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+++ b/.github/workflows/pull_request.yaml
@@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ on:
       - 'master'
+  qa:
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+    with:
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+      DOC_SRC: content
+      MD_LINT_CONFIG: .markdownlint.yaml
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diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
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--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -2,4 +2,9 @@ node_modules/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+[submodule "theme_common"]
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+	url = git@github.com:stakater/stakater-docs-mkdocs-theme.git
diff --git a/.markdownlint.yaml b/.markdownlint.yaml
new file mode 100644
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+  "MD046": false,
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+StylesPath = styles
+MinAlertLevel = warning
+Packages = https://github.com/stakater/vale-package/releases/download/v0.0.21/Stakater.zip
+Vocab = Stakater
+# Only check MarkDown files
+BasedOnStyles = Vale
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deleted file mode 100644
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@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
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-                    '/content/architecture/eda',
-                    '/content/architecture/architecting-applications-for-kubernetes',
-                    '/content/architecture/12-factors',
-                    '/content/architecture/object-calisthenics'
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-            },
-            {
-                title: 'Java Backend',
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-                    '/content/java-backend/',
-                    '/content/java-backend/datetime',
-                    '/content/java-backend/logging',
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-                    '/content/java-backend/wf-engine'
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-                    '/content/api/naming',
-                    '/content/api/resources',
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-                    '/content/api/json-guidelines',
-                    '/content/api/foundations',
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-                    '/content/testing/frontend'
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-                    '/content/git/commit-message-guidelines'
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-                title: 'IAM',
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-                    '/content/iam/basics'
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-            {
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-                    '/content/kubernetes/storage'
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-FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/nodejs-12
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-      maintainer="Stakater <hello@stakater.com>" \
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@@ -13,22 +9,22 @@ WORKDIR $HOME/application
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-RUN yarn install
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+      maintainer="Stakater <hello@stakater.com>" \
+      vendor="Stakater" \
+      release="1" \
+      summary="Developer Handbook"
+EXPOSE 8080:8080/tcp
+CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 383f6f8..8af7e70 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,21 +1 @@
-# developer-handbook
-Local development
-## MacOS
-All dependencies for the developer handbook is handled with yarn.
-# install nodejs with brew
-brew install node
-# install yarn with npm
-npm install -g yarn
-# install dependencies with yarn
-# start local development server
-yarn run dev
+# Developer Handbook
diff --git a/content/api/foundations.md b/content/api/foundations.md
index 2835109..69b637a 100644
--- a/content/api/foundations.md
+++ b/content/api/foundations.md
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ The Foundations section outlines the design principles upon which the rest of th
 ## Provide Request-Ids for Introspection
-Include a `Request-Id` header in each API response, populated with a UUID value. By logging these values on the client, server and any backing services, it provides a mechanism to trace, diagnose and debug requests.
+Include a `Request-Id` header in each API response, populated with a uuid value. By logging these values on the client, server and any backing services, it provides a mechanism to trace, diagnose and debug requests.
 ## Divide Large Responses Across Requests with Ranges
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ to specify when more data is available and how to retrieve it. See the
 for the details of request and response headers, status codes, limits,
 ordering, and iteration.
-# Require Secure Connections
+## Require Secure Connections
 Require secure connections with TLS to access the API, without exception.
 It’s not worth trying to figure out or explain when it is OK to use TLS
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ http or port 80 to avoid any insecure data exchange. In environments where this
 is not possible, respond with `403 Forbidden`.
 Redirects are discouraged since they allow sloppy/bad client behaviour without
-providing any clear gain.  Clients that rely on redirects double up on
+providing any clear gain. Clients that rely on redirects double up on
 server traffic and render TLS useless since sensitive data will already
  have been exposed during the first call.
 ## Separate Concerns
 Keep things simple while designing by separating the concerns between the
@@ -37,14 +37,13 @@ allows for greater focus on larger and harder problems.
 Requests and responses will be made to address a particular resource or
 collection. Use the path to indicate identity, the body to transfer the
-contents and headers to communicate metadata. Query params may be used as a
+contents and headers to communicate metadata. Query parameters may be used as a
 means to pass header information also in edge cases, but headers are preferred
 as they are more flexible and can convey more diverse information.
-## Support ETags for Caching
+## Support `ETags` for Caching
 Include an `ETag` header in all responses, identifying the specific
 version of the returned resource. This allows users to cache resources
 and use requests with this value in the `If-None-Match` header to determine
 if the cache should be updated.
diff --git a/content/api/general-guidelines.md b/content/api/general-guidelines.md
index 7bb83b4..0ce278f 100644
--- a/content/api/general-guidelines.md
+++ b/content/api/general-guidelines.md
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ By defining APIs outside the code, we want to facilitate early review feedback a
 Moreover, API definitions with standardized specification format also facilitate...
 - single source of truth for the API specification; it is a crucial part of a contract between service provider and client users
-- infrastructure tooling for API discovery, API GUIs, API documents, automated quality checks
+- infrastructure tooling for API discovery, API GUI, API documents, automated quality checks
 It is important to learn, that API First is not in conflict with the agile development principles that we love. Service applications should evolve incrementally — and so its APIs. Of course, API specification will and should evolve iteratively in different cycles, each starting with draft status and early team and peer review feedback.
@@ -32,4 +32,4 @@ We use the OpenAPI specification (aka Swagger spec) as standard for REST API def
 We also call the OpenAPI API definition the "API Reference definition" (or "API definition"); it provides all information needed by an experienced API client developer to use this API.
-The OpenAPI API specification file should be subject of version control together with source code management. Services also have to support an endpoint to access the API Reference definition for their external API(s).
\ No newline at end of file
+The OpenAPI API specification file should be subject of version control together with source code management. Services also have to support an endpoint to access the API Reference definition for their external API(s).
diff --git a/content/api/how-to-model-workflows-in-rest-apis.md b/content/api/how-to-model-workflows-in-rest-apis.md
index 2a9cf7f..5555188 100644
--- a/content/api/how-to-model-workflows-in-rest-apis.md
+++ b/content/api/how-to-model-workflows-in-rest-apis.md
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ RESTful Web Services are awesome for performing basic CRUD operations on databas
 There are three options:
 1. Use an Attribute for the Workflow’s State
-2. Use Hyperlinks for Workflow Transitions
-3. Use a Subresource for Workflow Transitions
+1. Use Hyperlinks for Workflow Transitions
+1. Use a `Subresource` for Workflow Transitions
 ## So which one should I pick?
@@ -18,11 +18,10 @@ As always, it depends on the context, but here are some quick guidelines:
 | --- | --- |
 | State Attribute | When there are no restrictions on the transitions. You can go from any state to any state at any time. The states are basically nothing more than a list of values. |
 | Transition Links | There are limits to which states you can go to depending on the current state. |
-| Transition Subresource | The workflow is configurable by users, so states and transitions among them are not fixed, but can be changed at runtime. |
+| Transition `Subresource` | The workflow is configurable by users, so states and transitions among them are not fixed, but can be changed at runtime. |
 ## Reference
 Read following for more details:
-- https://www.kennethlange.com/how-to-model-workflows-in-rest-apis/
\ No newline at end of file
+- [How to Model Workflows in REST APIs](https://www.kennethlange.com/how-to-model-workflows-in-rest-apis/)
diff --git a/content/api/http.md b/content/api/http.md
index 807c192..cce1134 100644
--- a/content/api/http.md
+++ b/content/api/http.md
@@ -16,71 +16,71 @@ Note: GET requests on collection resources should provide a sufficient filter me
 ### POST
-POST requests are idiomatically used to create single resources on a collection resource endpoint, but other semantics on 
-single resources endpoint are equally possible. The semantic for collection endpoints is best described as »please add the 
-enclosed representation to the collection resource identified by the URL«. The semantic for single resource endpoints is 
+POST requests are idiomatically used to create single resources on a collection resource endpoint, but other semantics on
+single resources endpoint are equally possible. The semantic for collection endpoints is best described as »please add the
+enclosed representation to the collection resource identified by the URL«. The semantic for single resource endpoints is
 best described as »please execute the given well specified request on the collection resource identified by the URL«.
-- POST request should only be applied to collection resources, and normally not on single resource, as this has an undefined 
+- POST request should only be applied to collection resources, and normally not on single resource, as this has an undefined
-- on successful POST requests, the server will create one or multiple new resources and provide their URI/URLs in the 
+- on successful POST requests, the server will create one or multiple new resources and provide their URI/URLs in the
-- successful POST requests will usually generate 200 (if resources have been updated), 201 (if resources have been created), 
+- successful POST requests will usually generate 200 (if resources have been updated), 201 (if resources have been created),
 and 202 (if the request was accepted but has not been finished yet)
-More generally: POST should be used for scenarios that cannot be covered by the other methods sufficiently. For instance, 
-GET with complex (e.g. SQL like structured) query that needs to be passed as request body payload because of the URL-length 
+More generally: POST should be used for scenarios that cannot be covered by the other methods sufficiently. For instance,
+GET with complex (e.g. SQL like structured) query that needs to be passed as request body payload because of the URL-length
 constraint. In such cases, make sure to document the fact that POST is used as a workaround.
-Note: Resource IDs with respect to POST requests are created and maintained by server and returned with response payload. 
-Posting the same resource twice is by itself not required to be idempotent and may result in multiple resource instances. 
-Anyhow, if external URIs are present that can be used to identify duplicate requests, it is best practice to implement POST 
+Note: Resource IDs with respect to POST requests are created and maintained by server and returned with response payload.
+Posting the same resource twice is by itself not required to be idempotent and may result in multiple resource instances.
+Anyhow, if external URIs are present that can be used to identify duplicate requests, it is best practice to implement POST
 in an idempotent way.
 ### PUT
-PUT requests are used to update single resources or an entire collection resources. The semantic is best described as 
+PUT requests are used to update single resources or an entire collection resources. The semantic is best described as
 »please put the enclosed representation at the resource mentioned by the URL«.
-- PUT requests are usually applied to single resources, and not to collection resources, as this would imply replacing the 
+- PUT requests are usually applied to single resources, and not to collection resources, as this would imply replacing the
 entire collection
 - PUT requests are usually robust against non-existence of resources by implicitly creating before updating
-- on successful PUT requests, the server will replace the entire resource addressed by the URL with the representation 
+- on successful PUT requests, the server will replace the entire resource addressed by the URL with the representation
 passed in the payload
-- successful PUT requests will usually generate 200 or 204 (if the resource was updated - with or without actual content 
+- successful PUT requests will usually generate 200 or 204 (if the resource was updated - with or without actual content
 returned), and 201 (if the resource was created)
-Note: Resource IDs with respect to PUT requests are maintained by the client and passed as a URL path segment. Putting the 
-same resource twice is required to be idempotent and to result in the same single resource instance. If PUT is applied for 
+Note: Resource IDs with respect to PUT requests are maintained by the client and passed as a URL path segment. Putting the
+same resource twice is required to be idempotent and to result in the same single resource instance. If PUT is applied for
 creating a resource, only URIs should be allowed as resource IDs. If URIs are not available POST should be preferred.
 ### PATCH
-PATCH request are only used for partial update of single resources, i.e. where only a specific subset of resource fields 
-should be replaced. The semantic is best described as »please change the resource identified by the URL according to my 
-change request«. The semantic of the change request is not defined in the HTTP standard and must be described in the API 
+PATCH request are only used for partial update of single resources, i.e. where only a specific subset of resource fields
+should be replaced. The semantic is best described as »please change the resource identified by the URL according to my
+change request«. The semantic of the change request is not defined in the HTTP standard and must be described in the API
 specification by using suitable media types.
