};
- scb.utils = scb.Utils;
+if (typeof (scb.Utils) == 'undefined') {
+ scb.Utils = {};
+ scb.utils = scb.Utils;
-scb.utils.generateUUID = function (name) {
- var prefix;
- if (typeof (name ) == 'undefined') {
- prefix = 'scb_';
- } else {
- prefix = name;
- }
- var token = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000).toString(27) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000).toString(27);
- //+ Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000).toString(27);
- return prefix + token;
+scb.utils.generateUUID = function(name) {
+ var prefix;
+ if (typeof (name ) == 'undefined') {
+ prefix = 'scb_';
+ } else {
+ prefix = name;
+ }
+ var token = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000).toString(27) + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000).toString(27);
+ //+ Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000).toString(27);
+ return prefix + token;
-scb.utils.noop = function () {
+scb.utils.noop = function() {};
* Special serializer
* It will assume that stuff is:
@@ -27,401 +26,418 @@ scb.utils.noop = function () {
* -- it will be able to recreate things with calling constructor
-scb.utils.print = function (data) {
- if (typeof (data) == 'object') {
- var name = data.__proto__.constructor.name;
- if (data.hasOwnProperty('data')) {
- var dump = {};
- for (var x in data.data) {
- dump[x] = scb_Utils.print(data.data[x]);
- }
- var ret = {};
- ret[name] = dump;
- return ret;
- } else if (name == 'Array') {
- var dump = [];
- for (var x in data) {
- dump.push(scb_Utils.print(data[x]));
- }
- var ret = {};
- ret['Array'] = dump;
- return ret;
- }
- } else if (typeof (data) == 'string') {
- return data;
- } else {
- return data.toString();
+scb.utils.print = function(data) {
+ if (typeof (data) == 'object') {
+ var name = data.__proto__.constructor.name;
+ if (data.hasOwnProperty('data')) {
+ var dump = {};
+ for (var x in data.data) {
+ dump[x] = scb_Utils.print(data.data[x]);
+ }
+ var ret = {};
+ ret[name] = dump;
+ return ret;
+ } else if (name == 'Array') {
+ var dump = [];
+ for (var x in data) {
+ dump.push(scb_Utils.print(data[x]));
+ }
+ var ret = {};
+ ret['Array'] = dump;
+ return ret;
-scb.utils.initialize_accessor_field = function (self, data, name, default_value, proto, context) {
- scb.utils.initialize_field(data, name, default_value);
- if (proto == null) {
- scb.Utils.accessor2(self, name, data);
+ } else if (typeof (data) == 'string') {
+ return data;
+ } else {
+ return data.toString();
+ }
+scb.utils.initialize_accessor_field = function(self, data, name, default_value, proto, context) {
+ scb.utils.initialize_field(data, name, default_value);
+ if (proto == null) {
+ scb.Utils.accessor2(self, name, data);
+ } else {
+ self[name] = new proto(data[name], context, self);
+ }
+scb.utils.initialize_field = function(obj, name, default_value) {
+ if (typeof (obj) != 'undefined') {
+ if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
+ obj[name] = default_value;
- else {
- self[name] = new proto(data[name], context, self);
+ if (typeof (obj[name]) == 'undefined') {
+ obj[name] = default_value;
-scb.utils.initialize_field = function (obj, name, default_value) {
- if (typeof (obj) != 'undefined') {
- if (!obj.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- obj[name] = default_value;
- }
- if (typeof (obj[name] ) == 'undefined') {
- obj[name] = default_value;
- }
- } else {
- console.info("OBJ is null!");
+ } else {
+ console.info("OBJ is null!");
+ }
+scb.utils.accessor = function(obj, name, new_value) {
+ var ret = obj[name];
+ if (typeof (new_value) != 'undefined') {
+ obj[name] = new_value;
+ }
+ return ret;
+scb.utils.accessor_toString = function(fn) {
+ fn.toString = function() {
+ return fn();
+ }
+scb.utils.parse_time = function(str, unit) {
+ var time = 0;
+ var input = "" + str;
+ input = input.trim();
+ if (input.match('[nN][oO][wW]')) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ var daysRegex = new RegExp("([0-9\.]+) *d");
+ if (true) {
+ var match = input.match(hourRegex);
+ if (match != null && match.length > 1) {
+ time += parseFloat(match[1]) * 24 * 3600;
-scb.utils.accessor = function (obj, name, new_value) {
- var ret = obj[name];
- if (typeof (new_value) != 'undefined') {
- obj[name] = new_value;
+ }
+ var hourRegex = new RegExp("([0-9\.]+) *h");
+ if (true) {
+ var match = input.match(hourRegex);
+ if (match != null && match.length > 1) {
+ time += parseFloat(match[1]) * 3600;
- return ret;
-scb.utils.accessor_toString = function (fn) {
- fn.toString = function () {
- return fn();
- }
-scb.utils.parse_time = function (str, unit) {
- var time = 0;
- var input = "" + str;
- input = input.trim();
- if (input.match('[nN][oO][wW]')) {
- return 0;
- }
- var daysRegex = new RegExp("([0-9\.]+) *d");
- if (true) {
- var match = input.match(hourRegex);
- if (match != null && match.length > 1) {
- time += parseFloat(match[1]) * 24 * 3600;
- }
- }
- var hourRegex = new RegExp("([0-9\.]+) *h");
- if (true) {
- var match = input.match(hourRegex);
- if (match != null && match.length > 1) {
- time += parseFloat(match[1]) * 3600;
- }
+ }
+ var minuteRegex = new RegExp("([0-9\.]+) *m");
+ if (true) {
+ var match = input.match(minuteRegex);
+ if (match != null && match.length > 1) {
+ time += parseFloat(match[1]) * 60;
- var minuteRegex = new RegExp("([0-9\.]+) *m");
- if (true) {
- var match = input.match(minuteRegex);
- if (match != null && match.length > 1) {
- time += parseFloat(match[1]) * 60;
- }
+ }
+ var secondRegex = new RegExp("([0-9\.]+) *s");
+ if (true) {
+ var match = input.match(secondRegex);
+ if (match != null && match.length > 1) {
+ time += parseFloat(match[1]) * 1;
- var secondRegex = new RegExp("([0-9\.]+) *s");
- if (true) {
- var match = input.match(secondRegex);
- if (match != null && match.length > 1) {
- time += parseFloat(match[1]) * 1;
- }
- }
- var hourSecondRegex = new RegExp("([0-9]+):([0-9]+)")
- if (true) {
- var match = input.match(hourSecondRegex);
- if (match != null && match.length > 1) {
- time += parseFloat(match[1]) * 3600 + parseFloat(match[2]) * 60;
- }
+ }
+ var hourSecondRegex = new RegExp("([0-9]+):([0-9]+)")
+ if (true) {
+ var match = input.match(hourSecondRegex);
+ if (match != null && match.length > 1) {
+ time += parseFloat(match[1]) * 3600 + parseFloat(match[2]) * 60;
+ }
- if (time == 0) {
- var funit = 60;
- if (unit == 'hours') {
- funit = 3600;
- }
- if (unit == 'seconds') {
- funit = 1;
- }
- time = parseFloat(input) * funit;
+ if (time == 0) {
+ var funit = 60;
+ if (unit == 'hours') {
+ funit = 3600;
- return time;
-scb.utils.print_time = function (value) {
- var time = parseFloat(value);
- //var days = Math.floor(time / 86400);
- var days = Math.floor((time % 604800) / 86400);
- var hours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
- var minutes = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60);
- var seconds = Math.floor(time % 60);
- var months = Math.floor(time /2592000);
- var weeks = Math.floor((time % 2592000) / 604800);
- var now = (time < 60 );
- return scb_common.format_time_detailed({
- weeks: weeks,
- days:days,
- hours:hours,
- minutes:minutes,
- months: months,
- seconds:seconds,
- now:now
- }).trim();
-scb.utils.print_time_w_seconds = function (value) {
- var time = parseFloat(value);
- var days = Math.floor(time / 86400);
- //var days = Math.floor((time % 604800) / 86400);
- var hours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
- var minutes = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60);
- var seconds = Math.floor(time % 60);
- var months = Math.floor(time /2592000);
- var weeks = Math.floor((time % 2592000) / 604800);
- var now = (time < 1 );
- return scb_common.format_time_detailed_w_sec({
- days:days,
- hours:hours,
- minutes:minutes,
- months: months,
- seconds:seconds,
- now:now
- }).trim();
-scb.utils.keys = function (map) {
- return _.map(map, function (v, k, l) {
- return k;
- });
-scb.utils.get_attribute = function (object, attribute) {
- var ret = $(object).attr(attribute)
- if (typeof (ret) == 'undefined') {
- var undefined;
- $(object).parent().each(function (i, e) {
- ret = typeof (ret) == 'undefined' ? scb.Utils.get_attribute(e, attribute) : undefined
- });
- return ret;
- } else {
- return ret;
+ if (unit == 'seconds') {
+ funit = 1;
+ time = parseFloat(input) * funit;
+ }
+ return time;
+scb.utils.print_time = function(value) {
+ var time = parseFloat(value);
+ //var days = Math.floor(time / 86400);
+ var days = Math.floor((time % 604800) / 86400);
+ var hours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
+ var minutes = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60);
+ var seconds = Math.floor(time % 60);
+ var months = Math.floor(time / 2592000);
+ var weeks = Math.floor((time % 2592000) / 604800);
+ var now = (time < 60);
+ return scb_common.format_time_detailed({
+ weeks: weeks,
+ days: days,
+ hours: hours,
+ minutes: minutes,
+ months: months,
+ seconds: seconds,
+ now: now
+ }).trim();
+scb.utils.print_time_w_seconds = function(value) {
+ var time = parseFloat(value);
+ var days = Math.floor(time / 86400);
+ //var days = Math.floor((time % 604800) / 86400);
+ var hours = Math.floor((time % 86400) / 3600);
+ var minutes = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60);
+ var seconds = Math.floor(time % 60);
+ var months = Math.floor(time / 2592000);
+ var weeks = Math.floor((time % 2592000) / 604800);
+ var now = (time < 1);
+ return scb_common.format_time_detailed_w_sec({
+ days: days,
+ hours: hours,
+ minutes: minutes,
+ months: months,
+ seconds: seconds,
+ now: now
+ }).trim();
+scb.utils.keys = function(map) {
+ return _.map(map, function(v, k, l) {
+ return k;
+ });
+scb.utils.get_attribute = function(object, attribute) {
+ var ret = $(object).attr(attribute)
+ if (typeof (ret) == 'undefined') {
+ var undefined;
+ $(object).parent().each(function(i, e) {
+ ret = typeof (ret) == 'undefined' ? scb.Utils.get_attribute(e, attribute) : undefined
+ });
+ return ret;
+ } else {
+ return ret;
+ }
-scb.utils.clone_and_clear = function (obj) {
- var ret = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
- delete ret.id;
- return ret;
+scb.utils.clone_and_clear = function(obj) {
+ var ret = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
+ delete ret.id;
+ return ret;
-scb.utils.position_div_over = function (t, div) {
- var offset = $(t).position();
- var top = offset.top + 3;
- var left = offset.left + 3;
- var width = parseFloat($(t).width()) + 6;
- var height = parseFloat($(t).height()) + 6;
- var top_offset = div.parent().position().top;
- div.css('position', 'absolute').css('top', (top - top_offset) + 'px').css('left', left + 'px').css('width', width + 'px').css('min-height', height + 'px').show().unbind('click');
+scb.utils.position_div_over = function(t, div) {
+ var offset = $(t).position();
+ var top = offset.top + 3;
+ var left = offset.left + 3;
+ var width = parseFloat($(t).width()) + 6;
+ var height = parseFloat($(t).height()) + 6;
+ var top_offset = div.parent().position().top;
+ div.css('position', 'absolute').css('top', (top - top_offset) + 'px').css('left', left + 'px').css('width', width + 'px').css('min-height', height + 'px').show().unbind('click');
-scb.utils.isUndefined = function (a) {
- return typeof (a) == 'undefined' || a == null;
+scb.utils.isUndefined = function(a) {
+ return typeof (a) == 'undefined' || a == null;
-scb.utils.isDefined = function (a) {
- return typeof (a) != 'undefined';
+scb.utils.isDefined = function(a) {
+ return typeof (a) != 'undefined';
-scb.utils.accessor2 = function (obj, field, source) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, field, { get:function () {
- return source[field];
- }, set:function (d) {
- source[field] = d;
- },enumerable:true});
+scb.utils.accessor2 = function(obj, field, source) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, field, {
+ get: function() {
+ return source[field];
+ },
+ set: function(d) {
+ source[field] = d;
+ },
+ enumerable: true
+ });
-scb.utils.value_hidden = function (obj, field, value) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, field, { get:function () {
- return value;
- }, set:function (d) {
- value = d;
- },enumerable:false});
+scb.utils.value_hidden = function(obj, field, value) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, field, {
+ get: function() {
+ return value;
+ },
+ set: function(d) {
+ value = d;
+ },
+ enumerable: false
+ });
-scb.utils.accessor2_with_setter = function (obj, field, source, setter) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, field, { get:function () {
- return source[field];
- }, set:function (d) {
- source[field] = d;
- setter(d);
- }});
+scb.utils.accessor2_with_setter = function(obj, field, source, setter) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, field, {
+ get: function() {
+ return source[field];
+ },
+ set: function(d) {
+ source[field] = d;
+ setter(d);
+ }
+ });
//JSON getter
-scb.utils.accessor2_getter_only = function (obj, field, source) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, field, { get:function () {
- return source[field];
- }, set:function (d) {
- throw "READ ONLY FIELD";
- }});
+scb.utils.accessor2_getter_only = function(obj, field, source) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, field, {
+ get: function() {
+ return source[field];
+ },
+ set: function(d) {
+ throw "READ ONLY FIELD";
+ }
+ });
-scb.utils.accessor2_custom = function (obj, field, getter, setter) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, field, { get:function () {
- return getter();
- }, set:function (d) {
- return setter(d);
- }});
+scb.utils.accessor2_custom = function(obj, field, getter, setter) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, field, {
+ get: function() {
+ return getter();
+ },
+ set: function(d) {
+ return setter(d);
+ }
+ });
-scb.utils.read_only_exception = function () {
- throw "READ ONLY FIELD";
+scb.utils.read_only_exception = function() {
+ throw "READ ONLY FIELD";
-scb.utils.tools_hover = function (target, top) {
- scb.utils.off_on($(top), 'mouseenter', target, function () {
- $(this).addClass('highlight_editable_element');
- $('.experiment_row_treatment_tools', $(this)).show();
- $('.experiment_row_treatment_tools_spacer', $(this)).hide();
- });
- scb.utils.off_on($(top), 'mouseleave', target, function () {
- $(this).removeClass('highlight_editable_element');
- $('.experiment_row_treatment_tools', $(this)).hide();
- $('.experiment_row_treatment_tools_spacer', $(this)).show();
- });
+scb.utils.tools_hover = function(target, top) {
+ scb.utils.off_on($(top), 'mouseenter', target, function() {
+ $(this).addClass('highlight_editable_element');
+ $('.experiment_row_treatment_tools', $(this)).show();
+ $('.experiment_row_treatment_tools_spacer', $(this)).hide();
+ });
+ scb.utils.off_on($(top), 'mouseleave', target, function() {
+ $(this).removeClass('highlight_editable_element');
+ $('.experiment_row_treatment_tools', $(this)).hide();
+ $('.experiment_row_treatment_tools_spacer', $(this)).show();
+ });
-scb.utils.tools_hover_off = function (target, top) {
- $(top).off('mouseenter', target);
- $(top).off('mouseleave', target);
+scb.utils.tools_hover_off = function(target, top) {
+ $(top).off('mouseenter', target);
+ $(top).off('mouseleave', target);
-scb.utils.find = function (list, id) {
- return _.find(list, function (s) {
- return s.id == id
- });
+scb.utils.find = function(list, id) {
+ return _.find(list, function(s) {
+ return s.id == id
+ });
-scb.utils.reject = function (list, id) {
- return _.reject(list, function (s) {
- return s.id == id
- });
+scb.utils.reject = function(list, id) {
+ return _.reject(list, function(s) {
+ return s.id == id
+ });
-scb.utils.wrap_list = function (obj, field, source, proto, context) {
- Object.defineProperty(obj, field, {
- get:function () {
- var ret = [];
- var list = source[field];
- for (var i in list) {
- var d = list[i];
- if (obj.sort_order == 'reverse') {
- ret.unshift(new proto(d, context, obj));
- } else {
- ret.push(new proto(d, context, obj));
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }, set:function (d) {
- throw 'READ ONLY FIELD';
- }});
- Object.defineProperty(obj, field + "_size", {
- get:function () {
- return source[field].length;
- }, set:function (d) {
- throw 'READ ONLY FIELD';
- }});
-scb.utils.call_back = function (callback, state) {
- if (typeof (callback ) == 'function') {
- callback(state);
+scb.utils.wrap_list = function(obj, field, source, proto, context) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, field, {
+ get: function() {
+ var ret = [];
+ var list = source[field];
+ for (var i in list) {
+ var d = list[i];
+ if (obj.sort_order == 'reverse') {
+ ret.unshift(new proto(d, context, obj));
+ } else {
+ ret.push(new proto(d, context, obj));
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ set: function(d) {
+ throw 'READ ONLY FIELD';
+ }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, field + "_size", {
+ get: function() {
+ return source[field].length;
+ },
+ set: function(d) {
+ throw 'READ ONLY FIELD';
+ });
-scb.utils.off_on = function (jq, event, selector, fn) {
- $(jq).off(event, selector);
- $(jq).on(event, selector, fn);
+scb.utils.call_back = function(callback, state) {
+ if (typeof (callback ) == 'function') {
+ callback(state);
+ }
-scb.utils.any_key = function (map) {
- return Object.keys(map)[0];
+scb.utils.off_on = function(jq, event, selector, fn) {
+ $(jq).off(event, selector);
+ $(jq).on(event, selector, fn);
-scb.utils.get = function (root, accessors, _default) {
- if (accessors.length == 0) {
- return root;
- }
- var x = accessors.shift();
- if (root.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
- return scb.utils.get(root[x], accessors, _default);
- }
- return _default;
+scb.utils.any_key = function(map) {
+ return Object.keys(map)[0];
+scb.utils.get = function(root, accessors, _default) {
+ if (accessors.length == 0) {
+ return root;
+ }
+ var x = accessors.shift();
+ if (root.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
+ return scb.utils.get(root[x], accessors, _default);
+ }
+ return _default;
scb.utils.lzw_encode = function(s) {
- var d = new Date();
- var dict = {};
- var data = (s + "").split("");
- var out = [];
- var currChar;
- var phrase = data[0];
- var code = 256;
- for (var i=1; i 1 ? dict[phrase] : phrase.charCodeAt(0));
- dict[phrase + currChar] = code;
- code++;
- phrase=currChar;
- }
- }
- out.push(phrase.length > 1 ? dict[phrase] : phrase.charCodeAt(0));
- for (var i=0; i 1 ? dict[phrase] : phrase.charCodeAt(0));
+ dict[phrase + currChar] = code;
+ code++;
+ phrase = currChar;
+ }
+ out.push(phrase.length > 1 ? dict[phrase] : phrase.charCodeAt(0));
+ for (var i = 0; i < out.length; i++) {
+ out[i] = String.fromCharCode(out[i]);
+ }
- var retrunedresult = out.join("");
- console.log("Input: " + s.length/1024 + "kb Output:"+ retrunedresult.length/1024 + "kb Rate: " +(s.length/retrunedresult.length) );
- console.log((new Date()).getTime() - d.getTime() + ' ms.');
- return retrunedresult;
+ var retrunedresult = out.join("");
+ console.log("Input: " + s.length / 1024 + "kb Output:" + retrunedresult.length / 1024 + "kb Rate: " + (s.length / retrunedresult.length));
+ console.log((new Date()).getTime() - d.getTime() + ' ms.');
+ return retrunedresult;
scb.utils.lzw_decode = function(s) {
-var dict = {};
-var data = (s + "").split("");
-var currChar = data[0];
-var oldPhrase = currChar;
-var out = [currChar];
-var code = 256;
-var phrase;
-for (var i=1; i");
- $('.scb_s_dashboard_table_row').hover(function(){
- $('.scb_s_dashboard_link', this).toggle();
- });
- /**
- * Course setup
- */
- $('.scb_f_course_setup_create_new_course_option input').click(function(){
- $(".scb_ab_f_course_formset_list").show();
- $('.scb_f_course_setup_choose_existing_course input').prop('checked', false);
- $(".scb_f_use_existing_course").hide();
- $(".scb_s_course_setup_course_list label select").prop('disabled', true);
- });
- $(".scb_f_course_setup_choose_existing_course input").click(function(){
- $(".scb_ab_f_course_formset_list").hide();
- $('.scb_f_course_setup_create_new_course_option input').prop('checked', false);
- $(".scb_f_use_existing_course").css('display','inline-block');
- $(".scb_s_course_setup_course_list label select").prop('disabled', false);
- });
- /* Course Modify */
- /* If the user is choosing an existing course want
- * to pass course pk */
- $("#course_formset").submit(function(){
- var course_pk = $("input:checked[type='radio']").data('id');
- $(this).append($(" ",{
- type: 'hidden',
- name: 'course_pk',
- value: course_pk
- }
- ));
- });
- $(".scb_ab_f_select_course").click(function(){
- $('input.scb_ab_f_select_course').prop('checked', false);
- $(this).prop('checked', true);
- });
- /**
- * Assignment setup
- */
- $(".scb_f_assignment_setup_radio_new").click(function(){
- $('.scb_f_assignment_setup_radio_existing').attr('checked', false);
- $('#scb_f_select_base_assignment').attr('disabled', true);
- $('#based_on').val('');
- });
- $(".scb_f_assignment_setup_radio_existing").click(function(){
- $(".scb_f_assignment_setup_radio_new").attr('checked', false);
- $('#scb_f_select_base_assignment').attr('disabled', false);
- var assignment_id=$("#scb_f_select_base_assignment").find(":selected").val();
- $('#based_on').val(assignment_id);
- });
- $('#scb_f_select_base_assignment').change(function(){
- var assignment_id=$("#scb_f_select_base_assignment").find(":selected").val();
- $('#based_on').val(assignment_id);
+$(function() {
+ $('.scb_ab_s_sidebar_page_name_selected').append(
+ "
+ $('.scb_s_dashboard_table_row').hover(function() {
+ $('.scb_s_dashboard_link', this).toggle();
+ });
+ /**
+ * Course setup
+ */
+ $('.scb_f_course_setup_create_new_course_option input').click(function() {
+ $(".scb_ab_f_course_formset_list").show();
+ $('.scb_f_course_setup_choose_existing_course input').prop('checked', false);
+ $(".scb_f_use_existing_course").hide();
+ $(".scb_s_course_setup_course_list label select").prop('disabled', true);
+ });
+ $(".scb_f_course_setup_choose_existing_course input").click(function() {
+ $(".scb_ab_f_course_formset_list").hide();
+ $('.scb_f_course_setup_create_new_course_option input').prop('checked', false);
+ $(".scb_f_use_existing_course").css('display', 'inline-block');
+ $(".scb_s_course_setup_course_list label select").prop('disabled', false);
+ });
+ /* Course Modify */
+ /* If the user is choosing an existing course want
+ * to pass course pk */
+ $("#course_formset").submit(function() {
+ var course_pk = $("input:checked[type='radio']").data('id');
+ $(this).append($(" ", {
+ type: 'hidden',
+ name: 'course_pk',
+ value: course_pk
+ }
+ ));
+ });
+ $(".scb_ab_f_select_course").click(function() {
+ $('input.scb_ab_f_select_course').prop('checked', false);
+ $(this).prop('checked', true);
+ });
+ /**
+ * Assignment setup
+ */
+ $(".scb_f_assignment_setup_radio_new").click(function() {
+ $('.scb_f_assignment_setup_radio_existing').attr('checked', false);
+ $('#scb_f_select_base_assignment').attr('disabled', true);
+ $('#based_on').val('');
+ });
+ $(".scb_f_assignment_setup_radio_existing").click(function() {
+ $(".scb_f_assignment_setup_radio_new").attr('checked', false);
+ $('#scb_f_select_base_assignment').attr('disabled', false);
+ var assignment_id = $("#scb_f_select_base_assignment").find(":selected").val();
+ $('#based_on').val(assignment_id);
+ });
+ $('#scb_f_select_base_assignment').change(function() {
+ var assignment_id = $("#scb_f_select_base_assignment").find(":selected").val();
+ $('#based_on').val(assignment_id);
+ });
+ /**
+ * For all text input boxes inside a form
+ */
+ $("form input[type = 'text'], form input[type = 'number']").addClass("scb_ab_s_input_text_field");
+ $("form select").addClass("scb_ab_s_from_select_field");
+ /**
+ * Edit Strains
+ */
+ $('.delete_checkbox input').each(function() {
+ $(this).hide().after('
+ });
+ if (typeof (access) !== 'undefined' && access === 'private') {
+ $('.checkbox_delete_image').on('click', function() {
+ /* Check the hidden checkbox */
+ $(this).prev().prop('checked', true);
+ /* Want to disable the input box for the strain */
+ var input_element = $(this).parent().parent().find("input[id$='name']")[0];
+ $(input_element).attr('disabled', true);
+ /* Set opacity for the entire line, ul element */
+ $(this).parent().parent().css('opacity', 0.5);
+ /* Set cursor on the trash image */
+ $(this).css('cursor', 'default');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Select variables
+ */
+ var showed_warning = false;
+ $('.scb_ab_f_select_variable>input').click(function() {
+ /* Want to warn the instructor*/
+ var $checkbox = $(this);
+ /* Var created is initialized in select_variables template */
+ if (created && !showed_warning) {
+ var message = "Previously generated data will be lost. Would you like to continue?";
+ var confirm_func = function() {
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ select_variables();
+ };
+ var cancel_func = function() {
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ $checkbox.prop('checked', !$checkbox.prop('checked'));
+ };
+ show_message(message, confirm_func, cancel_func);
+ showed_warning = true;
+ } else {
+ select_variables();
+ }
+ });
- /**
- * For all text input boxes inside a form
- */
- $("form input[type = 'text'], form input[type = 'number']").addClass("scb_ab_s_input_text_field");
- $("form select").addClass("scb_ab_s_from_select_field");
- /**
- * Edit Strains
- */
+ if ($('.scb_ab_f_select_variable').length) {
- $('.delete_checkbox input').each(function(){
- $(this).hide().after('
+ select_variables()
+ }
- });
- if(typeof(access) !== 'undefined' && access === 'private') {
- $('.checkbox_delete_image').on('click', function () {
- /* Check the hidden checkbox */
- $(this).prev().prop('checked', true);
- /* Want to disable the input box for the strain */
- var input_element = $(this).parent().parent().find("input[id$='name']")[0];
- $(input_element).attr('disabled', true);
- /* Set opacity for the entire line, ul element */
- $(this).parent().parent().css('opacity', 0.5);
- /* Set cursor on the trash image */
- $(this).css('cursor', 'default');
- });
+ function select_variables() {
+ var num_checked = $("input:checked[type='checkbox']").length;
+ if (num_checked >= 3) {
+ /* grey out the rest*/
+ $('input:checkbox:not(:checked)').attr('disabled', true).parent().addClass('scb_ab_s_grayed');
+ } else {
+ $('input:checkbox:not(:checked)').attr('disabled', false).parent().removeClass('scb_ab_s_grayed');
- /**
- * Select variables
- */
- var showed_warning = false;
- $('.scb_ab_f_select_variable>input').click(function(){
- /* Want to warn the instructor*/
- var $checkbox= $(this);
- /* Var created is initialized in select_variables template */
- if (created && !showed_warning) {
- var message = "Previously generated data will be lost. Would you like to continue?";
- var confirm_func = function () {
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- select_variables();
- };
- var cancel_func = function () {
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- $checkbox.prop('checked', !$checkbox.prop('checked'));
- };
- show_message(message, confirm_func, cancel_func);
- showed_warning=true;
- }else{
- select_variables();
- }
- });
- if($('.scb_ab_f_select_variable').length){
+ }
- select_variables()
+ if ($('#select_variables_form').length) {
+ /* Drug concentration unit */
+ var $inputs = $('.concentration_unit_box>input');
+ for (var i = 0; i < $inputs.length; i++) {
+ $($inputs[i]).attr('list', 'concentration_unit_list');
- function select_variables(){
- var num_checked= $("input:checked[type='checkbox']").length;
- if(num_checked>=3){
- /* grey out the rest*/
- $('input:checkbox:not(:checked)').attr('disabled', true).parent().addClass('scb_ab_s_grayed');
- }else{
- $('input:checkbox:not(:checked)').attr('disabled', false).parent().removeClass('scb_ab_s_grayed');
- }
+ /* Drug time unit */
+ $inputs = $('.drug_time_unit_box>input');
+ for (i = 0; i < $inputs.length; i++) {
+ $($inputs[i]).attr('list', 'drug_time_unit_list');
- if($('#select_variables_form').length){
- /* Drug concentration unit */
- var $inputs=$('.concentration_unit_box>input');
- for(var i=0; i<$inputs.length; i++){
- $($inputs[i]).attr('list', 'concentration_unit_list');
- }
- /* Drug time unit */
- $inputs= $('.drug_time_unit_box>input');
- for(i=0; i<$inputs.length; i++){
- $($inputs[i]).attr('list', 'drug_time_unit_list');
- }
- /* Drug duration time unit */
- $inputs= $('.drug_duration_unit_box>input');
- for(i=0; i<$inputs.length; i++){
- $($inputs[i]).attr('list', 'drug_duration_unit_list');
- }
- /* Collection time unit */
- $inputs= $('.collection_time_unit_box>input');
- for(i=0; i<$inputs.length; i++){
- $($inputs[i]).attr('list', 'collection_time_unit_list');
- }
+ /* Drug duration time unit */
+ $inputs = $('.drug_duration_unit_box>input');
+ for (i = 0; i < $inputs.length; i++) {
+ $($inputs[i]).attr('list', 'drug_duration_unit_list');
+ }
+ /* Collection time unit */
+ $inputs = $('.collection_time_unit_box>input');
+ for (i = 0; i < $inputs.length; i++) {
+ $($inputs[i]).attr('list', 'collection_time_unit_list');
- $(".toggle_protocols").click(function(){
- var show= $(".toggle_protocols").data("show");
- if(show){
- $(".scb_ab_s_row").show();
- $(".toggle_protocols").data("show", false).html("SHOW ONLY SELECTED");
- }else{
- $("input:checkbox:not(:checked)").parent().parent().hide();
- $(".toggle_protocols").data("show", true).html("SHOW ALL");
- }
- });
- /**
- * Western Blotting: lysate types
- */
- $("#id_has_nuclear_fractination").attr('disabled', true).parent().addClass('scb_ab_s_grayed');
- $("#id_has_cytoplasmic_fractination").attr('disabled', true).parent().addClass('scb_ab_s_grayed');
- $('.acrylamide_input_checkbox>input').click(function(){
- var $checkbox=$(this);
- if($(".acrylamide_input_checkbox>input:checkbox:checked").length<1){
- $('body').prepend("
- $.jqDialog.alert("You must select at least one percentage of acrylamide to continue.",
- function () {
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- $checkbox.prop('checked', true);
- }
- );
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- }
- });
- /**
- * Western Blotting: Antibodies
- */
- if($("#id_form-0-primary").length){
- if($(".scb_ab_s_form_input_list").length < 2){
- $("#id_form-0-primary").attr('placeholder', 'goat anti-protein');
- $("#id_form-0-secondary").attr('placeholder', 'rabbit anti-goat');
- }
+ }
+ $(".toggle_protocols").click(function() {
+ var show = $(".toggle_protocols").data("show");
+ if (show) {
+ $(".scb_ab_s_row").show();
+ $(".toggle_protocols").data("show", false).html("SHOW ONLY SELECTED");
+ } else {
+ $("input:checkbox:not(:checked)").parent().parent().hide();
+ $(".toggle_protocols").data("show", true).html("SHOW ALL");
- /**
- * Facs: Sample Prep
- */
- if($("#id_form-0-fixed").length){
- if($(".scb_ab_s_form_input_list").length < 2){
- $("#id_form-0-condition").attr('placeholder', 'Condition Name');
- }
- $("option:first").attr('disabled', true);
+ });
+ /**
+ * Western Blotting: lysate types
+ */
+ $("#id_has_nuclear_fractination").attr('disabled', true).parent().addClass('scb_ab_s_grayed');
+ $("#id_has_cytoplasmic_fractination").attr('disabled', true).parent().addClass('scb_ab_s_grayed');
+ $('.acrylamide_input_checkbox>input').click(function() {
+ var $checkbox = $(this);
+ if ($(".acrylamide_input_checkbox>input:checkbox:checked").length < 1) {
+ $('body').prepend("
+ $.jqDialog.alert("You must select at least one percentage of acrylamide to continue.", function() {
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ $checkbox.prop('checked', true);
+ }
+ );
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- /**
- * Western Blotting: band intensity
- */
- $(".intensity_slider").each(function(){
- var intensity=$($(this).siblings('input')[0]).attr('value');
- var $intensity_text=$($(this).parent().siblings('.scb_ab_s_intensity_text'));
- $intensity_text.text(intensity_text(intensity));
- $(this).slider({
- min: 0,
- max: 2,
- range: "min",
- value: intensity,
- step: 0.5,
- slide: function( event, ui ) {
- $(this).siblings()[0].value=ui.value;
- $intensity_text.text(intensity_text(ui.value));
- }
- });
- });
- function intensity_text(num){
- if(num<0.25){
- return '';
- }else if(num<0.75){
- return "low";
- }else if(num<1.25){
- return 'med';
- }else if(num<1.75){
- return 'high';
- }else{
- return 'extra high';
- }
+ });
+ /**
+ * Western Blotting: Antibodies
+ */
+ if ($("#id_form-0-primary").length) {
+ if ($(".scb_ab_s_form_input_list").length < 2) {
+ $("#id_form-0-primary").attr('placeholder', 'goat anti-protein');
+ $("#id_form-0-secondary").attr('placeholder', 'rabbit anti-goat');
- if($('.scb_ab_s_protein_size_input').length>0){
- if(error !== ''){
- $('body').prepend("
- $.jqDialog.alert(error,
- function () {
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- }
- );
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Facs: Sample Prep
+ */
+ if ($("#id_form-0-fixed").length) {
+ if ($(".scb_ab_s_form_input_list").length < 2) {
+ $("#id_form-0-condition").attr('placeholder', 'Condition Name');
- $('.block-ellipsis').each(function(){
- var text= $(this).text().replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');
- $($(this).parent()).prop('title',text);
+ $("option:first").attr('disabled', true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Western Blotting: band intensity
+ */
+ $(".intensity_slider").each(function() {
+ var intensity = $($(this).siblings('input')[0]).attr('value');
+ var $intensity_text = $($(this).parent().siblings('.scb_ab_s_intensity_text'));
+ $intensity_text.text(intensity_text(intensity));
+ $(this).slider({
+ min: 0,
+ max: 2,
+ range: "min",
+ value: intensity,
+ step: 0.5,
+ slide: function(event, ui) {
+ $(this).siblings()[0].value = ui.value;
+ $intensity_text.text(intensity_text(ui.value));
+ }
-/* Temporarily disable techniques */
- $('.disabled').bind('click', false);
- $("#id_has_micro").attr('disabled', true).parent().addClass('scb_ab_s_grayed');
- /* Publish assignment on the dashboard */
- $(".scb_ab_f_publish").click(function(){
- var message = "Please confirm that you would like to publish your assignment. " +
- "Once an assignment is published, the assignment will no longer be able " +
- "to be edited in the Assignment Builder. Users will be able to access the " +
- "assignment using the provided course code on the StarCellBio website. " +
- "Would you like to continue?";
- var assignment_pk=$(this).data("assignment-pk");
- var confirm_publish = function(){
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: "publish/",
- data: {pk: assignment_pk}
- }).then(function(){
- window.location="/ab/assignments/";
- }).fail(function(response){
- show_alert(response.responseText);
- });
- };
- var cancel_publish = function(){
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- };
- show_message(message, confirm_publish, cancel_publish);
- });
- /* Preview assignment*/
- $(".scb_ab_f_preview").click(function() {
- var assignment_pk = $(this).data("assignment-pk");
- $.ajax({
- type: "POST",
- url: "assignment_complete/",
- data: {pk: assignment_pk}
- }).then(function () {
- window.open('preview/' + assignment_pk + "#view=assignments", '_blank');
- }).fail(function (response) {
- show_alert(response.responseText);
- });
- });
+ });
+ function intensity_text(num) {
+ if (num < 0.25) {
+ return '';
+ } else if (num < 0.75) {
+ return "low";
+ } else if (num < 1.25) {
+ return 'med';
+ } else if (num < 1.75) {
+ return 'high';
+ } else {
+ return 'extra high';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($('.scb_ab_s_protein_size_input').length > 0) {
+ if (error !== '') {
+ $('body').prepend("
+ $.jqDialog.alert(error, function() {
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ }
+ );
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
- /* Delete assignment*/
- $(".scb_ab_f_delete_assignment").click(function(){
- var assignment_pk = $(this).data("assignment-pk");
- var message = "Your assignment will be removed permanently from your dashboard. " +
- "Would you like to continue?";
- if($(this).data("access") === 'published'){
- message = "Your assignment will be removed permanently from your dashboard " +
- "and students will no longer be able to access this assignment within this " +
- "course and their work will be deleted. Would you like to continue?"
+ }
+ }
+ $('.block-ellipsis').each(function() {
+ var text = $(this).text().replace(/\s\s+/g, ' ');
+ $($(this).parent()).prop('title', text);
+ });
+ /* Temporarily disable techniques */
+ $('.disabled').bind('click', false);
+ $("#id_has_micro").attr('disabled', true).parent().addClass('scb_ab_s_grayed');
+ /* Publish assignment on the dashboard */
+ $(".scb_ab_f_publish").click(function() {
+ var message = "Please confirm that you would like to publish your assignment. " +
+ "Once an assignment is published, the assignment will no longer be able " +
+ "to be edited in the Assignment Builder. Users will be able to access the " +
+ "assignment using the provided course code on the StarCellBio website. " +
+ "Would you like to continue?";
+ var assignment_pk = $(this).data("assignment-pk");
+ var confirm_publish = function() {
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: "publish/",
+ data: {
+ pk: assignment_pk
- var confirm_publish = function(){
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- window.location = "delete/"+assignment_pk;
- };
- var cancel_publish = function(){
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- };
- show_message(message, confirm_publish, cancel_publish);
+ }).then(function() {
+ window.location = "/ab/assignments/";
+ }).fail(function(response) {
+ show_alert(response.responseText);
+ });
+ };
+ var cancel_publish = function() {
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ };
+ show_message(message, confirm_publish, cancel_publish);
+ });
+ /* Preview assignment*/
+ $(".scb_ab_f_preview").click(function() {
+ var assignment_pk = $(this).data("assignment-pk");
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "POST",
+ url: "assignment_complete/",
+ data: {
+ pk: assignment_pk
+ }
+ }).then(function() {
+ window.open('preview/' + assignment_pk + "#view=assignments", '_blank');
+ }).fail(function(response) {
+ show_alert(response.responseText);
- function show_message(message, confirm_func, cancel_func) {
- $('body').prepend("
- $.jqDialog.confirm(message, confirm_func, cancel_func);
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
+ });
+ /* Delete assignment*/
+ $(".scb_ab_f_delete_assignment").click(function() {
+ var assignment_pk = $(this).data("assignment-pk");
+ var message = "Your assignment will be removed permanently from your dashboard. " +
+ "Would you like to continue?";
+ if ($(this).data("access") === 'published') {
+ message = "Your assignment will be removed permanently from your dashboard " +
+ "and students will no longer be able to access this assignment within this " +
+ "course and their work will be deleted. Would you like to continue?"
-/* View assignment, when assignment is public */
- if(typeof(access) !== 'undefined' && access !=='private'){
- $('input[type="text"],input[type="number"],input[type="checkbox"],input[type="radio"]')
- .attr('disabled', true);
- $('input[type="checkbox"],input[type="radio"]').addClass('disabled');
- $('input[value="ADD"]').attr('disabled', true).addClass('disabled');
- $('.checkbox_delete_image').addClass('disabled');
- }
- function show_alert(error) {
- $('body').prepend("
- $.jqDialog.alert(error,
- function () {
- $('.error_overlay').remove();
- }
- );
- $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
- $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
- $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
+ var confirm_publish = function() {
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ window.location = "delete/" + assignment_pk;
+ };
+ var cancel_publish = function() {
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ };
+ show_message(message, confirm_publish, cancel_publish);
+ });
+ function show_message(message, confirm_func, cancel_func) {
+ $('body').prepend("
+ $.jqDialog.confirm(message, confirm_func, cancel_func);
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
+ }
+ /* View assignment, when assignment is public */
+ if (typeof (access) !== 'undefined' && access !== 'private') {
+ $('input[type="text"],input[type="number"],input[type="checkbox"],input[type="radio"]')
+ .attr('disabled', true);
+ $('input[type="checkbox"],input[type="radio"]').addClass('disabled');
+ $('input[value="ADD"]').attr('disabled', true).addClass('disabled');
+ $('.checkbox_delete_image').addClass('disabled');
+ }
+ function show_alert(error) {
+ $('body').prepend("
+ $.jqDialog.alert(error, function() {
+ $('.error_overlay').remove();
+ );
+ $('#jqDialog_box').attr('role', 'alertdialog');
+ $('.jqDialog_header').remove();
+ $('#jqDialog_box').prepend("");
+ }
diff --git a/microscopy/old_microscopy/CamanJS-4.1.1/adapters/jquery.js b/microscopy/old_microscopy/CamanJS-4.1.1/adapters/jquery.js
index fa940a85..9d60c6f3 100755
--- a/microscopy/old_microscopy/CamanJS-4.1.1/adapters/jquery.js
+++ b/microscopy/old_microscopy/CamanJS-4.1.1/adapters/jquery.js
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
* jQuery plugin adapter for CamanJS
if (window.jQuery) {
- window.jQuery.fn.caman = function (callback) {
- return this.each(function () {
+ window.jQuery.fn.caman = function(callback) {
+ return this.each(function() {
Caman(this, callback);
diff --git a/microscopy/old_microscopy/base64.js b/microscopy/old_microscopy/base64.js
index 3bad6d82..e1a882cc 100644
--- a/microscopy/old_microscopy/base64.js
+++ b/microscopy/old_microscopy/base64.js
@@ -12,102 +12,119 @@
(function() {
-var base64EncodeChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
-var base64DecodeChars = new Array(
+ var base64EncodeChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
+ var base64DecodeChars = new Array(
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, -1, 63,
52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
- -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
+ -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
-1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
-function base64encode(str) {
- var out, i, len;
- var c1, c2, c3;
+ function base64encode(str) {
+ var out;
+ var i;
+ var len;
+ var c1;
+ var c2;
+ var c3;
len = str.length;
i = 0;
out = "";
- while(i < len) {
- c1 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff;
- if(i == len)
- {
- out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(c1 >> 2);
- out += base64EncodeChars.charAt((c1 & 0x3) << 4);
- out += "==";
- break;
- }
- c2 = str.charCodeAt(i++);
- if(i == len)
- {
- out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(c1 >> 2);
- out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(((c1 & 0x3)<< 4) | ((c2 & 0xF0) >> 4));
- out += base64EncodeChars.charAt((c2 & 0xF) << 2);
- out += "=";
- break;
- }
- c3 = str.charCodeAt(i++);
- out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(c1 >> 2);
- out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(((c1 & 0x3)<< 4) | ((c2 & 0xF0) >> 4));
- out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(((c2 & 0xF) << 2) | ((c3 & 0xC0) >>6));
- out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(c3 & 0x3F);
+ while (i < len) {
+ c1 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff;
+ if (i == len) {
+ out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(c1 >> 2);
+ out += base64EncodeChars.charAt((c1 & 0x3) << 4);
+ out += "==";
+ break;
+ }
+ c2 = str.charCodeAt(i++);
+ if (i == len) {
+ out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(c1 >> 2);
+ out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(((c1 & 0x3) << 4) | ((c2 & 0xF0) >> 4));
+ out += base64EncodeChars.charAt((c2 & 0xF) << 2);
+ out += "=";
+ break;
+ }
+ c3 = str.charCodeAt(i++);
+ out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(c1 >> 2);
+ out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(((c1 & 0x3) << 4) | ((c2 & 0xF0) >> 4));
+ out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(((c2 & 0xF) << 2) | ((c3 & 0xC0) >> 6));
+ out += base64EncodeChars.charAt(c3 & 0x3F);
return out;
+ }
-function base64decode(str) {
- var c1, c2, c3, c4;
- var i, len, out;
+ function base64decode(str) {
+ var c1;
+ var c2;
+ var c3;
+ var c4;
+ var i;
+ var len;
+ var out;
len = str.length;
i = 0;
out = "";
- while(i < len) {
- /* c1 */
- do {
- c1 = base64DecodeChars[str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff];
- } while(i < len && c1 == -1);
- if(c1 == -1)
- break;
+ while (i < len) {
+ /* c1 */
+ do {
+ c1 = base64DecodeChars[str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff];
+ } while (i < len && c1 == -1);
+ if (c1 == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
- /* c2 */
- do {
- c2 = base64DecodeChars[str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff];
- } while(i < len && c2 == -1);
- if(c2 == -1)
- break;
+ /* c2 */
+ do {
+ c2 = base64DecodeChars[str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff];
+ } while (i < len && c2 == -1);
+ if (c2 == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
- out += String.fromCharCode((c1 << 2) | ((c2 & 0x30) >> 4));
+ out += String.fromCharCode((c1 << 2) | ((c2 & 0x30) >> 4));
- /* c3 */
- do {
- c3 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff;
- if(c3 == 61)
- return out;
- c3 = base64DecodeChars[c3];
- } while(i < len && c3 == -1);
- if(c3 == -1)
- break;
+ /* c3 */
+ do {
+ c3 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff;
+ if (c3 == 61) {
+ return out;
+ }
+ c3 = base64DecodeChars[c3];
+ } while (i < len && c3 == -1);
+ if (c3 == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
- out += String.fromCharCode(((c2 & 0XF) << 4) | ((c3 & 0x3C) >> 2));
+ out += String.fromCharCode(((c2 & 0XF) << 4) | ((c3 & 0x3C) >> 2));
- /* c4 */
- do {
- c4 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff;
- if(c4 == 61)
- return out;
- c4 = base64DecodeChars[c4];
- } while(i < len && c4 == -1);
- if(c4 == -1)
- break;
- out += String.fromCharCode(((c3 & 0x03) << 6) | c4);
+ /* c4 */
+ do {
+ c4 = str.charCodeAt(i++) & 0xff;
+ if (c4 == 61) {
+ return out;
+ }
+ c4 = base64DecodeChars[c4];
+ } while (i < len && c4 == -1);
+ if (c4 == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ out += String.fromCharCode(((c3 & 0x03) << 6) | c4);
return out;
+ }
-if (!window.btoa) window.btoa = base64encode;
-if (!window.atob) window.atob = base64decode;
+ if (!window.btoa) {
+ window.btoa = base64encode;
+ }
+ if (!window.atob) {
+ window.atob = base64decode;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.full.js b/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.full.js
index cd3150db..7f977dc3 100755
--- a/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.full.js
+++ b/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.full.js
@@ -1,10 +1,41 @@
// Generated by CoffeeScript 1.6.1
(function() {
- var $, Analyze, Blender, Calculate, Caman, CamanParser, Canvas, Convert, Event, Fiber, Filter, IO, Image, Layer, Log, Logger, PixelInfo, Plugin, Renderer, Root, Store, Util, fs, slice, vignetteFilters,
- __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
- __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) { for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { if (i in this && this[i] === item) return i; } return -1; },
- __slice = [].slice,
- _this = this;
+ var $;
+ var Analyze;
+ var Blender;
+ var Calculate;
+ var Caman;
+ var CamanParser;
+ var Canvas;
+ var Convert;
+ var Event;
+ var Fiber;
+ var Filter;
+ var IO;
+ var Image;
+ var Layer;
+ var Log;
+ var Logger;
+ var PixelInfo;
+ var Plugin;
+ var Renderer;
+ var Root;
+ var Store;
+ var Util;
+ var fs;
+ var slice;
+ var vignetteFilters;
+ var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+ var __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (i in this && this[i] === item) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ };
+ var __slice = [].slice;
+ var _this = this;
slice = Array.prototype.slice;
@@ -20,7 +51,8 @@
Util = (function() {
- function Util() {}
+ function Util() {
+ }
Util.uniqid = (function() {
var id;
@@ -33,13 +65,20 @@
Util.extend = function(obj) {
- var copy, dest, prop, src, _i, _len;
+ var copy;
+ var dest;
+ var prop;
+ var src;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
dest = obj;
src = slice.call(arguments, 1);
for (_i = 0, _len = src.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
copy = src[_i];
for (prop in copy) {
- if (!__hasProp.call(copy, prop)) continue;
+ if (!__hasProp.call(copy, prop)) {
+ continue;
+ }
dest[prop] = copy[prop];
@@ -57,7 +96,12 @@
Util.copyAttributes = function(from, to, opts) {
- var attr, _i, _len, _ref, _ref1, _results;
+ var attr;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
+ var _results;
if (opts == null) {
opts = {};
@@ -136,8 +180,10 @@
function Caman() {
- var args, callback, id,
- _this = this;
+ var args;
+ var callback;
+ var id;
+ var _this = this;
if (arguments.length === 0) {
throw "Invalid arguments";
@@ -178,8 +224,8 @@
Caman.prototype.domIsLoaded = function(cb) {
- var listener,
- _this = this;
+ var listener;
+ var _this = this;
if (Caman.NodeJS) {
return setTimeout(function() {
return cb.call(_this);
@@ -203,7 +249,10 @@
Caman.prototype.parseArguments = function(args) {
- var key, val, _ref, _results;
+ var key;
+ var val;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
if (args.length === 0) {
throw "Invalid arguments given";
@@ -230,7 +279,9 @@
_ref = args[4];
_results = [];
for (key in _ref) {
- if (!__hasProp.call(_ref, key)) continue;
+ if (!__hasProp.call(_ref, key)) {
+ continue;
+ }
val = _ref[key];
_results.push(this.options[key] = val);
@@ -357,7 +408,11 @@
Caman.prototype.finishInit = function() {
- var i, pixel, _i, _len, _ref;
+ var i;
+ var pixel;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
if (this.context == null) {
this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
@@ -396,7 +451,11 @@
Caman.prototype.resetOriginalPixelData = function() {
- var pixel, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ var pixel;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
if (!Caman.allowRevert) {
throw "Revert disabled";
@@ -447,7 +506,8 @@
Caman.prototype.hiDPIRatio = function() {
- var backingStoreRatio, devicePixelRatio;
+ var backingStoreRatio;
+ var devicePixelRatio;
devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
backingStoreRatio = this.context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || this.context.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || this.context.msBackingStorePixelRatio || this.context.oBackingStorePixelRatio || this.context.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;
return devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio;
@@ -499,7 +559,11 @@
Caman.prototype.revert = function() {
- var i, pixel, _i, _len, _ref;
+ var i;
+ var pixel;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
if (!Caman.allowRevert) {
throw "Revert disabled";
@@ -512,7 +576,15 @@
Caman.prototype.reset = function() {
- var canvas, ctx, i, imageData, pixel, pixelData, _i, _len, _ref;
+ var canvas;
+ var ctx;
+ var i;
+ var imageData;
+ var pixel;
+ var pixelData;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
Util.copyAttributes(this.canvas, canvas);
canvas.width = this.originalWidth;
@@ -535,7 +607,27 @@
Caman.prototype.originalVisiblePixels = function() {
- var canvas, coord, ctx, endX, endY, i, imageData, pixel, pixelData, pixels, scaledCanvas, startX, startY, width, _i, _j, _len, _ref, _ref1, _ref2, _ref3;
+ var canvas;
+ var coord;
+ var ctx;
+ var endX;
+ var endY;
+ var i;
+ var imageData;
+ var pixel;
+ var pixelData;
+ var pixels;
+ var scaledCanvas;
+ var startX;
+ var startY;
+ var width;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
+ var _ref2;
+ var _ref3;
if (!Caman.allowRevert) {
throw "Revert disabled";
@@ -587,7 +679,9 @@
Caman.prototype.processKernel = function(name, adjust, divisor, bias) {
- var i, _i, _ref;
+ var i;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
if (!divisor) {
divisor = 0;
for (i = _i = 0, _ref = adjust.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
@@ -658,7 +752,13 @@
Analyze.prototype.calculateLevels = function() {
- var i, levels, numPixels, _i, _j, _k, _ref;
+ var i;
+ var levels;
+ var numPixels;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ var _ref;
levels = {
r: {},
g: {},
@@ -671,8 +771,8 @@
for (i = _j = 0, _ref = this.c.pixelData.length; _j < _ref; i = _j += 4) {
- levels.g[this.c.pixelData[i + 1]]++;
- levels.b[this.c.pixelData[i + 2]]++;
+ levels.g[this.c.pixelData[i+1]]++;
+ levels.b[this.c.pixelData[i+2]]++;
numPixels = this.c.pixelData.length / 4;
for (i = _k = 0; _k <= 255; i = ++_k) {
@@ -688,7 +788,12 @@
Caman.DOMUpdated = function() {
- var img, imgs, parser, _i, _len, _results;
+ var img;
+ var imgs;
+ var parser;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _results;
imgs = document.querySelectorAll("img[data-caman]");
if (!(imgs.length > 0)) {
@@ -725,7 +830,18 @@
CamanParser.prototype.parse = function() {
- var args, filter, func, inst, instFunc, m, r, unparsedInstructions, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ var args;
+ var filter;
+ var func;
+ var inst;
+ var instFunc;
+ var m;
+ var r;
+ var unparsedInstructions;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
this.ele = this.caman.canvas;
r = new RegExp(INST_REGEX, 'g');
unparsedInstructions = this.dataStr.match(r);
@@ -741,7 +857,7 @@
try {
func = instFunc();
- } catch (e) {
+ } catch ( e ) {
@@ -762,7 +878,8 @@
Caman.Blender = Blender = (function() {
- function Blender() {}
+ function Blender() {
+ }
Blender.blenders = {};
@@ -780,7 +897,8 @@
Caman.Calculate = Calculate = (function() {
- function Calculate() {}
+ function Calculate() {
+ }
Calculate.distance = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2));
@@ -804,7 +922,33 @@
Calculate.bezier = function(start, ctrl1, ctrl2, end, lowBound, highBound) {
- var Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy, bezier, curveX, curveY, i, j, leftCoord, rightCoord, t, x0, x1, x2, x3, y0, y1, y2, y3, _i, _j, _k, _ref, _ref1;
+ var Ax;
+ var Ay;
+ var Bx;
+ var By;
+ var Cx;
+ var Cy;
+ var bezier;
+ var curveX;
+ var curveY;
+ var i;
+ var j;
+ var leftCoord;
+ var rightCoord;
+ var t;
+ var x0;
+ var x1;
+ var x2;
+ var x3;
+ var y0;
+ var y1;
+ var y2;
+ var y3;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
x0 = start[0];
y0 = start[1];
x1 = ctrl1[0];
@@ -857,10 +1001,13 @@
Convert = (function() {
- function Convert() {}
+ function Convert() {
+ }
Convert.hexToRGB = function(hex) {
- var b, g, r;
+ var b;
+ var g;
+ var r;
if (hex.charAt(0) === "#") {
hex = hex.substr(1);
@@ -875,7 +1022,12 @@
Convert.rgbToHSL = function(r, g, b) {
- var d, h, l, max, min, s;
+ var d;
+ var h;
+ var l;
+ var max;
+ var min;
+ var s;
if (typeof r === "object") {
g = r.g;
b = r.b;
@@ -912,7 +1064,11 @@
Convert.hslToRGB = function(h, s, l) {
- var b, g, p, q, r;
+ var b;
+ var g;
+ var p;
+ var q;
+ var r;
if (typeof h === "object") {
s = h.s;
l = h.l;
@@ -954,7 +1110,12 @@
Convert.rgbToHSV = function(r, g, b) {
- var d, h, max, min, s, v;
+ var d;
+ var h;
+ var max;
+ var min;
+ var s;
+ var v;
r /= 255;
g /= 255;
b /= 255;
@@ -986,7 +1147,14 @@
Convert.hsvToRGB = function(h, s, v) {
- var b, f, g, i, p, q, r, t;
+ var b;
+ var f;
+ var g;
+ var i;
+ var p;
+ var q;
+ var r;
+ var t;
i = Math.floor(h * 6);
f = h * 6 - i;
p = v * (1 - s);
@@ -1031,7 +1199,9 @@
Convert.rgbToXYZ = function(r, g, b) {
- var x, y, z;
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ var z;
r /= 255;
g /= 255;
b /= 255;
@@ -1061,7 +1231,9 @@
Convert.xyzToRGB = function(x, y, z) {
- var b, g, r;
+ var b;
+ var g;
+ var r;
x /= 100;
y /= 100;
z /= 100;
@@ -1091,7 +1263,12 @@
Convert.xyzToLab = function(x, y, z) {
- var a, b, l, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ;
+ var a;
+ var b;
+ var l;
+ var whiteX;
+ var whiteY;
+ var whiteZ;
if (typeof x === "object") {
y = x.y;
z = x.z;
@@ -1129,7 +1306,9 @@
Convert.labToXYZ = function(l, a, b) {
- var x, y, z;
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ var z;
if (typeof l === "object") {
a = l.a;
b = l.b;
@@ -1179,14 +1358,19 @@
Event = (function() {
- function Event() {}
+ function Event() {
+ }
Event.events = {};
Event.types = ["processStart", "processComplete", "renderStart", "renderFinished", "blockStarted", "blockFinished"];
Event.trigger = function(target, type, data) {
- var event, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ var event;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
if (this.events[type] && this.events[type].length) {
_ref = this.events[type];
_results = [];
@@ -1203,7 +1387,8 @@
Event.listen = function(target, type, fn) {
- var _fn, _type;
+ var _fn;
+ var _type;
if (typeof target === "string") {
_type = target;
_fn = type;
@@ -1232,7 +1417,8 @@
Caman.Filter = Filter = (function() {
- function Filter() {}
+ function Filter() {
+ }
Filter.Type = {
Single: 1,
@@ -1253,7 +1439,8 @@
Caman.IO = IO = (function() {
- function IO() {}
+ function IO() {
+ }
IO.domainRegex = /(?:(?:http|https):\/\/)((?:\w+)\.(?:(?:\w|\.)+))/;
@@ -1347,7 +1534,7 @@
if (stats.isFile() && !overwrite) {
return false;
- } catch (e) {
+ } catch ( e ) {
Log.debug("Creating output file " + file);
return fs.writeFile(file, this.canvas.toBuffer(), function() {
@@ -1410,7 +1597,10 @@
Layer.prototype.copyParent = function() {
- var i, parentData, _i, _ref;
+ var i;
+ var parentData;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
parentData = this.c.pixelData;
for (i = _i = 0, _ref = this.c.pixelData.length; _i < _ref; i = _i += 4) {
this.pixelData[i] = parentData[i];
@@ -1443,7 +1633,15 @@
Layer.prototype.applyToParent = function() {
- var i, layerData, parentData, result, rgbaLayer, rgbaParent, _i, _ref, _results;
+ var i;
+ var layerData;
+ var parentData;
+ var result;
+ var rgbaLayer;
+ var rgbaParent;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
parentData = this.c.pixelStack[this.c.pixelStack.length - 1];
layerData = this.c.pixelData;
_results = [];
@@ -1481,7 +1679,10 @@
Logger = (function() {
function Logger() {
- var name, _i, _len, _ref;
+ var name;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
_ref = ['log', 'info', 'warn', 'error'];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
name = _ref[_i];
@@ -1494,7 +1695,7 @@
try {
return console[name].apply(console, args);
- } catch (e) {
+ } catch ( e ) {
return console[name](args);
@@ -1516,7 +1717,8 @@
PixelInfo.locationToCoordinates = function(loc, width) {
- var x, y;
+ var x;
+ var y;
y = Math.floor(loc / (width * 4));
x = (loc % (width * 4)) / 4;
return {
@@ -1531,7 +1733,8 @@
PixelInfo.prototype.locationXY = function() {
- var x, y;
+ var x;
+ var y;
y = this.c.dimensions.height - Math.floor(this.loc / (this.c.dimensions.width * 4));
x = (this.loc % (this.c.dimensions.width * 4)) / 4;
return {
@@ -1598,7 +1801,8 @@
Plugin = (function() {
- function Plugin() {}
+ function Plugin() {
+ }
Plugin.plugins = {};
@@ -1672,8 +1876,19 @@
Renderer.prototype.eachBlock = function(fn) {
- var blockN, blockPixelLength, bnum, end, f, i, lastBlockN, n, start, _i, _ref, _results,
- _this = this;
+ var blockN;
+ var blockPixelLength;
+ var bnum;
+ var end;
+ var f;
+ var i;
+ var lastBlockN;
+ var n;
+ var start;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ var _this = this;
this.blocksDone = 0;
n = this.c.pixelData.length;
blockPixelLength = Math.floor((n / 4) / Renderer.Blocks);
@@ -1717,7 +1932,11 @@
Renderer.prototype.renderBlock = function(bnum, start, end) {
- var data, i, pixelInfo, res, _i;
+ var data;
+ var i;
+ var pixelInfo;
+ var res;
+ var _i;
Log.debug("Block #" + bnum + " - Filter: " + this.currentJob.name + ", Start: " + start + ", End: " + end);
Event.trigger(this.c, "blockStarted", {
blockNum: bnum,
@@ -1755,7 +1974,24 @@
Renderer.prototype.renderKernel = function(bnum, start, end) {
- var adjust, adjustSize, bias, builder, builderIndex, divisor, i, j, k, kernel, n, name, pixel, pixelInfo, res, _i, _j, _k;
+ var adjust;
+ var adjustSize;
+ var bias;
+ var builder;
+ var builderIndex;
+ var divisor;
+ var i;
+ var j;
+ var k;
+ var kernel;
+ var n;
+ var name;
+ var pixel;
+ var pixelInfo;
+ var res;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
name = this.currentJob.name;
bias = this.currentJob.bias;
divisor = this.currentJob.divisor;
@@ -1794,7 +2030,9 @@
Renderer.prototype.blockFinished = function(bnum) {
- var i, _i, _ref;
+ var i;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
if (bnum >= 0) {
Log.debug("Block #" + bnum + " finished! Filter: " + this.currentJob.name);
@@ -1819,7 +2057,10 @@
Renderer.prototype.processKernel = function(adjust, kernel, divisor, bias) {
- var i, val, _i, _ref;
+ var i;
+ var val;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
val = {
r: 0,
g: 0,
@@ -1837,8 +2078,9 @@
Renderer.prototype.loadOverlay = function(layer, src) {
- var img, proxyUrl,
- _this = this;
+ var img;
+ var proxyUrl;
+ var _this = this;
img = document.createElement('img');
img.onload = function() {
layer.context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, _this.c.dimensions.width, _this.c.dimensions.height);
@@ -1857,7 +2099,8 @@
Caman.Store = Store = (function() {
- function Store() {}
+ function Store() {
+ }
Store.items = {};
@@ -2029,7 +2272,9 @@
Filter.register("vibrance", function(adjust) {
adjust *= -1;
return this.process("vibrance", function(rgba) {
- var amt, avg, max;
+ var amt;
+ var avg;
+ var max;
max = Math.max(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b);
avg = (rgba.r + rgba.g + rgba.b) / 3;
amt = ((Math.abs(max - avg) * 2 / 255) * adjust) / 100;
@@ -2081,7 +2326,9 @@
Filter.register("hue", function(adjust) {
return this.process("hue", function(rgba) {
- var h, hsv, rgb;
+ var h;
+ var hsv;
+ var rgb;
hsv = Convert.rgbToHSV(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b);
h = hsv.h * 100;
h += Math.abs(adjust);
@@ -2095,7 +2342,8 @@
Filter.register("colorize", function() {
- var level, rgb;
+ var level;
+ var rgb;
if (arguments.length === 2) {
rgb = Convert.hexToRGB(arguments[0]);
level = arguments[1];
@@ -2181,12 +2429,15 @@
Filter.register("channels", function(options) {
- var chan, value;
+ var chan;
+ var value;
if (typeof options !== "object") {
return this;
for (chan in options) {
- if (!__hasProp.call(options, chan)) continue;
+ if (!__hasProp.call(options, chan)) {
+ continue;
+ }
value = options[chan];
if (value === 0) {
delete options[chan];
@@ -2224,7 +2475,18 @@
Filter.register("curves", function() {
- var bezier, chans, cps, ctrl1, ctrl2, end, i, start, _i, _j, _ref, _ref1;
+ var bezier;
+ var chans;
+ var cps;
+ var ctrl1;
+ var ctrl2;
+ var end;
+ var i;
+ var start;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
chans = arguments[0], cps = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
if (typeof chans === "string") {
chans = chans.split("");
@@ -2251,7 +2513,8 @@
return this.process("curves", function(rgba) {
- var _k, _ref2;
+ var _k;
+ var _ref2;
for (i = _k = 0, _ref2 = chans.length; 0 <= _ref2 ? _k < _ref2 : _k > _ref2; i = 0 <= _ref2 ? ++_k : --_k) {
rgba[chans[i]] = bezier[rgba[chans[i]]];
@@ -2260,7 +2523,9 @@
Filter.register("exposure", function(adjust) {
- var ctrl1, ctrl2, p;
+ var ctrl1;
+ var ctrl2;
+ var p;
p = Math.abs(adjust) / 100;
ctrl1 = [0, 255 * p];
ctrl2 = [255 - (255 * p), 255];
@@ -2272,7 +2537,8 @@
Caman.Plugin.register("crop", function(width, height, x, y) {
- var canvas, ctx;
+ var canvas;
+ var ctx;
if (x == null) {
x = 0;
@@ -2298,7 +2564,8 @@
Caman.Plugin.register("resize", function(newDims) {
- var canvas, ctx;
+ var canvas;
+ var ctx;
if (newDims == null) {
newDims = null;
@@ -2389,7 +2656,10 @@
Filter.register("vignette", function(size, strength) {
- var bezier, center, end, start;
+ var bezier;
+ var center;
+ var end;
+ var start;
if (strength == null) {
strength = 60;
@@ -2406,7 +2676,9 @@
end = start - size;
bezier = Calculate.bezier([0, 1], [30, 30], [70, 60], [100, 80]);
return this.process("vignette", function(rgba) {
- var dist, div, loc;
+ var dist;
+ var div;
+ var loc;
loc = this.locationXY();
dist = Calculate.distance(loc.x, loc.y, center[0], center[1]);
if (dist > end) {
@@ -2420,7 +2692,13 @@
Filter.register("rectangularVignette", function(opts) {
- var defaults, dim, percent, size, _i, _len, _ref;
+ var defaults;
+ var dim;
+ var percent;
+ var size;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
defaults = {
strength: 50,
cornerRadius: 0,
@@ -2491,7 +2769,9 @@
opts.maxDist = Calculate.distance(0, 0, opts.corners[3].x, opts.corners[3].y) - opts.cornerRadius;
return this.process("rectangularVignette", function(rgba) {
- var amt, loc, radialDist;
+ var amt;
+ var loc;
+ var radialDist;
loc = this.locationXY();
if ((loc.x > opts.corners[0].x && loc.x < opts.corners[1].x) && (loc.y > opts.coords.bottom && loc.y < opts.coords.top)) {
return rgba;
@@ -2567,11 +2847,21 @@
(function() {
- var BlurStack, getLinearGradientMap, getRadialGradientMap, mul_table, shg_table;
+ var BlurStack;
+ var getLinearGradientMap;
+ var getRadialGradientMap;
+ var mul_table;
+ var shg_table;
mul_table = [512, 512, 456, 512, 328, 456, 335, 512, 405, 328, 271, 456, 388, 335, 292, 512, 454, 405, 364, 328, 298, 271, 496, 456, 420, 388, 360, 335, 312, 292, 273, 512, 482, 454, 428, 405, 383, 364, 345, 328, 312, 298, 284, 271, 259, 496, 475, 456, 437, 420, 404, 388, 374, 360, 347, 335, 323, 312, 302, 292, 282, 273, 265, 512, 497, 482, 468, 454, 441, 428, 417, 405, 394, 383, 373, 364, 354, 345, 337, 328, 320, 312, 305, 298, 291, 284, 278, 271, 265, 259, 507, 496, 485, 475, 465, 456, 446, 437, 428, 420, 412, 404, 396, 388, 381, 374, 367, 360, 354, 347, 341, 335, 329, 323, 318, 312, 307, 302, 297, 292, 287, 282, 278, 273, 269, 265, 261, 512, 505, 497, 489, 482, 475, 468, 461, 454, 447, 441, 435, 428, 422, 417, 411, 405, 399, 394, 389, 383, 378, 373, 368, 364, 359, 354, 350, 345, 341, 337, 332, 328, 324, 320, 316, 312, 309, 305, 301, 298, 294, 291, 287, 284, 281, 278, 274, 271, 268, 265, 262, 259, 257, 507, 501, 496, 491, 485, 480, 475, 470, 465, 460, 456, 451, 446, 442, 437, 433, 428, 424, 420, 416, 412, 408, 404, 400, 396, 392, 388, 385, 381, 377, 374, 370, 367, 363, 360, 357, 354, 350, 347, 344, 341, 338, 335, 332, 329, 326, 323, 320, 318, 315, 312, 310, 307, 304, 302, 299, 297, 294, 292, 289, 287, 285, 282, 280, 278, 275, 273, 271, 269, 267, 265, 263, 261, 259];
