20VC with Harry Stebbings
Human Visual Perception of Art as Computation, talk by Aaron Hertzmann.txt
Active Inference Institute
Albert Efimov, Post-Turing Robotics
Asking Anything with Jack
Based Camp with Simone & Malcolm Collins
Best PYTHON Courses and Tutorials
Bioinformatics Algorithms: An Active Learning Approach
Brandy Morgan (msbrandymorgan)
CAD - Center for Applied Dialectics
CHIP at Boston Children's Hospital
CITRIS and the Banatao Institute
CLEA, Free University of Brussels (VUB)
CUPS - Cambridge University Physics Society
Canadian Association for Neuroscience
Case Western Reserve University
Casvi International American School
Center for Cognitive Neuroscience Berlin
Center for Humane Technology
Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence
Central Eurasia Leadership Alliance
Centre for Effective Altruism
Centre for Independent Studies
Chasing Consciousness Podcast
Circling Dia-Logos with Guy Sengstock
Cognitive Revolution "How AI Changes Everything"
Computer History Archives Project ("CHAP")
Computer Vision with Hüseyin Özdemir
Conference on Quantum Foundations Argentina
Deep Learning for Geometric Computing
Deep Transformation Podcast
Dickey Center for International Understanding
Eberles Build A House DIY ICF HOUSE
Effective Altruism at UT Austin
EmacsConf and Emacs hangouts
Everything Everywhere (Everything Everywhere)
Existential Risk Observatory
Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI
Friends of Imperial College
Give Them An Argument w⧸Ben Burgis
Global Governance Futures
Gustavus Adolphus College
Harvard Extension Student Psychological Club
Harvard Science Book Talks and Research Lectures
Human Nature with Roni Fouks
IQRA CARTOON - Islamic Prophets & Quran Stories
ISSRNC Religion, Nature, and Culture
Imagine! Belfast Festival of Ideas & Politics
Information Theory in the Geosciences
Insights into Mathematics
Institute for Ethics in AI Oxford
Institute for Experiential AI
Institute for Quantum Computing
Instituto de Física Interdisciplinar y Sistemas Complejos (IFISC)
Instituto de Nanosistemas UNSAM -
Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej UAM
Introduction to Data-Centric AI
Jazz Tutorial | with Julian Bradley
Jessica Depatie: Shadow Work Library
John Koetsier (tech, AI, & the future)
John Templeton Foundation
Joint Mathematics Meetings
King's College, Cambridge
Late Night with Seth Meyers
Learn Arabic Online Free | Nassra Arabic Method
Learn English With M.ZEESHAN KHAN
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
MIT Department of Physics
MIT Venture Capital & Innovation
Machine Learning Street Talk
Marketing Against the Grain
MathMod1x Mathematical Modelling Basics
Meteorological and Oceanographic Society CMOS
Michael Levin's Academic Content
MusonicX: Music Technology Foundations
NCCR Molecular Systems Engineering
Nick Robinson (Babylonian)
No Priors: AI, Machine Learning, Tech, & Startups
Noclip - Video Game Documentaries
Number Theory Web Seminar
OLLI at the University of Arizona
Oxford Karl Popper Society
Oxford University Department for Continuing Education
Peabody Museum of Archaeology & Ethnology
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh
Physics for Students- Unleash your power!!