-- PATCH requests are usually applied to single resources, and not on collection resources, as this would imply patching on 
+- PATCH requests are usually applied to single resources, and not on collection resources, as this would imply patching on
 the entire collection
 - PATCH requests are usually not robust against non-existence of resource instances
-- on successful PATCH requests, the server will update parts of the resource addressed by the URL as defined by the change 
+- on successful PATCH requests, the server will update parts of the resource addressed by the URL as defined by the change
 request in the payload
-- successful PATCH requests will usually generate 200 or 204 (if resources have been updated with or without updated content 
+- successful PATCH requests will usually generate 200 or 204 (if resources have been updated with or without updated content
 Note: since implementing PATCH correctly is a bit tricky, we strongly suggest to choose one and only one of the following patterns per endpoint, unless forced by a backwards compatible change. In preference order:
 1. use PUT with complete objects to update a resource as long as feasible (i.e. do not use PATCH at all).
-2. use PATCH with partial objects to only update parts of a resource, when ever possible. (This is basically [JSON Merge Patch](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7396), 
-a specialized media type application/merge-patch+json that is a partial resource representation.)
-3. use PATCH with [JSON Patch](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902), a specialized media type application/json-patch+json that 
+1. use PATCH with partial objects to only update parts of a resource, when ever possible. (This is basically [JSON Merge Patch](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7396),
+a specialized media type `application/merge-patch+json` that is a partial resource representation.)
+1. use PATCH with [JSON Patch](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6902), a specialized media type `application/json-patch+json` that
 includes instructions on how to change the resource.
-4. use POST (with a proper description of what is happening) instead of PATCH if the request does not modify the resource in 
+1. use POST (with a proper description of what is happening) instead of PATCH if the request does not modify the resource in
 a way defined by the semantics of the media type.
-In practice JSON Merge Patch quickly turns out to be too limited, especially when trying to update single objects in large 
-collections (as part of the resource). In this cases JSON Patch can shown its full power while still showing readable patch 
+In practice JSON Merge Patch quickly turns out to be too limited, especially when trying to update single objects in large
+collections (as part of the resource). In this cases JSON Patch can shown its full power while still showing readable patch
 requests ([see also](http://erosb.github.io/post/json-patch-vs-merge-patch)).
@@ -105,16 +105,17 @@ OPTIONS are used to inspect the available operations (HTTP methods) of a given e
 Note: OPTIONS is rarely implemented, though it could be used to self-describe the full functionality of a resource.
-## Must: Fulfill Safeness and Idempotency Properties
+## Must: Fulfill Safeness and Idempotent Properties
-An operation can be...
+An operation can be:
 - idempotent, i.e. operation will produce the same results if executed once or multiple times (note: this does not necessarily mean returning the same status code)
 - safe, i.e. must not have side effects such as state changes
 Method implementations must fulfill the following basic properties:
-| HTTP method  | safe | idempotent | 
+| HTTP method  | safe | idempotent |
 | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
 | OPTIONS  | YES  | YES  |
 | HEAD  | YES  | YES  |
@@ -123,4 +124,4 @@ Method implementations must fulfill the following basic properties:
 | POST  | NO  | NO  |
 | DELETE  | NO  | YES  |
 | PATCH  | NO  | NO  |
diff --git a/content/api/json-guidelines.md b/content/api/json-guidelines.md
index e255058..031e0ea 100644
--- a/content/api/json-guidelines.md
+++ b/content/api/json-guidelines.md
@@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
 # JSON Guidelines
-These guidelines provides recommendations for defining JSON data. JSON here refers to [RFC 7159](http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7159.txt) (which updates [RFC 4627](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt)), 
-the “application/json” media type and custom JSON media types defined for APIs. The guidelines clarifies some specific 
+These guidelines provides recommendations for defining JSON data. JSON here refers to [RFC 7159](http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7159.txt) (which updates [RFC 4627](https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4627.txt)),
+the `application/json` media type and custom JSON media types defined for APIs. The guidelines clarifies some specific
 cases to allow JSON data to have an idiomatic form across teams and services.
 ## Must: Use Consistent Property Names
-## Must: Property names must be snake_case (and never camelCase).
+## Must: Property names must be snake case (and never `camelCase`)
-No established industry standard exists, but many popular Internet companies prefer snake_case: e.g. GitHub, Stack Exchange, 
-Twitter. Others, like Google and Amazon, use both - but not only camelCase. It’s essential to establish a consistent look and 
+No established industry standard exists, but many popular Internet companies prefer snake case: e.g. GitHub, Stack Exchange,
+Twitter. Others, like Google and Amazon, use both - but not only `camelCase`. It’s essential to establish a consistent look and
 feel such that JSON looks as if it came from the same hand.
 ## Must: Property names must be an ASCII subset
-Property names are restricted to ASCII encoded strings. The first character must be a letter, an underscore or a dollar sign, 
+Property names are restricted to ASCII encoded strings. The first character must be a letter, an underscore or a dollar sign,
 and subsequent characters can be a letter, an underscore, a dollar sign, or a number.
 ## Must: Use Consistent Property Values
-## Must: Boolean property values must not be null
+## Must: boolean property values must not be null
-Schema based JSON properties that are by design booleans must not be presented as nulls. A boolean is essentially a closed 
-enumeration of two values, true and false. If the content has a meaningful null value, strongly prefer to replace the boolean 
-with enumeration of named values or statuses - for example accepted_terms_and_conditions with true or false can be replaced 
-with terms_and_conditions with values yes, no and unknown.
+Schema based JSON properties that are by design booleans must not be presented as nulls. A boolean is essentially a closed
+enumeration of two values, true and false. If the content has a meaningful null value, strongly prefer to replace the boolean
+with enumeration of named values or statuses - for example `accepted_terms_and_conditions` with true or false can be replaced
+with `terms_and_conditions` with values yes, no and unknown.
 ## Must: Date property values should conform to RFC 3399
@@ -33,21 +33,21 @@ Use the date and time formats defined by [RFC 3339](http://tools.ietf.org/html/r
 - for "date" use strings matching `date-fullyear "-" date-month "-" date-mday`, for example: `2015-05-28`
 - for "date-time" use strings matching `full-date "T" full-time`, for example `2015-05-28T14:07:17Z`
-Note that the [OpenAPI](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#data-types) format 
-"date-time" corresponds to "date-time" in the RFC) and `2015-05-28` for a date (note that the OpenAPI format "date" corresponds 
+Note that the [OpenAPI](https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md#data-types) format
+"date-time" corresponds to "date-time" in the RFC) and `2015-05-28` for a date (note that the OpenAPI format "date" corresponds
 to "full-date" in the RFC). Both are specific profiles, a subset of the international standard [ISO 8601](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601).
-A zone offset may be used (both, in request and responses) -- this is simply defined by the standards. However, we encourage 
-restricting dates to UTC and without offsets. For example `2015-05-28T14:07:17Z` rather than `2015-05-28T14:07:17+00:00`. From 
-experience we have learned that zone offsets are not easy to understand and often not correctly handled. Note also that zone 
-offsets are different from local times that might be including daylight saving time. Localization of dates should be done by 
+A zone offset may be used (both, in request and responses) -- this is simply defined by the standards. However, we encourage
+restricting dates to UTC and without offsets. For example `2015-05-28T14:07:17Z` rather than `2015-05-28T14:07:17+00:00`. From
+experience we have learned that zone offsets are not easy to understand and often not correctly handled. Note also that zone
+offsets are different from local times that might be including daylight saving time. Localization of dates should be done by
 the services that provide user interfaces, if required.
-When it comes to storage, all dates should be consistently stored in UTC without a zone offset. Localization should be done 
+When it comes to storage, all dates should be consistently stored in UTC without a zone offset. Localization should be done
 locally by the services that provide user interfaces, if required.
-Sometimes it can seem data is naturally represented using numerical timestamps, but this can introduce interpretation issues 
-with precision - for example whether to represent a timestamp as 1460062925, 1460062925000 or 1460062925.000. Date strings, 
+Sometimes it can seem data is naturally represented using numerical timestamps, but this can introduce interpretation issues
+with precision - for example whether to represent a timestamp as 1460062925, 1460062925000 or 1460062925.000. Date strings,
 though more verbose and requiring more effort to parse, avoid this ambiguity.
 ## Must: Standards must be used for Language, Country and Currency
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ To indicate they contain multiple values prefer to pluralize array names. This i
 ## Should: Empty array values should not be null
-Empty array values can unambiguously be represented as the the empty list, [].
+Empty array values can unambiguously be represented as the empty list: `[]`
 ## Should: Enumerations should be represented as Strings
diff --git a/content/api/naming.md b/content/api/naming.md
index 2695f5a..42c0eb9 100644
--- a/content/api/naming.md
+++ b/content/api/naming.md
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@ Here are the API naming conventions we must follow:
-This applies to concrete path segments and not the names of path parameters. For example `{purchase_order_id}` would be ok 
+This applies to concrete path segments and not the names of path parameters. For example `{purchase_order_id}` would be ok
 as a path parameter.
-## MUST: Use snake_case (never camelCase) for Query Parameters
+## MUST: Use `snake_case` (never `camelCase`) for Query Parameters
 customer_number, order_id, billing_address
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ customer_number, order_id, billing_address
 ## MUST: Pluralize Resource Names
-Usually, a collection of resource instances is provided (at least API should be ready here). The special case of a 
+Usually, a collection of resource instances is provided (at least API should be ready here). The special case of a
 resource singleton is a collection with cardinality 1.
 ## MUST: Avoid Trailing Slashes
@@ -36,21 +36,21 @@ The trailing slash must not have specific semantics. Resource paths must deliver
 If you provide query support for sorting, pagination, filtering functions or other actions, use the following standardized naming conventions:
-- `q` — default query parameter (e.g. used by browser tab completion); should have an entity specific alias, like sku
+- `q` — default query parameter (e.g. used by browser tab completion); should have an entity specific alias, like `sku`
 - `limit` — to restrict the number of entries. See Pagination section below. Hint: You can use size as an alternate query string.
 - `cursor` — key-based page start. See Pagination section below.
 - `offset` — numeric offset page start. See Pagination section below. Hint: In combination with limit, you can use page as an alternative to offset.
 - `sort` — comma-separated list of fields to sort. To indicate sorting direction, fields my prefixed with + (ascending) or - (descending, default), e.g. /sales-orders?sort=+id
 - `fields` — to retrieve a subset of fields.
-- `embed` — to expand embedded entities (ie.: inside of an article entity, expand silhouette code into the silhouette object). Implementing “expand” correctly is difficult, so do it with care. 
+- `embed` — to expand embedded entities (inside of an article entity, expand silhouette code into the silhouette object). Implementing “expand” correctly is difficult, so do it with care.
 ## SHOULD: Prefer Hyphenated-Pascal-Case for HTTP header Fields
-This is for consistency in your documentation (most other headers follow this convention). Avoid camelCase (without hyphens). Exceptions are common abbreviations like “ID.”
+This is for consistency in your documentation (most other headers follow this convention). Avoid `camelCase` (without hyphens). Exceptions are common abbreviations like “ID.”
@@ -62,4 +62,3 @@ See also: [HTTP Headers are case-insensitive (RFC 7230)](http://tools.ietf.org/h
 ## COULD: Use Standardized Headers
 Use [this list](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_header_fields) and mention its support in your OpenAPI definition.
diff --git a/content/api/request-response.md b/content/api/request-response.md
index d785b2c..7a3ecd3 100644
--- a/content/api/request-response.md
+++ b/content/api/request-response.md
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@ e.g.
