A Commodore PET replica and more - with all new parts in 2022
A bare metal Commodore 64 emulator for the Raspberry Pi 1/2/3 with true 50hz/60hz smooth scrolling, low input latency and better audio/video sync.
Archiving the Intrep LCM-32 6502 Single Board Computer that I helped design back in the 80's.
ROMs and other information gathered from a customized KIM-1
GUI for OpenCBM and others to transfer and view Commodore disks and files.
Original sources and binaries for Supermon+64 V1.2 by Jim Butterfield
CCGMS Term, Commodore Color Graphics Terminal program for C=64.
Bare-metal Raspberry Pi project that attaches to the Acorn TUBE interface and emulates many BBC Micro Co Processors
Issuing arbitrary Commodore DOS commands from the command line
Reverse engineering the HAL PCG-6500 graphics board for Commodore PET/CBM computers
Reverse engineering the CGRS Microtech PEDISK II disk system for Commodore PET/CBM computers
Assembly language sources of old 6502 stuff, for preserving and understanding historical stuff
Create standard or custom PET/CBM Editor ROMs
Tests for all valid opcodes of the 6502 and 65C02 processor
Reverse engineering the SSE SoftBox, a CP/M system for Commodore PET/CBM computers
perfect6502, a MOS 6502 CPU emulator that performs a simulation of the original NMOS 6502 netlist
Microprogrammed 65C02-compatible FPGA Processor Core (Verilog-2001)
6502-like CPU core with 16-bit data and 32-bit address in Verilog