Principles of Designing Intelligence
Programmers are also human
Real Data Science USA (formerly DataScience.LA)
Rhymesayers Entertainment
SPEAK WELL institute at Sohanpur
Samuel Loncar | Becoming Human Project
Schwartz Reisman Institute
Science Fiction with Damien Walter
Science, Technology & the Future
Scientific and Medical Network
#043 Prof J. Mark Bishop - Artificial Intelligence Is Stupid and Causal Reasoning won't fix it. [e1M41otUtNg].txt
#72 Prof. KEN STANLEY 2.0 - On Art and Subjectivity [UNPLUGGED] [DxBZORM9F-8].txt
#88 Dr. WALID SABA - Why machines will never rule the world [UNPLUGGED] [IMnWAuoucjo].txt
#90 - Prof. DAVID CHALMERS - Consciousness in LLMs [T7aIxncLuWk].txt
#91 - HATTIE ZHOU - Teaching Algorithmic Reasoning via In-context Learning #NeurIPS [80i6D2TJdQ4].txt
#96 Prof. PEDRO DOMINGOS - There are no infinities, utility functions, neurosymbolic [C9BH3F2c0vQ].txt
1.Douglas, R.Hofstadter:Machine translation VS Analogy Thinking [dA9_D_R_7AM].txt
14. Vijayanagara - The Last Emperors of South India [GV2piw94DpM].txt
1977 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Awarded Solely To Ilya Prigogine [IB-eVXRBX5A].txt
1977: Original STAR WARS Review | Film 77 | Classic Movie Review | BBC Archive [fSKJW1wazQ8].txt
2.Q&A on analog thinking and machine translation [s_In124NOfA].txt
3 lessons on decision-making from a poker champion | Liv Boeree [nisSeC81u2M].txt
35+ Countries Are Leaving the Global Internet [dprdD8j2KZw].txt
A Crash Course in Category Theory - Bartosz Milewski [JH_Ou17_zyU].txt
A Long Discussion On Physics And Garrett Lisi's Paper Re: The Theory Of Everything [SMXyeNK_Pqw].txt
A New Theory of Human Intelligence | Scott Barry Kaufman | TEDxZumbroRiver [ih5caeD06ms].txt
A Number Speaks a Thousand Words | Liv Boeree | TEDxManchester [zankirmsRAc].txt
AGI Debate [JGiLz_Jx9uI].txt
AGI through Large-Scale, Multimodal Bayesian Learning [TJSbKqE7zg4].txt
AGI-08: First Conference on Artificial General Intelligence [O4YVQa2RyZs].txt
Abandon Ideology | Gad Saad | EP 154 [5eBcKlBaaoc].txt
Aesop Rock - Gopher Guts (Official Lyrics) [6Cz353lXPyc].txt
Alejandro Martínez nos habla acerca de geometría [YlqK_5qJWco].txt
Alison Gopnik - Causality as empowerment.txt
Anthony Scopatz - xonsh - PyCon 2016 [uaje5I22kgE].txt
Are We Getting Closer At A Theory of Everything? [eE08-1BZo6M].txt
Arkhaios International Film Festival
Article: Message to the Christian Churches [e7ytLpO7mj0].txt
Automating Scientific Discovery, with Andrew White, Head of Science at Future House.txt
Avoid 'Manager Suck' as an SME [sgck8mJzA5A].txt
Awakening the Machine: Max Tegmark.txt
Badass Vim Tutorials - 01 - Why vim will change your life [rSFMcibcDvU].txt
Bash Readline Commands (Shell Tips & Tricks #1)! [BpMeaIWZTpc].txt
Beginner Boost, Day 5: Learn About Containers and Get Docker [20210511225943] [YcBIUOSOAeg].txt
Best Beginner Books Every Coder⧸Tech Should Read [aV2SeAN0cSc].txt
BioML Seminar | Sam Rodriques - Future House.txt
Bob Weir and Wolf Bros w⧸ Billy Strings - China Rider 2⧸28⧸22 [kOR3Mt65JXI].txt
Boxing Cats, 1894 movie filmed by Thomas A Edison Inc. [Ka-2BYJkewA].txt
CDA - Section 230: A Brief Rant On 26 Words That Affect Us All [UZL8Ouy0GZ8].txt
Can Machine Think - 70! AI Journey 2020 [_fDclfgb600].txt
Canada's Largest Ghost Town Few Have Ever Seen | Abandoned 1935 | Part 1 | Anyox BC 【4K】 [vfbp2TrYlwk].txt
Carlo Rovelli | Helgoland: Making Sense of the Quantum Revolution | Talks at Google [gpWf2wyGQ0Q].txt
Carol of the Bells ⧸ Wayfaring Stranger | BYU Vocal Point ⧸ Mat & Savanna Shaw [kP7xG_6Jx6s].txt
Collective Behavior (Discussion) ~ Daniel Friedman ~ Active Inference for the Social Sciences 2023.txt