 Why separate classes; why not just ONE jumbo class:
 - You want to modify the model object or the request object independent of each other.
-- Separation of concerns. Your request class ApiCreateVehicleRequest may contain all kinds of interface/protocol 
-related annotations and members (e.g. validation annotations that the JAX-RS implementation knows how to enforce). 
+- Separation of concerns. Your request class ApiCreateVehicleRequest may contain all kinds of interface/protocol
+related annotations and members (e.g. validation annotations that the JAX-RS implementation knows how to enforce).
 These interface-related annotations should not be in the model object.
 - From an OO perspective ApiCreateVehicleRequest is not a Vehicle (not IS_A) nor does it contain a vehicle.
-- You might have some internal fields which shouldn't be exposed; e.g. entity id won't exist at create time but will be 
+- You might have some internal fields which shouldn't be exposed; e.g. entity id won't exist at create time but will be
 returned at response API calls
 Now to the question asked... What should be the relationship between the requests and response classes?
-Request classes should extend from request classes and not extend nor contain response classes, and vice versa. Usually 
-you have a very basic BaseRequest class, extended by something like CreateRequest, UpdateRequest, etc... where 
-properties common to all create requests are in CreateRequest which is then extended by more specific request classes 
+Request classes should extend from request classes and not extend nor contain response classes, and vice versa. Usually
+you have a very basic BaseRequest class, extended by something like CreateRequest, UpdateRequest, etc... where
+properties common to all create requests are in CreateRequest which is then extended by more specific request classes
 such as CreateVehicleRequest...
 Similarly, but parallel to it, the is the Response class hierarchy.
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index 38f35d3..2386856 100644
--- a/content/api/resources.md
+++ b/content/api/resources.md
@@ -1,55 +1,63 @@
 # Resources
 ## MUST: Avoid Actions — Think About Resources
 REST is all about your resources, so consider the domain entities that take part in web service interaction, and aim to model your API around these using the standard HTTP methods as operation indicators. For instance, if an application has to lock articles explicitly so that only one user may edit them, create an article lock with PUT or POST instead of using a lock action.
 PUT /recipes/{recipe-id}
 The added benefit is that you already have a service for browsing and filtering article locks.
 ## MUST: Keep URLs Verb-Free
 The API describes resources, so the only place where actions should appear is in the HTTP methods. In URLs, use only nouns.
 ## MUST: Use Domain-Specific Resource Names
 API resources represent elements of the application’s domain model. Using domain-specific nomenclature for resource names helps developers to understand the functionality and basic semantics of your resources. It also reduces the need for further documentation outside the API definition. For example, "purchase-order-items" is superior to "purchase-items" in that it clearly indicates which business object it represents. Along these lines, “items” is too general.
 ## MUST: Identify resources and Sub-Resources via Path Segments
 Basic URL structure:
 ## SHOULD: Define useful resources
 As a rule of thumb resources should be defined to cover 90% of all its client's use cases. A useful resource should contain as much information as necessary, but as little as possible. A great way to support the last 10% is to allow clients to specify their needs for more/less information by supporting filtering and embedding.
 ## COULD: Consider Using (Non-) Nested URLs
 If a sub-resource is only accessible via its parent resource and may not exists without parent resource, consider using a nested URL structure, for instance:
 However, if the resource can be accessed directly via its unique id, then the API should expose it as a top-level resource. For example, customer is a collection for sales orders; however, sales orders have globally unique id and some services may choose to access the orders directly, for instance:
 ## SHOULD: Limit number of Resources
 To keep maintenance and service evolution manageable, we should follow "functional segmentation" and "separation of concern" design principles and do not mix different business functionalities in same API definition. In this sense the number of resources exposed via API should be limited - our experience is that a typical range of resources for a well-designed API is between 4 and 8. There may be exceptions with more complex business domains that require more resources, but you should first check if you can split them into separate subdomains with distinct APIs.
 ## SHOULD: Limit number of Sub-Resource Levels
-There are main resources (with root url paths) and sub-resources (or “nested” resources with non-root urls paths). Use sub-resources if their life cycle is (loosely) coupled to the main resource, i.e. the main resource works as collection resource of the subresource entities. You should use <= 3 sub-resource (nesting) levels -- more levels increase API complexity and url path length. (Remember, some popular web browsers do not support URLs of more than 2000 characters)
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+There are main resources (with root url paths) and sub-resources (or “nested” resources with non-root urls paths). Use sub-resources if their life cycle is (loosely) coupled to the main resource, i.e. the main resource works as collection resource of the `subresource` entities. You should use <= 3 sub-resource (nesting) levels -- more levels increase API complexity and url path length. (Remember, some popular web browsers do not support URLs of more than 2000 characters)
diff --git a/content/architecture/12-factors.md b/content/architecture/12-factors.md
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# 12 Factor Apps 
+# 12 Factor Apps
 One popular methodology that can help you focus on the characteristics that matter most when creating cloud-ready web apps is the Twelve-Factor App philosophy. Written to help developers and operations teams understand the core qualities shared by web services designed to run in the cloud, the principles apply very well to software that will live in a clustered environment like Kubernetes. While monolithic applications can benefit from following these recommendations, microservices architectures designed around these principles work particularly well.
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@ A quick summary of the Twelve Factors are:
 - **Processes**: Applications are implemented as processes that should not rely on storing state locally. State should be offloaded to a backing service as described in the fourth factor.
 - **Port binding**: Applications should natively bind to a port and listen for connections. Routing and request forwarding should be handled externally.
 - **Concurrency**: Applications should rely on scaling through the process model. Running multiple copies of an application concurrently, potentially across multiple servers, allows scaling without adjusting application code.
-- **Disposability**: Processes should be able to start quickly and stop gracefully without serious side effects. Services should not store state so they can be disposed of and recreated at any time by the infrastructure. 
+- **Disposability**: Processes should be able to start quickly and stop gracefully without serious side effects. Services should not store state so they can be disposed of and recreated at any time by the infrastructure.
 - **Dev/prod parity**: Your testing, staging, and production environments should match closely and be kept in sync. Differences between environments are opportunities for incompatibilities and untested configurations to appear.
 - **Logs**: Applications should stream logs to standard output so external services can decide how to best handle them.
 - **Admin processes**: One-off administration processes should be run against specific releases and shipped with the main process code.
-- **Stateless**: Applications should be stateless by design, and if they require to store state, they should bind to a data source to store it (i.e. backing service). 
+- **Stateless**: Applications should be stateless by design, and if they require to store state, they should bind to a data source to store it (i.e. backing service).
 - **Telemetry**: Applications should expose metrics and health indicators.
 By adhering to the guidelines provided by the Twelve Factors, you can create and run applications using a model that fits the Kubernetes execution environment. The Twelve Factors encourage developers to focus on their application's primary responsibility, consider the operating conditions and interfaces between components, and use inputs, outputs, and standard process management features to run predictably in Kubernetes.
 ## References
-- https://12factor.net/
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+- [The Twelve-Factor App](https://12factor.net/)
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-# Architecting Applications for Kubernetes
+# Application Architecture for Kubernetes
 ## Introduction
 Designing and running applications with scalability, portability, and robustness in mind can be challenging, especially as system complexity grows. The architecture of an application or system significantly impacts how it must be run, what it expects from its environment, and how closely coupled it is to related components. Following certain patterns during the design phase and adhering to certain operational practices can help counter some of the most common problems that applications face when running in highly distributed environments.
 While software design patterns and development methodologies can produce applications with the right scaling characteristics, the infrastructure and environment influence the deployed system's operation. Technologies like Docker and Kubernetes help teams package software and then distribute, deploy, and scale on platforms of distributed computers. Learning how to best harness the power of these tools can help you manage applications with greater flexibility, control, and responsiveness.
@@ -8,15 +9,17 @@ While software design patterns and development methodologies can produce applica
 In this guide, we will discuss some of the principles and patterns you may wish to adopt to help you scale and manage your workloads on Kubernetes. While Kubernetes can run many types of workloads, choices you make can affect the ease of operation and the possibilities available on deployment. How you architect and build your applications, package your services within containers, and configure life cycle management and behavior within Kubernetes can each influence your experience.
 ## Designing for Application Scalability
 When producing software, many requirements affect the patterns and architecture you choose to employ. With Kubernetes, one of the most important factors is the ability to scale horizontally, adjusting the number of identical copies of your application to distribute load and increase availability. This is an alternative to vertical scaling, which attempts to manipulate the same factors by deploying on machines with greater or fewer resources.
-In particular, microservices is a software design pattern that works well for scalable deployments on clusters. Developers create small, composable applications that communicate over the network through well-defined REST APIs instead of larger compound programs that communicate through through internal programming mechanisms. Decomposing monolithic applications into discrete single-purpose components makes it possible to scale each function independently. Much of the complexity and composition that would normally exist at the application level is transferred to the operational realm where it can be managed by platforms like Kubernetes.
+In particular, microservices is a software design pattern that works well for scalable deployments on clusters. Developers create small applications that communicate over the network through well-defined REST APIs instead of larger compound programs that communicate through internal programming mechanisms. Decomposing monolithic applications into discrete single-purpose components makes it possible to scale each function independently. Much of the complexity and composition that would normally exist at the application level is transferred to the operational realm where it can be managed by platforms like Kubernetes.
 Beyond specific software patterns, cloud native applications are designed with a few additional considerations in mind. Cloud native applications are programs that follow a microservices architecture pattern with built-in resiliency, observability, and administrative features to adapt to the environment provided by clustered platforms in the cloud.
 For example, cloud native applications are constructed with health reporting metrics to enable the platform to manage life cycle events if an instance becomes unhealthy. They produce (and make available for export) robust telemetry data to alert operators to problems and allow them to make informed decisions. Applications are designed to handle regular restarts and failures, changes in backend availability, and high load without corrupting data or becoming unresponsive.
 ### Following 12 Factor Application Philosophy
 One popular methodology that can help you focus on the characteristics that matter most when creating cloud-ready web apps is the Twelve-Factor App philosophy. Written to help developers and operations teams understand the core qualities shared by web services designed to run in the cloud, the principles apply very well to software that will live in a clustered environment like Kubernetes. While monolithic applications can benefit from following these recommendations, microservices architectures designed around these principles work particularly well.
 A quick summary of the Twelve Factors are:
@@ -37,22 +40,25 @@ A quick summary of the Twelve Factors are:
 By adhering to the guidelines provided by the Twelve Factors, you can create and run applications using a model that fits the Kubernetes execution environment. The Twelve Factors encourage developers to focus on their application's primary responsibility, consider the operating conditions and interfaces between components, and use inputs, outputs, and standard process management features to run predictably in Kubernetes.
 ## Containerizing Application Components
 Kubernetes uses containers to run isolated, packaged applications across its cluster nodes. To run on Kubernetes, your applications must be encapsulated in one or more container images and executed using a container runtime like Docker. While containerizing your components is a requirement for Kubernetes, it also helps reinforce many of the principles from the twelve factor app methodology discussed above, allowing easy scaling and management.
 For instance, containers provide isolation between the application environment and the external host system, support a networked, service-oriented approach to inter-application communication, and typically take configuration through environmental variables and expose logs written to standard error and standard out. Containers themselves encourage process-based concurrency and help maintain dev/prod parity by being independently scalable and bundling the process's runtime environment. These characteristics make it possible to package your applications so that they run smoothly on Kubernetes.
 ### Guidelines on Optimizing Containers
 The flexibility of container technology allows many different ways of encapsulating an application. However, some methods work better in a Kubernetes environment than others.
