Accurate syntax coloring for VSCode using tree-sitter
Tiny RDM (Tiny Redis Desktop Manager) - A modern, colorful, super lightweight Redis GUI client for Mac, Windows, and Linux.
A text editor embedded in the browser, while still can edit your local files. | Preview Markdown | View image | Listen audio | Watch video
A modern file manager that helps users organize their files and folders.
这是一个 Nginx 极简教程,目的在于帮助新手快速入门 Nginx。
Keyviz is a free and open-source tool to visualize your keystrokes ⌨️ and 🖱️ mouse actions in real-time.
Minimal web UI for GeminiPro.
A free and open-source inpainting & image-upscaling tool powered by webgpu and wasm on the browser。| 基于 Webgpu 技术和 wasm 技术的免费开源 inpainting & image-upscaling 工具, 纯浏览器端实现。
A programming font focused on source code legibility
A code editor made with Godot. Code has never been more lit!
🔥 A general version manager for thousands of SDKs with TUI inspired by lazygit. No need to remember any commands. Less bugs.
为英语学习者量身打造的视频播放器,助你通过观看视频、沉浸真实语境,轻松提升英语水平。#美剧 #播放器 #听力
2D vector & raster editor that melds traditional layers & tools with a modern node-based, non-destructive, procedural workflow.
Remove large amounts of unwanted applications quickly.
👻 Ghostty is a fast, feature-rich, and cross-platform terminal emulator that uses platform-native UI and GPU acceleration.