Command and Control [U8LTHhpF4Wk].txt
Computer Chronicles - 06x18 - UNIX (1989) [lkyyAKTvmx0].txt
Computer Color is Broken [LKnqECcg6Gw].txt
Computer History: IBM 1401 Announcement 1959 Data Processing Mainframe 7070, RAMAC Endicott, & more [BKQgqkbHjVs].txt
Corrie Bartelheimer: A Bayesian Workflow with PyMC and ArviZ | PyData Berlin 2019 [WbNmcvxRwow].txt
Creepiest scene from any kid's movie - Adventures of Mark Twain [Ntf5_ue2Lzw].txt
DOOM's bizarre texture glitch, explained [-cMLyaGEXDI].txt
DOOM, But There's No Textures [Cv1aAGQWC80].txt
Dave Chappelle's Son Meets Kevin Hart | Netflix Is A Joke [Fj9-8szH6ro].txt
David Deutsch on the infinite reach of knowledge | The TED Interview [cEfG1PHNB64].txt
David Deutsch: A new way to explain explanation [folTvNDL08A].txt
Debunking the great AI lie | Noam Chomsky, Gary Marcus, Jeremy Kahn [PBdZi_JtV4c].txt
Deep Utopia | Nick Bostrom.txt
Denis Noble & Michael Levin | Biology's Functional Networks, NOT Genes, are key for Longevity.txt
Digital Twins and the Problem of Model-Induced Escape [7M3B9v7Ylhc].txt
Discrete continuous optimization via representation [aX-2xGzrCiA].txt
Donny-Spring 2022 [u85X25OLUuo].txt
Douglas Hofstadter: The Nature of Categories and Concepts [Kr3QDMkMGmQ].txt
Ed Is The Standard Text Editor For Unix⧸Linux [Zpdo6We-_e0].txt
Emergency Pod: o1 Schemes Against Users, with Alexander Meinke from Apollo Research.txt
Ender's Game Anti-Gay Author Orson Scott Card Boycott [WbG5VVWnirk].txt
Eric Weinstein Explaining His Fears And The Great "Nap" To Peter McCormick [Pu21LD59gvM].txt
Every Toxic Thing Google Did in 2021. [I4Cazu0zq4k].txt
Evolution of software architecture with the co-creator of UML (Grady Booch).txt
FULL AUDIOBOOK: Micromegas [Q5OEWL5lVOY].txt
Fireside Chat with Nate Silver and Scott Alexander.txt
Florida International University
Forth Programming Language - Shropshire LUG - Oct 2020 [EADDOnRtFrI].txt
Forth Programming Language: Variables and Constants [n8iDSOZdxBY].txt
Forth2020: A Chat with Chuck Moore [dI0soDMg28Q].txt
GOIDA! Russians advocate for dialogue and reason! Ivan Okhlobystin [FMECmLXXPrs].txt
Good News.!! No Quarantine And Visa On Arrival Will Start Again..! | Bali Airport Situation [pWlpG1o0RZg].txt
Google Internship Program REV2 Shortened [Erx15bovzi4].txt
Hacker interview-Gummo [g6igTJXcqvo].txt
Homeless dog "dances" to the beat [mqsN7G_bipg].txt
How Energy Consumption Will Change Our Planet Over the Next 500 Years [dWnGQttStp4].txt
How I'd Learn to Code RIGHT NOW (If I Started from Scratch) [jzaz7oH15IU].txt
How Much Horsepower Does Your Shop Vac Really Have: #078 [oM4SMQGMFz8].txt
How The Toxicity Crisis Could Cause the Next Economic Crash with Jeremy Grantham | TGS 155.txt
How to improve your poker face [sUmv7cYLPY8].txt
Husserl: Phenomenology and the Life World [y0sLHfcsPAA].txt
I Will Not Watch These Linux YouTubers [8KzV5NE0dOU].txt
I can only eat margarine [ZENV5c9pmIs].txt
I try the tech that WILL replace CG one day [YX5AoaWrowY].txt
I'm taking this into my own hands... - YouTube Dislike Button [Nz9b0oJw69I].txt
IEEE CoG 2019 - Day 4 - Session: Level Generation [rZ4UWj5hOZA].txt
Ilya Sutskever: "Sequence to sequence learning with neural networks: what a decade".txt
Inside Russia's Cold War With Another Neighbor, Georgia [quipA4hHCV4].txt
Introduction to the Theory Of Knowledge Society [7p1kQswxgwA].txt
Introduction to the Tree of Knowledge System [nL_B7bfY0EU].txt
Jack Johnson - Cookie Jar [9ps2tS2Z61U].txt
Jakarta Hidden Tour [gPQwfoTQK5s].txt
James Gleick at Nobel Conference XXVI [1x9kr2B_HZU].txt
Jeremy Ruston on BBC TV January 1983 [auyIhw8MTmQ].txt
Jocko On Listening And Modulation As Essential Aspects Of Leadership [gdFCM8HFjpQ].txt