-Most best practices on containerizing your applications have to do with image building, where you define how your software will be set up and run from within a container. In general, keeping image sizes small and composable provides a number of benefits. Size-optimized images can reduce the time and resources required to start up a new container on a cluster by keeping footprint manageable and reusing existing layers between image updates.
+Most best practices on containerizing your applications have to do with image building, where you define how your software will be set up and run from within a container. In general, keeping image sizes small provides a number of benefits. Size-optimized images can reduce the time and resources required to start up a new container on a cluster by keeping footprint manageable and reusing existing layers between image updates.
 A good first step when creating container images is to do your best to separate your build steps from the final image that will be run in production. Building software generally requires extra tooling, takes additional time, and produces artifacts that might be inconsistent from container to container or unnecessary to the final runtime environment depending on the environment. One way to cleanly separate the build process from the runtime environment is to use Docker multi-stage builds. Multi-stage build configurations allow you to specify one base image to use during your build process and define another to use at runtime. This makes it possible to build software using an image with all of the build tools installed and copy the resulting artifacts to a slim, streamlined image that will be used each time afterwards.
-With this type of functionality available, it is usually a good idea to build production images on top of a minimal parent image. If you wish to completely avoid the bloat found in "distro"-style parent layers like ubuntu:16.04 (which includes a rather complete Ubuntu 16.04 environment), you could build your images with scratch — Docker's most minimal base image — as the parent. However, the scratch base layer doesn't provide access to many core tools and will often break assumptions about the environment that some software holds. As an alternative, the Alpine Linux alpine image has gained popularity by being a solid, minimal base environment that provides a tiny, but fully featured Linux distribution.
+With this type of functionality available, it is usually a good idea to build production images on top of a minimal parent image. If you wish to completely avoid the bloat found in "distro"-style parent layers like `ubuntu:16.04` (which includes a rather complete `Ubuntu` 16.04 environment), you could build your images with scratch — Docker's most minimal base image — as the parent. However, the scratch base layer doesn't provide access to many core tools and will often break assumptions about the environment that some software holds. As an alternative, the Alpine Linux alpine image has gained popularity by being a solid, minimal base environment that provides a tiny, but fully featured Linux distribution.
 For interpreted languages like Python or Ruby, the paradigm shifts slightly since there is no compilation stage and the interpreter must be available to run the code in production. However, since slim images are still ideal, many language-specific, optimized images built on top of Alpine Linux are available on Docker Hub. The benefits of using a smaller image for interpreted languages are similar to those for compiled languages: Kubernetes will be able to quickly pull all of the necessary container images onto new nodes to begin doing meaningful work.
 ## Deciding on Scope for Containers and Pods
 While your applications must be containerized to run on a Kubernetes cluster, pods are the smallest unit of abstraction that Kubernetes can manage directly. A pod is a Kubernetes object composed of one or more closely coupled containers. Containers in a pod share a life cycle and are managed together as a single unit. For example, the containers are always scheduled on the same node, are started or stopped in unison, and share resources like filesystems and IP space.
 At first, it can be difficult to discover the best way to divide your applications into containers and pods. This makes it important to understand how Kubernetes handles these components and what each layer of abstraction provides for your systems. A few considerations can help you identify some natural points of encapsulation for your application with each of these abstractions.
@@ -64,9 +70,10 @@ In contrast to the above, pods are usually constructed by thinking about which p
 Because many of Kubernetes' features and abstractions deal with pods directly, it makes sense to bundle items that should scale together in a single pod and to separate those that should scale independently. For example, separating your web servers from your application servers in different pods allows you to scale each layer independently as needed. However, bundling a web server and a database adaptor into the same pod can make sense if the adaptor provides essential functionality that the web server needs to work properly.
 ### Enhancing Pod Functionality by Bundling Supporting Containers
 With this in mind, what types of containers should be bundled in a single pod? Generally, a primary container is responsible for fulfilling the core functions of the pod, but additional containers may be defined that modify or extend the primary container or help it connect to a unique deployment environment.
-For instance, in a web server pod, an Nginx container might listen for requests and serve content while an associated container updates static files when a repository changes. It may be tempting to package both of these components within a single container, but there are significant benefits to implementing them as separate containers. Both the web server container and the repository puller can be used independently in different contexts. They can be maintained by different teams and can each be developed to generalize their behavior to work with different companion containers.
+For instance, in a web server pod, an `Nginx` container might listen for requests and serve content while an associated container updates static files when a repository changes. It may be tempting to package both of these components within a single container, but there are significant benefits to implementing them as separate containers. Both the web server container and the repository puller can be used independently in different contexts. They can be maintained by different teams and can each be developed to generalize their behavior to work with different companion containers.
 Brendan Burns and David Oppenheimer identified three primary patterns for bundling supporting containers in their paper on design patterns for container-based distributed systems. These represent some of the most common use cases for packaging containers together in a pod:
@@ -75,6 +82,7 @@ Brendan Burns and David Oppenheimer identified three primary patterns for bundli
 - **Adaptor**: The adaptor pattern is used to translate the primary container's data, protocols, or interfaces to align with the standards expected by outside parties. Adaptor containers enable uniform access to centralized services even when the applications they serve may only natively support incompatible interfaces.
 ## Extracting Configuration into ConfigMaps and Secrets
 While application configuration can be baked into container images, it's best to make your components configurable at runtime to support deployment in multiple contexts and allow more flexible administration. To manage runtime configuration parameters, Kubernetes offers two objects called ConfigMaps and Secrets.
 ConfigMaps are a mechanism used to store data that can be exposed to pods and other objects at runtime. Data stored within ConfigMaps can be presented as environment variables or mounted as files in the pod. By designing your applications to read from these locations, you can inject the configuration at runtime using ConfigMaps and modify the behavior of your components without having to rebuild the container image.
@@ -84,6 +92,7 @@ Secrets are a similar Kubernetes object type used to securely store sensitive da
 ConfigMaps and Secrets help you avoid putting configuration directly in Kubernetes object definitions. You can map the configuration key instead of the value, allowing you to update configuration on the fly by modifying the ConfigMap or Secret. This gives you the opportunity to alter the active runtime behavior of pods and other Kubernetes objects without modifying the Kubernetes definitions of the resources.
 ## Implementing Readiness and Liveness Probes
 Kubernetes includes a great deal of out-of-the-box functionality for managing component life cycles and ensuring that your applications are always healthy and available. However, to take advantage of these features, Kubernetes has to understand how it should monitor and interpret your application's health. To do so, Kubernetes allows you to define liveness and readiness probes.
 Liveness probes allow Kubernetes to determine whether an application within a container is alive and actively running. Kubernetes can periodically run commands within the container to check basic application behavior or can send HTTP or TCP network requests to a designated location to determine if the process is available and able to respond as expected. If a liveness probe fails, Kubernetes restarts the container to attempt to reestablish functionality within the pod.
@@ -93,30 +102,35 @@ Readiness probes are a similar tool used to determine whether a pod is ready to
 By combining liveness and readiness probes, you can instruct Kubernetes to automatically restart pods or remove them from backend groups. Configuring your infrastructure to take advantage of these capabilities allows Kubernetes to manage the availability and health of your applications without additional operations work.
 ## Using Deployments to Manage Scale and Availability
 Earlier, when discussing some pod design fundamentals, we also mentioned that other Kubernetes objects build on these primitives to provide more advanced functionality. A deployment, one such compound object, is probably the most commonly defined and manipulated Kubernetes object.
-Deployments are compound objects that build on other Kubernetes primatives to add additional capabilities. They add life cycle management capabilities to intermediary objects called replicasets, like the ability to perform rolling updates, rollback to earlier versions, and transition between states. These replicasets allow you to define pod templates to spin up and manage multiple copies of a single pod design. This helps you easily scale out your infrastructure, manage availability requirements, and automatically restart pods in the event of failure.
+Deployments are compound objects that build on other Kubernetes primitives to add additional capabilities. They add life cycle management capabilities to intermediary objects called `replicasets`, like the ability to perform rolling updates, rollback to earlier versions, and transition between states. These `replicasets` allow you to define pod templates to spin up and manage multiple copies of a single pod design. This helps you easily scale out your infrastructure, manage availability requirements, and automatically restart pods in the event of failure.
 These additional features provide an administrative framework and self-healing capabilities to the relatively simple pod abstraction. While pods are the units that ultimately run the workloads you define, they are not the units that you should usually be provisioning and managing. Instead, think of pods as a building block that can run applications robustly when provisioned through higher-level objects like deployments.
 ## Creating Services and Ingress Rules to Manage Access to Application Layers
 Deployments allow you to provision and manage sets of interchangeable pods to scale out your applications and meet user demands. However, routing traffic to the provisioned pods is a separate concern. As pods are swapped out as part of rolling updates, restarted, or moved due to host failures, the network addresses previously associated with the running group will change. Kubernetes services allow you to manage this complexity by maintaining routing information for dynamic pools of pods and controlling access to various layers of your infrastructure.
 In Kubernetes, services are specific mechanisms that control how traffic gets routed to sets of pods. Whether forwarding traffic from external clients or managing connections between several internal components, services allow you to control how traffic should flow. Kubernetes will then update and maintain all of the information needed to forward connections to the relevant pods, even as the environment shifts and the networking landscape changes.
 ### Accessing Services Internally
-To effectively use services, you first must determine the intended consumers for each group of pods. If your service will only be used by other applications deployed within your Kubernetes cluster, the clusterIP service type allows you to connect to a set of pods using a stable IP address that is only routable from within the cluster. Any object deployed on the cluster can communicate with the group of replicated pods by sending traffic directly to the service's IP address. This is the simplest service type, which works well for internal application layers.
+To effectively use services, you first must determine the intended consumers for each group of pods. If your service will only be used by other applications deployed within your Kubernetes cluster, the clusterIP service type allows you to connect to a set of pods using a stable IP address that is only possible to route from within the cluster. Any object deployed on the cluster can communicate with the group of replicated pods by sending traffic directly to the service's IP address. This is the simplest service type, which works well for internal application layers.
 An optional DNS addon enables Kubernetes to provide DNS names for services. This allows pods and other objects to communicate with services by name instead of by IP address. This mechanism does not change service usage significantly, but name-based identifiers can make it simpler to hook up components or define interactions without knowing the service IP address ahead of time.
 ### Exposing Services for Public Consumption
 If the interface should be publicly accessible, your best option is usually the load balancer service type. This uses your specific cloud provider's API to provision a load balancer, which serves traffic to the service pods through a publicly exposed IP address. This allows you to route external requests to the pods in your service, offering a controlled network channel to your internal cluster network.
 Since the load balancer service type creates a load balancer for every service, it can potentially become expensive to expose Kubernetes services publicly using this method. To help alleviate this, Kubernetes ingress objects can be used to describe how to route different types of requests to different services based on a predetermined set of rules. For instance, requests for "example.com" might go to service A, while requests for "sammytheshark.com" might be routed to service B. Ingress objects provide a way of describing how to logically route a mixed stream of requests to their target services based on predefined patterns.
-Ingress rules must be interpreted by an ingress controller — typically some sort of load balance, like Nginx — deployed within the cluster as a pod, which implements the ingress rules and forwards traffic to Kubernetes services accordingly. Currently, the ingress object type is in beta, but there are several working implementations that can be used to minimize the number of external load balancers that cluster owners are required to run.
+Ingress rules must be interpreted by an ingress controller — typically some sort of load balance, like `Nginx` — deployed within the cluster as a pod, which implements the ingress rules and forwards traffic to Kubernetes services accordingly. Currently, the ingress object type is in beta, but there are several working implementations that can be used to minimize the number of external load balancers that cluster owners are required to run.
 ## Using Declarative Syntax to Manage Kubernetes State
 Kubernetes offers quite a lot of flexibility in defining and controlling the resources deployed to your cluster. Using tools like kubectl, you can imperatively define ad-hoc objects to immediately deploy to your cluster. While this can be useful for quickly deploying resources when learning Kubernetes, there are drawbacks to this approach that make it undesirable for long-term production administration.
 One of the major problems with imperative management is that it does not leave any record of the changes you've deployed to your cluster. This makes it difficult or impossible to recover in the event of failures or to track operational changes as they're applied to your systems.
@@ -124,10 +138,9 @@ One of the major problems with imperative management is that it does not leave a
 Fortunately, Kubernetes provides an alternative declarative syntax that allows you to fully define resources within text files and then use kubectl to apply the configuration or change. Storing these configuration files in a version control repository is a simple way to monitor changes and integrate with the review processes used for other parts of your organization. File-based management also makes it simple to adapt existing patterns to new resources by copying and editing existing definitions. Storing your Kubernetes object definitions in versioned directories allows you to maintain a snapshot of your desired cluster state at each point in time. This can be invaluable during recovery operations, migrations, or when tracking down the root cause of unintended changes introduced to your system.
 ## Conclusion
-Managing the infrastructure that will run your applications and learning how to best leverage the features offered by modern orchestrations environments can be daunting. However, many of the benefits offered by systems like Kubernetes and technologies like containers become more clear when your development and operations practices align with the concepts the tooling is built around. Architecting your systems using the patterns Kubernetes excels at and understanding how certain features can alleviate some of the challenges associated with highly complex deployments can help improve your experience running on the platform.
-## References
+Managing the infrastructure that will run your applications and learning how to best leverage the features offered by modern orchestrations environments can be daunting. However, many of the benefits offered by systems like Kubernetes and technologies like containers become more clear when your development and operations practices align with the concepts the tooling is built around. System architecture using the patterns Kubernetes excels at and understanding how certain features can alleviate some of the challenges associated with highly complex deployments can help improve your experience running on the platform.
-It has been copied from here: 
+## References
-- https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/architecting-applications-for-kubernetes
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+- [`Architecting Applications for Kubernetes`](https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/architecting-applications-for-kubernetes)
diff --git a/content/architecture/ddd.md b/content/architecture/ddd.md
index 73ccb78..99f79b5 100644
--- a/content/architecture/ddd.md
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@@ -11,26 +11,25 @@ Read following:
 - [DDD - Clear Your Concepts Before You Start](http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/339725/Domain-Driven-Design-Clear-Your-Concepts-Before-Yo)
 - [Services in DDD](http://gorodinski.com/blog/2012/04/14/services-in-domain-driven-design-ddd/)
 - [DDD Architecture](http://dddsample.sourceforge.net/architecture.html)
-- [Aurora Basecamp DDD & Patterns Collection](https://aurorasolutionspvtltd.basecamphq.com/projects/7791653-aurora-team-room/cat/118172150/posts/archive)
 ## Subdomains & Bounded Contexts
 Bounded Contexts and Subdomains exist at different levels.
-A Subdomain is a portion of the problem space, it's a natural partitioning of the system, often reflecting the structure 
-of the organisation. So logistics and operations might be separated from invoicing & billing. Eric differentiates core, 
+A Subdomain is a portion of the problem space, it's a natural partitioning of the system, often reflecting the structure
+of the organisation. So logistics and operations might be separated from invoicing & billing. Eric differentiates core,
 supporting and generic subdomains according to their business relevance in the given scenario.
-Bounded Contexts are portions of the solutions space. They're models. It would be a good thing to have them, reflect 
-the domains-subdomains partitioning ...but life isn't always that easy. And you might have bloated legacy domain 
+Bounded Contexts are portions of the solutions space. They're models. It would be a good thing to have them, reflect
+the domains-subdomains partitioning ...but life isn't always that easy. And you might have bloated legacy domain
 encompassing everything, or more context in the same subdomain (i.e. old legacy app the replacement app somebody is building).
-To have a Bounded Context you need to have a model, and an explicit boundary around it. Exactly what's missing in many 
+To have a Bounded Context you need to have a model, and an explicit boundary around it. Exactly what's missing in many
 data-driven application that use databases to share data.
-Another - orthogonal - way to see it may be the following. Ubiquitous Language, the special condition where every term 
-has a single unambiguous definition, doesn't scale. The more you enlarge it, the more ambiguity creeps in. If you want 
-to achieve precise, unambiguous models, you need to make their boundaries explicit, and speak many little Ubiquitous 
+Another - orthogonal - way to see it may be the following. Ubiquitous Language, the special condition where every term
+has a single unambiguous definition, doesn't scale. The more you enlarge it, the more ambiguity creeps in. If you want
+to achieve precise, unambiguous models, you need to make their boundaries explicit, and speak many little Ubiquitous
 Languages, each one within a single Bounded Context, with a well defined purpose.
 ### Example # 1
@@ -41,7 +40,7 @@ Consider a company that has a few different departments:
 - HR
 - Accounting
-Can you come up with a user model that can expressively represent all those areas of business? Think of what the User 
+Can you come up with a user model that can expressively represent all those areas of business? Think of what the User
 entity could look like in each one. Perhaps it's split into three different entities:
 - Developer
@@ -50,44 +49,46 @@ entity could look like in each one. Perhaps it's split into three different enti
 The effort to instantiate a user in each context is considerably different. Perhaps it's something like this:
 new Employee(ssn, name, joindate, dateofbirth, gender)
 new Developer(Employee, workstation, credentials)
 new Payee(Employee, role)
-If you used a naive implementation and used a single user entity, it would end up being an anaemic data model full of 
-getters and setters, because you couldn't fully represent the user all over the place.
+If you used a naive implementation and used a single user entity, it would end up being an anaemic data model full of
+get and set methods, because you couldn't fully represent the user all over the place.
-There are clear boundaries in the business, so it's useful to model them that way. A user logging in versus a user in a 
+There are clear boundaries in the business, so it's useful to model them that way. A user logging in versus a user in a
 payroll system versus a user playing a game are all very different, even if they are part of the same grand system.
 ### Example # 2
-I can give you another example. Consider you have some ecommerce system. You would have products there, however products 
+I can give you another example. Consider you have some ecommerce system. You would have products there, however products
 will be part of at least two different domains:
 - Product catalog, where you keep your product description and all attributes
 - Inventory, where you have product stock level
-If you have one bounded context for both domains, your solution can quickly become a big ball of mud because you will 
-start cross referencing it. At the end you will not have two domains anymore. Your product inventory will be spoiled 
-with product catalog references and vice versa. As the result of this you will not be able to change one domain without 
-touching another even you fully realize this is not required. Your models become dependent on each other and tightly 
+If you have one bounded context for both domains, your solution can quickly become a big ball of mud because you will
+start cross referencing it. At the end you will not have two domains anymore. Your product inventory will be spoiled
+with product catalog references and vice versa. As the result of this you will not be able to change one domain without
+touching another even you fully realize this is not required. Your models become dependent on each other and tightly
 coupled, and dependent in a bad way - being dependent on implementation.
-If you, however, have two bounded context, all changes you do in one domain will not affect the other as soon as you 
-keep your communication channels clear. It will mean you need to have data duplication but this is the least cost to 
-pay for loosely coupled component based application. Your domains can talk to each other using domain events. Even if 
-you do not plan to have SOA based application in the beginning you will be able to scale up to that level when you need 
+If you, however, have two bounded context, all changes you do in one domain will not affect the other as soon as you
+keep your communication channels clear. It will mean you need to have data duplication but this is the least cost to
+pay for loosely coupled component based application. Your domains can talk to each other using domain events. Even if
+you do not plan to have SOA based application in the beginning you will be able to scale up to that level when you need
 with relatively low effort since you just change the transport for your domain events, leaving the idea behind it intact.
-Eric Evans gives an analogy of the old story, when several blind man describe an elephant from their perspective. Since 
-each man can only touch a part of the elephant, they describe it as a "tree", "wall", "snake", "rope". And each of those 
-man is right within their context. Bounded context is where ubiquitous language lives. Outside the context, these terms 
+Eric Evans gives an analogy of the old story, when several blind man describe an elephant from their perspective. Since
+each man can only touch a part of the elephant, they describe it as a "tree", "wall", "snake", "rope". And each of those
+man is right within their context. Bounded context is where ubiquitous language lives. Outside the context, these terms
 might have completely different meaning but inside the context, the language is the same across multiple domains.
 ### Example # 3
-First, a subdomain represents a delimited (partitioned) piece of the overall domain. A domain could be something like 
+First, a subdomain represents a delimited (partitioned) piece of the overall domain. A domain could be something like
 "Scholarships Management". There will be several subdomains inside of that. You might consider something like:
 - Identity and Access Management (generic subdomain)
@@ -96,46 +97,44 @@ First, a subdomain represents a delimited (partitioned) piece of the overall dom
 - Financing (core)
 - Logging and Audit (supporting subdomain)
-Subdomains represent partitions of the "problem space". They represent different logical areas of responsibility in an 
-application and they are completely dependent on the domain. Don't go on a witch-hunt expecting to find a bunch of these 
-either. I've seen plenty of people try to split a simple application into 5-6 subdomains. It doesn't make sense. You 
+Subdomains represent partitions of the "problem space". They represent different logical areas of responsibility in an
+application and they are completely dependent on the domain. Don't go on a witch-hunt expecting to find a bunch of these
+either. I've seen plenty of people try to split a simple application into 5-6 subdomains. It doesn't make sense. You
 have to make sense of the situation you're in and really get good at "reading the lay of the land". It takes practice.
-Bounded context represents the ubiquitous language of (in a perfect world) a single sub-domain. This is where things get 
-sketchy, but for sake of example... while subdomain is definition of focused problem space, bounded context is the 
-application of a domain model that is formed by the UL as a solution to a particular subdomain. This is a little bit of 
-a general statement, but Bounded Context (as an applied domain model) can be thought of as "the solution" to the problem 
+Bounded context represents the ubiquitous language of (in a perfect world) a single sub-domain. This is where things get
+sketchy, but for sake of example... while subdomain is definition of focused problem space, bounded context is the
+application of a domain model that is formed by the UL as a solution to a particular subdomain. This is a little bit of
+a general statement, but Bounded Context (as an applied domain model) can be thought of as "the solution" to the problem
 presented by a sub-domain.
-As I mentioned, a bounded context mapping one-to-one with a subdomain isn't always the case, but what's important is 
-that the identification of a bounded context occurs because you discover that the language your business uses changes 
-based on context. For example, when a student starts to complete an application for a scholarship, they think of 
-themselves as a "student". However, when they meet the requirements for some scholarship, they become a "candidate" in 
-the context of selection. The difference is subtle, but important. In addition, personnel in the "finances" context may 
+As I mentioned, a bounded context mapping one-to-one with a subdomain isn't always the case, but what's important is
+that the identification of a bounded context occurs because you discover that the language your business uses changes
+based on context. For example, when a student starts to complete an application for a scholarship, they think of
+themselves as a "student". However, when they meet the requirements for some scholarship, they become a "candidate" in
+the context of selection. The difference is subtle, but important. In addition, personnel in the "finances" context may
 not even care that a student exists as a concept at all.
-A Domain Model is a model of concepts from a particular domain or sub-domain that guarantee certain arbitrary business 
-rules or invariants are held consistent. It follows the Ubiquitous Language from your Domain / Sub-domains. This is 
+A Domain Model is a model of concepts from a particular domain or sub-domain that guarantee certain arbitrary business
+rules or invariants are held consistent. It follows the Ubiquitous Language from your Domain / Sub-domains. This is
 where Bounded Context comes in.
-A Domain Model operates in a BoundedContext and reflects the Ubiquitous Language within that context. So, if your Domain 
-is simple, you may only have one Bounded Context. This is great! It means you get to finish the job early! :)
+A Domain Model operates in a BoundedContext and reflects the Ubiquitous Language within that context. So, if your Domain
+is simple, you may only have one Bounded Context. This is great! It means you get to finish the job early!
-However, DO KNOW that this is an entirely iterative process driven by interaction with your domain experts (the business) 
-and a sound BDD/TDD workflow. This is where the "don't go on a witchhunt" comment came from. Start simple and build 
-complexity "just-in-time" and when it makes sense!
+However, DO KNOW that this is an entirely iterative process driven by interaction with your domain experts (the business) and a sound BDD/TDD workflow. Start simple and build complexity "just-in-time" and when it makes sense!
 ## Services in DDD
 Services come in 3 flavors: Domain Services, Application Services, and Infrastructure Services
-- Domain Services: Encapsulates business logic that doesn't naturally fit within a domain object, and are NOT typical 
+- Domain Services: Encapsulates business logic that doesn't naturally fit within a domain object, and are NOT typical
 CRUD operations - those would belong to a Repository.
-- Application Services: Used by external consumers to talk to your system (think Web Services). If consumers need access 
+- Application Services: Used by external consumers to talk to your system (think Web Services). If consumers need access
 to CRUD operations, they would be exposed here.
 - Infrastructure Services: Used to abstract technical concerns (e.g. MSMQ, Email Provider, etc)
-Keeping Domain Services along with your Domain Objects is sensible - they are all focused on domain logic. And yes, you 
+Keeping Domain Services along with your Domain Objects is sensible - they are all focused on domain logic. And yes, you
 can inject Repositories into your Services.
 Application Services will typically use both Domain Services and Repositories to deal with external requests.
@@ -148,56 +147,57 @@ This is really an important question which pops very often:
 Summary: Generate identity in the application service, but let the repository do the real work.
-### Entity must have an identity before its persisted:
-Traditionally, all you need for an entity to have an ID is to designate one integer column in the database as the 
-primary key, and mark it as "auto-incrementing". So, once a new entity gets persisted as a record in the database 
-(using your favorite ORM), it will get an ID. That is, the entity has no identity until it has been persisted. Even 
+### Entity must have an identity before its persisted
+Traditionally, all you need for an entity to have an ID is to designate one integer column in the database as the
+primary key, and mark it as "auto-incrementing". So, once a new entity gets persisted as a record in the database
+(using your favorite ORM), it will get an ID. That is, the entity has no identity until it has been persisted. Even
 though this happens everywhere, and almost always; it's a bit weird, because:
 - The application logic now relies on some external system to determine the identity of an entity we create.
-- The entity will have no identity at first, meaning it can be created with an invalid (incomplete) state. This is 
+- The entity will have no identity at first, meaning it can be created with an invalid (incomplete) state. This is
   not a desirable quality for an entity (for almost no object I'd say).
-It's pretty annoying to have an entity without an identity, because you can't use its identity yet; you first have to 
-wait. When I'm working with entities, I always like to generate domain events (plain objects), which contain relevant 
+It's pretty annoying to have an entity without an identity, because you can't use its identity yet; you first have to
+wait. When I'm working with entities, I always like to generate domain events (plain objects), which contain relevant
 values or value objects. For example, when I create a Meetup entity (in fact, when I "schedule it"), I want to record an
  event about that. But at that point, I have no ID yet, so I actually can't even record that event.
-The only thing I can do is record the event later, outside the Meetup entity, when we finally have the ID. But that 
-would be a bit sad, since we'd have to move the construction of the event object out of the entity, breaking up the 
+The only thing I can do is record the event later, outside the Meetup entity, when we finally have the ID. But that
+would be a bit sad, since we'd have to move the construction of the event object out of the entity, breaking up the
 entity's originally excellent encapsulation.
 So a better approach would be to generate the ID before creating the new entity, and to pass it in as a constructor argument.
-### The ID generation process itself should happen outside of the entity: 
-Besides, even though it's technically possible to generate a UUID inside an entity, it's something that conceptually 
-isn't right. The idea behind an ID is that it's unique for the kind of thing it identifies. The entity is only aware of 
-itself, and can never reach across its own object boundaries to find out if an ID it has generated is actually unique. 
+### The ID generation process itself should happen outside of the entity
+Besides, even though it's technically possible to generate a uuid inside an entity, it's something that conceptually
+isn't right. The idea behind an ID is that it's unique for the kind of thing it identifies. The entity is only aware of
+itself, and can never reach across its own object boundaries to find out if an ID it has generated is actually unique.
 That's why, at least conceptually, generating an identity should not happen inside the entity, only outside of it.
-### Let the repository generate the next identity:
-However, at this point we still have the issue of generating the UUID being an infrastructure concern. It should move 
-out of the application layer too. This is where you can use a handy suggestion I learned from Vaughn Vernon's book 
+### Let the repository generate the next identity
+However, at this point we still have the issue of generating the uuid being an infrastructure concern. It should move
+out of the application layer too. This is where you can use a handy suggestion I learned from Vaughn Vernon's book
 "Implementing Domain-Driven Design": let the repository "hand out" a new identity whenever you need it.
 public interface VehicleRepository extends JpaRepository<Vehicle, Long> {
     // Note that if this is a SERIAL column, you need to find the sequence's name based on the table and column name, as follows:
     @Query(value = "SELECT nextval(pg_get_serial_sequence('my_table', 'id')) as new_id", nativeQuery = true)
     Long getNextIdentity();
 The advantages of letting the repository generate the next identity are:
 - There's a natural, conceptual relation: repositories manage the entities and their identities.
-- You can easily change the way an ID is being generated because the process is now properly encapsulated. No scattered 
-calls to Uuid::uuid4(), but only calls to Repository::nextIdentity().
-- You can in fact still use an incremental ID if you like. You can use the database after all if it natively supports 
+- You can easily change the way an ID is being generated because the process is now properly encapsulated. No scattered
+calls to `Uuid::uuid4()`, but only calls to `Repository::nextIdentity()`.
+- You can in fact still use an incremental ID if you like. You can use the database after all if it natively supports
 sequences. Or you can implement your own sequence.
-Here is working example of entity id generation: https://github.com/stakater-lab/entity-id
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index cce3859..3811757 100644
--- a/content/architecture/eda.md
+++ b/content/architecture/eda.md
@@ -11,19 +11,22 @@ One recommendation is to start with a single event per action (e.g. created, upd
 ### Principle #2: Group Related Event Data
 During the initial design of an event, it may seem appropriate to flatten out the schema for your event payload, e.g.:
-    …
+    ...
 Over time, events may require additional details to be included, resulting in a very large structure that may confuse or overwhelm subscribers. In our example above, what if we need to add a mailing address alongside the billing address?
-Instead of adding new fields with a mailingAddress prefix (e.g. mailingAddressLine1, mailingAddressLIne2,…), consider grouping related data together at the initial design phase to offer more evolvability. For example:
+Instead of adding new fields with a `mailingAddress` prefix (e.g. `mailingAddressLine1`, `mailingAddressLIne2`), consider grouping related data together at the initial design phase to offer more possibility to evolve. For example:
@@ -32,12 +35,13 @@ Instead of adding new fields with a mailingAddress prefix (e.g. mailingAddressLi
-          …
+          ...
-          …
+          ...
 We can now add shippingAddress as a new grouping within our event payload, while allowing subscribers to easily process the address(es) they are interested in. As a bonus, the subscriber can optimize their code by defining an address data structure or object that can be used to process billing and mailing addresses, along with any additional addresses necessary in the future.
@@ -46,15 +50,15 @@ We can now add shippingAddress as a new grouping within our event payload, while
 Like APIs, events are contracts between an event producer and its subscribers. The needs of your subscribers will likely change over time, requiring modifications to your event payload schema. Apply the following rules to help ensure you don’t break your event subscribers:
 1. It is acceptable to add new fields to a payload without breaking subscribers. Use the Principle #2 (above) to group related data.
-2. Do not rename existing field names. Instead, add the new field alongside the previous one to correct any naming errors to provide better clarity to subscribers.
-3. Do not delete fields, as your subscribers may be dependent on their existence.
+1. Do not rename existing field names. Instead, add the new field alongside the previous one to correct any naming errors to provide better clarity to subscribers.
+1. Do not delete fields, as your subscribers may be dependent on their existence.
 If you cannot apply the rules above, then you likely need to define a new event on a new topic to address the need. Over time, you can attempt to guide subscribers to move to the new topic and remove the deprecated one. This, however, can be a big challenge so be prepared to support both for some time.
 For this to work we have to add two rules;
-- we are not allowed to rename anything, and 
-- we may not change the semantic meaning of a property. 
+- we are not allowed to rename anything, and
+- we may not change the semantic meaning of a property.
 ### Principle #4: Manage Your Event Dependencies
@@ -64,7 +68,7 @@ Events should emit information that any subscriber may need in a format that is
 This principle not only extends to the producer’s awareness of its downstream subscribers, but also to the event payload. Poor event payload design requires event producers to understand and translate internal data values, that may be in an internal format, into a more useful value that the subscriber can easily process.
-For example, an event payload that has a field named customerStatus may internally store the values of N,A,I. While your team may know that these values stand for new, active, and inactive, not everyone will be aware of their meaning. Additionally, downstream subscribers shouldn’t be required to lookup those codes in some documentation. Instead, the customerStatus field should contain one of new, active, and inactive to clearly describe the status. While this requires a little extra development effort, subscribers are able to easily understand and process the event without extra heavy lifting or intimate knowledge of how your internal data is stored.
+For example, an event payload that has a field named `customerStatus` may internally store the values of N,A,I. While your team may know that these values stand for new, active, and inactive, not everyone will be aware of their meaning. Additionally, downstream subscribers shouldn’t be required to lookup those codes in some documentation. Instead, the `customerStatus` field should contain one of new, active, and inactive to clearly describe the status. While this requires a little extra development effort, subscribers are able to easily understand and process the event without extra heavy lifting or intimate knowledge of how your internal data is stored.
 ### Principle #5: Differentiate Between Private and Shared Event Streams
@@ -80,17 +84,17 @@ A challenge with event sourced systems is that events put in the event store yea
 If a system can be taken down, updated and brought back up, versioning of events is relatively simple. The the real challenge comes when a system can’t be taken down and you have two versions of the software running at the same time.
-A general rule when versioning events is that adding things does not cause a versioning conflict. Adding a new version of an event is therefore not a problem, as long as we don’t break the definition of a new version event; it must be convertible from an old version of the same event. If this is not possible, then it’s a new event. Following these rules, when old versions are read from the store, they can first be converted, or upcasted, to the latest version before handled. This means that an event handler only needs to know how to deal with the latest version, an important benefit if many new versions have been created. To be able to convert an old version of an event when a property has been added to the new version, we use the same principle as when we add a new not nullable column to a database; we use a default value.
+A general rule when versioning events is that adding things does not cause a versioning conflict. Adding a new version of an event is therefore not a problem, as long as we don’t break the definition of a new version event; it must be convertible from an old version of the same event. If this is not possible, then it’s a new event. Following these rules, when old versions are read from the store, they can first be converted, or up-casted, to the latest version before handled. This means that an event handler only needs to know how to deal with the latest version, an important benefit if many new versions have been created. To be able to convert an old version of an event when a property has been added to the new version, we use the same principle as when we add a new not `nullable` column to a database; we use a default value.
-With events based on a type system, we are using a strong schema. With that we will not get any support from the serializer; it can only read events that exactly match the type or schema. Young notes that this approach only works if you can take the system down and upgrade it, otherwise consumers may read new versions of events that they don’t know about and are unable to deserialize them. He therefore generally recommends against this approach.
+With events based on a type system, we are using a strong schema. With that we will not get any support from the `serializer`; it can only read events that exactly match the type or schema. Young notes that this approach only works if you can take the system down and upgrade it, otherwise consumers may read new versions of events that they don’t know about and are unable to deserialize them. He therefore generally recommends against this approach.
-Using JSON or XML as a format for describing an event we have a weak schema, and instead of deserializing we map from JSON data to an event object. If a property has the same name in the two we copy the value into the event. If something in the JSON data is missing in the event we just leave the corresponding value. If a property in the event is not found in the JSON data, it will get a default value. For this to work we have to add two rules; we are not allowed to rename anything, and we may not change the semantic meaning of a property. One advantage of this technique is that we don’t need to create new versions of events; we only need the latest versions. For Young this technique is much preferable since now an old version of the software is able to read a new event.
+Using JSON or XML as a format for describing an event we have a weak schema, and instead of de-serializing we map from JSON data to an event object. If a property has the same name in the two we copy the value into the event. If something in the JSON data is missing in the event we just leave the corresponding value. If a property in the event is not found in the JSON data, it will get a default value. For this to work we have to add two rules; we are not allowed to rename anything, and we may not change the semantic meaning of a property. One advantage of this technique is that we don’t need to create new versions of events; we only need the latest versions. For Young this technique is much preferable since now an old version of the software is able to read a new event.
 Another option, related to a weak schema, is a hybrid schema where things an event needs to make sense, like the identity of the order for an event related to that order, are required and the rest are optional.
 Other more complex kinds of problems include events that shouldn’t have been published and situations when you find out that the aggregate boundaries are wrong. Updating an existing event can cause large problems and Young strongly argues against this. Instead, he prefers using streams for manipulation, one example being transform streams. During the release process, you can make any transformation that is needed by reading from one stream, make a transformation and write to a new stream. The old stream can afterwards be deleted. Other examples include joining and splitting streams.
-## References / Acknowledgements
+## References
-- https://medium.com/capital-one-tech/5-principles-for-designing-evolvable-event-streams-f32e90dcbb79
-- https://www.infoq.com/news/2017/07/versioning-event-sourcing
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+- [5 Principles for Designing Evolvable Event Streams](https://medium.com/capital-one-tech/5-principles-for-designing-evolvable-event-streams-f32e90dcbb79)
+- [Versioning of Events in Event Sourced Systems](https://www.infoq.com/news/2017/07/versioning-event-sourcing)
diff --git a/content/architecture/microservices/README.md b/content/architecture/microservices/README.md
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--- a/content/architecture/microservices/README.md
+++ b/content/architecture/microservices/README.md
@@ -19,4 +19,3 @@ The convention should also be followed in automation, CI, etc.
 We follow kebab-case or hyphen-case i.e. `carbook-gitlab-config`, `synthetic-tests`, `e2e-tests` naming convention whenever creating
 a git repo
diff --git a/content/architecture/object-calisthenics.md b/content/architecture/object-calisthenics.md
index 516471a..5469a4d 100644
--- a/content/architecture/object-calisthenics.md
+++ b/content/architecture/object-calisthenics.md
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Object Calisthenics has been introduced the first time by Jeff Bay. Object Calisthenics outlines 9 basic rules to apply when writing code.
-Object Calisthenics are programming exercises, formalized as a set of 9 rules invented by Jeff Bay in his book The ThoughtWorks Anthology. The word Object is related to Object Oriented Programming. The word Calisthenics is derived from greek, and means exercises under the context of gymnastics. By trying to follow these rules as much as possible, you will naturally change how you write code. It doesn’t mean you have to follow all these rules, all the time. Find your balance with these rules, use some of them only if you feel comfortable with them.
+Object Calisthenics are programming exercises, formalized as a set of 9 rules invented by Jeff Bay in his book The ThoughtWorks Anthology. The word Object is related to Object Oriented Programming. The word Calisthenics is derived from Greek, and means exercises under the context of gymnastics. By trying to follow these rules as much as possible, you will naturally change how you write code. It doesn’t mean you have to follow all these rules, all the time. Find your balance with these rules, use some of them only if you feel comfortable with them.
 The idea of Object Calisthenics is that the high-level concepts and principles of good object-oriented programming can be distilled into low-level rules to follow.
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Following the rules given here with discipline will force you to come up with th
 We should also point out that the more you practice applying the rules, the more the advantages come to fruition. Your first attempts to decompose problems in the style presented here will feel awkward and likely lead to little gain you can perceive. There is a skill to the application of the rules – this is the art of the programmer raised to another level.
-## 1. Only one level of indentation per method
+## Only one level of indentation per method
 This rule is simple, and applied, greatly reduces complexity.
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ Just try to keep your method as simple and understandable as you can.
 The primary motivation of this rule is that one is not dealing with multiple levels — both indentation and abstraction — at once.
 class InsertionSort {
     public function sort(array $array) {
         // 1 level
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ That’s a common example when you can easily spot multiple indentation levels i
 You can fix this most of the time, using the Extract Method pattern or in others, composing your objects in order to don’t aggregate all logic in one method. This is also somehow related with Single Responsibility Principle and High Cohesion which are valid as well for methods. If your method has multiple indentation levels, then maybe is not doing only one thing
 class InsertionSort {
     public function sort(array $array) {
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) {
@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ The bottom line: it works. I’ve written much more straightforward code this wa
 Ever stare at a big old method wondering where to start? A giant method lacks cohesiveness. One guideline is to limit method length to 5 lines, but that kind of transition can be daunting if your code is littered with 500-line monsters. Instead, try to ensure that each method does exactly one thing – one control structure, or one block of statements, per method. If you’ve got nested control structures in a method, you’re working at multiple levels of abstraction, and that means you’re doing more than one thing.
-As you work with methods that do exactly one thing, expressed within classes doing exactly one thing, your code begins to change. As each unit in your application becomes smaller, your level of re-use will start to rise exponentially. It can be difficult to spot opportunities for reuse within a method that has five responsibilities and is implemented in 100 lines. A three-line method that manages the state of a single object in a given context is usable in many different contexts. 
+As you work with methods that do exactly one thing, expressed within classes doing exactly one thing, your code begins to change. As each unit in your application becomes smaller, your level of re-use will start to rise exponentially. It can be difficult to spot opportunities for reuse within a method that has five responsibilities and is implemented in 100 lines. A three-line method that manages the state of a single object in a given context is usable in many different contexts.
 Use the Extract Method feature of your IDE to pull out behaviors until your methods only have one level of indentation, like this:
 class Board {
     String board() {
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ class Board {
 class Board {
     String board() {
@@ -122,142 +122,159 @@ Notice that another effect has occurred with this refactoring. Each individual m
 Here at the end of the first rule, we should also point out that the more you practice applying the rules, the more the advantages come to fruition. Your first attempts to decompose problems in the style presented here will feel awkward and likely lead to little gain you can perceive. There is a skill to the application of the rules – this is the art of the programmer raised to another level.
-## 2. Don’t use the “else” keyword
+## Don’t use the “else” keyword
 The argument is to reduce the number of branches, keeping long conditional blocks out of the code.
 Every programmer understands the if/else construct. It’s built into nearly every programming language, and simple conditional logic is easy for anyone to understand. Nearly every programmer has seen a nasty nested conditional that’s impossible to follow, or a case statement that goes on for pages. Even worse, it is all too easy to simply add another branch to an existing conditional rather than factoring to a better solution. Conditionals are also a frequent source of duplication. Status flags and state of residence are two examples which frequently lead to this kind of trouble:
-if (status == DONE) 
-    doSomething(); 
+if (status == DONE)
+    doSomething();
-**a) Early Return**: If your validating data, than to avoid else you can use early return. E.g You have a  java method which takes list as an argument and returns last index of list. 
+**a) Early Return**: If your validating data, than to avoid else you can use early return. E.g You have a java method which takes list as an argument and returns last index of list.
 :x: Wrong way:
-private Integer getFinalIndexOfList(List<String> names)  
-    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(names))  
-    {  
-        return null;  
-    }  
-    else   
-	{  
-        return names.size() - 1;  
-    }  
+private Integer getFinalIndexOfList(List<String> names) 
+    if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(names)) 
+    { 
+        return null; 
+    } 
+    else  
+  { 
+        return names.size() - 1; 
+    } 
 :+1: Right way:
 private Integer getFinalIndexOfList(List<String> names)
-	if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(names))
-	{
-		return null;
-	}
-	return names.size() - 1;
+  if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(names))
+  {
+    return null;
+  }
+  return names.size() - 1;
-**b) Polymorphism**: 
+**b) Polymorphism**:
 Object-oriented languages give us a powerful tool, polymorphism, for handling conditional cases, but on the other hand we should not hate if/else or conditionals more than we should. Introducing polymorphism too soon will complicate your code.
-Lets take a quick example: 
+Lets take a quick example:
 We have a class that processes order, and discount is deducted from total amount of item based on the type of customer.
-**Solution with conditionals:**  
+Solution with conditionals:
 public class Customer
-	public String type;
+  public String type;
 public class ProcessOrder
-	public int getOrderGrandTotal(Customer customer, int subTotal)
-	{
-		if (customer.type.equals("EMPLOYEE"))
-		{
-			return subTotal - 20;
-		}
-		else if (customer.type.equals("NON_EMPLOYEE"))
-		{
-			return subTotal - 10;
-		}
-		return subsTotal;
-	}
+  public int getOrderGrandTotal(Customer customer, int subTotal)
+  {
+    if (customer.type.equals("EMPLOYEE"))
+    {
+      return subTotal - 20;
+    }
+    else if (customer.type.equals("NON_EMPLOYEE"))
+    {
+      return subTotal - 10;
+    }
+    return subsTotal;
+  }
 **Solution with polymorphism:**
-public abstract class Customer  
-    public abstract int getDiscount();  
+public abstract class Customer 
+    public abstract int getDiscount(); 
-public class Employee extends Customer  
-    @Override  
-    public int getDiscount()  
-    {  
-        return 20;  
-    }  
+public class Employee extends Customer 
+    @Override 
+    public int getDiscount() 
+    { 
+        return 20; 
+    } 
-public class NonEmployee extends Customer  
-    @Override  
-    public int getDiscount()  
-    {  
-        return 10;  
-    }  
+public class NonEmployee extends Customer 
+    @Override 
+    public int getDiscount() 
+    { 
+        return 10; 
+    } 
-public class ProcessOrder  
-    public int getOrderGrandTotal(Customer customer, int itemAmount)  
-    {  
-        return itemAmount - customer.getDiscount();  
-    }  
+public class ProcessOrder 
+    public int getOrderGrandTotal(Customer customer, int itemAmount) 
+    { 
+        return itemAmount - customer.getDiscount(); 
+    } 
 **Null Object or Optional or Empty list**: Dramatically reduces the need for null checking.
-Lets take an example of lists, we have a invoice class has list of line items, whenever null list is passed to invoice constructor, set it to empty list to avoid null check wherever invoice class is used. 