shg_table = [9, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24];
getLinearGradientMap = function(width, height, centerX, centerY, angle, length, mirrored) {
- var cnv, context, gradient, x1, x2, y1, y2;
+ var cnv;
+ var context;
+ var gradient;
+ var x1;
+ var x2;
+ var y1;
+ var y2;
cnv = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? new Canvas() : document.createElement('canvas');
cnv.width = width;
cnv.height = height;
@@ -2594,7 +2884,9 @@
return context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
getRadialGradientMap = function(width, height, centerX, centerY, radius1, radius2) {
- var cnv, context, gradient;
+ var cnv;
+ var context;
+ var gradient;
cnv = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? new Canvas() : document.createElement('canvas');
cnv.width = width;
cnv.height = height;
@@ -2614,7 +2906,64 @@
return this.next = null;
Caman.Plugin.register("compoundBlur", function(radiusData, radius, increaseFactor, blurLevels) {
- var b_in_sum, b_out_sum, b_sum, blend, currentIndex, div, g_in_sum, g_out_sum, g_sum, height, heightMinus1, i, iblend, idx, imagePixels, index, iradius, lookupValue, mul_sum, p, pb, pg, pixels, pr, r_in_sum, r_out_sum, r_sum, radiusPixels, radiusPlus1, rbs, shg_sum, stack, stackEnd, stackIn, stackOut, stackStart, steps, sumFactor, w4, wh, wh4, width, widthMinus1, x, y, yi, yp, yw, _i, _j, _k, _l, _m, _n, _o, _p, _q, _r;
+ var b_in_sum;
+ var b_out_sum;
+ var b_sum;
+ var blend;
+ var currentIndex;
+ var div;
+ var g_in_sum;
+ var g_out_sum;
+ var g_sum;
+ var height;
+ var heightMinus1;
+ var i;
+ var iblend;
+ var idx;
+ var imagePixels;
+ var index;
+ var iradius;
+ var lookupValue;
+ var mul_sum;
+ var p;
+ var pb;
+ var pg;
+ var pixels;
+ var pr;
+ var r_in_sum;
+ var r_out_sum;
+ var r_sum;
+ var radiusPixels;
+ var radiusPlus1;
+ var rbs;
+ var shg_sum;
+ var stack;
+ var stackEnd;
+ var stackIn;
+ var stackOut;
+ var stackStart;
+ var steps;
+ var sumFactor;
+ var w4;
+ var wh;
+ var wh4;
+ var width;
+ var widthMinus1;
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ var yi;
+ var yp;
+ var yw;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ var _l;
+ var _m;
+ var _n;
+ var _o;
+ var _p;
+ var _q;
+ var _r;
width = this.dimensions.width;
height = this.dimensions.height;
imagePixels = this.pixelData;
@@ -2795,7 +3144,8 @@
return this;
Caman.Filter.register("tiltShift", function(opts) {
- var defaults, gradient;
+ var defaults;
+ var gradient;
defaults = {
center: {
x: this.dimensions.width / 2,
@@ -2813,7 +3163,10 @@
return this.processPlugin("compoundBlur", [gradient, opts.startRadius, opts.radiusFactor, opts.steps]);
return Caman.Filter.register("radialBlur", function(opts) {
- var defaults, gradient, radius1, radius2;
+ var defaults;
+ var gradient;
+ var radius1;
+ var radius2;
defaults = {
size: 50,
center: {
@@ -2849,7 +3202,8 @@
Caman.Filter.register("posterize", function(adjust) {
- var numOfAreas, numOfValues;
+ var numOfAreas;
+ var numOfValues;
numOfAreas = 256 / adjust;
numOfValues = 255 / (adjust - 1);
return this.process("posterize", function(rgba) {
@@ -3206,7 +3560,9 @@
(function() {
- var BlurStack, mul_table, shg_table;
+ var BlurStack;
+ var mul_table;
+ var shg_table;
mul_table = [512, 512, 456, 512, 328, 456, 335, 512, 405, 328, 271, 456, 388, 335, 292, 512, 454, 405, 364, 328, 298, 271, 496, 456, 420, 388, 360, 335, 312, 292, 273, 512, 482, 454, 428, 405, 383, 364, 345, 328, 312, 298, 284, 271, 259, 496, 475, 456, 437, 420, 404, 388, 374, 360, 347, 335, 323, 312, 302, 292, 282, 273, 265, 512, 497, 482, 468, 454, 441, 428, 417, 405, 394, 383, 373, 364, 354, 345, 337, 328, 320, 312, 305, 298, 291, 284, 278, 271, 265, 259, 507, 496, 485, 475, 465, 456, 446, 437, 428, 420, 412, 404, 396, 388, 381, 374, 367, 360, 354, 347, 341, 335, 329, 323, 318, 312, 307, 302, 297, 292, 287, 282, 278, 273, 269, 265, 261, 512, 505, 497, 489, 482, 475, 468, 461, 454, 447, 441, 435, 428, 422, 417, 411, 405, 399, 394, 389, 383, 378, 373, 368, 364, 359, 354, 350, 345, 341, 337, 332, 328, 324, 320, 316, 312, 309, 305, 301, 298, 294, 291, 287, 284, 281, 278, 274, 271, 268, 265, 262, 259, 257, 507, 501, 496, 491, 485, 480, 475, 470, 465, 460, 456, 451, 446, 442, 437, 433, 428, 424, 420, 416, 412, 408, 404, 400, 396, 392, 388, 385, 381, 377, 374, 370, 367, 363, 360, 357, 354, 350, 347, 344, 341, 338, 335, 332, 329, 326, 323, 320, 318, 315, 312, 310, 307, 304, 302, 299, 297, 294, 292, 289, 287, 285, 282, 280, 278, 275, 273, 271, 269, 267, 265, 263, 261, 259];
shg_table = [9, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24];
BlurStack = function() {
@@ -3217,7 +3573,51 @@
return this.next = null;
Caman.Plugin.register("stackBlur", function(radius) {
- var b_in_sum, b_out_sum, b_sum, div, g_in_sum, g_out_sum, g_sum, height, heightMinus1, i, mul_sum, p, pb, pg, pixels, pr, r_in_sum, r_out_sum, r_sum, radiusPlus1, rbs, shg_sum, stack, stackEnd, stackIn, stackOut, stackStart, sumFactor, w4, width, widthMinus1, x, y, yi, yp, yw, _i, _j, _k, _l, _m, _n, _o, _p, _q;
+ var b_in_sum;
+ var b_out_sum;
+ var b_sum;
+ var div;
+ var g_in_sum;
+ var g_out_sum;
+ var g_sum;
+ var height;
+ var heightMinus1;
+ var i;
+ var mul_sum;
+ var p;
+ var pb;
+ var pg;
+ var pixels;
+ var pr;
+ var r_in_sum;
+ var r_out_sum;
+ var r_sum;
+ var radiusPlus1;
+ var rbs;
+ var shg_sum;
+ var stack;
+ var stackEnd;
+ var stackIn;
+ var stackOut;
+ var stackStart;
+ var sumFactor;
+ var w4;
+ var width;
+ var widthMinus1;
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ var yi;
+ var yp;
+ var yw;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ var _l;
+ var _m;
+ var _n;
+ var _o;
+ var _p;
+ var _q;
if (isNaN(radius) || radius < 1) {
diff --git a/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.full.min.js b/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.full.min.js
index 9cd57e9d..b8aefe5d 100755
--- a/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.full.min.js
+++ b/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.full.min.js
@@ -1,217 +1,3037 @@
-(function(){var $,Analyze,Blender,Calculate,Caman,CamanParser,Canvas,Convert,Event,Fiber,Filter,IO,Image,Layer,Log,Logger,PixelInfo,Plugin,Renderer,Root,Store,Util,fs,slice,vignetteFilters,__hasProp={}.hasOwnProperty,__indexOf=[].indexOf||function(item){for(var i=0,l=this.length;i255){return 255;}
-return val;};Util.copyAttributes=function(from,to,opts){var attr,_i,_len,_ref,_ref1,_results;if(opts==null){opts={};}
-return _results;};Util.dataArray=function(length){if(length==null){length=0;}
-if(Caman.NodeJS||(window.Uint8Array!=null)){return new Uint8Array(length);}
-return new Array(length);};return Util;})();if(typeof exports!=="undefined"&&exports!==null){Root=exports;Canvas=require('canvas');Image=Canvas.Image;Fiber=require('fibers');fs=require('fs');}else{Root=window;}
-Root.Caman=Caman=(function(){Caman.version={release:"4.1.1",date:"4/8/2013"};Caman.DEBUG=false;Caman.NodeJS=typeof exports!=="undefined"&&exports!==null;Caman.autoload=!Caman.NodeJS;Caman.allowRevert=true;Caman.crossOrigin="anonymous";Caman.toString=function(){return"Version "+Caman.version.release+", Released "+Caman.version.date;};Caman.remoteProxy="";Caman.proxyParam="camanProxyUrl";Caman.getAttrId=function(canvas){if(Caman.NodeJS){return true;}
-if(typeof canvas==="string"){canvas=$(canvas);}
-if(!((canvas!=null)&&(canvas.getAttribute!=null))){return null;}
-return canvas.getAttribute('data-caman-id');};function Caman(){var args,callback,id,_this=this;if(arguments.length===0){throw"Invalid arguments";}
-if(this instanceof Caman){this.finishInit=this.finishInit.bind(this);this.imageLoaded=this.imageLoaded.bind(this);args=arguments[0];if(!Caman.NodeJS){id=parseInt(Caman.getAttrId(args[0]),10);callback=typeof args[1]==="function"?args[1]:typeof args[2]==="function"?args[2]:function(){};if(!isNaN(id)&&Store.has(id)){return Store.execute(id,callback);}}
-this.id=Util.uniqid.get();this.initializedPixelData=this.originalPixelData=null;this.cropCoordinates={x:0,y:0};this.cropped=false;this.resized=false;this.pixelStack=[];this.layerStack=[];this.canvasQueue=[];this.currentLayer=null;this.scaled=false;this.analyze=new Analyze(this);this.renderer=new Renderer(this);this.domIsLoaded(function(){_this.parseArguments(args);return _this.setup();});return this;}else{return new Caman(arguments);}}
-Caman.prototype.domIsLoaded=function(cb){var listener,_this=this;if(Caman.NodeJS){return setTimeout(function(){return cb.call(_this);},0);}else{if(document.readyState==="complete"){Log.debug("DOM initialized");return setTimeout(function(){return cb.call(_this);},0);}else{listener=function(){if(document.readyState==="complete"){Log.debug("DOM initialized");return cb.call(_this);}};return document.addEventListener("readystatechange",listener,false);}}};Caman.prototype.parseArguments=function(args){var key,val,_ref,_results;if(args.length===0){throw"Invalid arguments given";}
-switch(typeof args[1]){case"string":this.imageUrl=args[1];break;case"function":this.callback=args[1];}
-this.callback=args[2];if(args.length===4){_ref=args[4];_results=[];for(key in _ref){if(!__hasProp.call(_ref,key))continue;val=_ref[key];_results.push(this.options[key]=val);}
-return _results;}};Caman.prototype.setInitObject=function(obj){if(Caman.NodeJS){this.initObj=obj;this.initType='node';return;}
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-if(IO.isRemote(this.image)){this.image.src=IO.proxyUrl(this.image.src);return Log.debug("Remote image detected, using URL = "+this.image.src);}};Caman.prototype.waitForImageLoaded=function(){if(this.isImageLoaded()){return this.imageLoaded();}else{return this.image.onload=this.imageLoaded;}};Caman.prototype.isImageLoaded=function(){if(!this.image.complete){return false;}
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-Analyze.prototype.calculateLevels=function(){var i,levels,numPixels,_i,_j,_k,_ref;levels={r:{},g:{},b:{}};for(i=_i=0;_i<=255;i=++_i){levels.r[i]=0;levels.g[i]=0;levels.b[i]=0;}
-return levels;};return Analyze;})();Caman.DOMUpdated=function(){var img,imgs,parser,_i,_len,_results;imgs=document.querySelectorAll("img[data-caman]");if(!(imgs.length>0)){return;}
-_results=[];for(_i=0,_len=imgs.length;_i<_len;_i++){img=imgs[_i];_results.push(parser=new CamanParser(img,function(){this.parse();return this.execute();}));}
-return _results;};if(Caman.autoload){(function(){if(document.readyState==="complete"){return Caman.DOMUpdated();}else{return document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",Caman.DOMUpdated,false);}})();}
-CamanParser=(function(){var INST_REGEX;INST_REGEX="(\\w+)\\((.*?)\\)";function CamanParser(ele,ready){this.dataStr=ele.getAttribute('data-caman');this.caman=Caman(ele,ready.bind(this));}
-CamanParser.prototype.parse=function(){var args,filter,func,inst,instFunc,m,r,unparsedInstructions,_i,_len,_ref,_results;this.ele=this.caman.canvas;r=new RegExp(INST_REGEX,'g');unparsedInstructions=this.dataStr.match(r);if(!(unparsedInstructions.length>0)){return;}
-r=new RegExp(INST_REGEX);_results=[];for(_i=0,_len=unparsedInstructions.length;_i<_len;_i++){inst=unparsedInstructions[_i];_ref=inst.match(r),m=_ref[0],filter=_ref[1],args=_ref[2];instFunc=new Function("return function() { this."+filter+"("+args+"); };");try{func=instFunc();_results.push(func.call(this.caman));}catch(e){_results.push(Log.debug(e));}}
-return _results;};CamanParser.prototype.execute=function(){var ele;ele=this.ele;return this.caman.render(function(){return ele.parentNode.replaceChild(this.toImage(),ele);});};return CamanParser;})();Caman.Blender=Blender=(function(){function Blender(){}
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-rand=min+(Math.random()*(max-min));if(getFloat){return rand.toFixed(getFloat);}else{return Math.round(rand);}};Calculate.luminance=function(rgba){return(0.299*rgba.r)+(0.587*rgba.g)+(0.114*rgba.b);};Calculate.bezier=function(start,ctrl1,ctrl2,end,lowBound,highBound){var Ax,Ay,Bx,By,Cx,Cy,bezier,curveX,curveY,i,j,leftCoord,rightCoord,t,x0,x1,x2,x3,y0,y1,y2,y3,_i,_j,_k,_ref,_ref1;x0=start[0];y0=start[1];x1=ctrl1[0];y1=ctrl1[1];x2=ctrl2[0];y2=ctrl2[1];x3=end[0];y3=end[1];bezier={};Cx=parseInt(3*(x1-x0),10);Bx=3*(x2-x1)-Cx;Ax=x3-x0-Cx-Bx;Cy=3*(y1-y0);By=3*(y2-y1)-Cy;Ay=y3-y0-Cy-By;for(i=_i=0;_i<1000;i=++_i){t=i/1000;curveX=Math.round((Ax*Math.pow(t,3))+(Bx*Math.pow(t,2))+(Cx*t)+x0);curveY=Math.round((Ay*Math.pow(t,3))+(By*Math.pow(t,2))+(Cy*t)+y0);if(lowBound&&curveYhighBound){curveY=highBound;}
-return bezier;};return Calculate;})();Convert=(function(){function Convert(){}
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-if(t<1/6){return p+(q-p)*6*t;}
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-if(t<2/3){return p+(q-p)*(2/3-t)*6;}
-return p;};Convert.rgbToHSV=function(r,g,b){var d,h,max,min,s,v;r/=255;g/=255;b/=255;max=Math.max(r,g,b);min=Math.min(r,g,b);v=max;d=max-min;s=max===0?0:d/max;if(max===min){h=0;}else{h=(function(){switch(max){case r:return(g-b)/d+(g0.04045){r=Math.pow((r+0.055)/1.055,2.4);}else{r/=12.92;}
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-IO.domainRegex=/(?:(?:http|https):\/\/)((?:\w+)\.(?:(?:\w|\.)+))/;IO.isRemote=function(img){if(img==null){return false;}
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-return"proxies/caman_proxy."+lang;};return IO;})();Caman.prototype.save=function(){if(typeof exports!=="undefined"&&exports!==null){return this.nodeSave.apply(this,arguments);}else{return this.browserSave.apply(this,arguments);}};Caman.prototype.browserSave=function(type){var image;if(type==null){type="png";}
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-return _results;};return Layer;})();Logger=(function(){function Logger(){var name,_i,_len,_ref;_ref=['log','info','warn','error'];for(_i=0,_len=_ref.length;_i<_len;_i++){name=_ref[_i];this[name]=(function(name){return function(){var args;args=1<=arguments.length?__slice.call(arguments,0):[];if(!Caman.DEBUG){return;}
-try{return console[name].apply(console,args);}catch(e){return console[name](args);}};})(name);}
-return Logger;})();Log=new Logger();PixelInfo=(function(){PixelInfo.coordinatesToLocation=function(x,y,width){return(y*width+x)*4;};PixelInfo.locationToCoordinates=function(loc,width){var x,y;y=Math.floor(loc/(width*4));x=(loc%(width*4))/4;return{x:x,y:y};};function PixelInfo(c){this.c=c;this.loc=0;}
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-return this.renderQueue.push(job);};Renderer.prototype.processNext=function(){var layer;if(this.renderQueue.length===0){Event.trigger(this,"renderFinished");if(this.finishedFn!=null){this.finishedFn.call(this.c);}
-return this;}
-this.currentJob=this.renderQueue.shift();switch(this.currentJob.type){case Filter.Type.LayerDequeue:layer=this.c.canvasQueue.shift();this.c.executeLayer(layer);return this.processNext();case Filter.Type.LayerFinished:this.c.applyCurrentLayer();this.c.popContext();return this.processNext();case Filter.Type.LoadOverlay:return this.loadOverlay(this.currentJob.layer,this.currentJob.src);case Filter.Type.Plugin:return this.executePlugin();default:return this.executeFilter();}};Renderer.prototype.execute=function(callback){this.finishedFn=callback;this.modPixelData=Util.dataArray(this.c.pixelData.length);return this.processNext();};Renderer.prototype.eachBlock=function(fn){var blockN,blockPixelLength,bnum,end,f,i,lastBlockN,n,start,_i,_ref,_results,_this=this;this.blocksDone=0;n=this.c.pixelData.length;blockPixelLength=Math.floor((n/4)/Renderer.Blocks);blockN=blockPixelLength*4;lastBlockN=blockN+((n/4)%Renderer.Blocks)*4;_results=[];for(i=_i=0,_ref=Renderer.Blocks;0<=_ref?_i<_ref:_i>_ref;i=0<=_ref?++_i:--_i){start=i*blockN;end=start+(i===Renderer.Blocks-1?lastBlockN:blockN);if(Caman.NodeJS){f=Fiber(function(){return fn.call(_this,i,start,end);});bnum=f.run();_results.push(this.blockFinished(bnum));}else{_results.push(setTimeout((function(i,start,end){return function(){return fn.call(_this,i,start,end);};})(i,start,end),0));}}
-return _results;};Renderer.prototype.executeFilter=function(){Event.trigger(this.c,"processStart",this.currentJob);if(this.currentJob.type===Filter.Type.Single){return this.eachBlock(this.renderBlock);}else{return this.eachBlock(this.renderKernel);}};Renderer.prototype.executePlugin=function(){Log.debug("Executing plugin "+this.currentJob.plugin);Plugin.execute(this.c,this.currentJob.plugin,this.currentJob.args);Log.debug("Plugin "+this.currentJob.plugin+" finished!");return this.processNext();};Renderer.prototype.renderBlock=function(bnum,start,end){var data,i,pixelInfo,res,_i;Log.debug("Block #"+bnum+" - Filter: "+this.currentJob.name+", Start: "+start+", End: "+end);Event.trigger(this.c,"blockStarted",{blockNum:bnum,totalBlocks:Renderer.Blocks,startPixel:start,endPixel:end});data={r:0,g:0,b:0,a:0};pixelInfo=new PixelInfo(this.c);for(i=_i=start;_i=builder;j=-builder<=builder?++_j:--_j){for(k=_k=builder;builder<=-builder?_k<=-builder:_k>=-builder;k=builder<=-builder?++_k:--_k){pixel=pixelInfo.getPixelRelative(j,k);kernel[builderIndex*3]=pixel.r;kernel[builderIndex*3+1]=pixel.g;kernel[builderIndex*3+2]=pixel.b;builderIndex++;}}
-if(Caman.NodeJS){return Fiber["yield"](bnum);}else{return this.blockFinished(bnum);}};Renderer.prototype.blockFinished=function(bnum){var i,_i,_ref;if(bnum>=0){Log.debug("Block #"+bnum+" finished! Filter: "+this.currentJob.name);}
-if(bnum>=0){Log.debug("Filter "+this.currentJob.name+" finished!");}
-Event.trigger(this.c,"processComplete",this.currentJob);return this.processNext();}};Renderer.prototype.processKernel=function(adjust,kernel,divisor,bias){var i,val,_i,_ref;val={r:0,g:0,b:0};for(i=_i=0,_ref=adjust.length;0<=_ref?_i<_ref:_i>_ref;i=0<=_ref?++_i:--_i){val.r+=adjust[i]*kernel[i*3];val.g+=adjust[i]*kernel[i*3+1];val.b+=adjust[i]*kernel[i*3+2];}
-val.r=(val.r/divisor)+bias;val.g=(val.g/divisor)+bias;val.b=(val.b/divisor)+bias;return val;};Renderer.prototype.loadOverlay=function(layer,src){var img,proxyUrl,_this=this;img=document.createElement('img');img.onload=function(){layer.context.drawImage(img,0,0,_this.c.dimensions.width,_this.c.dimensions.height);layer.imageData=layer.context.getImageData(0,0,_this.c.dimensions.width,_this.c.dimensions.height);layer.pixelData=layer.imageData.data;_this.c.pixelData=layer.pixelData;return _this.processNext();};proxyUrl=IO.remoteCheck(src);return img.src=proxyUrl!=null?proxyUrl:src;};return Renderer;})();Caman.Store=Store=(function(){function Store(){}
-Store.items={};Store.has=function(search){return this.items[search]!=null;};Store.get=function(search){return this.items[search];};Store.put=function(name,obj){return this.items[name]=obj;};Store.execute=function(search,callback){var _this=this;setTimeout(function(){return callback.call(_this.get(search),_this.get(search));},0);return this.get(search);};Store.flush=function(name){if(name==null){name=false;}
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-return this.process("fillColor",function(rgba){rgba.r=color.r;rgba.g=color.g;rgba.b=color.b;rgba.a=255;return rgba;});});Filter.register("brightness",function(adjust){adjust=Math.floor(255*(adjust/100));return this.process("brightness",function(rgba){rgba.r+=adjust;rgba.g+=adjust;rgba.b+=adjust;return rgba;});});Filter.register("saturation",function(adjust){adjust*=-0.01;return this.process("saturation",function(rgba){var max;max=Math.max(rgba.r,rgba.g,rgba.b);if(rgba.r!==max){rgba.r+=(max-rgba.r)*adjust;}
-return rgba;});});Filter.register("vibrance",function(adjust){adjust*=-1;return this.process("vibrance",function(rgba){var amt,avg,max;max=Math.max(rgba.r,rgba.g,rgba.b);avg=(rgba.r+rgba.g+rgba.b)/3;amt=((Math.abs(max-avg)*2/255)*adjust)/100;if(rgba.r!==max){rgba.r+=(max-rgba.r)*amt;}
-return rgba;});});Filter.register("greyscale",function(adjust){return this.process("greyscale",function(rgba){var avg;avg=Calculate.luminance(rgba);rgba.r=avg;rgba.g=avg;rgba.b=avg;return rgba;});});Filter.register("contrast",function(adjust){adjust=Math.pow((adjust+100)/100,2);return this.process("contrast",function(rgba){rgba.r/=255;rgba.r-=0.5;rgba.r*=adjust;rgba.r+=0.5;rgba.r*=255;rgba.g/=255;rgba.g-=0.5;rgba.g*=adjust;rgba.g+=0.5;rgba.g*=255;rgba.b/=255;rgba.b-=0.5;rgba.b*=adjust;rgba.b+=0.5;rgba.b*=255;return rgba;});});Filter.register("hue",function(adjust){return this.process("hue",function(rgba){var h,hsv,rgb;hsv=Convert.rgbToHSV(rgba.r,rgba.g,rgba.b);h=hsv.h*100;h+=Math.abs(adjust);h=h%100;h/=100;hsv.h=h;rgb=Convert.hsvToRGB(hsv.h,hsv.s,hsv.v);rgb.a=rgba.a;return rgb;});});Filter.register("colorize",function(){var level,rgb;if(arguments.length===2){rgb=Convert.hexToRGB(arguments[0]);level=arguments[1];}else if(arguments.length===4){rgb={r:arguments[0],g:arguments[1],b:arguments[2]};level=arguments[3];}
-return this.process("colorize",function(rgba){rgba.r-=(rgba.r-rgb.r)*(level/100);rgba.g-=(rgba.g-rgb.g)*(level/100);rgba.b-=(rgba.b-rgb.b)*(level/100);return rgba;});});Filter.register("invert",function(){return this.process("invert",function(rgba){rgba.r=255-rgba.r;rgba.g=255-rgba.g;rgba.b=255-rgba.b;return rgba;});});Filter.register("sepia",function(adjust){if(adjust==null){adjust=100;}
-adjust/=100;return this.process("sepia",function(rgba){rgba.r=Math.min(255,(rgba.r*(1-(0.607*adjust)))+(rgba.g*(0.769*adjust))+(rgba.b*(0.189*adjust)));rgba.g=Math.min(255,(rgba.r*(0.349*adjust))+(rgba.g*(1-(0.314*adjust)))+(rgba.b*(0.168*adjust)));rgba.b=Math.min(255,(rgba.r*(0.272*adjust))+(rgba.g*(0.534*adjust))+(rgba.b*(1-(0.869*adjust))));return rgba;});});Filter.register("gamma",function(adjust){return this.process("gamma",function(rgba){rgba.r=Math.pow(rgba.r/255,adjust)*255;rgba.g=Math.pow(rgba.g/255,adjust)*255;rgba.b=Math.pow(rgba.b/255,adjust)*255;return rgba;});});Filter.register("noise",function(adjust){adjust=Math.abs(adjust)*2.55;return this.process("noise",function(rgba){var rand;rand=Calculate.randomRange(adjust*-1,adjust);rgba.r+=rand;rgba.g+=rand;rgba.b+=rand;return rgba;});});Filter.register("clip",function(adjust){adjust=Math.abs(adjust)*2.55;return this.process("clip",function(rgba){if(rgba.r>255-adjust){rgba.r=255;}else if(rgba.r255-adjust){rgba.g=255;}else if(rgba.g255-adjust){rgba.b=255;}else if(rgba.b0){rgba.r+=(255-rgba.r)*options.red;}else{rgba.r-=rgba.r*Math.abs(options.red);}}
-return rgba;});});Filter.register("curves",function(){var bezier,chans,cps,ctrl1,ctrl2,end,i,start,_i,_j,_ref,_ref1;chans=arguments[0],cps=2<=arguments.length?__slice.call(arguments,1):[];if(typeof chans==="string"){chans=chans.split("");}
-if(cps.length<3||cps.length>4){throw"Invalid number of arguments to curves filter";}
-return this.process("curves",function(rgba){var _k,_ref2;for(i=_k=0,_ref2=chans.length;0<=_ref2?_k<_ref2:_k>_ref2;i=0<=_ref2?++_k:--_k){rgba[chans[i]]=bezier[rgba[chans[i]]];}
-return rgba;});});Filter.register("exposure",function(adjust){var ctrl1,ctrl2,p;p=Math.abs(adjust)/100;ctrl1=[0,255*p];ctrl2=[255-(255*p),255];if(adjust<0){ctrl1=ctrl1.reverse();ctrl2=ctrl2.reverse();}
-return this.curves('rgb',[0,0],ctrl1,ctrl2,[255,255]);});Caman.Plugin.register("crop",function(width,height,x,y){var canvas,ctx;if(x==null){x=0;}
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-if(newDims===null||((newDims.width==null)&&(newDims.height==null))){Log.error("Invalid or missing dimensions given for resize");return;}
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-return this.processKernel("Motion Blur",kernel);});Caman.Filter.register("sharpen",function(amt){if(amt==null){amt=100;}
-amt/=100;return this.processKernel("Sharpen",[0,-amt,0,-amt,4*amt+1,-amt,0,-amt,0]);});vignetteFilters={brightness:function(rgba,amt,opts){rgba.r=rgba.r-(rgba.r*amt*opts.strength);rgba.g=rgba.g-(rgba.g*amt*opts.strength);rgba.b=rgba.b-(rgba.b*amt*opts.strength);return rgba;},gamma:function(rgba,amt,opts){rgba.r=Math.pow(rgba.r/255,Math.max(10*amt*opts.strength,1))*255;rgba.g=Math.pow(rgba.g/255,Math.max(10*amt*opts.strength,1))*255;rgba.b=Math.pow(rgba.b/255,Math.max(10*amt*opts.strength,1))*255;return rgba;},colorize:function(rgba,amt,opts){rgba.r-=(rgba.r-opts.color.r)*amt;rgba.g-=(rgba.g-opts.color.g)*amt;rgba.b-=(rgba.b-opts.color.b)*amt;return rgba;}};Filter.register("vignette",function(size,strength){var bezier,center,end,start;if(strength==null){strength=60;}
-if(typeof size==="string"&&size.substr(-1)==="%"){if(this.dimensions.height>this.dimensions.width){size=this.dimensions.width*(parseInt(size.substr(0,size.length-1),10)/100);}else{size=this.dimensions.height*(parseInt(size.substr(0,size.length-1),10)/100);}}
-strength/=100;center=[this.dimensions.width/2,this.dimensions.height/2];start=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(center[0],2)+Math.pow(center[1],2));end=start-size;bezier=Calculate.bezier([0,1],[30,30],[70,60],[100,80]);return this.process("vignette",function(rgba){var dist,div,loc;loc=this.locationXY();dist=Calculate.distance(loc.x,loc.y,center[0],center[1]);if(dist>end){div=Math.max(1,(bezier[Math.round(((dist-end)/size)*100)]/10)*strength);rgba.r=Math.pow(rgba.r/255,div)*255;rgba.g=Math.pow(rgba.g/255,div)*255;rgba.b=Math.pow(rgba.b/255,div)*255;}
-return rgba;});});Filter.register("rectangularVignette",function(opts){var defaults,dim,percent,size,_i,_len,_ref;defaults={strength:50,cornerRadius:0,method:'brightness',color:{r:0,g:0,b:0}};opts=Util.extend(defaults,opts);if(!opts.size){return this;}else if(typeof opts.size==="string"){percent=parseInt(opts.size,10)/100;opts.size={width:this.dimensions.width*percent,height:this.dimensions.height*percent};}else if(typeof opts.size==="object"){_ref=["width","height"];for(_i=0,_len=_ref.length;_i<_len;_i++){dim=_ref[_i];if(typeof opts.size[dim]==="string"){opts.size[dim]=this.dimensions[dim]*(parseInt(opts.size[dim],10)/100);}}}else if(opts.size==="number"){size=opts.size;opts.size={width:size,height:size};}
-if(typeof opts.cornerRadius==="string"){opts.cornerRadius=(opts.size.width/2)*(parseInt(opts.cornerRadius,10)/100);}
-opts.strength/=100;opts.size.width=Math.floor(opts.size.width);opts.size.height=Math.floor(opts.size.height);opts.image={width:this.dimensions.width,height:this.dimensions.height};if(opts.method==="colorize"&&typeof opts.color==="string"){opts.color=Convert.hexToRGB(opts.color);}
-opts.coords={left:(this.dimensions.width-opts.size.width)/2,right:this.dimensions.width-opts.coords.left,bottom:(this.dimensions.height-opts.size.height)/2,top:this.dimensions.height-opts.coords.bottom};opts.corners=[{x:opts.coords.left+opts.cornerRadius,y:opts.coords.top-opts.cornerRadius},{x:opts.coords.right-opts.cornerRadius,y:opts.coords.top-opts.cornerRadius},{x:opts.coords.right-opts.cornerRadius,y:opts.coords.bottom+opts.cornerRadius},{x:opts.coords.left+opts.cornerRadius,y:opts.coords.bottom+opts.cornerRadius}];opts.maxDist=Calculate.distance(0,0,opts.corners[3].x,opts.corners[3].y)-opts.cornerRadius;return this.process("rectangularVignette",function(rgba){var amt,loc,radialDist;loc=this.locationXY();if((loc.x>opts.corners[0].x&&loc.xopts.coords.bottom&&loc.yopts.coords.left&&loc.xopts.corners[3].y&&loc.yopts.corners[0].x&&loc.xopts.coords.top){amt=(loc.y-opts.coords.top)/opts.maxDist;}else if(loc.y>opts.corners[2].y&&loc.yopts.coords.right){amt=(loc.x-opts.coords.right)/opts.maxDist;}else if(loc.x>opts.corners[0].x&&loc.xopts.corners[2].y&&loc.y=opts.corners[0].y){radialDist=Caman.distance(loc.x,loc.y,opts.corners[0].x,opts.corners[0].y);amt=(radialDist-opts.cornerRadius)/opts.maxDist;}else if(loc.x>=opts.corners[1].x&&loc.y>=opts.corners[1].y){radialDist=Caman.distance(loc.x,loc.y,opts.corners[1].x,opts.corners[1].y);amt=(radialDist-opts.cornerRadius)/opts.maxDist;}else if(loc.x>=opts.corners[2].x&&loc.y<=opts.corners[2].y){radialDist=Caman.distance(loc.x,loc.y,opts.corners[2].x,opts.corners[2].y);amt=(radialDist-opts.cornerRadius)/opts.maxDist;}else if(loc.x<=opts.corners[3].x&&loc.y<=opts.corners[3].y){radialDist=Caman.distance(loc.x,loc.y,opts.corners[3].x,opts.corners[3].y);amt=(radialDist-opts.cornerRadius)/opts.maxDist;}
-if(amt<0){return rgba;}
-return vignetteFilters[opts.method](rgba,amt,opts);});});(function(){var BlurStack,getLinearGradientMap,getRadialGradientMap,mul_table,shg_table;mul_table=[512,512,456,512,328,456,335,512,405,328,271,456,388,335,292,512,454,405,364,328,298,271,496,456,420,388,360,335,312,292,273,512,482,454,428,405,383,364,345,328,312,298,284,271,259,496,475,456,437,420,404,388,374,360,347,335,323,312,302,292,282,273,265,512,497,482,468,454,441,428,417,405,394,383,373,364,354,345,337,328,320,312,305,298,291,284,278,271,265,259,507,496,485,475,465,456,446,437,428,420,412,404,396,388,381,374,367,360,354,347,341,335,329,323,318,312,307,302,297,292,287,282,278,273,269,265,261,512,505,497,489,482,475,468,461,454,447,441,435,428,422,417,411,405,399,394,389,383,378,373,368,364,359,354,350,345,341,337,332,328,324,320,316,312,309,305,301,298,294,291,287,284,281,278,274,271,268,265,262,259,257,507,501,496,491,485,480,475,470,465,460,456,451,446,442,437,433,428,424,420,416,412,408,404,400,396,392,388,385,381,377,374,370,367,363,360,357,354,350,347,344,341,338,335,332,329,326,323,320,318,315,312,310,307,304,302,299,297,294,292,289,287,285,282,280,278,275,273,271,269,267,265,263,261,259];shg_table=[9,11,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,15,15,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24];getLinearGradientMap=function(width,height,centerX,centerY,angle,length,mirrored){var cnv,context,gradient,x1,x2,y1,y2;cnv=typeof exports!=="undefined"&&exports!==null?new Canvas():document.createElement('canvas');cnv.width=width;cnv.height=height;x1=centerX+Math.cos(angle)*length*0.5;y1=centerY+Math.sin(angle)*length*0.5;x2=centerX-Math.cos(angle)*length*0.5;y2=centerY-Math.sin(angle)*length*0.5;context=cnv.getContext("2d");gradient=context.createLinearGradient(x1,y1,x2,y2);if(!mirrored){gradient.addColorStop(0,"white");gradient.addColorStop(1,"black");}else{gradient.addColorStop(0,"white");gradient.addColorStop(0.5,"black");gradient.addColorStop(1,"white");}
-context.fillStyle=gradient;context.fillRect(0,0,width,height);return context.getImageData(0,0,width,height);};getRadialGradientMap=function(width,height,centerX,centerY,radius1,radius2){var cnv,context,gradient;cnv=typeof exports!=="undefined"&&exports!==null?new Canvas():document.createElement('canvas');cnv.width=width;cnv.height=height;context=cnv.getContext("2d");gradient=context.createRadialGradient(centerX,centerY,radius1,centerX,centerY,radius2);gradient.addColorStop(1,"white");gradient.addColorStop(0,"black");context.fillStyle=gradient;context.fillRect(0,0,width,height);return context.getImageData(0,0,width,height);};BlurStack=function(){this.r=0;this.g=0;this.b=0;this.a=0;return this.next=null;};Caman.Plugin.register("compoundBlur",function(radiusData,radius,increaseFactor,blurLevels){var b_in_sum,b_out_sum,b_sum,blend,currentIndex,div,g_in_sum,g_out_sum,g_sum,height,heightMinus1,i,iblend,idx,imagePixels,index,iradius,lookupValue,mul_sum,p,pb,pg,pixels,pr,r_in_sum,r_out_sum,r_sum,radiusPixels,radiusPlus1,rbs,shg_sum,stack,stackEnd,stackIn,stackOut,stackStart,steps,sumFactor,w4,wh,wh4,width,widthMinus1,x,y,yi,yp,yw,_i,_j,_k,_l,_m,_n,_o,_p,_q,_r;width=this.dimensions.width;height=this.dimensions.height;imagePixels=this.pixelData;radiusPixels=radiusData.data;wh=width*height;wh4=wh<<2;pixels=[];for(i=_i=0;0<=wh4?_iwh4;i=0<=wh4?++_i:--_i){pixels[i]=imagePixels[i];}
-div=iradius+iradius+1;w4=width<<2;widthMinus1=width-1;heightMinus1=height-1;radiusPlus1=iradius+1;sumFactor=radiusPlus1*(radiusPlus1+1)/2;stackStart=new BlurStack();stackEnd=void 0;stack=stackStart;for(i=_j=1;1<=div?_jdiv;i=1<=div?++_j:--_j){stack=stack.next=new BlurStack();if(i===radiusPlus1){stackEnd=stack;}}
-yp=width;for(i=_q=1;1<=radiusPlus1?_qradiusPlus1;i=1<=radiusPlus1?++_q:--_q){yi=(yp+x)<<2;r_sum+=(stack.r=(pr=pixels[yi]))*(rbs=radiusPlus1-i);g_sum+=(stack.g=(pg=pixels[yi+1]))*rbs;b_sum+=(stack.b=(pb=pixels[yi+2]))*rbs;r_in_sum+=pr;g_in_sum+=pg;b_in_sum+=pb;stack=stack.next;if(iheight;y=0<=height?++_r:--_r){p=yi<<2;pixels[p]=(r_sum*mul_sum)>>shg_sum;pixels[p+1]=(g_sum*mul_sum)>>shg_sum;pixels[p+2]=(b_sum*mul_sum)>>shg_sum;r_sum-=r_out_sum;g_sum-=g_out_sum;b_sum-=b_out_sum;r_out_sum-=stackIn.r;g_out_sum-=stackIn.g;b_out_sum-=stackIn.b;p=(x+(((p=y+radiusPlus1)-1){idx=i<<2;lookupValue=(radiusPixels[idx+2]&0xff)/255.0*blurLevels;index=lookupValue|0;if(index===currentIndex){blend=256.0*(lookupValue-(lookupValue|0));iblend=256-blend;imagePixels[idx]=(imagePixels[idx]*iblend+pixels[idx]*blend)>>8;imagePixels[idx+1]=(imagePixels[idx+1]*iblend+pixels[idx+1]*blend)>>8;imagePixels[idx+2]=(imagePixels[idx+2]*iblend+pixels[idx+2]*blend)>>8;}else if(index===currentIndex+1){imagePixels[idx]=pixels[idx];imagePixels[idx+1]=pixels[idx+1];imagePixels[idx+2]=pixels[idx+2];}}
-return this;});Caman.Filter.register("tiltShift",function(opts){var defaults,gradient;defaults={center:{x:this.dimensions.width/2,y:this.dimensions.height/2},angle:45,focusWidth:200,startRadius:3,radiusFactor:1.5,steps:3};opts=Util.extend(defaults,opts);opts.angle*=Math.PI/180;gradient=getLinearGradientMap(this.dimensions.width,this.dimensions.height,opts.center.x,opts.center.y,opts.angle,opts.focusWidth,true);return this.processPlugin("compoundBlur",[gradient,opts.startRadius,opts.radiusFactor,opts.steps]);});return Caman.Filter.register("radialBlur",function(opts){var defaults,gradient,radius1,radius2;defaults={size:50,center:{x:this.dimensions.width/2,y:this.dimensions.height/2},startRadius:3,radiusFactor:1.5,steps:3,radius:null};opts=Util.extend(defaults,opts);if(!opts.radius){opts.radius=this.dimensions.widthdiv;i=1<=div?++_i:--_i){stack=stack.next=new BlurStack();if(i===radiusPlus1){stackEnd=stack;}}
-yp=width;for(i=_p=1;1<=radius?_p<=radius:_p>=radius;i=1<=radius?++_p:--_p){yi=(yp+x)<<2;r_sum+=(stack.r=(pr=pixels[yi]))*(rbs=radiusPlus1-i);g_sum+=(stack.g=(pg=pixels[yi+1]))*rbs;b_sum+=(stack.b=(pb=pixels[yi+2]))*rbs;r_in_sum+=pr;g_in_sum+=pg;b_in_sum+=pb;stack=stack.next;if(iheight;y=0<=height?++_q:--_q){p=yi<<2;pixels[p]=(r_sum*mul_sum)>>shg_sum;pixels[p+1]=(g_sum*mul_sum)>>shg_sum;pixels[p+2]=(b_sum*mul_sum)>>shg_sum;r_sum-=r_out_sum;g_sum-=g_out_sum;b_sum-=b_out_sum;r_out_sum-=stackIn.r;g_out_sum-=stackIn.g;b_out_sum-=stackIn.b;p=(x+(((p=y+radiusPlus1) 255) {
+ return 255;
+ }
+ return val;
+ };
+ Util.copyAttributes = function(from, to, opts) {
+ var attr;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
+ var _results;
+ if (opts == null) {
+ opts = {};
+ }
+ _ref = from.attributes;
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ attr = _ref[_i];
+ if ((opts.except != null) && (_ref1 = attr.nodeName, __indexOf.call(opts.except, _ref1) >= 0)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ _results.push(to.setAttribute(attr.nodeName, attr.nodeValue));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ };
+ Util.dataArray = function(length) {
+ if (length == null) {
+ length = 0;
+ }
+ if (Caman.NodeJS || (window.Uint8Array != null)) {
+ return new Uint8Array(length);
+ }
+ return new Array(length);
+ };return Util;
+ })();
+ if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null) {
+ Root = exports;
+ Canvas = require('canvas');
+ Image = Canvas.Image;
+ Fiber = require('fibers');
+ fs = require('fs');
+ } else {
+ Root = window;
+ }
+ Root.Caman = Caman = (function() {
+ Caman.version = {
+ release: "4.1.1",
+ date: "4/8/2013"
+ };
+ Caman.DEBUG = false;
+ Caman.NodeJS = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null;
+ Caman.autoload = !Caman.NodeJS;
+ Caman.allowRevert = true;
+ Caman.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
+ Caman.toString = function() {
+ return "Version " + Caman.version.release + ", Released " + Caman.version.date;
+ };
+ Caman.remoteProxy = "";
+ Caman.proxyParam = "camanProxyUrl";
+ Caman.getAttrId = function(canvas) {
+ if (Caman.NodeJS) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (typeof canvas === "string") {
+ canvas = $(canvas);
+ }
+ if (!((canvas != null) && (canvas.getAttribute != null))) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return canvas.getAttribute('data-caman-id');
+ };
+ function Caman() {
+ var args;
+ var callback;
+ var id;
+ var _this = this;
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ throw "Invalid arguments";
+ }
+ if (this instanceof Caman) {
+ this.finishInit = this.finishInit.bind(this);
+ this.imageLoaded = this.imageLoaded.bind(this);
+ args = arguments[0];
+ if (!Caman.NodeJS) {
+ id = parseInt(Caman.getAttrId(args[0]), 10);
+ callback = typeof args[1] === "function" ? args[1] : typeof args[2] === "function" ? args[2] : function() {};
+ if (!isNaN(id) && Store.has(id)) {
+ return Store.execute(id, callback);
+ }
+ }
+ this.id = Util.uniqid.get();
+ this.initializedPixelData = this.originalPixelData = null;
+ this.cropCoordinates = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
+ };
+ this.cropped = false;
+ this.resized = false;
+ this.pixelStack = [];
+ this.layerStack = [];
+ this.canvasQueue = [];
+ this.currentLayer = null;
+ this.scaled = false;
+ this.analyze = new Analyze(this);
+ this.renderer = new Renderer(this);this.domIsLoaded(function() {
+ _this.parseArguments(args);return _this.setup();
+ });return this;
+ } else {
+ return new Caman(arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ Caman.prototype.domIsLoaded = function(cb) {
+ var listener;
+ var _this = this;
+ if (Caman.NodeJS) {
+ return setTimeout(function() {
+ return cb.call(_this);
+ }, 0);
+ } else {
+ if (document.readyState === "complete") {
+ Log.debug("DOM initialized");return setTimeout(function() {
+ return cb.call(_this);
+ }, 0);
+ } else {
+ listener = function() {
+ if (document.readyState === "complete") {
+ Log.debug("DOM initialized");return cb.call(_this);
+ }
+ };return document.addEventListener("readystatechange", listener, false);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.parseArguments = function(args) {
+ var key;
+ var val;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ if (args.length === 0) {
+ throw "Invalid arguments given";
+ }
+ this.initObj = null;
+ this.initType = null;
+ this.imageUrl = null;
+ this.callback = function() {};this.setInitObject(args[0]);
+ if (args.length === 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (typeof args[1]) {
+ case "string":
+ this.imageUrl = args[1];
+ break;case "function":
+ this.callback = args[1];
+ }
+ if (args.length === 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.callback = args[2];
+ if (args.length === 4) {
+ _ref = args[4];
+ _results = [];
+ for (key in _ref) {
+ if (!__hasProp.call(_ref, key)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ val = _ref[key];_results.push(this.options[key] = val);
+ }
+ return _results;
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.setInitObject = function(obj) {
+ if (Caman.NodeJS) {
+ this.initObj = obj;
+ this.initType = 'node';return;
+ }
+ if (typeof obj === "object") {
+ this.initObj = obj;
+ } else {
+ this.initObj = $(obj);
+ }
+ if (this.initObj == null) {
+ throw "Could not find image or canvas for initialization.";
+ }
+ return this.initType = this.initObj.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.setup = function() {
+ switch (this.initType) {
+ case "node":
+ return this.initNode();case "img":
+ return this.initImage();case "canvas":
+ return this.initCanvas();
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.initNode = function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ Log.debug("Initializing for NodeJS");
+ this.image = new Image();
+ this.image.onload = function() {
+ Log.debug("Image loaded. Width = " + (_this.imageWidth()) + ", Height = " + (_this.imageHeight()));
+ _this.canvas = new Canvas(_this.imageWidth(), _this.imageHeight());return _this.finishInit();
+ };
+ this.image.onerror = function(err) {
+ throw err;
+ };return this.image.src = this.initObj;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.initImage = function() {
+ this.image = this.initObj;
+ this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');Util.copyAttributes(this.image, this.canvas, {
+ except: ['src']
+ });this.image.parentNode.replaceChild(this.canvas, this.image);this.imageAdjustments();return this.waitForImageLoaded();
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.initCanvas = function() {
+ this.canvas = this.initObj;
+ this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
+ if (this.imageUrl != null) {
+ this.image = document.createElement('img');
+ this.image.src = this.imageUrl;this.imageAdjustments();return this.waitForImageLoaded();
+ } else {
+ return this.finishInit();
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.imageAdjustments = function() {
+ if (this.needsHiDPISwap()) {
+ Log.debug(this.image.src, "->", this.hiDPIReplacement());
+ this.swapped = true;
+ this.image.src = this.hiDPIReplacement();
+ }
+ if (IO.isRemote(this.image)) {
+ this.image.src = IO.proxyUrl(this.image.src);return Log.debug("Remote image detected, using URL = " + this.image.src);
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.waitForImageLoaded = function() {
+ if (this.isImageLoaded()) {
+ return this.imageLoaded();
+ } else {
+ return this.image.onload = this.imageLoaded;
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.isImageLoaded = function() {
+ if (!this.image.complete) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ((this.image.naturalWidth != null) && this.image.naturalWidth === 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.imageWidth = function() {
+ return this.image.width || this.image.naturalWidth;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.imageHeight = function() {
+ return this.image.height || this.image.naturalHeight;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.imageLoaded = function() {
+ Log.debug("Image loaded. Width = " + (this.imageWidth()) + ", Height = " + (this.imageHeight()));
+ if (this.swapped) {
+ this.canvas.width = this.imageWidth() / this.hiDPIRatio();
+ this.canvas.height = this.imageHeight() / this.hiDPIRatio();
+ } else {
+ this.canvas.width = this.imageWidth();
+ this.canvas.height = this.imageHeight();
+ }
+ return this.finishInit();
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.finishInit = function() {
+ var i;
+ var pixel;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ if (this.context == null) {
+ this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
+ }
+ this.originalWidth = this.preScaledWidth = this.width = this.canvas.width;
+ this.originalHeight = this.preScaledHeight = this.height = this.canvas.height;this.hiDPIAdjustments();
+ if (!this.hasId()) {
+ this.assignId();
+ }
+ if (this.image != null) {
+ this.context.drawImage(this.image, 0, 0, this.imageWidth(), this.imageHeight(), 0, 0, this.preScaledWidth, this.preScaledHeight);
+ }
+ this.reloadCanvasData();
+ if (Caman.allowRevert) {
+ this.initializedPixelData = Util.dataArray(this.pixelData.length);
+ this.originalPixelData = Util.dataArray(this.pixelData.length);
+ _ref = this.pixelData;
+ for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
+ pixel = _ref[i];
+ this.initializedPixelData[i] = pixel;
+ this.originalPixelData[i] = pixel;
+ }
+ }
+ this.dimensions = {
+ width: this.canvas.width,
+ height: this.canvas.height
+ };Store.put(this.id, this);this.callback.call(this, this);return this.callback = function() {};
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.reloadCanvasData = function() {
+ this.imageData = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);return this.pixelData = this.imageData.data;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.resetOriginalPixelData = function() {
+ var pixel;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ if (!Caman.allowRevert) {
+ throw "Revert disabled";
+ }
+ this.originalPixelData = Util.dataArray(this.pixelData.length);
+ _ref = this.pixelData;
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ pixel = _ref[_i];_results.push(this.originalPixelData.push(pixel));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.hasId = function() {
+ return Caman.getAttrId(this.canvas) != null;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.assignId = function() {
+ if (Caman.NodeJS || this.canvas.getAttribute('data-caman-id')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return this.canvas.setAttribute('data-caman-id', this.id);
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.hiDPIDisabled = function() {
+ return this.canvas.getAttribute('data-caman-hidpi-disabled') !== null;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.hiDPIAdjustments = function() {
+ var ratio;
+ if (Caman.NodeJS || this.hiDPIDisabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ratio = this.hiDPIRatio();
+ if (ratio !== 1) {
+ Log.debug("HiDPI ratio = " + ratio);
+ this.scaled = true;
+ this.preScaledWidth = this.canvas.width;
+ this.preScaledHeight = this.canvas.height;
+ this.canvas.width = this.preScaledWidth * ratio;
+ this.canvas.height = this.preScaledHeight * ratio;
+ this.canvas.style.width = "" + this.preScaledWidth + "px";
+ this.canvas.style.height = "" + this.preScaledHeight + "px";this.context.scale(ratio, ratio);
+ this.width = this.originalWidth = this.canvas.width;return this.height = this.originalHeight = this.canvas.height;
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.hiDPIRatio = function() {
+ var backingStoreRatio;
+ var devicePixelRatio;
+ devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
+ backingStoreRatio = this.context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || this.context.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || this.context.msBackingStorePixelRatio || this.context.oBackingStorePixelRatio || this.context.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;return devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.hiDPICapable = function() {
+ return (window.devicePixelRatio != null) && window.devicePixelRatio !== 1;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.needsHiDPISwap = function() {
+ if (this.hiDPIDisabled() || !this.hiDPICapable()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return this.hiDPIReplacement() !== null;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.hiDPIReplacement = function() {
+ if (this.image == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return this.image.getAttribute('data-caman-hidpi');
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.replaceCanvas = function(newCanvas) {
+ var oldCanvas;
+ oldCanvas = this.canvas;
+ this.canvas = newCanvas;
+ this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');oldCanvas.parentNode.replaceChild(this.canvas, oldCanvas);
+ this.width = this.canvas.width;
+ this.height = this.canvas.height;this.reloadCanvasData();return this.dimensions = {
+ width: this.canvas.width,
+ height: this.canvas.height
+ };
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.render = function(callback) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (callback == null) {
+ callback = function() {};
+ }
+ Event.trigger(this, "renderStart");return this.renderer.execute(function() {
+ _this.context.putImageData(_this.imageData, 0, 0);return callback.call(_this);
+ });
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.revert = function() {
+ var i;
+ var pixel;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ if (!Caman.allowRevert) {
+ throw "Revert disabled";
+ }
+ _ref = this.originalVisiblePixels();
+ for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
+ pixel = _ref[i];
+ this.pixelData[i] = pixel;
+ }
+ return this.context.putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0);
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.reset = function() {
+ var canvas;
+ var ctx;
+ var i;
+ var imageData;
+ var pixel;
+ var pixelData;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ canvas = document.createElement('canvas');Util.copyAttributes(this.canvas, canvas);
+ canvas.width = this.originalWidth;
+ canvas.height = this.originalHeight;
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
+ pixelData = imageData.data;
+ _ref = this.initializedPixelData;
+ for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
+ pixel = _ref[i];
+ pixelData[i] = pixel;
+ }
+ ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
+ this.cropCoordinates = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
+ };
+ this.resized = false;return this.replaceCanvas(canvas);
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.originalVisiblePixels = function() {
+ var canvas;
+ var coord;
+ var ctx;
+ var endX;
+ var endY;
+ var i;
+ var imageData;
+ var pixel;
+ var pixelData;
+ var pixels;
+ var scaledCanvas;
+ var startX;
+ var startY;
+ var width;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
+ var _ref2;
+ var _ref3;
+ if (!Caman.allowRevert) {
+ throw "Revert disabled";
+ }
+ pixels = [];
+ startX = this.cropCoordinates.x;
+ endX = startX + this.width;
+ startY = this.cropCoordinates.y;
+ endY = startY + this.height;
+ if (this.resized) {
+ canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ canvas.width = this.originalWidth;
+ canvas.height = this.originalHeight;
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
+ pixelData = imageData.data;
+ _ref = this.originalPixelData;
+ for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
+ pixel = _ref[i];
+ pixelData[i] = pixel;
+ }
+ ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
+ scaledCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ scaledCanvas.width = this.width;
+ scaledCanvas.height = this.height;
+ ctx = scaledCanvas.getContext('2d');ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, this.originalWidth, this.originalHeight, 0, 0, this.width, this.height);
+ pixelData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height).data;
+ width = this.width;
+ } else {
+ pixelData = this.originalPixelData;
+ width = this.originalWidth;
+ }
+ for (i = _j = 0, _ref1 = pixelData.length; _j < _ref1; i = _j += 4) {
+ coord = PixelInfo.locationToCoordinates(i, width);
+ if (((startX <= (_ref2 = coord.x) && _ref2 < endX)) && ((startY <= (_ref3 = coord.y) && _ref3 < endY))) {
+ pixels.push(pixelData[i], pixelData[i + 1], pixelData[i + 2], pixelData[i + 3]);
+ }
+ }
+ return pixels;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.process = function(name, processFn) {
+ this.renderer.add({
+ type: Filter.Type.Single,
+ name: name,
+ processFn: processFn
+ });return this;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.processKernel = function(name, adjust, divisor, bias) {
+ var i;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ if (!divisor) {
+ divisor = 0;
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = adjust.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
+ divisor += adjust[i];
+ }
+ }
+ this.renderer.add({
+ type: Filter.Type.Kernel,
+ name: name,
+ adjust: adjust,
+ divisor: divisor,
+ bias: bias || 0
+ });return this;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.processPlugin = function(plugin, args) {
+ this.renderer.add({
+ type: Filter.Type.Plugin,
+ plugin: plugin,
+ args: args
+ });return this;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.newLayer = function(callback) {
+ var layer;
+ layer = new Layer(this);this.canvasQueue.push(layer);this.renderer.add({
+ type: Filter.Type.LayerDequeue
+ });callback.call(layer);this.renderer.add({
+ type: Filter.Type.LayerFinished
+ });return this;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.executeLayer = function(layer) {
+ return this.pushContext(layer);
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.pushContext = function(layer) {
+ this.layerStack.push(this.currentLayer);this.pixelStack.push(this.pixelData);
+ this.currentLayer = layer;return this.pixelData = layer.pixelData;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.popContext = function() {
+ this.pixelData = this.pixelStack.pop();return this.currentLayer = this.layerStack.pop();
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.applyCurrentLayer = function() {
+ return this.currentLayer.applyToParent();
+ };return Caman;
+ })();
+ Analyze = (function() {
+ function Analyze(c) {
+ this.c = c;
+ }
+ Analyze.prototype.calculateLevels = function() {
+ var i;
+ var levels;
+ var numPixels;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ var _ref;
+ levels = {
+ r: {},
+ g: {},
+ b: {}
+ };
+ for (i = _i = 0; _i <= 255; i = ++_i) {
+ levels.r[i] = 0;
+ levels.g[i] = 0;
+ levels.b[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (i = _j = 0, _ref = this.c.pixelData.length; _j < _ref; i = _j += 4) {
+ levels.r[this.c.pixelData[i]]++;levels.g[this.c.pixelData[i+1]]++;levels.b[this.c.pixelData[i+2]]++;
+ }
+ numPixels = this.c.pixelData.length / 4;
+ for (i = _k = 0; _k <= 255; i = ++_k) {
+ levels.r[i] /= numPixels;
+ levels.g[i] /= numPixels;
+ levels.b[i] /= numPixels;
+ }
+ return levels;
+ };return Analyze;
+ })();
+ Caman.DOMUpdated = function() {
+ var img;
+ var imgs;
+ var parser;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _results;
+ imgs = document.querySelectorAll("img[data-caman]");
+ if (!(imgs.length > 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = imgs.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ img = imgs[_i];_results.push(parser = new CamanParser(img, function() {
+ this.parse();return this.execute();
+ }));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ };
+ if (Caman.autoload) {
+ (function() {
+ if (document.readyState === "complete") {
+ return Caman.DOMUpdated();
+ } else {
+ return document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", Caman.DOMUpdated, false);
+ }
+ })();
+ }
+ CamanParser = (function() {
+ INST_REGEX = "(\\w+)\\((.*?)\\)";
+ function CamanParser(ele, ready) {
+ this.dataStr = ele.getAttribute('data-caman');
+ this.caman = Caman(ele, ready.bind(this));
+ }
+ CamanParser.prototype.parse = function() {
+ var args;
+ var filter;
+ var func;
+ var inst;
+ var instFunc;
+ var m;
+ var r;
+ var unparsedInstructions;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ this.ele = this.caman.canvas;
+ r = new RegExp(INST_REGEX, 'g');
+ unparsedInstructions = this.dataStr.match(r);
+ if (!(unparsedInstructions.length > 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ r = new RegExp(INST_REGEX);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = unparsedInstructions.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ inst = unparsedInstructions[_i];_ref = inst.match(r), m = _ref[0], filter = _ref[1], args = _ref[2];
+ instFunc = new Function("return function() { this." + filter + "(" + args + "); };");try {
+ func = instFunc();_results.push(func.call(this.caman));
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ _results.push(Log.debug(e));
+ }
+ }
+ return _results;
+ };
+ CamanParser.prototype.execute = function() {
+ var ele;
+ ele = this.ele;return this.caman.render(function() {
+ return ele.parentNode.replaceChild(this.toImage(), ele);
+ });
+ };return CamanParser;
+ })();
+ Caman.Blender = Blender = (function() {
+ function Blender() {
+ }
+ Blender.blenders = {};
+ Blender.register = function(name, func) {
+ return this.blenders[name] = func;
+ };
+ Blender.execute = function(name, rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return this.blenders[name](rgbaLayer, rgbaParent);
+ };return Blender;
+ })();
+ Caman.Calculate = Calculate = (function() {
+ function Calculate() {
+ }
+ Calculate.distance = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
+ return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2));
+ };
+ Calculate.randomRange = function(min, max, getFloat) {
+ var rand;
+ if (getFloat == null) {
+ getFloat = false;
+ }
+ rand = min + (Math.random() * (max - min));
+ if (getFloat) {
+ return rand.toFixed(getFloat);
+ } else {
+ return Math.round(rand);
+ }
+ };
+ Calculate.luminance = function(rgba) {
+ return (0.299 * rgba.r) + (0.587 * rgba.g) + (0.114 * rgba.b);
+ };
+ Calculate.bezier = function(start, ctrl1, ctrl2, end, lowBound, highBound) {
+ var Ax;
+ var Ay;
+ var Bx;
+ var By;
+ var Cx;
+ var Cy;
+ var bezier;
+ var curveX;
+ var curveY;
+ var i;
+ var j;
+ var leftCoord;
+ var rightCoord;
+ var t;
+ var x0;
+ var x1;
+ var x2;
+ var x3;
+ var y0;
+ var y1;
+ var y2;
+ var y3;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
+ x0 = start[0];
+ y0 = start[1];
+ x1 = ctrl1[0];
+ y1 = ctrl1[1];
+ x2 = ctrl2[0];
+ y2 = ctrl2[1];
+ x3 = end[0];
+ y3 = end[1];
+ bezier = {};
+ Cx = parseInt(3 * (x1 - x0), 10);
+ Bx = 3 * (x2 - x1) - Cx;
+ Ax = x3 - x0 - Cx - Bx;
+ Cy = 3 * (y1 - y0);
+ By = 3 * (y2 - y1) - Cy;
+ Ay = y3 - y0 - Cy - By;
+ for (i = _i = 0; _i < 1000; i = ++_i) {
+ t = i / 1000;
+ curveX = Math.round((Ax * Math.pow(t, 3)) + (Bx * Math.pow(t, 2)) + (Cx * t) + x0);
+ curveY = Math.round((Ay * Math.pow(t, 3)) + (By * Math.pow(t, 2)) + (Cy * t) + y0);
+ if (lowBound && curveY < lowBound) {
+ curveY = lowBound;
+ } else if (highBound && curveY > highBound) {
+ curveY = highBound;
+ }
+ bezier[curveX] = curveY;
+ }
+ if (bezier.length < end[0] + 1) {
+ for (i = _j = 0, _ref = end[0]; 0 <= _ref ? _j <= _ref : _j >= _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_j : --_j) {
+ if (bezier[i] == null) {
+ leftCoord = [i - 1, bezier[i - 1]];
+ for (j = _k = i, _ref1 = end[0]; i <= _ref1 ? _k <= _ref1 : _k >= _ref1; j = i <= _ref1 ? ++_k : --_k) {
+ if (bezier[j] != null) {
+ rightCoord = [j, bezier[j]];break;
+ }
+ }
+ bezier[i] = leftCoord[1] + ((rightCoord[1] - leftCoord[1]) / (rightCoord[0] - leftCoord[0])) * (i - leftCoord[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bezier[end[0]] == null) {
+ bezier[end[0]] = bezier[end[0] - 1];
+ }
+ return bezier;
+ };return Calculate;
+ })();
+ Convert = (function() {
+ function Convert() {
+ }
+ Convert.hexToRGB = function(hex) {
+ var b;
+ var g;
+ var r;
+ if (hex.charAt(0) === "#") {
+ hex = hex.substr(1);
+ }
+ r = parseInt(hex.substr(0, 2), 16);
+ g = parseInt(hex.substr(2, 2), 16);
+ b = parseInt(hex.substr(4, 2), 16);return {
+ r: r,
+ g: g,
+ b: b
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.rgbToHSL = function(r, g, b) {
+ var d;
+ var h;
+ var l;
+ var max;
+ var min;
+ var s;
+ if (typeof r === "object") {
+ g = r.g;
+ b = r.b;
+ r = r.r;
+ }
+ r /= 255;
+ g /= 255;
+ b /= 255;
+ max = Math.max(r, g, b);
+ min = Math.min(r, g, b);
+ l = (max + min) / 2;
+ if (max === min) {
+ h = s = 0;
+ } else {
+ d = max - min;
+ s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
+ h = (function() {
+ switch (max) {
+ case r:
+ return (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);case g:
+ return (b - r) / d + 2;case b:
+ return (r - g) / d + 4;
+ }
+ })();
+ h /= 6;
+ }
+ return {
+ h: h,
+ s: s,
+ l: l
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.hslToRGB = function(h, s, l) {
+ var b;
+ var g;
+ var p;
+ var q;
+ var r;
+ if (typeof h === "object") {
+ s = h.s;
+ l = h.l;
+ h = h.h;
+ }
+ if (s === 0) {
+ r = g = b = l;
+ } else {
+ q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
+ p = 2 * l - q;
+ r = this.hueToRGB(p, q, h + 1 / 3);
+ g = this.hueToRGB(p, q, h);
+ b = this.hueToRGB(p, q, h - 1 / 3);
+ }
+ return {
+ r: r * 255,
+ g: g * 255,
+ b: b * 255
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.hueToRGB = function(p, q, t) {
+ if (t < 0) {
+ t += 1;
+ }
+ if (t > 1) {
+ t -= 1;
+ }
+ if (t < 1 / 6) {
+ return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
+ }
+ if (t < 1 / 2) {
+ return q;
+ }
+ if (t < 2 / 3) {
+ return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6;
+ }
+ return p;
+ };
+ Convert.rgbToHSV = function(r, g, b) {
+ var d;
+ var h;
+ var max;
+ var min;
+ var s;
+ var v;
+ r /= 255;
+ g /= 255;
+ b /= 255;
+ max = Math.max(r, g, b);
+ min = Math.min(r, g, b);
+ v = max;
+ d = max - min;
+ s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max;
+ if (max === min) {
+ h = 0;
+ } else {
+ h = (function() {
+ switch (max) {
+ case r:
+ return (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);case g:
+ return (b - r) / d + 2;case b:
+ return (r - g) / d + 4;
+ }
+ })();
+ h /= 6;
+ }
+ return {
+ h: h,
+ s: s,
+ v: v
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.hsvToRGB = function(h, s, v) {
+ var b;
+ var f;
+ var g;
+ var i;
+ var p;
+ var q;
+ var r;
+ var t;
+ i = Math.floor(h * 6);
+ f = h * 6 - i;
+ p = v * (1 - s);
+ q = v * (1 - f * s);
+ t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);switch (i % 6) {
+ case 0:
+ r = v;g = t;b = p;
+ break;case 1:
+ r = q;g = v;b = p;
+ break;case 2:
+ r = p;g = v;b = t;
+ break;case 3:
+ r = p;g = q;b = v;
+ break;case 4:
+ r = t;g = p;b = v;
+ break;case 5:
+ r = v;g = p;b = q;
+ }
+ return {
+ r: r * 255,
+ g: g * 255,
+ b: b * 255
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.rgbToXYZ = function(r, g, b) {
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ var z;
+ r /= 255;
+ g /= 255;
+ b /= 255;
+ if (r > 0.04045) {
+ r = Math.pow((r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
+ } else {
+ r /= 12.92;
+ }
+ if (g > 0.04045) {
+ g = Math.pow((g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
+ } else {
+ g /= 12.92;
+ }
+ if (b > 0.04045) {
+ b = Math.pow((b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
+ } else {
+ b /= 12.92;
+ }
+ x = r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805;
+ y = r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722;
+ z = r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505;return {
+ x: x * 100,
+ y: y * 100,
+ z: z * 100
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.xyzToRGB = function(x, y, z) {
+ var b;
+ var g;
+ var r;
+ x /= 100;
+ y /= 100;
+ z /= 100;
+ r = (3.2406 * x) + (-1.5372 * y) + (-0.4986 * z);
+ g = (-0.9689 * x) + (1.8758 * y) + (0.0415 * z);
+ b = (0.0557 * x) + (-0.2040 * y) + (1.0570 * z);
+ if (r > 0.0031308) {
+ r = (1.055 * Math.pow(r, 0.4166666667)) - 0.055;
+ } else {
+ r *= 12.92;
+ }
+ if (g > 0.0031308) {
+ g = (1.055 * Math.pow(g, 0.4166666667)) - 0.055;
+ } else {
+ g *= 12.92;
+ }
+ if (b > 0.0031308) {
+ b = (1.055 * Math.pow(b, 0.4166666667)) - 0.055;
+ } else {
+ b *= 12.92;
+ }
+ return {
+ r: r * 255,
+ g: g * 255,
+ b: b * 255
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.xyzToLab = function(x, y, z) {
+ var a;
+ var b;
+ var l;
+ var whiteX;
+ var whiteY;
+ var whiteZ;
+ if (typeof x === "object") {
+ y = x.y;
+ z = x.z;
+ x = x.x;
+ }
+ whiteX = 95.047;
+ whiteY = 100.0;
+ whiteZ = 108.883;
+ x /= whiteX;
+ y /= whiteY;
+ z /= whiteZ;
+ if (x > 0.008856451679) {
+ x = Math.pow(x, 0.3333333333);
+ } else {
+ x = (7.787037037 * x) + 0.1379310345;
+ }
+ if (y > 0.008856451679) {
+ y = Math.pow(y, 0.3333333333);
+ } else {
+ y = (7.787037037 * y) + 0.1379310345;
+ }
+ if (z > 0.008856451679) {
+ z = Math.pow(z, 0.3333333333);
+ } else {
+ z = (7.787037037 * z) + 0.1379310345;
+ }
+ l = 116 * y - 16;
+ a = 500 * (x - y);
+ b = 200 * (y - z);return {
+ l: l,
+ a: a,
+ b: b
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.labToXYZ = function(l, a, b) {
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ var z;
+ if (typeof l === "object") {
+ a = l.a;
+ b = l.b;
+ l = l.l;
+ }
+ y = (l + 16) / 116;
+ x = y + (a / 500);
+ z = y - (b / 200);
+ if (x > 0.2068965517) {
+ x = x * x * x;
+ } else {
+ x = 0.1284185493 * (x - 0.1379310345);
+ }
+ if (y > 0.2068965517) {
+ y = y * y * y;
+ } else {
+ y = 0.1284185493 * (y - 0.1379310345);
+ }
+ if (z > 0.2068965517) {
+ z = z * z * z;
+ } else {
+ z = 0.1284185493 * (z - 0.1379310345);
+ }
+ return {
+ x: x * 95.047,
+ y: y * 100.0,
+ z: z * 108.883
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.rgbToLab = function(r, g, b) {
+ var xyz;
+ if (typeof r === "object") {
+ g = r.g;
+ b = r.b;
+ r = r.r;
+ }
+ xyz = this.rgbToXYZ(r, g, b);return this.xyzToLab(xyz);
+ };
+ Convert.labToRGB = function(l, a, b) {};return Convert;
+ })();
+ Event = (function() {
+ function Event() {
+ }
+ Event.events = {};
+ Event.types = ["processStart", "processComplete", "renderStart", "renderFinished", "blockStarted", "blockFinished"];
+ Event.trigger = function(target, type, data) {
+ var event;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ if (this.events[type] && this.events[type].length) {
+ _ref = this.events[type];
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ event = _ref[_i];
+ if (event.target === null || target.id === event.target.id) {
+ _results.push(event.fn.call(target, data));
+ } else {
+ _results.push(void 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return _results;
+ }
+ };
+ Event.listen = function(target, type, fn) {
+ var _fn;
+ var _type;
+ if (typeof target === "string") {
+ _type = target;
+ _fn = type;
+ target = null;
+ type = _type;
+ fn = _fn;
+ }
+ if (__indexOf.call(this.types, type) < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!this.events[type]) {
+ this.events[type] = [];
+ }
+ this.events[type].push({
+ target: target,
+ fn: fn
+ });return true;
+ };return Event;
+ })();
+ Caman.Event = Event;
+ Caman.Filter = Filter = (function() {
+ function Filter() {
+ }
+ Filter.Type = {
+ Single: 1,
+ Kernel: 2,
+ LayerDequeue: 3,
+ LayerFinished: 4,
+ LoadOverlay: 5,
+ Plugin: 6
+ };
+ Filter.register = function(name, filterFunc) {
+ return Caman.prototype[name] = filterFunc;
+ };return Filter;
+ })();
+ Caman.IO = IO = (function() {
+ function IO() {
+ }
+ IO.domainRegex = /(?:(?:http|https):\/\/)((?:\w+)\.(?:(?:\w|\.)+))/;
+ IO.isRemote = function(img) {
+ if (img == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.corsEnabled(img)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return this.isURLRemote(img.src);
+ };
+ IO.corsEnabled = function(img) {
+ var _ref;
+ return (img.crossOrigin != null) && ((_ref = img.crossOrigin.toLowerCase()) === 'anonymous' || _ref === 'use-credentials');
+ };
+ IO.isURLRemote = function(url) {
+ var matches;
+ matches = url.match(this.domainRegex);
+ if (matches) {
+ return matches[1] !== document.domain;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ IO.remoteCheck = function(src) {
+ if (this.isURLRemote(src)) {
+ if (!Caman.remoteProxy.length) {
+ Log.info("Attempting to load a remote image without a configured proxy. URL: " + src);
+ } else {
+ if (Caman.isURLRemote(Caman.remoteProxy)) {
+ Log.info("Cannot use a remote proxy for loading images.");return;
+ }
+ return "" + Caman.remoteProxy + "?camanProxyUrl=" + (encodeURIComponent(src));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ IO.proxyUrl = function(src) {
+ return "" + Caman.remoteProxy + "?" + Caman.proxyParam + "=" + (encodeURIComponent(src));
+ };
+ IO.useProxy = function(lang) {
+ var langToExt;
+ langToExt = {
+ ruby: 'rb',
+ python: 'py',
+ perl: 'pl',
+ javascript: 'js'
+ };
+ lang = lang.toLowerCase();
+ if (langToExt[lang] != null) {
+ lang = langToExt[lang];
+ }
+ return "proxies/caman_proxy." + lang;
+ };return IO;
+ })();
+ Caman.prototype.save = function() {
+ if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null) {
+ return this.nodeSave.apply(this, arguments);
+ } else {
+ return this.browserSave.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.browserSave = function(type) {
+ var image;
+ if (type == null) {
+ type = "png";
+ }
+ type = type.toLowerCase();
+ image = this.toBase64(type).replace("image/" + type, "image/octet-stream");return document.location.href = image;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.nodeSave = function(file, overwrite) {
+ var stats;
+ if (overwrite == null) {
+ overwrite = true;
+ }
+ try {
+ stats = fs.statSync(file);
+ if (stats.isFile() && !overwrite) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ Log.debug("Creating output file " + file);
+ }
+ return fs.writeFile(file, this.canvas.toBuffer(), function() {
+ return Log.debug("Finished writing to " + file);
+ });
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.toImage = function(type) {
+ var img;
+ img = document.createElement('img');
+ img.src = this.toBase64(type);
+ img.width = this.dimensions.width;
+ img.height = this.dimensions.height;
+ if (window.devicePixelRatio) {
+ img.width /= window.devicePixelRatio;
+ img.height /= window.devicePixelRatio;
+ }
+ return img;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.toBase64 = function(type) {
+ if (type == null) {
+ type = "png";
+ }
+ type = type.toLowerCase();return this.canvas.toDataURL("image/" + type);
+ };
+ Layer = (function() {
+ function Layer(c) {
+ this.c = c;
+ this.filter = this.c;
+ this.options = {
+ blendingMode: 'normal',
+ opacity: 1.0
+ };
+ this.layerID = Util.uniqid.get();
+ this.canvas = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? new Canvas() : document.createElement('canvas');
+ this.canvas.width = this.c.dimensions.width;
+ this.canvas.height = this.c.dimensions.height;
+ this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');this.context.createImageData(this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
+ this.imageData = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
+ this.pixelData = this.imageData.data;
+ }
+ Layer.prototype.newLayer = function(cb) {
+ return this.c.newLayer.call(this.c, cb);
+ };
+ Layer.prototype.setBlendingMode = function(mode) {
+ this.options.blendingMode = mode;return this;
+ };
+ Layer.prototype.opacity = function(opacity) {
+ this.options.opacity = opacity / 100;return this;
+ };
+ Layer.prototype.copyParent = function() {
+ var i;
+ var parentData;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ parentData = this.c.pixelData;
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = this.c.pixelData.length; _i < _ref; i = _i += 4) {
+ this.pixelData[i] = parentData[i];
+ this.pixelData[i + 1] = parentData[i + 1];
+ this.pixelData[i + 2] = parentData[i + 2];
+ this.pixelData[i + 3] = parentData[i + 3];
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ Layer.prototype.fillColor = function() {
+ return this.c.fillColor.apply(this.c, arguments);
+ };
+ Layer.prototype.overlayImage = function(image) {
+ if (typeof image === "object") {
+ image = image.src;
+ } else if (typeof image === "string" && image[0] === "#") {
+ image = $(image).src;
+ }
+ if (!image) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ this.c.renderer.renderQueue.push({
+ type: Filter.Type.LoadOverlay,
+ src: image,
+ layer: this
+ });return this;
+ };
+ Layer.prototype.applyToParent = function() {
+ var i;
+ var layerData;
+ var parentData;
+ var result;
+ var rgbaLayer;
+ var rgbaParent;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ parentData = this.c.pixelStack[this.c.pixelStack.length - 1];
+ layerData = this.c.pixelData;
+ _results = [];
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = layerData.length; _i < _ref; i = _i += 4) {
+ rgbaParent = {
+ r: parentData[i],
+ g: parentData[i + 1],
+ b: parentData[i + 2],
+ a: parentData[i + 3]
+ };
+ rgbaLayer = {
+ r: layerData[i],
+ g: layerData[i + 1],
+ b: layerData[i + 2],
+ a: layerData[i + 3]
+ };
+ result = Blender.execute(this.options.blendingMode, rgbaLayer, rgbaParent);
+ result.r = Util.clampRGB(result.r);
+ result.g = Util.clampRGB(result.g);
+ result.b = Util.clampRGB(result.b);
+ if (result.a == null) {
+ result.a = rgbaLayer.a;
+ }
+ parentData[i] = rgbaParent.r - ((rgbaParent.r - result.r) * (this.options.opacity * (result.a / 255)));
+ parentData[i + 1] = rgbaParent.g - ((rgbaParent.g - result.g) * (this.options.opacity * (result.a / 255)));_results.push(parentData[i + 2] = rgbaParent.b - ((rgbaParent.b - result.b) * (this.options.opacity * (result.a / 255))));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ };return Layer;
+ })();
+ Logger = (function() {
+ function Logger() {
+ var name;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ _ref = ['log', 'info', 'warn', 'error'];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ name = _ref[_i];
+ this[name] = (function(name) {
+ return function() {
+ var args;
+ args = 1 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
+ if (!Caman.DEBUG) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ return console[name].apply(console, args);
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ return console[name](args);
+ }
+ };
+ })(name);
+ }
+ this.debug = this.log;
+ }
+ return Logger;
+ })();
+ Log = new Logger();
+ PixelInfo = (function() {
+ PixelInfo.coordinatesToLocation = function(x, y, width) {
+ return (y * width + x) * 4;
+ };
+ PixelInfo.locationToCoordinates = function(loc, width) {
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ y = Math.floor(loc / (width * 4));
+ x = (loc % (width * 4)) / 4;return {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ };
+ function PixelInfo(c) {
+ this.c = c;
+ this.loc = 0;
+ }
+ PixelInfo.prototype.locationXY = function() {
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ y = this.c.dimensions.height - Math.floor(this.loc / (this.c.dimensions.width * 4));
+ x = (this.loc % (this.c.dimensions.width * 4)) / 4;return {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ };
+ PixelInfo.prototype.getPixelRelative = function(horiz, vert) {
+ var newLoc;
+ newLoc = this.loc + (this.c.dimensions.width * 4 * (vert * -1)) + (4 * horiz);
+ if (newLoc > this.c.pixelData.length || newLoc < 0) {
+ return {
+ r: 0,
+ g: 0,
+ b: 0,
+ a: 0
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ r: this.c.pixelData[newLoc],
+ g: this.c.pixelData[newLoc + 1],
+ b: this.c.pixelData[newLoc + 2],
+ a: this.c.pixelData[newLoc + 3]
+ };
+ };
+ PixelInfo.prototype.putPixelRelative = function(horiz, vert, rgba) {
+ var nowLoc;
+ nowLoc = this.loc + (this.c.dimensions.width * 4 * (vert * -1)) + (4 * horiz);
+ if (newLoc > this.c.pixelData.length || newLoc < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.c.pixelData[newLoc] = rgba.r;
+ this.c.pixelData[newLoc + 1] = rgba.g;
+ this.c.pixelData[newLoc + 2] = rgba.b;
+ this.c.pixelData[newLoc + 3] = rgba.a;return true;
+ };
+ PixelInfo.prototype.getPixel = function(x, y) {
+ var loc;
+ loc = this.coordinatesToLocation(x, y, this.width);return {
+ r: this.c.pixelData[loc],
+ g: this.c.pixelData[loc + 1],
+ b: this.c.pixelData[loc + 2],
+ a: this.c.pixelData[loc + 3]
+ };
+ };
+ PixelInfo.prototype.putPixel = function(x, y, rgba) {
+ var loc;
+ loc = this.coordinatesToLocation(x, y, this.width);
+ this.c.pixelData[loc] = rgba.r;
+ this.c.pixelData[loc + 1] = rgba.g;
+ this.c.pixelData[loc + 2] = rgba.b;return this.c.pixelData[loc + 3] = rgba.a;
+ };return PixelInfo;
+ })();
+ Plugin = (function() {
+ function Plugin() {
+ }
+ Plugin.plugins = {};
+ Plugin.register = function(name, plugin) {
+ return this.plugins[name] = plugin;
+ };
+ Plugin.execute = function(context, name, args) {
+ return this.plugins[name].apply(context, args);
+ };return Plugin;
+ })();
+ Caman.Plugin = Plugin;
+ Caman.Renderer = Renderer = (function() {
+ Renderer.Blocks = Caman.NodeJS ? require('os').cpus().length : 4;
+ function Renderer(c) {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.c = c;
+ this.processNext = function() {
+ return Renderer.prototype.processNext.apply(_this, arguments);
+ };
+ this.renderQueue = [];
+ this.modPixelData = null;
+ }
+ Renderer.prototype.add = function(job) {
+ if (job == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return this.renderQueue.push(job);
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.processNext = function() {
+ var layer;
+ if (this.renderQueue.length === 0) {
+ Event.trigger(this, "renderFinished");
+ if (this.finishedFn != null) {
+ this.finishedFn.call(this.c);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ this.currentJob = this.renderQueue.shift();switch (this.currentJob.type) {
+ case Filter.Type.LayerDequeue:
+ layer = this.c.canvasQueue.shift();this.c.executeLayer(layer);return this.processNext();case Filter.Type.LayerFinished:
+ this.c.applyCurrentLayer();this.c.popContext();return this.processNext();case Filter.Type.LoadOverlay:
+ return this.loadOverlay(this.currentJob.layer, this.currentJob.src);case Filter.Type.Plugin:
+ return this.executePlugin();default:
+ return this.executeFilter();
+ }
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.execute = function(callback) {
+ this.finishedFn = callback;
+ this.modPixelData = Util.dataArray(this.c.pixelData.length);return this.processNext();
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.eachBlock = function(fn) {
+ var blockN;
+ var blockPixelLength;
+ var bnum;
+ var end;
+ var f;
+ var i;
+ var lastBlockN;
+ var n;
+ var start;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ var _this = this;
+ this.blocksDone = 0;
+ n = this.c.pixelData.length;
+ blockPixelLength = Math.floor((n / 4) / Renderer.Blocks);
+ blockN = blockPixelLength * 4;
+ lastBlockN = blockN + ((n / 4) % Renderer.Blocks) * 4;
+ _results = [];
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = Renderer.Blocks; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
+ start = i * blockN;
+ end = start + (i === Renderer.Blocks - 1 ? lastBlockN : blockN);
+ if (Caman.NodeJS) {
+ f = Fiber(function() {
+ return fn.call(_this, i, start, end);
+ });
+ bnum = f.run();_results.push(this.blockFinished(bnum));
+ } else {
+ _results.push(setTimeout((function(i, start, end) {
+ return function() {
+ return fn.call(_this, i, start, end);
+ };
+ })(i, start, end), 0));
+ }
+ }
+ return _results;
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.executeFilter = function() {
+ Event.trigger(this.c, "processStart", this.currentJob);
+ if (this.currentJob.type === Filter.Type.Single) {
+ return this.eachBlock(this.renderBlock);
+ } else {
+ return this.eachBlock(this.renderKernel);
+ }
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.executePlugin = function() {
+ Log.debug("Executing plugin " + this.currentJob.plugin);Plugin.execute(this.c, this.currentJob.plugin, this.currentJob.args);Log.debug("Plugin " + this.currentJob.plugin + " finished!");return this.processNext();
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.renderBlock = function(bnum, start, end) {
+ var data;
+ var i;
+ var pixelInfo;
+ var res;
+ var _i;
+ Log.debug("Block #" + bnum + " - Filter: " + this.currentJob.name + ", Start: " + start + ", End: " + end);Event.trigger(this.c, "blockStarted", {
+ blockNum: bnum,
+ totalBlocks: Renderer.Blocks,
+ startPixel: start,
+ endPixel: end
+ });
+ data = {
+ r: 0,
+ g: 0,
+ b: 0,
+ a: 0
+ };
+ pixelInfo = new PixelInfo(this.c);
+ for (i = _i = start; _i < end; i = _i += 4) {
+ pixelInfo.loc = i;
+ data.r = this.c.pixelData[i];
+ data.g = this.c.pixelData[i + 1];
+ data.b = this.c.pixelData[i + 2];
+ data.a = this.c.pixelData[i + 3];
+ res = this.currentJob.processFn.call(pixelInfo, data);
+ if (res.a == null) {
+ res.a = data.a;
+ }
+ this.c.pixelData[i] = Util.clampRGB(res.r);
+ this.c.pixelData[i + 1] = Util.clampRGB(res.g);
+ this.c.pixelData[i + 2] = Util.clampRGB(res.b);
+ this.c.pixelData[i + 3] = Util.clampRGB(res.a);
+ }
+ if (Caman.NodeJS) {
+ return Fiber["yield"](bnum);
+ } else {
+ return this.blockFinished(bnum);
+ }
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.renderKernel = function(bnum, start, end) {
+ var adjust;
+ var adjustSize;
+ var bias;
+ var builder;
+ var builderIndex;
+ var divisor;
+ var i;
+ var j;
+ var k;
+ var kernel;
+ var n;
+ var name;
+ var pixel;
+ var pixelInfo;
+ var res;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ name = this.currentJob.name;
+ bias = this.currentJob.bias;
+ divisor = this.currentJob.divisor;
+ n = this.c.pixelData.length;
+ adjust = this.currentJob.adjust;
+ adjustSize = Math.sqrt(adjust.length);
+ kernel = [];Log.debug("Rendering kernel - Filter: " + this.currentJob.name);
+ start = Math.max(start, this.c.dimensions.width * 4 * ((adjustSize - 1) / 2));
+ end = Math.min(end, n - (this.c.dimensions.width * 4 * ((adjustSize - 1) / 2)));
+ builder = (adjustSize - 1) / 2;
+ pixelInfo = new PixelInfo(this.c);
+ for (i = _i = start; _i < end; i = _i += 4) {
+ pixelInfo.loc = i;
+ builderIndex = 0;
+ for (j = _j = -builder; -builder <= builder ? _j <= builder : _j >= builder; j = -builder <= builder ? ++_j : --_j) {
+ for (k = _k = builder; builder <= -builder ? _k <= -builder : _k >= -builder; k = builder <= -builder ? ++_k : --_k) {
+ pixel = pixelInfo.getPixelRelative(j, k);
+ kernel[builderIndex * 3] = pixel.r;
+ kernel[builderIndex * 3 + 1] = pixel.g;
+ kernel[builderIndex * 3 + 2] = pixel.b;builderIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ res = this.processKernel(adjust, kernel, divisor, bias);
+ this.modPixelData[i] = Util.clampRGB(res.r);
+ this.modPixelData[i + 1] = Util.clampRGB(res.g);
+ this.modPixelData[i + 2] = Util.clampRGB(res.b);
+ this.modPixelData[i + 3] = this.c.pixelData[i + 3];
+ }
+ if (Caman.NodeJS) {
+ return Fiber["yield"](bnum);
+ } else {
+ return this.blockFinished(bnum);
+ }
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.blockFinished = function(bnum) {
+ var i;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ if (bnum >= 0) {
+ Log.debug("Block #" + bnum + " finished! Filter: " + this.currentJob.name);
+ }
+ this.blocksDone++;Event.trigger(this.c, "blockFinished", {
+ blockNum: bnum,
+ blocksFinished: this.blocksDone,
+ totalBlocks: Renderer.Blocks
+ });
+ if (this.blocksDone === Renderer.Blocks) {
+ if (this.currentJob.type === Filter.Type.Kernel) {
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = this.c.pixelData.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
+ this.c.pixelData[i] = this.modPixelData[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (bnum >= 0) {
+ Log.debug("Filter " + this.currentJob.name + " finished!");
+ }
+ Event.trigger(this.c, "processComplete", this.currentJob);return this.processNext();
+ }
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.processKernel = function(adjust, kernel, divisor, bias) {
+ var i;
+ var val;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ val = {
+ r: 0,
+ g: 0,
+ b: 0
+ };
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = adjust.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
+ val.r += adjust[i] * kernel[i * 3];
+ val.g += adjust[i] * kernel[i * 3 + 1];
+ val.b += adjust[i] * kernel[i * 3 + 2];
+ }
+ val.r = (val.r / divisor) + bias;
+ val.g = (val.g / divisor) + bias;
+ val.b = (val.b / divisor) + bias;return val;
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.loadOverlay = function(layer, src) {
+ var img;
+ var proxyUrl;
+ var _this = this;
+ img = document.createElement('img');
+ img.onload = function() {
+ layer.context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, _this.c.dimensions.width, _this.c.dimensions.height);
+ layer.imageData = layer.context.getImageData(0, 0, _this.c.dimensions.width, _this.c.dimensions.height);
+ layer.pixelData = layer.imageData.data;
+ _this.c.pixelData = layer.pixelData;return _this.processNext();
+ };
+ proxyUrl = IO.remoteCheck(src);return img.src = proxyUrl != null ? proxyUrl : src;
+ };return Renderer;
+ })();
+ Caman.Store = Store = (function() {
+ function Store() {
+ }
+ Store.items = {};
+ Store.has = function(search) {
+ return this.items[search] != null;
+ };
+ Store.get = function(search) {
+ return this.items[search];
+ };
+ Store.put = function(name, obj) {
+ return this.items[name] = obj;
+ };
+ Store.execute = function(search, callback) {
+ var _this = this;
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ return callback.call(_this.get(search), _this.get(search));
+ }, 0);return this.get(search);
+ };
+ Store.flush = function(name) {
+ if (name == null) {
+ name = false;
+ }
+ if (name) {
+ return delete this.items[name];
+ } else {
+ return this.items = {};
+ }
+ };return Store;
+ })();Blender.register("normal", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: rgbaLayer.r,
+ g: rgbaLayer.g,
+ b: rgbaLayer.b
+ };
+ });Blender.register("multiply", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: (rgbaLayer.r * rgbaParent.r) / 255,
+ g: (rgbaLayer.g * rgbaParent.g) / 255,
+ b: (rgbaLayer.b * rgbaParent.b) / 255
+ };
+ });Blender.register("screen", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: 255 - (((255 - rgbaLayer.r) * (255 - rgbaParent.r)) / 255),
+ g: 255 - (((255 - rgbaLayer.g) * (255 - rgbaParent.g)) / 255),
+ b: 255 - (((255 - rgbaLayer.b) * (255 - rgbaParent.b)) / 255)
+ };
+ });Blender.register("overlay", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ var result;
+ result = {};
+ result.r = rgbaParent.r > 128 ? 255 - 2 * (255 - rgbaLayer.r) * (255 - rgbaParent.r) / 255 : (rgbaParent.r * rgbaLayer.r * 2) / 255;
+ result.g = rgbaParent.g > 128 ? 255 - 2 * (255 - rgbaLayer.g) * (255 - rgbaParent.g) / 255 : (rgbaParent.g * rgbaLayer.g * 2) / 255;
+ result.b = rgbaParent.b > 128 ? 255 - 2 * (255 - rgbaLayer.b) * (255 - rgbaParent.b) / 255 : (rgbaParent.b * rgbaLayer.b * 2) / 255;return result;
+ });Blender.register("difference", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: rgbaLayer.r - rgbaParent.r,
+ g: rgbaLayer.g - rgbaParent.g,
+ b: rgbaLayer.b - rgbaParent.b
+ };
+ });Blender.register("addition", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: rgbaParent.r + rgbaLayer.r,
+ g: rgbaParent.g + rgbaLayer.g,
+ b: rgbaParent.b + rgbaLayer.b
+ };
+ });Blender.register("exclusion", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: 128 - 2 * (rgbaParent.r - 128) * (rgbaLayer.r - 128) / 255,
+ g: 128 - 2 * (rgbaParent.g - 128) * (rgbaLayer.g - 128) / 255,
+ b: 128 - 2 * (rgbaParent.b - 128) * (rgbaLayer.b - 128) / 255
+ };
+ });Blender.register("softLight", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ var result;
+ result = {};
+ result.r = rgbaParent.r > 128 ? 255 - ((255 - rgbaParent.r) * (255 - (rgbaLayer.r - 128))) / 255 : (rgbaParent.r * (rgbaLayer.r + 128)) / 255;
+ result.g = rgbaParent.g > 128 ? 255 - ((255 - rgbaParent.g) * (255 - (rgbaLayer.g - 128))) / 255 : (rgbaParent.g * (rgbaLayer.g + 128)) / 255;
+ result.b = rgbaParent.b > 128 ? 255 - ((255 - rgbaParent.b) * (255 - (rgbaLayer.b - 128))) / 255 : (rgbaParent.b * (rgbaLayer.b + 128)) / 255;return result;
+ });Blender.register("lighten", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: rgbaParent.r > rgbaLayer.r ? rgbaParent.r : rgbaLayer.r,
+ g: rgbaParent.g > rgbaLayer.g ? rgbaParent.g : rgbaLayer.g,
+ b: rgbaParent.b > rgbaLayer.b ? rgbaParent.b : rgbaLayer.b
+ };
+ });Blender.register("darken", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: rgbaParent.r > rgbaLayer.r ? rgbaLayer.r : rgbaParent.r,
+ g: rgbaParent.g > rgbaLayer.g ? rgbaLayer.g : rgbaParent.g,
+ b: rgbaParent.b > rgbaLayer.b ? rgbaLayer.b : rgbaParent.b
+ };
+ });Filter.register("fillColor", function() {
+ var color;
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ color = Convert.hexToRGB(arguments[0]);
+ } else {
+ color = {
+ r: arguments[0],
+ g: arguments[1],
+ b: arguments[2]
+ };
+ }
+ return this.process("fillColor", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r = color.r;
+ rgba.g = color.g;
+ rgba.b = color.b;
+ rgba.a = 255;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("brightness", function(adjust) {
+ adjust = Math.floor(255 * (adjust / 100));return this.process("brightness", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r += adjust;
+ rgba.g += adjust;
+ rgba.b += adjust;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("saturation", function(adjust) {
+ adjust *= -0.01;return this.process("saturation", function(rgba) {
+ var max;
+ max = Math.max(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b);
+ if (rgba.r !== max) {
+ rgba.r += (max - rgba.r) * adjust;
+ }
+ if (rgba.g !== max) {
+ rgba.g += (max - rgba.g) * adjust;
+ }
+ if (rgba.b !== max) {
+ rgba.b += (max - rgba.b) * adjust;
+ }
+ return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("vibrance", function(adjust) {
+ adjust *= -1;return this.process("vibrance", function(rgba) {
+ var amt;
+ var avg;
+ var max;
+ max = Math.max(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b);
+ avg = (rgba.r + rgba.g + rgba.b) / 3;
+ amt = ((Math.abs(max - avg) * 2 / 255) * adjust) / 100;
+ if (rgba.r !== max) {
+ rgba.r += (max - rgba.r) * amt;
+ }
+ if (rgba.g !== max) {
+ rgba.g += (max - rgba.g) * amt;
+ }
+ if (rgba.b !== max) {
+ rgba.b += (max - rgba.b) * amt;
+ }
+ return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("greyscale", function(adjust) {
+ return this.process("greyscale", function(rgba) {
+ var avg;
+ avg = Calculate.luminance(rgba);
+ rgba.r = avg;
+ rgba.g = avg;
+ rgba.b = avg;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("contrast", function(adjust) {
+ adjust = Math.pow((adjust + 100) / 100, 2);return this.process("contrast", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r /= 255;
+ rgba.r -= 0.5;
+ rgba.r *= adjust;
+ rgba.r += 0.5;
+ rgba.r *= 255;
+ rgba.g /= 255;
+ rgba.g -= 0.5;
+ rgba.g *= adjust;
+ rgba.g += 0.5;
+ rgba.g *= 255;
+ rgba.b /= 255;
+ rgba.b -= 0.5;
+ rgba.b *= adjust;
+ rgba.b += 0.5;
+ rgba.b *= 255;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("hue", function(adjust) {
+ return this.process("hue", function(rgba) {
+ var h;
+ var hsv;
+ var rgb;
+ hsv = Convert.rgbToHSV(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b);
+ h = hsv.h * 100;
+ h += Math.abs(adjust);
+ h = h % 100;
+ h /= 100;
+ hsv.h = h;
+ rgb = Convert.hsvToRGB(hsv.h, hsv.s, hsv.v);
+ rgb.a = rgba.a;return rgb;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("colorize", function() {
+ var level;
+ var rgb;
+ if (arguments.length === 2) {
+ rgb = Convert.hexToRGB(arguments[0]);
+ level = arguments[1];
+ } else if (arguments.length === 4) {
+ rgb = {
+ r: arguments[0],
+ g: arguments[1],
+ b: arguments[2]
+ };
+ level = arguments[3];
+ }
+ return this.process("colorize", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r -= (rgba.r - rgb.r) * (level / 100);
+ rgba.g -= (rgba.g - rgb.g) * (level / 100);
+ rgba.b -= (rgba.b - rgb.b) * (level / 100);return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("invert", function() {
+ return this.process("invert", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r = 255 - rgba.r;
+ rgba.g = 255 - rgba.g;
+ rgba.b = 255 - rgba.b;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("sepia", function(adjust) {
+ if (adjust == null) {
+ adjust = 100;
+ }
+ adjust /= 100;return this.process("sepia", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r = Math.min(255, (rgba.r * (1 - (0.607 * adjust))) + (rgba.g * (0.769 * adjust)) + (rgba.b * (0.189 * adjust)));
+ rgba.g = Math.min(255, (rgba.r * (0.349 * adjust)) + (rgba.g * (1 - (0.314 * adjust))) + (rgba.b * (0.168 * adjust)));
+ rgba.b = Math.min(255, (rgba.r * (0.272 * adjust)) + (rgba.g * (0.534 * adjust)) + (rgba.b * (1 - (0.869 * adjust))));return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("gamma", function(adjust) {
+ return this.process("gamma", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r = Math.pow(rgba.r / 255, adjust) * 255;
+ rgba.g = Math.pow(rgba.g / 255, adjust) * 255;
+ rgba.b = Math.pow(rgba.b / 255, adjust) * 255;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("noise", function(adjust) {
+ adjust = Math.abs(adjust) * 2.55;return this.process("noise", function(rgba) {
+ var rand;
+ rand = Calculate.randomRange(adjust * -1, adjust);
+ rgba.r += rand;
+ rgba.g += rand;
+ rgba.b += rand;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("clip", function(adjust) {
+ adjust = Math.abs(adjust) * 2.55;return this.process("clip", function(rgba) {
+ if (rgba.r > 255 - adjust) {
+ rgba.r = 255;
+ } else if (rgba.r < adjust) {
+ rgba.r = 0;
+ }
+ if (rgba.g > 255 - adjust) {
+ rgba.g = 255;
+ } else if (rgba.g < adjust) {
+ rgba.g = 0;
+ }
+ if (rgba.b > 255 - adjust) {
+ rgba.b = 255;
+ } else if (rgba.b < adjust) {
+ rgba.b = 0;
+ }
+ return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("channels", function(options) {
+ var chan;
+ var value;
+ if (typeof options !== "object") {
+ return this;
+ }
+ for (chan in options) {
+ if (!__hasProp.call(options, chan)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ value = options[chan];
+ if (value === 0) {
+ delete options[chan];
+ continue;
+ }
+ options[chan] /= 100;
+ }
+ if (options.length === 0) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ return this.process("channels", function(rgba) {
+ if (options.red != null) {
+ if (options.red > 0) {
+ rgba.r += (255 - rgba.r) * options.red;
+ } else {
+ rgba.r -= rgba.r * Math.abs(options.red);
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.green != null) {
+ if (options.green > 0) {
+ rgba.g += (255 - rgba.g) * options.green;
+ } else {
+ rgba.g -= rgba.g * Math.abs(options.green);
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.blue != null) {
+ if (options.blue > 0) {
+ rgba.b += (255 - rgba.b) * options.blue;
+ } else {
+ rgba.b -= rgba.b * Math.abs(options.blue);
+ }
+ }
+ return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("curves", function() {
+ var bezier;
+ var chans;
+ var cps;
+ var ctrl1;
+ var ctrl2;
+ var end;
+ var i;
+ var start;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
+ chans = arguments[0], cps = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
+ if (typeof chans === "string") {
+ chans = chans.split("");
+ }
+ if (chans[0] === "v") {
+ chans = ['r', 'g', 'b'];
+ }
+ if (cps.length < 3 || cps.length > 4) {
+ throw "Invalid number of arguments to curves filter";
+ }
+ start = cps[0];
+ ctrl1 = cps[1];
+ ctrl2 = cps.length === 4 ? cps[2] : cps[1];
+ end = cps[cps.length - 1];
+ bezier = Calculate.bezier(start, ctrl1, ctrl2, end, 0, 255);
+ if (start[0] > 0) {
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = start[0]; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
+ bezier[i] = start[1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (end[0] < 255) {
+ for (i = _j = _ref1 = end[0]; _ref1 <= 255 ? _j <= 255 : _j >= 255; i = _ref1 <= 255 ? ++_j : --_j) {
+ bezier[i] = end[1];
+ }
+ }
+ return this.process("curves", function(rgba) {
+ var _k;
+ var _ref2;
+ for (i = _k = 0, _ref2 = chans.length; 0 <= _ref2 ? _k < _ref2 : _k > _ref2; i = 0 <= _ref2 ? ++_k : --_k) {
+ rgba[chans[i]] = bezier[rgba[chans[i]]];
+ }
+ return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("exposure", function(adjust) {
+ var ctrl1;
+ var ctrl2;
+ var p;
+ p = Math.abs(adjust) / 100;
+ ctrl1 = [0, 255 * p];
+ ctrl2 = [255 - (255 * p), 255];
+ if (adjust < 0) {
+ ctrl1 = ctrl1.reverse();
+ ctrl2 = ctrl2.reverse();
+ }
+ return this.curves('rgb', [0, 0], ctrl1, ctrl2, [255, 255]);
+ });Caman.Plugin.register("crop", function(width, height, x, y) {
+ var canvas;
+ var ctx;
+ if (x == null) {
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ if (y == null) {
+ y = 0;
+ }
+ if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null) {
+ canvas = new Canvas(width, height);
+ } else {
+ canvas = document.createElement('canvas');Util.copyAttributes(this.canvas, canvas);
+ canvas.width = width;
+ canvas.height = height;
+ }
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');ctx.drawImage(this.canvas, x, y, width, height, 0, 0, width, height);
+ this.cropCoordinates = {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ this.cropped = true;return this.replaceCanvas(canvas);
+ });Caman.Plugin.register("resize", function(newDims) {
+ var canvas;
+ var ctx;
+ if (newDims == null) {
+ newDims = null;
+ }
+ if (newDims === null || ((newDims.width == null) && (newDims.height == null))) {
+ Log.error("Invalid or missing dimensions given for resize");return;
+ }
+ if (newDims.width == null) {
+ newDims.width = this.canvas.width * newDims.height / this.canvas.height;
+ } else if (newDims.height == null) {
+ newDims.height = this.canvas.height * newDims.width / this.canvas.width;
+ }
+ if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null) {
+ canvas = new Canvas(newDims.width, newDims.height);
+ } else {
+ canvas = document.createElement('canvas');Util.copyAttributes(this.canvas, canvas);
+ canvas.width = newDims.width;
+ canvas.height = newDims.height;
+ }
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');ctx.drawImage(this.canvas, 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height, 0, 0, newDims.width, newDims.height);
+ this.resized = true;return this.replaceCanvas(canvas);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("crop", function() {
+ return this.processPlugin("crop", Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ });Caman.Filter.register("resize", function() {
+ return this.processPlugin("resize", Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ });Caman.Filter.register("boxBlur", function() {
+ return this.processKernel("Box Blur", [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("heavyRadialBlur", function() {
+ return this.processKernel("Heavy Radial Blur", [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("gaussianBlur", function() {
+ return this.processKernel("Gaussian Blur", [1, 4, 6, 4, 1, 4, 16, 24, 16, 4, 6, 24, 36, 24, 6, 4, 16, 24, 16, 4, 1, 4, 6, 4, 1]);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("motionBlur", function(degrees) {
+ var kernel;
+ if (degrees === 0 || degrees === 180) {
+ kernel = [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
+ } else if ((degrees > 0 && degrees < 90) || (degrees > 180 && degrees < 270)) {
+ kernel = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0];
+ } else if (degrees === 90 || degrees === 270) {
+ kernel = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
+ } else {
+ kernel = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
+ }
+ return this.processKernel("Motion Blur", kernel);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("sharpen", function(amt) {
+ if (amt == null) {
+ amt = 100;
+ }
+ amt /= 100;return this.processKernel("Sharpen", [0, -amt, 0, -amt, 4 * amt + 1, -amt, 0, -amt, 0]);
+ });
+ vignetteFilters = {
+ brightness: function(rgba, amt, opts) {
+ rgba.r = rgba.r - (rgba.r * amt * opts.strength);
+ rgba.g = rgba.g - (rgba.g * amt * opts.strength);
+ rgba.b = rgba.b - (rgba.b * amt * opts.strength);return rgba;
+ },
+ gamma: function(rgba, amt, opts) {
+ rgba.r = Math.pow(rgba.r / 255, Math.max(10 * amt * opts.strength, 1)) * 255;
+ rgba.g = Math.pow(rgba.g / 255, Math.max(10 * amt * opts.strength, 1)) * 255;
+ rgba.b = Math.pow(rgba.b / 255, Math.max(10 * amt * opts.strength, 1)) * 255;return rgba;
+ },
+ colorize: function(rgba, amt, opts) {
+ rgba.r -= (rgba.r - opts.color.r) * amt;
+ rgba.g -= (rgba.g - opts.color.g) * amt;
+ rgba.b -= (rgba.b - opts.color.b) * amt;return rgba;
+ }
+ };Filter.register("vignette", function(size, strength) {
+ var bezier;
+ var center;
+ var end;
+ var start;
+ if (strength == null) {
+ strength = 60;
+ }
+ if (typeof size === "string" && size.substr(-1) === "%") {
+ if (this.dimensions.height > this.dimensions.width) {
+ size = this.dimensions.width * (parseInt(size.substr(0, size.length - 1), 10) / 100);
+ } else {
+ size = this.dimensions.height * (parseInt(size.substr(0, size.length - 1), 10) / 100);
+ }
+ }
+ strength /= 100;
+ center = [this.dimensions.width / 2, this.dimensions.height / 2];
+ start = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(center[0], 2) + Math.pow(center[1], 2));
+ end = start - size;
+ bezier = Calculate.bezier([0, 1], [30, 30], [70, 60], [100, 80]);return this.process("vignette", function(rgba) {
+ var dist;
+ var div;
+ var loc;
+ loc = this.locationXY();
+ dist = Calculate.distance(loc.x, loc.y, center[0], center[1]);
+ if (dist > end) {
+ div = Math.max(1, (bezier[Math.round(((dist - end) / size) * 100)] / 10) * strength);
+ rgba.r = Math.pow(rgba.r / 255, div) * 255;
+ rgba.g = Math.pow(rgba.g / 255, div) * 255;
+ rgba.b = Math.pow(rgba.b / 255, div) * 255;
+ }
+ return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("rectangularVignette", function(opts) {
+ var defaults;
+ var dim;
+ var percent;
+ var size;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ defaults = {
+ strength: 50,
+ cornerRadius: 0,
+ method: 'brightness',
+ color: {
+ r: 0,
+ g: 0,
+ b: 0
+ }
+ };
+ opts = Util.extend(defaults, opts);
+ if (!opts.size) {
+ return this;
+ } else if (typeof opts.size === "string") {
+ percent = parseInt(opts.size, 10) / 100;
+ opts.size = {
+ width: this.dimensions.width * percent,
+ height: this.dimensions.height * percent
+ };
+ } else if (typeof opts.size === "object") {
+ _ref = ["width", "height"];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ dim = _ref[_i];
+ if (typeof opts.size[dim] === "string") {
+ opts.size[dim] = this.dimensions[dim] * (parseInt(opts.size[dim], 10) / 100);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (opts.size === "number") {
+ size = opts.size;
+ opts.size = {
+ width: size,
+ height: size
+ };
+ }
+ if (typeof opts.cornerRadius === "string") {
+ opts.cornerRadius = (opts.size.width / 2) * (parseInt(opts.cornerRadius, 10) / 100);
+ }
+ opts.strength /= 100;
+ opts.size.width = Math.floor(opts.size.width);
+ opts.size.height = Math.floor(opts.size.height);
+ opts.image = {
+ width: this.dimensions.width,
+ height: this.dimensions.height
+ };
+ if (opts.method === "colorize" && typeof opts.color === "string") {
+ opts.color = Convert.hexToRGB(opts.color);
+ }
+ opts.coords = {
+ left: (this.dimensions.width - opts.size.width) / 2,
+ right: this.dimensions.width - opts.coords.left,
+ bottom: (this.dimensions.height - opts.size.height) / 2,
+ top: this.dimensions.height - opts.coords.bottom
+ };
+ opts.corners = [{
+ x: opts.coords.left + opts.cornerRadius,
+ y: opts.coords.top - opts.cornerRadius
+ }, {
+ x: opts.coords.right - opts.cornerRadius,
+ y: opts.coords.top - opts.cornerRadius
+ }, {
+ x: opts.coords.right - opts.cornerRadius,
+ y: opts.coords.bottom + opts.cornerRadius
+ }, {
+ x: opts.coords.left + opts.cornerRadius,
+ y: opts.coords.bottom + opts.cornerRadius
+ }];
+ opts.maxDist = Calculate.distance(0, 0, opts.corners[3].x, opts.corners[3].y) - opts.cornerRadius;return this.process("rectangularVignette", function(rgba) {
+ var amt;
+ var loc;
+ var radialDist;
+ loc = this.locationXY();
+ if ((loc.x > opts.corners[0].x && loc.x < opts.corners[1].x) && (loc.y > opts.coords.bottom && loc.y < opts.coords.top)) {
+ return rgba;
+ }
+ if ((loc.x > opts.coords.left && loc.x < opts.coords.right) && (loc.y > opts.corners[3].y && loc.y < opts.corners[2].y)) {
+ return rgba;
+ }
+ if (loc.x > opts.corners[0].x && loc.x < opts.corners[1].x && loc.y > opts.coords.top) {
+ amt = (loc.y - opts.coords.top) / opts.maxDist;
+ } else if (loc.y > opts.corners[2].y && loc.y < opts.corners[1].y && loc.x > opts.coords.right) {
+ amt = (loc.x - opts.coords.right) / opts.maxDist;
+ } else if (loc.x > opts.corners[0].x && loc.x < opts.corners[1].x && loc.y < opts.coords.bottom) {
+ amt = (opts.coords.bottom - loc.y) / opts.maxDist;
+ } else if (loc.y > opts.corners[2].y && loc.y < opts.corners[1].y && loc.x < opts.coords.left) {
+ amt = (opts.coords.left - loc.x) / opts.maxDist;
+ } else if (loc.x <= opts.corners[0].x && loc.y >= opts.corners[0].y) {
+ radialDist = Caman.distance(loc.x, loc.y, opts.corners[0].x, opts.corners[0].y);
+ amt = (radialDist - opts.cornerRadius) / opts.maxDist;
+ } else if (loc.x >= opts.corners[1].x && loc.y >= opts.corners[1].y) {
+ radialDist = Caman.distance(loc.x, loc.y, opts.corners[1].x, opts.corners[1].y);
+ amt = (radialDist - opts.cornerRadius) / opts.maxDist;
+ } else if (loc.x >= opts.corners[2].x && loc.y <= opts.corners[2].y) {
+ radialDist = Caman.distance(loc.x, loc.y, opts.corners[2].x, opts.corners[2].y);
+ amt = (radialDist - opts.cornerRadius) / opts.maxDist;
+ } else if (loc.x <= opts.corners[3].x && loc.y <= opts.corners[3].y) {
+ radialDist = Caman.distance(loc.x, loc.y, opts.corners[3].x, opts.corners[3].y);
+ amt = (radialDist - opts.cornerRadius) / opts.maxDist;
+ }
+ if (amt < 0) {
+ return rgba;
+ }
+ return vignetteFilters[opts.method](rgba, amt, opts);
+ });
+ });(function() {
+ var BlurStack;
+ var getLinearGradientMap;
+ var getRadialGradientMap;
+ var mul_table;
+ var shg_table;
+ mul_table = [512, 512, 456, 512, 328, 456, 335, 512, 405, 328, 271, 456, 388, 335, 292, 512, 454, 405, 364, 328, 298, 271, 496, 456, 420, 388, 360, 335, 312, 292, 273, 512, 482, 454, 428, 405, 383, 364, 345, 328, 312, 298, 284, 271, 259, 496, 475, 456, 437, 420, 404, 388, 374, 360, 347, 335, 323, 312, 302, 292, 282, 273, 265, 512, 497, 482, 468, 454, 441, 428, 417, 405, 394, 383, 373, 364, 354, 345, 337, 328, 320, 312, 305, 298, 291, 284, 278, 271, 265, 259, 507, 496, 485, 475, 465, 456, 446, 437, 428, 420, 412, 404, 396, 388, 381, 374, 367, 360, 354, 347, 341, 335, 329, 323, 318, 312, 307, 302, 297, 292, 287, 282, 278, 273, 269, 265, 261, 512, 505, 497, 489, 482, 475, 468, 461, 454, 447, 441, 435, 428, 422, 417, 411, 405, 399, 394, 389, 383, 378, 373, 368, 364, 359, 354, 350, 345, 341, 337, 332, 328, 324, 320, 316, 312, 309, 305, 301, 298, 294, 291, 287, 284, 281, 278, 274, 271, 268, 265, 262, 259, 257, 507, 501, 496, 491, 485, 480, 475, 470, 465, 460, 456, 451, 446, 442, 437, 433, 428, 424, 420, 416, 412, 408, 404, 400, 396, 392, 388, 385, 381, 377, 374, 370, 367, 363, 360, 357, 354, 350, 347, 344, 341, 338, 335, 332, 329, 326, 323, 320, 318, 315, 312, 310, 307, 304, 302, 299, 297, 294, 292, 289, 287, 285, 282, 280, 278, 275, 273, 271, 269, 267, 265, 263, 261, 259];
+ shg_table = [9, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24];
+ getLinearGradientMap = function(width, height, centerX, centerY, angle, length, mirrored) {
+ var cnv;
+ var context;
+ var gradient;
+ var x1;
+ var x2;
+ var y1;
+ var y2;
+ cnv = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? new Canvas() : document.createElement('canvas');
+ cnv.width = width;
+ cnv.height = height;
+ x1 = centerX + Math.cos(angle) * length * 0.5;
+ y1 = centerY + Math.sin(angle) * length * 0.5;
+ x2 = centerX - Math.cos(angle) * length * 0.5;
+ y2 = centerY - Math.sin(angle) * length * 0.5;
+ context = cnv.getContext("2d");
+ gradient = context.createLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2);
+ if (!mirrored) {
+ gradient.addColorStop(0, "white");gradient.addColorStop(1, "black");
+ } else {
+ gradient.addColorStop(0, "white");gradient.addColorStop(0.5, "black");gradient.addColorStop(1, "white");
+ }
+ context.fillStyle = gradient;context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);return context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
+ };
+ getRadialGradientMap = function(width, height, centerX, centerY, radius1, radius2) {
+ var cnv;
+ var context;
+ var gradient;
+ cnv = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? new Canvas() : document.createElement('canvas');
+ cnv.width = width;
+ cnv.height = height;
+ context = cnv.getContext("2d");
+ gradient = context.createRadialGradient(centerX, centerY, radius1, centerX, centerY, radius2);gradient.addColorStop(1, "white");gradient.addColorStop(0, "black");
+ context.fillStyle = gradient;context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);return context.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
+ };
+ BlurStack = function() {
+ this.r = 0;
+ this.g = 0;
+ this.b = 0;
+ this.a = 0;return this.next = null;
+ };Caman.Plugin.register("compoundBlur", function(radiusData, radius, increaseFactor, blurLevels) {
+ var b_in_sum;
+ var b_out_sum;
+ var b_sum;
+ var blend;
+ var currentIndex;
+ var div;
+ var g_in_sum;
+ var g_out_sum;
+ var g_sum;
+ var height;
+ var heightMinus1;
+ var i;
+ var iblend;
+ var idx;
+ var imagePixels;
+ var index;
+ var iradius;
+ var lookupValue;
+ var mul_sum;
+ var p;
+ var pb;
+ var pg;
+ var pixels;
+ var pr;
+ var r_in_sum;
+ var r_out_sum;
+ var r_sum;
+ var radiusPixels;
+ var radiusPlus1;
+ var rbs;
+ var shg_sum;
+ var stack;
+ var stackEnd;
+ var stackIn;
+ var stackOut;
+ var stackStart;
+ var steps;
+ var sumFactor;
+ var w4;
+ var wh;
+ var wh4;
+ var width;
+ var widthMinus1;
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ var yi;
+ var yp;
+ var yw;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ var _l;
+ var _m;
+ var _n;
+ var _o;
+ var _p;
+ var _q;
+ var _r;
+ width = this.dimensions.width;
+ height = this.dimensions.height;
+ imagePixels = this.pixelData;
+ radiusPixels = radiusData.data;
+ wh = width * height;
+ wh4 = wh << 2;
+ pixels = [];
+ for (i = _i = 0; 0 <= wh4 ? _i < wh4 : _i > wh4; i = 0 <= wh4 ? ++_i : --_i) {
+ pixels[i] = imagePixels[i];
+ }
+ currentIndex = 0;
+ steps = blurLevels;
+ blurLevels -= 1;
+ while (steps-- >= 0) {
+ iradius = (radius + 0.5) | 0;
+ if (iradius === 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (iradius > 256) {
+ iradius = 256;
+ }
+ div = iradius + iradius + 1;
+ w4 = width << 2;
+ widthMinus1 = width - 1;
+ heightMinus1 = height - 1;
+ radiusPlus1 = iradius + 1;
+ sumFactor = radiusPlus1 * (radiusPlus1 + 1) / 2;
+ stackStart = new BlurStack();
+ stackEnd = void 0;
+ stack = stackStart;
+ for (i = _j = 1; 1 <= div ? _j < div : _j > div; i = 1 <= div ? ++_j : --_j) {
+ stack = stack.next = new BlurStack();
+ if (i === radiusPlus1) {
+ stackEnd = stack;
+ }
+ }
+ stack.next = stackStart;
+ stackIn = null;
+ stackOut = null;
+ yw = yi = 0;
+ mul_sum = mul_table[iradius];
+ shg_sum = shg_table[iradius];
+ for (y = _k = 0; 0 <= height ? _k < height : _k > height; y = 0 <= height ? ++_k : --_k) {
+ r_in_sum = g_in_sum = b_in_sum = r_sum = g_sum = b_sum = 0;
+ r_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pr = pixels[yi]);
+ g_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pg = pixels[yi + 1]);
+ b_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pb = pixels[yi + 2]);
+ r_sum += sumFactor * pr;
+ g_sum += sumFactor * pg;
+ b_sum += sumFactor * pb;
+ stack = stackStart;
+ for (i = _l = 0; 0 <= radiusPlus1 ? _l < radiusPlus1 : _l > radiusPlus1; i = 0 <= radiusPlus1 ? ++_l : --_l) {
+ stack.r = pr;
+ stack.g = pg;
+ stack.b = pb;
+ stack = stack.next;
+ }
+ for (i = _m = 1; 1 <= radiusPlus1 ? _m < radiusPlus1 : _m > radiusPlus1; i = 1 <= radiusPlus1 ? ++_m : --_m) {
+ p = yi + ((widthMinus1 < i ? widthMinus1 : i) << 2);
+ r_sum += (stack.r = (pr = pixels[p])) * (rbs = radiusPlus1 - i);
+ g_sum += (stack.g = (pg = pixels[p + 1])) * rbs;
+ b_sum += (stack.b = (pb = pixels[p + 2])) * rbs;
+ r_in_sum += pr;
+ g_in_sum += pg;
+ b_in_sum += pb;
+ stack = stack.next;
+ }
+ stackIn = stackStart;
+ stackOut = stackEnd;
+ for (x = _n = 0; 0 <= width ? _n < width : _n > width; x = 0 <= width ? ++_n : --_n) {
+ pixels[yi] = (r_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
+ pixels[yi + 1] = (g_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
+ pixels[yi + 2] = (b_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
+ r_sum -= r_out_sum;
+ g_sum -= g_out_sum;
+ b_sum -= b_out_sum;
+ r_out_sum -= stackIn.r;
+ g_out_sum -= stackIn.g;
+ b_out_sum -= stackIn.b;
+ p = (yw + ((p = x + radiusPlus1) < widthMinus1 ? p : widthMinus1)) << 2;
+ r_in_sum += (stackIn.r = pixels[p]);
+ g_in_sum += (stackIn.g = pixels[p + 1]);
+ b_in_sum += (stackIn.b = pixels[p + 2]);
+ r_sum += r_in_sum;
+ g_sum += g_in_sum;
+ b_sum += b_in_sum;
+ stackIn = stackIn.next;
+ r_out_sum += (pr = stackOut.r);
+ g_out_sum += (pg = stackOut.g);
+ b_out_sum += (pb = stackOut.b);
+ r_in_sum -= pr;
+ g_in_sum -= pg;
+ b_in_sum -= pb;
+ stackOut = stackOut.next;
+ yi += 4;
+ }
+ yw += width;
+ }
+ for (x = _o = 0; 0 <= width ? _o < width : _o > width; x = 0 <= width ? ++_o : --_o) {
+ g_in_sum = b_in_sum = r_in_sum = g_sum = b_sum = r_sum = 0;
+ yi = x << 2;
+ r_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pr = pixels[yi]);
+ g_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pg = pixels[yi + 1]);
+ b_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pb = pixels[yi + 2]);
+ r_sum += sumFactor * pr;
+ g_sum += sumFactor * pg;
+ b_sum += sumFactor * pb;
+ stack = stackStart;
+ for (i = _p = 0; 0 <= radiusPlus1 ? _p < radiusPlus1 : _p > radiusPlus1; i = 0 <= radiusPlus1 ? ++_p : --_p) {
+ stack.r = pr;
+ stack.g = pg;
+ stack.b = pb;
+ stack = stack.next;
+ }
+ yp = width;
+ for (i = _q = 1; 1 <= radiusPlus1 ? _q < radiusPlus1 : _q > radiusPlus1; i = 1 <= radiusPlus1 ? ++_q : --_q) {
+ yi = (yp + x) << 2;
+ r_sum += (stack.r = (pr = pixels[yi])) * (rbs = radiusPlus1 - i);
+ g_sum += (stack.g = (pg = pixels[yi + 1])) * rbs;
+ b_sum += (stack.b = (pb = pixels[yi + 2])) * rbs;
+ r_in_sum += pr;
+ g_in_sum += pg;
+ b_in_sum += pb;
+ stack = stack.next;
+ if (i < heightMinus1) {
+ yp += width;
+ }
+ }
+ yi = x;
+ stackIn = stackStart;
+ stackOut = stackEnd;
+ for (y = _r = 0; 0 <= height ? _r < height : _r > height; y = 0 <= height ? ++_r : --_r) {
+ p = yi << 2;
+ pixels[p] = (r_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
+ pixels[p + 1] = (g_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
+ pixels[p + 2] = (b_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
+ r_sum -= r_out_sum;
+ g_sum -= g_out_sum;
+ b_sum -= b_out_sum;
+ r_out_sum -= stackIn.r;
+ g_out_sum -= stackIn.g;
+ b_out_sum -= stackIn.b;
+ p = (x + (((p = y + radiusPlus1) < heightMinus1 ? p : heightMinus1) * width)) << 2;
+ r_sum += (r_in_sum += (stackIn.r = pixels[p]));
+ g_sum += (g_in_sum += (stackIn.g = pixels[p + 1]));
+ b_sum += (b_in_sum += (stackIn.b = pixels[p + 2]));
+ stackIn = stackIn.next;
+ r_out_sum += (pr = stackOut.r);
+ g_out_sum += (pg = stackOut.g);
+ b_out_sum += (pb = stackOut.b);
+ r_in_sum -= pr;
+ g_in_sum -= pg;
+ b_in_sum -= pb;
+ stackOut = stackOut.next;
+ yi += width;
+ }
+ }
+ radius *= increaseFactor;
+ i = wh;
+ while (--i > -1) {
+ idx = i << 2;
+ lookupValue = (radiusPixels[idx + 2] & 0xff) / 255.0 * blurLevels;
+ index = lookupValue | 0;
+ if (index === currentIndex) {
+ blend = 256.0 * (lookupValue - (lookupValue | 0));
+ iblend = 256 - blend;
+ imagePixels[idx] = (imagePixels[idx] * iblend + pixels[idx] * blend) >> 8;
+ imagePixels[idx + 1] = (imagePixels[idx + 1] * iblend + pixels[idx + 1] * blend) >> 8;
+ imagePixels[idx + 2] = (imagePixels[idx + 2] * iblend + pixels[idx + 2] * blend) >> 8;
+ } else if (index === currentIndex + 1) {
+ imagePixels[idx] = pixels[idx];
+ imagePixels[idx + 1] = pixels[idx + 1];
+ imagePixels[idx + 2] = pixels[idx + 2];
+ }
+ }
+ currentIndex++;
+ }
+ return this;
+ });Caman.Filter.register("tiltShift", function(opts) {
+ var defaults;
+ var gradient;
+ defaults = {
+ center: {
+ x: this.dimensions.width / 2,
+ y: this.dimensions.height / 2
+ },
+ angle: 45,
+ focusWidth: 200,
+ startRadius: 3,
+ radiusFactor: 1.5,
+ steps: 3
+ };
+ opts = Util.extend(defaults, opts);
+ opts.angle *= Math.PI / 180;
+ gradient = getLinearGradientMap(this.dimensions.width, this.dimensions.height, opts.center.x, opts.center.y, opts.angle, opts.focusWidth, true);return this.processPlugin("compoundBlur", [gradient, opts.startRadius, opts.radiusFactor, opts.steps]);
+ });return Caman.Filter.register("radialBlur", function(opts) {
+ var defaults;
+ var gradient;
+ var radius1;
+ var radius2;
+ defaults = {
+ size: 50,
+ center: {
+ x: this.dimensions.width / 2,
+ y: this.dimensions.height / 2
+ },
+ startRadius: 3,
+ radiusFactor: 1.5,
+ steps: 3,
+ radius: null
+ };
+ opts = Util.extend(defaults, opts);
+ if (!opts.radius) {
+ opts.radius = this.dimensions.width < this.dimensions.height ? this.dimensions.height : this.dimensions.width;
+ }
+ radius1 = (opts.radius / 2) - opts.size;
+ radius2 = opts.radius / 2;
+ gradient = getRadialGradientMap(this.dimensions.width, this.dimensions.height, opts.center.x, opts.center.y, radius1, radius2);return this.processPlugin("compoundBlur", [gradient, opts.startRadius, opts.radiusFactor, opts.steps]);
+ });
+ })();Caman.Filter.register("edgeEnhance", function() {
+ return this.processKernel("Edge Enhance", [0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("edgeDetect", function() {
+ return this.processKernel("Edge Detect", [-1, -1, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1]);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("emboss", function() {
+ return this.processKernel("Emboss", [-2, -1, 0, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2]);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("posterize", function(adjust) {
+ var numOfAreas;
+ var numOfValues;
+ numOfAreas = 256 / adjust;
+ numOfValues = 255 / (adjust - 1);return this.process("posterize", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r = Math.floor(Math.floor(rgba.r / numOfAreas) * numOfValues);
+ rgba.g = Math.floor(Math.floor(rgba.g / numOfAreas) * numOfValues);
+ rgba.b = Math.floor(Math.floor(rgba.b / numOfAreas) * numOfValues);return rgba;
+ });
+ });Caman.Filter.register("vintage", function(vignette) {
+ if (vignette == null) {
+ vignette = true;
+ }
+ this.greyscale();this.contrast(5);this.noise(3);this.sepia(100);this.channels({
+ red: 8,
+ blue: 2,
+ green: 4
+ });this.gamma(0.87);
+ if (vignette) {
+ return this.vignette("40%", 30);
+ }
+ });Caman.Filter.register("lomo", function(vignette) {
+ if (vignette == null) {
+ vignette = true;
+ }
+ this.brightness(15);this.exposure(15);this.curves('rgb', [0, 0], [200, 0], [155, 255], [255, 255]);this.saturation(-20);this.gamma(1.8);
+ if (vignette) {
+ this.vignette("50%", 60);
+ }
+ return this.brightness(5);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("clarity", function(grey) {
+ if (grey == null) {
+ grey = false;
+ }
+ this.vibrance(20);this.curves('rgb', [5, 0], [130, 150], [190, 220], [250, 255]);this.sharpen(15);this.vignette("45%", 20);
+ if (grey) {
+ this.greyscale();this.contrast(4);
+ }
+ return this;
+ });Caman.Filter.register("sinCity", function() {
+ this.contrast(100);this.brightness(15);this.exposure(10);this.posterize(80);this.clip(30);return this.greyscale();
+ });Caman.Filter.register("sunrise", function() {
+ this.exposure(3.5);this.saturation(-5);this.vibrance(50);this.sepia(60);this.colorize("#e87b22", 10);this.channels({
+ red: 8,
+ blue: 8
+ });this.contrast(5);this.gamma(1.2);return this.vignette("55%", 25);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("crossProcess", function() {
+ this.exposure(5);this.colorize("#e87b22", 4);this.sepia(20);this.channels({
+ blue: 8,
+ red: 3
+ });this.curves('b', [0, 0], [100, 150], [180, 180], [255, 255]);this.contrast(15);this.vibrance(75);return this.gamma(1.6);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("orangePeel", function() {
+ this.curves('rgb', [0, 0], [100, 50], [140, 200], [255, 255]);this.vibrance(-30);this.saturation(-30);this.colorize('#ff9000', 30);this.contrast(-5);return this.gamma(1.4);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("love", function() {
+ this.brightness(5);this.exposure(8);this.contrast(4);this.colorize('#c42007', 30);this.vibrance(50);return this.gamma(1.3);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("grungy", function() {
+ this.gamma(1.5);this.clip(25);this.saturation(-60);this.contrast(5);this.noise(5);return this.vignette("50%", 30);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("jarques", function() {
+ this.saturation(-35);this.curves('b', [20, 0], [90, 120], [186, 144], [255, 230]);this.curves('r', [0, 0], [144, 90], [138, 120], [255, 255]);this.curves('g', [10, 0], [115, 105], [148, 100], [255, 248]);this.curves('rgb', [0, 0], [120, 100], [128, 140], [255, 255]);return this.sharpen(20);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("pinhole", function() {
+ this.greyscale();this.sepia(10);this.exposure(10);this.contrast(15);return this.vignette("60%", 35);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("oldBoot", function() {
+ this.saturation(-20);this.vibrance(-50);this.gamma(1.1);this.sepia(30);this.channels({
+ red: -10,
+ blue: 5
+ });this.curves('rgb', [0, 0], [80, 50], [128, 230], [255, 255]);return this.vignette("60%", 30);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("glowingSun", function(vignette) {
+ if (vignette == null) {
+ vignette = true;
+ }
+ this.brightness(10);this.newLayer(function() {
+ this.setBlendingMode("multiply");this.opacity(80);this.copyParent();this.filter.gamma(0.8);this.filter.contrast(50);return this.filter.exposure(10);
+ });this.newLayer(function() {
+ this.setBlendingMode("softLight");this.opacity(80);return this.fillColor("#f49600");
+ });this.exposure(20);this.gamma(0.8);
+ if (vignette) {
+ return this.vignette("45%", 20);
+ }
+ });Caman.Filter.register("hazyDays", function() {
+ this.gamma(1.2);this.newLayer(function() {
+ this.setBlendingMode("overlay");this.opacity(60);this.copyParent();this.filter.channels({
+ red: 5
+ });return this.filter.stackBlur(15);
+ });this.newLayer(function() {
+ this.setBlendingMode("addition");this.opacity(40);return this.fillColor("#6899ba");
+ });this.newLayer(function() {
+ this.setBlendingMode("multiply");this.opacity(35);this.copyParent();this.filter.brightness(40);this.filter.vibrance(40);this.filter.exposure(30);this.filter.contrast(15);this.filter.curves('r', [0, 40], [128, 128], [128, 128], [255, 215]);this.filter.curves('g', [0, 40], [128, 128], [128, 128], [255, 215]);this.filter.curves('b', [0, 40], [128, 128], [128, 128], [255, 215]);return this.filter.stackBlur(5);
+ });this.curves('r', [20, 0], [128, 158], [128, 128], [235, 255]);this.curves('g', [20, 0], [128, 128], [128, 128], [235, 255]);this.curves('b', [20, 0], [128, 108], [128, 128], [235, 255]);return this.vignette("45%", 20);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("herMajesty", function() {
+ this.brightness(40);this.colorize("#ea1c5d", 10);this.curves('b', [0, 10], [128, 180], [190, 190], [255, 255]);this.newLayer(function() {
+ this.setBlendingMode('overlay');this.opacity(50);this.copyParent();this.filter.gamma(0.7);return this.newLayer(function() {
+ this.setBlendingMode('normal');this.opacity(60);return this.fillColor('#ea1c5d');
+ });
+ });this.newLayer(function() {
+ this.setBlendingMode('multiply');this.opacity(60);this.copyParent();this.filter.saturation(50);this.filter.hue(90);return this.filter.contrast(10);
+ });this.gamma(1.4);this.vibrance(-30);this.newLayer(function() {
+ this.opacity(10);return this.fillColor('#e5f0ff');
+ });return this;
+ });Caman.Filter.register("nostalgia", function() {
+ this.saturation(20);this.gamma(1.4);this.greyscale();this.contrast(5);this.sepia(100);this.channels({
+ red: 8,
+ blue: 2,
+ green: 4
+ });this.gamma(0.8);this.contrast(5);this.exposure(10);this.newLayer(function() {
+ this.setBlendingMode('overlay');this.copyParent();this.opacity(55);return this.filter.stackBlur(10);
+ });return this.vignette("50%", 30);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("hemingway", function() {
+ this.greyscale();this.contrast(10);this.gamma(0.9);this.newLayer(function() {
+ this.setBlendingMode("multiply");this.opacity(40);this.copyParent();this.filter.exposure(15);this.filter.contrast(15);return this.filter.channels({
+ green: 10,
+ red: 5
+ });
+ });this.sepia(30);this.curves('rgb', [0, 10], [120, 90], [180, 200], [235, 255]);this.channels({
+ red: 5,
+ green: -2
+ });return this.exposure(15);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("concentrate", function() {
+ this.sharpen(40);this.saturation(-50);this.channels({
+ red: 3
+ });this.newLayer(function() {
+ this.setBlendingMode("multiply");this.opacity(80);this.copyParent();this.filter.sharpen(5);this.filter.contrast(50);this.filter.exposure(10);return this.filter.channels({
+ blue: 5
+ });
+ });return this.brightness(10);
+ });(function() {
+ var BlurStack;
+ var mul_table;
+ var shg_table;
+ mul_table = [512, 512, 456, 512, 328, 456, 335, 512, 405, 328, 271, 456, 388, 335, 292, 512, 454, 405, 364, 328, 298, 271, 496, 456, 420, 388, 360, 335, 312, 292, 273, 512, 482, 454, 428, 405, 383, 364, 345, 328, 312, 298, 284, 271, 259, 496, 475, 456, 437, 420, 404, 388, 374, 360, 347, 335, 323, 312, 302, 292, 282, 273, 265, 512, 497, 482, 468, 454, 441, 428, 417, 405, 394, 383, 373, 364, 354, 345, 337, 328, 320, 312, 305, 298, 291, 284, 278, 271, 265, 259, 507, 496, 485, 475, 465, 456, 446, 437, 428, 420, 412, 404, 396, 388, 381, 374, 367, 360, 354, 347, 341, 335, 329, 323, 318, 312, 307, 302, 297, 292, 287, 282, 278, 273, 269, 265, 261, 512, 505, 497, 489, 482, 475, 468, 461, 454, 447, 441, 435, 428, 422, 417, 411, 405, 399, 394, 389, 383, 378, 373, 368, 364, 359, 354, 350, 345, 341, 337, 332, 328, 324, 320, 316, 312, 309, 305, 301, 298, 294, 291, 287, 284, 281, 278, 274, 271, 268, 265, 262, 259, 257, 507, 501, 496, 491, 485, 480, 475, 470, 465, 460, 456, 451, 446, 442, 437, 433, 428, 424, 420, 416, 412, 408, 404, 400, 396, 392, 388, 385, 381, 377, 374, 370, 367, 363, 360, 357, 354, 350, 347, 344, 341, 338, 335, 332, 329, 326, 323, 320, 318, 315, 312, 310, 307, 304, 302, 299, 297, 294, 292, 289, 287, 285, 282, 280, 278, 275, 273, 271, 269, 267, 265, 263, 261, 259];
+ shg_table = [9, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24];
+ BlurStack = function() {
+ this.r = 0;
+ this.g = 0;
+ this.b = 0;
+ this.a = 0;return this.next = null;
+ };Caman.Plugin.register("stackBlur", function(radius) {
+ var b_in_sum;
+ var b_out_sum;
+ var b_sum;
+ var div;
+ var g_in_sum;
+ var g_out_sum;
+ var g_sum;
+ var height;
+ var heightMinus1;
+ var i;
+ var mul_sum;
+ var p;
+ var pb;
+ var pg;
+ var pixels;
+ var pr;
+ var r_in_sum;
+ var r_out_sum;
+ var r_sum;
+ var radiusPlus1;
+ var rbs;
+ var shg_sum;
+ var stack;
+ var stackEnd;
+ var stackIn;
+ var stackOut;
+ var stackStart;
+ var sumFactor;
+ var w4;
+ var width;
+ var widthMinus1;
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ var yi;
+ var yp;
+ var yw;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ var _l;
+ var _m;
+ var _n;
+ var _o;
+ var _p;
+ var _q;
+ if (isNaN(radius) || radius < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ radius |= 0;
+ pixels = this.pixelData;
+ width = this.dimensions.width;
+ height = this.dimensions.height;
+ div = radius + radius + 1;
+ w4 = width << 2;
+ widthMinus1 = width - 1;
+ heightMinus1 = height - 1;
+ radiusPlus1 = radius + 1;
+ sumFactor = radiusPlus1 * (radiusPlus1 + 1) / 2;
+ stackStart = new BlurStack();
+ stack = stackStart;
+ for (i = _i = 1; 1 <= div ? _i < div : _i > div; i = 1 <= div ? ++_i : --_i) {
+ stack = stack.next = new BlurStack();
+ if (i === radiusPlus1) {
+ stackEnd = stack;
+ }
+ }
+ stack.next = stackStart;
+ stackIn = null;
+ stackOut = null;
+ yw = yi = 0;
+ mul_sum = mul_table[radius];
+ shg_sum = shg_table[radius];
+ for (y = _j = 0; 0 <= height ? _j < height : _j > height; y = 0 <= height ? ++_j : --_j) {
+ r_in_sum = g_in_sum = b_in_sum = r_sum = g_sum = b_sum = 0;
+ r_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pr = pixels[yi]);
+ g_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pg = pixels[yi + 1]);
+ b_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pb = pixels[yi + 2]);
+ r_sum += sumFactor * pr;
+ g_sum += sumFactor * pg;
+ b_sum += sumFactor * pb;
+ stack = stackStart;
+ for (i = _k = 0; 0 <= radiusPlus1 ? _k < radiusPlus1 : _k > radiusPlus1; i = 0 <= radiusPlus1 ? ++_k : --_k) {
+ stack.r = pr;
+ stack.g = pg;
+ stack.b = pb;
+ stack = stack.next;
+ }
+ for (i = _l = 1; 1 <= radiusPlus1 ? _l < radiusPlus1 : _l > radiusPlus1; i = 1 <= radiusPlus1 ? ++_l : --_l) {
+ p = yi + ((widthMinus1 < i ? widthMinus1 : i) << 2);
+ r_sum += (stack.r = (pr = pixels[p])) * (rbs = radiusPlus1 - i);
+ g_sum += (stack.g = (pg = pixels[p + 1])) * rbs;
+ b_sum += (stack.b = (pb = pixels[p + 2])) * rbs;
+ r_in_sum += pr;
+ g_in_sum += pg;
+ b_in_sum += pb;
+ stack = stack.next;
+ }
+ stackIn = stackStart;
+ stackOut = stackEnd;
+ for (x = _m = 0; 0 <= width ? _m < width : _m > width; x = 0 <= width ? ++_m : --_m) {
+ pixels[yi] = (r_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
+ pixels[yi + 1] = (g_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
+ pixels[yi + 2] = (b_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
+ r_sum -= r_out_sum;
+ g_sum -= g_out_sum;
+ b_sum -= b_out_sum;
+ r_out_sum -= stackIn.r;
+ g_out_sum -= stackIn.g;
+ b_out_sum -= stackIn.b;
+ p = (yw + ((p = x + radius + 1) < widthMinus1 ? p : widthMinus1)) << 2;
+ r_in_sum += (stackIn.r = pixels[p]);
+ g_in_sum += (stackIn.g = pixels[p + 1]);
+ b_in_sum += (stackIn.b = pixels[p + 2]);
+ r_sum += r_in_sum;
+ g_sum += g_in_sum;
+ b_sum += b_in_sum;
+ stackIn = stackIn.next;
+ r_out_sum += (pr = stackOut.r);
+ g_out_sum += (pg = stackOut.g);
+ b_out_sum += (pb = stackOut.b);
+ r_in_sum -= pr;
+ g_in_sum -= pg;
+ b_in_sum -= pb;
+ stackOut = stackOut.next;
+ yi += 4;
+ }
+ yw += width;
+ }
+ for (x = _n = 0; 0 <= width ? _n < width : _n > width; x = 0 <= width ? ++_n : --_n) {
+ g_in_sum = b_in_sum = r_in_sum = g_sum = b_sum = r_sum = 0;
+ yi = x << 2;
+ r_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pr = pixels[yi]);
+ g_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pg = pixels[yi + 1]);
+ b_out_sum = radiusPlus1 * (pb = pixels[yi + 2]);
+ r_sum += sumFactor * pr;
+ g_sum += sumFactor * pg;
+ b_sum += sumFactor * pb;
+ stack = stackStart;
+ for (i = _o = 0; 0 <= radiusPlus1 ? _o < radiusPlus1 : _o > radiusPlus1; i = 0 <= radiusPlus1 ? ++_o : --_o) {
+ stack.r = pr;
+ stack.g = pg;
+ stack.b = pb;
+ stack = stack.next;
+ }
+ yp = width;
+ for (i = _p = 1; 1 <= radius ? _p <= radius : _p >= radius; i = 1 <= radius ? ++_p : --_p) {
+ yi = (yp + x) << 2;
+ r_sum += (stack.r = (pr = pixels[yi])) * (rbs = radiusPlus1 - i);
+ g_sum += (stack.g = (pg = pixels[yi + 1])) * rbs;
+ b_sum += (stack.b = (pb = pixels[yi + 2])) * rbs;
+ r_in_sum += pr;
+ g_in_sum += pg;
+ b_in_sum += pb;
+ stack = stack.next;
+ if (i < heightMinus1) {
+ yp += width;
+ }
+ }
+ yi = x;
+ stackIn = stackStart;
+ stackOut = stackEnd;
+ for (y = _q = 0; 0 <= height ? _q < height : _q > height; y = 0 <= height ? ++_q : --_q) {
+ p = yi << 2;
+ pixels[p] = (r_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
+ pixels[p + 1] = (g_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
+ pixels[p + 2] = (b_sum * mul_sum) >> shg_sum;
+ r_sum -= r_out_sum;
+ g_sum -= g_out_sum;
+ b_sum -= b_out_sum;
+ r_out_sum -= stackIn.r;
+ g_out_sum -= stackIn.g;
+ b_out_sum -= stackIn.b;
+ p = (x + (((p = y + radiusPlus1) < heightMinus1 ? p : heightMinus1) * width)) << 2;
+ r_sum += (r_in_sum += (stackIn.r = pixels[p]));
+ g_sum += (g_in_sum += (stackIn.g = pixels[p + 1]));
+ b_sum += (b_in_sum += (stackIn.b = pixels[p + 2]));
+ stackIn = stackIn.next;
+ r_out_sum += (pr = stackOut.r);
+ g_out_sum += (pg = stackOut.g);
+ b_out_sum += (pb = stackOut.b);
+ r_in_sum -= pr;
+ g_in_sum -= pg;
+ b_in_sum -= pb;
+ stackOut = stackOut.next;
+ yi += width;
+ }
+ }
+ return this;
+ });return Caman.Filter.register("stackBlur", function(radius) {
+ return this.processPlugin("stackBlur", [radius]);
+ });
+ })();Caman.Filter.register("threshold", function(adjust) {
+ return this.process("threshold", function(rgba) {
+ var luminance;
+ luminance = (0.2126 * rgba.r) + (0.7152 * rgba.g) + (0.0722 * rgba.b);
+ if (luminance < adjust) {
+ rgba.r = 0;
+ rgba.g = 0;
+ rgba.b = 0;
+ } else {
+ rgba.r = 255;
+ rgba.g = 255;
+ rgba.b = 255;
+ }
+ return rgba;
+ });
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.full.pack.js b/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.full.pack.js
index 70051add..1d4007b2 100755
--- a/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.full.pack.js
+++ b/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.full.pack.js
@@ -1 +1,24 @@
-eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(A(){K $,5o,2i,2Q,F,4O,43,29,2J,65,P,2P,5u,3m,1W,64,2W,2w,1M,7v,2V,1v,fs,4L,8Y,7A={}.ej,8M=[].eh||A(bx){Y(K i=0,l=o.V;iD){u D}u 2k};1v.5X=A(9z,5Y,E){K 5Z,H,1m,L,2G,1p;C(E==M){E={}}L=9z.dU;1p=[];Y(H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;H++){5Z=L[H];C((E.8v!=M)&&(2G=5Z.8u,8M.1O(E.8v,2G)>=0)){5L}1p.2l(5Y.9Y(5Z.8u,5Z.dO))}u 1p};1v.63=A(V){C(V==M){V=0}C(F.2T||(4t.a0!=M)){u 1S a0(V)}u 1S 6L(V)};u 1v})();C(1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M){7v=2m;43=7d(\'I\');5u=43.5u;65=7d(\'dI\');fs=7d(\'fs\')}W{7v=4t}7v.F=F=(A(){F.8r={aW:"4.1.1",aZ:"4/8/dt"};F.bt=2u;F.2T=1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M;F.bG=!F.2T;F.6i=2Z;F.8d="c4";F.dh=A(){u"dg "+F.8r.aW+", df "+F.8r.aZ};F.6s="";F.ca="cd";F.9d=A(I){C(F.2T){u 2Z}C(1x I==="3P"){I=$(I)}C(!((I!=M)&&(I.5m!=M))){u M}u I.5m(\'1R-3u-2I\')};A F(){K 1u,2s,2I,1r=o;C(1y.V===0){4i"7b 1y";}C(o ct F){o.5E=o.5E.8N(o);o.5W=o.5W.8N(o);1u=1y[0];C(!F.2T){2I=3R(F.9d(1u[0]),10);2s=1x 1u[1]==="A"?1u[1]:1x 1u[2]==="A"?1u[2]:A(){};C(!bA(2I)&&2V.bz(2I)){u 2V.3E(2I,2s)}}o.2I=1v.8z.4Z();o.7X=o.54=M;o.5T={x:0,y:0};o.bw=2u;o.6F=2u;o.5Q=[];o.8G=[];o.8F=[];o.6c=M;o.bq=2u;o.e1=1S 5o(o);o.4E=1S 1M(o);o.bo(A(){1r.bn(1u);u 1r.bm()});u o}W{u 1S F(1y)}}F.R.bo=A(cb){K 8y,1r=o;C(F.2T){u 6T(A(){u cb.1O(1r)},0)}W{C(27.8w==="76"){1W.2t("ba b9");u 6T(A(){u cb.1O(1r)},0)}W{8y=A(){C(27.8w==="76"){1W.2t("ba b9");u cb.1O(1r)}};u 27.b7("cu",8y,2u)}}};F.R.bn=A(1u){K 6y,2k,L,1p;C(1u.V===0){4i"7b 1y b1";}o.3V=M;o.7t=M;o.7u=M;o.2s=A(){};o.aV(1u[0]);C(1u.V===1){u}5n(1x 1u[1]){1X"3P":o.7u=1u[1];4M;1X"A":o.2s=1u[1]}C(1u.V===2){u}o.2s=1u[2];C(1u.V===4){L=1u[4];1p=[];Y(6y 6I L){C(!7A.1O(L,6y))5L;2k=L[6y];1p.2l(o.1E[6y]=2k)}u 1p}};F.R.aV=A(4d){C(F.2T){o.3V=4d;o.7t=\'aT\';u}C(1x 4d==="3D"){o.3V=4d}W{o.3V=$(4d)}C(o.3V==M){4i"cv cy cz 1d aI I Y cJ.";}u o.7t=o.3V.8u.6o()};F.R.bm=A(){5n(o.7t){1X"aT":u o.aq();1X"1F":u o.ap();1X"I":u o.ao()}};F.R.aq=A(){K 1r=o;1W.2t("cM Y 2T");o.1d=1S 5u();o.1d.8a=A(){1W.2t("5u al. ai = "+(1r.4X())+", ae = "+(1r.51()));1r.I=1S 43(1r.4X(),1r.51());u 1r.5E()};o.1d.cW=A(a1){4i a1;};u o.1d.1H=o.3V};F.R.ap=A(){o.1d=o.3V;o.I=27.3l(\'I\');o.1s=o.I.3q(\'2d\');1v.5X(o.1d,o.I,{8v:[\'1H\']});o.1d.83.82(o.I,o.1d);o.7Z();u o.8I()};F.R.ao=A(){o.I=o.3V;o.1s=o.I.3q(\'2d\');C(o.7u!=M){o.1d=27.3l(\'1F\');o.1d.1H=o.7u;o.7Z();u o.8I()}W{u o.5E()}};F.R.7Z=A(){C(o.9V()){1W.2t(o.1d.1H,"->",o.7T());o.9T=2Z;o.1d.1H=o.7T()}C(2P.9S(o.1d)){o.1d.1H=2P.5P(o.1d.1H);u 1W.2t("cY 1d cZ, d4 9C = "+o.1d.1H)}};F.R.8I=A(){C(o.9y()){u o.5W()}W{u o.1d.8a=o.5W}};F.R.9y=A(){C(!o.1d.76){u 2u}C((o.1d.84!=M)&&o.1d.84===0){u 2u}u 2Z};F.R.4X=A(){u o.1d.G||o.1d.84};F.R.51=A(){u o.1d.J||o.1d.dd};F.R.5W=A(){1W.2t("5u al. ai = "+(o.4X())+", ae = "+(o.51()));C(o.9T){o.I.G=o.4X()/o.7P();o.I.J=o.51()/o.7P()}W{o.I.G=o.4X();o.I.J=o.51()}u o.5E()};F.R.5E=A(){K i,1Y,H,1m,L;C(o.1s==M){o.1s=o.I.3q(\'2d\')}o.5g=o.6q=o.G=o.I.G;o.6n=o.6m=o.J=o.I.J;o.bP();C(!o.bM()){o.bF()}C(o.1d!=M){o.1s.6g(o.1d,0,0,o.4X(),o.51(),0,0,o.6q,o.6m)}o.8k();C(F.6i){o.7X=1v.63(o.Q.V);o.54=1v.63(o.Q.V);L=o.Q;Y(i=H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;i=++H){1Y=L[i];o.7X[i]=1Y;o.54[i]=1Y}}o.1c={G:o.I.G,J:o.I.J};2V.bl(o.2I,o);o.2s.1O(o,o);u o.2s=A(){}};F.R.8k=A(){o.2C=o.1s.4C(0,0,o.I.G,o.I.J);u o.Q=o.2C.1R};F.R.dr=A(){K 1Y,H,1m,L,1p;C(!F.6i){4i"8l 7q";}o.54=1v.63(o.Q.V);L=o.Q;1p=[];Y(H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;H++){1Y=L[H];1p.2l(o.54.2l(1Y))}u 1p};F.R.bM=A(){u F.9d(o.I)!=M};F.R.bF=A(){C(F.2T||o.I.5m(\'1R-3u-2I\')){u}u o.I.9Y(\'1R-3u-2I\',o.2I)};F.R.8m=A(){u o.I.5m(\'1R-3u-bb-7q\')!==M};F.R.bP=A(){K 3X;C(F.2T||o.8m()){u}3X=o.7P();C(3X!==1){1W.2t("dZ 3X = "+3X);o.bq=2Z;o.6q=o.I.G;o.6m=o.I.J;o.I.G=o.6q*3X;o.I.J=o.6m*3X;o.I.br.G=""+o.6q+"bh";o.I.br.J=""+o.6m+"bh";o.1s.ee(3X,3X);o.G=o.5g=o.I.G;u o.J=o.6n=o.I.J}};F.R.7P=A(){K 8V,44;44=4t.44||1;8V=o.1s.ew||o.1s.eL||o.1s.eN||o.1s.eR||o.1s.eT||1;u 44/8V};F.R.af=A(){u(4t.44!=M)&&4t.44!==1};F.R.9V=A(){C(o.8m()||!o.af()){u 2u}u o.7T()!==M};F.R.7T=A(){C(o.1d==M){u M}u o.1d.5m(\'1R-3u-bb\')};F.R.71=A(9B){K 6X;6X=o.I;o.I=9B;o.1s=o.I.3q(\'2d\');6X.83.82(o.I,6X);o.G=o.I.G;o.J=o.I.J;o.8k();u o.1c={G:o.I.G,J:o.I.J}};F.R.ch=A(2s){K 1r=o;C(2s==M){2s=A(){}}2J.4Y(o,"ce");u o.4E.3E(A(){1r.1s.6V(1r.2C,0,0);u 2s.1O(1r)})};F.R.eZ=A(){K i,1Y,H,1m,L;C(!F.6i){4i"8l 7q";}L=o.c3();Y(i=H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;i=++H){1Y=L[i];o.Q[i]=1Y}u o.1s.6V(o.2C,0,0)};F.R.f3=A(){K I,2z,i,2C,1Y,Q,H,1m,L;I=27.3l(\'I\');1v.5X(o.I,I);I.G=o.5g;I.J=o.6n;2z=I.3q(\'2d\');2C=2z.4C(0,0,I.G,I.J);Q=2C.1R;L=o.7X;Y(i=H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;i=++H){1Y=L[i];Q[i]=1Y}2z.6V(2C,0,0);o.5T={x:0,y:0};o.6F=2u;u o.71(I)};F.R.c3=A(){K I,6S,2z,94,98,i,2C,1Y,Q,X,6j,7S,7C,G,H,1j,1m,L,2G,48,9c;C(!F.6i){4i"8l 7q";}X=[];7S=o.5T.x;94=7S+o.G;7C=o.5T.y;98=7C+o.J;C(o.6F){I=27.3l(\'I\');I.G=o.5g;I.J=o.6n;2z=I.3q(\'2d\');2C=2z.4C(0,0,I.G,I.J);Q=2C.1R;L=o.54;Y(i=H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;i=++H){1Y=L[i];Q[i]=1Y}2z.6V(2C,0,0);6j=27.3l(\'I\');6j.G=o.G;6j.J=o.J;2z=6j.3q(\'2d\');2z.6g(I,0,0,o.5g,o.6n,0,0,o.G,o.J);Q=2z.4C(0,0,o.G,o.J).1R;G=o.G}W{Q=o.54;G=o.5g}Y(i=1j=0,2G=Q.V;1j<2G;i=1j+=4){6S=2W.b0(i,G);C(((7S<=(48=6S.x)&&48<94))&&((7C<=(9c=6S.y)&&9c<98))){X.2l(Q[i],Q[i+1],Q[i+2],Q[i+3])}}u X};F.R.2b=A(1k,7x){o.4E.5h({1o:P.33.9f,1k:1k,7x:7x});u o};F.R.3z=A(1k,N,2X,3x){K i,H,L;C(!2X){2X=0;Y(i=H=0,L=N.V;0<=L?HL;i=0<=L?++H:--H){2X+=N[i]}}o.4E.5h({1o:P.33.9g,1k:1k,N:N,2X:2X,3x:3x||0});u o};F.R.5d=A(4c,1u){o.4E.5h({1o:P.33.2w,4c:4c,1u:1u});u o};F.R.2N=A(2s){K 28;28=1S 3m(o);o.8F.2l(28);o.4E.5h({1o:P.33.9h});2s.1O(28);o.4E.5h({1o:P.33.9i});u o};F.R.aY=A(28){u o.aQ(28)};F.R.aQ=A(28){o.8G.2l(o.6c);o.5Q.2l(o.Q);o.6c=28;u o.Q=28.Q};F.R.aN=A(){o.Q=o.5Q.aC();u o.6c=o.8G.aC()};F.R.ax=A(){u o.6c.9X()};u F})();5o=(A(){A 5o(c){o.c=c}5o.R.fr=A(){K i,3d,6v,H,1j,1q,L;3d={r:{},g:{},b:{}};Y(i=H=0;H<=D;i=++H){3d.r[i]=0;3d.g[i]=0;3d.b[i]=0}Y(i=1j=0,L=o.c.Q.V;1j0)){u}1p=[];Y(H=0,1m=5S.V;H<1m;H++){1F=5S[H];1p.2l(bB=1S 4O(1F,A(){o.aj();u o.3E()}))}u 1p};C(F.bG){(A(){C(27.8w==="76"){u F.9l()}W{u 27.b7("fw",F.9l,2u)}})()}4O=(A(){K 7j;7j="(\\\\w+)\\\\((.*?)\\\\)";A 4O(4e,bD){o.c0=4e.5m(\'1R-3u\');o.3u=F(4e,bD.8N(o))}4O.R.aj=A(){K 1u,1z,6x,9r,9q,m,r,6w,H,1m,L,1p;o.4e=o.3u.I;r=1S c9(7j,\'g\');6w=o.c0.9p(r);C(!(6w.V>0)){u}r=1S c9(7j);1p=[];Y(H=0,1m=6w.V;H<1m;H++){9r=6w[H];L=9r.9p(r),m=L[0],1z=L[1],1u=L[2];9q=1S fu("u A() { o."+1z+"("+1u+"); };");9o{6x=9q();1p.2l(6x.1O(o.3u))}9n(e){1p.2l(1W.2t(e))}}u 1p};4O.R.3E=A(){K 4e;4e=o.4e;u o.3u.ch(A(){u 4e.83.82(o.bY(),4e)})};u 4O})();F.2i=2i=(A(){A 2i(){}2i.9m={};2i.S=A(1k,6x){u o.9m[1k]=6x};2i.3E=A(1k,Z,U){u o.9m[1k](Z,U)};u 2i})();F.2Q=2Q=(A(){A 2Q(){}2Q.4T=A(3T,41,4v,4u){u O.9j(O.1J(4v-3T,2)+O.1J(4u-41,2))};2Q.bQ=A(2c,1f,6u){K 3S;C(6u==M){6u=2u}3S=2c+(O.fp()*(1f-2c));C(6u){u 3S.fd(6u)}W{u O.7k(3S)}};2Q.6r=A(B){u(0.9e*B.r)+(0.fc*B.g)+(0.fa*B.b)};2Q.1P=A(1I,3C,3B,1t,7D,7E){K 9b,9a,7J,7L,6l,6k,1P,99,4N,i,j,5l,6z,t,6f,3T,4v,97,6d,41,4u,96,H,1j,1q,L,2G;6f=1I[0];6d=1I[1];3T=3C[0];41=3C[1];4v=3B[0];4u=3B[1];97=1t[0];96=1t[1];1P={};6l=3R(3*(3T-6f),10);7J=3*(4v-3T)-6l;9b=97-6f-6l-7J;6k=3*(41-6d);7L=3*(4u-41)-6k;9a=96-6d-6k-7L;Y(i=H=0;H7E){4N=7E}1P[99]=4N}C(1P.V<1t[0]+1){Y(i=1j=0,L=1t[0];0<=L?1j<=L:1j>=L;i=0<=L?++1j:--1j){C(1P[i]==M){5l=[i-1,1P[i-1]];Y(j=1q=i,2G=1t[0];i<=2G?1q<=2G:1q>=2G;j=i<=2G?++1q:--1q){C(1P[j]!=M){6z=[j,1P[j]];4M}}1P[i]=5l[1]+((6z[1]-5l[1])/(6z[0]-5l[0]))*(i-5l[0])}}}C(1P[1t[0]]==M){1P[1t[0]]=1P[1t[0]-1]}u 1P};u 2Q})();29=(A(){A 29(){}29.6J=A(4J){K b,g,r;C(4J.f9(0)==="#"){4J=4J.4I(1)}r=3R(4J.4I(0,2),16);g=3R(4J.4I(2,2),16);b=3R(4J.4I(4,2),16);u{r:r,g:g,b:b}};29.f0=A(r,g,b){K d,h,l,1f,2c,s;C(1x r==="3D"){g=r.g;b=r.b;r=r.r}r/=D;g/=D;b/=D;1f=O.1f(r,g,b);2c=O.2c(r,g,b);l=(1f+2c)/2;C(1f===2c){h=s=0}W{d=1f-2c;s=l>0.5?d/(2-1f-2c):d/(1f+2c);h=(A(){5n(1f){1X r:u(g-b)/d+(g1){t-=1}C(t<1/6){u p+(q-p)*6*t}C(t<1/2){u q}C(t<2/3){u p+(q-p)*(2/3-t)*6}u p};29.9U=A(r,g,b){K d,h,1f,2c,s,v;r/=D;g/=D;b/=D;1f=O.1f(r,g,b);2c=O.2c(r,g,b);v=1f;d=1f-2c;s=1f===0?0:d/1f;C(1f===2c){h=0}W{h=(A(){5n(1f){1X r:u(g-b)/d+(g0.91){r=O.1J((r+0.3o)/1.3o,2.4)}W{r/=12.92}C(g>0.91){g=O.1J((g+0.3o)/1.3o,2.4)}W{g/=12.92}C(b>0.91){b=O.1J((b+0.3o)/1.3o,2.4)}W{b/=12.92}x=r*0.eK+g*0.eJ+b*0.eD;y=r*0.bg+g*0.bk+b*0.by;z=r*0.ez+g*0.ey+b*0.ex;u{x:x*1h,y:y*1h,z:z*1h}};29.et=A(x,y,z){K b,g,r;x/=1h;y/=1h;z/=1h;r=(3.es*x)+(-1.er*y)+(-0.eq*z);g=(-0.ep*x)+(1.eo*y)+(0.en*z);b=(0.em*x)+(-0.el*y)+(1.ek*z);C(r>0.8X){r=(1.3o*O.1J(r,0.8W))-0.3o}W{r*=12.92}C(g>0.8X){g=(1.3o*O.1J(g,0.8W))-0.3o}W{g*=12.92}C(b>0.8X){b=(1.3o*O.1J(b,0.8W))-0.3o}W{b*=12.92}u{r:r*D,g:g*D,b:b*D}};29.9v=A(x,y,z){K a,b,l,8U,8T,8S;C(1x x==="3D"){y=x.y;z=x.z;x=x.x}8U=95.9Q;8T=1h.0;8S=8R.9W;x/=8U;y/=8T;z/=8S;C(x>0.8Q){x=O.1J(x,0.8P)}W{x=(7.8O*x)+0.5I}C(y>0.8Q){y=O.1J(y,0.8P)}W{y=(7.8O*y)+0.5I}C(z>0.8Q){z=O.1J(z,0.8P)}W{z=(7.8O*z)+0.5I}l=au*y-16;a=aw*(x-y);b=5J*(y-z);u{l:l,a:a,b:b}};29.ei=A(l,a,b){K x,y,z;C(1x l==="3D"){a=l.a;b=l.b;l=l.l}y=(l+16)/au;x=y+(a/aw);z=y-(b/5J);C(x>0.8L){x=x*x*x}W{x=0.8K*(x-0.5I)}C(y>0.8L){y=y*y*y}W{y=0.8K*(y-0.5I)}C(z>0.8L){z=z*z*z}W{z=0.8K*(z-0.5I)}u{x:x*95.9Q,y:y*1h.0,z:z*8R.9W}};29.eg=A(r,g,b){K 8J;C(1x r==="3D"){g=r.g;b=r.b;r=r.r}8J=o.am(r,g,b);u o.9v(8J)};29.ef=A(l,a,b){};u 29})();2J=(A(){A 2J(){}2J.4K={};2J.b6=["b8","bc","ce","bd","be","56"];2J.4Y=A(3v,1o,1R){K 5R,H,1m,L,1p;C(o.4K[1o]&&o.4K[1o].V){L=o.4K[1o];1p=[];Y(H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;H++){5R=L[H];C(5R.3v===M||3v.2I===5R.3v.2I){1p.2l(5R.fn.1O(3v,1R))}W{1p.2l(bv 0)}}u 1p}};2J.ed=A(3v,1o,fn){K 7Y,8H;C(1x 3v==="3P"){8H=3v;7Y=1o;3v=M;1o=8H;fn=7Y}C(8M.1O(o.b6,1o)<0){u 2u}C(!o.4K[1o]){o.4K[1o]=[]}o.4K[1o].2l({3v:3v,fn:fn});u 2Z};u 2J})();F.2J=2J;F.P=P=(A(){A P(){}P.33={9f:1,9g:2,9h:3,9i:4,8E:5,2w:6};P.S=A(1k,bE){u F.R[1k]=bE};u P})();F.2P=2P=(A(){A 2P(){}2P.bK=/(?:(?:ec|eb):\\/\\/)((?:\\w+)\\.(?:(?:\\w|\\.)+))/;2P.9S=A(1F){C(1F==M){u 2u}C(o.bO(1F)){u 2u}u o.6K(1F.1H)};2P.bO=A(1F){K L;u(1F.8d!=M)&&((L=1F.8d.6o())===\'c4\'||L===\'bR-ea\')};2P.6K=A(bT){K 6M;6M=bT.9p(o.bK);C(6M){u 6M[1]!==27.e9}W{u 2u}};2P.bZ=A(1H){C(o.6K(1H)){C(!F.6s.V){1W.8C("e8 5Y e6 a c2 1d e5 a e4 c8. 9C: "+1H)}W{C(F.6K(F.6s)){1W.8C("e3 bR a c2 c8 Y e2 cs.");u}u""+F.6s+"?cd="+(9u(1H))}}};2P.5P=A(1H){u""+F.6s+"?"+F.ca+"="+(9u(1H))};2P.e0=A(4V){K 6Y;6Y={dY:\'dX\',dW:\'dV\',dT:\'dS\',dR:\'dQ\'};4V=4V.6o();C(6Y[4V]!=M){4V=6Y[4V]}u"dP/dN."+4V};u 2P})();F.R.dM=A(){C(1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M){u o.a2.5v(o,1y)}W{u o.ag.5v(o,1y)}};F.R.ag=A(1o){K 1d;C(1o==M){1o="ah"}1o=1o.6o();1d=o.8t(1o).dL("1d/"+1o,"1d/dK-dJ");u 27.dH.dG=1d};F.R.a2=A(5q,7h){K 8q;C(7h==M){7h=2Z}9o{8q=fs.dF(5q);C(8q.dE()&&!7h){u 2u}}9n(e){1W.2t("dD dC 5q "+5q)}u fs.dB(5q,o.I.dz(),A(){u 1W.2t("dy dx 5Y "+5q)})};F.R.bY=A(1o){K 1F;1F=27.3l(\'1F\');1F.1H=o.8t(1o);1F.G=o.1c.G;1F.J=o.1c.J;C(4t.44){1F.G/=4t.44;1F.J/=4t.44}u 1F};F.R.8t=A(1o){C(1o==M){1o="ah"}1o=1o.6o();u o.I.dw("1d/"+1o)};3m=(A(){A 3m(c){o.c=c;o.1z=o.c;o.1E={8p:\'8o\',2g:1.0};o.dv=1v.8z.4Z();o.I=1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M?1S 43():27.3l(\'I\');o.I.G=o.c.1c.G;o.I.J=o.c.1c.J;o.1s=o.I.3q(\'2d\');o.1s.du(o.I.G,o.I.J);o.2C=o.1s.4C(0,0,o.I.G,o.I.J);o.Q=o.2C.1R}3m.R.2N=A(cb){u o.c.2N.1O(o.c,cb)};3m.R.3p=A(bf){o.1E.8p=bf;u o};3m.R.2g=A(2g){o.1E.2g=2g/1h;u o};3m.R.3U=A(){K i,2O,H,L;2O=o.c.Q;Y(i=H=0,L=o.c.Q.V;Ho.c.Q.V||2R<0){u{r:0,g:0,b:0,a:0}}u{r:o.c.Q[2R],g:o.c.Q[2R+1],b:o.c.Q[2R+2],a:o.c.Q[2R+3]}};2W.R.do=A(7y,7z,B){K bH;bH=o.T+(o.c.1c.G*4*(7z*-1))+(4*7y);C(2R>o.c.Q.V||2R<0){u}o.c.Q[2R]=B.r;o.c.Q[2R+1]=B.g;o.c.Q[2R+2]=B.b;o.c.Q[2R+3]=B.a;u 2Z};2W.R.dn=A(x,y){K T;T=o.8i(x,y,o.G);u{r:o.c.Q[T],g:o.c.Q[T+1],b:o.c.Q[T+2],a:o.c.Q[T+3]}};2W.R.dm=A(x,y,B){K T;T=o.8i(x,y,o.G);o.c.Q[T]=B.r;o.c.Q[T+1]=B.g;o.c.Q[T+2]=B.b;u o.c.Q[T+3]=B.a};u 2W})();2w=(A(){A 2w(){}2w.8g={};2w.S=A(1k,4c){u o.8g[1k]=4c};2w.3E=A(1s,1k,1u){u o.8g[1k].5v(1s,1u)};u 2w})();F.2w=2w;F.1M=1M=(A(){1M.4G=F.2T?7d(\'dl\').dk().V:4;A 1M(c){K 1r=o;o.c=c;o.46=A(){u 1M.R.46.5v(1r,1y)};o.6e=[];o.52=M}1M.R.5h=A(8f){C(8f==M){u}u o.6e.2l(8f)};1M.R.46=A(){K 28;C(o.6e.V===0){2J.4Y(o,"bd");C(o.8e!=M){o.8e.1O(o.c)}u o}o.26=o.6e.bU();5n(o.26.1o){1X P.33.9h:28=o.c.8F.bU();o.c.aY(28);u o.46();1X P.33.9i:o.c.ax();o.c.aN();u o.46();1X P.33.8E:u o.bV(o.26.28,o.26.1H);1X P.33.2w:u o.bW();dj:u o.bX()}};1M.R.3E=A(2s){o.8e=2s;o.52=1v.63(o.c.Q.V);u o.46()};1M.R.8b=A(fn){K 6p,88,2L,1t,f,i,86,n,1I,H,L,1p,1r=o;o.7N=0;n=o.c.Q.V;88=O.32((n/4)/1M.4G);6p=88*4;86=6p+((n/4)%1M.4G)*4;1p=[];Y(i=H=0,L=1M.4G;0<=L?HL;i=0<=L?++H:--H){1I=i*6p;1t=1I+(i===1M.4G-1?86:6p);C(F.2T){f=65(A(){u fn.1O(1r,i,1I,1t)});2L=f.di();1p.2l(o.56(2L))}W{1p.2l(6T((A(i,1I,1t){u A(){u fn.1O(1r,i,1I,1t)}})(i,1I,1t),0))}}u 1p};1M.R.bX=A(){2J.4Y(o.c,"b8",o.26);C(o.26.1o===P.33.9f){u o.8b(o.c5)}W{u o.8b(o.c6)}};1M.R.bW=A(){1W.2t("de 4c "+o.26.4c);2w.3E(o.c,o.26.4c,o.26.1u);1W.2t("2w "+o.26.4c+" 85!");u o.46()};1M.R.c5=A(2L,1I,1t){K 1R,i,4w,39,H;1W.2t("cc #"+2L+" - P: "+o.26.1k+", dc: "+1I+", db: "+1t);2J.4Y(o.c,"be",{cf:2L,cg:1M.4G,da:1I,d9:1t});1R={r:0,g:0,b:0,a:0};4w=1S 2W(o.c);Y(i=H=1I;H<1t;i=H+=4){4w.T=i;1R.r=o.c.Q[i];1R.g=o.c.Q[i+1];1R.b=o.c.Q[i+2];1R.a=o.c.Q[i+3];39=o.26.7x.1O(4w,1R);C(39.a==M){39.a=1R.a}o.c.Q[i]=1v.3y(39.r);o.c.Q[i+1]=1v.3y(39.g);o.c.Q[i+2]=1v.3y(39.b);o.c.Q[i+3]=1v.3y(39.a)}C(F.2T){u 65["9t"](2L)}W{u o.56(2L)}};1M.R.c6=A(2L,1I,1t){K N,6t,3x,2F,5c,2X,i,j,k,2A,n,1k,1Y,4w,39,H,1j,1q;1k=o.26.1k;3x=o.26.3x;2X=o.26.2X;n=o.c.Q.V;N=o.26.N;6t=O.9j(N.V);2A=[];1W.2t("d8 2A - P: "+o.26.1k);1I=O.1f(1I,o.c.1c.G*4*((6t-1)/2));1t=O.2c(1t,n-(o.c.1c.G*4*((6t-1)/2)));2F=(6t-1)/2;4w=1S 2W(o.c);Y(i=H=1I;H<1t;i=H+=4){4w.T=i;5c=0;Y(j=1j=-2F;-2F<=2F?1j<=2F:1j>=2F;j=-2F<=2F?++1j:--1j){Y(k=1q=2F;2F<=-2F?1q<=-2F:1q>=-2F;k=2F<=-2F?++1q:--1q){1Y=4w.bC(j,k);2A[5c*3]=1Y.r;2A[5c*3+1]=1Y.g;2A[5c*3+2]=1Y.b;5c++}}39=o.3z(N,2A,2X,3x);o.52[i]=1v.3y(39.r);o.52[i+1]=1v.3y(39.g);o.52[i+2]=1v.3y(39.b);o.52[i+3]=o.c.Q[i+3]}C(F.2T){u 65["9t"](2L)}W{u o.56(2L)}};1M.R.56=A(2L){K i,H,L;C(2L>=0){1W.2t("cc #"+2L+" 85! P: "+o.26.1k)}o.7N++;2J.4Y(o.c,"56",{cf:2L,d7:o.7N,cg:1M.4G});C(o.7N===1M.4G){C(o.26.1o===P.33.9g){Y(i=H=0,L=o.c.Q.V;0<=L?HL;i=0<=L?++H:--H){o.c.Q[i]=o.52[i]}}C(2L>=0){1W.2t("P "+o.26.1k+" 85!")}2J.4Y(o.c,"bc",o.26);u o.46()}};1M.R.3z=A(N,2A,2X,3x){K i,2k,H,L;2k={r:0,g:0,b:0};Y(i=H=0,L=N.V;0<=L?HL;i=0<=L?++H:--H){2k.r+=N[i]*2A[i*3];2k.g+=N[i]*2A[i*3+1];2k.b+=N[i]*2A[i*3+2]}2k.r=(2k.r/2X)+3x;2k.g=(2k.g/2X)+3x;2k.b=(2k.b/2X)+3x;u 2k};1M.R.bV=A(28,1H){K 1F,5P,1r=o;1F=27.3l(\'1F\');1F.8a=A(){28.1s.6g(1F,0,0,1r.c.1c.G,1r.c.1c.J);28.2C=28.1s.4C(0,0,1r.c.1c.G,1r.c.1c.J);28.Q=28.2C.1R;1r.c.Q=28.Q;u 1r.46()};5P=2P.bZ(1H);u 1F.1H=5P!=M?5P:1H};u 1M})();F.2V=2V=(A(){A 2V(){}2V.5a={};2V.bz=A(4p){u o.5a[4p]!=M};2V.4Z=A(4p){u o.5a[4p]};2V.bl=A(1k,4d){u o.5a[1k]=4d};2V.3E=A(4p,2s){K 1r=o;6T(A(){u 2s.1O(1r.4Z(4p),1r.4Z(4p))},0);u o.4Z(4p)};2V.d6=A(1k){C(1k==M){1k=2u}C(1k){u 9E o.5a[1k]}W{u o.5a={}}};u 2V})();2i.S("8o",A(Z,U){u{r:Z.r,g:Z.g,b:Z.b}});2i.S("58",A(Z,U){u{r:(Z.r*U.r)/D,g:(Z.g*U.g)/D,b:(Z.b*U.b)/D}});2i.S("d5",A(Z,U){u{r:D-(((D-Z.r)*(D-U.r))/D),g:D-(((D-Z.g)*(D-U.g))/D),b:D-(((D-Z.b)*(D-U.b))/D)}});2i.S("7W",A(Z,U){K 1D;1D={};1D.r=U.r>1e?D-2*(D-Z.r)*(D-U.r)/D:(U.r*Z.r*2)/D;1D.g=U.g>1e?D-2*(D-Z.g)*(D-U.g)/D:(U.g*Z.g*2)/D;1D.b=U.b>1e?D-2*(D-Z.b)*(D-U.b)/D:(U.b*Z.b*2)/D;u 1D});2i.S("d3",A(Z,U){u{r:Z.r-U.r,g:Z.g-U.g,b:Z.b-U.b}});2i.S("9J",A(Z,U){u{r:U.r+Z.r,g:U.g+Z.g,b:U.b+Z.b}});2i.S("d2",A(Z,U){u{r:1e-2*(U.r-1e)*(Z.r-1e)/D,g:1e-2*(U.g-1e)*(Z.g-1e)/D,b:1e-2*(U.b-1e)*(Z.b-1e)/D}});2i.S("9L",A(Z,U){K 1D;1D={};1D.r=U.r>1e?D-((D-U.r)*(D-(Z.r-1e)))/D:(U.r*(Z.r+1e))/D;1D.g=U.g>1e?D-((D-U.g)*(D-(Z.g-1e)))/D:(U.g*(Z.g+1e))/D;1D.b=U.b>1e?D-((D-U.b)*(D-(Z.b-1e)))/D:(U.b*(Z.b+1e))/D;u 1D});2i.S("d1",A(Z,U){u{r:U.r>Z.r?U.r:Z.r,g:U.g>Z.g?U.g:Z.g,b:U.b>Z.b?U.b:Z.b}});2i.S("d0",A(Z,U){u{r:U.r>Z.r?Z.r:U.r,g:U.g>Z.g?Z.g:U.g,b:U.b>Z.b?Z.b:U.b}});P.S("4B",A(){K 34;C(1y.V===1){34=29.6J(1y[0])}W{34={r:1y[0],g:1y[1],b:1y[2]}}u o.2b("4B",A(B){B.r=34.r;B.g=34.g;B.b=34.b;B.a=D;u B})});P.S("3i",A(N){N=O.32(D*(N/1h));u o.2b("3i",A(B){B.r+=N;B.g+=N;B.b+=N;u B})});P.S("3A",A(N){N*=-0.cX;u o.2b("3A",A(B){K 1f;1f=O.1f(B.r,B.g,B.b);C(B.r!==1f){B.r+=(1f-B.r)*N}C(B.g!==1f){B.g+=(1f-B.g)*N}C(B.b!==1f){B.b+=(1f-B.b)*N}u B})});P.S("3L",A(N){N*=-1;u o.2b("3L",A(B){K 1l,4y,1f;1f=O.1f(B.r,B.g,B.b);4y=(B.r+B.g+B.b)/3;1l=((O.4z(1f-4y)*2/D)*N)/1h;C(B.r!==1f){B.r+=(1f-B.r)*1l}C(B.g!==1f){B.g+=(1f-B.g)*1l}C(B.b!==1f){B.b+=(1f-B.b)*1l}u B})});P.S("4A",A(N){u o.2b("4A",A(B){K 4y;4y=2Q.6r(B);B.r=4y;B.g=4y;B.b=4y;u B})});P.S("2h",A(N){N=O.1J((N+1h)/1h,2);u o.2b("2h",A(B){B.r/=D;B.r-=0.5;B.r*=N;B.r+=0.5;B.r*=D;B.g/=D;B.g-=0.5;B.g*=N;B.g+=0.5;B.g*=D;B.b/=D;B.b-=0.5;B.b*=N;B.b+=0.5;B.b*=D;u B})});P.S("81",A(N){u o.2b("81",A(B){K h,4S,2y;4S=29.9U(B.r,B.g,B.b);h=4S.h*1h;h+=O.4z(N);h=h%1h;h/=1h;4S.h=h;2y=29.9Z(4S.h,4S.s,4S.v);2y.a=B.a;u 2y})});P.S("3Z",A(){K 5e,2y;C(1y.V===2){2y=29.6J(1y[0]);5e=1y[1]}W C(1y.V===4){2y={r:1y[0],g:1y[1],b:1y[2]};5e=1y[3]}u o.2b("3Z",A(B){B.r-=(B.r-2y.r)*(5e/1h);B.g-=(B.g-2y.g)*(5e/1h);B.b-=(B.b-2y.b)*(5e/1h);u B})});P.S("a3",A(){u o.2b("a3",A(B){B.r=D-B.r;B.g=D-B.g;B.b=D-B.b;u B})});P.S("49",A(N){C(N==M){N=1h}N/=1h;u o.2b("49",A(B){B.r=O.2c(D,(B.r*(1-(0.cV*N)))+(B.g*(0.cU*N))+(B.b*(0.cT*N)));B.g=O.2c(D,(B.r*(0.cS*N))+(B.g*(1-(0.cR*N)))+(B.b*(0.cQ*N)));B.b=O.2c(D,(B.r*(0.cP*N))+(B.g*(0.cO*N))+(B.b*(1-(0.cN*N))));u B})});P.S("2n",A(N){u o.2b("2n",A(B){B.r=O.1J(B.r/D,N)*D;B.g=O.1J(B.g/D,N)*D;B.b=O.1J(B.b/D,N)*D;u B})});P.S("7O",A(N){N=O.4z(N)*2.55;u o.2b("7O",A(B){K 3S;3S=2Q.bQ(N*-1,N);B.r+=3S;B.g+=3S;B.b+=3S;u B})});P.S("7K",A(N){N=O.4z(N)*2.55;u o.2b("7K",A(B){C(B.r>D-N){B.r=D}W C(B.rD-N){B.g=D}W C(B.gD-N){B.b=D}W C(B.b0){B.r+=(D-B.r)*1E.37}W{B.r-=B.r*O.4z(1E.37)}}C(1E.4D!=M){C(1E.4D>0){B.g+=(D-B.g)*1E.4D}W{B.g-=B.g*O.4z(1E.4D)}}C(1E.3F!=M){C(1E.3F>0){B.b+=(D-B.b)*1E.3F}W{B.b-=B.b*O.4z(1E.3F)}}u B})});P.S("1Z",A(){K 1P,3G,3w,3C,3B,1t,i,1I,H,1j,L,2G;3G=1y[0],3w=2<=1y.V?8D.1O(1y,1):[];C(1x 3G==="3P"){3G=3G.cL("")}C(3G[0]==="v"){3G=[\'r\',\'g\',\'b\']}C(3w.V<3||3w.V>4){4i"7b as cK 1y 5Y 1Z 1z";}1I=3w[0];3C=3w[1];3B=3w.V===4?3w[2]:3w[1];1t=3w[3w.V-1];1P=2Q.1P(1I,3C,3B,1t,0,D);C(1I[0]>0){Y(i=H=0,L=1I[0];0<=L?HL;i=0<=L?++H:--H){1P[i]=1I[1]}}C(1t[0]=D;i=2G<=D?++1j:--1j){1P[i]=1t[1]}}u o.2b("1Z",A(B){K 1q,48;Y(i=1q=0,48=3G.V;0<=48?1q<48:1q>48;i=0<=48?++1q:--1q){B[3G[i]]=1P[B[3G[i]]]}u B})});P.S("2U",A(N){K 3C,3B,p;p=O.4z(N)/1h;3C=[0,D*p];3B=[D-(D*p),D];C(N<0){3C=3C.av();3B=3B.av()}u o.1Z(\'2y\',[0,0],3C,3B,[D,D])});F.2w.S("8c",A(G,J,x,y){K I,2z;C(x==M){x=0}C(y==M){y=0}C(1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M){I=1S 43(G,J)}W{I=27.3l(\'I\');1v.5X(o.I,I);I.G=G;I.J=J}2z=I.3q(\'2d\');2z.6g(o.I,x,y,G,J,0,0,G,J);o.5T={x:x,y:y};o.bw=2Z;u o.71(I)});F.2w.S("7I",A(2p){K I,2z;C(2p==M){2p=M}C(2p===M||((2p.G==M)&&(2p.J==M))){1W.bu("7b aI cI 1c b1 Y 7I");u}C(2p.G==M){2p.G=o.I.G*2p.J/o.I.J}W C(2p.J==M){2p.J=o.I.J*2p.G/o.I.G}C(1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M){I=1S 43(2p.G,2p.J)}W{I=27.3l(\'I\');1v.5X(o.I,I);I.G=2p.G;I.J=2p.J}2z=I.3q(\'2d\');2z.6g(o.I,0,0,o.I.G,o.I.J,0,0,2p.G,2p.J);o.6F=2Z;u o.71(I)});F.P.S("8c",A(){u o.5d("8c",6L.R.4L.1O(1y,0))});F.P.S("7I",A(){u o.5d("7I",6L.R.4L.1O(1y,0))});F.P.S("cH",A(){u o.3z("cG 7G",[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1])});F.P.S("cF",A(){u o.3z("cE cD 7G",[0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0])});F.P.S("cC",A(){u o.3z("cB 7G",[1,4,6,4,1,4,16,24,16,4,6,24,36,24,6,4,16,24,16,4,1,4,6,4,1])});F.P.S("cA",A(3Y){K 2A;C(3Y===0||3Y===4U){2A=[0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0]}W C((3Y>0&&3Y<90)||(3Y>4U&&3Yo.1c.G){1n=o.1c.G*(3R(1n.4I(0,1n.V-1),10)/1h)}W{1n=o.1c.J*(3R(1n.4I(0,1n.V-1),10)/1h)}}38/=1h;3n=[o.1c.G/2,o.1c.J/2];1I=O.9j(O.1J(3n[0],2)+O.1J(3n[1],2));1t=1I-1n;1P=2Q.1P([0,1],[30,30],[70,60],[1h,80]);u o.2b("1T",A(B){K 7n,2x,T;T=o.8h();7n=2Q.4T(T.x,T.y,3n[0],3n[1]);C(7n>1t){2x=O.1f(1,(1P[O.7k(((7n-1t)/1n)*1h)]/10)*38);B.r=O.1J(B.r/D,2x)*D;B.g=O.1J(B.g/D,2x)*D;B.b=O.1J(B.b/D,2x)*D}u B})});P.S("b2",A(E){K 42,5p,7i,1n,H,1m,L;42={38:50,2B:0,8s:\'3i\',34:{r:0,g:0,b:0}};E=1v.6R(42,E);C(!E.1n){u o}W C(1x E.1n==="3P"){7i=3R(E.1n,10)/1h;E.1n={G:o.1c.G*7i,J:o.1c.J*7i}}W C(1x E.1n==="3D"){L=["G","J"];Y(H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;H++){5p=L[H];C(1x E.1n[5p]==="3P"){E.1n[5p]=o.1c[5p]*(3R(E.1n[5p],10)/1h)}}}W C(E.1n==="as"){1n=E.1n;E.1n={G:1n,J:1n}}C(1x E.2B==="3P"){E.2B=(E.1n.G/2)*(3R(E.2B,10)/1h)}E.38/=1h;E.1n.G=O.32(E.1n.G);E.1n.J=O.32(E.1n.J);E.1d={G:o.1c.G,J:o.1c.J};C(E.8s==="3Z"&&1x E.34==="3P"){E.34=29.6J(E.34)}E.1U={53:(o.1c.G-E.1n.G)/2,5t:o.1c.G-E.1U.53,4W:(o.1c.J-E.1n.J)/2,5w:o.1c.J-E.1U.4W};E.1w=[{x:E.1U.53+E.2B,y:E.1U.5w-E.2B},{x:E.1U.5t-E.2B,y:E.1U.5w-E.2B},{x:E.1U.5t-E.2B,y:E.1U.4W+E.2B},{x:E.1U.53+E.2B,y:E.1U.4W+E.2B}];E.3W=2Q.4T(0,0,E.1w[3].x,E.1w[3].y)-E.2B;u o.2b("b2",A(B){K 1l,T,4a;T=o.8h();C((T.x>E.1w[0].x&&T.xE.1U.4W&&T.yE.1U.53&&T.xE.1w[3].y&&T.yE.1w[0].x&&T.xE.1U.5w){1l=(T.y-E.1U.5w)/E.3W}W C(T.y>E.1w[2].y&&T.yE.1U.5t){1l=(T.x-E.1U.5t)/E.3W}W C(T.x>E.1w[0].x&&T.xE.1w[2].y&&T.y=E.1w[0].y){4a=F.4T(T.x,T.y,E.1w[0].x,E.1w[0].y);1l=(4a-E.2B)/E.3W}W C(T.x>=E.1w[1].x&&T.y>=E.1w[1].y){4a=F.4T(T.x,T.y,E.1w[1].x,E.1w[1].y);1l=(4a-E.2B)/E.3W}W C(T.x>=E.1w[2].x&&T.y<=E.1w[2].y){4a=F.4T(T.x,T.y,E.1w[2].x,E.1w[2].y);1l=(4a-E.2B)/E.3W}W C(T.x<=E.1w[3].x&&T.y<=E.1w[3].y){4a=F.4T(T.x,T.y,E.1w[3].x,E.1w[3].y);1l=(4a-E.2B)/E.3W}C(1l<0){u B}u 8Y[E.8s](B,1l,E)})});(A(){K 4F,8A,8B,5N,5O;5N=[2E,2E,2Y,2E,3t,2Y,3s,2E,3O,3t,3r,2Y,3J,3s,3M,2E,4s,3O,4r,3t,4q,3r,4o,2Y,4n,3J,4m,3s,31,3M,4l,2E,5K,4s,3H,3O,5H,4r,5G,3t,31,4q,5F,3r,4k,4o,4j,2Y,5D,4n,5C,3J,5B,4m,5A,3s,5z,31,5y,3M,5x,4l,3K,2E,74,5K,6W,4s,6Q,3H,6O,3O,6H,5H,6E,4r,4h,5G,7R,3t,5i,31,7H,4q,7B,5F,4g,3r,3K,4k,7p,4o,7m,4j,79,2Y,6G,5D,3H,4n,6D,5C,6A,3J,7V,5B,7Q,4m,4h,5A,5b,3s,7w,5z,7l,31,78,5y,7U,3M,59,5x,4g,4l,77,3K,7M,2E,ci,74,cj,5K,4j,6W,ck,4s,cl,6Q,cm,3H,cn,6O,co,3O,cp,6H,cq,5H,cr,6E,bI,4r,bp,4h,7e,5G,5b,7R,7r,3t,aS,5i,aR,31,aP,7H,aM,4q,7F,7B,59,5F,aK,4g,aJ,3r,aH,3K,aG,4k,aF,7p,aE,4o,aD,7m,aB,4j,aA,79,az,2Y,ay,6G,at,5D,ar,3H,an,4n,ad,6D,ac,5C,ab,6A,aa,3J,a9,7V,a8,5B,a7,7Q,a6,4m,a5,4h,7e,5A,a4,5b,9R,3s,7r,7w,9P,5z,5i,7l,9O,31,9N,78,9M,5y,9e,7U,7F,3M,9K,59,9I,5x,9H,4g,9G,4l,3r,77,9D,3K,9A,7M,4k];5O=[9,11,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,15,15,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24];8A=A(G,J,5j,5k,4f,V,bJ){K 3N,1s,2j,3T,4v,41,4u;3N=1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M?1S 43():27.3l(\'I\');3N.G=G;3N.J=J;3T=5j+O.bj(4f)*V*0.5;41=5k+O.bi(4f)*V*0.5;4v=5j-O.bj(4f)*V*0.5;4u=5k-O.bi(4f)*V*0.5;1s=3N.3q("2d");2j=1s.ds(3T,41,4v,4u);C(!bJ){2j.4P(0,"7o");2j.4P(1,"8n")}W{2j.4P(0,"7o");2j.4P(0.5,"8n");2j.4P(1,"7o")}1s.b5=2j;1s.b4(0,0,G,J);u 1s.4C(0,0,G,J)};8B=A(G,J,5j,5k,6a,69){K 3N,1s,2j;3N=1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M?1S 43():27.3l(\'I\');3N.G=G;3N.J=J;1s=3N.3q("2d");2j=1s.dA(5j,5k,6a,5j,5k,69);2j.4P(1,"7o");2j.4P(0,"8n");1s.b5=2j;1s.b4(0,0,G,J);u 1s.4C(0,0,G,J)};4F=A(){o.r=0;o.g=0;o.b=0;o.a=0;u o.1V=M};F.2w.S("9s",A(aX,1Q,aU,7f){K 2f,2o,1L,5r,66,2x,2e,2v,1K,J,3Q,i,62,2r,3g,73,3I,61,2H,p,1B,1C,X,1A,2a,2q,1N,8x,1a,2S,2K,1b,47,1i,1G,2M,4Q,2D,6C,6B,5M,G,3f,x,y,1g,4H,4x,H,1j,1q,3e,3c,3b,3a,3k,3j,5s;G=o.1c.G;J=o.1c.J;3g=o.Q;8x=aX.1R;6B=G*J;5M=6B<<2;X=[];Y(i=H=0;0<=5M?H<5M:H>5M;i=0<=5M?++H:--H){X[i]=3g[i]}66=0;4Q=7f;7f-=1;bS(4Q-->=0){3I=(1Q+0.5)|0;C(3I===0){5L}C(3I>67){3I=67}2x=3I+3I+1;6C=G<<2;3f=G-1;3Q=J-1;1a=3I+1;2D=1a*(1a+1)/2;2M=1S 4F();47=bv 0;1b=2M;Y(i=1j=1;1<=2x?1j<2x:1j>2x;i=1<=2x?++1j:--1j){1b=1b.1V=1S 4F();C(i===1a){47=1b}}1b.1V=2M;1i=M;1G=M;4x=1g=0;2H=5N[3I];2K=5O[3I];Y(y=1q=0;0<=J?1qJ;y=0<=J?++1q:--1q){2a=2e=2f=1N=1K=1L=0;2q=1a*(1A=X[1g]);2v=1a*(1C=X[1g+1]);2o=1a*(1B=X[1g+2]);1N+=2D*1A;1K+=2D*1C;1L+=2D*1B;1b=2M;Y(i=3e=0;0<=1a?3e<1a:3e>1a;i=0<=1a?++3e:--3e){1b.r=1A;1b.g=1C;1b.b=1B;1b=1b.1V}Y(i=3c=1;1<=1a?3c<1a:3c>1a;i=1<=1a?++3c:--3c){p=1g+((3fG;x=0<=G?++3b:--3b){X[1g]=(1N*2H)>>2K;X[1g+1]=(1K*2H)>>2K;X[1g+2]=(1L*2H)>>2K;1N-=2q;1K-=2v;1L-=2o;2q-=1i.r;2v-=1i.g;2o-=1i.b;p=(4x+((p=x+1a)<3f?p:3f))<<2;2a+=(1i.r=X[p]);2e+=(1i.g=X[p+1]);2f+=(1i.b=X[p+2]);1N+=2a;1K+=2e;1L+=2f;1i=1i.1V;2q+=(1A=1G.r);2v+=(1C=1G.g);2o+=(1B=1G.b);2a-=1A;2e-=1C;2f-=1B;1G=1G.1V;1g+=4}4x+=G}Y(x=3a=0;0<=G?3aG;x=0<=G?++3a:--3a){2e=2f=2a=1K=1L=1N=0;1g=x<<2;2q=1a*(1A=X[1g]);2v=1a*(1C=X[1g+1]);2o=1a*(1B=X[1g+2]);1N+=2D*1A;1K+=2D*1C;1L+=2D*1B;1b=2M;Y(i=3k=0;0<=1a?3k<1a:3k>1a;i=0<=1a?++3k:--3k){1b.r=1A;1b.g=1C;1b.b=1B;1b=1b.1V}4H=G;Y(i=3j=1;1<=1a?3j<1a:3j>1a;i=1<=1a?++3j:--3j){1g=(4H+x)<<2;1N+=(1b.r=(1A=X[1g]))*(2S=1a-i);1K+=(1b.g=(1C=X[1g+1]))*2S;1L+=(1b.b=(1B=X[1g+2]))*2S;2a+=1A;2e+=1C;2f+=1B;1b=1b.1V;C(i<3Q){4H+=G}}1g=x;1i=2M;1G=47;Y(y=5s=0;0<=J?5sJ;y=0<=J?++5s:--5s){p=1g<<2;X[p]=(1N*2H)>>2K;X[p+1]=(1K*2H)>>2K;X[p+2]=(1L*2H)>>2K;1N-=2q;1K-=2v;1L-=2o;2q-=1i.r;2v-=1i.g;2o-=1i.b;p=(x+(((p=y+1a)<3Q?p:3Q)*G))<<2;1N+=(2a+=(1i.r=X[p]));1K+=(2e+=(1i.g=X[p+1]));1L+=(2f+=(1i.b=X[p+2]));1i=1i.1V;2q+=(1A=1G.r);2v+=(1C=1G.g);2o+=(1B=1G.b);2a-=1A;2e-=1C;2f-=1B;1G=1G.1V;1g+=G}}1Q*=aU;i=6B;bS(--i>-1){2r=i<<2;61=(8x[2r+2]&eu)/D.0*7f;73=61|0;C(73===66){5r=67.0*(61-(61|0));62=67-5r;3g[2r]=(3g[2r]*62+X[2r]*5r)>>8;3g[2r+1]=(3g[2r+1]*62+X[2r+1]*5r)>>8;3g[2r+2]=(3g[2r+2]*62+X[2r+2]*5r)>>8}W C(73===66+1){3g[2r]=X[2r];3g[2r+1]=X[2r+1];3g[2r+2]=X[2r+2]}}66++}u o});F.P.S("ev",A(E){K 42,2j;42={3n:{x:o.1c.G/2,y:o.1c.J/2},4f:45,bL:5J,7g:3,7c:1.5,4Q:3};E=1v.6R(42,E);E.4f*=O.eA/4U;2j=8A(o.1c.G,o.1c.J,E.3n.x,E.3n.y,E.4f,E.bL,2Z);u o.5d("9s",[2j,E.7g,E.7c,E.4Q])});u F.P.S("eB",A(E){K 42,2j,6a,69;42={1n:50,3n:{x:o.1c.G/2,y:o.1c.J/2},7g:3,7c:1.5,4Q:3,1Q:M};E=1v.6R(42,E);C(!E.1Q){E.1Q=o.1c.G2x;i=1<=2x?++H:--H){1b=1b.1V=1S 4F();C(i===1a){47=1b}}1b.1V=2M;1i=M;1G=M;4x=1g=0;2H=5N[1Q];2K=5O[1Q];Y(y=1j=0;0<=J?1jJ;y=0<=J?++1j:--1j){2a=2e=2f=1N=1K=1L=0;2q=1a*(1A=X[1g]);2v=1a*(1C=X[1g+1]);2o=1a*(1B=X[1g+2]);1N+=2D*1A;1K+=2D*1C;1L+=2D*1B;1b=2M;Y(i=1q=0;0<=1a?1q<1a:1q>1a;i=0<=1a?++1q:--1q){1b.r=1A;1b.g=1C;1b.b=1B;1b=1b.1V}Y(i=3e=1;1<=1a?3e<1a:3e>1a;i=1<=1a?++3e:--3e){p=1g+((3fG;x=0<=G?++3c:--3c){X[1g]=(1N*2H)>>2K;X[1g+1]=(1K*2H)>>2K;X[1g+2]=(1L*2H)>>2K;1N-=2q;1K-=2v;1L-=2o;2q-=1i.r;2v-=1i.g;2o-=1i.b;p=(4x+((p=x+1Q+1)<3f?p:3f))<<2;2a+=(1i.r=X[p]);2e+=(1i.g=X[p+1]);2f+=(1i.b=X[p+2]);1N+=2a;1K+=2e;1L+=2f;1i=1i.1V;2q+=(1A=1G.r);2v+=(1C=1G.g);2o+=(1B=1G.b);2a-=1A;2e-=1C;2f-=1B;1G=1G.1V;1g+=4}4x+=G}Y(x=3b=0;0<=G?3bG;x=0<=G?++3b:--3b){2e=2f=2a=1K=1L=1N=0;1g=x<<2;2q=1a*(1A=X[1g]);2v=1a*(1C=X[1g+1]);2o=1a*(1B=X[1g+2]);1N+=2D*1A;1K+=2D*1C;1L+=2D*1B;1b=2M;Y(i=3a=0;0<=1a?3a<1a:3a>1a;i=0<=1a?++3a:--3a){1b.r=1A;1b.g=1C;1b.b=1B;1b=1b.1V}4H=G;Y(i=3k=1;1<=1Q?3k<=1Q:3k>=1Q;i=1<=1Q?++3k:--3k){1g=(4H+x)<<2;1N+=(1b.r=(1A=X[1g]))*(2S=1a-i);1K+=(1b.g=(1C=X[1g+1]))*2S;1L+=(1b.b=(1B=X[1g+2]))*2S;2a+=1A;2e+=1C;2f+=1B;1b=1b.1V;C(i<3Q){4H+=G}}1g=x;1i=2M;1G=47;Y(y=3j=0;0<=J?3jJ;y=0<=J?++3j:--3j){p=1g<<2;X[p]=(1N*2H)>>2K;X[p+1]=(1K*2H)>>2K;X[p+2]=(1L*2H)>>2K;1N-=2q;1K-=2v;1L-=2o;2q-=1i.r;2v-=1i.g;2o-=1i.b;p=(x+(((p=y+1a)<3Q?p:3Q)*G))<<2;1N+=(2a+=(1i.r=X[p]));1K+=(2e+=(1i.g=X[p+1]));1L+=(2f+=(1i.b=X[p+2]));1i=1i.1V;2q+=(1A=1G.r);2v+=(1C=1G.g);2o+=(1B=1G.b);2a-=1A;2e-=1C;2f-=1B;1G=1G.1V;1g+=G}}u o});u F.P.S("5f",A(1Q){u o.5d("5f",[1Q])})})();F.P.S("9w",A(N){u o.2b("9w",A(B){K 6r;6r=(0.bg*B.r)+(0.bk*B.g)+(0.by*B.b);C(6r 35 ? String.fromCharCode(c + 29) : c.toString(36))
+ };
+ if (!''.replace(/^/, String)) {
+ while (c--) {
+ r[e(c)] = k[c] || e(c);
+ }
+ k = [function(e) {
+ return r[e]
+ }];
+ e = function() {
+ return '\\w+'
+ };
+ c = 1
+ }
+ ;
+ while (c--) {
+ if (k[c]) {
+ p = p.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + e(c) + '\\b', 'g'), k[c]);
+ }
+ }
+ return p
+}('(A(){K $,5o,2i,2Q,F,4O,43,29,2J,65,P,2P,5u,3m,1W,64,2W,2w,1M,7v,2V,1v,fs,4L,8Y,7A={}.ej,8M=[].eh||A(bx){Y(K i=0,l=o.V;iD){u D}u 2k};1v.5X=A(9z,5Y,E){K 5Z,H,1m,L,2G,1p;C(E==M){E={}}L=9z.dU;1p=[];Y(H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;H++){5Z=L[H];C((E.8v!=M)&&(2G=5Z.8u,8M.1O(E.8v,2G)>=0)){5L}1p.2l(5Y.9Y(5Z.8u,5Z.dO))}u 1p};1v.63=A(V){C(V==M){V=0}C(F.2T||(4t.a0!=M)){u 1S a0(V)}u 1S 6L(V)};u 1v})();C(1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M){7v=2m;43=7d(\'I\');5u=43.5u;65=7d(\'dI\');fs=7d(\'fs\')}W{7v=4t}7v.F=F=(A(){F.8r={aW:"4.1.1",aZ:"4/8/dt"};F.bt=2u;F.2T=1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M;F.bG=!F.2T;F.6i=2Z;F.8d="c4";F.dh=A(){u"dg "+F.8r.aW+", df "+F.8r.aZ};F.6s="";F.ca="cd";F.9d=A(I){C(F.2T){u 2Z}C(1x I==="3P"){I=$(I)}C(!((I!=M)&&(I.5m!=M))){u M}u I.5m(\'1R-3u-2I\')};A F(){K 1u,2s,2I,1r=o;C(1y.V===0){4i"7b 1y";}C(o ct F){o.5E=o.5E.8N(o);o.5W=o.5W.8N(o);1u=1y[0];C(!F.2T){2I=3R(F.9d(1u[0]),10);2s=1x 1u[1]==="A"?1u[1]:1x 1u[2]==="A"?1u[2]:A(){};C(!bA(2I)&&2V.bz(2I)){u 2V.3E(2I,2s)}}o.2I=1v.8z.4Z();o.7X=o.54=M;o.5T={x:0,y:0};o.bw=2u;o.6F=2u;o.5Q=[];o.8G=[];o.8F=[];o.6c=M;o.bq=2u;o.e1=1S 5o(o);o.4E=1S 1M(o);o.bo(A(){1r.bn(1u);u 1r.bm()});u o}W{u 1S F(1y)}}F.R.bo=A(cb){K 8y,1r=o;C(F.2T){u 6T(A(){u cb.1O(1r)},0)}W{C(27.8w==="76"){1W.2t("ba b9");u 6T(A(){u cb.1O(1r)},0)}W{8y=A(){C(27.8w==="76"){1W.2t("ba b9");u cb.1O(1r)}};u 27.b7("cu",8y,2u)}}};F.R.bn=A(1u){K 6y,2k,L,1p;C(1u.V===0){4i"7b 1y b1";}o.3V=M;o.7t=M;o.7u=M;o.2s=A(){};o.aV(1u[0]);C(1u.V===1){u}5n(1x 1u[1]){1X"3P":o.7u=1u[1];4M;1X"A":o.2s=1u[1]}C(1u.V===2){u}o.2s=1u[2];C(1u.V===4){L=1u[4];1p=[];Y(6y 6I L){C(!7A.1O(L,6y))5L;2k=L[6y];1p.2l(o.1E[6y]=2k)}u 1p}};F.R.aV=A(4d){C(F.2T){o.3V=4d;o.7t=\'aT\';u}C(1x 4d==="3D"){o.3V=4d}W{o.3V=$(4d)}C(o.3V==M){4i"cv cy cz 1d aI I Y cJ.";}u o.7t=o.3V.8u.6o()};F.R.bm=A(){5n(o.7t){1X"aT":u o.aq();1X"1F":u o.ap();1X"I":u o.ao()}};F.R.aq=A(){K 1r=o;1W.2t("cM Y 2T");o.1d=1S 5u();o.1d.8a=A(){1W.2t("5u al. ai = "+(1r.4X())+", ae = "+(1r.51()));1r.I=1S 43(1r.4X(),1r.51());u 1r.5E()};o.1d.cW=A(a1){4i a1;};u o.1d.1H=o.3V};F.R.ap=A(){o.1d=o.3V;o.I=27.3l(\'I\');o.1s=o.I.3q(\'2d\');1v.5X(o.1d,o.I,{8v:[\'1H\']});o.1d.83.82(o.I,o.1d);o.7Z();u o.8I()};F.R.ao=A(){o.I=o.3V;o.1s=o.I.3q(\'2d\');C(o.7u!=M){o.1d=27.3l(\'1F\');o.1d.1H=o.7u;o.7Z();u o.8I()}W{u o.5E()}};F.R.7Z=A(){C(o.9V()){1W.2t(o.1d.1H,"->",o.7T());o.9T=2Z;o.1d.1H=o.7T()}C(2P.9S(o.1d)){o.1d.1H=2P.5P(o.1d.1H);u 1W.2t("cY 1d cZ, d4 9C = "+o.1d.1H)}};F.R.8I=A(){C(o.9y()){u o.5W()}W{u o.1d.8a=o.5W}};F.R.9y=A(){C(!o.1d.76){u 2u}C((o.1d.84!=M)&&o.1d.84===0){u 2u}u 2Z};F.R.4X=A(){u o.1d.G||o.1d.84};F.R.51=A(){u o.1d.J||o.1d.dd};F.R.5W=A(){1W.2t("5u al. ai = "+(o.4X())+", ae = "+(o.51()));C(o.9T){o.I.G=o.4X()/o.7P();o.I.J=o.51()/o.7P()}W{o.I.G=o.4X();o.I.J=o.51()}u o.5E()};F.R.5E=A(){K i,1Y,H,1m,L;C(o.1s==M){o.1s=o.I.3q(\'2d\')}o.5g=o.6q=o.G=o.I.G;o.6n=o.6m=o.J=o.I.J;o.bP();C(!o.bM()){o.bF()}C(o.1d!=M){o.1s.6g(o.1d,0,0,o.4X(),o.51(),0,0,o.6q,o.6m)}o.8k();C(F.6i){o.7X=1v.63(o.Q.V);o.54=1v.63(o.Q.V);L=o.Q;Y(i=H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;i=++H){1Y=L[i];o.7X[i]=1Y;o.54[i]=1Y}}o.1c={G:o.I.G,J:o.I.J};2V.bl(o.2I,o);o.2s.1O(o,o);u o.2s=A(){}};F.R.8k=A(){o.2C=o.1s.4C(0,0,o.I.G,o.I.J);u o.Q=o.2C.1R};F.R.dr=A(){K 1Y,H,1m,L,1p;C(!F.6i){4i"8l 7q";}o.54=1v.63(o.Q.V);L=o.Q;1p=[];Y(H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;H++){1Y=L[H];1p.2l(o.54.2l(1Y))}u 1p};F.R.bM=A(){u F.9d(o.I)!=M};F.R.bF=A(){C(F.2T||o.I.5m(\'1R-3u-2I\')){u}u o.I.9Y(\'1R-3u-2I\',o.2I)};F.R.8m=A(){u o.I.5m(\'1R-3u-bb-7q\')!==M};F.R.bP=A(){K 3X;C(F.2T||o.8m()){u}3X=o.7P();C(3X!==1){1W.2t("dZ 3X = "+3X);o.bq=2Z;o.6q=o.I.G;o.6m=o.I.J;o.I.G=o.6q*3X;o.I.J=o.6m*3X;o.I.br.G=""+o.6q+"bh";o.I.br.J=""+o.6m+"bh";o.1s.ee(3X,3X);o.G=o.5g=o.I.G;u o.J=o.6n=o.I.J}};F.R.7P=A(){K 8V,44;44=4t.44||1;8V=o.1s.ew||o.1s.eL||o.1s.eN||o.1s.eR||o.1s.eT||1;u 44/8V};F.R.af=A(){u(4t.44!=M)&&4t.44!==1};F.R.9V=A(){C(o.8m()||!o.af()){u 2u}u o.7T()!==M};F.R.7T=A(){C(o.1d==M){u M}u o.1d.5m(\'1R-3u-bb\')};F.R.71=A(9B){K 6X;6X=o.I;o.I=9B;o.1s=o.I.3q(\'2d\');6X.83.82(o.I,6X);o.G=o.I.G;o.J=o.I.J;o.8k();u o.1c={G:o.I.G,J:o.I.J}};F.R.ch=A(2s){K 1r=o;C(2s==M){2s=A(){}}2J.4Y(o,"ce");u o.4E.3E(A(){1r.1s.6V(1r.2C,0,0);u 2s.1O(1r)})};F.R.eZ=A(){K i,1Y,H,1m,L;C(!F.6i){4i"8l 7q";}L=o.c3();Y(i=H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;i=++H){1Y=L[i];o.Q[i]=1Y}u o.1s.6V(o.2C,0,0)};F.R.f3=A(){K I,2z,i,2C,1Y,Q,H,1m,L;I=27.3l(\'I\');1v.5X(o.I,I);I.G=o.5g;I.J=o.6n;2z=I.3q(\'2d\');2C=2z.4C(0,0,I.G,I.J);Q=2C.1R;L=o.7X;Y(i=H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;i=++H){1Y=L[i];Q[i]=1Y}2z.6V(2C,0,0);o.5T={x:0,y:0};o.6F=2u;u o.71(I)};F.R.c3=A(){K I,6S,2z,94,98,i,2C,1Y,Q,X,6j,7S,7C,G,H,1j,1m,L,2G,48,9c;C(!F.6i){4i"8l 7q";}X=[];7S=o.5T.x;94=7S+o.G;7C=o.5T.y;98=7C+o.J;C(o.6F){I=27.3l(\'I\');I.G=o.5g;I.J=o.6n;2z=I.3q(\'2d\');2C=2z.4C(0,0,I.G,I.J);Q=2C.1R;L=o.54;Y(i=H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;i=++H){1Y=L[i];Q[i]=1Y}2z.6V(2C,0,0);6j=27.3l(\'I\');6j.G=o.G;6j.J=o.J;2z=6j.3q(\'2d\');2z.6g(I,0,0,o.5g,o.6n,0,0,o.G,o.J);Q=2z.4C(0,0,o.G,o.J).1R;G=o.G}W{Q=o.54;G=o.5g}Y(i=1j=0,2G=Q.V;1j<2G;i=1j+=4){6S=2W.b0(i,G);C(((7S<=(48=6S.x)&&48<94))&&((7C<=(9c=6S.y)&&9c<98))){X.2l(Q[i],Q[i+1],Q[i+2],Q[i+3])}}u X};F.R.2b=A(1k,7x){o.4E.5h({1o:P.33.9f,1k:1k,7x:7x});u o};F.R.3z=A(1k,N,2X,3x){K i,H,L;C(!2X){2X=0;Y(i=H=0,L=N.V;0<=L?HL;i=0<=L?++H:--H){2X+=N[i]}}o.4E.5h({1o:P.33.9g,1k:1k,N:N,2X:2X,3x:3x||0});u o};F.R.5d=A(4c,1u){o.4E.5h({1o:P.33.2w,4c:4c,1u:1u});u o};F.R.2N=A(2s){K 28;28=1S 3m(o);o.8F.2l(28);o.4E.5h({1o:P.33.9h});2s.1O(28);o.4E.5h({1o:P.33.9i});u o};F.R.aY=A(28){u o.aQ(28)};F.R.aQ=A(28){o.8G.2l(o.6c);o.5Q.2l(o.Q);o.6c=28;u o.Q=28.Q};F.R.aN=A(){o.Q=o.5Q.aC();u o.6c=o.8G.aC()};F.R.ax=A(){u o.6c.9X()};u F})();5o=(A(){A 5o(c){o.c=c}5o.R.fr=A(){K i,3d,6v,H,1j,1q,L;3d={r:{},g:{},b:{}};Y(i=H=0;H<=D;i=++H){3d.r[i]=0;3d.g[i]=0;3d.b[i]=0}Y(i=1j=0,L=o.c.Q.V;1j0)){u}1p=[];Y(H=0,1m=5S.V;H<1m;H++){1F=5S[H];1p.2l(bB=1S 4O(1F,A(){o.aj();u o.3E()}))}u 1p};C(F.bG){(A(){C(27.8w==="76"){u F.9l()}W{u 27.b7("fw",F.9l,2u)}})()}4O=(A(){K 7j;7j="(\\\\w+)\\\\((.*?)\\\\)";A 4O(4e,bD){o.c0=4e.5m(\'1R-3u\');o.3u=F(4e,bD.8N(o))}4O.R.aj=A(){K 1u,1z,6x,9r,9q,m,r,6w,H,1m,L,1p;o.4e=o.3u.I;r=1S c9(7j,\'g\');6w=o.c0.9p(r);C(!(6w.V>0)){u}r=1S c9(7j);1p=[];Y(H=0,1m=6w.V;H<1m;H++){9r=6w[H];L=9r.9p(r),m=L[0],1z=L[1],1u=L[2];9q=1S fu("u A() { o."+1z+"("+1u+"); };");9o{6x=9q();1p.2l(6x.1O(o.3u))}9n(e){1p.2l(1W.2t(e))}}u 1p};4O.R.3E=A(){K 4e;4e=o.4e;u o.3u.ch(A(){u 4e.83.82(o.bY(),4e)})};u 4O})();F.2i=2i=(A(){A 2i(){}2i.9m={};2i.S=A(1k,6x){u o.9m[1k]=6x};2i.3E=A(1k,Z,U){u o.9m[1k](Z,U)};u 2i})();F.2Q=2Q=(A(){A 2Q(){}2Q.4T=A(3T,41,4v,4u){u O.9j(O.1J(4v-3T,2)+O.1J(4u-41,2))};2Q.bQ=A(2c,1f,6u){K 3S;C(6u==M){6u=2u}3S=2c+(O.fp()*(1f-2c));C(6u){u 3S.fd(6u)}W{u O.7k(3S)}};2Q.6r=A(B){u(0.9e*B.r)+(0.fc*B.g)+(0.fa*B.b)};2Q.1P=A(1I,3C,3B,1t,7D,7E){K 9b,9a,7J,7L,6l,6k,1P,99,4N,i,j,5l,6z,t,6f,3T,4v,97,6d,41,4u,96,H,1j,1q,L,2G;6f=1I[0];6d=1I[1];3T=3C[0];41=3C[1];4v=3B[0];4u=3B[1];97=1t[0];96=1t[1];1P={};6l=3R(3*(3T-6f),10);7J=3*(4v-3T)-6l;9b=97-6f-6l-7J;6k=3*(41-6d);7L=3*(4u-41)-6k;9a=96-6d-6k-7L;Y(i=H=0;H7E){4N=7E}1P[99]=4N}C(1P.V<1t[0]+1){Y(i=1j=0,L=1t[0];0<=L?1j<=L:1j>=L;i=0<=L?++1j:--1j){C(1P[i]==M){5l=[i-1,1P[i-1]];Y(j=1q=i,2G=1t[0];i<=2G?1q<=2G:1q>=2G;j=i<=2G?++1q:--1q){C(1P[j]!=M){6z=[j,1P[j]];4M}}1P[i]=5l[1]+((6z[1]-5l[1])/(6z[0]-5l[0]))*(i-5l[0])}}}C(1P[1t[0]]==M){1P[1t[0]]=1P[1t[0]-1]}u 1P};u 2Q})();29=(A(){A 29(){}29.6J=A(4J){K b,g,r;C(4J.f9(0)==="#"){4J=4J.4I(1)}r=3R(4J.4I(0,2),16);g=3R(4J.4I(2,2),16);b=3R(4J.4I(4,2),16);u{r:r,g:g,b:b}};29.f0=A(r,g,b){K d,h,l,1f,2c,s;C(1x r==="3D"){g=r.g;b=r.b;r=r.r}r/=D;g/=D;b/=D;1f=O.1f(r,g,b);2c=O.2c(r,g,b);l=(1f+2c)/2;C(1f===2c){h=s=0}W{d=1f-2c;s=l>0.5?d/(2-1f-2c):d/(1f+2c);h=(A(){5n(1f){1X r:u(g-b)/d+(g1){t-=1}C(t<1/6){u p+(q-p)*6*t}C(t<1/2){u q}C(t<2/3){u p+(q-p)*(2/3-t)*6}u p};29.9U=A(r,g,b){K d,h,1f,2c,s,v;r/=D;g/=D;b/=D;1f=O.1f(r,g,b);2c=O.2c(r,g,b);v=1f;d=1f-2c;s=1f===0?0:d/1f;C(1f===2c){h=0}W{h=(A(){5n(1f){1X r:u(g-b)/d+(g0.91){r=O.1J((r+0.3o)/1.3o,2.4)}W{r/=12.92}C(g>0.91){g=O.1J((g+0.3o)/1.3o,2.4)}W{g/=12.92}C(b>0.91){b=O.1J((b+0.3o)/1.3o,2.4)}W{b/=12.92}x=r*0.eK+g*0.eJ+b*0.eD;y=r*0.bg+g*0.bk+b*0.by;z=r*0.ez+g*0.ey+b*0.ex;u{x:x*1h,y:y*1h,z:z*1h}};29.et=A(x,y,z){K b,g,r;x/=1h;y/=1h;z/=1h;r=(3.es*x)+(-1.er*y)+(-0.eq*z);g=(-0.ep*x)+(1.eo*y)+(0.en*z);b=(0.em*x)+(-0.el*y)+(1.ek*z);C(r>0.8X){r=(1.3o*O.1J(r,0.8W))-0.3o}W{r*=12.92}C(g>0.8X){g=(1.3o*O.1J(g,0.8W))-0.3o}W{g*=12.92}C(b>0.8X){b=(1.3o*O.1J(b,0.8W))-0.3o}W{b*=12.92}u{r:r*D,g:g*D,b:b*D}};29.9v=A(x,y,z){K a,b,l,8U,8T,8S;C(1x x==="3D"){y=x.y;z=x.z;x=x.x}8U=95.9Q;8T=1h.0;8S=8R.9W;x/=8U;y/=8T;z/=8S;C(x>0.8Q){x=O.1J(x,0.8P)}W{x=(7.8O*x)+0.5I}C(y>0.8Q){y=O.1J(y,0.8P)}W{y=(7.8O*y)+0.5I}C(z>0.8Q){z=O.1J(z,0.8P)}W{z=(7.8O*z)+0.5I}l=au*y-16;a=aw*(x-y);b=5J*(y-z);u{l:l,a:a,b:b}};29.ei=A(l,a,b){K x,y,z;C(1x l==="3D"){a=l.a;b=l.b;l=l.l}y=(l+16)/au;x=y+(a/aw);z=y-(b/5J);C(x>0.8L){x=x*x*x}W{x=0.8K*(x-0.5I)}C(y>0.8L){y=y*y*y}W{y=0.8K*(y-0.5I)}C(z>0.8L){z=z*z*z}W{z=0.8K*(z-0.5I)}u{x:x*95.9Q,y:y*1h.0,z:z*8R.9W}};29.eg=A(r,g,b){K 8J;C(1x r==="3D"){g=r.g;b=r.b;r=r.r}8J=o.am(r,g,b);u o.9v(8J)};29.ef=A(l,a,b){};u 29})();2J=(A(){A 2J(){}2J.4K={};2J.b6=["b8","bc","ce","bd","be","56"];2J.4Y=A(3v,1o,1R){K 5R,H,1m,L,1p;C(o.4K[1o]&&o.4K[1o].V){L=o.4K[1o];1p=[];Y(H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;H++){5R=L[H];C(5R.3v===M||3v.2I===5R.3v.2I){1p.2l(5R.fn.1O(3v,1R))}W{1p.2l(bv 0)}}u 1p}};2J.ed=A(3v,1o,fn){K 7Y,8H;C(1x 3v==="3P"){8H=3v;7Y=1o;3v=M;1o=8H;fn=7Y}C(8M.1O(o.b6,1o)<0){u 2u}C(!o.4K[1o]){o.4K[1o]=[]}o.4K[1o].2l({3v:3v,fn:fn});u 2Z};u 2J})();F.2J=2J;F.P=P=(A(){A P(){}P.33={9f:1,9g:2,9h:3,9i:4,8E:5,2w:6};P.S=A(1k,bE){u F.R[1k]=bE};u P})();F.2P=2P=(A(){A 2P(){}2P.bK=/(?:(?:ec|eb):\\/\\/)((?:\\w+)\\.(?:(?:\\w|\\.)+))/;2P.9S=A(1F){C(1F==M){u 2u}C(o.bO(1F)){u 2u}u o.6K(1F.1H)};2P.bO=A(1F){K L;u(1F.8d!=M)&&((L=1F.8d.6o())===\'c4\'||L===\'bR-ea\')};2P.6K=A(bT){K 6M;6M=bT.9p(o.bK);C(6M){u 6M[1]!==27.e9}W{u 2u}};2P.bZ=A(1H){C(o.6K(1H)){C(!F.6s.V){1W.8C("e8 5Y e6 a c2 1d e5 a e4 c8. 9C: "+1H)}W{C(F.6K(F.6s)){1W.8C("e3 bR a c2 c8 Y e2 cs.");u}u""+F.6s+"?cd="+(9u(1H))}}};2P.5P=A(1H){u""+F.6s+"?"+F.ca+"="+(9u(1H))};2P.e0=A(4V){K 6Y;6Y={dY:\'dX\',dW:\'dV\',dT:\'dS\',dR:\'dQ\'};4V=4V.6o();C(6Y[4V]!=M){4V=6Y[4V]}u"dP/dN."+4V};u 2P})();F.R.dM=A(){C(1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M){u o.a2.5v(o,1y)}W{u o.ag.5v(o,1y)}};F.R.ag=A(1o){K 1d;C(1o==M){1o="ah"}1o=1o.6o();1d=o.8t(1o).dL("1d/"+1o,"1d/dK-dJ");u 27.dH.dG=1d};F.R.a2=A(5q,7h){K 8q;C(7h==M){7h=2Z}9o{8q=fs.dF(5q);C(8q.dE()&&!7h){u 2u}}9n(e){1W.2t("dD dC 5q "+5q)}u fs.dB(5q,o.I.dz(),A(){u 1W.2t("dy dx 5Y "+5q)})};F.R.bY=A(1o){K 1F;1F=27.3l(\'1F\');1F.1H=o.8t(1o);1F.G=o.1c.G;1F.J=o.1c.J;C(4t.44){1F.G/=4t.44;1F.J/=4t.44}u 1F};F.R.8t=A(1o){C(1o==M){1o="ah"}1o=1o.6o();u o.I.dw("1d/"+1o)};3m=(A(){A 3m(c){o.c=c;o.1z=o.c;o.1E={8p:\'8o\',2g:1.0};o.dv=1v.8z.4Z();o.I=1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M?1S 43():27.3l(\'I\');o.I.G=o.c.1c.G;o.I.J=o.c.1c.J;o.1s=o.I.3q(\'2d\');o.1s.du(o.I.G,o.I.J);o.2C=o.1s.4C(0,0,o.I.G,o.I.J);o.Q=o.2C.1R}3m.R.2N=A(cb){u o.c.2N.1O(o.c,cb)};3m.R.3p=A(bf){o.1E.8p=bf;u o};3m.R.2g=A(2g){o.1E.2g=2g/1h;u o};3m.R.3U=A(){K i,2O,H,L;2O=o.c.Q;Y(i=H=0,L=o.c.Q.V;Ho.c.Q.V||2R<0){u{r:0,g:0,b:0,a:0}}u{r:o.c.Q[2R],g:o.c.Q[2R+1],b:o.c.Q[2R+2],a:o.c.Q[2R+3]}};2W.R.do=A(7y,7z,B){K bH;bH=o.T+(o.c.1c.G*4*(7z*-1))+(4*7y);C(2R>o.c.Q.V||2R<0){u}o.c.Q[2R]=B.r;o.c.Q[2R+1]=B.g;o.c.Q[2R+2]=B.b;o.c.Q[2R+3]=B.a;u 2Z};2W.R.dn=A(x,y){K T;T=o.8i(x,y,o.G);u{r:o.c.Q[T],g:o.c.Q[T+1],b:o.c.Q[T+2],a:o.c.Q[T+3]}};2W.R.dm=A(x,y,B){K T;T=o.8i(x,y,o.G);o.c.Q[T]=B.r;o.c.Q[T+1]=B.g;o.c.Q[T+2]=B.b;u o.c.Q[T+3]=B.a};u 2W})();2w=(A(){A 2w(){}2w.8g={};2w.S=A(1k,4c){u o.8g[1k]=4c};2w.3E=A(1s,1k,1u){u o.8g[1k].5v(1s,1u)};u 2w})();F.2w=2w;F.1M=1M=(A(){1M.4G=F.2T?7d(\'dl\').dk().V:4;A 1M(c){K 1r=o;o.c=c;o.46=A(){u 1M.R.46.5v(1r,1y)};o.6e=[];o.52=M}1M.R.5h=A(8f){C(8f==M){u}u o.6e.2l(8f)};1M.R.46=A(){K 28;C(o.6e.V===0){2J.4Y(o,"bd");C(o.8e!=M){o.8e.1O(o.c)}u o}o.26=o.6e.bU();5n(o.26.1o){1X P.33.9h:28=o.c.8F.bU();o.c.aY(28);u o.46();1X P.33.9i:o.c.ax();o.c.aN();u o.46();1X P.33.8E:u o.bV(o.26.28,o.26.1H);1X P.33.2w:u o.bW();dj:u o.bX()}};1M.R.3E=A(2s){o.8e=2s;o.52=1v.63(o.c.Q.V);u o.46()};1M.R.8b=A(fn){K 6p,88,2L,1t,f,i,86,n,1I,H,L,1p,1r=o;o.7N=0;n=o.c.Q.V;88=O.32((n/4)/1M.4G);6p=88*4;86=6p+((n/4)%1M.4G)*4;1p=[];Y(i=H=0,L=1M.4G;0<=L?HL;i=0<=L?++H:--H){1I=i*6p;1t=1I+(i===1M.4G-1?86:6p);C(F.2T){f=65(A(){u fn.1O(1r,i,1I,1t)});2L=f.di();1p.2l(o.56(2L))}W{1p.2l(6T((A(i,1I,1t){u A(){u fn.1O(1r,i,1I,1t)}})(i,1I,1t),0))}}u 1p};1M.R.bX=A(){2J.4Y(o.c,"b8",o.26);C(o.26.1o===P.33.9f){u o.8b(o.c5)}W{u o.8b(o.c6)}};1M.R.bW=A(){1W.2t("de 4c "+o.26.4c);2w.3E(o.c,o.26.4c,o.26.1u);1W.2t("2w "+o.26.4c+" 85!");u o.46()};1M.R.c5=A(2L,1I,1t){K 1R,i,4w,39,H;1W.2t("cc #"+2L+" - P: "+o.26.1k+", dc: "+1I+", db: "+1t);2J.4Y(o.c,"be",{cf:2L,cg:1M.4G,da:1I,d9:1t});1R={r:0,g:0,b:0,a:0};4w=1S 2W(o.c);Y(i=H=1I;H<1t;i=H+=4){4w.T=i;1R.r=o.c.Q[i];1R.g=o.c.Q[i+1];1R.b=o.c.Q[i+2];1R.a=o.c.Q[i+3];39=o.26.7x.1O(4w,1R);C(39.a==M){39.a=1R.a}o.c.Q[i]=1v.3y(39.r);o.c.Q[i+1]=1v.3y(39.g);o.c.Q[i+2]=1v.3y(39.b);o.c.Q[i+3]=1v.3y(39.a)}C(F.2T){u 65["9t"](2L)}W{u o.56(2L)}};1M.R.c6=A(2L,1I,1t){K N,6t,3x,2F,5c,2X,i,j,k,2A,n,1k,1Y,4w,39,H,1j,1q;1k=o.26.1k;3x=o.26.3x;2X=o.26.2X;n=o.c.Q.V;N=o.26.N;6t=O.9j(N.V);2A=[];1W.2t("d8 2A - P: "+o.26.1k);1I=O.1f(1I,o.c.1c.G*4*((6t-1)/2));1t=O.2c(1t,n-(o.c.1c.G*4*((6t-1)/2)));2F=(6t-1)/2;4w=1S 2W(o.c);Y(i=H=1I;H<1t;i=H+=4){4w.T=i;5c=0;Y(j=1j=-2F;-2F<=2F?1j<=2F:1j>=2F;j=-2F<=2F?++1j:--1j){Y(k=1q=2F;2F<=-2F?1q<=-2F:1q>=-2F;k=2F<=-2F?++1q:--1q){1Y=4w.bC(j,k);2A[5c*3]=1Y.r;2A[5c*3+1]=1Y.g;2A[5c*3+2]=1Y.b;5c++}}39=o.3z(N,2A,2X,3x);o.52[i]=1v.3y(39.r);o.52[i+1]=1v.3y(39.g);o.52[i+2]=1v.3y(39.b);o.52[i+3]=o.c.Q[i+3]}C(F.2T){u 65["9t"](2L)}W{u o.56(2L)}};1M.R.56=A(2L){K i,H,L;C(2L>=0){1W.2t("cc #"+2L+" 85! P: "+o.26.1k)}o.7N++;2J.4Y(o.c,"56",{cf:2L,d7:o.7N,cg:1M.4G});C(o.7N===1M.4G){C(o.26.1o===P.33.9g){Y(i=H=0,L=o.c.Q.V;0<=L?HL;i=0<=L?++H:--H){o.c.Q[i]=o.52[i]}}C(2L>=0){1W.2t("P "+o.26.1k+" 85!")}2J.4Y(o.c,"bc",o.26);u o.46()}};1M.R.3z=A(N,2A,2X,3x){K i,2k,H,L;2k={r:0,g:0,b:0};Y(i=H=0,L=N.V;0<=L?HL;i=0<=L?++H:--H){2k.r+=N[i]*2A[i*3];2k.g+=N[i]*2A[i*3+1];2k.b+=N[i]*2A[i*3+2]}2k.r=(2k.r/2X)+3x;2k.g=(2k.g/2X)+3x;2k.b=(2k.b/2X)+3x;u 2k};1M.R.bV=A(28,1H){K 1F,5P,1r=o;1F=27.3l(\'1F\');1F.8a=A(){28.1s.6g(1F,0,0,1r.c.1c.G,1r.c.1c.J);28.2C=28.1s.4C(0,0,1r.c.1c.G,1r.c.1c.J);28.Q=28.2C.1R;1r.c.Q=28.Q;u 1r.46()};5P=2P.bZ(1H);u 1F.1H=5P!=M?5P:1H};u 1M})();F.2V=2V=(A(){A 2V(){}2V.5a={};2V.bz=A(4p){u o.5a[4p]!=M};2V.4Z=A(4p){u o.5a[4p]};2V.bl=A(1k,4d){u o.5a[1k]=4d};2V.3E=A(4p,2s){K 1r=o;6T(A(){u 2s.1O(1r.4Z(4p),1r.4Z(4p))},0);u o.4Z(4p)};2V.d6=A(1k){C(1k==M){1k=2u}C(1k){u 9E o.5a[1k]}W{u o.5a={}}};u 2V})();2i.S("8o",A(Z,U){u{r:Z.r,g:Z.g,b:Z.b}});2i.S("58",A(Z,U){u{r:(Z.r*U.r)/D,g:(Z.g*U.g)/D,b:(Z.b*U.b)/D}});2i.S("d5",A(Z,U){u{r:D-(((D-Z.r)*(D-U.r))/D),g:D-(((D-Z.g)*(D-U.g))/D),b:D-(((D-Z.b)*(D-U.b))/D)}});2i.S("7W",A(Z,U){K 1D;1D={};1D.r=U.r>1e?D-2*(D-Z.r)*(D-U.r)/D:(U.r*Z.r*2)/D;1D.g=U.g>1e?D-2*(D-Z.g)*(D-U.g)/D:(U.g*Z.g*2)/D;1D.b=U.b>1e?D-2*(D-Z.b)*(D-U.b)/D:(U.b*Z.b*2)/D;u 1D});2i.S("d3",A(Z,U){u{r:Z.r-U.r,g:Z.g-U.g,b:Z.b-U.b}});2i.S("9J",A(Z,U){u{r:U.r+Z.r,g:U.g+Z.g,b:U.b+Z.b}});2i.S("d2",A(Z,U){u{r:1e-2*(U.r-1e)*(Z.r-1e)/D,g:1e-2*(U.g-1e)*(Z.g-1e)/D,b:1e-2*(U.b-1e)*(Z.b-1e)/D}});2i.S("9L",A(Z,U){K 1D;1D={};1D.r=U.r>1e?D-((D-U.r)*(D-(Z.r-1e)))/D:(U.r*(Z.r+1e))/D;1D.g=U.g>1e?D-((D-U.g)*(D-(Z.g-1e)))/D:(U.g*(Z.g+1e))/D;1D.b=U.b>1e?D-((D-U.b)*(D-(Z.b-1e)))/D:(U.b*(Z.b+1e))/D;u 1D});2i.S("d1",A(Z,U){u{r:U.r>Z.r?U.r:Z.r,g:U.g>Z.g?U.g:Z.g,b:U.b>Z.b?U.b:Z.b}});2i.S("d0",A(Z,U){u{r:U.r>Z.r?Z.r:U.r,g:U.g>Z.g?Z.g:U.g,b:U.b>Z.b?Z.b:U.b}});P.S("4B",A(){K 34;C(1y.V===1){34=29.6J(1y[0])}W{34={r:1y[0],g:1y[1],b:1y[2]}}u o.2b("4B",A(B){B.r=34.r;B.g=34.g;B.b=34.b;B.a=D;u B})});P.S("3i",A(N){N=O.32(D*(N/1h));u o.2b("3i",A(B){B.r+=N;B.g+=N;B.b+=N;u B})});P.S("3A",A(N){N*=-0.cX;u o.2b("3A",A(B){K 1f;1f=O.1f(B.r,B.g,B.b);C(B.r!==1f){B.r+=(1f-B.r)*N}C(B.g!==1f){B.g+=(1f-B.g)*N}C(B.b!==1f){B.b+=(1f-B.b)*N}u B})});P.S("3L",A(N){N*=-1;u o.2b("3L",A(B){K 1l,4y,1f;1f=O.1f(B.r,B.g,B.b);4y=(B.r+B.g+B.b)/3;1l=((O.4z(1f-4y)*2/D)*N)/1h;C(B.r!==1f){B.r+=(1f-B.r)*1l}C(B.g!==1f){B.g+=(1f-B.g)*1l}C(B.b!==1f){B.b+=(1f-B.b)*1l}u B})});P.S("4A",A(N){u o.2b("4A",A(B){K 4y;4y=2Q.6r(B);B.r=4y;B.g=4y;B.b=4y;u B})});P.S("2h",A(N){N=O.1J((N+1h)/1h,2);u o.2b("2h",A(B){B.r/=D;B.r-=0.5;B.r*=N;B.r+=0.5;B.r*=D;B.g/=D;B.g-=0.5;B.g*=N;B.g+=0.5;B.g*=D;B.b/=D;B.b-=0.5;B.b*=N;B.b+=0.5;B.b*=D;u B})});P.S("81",A(N){u o.2b("81",A(B){K h,4S,2y;4S=29.9U(B.r,B.g,B.b);h=4S.h*1h;h+=O.4z(N);h=h%1h;h/=1h;4S.h=h;2y=29.9Z(4S.h,4S.s,4S.v);2y.a=B.a;u 2y})});P.S("3Z",A(){K 5e,2y;C(1y.V===2){2y=29.6J(1y[0]);5e=1y[1]}W C(1y.V===4){2y={r:1y[0],g:1y[1],b:1y[2]};5e=1y[3]}u o.2b("3Z",A(B){B.r-=(B.r-2y.r)*(5e/1h);B.g-=(B.g-2y.g)*(5e/1h);B.b-=(B.b-2y.b)*(5e/1h);u B})});P.S("a3",A(){u o.2b("a3",A(B){B.r=D-B.r;B.g=D-B.g;B.b=D-B.b;u B})});P.S("49",A(N){C(N==M){N=1h}N/=1h;u o.2b("49",A(B){B.r=O.2c(D,(B.r*(1-(0.cV*N)))+(B.g*(0.cU*N))+(B.b*(0.cT*N)));B.g=O.2c(D,(B.r*(0.cS*N))+(B.g*(1-(0.cR*N)))+(B.b*(0.cQ*N)));B.b=O.2c(D,(B.r*(0.cP*N))+(B.g*(0.cO*N))+(B.b*(1-(0.cN*N))));u B})});P.S("2n",A(N){u o.2b("2n",A(B){B.r=O.1J(B.r/D,N)*D;B.g=O.1J(B.g/D,N)*D;B.b=O.1J(B.b/D,N)*D;u B})});P.S("7O",A(N){N=O.4z(N)*2.55;u o.2b("7O",A(B){K 3S;3S=2Q.bQ(N*-1,N);B.r+=3S;B.g+=3S;B.b+=3S;u B})});P.S("7K",A(N){N=O.4z(N)*2.55;u o.2b("7K",A(B){C(B.r>D-N){B.r=D}W C(B.rD-N){B.g=D}W C(B.gD-N){B.b=D}W C(B.b0){B.r+=(D-B.r)*1E.37}W{B.r-=B.r*O.4z(1E.37)}}C(1E.4D!=M){C(1E.4D>0){B.g+=(D-B.g)*1E.4D}W{B.g-=B.g*O.4z(1E.4D)}}C(1E.3F!=M){C(1E.3F>0){B.b+=(D-B.b)*1E.3F}W{B.b-=B.b*O.4z(1E.3F)}}u B})});P.S("1Z",A(){K 1P,3G,3w,3C,3B,1t,i,1I,H,1j,L,2G;3G=1y[0],3w=2<=1y.V?8D.1O(1y,1):[];C(1x 3G==="3P"){3G=3G.cL("")}C(3G[0]==="v"){3G=[\'r\',\'g\',\'b\']}C(3w.V<3||3w.V>4){4i"7b as cK 1y 5Y 1Z 1z";}1I=3w[0];3C=3w[1];3B=3w.V===4?3w[2]:3w[1];1t=3w[3w.V-1];1P=2Q.1P(1I,3C,3B,1t,0,D);C(1I[0]>0){Y(i=H=0,L=1I[0];0<=L?HL;i=0<=L?++H:--H){1P[i]=1I[1]}}C(1t[0]=D;i=2G<=D?++1j:--1j){1P[i]=1t[1]}}u o.2b("1Z",A(B){K 1q,48;Y(i=1q=0,48=3G.V;0<=48?1q<48:1q>48;i=0<=48?++1q:--1q){B[3G[i]]=1P[B[3G[i]]]}u B})});P.S("2U",A(N){K 3C,3B,p;p=O.4z(N)/1h;3C=[0,D*p];3B=[D-(D*p),D];C(N<0){3C=3C.av();3B=3B.av()}u o.1Z(\'2y\',[0,0],3C,3B,[D,D])});F.2w.S("8c",A(G,J,x,y){K I,2z;C(x==M){x=0}C(y==M){y=0}C(1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M){I=1S 43(G,J)}W{I=27.3l(\'I\');1v.5X(o.I,I);I.G=G;I.J=J}2z=I.3q(\'2d\');2z.6g(o.I,x,y,G,J,0,0,G,J);o.5T={x:x,y:y};o.bw=2Z;u o.71(I)});F.2w.S("7I",A(2p){K I,2z;C(2p==M){2p=M}C(2p===M||((2p.G==M)&&(2p.J==M))){1W.bu("7b aI cI 1c b1 Y 7I");u}C(2p.G==M){2p.G=o.I.G*2p.J/o.I.J}W C(2p.J==M){2p.J=o.I.J*2p.G/o.I.G}C(1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M){I=1S 43(2p.G,2p.J)}W{I=27.3l(\'I\');1v.5X(o.I,I);I.G=2p.G;I.J=2p.J}2z=I.3q(\'2d\');2z.6g(o.I,0,0,o.I.G,o.I.J,0,0,2p.G,2p.J);o.6F=2Z;u o.71(I)});F.P.S("8c",A(){u o.5d("8c",6L.R.4L.1O(1y,0))});F.P.S("7I",A(){u o.5d("7I",6L.R.4L.1O(1y,0))});F.P.S("cH",A(){u o.3z("cG 7G",[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1])});F.P.S("cF",A(){u o.3z("cE cD 7G",[0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0])});F.P.S("cC",A(){u o.3z("cB 7G",[1,4,6,4,1,4,16,24,16,4,6,24,36,24,6,4,16,24,16,4,1,4,6,4,1])});F.P.S("cA",A(3Y){K 2A;C(3Y===0||3Y===4U){2A=[0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0]}W C((3Y>0&&3Y<90)||(3Y>4U&&3Yo.1c.G){1n=o.1c.G*(3R(1n.4I(0,1n.V-1),10)/1h)}W{1n=o.1c.J*(3R(1n.4I(0,1n.V-1),10)/1h)}}38/=1h;3n=[o.1c.G/2,o.1c.J/2];1I=O.9j(O.1J(3n[0],2)+O.1J(3n[1],2));1t=1I-1n;1P=2Q.1P([0,1],[30,30],[70,60],[1h,80]);u o.2b("1T",A(B){K 7n,2x,T;T=o.8h();7n=2Q.4T(T.x,T.y,3n[0],3n[1]);C(7n>1t){2x=O.1f(1,(1P[O.7k(((7n-1t)/1n)*1h)]/10)*38);B.r=O.1J(B.r/D,2x)*D;B.g=O.1J(B.g/D,2x)*D;B.b=O.1J(B.b/D,2x)*D}u B})});P.S("b2",A(E){K 42,5p,7i,1n,H,1m,L;42={38:50,2B:0,8s:\'3i\',34:{r:0,g:0,b:0}};E=1v.6R(42,E);C(!E.1n){u o}W C(1x E.1n==="3P"){7i=3R(E.1n,10)/1h;E.1n={G:o.1c.G*7i,J:o.1c.J*7i}}W C(1x E.1n==="3D"){L=["G","J"];Y(H=0,1m=L.V;H<1m;H++){5p=L[H];C(1x E.1n[5p]==="3P"){E.1n[5p]=o.1c[5p]*(3R(E.1n[5p],10)/1h)}}}W C(E.1n==="as"){1n=E.1n;E.1n={G:1n,J:1n}}C(1x E.2B==="3P"){E.2B=(E.1n.G/2)*(3R(E.2B,10)/1h)}E.38/=1h;E.1n.G=O.32(E.1n.G);E.1n.J=O.32(E.1n.J);E.1d={G:o.1c.G,J:o.1c.J};C(E.8s==="3Z"&&1x E.34==="3P"){E.34=29.6J(E.34)}E.1U={53:(o.1c.G-E.1n.G)/2,5t:o.1c.G-E.1U.53,4W:(o.1c.J-E.1n.J)/2,5w:o.1c.J-E.1U.4W};E.1w=[{x:E.1U.53+E.2B,y:E.1U.5w-E.2B},{x:E.1U.5t-E.2B,y:E.1U.5w-E.2B},{x:E.1U.5t-E.2B,y:E.1U.4W+E.2B},{x:E.1U.53+E.2B,y:E.1U.4W+E.2B}];E.3W=2Q.4T(0,0,E.1w[3].x,E.1w[3].y)-E.2B;u o.2b("b2",A(B){K 1l,T,4a;T=o.8h();C((T.x>E.1w[0].x&&T.xE.1U.4W&&T.yE.1U.53&&T.xE.1w[3].y&&T.yE.1w[0].x&&T.xE.1U.5w){1l=(T.y-E.1U.5w)/E.3W}W C(T.y>E.1w[2].y&&T.yE.1U.5t){1l=(T.x-E.1U.5t)/E.3W}W C(T.x>E.1w[0].x&&T.xE.1w[2].y&&T.y=E.1w[0].y){4a=F.4T(T.x,T.y,E.1w[0].x,E.1w[0].y);1l=(4a-E.2B)/E.3W}W C(T.x>=E.1w[1].x&&T.y>=E.1w[1].y){4a=F.4T(T.x,T.y,E.1w[1].x,E.1w[1].y);1l=(4a-E.2B)/E.3W}W C(T.x>=E.1w[2].x&&T.y<=E.1w[2].y){4a=F.4T(T.x,T.y,E.1w[2].x,E.1w[2].y);1l=(4a-E.2B)/E.3W}W C(T.x<=E.1w[3].x&&T.y<=E.1w[3].y){4a=F.4T(T.x,T.y,E.1w[3].x,E.1w[3].y);1l=(4a-E.2B)/E.3W}C(1l<0){u B}u 8Y[E.8s](B,1l,E)})});(A(){K 4F,8A,8B,5N,5O;5N=[2E,2E,2Y,2E,3t,2Y,3s,2E,3O,3t,3r,2Y,3J,3s,3M,2E,4s,3O,4r,3t,4q,3r,4o,2Y,4n,3J,4m,3s,31,3M,4l,2E,5K,4s,3H,3O,5H,4r,5G,3t,31,4q,5F,3r,4k,4o,4j,2Y,5D,4n,5C,3J,5B,4m,5A,3s,5z,31,5y,3M,5x,4l,3K,2E,74,5K,6W,4s,6Q,3H,6O,3O,6H,5H,6E,4r,4h,5G,7R,3t,5i,31,7H,4q,7B,5F,4g,3r,3K,4k,7p,4o,7m,4j,79,2Y,6G,5D,3H,4n,6D,5C,6A,3J,7V,5B,7Q,4m,4h,5A,5b,3s,7w,5z,7l,31,78,5y,7U,3M,59,5x,4g,4l,77,3K,7M,2E,ci,74,cj,5K,4j,6W,ck,4s,cl,6Q,cm,3H,cn,6O,co,3O,cp,6H,cq,5H,cr,6E,bI,4r,bp,4h,7e,5G,5b,7R,7r,3t,aS,5i,aR,31,aP,7H,aM,4q,7F,7B,59,5F,aK,4g,aJ,3r,aH,3K,aG,4k,aF,7p,aE,4o,aD,7m,aB,4j,aA,79,az,2Y,ay,6G,at,5D,ar,3H,an,4n,ad,6D,ac,5C,ab,6A,aa,3J,a9,7V,a8,5B,a7,7Q,a6,4m,a5,4h,7e,5A,a4,5b,9R,3s,7r,7w,9P,5z,5i,7l,9O,31,9N,78,9M,5y,9e,7U,7F,3M,9K,59,9I,5x,9H,4g,9G,4l,3r,77,9D,3K,9A,7M,4k];5O=[9,11,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,15,15,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,17,17,17,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,19,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,21,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,23,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24];8A=A(G,J,5j,5k,4f,V,bJ){K 3N,1s,2j,3T,4v,41,4u;3N=1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M?1S 43():27.3l(\'I\');3N.G=G;3N.J=J;3T=5j+O.bj(4f)*V*0.5;41=5k+O.bi(4f)*V*0.5;4v=5j-O.bj(4f)*V*0.5;4u=5k-O.bi(4f)*V*0.5;1s=3N.3q("2d");2j=1s.ds(3T,41,4v,4u);C(!bJ){2j.4P(0,"7o");2j.4P(1,"8n")}W{2j.4P(0,"7o");2j.4P(0.5,"8n");2j.4P(1,"7o")}1s.b5=2j;1s.b4(0,0,G,J);u 1s.4C(0,0,G,J)};8B=A(G,J,5j,5k,6a,69){K 3N,1s,2j;3N=1x 2m!=="4b"&&2m!==M?1S 43():27.3l(\'I\');3N.G=G;3N.J=J;1s=3N.3q("2d");2j=1s.dA(5j,5k,6a,5j,5k,69);2j.4P(1,"7o");2j.4P(0,"8n");1s.b5=2j;1s.b4(0,0,G,J);u 1s.4C(0,0,G,J)};4F=A(){o.r=0;o.g=0;o.b=0;o.a=0;u o.1V=M};F.2w.S("9s",A(aX,1Q,aU,7f){K 2f,2o,1L,5r,66,2x,2e,2v,1K,J,3Q,i,62,2r,3g,73,3I,61,2H,p,1B,1C,X,1A,2a,2q,1N,8x,1a,2S,2K,1b,47,1i,1G,2M,4Q,2D,6C,6B,5M,G,3f,x,y,1g,4H,4x,H,1j,1q,3e,3c,3b,3a,3k,3j,5s;G=o.1c.G;J=o.1c.J;3g=o.Q;8x=aX.1R;6B=G*J;5M=6B<<2;X=[];Y(i=H=0;0<=5M?H<5M:H>5M;i=0<=5M?++H:--H){X[i]=3g[i]}66=0;4Q=7f;7f-=1;bS(4Q-->=0){3I=(1Q+0.5)|0;C(3I===0){5L}C(3I>67){3I=67}2x=3I+3I+1;6C=G<<2;3f=G-1;3Q=J-1;1a=3I+1;2D=1a*(1a+1)/2;2M=1S 4F();47=bv 0;1b=2M;Y(i=1j=1;1<=2x?1j<2x:1j>2x;i=1<=2x?++1j:--1j){1b=1b.1V=1S 4F();C(i===1a){47=1b}}1b.1V=2M;1i=M;1G=M;4x=1g=0;2H=5N[3I];2K=5O[3I];Y(y=1q=0;0<=J?1qJ;y=0<=J?++1q:--1q){2a=2e=2f=1N=1K=1L=0;2q=1a*(1A=X[1g]);2v=1a*(1C=X[1g+1]);2o=1a*(1B=X[1g+2]);1N+=2D*1A;1K+=2D*1C;1L+=2D*1B;1b=2M;Y(i=3e=0;0<=1a?3e<1a:3e>1a;i=0<=1a?++3e:--3e){1b.r=1A;1b.g=1C;1b.b=1B;1b=1b.1V}Y(i=3c=1;1<=1a?3c<1a:3c>1a;i=1<=1a?++3c:--3c){p=1g+((3fG;x=0<=G?++3b:--3b){X[1g]=(1N*2H)>>2K;X[1g+1]=(1K*2H)>>2K;X[1g+2]=(1L*2H)>>2K;1N-=2q;1K-=2v;1L-=2o;2q-=1i.r;2v-=1i.g;2o-=1i.b;p=(4x+((p=x+1a)<3f?p:3f))<<2;2a+=(1i.r=X[p]);2e+=(1i.g=X[p+1]);2f+=(1i.b=X[p+2]);1N+=2a;1K+=2e;1L+=2f;1i=1i.1V;2q+=(1A=1G.r);2v+=(1C=1G.g);2o+=(1B=1G.b);2a-=1A;2e-=1C;2f-=1B;1G=1G.1V;1g+=4}4x+=G}Y(x=3a=0;0<=G?3aG;x=0<=G?++3a:--3a){2e=2f=2a=1K=1L=1N=0;1g=x<<2;2q=1a*(1A=X[1g]);2v=1a*(1C=X[1g+1]);2o=1a*(1B=X[1g+2]);1N+=2D*1A;1K+=2D*1C;1L+=2D*1B;1b=2M;Y(i=3k=0;0<=1a?3k<1a:3k>1a;i=0<=1a?++3k:--3k){1b.r=1A;1b.g=1C;1b.b=1B;1b=1b.1V}4H=G;Y(i=3j=1;1<=1a?3j<1a:3j>1a;i=1<=1a?++3j:--3j){1g=(4H+x)<<2;1N+=(1b.r=(1A=X[1g]))*(2S=1a-i);1K+=(1b.g=(1C=X[1g+1]))*2S;1L+=(1b.b=(1B=X[1g+2]))*2S;2a+=1A;2e+=1C;2f+=1B;1b=1b.1V;C(i<3Q){4H+=G}}1g=x;1i=2M;1G=47;Y(y=5s=0;0<=J?5sJ;y=0<=J?++5s:--5s){p=1g<<2;X[p]=(1N*2H)>>2K;X[p+1]=(1K*2H)>>2K;X[p+2]=(1L*2H)>>2K;1N-=2q;1K-=2v;1L-=2o;2q-=1i.r;2v-=1i.g;2o-=1i.b;p=(x+(((p=y+1a)<3Q?p:3Q)*G))<<2;1N+=(2a+=(1i.r=X[p]));1K+=(2e+=(1i.g=X[p+1]));1L+=(2f+=(1i.b=X[p+2]));1i=1i.1V;2q+=(1A=1G.r);2v+=(1C=1G.g);2o+=(1B=1G.b);2a-=1A;2e-=1C;2f-=1B;1G=1G.1V;1g+=G}}1Q*=aU;i=6B;bS(--i>-1){2r=i<<2;61=(8x[2r+2]&eu)/D.0*7f;73=61|0;C(73===66){5r=67.0*(61-(61|0));62=67-5r;3g[2r]=(3g[2r]*62+X[2r]*5r)>>8;3g[2r+1]=(3g[2r+1]*62+X[2r+1]*5r)>>8;3g[2r+2]=(3g[2r+2]*62+X[2r+2]*5r)>>8}W C(73===66+1){3g[2r]=X[2r];3g[2r+1]=X[2r+1];3g[2r+2]=X[2r+2]}}66++}u o});F.P.S("ev",A(E){K 42,2j;42={3n:{x:o.1c.G/2,y:o.1c.J/2},4f:45,bL:5J,7g:3,7c:1.5,4Q:3};E=1v.6R(42,E);E.4f*=O.eA/4U;2j=8A(o.1c.G,o.1c.J,E.3n.x,E.3n.y,E.4f,E.bL,2Z);u o.5d("9s",[2j,E.7g,E.7c,E.4Q])});u F.P.S("eB",A(E){K 42,2j,6a,69;42={1n:50,3n:{x:o.1c.G/2,y:o.1c.J/2},7g:3,7c:1.5,4Q:3,1Q:M};E=1v.6R(42,E);C(!E.1Q){E.1Q=o.1c.G2x;i=1<=2x?++H:--H){1b=1b.1V=1S 4F();C(i===1a){47=1b}}1b.1V=2M;1i=M;1G=M;4x=1g=0;2H=5N[1Q];2K=5O[1Q];Y(y=1j=0;0<=J?1jJ;y=0<=J?++1j:--1j){2a=2e=2f=1N=1K=1L=0;2q=1a*(1A=X[1g]);2v=1a*(1C=X[1g+1]);2o=1a*(1B=X[1g+2]);1N+=2D*1A;1K+=2D*1C;1L+=2D*1B;1b=2M;Y(i=1q=0;0<=1a?1q<1a:1q>1a;i=0<=1a?++1q:--1q){1b.r=1A;1b.g=1C;1b.b=1B;1b=1b.1V}Y(i=3e=1;1<=1a?3e<1a:3e>1a;i=1<=1a?++3e:--3e){p=1g+((3fG;x=0<=G?++3c:--3c){X[1g]=(1N*2H)>>2K;X[1g+1]=(1K*2H)>>2K;X[1g+2]=(1L*2H)>>2K;1N-=2q;1K-=2v;1L-=2o;2q-=1i.r;2v-=1i.g;2o-=1i.b;p=(4x+((p=x+1Q+1)<3f?p:3f))<<2;2a+=(1i.r=X[p]);2e+=(1i.g=X[p+1]);2f+=(1i.b=X[p+2]);1N+=2a;1K+=2e;1L+=2f;1i=1i.1V;2q+=(1A=1G.r);2v+=(1C=1G.g);2o+=(1B=1G.b);2a-=1A;2e-=1C;2f-=1B;1G=1G.1V;1g+=4}4x+=G}Y(x=3b=0;0<=G?3bG;x=0<=G?++3b:--3b){2e=2f=2a=1K=1L=1N=0;1g=x<<2;2q=1a*(1A=X[1g]);2v=1a*(1C=X[1g+1]);2o=1a*(1B=X[1g+2]);1N+=2D*1A;1K+=2D*1C;1L+=2D*1B;1b=2M;Y(i=3a=0;0<=1a?3a<1a:3a>1a;i=0<=1a?++3a:--3a){1b.r=1A;1b.g=1C;1b.b=1B;1b=1b.1V}4H=G;Y(i=3k=1;1<=1Q?3k<=1Q:3k>=1Q;i=1<=1Q?++3k:--3k){1g=(4H+x)<<2;1N+=(1b.r=(1A=X[1g]))*(2S=1a-i);1K+=(1b.g=(1C=X[1g+1]))*2S;1L+=(1b.b=(1B=X[1g+2]))*2S;2a+=1A;2e+=1C;2f+=1B;1b=1b.1V;C(i<3Q){4H+=G}}1g=x;1i=2M;1G=47;Y(y=3j=0;0<=J?3jJ;y=0<=J?++3j:--3j){p=1g<<2;X[p]=(1N*2H)>>2K;X[p+1]=(1K*2H)>>2K;X[p+2]=(1L*2H)>>2K;1N-=2q;1K-=2v;1L-=2o;2q-=1i.r;2v-=1i.g;2o-=1i.b;p=(x+(((p=y+1a)<3Q?p:3Q)*G))<<2;1N+=(2a+=(1i.r=X[p]));1K+=(2e+=(1i.g=X[p+1]));1L+=(2f+=(1i.b=X[p+2]));1i=1i.1V;2q+=(1A=1G.r);2v+=(1C=1G.g);2o+=(1B=1G.b);2a-=1A;2e-=1C;2f-=1B;1G=1G.1V;1g+=G}}u o});u F.P.S("5f",A(1Q){u o.5d("5f",[1Q])})})();F.P.S("9w",A(N){u o.2b("9w",A(B){K 6r;6r=(0.bg*B.r)+(0.bk*B.g)+(0.by*B.b);C(6r _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
@@ -658,7 +751,13 @@
Analyze.prototype.calculateLevels = function() {
- var i, levels, numPixels, _i, _j, _k, _ref;
+ var i;
+ var levels;
+ var numPixels;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ var _ref;
levels = {
r: {},
g: {},
@@ -671,8 +770,8 @@
for (i = _j = 0, _ref = this.c.pixelData.length; _j < _ref; i = _j += 4) {
- levels.g[this.c.pixelData[i + 1]]++;
- levels.b[this.c.pixelData[i + 2]]++;
+ levels.g[this.c.pixelData[i+1]]++;
+ levels.b[this.c.pixelData[i+2]]++;
numPixels = this.c.pixelData.length / 4;
for (i = _k = 0; _k <= 255; i = ++_k) {
@@ -688,7 +787,12 @@
Caman.DOMUpdated = function() {
- var img, imgs, parser, _i, _len, _results;
+ var img;
+ var imgs;
+ var parser;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _results;
imgs = document.querySelectorAll("img[data-caman]");
if (!(imgs.length > 0)) {
@@ -725,7 +829,18 @@
CamanParser.prototype.parse = function() {
- var args, filter, func, inst, instFunc, m, r, unparsedInstructions, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ var args;
+ var filter;
+ var func;
+ var inst;
+ var instFunc;
+ var m;
+ var r;
+ var unparsedInstructions;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
this.ele = this.caman.canvas;
r = new RegExp(INST_REGEX, 'g');
unparsedInstructions = this.dataStr.match(r);
@@ -741,7 +856,7 @@
try {
func = instFunc();
- } catch (e) {
+ } catch ( e ) {
@@ -762,7 +877,8 @@
Caman.Blender = Blender = (function() {
- function Blender() {}
+ function Blender() {
+ }
Blender.blenders = {};
@@ -780,7 +896,8 @@
Caman.Calculate = Calculate = (function() {
- function Calculate() {}
+ function Calculate() {
+ }
Calculate.distance = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2));
@@ -804,7 +921,33 @@
Calculate.bezier = function(start, ctrl1, ctrl2, end, lowBound, highBound) {
- var Ax, Ay, Bx, By, Cx, Cy, bezier, curveX, curveY, i, j, leftCoord, rightCoord, t, x0, x1, x2, x3, y0, y1, y2, y3, _i, _j, _k, _ref, _ref1;
+ var Ax;
+ var Ay;
+ var Bx;
+ var By;
+ var Cx;
+ var Cy;
+ var bezier;
+ var curveX;
+ var curveY;
+ var i;
+ var j;
+ var leftCoord;
+ var rightCoord;
+ var t;
+ var x0;
+ var x1;
+ var x2;
+ var x3;
+ var y0;
+ var y1;
+ var y2;
+ var y3;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
x0 = start[0];
y0 = start[1];
x1 = ctrl1[0];
@@ -857,10 +1000,13 @@
Convert = (function() {
- function Convert() {}
+ function Convert() {
+ }
Convert.hexToRGB = function(hex) {
- var b, g, r;
+ var b;
+ var g;
+ var r;
if (hex.charAt(0) === "#") {
hex = hex.substr(1);
@@ -875,7 +1021,12 @@
Convert.rgbToHSL = function(r, g, b) {
- var d, h, l, max, min, s;
+ var d;
+ var h;
+ var l;
+ var max;
+ var min;
+ var s;
if (typeof r === "object") {
g = r.g;
b = r.b;
@@ -912,7 +1063,11 @@
Convert.hslToRGB = function(h, s, l) {
- var b, g, p, q, r;
+ var b;
+ var g;
+ var p;
+ var q;
+ var r;
if (typeof h === "object") {
s = h.s;
l = h.l;
@@ -954,7 +1109,12 @@
Convert.rgbToHSV = function(r, g, b) {
- var d, h, max, min, s, v;
+ var d;
+ var h;
+ var max;
+ var min;
+ var s;
+ var v;
r /= 255;
g /= 255;
b /= 255;
@@ -986,7 +1146,14 @@
Convert.hsvToRGB = function(h, s, v) {
- var b, f, g, i, p, q, r, t;
+ var b;
+ var f;
+ var g;
+ var i;
+ var p;
+ var q;
+ var r;
+ var t;
i = Math.floor(h * 6);
f = h * 6 - i;
p = v * (1 - s);
@@ -1031,7 +1198,9 @@
Convert.rgbToXYZ = function(r, g, b) {
- var x, y, z;
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ var z;
r /= 255;
g /= 255;
b /= 255;
@@ -1061,7 +1230,9 @@
Convert.xyzToRGB = function(x, y, z) {
- var b, g, r;
+ var b;
+ var g;
+ var r;
x /= 100;
y /= 100;
z /= 100;
@@ -1091,7 +1262,12 @@
Convert.xyzToLab = function(x, y, z) {
- var a, b, l, whiteX, whiteY, whiteZ;
+ var a;
+ var b;
+ var l;
+ var whiteX;
+ var whiteY;
+ var whiteZ;
if (typeof x === "object") {
y = x.y;
z = x.z;
@@ -1129,7 +1305,9 @@
Convert.labToXYZ = function(l, a, b) {
- var x, y, z;
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ var z;
if (typeof l === "object") {
a = l.a;
b = l.b;
@@ -1179,14 +1357,19 @@
Event = (function() {
- function Event() {}
+ function Event() {
+ }
Event.events = {};
Event.types = ["processStart", "processComplete", "renderStart", "renderFinished", "blockStarted", "blockFinished"];
Event.trigger = function(target, type, data) {
- var event, _i, _len, _ref, _results;
+ var event;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
if (this.events[type] && this.events[type].length) {
_ref = this.events[type];
_results = [];
@@ -1203,7 +1386,8 @@
Event.listen = function(target, type, fn) {
- var _fn, _type;
+ var _fn;
+ var _type;
if (typeof target === "string") {
_type = target;
_fn = type;
@@ -1232,7 +1416,8 @@
Caman.Filter = Filter = (function() {
- function Filter() {}
+ function Filter() {
+ }
Filter.Type = {
Single: 1,
@@ -1253,7 +1438,8 @@
Caman.IO = IO = (function() {
- function IO() {}
+ function IO() {
+ }
IO.domainRegex = /(?:(?:http|https):\/\/)((?:\w+)\.(?:(?:\w|\.)+))/;
@@ -1347,7 +1533,7 @@
if (stats.isFile() && !overwrite) {
return false;
- } catch (e) {
+ } catch ( e ) {
Log.debug("Creating output file " + file);
return fs.writeFile(file, this.canvas.toBuffer(), function() {
@@ -1410,7 +1596,10 @@
Layer.prototype.copyParent = function() {
- var i, parentData, _i, _ref;
+ var i;
+ var parentData;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
parentData = this.c.pixelData;
for (i = _i = 0, _ref = this.c.pixelData.length; _i < _ref; i = _i += 4) {
this.pixelData[i] = parentData[i];
@@ -1443,7 +1632,15 @@
Layer.prototype.applyToParent = function() {
- var i, layerData, parentData, result, rgbaLayer, rgbaParent, _i, _ref, _results;
+ var i;
+ var layerData;
+ var parentData;
+ var result;
+ var rgbaLayer;
+ var rgbaParent;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
parentData = this.c.pixelStack[this.c.pixelStack.length - 1];
layerData = this.c.pixelData;
_results = [];
@@ -1481,7 +1678,10 @@
Logger = (function() {
function Logger() {
- var name, _i, _len, _ref;
+ var name;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
_ref = ['log', 'info', 'warn', 'error'];
for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
name = _ref[_i];
@@ -1494,7 +1694,7 @@
try {
return console[name].apply(console, args);
- } catch (e) {
+ } catch ( e ) {
return console[name](args);
@@ -1516,7 +1716,8 @@
PixelInfo.locationToCoordinates = function(loc, width) {
- var x, y;
+ var x;
+ var y;
y = Math.floor(loc / (width * 4));
x = (loc % (width * 4)) / 4;
return {
@@ -1531,7 +1732,8 @@
PixelInfo.prototype.locationXY = function() {
- var x, y;
+ var x;
+ var y;
y = this.c.dimensions.height - Math.floor(this.loc / (this.c.dimensions.width * 4));
x = (this.loc % (this.c.dimensions.width * 4)) / 4;
return {
@@ -1598,7 +1800,8 @@
Plugin = (function() {
- function Plugin() {}
+ function Plugin() {
+ }
Plugin.plugins = {};
@@ -1672,8 +1875,19 @@
Renderer.prototype.eachBlock = function(fn) {
- var blockN, blockPixelLength, bnum, end, f, i, lastBlockN, n, start, _i, _ref, _results,
- _this = this;
+ var blockN;
+ var blockPixelLength;
+ var bnum;
+ var end;
+ var f;
+ var i;
+ var lastBlockN;
+ var n;
+ var start;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ var _this = this;
this.blocksDone = 0;
n = this.c.pixelData.length;
blockPixelLength = Math.floor((n / 4) / Renderer.Blocks);
@@ -1717,7 +1931,11 @@
Renderer.prototype.renderBlock = function(bnum, start, end) {
- var data, i, pixelInfo, res, _i;
+ var data;
+ var i;
+ var pixelInfo;
+ var res;
+ var _i;
Log.debug("Block #" + bnum + " - Filter: " + this.currentJob.name + ", Start: " + start + ", End: " + end);
Event.trigger(this.c, "blockStarted", {
blockNum: bnum,
@@ -1755,7 +1973,24 @@
Renderer.prototype.renderKernel = function(bnum, start, end) {
- var adjust, adjustSize, bias, builder, builderIndex, divisor, i, j, k, kernel, n, name, pixel, pixelInfo, res, _i, _j, _k;
+ var adjust;
+ var adjustSize;
+ var bias;
+ var builder;
+ var builderIndex;
+ var divisor;
+ var i;
+ var j;
+ var k;
+ var kernel;
+ var n;
+ var name;
+ var pixel;
+ var pixelInfo;
+ var res;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
name = this.currentJob.name;
bias = this.currentJob.bias;
divisor = this.currentJob.divisor;
@@ -1794,7 +2029,9 @@
Renderer.prototype.blockFinished = function(bnum) {
- var i, _i, _ref;
+ var i;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
if (bnum >= 0) {
Log.debug("Block #" + bnum + " finished! Filter: " + this.currentJob.name);
@@ -1819,7 +2056,10 @@
Renderer.prototype.processKernel = function(adjust, kernel, divisor, bias) {
- var i, val, _i, _ref;
+ var i;
+ var val;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
val = {
r: 0,
g: 0,
@@ -1837,8 +2077,9 @@
Renderer.prototype.loadOverlay = function(layer, src) {
- var img, proxyUrl,
- _this = this;
+ var img;
+ var proxyUrl;
+ var _this = this;
img = document.createElement('img');
img.onload = function() {
layer.context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, _this.c.dimensions.width, _this.c.dimensions.height);
@@ -1857,7 +2098,8 @@
Caman.Store = Store = (function() {
- function Store() {}
+ function Store() {
+ }
Store.items = {};
@@ -2029,7 +2271,9 @@
Filter.register("vibrance", function(adjust) {
adjust *= -1;
return this.process("vibrance", function(rgba) {
- var amt, avg, max;
+ var amt;
+ var avg;
+ var max;
max = Math.max(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b);
avg = (rgba.r + rgba.g + rgba.b) / 3;
amt = ((Math.abs(max - avg) * 2 / 255) * adjust) / 100;
@@ -2081,7 +2325,9 @@
Filter.register("hue", function(adjust) {
return this.process("hue", function(rgba) {
- var h, hsv, rgb;
+ var h;
+ var hsv;
+ var rgb;
hsv = Convert.rgbToHSV(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b);
h = hsv.h * 100;
h += Math.abs(adjust);
@@ -2095,7 +2341,8 @@
Filter.register("colorize", function() {
- var level, rgb;
+ var level;
+ var rgb;
if (arguments.length === 2) {
rgb = Convert.hexToRGB(arguments[0]);
level = arguments[1];
@@ -2181,12 +2428,15 @@
Filter.register("channels", function(options) {
- var chan, value;
+ var chan;
+ var value;
if (typeof options !== "object") {
return this;
for (chan in options) {
- if (!__hasProp.call(options, chan)) continue;
+ if (!__hasProp.call(options, chan)) {
+ continue;
+ }
value = options[chan];
if (value === 0) {
delete options[chan];
@@ -2224,7 +2474,18 @@
Filter.register("curves", function() {
- var bezier, chans, cps, ctrl1, ctrl2, end, i, start, _i, _j, _ref, _ref1;
+ var bezier;
+ var chans;
+ var cps;
+ var ctrl1;
+ var ctrl2;
+ var end;
+ var i;
+ var start;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
chans = arguments[0], cps = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
if (typeof chans === "string") {
chans = chans.split("");
@@ -2251,7 +2512,8 @@
return this.process("curves", function(rgba) {
- var _k, _ref2;
+ var _k;
+ var _ref2;
for (i = _k = 0, _ref2 = chans.length; 0 <= _ref2 ? _k < _ref2 : _k > _ref2; i = 0 <= _ref2 ? ++_k : --_k) {
rgba[chans[i]] = bezier[rgba[chans[i]]];
@@ -2260,7 +2522,9 @@
Filter.register("exposure", function(adjust) {
- var ctrl1, ctrl2, p;
+ var ctrl1;
+ var ctrl2;
+ var p;
p = Math.abs(adjust) / 100;
ctrl1 = [0, 255 * p];
ctrl2 = [255 - (255 * p), 255];
@@ -2272,7 +2536,8 @@
Caman.Plugin.register("crop", function(width, height, x, y) {
- var canvas, ctx;
+ var canvas;
+ var ctx;
if (x == null) {
x = 0;
@@ -2298,7 +2563,8 @@
Caman.Plugin.register("resize", function(newDims) {
- var canvas, ctx;
+ var canvas;
+ var ctx;
if (newDims == null) {
newDims = null;
diff --git a/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.min.js b/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.min.js
index 1328b81b..fbec5275 100755
--- a/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.min.js
+++ b/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.min.js
@@ -1,174 +1,2178 @@
-(function(){var $,Analyze,Blender,Calculate,Caman,CamanParser,Canvas,Convert,Event,Fiber,Filter,IO,Image,Layer,Log,Logger,PixelInfo,Plugin,Renderer,Root,Store,Util,fs,slice,__hasProp={}.hasOwnProperty,__indexOf=[].indexOf||function(item){for(var i=0,l=this.length;i255){return 255;}
-return val;};Util.copyAttributes=function(from,to,opts){var attr,_i,_len,_ref,_ref1,_results;if(opts==null){opts={};}
-return _results;};Util.dataArray=function(length){if(length==null){length=0;}
-if(Caman.NodeJS||(window.Uint8Array!=null)){return new Uint8Array(length);}
-return new Array(length);};return Util;})();if(typeof exports!=="undefined"&&exports!==null){Root=exports;Canvas=require('canvas');Image=Canvas.Image;Fiber=require('fibers');fs=require('fs');}else{Root=window;}
-Root.Caman=Caman=(function(){Caman.version={release:"4.1.1",date:"4/8/2013"};Caman.DEBUG=false;Caman.NodeJS=typeof exports!=="undefined"&&exports!==null;Caman.autoload=!Caman.NodeJS;Caman.allowRevert=true;Caman.crossOrigin="anonymous";Caman.toString=function(){return"Version "+Caman.version.release+", Released "+Caman.version.date;};Caman.remoteProxy="";Caman.proxyParam="camanProxyUrl";Caman.getAttrId=function(canvas){if(Caman.NodeJS){return true;}
-if(typeof canvas==="string"){canvas=$(canvas);}
-if(!((canvas!=null)&&(canvas.getAttribute!=null))){return null;}
-return canvas.getAttribute('data-caman-id');};function Caman(){var args,callback,id,_this=this;if(arguments.length===0){throw"Invalid arguments";}
-if(this instanceof Caman){this.finishInit=this.finishInit.bind(this);this.imageLoaded=this.imageLoaded.bind(this);args=arguments[0];if(!Caman.NodeJS){id=parseInt(Caman.getAttrId(args[0]),10);callback=typeof args[1]==="function"?args[1]:typeof args[2]==="function"?args[2]:function(){};if(!isNaN(id)&&Store.has(id)){return Store.execute(id,callback);}}
-this.id=Util.uniqid.get();this.initializedPixelData=this.originalPixelData=null;this.cropCoordinates={x:0,y:0};this.cropped=false;this.resized=false;this.pixelStack=[];this.layerStack=[];this.canvasQueue=[];this.currentLayer=null;this.scaled=false;this.analyze=new Analyze(this);this.renderer=new Renderer(this);this.domIsLoaded(function(){_this.parseArguments(args);return _this.setup();});return this;}else{return new Caman(arguments);}}
