- Shanghai, China
(UTC -12:00) - luoxuhai.com
- @luoxuhai
A toolkit for SQLite databases, with a focus on application development
Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
SwiftUI library for a walkthrough or onboarding flow with tap actions
Generator of settings icon by SF Symbols. Customisable background color and ready-use in table cell.
Show the confetti only when the user is having fun, and if not having fun, don't show it.
Floating indicator, mimicrate to indicator which appear when silent mode switched. Can be present from top and bottom. Interactive with gesters.
Simple Swift wrapper for Keychain that works on iOS, watchOS, tvOS and macOS.
SwiftUI package that creates an animated circular progress bar
🎈 Great SwiftUI drop-down refresh and scroll up to load more. 下拉刷新、上拉加载
Good ideas for iOS development, by Futurice developers.
The official Swift style guide for Kodeco.
Template iOS app using Clean Architecture and MVVM. Includes DIContainer, FlowCoordinator, DTO, Response Caching and one of the views in SwiftUI
KeyboardKit lets you create custom keyboards with a few lines of code, using Swift & SwiftUI.
Powerfully Customizable - Multiple Photo & Video Picker Controller
Smooth asynchronous user interfaces for iOS apps.
🎌 Powerful navigation library for iOS based on the coordinator pattern
Sheeeeeeeeet is a Swift library for creating menus, custom action sheets, context menus etc.
Safely access Apple's SF Symbols using static typing
A video player for iOS、macOS、tvOS、visionOS , based on AVPlayer and FFmpeg, support the horizontal, vertical screen. support adjust volume, brightness and seek by slide, SwiftUI, support subtitles.
Simple macOS editor app to help you manage iOS and macOS app localizations by allowing you to edit all the translations side by side
The Swift code generator for your assets, storyboards, Localizable.strings, … — Get rid of all String-based APIs!
This is a selection of custom page controls to replace UIPageControl, inspired by a dribbble found here: https://dribbble.com/shots/2578447-Page-Control-Indicator-Transitions-Collection
Wechat-like image picker. Support select photos, videos, gif and livePhoto. Support edit image and crop video. 微信样式的图片选择器,支持预览/相册内拍照及录视频、拖拽/滑动选择,编辑图片/视频,支持多语言国际化等功能;
An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS