- Pro
🔠 字型 Font
"jf open-huninn" ("jf open 粉圓") is an open-source Traditional Chinese typeface based on Kosugi Maru and Varela Round, adjusted by the designers at justfont for everyday use in Taiwan.
由 justfont 的團隊製作,以 OpenType 實現輸入「常見錯字」即會自動改正功能的開源繁體中文字型,旨在協助所有被生活中各式錯字所困擾的朋友。
饅頭黑體,基於字型 デラゴシック (Dela Gothic One) ,修改而成的臺灣繁體中文補充版本。
A free font family derived from Source Han Serif.
A free font family derived from Source Han Serif.
A free font family derived from Source Han Sans.
A free font family derived from Source Han Sans.
justfont collaborates with calligrapher Daphne to release Elffont (精靈文), a unique typeface blending Bopomofo phonetic symbols with a mystical "Elvish" style.