-Caman.prototype.domIsLoaded=function(cb){var listener,_this=this;if(Caman.NodeJS){return setTimeout(function(){return cb.call(_this);},0);}else{if(document.readyState==="complete"){Log.debug("DOM initialized");return setTimeout(function(){return cb.call(_this);},0);}else{listener=function(){if(document.readyState==="complete"){Log.debug("DOM initialized");return cb.call(_this);}};return document.addEventListener("readystatechange",listener,false);}}};Caman.prototype.parseArguments=function(args){var key,val,_ref,_results;if(args.length===0){throw"Invalid arguments given";}
-switch(typeof args[1]){case"string":this.imageUrl=args[1];break;case"function":this.callback=args[1];}
-this.callback=args[2];if(args.length===4){_ref=args[4];_results=[];for(key in _ref){if(!__hasProp.call(_ref,key))continue;val=_ref[key];_results.push(this.options[key]=val);}
-return _results;}};Caman.prototype.setInitObject=function(obj){if(Caman.NodeJS){this.initObj=obj;this.initType='node';return;}
-if(typeof obj==="object"){this.initObj=obj;}else{this.initObj=$(obj);}
-if(this.initObj==null){throw"Could not find image or canvas for initialization.";}
-return this.initType=this.initObj.nodeName.toLowerCase();};Caman.prototype.setup=function(){switch(this.initType){case"node":return this.initNode();case"img":return this.initImage();case"canvas":return this.initCanvas();}};Caman.prototype.initNode=function(){var _this=this;Log.debug("Initializing for NodeJS");this.image=new Image();this.image.onload=function(){Log.debug("Image loaded. Width = "+(_this.imageWidth())+", Height = "+(_this.imageHeight()));_this.canvas=new Canvas(_this.imageWidth(),_this.imageHeight());return _this.finishInit();};this.image.onerror=function(err){throw err;};return this.image.src=this.initObj;};Caman.prototype.initImage=function(){this.image=this.initObj;this.canvas=document.createElement('canvas');this.context=this.canvas.getContext('2d');Util.copyAttributes(this.image,this.canvas,{except:['src']});this.image.parentNode.replaceChild(this.canvas,this.image);this.imageAdjustments();return this.waitForImageLoaded();};Caman.prototype.initCanvas=function(){this.canvas=this.initObj;this.context=this.canvas.getContext('2d');if(this.imageUrl!=null){this.image=document.createElement('img');this.image.src=this.imageUrl;this.imageAdjustments();return this.waitForImageLoaded();}else{return this.finishInit();}};Caman.prototype.imageAdjustments=function(){if(this.needsHiDPISwap()){Log.debug(this.image.src,"->",this.hiDPIReplacement());this.swapped=true;this.image.src=this.hiDPIReplacement();}
-if(IO.isRemote(this.image)){this.image.src=IO.proxyUrl(this.image.src);return Log.debug("Remote image detected, using URL = "+this.image.src);}};Caman.prototype.waitForImageLoaded=function(){if(this.isImageLoaded()){return this.imageLoaded();}else{return this.image.onload=this.imageLoaded;}};Caman.prototype.isImageLoaded=function(){if(!this.image.complete){return false;}
-if((this.image.naturalWidth!=null)&&this.image.naturalWidth===0){return false;}
-return true;};Caman.prototype.imageWidth=function(){return this.image.width||this.image.naturalWidth;};Caman.prototype.imageHeight=function(){return this.image.height||this.image.naturalHeight;};Caman.prototype.imageLoaded=function(){Log.debug("Image loaded. Width = "+(this.imageWidth())+", Height = "+(this.imageHeight()));if(this.swapped){this.canvas.width=this.imageWidth()/this.hiDPIRatio();this.canvas.height=this.imageHeight()/this.hiDPIRatio();}else{this.canvas.width=this.imageWidth();this.canvas.height=this.imageHeight();}
-return this.finishInit();};Caman.prototype.finishInit=function(){var i,pixel,_i,_len,_ref;if(this.context==null){this.context=this.canvas.getContext('2d');}
-this.dimensions={width:this.canvas.width,height:this.canvas.height};Store.put(this.id,this);this.callback.call(this,this);return this.callback=function(){};};Caman.prototype.reloadCanvasData=function(){this.imageData=this.context.getImageData(0,0,this.canvas.width,this.canvas.height);return this.pixelData=this.imageData.data;};Caman.prototype.resetOriginalPixelData=function(){var pixel,_i,_len,_ref,_results;if(!Caman.allowRevert){throw"Revert disabled";}
-return _results;};Caman.prototype.hasId=function(){return Caman.getAttrId(this.canvas)!=null;};Caman.prototype.assignId=function(){if(Caman.NodeJS||this.canvas.getAttribute('data-caman-id')){return;}
-return this.canvas.setAttribute('data-caman-id',this.id);};Caman.prototype.hiDPIDisabled=function(){return this.canvas.getAttribute('data-caman-hidpi-disabled')!==null;};Caman.prototype.hiDPIAdjustments=function(){var ratio;if(Caman.NodeJS||this.hiDPIDisabled()){return;}
-ratio=this.hiDPIRatio();if(ratio!==1){Log.debug("HiDPI ratio = "+ratio);this.scaled=true;this.preScaledWidth=this.canvas.width;this.preScaledHeight=this.canvas.height;this.canvas.width=this.preScaledWidth*ratio;this.canvas.height=this.preScaledHeight*ratio;this.canvas.style.width=""+this.preScaledWidth+"px";this.canvas.style.height=""+this.preScaledHeight+"px";this.context.scale(ratio,ratio);this.width=this.originalWidth=this.canvas.width;return this.height=this.originalHeight=this.canvas.height;}};Caman.prototype.hiDPIRatio=function(){var backingStoreRatio,devicePixelRatio;devicePixelRatio=window.devicePixelRatio||1;backingStoreRatio=this.context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio||this.context.mozBackingStorePixelRatio||this.context.msBackingStorePixelRatio||this.context.oBackingStorePixelRatio||this.context.backingStorePixelRatio||1;return devicePixelRatio/backingStoreRatio;};Caman.prototype.hiDPICapable=function(){return(window.devicePixelRatio!=null)&&window.devicePixelRatio!==1;};Caman.prototype.needsHiDPISwap=function(){if(this.hiDPIDisabled()||!this.hiDPICapable()){return false;}
-return this.hiDPIReplacement()!==null;};Caman.prototype.hiDPIReplacement=function(){if(this.image==null){return null;}
-return this.image.getAttribute('data-caman-hidpi');};Caman.prototype.replaceCanvas=function(newCanvas){var oldCanvas;oldCanvas=this.canvas;this.canvas=newCanvas;this.context=this.canvas.getContext('2d');oldCanvas.parentNode.replaceChild(this.canvas,oldCanvas);this.width=this.canvas.width;this.height=this.canvas.height;this.reloadCanvasData();return this.dimensions={width:this.canvas.width,height:this.canvas.height};};Caman.prototype.render=function(callback){var _this=this;if(callback==null){callback=function(){};}
-Event.trigger(this,"renderStart");return this.renderer.execute(function(){_this.context.putImageData(_this.imageData,0,0);return callback.call(_this);});};Caman.prototype.revert=function(){var i,pixel,_i,_len,_ref;if(!Caman.allowRevert){throw"Revert disabled";}
-return this.context.putImageData(this.imageData,0,0);};Caman.prototype.reset=function(){var canvas,ctx,i,imageData,pixel,pixelData,_i,_len,_ref;canvas=document.createElement('canvas');Util.copyAttributes(this.canvas,canvas);canvas.width=this.originalWidth;canvas.height=this.originalHeight;ctx=canvas.getContext('2d');imageData=ctx.getImageData(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height);pixelData=imageData.data;_ref=this.initializedPixelData;for(i=_i=0,_len=_ref.length;_i<_len;i=++_i){pixel=_ref[i];pixelData[i]=pixel;}
-ctx.putImageData(imageData,0,0);this.cropCoordinates={x:0,y:0};this.resized=false;return this.replaceCanvas(canvas);};Caman.prototype.originalVisiblePixels=function(){var canvas,coord,ctx,endX,endY,i,imageData,pixel,pixelData,pixels,scaledCanvas,startX,startY,width,_i,_j,_len,_ref,_ref1,_ref2,_ref3;if(!Caman.allowRevert){throw"Revert disabled";}
-this.renderer.add({type:Filter.Type.Kernel,name:name,adjust:adjust,divisor:divisor,bias:bias||0});return this;};Caman.prototype.processPlugin=function(plugin,args){this.renderer.add({type:Filter.Type.Plugin,plugin:plugin,args:args});return this;};Caman.prototype.newLayer=function(callback){var layer;layer=new Layer(this);this.canvasQueue.push(layer);this.renderer.add({type:Filter.Type.LayerDequeue});callback.call(layer);this.renderer.add({type:Filter.Type.LayerFinished});return this;};Caman.prototype.executeLayer=function(layer){return this.pushContext(layer);};Caman.prototype.pushContext=function(layer){this.layerStack.push(this.currentLayer);this.pixelStack.push(this.pixelData);this.currentLayer=layer;return this.pixelData=layer.pixelData;};Caman.prototype.popContext=function(){this.pixelData=this.pixelStack.pop();return this.currentLayer=this.layerStack.pop();};Caman.prototype.applyCurrentLayer=function(){return this.currentLayer.applyToParent();};return Caman;})();Analyze=(function(){function Analyze(c){this.c=c;}
-Analyze.prototype.calculateLevels=function(){var i,levels,numPixels,_i,_j,_k,_ref;levels={r:{},g:{},b:{}};for(i=_i=0;_i<=255;i=++_i){levels.r[i]=0;levels.g[i]=0;levels.b[i]=0;}
-return levels;};return Analyze;})();Caman.DOMUpdated=function(){var img,imgs,parser,_i,_len,_results;imgs=document.querySelectorAll("img[data-caman]");if(!(imgs.length>0)){return;}
-_results=[];for(_i=0,_len=imgs.length;_i<_len;_i++){img=imgs[_i];_results.push(parser=new CamanParser(img,function(){this.parse();return this.execute();}));}
-return _results;};if(Caman.autoload){(function(){if(document.readyState==="complete"){return Caman.DOMUpdated();}else{return document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",Caman.DOMUpdated,false);}})();}
-CamanParser=(function(){var INST_REGEX;INST_REGEX="(\\w+)\\((.*?)\\)";function CamanParser(ele,ready){this.dataStr=ele.getAttribute('data-caman');this.caman=Caman(ele,ready.bind(this));}
-CamanParser.prototype.parse=function(){var args,filter,func,inst,instFunc,m,r,unparsedInstructions,_i,_len,_ref,_results;this.ele=this.caman.canvas;r=new RegExp(INST_REGEX,'g');unparsedInstructions=this.dataStr.match(r);if(!(unparsedInstructions.length>0)){return;}
-r=new RegExp(INST_REGEX);_results=[];for(_i=0,_len=unparsedInstructions.length;_i<_len;_i++){inst=unparsedInstructions[_i];_ref=inst.match(r),m=_ref[0],filter=_ref[1],args=_ref[2];instFunc=new Function("return function() { this."+filter+"("+args+"); };");try{func=instFunc();_results.push(func.call(this.caman));}catch(e){_results.push(Log.debug(e));}}
-return _results;};CamanParser.prototype.execute=function(){var ele;ele=this.ele;return this.caman.render(function(){return ele.parentNode.replaceChild(this.toImage(),ele);});};return CamanParser;})();Caman.Blender=Blender=(function(){function Blender(){}
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-Calculate.distance=function(x1,y1,x2,y2){return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2-x1,2)+Math.pow(y2-y1,2));};Calculate.randomRange=function(min,max,getFloat){var rand;if(getFloat==null){getFloat=false;}
-rand=min+(Math.random()*(max-min));if(getFloat){return rand.toFixed(getFloat);}else{return Math.round(rand);}};Calculate.luminance=function(rgba){return(0.299*rgba.r)+(0.587*rgba.g)+(0.114*rgba.b);};Calculate.bezier=function(start,ctrl1,ctrl2,end,lowBound,highBound){var Ax,Ay,Bx,By,Cx,Cy,bezier,curveX,curveY,i,j,leftCoord,rightCoord,t,x0,x1,x2,x3,y0,y1,y2,y3,_i,_j,_k,_ref,_ref1;x0=start[0];y0=start[1];x1=ctrl1[0];y1=ctrl1[1];x2=ctrl2[0];y2=ctrl2[1];x3=end[0];y3=end[1];bezier={};Cx=parseInt(3*(x1-x0),10);Bx=3*(x2-x1)-Cx;Ax=x3-x0-Cx-Bx;Cy=3*(y1-y0);By=3*(y2-y1)-Cy;Ay=y3-y0-Cy-By;for(i=_i=0;_i<1000;i=++_i){t=i/1000;curveX=Math.round((Ax*Math.pow(t,3))+(Bx*Math.pow(t,2))+(Cx*t)+x0);curveY=Math.round((Ay*Math.pow(t,3))+(By*Math.pow(t,2))+(Cy*t)+y0);if(lowBound&&curveYhighBound){curveY=highBound;}
-return bezier;};return Calculate;})();Convert=(function(){function Convert(){}
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-r=parseInt(hex.substr(0,2),16);g=parseInt(hex.substr(2,2),16);b=parseInt(hex.substr(4,2),16);return{r:r,g:g,b:b};};Convert.rgbToHSL=function(r,g,b){var d,h,l,max,min,s;if(typeof r==="object"){g=r.g;b=r.b;r=r.r;}
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-if(t<1/6){return p+(q-p)*6*t;}
-if(t<1/2){return q;}
-if(t<2/3){return p+(q-p)*(2/3-t)*6;}
-return p;};Convert.rgbToHSV=function(r,g,b){var d,h,max,min,s,v;r/=255;g/=255;b/=255;max=Math.max(r,g,b);min=Math.min(r,g,b);v=max;d=max-min;s=max===0?0:d/max;if(max===min){h=0;}else{h=(function(){switch(max){case r:return(g-b)/d+(g0.04045){r=Math.pow((r+0.055)/1.055,2.4);}else{r/=12.92;}
-x=r*0.4124+g*0.3576+b*0.1805;y=r*0.2126+g*0.7152+b*0.0722;z=r*0.0193+g*0.1192+b*0.9505;return{x:x*100,y:y*100,z:z*100};};Convert.xyzToRGB=function(x,y,z){var b,g,r;x/=100;y/=100;z/=100;r=(3.2406*x)+(-1.5372*y)+(-0.4986*z);g=(-0.9689*x)+(1.8758*y)+(0.0415*z);b=(0.0557*x)+(-0.2040*y)+(1.0570*z);if(r>0.0031308){r=(1.055*Math.pow(r,0.4166666667))-0.055;}else{r*=12.92;}
-return{r:r*255,g:g*255,b:b*255};};Convert.xyzToLab=function(x,y,z){var a,b,l,whiteX,whiteY,whiteZ;if(typeof x==="object"){y=x.y;z=x.z;x=x.x;}
-l=116*y-16;a=500*(x-y);b=200*(y-z);return{l:l,a:a,b:b};};Convert.labToXYZ=function(l,a,b){var x,y,z;if(typeof l==="object"){a=l.a;b=l.b;l=l.l;}
-return{x:x*95.047,y:y*100.0,z:z*108.883};};Convert.rgbToLab=function(r,g,b){var xyz;if(typeof r==="object"){g=r.g;b=r.b;r=r.r;}
-xyz=this.rgbToXYZ(r,g,b);return this.xyzToLab(xyz);};Convert.labToRGB=function(l,a,b){};return Convert;})();Event=(function(){function Event(){}
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-return _results;};return Layer;})();Logger=(function(){function Logger(){var name,_i,_len,_ref;_ref=['log','info','warn','error'];for(_i=0,_len=_ref.length;_i<_len;_i++){name=_ref[_i];this[name]=(function(name){return function(){var args;args=1<=arguments.length?__slice.call(arguments,0):[];if(!Caman.DEBUG){return;}
-try{return console[name].apply(console,args);}catch(e){return console[name](args);}};})(name);}
-return Logger;})();Log=new Logger();PixelInfo=(function(){PixelInfo.coordinatesToLocation=function(x,y,width){return(y*width+x)*4;};PixelInfo.locationToCoordinates=function(loc,width){var x,y;y=Math.floor(loc/(width*4));x=(loc%(width*4))/4;return{x:x,y:y};};function PixelInfo(c){this.c=c;this.loc=0;}
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-return _results;};Renderer.prototype.executeFilter=function(){Event.trigger(this.c,"processStart",this.currentJob);if(this.currentJob.type===Filter.Type.Single){return this.eachBlock(this.renderBlock);}else{return this.eachBlock(this.renderKernel);}};Renderer.prototype.executePlugin=function(){Log.debug("Executing plugin "+this.currentJob.plugin);Plugin.execute(this.c,this.currentJob.plugin,this.currentJob.args);Log.debug("Plugin "+this.currentJob.plugin+" finished!");return this.processNext();};Renderer.prototype.renderBlock=function(bnum,start,end){var data,i,pixelInfo,res,_i;Log.debug("Block #"+bnum+" - Filter: "+this.currentJob.name+", Start: "+start+", End: "+end);Event.trigger(this.c,"blockStarted",{blockNum:bnum,totalBlocks:Renderer.Blocks,startPixel:start,endPixel:end});data={r:0,g:0,b:0,a:0};pixelInfo=new PixelInfo(this.c);for(i=_i=start;_i=builder;j=-builder<=builder?++_j:--_j){for(k=_k=builder;builder<=-builder?_k<=-builder:_k>=-builder;k=builder<=-builder?++_k:--_k){pixel=pixelInfo.getPixelRelative(j,k);kernel[builderIndex*3]=pixel.r;kernel[builderIndex*3+1]=pixel.g;kernel[builderIndex*3+2]=pixel.b;builderIndex++;}}
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-if(bnum>=0){Log.debug("Filter "+this.currentJob.name+" finished!");}
-Event.trigger(this.c,"processComplete",this.currentJob);return this.processNext();}};Renderer.prototype.processKernel=function(adjust,kernel,divisor,bias){var i,val,_i,_ref;val={r:0,g:0,b:0};for(i=_i=0,_ref=adjust.length;0<=_ref?_i<_ref:_i>_ref;i=0<=_ref?++_i:--_i){val.r+=adjust[i]*kernel[i*3];val.g+=adjust[i]*kernel[i*3+1];val.b+=adjust[i]*kernel[i*3+2];}
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-return this.process("fillColor",function(rgba){rgba.r=color.r;rgba.g=color.g;rgba.b=color.b;rgba.a=255;return rgba;});});Filter.register("brightness",function(adjust){adjust=Math.floor(255*(adjust/100));return this.process("brightness",function(rgba){rgba.r+=adjust;rgba.g+=adjust;rgba.b+=adjust;return rgba;});});Filter.register("saturation",function(adjust){adjust*=-0.01;return this.process("saturation",function(rgba){var max;max=Math.max(rgba.r,rgba.g,rgba.b);if(rgba.r!==max){rgba.r+=(max-rgba.r)*adjust;}
-return rgba;});});Filter.register("vibrance",function(adjust){adjust*=-1;return this.process("vibrance",function(rgba){var amt,avg,max;max=Math.max(rgba.r,rgba.g,rgba.b);avg=(rgba.r+rgba.g+rgba.b)/3;amt=((Math.abs(max-avg)*2/255)*adjust)/100;if(rgba.r!==max){rgba.r+=(max-rgba.r)*amt;}
-return rgba;});});Filter.register("greyscale",function(adjust){return this.process("greyscale",function(rgba){var avg;avg=Calculate.luminance(rgba);rgba.r=avg;rgba.g=avg;rgba.b=avg;return rgba;});});Filter.register("contrast",function(adjust){adjust=Math.pow((adjust+100)/100,2);return this.process("contrast",function(rgba){rgba.r/=255;rgba.r-=0.5;rgba.r*=adjust;rgba.r+=0.5;rgba.r*=255;rgba.g/=255;rgba.g-=0.5;rgba.g*=adjust;rgba.g+=0.5;rgba.g*=255;rgba.b/=255;rgba.b-=0.5;rgba.b*=adjust;rgba.b+=0.5;rgba.b*=255;return rgba;});});Filter.register("hue",function(adjust){return this.process("hue",function(rgba){var h,hsv,rgb;hsv=Convert.rgbToHSV(rgba.r,rgba.g,rgba.b);h=hsv.h*100;h+=Math.abs(adjust);h=h%100;h/=100;hsv.h=h;rgb=Convert.hsvToRGB(hsv.h,hsv.s,hsv.v);rgb.a=rgba.a;return rgb;});});Filter.register("colorize",function(){var level,rgb;if(arguments.length===2){rgb=Convert.hexToRGB(arguments[0]);level=arguments[1];}else if(arguments.length===4){rgb={r:arguments[0],g:arguments[1],b:arguments[2]};level=arguments[3];}
-return this.process("colorize",function(rgba){rgba.r-=(rgba.r-rgb.r)*(level/100);rgba.g-=(rgba.g-rgb.g)*(level/100);rgba.b-=(rgba.b-rgb.b)*(level/100);return rgba;});});Filter.register("invert",function(){return this.process("invert",function(rgba){rgba.r=255-rgba.r;rgba.g=255-rgba.g;rgba.b=255-rgba.b;return rgba;});});Filter.register("sepia",function(adjust){if(adjust==null){adjust=100;}
-adjust/=100;return this.process("sepia",function(rgba){rgba.r=Math.min(255,(rgba.r*(1-(0.607*adjust)))+(rgba.g*(0.769*adjust))+(rgba.b*(0.189*adjust)));rgba.g=Math.min(255,(rgba.r*(0.349*adjust))+(rgba.g*(1-(0.314*adjust)))+(rgba.b*(0.168*adjust)));rgba.b=Math.min(255,(rgba.r*(0.272*adjust))+(rgba.g*(0.534*adjust))+(rgba.b*(1-(0.869*adjust))));return rgba;});});Filter.register("gamma",function(adjust){return this.process("gamma",function(rgba){rgba.r=Math.pow(rgba.r/255,adjust)*255;rgba.g=Math.pow(rgba.g/255,adjust)*255;rgba.b=Math.pow(rgba.b/255,adjust)*255;return rgba;});});Filter.register("noise",function(adjust){adjust=Math.abs(adjust)*2.55;return this.process("noise",function(rgba){var rand;rand=Calculate.randomRange(adjust*-1,adjust);rgba.r+=rand;rgba.g+=rand;rgba.b+=rand;return rgba;});});Filter.register("clip",function(adjust){adjust=Math.abs(adjust)*2.55;return this.process("clip",function(rgba){if(rgba.r>255-adjust){rgba.r=255;}else if(rgba.r255-adjust){rgba.g=255;}else if(rgba.g255-adjust){rgba.b=255;}else if(rgba.b0){rgba.r+=(255-rgba.r)*options.red;}else{rgba.r-=rgba.r*Math.abs(options.red);}}
-return rgba;});});Filter.register("curves",function(){var bezier,chans,cps,ctrl1,ctrl2,end,i,start,_i,_j,_ref,_ref1;chans=arguments[0],cps=2<=arguments.length?__slice.call(arguments,1):[];if(typeof chans==="string"){chans=chans.split("");}
-if(cps.length<3||cps.length>4){throw"Invalid number of arguments to curves filter";}
-return this.process("curves",function(rgba){var _k,_ref2;for(i=_k=0,_ref2=chans.length;0<=_ref2?_k<_ref2:_k>_ref2;i=0<=_ref2?++_k:--_k){rgba[chans[i]]=bezier[rgba[chans[i]]];}
-return rgba;});});Filter.register("exposure",function(adjust){var ctrl1,ctrl2,p;p=Math.abs(adjust)/100;ctrl1=[0,255*p];ctrl2=[255-(255*p),255];if(adjust<0){ctrl1=ctrl1.reverse();ctrl2=ctrl2.reverse();}
-return this.curves('rgb',[0,0],ctrl1,ctrl2,[255,255]);});Caman.Plugin.register("crop",function(width,height,x,y){var canvas,ctx;if(x==null){x=0;}
-if(typeof exports!=="undefined"&&exports!==null){canvas=new Canvas(width,height);}else{canvas=document.createElement('canvas');Util.copyAttributes(this.canvas,canvas);canvas.width=width;canvas.height=height;}
-ctx=canvas.getContext('2d');ctx.drawImage(this.canvas,x,y,width,height,0,0,width,height);this.cropCoordinates={x:x,y:y};this.cropped=true;return this.replaceCanvas(canvas);});Caman.Plugin.register("resize",function(newDims){var canvas,ctx;if(newDims==null){newDims=null;}
-if(newDims===null||((newDims.width==null)&&(newDims.height==null))){Log.error("Invalid or missing dimensions given for resize");return;}
-if(newDims.width==null){newDims.width=this.canvas.width*newDims.height/this.canvas.height;}else if(newDims.height==null){newDims.height=this.canvas.height*newDims.width/this.canvas.width;}
-if(typeof exports!=="undefined"&&exports!==null){canvas=new Canvas(newDims.width,newDims.height);}else{canvas=document.createElement('canvas');Util.copyAttributes(this.canvas,canvas);canvas.width=newDims.width;canvas.height=newDims.height;}
-ctx=canvas.getContext('2d');ctx.drawImage(this.canvas,0,0,this.canvas.width,this.canvas.height,0,0,newDims.width,newDims.height);this.resized=true;return this.replaceCanvas(canvas);});Caman.Filter.register("crop",function(){return this.processPlugin("crop",Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0));});Caman.Filter.register("resize",function(){return this.processPlugin("resize",Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0));});}).call(this);
\ No newline at end of file
+(function() {
+ var $;
+ var Analyze;
+ var Blender;
+ var Calculate;
+ var Caman;
+ var CamanParser;
+ var Canvas;
+ var Convert;
+ var Event;
+ var Fiber;
+ var Filter;
+ var IO;
+ var Image;
+ var Layer;
+ var Log;
+ var Logger;
+ var PixelInfo;
+ var Plugin;
+ var Renderer;
+ var Root;
+ var Store;
+ var Util;
+ var fs;
+ var slice;
+ var __hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty;
+ var __indexOf = [].indexOf || function(item) {
+ for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) {
+ if (i in this && this[i] === item) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ };
+ var __slice = [].slice;
+ var _this = this;
+ slice = Array.prototype.slice;
+ $ = function(sel, root) {
+ if (root == null) {
+ root = document;
+ }
+ if (typeof sel === "object" || (typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null)) {
+ return sel;
+ }
+ return root.querySelector(sel);
+ };
+ Util = (function() {
+ function Util() {
+ }
+ Util.uniqid = (function() {
+ var id;
+ id = 0;return {
+ get: function() {
+ return id++;
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ Util.extend = function(obj) {
+ var copy;
+ var dest;
+ var prop;
+ var src;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ dest = obj;
+ src = slice.call(arguments, 1);
+ for (_i = 0, _len = src.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ copy = src[_i];
+ for (prop in copy) {
+ if (!__hasProp.call(copy, prop)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ dest[prop] = copy[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ return dest;
+ };
+ Util.clampRGB = function(val) {
+ if (val < 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (val > 255) {
+ return 255;
+ }
+ return val;
+ };
+ Util.copyAttributes = function(from, to, opts) {
+ var attr;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
+ var _results;
+ if (opts == null) {
+ opts = {};
+ }
+ _ref = from.attributes;
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ attr = _ref[_i];
+ if ((opts.except != null) && (_ref1 = attr.nodeName, __indexOf.call(opts.except, _ref1) >= 0)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ _results.push(to.setAttribute(attr.nodeName, attr.nodeValue));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ };
+ Util.dataArray = function(length) {
+ if (length == null) {
+ length = 0;
+ }
+ if (Caman.NodeJS || (window.Uint8Array != null)) {
+ return new Uint8Array(length);
+ }
+ return new Array(length);
+ };return Util;
+ })();
+ if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null) {
+ Root = exports;
+ Canvas = require('canvas');
+ Image = Canvas.Image;
+ Fiber = require('fibers');
+ fs = require('fs');
+ } else {
+ Root = window;
+ }
+ Root.Caman = Caman = (function() {
+ Caman.version = {
+ release: "4.1.1",
+ date: "4/8/2013"
+ };
+ Caman.DEBUG = false;
+ Caman.NodeJS = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null;
+ Caman.autoload = !Caman.NodeJS;
+ Caman.allowRevert = true;
+ Caman.crossOrigin = "anonymous";
+ Caman.toString = function() {
+ return "Version " + Caman.version.release + ", Released " + Caman.version.date;
+ };
+ Caman.remoteProxy = "";
+ Caman.proxyParam = "camanProxyUrl";
+ Caman.getAttrId = function(canvas) {
+ if (Caman.NodeJS) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (typeof canvas === "string") {
+ canvas = $(canvas);
+ }
+ if (!((canvas != null) && (canvas.getAttribute != null))) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return canvas.getAttribute('data-caman-id');
+ };
+ function Caman() {
+ var args;
+ var callback;
+ var id;
+ var _this = this;
+ if (arguments.length === 0) {
+ throw "Invalid arguments";
+ }
+ if (this instanceof Caman) {
+ this.finishInit = this.finishInit.bind(this);
+ this.imageLoaded = this.imageLoaded.bind(this);
+ args = arguments[0];
+ if (!Caman.NodeJS) {
+ id = parseInt(Caman.getAttrId(args[0]), 10);
+ callback = typeof args[1] === "function" ? args[1] : typeof args[2] === "function" ? args[2] : function() {};
+ if (!isNaN(id) && Store.has(id)) {
+ return Store.execute(id, callback);
+ }
+ }
+ this.id = Util.uniqid.get();
+ this.initializedPixelData = this.originalPixelData = null;
+ this.cropCoordinates = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
+ };
+ this.cropped = false;
+ this.resized = false;
+ this.pixelStack = [];
+ this.layerStack = [];
+ this.canvasQueue = [];
+ this.currentLayer = null;
+ this.scaled = false;
+ this.analyze = new Analyze(this);
+ this.renderer = new Renderer(this);this.domIsLoaded(function() {
+ _this.parseArguments(args);return _this.setup();
+ });return this;
+ } else {
+ return new Caman(arguments);
+ }
+ }
+ Caman.prototype.domIsLoaded = function(cb) {
+ var listener;
+ var _this = this;
+ if (Caman.NodeJS) {
+ return setTimeout(function() {
+ return cb.call(_this);
+ }, 0);
+ } else {
+ if (document.readyState === "complete") {
+ Log.debug("DOM initialized");return setTimeout(function() {
+ return cb.call(_this);
+ }, 0);
+ } else {
+ listener = function() {
+ if (document.readyState === "complete") {
+ Log.debug("DOM initialized");return cb.call(_this);
+ }
+ };return document.addEventListener("readystatechange", listener, false);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.parseArguments = function(args) {
+ var key;
+ var val;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ if (args.length === 0) {
+ throw "Invalid arguments given";
+ }
+ this.initObj = null;
+ this.initType = null;
+ this.imageUrl = null;
+ this.callback = function() {};this.setInitObject(args[0]);
+ if (args.length === 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (typeof args[1]) {
+ case "string":
+ this.imageUrl = args[1];
+ break;case "function":
+ this.callback = args[1];
+ }
+ if (args.length === 2) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.callback = args[2];
+ if (args.length === 4) {
+ _ref = args[4];
+ _results = [];
+ for (key in _ref) {
+ if (!__hasProp.call(_ref, key)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ val = _ref[key];_results.push(this.options[key] = val);
+ }
+ return _results;
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.setInitObject = function(obj) {
+ if (Caman.NodeJS) {
+ this.initObj = obj;
+ this.initType = 'node';return;
+ }
+ if (typeof obj === "object") {
+ this.initObj = obj;
+ } else {
+ this.initObj = $(obj);
+ }
+ if (this.initObj == null) {
+ throw "Could not find image or canvas for initialization.";
+ }
+ return this.initType = this.initObj.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.setup = function() {
+ switch (this.initType) {
+ case "node":
+ return this.initNode();case "img":
+ return this.initImage();case "canvas":
+ return this.initCanvas();
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.initNode = function() {
+ var _this = this;
+ Log.debug("Initializing for NodeJS");
+ this.image = new Image();
+ this.image.onload = function() {
+ Log.debug("Image loaded. Width = " + (_this.imageWidth()) + ", Height = " + (_this.imageHeight()));
+ _this.canvas = new Canvas(_this.imageWidth(), _this.imageHeight());return _this.finishInit();
+ };
+ this.image.onerror = function(err) {
+ throw err;
+ };return this.image.src = this.initObj;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.initImage = function() {
+ this.image = this.initObj;
+ this.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');Util.copyAttributes(this.image, this.canvas, {
+ except: ['src']
+ });this.image.parentNode.replaceChild(this.canvas, this.image);this.imageAdjustments();return this.waitForImageLoaded();
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.initCanvas = function() {
+ this.canvas = this.initObj;
+ this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
+ if (this.imageUrl != null) {
+ this.image = document.createElement('img');
+ this.image.src = this.imageUrl;this.imageAdjustments();return this.waitForImageLoaded();
+ } else {
+ return this.finishInit();
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.imageAdjustments = function() {
+ if (this.needsHiDPISwap()) {
+ Log.debug(this.image.src, "->", this.hiDPIReplacement());
+ this.swapped = true;
+ this.image.src = this.hiDPIReplacement();
+ }
+ if (IO.isRemote(this.image)) {
+ this.image.src = IO.proxyUrl(this.image.src);return Log.debug("Remote image detected, using URL = " + this.image.src);
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.waitForImageLoaded = function() {
+ if (this.isImageLoaded()) {
+ return this.imageLoaded();
+ } else {
+ return this.image.onload = this.imageLoaded;
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.isImageLoaded = function() {
+ if (!this.image.complete) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ((this.image.naturalWidth != null) && this.image.naturalWidth === 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.imageWidth = function() {
+ return this.image.width || this.image.naturalWidth;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.imageHeight = function() {
+ return this.image.height || this.image.naturalHeight;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.imageLoaded = function() {
+ Log.debug("Image loaded. Width = " + (this.imageWidth()) + ", Height = " + (this.imageHeight()));
+ if (this.swapped) {
+ this.canvas.width = this.imageWidth() / this.hiDPIRatio();
+ this.canvas.height = this.imageHeight() / this.hiDPIRatio();
+ } else {
+ this.canvas.width = this.imageWidth();
+ this.canvas.height = this.imageHeight();
+ }
+ return this.finishInit();
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.finishInit = function() {
+ var i;
+ var pixel;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ if (this.context == null) {
+ this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');
+ }
+ this.originalWidth = this.preScaledWidth = this.width = this.canvas.width;
+ this.originalHeight = this.preScaledHeight = this.height = this.canvas.height;this.hiDPIAdjustments();
+ if (!this.hasId()) {
+ this.assignId();
+ }
+ if (this.image != null) {
+ this.context.drawImage(this.image, 0, 0, this.imageWidth(), this.imageHeight(), 0, 0, this.preScaledWidth, this.preScaledHeight);
+ }
+ this.reloadCanvasData();
+ if (Caman.allowRevert) {
+ this.initializedPixelData = Util.dataArray(this.pixelData.length);
+ this.originalPixelData = Util.dataArray(this.pixelData.length);
+ _ref = this.pixelData;
+ for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
+ pixel = _ref[i];
+ this.initializedPixelData[i] = pixel;
+ this.originalPixelData[i] = pixel;
+ }
+ }
+ this.dimensions = {
+ width: this.canvas.width,
+ height: this.canvas.height
+ };Store.put(this.id, this);this.callback.call(this, this);return this.callback = function() {};
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.reloadCanvasData = function() {
+ this.imageData = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);return this.pixelData = this.imageData.data;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.resetOriginalPixelData = function() {
+ var pixel;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ if (!Caman.allowRevert) {
+ throw "Revert disabled";
+ }
+ this.originalPixelData = Util.dataArray(this.pixelData.length);
+ _ref = this.pixelData;
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ pixel = _ref[_i];_results.push(this.originalPixelData.push(pixel));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.hasId = function() {
+ return Caman.getAttrId(this.canvas) != null;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.assignId = function() {
+ if (Caman.NodeJS || this.canvas.getAttribute('data-caman-id')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return this.canvas.setAttribute('data-caman-id', this.id);
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.hiDPIDisabled = function() {
+ return this.canvas.getAttribute('data-caman-hidpi-disabled') !== null;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.hiDPIAdjustments = function() {
+ var ratio;
+ if (Caman.NodeJS || this.hiDPIDisabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ ratio = this.hiDPIRatio();
+ if (ratio !== 1) {
+ Log.debug("HiDPI ratio = " + ratio);
+ this.scaled = true;
+ this.preScaledWidth = this.canvas.width;
+ this.preScaledHeight = this.canvas.height;
+ this.canvas.width = this.preScaledWidth * ratio;
+ this.canvas.height = this.preScaledHeight * ratio;
+ this.canvas.style.width = "" + this.preScaledWidth + "px";
+ this.canvas.style.height = "" + this.preScaledHeight + "px";this.context.scale(ratio, ratio);
+ this.width = this.originalWidth = this.canvas.width;return this.height = this.originalHeight = this.canvas.height;
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.hiDPIRatio = function() {
+ var backingStoreRatio;
+ var devicePixelRatio;
+ devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
+ backingStoreRatio = this.context.webkitBackingStorePixelRatio || this.context.mozBackingStorePixelRatio || this.context.msBackingStorePixelRatio || this.context.oBackingStorePixelRatio || this.context.backingStorePixelRatio || 1;return devicePixelRatio / backingStoreRatio;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.hiDPICapable = function() {
+ return (window.devicePixelRatio != null) && window.devicePixelRatio !== 1;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.needsHiDPISwap = function() {
+ if (this.hiDPIDisabled() || !this.hiDPICapable()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return this.hiDPIReplacement() !== null;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.hiDPIReplacement = function() {
+ if (this.image == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return this.image.getAttribute('data-caman-hidpi');
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.replaceCanvas = function(newCanvas) {
+ var oldCanvas;
+ oldCanvas = this.canvas;
+ this.canvas = newCanvas;
+ this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');oldCanvas.parentNode.replaceChild(this.canvas, oldCanvas);
+ this.width = this.canvas.width;
+ this.height = this.canvas.height;this.reloadCanvasData();return this.dimensions = {
+ width: this.canvas.width,
+ height: this.canvas.height
+ };
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.render = function(callback) {
+ var _this = this;
+ if (callback == null) {
+ callback = function() {};
+ }
+ Event.trigger(this, "renderStart");return this.renderer.execute(function() {
+ _this.context.putImageData(_this.imageData, 0, 0);return callback.call(_this);
+ });
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.revert = function() {
+ var i;
+ var pixel;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ if (!Caman.allowRevert) {
+ throw "Revert disabled";
+ }
+ _ref = this.originalVisiblePixels();
+ for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
+ pixel = _ref[i];
+ this.pixelData[i] = pixel;
+ }
+ return this.context.putImageData(this.imageData, 0, 0);
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.reset = function() {
+ var canvas;
+ var ctx;
+ var i;
+ var imageData;
+ var pixel;
+ var pixelData;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ canvas = document.createElement('canvas');Util.copyAttributes(this.canvas, canvas);
+ canvas.width = this.originalWidth;
+ canvas.height = this.originalHeight;
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
+ pixelData = imageData.data;
+ _ref = this.initializedPixelData;
+ for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
+ pixel = _ref[i];
+ pixelData[i] = pixel;
+ }
+ ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
+ this.cropCoordinates = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0
+ };
+ this.resized = false;return this.replaceCanvas(canvas);
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.originalVisiblePixels = function() {
+ var canvas;
+ var coord;
+ var ctx;
+ var endX;
+ var endY;
+ var i;
+ var imageData;
+ var pixel;
+ var pixelData;
+ var pixels;
+ var scaledCanvas;
+ var startX;
+ var startY;
+ var width;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
+ var _ref2;
+ var _ref3;
+ if (!Caman.allowRevert) {
+ throw "Revert disabled";
+ }
+ pixels = [];
+ startX = this.cropCoordinates.x;
+ endX = startX + this.width;
+ startY = this.cropCoordinates.y;
+ endY = startY + this.height;
+ if (this.resized) {
+ canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ canvas.width = this.originalWidth;
+ canvas.height = this.originalHeight;
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
+ pixelData = imageData.data;
+ _ref = this.originalPixelData;
+ for (i = _i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; i = ++_i) {
+ pixel = _ref[i];
+ pixelData[i] = pixel;
+ }
+ ctx.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0);
+ scaledCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ scaledCanvas.width = this.width;
+ scaledCanvas.height = this.height;
+ ctx = scaledCanvas.getContext('2d');ctx.drawImage(canvas, 0, 0, this.originalWidth, this.originalHeight, 0, 0, this.width, this.height);
+ pixelData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, this.width, this.height).data;
+ width = this.width;
+ } else {
+ pixelData = this.originalPixelData;
+ width = this.originalWidth;
+ }
+ for (i = _j = 0, _ref1 = pixelData.length; _j < _ref1; i = _j += 4) {
+ coord = PixelInfo.locationToCoordinates(i, width);
+ if (((startX <= (_ref2 = coord.x) && _ref2 < endX)) && ((startY <= (_ref3 = coord.y) && _ref3 < endY))) {
+ pixels.push(pixelData[i], pixelData[i + 1], pixelData[i + 2], pixelData[i + 3]);
+ }
+ }
+ return pixels;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.process = function(name, processFn) {
+ this.renderer.add({
+ type: Filter.Type.Single,
+ name: name,
+ processFn: processFn
+ });return this;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.processKernel = function(name, adjust, divisor, bias) {
+ var i;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ if (!divisor) {
+ divisor = 0;
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = adjust.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
+ divisor += adjust[i];
+ }
+ }
+ this.renderer.add({
+ type: Filter.Type.Kernel,
+ name: name,
+ adjust: adjust,
+ divisor: divisor,
+ bias: bias || 0
+ });return this;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.processPlugin = function(plugin, args) {
+ this.renderer.add({
+ type: Filter.Type.Plugin,
+ plugin: plugin,
+ args: args
+ });return this;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.newLayer = function(callback) {
+ var layer;
+ layer = new Layer(this);this.canvasQueue.push(layer);this.renderer.add({
+ type: Filter.Type.LayerDequeue
+ });callback.call(layer);this.renderer.add({
+ type: Filter.Type.LayerFinished
+ });return this;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.executeLayer = function(layer) {
+ return this.pushContext(layer);
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.pushContext = function(layer) {
+ this.layerStack.push(this.currentLayer);this.pixelStack.push(this.pixelData);
+ this.currentLayer = layer;return this.pixelData = layer.pixelData;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.popContext = function() {
+ this.pixelData = this.pixelStack.pop();return this.currentLayer = this.layerStack.pop();
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.applyCurrentLayer = function() {
+ return this.currentLayer.applyToParent();
+ };return Caman;
+ })();
+ Analyze = (function() {
+ function Analyze(c) {
+ this.c = c;
+ }
+ Analyze.prototype.calculateLevels = function() {
+ var i;
+ var levels;
+ var numPixels;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ var _ref;
+ levels = {
+ r: {},
+ g: {},
+ b: {}
+ };
+ for (i = _i = 0; _i <= 255; i = ++_i) {
+ levels.r[i] = 0;
+ levels.g[i] = 0;
+ levels.b[i] = 0;
+ }
+ for (i = _j = 0, _ref = this.c.pixelData.length; _j < _ref; i = _j += 4) {
+ levels.r[this.c.pixelData[i]]++;levels.g[this.c.pixelData[i+1]]++;levels.b[this.c.pixelData[i+2]]++;
+ }
+ numPixels = this.c.pixelData.length / 4;
+ for (i = _k = 0; _k <= 255; i = ++_k) {
+ levels.r[i] /= numPixels;
+ levels.g[i] /= numPixels;
+ levels.b[i] /= numPixels;
+ }
+ return levels;
+ };return Analyze;
+ })();
+ Caman.DOMUpdated = function() {
+ var img;
+ var imgs;
+ var parser;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _results;
+ imgs = document.querySelectorAll("img[data-caman]");
+ if (!(imgs.length > 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = imgs.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ img = imgs[_i];_results.push(parser = new CamanParser(img, function() {
+ this.parse();return this.execute();
+ }));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ };
+ if (Caman.autoload) {
+ (function() {
+ if (document.readyState === "complete") {
+ return Caman.DOMUpdated();
+ } else {
+ return document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", Caman.DOMUpdated, false);
+ }
+ })();
+ }
+ CamanParser = (function() {
+ INST_REGEX = "(\\w+)\\((.*?)\\)";
+ function CamanParser(ele, ready) {
+ this.dataStr = ele.getAttribute('data-caman');
+ this.caman = Caman(ele, ready.bind(this));
+ }
+ CamanParser.prototype.parse = function() {
+ var args;
+ var filter;
+ var func;
+ var inst;
+ var instFunc;
+ var m;
+ var r;
+ var unparsedInstructions;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ this.ele = this.caman.canvas;
+ r = new RegExp(INST_REGEX, 'g');
+ unparsedInstructions = this.dataStr.match(r);
+ if (!(unparsedInstructions.length > 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ r = new RegExp(INST_REGEX);
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = unparsedInstructions.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ inst = unparsedInstructions[_i];_ref = inst.match(r), m = _ref[0], filter = _ref[1], args = _ref[2];
+ instFunc = new Function("return function() { this." + filter + "(" + args + "); };");try {
+ func = instFunc();_results.push(func.call(this.caman));
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ _results.push(Log.debug(e));
+ }
+ }
+ return _results;
+ };
+ CamanParser.prototype.execute = function() {
+ var ele;
+ ele = this.ele;return this.caman.render(function() {
+ return ele.parentNode.replaceChild(this.toImage(), ele);
+ });
+ };return CamanParser;
+ })();
+ Caman.Blender = Blender = (function() {
+ function Blender() {
+ }
+ Blender.blenders = {};
+ Blender.register = function(name, func) {
+ return this.blenders[name] = func;
+ };
+ Blender.execute = function(name, rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return this.blenders[name](rgbaLayer, rgbaParent);
+ };return Blender;
+ })();
+ Caman.Calculate = Calculate = (function() {
+ function Calculate() {
+ }
+ Calculate.distance = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
+ return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x2 - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y2 - y1, 2));
+ };
+ Calculate.randomRange = function(min, max, getFloat) {
+ var rand;
+ if (getFloat == null) {
+ getFloat = false;
+ }
+ rand = min + (Math.random() * (max - min));
+ if (getFloat) {
+ return rand.toFixed(getFloat);
+ } else {
+ return Math.round(rand);
+ }
+ };
+ Calculate.luminance = function(rgba) {
+ return (0.299 * rgba.r) + (0.587 * rgba.g) + (0.114 * rgba.b);
+ };
+ Calculate.bezier = function(start, ctrl1, ctrl2, end, lowBound, highBound) {
+ var Ax;
+ var Ay;
+ var Bx;
+ var By;
+ var Cx;
+ var Cy;
+ var bezier;
+ var curveX;
+ var curveY;
+ var i;
+ var j;
+ var leftCoord;
+ var rightCoord;
+ var t;
+ var x0;
+ var x1;
+ var x2;
+ var x3;
+ var y0;
+ var y1;
+ var y2;
+ var y3;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
+ x0 = start[0];
+ y0 = start[1];
+ x1 = ctrl1[0];
+ y1 = ctrl1[1];
+ x2 = ctrl2[0];
+ y2 = ctrl2[1];
+ x3 = end[0];
+ y3 = end[1];
+ bezier = {};
+ Cx = parseInt(3 * (x1 - x0), 10);
+ Bx = 3 * (x2 - x1) - Cx;
+ Ax = x3 - x0 - Cx - Bx;
+ Cy = 3 * (y1 - y0);
+ By = 3 * (y2 - y1) - Cy;
+ Ay = y3 - y0 - Cy - By;
+ for (i = _i = 0; _i < 1000; i = ++_i) {
+ t = i / 1000;
+ curveX = Math.round((Ax * Math.pow(t, 3)) + (Bx * Math.pow(t, 2)) + (Cx * t) + x0);
+ curveY = Math.round((Ay * Math.pow(t, 3)) + (By * Math.pow(t, 2)) + (Cy * t) + y0);
+ if (lowBound && curveY < lowBound) {
+ curveY = lowBound;
+ } else if (highBound && curveY > highBound) {
+ curveY = highBound;
+ }
+ bezier[curveX] = curveY;
+ }
+ if (bezier.length < end[0] + 1) {
+ for (i = _j = 0, _ref = end[0]; 0 <= _ref ? _j <= _ref : _j >= _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_j : --_j) {
+ if (bezier[i] == null) {
+ leftCoord = [i - 1, bezier[i - 1]];
+ for (j = _k = i, _ref1 = end[0]; i <= _ref1 ? _k <= _ref1 : _k >= _ref1; j = i <= _ref1 ? ++_k : --_k) {
+ if (bezier[j] != null) {
+ rightCoord = [j, bezier[j]];break;
+ }
+ }
+ bezier[i] = leftCoord[1] + ((rightCoord[1] - leftCoord[1]) / (rightCoord[0] - leftCoord[0])) * (i - leftCoord[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (bezier[end[0]] == null) {
+ bezier[end[0]] = bezier[end[0] - 1];
+ }
+ return bezier;
+ };return Calculate;
+ })();
+ Convert = (function() {
+ function Convert() {
+ }
+ Convert.hexToRGB = function(hex) {
+ var b;
+ var g;
+ var r;
+ if (hex.charAt(0) === "#") {
+ hex = hex.substr(1);
+ }
+ r = parseInt(hex.substr(0, 2), 16);
+ g = parseInt(hex.substr(2, 2), 16);
+ b = parseInt(hex.substr(4, 2), 16);return {
+ r: r,
+ g: g,
+ b: b
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.rgbToHSL = function(r, g, b) {
+ var d;
+ var h;
+ var l;
+ var max;
+ var min;
+ var s;
+ if (typeof r === "object") {
+ g = r.g;
+ b = r.b;
+ r = r.r;
+ }
+ r /= 255;
+ g /= 255;
+ b /= 255;
+ max = Math.max(r, g, b);
+ min = Math.min(r, g, b);
+ l = (max + min) / 2;
+ if (max === min) {
+ h = s = 0;
+ } else {
+ d = max - min;
+ s = l > 0.5 ? d / (2 - max - min) : d / (max + min);
+ h = (function() {
+ switch (max) {
+ case r:
+ return (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);case g:
+ return (b - r) / d + 2;case b:
+ return (r - g) / d + 4;
+ }
+ })();
+ h /= 6;
+ }
+ return {
+ h: h,
+ s: s,
+ l: l
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.hslToRGB = function(h, s, l) {
+ var b;
+ var g;
+ var p;
+ var q;
+ var r;
+ if (typeof h === "object") {
+ s = h.s;
+ l = h.l;
+ h = h.h;
+ }
+ if (s === 0) {
+ r = g = b = l;
+ } else {
+ q = l < 0.5 ? l * (1 + s) : l + s - l * s;
+ p = 2 * l - q;
+ r = this.hueToRGB(p, q, h + 1 / 3);
+ g = this.hueToRGB(p, q, h);
+ b = this.hueToRGB(p, q, h - 1 / 3);
+ }
+ return {
+ r: r * 255,
+ g: g * 255,
+ b: b * 255
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.hueToRGB = function(p, q, t) {
+ if (t < 0) {
+ t += 1;
+ }
+ if (t > 1) {
+ t -= 1;
+ }
+ if (t < 1 / 6) {
+ return p + (q - p) * 6 * t;
+ }
+ if (t < 1 / 2) {
+ return q;
+ }
+ if (t < 2 / 3) {
+ return p + (q - p) * (2 / 3 - t) * 6;
+ }
+ return p;
+ };
+ Convert.rgbToHSV = function(r, g, b) {
+ var d;
+ var h;
+ var max;
+ var min;
+ var s;
+ var v;
+ r /= 255;
+ g /= 255;
+ b /= 255;
+ max = Math.max(r, g, b);
+ min = Math.min(r, g, b);
+ v = max;
+ d = max - min;
+ s = max === 0 ? 0 : d / max;
+ if (max === min) {
+ h = 0;
+ } else {
+ h = (function() {
+ switch (max) {
+ case r:
+ return (g - b) / d + (g < b ? 6 : 0);case g:
+ return (b - r) / d + 2;case b:
+ return (r - g) / d + 4;
+ }
+ })();
+ h /= 6;
+ }
+ return {
+ h: h,
+ s: s,
+ v: v
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.hsvToRGB = function(h, s, v) {
+ var b;
+ var f;
+ var g;
+ var i;
+ var p;
+ var q;
+ var r;
+ var t;
+ i = Math.floor(h * 6);
+ f = h * 6 - i;
+ p = v * (1 - s);
+ q = v * (1 - f * s);
+ t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);switch (i % 6) {
+ case 0:
+ r = v;g = t;b = p;
+ break;case 1:
+ r = q;g = v;b = p;
+ break;case 2:
+ r = p;g = v;b = t;
+ break;case 3:
+ r = p;g = q;b = v;
+ break;case 4:
+ r = t;g = p;b = v;
+ break;case 5:
+ r = v;g = p;b = q;
+ }
+ return {
+ r: r * 255,
+ g: g * 255,
+ b: b * 255
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.rgbToXYZ = function(r, g, b) {
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ var z;
+ r /= 255;
+ g /= 255;
+ b /= 255;
+ if (r > 0.04045) {
+ r = Math.pow((r + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
+ } else {
+ r /= 12.92;
+ }
+ if (g > 0.04045) {
+ g = Math.pow((g + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
+ } else {
+ g /= 12.92;
+ }
+ if (b > 0.04045) {
+ b = Math.pow((b + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
+ } else {
+ b /= 12.92;
+ }
+ x = r * 0.4124 + g * 0.3576 + b * 0.1805;
+ y = r * 0.2126 + g * 0.7152 + b * 0.0722;
+ z = r * 0.0193 + g * 0.1192 + b * 0.9505;return {
+ x: x * 100,
+ y: y * 100,
+ z: z * 100
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.xyzToRGB = function(x, y, z) {
+ var b;
+ var g;
+ var r;
+ x /= 100;
+ y /= 100;
+ z /= 100;
+ r = (3.2406 * x) + (-1.5372 * y) + (-0.4986 * z);
+ g = (-0.9689 * x) + (1.8758 * y) + (0.0415 * z);
+ b = (0.0557 * x) + (-0.2040 * y) + (1.0570 * z);
+ if (r > 0.0031308) {
+ r = (1.055 * Math.pow(r, 0.4166666667)) - 0.055;
+ } else {
+ r *= 12.92;
+ }
+ if (g > 0.0031308) {
+ g = (1.055 * Math.pow(g, 0.4166666667)) - 0.055;
+ } else {
+ g *= 12.92;
+ }
+ if (b > 0.0031308) {
+ b = (1.055 * Math.pow(b, 0.4166666667)) - 0.055;
+ } else {
+ b *= 12.92;
+ }
+ return {
+ r: r * 255,
+ g: g * 255,
+ b: b * 255
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.xyzToLab = function(x, y, z) {
+ var a;
+ var b;
+ var l;
+ var whiteX;
+ var whiteY;
+ var whiteZ;
+ if (typeof x === "object") {
+ y = x.y;
+ z = x.z;
+ x = x.x;
+ }
+ whiteX = 95.047;
+ whiteY = 100.0;
+ whiteZ = 108.883;
+ x /= whiteX;
+ y /= whiteY;
+ z /= whiteZ;
+ if (x > 0.008856451679) {
+ x = Math.pow(x, 0.3333333333);
+ } else {
+ x = (7.787037037 * x) + 0.1379310345;
+ }
+ if (y > 0.008856451679) {
+ y = Math.pow(y, 0.3333333333);
+ } else {
+ y = (7.787037037 * y) + 0.1379310345;
+ }
+ if (z > 0.008856451679) {
+ z = Math.pow(z, 0.3333333333);
+ } else {
+ z = (7.787037037 * z) + 0.1379310345;
+ }
+ l = 116 * y - 16;
+ a = 500 * (x - y);
+ b = 200 * (y - z);return {
+ l: l,
+ a: a,
+ b: b
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.labToXYZ = function(l, a, b) {
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ var z;
+ if (typeof l === "object") {
+ a = l.a;
+ b = l.b;
+ l = l.l;
+ }
+ y = (l + 16) / 116;
+ x = y + (a / 500);
+ z = y - (b / 200);
+ if (x > 0.2068965517) {
+ x = x * x * x;
+ } else {
+ x = 0.1284185493 * (x - 0.1379310345);
+ }
+ if (y > 0.2068965517) {
+ y = y * y * y;
+ } else {
+ y = 0.1284185493 * (y - 0.1379310345);
+ }
+ if (z > 0.2068965517) {
+ z = z * z * z;
+ } else {
+ z = 0.1284185493 * (z - 0.1379310345);
+ }
+ return {
+ x: x * 95.047,
+ y: y * 100.0,
+ z: z * 108.883
+ };
+ };
+ Convert.rgbToLab = function(r, g, b) {
+ var xyz;
+ if (typeof r === "object") {
+ g = r.g;
+ b = r.b;
+ r = r.r;
+ }
+ xyz = this.rgbToXYZ(r, g, b);return this.xyzToLab(xyz);
+ };
+ Convert.labToRGB = function(l, a, b) {};return Convert;
+ })();
+ Event = (function() {
+ function Event() {
+ }
+ Event.events = {};
+ Event.types = ["processStart", "processComplete", "renderStart", "renderFinished", "blockStarted", "blockFinished"];
+ Event.trigger = function(target, type, data) {
+ var event;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ if (this.events[type] && this.events[type].length) {
+ _ref = this.events[type];
+ _results = [];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ event = _ref[_i];
+ if (event.target === null || target.id === event.target.id) {
+ _results.push(event.fn.call(target, data));
+ } else {
+ _results.push(void 0);
+ }
+ }
+ return _results;
+ }
+ };
+ Event.listen = function(target, type, fn) {
+ var _fn;
+ var _type;
+ if (typeof target === "string") {
+ _type = target;
+ _fn = type;
+ target = null;
+ type = _type;
+ fn = _fn;
+ }
+ if (__indexOf.call(this.types, type) < 0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!this.events[type]) {
+ this.events[type] = [];
+ }
+ this.events[type].push({
+ target: target,
+ fn: fn
+ });return true;
+ };return Event;
+ })();
+ Caman.Event = Event;
+ Caman.Filter = Filter = (function() {
+ function Filter() {
+ }
+ Filter.Type = {
+ Single: 1,
+ Kernel: 2,
+ LayerDequeue: 3,
+ LayerFinished: 4,
+ LoadOverlay: 5,
+ Plugin: 6
+ };
+ Filter.register = function(name, filterFunc) {
+ return Caman.prototype[name] = filterFunc;
+ };return Filter;
+ })();
+ Caman.IO = IO = (function() {
+ function IO() {
+ }
+ IO.domainRegex = /(?:(?:http|https):\/\/)((?:\w+)\.(?:(?:\w|\.)+))/;
+ IO.isRemote = function(img) {
+ if (img == null) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (this.corsEnabled(img)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return this.isURLRemote(img.src);
+ };
+ IO.corsEnabled = function(img) {
+ var _ref;
+ return (img.crossOrigin != null) && ((_ref = img.crossOrigin.toLowerCase()) === 'anonymous' || _ref === 'use-credentials');
+ };
+ IO.isURLRemote = function(url) {
+ var matches;
+ matches = url.match(this.domainRegex);
+ if (matches) {
+ return matches[1] !== document.domain;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ IO.remoteCheck = function(src) {
+ if (this.isURLRemote(src)) {
+ if (!Caman.remoteProxy.length) {
+ Log.info("Attempting to load a remote image without a configured proxy. URL: " + src);
+ } else {
+ if (Caman.isURLRemote(Caman.remoteProxy)) {
+ Log.info("Cannot use a remote proxy for loading images.");return;
+ }
+ return "" + Caman.remoteProxy + "?camanProxyUrl=" + (encodeURIComponent(src));
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ IO.proxyUrl = function(src) {
+ return "" + Caman.remoteProxy + "?" + Caman.proxyParam + "=" + (encodeURIComponent(src));
+ };
+ IO.useProxy = function(lang) {
+ var langToExt;
+ langToExt = {
+ ruby: 'rb',
+ python: 'py',
+ perl: 'pl',
+ javascript: 'js'
+ };
+ lang = lang.toLowerCase();
+ if (langToExt[lang] != null) {
+ lang = langToExt[lang];
+ }
+ return "proxies/caman_proxy." + lang;
+ };return IO;
+ })();
+ Caman.prototype.save = function() {
+ if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null) {
+ return this.nodeSave.apply(this, arguments);
+ } else {
+ return this.browserSave.apply(this, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.browserSave = function(type) {
+ var image;
+ if (type == null) {
+ type = "png";
+ }
+ type = type.toLowerCase();
+ image = this.toBase64(type).replace("image/" + type, "image/octet-stream");return document.location.href = image;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.nodeSave = function(file, overwrite) {
+ var stats;
+ if (overwrite == null) {
+ overwrite = true;
+ }
+ try {
+ stats = fs.statSync(file);
+ if (stats.isFile() && !overwrite) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ Log.debug("Creating output file " + file);
+ }
+ return fs.writeFile(file, this.canvas.toBuffer(), function() {
+ return Log.debug("Finished writing to " + file);
+ });
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.toImage = function(type) {
+ var img;
+ img = document.createElement('img');
+ img.src = this.toBase64(type);
+ img.width = this.dimensions.width;
+ img.height = this.dimensions.height;
+ if (window.devicePixelRatio) {
+ img.width /= window.devicePixelRatio;
+ img.height /= window.devicePixelRatio;
+ }
+ return img;
+ };
+ Caman.prototype.toBase64 = function(type) {
+ if (type == null) {
+ type = "png";
+ }
+ type = type.toLowerCase();return this.canvas.toDataURL("image/" + type);
+ };
+ Layer = (function() {
+ function Layer(c) {
+ this.c = c;
+ this.filter = this.c;
+ this.options = {
+ blendingMode: 'normal',
+ opacity: 1.0
+ };
+ this.layerID = Util.uniqid.get();
+ this.canvas = typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null ? new Canvas() : document.createElement('canvas');
+ this.canvas.width = this.c.dimensions.width;
+ this.canvas.height = this.c.dimensions.height;
+ this.context = this.canvas.getContext('2d');this.context.createImageData(this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
+ this.imageData = this.context.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height);
+ this.pixelData = this.imageData.data;
+ }
+ Layer.prototype.newLayer = function(cb) {
+ return this.c.newLayer.call(this.c, cb);
+ };
+ Layer.prototype.setBlendingMode = function(mode) {
+ this.options.blendingMode = mode;return this;
+ };
+ Layer.prototype.opacity = function(opacity) {
+ this.options.opacity = opacity / 100;return this;
+ };
+ Layer.prototype.copyParent = function() {
+ var i;
+ var parentData;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ parentData = this.c.pixelData;
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = this.c.pixelData.length; _i < _ref; i = _i += 4) {
+ this.pixelData[i] = parentData[i];
+ this.pixelData[i + 1] = parentData[i + 1];
+ this.pixelData[i + 2] = parentData[i + 2];
+ this.pixelData[i + 3] = parentData[i + 3];
+ }
+ return this;
+ };
+ Layer.prototype.fillColor = function() {
+ return this.c.fillColor.apply(this.c, arguments);
+ };
+ Layer.prototype.overlayImage = function(image) {
+ if (typeof image === "object") {
+ image = image.src;
+ } else if (typeof image === "string" && image[0] === "#") {
+ image = $(image).src;
+ }
+ if (!image) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ this.c.renderer.renderQueue.push({
+ type: Filter.Type.LoadOverlay,
+ src: image,
+ layer: this
+ });return this;
+ };
+ Layer.prototype.applyToParent = function() {
+ var i;
+ var layerData;
+ var parentData;
+ var result;
+ var rgbaLayer;
+ var rgbaParent;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ parentData = this.c.pixelStack[this.c.pixelStack.length - 1];
+ layerData = this.c.pixelData;
+ _results = [];
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = layerData.length; _i < _ref; i = _i += 4) {
+ rgbaParent = {
+ r: parentData[i],
+ g: parentData[i + 1],
+ b: parentData[i + 2],
+ a: parentData[i + 3]
+ };
+ rgbaLayer = {
+ r: layerData[i],
+ g: layerData[i + 1],
+ b: layerData[i + 2],
+ a: layerData[i + 3]
+ };
+ result = Blender.execute(this.options.blendingMode, rgbaLayer, rgbaParent);
+ result.r = Util.clampRGB(result.r);
+ result.g = Util.clampRGB(result.g);
+ result.b = Util.clampRGB(result.b);
+ if (result.a == null) {
+ result.a = rgbaLayer.a;
+ }
+ parentData[i] = rgbaParent.r - ((rgbaParent.r - result.r) * (this.options.opacity * (result.a / 255)));
+ parentData[i + 1] = rgbaParent.g - ((rgbaParent.g - result.g) * (this.options.opacity * (result.a / 255)));_results.push(parentData[i + 2] = rgbaParent.b - ((rgbaParent.b - result.b) * (this.options.opacity * (result.a / 255))));
+ }
+ return _results;
+ };return Layer;
+ })();
+ Logger = (function() {
+ function Logger() {
+ var name;
+ var _i;
+ var _len;
+ var _ref;
+ _ref = ['log', 'info', 'warn', 'error'];
+ for (_i = 0, _len = _ref.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+ name = _ref[_i];
+ this[name] = (function(name) {
+ return function() {
+ var args;
+ args = 1 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 0) : [];
+ if (!Caman.DEBUG) {
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ return console[name].apply(console, args);
+ } catch ( e ) {
+ return console[name](args);
+ }
+ };
+ })(name);
+ }
+ this.debug = this.log;
+ }
+ return Logger;
+ })();
+ Log = new Logger();
+ PixelInfo = (function() {
+ PixelInfo.coordinatesToLocation = function(x, y, width) {
+ return (y * width + x) * 4;
+ };
+ PixelInfo.locationToCoordinates = function(loc, width) {
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ y = Math.floor(loc / (width * 4));
+ x = (loc % (width * 4)) / 4;return {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ };
+ function PixelInfo(c) {
+ this.c = c;
+ this.loc = 0;
+ }
+ PixelInfo.prototype.locationXY = function() {
+ var x;
+ var y;
+ y = this.c.dimensions.height - Math.floor(this.loc / (this.c.dimensions.width * 4));
+ x = (this.loc % (this.c.dimensions.width * 4)) / 4;return {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ };
+ PixelInfo.prototype.getPixelRelative = function(horiz, vert) {
+ var newLoc;
+ newLoc = this.loc + (this.c.dimensions.width * 4 * (vert * -1)) + (4 * horiz);
+ if (newLoc > this.c.pixelData.length || newLoc < 0) {
+ return {
+ r: 0,
+ g: 0,
+ b: 0,
+ a: 0
+ };
+ }
+ return {
+ r: this.c.pixelData[newLoc],
+ g: this.c.pixelData[newLoc + 1],
+ b: this.c.pixelData[newLoc + 2],
+ a: this.c.pixelData[newLoc + 3]
+ };
+ };
+ PixelInfo.prototype.putPixelRelative = function(horiz, vert, rgba) {
+ var nowLoc;
+ nowLoc = this.loc + (this.c.dimensions.width * 4 * (vert * -1)) + (4 * horiz);
+ if (newLoc > this.c.pixelData.length || newLoc < 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.c.pixelData[newLoc] = rgba.r;
+ this.c.pixelData[newLoc + 1] = rgba.g;
+ this.c.pixelData[newLoc + 2] = rgba.b;
+ this.c.pixelData[newLoc + 3] = rgba.a;return true;
+ };
+ PixelInfo.prototype.getPixel = function(x, y) {
+ var loc;
+ loc = this.coordinatesToLocation(x, y, this.width);return {
+ r: this.c.pixelData[loc],
+ g: this.c.pixelData[loc + 1],
+ b: this.c.pixelData[loc + 2],
+ a: this.c.pixelData[loc + 3]
+ };
+ };
+ PixelInfo.prototype.putPixel = function(x, y, rgba) {
+ var loc;
+ loc = this.coordinatesToLocation(x, y, this.width);
+ this.c.pixelData[loc] = rgba.r;
+ this.c.pixelData[loc + 1] = rgba.g;
+ this.c.pixelData[loc + 2] = rgba.b;return this.c.pixelData[loc + 3] = rgba.a;
+ };return PixelInfo;
+ })();
+ Plugin = (function() {
+ function Plugin() {
+ }
+ Plugin.plugins = {};
+ Plugin.register = function(name, plugin) {
+ return this.plugins[name] = plugin;
+ };
+ Plugin.execute = function(context, name, args) {
+ return this.plugins[name].apply(context, args);
+ };return Plugin;
+ })();
+ Caman.Plugin = Plugin;
+ Caman.Renderer = Renderer = (function() {
+ Renderer.Blocks = Caman.NodeJS ? require('os').cpus().length : 4;
+ function Renderer(c) {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.c = c;
+ this.processNext = function() {
+ return Renderer.prototype.processNext.apply(_this, arguments);
+ };
+ this.renderQueue = [];
+ this.modPixelData = null;
+ }
+ Renderer.prototype.add = function(job) {
+ if (job == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ return this.renderQueue.push(job);
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.processNext = function() {
+ var layer;
+ if (this.renderQueue.length === 0) {
+ Event.trigger(this, "renderFinished");
+ if (this.finishedFn != null) {
+ this.finishedFn.call(this.c);
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ this.currentJob = this.renderQueue.shift();switch (this.currentJob.type) {
+ case Filter.Type.LayerDequeue:
+ layer = this.c.canvasQueue.shift();this.c.executeLayer(layer);return this.processNext();case Filter.Type.LayerFinished:
+ this.c.applyCurrentLayer();this.c.popContext();return this.processNext();case Filter.Type.LoadOverlay:
+ return this.loadOverlay(this.currentJob.layer, this.currentJob.src);case Filter.Type.Plugin:
+ return this.executePlugin();default:
+ return this.executeFilter();
+ }
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.execute = function(callback) {
+ this.finishedFn = callback;
+ this.modPixelData = Util.dataArray(this.c.pixelData.length);return this.processNext();
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.eachBlock = function(fn) {
+ var blockN;
+ var blockPixelLength;
+ var bnum;
+ var end;
+ var f;
+ var i;
+ var lastBlockN;
+ var n;
+ var start;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ var _results;
+ var _this = this;
+ this.blocksDone = 0;
+ n = this.c.pixelData.length;
+ blockPixelLength = Math.floor((n / 4) / Renderer.Blocks);
+ blockN = blockPixelLength * 4;
+ lastBlockN = blockN + ((n / 4) % Renderer.Blocks) * 4;
+ _results = [];
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = Renderer.Blocks; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
+ start = i * blockN;
+ end = start + (i === Renderer.Blocks - 1 ? lastBlockN : blockN);
+ if (Caman.NodeJS) {
+ f = Fiber(function() {
+ return fn.call(_this, i, start, end);
+ });
+ bnum = f.run();_results.push(this.blockFinished(bnum));
+ } else {
+ _results.push(setTimeout((function(i, start, end) {
+ return function() {
+ return fn.call(_this, i, start, end);
+ };
+ })(i, start, end), 0));
+ }
+ }
+ return _results;
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.executeFilter = function() {
+ Event.trigger(this.c, "processStart", this.currentJob);
+ if (this.currentJob.type === Filter.Type.Single) {
+ return this.eachBlock(this.renderBlock);
+ } else {
+ return this.eachBlock(this.renderKernel);
+ }
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.executePlugin = function() {
+ Log.debug("Executing plugin " + this.currentJob.plugin);Plugin.execute(this.c, this.currentJob.plugin, this.currentJob.args);Log.debug("Plugin " + this.currentJob.plugin + " finished!");return this.processNext();
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.renderBlock = function(bnum, start, end) {
+ var data;
+ var i;
+ var pixelInfo;
+ var res;
+ var _i;
+ Log.debug("Block #" + bnum + " - Filter: " + this.currentJob.name + ", Start: " + start + ", End: " + end);Event.trigger(this.c, "blockStarted", {
+ blockNum: bnum,
+ totalBlocks: Renderer.Blocks,
+ startPixel: start,
+ endPixel: end
+ });
+ data = {
+ r: 0,
+ g: 0,
+ b: 0,
+ a: 0
+ };
+ pixelInfo = new PixelInfo(this.c);
+ for (i = _i = start; _i < end; i = _i += 4) {
+ pixelInfo.loc = i;
+ data.r = this.c.pixelData[i];
+ data.g = this.c.pixelData[i + 1];
+ data.b = this.c.pixelData[i + 2];
+ data.a = this.c.pixelData[i + 3];
+ res = this.currentJob.processFn.call(pixelInfo, data);
+ if (res.a == null) {
+ res.a = data.a;
+ }
+ this.c.pixelData[i] = Util.clampRGB(res.r);
+ this.c.pixelData[i + 1] = Util.clampRGB(res.g);
+ this.c.pixelData[i + 2] = Util.clampRGB(res.b);
+ this.c.pixelData[i + 3] = Util.clampRGB(res.a);
+ }
+ if (Caman.NodeJS) {
+ return Fiber["yield"](bnum);
+ } else {
+ return this.blockFinished(bnum);
+ }
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.renderKernel = function(bnum, start, end) {
+ var adjust;
+ var adjustSize;
+ var bias;
+ var builder;
+ var builderIndex;
+ var divisor;
+ var i;
+ var j;
+ var k;
+ var kernel;
+ var n;
+ var name;
+ var pixel;
+ var pixelInfo;
+ var res;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _k;
+ name = this.currentJob.name;
+ bias = this.currentJob.bias;
+ divisor = this.currentJob.divisor;
+ n = this.c.pixelData.length;
+ adjust = this.currentJob.adjust;
+ adjustSize = Math.sqrt(adjust.length);
+ kernel = [];Log.debug("Rendering kernel - Filter: " + this.currentJob.name);
+ start = Math.max(start, this.c.dimensions.width * 4 * ((adjustSize - 1) / 2));
+ end = Math.min(end, n - (this.c.dimensions.width * 4 * ((adjustSize - 1) / 2)));
+ builder = (adjustSize - 1) / 2;
+ pixelInfo = new PixelInfo(this.c);
+ for (i = _i = start; _i < end; i = _i += 4) {
+ pixelInfo.loc = i;
+ builderIndex = 0;
+ for (j = _j = -builder; -builder <= builder ? _j <= builder : _j >= builder; j = -builder <= builder ? ++_j : --_j) {
+ for (k = _k = builder; builder <= -builder ? _k <= -builder : _k >= -builder; k = builder <= -builder ? ++_k : --_k) {
+ pixel = pixelInfo.getPixelRelative(j, k);
+ kernel[builderIndex * 3] = pixel.r;
+ kernel[builderIndex * 3 + 1] = pixel.g;
+ kernel[builderIndex * 3 + 2] = pixel.b;builderIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ res = this.processKernel(adjust, kernel, divisor, bias);
+ this.modPixelData[i] = Util.clampRGB(res.r);
+ this.modPixelData[i + 1] = Util.clampRGB(res.g);
+ this.modPixelData[i + 2] = Util.clampRGB(res.b);
+ this.modPixelData[i + 3] = this.c.pixelData[i + 3];
+ }
+ if (Caman.NodeJS) {
+ return Fiber["yield"](bnum);
+ } else {
+ return this.blockFinished(bnum);
+ }
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.blockFinished = function(bnum) {
+ var i;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ if (bnum >= 0) {
+ Log.debug("Block #" + bnum + " finished! Filter: " + this.currentJob.name);
+ }
+ this.blocksDone++;Event.trigger(this.c, "blockFinished", {
+ blockNum: bnum,
+ blocksFinished: this.blocksDone,
+ totalBlocks: Renderer.Blocks
+ });
+ if (this.blocksDone === Renderer.Blocks) {
+ if (this.currentJob.type === Filter.Type.Kernel) {
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = this.c.pixelData.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
+ this.c.pixelData[i] = this.modPixelData[i];
+ }
+ }
+ if (bnum >= 0) {
+ Log.debug("Filter " + this.currentJob.name + " finished!");
+ }
+ Event.trigger(this.c, "processComplete", this.currentJob);return this.processNext();
+ }
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.processKernel = function(adjust, kernel, divisor, bias) {
+ var i;
+ var val;
+ var _i;
+ var _ref;
+ val = {
+ r: 0,
+ g: 0,
+ b: 0
+ };
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = adjust.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
+ val.r += adjust[i] * kernel[i * 3];
+ val.g += adjust[i] * kernel[i * 3 + 1];
+ val.b += adjust[i] * kernel[i * 3 + 2];
+ }
+ val.r = (val.r / divisor) + bias;
+ val.g = (val.g / divisor) + bias;
+ val.b = (val.b / divisor) + bias;return val;
+ };
+ Renderer.prototype.loadOverlay = function(layer, src) {
+ var img;
+ var proxyUrl;
+ var _this = this;
+ img = document.createElement('img');
+ img.onload = function() {
+ layer.context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, _this.c.dimensions.width, _this.c.dimensions.height);
+ layer.imageData = layer.context.getImageData(0, 0, _this.c.dimensions.width, _this.c.dimensions.height);
+ layer.pixelData = layer.imageData.data;
+ _this.c.pixelData = layer.pixelData;return _this.processNext();
+ };
+ proxyUrl = IO.remoteCheck(src);return img.src = proxyUrl != null ? proxyUrl : src;
+ };return Renderer;
+ })();
+ Caman.Store = Store = (function() {
+ function Store() {
+ }
+ Store.items = {};
+ Store.has = function(search) {
+ return this.items[search] != null;
+ };
+ Store.get = function(search) {
+ return this.items[search];
+ };
+ Store.put = function(name, obj) {
+ return this.items[name] = obj;
+ };
+ Store.execute = function(search, callback) {
+ var _this = this;
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ return callback.call(_this.get(search), _this.get(search));
+ }, 0);return this.get(search);
+ };
+ Store.flush = function(name) {
+ if (name == null) {
+ name = false;
+ }
+ if (name) {
+ return delete this.items[name];
+ } else {
+ return this.items = {};
+ }
+ };return Store;
+ })();Blender.register("normal", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: rgbaLayer.r,
+ g: rgbaLayer.g,
+ b: rgbaLayer.b
+ };
+ });Blender.register("multiply", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: (rgbaLayer.r * rgbaParent.r) / 255,
+ g: (rgbaLayer.g * rgbaParent.g) / 255,
+ b: (rgbaLayer.b * rgbaParent.b) / 255
+ };
+ });Blender.register("screen", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: 255 - (((255 - rgbaLayer.r) * (255 - rgbaParent.r)) / 255),
+ g: 255 - (((255 - rgbaLayer.g) * (255 - rgbaParent.g)) / 255),
+ b: 255 - (((255 - rgbaLayer.b) * (255 - rgbaParent.b)) / 255)
+ };
+ });Blender.register("overlay", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ var result;
+ result = {};
+ result.r = rgbaParent.r > 128 ? 255 - 2 * (255 - rgbaLayer.r) * (255 - rgbaParent.r) / 255 : (rgbaParent.r * rgbaLayer.r * 2) / 255;
+ result.g = rgbaParent.g > 128 ? 255 - 2 * (255 - rgbaLayer.g) * (255 - rgbaParent.g) / 255 : (rgbaParent.g * rgbaLayer.g * 2) / 255;
+ result.b = rgbaParent.b > 128 ? 255 - 2 * (255 - rgbaLayer.b) * (255 - rgbaParent.b) / 255 : (rgbaParent.b * rgbaLayer.b * 2) / 255;return result;
+ });Blender.register("difference", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: rgbaLayer.r - rgbaParent.r,
+ g: rgbaLayer.g - rgbaParent.g,
+ b: rgbaLayer.b - rgbaParent.b
+ };
+ });Blender.register("addition", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: rgbaParent.r + rgbaLayer.r,
+ g: rgbaParent.g + rgbaLayer.g,
+ b: rgbaParent.b + rgbaLayer.b
+ };
+ });Blender.register("exclusion", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: 128 - 2 * (rgbaParent.r - 128) * (rgbaLayer.r - 128) / 255,
+ g: 128 - 2 * (rgbaParent.g - 128) * (rgbaLayer.g - 128) / 255,
+ b: 128 - 2 * (rgbaParent.b - 128) * (rgbaLayer.b - 128) / 255
+ };
+ });Blender.register("softLight", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ var result;
+ result = {};
+ result.r = rgbaParent.r > 128 ? 255 - ((255 - rgbaParent.r) * (255 - (rgbaLayer.r - 128))) / 255 : (rgbaParent.r * (rgbaLayer.r + 128)) / 255;
+ result.g = rgbaParent.g > 128 ? 255 - ((255 - rgbaParent.g) * (255 - (rgbaLayer.g - 128))) / 255 : (rgbaParent.g * (rgbaLayer.g + 128)) / 255;
+ result.b = rgbaParent.b > 128 ? 255 - ((255 - rgbaParent.b) * (255 - (rgbaLayer.b - 128))) / 255 : (rgbaParent.b * (rgbaLayer.b + 128)) / 255;return result;
+ });Blender.register("lighten", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: rgbaParent.r > rgbaLayer.r ? rgbaParent.r : rgbaLayer.r,
+ g: rgbaParent.g > rgbaLayer.g ? rgbaParent.g : rgbaLayer.g,
+ b: rgbaParent.b > rgbaLayer.b ? rgbaParent.b : rgbaLayer.b
+ };
+ });Blender.register("darken", function(rgbaLayer, rgbaParent) {
+ return {
+ r: rgbaParent.r > rgbaLayer.r ? rgbaLayer.r : rgbaParent.r,
+ g: rgbaParent.g > rgbaLayer.g ? rgbaLayer.g : rgbaParent.g,
+ b: rgbaParent.b > rgbaLayer.b ? rgbaLayer.b : rgbaParent.b
+ };
+ });Filter.register("fillColor", function() {
+ var color;
+ if (arguments.length === 1) {
+ color = Convert.hexToRGB(arguments[0]);
+ } else {
+ color = {
+ r: arguments[0],
+ g: arguments[1],
+ b: arguments[2]
+ };
+ }
+ return this.process("fillColor", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r = color.r;
+ rgba.g = color.g;
+ rgba.b = color.b;
+ rgba.a = 255;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("brightness", function(adjust) {
+ adjust = Math.floor(255 * (adjust / 100));return this.process("brightness", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r += adjust;
+ rgba.g += adjust;
+ rgba.b += adjust;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("saturation", function(adjust) {
+ adjust *= -0.01;return this.process("saturation", function(rgba) {
+ var max;
+ max = Math.max(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b);
+ if (rgba.r !== max) {
+ rgba.r += (max - rgba.r) * adjust;
+ }
+ if (rgba.g !== max) {
+ rgba.g += (max - rgba.g) * adjust;
+ }
+ if (rgba.b !== max) {
+ rgba.b += (max - rgba.b) * adjust;
+ }
+ return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("vibrance", function(adjust) {
+ adjust *= -1;return this.process("vibrance", function(rgba) {
+ var amt;
+ var avg;
+ var max;
+ max = Math.max(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b);
+ avg = (rgba.r + rgba.g + rgba.b) / 3;
+ amt = ((Math.abs(max - avg) * 2 / 255) * adjust) / 100;
+ if (rgba.r !== max) {
+ rgba.r += (max - rgba.r) * amt;
+ }
+ if (rgba.g !== max) {
+ rgba.g += (max - rgba.g) * amt;
+ }
+ if (rgba.b !== max) {
+ rgba.b += (max - rgba.b) * amt;
+ }
+ return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("greyscale", function(adjust) {
+ return this.process("greyscale", function(rgba) {
+ var avg;
+ avg = Calculate.luminance(rgba);
+ rgba.r = avg;
+ rgba.g = avg;
+ rgba.b = avg;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("contrast", function(adjust) {
+ adjust = Math.pow((adjust + 100) / 100, 2);return this.process("contrast", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r /= 255;
+ rgba.r -= 0.5;
+ rgba.r *= adjust;
+ rgba.r += 0.5;
+ rgba.r *= 255;
+ rgba.g /= 255;
+ rgba.g -= 0.5;
+ rgba.g *= adjust;
+ rgba.g += 0.5;
+ rgba.g *= 255;
+ rgba.b /= 255;
+ rgba.b -= 0.5;
+ rgba.b *= adjust;
+ rgba.b += 0.5;
+ rgba.b *= 255;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("hue", function(adjust) {
+ return this.process("hue", function(rgba) {
+ var h;
+ var hsv;
+ var rgb;
+ hsv = Convert.rgbToHSV(rgba.r, rgba.g, rgba.b);
+ h = hsv.h * 100;
+ h += Math.abs(adjust);
+ h = h % 100;
+ h /= 100;
+ hsv.h = h;
+ rgb = Convert.hsvToRGB(hsv.h, hsv.s, hsv.v);
+ rgb.a = rgba.a;return rgb;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("colorize", function() {
+ var level;
+ var rgb;
+ if (arguments.length === 2) {
+ rgb = Convert.hexToRGB(arguments[0]);
+ level = arguments[1];
+ } else if (arguments.length === 4) {
+ rgb = {
+ r: arguments[0],
+ g: arguments[1],
+ b: arguments[2]
+ };
+ level = arguments[3];
+ }
+ return this.process("colorize", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r -= (rgba.r - rgb.r) * (level / 100);
+ rgba.g -= (rgba.g - rgb.g) * (level / 100);
+ rgba.b -= (rgba.b - rgb.b) * (level / 100);return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("invert", function() {
+ return this.process("invert", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r = 255 - rgba.r;
+ rgba.g = 255 - rgba.g;
+ rgba.b = 255 - rgba.b;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("sepia", function(adjust) {
+ if (adjust == null) {
+ adjust = 100;
+ }
+ adjust /= 100;return this.process("sepia", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r = Math.min(255, (rgba.r * (1 - (0.607 * adjust))) + (rgba.g * (0.769 * adjust)) + (rgba.b * (0.189 * adjust)));
+ rgba.g = Math.min(255, (rgba.r * (0.349 * adjust)) + (rgba.g * (1 - (0.314 * adjust))) + (rgba.b * (0.168 * adjust)));
+ rgba.b = Math.min(255, (rgba.r * (0.272 * adjust)) + (rgba.g * (0.534 * adjust)) + (rgba.b * (1 - (0.869 * adjust))));return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("gamma", function(adjust) {
+ return this.process("gamma", function(rgba) {
+ rgba.r = Math.pow(rgba.r / 255, adjust) * 255;
+ rgba.g = Math.pow(rgba.g / 255, adjust) * 255;
+ rgba.b = Math.pow(rgba.b / 255, adjust) * 255;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("noise", function(adjust) {
+ adjust = Math.abs(adjust) * 2.55;return this.process("noise", function(rgba) {
+ var rand;
+ rand = Calculate.randomRange(adjust * -1, adjust);
+ rgba.r += rand;
+ rgba.g += rand;
+ rgba.b += rand;return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("clip", function(adjust) {
+ adjust = Math.abs(adjust) * 2.55;return this.process("clip", function(rgba) {
+ if (rgba.r > 255 - adjust) {
+ rgba.r = 255;
+ } else if (rgba.r < adjust) {
+ rgba.r = 0;
+ }
+ if (rgba.g > 255 - adjust) {
+ rgba.g = 255;
+ } else if (rgba.g < adjust) {
+ rgba.g = 0;
+ }
+ if (rgba.b > 255 - adjust) {
+ rgba.b = 255;
+ } else if (rgba.b < adjust) {
+ rgba.b = 0;
+ }
+ return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("channels", function(options) {
+ var chan;
+ var value;
+ if (typeof options !== "object") {
+ return this;
+ }
+ for (chan in options) {
+ if (!__hasProp.call(options, chan)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ value = options[chan];
+ if (value === 0) {
+ delete options[chan];
+ continue;
+ }
+ options[chan] /= 100;
+ }
+ if (options.length === 0) {
+ return this;
+ }
+ return this.process("channels", function(rgba) {
+ if (options.red != null) {
+ if (options.red > 0) {
+ rgba.r += (255 - rgba.r) * options.red;
+ } else {
+ rgba.r -= rgba.r * Math.abs(options.red);
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.green != null) {
+ if (options.green > 0) {
+ rgba.g += (255 - rgba.g) * options.green;
+ } else {
+ rgba.g -= rgba.g * Math.abs(options.green);
+ }
+ }
+ if (options.blue != null) {
+ if (options.blue > 0) {
+ rgba.b += (255 - rgba.b) * options.blue;
+ } else {
+ rgba.b -= rgba.b * Math.abs(options.blue);
+ }
+ }
+ return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("curves", function() {
+ var bezier;
+ var chans;
+ var cps;
+ var ctrl1;
+ var ctrl2;
+ var end;
+ var i;
+ var start;
+ var _i;
+ var _j;
+ var _ref;
+ var _ref1;
+ chans = arguments[0], cps = 2 <= arguments.length ? __slice.call(arguments, 1) : [];
+ if (typeof chans === "string") {
+ chans = chans.split("");
+ }
+ if (chans[0] === "v") {
+ chans = ['r', 'g', 'b'];
+ }
+ if (cps.length < 3 || cps.length > 4) {
+ throw "Invalid number of arguments to curves filter";
+ }
+ start = cps[0];
+ ctrl1 = cps[1];
+ ctrl2 = cps.length === 4 ? cps[2] : cps[1];
+ end = cps[cps.length - 1];
+ bezier = Calculate.bezier(start, ctrl1, ctrl2, end, 0, 255);
+ if (start[0] > 0) {
+ for (i = _i = 0, _ref = start[0]; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; i = 0 <= _ref ? ++_i : --_i) {
+ bezier[i] = start[1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (end[0] < 255) {
+ for (i = _j = _ref1 = end[0]; _ref1 <= 255 ? _j <= 255 : _j >= 255; i = _ref1 <= 255 ? ++_j : --_j) {
+ bezier[i] = end[1];
+ }
+ }
+ return this.process("curves", function(rgba) {
+ var _k;
+ var _ref2;
+ for (i = _k = 0, _ref2 = chans.length; 0 <= _ref2 ? _k < _ref2 : _k > _ref2; i = 0 <= _ref2 ? ++_k : --_k) {
+ rgba[chans[i]] = bezier[rgba[chans[i]]];
+ }
+ return rgba;
+ });
+ });Filter.register("exposure", function(adjust) {
+ var ctrl1;
+ var ctrl2;
+ var p;
+ p = Math.abs(adjust) / 100;
+ ctrl1 = [0, 255 * p];
+ ctrl2 = [255 - (255 * p), 255];
+ if (adjust < 0) {
+ ctrl1 = ctrl1.reverse();
+ ctrl2 = ctrl2.reverse();
+ }
+ return this.curves('rgb', [0, 0], ctrl1, ctrl2, [255, 255]);
+ });Caman.Plugin.register("crop", function(width, height, x, y) {
+ var canvas;
+ var ctx;
+ if (x == null) {
+ x = 0;
+ }
+ if (y == null) {
+ y = 0;
+ }
+ if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null) {
+ canvas = new Canvas(width, height);
+ } else {
+ canvas = document.createElement('canvas');Util.copyAttributes(this.canvas, canvas);
+ canvas.width = width;
+ canvas.height = height;
+ }
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');ctx.drawImage(this.canvas, x, y, width, height, 0, 0, width, height);
+ this.cropCoordinates = {
+ x: x,
+ y: y
+ };
+ this.cropped = true;return this.replaceCanvas(canvas);
+ });Caman.Plugin.register("resize", function(newDims) {
+ var canvas;
+ var ctx;
+ if (newDims == null) {
+ newDims = null;
+ }
+ if (newDims === null || ((newDims.width == null) && (newDims.height == null))) {
+ Log.error("Invalid or missing dimensions given for resize");return;
+ }
+ if (newDims.width == null) {
+ newDims.width = this.canvas.width * newDims.height / this.canvas.height;
+ } else if (newDims.height == null) {
+ newDims.height = this.canvas.height * newDims.width / this.canvas.width;
+ }
+ if (typeof exports !== "undefined" && exports !== null) {
+ canvas = new Canvas(newDims.width, newDims.height);
+ } else {
+ canvas = document.createElement('canvas');Util.copyAttributes(this.canvas, canvas);
+ canvas.width = newDims.width;
+ canvas.height = newDims.height;
+ }
+ ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');ctx.drawImage(this.canvas, 0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height, 0, 0, newDims.width, newDims.height);
+ this.resized = true;return this.replaceCanvas(canvas);
+ });Caman.Filter.register("crop", function() {
+ return this.processPlugin("crop", Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ });Caman.Filter.register("resize", function() {
+ return this.processPlugin("resize", Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0));
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.pack.js b/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.pack.js
index 2c95da9b..4d599baf 100755
--- a/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.pack.js
+++ b/microscopy/old_microscopy/caman.pack.js
@@ -1 +1,24 @@
-eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,r){e=function(c){return(c35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)r[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return r[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('(u(){H $,38,1z,23,F,2U,2T,1w,1M,3u,U,1R,32,24,1o,3J,1W,1J,1e,4p,1X,19,3l,2G,4C={}.at,5Q=[].au||u(7Q){W(H i=0,l=9.O;iC){o C}o 1A};19.3S=u(7A,3h,3q){H 3t,E,13,G,1Q,Z;A(3q==N){3q={}}G=7A.am;Z=[];W(E=0,13=G.O;E<13;E++){3t=G[E];A((3q.4W!=N)&&(1Q=3t.4U,5Q.1g(3q.4W,1Q)>=0)){3R}Z.1y(3h.7T(3t.4U,3t.al))}o Z};19.3A=u(O){A(O==N){O=0}A(F.1Y||(2y.6z!=N)){o 1F 6z(O)}o 1F 4u(O)};o 19})();A(1i 1S!=="2J"&&1S!==N){4p=1S;2T=46(\'D\');32=2T.32;3u=46(\'ak\');3l=46(\'3l\')}S{4p=2y}4p.F=F=(u(){F.5Z={7f:"4.1.1",7N:"4/8/aj"};F.7X=1H;F.1Y=1i 1S!=="2J"&&1S!==N;F.74=!F.1Y;F.3W=2f;F.5G="7M";F.ai=u(){o"ah "+F.5Z.7f+", ag "+F.5Z.7N};F.3O="";F.6f="6h";F.5T=u(D){A(F.1Y){o 2f}A(1i D==="3I"){D=$(D)}A(!((D!=N)&&(D.3b!=N))){o N}o D.3b(\'1j-29-1O\')};u F(){H 15,1C,1O,11=9;A(17.O===0){2w"47 17";}A(9 af F){9.36=9.36.5w(9);9.3v=9.3v.5w(9);15=17[0];A(!F.1Y){1O=3r(F.5T(15[0]),10);1C=1i 15[1]==="u"?15[1]:1i 15[2]==="u"?15[2]:u(){};A(!ae(1O)&&1X.78(1O)){o 1X.2j(1O,1C)}}9.1O=19.4T.2E();9.4d=9.2P=N;9.3m={x:0,y:0};9.7S=1H;9.4f=1H;9.3i=[];9.4Q=[];9.4X=[];9.3s=N;9.6i=1H;9.ad=1F 38(9);9.2u=1F 1e(9);9.6K(u(){11.6Q(15);o 11.6S()});o 9}S{o 1F F(17)}}F.I.6K=u(2Z){H 5e,11=9;A(F.1Y){o 4v(u(){o 2Z.1g(11)},0)}S{A(1B.5q==="4y"){1o.1D("7g 7i");o 4v(u(){o 2Z.1g(11)},0)}S{5e=u(){A(1B.5q==="4y"){1o.1D("7g 7i");o 2Z.1g(11)}};o 1B.7r("ac",5e,1H)}}};F.I.6Q=u(15){H 3C,1A,G,Z;A(15.O===0){2w"47 17 7J";}9.2t=N;9.4I=N;9.40=N;9.1C=u(){};9.7R(15[0]);A(15.O===1){o}39(1i 15[1]){1r"3I":9.40=15[1];2S;1r"u":9.1C=15[1]}A(15.O===2){o}9.1C=15[2];A(15.O===4){G=15[4];Z=[];W(3C 4w G){A(!4C.1g(G,3C))3R;1A=G[3C];Z.1y(9.1a[3C]=1A)}o Z}};F.I.7R=u(2r){A(F.1Y){9.2t=2r;9.4I=\'6a\';o}A(1i 2r==="2q"){9.2t=2r}S{9.2t=$(2r)}A(9.2t==N){2w"ab a1 a0 T 6g D W 9Z.";}o 9.4I=9.2t.4U.3p()};F.I.6S=u(){39(9.4I){1r"6a":o 9.6k();1r"1c":o 9.6q();1r"D":o 9.6r()}};F.I.6k=u(){H 11=9;1o.1D("9Y W 1Y");9.T=1F 32();9.T.5C=u(){1o.1D("32 6A. 6J = "+(11.2I())+", 6N = "+(11.2H()));11.D=1F 2T(11.2I(),11.2H());o 11.36()};9.T.9X=u(6X){2w 6X;};o 9.T.1d=9.2t};F.I.6q=u(){9.T=9.2t;9.D=1B.2i(\'D\');9.1n=9.D.2g(\'2d\');19.3S(9.T,9.D,{4W:[\'1d\']});9.T.5R.5O(9.D,9.T);9.5N();o 9.5A()};F.I.6r=u(){9.D=9.2t;9.1n=9.D.2g(\'2d\');A(9.40!=N){9.T=1B.2i(\'1c\');9.T.1d=9.40;9.5N();o 9.5A()}S{o 9.36()}};F.I.5N=u(){A(9.7k()){1o.1D(9.T.1d,"->",9.4z());9.7t=2f;9.T.1d=9.4z()}A(1R.7v(9.T)){9.T.1d=1R.2Y(9.T.1d);o 1o.1D("9W T 9V, 9U 7H = "+9.T.1d)}};F.I.5A=u(){A(9.7I()){o 9.3v()}S{o 9.T.5C=9.3v}};F.I.7I=u(){A(!9.T.4y){o 1H}A((9.T.5y!=N)&&9.T.5y===0){o 1H}o 2f};F.I.2I=u(){o 9.T.L||9.T.5y};F.I.2H=u(){o 9.T.Q||9.T.9T};F.I.3v=u(){1o.1D("32 6A. 6J = "+(9.2I())+", 6N = "+(9.2H()));A(9.7t){9.D.L=9.2I()/9.4x();9.D.Q=9.2H()/9.4x()}S{9.D.L=9.2I();9.D.Q=9.2H()}o 9.36()};F.I.36=u(){H i,1q,E,13,G;A(9.1n==N){9.1n=9.D.2g(\'2d\')}9.2W=9.3E=9.L=9.D.L;9.3G=9.3V=9.Q=9.D.Q;9.60();A(!9.61()){9.62()}A(9.T!=N){9.1n.3j(9.T,0,0,9.2I(),9.2H(),0,0,9.3E,9.3V)}9.5j();A(F.3W){9.4d=19.3A(9.J.O);9.2P=19.3A(9.J.O);G=9.J;W(i=E=0,13=G.O;E<13;i=++E){1q=G[i];9.4d[i]=1q;9.2P[i]=1q}}9.1G={L:9.D.L,Q:9.D.Q};1X.6e(9.1O,9);9.1C.1g(9,9);o 9.1C=u(){}};F.I.5j=u(){9.1P=9.1n.30(0,0,9.D.L,9.D.Q);o 9.J=9.1P.1j};F.I.9S=u(){H 1q,E,13,G,Z;A(!F.3W){2w"58 4r";}9.2P=19.3A(9.J.O);G=9.J;Z=[];W(E=0,13=G.O;E<13;E++){1q=G[E];Z.1y(9.2P.1y(1q))}o Z};F.I.61=u(){o F.5T(9.D)!=N};F.I.62=u(){A(F.1Y||9.D.3b(\'1j-29-1O\')){o}o 9.D.7T(\'1j-29-1O\',9.1O)};F.I.51=u(){o 9.D.3b(\'1j-29-6p-4r\')!==N};F.I.60=u(){H 2l;A(F.1Y||9.51()){o}2l=9.4x();A(2l!==1){1o.1D("9R 2l = "+2l);9.6i=2f;9.3E=9.D.L;9.3V=9.D.Q;9.D.L=9.3E*2l;9.D.Q=9.3V*2l;9.D.6s.L=""+9.3E+"6x";9.D.6s.Q=""+9.3V+"6x";9.1n.9Q(2l,2l);9.L=9.2W=9.D.L;o 9.Q=9.3G=9.D.Q}};F.I.4x=u(){H 50,2s;2s=2y.2s||1;50=9.1n.9P||9.1n.9N||9.1n.9M||9.1n.9L||9.1n.9E||1;o 2s/50};F.I.6L=u(){o(2y.2s!=N)&&2y.2s!==1};F.I.7k=u(){A(9.51()||!9.6L()){o 1H}o 9.4z()!==N};F.I.4z=u(){A(9.T==N){o N}o 9.T.3b(\'1j-29-6p\')};F.I.4o=u(6P){H 4n;4n=9.D;9.D=6P;9.1n=9.D.2g(\'2d\');4n.5R.5O(9.D,4n);9.L=9.D.L;9.Q=9.D.Q;9.5j();o 9.1G={L:9.D.L,Q:9.D.Q}};F.I.6R=u(1C){H 11=9;A(1C==N){1C=u(){}}1M.2K(9,"6W");o 9.2u.2j(u(){11.1n.4m(11.1P,0,0);o 1C.1g(11)})};F.I.9A=u(){H i,1q,E,13,G;A(!F.3W){2w"58 4r";}G=9.6Z();W(i=E=0,13=G.O;E<13;i=++E){1q=G[i];9.J[i]=1q}o 9.1n.4m(9.1P,0,0)};F.I.9y=u(){H D,1I,i,1P,1q,J,E,13,G;D=1B.2i(\'D\');19.3S(9.D,D);D.L=9.2W;D.Q=9.3G;1I=D.2g(\'2d\');1P=1I.30(0,0,D.L,D.Q);J=1P.1j;G=9.4d;W(i=E=0,13=G.O;E<13;i=++E){1q=G[i];J[i]=1q}1I.4m(1P,0,0);9.3m={x:0,y:0};9.4f=1H;o 9.4o(D)};F.I.6Z=u(){H D,4k,1I,4N,4M,i,1P,1q,J,4j,3Y,4i,4g,L,E,1f,13,G,1Q,2k,5J;A(!F.3W){2w"58 4r";}4j=[];4i=9.3m.x;4N=4i+9.L;4g=9.3m.y;4M=4g+9.Q;A(9.4f){D=1B.2i(\'D\');D.L=9.2W;D.Q=9.3G;1I=D.2g(\'2d\');1P=1I.30(0,0,D.L,D.Q);J=1P.1j;G=9.2P;W(i=E=0,13=G.O;E<13;i=++E){1q=G[i];J[i]=1q}1I.4m(1P,0,0);3Y=1B.2i(\'D\');3Y.L=9.L;3Y.Q=9.Q;1I=3Y.2g(\'2d\');1I.3j(D,0,0,9.2W,9.3G,0,0,9.L,9.Q);J=1I.30(0,0,9.L,9.Q).1j;L=9.L}S{J=9.2P;L=9.2W}W(i=1f=0,1Q=J.O;1f<1Q;i=1f+=4){4k=1W.7x(i,L);A(((4i<=(2k=4k.x)&&2k<4N))&&((4g<=(5J=4k.y)&&5J<4M))){4j.1y(J[i],J[i+1],J[i+2],J[i+3])}}o 4j};F.I.1L=u(X,4e){9.2u.34({Y:U.1Z.5z,X:X,4e:4e});o 9};F.I.5x=u(X,K,1V,28){H i,E,G;A(!1V){1V=0;W(i=E=0,G=K.O;0<=G?EG;i=0<=G?++E:--E){1V+=K[i]}}9.2u.34({Y:U.1Z.5g,X:X,K:K,1V:1V,28:28||0});o 9};F.I.5b=u(2p,15){9.2u.34({Y:U.1Z.1J,2p:2p,15:15});o 9};F.I.4S=u(1C){H 1p;1p=1F 24(9);9.4X.1y(1p);9.2u.34({Y:U.1Z.4L});1C.1g(1p);9.2u.34({Y:U.1Z.5W});o 9};F.I.64=u(1p){o 9.65(1p)};F.I.65=u(1p){9.4Q.1y(9.3s);9.3i.1y(9.J);9.3s=1p;o 9.J=1p.J};F.I.66=u(){9.J=9.3i.67();o 9.3s=9.4Q.67()};F.I.68=u(){o 9.3s.69()};o F})();38=(u(){u 38(c){9.c=c}38.I.9x=u(){H i,22,3H,E,1f,1m,G;22={r:{},g:{},b:{}};W(i=E=0;E<=C;i=++E){22.r[i]=0;22.g[i]=0;22.b[i]=0}W(i=1f=0,G=9.c.J.O;1f0)){o}Z=[];W(E=0,13=3N.O;E<13;E++){1c=3N[E];Z.1y(6m=1F 2U(1c,u(){9.6o();o 9.2j()}))}o Z};A(F.74){(u(){A(1B.5q==="4y"){o F.5S()}S{o 1B.7r("9t",F.5S,1H)}})()}2U=(u(){H 42;42="(\\\\w+)\\\\((.*?)\\\\)";u 2U(2o,6v){9.6w=2o.3b(\'1j-29\');9.29=F(2o,6v.5w(9))}2U.I.6o=u(){H 15,3T,3U,4P,4O,m,r,3X,E,13,G,Z;9.2o=9.29.D;r=1F 6G(42,\'g\');3X=9.6w.4Z(r);A(!(3X.O>0)){o}r=1F 6G(42);Z=[];W(E=0,13=3X.O;E<13;E++){4P=3X[E];G=4P.4Z(r),m=G[0],3T=G[1],15=G[2];4O=1F 9s("o u() { 9."+3T+"("+15+"); };");4Y{3U=4O();Z.1y(3U.1g(9.29))}5B(e){Z.1y(1o.1D(e))}}o Z};2U.I.2j=u(){H 2o;2o=9.2o;o 9.29.6R(u(){o 2o.5R.5O(9.6M(),2o)})};o 2U})();F.1z=1z=(u(){u 1z(){}1z.56={};1z.14=u(X,3U){o 9.56[X]=3U};1z.2j=u(X,P,M){o 9.56[X](P,M)};o 1z})();F.23=23=(u(){u 23(){}23.9r=u(3f,3d,3Q,3P){o R.73(R.1x(3Q-3f,2)+R.1x(3P-3d,2))};23.75=u(1u,V,3M){H 2m;A(3M==N){3M=1H}2m=1u+(R.9q()*(V-1u));A(3M){o 2m.9p(3M)}S{o R.5X(2m)}};23.7j=u(B){o(0.9m*B.r)+(0.9l*B.g)+(0.9i*B.b)};23.1v=u(1h,2b,27,18,48,49){H 52,53,4a,4b,3y,3x,1v,5v,2Q,i,j,35,4c,t,3o,3f,3Q,5H,3k,3d,3P,5M,E,1f,1m,G,1Q;3o=1h[0];3k=1h[1];3f=2b[0];3d=2b[1];3Q=27[0];3P=27[1];5H=18[0];5M=18[1];1v={};3y=3r(3*(3f-3o),10);4a=3*(3Q-3f)-3y;52=5H-3o-3y-4a;3x=3*(3d-3k);4b=3*(3P-3d)-3x;53=5M-3k-3x-4b;W(i=E=0;E<63;i=++E){t=i/63;5v=R.5X((52*R.1x(t,3))+(4a*R.1x(t,2))+(3y*t)+3o);2Q=R.5X((53*R.1x(t,3))+(4b*R.1x(t,2))+(3x*t)+3k);A(48&&2Q<48){2Q=48}S A(49&&2Q>49){2Q=49}1v[5v]=2Q}A(1v.O<18[0]+1){W(i=1f=0,G=18[0];0<=G?1f<=G:1f>=G;i=0<=G?++1f:--1f){A(1v[i]==N){35=[i-1,1v[i-1]];W(j=1m=i,1Q=18[0];i<=1Q?1m<=1Q:1m>=1Q;j=i<=1Q?++1m:--1m){A(1v[j]!=N){4c=[j,1v[j]];2S}}1v[i]=35[1]+((4c[1]-35[1])/(4c[0]-35[0]))*(i-35[0])}}}A(1v[18[0]]==N){1v[18[0]]=1v[18[0]-1]}o 1v};o 23})();1w=(u(){u 1w(){}1w.5P=u(2O){H b,g,r;A(2O.7Z(0)==="#"){2O=2O.4h(1)}r=3r(2O.4h(0,2),16);g=3r(2O.4h(2,2),16);b=3r(2O.4h(4,2),16);o{r:r,g:g,b:b}};1w.9g=u(r,g,b){H d,h,l,V,1u,s;A(1i r==="2q"){g=r.g;b=r.b;r=r.r}r/=C;g/=C;b/=C;V=R.V(r,g,b);1u=R.1u(r,g,b);l=(V+1u)/2;A(V===1u){h=s=0}S{d=V-1u;s=l>0.5?d/(2-V-1u):d/(V+1u);h=(u(){39(V){1r r:o(g-b)/d+(g1){t-=1}A(t<1/6){o p+(q-p)*6*t}A(t<1/2){o q}A(t<2/3){o p+(q-p)*(2/3-t)*6}o p};1w.6j=u(r,g,b){H d,h,V,1u,s,v;r/=C;g/=C;b/=C;V=R.V(r,g,b);1u=R.1u(r,g,b);v=V;d=V-1u;s=V===0?0:d/V;A(V===1u){h=0}S{h=(u(){39(V){1r r:o(g-b)/d+(g0.4K){r=R.1x((r+0.21)/1.21,2.4)}S{r/=12.92}A(g>0.4K){g=R.1x((g+0.21)/1.21,2.4)}S{g/=12.92}A(b>0.4K){b=R.1x((b+0.21)/1.21,2.4)}S{b/=12.92}x=r*0.9d+g*0.9c+b*0.9a;y=r*0.99+g*0.98+b*0.97;z=r*0.96+g*0.94+b*0.93;o{x:x*1k,y:y*1k,z:z*1k}};1w.91=u(x,y,z){H b,g,r;x/=1k;y/=1k;z/=1k;r=(3.8Z*x)+(-1.8Y*y)+(-0.8X*z);g=(-0.8W*x)+(1.8V*y)+(0.8U*z);b=(0.8T*x)+(-0.8S*y)+(1.8P*z);A(r>0.5h){r=(1.21*R.1x(r,0.5i))-0.21}S{r*=12.92}A(g>0.5h){g=(1.21*R.1x(g,0.5i))-0.21}S{g*=12.92}A(b>0.5h){b=(1.21*R.1x(b,0.5i))-0.21}S{b*=12.92}o{r:r*C,g:g*C,b:b*C}};1w.6O=u(x,y,z){H a,b,l,5k,5l,5m;A(1i x==="2q"){y=x.y;z=x.z;x=x.x}5k=95.6T;5l=1k.0;5m=6U.6V;x/=5k;y/=5l;z/=5m;A(x>0.5n){x=R.1x(x,0.5o)}S{x=(7.5p*x)+0.2V}A(y>0.5n){y=R.1x(y,0.5o)}S{y=(7.5p*y)+0.2V}A(z>0.5n){z=R.1x(z,0.5o)}S{z=(7.5p*z)+0.2V}l=70*y-16;a=71*(x-y);b=72*(y-z);o{l:l,a:a,b:b}};1w.8O=u(l,a,b){H x,y,z;A(1i l==="2q"){a=l.a;b=l.b;l=l.l}y=(l+16)/70;x=y+(a/71);z=y-(b/72);A(x>0.5s){x=x*x*x}S{x=0.5t*(x-0.2V)}A(y>0.5s){y=y*y*y}S{y=0.5t*(y-0.2V)}A(z>0.5s){z=z*z*z}S{z=0.5t*(z-0.2V)}o{x:x*95.6T,y:y*1k.0,z:z*6U.6V}};1w.8L=u(r,g,b){H 5u;A(1i r==="2q"){g=r.g;b=r.b;r=r.r}5u=9.6n(r,g,b);o 9.6O(5u)};1w.8J=u(l,a,b){};o 1w})();1M=(u(){u 1M(){}1M.2F={};1M.7a=["7b","7c","6W","7d","7e","37"];1M.2K=u(2e,Y,1j){H 3z,E,13,G,Z;A(9.2F[Y]&&9.2F[Y].O){G=9.2F[Y];Z=[];W(E=0,13=G.O;E<13;E++){3z=G[E];A(3z.2e===N||2e.1O===3z.2e.1O){Z.1y(3z.2A.1g(2e,1j))}S{Z.1y(8I 0)}}o Z}};1M.8H=u(2e,Y,2A){H 5D,5E;A(1i 2e==="3I"){5E=2e;5D=Y;2e=N;Y=5E;2A=5D}A(5Q.1g(9.7a,Y)<0){o 1H}A(!9.2F[Y]){9.2F[Y]=[]}9.2F[Y].1y({2e:2e,2A:2A});o 2f};o 1M})();F.1M=1M;F.U=U=(u(){u U(){}U.1Z={5z:1,5g:2,4L:3,5W:4,5F:5,1J:6};U.14=u(X,7o){o F.I[X]=7o};o U})();F.1R=1R=(u(){u 1R(){}1R.7p=/(?:(?:8G|8E):\\/\\/)((?:\\w+)\\.(?:(?:\\w|\\.)+))/;1R.7v=u(1c){A(1c==N){o 1H}A(9.7s(1c)){o 1H}o 9.4D(1c.1d)};1R.7s=u(1c){H G;o(1c.5G!=N)&&((G=1c.5G.3p())===\'7M\'||G===\'7u-8D\')};1R.4D=u(7w){H 4E;4E=7w.4Z(9.7p);A(4E){o 4E[1]!==1B.8C}S{o 1H}};1R.7z=u(1d){A(9.4D(1d)){A(!F.3O.O){1o.5L("8B 3h 8z a 7D T 8y a 8x 7G. 7H: "+1d)}S{A(F.4D(F.3O)){1o.5L("8w 7u a 7D 7G W 8u 8t.");o}o""+F.3O+"?6h="+(7K(1d))}}};1R.2Y=u(1d){o""+F.3O+"?"+F.6f+"="+(7K(1d))};1R.8r=u(2R){H 4H;4H={8n:\'8m\',8l:\'8b\',8a:\'89\',83:\'82\'};2R=2R.3p();A(4H[2R]!=N){2R=4H[2R]}o"81/9h."+2R};o 1R})();F.I.80=u(){A(1i 1S!=="2J"&&1S!==N){o 9.7Y.33(9,17)}S{o 9.7W.33(9,17)}};F.I.7W=u(Y){H T;A(Y==N){Y="7V"}Y=Y.3p();T=9.5Y(Y).84("T/"+Y,"T/85-86");o 1B.87.88=T};F.I.7Y=u(2X,4J){H 5V;A(4J==N){4J=2f}4Y{5V=3l.8c(2X);A(5V.8d()&&!4J){o 1H}}5B(e){1o.1D("8e 8f 2X "+2X)}o 3l.8g(2X,9.D.8h(),u(){o 1o.1D("8i 8j 3h "+2X)})};F.I.6M=u(Y){H 1c;1c=1B.2i(\'1c\');1c.1d=9.5Y(Y);1c.L=9.1G.L;1c.Q=9.1G.Q;A(2y.2s){1c.L/=2y.2s;1c.Q/=2y.2s}o 1c};F.I.5Y=u(Y){A(Y==N){Y="7V"}Y=Y.3p();o 9.D.8k("T/"+Y)};24=(u(){u 24(c){9.c=c;9.3T=9.c;9.1a={5U:\'7P\',2x:1.0};9.8o=19.4T.2E();9.D=1i 1S!=="2J"&&1S!==N?1F 2T():1B.2i(\'D\');9.D.L=9.c.1G.L;9.D.Q=9.c.1G.Q;9.1n=9.D.2g(\'2d\');9.1n.8p(9.D.L,9.D.Q);9.1P=9.1n.30(0,0,9.D.L,9.D.Q);9.J=9.1P.1j}24.I.4S=u(2Z){o 9.c.4S.1g(9.c,2Z)};24.I.8q=u(7L){9.1a.5U=7L;o 9};24.I.2x=u(2x){9.1a.2x=2x/1k;o 9};24.I.8s=u(){H i,1T,E,G;1T=9.c.J;W(i=E=0,G=9.c.J.O;E9.c.J.O||1U<0){o{r:0,g:0,b:0,a:0}}o{r:9.c.J[1U],g:9.c.J[1U+1],b:9.c.J[1U+2],a:9.c.J[1U+3]}};1W.I.8K=u(4B,4A,B){H 76;76=9.1l+(9.c.1G.L*4*(4A*-1))+(4*4B);A(1U>9.c.J.O||1U<0){o}9.c.J[1U]=B.r;9.c.J[1U+1]=B.g;9.c.J[1U+2]=B.b;9.c.J[1U+3]=B.a;o 2f};1W.I.8M=u(x,y){H 1l;1l=9.5I(x,y,9.L);o{r:9.c.J[1l],g:9.c.J[1l+1],b:9.c.J[1l+2],a:9.c.J[1l+3]}};1W.I.8N=u(x,y,B){H 1l;1l=9.5I(x,y,9.L);9.c.J[1l]=B.r;9.c.J[1l+1]=B.g;9.c.J[1l+2]=B.b;o 9.c.J[1l+3]=B.a};o 1W})();1J=(u(){u 1J(){}1J.5r={};1J.14=u(X,2p){o 9.5r[X]=2p};1J.2j=u(1n,X,15){o 9.5r[X].33(1n,15)};o 1J})();F.1J=1J;F.1e=1e=(u(){1e.2D=F.1Y?46(\'8Q\').8R().O:4;u 1e(c){H 11=9;9.c=c;9.2n=u(){o 1e.I.2n.33(11,17)};9.3w=[];9.2L=N}1e.I.34=u(5d){A(5d==N){o}o 9.3w.1y(5d)};1e.I.2n=u(){H 1p;A(9.3w.O===0){1M.2K(9,"7d");A(9.5c!=N){9.5c.1g(9.c)}o 9}9.1t=9.3w.6F();39(9.1t.Y){1r U.1Z.4L:1p=9.c.4X.6F();9.c.64(1p);o 9.2n();1r U.1Z.5W:9.c.68();9.c.66();o 9.2n();1r U.1Z.5F:o 9.6E(9.1t.1p,9.1t.1d);1r U.1Z.1J:o 9.6D();90:o 9.6C()}};1e.I.2j=u(1C){9.5c=1C;9.2L=19.3A(9.c.J.O);o 9.2n()};1e.I.59=u(2A){H 3F,57,1K,18,f,i,54,n,1h,E,G,Z,11=9;9.4q=0;n=9.c.J.O;57=R.3B((n/4)/1e.2D);3F=57*4;54=3F+((n/4)%1e.2D)*4;Z=[];W(i=E=0,G=1e.2D;0<=G?EG;i=0<=G?++E:--E){1h=i*3F;18=1h+(i===1e.2D-1?54:3F);A(F.1Y){f=3u(u(){o 2A.1g(11,i,1h,18)});1K=f.9b();Z.1y(9.37(1K))}S{Z.1y(4v((u(i,1h,18){o u(){o 2A.1g(11,i,1h,18)}})(i,1h,18),0))}}o Z};1e.I.6C=u(){1M.2K(9.c,"7b",9.1t);A(9.1t.Y===U.1Z.5z){o 9.59(9.6u)}S{o 9.59(9.6t)}};1e.I.6D=u(){1o.1D("9e 2p "+9.1t.2p);1J.2j(9.c,9.1t.2p,9.1t.15);1o.1D("1J "+9.1t.2p+" 4R!");o 9.2n()};1e.I.6u=u(1K,1h,18){H 1j,i,2z,20,E;1o.1D("7n #"+1K+" - U: "+9.1t.X+", 9j: "+1h+", 9k: "+18);1M.2K(9.c,"7e",{7m:1K,7l:1e.2D,9n:1h,9o:18});1j={r:0,g:0,b:0,a:0};2z=1F 1W(9.c);W(i=E=1h;E<18;i=E+=4){2z.1l=i;1j.r=9.c.J[i];1j.g=9.c.J[i+1];1j.b=9.c.J[i+2];1j.a=9.c.J[i+3];20=9.1t.4e.1g(2z,1j);A(20.a==N){20.a=1j.a}9.c.J[i]=19.2c(20.r);9.c.J[i+1]=19.2c(20.g);9.c.J[i+2]=19.2c(20.b);9.c.J[i+3]=19.2c(20.a)}A(F.1Y){o 3u["7h"](1K)}S{o 9.37(1K)}};1e.I.6t=u(1K,1h,18){H K,3D,28,1N,3g,1V,i,j,k,25,n,X,1q,2z,20,E,1f,1m;X=9.1t.X;28=9.1t.28;1V=9.1t.1V;n=9.c.J.O;K=9.1t.K;3D=R.73(K.O);25=[];1o.1D("9v 25 - U: "+9.1t.X);1h=R.V(1h,9.c.1G.L*4*((3D-1)/2));18=R.1u(18,n-(9.c.1G.L*4*((3D-1)/2)));1N=(3D-1)/2;2z=1F 1W(9.c);W(i=E=1h;E<18;i=E+=4){2z.1l=i;3g=0;W(j=1f=-1N;-1N<=1N?1f<=1N:1f>=1N;j=-1N<=1N?++1f:--1f){W(k=1m=1N;1N<=-1N?1m<=-1N:1m>=-1N;k=1N<=-1N?++1m:--1m){1q=2z.7q(j,k);25[3g*3]=1q.r;25[3g*3+1]=1q.g;25[3g*3+2]=1q.b;3g++}}20=9.5x(K,25,1V,28);9.2L[i]=19.2c(20.r);9.2L[i+1]=19.2c(20.g);9.2L[i+2]=19.2c(20.b);9.2L[i+3]=9.c.J[i+3]}A(F.1Y){o 3u["7h"](1K)}S{o 9.37(1K)}};1e.I.37=u(1K){H i,E,G;A(1K>=0){1o.1D("7n #"+1K+" 4R! U: "+9.1t.X)}9.4q++;1M.2K(9.c,"37",{7m:1K,9w:9.4q,7l:1e.2D});A(9.4q===1e.2D){A(9.1t.Y===U.1Z.5g){W(i=E=0,G=9.c.J.O;0<=G?EG;i=0<=G?++E:--E){9.c.J[i]=9.2L[i]}}A(1K>=0){1o.1D("U "+9.1t.X+" 4R!")}1M.2K(9.c,"7c",9.1t);o 9.2n()}};1e.I.5x=u(K,25,1V,28){H i,1A,E,G;1A={r:0,g:0,b:0};W(i=E=0,G=K.O;0<=G?EG;i=0<=G?++E:--E){1A.r+=K[i]*25[i*3];1A.g+=K[i]*25[i*3+1];1A.b+=K[i]*25[i*3+2]}1A.r=(1A.r/1V)+28;1A.g=(1A.g/1V)+28;1A.b=(1A.b/1V)+28;o 1A};1e.I.6E=u(1p,1d){H 1c,2Y,11=9;1c=1B.2i(\'1c\');1c.5C=u(){1p.1n.3j(1c,0,0,11.c.1G.L,11.c.1G.Q);1p.1P=1p.1n.30(0,0,11.c.1G.L,11.c.1G.Q);1p.J=1p.1P.1j;11.c.J=1p.J;o 11.2n()};2Y=1R.7z(1d);o 1c.1d=2Y!=N?2Y:1d};o 1e})();F.1X=1X=(u(){u 1X(){}1X.3a={};1X.78=u(2B){o 9.3a[2B]!=N};1X.2E=u(2B){o 9.3a[2B]};1X.6e=u(X,2r){o 9.3a[X]=2r};1X.2j=u(2B,1C){H 11=9;4v(u(){o 1C.1g(11.2E(2B),11.2E(2B))},0);o 9.2E(2B)};1X.9z=u(X){A(X==N){X=1H}A(X){o 6Y 9.3a[X]}S{o 9.3a={}}};o 1X})();1z.14("7P",u(P,M){o{r:P.r,g:P.g,b:P.b}});1z.14("9B",u(P,M){o{r:(P.r*M.r)/C,g:(P.g*M.g)/C,b:(P.b*M.b)/C}});1z.14("9C",u(P,M){o{r:C-(((C-P.r)*(C-M.r))/C),g:C-(((C-P.g)*(C-M.g))/C),b:C-(((C-P.b)*(C-M.b))/C)}});1z.14("9D",u(P,M){H 1b;1b={};1b.r=M.r>1s?C-2*(C-P.r)*(C-M.r)/C:(M.r*P.r*2)/C;1b.g=M.g>1s?C-2*(C-P.g)*(C-M.g)/C:(M.g*P.g*2)/C;1b.b=M.b>1s?C-2*(C-P.b)*(C-M.b)/C:(M.b*P.b*2)/C;o 1b});1z.14("9F",u(P,M){o{r:P.r-M.r,g:P.g-M.g,b:P.b-M.b}});1z.14("9G",u(P,M){o{r:M.r+P.r,g:M.g+P.g,b:M.b+P.b}});1z.14("9H",u(P,M){o{r:1s-2*(M.r-1s)*(P.r-1s)/C,g:1s-2*(M.g-1s)*(P.g-1s)/C,b:1s-2*(M.b-1s)*(P.b-1s)/C}});1z.14("9I",u(P,M){H 1b;1b={};1b.r=M.r>1s?C-((C-M.r)*(C-(P.r-1s)))/C:(M.r*(P.r+1s))/C;1b.g=M.g>1s?C-((C-M.g)*(C-(P.g-1s)))/C:(M.g*(P.g+1s))/C;1b.b=M.b>1s?C-((C-M.b)*(C-(P.b-1s)))/C:(M.b*(P.b+1s))/C;o 1b});1z.14("9J",u(P,M){o{r:M.r>P.r?M.r:P.r,g:M.g>P.g?M.g:P.g,b:M.b>P.b?M.b:P.b}});1z.14("9K",u(P,M){o{r:M.r>P.r?P.r:M.r,g:M.g>P.g?P.g:M.g,b:M.b>P.b?P.b:M.b}});U.14("4G",u(){H 3c;A(17.O===1){3c=1w.5P(17[0])}S{3c={r:17[0],g:17[1],b:17[2]}}o 9.1L("4G",u(B){B.r=3c.r;B.g=3c.g;B.b=3c.b;B.a=C;o B})});U.14("6I",u(K){K=R.3B(C*(K/1k));o 9.1L("6I",u(B){B.r+=K;B.g+=K;B.b+=K;o B})});U.14("6H",u(K){K*=-0.9O;o 9.1L("6H",u(B){H V;V=R.V(B.r,B.g,B.b);A(B.r!==V){B.r+=(V-B.r)*K}A(B.g!==V){B.g+=(V-B.g)*K}A(B.b!==V){B.b+=(V-B.b)*K}o B})});U.14("6B",u(K){K*=-1;o 9.1L("6B",u(B){H 3n,2v,V;V=R.V(B.r,B.g,B.b);2v=(B.r+B.g+B.b)/3;3n=((R.2C(V-2v)*2/C)*K)/1k;A(B.r!==V){B.r+=(V-B.r)*3n}A(B.g!==V){B.g+=(V-B.g)*3n}A(B.b!==V){B.b+=(V-B.b)*3n}o B})});U.14("7O",u(K){o 9.1L("7O",u(B){H 2v;2v=23.7j(B);B.r=2v;B.g=2v;B.b=2v;o B})});U.14("7F",u(K){K=R.1x((K+1k)/1k,2);o 9.1L("7F",u(B){B.r/=C;B.r-=0.5;B.r*=K;B.r+=0.5;B.r*=C;B.g/=C;B.g-=0.5;B.g*=K;B.g+=0.5;B.g*=C;B.b/=C;B.b-=0.5;B.b*=K;B.b+=0.5;B.b*=C;o B})});U.14("7E",u(K){o 9.1L("7E",u(B){H h,2M,26;2M=1w.6j(B.r,B.g,B.b);h=2M.h*1k;h+=R.2C(K);h=h%1k;h/=1k;2M.h=h;26=1w.6l(2M.h,2M.s,2M.v);26.a=B.a;o 26})});U.14("6y",u(){H 31,26;A(17.O===2){26=1w.5P(17[0]);31=17[1]}S A(17.O===4){26={r:17[0],g:17[1],b:17[2]};31=17[3]}o 9.1L("6y",u(B){B.r-=(B.r-26.r)*(31/1k);B.g-=(B.g-26.g)*(31/1k);B.b-=(B.b-26.b)*(31/1k);o B})});U.14("6d",u(){o 9.1L("6d",u(B){B.r=C-B.r;B.g=C-B.g;B.b=C-B.b;o B})});U.14("6c",u(K){A(K==N){K=1k}K/=1k;o 9.1L("6c",u(B){B.r=R.1u(C,(B.r*(1-(0.a2*K)))+(B.g*(0.a3*K))+(B.b*(0.a4*K)));B.g=R.1u(C,(B.r*(0.a5*K))+(B.g*(1-(0.a6*K)))+(B.b*(0.a7*K)));B.b=R.1u(C,(B.r*(0.a8*K))+(B.g*(0.a9*K))+(B.b*(1-(0.aa*K))));o B})});U.14("6b",u(K){o 9.1L("6b",u(B){B.r=R.1x(B.r/C,K)*C;B.g=R.1x(B.g/C,K)*C;B.b=R.1x(B.b/C,K)*C;o B})});U.14("7y",u(K){K=R.2C(K)*2.55;o 9.1L("7y",u(B){H 2m;2m=23.75(K*-1,K);B.r+=2m;B.g+=2m;B.b+=2m;o B})});U.14("77",u(K){K=R.2C(K)*2.55;o 9.1L("77",u(B){A(B.r>C-K){B.r=C}S A(B.rC-K){B.g=C}S A(B.gC-K){B.b=C}S A(B.b0){B.r+=(C-B.r)*1a.41}S{B.r-=B.r*R.2C(1a.41)}}A(1a.43!=N){A(1a.43>0){B.g+=(C-B.g)*1a.43}S{B.g-=B.g*R.2C(1a.43)}}A(1a.44!=N){A(1a.44>0){B.b+=(C-B.b)*1a.44}S{B.b-=B.b*R.2C(1a.44)}}o B})});U.14("45",u(){H 1v,2h,2a,2b,27,18,i,1h,E,1f,G,1Q;2h=17[0],2a=2<=17.O?5f.1g(17,1):[];A(1i 2h==="3I"){2h=2h.an("")}A(2h[0]==="v"){2h=[\'r\',\'g\',\'b\']}A(2a.O<3||2a.O>4){2w"47 ao ap 17 3h 45 3T";}1h=2a[0];2b=2a[1];27=2a.O===4?2a[2]:2a[1];18=2a[2a.O-1];1v=23.1v(1h,2b,27,18,0,C);A(1h[0]>0){W(i=E=0,G=1h[0];0<=G?EG;i=0<=G?++E:--E){1v[i]=1h[1]}}A(18[0]=C;i=1Q<=C?++1f:--1f){1v[i]=18[1]}}o 9.1L("45",u(B){H 1m,2k;W(i=1m=0,2k=2h.O;0<=2k?1m<2k:1m>2k;i=0<=2k?++1m:--1m){B[2h[i]]=1v[B[2h[i]]]}o B})});U.14("aq",u(K){H 2b,27,p;p=R.2C(K)/1k;2b=[0,C*p];27=[C-(C*p),C];A(K<0){2b=2b.79();27=27.79()}o 9.45(\'26\',[0,0],2b,27,[C,C])});F.1J.14("4V",u(L,Q,x,y){H D,1I;A(x==N){x=0}A(y==N){y=0}A(1i 1S!=="2J"&&1S!==N){D=1F 2T(L,Q)}S{D=1B.2i(\'D\');19.3S(9.D,D);D.L=L;D.Q=Q}1I=D.2g(\'2d\');1I.3j(9.D,x,y,L,Q,0,0,L,Q);9.3m={x:x,y:y};9.7S=2f;o 9.4o(D)});F.1J.14("4F",u(1E){H D,1I;A(1E==N){1E=N}A(1E===N||((1E.L==N)&&(1E.Q==N))){1o.7B("47 6g av 1G 7J W 4F");o}A(1E.L==N){1E.L=9.D.L*1E.Q/9.D.Q}S A(1E.Q==N){1E.Q=9.D.Q*1E.L/9.D.L}A(1i 1S!=="2J"&&1S!==N){D=1F 2T(1E.L,1E.Q)}S{D=1B.2i(\'D\');19.3S(9.D,D);D.L=1E.L;D.Q=1E.Q}1I=D.2g(\'2d\');1I.3j(9.D,0,0,9.D.L,9.D.Q,0,0,1E.L,1E.Q);9.4f=2f;o 9.4o(D)});F.U.14("4V",u(){o 9.5b("4V",4u.I.2G.1g(17,0))});F.U.14("4F",u(){o 9.5b("4F",4u.I.2G.1g(17,0))})}).1g(9);',62,652,'|||||||||this|||||||||||||||return||||||function||||||if|rgba|255|canvas|_i|Caman|_ref|var|prototype|pixelData|adjust|width|rgbaParent|null|length|rgbaLayer|height|Math|else|image|Filter|max|for|name|type|_results||_this||_len|register|args||arguments|end|Util|options|result|img|src|Renderer|_j|call|start|typeof|data|100|loc|_k|context|Log|layer|pixel|case|128|currentJob|min|bezier|Convert|pow|push|Blender|val|document|callback|debug|newDims|new|dimensions|false|ctx|Plugin|bnum|process|Event|builder|id|imageData|_ref1|IO|exports|parentData|newLoc|divisor|PixelInfo|Store|NodeJS|Type|res|055|levels|Calculate|Layer|kernel|rgb|ctrl2|bias|caman|cps|ctrl1|clampRGB||target|true|getContext|chans|createElement|execute|_ref2|ratio|rand|processNext|ele|plugin|object|obj|devicePixelRatio|initObj|renderer|avg|throw|opacity|window|pixelInfo|fn|search|abs|Blocks|get|events|slice|imageHeight|imageWidth|undefined|trigger|modPixelData|hsv|layerData|hex|originalPixelData|curveY|lang|break|Canvas|CamanParser|1379310345|originalWidth|file|proxyUrl|cb|getImageData|level|Image|apply|add|leftCoord|finishInit|blockFinished|Analyze|switch|items|getAttribute|color|y1|chan|x1|builderIndex|to|pixelStack|drawImage|y0|fs|cropCoordinates|amt|x0|toLowerCase|opts|parseInt|currentLayer|attr|Fiber|imageLoaded|renderQueue|Cy|Cx|event|dataArray|floor|key|adjustSize|preScaledWidth|blockN|originalHeight|numPixels|string|Logger|copy|prop|getFloat|imgs|remoteProxy|y2|x2|continue|copyAttributes|filter|func|preScaledHeight|allowRevert|unparsedInstructions|scaledCanvas|hueToRGB|imageUrl|red|INST_REGEX|green|blue|curves|require|Invalid|lowBound|highBound|Bx|By|rightCoord|initializedPixelData|processFn|resized|startY|substr|startX|pixels|coord|dest|putImageData|oldCanvas|replaceCanvas|Root|blocksDone|disabled|root|sel|Array|setTimeout|in|hiDPIRatio|complete|hiDPIReplacement|vert|horiz|__hasProp|isURLRemote|matches|resize|fillColor|langToExt|initType|overwrite|04045|LayerDequeue|endY|endX|instFunc|inst|layerStack|finished|newLayer|uniqid|nodeName|crop|except|canvasQueue|try|match|backingStoreRatio|hiDPIDisabled|Ax|Ay|lastBlockN||blenders|blockPixelLength|Revert|eachBlock|value|processPlugin|finishedFn|job|listener|__slice|Kernel|0031308|4166666667|reloadCanvasData|whiteX|whiteY|whiteZ|008856451679|3333333333|787037037|readyState|plugins|2068965517|1284185493|xyz|curveX|bind|processKernel|naturalWidth|Single|waitForImageLoaded|catch|onload|_fn|_type|LoadOverlay|crossOrigin|x3|coordinatesToLocation|_ref3|console|info|y3|imageAdjustments|replaceChild|hexToRGB|__indexOf|parentNode|DOMUpdated|getAttrId|blendingMode|stats|LayerFinished|round|toBase64|version|hiDPIAdjustments|hasId|assignId|1000|executeLayer|pushContext|popContext|pop|applyCurrentLayer|applyToParent|node|gamma|sepia|invert|put|proxyParam|or|camanProxyUrl|scaled|rgbToHSV|initNode|hsvToRGB|parser|rgbToXYZ|parse|hidpi|initImage|initCanvas|style|renderKernel|renderBlock|ready|dataStr|px|colorize|Uint8Array|loaded|vibrance|executeFilter|executePlugin|loadOverlay|shift|RegExp|saturation|brightness|Width|domIsLoaded|hiDPICapable|toImage|Height|xyzToLab|newCanvas|parseArguments|render|setup|047|108|883|renderStart|err|delete|originalVisiblePixels|116|500|200|sqrt|autoload|randomRange|nowLoc|clip|has|reverse|types|processStart|processComplete|renderFinished|blockStarted|release|DOM|yield|initialized|luminance|needsHiDPISwap|totalBlocks|blockNum|Block|filterFunc|domainRegex|getPixelRelative|addEventListener|corsEnabled|swapped|use|isRemote|url|locationToCoordinates|noise|remoteCheck|from|error|log|remote|hue|contrast|proxy|URL|isImageLoaded|given|encodeURIComponent|mode|anonymous|date|greyscale|normal|item|setInitObject|cropped|setAttribute|channels|png|browserSave|DEBUG|nodeSave|charAt|save|proxies|js|javascript|replace|octet|stream|location|href|pl|perl|py|statSync|isFile|Creating|output|writeFile|toBuffer|Finished|writing|toDataURL|python|rb|ruby|layerID|createImageData|setBlendingMode|useProxy|copyParent|images|loading|overlayImage|Cannot|configured|without|load|warn|Attempting|domain|credentials|https|locationXY|http|listen|void|labToRGB|putPixelRelative|rgbToLab|getPixel|putPixel|labToXYZ|0570|os|cpus|2040|0557|0415|8758|9689|4986|5372|2406|default|xyzToRGB||9505|1192||0193|0722|7152|2126|1805|run|3576|4124|Executing|hslToRGB|rgbToHSL|caman_proxy|114|Start|End|587|299|startPixel|endPixel|toFixed|random|distance|Function|DOMContentLoaded|querySelectorAll|Rendering|blocksFinished|calculateLevels|reset|flush|revert|multiply|screen|overlay|backingStorePixelRatio|difference|addition|exclusion|softLight|lighten|darken|oBackingStorePixelRatio|msBackingStorePixelRatio|mozBackingStorePixelRatio|01|webkitBackingStorePixelRatio|scale|HiDPI|resetOriginalPixelData|naturalHeight|using|detected|Remote|onerror|Initializing|initialization|find|not|607|769|189|349|314|168|272|534|869|Could|readystatechange|analyze|isNaN|instanceof|Released|Version|toString|2013|fibers|nodeValue|attributes|split|number|of|exposure|extend|querySelector|hasOwnProperty|indexOf|missing'.split('|'),0,{}))
\ No newline at end of file
+eval(function(p, a, c, k, e, r) {
+ e = function(c) {
+ return (c < a ? '' : e(parseInt(c / a))) + ((c = c % a) > 35 ? String.fromCharCode(c + 29) : c.toString(36))
+ };
+ if (!''.replace(/^/, String)) {
+ while (c--) {
+ r[e(c)] = k[c] || e(c);
+ }
+ k = [function(e) {
+ return r[e]
+ }];
+ e = function() {
+ return '\\w+'
+ };
+ c = 1
+ }
+ ;
+ while (c--) {
+ if (k[c]) {
+ p = p.replace(new RegExp('\\b' + e(c) + '\\b', 'g'), k[c]);
+ }
+ }
+ return p
+}('(u(){H $,38,1z,23,F,2U,2T,1w,1M,3u,U,1R,32,24,1o,3J,1W,1J,1e,4p,1X,19,3l,2G,4C={}.at,5Q=[].au||u(7Q){W(H i=0,l=9.O;iC){o C}o 1A};19.3S=u(7A,3h,3q){H 3t,E,13,G,1Q,Z;A(3q==N){3q={}}G=7A.am;Z=[];W(E=0,13=G.O;E<13;E++){3t=G[E];A((3q.4W!=N)&&(1Q=3t.4U,5Q.1g(3q.4W,1Q)>=0)){3R}Z.1y(3h.7T(3t.4U,3t.al))}o Z};19.3A=u(O){A(O==N){O=0}A(F.1Y||(2y.6z!=N)){o 1F 6z(O)}o 1F 4u(O)};o 19})();A(1i 1S!=="2J"&&1S!==N){4p=1S;2T=46(\'D\');32=2T.32;3u=46(\'ak\');3l=46(\'3l\')}S{4p=2y}4p.F=F=(u(){F.5Z={7f:"4.1.1",7N:"4/8/aj"};F.7X=1H;F.1Y=1i 1S!=="2J"&&1S!==N;F.74=!F.1Y;F.3W=2f;F.5G="7M";F.ai=u(){o"ah "+F.5Z.7f+", ag "+F.5Z.7N};F.3O="";F.6f="6h";F.5T=u(D){A(F.1Y){o 2f}A(1i D==="3I"){D=$(D)}A(!((D!=N)&&(D.3b!=N))){o N}o D.3b(\'1j-29-1O\')};u F(){H 15,1C,1O,11=9;A(17.O===0){2w"47 17";}A(9 af F){9.36=9.36.5w(9);9.3v=9.3v.5w(9);15=17[0];A(!F.1Y){1O=3r(F.5T(15[0]),10);1C=1i 15[1]==="u"?15[1]:1i 15[2]==="u"?15[2]:u(){};A(!ae(1O)&&1X.78(1O)){o 1X.2j(1O,1C)}}9.1O=19.4T.2E();9.4d=9.2P=N;9.3m={x:0,y:0};9.7S=1H;9.4f=1H;9.3i=[];9.4Q=[];9.4X=[];9.3s=N;9.6i=1H;9.ad=1F 38(9);9.2u=1F 1e(9);9.6K(u(){11.6Q(15);o 11.6S()});o 9}S{o 1F F(17)}}F.I.6K=u(2Z){H 5e,11=9;A(F.1Y){o 4v(u(){o 2Z.1g(11)},0)}S{A(1B.5q==="4y"){1o.1D("7g 7i");o 4v(u(){o 2Z.1g(11)},0)}S{5e=u(){A(1B.5q==="4y"){1o.1D("7g 7i");o 2Z.1g(11)}};o 1B.7r("ac",5e,1H)}}};F.I.6Q=u(15){H 3C,1A,G,Z;A(15.O===0){2w"47 17 7J";}9.2t=N;9.4I=N;9.40=N;9.1C=u(){};9.7R(15[0]);A(15.O===1){o}39(1i 15[1]){1r"3I":9.40=15[1];2S;1r"u":9.1C=15[1]}A(15.O===2){o}9.1C=15[2];A(15.O===4){G=15[4];Z=[];W(3C 4w G){A(!4C.1g(G,3C))3R;1A=G[3C];Z.1y(9.1a[3C]=1A)}o Z}};F.I.7R=u(2r){A(F.1Y){9.2t=2r;9.4I=\'6a\';o}A(1i 2r==="2q"){9.2t=2r}S{9.2t=$(2r)}A(9.2t==N){2w"ab a1 a0 T 6g D W 9Z.";}o 9.4I=9.2t.4U.3p()};F.I.6S=u(){39(9.4I){1r"6a":o 9.6k();1r"1c":o 9.6q();1r"D":o 9.6r()}};F.I.6k=u(){H 11=9;1o.1D("9Y W 1Y");9.T=1F 32();9.T.5C=u(){1o.1D("32 6A. 6J = "+(11.2I())+", 6N = "+(11.2H()));11.D=1F 2T(11.2I(),11.2H());o 11.36()};9.T.9X=u(6X){2w 6X;};o 9.T.1d=9.2t};F.I.6q=u(){9.T=9.2t;9.D=1B.2i(\'D\');9.1n=9.D.2g(\'2d\');19.3S(9.T,9.D,{4W:[\'1d\']});9.T.5R.5O(9.D,9.T);9.5N();o 9.5A()};F.I.6r=u(){9.D=9.2t;9.1n=9.D.2g(\'2d\');A(9.40!=N){9.T=1B.2i(\'1c\');9.T.1d=9.40;9.5N();o 9.5A()}S{o 9.36()}};F.I.5N=u(){A(9.7k()){1o.1D(9.T.1d,"->",9.4z());9.7t=2f;9.T.1d=9.4z()}A(1R.7v(9.T)){9.T.1d=1R.2Y(9.T.1d);o 1o.1D("9W T 9V, 9U 7H = "+9.T.1d)}};F.I.5A=u(){A(9.7I()){o 9.3v()}S{o 9.T.5C=9.3v}};F.I.7I=u(){A(!9.T.4y){o 1H}A((9.T.5y!=N)&&9.T.5y===0){o 1H}o 2f};F.I.2I=u(){o 9.T.L||9.T.5y};F.I.2H=u(){o 9.T.Q||9.T.9T};F.I.3v=u(){1o.1D("32 6A. 6J = "+(9.2I())+", 6N = "+(9.2H()));A(9.7t){9.D.L=9.2I()/9.4x();9.D.Q=9.2H()/9.4x()}S{9.D.L=9.2I();9.D.Q=9.2H()}o 9.36()};F.I.36=u(){H i,1q,E,13,G;A(9.1n==N){9.1n=9.D.2g(\'2d\')}9.2W=9.3E=9.L=9.D.L;9.3G=9.3V=9.Q=9.D.Q;9.60();A(!9.61()){9.62()}A(9.T!=N){9.1n.3j(9.T,0,0,9.2I(),9.2H(),0,0,9.3E,9.3V)}9.5j();A(F.3W){9.4d=19.3A(9.J.O);9.2P=19.3A(9.J.O);G=9.J;W(i=E=0,13=G.O;E<13;i=++E){1q=G[i];9.4d[i]=1q;9.2P[i]=1q}}9.1G={L:9.D.L,Q:9.D.Q};1X.6e(9.1O,9);9.1C.1g(9,9);o 9.1C=u(){}};F.I.5j=u(){9.1P=9.1n.30(0,0,9.D.L,9.D.Q);o 9.J=9.1P.1j};F.I.9S=u(){H 1q,E,13,G,Z;A(!F.3W){2w"58 4r";}9.2P=19.3A(9.J.O);G=9.J;Z=[];W(E=0,13=G.O;E<13;E++){1q=G[E];Z.1y(9.2P.1y(1q))}o Z};F.I.61=u(){o F.5T(9.D)!=N};F.I.62=u(){A(F.1Y||9.D.3b(\'1j-29-1O\')){o}o 9.D.7T(\'1j-29-1O\',9.1O)};F.I.51=u(){o 9.D.3b(\'1j-29-6p-4r\')!==N};F.I.60=u(){H 2l;A(F.1Y||9.51()){o}2l=9.4x();A(2l!==1){1o.1D("9R 2l = "+2l);9.6i=2f;9.3E=9.D.L;9.3V=9.D.Q;9.D.L=9.3E*2l;9.D.Q=9.3V*2l;9.D.6s.L=""+9.3E+"6x";9.D.6s.Q=""+9.3V+"6x";9.1n.9Q(2l,2l);9.L=9.2W=9.D.L;o 9.Q=9.3G=9.D.Q}};F.I.4x=u(){H 50,2s;2s=2y.2s||1;50=9.1n.9P||9.1n.9N||9.1n.9M||9.1n.9L||9.1n.9E||1;o 2s/50};F.I.6L=u(){o(2y.2s!=N)&&2y.2s!==1};F.I.7k=u(){A(9.51()||!9.6L()){o 1H}o 9.4z()!==N};F.I.4z=u(){A(9.T==N){o N}o 9.T.3b(\'1j-29-6p\')};F.I.4o=u(6P){H 4n;4n=9.D;9.D=6P;9.1n=9.D.2g(\'2d\');4n.5R.5O(9.D,4n);9.L=9.D.L;9.Q=9.D.Q;9.5j();o 9.1G={L:9.D.L,Q:9.D.Q}};F.I.6R=u(1C){H 11=9;A(1C==N){1C=u(){}}1M.2K(9,"6W");o 9.2u.2j(u(){11.1n.4m(11.1P,0,0);o 1C.1g(11)})};F.I.9A=u(){H i,1q,E,13,G;A(!F.3W){2w"58 4r";}G=9.6Z();W(i=E=0,13=G.O;E<13;i=++E){1q=G[i];9.J[i]=1q}o 9.1n.4m(9.1P,0,0)};F.I.9y=u(){H D,1I,i,1P,1q,J,E,13,G;D=1B.2i(\'D\');19.3S(9.D,D);D.L=9.2W;D.Q=9.3G;1I=D.2g(\'2d\');1P=1I.30(0,0,D.L,D.Q);J=1P.1j;G=9.4d;W(i=E=0,13=G.O;E<13;i=++E){1q=G[i];J[i]=1q}1I.4m(1P,0,0);9.3m={x:0,y:0};9.4f=1H;o 9.4o(D)};F.I.6Z=u(){H D,4k,1I,4N,4M,i,1P,1q,J,4j,3Y,4i,4g,L,E,1f,13,G,1Q,2k,5J;A(!F.3W){2w"58 4r";}4j=[];4i=9.3m.x;4N=4i+9.L;4g=9.3m.y;4M=4g+9.Q;A(9.4f){D=1B.2i(\'D\');D.L=9.2W;D.Q=9.3G;1I=D.2g(\'2d\');1P=1I.30(0,0,D.L,D.Q);J=1P.1j;G=9.2P;W(i=E=0,13=G.O;E<13;i=++E){1q=G[i];J[i]=1q}1I.4m(1P,0,0);3Y=1B.2i(\'D\');3Y.L=9.L;3Y.Q=9.Q;1I=3Y.2g(\'2d\');1I.3j(D,0,0,9.2W,9.3G,0,0,9.L,9.Q);J=1I.30(0,0,9.L,9.Q).1j;L=9.L}S{J=9.2P;L=9.2W}W(i=1f=0,1Q=J.O;1f<1Q;i=1f+=4){4k=1W.7x(i,L);A(((4i<=(2k=4k.x)&&2k<4N))&&((4g<=(5J=4k.y)&&5J<4M))){4j.1y(J[i],J[i+1],J[i+2],J[i+3])}}o 4j};F.I.1L=u(X,4e){9.2u.34({Y:U.1Z.5z,X:X,4e:4e});o 9};F.I.5x=u(X,K,1V,28){H i,E,G;A(!1V){1V=0;W(i=E=0,G=K.O;0<=G?EG;i=0<=G?++E:--E){1V+=K[i]}}9.2u.34({Y:U.1Z.5g,X:X,K:K,1V:1V,28:28||0});o 9};F.I.5b=u(2p,15){9.2u.34({Y:U.1Z.1J,2p:2p,15:15});o 9};F.I.4S=u(1C){H 1p;1p=1F 24(9);9.4X.1y(1p);9.2u.34({Y:U.1Z.4L});1C.1g(1p);9.2u.34({Y:U.1Z.5W});o 9};F.I.64=u(1p){o 9.65(1p)};F.I.65=u(1p){9.4Q.1y(9.3s);9.3i.1y(9.J);9.3s=1p;o 9.J=1p.J};F.I.66=u(){9.J=9.3i.67();o 9.3s=9.4Q.67()};F.I.68=u(){o 9.3s.69()};o F})();38=(u(){u 38(c){9.c=c}38.I.9x=u(){H i,22,3H,E,1f,1m,G;22={r:{},g:{},b:{}};W(i=E=0;E<=C;i=++E){22.r[i]=0;22.g[i]=0;22.b[i]=0}W(i=1f=0,G=9.c.J.O;1f0)){o}Z=[];W(E=0,13=3N.O;E<13;E++){1c=3N[E];Z.1y(6m=1F 2U(1c,u(){9.6o();o 9.2j()}))}o Z};A(F.74){(u(){A(1B.5q==="4y"){o F.5S()}S{o 1B.7r("9t",F.5S,1H)}})()}2U=(u(){H 42;42="(\\\\w+)\\\\((.*?)\\\\)";u 2U(2o,6v){9.6w=2o.3b(\'1j-29\');9.29=F(2o,6v.5w(9))}2U.I.6o=u(){H 15,3T,3U,4P,4O,m,r,3X,E,13,G,Z;9.2o=9.29.D;r=1F 6G(42,\'g\');3X=9.6w.4Z(r);A(!(3X.O>0)){o}r=1F 6G(42);Z=[];W(E=0,13=3X.O;E<13;E++){4P=3X[E];G=4P.4Z(r),m=G[0],3T=G[1],15=G[2];4O=1F 9s("o u() { 9."+3T+"("+15+"); };");4Y{3U=4O();Z.1y(3U.1g(9.29))}5B(e){Z.1y(1o.1D(e))}}o Z};2U.I.2j=u(){H 2o;2o=9.2o;o 9.29.6R(u(){o 2o.5R.5O(9.6M(),2o)})};o 2U})();F.1z=1z=(u(){u 1z(){}1z.56={};1z.14=u(X,3U){o 9.56[X]=3U};1z.2j=u(X,P,M){o 9.56[X](P,M)};o 1z})();F.23=23=(u(){u 23(){}23.9r=u(3f,3d,3Q,3P){o R.73(R.1x(3Q-3f,2)+R.1x(3P-3d,2))};23.75=u(1u,V,3M){H 2m;A(3M==N){3M=1H}2m=1u+(R.9q()*(V-1u));A(3M){o 2m.9p(3M)}S{o R.5X(2m)}};23.7j=u(B){o(0.9m*B.r)+(0.9l*B.g)+(0.9i*B.b)};23.1v=u(1h,2b,27,18,48,49){H 52,53,4a,4b,3y,3x,1v,5v,2Q,i,j,35,4c,t,3o,3f,3Q,5H,3k,3d,3P,5M,E,1f,1m,G,1Q;3o=1h[0];3k=1h[1];3f=2b[0];3d=2b[1];3Q=27[0];3P=27[1];5H=18[0];5M=18[1];1v={};3y=3r(3*(3f-3o),10);4a=3*(3Q-3f)-3y;52=5H-3o-3y-4a;3x=3*(3d-3k);4b=3*(3P-3d)-3x;53=5M-3k-3x-4b;W(i=E=0;E<63;i=++E){t=i/63;5v=R.5X((52*R.1x(t,3))+(4a*R.1x(t,2))+(3y*t)+3o);2Q=R.5X((53*R.1x(t,3))+(4b*R.1x(t,2))+(3x*t)+3k);A(48&&2Q<48){2Q=48}S A(49&&2Q>49){2Q=49}1v[5v]=2Q}A(1v.O<18[0]+1){W(i=1f=0,G=18[0];0<=G?1f<=G:1f>=G;i=0<=G?++1f:--1f){A(1v[i]==N){35=[i-1,1v[i-1]];W(j=1m=i,1Q=18[0];i<=1Q?1m<=1Q:1m>=1Q;j=i<=1Q?++1m:--1m){A(1v[j]!=N){4c=[j,1v[j]];2S}}1v[i]=35[1]+((4c[1]-35[1])/(4c[0]-35[0]))*(i-35[0])}}}A(1v[18[0]]==N){1v[18[0]]=1v[18[0]-1]}o 1v};o 23})();1w=(u(){u 1w(){}1w.5P=u(2O){H b,g,r;A(2O.7Z(0)==="#"){2O=2O.4h(1)}r=3r(2O.4h(0,2),16);g=3r(2O.4h(2,2),16);b=3r(2O.4h(4,2),16);o{r:r,g:g,b:b}};1w.9g=u(r,g,b){H d,h,l,V,1u,s;A(1i r==="2q"){g=r.g;b=r.b;r=r.r}r/=C;g/=C;b/=C;V=R.V(r,g,b);1u=R.1u(r,g,b);l=(V+1u)/2;A(V===1u){h=s=0}S{d=V-1u;s=l>0.5?d/(2-V-1u):d/(V+1u);h=(u(){39(V){1r r:o(g-b)/d+(g1){t-=1}A(t<1/6){o p+(q-p)*6*t}A(t<1/2){o q}A(t<2/3){o p+(q-p)*(2/3-t)*6}o p};1w.6j=u(r,g,b){H d,h,V,1u,s,v;r/=C;g/=C;b/=C;V=R.V(r,g,b);1u=R.1u(r,g,b);v=V;d=V-1u;s=V===0?0:d/V;A(V===1u){h=0}S{h=(u(){39(V){1r r:o(g-b)/d+(g0.4K){r=R.1x((r+0.21)/1.21,2.4)}S{r/=12.92}A(g>0.4K){g=R.1x((g+0.21)/1.21,2.4)}S{g/=12.92}A(b>0.4K){b=R.1x((b+0.21)/1.21,2.4)}S{b/=12.92}x=r*0.9d+g*0.9c+b*0.9a;y=r*0.99+g*0.98+b*0.97;z=r*0.96+g*0.94+b*0.93;o{x:x*1k,y:y*1k,z:z*1k}};1w.91=u(x,y,z){H b,g,r;x/=1k;y/=1k;z/=1k;r=(3.8Z*x)+(-1.8Y*y)+(-0.8X*z);g=(-0.8W*x)+(1.8V*y)+(0.8U*z);b=(0.8T*x)+(-0.8S*y)+(1.8P*z);A(r>0.5h){r=(1.21*R.1x(r,0.5i))-0.21}S{r*=12.92}A(g>0.5h){g=(1.21*R.1x(g,0.5i))-0.21}S{g*=12.92}A(b>0.5h){b=(1.21*R.1x(b,0.5i))-0.21}S{b*=12.92}o{r:r*C,g:g*C,b:b*C}};1w.6O=u(x,y,z){H a,b,l,5k,5l,5m;A(1i x==="2q"){y=x.y;z=x.z;x=x.x}5k=95.6T;5l=1k.0;5m=6U.6V;x/=5k;y/=5l;z/=5m;A(x>0.5n){x=R.1x(x,0.5o)}S{x=(7.5p*x)+0.2V}A(y>0.5n){y=R.1x(y,0.5o)}S{y=(7.5p*y)+0.2V}A(z>0.5n){z=R.1x(z,0.5o)}S{z=(7.5p*z)+0.2V}l=70*y-16;a=71*(x-y);b=72*(y-z);o{l:l,a:a,b:b}};1w.8O=u(l,a,b){H x,y,z;A(1i l==="2q"){a=l.a;b=l.b;l=l.l}y=(l+16)/70;x=y+(a/71);z=y-(b/72);A(x>0.5s){x=x*x*x}S{x=0.5t*(x-0.2V)}A(y>0.5s){y=y*y*y}S{y=0.5t*(y-0.2V)}A(z>0.5s){z=z*z*z}S{z=0.5t*(z-0.2V)}o{x:x*95.6T,y:y*1k.0,z:z*6U.6V}};1w.8L=u(r,g,b){H 5u;A(1i r==="2q"){g=r.g;b=r.b;r=r.r}5u=9.6n(r,g,b);o 9.6O(5u)};1w.8J=u(l,a,b){};o 1w})();1M=(u(){u 1M(){}1M.2F={};1M.7a=["7b","7c","6W","7d","7e","37"];1M.2K=u(2e,Y,1j){H 3z,E,13,G,Z;A(9.2F[Y]&&9.2F[Y].O){G=9.2F[Y];Z=[];W(E=0,13=G.O;E<13;E++){3z=G[E];A(3z.2e===N||2e.1O===3z.2e.1O){Z.1y(3z.2A.1g(2e,1j))}S{Z.1y(8I 0)}}o Z}};1M.8H=u(2e,Y,2A){H 5D,5E;A(1i 2e==="3I"){5E=2e;5D=Y;2e=N;Y=5E;2A=5D}A(5Q.1g(9.7a,Y)<0){o 1H}A(!9.2F[Y]){9.2F[Y]=[]}9.2F[Y].1y({2e:2e,2A:2A});o 2f};o 1M})();F.1M=1M;F.U=U=(u(){u U(){}U.1Z={5z:1,5g:2,4L:3,5W:4,5F:5,1J:6};U.14=u(X,7o){o F.I[X]=7o};o U})();F.1R=1R=(u(){u 1R(){}1R.7p=/(?:(?:8G|8E):\\/\\/)((?:\\w+)\\.(?:(?:\\w|\\.)+))/;1R.7v=u(1c){A(1c==N){o 1H}A(9.7s(1c)){o 1H}o 9.4D(1c.1d)};1R.7s=u(1c){H G;o(1c.5G!=N)&&((G=1c.5G.3p())===\'7M\'||G===\'7u-8D\')};1R.4D=u(7w){H 4E;4E=7w.4Z(9.7p);A(4E){o 4E[1]!==1B.8C}S{o 1H}};1R.7z=u(1d){A(9.4D(1d)){A(!F.3O.O){1o.5L("8B 3h 8z a 7D T 8y a 8x 7G. 7H: "+1d)}S{A(F.4D(F.3O)){1o.5L("8w 7u a 7D 7G W 8u 8t.");o}o""+F.3O+"?6h="+(7K(1d))}}};1R.2Y=u(1d){o""+F.3O+"?"+F.6f+"="+(7K(1d))};1R.8r=u(2R){H 4H;4H={8n:\'8m\',8l:\'8b\',8a:\'89\',83:\'82\'};2R=2R.3p();A(4H[2R]!=N){2R=4H[2R]}o"81/9h."+2R};o 1R})();F.I.80=u(){A(1i 1S!=="2J"&&1S!==N){o 9.7Y.33(9,17)}S{o 9.7W.33(9,17)}};F.I.7W=u(Y){H T;A(Y==N){Y="7V"}Y=Y.3p();T=9.5Y(Y).84("T/"+Y,"T/85-86");o 1B.87.88=T};F.I.7Y=u(2X,4J){H 5V;A(4J==N){4J=2f}4Y{5V=3l.8c(2X);A(5V.8d()&&!4J){o 1H}}5B(e){1o.1D("8e 8f 2X "+2X)}o 3l.8g(2X,9.D.8h(),u(){o 1o.1D("8i 8j 3h "+2X)})};F.I.6M=u(Y){H 1c;1c=1B.2i(\'1c\');1c.1d=9.5Y(Y);1c.L=9.1G.L;1c.Q=9.1G.Q;A(2y.2s){1c.L/=2y.2s;1c.Q/=2y.2s}o 1c};F.I.5Y=u(Y){A(Y==N){Y="7V"}Y=Y.3p();o 9.D.8k("T/"+Y)};24=(u(){u 24(c){9.c=c;9.3T=9.c;9.1a={5U:\'7P\',2x:1.0};9.8o=19.4T.2E();9.D=1i 1S!=="2J"&&1S!==N?1F 2T():1B.2i(\'D\');9.D.L=9.c.1G.L;9.D.Q=9.c.1G.Q;9.1n=9.D.2g(\'2d\');9.1n.8p(9.D.L,9.D.Q);9.1P=9.1n.30(0,0,9.D.L,9.D.Q);9.J=9.1P.1j}24.I.4S=u(2Z){o 9.c.4S.1g(9.c,2Z)};24.I.8q=u(7L){9.1a.5U=7L;o 9};24.I.2x=u(2x){9.1a.2x=2x/1k;o 9};24.I.8s=u(){H i,1T,E,G;1T=9.c.J;W(i=E=0,G=9.c.J.O;E9.c.J.O||1U<0){o{r:0,g:0,b:0,a:0}}o{r:9.c.J[1U],g:9.c.J[1U+1],b:9.c.J[1U+2],a:9.c.J[1U+3]}};1W.I.8K=u(4B,4A,B){H 76;76=9.1l+(9.c.1G.L*4*(4A*-1))+(4*4B);A(1U>9.c.J.O||1U<0){o}9.c.J[1U]=B.r;9.c.J[1U+1]=B.g;9.c.J[1U+2]=B.b;9.c.J[1U+3]=B.a;o 2f};1W.I.8M=u(x,y){H 1l;1l=9.5I(x,y,9.L);o{r:9.c.J[1l],g:9.c.J[1l+1],b:9.c.J[1l+2],a:9.c.J[1l+3]}};1W.I.8N=u(x,y,B){H 1l;1l=9.5I(x,y,9.L);9.c.J[1l]=B.r;9.c.J[1l+1]=B.g;9.c.J[1l+2]=B.b;o 9.c.J[1l+3]=B.a};o 1W})();1J=(u(){u 1J(){}1J.5r={};1J.14=u(X,2p){o 9.5r[X]=2p};1J.2j=u(1n,X,15){o 9.5r[X].33(1n,15)};o 1J})();F.1J=1J;F.1e=1e=(u(){1e.2D=F.1Y?46(\'8Q\').8R().O:4;u 1e(c){H 11=9;9.c=c;9.2n=u(){o 1e.I.2n.33(11,17)};9.3w=[];9.2L=N}1e.I.34=u(5d){A(5d==N){o}o 9.3w.1y(5d)};1e.I.2n=u(){H 1p;A(9.3w.O===0){1M.2K(9,"7d");A(9.5c!=N){9.5c.1g(9.c)}o 9}9.1t=9.3w.6F();39(9.1t.Y){1r U.1Z.4L:1p=9.c.4X.6F();9.c.64(1p);o 9.2n();1r U.1Z.5W:9.c.68();9.c.66();o 9.2n();1r U.1Z.5F:o 9.6E(9.1t.1p,9.1t.1d);1r U.1Z.1J:o 9.6D();90:o 9.6C()}};1e.I.2j=u(1C){9.5c=1C;9.2L=19.3A(9.c.J.O);o 9.2n()};1e.I.59=u(2A){H 3F,57,1K,18,f,i,54,n,1h,E,G,Z,11=9;9.4q=0;n=9.c.J.O;57=R.3B((n/4)/1e.2D);3F=57*4;54=3F+((n/4)%1e.2D)*4;Z=[];W(i=E=0,G=1e.2D;0<=G?EG;i=0<=G?++E:--E){1h=i*3F;18=1h+(i===1e.2D-1?54:3F);A(F.1Y){f=3u(u(){o 2A.1g(11,i,1h,18)});1K=f.9b();Z.1y(9.37(1K))}S{Z.1y(4v((u(i,1h,18){o u(){o 2A.1g(11,i,1h,18)}})(i,1h,18),0))}}o Z};1e.I.6C=u(){1M.2K(9.c,"7b",9.1t);A(9.1t.Y===U.1Z.5z){o 9.59(9.6u)}S{o 9.59(9.6t)}};1e.I.6D=u(){1o.1D("9e 2p "+9.1t.2p);1J.2j(9.c,9.1t.2p,9.1t.15);1o.1D("1J "+9.1t.2p+" 4R!");o 9.2n()};1e.I.6u=u(1K,1h,18){H 1j,i,2z,20,E;1o.1D("7n #"+1K+" - U: "+9.1t.X+", 9j: "+1h+", 9k: "+18);1M.2K(9.c,"7e",{7m:1K,7l:1e.2D,9n:1h,9o:18});1j={r:0,g:0,b:0,a:0};2z=1F 1W(9.c);W(i=E=1h;E<18;i=E+=4){2z.1l=i;1j.r=9.c.J[i];1j.g=9.c.J[i+1];1j.b=9.c.J[i+2];1j.a=9.c.J[i+3];20=9.1t.4e.1g(2z,1j);A(20.a==N){20.a=1j.a}9.c.J[i]=19.2c(20.r);9.c.J[i+1]=19.2c(20.g);9.c.J[i+2]=19.2c(20.b);9.c.J[i+3]=19.2c(20.a)}A(F.1Y){o 3u["7h"](1K)}S{o 9.37(1K)}};1e.I.6t=u(1K,1h,18){H K,3D,28,1N,3g,1V,i,j,k,25,n,X,1q,2z,20,E,1f,1m;X=9.1t.X;28=9.1t.28;1V=9.1t.1V;n=9.c.J.O;K=9.1t.K;3D=R.73(K.O);25=[];1o.1D("9v 25 - U: "+9.1t.X);1h=R.V(1h,9.c.1G.L*4*((3D-1)/2));18=R.1u(18,n-(9.c.1G.L*4*((3D-1)/2)));1N=(3D-1)/2;2z=1F 1W(9.c);W(i=E=1h;E<18;i=E+=4){2z.1l=i;3g=0;W(j=1f=-1N;-1N<=1N?1f<=1N:1f>=1N;j=-1N<=1N?++1f:--1f){W(k=1m=1N;1N<=-1N?1m<=-1N:1m>=-1N;k=1N<=-1N?++1m:--1m){1q=2z.7q(j,k);25[3g*3]=1q.r;25[3g*3+1]=1q.g;25[3g*3+2]=1q.b;3g++}}20=9.5x(K,25,1V,28);9.2L[i]=19.2c(20.r);9.2L[i+1]=19.2c(20.g);9.2L[i+2]=19.2c(20.b);9.2L[i+3]=9.c.J[i+3]}A(F.1Y){o 3u["7h"](1K)}S{o 9.37(1K)}};1e.I.37=u(1K){H i,E,G;A(1K>=0){1o.1D("7n #"+1K+" 4R! U: "+9.1t.X)}9.4q++;1M.2K(9.c,"37",{7m:1K,9w:9.4q,7l:1e.2D});A(9.4q===1e.2D){A(9.1t.Y===U.1Z.5g){W(i=E=0,G=9.c.J.O;0<=G?EG;i=0<=G?++E:--E){9.c.J[i]=9.2L[i]}}A(1K>=0){1o.1D("U "+9.1t.X+" 4R!")}1M.2K(9.c,"7c",9.1t);o 9.2n()}};1e.I.5x=u(K,25,1V,28){H i,1A,E,G;1A={r:0,g:0,b:0};W(i=E=0,G=K.O;0<=G?EG;i=0<=G?++E:--E){1A.r+=K[i]*25[i*3];1A.g+=K[i]*25[i*3+1];1A.b+=K[i]*25[i*3+2]}1A.r=(1A.r/1V)+28;1A.g=(1A.g/1V)+28;1A.b=(1A.b/1V)+28;o 1A};1e.I.6E=u(1p,1d){H 1c,2Y,11=9;1c=1B.2i(\'1c\');1c.5C=u(){1p.1n.3j(1c,0,0,11.c.1G.L,11.c.1G.Q);1p.1P=1p.1n.30(0,0,11.c.1G.L,11.c.1G.Q);1p.J=1p.1P.1j;11.c.J=1p.J;o 11.2n()};2Y=1R.7z(1d);o 1c.1d=2Y!=N?2Y:1d};o 1e})();F.1X=1X=(u(){u 1X(){}1X.3a={};1X.78=u(2B){o 9.3a[2B]!=N};1X.2E=u(2B){o 9.3a[2B]};1X.6e=u(X,2r){o 9.3a[X]=2r};1X.2j=u(2B,1C){H 11=9;4v(u(){o 1C.1g(11.2E(2B),11.2E(2B))},0);o 9.2E(2B)};1X.9z=u(X){A(X==N){X=1H}A(X){o 6Y 9.3a[X]}S{o 9.3a={}}};o 1X})();1z.14("7P",u(P,M){o{r:P.r,g:P.g,b:P.b}});1z.14("9B",u(P,M){o{r:(P.r*M.r)/C,g:(P.g*M.g)/C,b:(P.b*M.b)/C}});1z.14("9C",u(P,M){o{r:C-(((C-P.r)*(C-M.r))/C),g:C-(((C-P.g)*(C-M.g))/C),b:C-(((C-P.b)*(C-M.b))/C)}});1z.14("9D",u(P,M){H 1b;1b={};1b.r=M.r>1s?C-2*(C-P.r)*(C-M.r)/C:(M.r*P.r*2)/C;1b.g=M.g>1s?C-2*(C-P.g)*(C-M.g)/C:(M.g*P.g*2)/C;1b.b=M.b>1s?C-2*(C-P.b)*(C-M.b)/C:(M.b*P.b*2)/C;o 1b});1z.14("9F",u(P,M){o{r:P.r-M.r,g:P.g-M.g,b:P.b-M.b}});1z.14("9G",u(P,M){o{r:M.r+P.r,g:M.g+P.g,b:M.b+P.b}});1z.14("9H",u(P,M){o{r:1s-2*(M.r-1s)*(P.r-1s)/C,g:1s-2*(M.g-1s)*(P.g-1s)/C,b:1s-2*(M.b-1s)*(P.b-1s)/C}});1z.14("9I",u(P,M){H 1b;1b={};1b.r=M.r>1s?C-((C-M.r)*(C-(P.r-1s)))/C:(M.r*(P.r+1s))/C;1b.g=M.g>1s?C-((C-M.g)*(C-(P.g-1s)))/C:(M.g*(P.g+1s))/C;1b.b=M.b>1s?C-((C-M.b)*(C-(P.b-1s)))/C:(M.b*(P.b+1s))/C;o 1b});1z.14("9J",u(P,M){o{r:M.r>P.r?M.r:P.r,g:M.g>P.g?M.g:P.g,b:M.b>P.b?M.b:P.b}});1z.14("9K",u(P,M){o{r:M.r>P.r?P.r:M.r,g:M.g>P.g?P.g:M.g,b:M.b>P.b?P.b:M.b}});U.14("4G",u(){H 3c;A(17.O===1){3c=1w.5P(17[0])}S{3c={r:17[0],g:17[1],b:17[2]}}o 9.1L("4G",u(B){B.r=3c.r;B.g=3c.g;B.b=3c.b;B.a=C;o B})});U.14("6I",u(K){K=R.3B(C*(K/1k));o 9.1L("6I",u(B){B.r+=K;B.g+=K;B.b+=K;o B})});U.14("6H",u(K){K*=-0.9O;o 9.1L("6H",u(B){H V;V=R.V(B.r,B.g,B.b);A(B.r!==V){B.r+=(V-B.r)*K}A(B.g!==V){B.g+=(V-B.g)*K}A(B.b!==V){B.b+=(V-B.b)*K}o B})});U.14("6B",u(K){K*=-1;o 9.1L("6B",u(B){H 3n,2v,V;V=R.V(B.r,B.g,B.b);2v=(B.r+B.g+B.b)/3;3n=((R.2C(V-2v)*2/C)*K)/1k;A(B.r!==V){B.r+=(V-B.r)*3n}A(B.g!==V){B.g+=(V-B.g)*3n}A(B.b!==V){B.b+=(V-B.b)*3n}o B})});U.14("7O",u(K){o 9.1L("7O",u(B){H 2v;2v=23.7j(B);B.r=2v;B.g=2v;B.b=2v;o B})});U.14("7F",u(K){K=R.1x((K+1k)/1k,2);o 9.1L("7F",u(B){B.r/=C;B.r-=0.5;B.r*=K;B.r+=0.5;B.r*=C;B.g/=C;B.g-=0.5;B.g*=K;B.g+=0.5;B.g*=C;B.b/=C;B.b-=0.5;B.b*=K;B.b+=0.5;B.b*=C;o B})});U.14("7E",u(K){o 9.1L("7E",u(B){H h,2M,26;2M=1w.6j(B.r,B.g,B.b);h=2M.h*1k;h+=R.2C(K);h=h%1k;h/=1k;2M.h=h;26=1w.6l(2M.h,2M.s,2M.v);26.a=B.a;o 26})});U.14("6y",u(){H 31,26;A(17.O===2){26=1w.5P(17[0]);31=17[1]}S A(17.O===4){26={r:17[0],g:17[1],b:17[2]};31=17[3]}o 9.1L("6y",u(B){B.r-=(B.r-26.r)*(31/1k);B.g-=(B.g-26.g)*(31/1k);B.b-=(B.b-26.b)*(31/1k);o B})});U.14("6d",u(){o 9.1L("6d",u(B){B.r=C-B.r;B.g=C-B.g;B.b=C-B.b;o B})});U.14("6c",u(K){A(K==N){K=1k}K/=1k;o 9.1L("6c",u(B){B.r=R.1u(C,(B.r*(1-(0.a2*K)))+(B.g*(0.a3*K))+(B.b*(0.a4*K)));B.g=R.1u(C,(B.r*(0.a5*K))+(B.g*(1-(0.a6*K)))+(B.b*(0.a7*K)));B.b=R.1u(C,(B.r*(0.a8*K))+(B.g*(0.a9*K))+(B.b*(1-(0.aa*K))));o B})});U.14("6b",u(K){o 9.1L("6b",u(B){B.r=R.1x(B.r/C,K)*C;B.g=R.1x(B.g/C,K)*C;B.b=R.1x(B.b/C,K)*C;o B})});U.14("7y",u(K){K=R.2C(K)*2.55;o 9.1L("7y",u(B){H 2m;2m=23.75(K*-1,K);B.r+=2m;B.g+=2m;B.b+=2m;o B})});U.14("77",u(K){K=R.2C(K)*2.55;o 9.1L("77",u(B){A(B.r>C-K){B.r=C}S A(B.rC-K){B.g=C}S A(B.gC-K){B.b=C}S A(B.b0){B.r+=(C-B.r)*1a.41}S{B.r-=B.r*R.2C(1a.41)}}A(1a.43!=N){A(1a.43>0){B.g+=(C-B.g)*1a.43}S{B.g-=B.g*R.2C(1a.43)}}A(1a.44!=N){A(1a.44>0){B.b+=(C-B.b)*1a.44}S{B.b-=B.b*R.2C(1a.44)}}o B})});U.14("45",u(){H 1v,2h,2a,2b,27,18,i,1h,E,1f,G,1Q;2h=17[0],2a=2<=17.O?5f.1g(17,1):[];A(1i 2h==="3I"){2h=2h.an("")}A(2h[0]==="v"){2h=[\'r\',\'g\',\'b\']}A(2a.O<3||2a.O>4){2w"47 ao ap 17 3h 45 3T";}1h=2a[0];2b=2a[1];27=2a.O===4?2a[2]:2a[1];18=2a[2a.O-1];1v=23.1v(1h,2b,27,18,0,C);A(1h[0]>0){W(i=E=0,G=1h[0];0<=G?EG;i=0<=G?++E:--E){1v[i]=1h[1]}}A(18[0]=C;i=1Q<=C?++1f:--1f){1v[i]=18[1]}}o 9.1L("45",u(B){H 1m,2k;W(i=1m=0,2k=2h.O;0<=2k?1m<2k:1m>2k;i=0<=2k?++1m:--1m){B[2h[i]]=1v[B[2h[i]]]}o B})});U.14("aq",u(K){H 2b,27,p;p=R.2C(K)/1k;2b=[0,C*p];27=[C-(C*p),C];A(K<0){2b=2b.79();27=27.79()}o 9.45(\'26\',[0,0],2b,27,[C,C])});F.1J.14("4V",u(L,Q,x,y){H D,1I;A(x==N){x=0}A(y==N){y=0}A(1i 1S!=="2J"&&1S!==N){D=1F 2T(L,Q)}S{D=1B.2i(\'D\');19.3S(9.D,D);D.L=L;D.Q=Q}1I=D.2g(\'2d\');1I.3j(9.D,x,y,L,Q,0,0,L,Q);9.3m={x:x,y:y};9.7S=2f;o 9.4o(D)});F.1J.14("4F",u(1E){H D,1I;A(1E==N){1E=N}A(1E===N||((1E.L==N)&&(1E.Q==N))){1o.7B("47 6g av 1G 7J W 4F");o}A(1E.L==N){1E.L=9.D.L*1E.Q/9.D.Q}S A(1E.Q==N){1E.Q=9.D.Q*1E.L/9.D.L}A(1i 1S!=="2J"&&1S!==N){D=1F 2T(1E.L,1E.Q)}S{D=1B.2i(\'D\');19.3S(9.D,D);D.L=1E.L;D.Q=1E.Q}1I=D.2g(\'2d\');1I.3j(9.D,0,0,9.D.L,9.D.Q,0,0,1E.L,1E.Q);9.4f=2f;o 9.4o(D)});F.U.14("4V",u(){o 9.5b("4V",4u.I.2G.1g(17,0))});F.U.14("4F",u(){o 9.5b("4F",4u.I.2G.1g(17,0))})}).1g(9);', 62, 652, '|||||||||this|||||||||||||||return||||||function||||||if|rgba|255|canvas|_i|Caman|_ref|var|prototype|pixelData|adjust|width|rgbaParent|null|length|rgbaLayer|height|Math|else|image|Filter|max|for|name|type|_results||_this||_len|register|args||arguments|end|Util|options|result|img|src|Renderer|_j|call|start|typeof|data|100|loc|_k|context|Log|layer|pixel|case|128|currentJob|min|bezier|Convert|pow|push|Blender|val|document|callback|debug|newDims|new|dimensions|false|ctx|Plugin|bnum|process|Event|builder|id|imageData|_ref1|IO|exports|parentData|newLoc|divisor|PixelInfo|Store|NodeJS|Type|res|055|levels|Calculate|Layer|kernel|rgb|ctrl2|bias|caman|cps|ctrl1|clampRGB||target|true|getContext|chans|createElement|execute|_ref2|ratio|rand|processNext|ele|plugin|object|obj|devicePixelRatio|initObj|renderer|avg|throw|opacity|window|pixelInfo|fn|search|abs|Blocks|get|events|slice|imageHeight|imageWidth|undefined|trigger|modPixelData|hsv|layerData|hex|originalPixelData|curveY|lang|break|Canvas|CamanParser|1379310345|originalWidth|file|proxyUrl|cb|getImageData|level|Image|apply|add|leftCoord|finishInit|blockFinished|Analyze|switch|items|getAttribute|color|y1|chan|x1|builderIndex|to|pixelStack|drawImage|y0|fs|cropCoordinates|amt|x0|toLowerCase|opts|parseInt|currentLayer|attr|Fiber|imageLoaded|renderQueue|Cy|Cx|event|dataArray|floor|key|adjustSize|preScaledWidth|blockN|originalHeight|numPixels|string|Logger|copy|prop|getFloat|imgs|remoteProxy|y2|x2|continue|copyAttributes|filter|func|preScaledHeight|allowRevert|unparsedInstructions|scaledCanvas|hueToRGB|imageUrl|red|INST_REGEX|green|blue|curves|require|Invalid|lowBound|highBound|Bx|By|rightCoord|initializedPixelData|processFn|resized|startY|substr|startX|pixels|coord|dest|putImageData|oldCanvas|replaceCanvas|Root|blocksDone|disabled|root|sel|Array|setTimeout|in|hiDPIRatio|complete|hiDPIReplacement|vert|horiz|__hasProp|isURLRemote|matches|resize|fillColor|langToExt|initType|overwrite|04045|LayerDequeue|endY|endX|instFunc|inst|layerStack|finished|newLayer|uniqid|nodeName|crop|except|canvasQueue|try|match|backingStoreRatio|hiDPIDisabled|Ax|Ay|lastBlockN||blenders|blockPixelLength|Revert|eachBlock|value|processPlugin|finishedFn|job|listener|__slice|Kernel|0031308|4166666667|reloadCanvasData|whiteX|whiteY|whiteZ|008856451679|3333333333|787037037|readyState|plugins|2068965517|1284185493|xyz|curveX|bind|processKernel|naturalWidth|Single|waitForImageLoaded|catch|onload|_fn|_type|LoadOverlay|crossOrigin|x3|coordinatesToLocation|_ref3|console|info|y3|imageAdjustments|replaceChild|hexToRGB|__indexOf|parentNode|DOMUpdated|getAttrId|blendingMode|stats|LayerFinished|round|toBase64|version|hiDPIAdjustments|hasId|assignId|1000|executeLayer|pushContext|popContext|pop|applyCurrentLayer|applyToParent|node|gamma|sepia|invert|put|proxyParam|or|camanProxyUrl|scaled|rgbToHSV|initNode|hsvToRGB|parser|rgbToXYZ|parse|hidpi|initImage|initCanvas|style|renderKernel|renderBlock|ready|dataStr|px|colorize|Uint8Array|loaded|vibrance|executeFilter|executePlugin|loadOverlay|shift|RegExp|saturation|brightness|Width|domIsLoaded|hiDPICapable|toImage|Height|xyzToLab|newCanvas|parseArguments|render|setup|047|108|883|renderStart|err|delete|originalVisiblePixels|116|500|200|sqrt|autoload|randomRange|nowLoc|clip|has|reverse|types|processStart|processComplete|renderFinished|blockStarted|release|DOM|yield|initialized|luminance|needsHiDPISwap|totalBlocks|blockNum|Block|filterFunc|domainRegex|getPixelRelative|addEventListener|corsEnabled|swapped|use|isRemote|url|locationToCoordinates|noise|remoteCheck|from|error|log|remote|hue|contrast|proxy|URL|isImageLoaded|given|encodeURIComponent|mode|anonymous|date|greyscale|normal|item|setInitObject|cropped|setAttribute|channels|png|browserSave|DEBUG|nodeSave|charAt|save|proxies|js|javascript|replace|octet|stream|location|href|pl|perl|py|statSync|isFile|Creating|output|writeFile|toBuffer|Finished|writing|toDataURL|python|rb|ruby|layerID|createImageData|setBlendingMode|useProxy|copyParent|images|loading|overlayImage|Cannot|configured|without|load|warn|Attempting|domain|credentials|https|locationXY|http|listen|void|labToRGB|putPixelRelative|rgbToLab|getPixel|putPixel|labToXYZ|0570|os|cpus|2040|0557|0415|8758|9689|4986|5372|2406|default|xyzToRGB||9505|1192||0193|0722|7152|2126|1805|run|3576|4124|Executing|hslToRGB|rgbToHSL|caman_proxy|114|Start|End|587|299|startPixel|endPixel|toFixed|random|distance|Function|DOMContentLoaded|querySelectorAll|Rendering|blocksFinished|calculateLevels|reset|flush|revert|multiply|screen|overlay|backingStorePixelRatio|difference|addition|exclusion|softLight|lighten|darken|oBackingStorePixelRatio|msBackingStorePixelRatio|mozBackingStorePixelRatio|01|webkitBackingStorePixelRatio|scale|HiDPI|resetOriginalPixelData|naturalHeight|using|detected|Remote|onerror|Initializing|initialization|find|not|607|769|189|349|314|168|272|534|869|Could|readystatechange|analyze|isNaN|instanceof|Released|Version|toString|2013|fibers|nodeValue|attributes|split|number|of|exposure|extend|querySelector|hasOwnProperty|indexOf|missing'.split('|'), 0, {}))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microscopy/old_microscopy/canvas2image.js b/microscopy/old_microscopy/canvas2image.js
index f90c5bbe..e5b5f9bf 100644
--- a/microscopy/old_microscopy/canvas2image.js
+++ b/microscopy/old_microscopy/canvas2image.js
@@ -6,230 +6,242 @@
var Canvas2Image = (function() {
- // check if we have canvas support
- var bHasCanvas = false;
- var oCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
- if (oCanvas.getContext("2d")) {
- bHasCanvas = true;
- }
- // no canvas, bail out.