Josh Teed - Future Forest 2022 Recap [4UsmMhbsYig].txt
KILLDEVILS - Rot on the radio [3Q7NO4WtSjY].txt
Lambda World 2018 - Introduction to the Unison programming language - Rúnar Bjarnason [rp_Eild1aq8].txt
Learning Awk Is Essential For Linux Users [9YOZmI-zWok].txt
Lecture #7: Short Stories — With Special Guest Instructor Mary Robinette Kowal [blehVIDyuXk].txt
Liquid Mercury vortex in a magnetic field [bSIzyk5Mjko].txt
MIT EI Seminar - Laura Schulz - Curiouser and curiouser: why we make problems for ourselves.txt
MYP Personal Projects Exhibition - IB (I) ⧸⧸ #CasviInternationalAmericanSchool [I_UfkC9iMWg].txt
Mac Miller: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert [QrR_gm6RqCo].txt
Magnetohydrodynamics - Propelling Liquid Metal with Magnets! [LS3GQk9ETRU].txt
Math class needs a makeover - Dan Meyer [qocAoN4jNwc].txt
Matthias Bussonnier, "Xonsh – put some Python in your Shell", PyBay2016 [lopI4HkA9rE].txt
Max Arnott: Closed ideals of the algebra of bounded operators on a direct sum of Banach spaces [FvN81hgBGzM].txt
Mechanical circuits: electronics without electricity [QrkiJZKJfpY].txt
Meditations On Moloch [Full Essay].txt
Metaphysics and Epistemology [uy8UGPxpCGs].txt
Michael Levin - Non-neural intelligence: biological architecture problem-solving in diverse spaces.txt
Microsoft Just KILLED Zuck's Metaverse [jUfCr3hz9FE].txt
Minimalist Software Prevents THIS... [qRr1KRKVeh8].txt
Model-induced Escape [ScHaFoZbjqg].txt
Moloch & The Beauty Wars [fifVuhgvQQ8].txt
Mommy's Little Helper [3ABb0w63dsQ].txt
Monica Anderson - Machine Understanding & Artificial Intelligence.txt
Monica Anderson - The Red Pill of Machine Learning.txt
Monica's Icosatetraped [REzrYWOzhWc].txt
Mystery Teacher Theatre 2000 - Episode 2 [kqUbVYCjnGA].txt
Mythical Man Month - Computerphile [vuScajG_FuI].txt
Neanderthals & Art: Interview with Dr. Wragg Sykes [i2pvd-L3weU].txt
Nick Caves song White Elephant in the style of Vincent di Fate [Xw_zfi2UA94].txt
Nobel Prize Winner in Physics Ivar Giæver Exposes the Pseudoscience of Global Warming [a15EqcRl8W4].txt
ORIGINAL FATHER OF AI ON DANGERS! (Prof. Jürgen Schmidhuber).txt
On Comparing Mathematics, Biology and Physics [8se9RTqdZ6c].txt
On Creativity, Objectives, and Open-Endedness - Kenneth Stanley keynote at HLAI [y2I4E_UINRo].txt
On Spinners And Quantum Physics (High Level Physics Alert!) [e4x8p8ZVt_g].txt
Ontology of (Social) Services [9qrwWAISrC8].txt
Pablo Reda why are there few forth programmers [b1JVAxQUcsQ].txt
Pallas Cat discovers camera [Sg8FMNEt8KY].txt
Peruvian Flute music for relaxing - Somewhere in Peru [I81QN7Dzgfc].txt
Peter Gray | The Biology of Education and the Obsolescence of School [FLPuCWX5atM].txt
Peter Santenello Skid Row Promo [PalmH3fRfHg].txt
Phil Collins - Tarzan : recording sessions (1999) [mVPegIx1-qU].txt
Plywood For War (1944) [3z7LR8CNJ2M].txt
Pro Linux users don't need file managers [_xxTcKJMnWQ].txt
QuPath Resource Utilization - Benchmark V1 [66GeU6u5Kko].txt
RARE 1950's Walt Disney documentary about earth, planets, solar system en the universe [BlpP81tISAk].txt
Real Lawyer Reacts to Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock [PtxNsc85KMw].txt
Reality and the Philosophical Framing of the Truth | Dr. Stephen Hicks | EP 501.txt
Reverse Dance. Medieval Dance. Hurdy-Gurdy, Organ & Drum [bvNZeh6f8vE].txt
Russia demands answers after 190km traffic jam [4x3R-2BkgfM].txt
Sacred Heart Publications
Scott Aaronson Talks AI Safety [fc-cHk9yFpg].txt
Scott Aaronson | Quantum Computing: Dismantling the Hype | The Cartesian Cafe with Timothy Nguyen [qs0D9sdbKPU].txt
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