Create your own programming language with Rust
💪🏻This is a statically and strongly typed language written in Go.|GScript 是用 Go 编写的静态、强类型的脚本语言。
😎 Curated list of awesome resources on Compilers, Interpreters and Runtimes
《用Rust实现Lua解释器》 / _Build a Lua Interpreter in Rust_
《学C语言写Lisp》 *Build Your Own Lisp* 中文版
⚗️ Self-hosting compiler from a Haskell-like Lisp directly to x86-64, from scratch.
A compiler collection I made :&
手撸解释器教程《Crafting Interpreters》中文翻译
📕 parsing techniques 中文译本——《解析技术》
Language tooling for the Lox programming language.
Pattern matching and exhaustiveness checking algorithms implemented in Rust
A cross-platform C++11 implementation of the CMM language interpreter
A tiny, interpreted WebAssembly Runtime written in Rust
本课程基于Rui的chibicc,@sunshaoce和@ksco将其由原来的X86架构改写为RISC-V 64架构,同时加入了大量的中文注释,并且配有316节对应于每一个commit的课程,帮助读者可以层层推进、逐步深入的学习编译器的构造。