- if (!bHasCanvas) {
- return {
- saveAsBMP : function(){},
- saveAsPNG : function(){},
- saveAsJPEG : function(){}
- }
- }
- var bHasImageData = !!(oCanvas.getContext("2d").getImageData);
- var bHasDataURL = !!(oCanvas.toDataURL);
- var bHasBase64 = !!(window.btoa);
- var strDownloadMime = "image/octet-stream";
- // ok, we're good
- var readCanvasData = function(oCanvas) {
- var iWidth = parseInt(oCanvas.width);
- var iHeight = parseInt(oCanvas.height);
- return oCanvas.getContext("2d").getImageData(0,0,iWidth,iHeight);
- }
- // base64 encodes either a string or an array of charcodes
- var encodeData = function(data) {
- var strData = "";
- if (typeof data == "string") {
- strData = data;
- } else {
- var aData = data;
- for (var i=0;i object containing the imagedata
- var makeImageObject = function(strSource) {
- var oImgElement = document.createElement("img");
- oImgElement.src = strSource;
- return oImgElement;
- }
- var scaleCanvas = function(oCanvas, iWidth, iHeight) {
- if (iWidth && iHeight) {
- var oSaveCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
- oSaveCanvas.width = iWidth;
- oSaveCanvas.height = iHeight;
- oSaveCanvas.style.width = iWidth+"px";
- oSaveCanvas.style.height = iHeight+"px";
- var oSaveCtx = oSaveCanvas.getContext("2d");
- oSaveCtx.drawImage(oCanvas, 0, 0, oCanvas.width, oCanvas.height, 0, 0, iWidth, iHeight);
- return oSaveCanvas;
- }
- return oCanvas;
- }
- return {
- saveAsPNG : function(oCanvas, bReturnImg, iWidth, iHeight) {
- if (!bHasDataURL) {
- return false;
- }
- var oScaledCanvas = scaleCanvas(oCanvas, iWidth, iHeight);
- var strData = oScaledCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
- if (bReturnImg) {
- return makeImageObject(strData);
- } else {
- saveFile(strData.replace("image/png", strDownloadMime));
- }
- return true;
- },
- saveAsJPEG : function(oCanvas, bReturnImg, iWidth, iHeight) {
- if (!bHasDataURL) {
- return false;
- }
- var oScaledCanvas = scaleCanvas(oCanvas, iWidth, iHeight);
- var strMime = "image/jpeg";
- var strData = oScaledCanvas.toDataURL(strMime);
- // check if browser actually supports jpeg by looking for the mime type in the data uri.
- // if not, return false
- if (strData.indexOf(strMime) != 5) {
- return false;
- }
- if (bReturnImg) {
- return makeImageObject(strData);
- } else {
- saveFile(strData.replace(strMime, strDownloadMime));
- }
- return true;
- },
- saveAsBMP : function(oCanvas, bReturnImg, iWidth, iHeight) {
- if (!(bHasImageData && bHasBase64)) {
- return false;
- }
- var oScaledCanvas = scaleCanvas(oCanvas, iWidth, iHeight);
- var oData = readCanvasData(oScaledCanvas);
- var strImgData = createBMP(oData);
- if (bReturnImg) {
- return makeImageObject(makeDataURI(strImgData, "image/bmp"));
- } else {
- saveFile(makeDataURI(strImgData, strDownloadMime));
- }
- return true;
- }
- };
+ // check if we have canvas support
+ var bHasCanvas = false;
+ var oCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
+ if (oCanvas.getContext("2d")) {
+ bHasCanvas = true;
+ }
+ // no canvas, bail out.
+ if (!bHasCanvas) {
+ return {
+ saveAsBMP: function() {},
+ saveAsPNG: function() {},
+ saveAsJPEG: function() {}
+ }
+ }
+ var bHasImageData = !!(oCanvas.getContext("2d").getImageData);
+ var bHasDataURL = !!(oCanvas.toDataURL);
+ var bHasBase64 = !!(window.btoa);
+ var strDownloadMime = "image/octet-stream";
+ // ok, we're good
+ var readCanvasData = function(oCanvas) {
+ var iWidth = parseInt(oCanvas.width);
+ var iHeight = parseInt(oCanvas.height);
+ return oCanvas.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight);
+ }
+ // base64 encodes either a string or an array of charcodes
+ var encodeData = function(data) {
+ var strData = "";
+ if (typeof data == "string") {
+ strData = data;
+ } else {
+ var aData = data;
+ for (var i = 0; i < aData.length; i++) {
+ strData += String.fromCharCode(aData[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return btoa(strData);
+ }
+ // creates a base64 encoded string containing BMP data
+ // takes an imagedata object as argument
+ var createBMP = function(oData) {
+ var aHeader = [];
+ var iWidth = oData.width;
+ var iHeight = oData.height;
+ aHeader.push(0x42); // magic 1
+ aHeader.push(0x4D);
+ var iFileSize = iWidth * iHeight * 3 + 54; // total header size = 54 bytes
+ aHeader.push(iFileSize % 256);
+ iFileSize = Math.floor(iFileSize / 256);
+ aHeader.push(iFileSize % 256);
+ iFileSize = Math.floor(iFileSize / 256);
+ aHeader.push(iFileSize % 256);
+ iFileSize = Math.floor(iFileSize / 256);
+ aHeader.push(iFileSize % 256);
+ aHeader.push(0); // reserved
+ aHeader.push(0);
+ aHeader.push(0); // reserved
+ aHeader.push(0);
+ aHeader.push(54); // dataoffset
+ aHeader.push(0);
+ aHeader.push(0);
+ aHeader.push(0);
+ var aInfoHeader = [];
+ aInfoHeader.push(40); // info header size
+ aInfoHeader.push(0);
+ aInfoHeader.push(0);
+ aInfoHeader.push(0);
+ var iImageWidth = iWidth;
+ aInfoHeader.push(iImageWidth % 256);
+ iImageWidth = Math.floor(iImageWidth / 256);
+ aInfoHeader.push(iImageWidth % 256);
+ iImageWidth = Math.floor(iImageWidth / 256);
+ aInfoHeader.push(iImageWidth % 256);
+ iImageWidth = Math.floor(iImageWidth / 256);
+ aInfoHeader.push(iImageWidth % 256);
+ var iImageHeight = iHeight;
+ aInfoHeader.push(iImageHeight % 256);
+ iImageHeight = Math.floor(iImageHeight / 256);
+ aInfoHeader.push(iImageHeight % 256);
+ iImageHeight = Math.floor(iImageHeight / 256);
+ aInfoHeader.push(iImageHeight % 256);
+ iImageHeight = Math.floor(iImageHeight / 256);
+ aInfoHeader.push(iImageHeight % 256);
+ aInfoHeader.push(1); // num of planes
+ aInfoHeader.push(0);
+ aInfoHeader.push(24); // num of bits per pixel
+ aInfoHeader.push(0);
+ aInfoHeader.push(0); // compression = none
+ aInfoHeader.push(0);
+ aInfoHeader.push(0);
+ aInfoHeader.push(0);
+ var iDataSize = iWidth * iHeight * 3;
+ aInfoHeader.push(iDataSize % 256);
+ iDataSize = Math.floor(iDataSize / 256);
+ aInfoHeader.push(iDataSize % 256);
+ iDataSize = Math.floor(iDataSize / 256);
+ aInfoHeader.push(iDataSize % 256);
+ iDataSize = Math.floor(iDataSize / 256);
+ aInfoHeader.push(iDataSize % 256);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+ aInfoHeader.push(0); // these bytes not used
+ }
+ var iPadding = (4 - ((iWidth * 3) % 4)) % 4;
+ var aImgData = oData.data;
+ var strPixelData = "";
+ var y = iHeight;
+ do {
+ var iOffsetY = iWidth * (y - 1) * 4;
+ var strPixelRow = "";
+ for (var x = 0; x < iWidth; x++) {
+ var iOffsetX = 4 * x;
+ strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY + iOffsetX + 2]);
+ strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY + iOffsetX + 1]);
+ strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY + iOffsetX]);
+ }
+ for (var c = 0; c < iPadding; c++) {
+ strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(0);
+ }
+ strPixelData += strPixelRow;
+ } while (--y);
+ var strEncoded = encodeData(aHeader.concat(aInfoHeader)) + encodeData(strPixelData);
+ return strEncoded;
+ }
+ // sends the generated file to the client
+ var saveFile = function(strData) {
+ document.location.href = strData;
+ }
+ var makeDataURI = function(strData, strMime) {
+ return "data:" + strMime + ";base64," + strData;
+ }
+ // generates a object containing the imagedata
+ var makeImageObject = function(strSource) {
+ var oImgElement = document.createElement("img");
+ oImgElement.src = strSource;
+ return oImgElement;
+ }
+ var scaleCanvas = function(oCanvas, iWidth, iHeight) {
+ if (iWidth && iHeight) {
+ var oSaveCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
+ oSaveCanvas.width = iWidth;
+ oSaveCanvas.height = iHeight;
+ oSaveCanvas.style.width = iWidth + "px";
+ oSaveCanvas.style.height = iHeight + "px";
+ var oSaveCtx = oSaveCanvas.getContext("2d");
+ oSaveCtx.drawImage(oCanvas, 0, 0, oCanvas.width, oCanvas.height, 0, 0, iWidth, iHeight);
+ return oSaveCanvas;
+ }
+ return oCanvas;
+ }
+ return {
+ saveAsPNG: function(oCanvas, bReturnImg, iWidth, iHeight) {
+ if (!bHasDataURL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var oScaledCanvas = scaleCanvas(oCanvas, iWidth, iHeight);
+ var strData = oScaledCanvas.toDataURL("image/png");
+ if (bReturnImg) {
+ return makeImageObject(strData);
+ } else {
+ saveFile(strData.replace("image/png", strDownloadMime));
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ saveAsJPEG: function(oCanvas, bReturnImg, iWidth, iHeight) {
+ if (!bHasDataURL) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var oScaledCanvas = scaleCanvas(oCanvas, iWidth, iHeight);
+ var strMime = "image/jpeg";
+ var strData = oScaledCanvas.toDataURL(strMime);
+ // check if browser actually supports jpeg by looking for the mime type in the data uri.
+ // if not, return false
+ if (strData.indexOf(strMime) != 5) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (bReturnImg) {
+ return makeImageObject(strData);
+ } else {
+ saveFile(strData.replace(strMime, strDownloadMime));
+ }
+ return true;
+ },
+ saveAsBMP: function(oCanvas, bReturnImg, iWidth, iHeight) {
+ if (!(bHasImageData && bHasBase64)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var oScaledCanvas = scaleCanvas(oCanvas, iWidth, iHeight);
+ var oData = readCanvasData(oScaledCanvas);
+ var strImgData = createBMP(oData);
+ if (bReturnImg) {
+ return makeImageObject(makeDataURI(strImgData, "image/bmp"));
+ } else {
+ saveFile(makeDataURI(strImgData, strDownloadMime));
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/microscopy/old_microscopy/jquery-1.7.2.js b/microscopy/old_microscopy/jquery-1.7.2.js
index 3774ff98..2f68f07a 100644
--- a/microscopy/old_microscopy/jquery-1.7.2.js
+++ b/microscopy/old_microscopy/jquery-1.7.2.js
@@ -13,9392 +13,9538 @@
* Date: Wed Mar 21 12:46:34 2012 -0700
-(function( window, undefined ) {
-// Use the correct document accordingly with window argument (sandbox)
-var document = window.document,
- navigator = window.navigator,
- location = window.location;
-var jQuery = (function() {
-// Define a local copy of jQuery
-var jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
- // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
- return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context, rootjQuery );
- },
- // Map over jQuery in case of overwrite
- _jQuery = window.jQuery,
- // Map over the $ in case of overwrite
- _$ = window.$,
- // A central reference to the root jQuery(document)
- rootjQuery,
- // A simple way to check for HTML strings or ID strings
- // Prioritize #id over to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521)
- quickExpr = /^(?:[^#<]*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*$|#([\w\-]*)$)/,
- // Check if a string has a non-whitespace character in it
- rnotwhite = /\S/,
- // Used for trimming whitespace
- trimLeft = /^\s+/,
- trimRight = /\s+$/,
- // Match a standalone tag
- rsingleTag = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>)?$/,
- // JSON RegExp
- rvalidchars = /^[\],:{}\s]*$/,
- rvalidescape = /\\(?:["\\\/bfnrt]|u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})/g,
- rvalidtokens = /"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g,
- rvalidbraces = /(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g,
- // Useragent RegExp
- rwebkit = /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
- ropera = /(opera)(?:.*version)?[ \/]([\w.]+)/,
- rmsie = /(msie) ([\w.]+)/,
- rmozilla = /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+))?/,
- // Matches dashed string for camelizing
- rdashAlpha = /-([a-z]|[0-9])/ig,
- rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/,
- // Used by jQuery.camelCase as callback to replace()
- fcamelCase = function( all, letter ) {
- return ( letter + "" ).toUpperCase();
- },
- // Keep a UserAgent string for use with jQuery.browser
- userAgent = navigator.userAgent,
- // For matching the engine and version of the browser
- browserMatch,
- // The deferred used on DOM ready
- readyList,
- // The ready event handler
- DOMContentLoaded,
- // Save a reference to some core methods
- toString = Object.prototype.toString,
- hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
- push = Array.prototype.push,
- slice = Array.prototype.slice,
- trim = String.prototype.trim,
- indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf,
- // [[Class]] -> type pairs
- class2type = {};
-jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
- constructor: jQuery,
- init: function( selector, context, rootjQuery ) {
- var match, elem, ret, doc;
- // Handle $(""), $(null), or $(undefined)
- if ( !selector ) {
- return this;
- }
- // Handle $(DOMElement)
- if ( selector.nodeType ) {
- this.context = this[0] = selector;
- this.length = 1;
- return this;
- }
- // The body element only exists once, optimize finding it
- if ( selector === "body" && !context && document.body ) {
- this.context = document;
- this[0] = document.body;
- this.selector = selector;
- this.length = 1;
- return this;
- }
- // Handle HTML strings
- if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
- // Are we dealing with HTML string or an ID?
- if ( selector.charAt(0) === "<" && selector.charAt( selector.length - 1 ) === ">" && selector.length >= 3 ) {
- // Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check
- match = [ null, selector, null ];
- } else {
- match = quickExpr.exec( selector );
- }
- // Verify a match, and that no context was specified for #id
- if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) {
- // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
- if ( match[1] ) {
- context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[0] : context;
- doc = ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : document );
- // If a single string is passed in and it's a single tag
- // just do a createElement and skip the rest
- ret = rsingleTag.exec( selector );
- if ( ret ) {
- if ( jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) {
- selector = [ document.createElement( ret[1] ) ];
- jQuery.fn.attr.call( selector, context, true );
- } else {
- selector = [ doc.createElement( ret[1] ) ];
- }
- } else {
- ret = jQuery.buildFragment( [ match[1] ], [ doc ] );
- selector = ( ret.cacheable ? jQuery.clone(ret.fragment) : ret.fragment ).childNodes;
- }
- return jQuery.merge( this, selector );
- // HANDLE: $("#id")
- } else {
- elem = document.getElementById( match[2] );
- // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
- // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
- if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
- // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
- // by name instead of ID
- if ( elem.id !== match[2] ) {
- return rootjQuery.find( selector );
- }
- // Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object
- this.length = 1;
- this[0] = elem;
- }
- this.context = document;
- this.selector = selector;
- return this;
- }
- // HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))
- } else if ( !context || context.jquery ) {
- return ( context || rootjQuery ).find( selector );
- // HANDLE: $(expr, context)
- // (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)
- } else {
- return this.constructor( context ).find( selector );
- }
- // HANDLE: $(function)
- // Shortcut for document ready
- } else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) ) {
- return rootjQuery.ready( selector );
- }
- if ( selector.selector !== undefined ) {
- this.selector = selector.selector;
- this.context = selector.context;
- }
- return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this );
- },
- // Start with an empty selector
- selector: "",
- // The current version of jQuery being used
- jquery: "1.7.2",
- // The default length of a jQuery object is 0
- length: 0,
- // The number of elements contained in the matched element set
- size: function() {
- return this.length;
- },
- toArray: function() {
- return slice.call( this, 0 );
- },
- // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
- // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
- get: function( num ) {
- return num == null ?
- // Return a 'clean' array
- this.toArray() :
- // Return just the object
- ( num < 0 ? this[ this.length + num ] : this[ num ] );
- },
- // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
- // (returning the new matched element set)
- pushStack: function( elems, name, selector ) {
- // Build a new jQuery matched element set
- var ret = this.constructor();
- if ( jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) {
- push.apply( ret, elems );
- } else {
- jQuery.merge( ret, elems );
- }
- // Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
- ret.prevObject = this;
- ret.context = this.context;
- if ( name === "find" ) {
- ret.selector = this.selector + ( this.selector ? " " : "" ) + selector;
- } else if ( name ) {
- ret.selector = this.selector + "." + name + "(" + selector + ")";
- }
- // Return the newly-formed element set
- return ret;
- },
- // Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
- // (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is
- // only used internally.)
- each: function( callback, args ) {
- return jQuery.each( this, callback, args );
- },
- ready: function( fn ) {
- // Attach the listeners
- jQuery.bindReady();
- // Add the callback
- readyList.add( fn );
- return this;
- },
- eq: function( i ) {
- i = +i;
- return i === -1 ?
- this.slice( i ) :
- this.slice( i, i + 1 );
- },
- first: function() {
- return this.eq( 0 );
- },
- last: function() {
- return this.eq( -1 );
- },
- slice: function() {
- return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ),
- "slice", slice.call(arguments).join(",") );
- },
- map: function( callback ) {
- return this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this, function( elem, i ) {
- return callback.call( elem, i, elem );
- }));
- },
- end: function() {
- return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null);
- },
- // For internal use only.
- // Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method.
- push: push,
- sort: [].sort,
- splice: [].splice
-// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation
-jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
-jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
- var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
- target = arguments[0] || {},
- i = 1,
- length = arguments.length,
- deep = false;
- // Handle a deep copy situation
- if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) {
- deep = target;
- target = arguments[1] || {};
- // skip the boolean and the target
- i = 2;
- }
- // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
- if ( typeof target !== "object" && !jQuery.isFunction(target) ) {
- target = {};
- }
- // extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
- if ( length === i ) {
- target = this;
- --i;
- }
- for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
- // Only deal with non-null/undefined values
- if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null ) {
- // Extend the base object
- for ( name in options ) {
- src = target[ name ];
- copy = options[ name ];
- // Prevent never-ending loop
- if ( target === copy ) {
- continue;
- }
- // Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
- if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject(copy) || (copyIsArray = jQuery.isArray(copy)) ) ) {
- if ( copyIsArray ) {
- copyIsArray = false;
- clone = src && jQuery.isArray(src) ? src : [];
- } else {
- clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject(src) ? src : {};
- }
- // Never move original objects, clone them
- target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy );
- // Don't bring in undefined values
- } else if ( copy !== undefined ) {
- target[ name ] = copy;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Return the modified object
- return target;
- noConflict: function( deep ) {
- if ( window.$ === jQuery ) {
- window.$ = _$;
- }
- if ( deep && window.jQuery === jQuery ) {
- window.jQuery = _jQuery;
- }
- return jQuery;
- },
- // Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
- isReady: false,
- // A counter to track how many items to wait for before
- // the ready event fires. See #6781
- readyWait: 1,
- // Hold (or release) the ready event
- holdReady: function( hold ) {
- if ( hold ) {
- jQuery.readyWait++;
- } else {
- jQuery.ready( true );
- }
- },
- // Handle when the DOM is ready
- ready: function( wait ) {
- // Either a released hold or an DOMready/load event and not yet ready
- if ( (wait === true && !--jQuery.readyWait) || (wait !== true && !jQuery.isReady) ) {
- // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
- if ( !document.body ) {
- return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
- }
- // Remember that the DOM is ready
- jQuery.isReady = true;
- // If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be
- if ( wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0 ) {
- return;
- }
- // If there are functions bound, to execute
- readyList.fireWith( document, [ jQuery ] );
- // Trigger any bound ready events
- if ( jQuery.fn.trigger ) {
- jQuery( document ).trigger( "ready" ).off( "ready" );
- }
- }
- },
- bindReady: function() {
- if ( readyList ) {
- return;
- }
- readyList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" );
- // Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called after the
- // browser event has already occurred.
- if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
- // Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready
- return setTimeout( jQuery.ready, 1 );
- }
- // Mozilla, Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event
- if ( document.addEventListener ) {
- // Use the handy event callback
- document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
- // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
- window.addEventListener( "load", jQuery.ready, false );
- // If IE event model is used
- } else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
- // ensure firing before onload,
- // maybe late but safe also for iframes
- document.attachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
- // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
- window.attachEvent( "onload", jQuery.ready );
- // If IE and not a frame
- // continually check to see if the document is ready
- var toplevel = false;
- try {
- toplevel = window.frameElement == null;
- } catch(e) {}
- if ( document.documentElement.doScroll && toplevel ) {
- doScrollCheck();
- }
- }
- },
- // See test/unit/core.js for details concerning isFunction.
- // Since version 1.3, DOM methods and functions like alert
- // aren't supported. They return false on IE (#2968).
- isFunction: function( obj ) {
- return jQuery.type(obj) === "function";
- },
- isArray: Array.isArray || function( obj ) {
- return jQuery.type(obj) === "array";
- },
- isWindow: function( obj ) {
- return obj != null && obj == obj.window;
- },
- isNumeric: function( obj ) {
- return !isNaN( parseFloat(obj) ) && isFinite( obj );
- },
- type: function( obj ) {
- return obj == null ?
- String( obj ) :
- class2type[ toString.call(obj) ] || "object";
- },
- isPlainObject: function( obj ) {
- // Must be an Object.
- // Because of IE, we also have to check the presence of the constructor property.
- // Make sure that DOM nodes and window objects don't pass through, as well
- if ( !obj || jQuery.type(obj) !== "object" || obj.nodeType || jQuery.isWindow( obj ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- try {
- // Not own constructor property must be Object
- if ( obj.constructor &&
- !hasOwn.call(obj, "constructor") &&
- !hasOwn.call(obj.constructor.prototype, "isPrototypeOf") ) {
- return false;
- }
- } catch ( e ) {
- // IE8,9 Will throw exceptions on certain host objects #9897
- return false;
- }
- // Own properties are enumerated firstly, so to speed up,
- // if last one is own, then all properties are own.
- var key;
- for ( key in obj ) {}
- return key === undefined || hasOwn.call( obj, key );
- },
- isEmptyObject: function( obj ) {
- for ( var name in obj ) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- error: function( msg ) {
- throw new Error( msg );
- },
- parseJSON: function( data ) {
- if ( typeof data !== "string" || !data ) {
- return null;
- }
- // Make sure leading/trailing whitespace is removed (IE can't handle it)
- data = jQuery.trim( data );
- // Attempt to parse using the native JSON parser first
- if ( window.JSON && window.JSON.parse ) {
- return window.JSON.parse( data );
- }
- // Make sure the incoming data is actual JSON
- // Logic borrowed from http://json.org/json2.js
- if ( rvalidchars.test( data.replace( rvalidescape, "@" )
- .replace( rvalidtokens, "]" )
- .replace( rvalidbraces, "")) ) {
- return ( new Function( "return " + data ) )();
- }
- jQuery.error( "Invalid JSON: " + data );
- },
- // Cross-browser xml parsing
- parseXML: function( data ) {
- if ( typeof data !== "string" || !data ) {
- return null;
- }
- var xml, tmp;
- try {
- if ( window.DOMParser ) { // Standard
- tmp = new DOMParser();
- xml = tmp.parseFromString( data , "text/xml" );
- } else { // IE
- xml = new ActiveXObject( "Microsoft.XMLDOM" );
- xml.async = "false";
- xml.loadXML( data );
- }
- } catch( e ) {
- xml = undefined;
- }
- if ( !xml || !xml.documentElement || xml.getElementsByTagName( "parsererror" ).length ) {
- jQuery.error( "Invalid XML: " + data );
- }
- return xml;
- },
- noop: function() {},
- // Evaluates a script in a global context
- // Workarounds based on findings by Jim Driscoll
- // http://weblogs.java.net/blog/driscoll/archive/2009/09/08/eval-javascript-global-context
- globalEval: function( data ) {
- if ( data && rnotwhite.test( data ) ) {
- // We use execScript on Internet Explorer
- // We use an anonymous function so that context is window
- // rather than jQuery in Firefox
- ( window.execScript || function( data ) {
- window[ "eval" ].call( window, data );
- } )( data );
- }
- },
- // Convert dashed to camelCase; used by the css and data modules
- // Microsoft forgot to hump their vendor prefix (#9572)
- camelCase: function( string ) {
- return string.replace( rmsPrefix, "ms-" ).replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase );
- },
- nodeName: function( elem, name ) {
- return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() === name.toUpperCase();
- },
- // args is for internal usage only
- each: function( object, callback, args ) {
- var name, i = 0,
- length = object.length,
- isObj = length === undefined || jQuery.isFunction( object );
- if ( args ) {
- if ( isObj ) {
- for ( name in object ) {
- if ( callback.apply( object[ name ], args ) === false ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for ( ; i < length; ) {
- if ( callback.apply( object[ i++ ], args ) === false ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
- } else {
- if ( isObj ) {
- for ( name in object ) {
- if ( callback.call( object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ) === false ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for ( ; i < length; ) {
- if ( callback.call( object[ i ], i, object[ i++ ] ) === false ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return object;
- },
- // Use native String.trim function wherever possible
- trim: trim ?
- function( text ) {
- return text == null ?
- "" :
- trim.call( text );
- } :
- // Otherwise use our own trimming functionality
- function( text ) {
- return text == null ?
- "" :
- text.toString().replace( trimLeft, "" ).replace( trimRight, "" );
- },
- // results is for internal usage only
- makeArray: function( array, results ) {
- var ret = results || [];
- if ( array != null ) {
- // The window, strings (and functions) also have 'length'
- // Tweaked logic slightly to handle Blackberry 4.7 RegExp issues #6930
- var type = jQuery.type( array );
- if ( array.length == null || type === "string" || type === "function" || type === "regexp" || jQuery.isWindow( array ) ) {
- push.call( ret, array );
- } else {
- jQuery.merge( ret, array );
- }
- }
- return ret;
- },
- inArray: function( elem, array, i ) {
- var len;
- if ( array ) {
- if ( indexOf ) {
- return indexOf.call( array, elem, i );
- }
- len = array.length;
- i = i ? i < 0 ? Math.max( 0, len + i ) : i : 0;
- for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
- // Skip accessing in sparse arrays
- if ( i in array && array[ i ] === elem ) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- },
- merge: function( first, second ) {
- var i = first.length,
- j = 0;
- if ( typeof second.length === "number" ) {
- for ( var l = second.length; j < l; j++ ) {
- first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
- }
- } else {
- while ( second[j] !== undefined ) {
- first[ i++ ] = second[ j++ ];
- }
- }
- first.length = i;
- return first;
- },
- grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) {
- var ret = [], retVal;
- inv = !!inv;
- // Go through the array, only saving the items
- // that pass the validator function
- for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) {
- retVal = !!callback( elems[ i ], i );
- if ( inv !== retVal ) {
- ret.push( elems[ i ] );
- }
- }
- return ret;
- },
- // arg is for internal usage only
- map: function( elems, callback, arg ) {
- var value, key, ret = [],
- i = 0,
- length = elems.length,
- // jquery objects are treated as arrays
- isArray = elems instanceof jQuery || length !== undefined && typeof length === "number" && ( ( length > 0 && elems[ 0 ] && elems[ length -1 ] ) || length === 0 || jQuery.isArray( elems ) ) ;
- // Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
- if ( isArray ) {
- for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
- value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
- if ( value != null ) {
- ret[ ret.length ] = value;
- }
- }
- // Go through every key on the object,
- } else {
- for ( key in elems ) {
- value = callback( elems[ key ], key, arg );
- if ( value != null ) {
- ret[ ret.length ] = value;
- }
- }
- }
- // Flatten any nested arrays
- return ret.concat.apply( [], ret );
- },
- // A global GUID counter for objects
- guid: 1,
- // Bind a function to a context, optionally partially applying any
- // arguments.
- proxy: function( fn, context ) {
- if ( typeof context === "string" ) {
- var tmp = fn[ context ];
- context = fn;
- fn = tmp;
- }
- // Quick check to determine if target is callable, in the spec
- // this throws a TypeError, but we will just return undefined.
- if ( !jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) {
- return undefined;
- }
- // Simulated bind
- var args = slice.call( arguments, 2 ),
- proxy = function() {
- return fn.apply( context, args.concat( slice.call( arguments ) ) );
- };
- // Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed
- proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || proxy.guid || jQuery.guid++;
- return proxy;
- },
- // Mutifunctional method to get and set values to a collection
- // The value/s can optionally be executed if it's a function
- access: function( elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, pass ) {
- var exec,
- bulk = key == null,
- i = 0,
- length = elems.length;
- // Sets many values
- if ( key && typeof key === "object" ) {
- for ( i in key ) {
- jQuery.access( elems, fn, i, key[i], 1, emptyGet, value );
- }
- chainable = 1;
- // Sets one value
- } else if ( value !== undefined ) {
- // Optionally, function values get executed if exec is true
- exec = pass === undefined && jQuery.isFunction( value );
- if ( bulk ) {
- // Bulk operations only iterate when executing function values
- if ( exec ) {
- exec = fn;
- fn = function( elem, key, value ) {
- return exec.call( jQuery( elem ), value );
- };
- // Otherwise they run against the entire set
- } else {
- fn.call( elems, value );
- fn = null;
- }
- }
- if ( fn ) {
- for (; i < length; i++ ) {
- fn( elems[i], key, exec ? value.call( elems[i], i, fn( elems[i], key ) ) : value, pass );
- }
- }
- chainable = 1;
- }
- return chainable ?
- elems :
- // Gets
- bulk ?
- fn.call( elems ) :
- length ? fn( elems[0], key ) : emptyGet;
- },
- now: function() {
- return ( new Date() ).getTime();
- },
- // Use of jQuery.browser is frowned upon.
- // More details: http://docs.jquery.com/Utilities/jQuery.browser
- uaMatch: function( ua ) {
- ua = ua.toLowerCase();
- var match = rwebkit.exec( ua ) ||
- ropera.exec( ua ) ||
- rmsie.exec( ua ) ||
- ua.indexOf("compatible") < 0 && rmozilla.exec( ua ) ||
- [];
- return { browser: match[1] || "", version: match[2] || "0" };
- },
- sub: function() {
- function jQuerySub( selector, context ) {
- return new jQuerySub.fn.init( selector, context );
- }
- jQuery.extend( true, jQuerySub, this );
- jQuerySub.superclass = this;
- jQuerySub.fn = jQuerySub.prototype = this();
- jQuerySub.fn.constructor = jQuerySub;
- jQuerySub.sub = this.sub;
- jQuerySub.fn.init = function init( selector, context ) {
- if ( context && context instanceof jQuery && !(context instanceof jQuerySub) ) {
- context = jQuerySub( context );
- }
- return jQuery.fn.init.call( this, selector, context, rootjQuerySub );
- };
- jQuerySub.fn.init.prototype = jQuerySub.fn;
- var rootjQuerySub = jQuerySub(document);
- return jQuerySub;
- },
- browser: {}
-// Populate the class2type map
-jQuery.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object".split(" "), function(i, name) {
- class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase();
-browserMatch = jQuery.uaMatch( userAgent );
-if ( browserMatch.browser ) {
- jQuery.browser[ browserMatch.browser ] = true;
- jQuery.browser.version = browserMatch.version;
-// Deprecated, use jQuery.browser.webkit instead
-if ( jQuery.browser.webkit ) {
- jQuery.browser.safari = true;
-// IE doesn't match non-breaking spaces with \s
-if ( rnotwhite.test( "\xA0" ) ) {
- trimLeft = /^[\s\xA0]+/;
- trimRight = /[\s\xA0]+$/;
-// All jQuery objects should point back to these
-rootjQuery = jQuery(document);
-// Cleanup functions for the document ready method
-if ( document.addEventListener ) {
- DOMContentLoaded = function() {
- document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", DOMContentLoaded, false );
- jQuery.ready();
- };
-} else if ( document.attachEvent ) {
- DOMContentLoaded = function() {
- // Make sure body exists, at least, in case IE gets a little overzealous (ticket #5443).
- if ( document.readyState === "complete" ) {
- document.detachEvent( "onreadystatechange", DOMContentLoaded );
- jQuery.ready();
- }
- };
-// The DOM ready check for Internet Explorer
-function doScrollCheck() {
- if ( jQuery.isReady ) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- // If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini
- // http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
- document.documentElement.doScroll("left");
- } catch(e) {
- setTimeout( doScrollCheck, 1 );
- return;
- }
- // and execute any waiting functions
- jQuery.ready();
-return jQuery;
-// String to Object flags format cache
-var flagsCache = {};
-// Convert String-formatted flags into Object-formatted ones and store in cache
-function createFlags( flags ) {
- var object = flagsCache[ flags ] = {},
- i, length;
- flags = flags.split( /\s+/ );
- for ( i = 0, length = flags.length; i < length; i++ ) {
- object[ flags[i] ] = true;
- }
- return object;
- * Create a callback list using the following parameters:
- *
- * flags: an optional list of space-separated flags that will change how
- * the callback list behaves
- *
- * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be
- * "fired" multiple times.
- *
- * Possible flags:
- *
- * once: will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred)
- *
- * memory: will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added
- * after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized"
- * values (like a Deferred)
- *
- * unique: will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list)
- *
- * stopOnFalse: interrupt callings when a callback returns false
- *
- */
-jQuery.Callbacks = function( flags ) {
- // Convert flags from String-formatted to Object-formatted
- // (we check in cache first)
- flags = flags ? ( flagsCache[ flags ] || createFlags( flags ) ) : {};
- var // Actual callback list
- list = [],
- // Stack of fire calls for repeatable lists
- stack = [],
- // Last fire value (for non-forgettable lists)
- memory,
- // Flag to know if list was already fired
- fired,
- // Flag to know if list is currently firing
- firing,
- // First callback to fire (used internally by add and fireWith)
- firingStart,
- // End of the loop when firing
- firingLength,
- // Index of currently firing callback (modified by remove if needed)
- firingIndex,
- // Add one or several callbacks to the list
- add = function( args ) {
- var i,
- length,
- elem,
- type,
- actual;
- for ( i = 0, length = args.length; i < length; i++ ) {
- elem = args[ i ];
- type = jQuery.type( elem );
- if ( type === "array" ) {
- // Inspect recursively
- add( elem );
- } else if ( type === "function" ) {
- // Add if not in unique mode and callback is not in
- if ( !flags.unique || !self.has( elem ) ) {
- list.push( elem );
- }
- }
- }
- },
- // Fire callbacks
- fire = function( context, args ) {
- args = args || [];
- memory = !flags.memory || [ context, args ];
- fired = true;
- firing = true;
- firingIndex = firingStart || 0;
- firingStart = 0;
- firingLength = list.length;
- for ( ; list && firingIndex < firingLength; firingIndex++ ) {
- if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( context, args ) === false && flags.stopOnFalse ) {
- memory = true; // Mark as halted
- break;
- }
- }
- firing = false;
- if ( list ) {
- if ( !flags.once ) {
- if ( stack && stack.length ) {
- memory = stack.shift();
- self.fireWith( memory[ 0 ], memory[ 1 ] );
- }
- } else if ( memory === true ) {
- self.disable();
- } else {
- list = [];
- }
- }
- },
- // Actual Callbacks object
- self = {
- // Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list
- add: function() {
- if ( list ) {
- var length = list.length;
- add( arguments );
- // Do we need to add the callbacks to the
- // current firing batch?
- if ( firing ) {
- firingLength = list.length;
- // With memory, if we're not firing then
- // we should call right away, unless previous
- // firing was halted (stopOnFalse)
- } else if ( memory && memory !== true ) {
- firingStart = length;
- fire( memory[ 0 ], memory[ 1 ] );
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Remove a callback from the list
- remove: function() {
- if ( list ) {
- var args = arguments,
- argIndex = 0,
- argLength = args.length;
- for ( ; argIndex < argLength ; argIndex++ ) {
- for ( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ) {
- if ( args[ argIndex ] === list[ i ] ) {
- // Handle firingIndex and firingLength
- if ( firing ) {
- if ( i <= firingLength ) {
- firingLength--;
- if ( i <= firingIndex ) {
- firingIndex--;
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove the element
- list.splice( i--, 1 );
- // If we have some unicity property then
- // we only need to do this once
- if ( flags.unique ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Control if a given callback is in the list
- has: function( fn ) {
- if ( list ) {
- var i = 0,
- length = list.length;
- for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
- if ( fn === list[ i ] ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- // Remove all callbacks from the list
- empty: function() {
- list = [];
- return this;
- },
- // Have the list do nothing anymore
- disable: function() {
- list = stack = memory = undefined;
- return this;
- },
- // Is it disabled?
- disabled: function() {
- return !list;
- },
- // Lock the list in its current state
- lock: function() {
- stack = undefined;
- if ( !memory || memory === true ) {
- self.disable();
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Is it locked?
- locked: function() {
- return !stack;
- },
- // Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments
- fireWith: function( context, args ) {
- if ( stack ) {
- if ( firing ) {
- if ( !flags.once ) {
- stack.push( [ context, args ] );
- }
- } else if ( !( flags.once && memory ) ) {
- fire( context, args );
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Call all the callbacks with the given arguments
- fire: function() {
- self.fireWith( this, arguments );
- return this;
- },
- // To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once
- fired: function() {
- return !!fired;
- }
- };
- return self;
-var // Static reference to slice
- sliceDeferred = [].slice;
- Deferred: function( func ) {
- var doneList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ),
- failList = jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ),
- progressList = jQuery.Callbacks( "memory" ),
- state = "pending",
- lists = {
- resolve: doneList,
- reject: failList,
- notify: progressList
- },
- promise = {
- done: doneList.add,
- fail: failList.add,
- progress: progressList.add,
- state: function() {
- return state;
- },
- // Deprecated
- isResolved: doneList.fired,
- isRejected: failList.fired,
- then: function( doneCallbacks, failCallbacks, progressCallbacks ) {
- deferred.done( doneCallbacks ).fail( failCallbacks ).progress( progressCallbacks );
- return this;
- },
- always: function() {
- deferred.done.apply( deferred, arguments ).fail.apply( deferred, arguments );
- return this;
- },
- pipe: function( fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress ) {
- return jQuery.Deferred(function( newDefer ) {
- jQuery.each( {
- done: [ fnDone, "resolve" ],
- fail: [ fnFail, "reject" ],
- progress: [ fnProgress, "notify" ]
- }, function( handler, data ) {
- var fn = data[ 0 ],
- action = data[ 1 ],
- returned;
- if ( jQuery.isFunction( fn ) ) {
- deferred[ handler ](function() {
- returned = fn.apply( this, arguments );
- if ( returned && jQuery.isFunction( returned.promise ) ) {
- returned.promise().then( newDefer.resolve, newDefer.reject, newDefer.notify );
- } else {
- newDefer[ action + "With" ]( this === deferred ? newDefer : this, [ returned ] );
- }
- });
- } else {
- deferred[ handler ]( newDefer[ action ] );
- }
- });
- }).promise();
- },
- // Get a promise for this deferred
- // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
- promise: function( obj ) {
- if ( obj == null ) {
- obj = promise;
- } else {
- for ( var key in promise ) {
- obj[ key ] = promise[ key ];
- }
- }
- return obj;
- }
- },
- deferred = promise.promise({}),
- key;
- for ( key in lists ) {
- deferred[ key ] = lists[ key ].fire;
- deferred[ key + "With" ] = lists[ key ].fireWith;
- }
- // Handle state
- deferred.done( function() {
- state = "resolved";
- }, failList.disable, progressList.lock ).fail( function() {
- state = "rejected";
- }, doneList.disable, progressList.lock );
- // Call given func if any
- if ( func ) {
- func.call( deferred, deferred );
- }
- // All done!
- return deferred;
- },
- // Deferred helper
- when: function( firstParam ) {
- var args = sliceDeferred.call( arguments, 0 ),
- i = 0,
- length = args.length,
- pValues = new Array( length ),
- count = length,
- pCount = length,
- deferred = length <= 1 && firstParam && jQuery.isFunction( firstParam.promise ) ?
- firstParam :
- jQuery.Deferred(),
- promise = deferred.promise();
- function resolveFunc( i ) {
- return function( value ) {
- args[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? sliceDeferred.call( arguments, 0 ) : value;
- if ( !( --count ) ) {
- deferred.resolveWith( deferred, args );
- }
- };
- }
- function progressFunc( i ) {
- return function( value ) {
- pValues[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? sliceDeferred.call( arguments, 0 ) : value;
- deferred.notifyWith( promise, pValues );
- };
- }
- if ( length > 1 ) {
- for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
- if ( args[ i ] && args[ i ].promise && jQuery.isFunction( args[ i ].promise ) ) {
- args[ i ].promise().then( resolveFunc(i), deferred.reject, progressFunc(i) );
- } else {
- --count;
- }
- }
- if ( !count ) {
- deferred.resolveWith( deferred, args );
- }
- } else if ( deferred !== firstParam ) {
- deferred.resolveWith( deferred, length ? [ firstParam ] : [] );
- }
- return promise;
- }
-jQuery.support = (function() {
- var support,
- all,
- a,
- select,
- opt,
- input,
- fragment,
- tds,
- events,
- eventName,
- i,
- isSupported,
- div = document.createElement( "div" ),
- documentElement = document.documentElement;
- // Preliminary tests
- div.setAttribute("className", "t");
- div.innerHTML = " a ";
- all = div.getElementsByTagName( "*" );
- a = div.getElementsByTagName( "a" )[ 0 ];
- // Can't get basic test support
- if ( !all || !all.length || !a ) {
- return {};
- }
- // First batch of supports tests
- select = document.createElement( "select" );
- opt = select.appendChild( document.createElement("option") );
- input = div.getElementsByTagName( "input" )[ 0 ];
- support = {
- // IE strips leading whitespace when .innerHTML is used
- leadingWhitespace: ( div.firstChild.nodeType === 3 ),
- // Make sure that tbody elements aren't automatically inserted
- // IE will insert them into empty tables
- tbody: !div.getElementsByTagName("tbody").length,
- // Make sure that link elements get serialized correctly by innerHTML
- // This requires a wrapper element in IE
- htmlSerialize: !!div.getElementsByTagName("link").length,
- // Get the style information from getAttribute
- // (IE uses .cssText instead)
- style: /top/.test( a.getAttribute("style") ),
- // Make sure that URLs aren't manipulated
- // (IE normalizes it by default)
- hrefNormalized: ( a.getAttribute("href") === "/a" ),
- // Make sure that element opacity exists
- // (IE uses filter instead)
- // Use a regex to work around a WebKit issue. See #5145
- opacity: /^0.55/.test( a.style.opacity ),
- // Verify style float existence
- // (IE uses styleFloat instead of cssFloat)
- cssFloat: !!a.style.cssFloat,
- // Make sure that if no value is specified for a checkbox
- // that it defaults to "on".
- // (WebKit defaults to "" instead)
- checkOn: ( input.value === "on" ),
- // Make sure that a selected-by-default option has a working selected property.
- // (WebKit defaults to false instead of true, IE too, if it's in an optgroup)
- optSelected: opt.selected,
- // Test setAttribute on camelCase class. If it works, we need attrFixes when doing get/setAttribute (ie6/7)
- getSetAttribute: div.className !== "t",
- // Tests for enctype support on a form(#6743)
- enctype: !!document.createElement("form").enctype,
- // Makes sure cloning an html5 element does not cause problems
- // Where outerHTML is undefined, this still works
- html5Clone: document.createElement("nav").cloneNode( true ).outerHTML !== "<:nav>",
- // Will be defined later
- submitBubbles: true,
- changeBubbles: true,
- focusinBubbles: false,
- deleteExpando: true,
- noCloneEvent: true,
- inlineBlockNeedsLayout: false,
- shrinkWrapBlocks: false,
- reliableMarginRight: true,
- pixelMargin: true
- };
- // jQuery.boxModel DEPRECATED in 1.3, use jQuery.support.boxModel instead
- jQuery.boxModel = support.boxModel = (document.compatMode === "CSS1Compat");
- // Make sure checked status is properly cloned
- input.checked = true;
- support.noCloneChecked = input.cloneNode( true ).checked;
- // Make sure that the options inside disabled selects aren't marked as disabled
- // (WebKit marks them as disabled)
- select.disabled = true;
- support.optDisabled = !opt.disabled;
- // Test to see if it's possible to delete an expando from an element
- // Fails in Internet Explorer
- try {
- delete div.test;
- } catch( e ) {
- support.deleteExpando = false;
- }
- if ( !div.addEventListener && div.attachEvent && div.fireEvent ) {
- div.attachEvent( "onclick", function() {
- // Cloning a node shouldn't copy over any
- // bound event handlers (IE does this)
- support.noCloneEvent = false;
- });
- div.cloneNode( true ).fireEvent( "onclick" );
- }
- // Check if a radio maintains its value
- // after being appended to the DOM
- input = document.createElement("input");
- input.value = "t";
- input.setAttribute("type", "radio");
- support.radioValue = input.value === "t";
- input.setAttribute("checked", "checked");
- // #11217 - WebKit loses check when the name is after the checked attribute
- input.setAttribute( "name", "t" );
- div.appendChild( input );
- fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
- fragment.appendChild( div.lastChild );
- // WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments
- support.checkClone = fragment.cloneNode( true ).cloneNode( true ).lastChild.checked;
- // Check if a disconnected checkbox will retain its checked
- // value of true after appended to the DOM (IE6/7)
- support.appendChecked = input.checked;
- fragment.removeChild( input );
- fragment.appendChild( div );
- // Technique from Juriy Zaytsev
- // http://perfectionkills.com/detecting-event-support-without-browser-sniffing/
- // We only care about the case where non-standard event systems
- // are used, namely in IE. Short-circuiting here helps us to
- // avoid an eval call (in setAttribute) which can cause CSP
- // to go haywire. See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Security/CSP
- if ( div.attachEvent ) {
- for ( i in {
- submit: 1,
- change: 1,
- focusin: 1
- }) {
- eventName = "on" + i;
- isSupported = ( eventName in div );
- if ( !isSupported ) {
- div.setAttribute( eventName, "return;" );
- isSupported = ( typeof div[ eventName ] === "function" );
- }
- support[ i + "Bubbles" ] = isSupported;
- }
- }
- fragment.removeChild( div );
- // Null elements to avoid leaks in IE
- fragment = select = opt = div = input = null;
- // Run tests that need a body at doc ready
- jQuery(function() {
- var container, outer, inner, table, td, offsetSupport,
- marginDiv, conMarginTop, style, html, positionTopLeftWidthHeight,
- paddingMarginBorderVisibility, paddingMarginBorder,
- body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
- if ( !body ) {
- // Return for frameset docs that don't have a body
- return;
- }
- conMarginTop = 1;
- paddingMarginBorder = "padding:0;margin:0;border:";
- positionTopLeftWidthHeight = "position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:1px;height:1px;";
- paddingMarginBorderVisibility = paddingMarginBorder + "0;visibility:hidden;";
- style = "style='" + positionTopLeftWidthHeight + paddingMarginBorder + "5px solid #000;";
- html = "" +
- "";
- container = document.createElement("div");
- container.style.cssText = paddingMarginBorderVisibility + "width:0;height:0;position:static;top:0;margin-top:" + conMarginTop + "px";
- body.insertBefore( container, body.firstChild );
- // Construct the test element
- div = document.createElement("div");
- container.appendChild( div );
- // Check if table cells still have offsetWidth/Height when they are set
- // to display:none and there are still other visible table cells in a
- // table row; if so, offsetWidth/Height are not reliable for use when
- // determining if an element has been hidden directly using
- // display:none (it is still safe to use offsets if a parent element is
- // hidden; don safety goggles and see bug #4512 for more information).
- // (only IE 8 fails this test)
- div.innerHTML = "";
- tds = div.getElementsByTagName( "td" );
- isSupported = ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 );
- tds[ 0 ].style.display = "";
- tds[ 1 ].style.display = "none";
- // Check if empty table cells still have offsetWidth/Height
- // (IE <= 8 fail this test)
- support.reliableHiddenOffsets = isSupported && ( tds[ 0 ].offsetHeight === 0 );
- // Check if div with explicit width and no margin-right incorrectly
- // gets computed margin-right based on width of container. For more
- // info see bug #3333
- // Fails in WebKit before Feb 2011 nightlies
- // WebKit Bug 13343 - getComputedStyle returns wrong value for margin-right
- if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
- div.innerHTML = "";
- marginDiv = document.createElement( "div" );
- marginDiv.style.width = "0";
- marginDiv.style.marginRight = "0";
- div.style.width = "2px";
- div.appendChild( marginDiv );
- support.reliableMarginRight =
- ( parseInt( ( window.getComputedStyle( marginDiv, null ) || { marginRight: 0 } ).marginRight, 10 ) || 0 ) === 0;
- }
- if ( typeof div.style.zoom !== "undefined" ) {
- // Check if natively block-level elements act like inline-block
- // elements when setting their display to 'inline' and giving
- // them layout
- // (IE < 8 does this)
- div.innerHTML = "";
- div.style.width = div.style.padding = "1px";
- div.style.border = 0;
- div.style.overflow = "hidden";
- div.style.display = "inline";
- div.style.zoom = 1;
- support.inlineBlockNeedsLayout = ( div.offsetWidth === 3 );
- // Check if elements with layout shrink-wrap their children
- // (IE 6 does this)
- div.style.display = "block";
- div.style.overflow = "visible";
- div.innerHTML = "
- support.shrinkWrapBlocks = ( div.offsetWidth !== 3 );
- }
- div.style.cssText = positionTopLeftWidthHeight + paddingMarginBorderVisibility;
- div.innerHTML = html;
- outer = div.firstChild;
- inner = outer.firstChild;
- td = outer.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild;
- offsetSupport = {
- doesNotAddBorder: ( inner.offsetTop !== 5 ),
- doesAddBorderForTableAndCells: ( td.offsetTop === 5 )
- };
- inner.style.position = "fixed";
- inner.style.top = "20px";
- // safari subtracts parent border width here which is 5px
- offsetSupport.fixedPosition = ( inner.offsetTop === 20 || inner.offsetTop === 15 );
- inner.style.position = inner.style.top = "";
- outer.style.overflow = "hidden";
- outer.style.position = "relative";
- offsetSupport.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible = ( inner.offsetTop === -5 );
- offsetSupport.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset = ( body.offsetTop !== conMarginTop );
- if ( window.getComputedStyle ) {
- div.style.marginTop = "1%";
- support.pixelMargin = ( window.getComputedStyle( div, null ) || { marginTop: 0 } ).marginTop !== "1%";
- }
- if ( typeof container.style.zoom !== "undefined" ) {
- container.style.zoom = 1;
- }
- body.removeChild( container );
- marginDiv = div = container = null;
- jQuery.extend( support, offsetSupport );
- });
- return support;
-var rbrace = /^(?:\{.*\}|\[.*\])$/,
- rmultiDash = /([A-Z])/g;
- cache: {},
- // Please use with caution
- uuid: 0,
- // Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page
- // Non-digits removed to match rinlinejQuery
- expando: "jQuery" + ( jQuery.fn.jquery + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ),
- // The following elements throw uncatchable exceptions if you
- // attempt to add expando properties to them.
- noData: {
- "embed": true,
- // Ban all objects except for Flash (which handle expandos)
- "object": "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000",
- "applet": true
- },
- hasData: function( elem ) {
- elem = elem.nodeType ? jQuery.cache[ elem[jQuery.expando] ] : elem[ jQuery.expando ];
- return !!elem && !isEmptyDataObject( elem );
- },
- data: function( elem, name, data, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
- if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
- return;
- }
- var privateCache, thisCache, ret,
- internalKey = jQuery.expando,
- getByName = typeof name === "string",
- // We have to handle DOM nodes and JS objects differently because IE6-7
- // can't GC object references properly across the DOM-JS boundary
- isNode = elem.nodeType,
- // Only DOM nodes need the global jQuery cache; JS object data is
- // attached directly to the object so GC can occur automatically
- cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem,
- // Only defining an ID for JS objects if its cache already exists allows
- // the code to shortcut on the same path as a DOM node with no cache
- id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : elem[ internalKey ] && internalKey,
- isEvents = name === "events";
- // Avoid doing any more work than we need to when trying to get data on an
- // object that has no data at all
- if ( (!id || !cache[id] || (!isEvents && !pvt && !cache[id].data)) && getByName && data === undefined ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( !id ) {
- // Only DOM nodes need a new unique ID for each element since their data
- // ends up in the global cache
- if ( isNode ) {
- elem[ internalKey ] = id = ++jQuery.uuid;
- } else {
- id = internalKey;
- }
- }
- if ( !cache[ id ] ) {
- cache[ id ] = {};
- // Avoids exposing jQuery metadata on plain JS objects when the object
- // is serialized using JSON.stringify
- if ( !isNode ) {
- cache[ id ].toJSON = jQuery.noop;
- }
- }
- // An object can be passed to jQuery.data instead of a key/value pair; this gets
- // shallow copied over onto the existing cache
- if ( typeof name === "object" || typeof name === "function" ) {
- if ( pvt ) {
- cache[ id ] = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ], name );
- } else {
- cache[ id ].data = jQuery.extend( cache[ id ].data, name );
- }
- }
- privateCache = thisCache = cache[ id ];
- // jQuery data() is stored in a separate object inside the object's internal data
- // cache in order to avoid key collisions between internal data and user-defined
- // data.
- if ( !pvt ) {
- if ( !thisCache.data ) {
- thisCache.data = {};
- }
- thisCache = thisCache.data;
- }
- if ( data !== undefined ) {
- thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ] = data;
- }
- // Users should not attempt to inspect the internal events object using jQuery.data,
- // it is undocumented and subject to change. But does anyone listen? No.
- if ( isEvents && !thisCache[ name ] ) {
- return privateCache.events;
- }
- // Check for both converted-to-camel and non-converted data property names
- // If a data property was specified
- if ( getByName ) {
- // First Try to find as-is property data
- ret = thisCache[ name ];
- // Test for null|undefined property data
- if ( ret == null ) {
- // Try to find the camelCased property
- ret = thisCache[ jQuery.camelCase( name ) ];
- }
- } else {
- ret = thisCache;
- }
- return ret;
- },
- removeData: function( elem, name, pvt /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
- if ( !jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
- return;
- }
- var thisCache, i, l,
- // Reference to internal data cache key
- internalKey = jQuery.expando,
- isNode = elem.nodeType,
- // See jQuery.data for more information
- cache = isNode ? jQuery.cache : elem,
- // See jQuery.data for more information
- id = isNode ? elem[ internalKey ] : internalKey;
- // If there is already no cache entry for this object, there is no
- // purpose in continuing
- if ( !cache[ id ] ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( name ) {
- thisCache = pvt ? cache[ id ] : cache[ id ].data;
- if ( thisCache ) {
- // Support array or space separated string names for data keys
- if ( !jQuery.isArray( name ) ) {
- // try the string as a key before any manipulation
- if ( name in thisCache ) {
- name = [ name ];
- } else {
- // split the camel cased version by spaces unless a key with the spaces exists
- name = jQuery.camelCase( name );
- if ( name in thisCache ) {
- name = [ name ];
- } else {
- name = name.split( " " );
- }
- }
- }
- for ( i = 0, l = name.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- delete thisCache[ name[i] ];
- }
- // If there is no data left in the cache, we want to continue
- // and let the cache object itself get destroyed
- if ( !( pvt ? isEmptyDataObject : jQuery.isEmptyObject )( thisCache ) ) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- // See jQuery.data for more information
- if ( !pvt ) {
- delete cache[ id ].data;
- // Don't destroy the parent cache unless the internal data object
- // had been the only thing left in it
- if ( !isEmptyDataObject(cache[ id ]) ) {
- return;
- }
- }
- // Browsers that fail expando deletion also refuse to delete expandos on
- // the window, but it will allow it on all other JS objects; other browsers
- // don't care
- // Ensure that `cache` is not a window object #10080
- if ( jQuery.support.deleteExpando || !cache.setInterval ) {
- delete cache[ id ];
- } else {
- cache[ id ] = null;
- }
- // We destroyed the cache and need to eliminate the expando on the node to avoid
- // false lookups in the cache for entries that no longer exist
- if ( isNode ) {
- // IE does not allow us to delete expando properties from nodes,
- // nor does it have a removeAttribute function on Document nodes;
- // we must handle all of these cases
- if ( jQuery.support.deleteExpando ) {
- delete elem[ internalKey ];
- } else if ( elem.removeAttribute ) {
- elem.removeAttribute( internalKey );
- } else {
- elem[ internalKey ] = null;
- }
- }
- },
- // For internal use only.
- _data: function( elem, name, data ) {
- return jQuery.data( elem, name, data, true );
- },
- // A method for determining if a DOM node can handle the data expando
- acceptData: function( elem ) {
- if ( elem.nodeName ) {
- var match = jQuery.noData[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
- if ( match ) {
- return !(match === true || elem.getAttribute("classid") !== match);
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- data: function( key, value ) {
- var parts, part, attr, name, l,
- elem = this[0],
- i = 0,
- data = null;
- // Gets all values
- if ( key === undefined ) {
- if ( this.length ) {
- data = jQuery.data( elem );
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs" ) ) {
- attr = elem.attributes;
- for ( l = attr.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- name = attr[i].name;
- if ( name.indexOf( "data-" ) === 0 ) {
- name = jQuery.camelCase( name.substring(5) );
- dataAttr( elem, name, data[ name ] );
- }
- }
- jQuery._data( elem, "parsedAttrs", true );
- }
- }
- return data;
- }
- // Sets multiple values
- if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
- return this.each(function() {
- jQuery.data( this, key );
- });
- }
- parts = key.split( ".", 2 );
- parts[1] = parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "";
- part = parts[1] + "!";
- return jQuery.access( this, function( value ) {
- if ( value === undefined ) {
- data = this.triggerHandler( "getData" + part, [ parts[0] ] );
- // Try to fetch any internally stored data first
- if ( data === undefined && elem ) {
- data = jQuery.data( elem, key );
- data = dataAttr( elem, key, data );
- }
- return data === undefined && parts[1] ?
- this.data( parts[0] ) :
- data;
- }
- parts[1] = value;
- this.each(function() {
- var self = jQuery( this );
- self.triggerHandler( "setData" + part, parts );
- jQuery.data( this, key, value );
- self.triggerHandler( "changeData" + part, parts );
- });
- }, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, false );
- },
- removeData: function( key ) {
- return this.each(function() {
- jQuery.removeData( this, key );
- });
- }
-function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) {
- // If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any
- // data from the HTML5 data-* attribute
- if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- var name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();
- data = elem.getAttribute( name );
- if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
- try {
- data = data === "true" ? true :
- data === "false" ? false :
- data === "null" ? null :
- jQuery.isNumeric( data ) ? +data :
- rbrace.test( data ) ? jQuery.parseJSON( data ) :
- data;
- } catch( e ) {}
- // Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later
- jQuery.data( elem, key, data );
- } else {
- data = undefined;
- }
- }
- return data;
-// checks a cache object for emptiness
-function isEmptyDataObject( obj ) {
- for ( var name in obj ) {
- // if the public data object is empty, the private is still empty
- if ( name === "data" && jQuery.isEmptyObject( obj[name] ) ) {
- continue;
- }
- if ( name !== "toJSON" ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-function handleQueueMarkDefer( elem, type, src ) {
- var deferDataKey = type + "defer",
- queueDataKey = type + "queue",
- markDataKey = type + "mark",
- defer = jQuery._data( elem, deferDataKey );
- if ( defer &&
- ( src === "queue" || !jQuery._data(elem, queueDataKey) ) &&
- ( src === "mark" || !jQuery._data(elem, markDataKey) ) ) {
- // Give room for hard-coded callbacks to fire first
- // and eventually mark/queue something else on the element
- setTimeout( function() {
- if ( !jQuery._data( elem, queueDataKey ) &&
- !jQuery._data( elem, markDataKey ) ) {
- jQuery.removeData( elem, deferDataKey, true );
- defer.fire();
- }
- }, 0 );
- }
- _mark: function( elem, type ) {
- if ( elem ) {
- type = ( type || "fx" ) + "mark";
- jQuery._data( elem, type, (jQuery._data( elem, type ) || 0) + 1 );
- }
- },
- _unmark: function( force, elem, type ) {
- if ( force !== true ) {
- type = elem;
- elem = force;
- force = false;
- }
- if ( elem ) {
- type = type || "fx";
- var key = type + "mark",
- count = force ? 0 : ( (jQuery._data( elem, key ) || 1) - 1 );
- if ( count ) {
- jQuery._data( elem, key, count );
- } else {
- jQuery.removeData( elem, key, true );
- handleQueueMarkDefer( elem, type, "mark" );
- }
- }
- },
- queue: function( elem, type, data ) {
- var q;
- if ( elem ) {
- type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue";
- q = jQuery._data( elem, type );
- // Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
- if ( data ) {
- if ( !q || jQuery.isArray(data) ) {
- q = jQuery._data( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray(data) );
- } else {
- q.push( data );
- }
- }
- return q || [];
- }
- },
- dequeue: function( elem, type ) {
- type = type || "fx";
- var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ),
- fn = queue.shift(),
- hooks = {};
- // If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
- if ( fn === "inprogress" ) {
- fn = queue.shift();
- }
- if ( fn ) {
- // Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being
- // automatically dequeued
- if ( type === "fx" ) {
- queue.unshift( "inprogress" );
- }
- jQuery._data( elem, type + ".run", hooks );
- fn.call( elem, function() {
- jQuery.dequeue( elem, type );
- }, hooks );
- }
- if ( !queue.length ) {
- jQuery.removeData( elem, type + "queue " + type + ".run", true );
- handleQueueMarkDefer( elem, type, "queue" );
- }
- }
- queue: function( type, data ) {
- var setter = 2;
- if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
- data = type;
- type = "fx";
- setter--;
- }
- if ( arguments.length < setter ) {
- return jQuery.queue( this[0], type );
- }
- return data === undefined ?
- this :
- this.each(function() {
- var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data );
- if ( type === "fx" && queue[0] !== "inprogress" ) {
- jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
- }
- });
- },
- dequeue: function( type ) {
- return this.each(function() {
- jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
- });
- },
- // Based off of the plugin by Clint Helfers, with permission.
- // http://blindsignals.com/index.php/2009/07/jquery-delay/
- delay: function( time, type ) {
- time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[ time ] || time : time;
- type = type || "fx";
- return this.queue( type, function( next, hooks ) {
- var timeout = setTimeout( next, time );
- hooks.stop = function() {
- clearTimeout( timeout );
- };
- });
- },
- clearQueue: function( type ) {
- return this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
- },
- // Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type
- // are emptied (fx is the type by default)
- promise: function( type, object ) {
- if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
- object = type;
- type = undefined;
- }
- type = type || "fx";
- var defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
- elements = this,
- i = elements.length,
- count = 1,
- deferDataKey = type + "defer",
- queueDataKey = type + "queue",
- markDataKey = type + "mark",
- tmp;
- function resolve() {
- if ( !( --count ) ) {
- defer.resolveWith( elements, [ elements ] );
- }
- }
- while( i-- ) {
- if (( tmp = jQuery.data( elements[ i ], deferDataKey, undefined, true ) ||
- ( jQuery.data( elements[ i ], queueDataKey, undefined, true ) ||
- jQuery.data( elements[ i ], markDataKey, undefined, true ) ) &&
- jQuery.data( elements[ i ], deferDataKey, jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ), true ) )) {
- count++;
- tmp.add( resolve );
- }
- }
- resolve();
- return defer.promise( object );
- }
-var rclass = /[\n\t\r]/g,
- rspace = /\s+/,
- rreturn = /\r/g,
- rtype = /^(?:button|input)$/i,
- rfocusable = /^(?:button|input|object|select|textarea)$/i,
- rclickable = /^a(?:rea)?$/i,
- rboolean = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i,
- getSetAttribute = jQuery.support.getSetAttribute,
- nodeHook, boolHook, fixSpecified;
- attr: function( name, value ) {
- return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.attr, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
- },
- removeAttr: function( name ) {
- return this.each(function() {
- jQuery.removeAttr( this, name );
- });
- },
- prop: function( name, value ) {
- return jQuery.access( this, jQuery.prop, name, value, arguments.length > 1 );
- },
- removeProp: function( name ) {
- name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
- return this.each(function() {
- // try/catch handles cases where IE balks (such as removing a property on window)
- try {
- this[ name ] = undefined;
- delete this[ name ];
- } catch( e ) {}
- });
- },
- addClass: function( value ) {
- var classNames, i, l, elem,
- setClass, c, cl;
- if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
- return this.each(function( j ) {
- jQuery( this ).addClass( value.call(this, j, this.className) );
- });
- }
- if ( value && typeof value === "string" ) {
- classNames = value.split( rspace );
- for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- elem = this[ i ];
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- if ( !elem.className && classNames.length === 1 ) {
- elem.className = value;
- } else {
- setClass = " " + elem.className + " ";
- for ( c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
- if ( !~setClass.indexOf( " " + classNames[ c ] + " " ) ) {
- setClass += classNames[ c ] + " ";
- }
- }
- elem.className = jQuery.trim( setClass );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- removeClass: function( value ) {
- var classNames, i, l, elem, className, c, cl;
- if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
- return this.each(function( j ) {
- jQuery( this ).removeClass( value.call(this, j, this.className) );
- });
- }
- if ( (value && typeof value === "string") || value === undefined ) {
- classNames = ( value || "" ).split( rspace );
- for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- elem = this[ i ];
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.className ) {
- if ( value ) {
- className = (" " + elem.className + " ").replace( rclass, " " );
- for ( c = 0, cl = classNames.length; c < cl; c++ ) {
- className = className.replace(" " + classNames[ c ] + " ", " ");
- }
- elem.className = jQuery.trim( className );
- } else {
- elem.className = "";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- toggleClass: function( value, stateVal ) {
- var type = typeof value,
- isBool = typeof stateVal === "boolean";
- if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) ) {
- return this.each(function( i ) {
- jQuery( this ).toggleClass( value.call(this, i, this.className, stateVal), stateVal );
- });
- }
- return this.each(function() {
- if ( type === "string" ) {
- // toggle individual class names
- var className,
- i = 0,
- self = jQuery( this ),
- state = stateVal,
- classNames = value.split( rspace );
- while ( (className = classNames[ i++ ]) ) {
- // check each className given, space seperated list
- state = isBool ? state : !self.hasClass( className );
- self[ state ? "addClass" : "removeClass" ]( className );
- }
- } else if ( type === "undefined" || type === "boolean" ) {
- if ( this.className ) {
- // store className if set
- jQuery._data( this, "__className__", this.className );
- }
- // toggle whole className
- this.className = this.className || value === false ? "" : jQuery._data( this, "__className__" ) || "";
- }
- });
- },
- hasClass: function( selector ) {
- var className = " " + selector + " ",
- i = 0,
- l = this.length;
- for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
- if ( this[i].nodeType === 1 && (" " + this[i].className + " ").replace(rclass, " ").indexOf( className ) > -1 ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- val: function( value ) {
- var hooks, ret, isFunction,
- elem = this[0];
- if ( !arguments.length ) {
- if ( elem ) {
- hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ elem.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
- if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, "value" )) !== undefined ) {
- return ret;
- }
- ret = elem.value;
- return typeof ret === "string" ?
- // handle most common string cases
- ret.replace(rreturn, "") :
- // handle cases where value is null/undef or number
- ret == null ? "" : ret;
- }
- return;
- }
- isFunction = jQuery.isFunction( value );
- return this.each(function( i ) {
- var self = jQuery(this), val;
- if ( this.nodeType !== 1 ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( isFunction ) {
- val = value.call( this, i, self.val() );
- } else {
- val = value;
- }
- // Treat null/undefined as ""; convert numbers to string
- if ( val == null ) {
- val = "";
- } else if ( typeof val === "number" ) {
- val += "";
- } else if ( jQuery.isArray( val ) ) {
- val = jQuery.map(val, function ( value ) {
- return value == null ? "" : value + "";
- });
- }
- hooks = jQuery.valHooks[ this.type ] || jQuery.valHooks[ this.nodeName.toLowerCase() ];
- // If set returns undefined, fall back to normal setting
- if ( !hooks || !("set" in hooks) || hooks.set( this, val, "value" ) === undefined ) {
- this.value = val;
- }
- });
- }
- valHooks: {
- option: {
- get: function( elem ) {
- // attributes.value is undefined in Blackberry 4.7 but
- // uses .value. See #6932
- var val = elem.attributes.value;
- return !val || val.specified ? elem.value : elem.text;
- }
- },
- select: {
- get: function( elem ) {
- var value, i, max, option,
- index = elem.selectedIndex,
- values = [],
- options = elem.options,
- one = elem.type === "select-one";
- // Nothing was selected
- if ( index < 0 ) {
- return null;
- }
- // Loop through all the selected options
- i = one ? index : 0;
- max = one ? index + 1 : options.length;
- for ( ; i < max; i++ ) {
- option = options[ i ];
- // Don't return options that are disabled or in a disabled optgroup
- if ( option.selected && (jQuery.support.optDisabled ? !option.disabled : option.getAttribute("disabled") === null) &&
- (!option.parentNode.disabled || !jQuery.nodeName( option.parentNode, "optgroup" )) ) {
- // Get the specific value for the option
- value = jQuery( option ).val();
- // We don't need an array for one selects
- if ( one ) {
- return value;
- }
- // Multi-Selects return an array
- values.push( value );
- }
- }
- // Fixes Bug #2551 -- select.val() broken in IE after form.reset()
- if ( one && !values.length && options.length ) {
- return jQuery( options[ index ] ).val();
- }
- return values;
- },
- set: function( elem, value ) {
- var values = jQuery.makeArray( value );
- jQuery(elem).find("option").each(function() {
- this.selected = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(this).val(), values ) >= 0;
- });
- if ( !values.length ) {
- elem.selectedIndex = -1;
- }
- return values;
- }
- }
- },
- attrFn: {
- val: true,
- css: true,
- html: true,
- text: true,
- data: true,
- width: true,
- height: true,
- offset: true
- },
- attr: function( elem, name, value, pass ) {
- var ret, hooks, notxml,
- nType = elem.nodeType;
- // don't get/set attributes on text, comment and attribute nodes
- if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( pass && name in jQuery.attrFn ) {
- return jQuery( elem )[ name ]( value );
- }
- // Fallback to prop when attributes are not supported
- if ( typeof elem.getAttribute === "undefined" ) {
- return jQuery.prop( elem, name, value );
- }
- notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem );
- // All attributes are lowercase
- // Grab necessary hook if one is defined
- if ( notxml ) {
- name = name.toLowerCase();
- hooks = jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] || ( rboolean.test( name ) ? boolHook : nodeHook );
- }
- if ( value !== undefined ) {
- if ( value === null ) {
- jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
- return;
- } else if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && notxml && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) {
- return ret;
- } else {
- elem.setAttribute( name, "" + value );
- return value;
- }
- } else if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && notxml && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) {
- return ret;
- } else {
- ret = elem.getAttribute( name );
- // Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined
- return ret === null ?
- undefined :
- ret;
- }
- },
- removeAttr: function( elem, value ) {
- var propName, attrNames, name, l, isBool,
- i = 0;
- if ( value && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- attrNames = value.toLowerCase().split( rspace );
- l = attrNames.length;
- for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
- name = attrNames[ i ];
- if ( name ) {
- propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
- isBool = rboolean.test( name );
- // See #9699 for explanation of this approach (setting first, then removal)
- // Do not do this for boolean attributes (see #10870)
- if ( !isBool ) {
- jQuery.attr( elem, name, "" );
- }
- elem.removeAttribute( getSetAttribute ? name : propName );
- // Set corresponding property to false for boolean attributes
- if ( isBool && propName in elem ) {
- elem[ propName ] = false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- },
- attrHooks: {
- type: {
- set: function( elem, value ) {
- // We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE)
- if ( rtype.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.parentNode ) {
- jQuery.error( "type property can't be changed" );
- } else if ( !jQuery.support.radioValue && value === "radio" && jQuery.nodeName(elem, "input") ) {
- // Setting the type on a radio button after the value resets the value in IE6-9
- // Reset value to it's default in case type is set after value
- // This is for element creation
- var val = elem.value;
- elem.setAttribute( "type", value );
- if ( val ) {
- elem.value = val;
- }
- return value;
- }
- }
- },
- // Use the value property for back compat
- // Use the nodeHook for button elements in IE6/7 (#1954)
- value: {
- get: function( elem, name ) {
- if ( nodeHook && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ) {
- return nodeHook.get( elem, name );
- }
- return name in elem ?
- elem.value :
- null;
- },
- set: function( elem, value, name ) {
- if ( nodeHook && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ) {
- return nodeHook.set( elem, value, name );
- }
- // Does not return so that setAttribute is also used
- elem.value = value;
- }
- }
- },
- propFix: {
- tabindex: "tabIndex",
- readonly: "readOnly",
- "for": "htmlFor",
- "class": "className",
- maxlength: "maxLength",
- cellspacing: "cellSpacing",
- cellpadding: "cellPadding",
- rowspan: "rowSpan",
- colspan: "colSpan",
- usemap: "useMap",
- frameborder: "frameBorder",
- contenteditable: "contentEditable"
- },
- prop: function( elem, name, value ) {
- var ret, hooks, notxml,
- nType = elem.nodeType;
- // don't get/set properties on text, comment and attribute nodes
- if ( !elem || nType === 3 || nType === 8 || nType === 2 ) {
- return;
- }
- notxml = nType !== 1 || !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem );
- if ( notxml ) {
- // Fix name and attach hooks
- name = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
- hooks = jQuery.propHooks[ name ];
- }
- if ( value !== undefined ) {
- if ( hooks && "set" in hooks && (ret = hooks.set( elem, value, name )) !== undefined ) {
- return ret;
- } else {
- return ( elem[ name ] = value );
- }
- } else {
- if ( hooks && "get" in hooks && (ret = hooks.get( elem, name )) !== null ) {
- return ret;
- } else {
- return elem[ name ];
- }
- }
- },
- propHooks: {
- tabIndex: {
- get: function( elem ) {
- // elem.tabIndex doesn't always return the correct value when it hasn't been explicitly set
- // http://fluidproject.org/blog/2008/01/09/getting-setting-and-removing-tabindex-values-with-javascript/
- var attributeNode = elem.getAttributeNode("tabindex");
- return attributeNode && attributeNode.specified ?
- parseInt( attributeNode.value, 10 ) :
- rfocusable.test( elem.nodeName ) || rclickable.test( elem.nodeName ) && elem.href ?
- 0 :
- undefined;
- }
- }
- }
-// Add the tabIndex propHook to attrHooks for back-compat (different case is intentional)
-jQuery.attrHooks.tabindex = jQuery.propHooks.tabIndex;
-// Hook for boolean attributes
-boolHook = {
- get: function( elem, name ) {
- // Align boolean attributes with corresponding properties
- // Fall back to attribute presence where some booleans are not supported
- var attrNode,
- property = jQuery.prop( elem, name );
- return property === true || typeof property !== "boolean" && ( attrNode = elem.getAttributeNode(name) ) && attrNode.nodeValue !== false ?
- name.toLowerCase() :
- undefined;
- },
- set: function( elem, value, name ) {
- var propName;
- if ( value === false ) {
- // Remove boolean attributes when set to false
- jQuery.removeAttr( elem, name );
- } else {
- // value is true since we know at this point it's type boolean and not false
- // Set boolean attributes to the same name and set the DOM property
- propName = jQuery.propFix[ name ] || name;
- if ( propName in elem ) {
- // Only set the IDL specifically if it already exists on the element
- elem[ propName ] = true;
- }
- elem.setAttribute( name, name.toLowerCase() );
- }
- return name;
- }
-// IE6/7 do not support getting/setting some attributes with get/setAttribute
-if ( !getSetAttribute ) {
- fixSpecified = {
- name: true,
- id: true,
- coords: true
- };
- // Use this for any attribute in IE6/7
- // This fixes almost every IE6/7 issue
- nodeHook = jQuery.valHooks.button = {
- get: function( elem, name ) {
- var ret;
- ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
- return ret && ( fixSpecified[ name ] ? ret.nodeValue !== "" : ret.specified ) ?
- ret.nodeValue :
- undefined;
- },
- set: function( elem, value, name ) {
- // Set the existing or create a new attribute node
- var ret = elem.getAttributeNode( name );
- if ( !ret ) {
- ret = document.createAttribute( name );
- elem.setAttributeNode( ret );
- }
- return ( ret.nodeValue = value + "" );
- }
- };
- // Apply the nodeHook to tabindex
- jQuery.attrHooks.tabindex.set = nodeHook.set;
- // Set width and height to auto instead of 0 on empty string( Bug #8150 )
- // This is for removals
- jQuery.each([ "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) {
- jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], {
- set: function( elem, value ) {
- if ( value === "" ) {
- elem.setAttribute( name, "auto" );
- return value;
- }
- }
- });
- });
- // Set contenteditable to false on removals(#10429)
- // Setting to empty string throws an error as an invalid value
- jQuery.attrHooks.contenteditable = {
- get: nodeHook.get,
- set: function( elem, value, name ) {
- if ( value === "" ) {
- value = "false";
- }
- nodeHook.set( elem, value, name );
- }
- };
-// Some attributes require a special call on IE
-if ( !jQuery.support.hrefNormalized ) {
- jQuery.each([ "href", "src", "width", "height" ], function( i, name ) {
- jQuery.attrHooks[ name ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.attrHooks[ name ], {
- get: function( elem ) {
- var ret = elem.getAttribute( name, 2 );
- return ret === null ? undefined : ret;
- }
- });
- });
-if ( !jQuery.support.style ) {
- jQuery.attrHooks.style = {
- get: function( elem ) {
- // Return undefined in the case of empty string
- // Normalize to lowercase since IE uppercases css property names
- return elem.style.cssText.toLowerCase() || undefined;
- },
- set: function( elem, value ) {
- return ( elem.style.cssText = "" + value );
- }
- };
-// Safari mis-reports the default selected property of an option
-// Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it
-if ( !jQuery.support.optSelected ) {
- jQuery.propHooks.selected = jQuery.extend( jQuery.propHooks.selected, {
- get: function( elem ) {
- var parent = elem.parentNode;
- if ( parent ) {
- parent.selectedIndex;
- // Make sure that it also works with optgroups, see #5701
- if ( parent.parentNode ) {
- parent.parentNode.selectedIndex;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- });
-// IE6/7 call enctype encoding
-if ( !jQuery.support.enctype ) {
- jQuery.propFix.enctype = "encoding";
-// Radios and checkboxes getter/setter
-if ( !jQuery.support.checkOn ) {
- jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() {
- jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = {
- get: function( elem ) {
- // Handle the case where in Webkit "" is returned instead of "on" if a value isn't specified
- return elem.getAttribute("value") === null ? "on" : elem.value;
- }
- };
- });
-jQuery.each([ "radio", "checkbox" ], function() {
- jQuery.valHooks[ this ] = jQuery.extend( jQuery.valHooks[ this ], {
- set: function( elem, value ) {
- if ( jQuery.isArray( value ) ) {
- return ( elem.checked = jQuery.inArray( jQuery(elem).val(), value ) >= 0 );
- }
- }
- });
-var rformElems = /^(?:textarea|input|select)$/i,
- rtypenamespace = /^([^\.]*)?(?:\.(.+))?$/,
- rhoverHack = /(?:^|\s)hover(\.\S+)?\b/,
- rkeyEvent = /^key/,
- rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|contextmenu)|click/,
- rfocusMorph = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/,
- rquickIs = /^(\w*)(?:#([\w\-]+))?(?:\.([\w\-]+))?$/,
- quickParse = function( selector ) {
- var quick = rquickIs.exec( selector );
- if ( quick ) {
- // 0 1 2 3
- // [ _, tag, id, class ]
- quick[1] = ( quick[1] || "" ).toLowerCase();
- quick[3] = quick[3] && new RegExp( "(?:^|\\s)" + quick[3] + "(?:\\s|$)" );
- }
- return quick;
- },
- quickIs = function( elem, m ) {
- var attrs = elem.attributes || {};
- return (
- (!m[1] || elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === m[1]) &&
- (!m[2] || (attrs.id || {}).value === m[2]) &&
- (!m[3] || m[3].test( (attrs[ "class" ] || {}).value ))
- );
- },
- hoverHack = function( events ) {
- return jQuery.event.special.hover ? events : events.replace( rhoverHack, "mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1" );
- };
- * Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface.
- * Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas.
- */
-jQuery.event = {
- add: function( elem, types, handler, data, selector ) {
- var elemData, eventHandle, events,
- t, tns, type, namespaces, handleObj,
- handleObjIn, quick, handlers, special;
- // Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (allow plain objects tho)
- if ( elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8 || !types || !handler || !(elemData = jQuery._data( elem )) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler
- if ( handler.handler ) {
- handleObjIn = handler;
- handler = handleObjIn.handler;
- selector = handleObjIn.selector;
- }
- // Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later
- if ( !handler.guid ) {
- handler.guid = jQuery.guid++;
- }
- // Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first
- events = elemData.events;
- if ( !events ) {
- elemData.events = events = {};
- }
- eventHandle = elemData.handle;
- if ( !eventHandle ) {
- elemData.handle = eventHandle = function( e ) {
- // Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and
- // when an event is called after a page has unloaded
- return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && (!e || jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type) ?
- jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( eventHandle.elem, arguments ) :
- undefined;
- };
- // Add elem as a property of the handle fn to prevent a memory leak with IE non-native events
- eventHandle.elem = elem;
- }
- // Handle multiple events separated by a space
- // jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
- types = jQuery.trim( hoverHack(types) ).split( " " );
- for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
- tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
- type = tns[1];
- namespaces = ( tns[2] || "" ).split( "." ).sort();
- // If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type
- special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
- // If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type
- type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
- // Update special based on newly reset type
- special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
- // handleObj is passed to all event handlers
- handleObj = jQuery.extend({
- type: type,
- origType: tns[1],
- data: data,
- handler: handler,
- guid: handler.guid,
- selector: selector,
- quick: selector && quickParse( selector ),
- namespace: namespaces.join(".")
- }, handleObjIn );
- // Init the event handler queue if we're the first
- handlers = events[ type ];
- if ( !handlers ) {
- handlers = events[ type ] = [];
- handlers.delegateCount = 0;
- // Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special events handler returns false
- if ( !special.setup || special.setup.call( elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) {
- // Bind the global event handler to the element
- if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
- elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle, false );
- } else if ( elem.attachEvent ) {
- elem.attachEvent( "on" + type, eventHandle );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( special.add ) {
- special.add.call( elem, handleObj );
- if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) {
- handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;
- }
- }
- // Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front
- if ( selector ) {
- handlers.splice( handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj );
- } else {
- handlers.push( handleObj );
- }
- // Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization
- jQuery.event.global[ type ] = true;
- }
- // Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE
- elem = null;
- },
- global: {},
- // Detach an event or set of events from an element
- remove: function( elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes ) {
- var elemData = jQuery.hasData( elem ) && jQuery._data( elem ),
- t, tns, type, origType, namespaces, origCount,
- j, events, special, handle, eventType, handleObj;
- if ( !elemData || !(events = elemData.events) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted
- types = jQuery.trim( hoverHack( types || "" ) ).split(" ");
- for ( t = 0; t < types.length; t++ ) {
- tns = rtypenamespace.exec( types[t] ) || [];
- type = origType = tns[1];
- namespaces = tns[2];
- // Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element
- if ( !type ) {
- for ( type in events ) {
- jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types[ t ], handler, selector, true );
- }
- continue;
- }
- special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
- type = ( selector? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
- eventType = events[ type ] || [];
- origCount = eventType.length;
- namespaces = namespaces ? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.split(".").sort().join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
- // Remove matching events
- for ( j = 0; j < eventType.length; j++ ) {
- handleObj = eventType[ j ];
- if ( ( mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType ) &&
- ( !handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) &&
- ( !namespaces || namespaces.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) &&
- ( !selector || selector === handleObj.selector || selector === "**" && handleObj.selector ) ) {
- eventType.splice( j--, 1 );
- if ( handleObj.selector ) {
- eventType.delegateCount--;
- }
- if ( special.remove ) {
- special.remove.call( elem, handleObj );
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist
- // (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers)
- if ( eventType.length === 0 && origCount !== eventType.length ) {
- if ( !special.teardown || special.teardown.call( elem, namespaces ) === false ) {
- jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle );
- }
- delete events[ type ];
- }
- }
- // Remove the expando if it's no longer used
- if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) {
- handle = elemData.handle;
- if ( handle ) {
- handle.elem = null;
- }
- // removeData also checks for emptiness and clears the expando if empty
- // so use it instead of delete
- jQuery.removeData( elem, [ "events", "handle" ], true );
- }
- },
- // Events that are safe to short-circuit if no handlers are attached.
- // Native DOM events should not be added, they may have inline handlers.
- customEvent: {
- "getData": true,
- "setData": true,
- "changeData": true
- },
- trigger: function( event, data, elem, onlyHandlers ) {
- // Don't do events on text and comment nodes
- if ( elem && (elem.nodeType === 3 || elem.nodeType === 8) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Event object or event type
- var type = event.type || event,
- namespaces = [],
- cache, exclusive, i, cur, old, ontype, special, handle, eventPath, bubbleType;
- // focus/blur morphs to focusin/out; ensure we're not firing them right now
- if ( rfocusMorph.test( type + jQuery.event.triggered ) ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( type.indexOf( "!" ) >= 0 ) {
- // Exclusive events trigger only for the exact event (no namespaces)
- type = type.slice(0, -1);
- exclusive = true;
- }
- if ( type.indexOf( "." ) >= 0 ) {
- // Namespaced trigger; create a regexp to match event type in handle()
- namespaces = type.split(".");
- type = namespaces.shift();
- namespaces.sort();
- }
- if ( (!elem || jQuery.event.customEvent[ type ]) && !jQuery.event.global[ type ] ) {
- // No jQuery handlers for this event type, and it can't have inline handlers
- return;
- }
- // Caller can pass in an Event, Object, or just an event type string
- event = typeof event === "object" ?
- // jQuery.Event object
- event[ jQuery.expando ] ? event :
- // Object literal
- new jQuery.Event( type, event ) :
- // Just the event type (string)
- new jQuery.Event( type );
- event.type = type;
- event.isTrigger = true;
- event.exclusive = exclusive;
- event.namespace = namespaces.join( "." );
- event.namespace_re = event.namespace? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join("\\.(?:.*\\.)?") + "(\\.|$)") : null;
- ontype = type.indexOf( ":" ) < 0 ? "on" + type : "";
- // Handle a global trigger
- if ( !elem ) {
- // TODO: Stop taunting the data cache; remove global events and always attach to document
- cache = jQuery.cache;
- for ( i in cache ) {
- if ( cache[ i ].events && cache[ i ].events[ type ] ) {
- jQuery.event.trigger( event, data, cache[ i ].handle.elem, true );
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- // Clean up the event in case it is being reused
- event.result = undefined;
- if ( !event.target ) {
- event.target = elem;
- }
- // Clone any incoming data and prepend the event, creating the handler arg list
- data = data != null ? jQuery.makeArray( data ) : [];
- data.unshift( event );
- // Allow special events to draw outside the lines
- special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
- if ( special.trigger && special.trigger.apply( elem, data ) === false ) {
- return;
- }
- // Determine event propagation path in advance, per W3C events spec (#9951)
- // Bubble up to document, then to window; watch for a global ownerDocument var (#9724)
- eventPath = [[ elem, special.bindType || type ]];
- if ( !onlyHandlers && !special.noBubble && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
- bubbleType = special.delegateType || type;
- cur = rfocusMorph.test( bubbleType + type ) ? elem : elem.parentNode;
- old = null;
- for ( ; cur; cur = cur.parentNode ) {
- eventPath.push([ cur, bubbleType ]);
- old = cur;
- }
- // Only add window if we got to document (e.g., not plain obj or detached DOM)
- if ( old && old === elem.ownerDocument ) {
- eventPath.push([ old.defaultView || old.parentWindow || window, bubbleType ]);
- }
- }
- // Fire handlers on the event path
- for ( i = 0; i < eventPath.length && !event.isPropagationStopped(); i++ ) {
- cur = eventPath[i][0];
- event.type = eventPath[i][1];
- handle = ( jQuery._data( cur, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] && jQuery._data( cur, "handle" );
- if ( handle ) {
- handle.apply( cur, data );
- }
- // Note that this is a bare JS function and not a jQuery handler
- handle = ontype && cur[ ontype ];
- if ( handle && jQuery.acceptData( cur ) && handle.apply( cur, data ) === false ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
- event.type = type;
- // If nobody prevented the default action, do it now
- if ( !onlyHandlers && !event.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
- if ( (!special._default || special._default.apply( elem.ownerDocument, data ) === false) &&
- !(type === "click" && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "a" )) && jQuery.acceptData( elem ) ) {
- // Call a native DOM method on the target with the same name name as the event.
- // Can't use an .isFunction() check here because IE6/7 fails that test.
- // Don't do default actions on window, that's where global variables be (#6170)
- // IE<9 dies on focus/blur to hidden element (#1486)
- if ( ontype && elem[ type ] && ((type !== "focus" && type !== "blur") || event.target.offsetWidth !== 0) && !jQuery.isWindow( elem ) ) {
- // Don't re-trigger an onFOO event when we call its FOO() method
- old = elem[ ontype ];
- if ( old ) {
- elem[ ontype ] = null;
- }
- // Prevent re-triggering of the same event, since we already bubbled it above
- jQuery.event.triggered = type;
- elem[ type ]();
- jQuery.event.triggered = undefined;
- if ( old ) {
- elem[ ontype ] = old;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return event.result;
- },
- dispatch: function( event ) {
- // Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object
- event = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event );
- var handlers = ( (jQuery._data( this, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] || []),
- delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount,
- args = [].slice.call( arguments, 0 ),
- run_all = !event.exclusive && !event.namespace,
- special = jQuery.event.special[ event.type ] || {},
- handlerQueue = [],
- i, j, cur, jqcur, ret, selMatch, matched, matches, handleObj, sel, related;
- // Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event
- args[0] = event;
- event.delegateTarget = this;
- // Call the preDispatch hook for the mapped type, and let it bail if desired
- if ( special.preDispatch && special.preDispatch.call( this, event ) === false ) {
- return;
- }
- // Determine handlers that should run if there are delegated events
- // Avoid non-left-click bubbling in Firefox (#3861)
- if ( delegateCount && !(event.button && event.type === "click") ) {
- // Pregenerate a single jQuery object for reuse with .is()
- jqcur = jQuery(this);
- jqcur.context = this.ownerDocument || this;
- for ( cur = event.target; cur != this; cur = cur.parentNode || this ) {
- // Don't process events on disabled elements (#6911, #8165)
- if ( cur.disabled !== true ) {
- selMatch = {};
- matches = [];
- jqcur[0] = cur;
- for ( i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++ ) {
- handleObj = handlers[ i ];
- sel = handleObj.selector;
- if ( selMatch[ sel ] === undefined ) {
- selMatch[ sel ] = (
- handleObj.quick ? quickIs( cur, handleObj.quick ) : jqcur.is( sel )
- );
- }
- if ( selMatch[ sel ] ) {
- matches.push( handleObj );
- }
- }
- if ( matches.length ) {
- handlerQueue.push({ elem: cur, matches: matches });
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers
- if ( handlers.length > delegateCount ) {
- handlerQueue.push({ elem: this, matches: handlers.slice( delegateCount ) });
- }
- // Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us
- for ( i = 0; i < handlerQueue.length && !event.isPropagationStopped(); i++ ) {
- matched = handlerQueue[ i ];
- event.currentTarget = matched.elem;
- for ( j = 0; j < matched.matches.length && !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped(); j++ ) {
- handleObj = matched.matches[ j ];
- // Triggered event must either 1) be non-exclusive and have no namespace, or
- // 2) have namespace(s) a subset or equal to those in the bound event (both can have no namespace).
- if ( run_all || (!event.namespace && !handleObj.namespace) || event.namespace_re && event.namespace_re.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
- event.data = handleObj.data;
- event.handleObj = handleObj;
- ret = ( (jQuery.event.special[ handleObj.origType ] || {}).handle || handleObj.handler )
- .apply( matched.elem, args );
- if ( ret !== undefined ) {
- event.result = ret;
- if ( ret === false ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopPropagation();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Call the postDispatch hook for the mapped type
- if ( special.postDispatch ) {
- special.postDispatch.call( this, event );
- }
- return event.result;
- },
- // Includes some event props shared by KeyEvent and MouseEvent
- // *** attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement are not normalized, non-W3C, deprecated, will be removed in 1.8 ***
- props: "attrChange attrName relatedNode srcElement altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(" "),
- fixHooks: {},
- keyHooks: {
- props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "),
- filter: function( event, original ) {
- // Add which for key events
- if ( event.which == null ) {
- event.which = original.charCode != null ? original.charCode : original.keyCode;
- }
- return event;
- }
- },
- mouseHooks: {
- props: "button buttons clientX clientY fromElement offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(" "),
- filter: function( event, original ) {
- var eventDoc, doc, body,
- button = original.button,
- fromElement = original.fromElement;
- // Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
- if ( event.pageX == null && original.clientX != null ) {
- eventDoc = event.target.ownerDocument || document;
- doc = eventDoc.documentElement;
- body = eventDoc.body;
- event.pageX = original.clientX + ( doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0 );
- event.pageY = original.clientY + ( doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0 ) - ( doc && doc.clientTop || body && body.clientTop || 0 );
- }
- // Add relatedTarget, if necessary
- if ( !event.relatedTarget && fromElement ) {
- event.relatedTarget = fromElement === event.target ? original.toElement : fromElement;
- }
- // Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
- // Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
- if ( !event.which && button !== undefined ) {
- event.which = ( button & 1 ? 1 : ( button & 2 ? 3 : ( button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ) );
- }
- return event;
- }
- },
- fix: function( event ) {
- if ( event[ jQuery.expando ] ) {
- return event;
- }
- // Create a writable copy of the event object and normalize some properties
- var i, prop,
- originalEvent = event,
- fixHook = jQuery.event.fixHooks[ event.type ] || {},
- copy = fixHook.props ? this.props.concat( fixHook.props ) : this.props;
- event = jQuery.Event( originalEvent );
- for ( i = copy.length; i; ) {
- prop = copy[ --i ];
- event[ prop ] = originalEvent[ prop ];
- }
- // Fix target property, if necessary (#1925, IE 6/7/8 & Safari2)
- if ( !event.target ) {
- event.target = originalEvent.srcElement || document;
- }
- // Target should not be a text node (#504, Safari)
- if ( event.target.nodeType === 3 ) {
- event.target = event.target.parentNode;
- }
- // For mouse/key events; add metaKey if it's not there (#3368, IE6/7/8)
- if ( event.metaKey === undefined ) {
- event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey;
- }
- return fixHook.filter? fixHook.filter( event, originalEvent ) : event;
- },
- special: {
- ready: {
- // Make sure the ready event is setup
- setup: jQuery.bindReady
- },
- load: {
- // Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load
- noBubble: true
- },
- focus: {
- delegateType: "focusin"
- },
- blur: {
- delegateType: "focusout"
- },
- beforeunload: {
- setup: function( data, namespaces, eventHandle ) {
- // We only want to do this special case on windows
- if ( jQuery.isWindow( this ) ) {
- this.onbeforeunload = eventHandle;
- }
- },
- teardown: function( namespaces, eventHandle ) {
- if ( this.onbeforeunload === eventHandle ) {
- this.onbeforeunload = null;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- simulate: function( type, elem, event, bubble ) {
- // Piggyback on a donor event to simulate a different one.
- // Fake originalEvent to avoid donor's stopPropagation, but if the
- // simulated event prevents default then we do the same on the donor.
- var e = jQuery.extend(
- new jQuery.Event(),
- event,
- { type: type,
- isSimulated: true,
- originalEvent: {}
- }
- );
- if ( bubble ) {
- jQuery.event.trigger( e, null, elem );
- } else {
- jQuery.event.dispatch.call( elem, e );
- }
- if ( e.isDefaultPrevented() ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- }
-// Some plugins are using, but it's undocumented/deprecated and will be removed.
-// The 1.7 special event interface should provide all the hooks needed now.
-jQuery.event.handle = jQuery.event.dispatch;
-jQuery.removeEvent = document.removeEventListener ?
- function( elem, type, handle ) {
- if ( elem.removeEventListener ) {
- elem.removeEventListener( type, handle, false );
- }
- } :
- function( elem, type, handle ) {
- if ( elem.detachEvent ) {
- elem.detachEvent( "on" + type, handle );
- }
- };
-jQuery.Event = function( src, props ) {
- // Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
- if ( !(this instanceof jQuery.Event) ) {
- return new jQuery.Event( src, props );
- }
- // Event object
- if ( src && src.type ) {
- this.originalEvent = src;
- this.type = src.type;
- // Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented
- // by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value.
- this.isDefaultPrevented = ( src.defaultPrevented || src.returnValue === false ||
- src.getPreventDefault && src.getPreventDefault() ) ? returnTrue : returnFalse;
- // Event type
- } else {
- this.type = src;
- }
- // Put explicitly provided properties onto the event object
- if ( props ) {
- jQuery.extend( this, props );
- }
- // Create a timestamp if incoming event doesn't have one
- this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp || jQuery.now();
- // Mark it as fixed
- this[ jQuery.expando ] = true;
-function returnFalse() {
- return false;
-function returnTrue() {
- return true;
-// jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding
-// http://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/ecma-script-binding.html
-jQuery.Event.prototype = {
- preventDefault: function() {
- this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
- var e = this.originalEvent;
- if ( !e ) {
- return;
- }
- // if preventDefault exists run it on the original event
- if ( e.preventDefault ) {
- e.preventDefault();
- // otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)
- } else {
- e.returnValue = false;
- }
- },
- stopPropagation: function() {
- this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
- var e = this.originalEvent;
- if ( !e ) {
- return;
- }
- // if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event
- if ( e.stopPropagation ) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- }
- // otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE)
- e.cancelBubble = true;
- },
- stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
- this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
- this.stopPropagation();
- },
- isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse,
- isPropagationStopped: returnFalse,
- isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse
-// Create mouseenter/leave events using mouseover/out and event-time checks
- mouseenter: "mouseover",
- mouseleave: "mouseout"
-}, function( orig, fix ) {
- jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = {
- delegateType: fix,
- bindType: fix,
- handle: function( event ) {
- var target = this,
- related = event.relatedTarget,
- handleObj = event.handleObj,
- selector = handleObj.selector,
- ret;
- // For mousenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target.
- // NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window
- if ( !related || (related !== target && !jQuery.contains( target, related )) ) {
- event.type = handleObj.origType;
- ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
- event.type = fix;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- };
-// IE submit delegation
-if ( !jQuery.support.submitBubbles ) {
- jQuery.event.special.submit = {
- setup: function() {
- // Only need this for delegated form submit events
- if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- // Lazy-add a submit handler when a descendant form may potentially be submitted
- jQuery.event.add( this, "click._submit keypress._submit", function( e ) {
- // Node name check avoids a VML-related crash in IE (#9807)
- var elem = e.target,
- form = jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) || jQuery.nodeName( elem, "button" ) ? elem.form : undefined;
- if ( form && !form._submit_attached ) {
- jQuery.event.add( form, "submit._submit", function( event ) {
- event._submit_bubble = true;
- });
- form._submit_attached = true;
- }
- });
- // return undefined since we don't need an event listener
- },
- postDispatch: function( event ) {
- // If form was submitted by the user, bubble the event up the tree
- if ( event._submit_bubble ) {
- delete event._submit_bubble;
- if ( this.parentNode && !event.isTrigger ) {
- jQuery.event.simulate( "submit", this.parentNode, event, true );
- }
- }
- },
- teardown: function() {
- // Only need this for delegated form submit events
- if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "form" ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- // Remove delegated handlers; cleanData eventually reaps submit handlers attached above
- jQuery.event.remove( this, "._submit" );
- }
- };
-// IE change delegation and checkbox/radio fix
-if ( !jQuery.support.changeBubbles ) {
- jQuery.event.special.change = {
- setup: function() {
- if ( rformElems.test( this.nodeName ) ) {
- // IE doesn't fire change on a check/radio until blur; trigger it on click
- // after a propertychange. Eat the blur-change in special.change.handle.
- // This still fires onchange a second time for check/radio after blur.
- if ( this.type === "checkbox" || this.type === "radio" ) {
- jQuery.event.add( this, "propertychange._change", function( event ) {
- if ( event.originalEvent.propertyName === "checked" ) {
- this._just_changed = true;
- }
- });
- jQuery.event.add( this, "click._change", function( event ) {
- if ( this._just_changed && !event.isTrigger ) {
- this._just_changed = false;
- jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this, event, true );
- }
- });
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Delegated event; lazy-add a change handler on descendant inputs
- jQuery.event.add( this, "beforeactivate._change", function( e ) {
- var elem = e.target;
- if ( rformElems.test( elem.nodeName ) && !elem._change_attached ) {
- jQuery.event.add( elem, "change._change", function( event ) {
- if ( this.parentNode && !event.isSimulated && !event.isTrigger ) {
- jQuery.event.simulate( "change", this.parentNode, event, true );
- }
- });
- elem._change_attached = true;
- }
- });
- },
- handle: function( event ) {
- var elem = event.target;
- // Swallow native change events from checkbox/radio, we already triggered them above
- if ( this !== elem || event.isSimulated || event.isTrigger || (elem.type !== "radio" && elem.type !== "checkbox") ) {
- return event.handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
- }
- },
- teardown: function() {
- jQuery.event.remove( this, "._change" );
- return rformElems.test( this.nodeName );
- }
- };
-// Create "bubbling" focus and blur events
-if ( !jQuery.support.focusinBubbles ) {
- jQuery.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function( orig, fix ) {
- // Attach a single capturing handler while someone wants focusin/focusout
- var attaches = 0,
- handler = function( event ) {
- jQuery.event.simulate( fix, event.target, jQuery.event.fix( event ), true );
- };
- jQuery.event.special[ fix ] = {
- setup: function() {
- if ( attaches++ === 0 ) {
- document.addEventListener( orig, handler, true );
- }
- },
- teardown: function() {
- if ( --attaches === 0 ) {
- document.removeEventListener( orig, handler, true );
- }
- }
- };
- });
- on: function( types, selector, data, fn, /*INTERNAL*/ one ) {
- var origFn, type;
- // Types can be a map of types/handlers
- if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
- // ( types-Object, selector, data )
- if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) { // && selector != null
- // ( types-Object, data )
- data = data || selector;
- selector = undefined;
- }
- for ( type in types ) {
- this.on( type, selector, data, types[ type ], one );
- }
- return this;
- }
- if ( data == null && fn == null ) {
- // ( types, fn )
- fn = selector;
- data = selector = undefined;
- } else if ( fn == null ) {
- if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
- // ( types, selector, fn )
- fn = data;
- data = undefined;
- } else {
- // ( types, data, fn )
- fn = data;
- data = selector;
- selector = undefined;
- }
- }
- if ( fn === false ) {
- fn = returnFalse;
- } else if ( !fn ) {
- return this;
- }
- if ( one === 1 ) {
- origFn = fn;
- fn = function( event ) {
- // Can use an empty set, since event contains the info
- jQuery().off( event );
- return origFn.apply( this, arguments );
- };
- // Use same guid so caller can remove using origFn
- fn.guid = origFn.guid || ( origFn.guid = jQuery.guid++ );
- }
- return this.each( function() {
- jQuery.event.add( this, types, fn, data, selector );
- });
- },
- one: function( types, selector, data, fn ) {
- return this.on( types, selector, data, fn, 1 );
- },
- off: function( types, selector, fn ) {
- if ( types && types.preventDefault && types.handleObj ) {
- // ( event ) dispatched jQuery.Event
- var handleObj = types.handleObj;
- jQuery( types.delegateTarget ).off(
- handleObj.namespace ? handleObj.origType + "." + handleObj.namespace : handleObj.origType,
- handleObj.selector,
- handleObj.handler
- );
- return this;
- }
- if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
- // ( types-object [, selector] )
- for ( var type in types ) {
- this.off( type, selector, types[ type ] );
- }
- return this;
- }
- if ( selector === false || typeof selector === "function" ) {
- // ( types [, fn] )
- fn = selector;
- selector = undefined;
- }
- if ( fn === false ) {
- fn = returnFalse;
- }
- return this.each(function() {
- jQuery.event.remove( this, types, fn, selector );
- });
- },
- bind: function( types, data, fn ) {
- return this.on( types, null, data, fn );
- },
- unbind: function( types, fn ) {
- return this.off( types, null, fn );
- },
- live: function( types, data, fn ) {
- jQuery( this.context ).on( types, this.selector, data, fn );
- return this;
- },
- die: function( types, fn ) {
- jQuery( this.context ).off( types, this.selector || "**", fn );
- return this;
- },
- delegate: function( selector, types, data, fn ) {
- return this.on( types, selector, data, fn );
- },
- undelegate: function( selector, types, fn ) {
- // ( namespace ) or ( selector, types [, fn] )
- return arguments.length == 1? this.off( selector, "**" ) : this.off( types, selector, fn );
- },
- trigger: function( type, data ) {
- return this.each(function() {
- jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this );
- });
- },
- triggerHandler: function( type, data ) {
- if ( this[0] ) {
- return jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this[0], true );
- }
- },
- toggle: function( fn ) {
- // Save reference to arguments for access in closure
- var args = arguments,
- guid = fn.guid || jQuery.guid++,
- i = 0,
- toggler = function( event ) {
- // Figure out which function to execute
- var lastToggle = ( jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid ) || 0 ) % i;
- jQuery._data( this, "lastToggle" + fn.guid, lastToggle + 1 );
- // Make sure that clicks stop
- event.preventDefault();
- // and execute the function
- return args[ lastToggle ].apply( this, arguments ) || false;
- };
- // link all the functions, so any of them can unbind this click handler
- toggler.guid = guid;
- while ( i < args.length ) {
- args[ i++ ].guid = guid;
- }
- return this.click( toggler );
- },
- hover: function( fnOver, fnOut ) {
- return this.mouseenter( fnOver ).mouseleave( fnOut || fnOver );
- }
-jQuery.each( ("blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick " +
- "mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave " +
- "change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu").split(" "), function( i, name ) {
- // Handle event binding
- jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( data, fn ) {
- if ( fn == null ) {
- fn = data;
- data = null;
- }
- return arguments.length > 0 ?
- this.on( name, null, data, fn ) :
- this.trigger( name );
- };
- if ( jQuery.attrFn ) {
- jQuery.attrFn[ name ] = true;
- }
- if ( rkeyEvent.test( name ) ) {
- jQuery.event.fixHooks[ name ] = jQuery.event.keyHooks;
- }
- if ( rmouseEvent.test( name ) ) {
- jQuery.event.fixHooks[ name ] = jQuery.event.mouseHooks;
- }
- * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine
- * Copyright 2011, The Dojo Foundation
- * Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.
- * More information: http://sizzlejs.com/
- */
-var chunker = /((?:\((?:\([^()]+\)|[^()]+)+\)|\[(?:\[[^\[\]]*\]|['"][^'"]*['"]|[^\[\]'"]+)+\]|\\.|[^ >+~,(\[\\]+)+|[>+~])(\s*,\s*)?((?:.|\r|\n)*)/g,
- expando = "sizcache" + (Math.random() + '').replace('.', ''),
- done = 0,
- toString = Object.prototype.toString,
- hasDuplicate = false,
- baseHasDuplicate = true,
- rBackslash = /\\/g,
- rReturn = /\r\n/g,
- rNonWord = /\W/;
-// Here we check if the JavaScript engine is using some sort of
-// optimization where it does not always call our comparision
-// function. If that is the case, discard the hasDuplicate value.
-// Thus far that includes Google Chrome.
-[0, 0].sort(function() {
- baseHasDuplicate = false;
- return 0;
-var Sizzle = function( selector, context, results, seed ) {
- results = results || [];
- context = context || document;
- var origContext = context;
- if ( context.nodeType !== 1 && context.nodeType !== 9 ) {
- return [];
- }
- if ( !selector || typeof selector !== "string" ) {
- return results;
- }
- var m, set, checkSet, extra, ret, cur, pop, i,
- prune = true,
- contextXML = Sizzle.isXML( context ),
- parts = [],
- soFar = selector;
- // Reset the position of the chunker regexp (start from head)
- do {
- chunker.exec( "" );
- m = chunker.exec( soFar );
- if ( m ) {
- soFar = m[3];
- parts.push( m[1] );
- if ( m[2] ) {
- extra = m[3];
- break;
- }
- }
- } while ( m );
- if ( parts.length > 1 && origPOS.exec( selector ) ) {
- if ( parts.length === 2 && Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ) {
- set = posProcess( parts[0] + parts[1], context, seed );
- } else {
- set = Expr.relative[ parts[0] ] ?
- [ context ] :
- Sizzle( parts.shift(), context );
- while ( parts.length ) {
- selector = parts.shift();
- if ( Expr.relative[ selector ] ) {
- selector += parts.shift();
- }
- set = posProcess( selector, set, seed );
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Take a shortcut and set the context if the root selector is an ID
- // (but not if it'll be faster if the inner selector is an ID)
- if ( !seed && parts.length > 1 && context.nodeType === 9 && !contextXML &&
- Expr.match.ID.test(parts[0]) && !Expr.match.ID.test(parts[parts.length - 1]) ) {
- ret = Sizzle.find( parts.shift(), context, contextXML );
- context = ret.expr ?
- Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set )[0] :
- ret.set[0];
- }
- if ( context ) {
- ret = seed ?
- { expr: parts.pop(), set: makeArray(seed) } :
- Sizzle.find( parts.pop(), parts.length === 1 && (parts[0] === "~" || parts[0] === "+") && context.parentNode ? context.parentNode : context, contextXML );
- set = ret.expr ?
- Sizzle.filter( ret.expr, ret.set ) :
- ret.set;
- if ( parts.length > 0 ) {
- checkSet = makeArray( set );
- } else {
- prune = false;
- }
- while ( parts.length ) {
- cur = parts.pop();
- pop = cur;
- if ( !Expr.relative[ cur ] ) {
- cur = "";
- } else {
- pop = parts.pop();
- }
- if ( pop == null ) {
- pop = context;
- }
- Expr.relative[ cur ]( checkSet, pop, contextXML );
- }
- } else {
- checkSet = parts = [];
- }
- }
- if ( !checkSet ) {
- checkSet = set;
- }
- if ( !checkSet ) {
- Sizzle.error( cur || selector );
- }
- if ( toString.call(checkSet) === "[object Array]" ) {
- if ( !prune ) {
- results.push.apply( results, checkSet );
- } else if ( context && context.nodeType === 1 ) {
- for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
- if ( checkSet[i] && (checkSet[i] === true || checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 && Sizzle.contains(context, checkSet[i])) ) {
- results.push( set[i] );
- }
- }
- } else {
- for ( i = 0; checkSet[i] != null; i++ ) {
- if ( checkSet[i] && checkSet[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
- results.push( set[i] );
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- makeArray( checkSet, results );
- }
- if ( extra ) {
- Sizzle( extra, origContext, results, seed );
- Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
- }
- return results;
-Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) {
- if ( sortOrder ) {
- hasDuplicate = baseHasDuplicate;
- results.sort( sortOrder );
- if ( hasDuplicate ) {
- for ( var i = 1; i < results.length; i++ ) {
- if ( results[i] === results[ i - 1 ] ) {
- results.splice( i--, 1 );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return results;
-Sizzle.matches = function( expr, set ) {
- return Sizzle( expr, null, null, set );
-Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) {
- return Sizzle( expr, null, null, [node] ).length > 0;
-Sizzle.find = function( expr, context, isXML ) {
- var set, i, len, match, type, left;
- if ( !expr ) {
- return [];
- }
- for ( i = 0, len = Expr.order.length; i < len; i++ ) {
- type = Expr.order[i];
- if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) ) {
- left = match[1];
- match.splice( 1, 1 );
- if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) !== "\\" ) {
- match[1] = (match[1] || "").replace( rBackslash, "" );
- set = Expr.find[ type ]( match, context, isXML );
- if ( set != null ) {
- expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( !set ) {
- set = typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ?
- context.getElementsByTagName( "*" ) :
- [];
- }
- return { set: set, expr: expr };
-Sizzle.filter = function( expr, set, inplace, not ) {
- var match, anyFound,
- type, found, item, filter, left,
- i, pass,
- old = expr,
- result = [],
- curLoop = set,
- isXMLFilter = set && set[0] && Sizzle.isXML( set[0] );
- while ( expr && set.length ) {
- for ( type in Expr.filter ) {
- if ( (match = Expr.leftMatch[ type ].exec( expr )) != null && match[2] ) {
- filter = Expr.filter[ type ];
- left = match[1];
- anyFound = false;
- match.splice(1,1);
- if ( left.substr( left.length - 1 ) === "\\" ) {
- continue;
- }
- if ( curLoop === result ) {
- result = [];
- }
- if ( Expr.preFilter[ type ] ) {
- match = Expr.preFilter[ type ]( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXMLFilter );
- if ( !match ) {
- anyFound = found = true;
- } else if ( match === true ) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- if ( match ) {
- for ( i = 0; (item = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
- if ( item ) {
- found = filter( item, match, i, curLoop );
- pass = not ^ found;
- if ( inplace && found != null ) {
- if ( pass ) {
- anyFound = true;
- } else {
- curLoop[i] = false;
- }
- } else if ( pass ) {
- result.push( item );
- anyFound = true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ( found !== undefined ) {
- if ( !inplace ) {
- curLoop = result;
- }
- expr = expr.replace( Expr.match[ type ], "" );
- if ( !anyFound ) {
- return [];
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // Improper expression
- if ( expr === old ) {
- if ( anyFound == null ) {
- Sizzle.error( expr );
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- old = expr;
- }
- return curLoop;
-Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
- throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );
- * Utility function for retreiving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
- * @param {Array|Element} elem
- */
-var getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) {
- var i, node,
- nodeType = elem.nodeType,
- ret = "";
- if ( nodeType ) {
- if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) {
- // Use textContent || innerText for elements
- if ( typeof elem.textContent === 'string' ) {
- return elem.textContent;
- } else if ( typeof elem.innerText === 'string' ) {
- // Replace IE's carriage returns
- return elem.innerText.replace( rReturn, '' );
- } else {
- // Traverse it's children
- for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling) {
- ret += getText( elem );
- }
- }
- } else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
- return elem.nodeValue;
- }
- } else {
- // If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array
- for ( i = 0; (node = elem[i]); i++ ) {
- // Do not traverse comment nodes
- if ( node.nodeType !== 8 ) {
- ret += getText( node );
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
-var Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
- order: [ "ID", "NAME", "TAG" ],
- match: {
- ID: /#((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
- CLASS: /\.((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)/,
- NAME: /\[name=['"]*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)['"]*\]/,
- ATTR: /\[\s*((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)\s*(?:(\S?=)\s*(?:(['"])(.*?)\3|(#?(?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)*)|)|)\s*\]/,
- TAG: /^((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\*\-]|\\.)+)/,
- CHILD: /:(only|nth|last|first)-child(?:\(\s*(even|odd|(?:[+\-]?\d+|(?:[+\-]?\d*)?n\s*(?:[+\-]\s*\d+)?))\s*\))?/,
- POS: /:(nth|eq|gt|lt|first|last|even|odd)(?:\((\d*)\))?(?=[^\-]|$)/,
- PSEUDO: /:((?:[\w\u00c0-\uFFFF\-]|\\.)+)(?:\((['"]?)((?:\([^\)]+\)|[^\(\)]*)+)\2\))?/
- },
- leftMatch: {},
- attrMap: {
- "class": "className",
- "for": "htmlFor"
- },
- attrHandle: {
- href: function( elem ) {
- return elem.getAttribute( "href" );
- },
- type: function( elem ) {
- return elem.getAttribute( "type" );
- }
- },
- relative: {
- "+": function(checkSet, part){
- var isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
- isTag = isPartStr && !rNonWord.test( part ),
- isPartStrNotTag = isPartStr && !isTag;
- if ( isTag ) {
- part = part.toLowerCase();
- }
- for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length, elem; i < l; i++ ) {
- if ( (elem = checkSet[i]) ) {
- while ( (elem = elem.previousSibling) && elem.nodeType !== 1 ) {}
- checkSet[i] = isPartStrNotTag || elem && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ?
- elem || false :
- elem === part;
- }
- }
- if ( isPartStrNotTag ) {
- Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
- }
- },
- ">": function( checkSet, part ) {
- var elem,
- isPartStr = typeof part === "string",
- i = 0,
- l = checkSet.length;
- if ( isPartStr && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) {
- part = part.toLowerCase();
- for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
- elem = checkSet[i];
- if ( elem ) {
- var parent = elem.parentNode;
- checkSet[i] = parent.nodeName.toLowerCase() === part ? parent : false;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
- elem = checkSet[i];
- if ( elem ) {
- checkSet[i] = isPartStr ?
- elem.parentNode :
- elem.parentNode === part;
- }
- }
- if ( isPartStr ) {
- Sizzle.filter( part, checkSet, true );
- }
- }
- },
- "": function(checkSet, part, isXML){
- var nodeCheck,
- doneName = done++,
- checkFn = dirCheck;
- if ( typeof part === "string" && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) {
- part = part.toLowerCase();
- nodeCheck = part;
- checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
- }
- checkFn( "parentNode", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML );
- },
- "~": function( checkSet, part, isXML ) {
- var nodeCheck,
- doneName = done++,
- checkFn = dirCheck;
- if ( typeof part === "string" && !rNonWord.test( part ) ) {
- part = part.toLowerCase();
- nodeCheck = part;
- checkFn = dirNodeCheck;
- }
- checkFn( "previousSibling", part, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML );
- }
- },
- find: {
- ID: function( match, context, isXML ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
- var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
- // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
- // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
- return m && m.parentNode ? [m] : [];
- }
- },
- NAME: function( match, context ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementsByName !== "undefined" ) {
- var ret = [],
- results = context.getElementsByName( match[1] );
- for ( var i = 0, l = results.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- if ( results[i].getAttribute("name") === match[1] ) {
- ret.push( results[i] );
- }
- }
- return ret.length === 0 ? null : ret;
- }
- },
- TAG: function( match, context ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) {
- return context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] );
- }
- }
- },
- preFilter: {
- CLASS: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) {
- match = " " + match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ) + " ";
- if ( isXML ) {
- return match;
- }
- for ( var i = 0, elem; (elem = curLoop[i]) != null; i++ ) {
- if ( elem ) {
- if ( not ^ (elem.className && (" " + elem.className + " ").replace(/[\t\n\r]/g, " ").indexOf(match) >= 0) ) {
- if ( !inplace ) {
- result.push( elem );
- }
- } else if ( inplace ) {
- curLoop[i] = false;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- },
- ID: function( match ) {
- return match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" );
- },
- TAG: function( match, curLoop ) {
- return match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" ).toLowerCase();
- },
- CHILD: function( match ) {
- if ( match[1] === "nth" ) {
- if ( !match[2] ) {
- Sizzle.error( match[0] );
- }
- match[2] = match[2].replace(/^\+|\s*/g, '');
- // parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6'
- var test = /(-?)(\d*)(?:n([+\-]?\d*))?/.exec(
- match[2] === "even" && "2n" || match[2] === "odd" && "2n+1" ||
- !/\D/.test( match[2] ) && "0n+" + match[2] || match[2]);
- // calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative
- match[2] = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0;
- match[3] = test[3] - 0;
- }
- else if ( match[2] ) {
- Sizzle.error( match[0] );
- }
- // TODO: Move to normal caching system
- match[0] = done++;
- return match;
- },
- ATTR: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not, isXML ) {
- var name = match[1] = match[1].replace( rBackslash, "" );
- if ( !isXML && Expr.attrMap[name] ) {
- match[1] = Expr.attrMap[name];
- }
- // Handle if an un-quoted value was used
- match[4] = ( match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( rBackslash, "" );
- if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
- match[4] = " " + match[4] + " ";
- }
- return match;
- },
- PSEUDO: function( match, curLoop, inplace, result, not ) {
- if ( match[1] === "not" ) {
- // If we're dealing with a complex expression, or a simple one
- if ( ( chunker.exec(match[3]) || "" ).length > 1 || /^\w/.test(match[3]) ) {
- match[3] = Sizzle(match[3], null, null, curLoop);
- } else {
- var ret = Sizzle.filter(match[3], curLoop, inplace, true ^ not);
- if ( !inplace ) {
- result.push.apply( result, ret );
- }
- return false;
- }
- } else if ( Expr.match.POS.test( match[0] ) || Expr.match.CHILD.test( match[0] ) ) {
- return true;
- }
- return match;
- },
- POS: function( match ) {
- match.unshift( true );
- return match;
- }
- },
- filters: {
- enabled: function( elem ) {
- return elem.disabled === false && elem.type !== "hidden";
- },
- disabled: function( elem ) {
- return elem.disabled === true;
- },
- checked: function( elem ) {
- return elem.checked === true;
- },
- selected: function( elem ) {
- // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
- // options in Safari work properly
- if ( elem.parentNode ) {
- elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
- }
- return elem.selected === true;
- },
- parent: function( elem ) {
- return !!elem.firstChild;
- },
- empty: function( elem ) {
- return !elem.firstChild;
- },
- has: function( elem, i, match ) {
- return !!Sizzle( match[3], elem ).length;
- },
- header: function( elem ) {
- return (/h\d/i).test( elem.nodeName );
- },
- text: function( elem ) {
- var attr = elem.getAttribute( "type" ), type = elem.type;
- // IE6 and 7 will map elem.type to 'text' for new HTML5 types (search, etc)
- // use getAttribute instead to test this case
- return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "text" === type && ( attr === type || attr === null );
- },
- radio: function( elem ) {
- return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "radio" === elem.type;
- },
- checkbox: function( elem ) {
- return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "checkbox" === elem.type;
- },
- file: function( elem ) {
- return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "file" === elem.type;
- },
- password: function( elem ) {
- return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "password" === elem.type;
- },
- submit: function( elem ) {
- var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- return (name === "input" || name === "button") && "submit" === elem.type;
- },
- image: function( elem ) {
- return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" && "image" === elem.type;
- },
- reset: function( elem ) {
- var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- return (name === "input" || name === "button") && "reset" === elem.type;
- },
- button: function( elem ) {
- var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- return name === "input" && "button" === elem.type || name === "button";
- },
- input: function( elem ) {
- return (/input|select|textarea|button/i).test( elem.nodeName );
- },
- focus: function( elem ) {
- return elem === elem.ownerDocument.activeElement;
- }
- },
- setFilters: {
- first: function( elem, i ) {
- return i === 0;
- },
- last: function( elem, i, match, array ) {
- return i === array.length - 1;
- },
- even: function( elem, i ) {
- return i % 2 === 0;
- },
- odd: function( elem, i ) {
- return i % 2 === 1;
- },
- lt: function( elem, i, match ) {
- return i < match[3] - 0;
- },
- gt: function( elem, i, match ) {
- return i > match[3] - 0;
- },
- nth: function( elem, i, match ) {
- return match[3] - 0 === i;
- },
- eq: function( elem, i, match ) {
- return match[3] - 0 === i;
- }
- },
- filter: {
- PSEUDO: function( elem, match, i, array ) {
- var name = match[1],
- filter = Expr.filters[ name ];
- if ( filter ) {
- return filter( elem, i, match, array );
- } else if ( name === "contains" ) {
- return (elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText([ elem ]) || "").indexOf(match[3]) >= 0;
- } else if ( name === "not" ) {
- var not = match[3];
- for ( var j = 0, l = not.length; j < l; j++ ) {
- if ( not[j] === elem ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- Sizzle.error( name );
- }
- },
- CHILD: function( elem, match ) {
- var first, last,
- doneName, parent, cache,
- count, diff,
- type = match[1],
- node = elem;
- switch ( type ) {
- case "only":
- case "first":
- while ( (node = node.previousSibling) ) {
- if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- if ( type === "first" ) {
- return true;
- }
- node = elem;
- /* falls through */
- case "last":
- while ( (node = node.nextSibling) ) {
- if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- case "nth":
- first = match[2];
- last = match[3];
- if ( first === 1 && last === 0 ) {
- return true;
- }
- doneName = match[0];
- parent = elem.parentNode;
- if ( parent && (parent[ expando ] !== doneName || !elem.nodeIndex) ) {
- count = 0;
- for ( node = parent.firstChild; node; node = node.nextSibling ) {
- if ( node.nodeType === 1 ) {
- node.nodeIndex = ++count;
- }
- }
- parent[ expando ] = doneName;
- }
- diff = elem.nodeIndex - last;
- if ( first === 0 ) {
- return diff === 0;
- } else {
- return ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
- }
- }
- },
- ID: function( elem, match ) {
- return elem.nodeType === 1 && elem.getAttribute("id") === match;
- },
- TAG: function( elem, match ) {
- return (match === "*" && elem.nodeType === 1) || !!elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === match;
- },
- CLASS: function( elem, match ) {
- return (" " + (elem.className || elem.getAttribute("class")) + " ")
- .indexOf( match ) > -1;
- },
- ATTR: function( elem, match ) {
- var name = match[1],
- result = Sizzle.attr ?
- Sizzle.attr( elem, name ) :
- Expr.attrHandle[ name ] ?
- Expr.attrHandle[ name ]( elem ) :
- elem[ name ] != null ?
- elem[ name ] :
- elem.getAttribute( name ),
- value = result + "",
- type = match[2],
- check = match[4];
- return result == null ?
- type === "!=" :
- !type && Sizzle.attr ?
- result != null :
- type === "=" ?
- value === check :
- type === "*=" ?
- value.indexOf(check) >= 0 :
- type === "~=" ?
- (" " + value + " ").indexOf(check) >= 0 :
- !check ?
- value && result !== false :
- type === "!=" ?
- value !== check :
- type === "^=" ?
- value.indexOf(check) === 0 :
- type === "$=" ?
- value.substr(value.length - check.length) === check :
- type === "|=" ?
- value === check || value.substr(0, check.length + 1) === check + "-" :
- false;
- },
- POS: function( elem, match, i, array ) {
- var name = match[2],
- filter = Expr.setFilters[ name ];
- if ( filter ) {
- return filter( elem, i, match, array );
- }
- }
- }
-var origPOS = Expr.match.POS,
- fescape = function(all, num){
- return "\\" + (num - 0 + 1);
- };
-for ( var type in Expr.match ) {
- Expr.match[ type ] = new RegExp( Expr.match[ type ].source + (/(?![^\[]*\])(?![^\(]*\))/.source) );
- Expr.leftMatch[ type ] = new RegExp( /(^(?:.|\r|\n)*?)/.source + Expr.match[ type ].source.replace(/\\(\d+)/g, fescape) );
-// Expose origPOS
-// "global" as in regardless of relation to brackets/parens
-Expr.match.globalPOS = origPOS;
-var makeArray = function( array, results ) {
- array = Array.prototype.slice.call( array, 0 );
- if ( results ) {
- results.push.apply( results, array );
- return results;
- }
- return array;
-// Perform a simple check to determine if the browser is capable of
-// converting a NodeList to an array using builtin methods.
-// Also verifies that the returned array holds DOM nodes
-// (which is not the case in the Blackberry browser)
-try {
- Array.prototype.slice.call( document.documentElement.childNodes, 0 )[0].nodeType;
-// Provide a fallback method if it does not work
-} catch( e ) {
- makeArray = function( array, results ) {
- var i = 0,
- ret = results || [];
- if ( toString.call(array) === "[object Array]" ) {
- Array.prototype.push.apply( ret, array );
- } else {
- if ( typeof array.length === "number" ) {
- for ( var l = array.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- ret.push( array[i] );
- }
- } else {
- for ( ; array[i]; i++ ) {
- ret.push( array[i] );
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
- };
-var sortOrder, siblingCheck;
-if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
- sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
- if ( a === b ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- return 0;
- }
- if ( !a.compareDocumentPosition || !b.compareDocumentPosition ) {
- return a.compareDocumentPosition ? -1 : 1;
- }
- return a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 4 ? -1 : 1;
- };
-} else {
- sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
- // The nodes are identical, we can exit early
- if ( a === b ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- return 0;
- // Fallback to using sourceIndex (in IE) if it's available on both nodes
- } else if ( a.sourceIndex && b.sourceIndex ) {
- return a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
- }
- var al, bl,
- ap = [],
- bp = [],
- aup = a.parentNode,
- bup = b.parentNode,
- cur = aup;
- // If the nodes are siblings (or identical) we can do a quick check
- if ( aup === bup ) {
- return siblingCheck( a, b );
- // If no parents were found then the nodes are disconnected
- } else if ( !aup ) {
- return -1;
- } else if ( !bup ) {
- return 1;
- }
- // Otherwise they're somewhere else in the tree so we need
- // to build up a full list of the parentNodes for comparison
- while ( cur ) {
- ap.unshift( cur );
- cur = cur.parentNode;
- }
- cur = bup;
- while ( cur ) {
- bp.unshift( cur );
- cur = cur.parentNode;
- }
- al = ap.length;
- bl = bp.length;
- // Start walking down the tree looking for a discrepancy
- for ( var i = 0; i < al && i < bl; i++ ) {
- if ( ap[i] !== bp[i] ) {
- return siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] );
- }
- }
- // We ended someplace up the tree so do a sibling check
- return i === al ?
- siblingCheck( a, bp[i], -1 ) :
- siblingCheck( ap[i], b, 1 );
- };
- siblingCheck = function( a, b, ret ) {
- if ( a === b ) {
- return ret;
- }
- var cur = a.nextSibling;
- while ( cur ) {
- if ( cur === b ) {
- return -1;
- }
- cur = cur.nextSibling;
- }
- return 1;
- };
-// Check to see if the browser returns elements by name when
-// querying by getElementById (and provide a workaround)
- // We're going to inject a fake input element with a specified name
- var form = document.createElement("div"),
- id = "script" + (new Date()).getTime(),
- root = document.documentElement;
- form.innerHTML = " ";
- // Inject it into the root element, check its status, and remove it quickly
- root.insertBefore( form, root.firstChild );
- // The workaround has to do additional checks after a getElementById
- // Which slows things down for other browsers (hence the branching)
- if ( document.getElementById( id ) ) {
- Expr.find.ID = function( match, context, isXML ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
- var m = context.getElementById(match[1]);
- return m ?
- m.id === match[1] || typeof m.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && m.getAttributeNode("id").nodeValue === match[1] ?
- [m] :
- undefined :
- [];
- }
- };
- Expr.filter.ID = function( elem, match ) {
- var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" && elem.getAttributeNode("id");
- return elem.nodeType === 1 && node && node.nodeValue === match;
- };
- }
- root.removeChild( form );
- // release memory in IE
- root = form = null;
- // Check to see if the browser returns only elements
- // when doing getElementsByTagName("*")
- // Create a fake element
- var div = document.createElement("div");
- div.appendChild( document.createComment("") );
- // Make sure no comments are found
- if ( div.getElementsByTagName("*").length > 0 ) {
- Expr.find.TAG = function( match, context ) {
- var results = context.getElementsByTagName( match[1] );
- // Filter out possible comments
- if ( match[1] === "*" ) {
- var tmp = [];
- for ( var i = 0; results[i]; i++ ) {
- if ( results[i].nodeType === 1 ) {
- tmp.push( results[i] );
- }
- }
- results = tmp;
- }
- return results;
- };
- }
- // Check to see if an attribute returns normalized href attributes
- div.innerHTML = " ";
- if ( div.firstChild && typeof div.firstChild.getAttribute !== "undefined" &&
- div.firstChild.getAttribute("href") !== "#" ) {
- Expr.attrHandle.href = function( elem ) {
- return elem.getAttribute( "href", 2 );
- };
- }
- // release memory in IE
- div = null;
-if ( document.querySelectorAll ) {
- (function(){
- var oldSizzle = Sizzle,
- div = document.createElement("div"),
- id = "__sizzle__";
- div.innerHTML = "
- // Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when
- // in quirks mode.
- if ( div.querySelectorAll && div.querySelectorAll(".TEST").length === 0 ) {
- return;
- }
- Sizzle = function( query, context, extra, seed ) {
- context = context || document;
- // Only use querySelectorAll on non-XML documents
- // (ID selectors don't work in non-HTML documents)
- if ( !seed && !Sizzle.isXML(context) ) {
- // See if we find a selector to speed up
- var match = /^(\w+$)|^\.([\w\-]+$)|^#([\w\-]+$)/.exec( query );
- if ( match && (context.nodeType === 1 || context.nodeType === 9) ) {
- // Speed-up: Sizzle("TAG")
- if ( match[1] ) {
- return makeArray( context.getElementsByTagName( query ), extra );
- // Speed-up: Sizzle(".CLASS")
- } else if ( match[2] && Expr.find.CLASS && context.getElementsByClassName ) {
- return makeArray( context.getElementsByClassName( match[2] ), extra );
- }
- }
- if ( context.nodeType === 9 ) {
- // Speed-up: Sizzle("body")
- // The body element only exists once, optimize finding it
- if ( query === "body" && context.body ) {
- return makeArray( [ context.body ], extra );
- // Speed-up: Sizzle("#ID")
- } else if ( match && match[3] ) {
- var elem = context.getElementById( match[3] );
- // Check parentNode to catch when Blackberry 4.6 returns
- // nodes that are no longer in the document #6963
- if ( elem && elem.parentNode ) {
- // Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
- // by name instead of ID
- if ( elem.id === match[3] ) {
- return makeArray( [ elem ], extra );
- }
- } else {
- return makeArray( [], extra );
- }
- }
- try {
- return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll(query), extra );
- } catch(qsaError) {}
- // qSA works strangely on Element-rooted queries
- // We can work around this by specifying an extra ID on the root
- // and working up from there (Thanks to Andrew Dupont for the technique)
- // IE 8 doesn't work on object elements
- } else if ( context.nodeType === 1 && context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) {
- var oldContext = context,
- old = context.getAttribute( "id" ),
- nid = old || id,
- hasParent = context.parentNode,
- relativeHierarchySelector = /^\s*[+~]/.test( query );
- if ( !old ) {
- context.setAttribute( "id", nid );
- } else {
- nid = nid.replace( /'/g, "\\$&" );
- }
- if ( relativeHierarchySelector && hasParent ) {
- context = context.parentNode;
- }
- try {
- if ( !relativeHierarchySelector || hasParent ) {
- return makeArray( context.querySelectorAll( "[id='" + nid + "'] " + query ), extra );
- }
- } catch(pseudoError) {
- } finally {
- if ( !old ) {
- oldContext.removeAttribute( "id" );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return oldSizzle(query, context, extra, seed);
- };
- for ( var prop in oldSizzle ) {
- Sizzle[ prop ] = oldSizzle[ prop ];
- }
- // release memory in IE
- div = null;
- })();
- var html = document.documentElement,
- matches = html.matchesSelector || html.mozMatchesSelector || html.webkitMatchesSelector || html.msMatchesSelector;
- if ( matches ) {
- // Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector
- // on a disconnected node (IE 9 fails this)
- var disconnectedMatch = !matches.call( document.createElement( "div" ), "div" ),
- pseudoWorks = false;
- try {
- // This should fail with an exception
- // Gecko does not error, returns false instead
- matches.call( document.documentElement, "[test!='']:sizzle" );
- } catch( pseudoError ) {
- pseudoWorks = true;
- }
- Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( node, expr ) {
- // Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
- expr = expr.replace(/\=\s*([^'"\]]*)\s*\]/g, "='$1']");
- if ( !Sizzle.isXML( node ) ) {
- try {
- if ( pseudoWorks || !Expr.match.PSEUDO.test( expr ) && !/!=/.test( expr ) ) {
- var ret = matches.call( node, expr );
- // IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes
- if ( ret || !disconnectedMatch ||
- // As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document
- // fragment in IE 9, so check for that
- node.document && node.document.nodeType !== 11 ) {
- return ret;
- }
- }
- } catch(e) {}
- }
- return Sizzle(expr, null, null, [node]).length > 0;
- };
- }
- var div = document.createElement("div");
- div.innerHTML = "
- // Opera can't find a second classname (in 9.6)
- // Also, make sure that getElementsByClassName actually exists
- if ( !div.getElementsByClassName || div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 0 ) {
- return;
- }
- // Safari caches class attributes, doesn't catch changes (in 3.2)
- div.lastChild.className = "e";
- if ( div.getElementsByClassName("e").length === 1 ) {
- return;
- }
- Expr.order.splice(1, 0, "CLASS");
- Expr.find.CLASS = function( match, context, isXML ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && !isXML ) {
- return context.getElementsByClassName(match[1]);
- }
- };
- // release memory in IE
- div = null;
-function dirNodeCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
- for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- var elem = checkSet[i];
- if ( elem ) {
- var match = false;
- elem = elem[dir];
- while ( elem ) {
- if ( elem[ expando ] === doneName ) {
- match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
- break;
- }
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !isXML ){
- elem[ expando ] = doneName;
- elem.sizset = i;
- }
- if ( elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === cur ) {
- match = elem;
- break;
- }
- elem = elem[dir];
- }
- checkSet[i] = match;
- }
- }
-function dirCheck( dir, cur, doneName, checkSet, nodeCheck, isXML ) {
- for ( var i = 0, l = checkSet.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- var elem = checkSet[i];
- if ( elem ) {
- var match = false;
- elem = elem[dir];
- while ( elem ) {
- if ( elem[ expando ] === doneName ) {
- match = checkSet[elem.sizset];
- break;
- }
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- if ( !isXML ) {
- elem[ expando ] = doneName;
- elem.sizset = i;
- }
- if ( typeof cur !== "string" ) {
- if ( elem === cur ) {
- match = true;
- break;
- }
- } else if ( Sizzle.filter( cur, [elem] ).length > 0 ) {
- match = elem;
- break;
- }
- }
- elem = elem[dir];
- }
- checkSet[i] = match;
- }
- }
-if ( document.documentElement.contains ) {
- Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) {
- return a !== b && (a.contains ? a.contains(b) : true);
- };
-} else if ( document.documentElement.compareDocumentPosition ) {
- Sizzle.contains = function( a, b ) {
- return !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16);
- };
-} else {
- Sizzle.contains = function() {
- return false;
- };
-Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) {
- // documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
- // (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833)
- var documentElement = (elem ? elem.ownerDocument || elem : 0).documentElement;
- return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
-var posProcess = function( selector, context, seed ) {
- var match,
- tmpSet = [],
- later = "",
- root = context.nodeType ? [context] : context;
- // Position selectors must be done after the filter
- // And so must :not(positional) so we move all PSEUDOs to the end
- while ( (match = Expr.match.PSEUDO.exec( selector )) ) {
- later += match[0];
- selector = selector.replace( Expr.match.PSEUDO, "" );
- }
- selector = Expr.relative[selector] ? selector + "*" : selector;
- for ( var i = 0, l = root.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- Sizzle( selector, root[i], tmpSet, seed );
- }
- return Sizzle.filter( later, tmpSet );
-// Override sizzle attribute retrieval
-Sizzle.attr = jQuery.attr;
-Sizzle.selectors.attrMap = {};
-jQuery.find = Sizzle;
-jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors;
-jQuery.expr[":"] = jQuery.expr.filters;
-jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort;
-jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText;
-jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML;
-jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains;
-var runtil = /Until$/,
- rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prevUntil|prevAll)/,
- // Note: This RegExp should be improved, or likely pulled from Sizzle
- rmultiselector = /,/,
- isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/,
- slice = Array.prototype.slice,
- POS = jQuery.expr.match.globalPOS,
- // methods guaranteed to produce a unique set when starting from a unique set
- guaranteedUnique = {
- children: true,
- contents: true,
- next: true,
- prev: true
- };
- find: function( selector ) {
- var self = this,
- i, l;
- if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) {
- return jQuery( selector ).filter(function() {
- for ( i = 0, l = self.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- if ( jQuery.contains( self[ i ], this ) ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- });
- }
- var ret = this.pushStack( "", "find", selector ),
- length, n, r;
- for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- length = ret.length;
- jQuery.find( selector, this[i], ret );
- if ( i > 0 ) {
- // Make sure that the results are unique
- for ( n = length; n < ret.length; n++ ) {
- for ( r = 0; r < length; r++ ) {
- if ( ret[r] === ret[n] ) {
- ret.splice(n--, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return ret;
- },
- has: function( target ) {
- var targets = jQuery( target );
- return this.filter(function() {
- for ( var i = 0, l = targets.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[i] ) ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- });
- },
- not: function( selector ) {
- return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, false), "not", selector);
- },
- filter: function( selector ) {
- return this.pushStack( winnow(this, selector, true), "filter", selector );
- },
- is: function( selector ) {
- return !!selector && (
- typeof selector === "string" ?
- // If this is a positional selector, check membership in the returned set
- // so $("p:first").is("p:last") won't return true for a doc with two "p".
- POS.test( selector ) ?
- jQuery( selector, this.context ).index( this[0] ) >= 0 :
- jQuery.filter( selector, this ).length > 0 :
- this.filter( selector ).length > 0 );
- },
- closest: function( selectors, context ) {
- var ret = [], i, l, cur = this[0];
- // Array (deprecated as of jQuery 1.7)
- if ( jQuery.isArray( selectors ) ) {
- var level = 1;
- while ( cur && cur.ownerDocument && cur !== context ) {
- for ( i = 0; i < selectors.length; i++ ) {
- if ( jQuery( cur ).is( selectors[ i ] ) ) {
- ret.push({ selector: selectors[ i ], elem: cur, level: level });
- }
- }
- cur = cur.parentNode;
- level++;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- // String
- var pos = POS.test( selectors ) || typeof selectors !== "string" ?
- jQuery( selectors, context || this.context ) :
- 0;
- for ( i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++ ) {
- cur = this[i];
- while ( cur ) {
- if ( pos ? pos.index(cur) > -1 : jQuery.find.matchesSelector(cur, selectors) ) {
- ret.push( cur );
- break;
- } else {
- cur = cur.parentNode;
- if ( !cur || !cur.ownerDocument || cur === context || cur.nodeType === 11 ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ret = ret.length > 1 ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret;
- return this.pushStack( ret, "closest", selectors );
- },
- // Determine the position of an element within
- // the matched set of elements
- index: function( elem ) {
- // No argument, return index in parent
- if ( !elem ) {
- return ( this[0] && this[0].parentNode ) ? this.prevAll().length : -1;
- }
- // index in selector
- if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
- return jQuery.inArray( this[0], jQuery( elem ) );
- }
- // Locate the position of the desired element
- return jQuery.inArray(
- // If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
- elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem, this );
- },
- add: function( selector, context ) {
- var set = typeof selector === "string" ?
- jQuery( selector, context ) :
- jQuery.makeArray( selector && selector.nodeType ? [ selector ] : selector ),
- all = jQuery.merge( this.get(), set );
- return this.pushStack( isDisconnected( set[0] ) || isDisconnected( all[0] ) ?
- all :
- jQuery.unique( all ) );
- },
- andSelf: function() {
- return this.add( this.prevObject );
- }
-// A painfully simple check to see if an element is disconnected
-// from a document (should be improved, where feasible).
-function isDisconnected( node ) {
- return !node || !node.parentNode || node.parentNode.nodeType === 11;
- parent: function( elem ) {
- var parent = elem.parentNode;
- return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
- },
- parents: function( elem ) {
- return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode" );
- },
- parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
- return jQuery.dir( elem, "parentNode", until );
- },
- next: function( elem ) {
- return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "nextSibling" );
- },
- prev: function( elem ) {
- return jQuery.nth( elem, 2, "previousSibling" );
- },
- nextAll: function( elem ) {
- return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling" );
- },
- prevAll: function( elem ) {
- return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling" );
- },
- nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
- return jQuery.dir( elem, "nextSibling", until );
- },
- prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
- return jQuery.dir( elem, "previousSibling", until );
- },
- siblings: function( elem ) {
- return jQuery.sibling( ( elem.parentNode || {} ).firstChild, elem );
- },
- children: function( elem ) {
- return jQuery.sibling( elem.firstChild );
- },
- contents: function( elem ) {
- return jQuery.nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ?
- elem.contentDocument || elem.contentWindow.document :
- jQuery.makeArray( elem.childNodes );
- }
-}, function( name, fn ) {
- jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) {
- var ret = jQuery.map( this, fn, until );
- if ( !runtil.test( name ) ) {
- selector = until;
- }
- if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) {
- ret = jQuery.filter( selector, ret );
- }
- ret = this.length > 1 && !guaranteedUnique[ name ] ? jQuery.unique( ret ) : ret;
- if ( (this.length > 1 || rmultiselector.test( selector )) && rparentsprev.test( name ) ) {
- ret = ret.reverse();
- }
- return this.pushStack( ret, name, slice.call( arguments ).join(",") );
- };
- filter: function( expr, elems, not ) {
- if ( not ) {
- expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";
- }
- return elems.length === 1 ?
- jQuery.find.matchesSelector(elems[0], expr) ? [ elems[0] ] : [] :
- jQuery.find.matches(expr, elems);
- },
- dir: function( elem, dir, until ) {
- var matched = [],
- cur = elem[ dir ];
- while ( cur && cur.nodeType !== 9 && (until === undefined || cur.nodeType !== 1 || !jQuery( cur ).is( until )) ) {
- if ( cur.nodeType === 1 ) {
- matched.push( cur );
- }
- cur = cur[dir];
- }
- return matched;
- },
- nth: function( cur, result, dir, elem ) {
- result = result || 1;
- var num = 0;
- for ( ; cur; cur = cur[dir] ) {
- if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && ++num === result ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return cur;
- },
- sibling: function( n, elem ) {
- var r = [];
- for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {
- if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) {
- r.push( n );
- }
- }
- return r;
- }
-// Implement the identical functionality for filter and not
-function winnow( elements, qualifier, keep ) {
- // Can't pass null or undefined to indexOf in Firefox 4
- // Set to 0 to skip string check
- qualifier = qualifier || 0;
- if ( jQuery.isFunction( qualifier ) ) {
- return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
- var retVal = !!qualifier.call( elem, i, elem );
- return retVal === keep;
- });
- } else if ( qualifier.nodeType ) {
- return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
- return ( elem === qualifier ) === keep;
- });
- } else if ( typeof qualifier === "string" ) {
- var filtered = jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem ) {
- return elem.nodeType === 1;
- });
- if ( isSimple.test( qualifier ) ) {
- return jQuery.filter(qualifier, filtered, !keep);
- } else {
- qualifier = jQuery.filter( qualifier, filtered );
- }
- }
- return jQuery.grep(elements, function( elem, i ) {
- return ( jQuery.inArray( elem, qualifier ) >= 0 ) === keep;
- });
-function createSafeFragment( document ) {
- var list = nodeNames.split( "|" ),
- safeFrag = document.createDocumentFragment();
- if ( safeFrag.createElement ) {
- while ( list.length ) {
- safeFrag.createElement(
- list.pop()
- );
- }
- }
- return safeFrag;
-var nodeNames = "abbr|article|aside|audio|bdi|canvas|data|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|" +
- "header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video",
- rinlinejQuery = / jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g,
- rleadingWhitespace = /^\s+/,
- rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig,
- rtagName = /<([\w:]+)/,
- rtbody = / ]", "i"),
- // checked="checked" or checked
- rchecked = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i,
- rscriptType = /\/(java|ecma)script/i,
- rcleanScript = /^\s*", "" ],
- legend: [ 1, "", " " ],
- thead: [ 1, "" ],
- tr: [ 2, "" ],
- td: [ 3, "" ],
- col: [ 2, "" ],
- area: [ 1, "", " " ],
- _default: [ 0, "", "" ]
- },
- safeFragment = createSafeFragment( document );
-wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option;
-wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead;
-wrapMap.th = wrapMap.td;
-// IE can't serialize and