+Lets take an example of lists, we have a invoice class has list of line items, whenever null list is passed to invoice constructor, set it to empty list to avoid null check wherever invoice class is used.
 public class Invoice
-	private final String id;
-	private final List<LineItem> lineItems;
-	public Invoice(String id, List<LineItem> linesItems)
-	{
-		this.id = id;
-		this.lineItems = lineItems == null ? new ArrayList() : lineItems;
-	}
+  private final String id;
+  private final List<LineItem> lineItems;
+  public Invoice(String id, List<LineItem> linesItems)
+  {
+    this.id = id;
+    this.lineItems = lineItems == null ? new ArrayList() : lineItems;
+  }
-## 3. Wrap All Primitives And Strings
+## Wrap All Primitives And Strings
 Following this rule is pretty easy, you simply have to encapsulate all the primitives within objects, in order to avoid the Primitive Obsession anti-pattern.
@@ -267,116 +284,130 @@ In the Java language, int is a primitive, not a real object, so it obeys differe
 Small objects like Hour or Money also give us an obvious place to put behavior that would otherwise have been littered around other classes. This becomes especially true when you apply Rule 9, and only the small object can access the value. Note that this does not mean using object wrappers that are available in languages like Java. Using an Integer instead of an int confers no additional advantages in terms of expressing intent, whereas using a wrapper that expresses meaning within the problem domain both clarifies its usage and makes intent evident.
-You have a SMS subscription which has a quantity and is valid for a month and year, you have to store month a as integer. 1 will represent January and 12 will represent December, quantity of SMS can be minimum 1 and maximum 250 and year cannot be less than 1970.  
+You have a SMS subscription which has a quantity and is valid for a month and year, you have to store month a as integer. 1 will represent January and 12 will represent December, quantity of SMS can be minimum 1 and maximum 250 and year cannot be less than 1970.
 One way of doing it is:
 public class SMSSubscription
-	private String id;
-	private int quantity;
-	private int month;
-	private int year;
-	public SMSSubscription(String id, int quantity, int month, int year)  
-	{  
-	    this.id = id;  
-	    if (quantity < 1 || quantity > 250)  
-	    {  
-	        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quantity cannot be less than 1 or greater then 250");  
-	    }  
-	    this.quantity = quantity;  
-	    if (month < 1 || month > 12)  
-	    {  
-	        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Month cannot be less than 1 or greater then 12");  
-	    }  
-	    this.month = month;  
-	    if (year < 1970)  
-	    {  
-	        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Year cannot be less than 1970");  
-	    }  
-	    this.year = year;  
-	}
+  private String id;
+  private int quantity;
+  private int month;
+  private int year;
+  public SMSSubscription(String id, int quantity, int month, int year) 
+  { 
+      this.id = id; 
+      if (quantity < 1 || quantity > 250) 
+      { 
+          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quantity cannot be less than 1 or greater then 250"); 
+      } 
+      this.quantity = quantity; 
+      if (month < 1 || month > 12) 
+      { 
+          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Month cannot be less than 1 or greater then 12"); 
+      } 
+      this.month = month; 
+      if (year < 1970) 
+      { 
+          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Year cannot be less than 1970"); 
+      } 
+      this.year = year; 
+  }
-You can clearly see in above code that SMSSubsctiption is doing more then what it is supposed to do. Quantity, month and year has their own specific behaviors, which must be encapsulated. 
+You can clearly see in above code that SMSSubsctiption is doing more then what it is supposed to do. Quantity, month and year has their own specific behaviors, which must be encapsulated.
 Lets do it in a right way, first we will encapsulate quantity, month and year.
-public class Quantity  
-    private int quantity;  
-    public Quantity(int quantity)  
-    {  
-        if (quantity < 1 || quantity > 250)  
-        {  
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quantity cannot be less than 1 or greater then 250");  
-        }  
-        this.quantity = quantity;  
-    }  
+public class Quantity 
+    private int quantity; 
+    public Quantity(int quantity) 
+    { 
+        if (quantity < 1 || quantity > 250) 
+        { 
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quantity cannot be less than 1 or greater then 250"); 
+        } 
+        this.quantity = quantity; 
+    } 
- **Month.java**
- ```java
- public class Month  
-    private int month;  
-    public Month(int month)  
-    {  
-        if (month < 1 || month > 12)  
-        {  
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Month cannot be less than 1 or greater then 12");  
-        }  
-        this.month = month;  
-    }  
+public class Month 
+    private int month; 
+    public Month(int month) 
+    { 
+        if (month < 1 || month > 12) 
+        { 
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Month cannot be less than 1 or greater then 12"); 
+        } 
+        this.month = month; 
+    } 
- ```
- **Year.java**
- ```java
- public class Year  
-    private int year;  
-    public Year(int year)  
-    {  
-        if (year < 1970)  
-        {  
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Year cannot be less than 1970");  
-        }  
-        this.year = year;  
-    }  
+ public class Year 
+    private int year; 
+    public Year(int year) 
+    { 
+        if (year < 1970) 
+        { 
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Year cannot be less than 1970"); 
+        } 
+        this.year = year; 
+    } 
- ```
- and now this this is how SMSSubscription looks like:
+and now this is how SMSSubscription looks like:
-public class SMSSubscription  
-    private String id;  
-    private Quantity quantity;  
-    private Month month;  
-    private Year year;  
-    public SMSSubscription(String id, Quantity quantity, Month month, Year year)  
-    {  
-        this.id = id;  
-        this.quantity = quantity;  
-        this.month = month;  
-        this.year = year;  
-    }  
+public class SMSSubscription 
+    private String id; 
+    private Quantity quantity; 
+    private Month month; 
+    private Year year; 
+    public SMSSubscription(String id, Quantity quantity, Month month, Year year) 
+    { 
+        this.id = id; 
+        this.quantity = quantity; 
+        this.month = month; 
+        this.year = year; 
+    } 
 See also:
 - [Primitive Obsession Anti-Pattern](http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?PrimitiveObsession)
-## 4. First Class Collections
+## First Class Collections
 Any class that contains a collection should contain no other member variables. If you have a set of elements and want to manipulate them, create a class that is dedicated for this set.
@@ -388,7 +419,7 @@ Thus the logic for using a collection goes into the wrapper class, instead of in
 Behaviors related to the collection have a home
-## 5. One Dot Per Line
+## One Dot Per Line
 Sometimes it’s hard to know which object should take responsibility for an activity. If you start looking for lines of code with multiple dots, you’ll start to find many misplaced responsibilities. If you’ve got more than one dot on any given line of code, the activity is happening in the wrong place. Maybe your object is dealing with two other objects at once. If this is the case, your object is a middleman; it knows too much about too many people. Consider moving the activity into one of the other objects.
@@ -396,13 +427,13 @@ If all those dots are connected, your object is digging deeply into another obje
 The Law of Demeter ("Only talk to your friends") is a good place to start.
 a.getFoo().getBar().getBaaz().doSomething(); // bad
 Note that this rule doesn’t forbid the following:
 a.foo(b.foo()); // okay
@@ -410,13 +441,13 @@ Rather, it’s a simplified way of stating the Law of Demeter.
 It’s worth noting that there are specific places where multiple dots make sense, but these are usually within the context of building a DSL or a design pattern, such as a Builder:
 In this case it doesn’t violate the spirit of the rule since it doesn’t return any internal state or other classes.
-## 6. Don’t Abbreviate
+## Don’t Abbreviate
 The right question is Why Do You Want To Abbreviate?
@@ -434,11 +465,11 @@ Think about why you want to abbreviate. Is it because you’re typing the same w
 Try to keep class and method names to 1-2 words, and avoid names that duplicate the context. If the class is an Order, the method doesn’t need to be called shipOrder(). Simply name the method ship() so that clients call order.ship() – a simple and clear representation of what’s going on.
-> Naming things is hard, that’s right, but naming things by their right names is even harder!
+Naming things is hard, that’s right, but naming things by their right names is even harder!
-> My Golden Rule is: if you’re not able to find a name for a class, then ask yourself if this class makes sense, or if you can decouple things a bit more.
+My Golden Rule is: if you’re not able to find a name for a class, then ask yourself if this class makes sense, or if you can decouple things a bit more.
-## 7. Keep All Entities Small
+## Keep All Entities Small
 No class over 50 lines and no package over 10 files. Well, it depends on you, but I think you could change the number of lines from 50 to 150.
@@ -448,33 +479,36 @@ Classes over 50 lines usually do more than one thing, which makes them harder to
 What’s challenging about creating such small classes is that there are often groups of behaviors that make logical sense together. This is where we need to leverage packages. As your classes become smaller and have fewer responsibilities, and as you limit package size, you’ll start to see that packages represent clusters of related classes that work together to achieve a goal. Packages, like classes, should be cohesive and have a purpose. Keeping those packages small forces them to have a real identity. If the real identity comes out to more than 50 lines, that is ok. This is software engineering; there is no black and white- as Uncle Bob regularly stresses, our craft is about trade-offs.
-## 8. Do Not Use Classes With More Than Two Instance Variables 
+## Do Not Use Classes With More Than Two Instance Variables
 I thought people would yell at me while introducing this rule, but it didn’t happen. This rule is probably the hardest one, but it promotes  **high cohesion**, and  **better encapsulation**.
-A picture is worth a thousand words, so here is the explanation of this rule in picture. 
+A picture is worth a thousand words, so here is the explanation of this rule in picture.
 Source: [Object Calisthenics](https://williamdurand.fr/2013/06/03/object-calisthenics/#8-no-classes-with-more-than-two-instance-variables)
-The main question was  _Why two attributes?_  My answer was  _Why not?_  Not the best explanation but, in my opinion, the main idea is to distinguish  **two kinds of classes**, those that  **maintain the state of a single instance variable**, and those that  **coordinate two separate variables**.  **Two**  is an arbitrary choice that forces you to decouple your classes a lot.
+The main question was  _Why two attributes?_  My answer was  _Why not?_  Not the best explanation but, in my opinion, the main idea is to distinguish  **two kinds of classes**, those that  **maintain the state of a single instance variable**, and those that  **coordinate two separate variables**. **Two** is an arbitrary choice that forces you to decouple your classes a lot.
-## 9. Do not Use Getters and Setters
+## Do not Use Get and Set methods
 The simplest way to avoid setters is to hand the values to the constructor method when you new up the object. This is also the usual pattern when you want to make an object immutable.
-DTOs are appropriate and useful in some situations, especially in transferring data across boundaries (e.g. serializing to JSON to send through a web service); so, they will have getters.
+DTO are appropriate and useful in some situations, especially in transferring data across boundaries (e.g. serializing to JSON to send through a web service); so, they will have get methods.
 Lets explain in detail why we should avoid getter and setters methods:
-Lets say we have a class Car1.java
+Lets say we have a class `Car1.java`:
 public class Car1 {
   public Engine engine;
-Now I want to point out that there is not functional difference between a public class with public member and a public class bellow with private member having a getter and setter method. 
+Now I want to point out that there is not functional difference between a public class with public member and a public class bellow with private member having a getter and setter method.
 public class Car2 {
   private Engine engine;
@@ -488,7 +522,9 @@ public class Car2 {
 I can read and write engine of car in both classes in almost the same way:
 // Car1 member read and write
 Car1 car1 = new Car1();
@@ -500,91 +536,106 @@ Car2 car2 = new Car2();
 logger.debug("Car2's engine is {}.", car2.getEngine());
 car2.setEngine(new HemiEngine();
-Point of this example is to show that, I can anything with Car1, I can do with Car2 and vice versa. Whenever we see a public member in a class, very first thought that crosses our mind is "its not safe", but on the other side a getter/setter method a sigh of relief. 
+Point of this example is to show that, I can anything with Car1, I can do with Car2 and vice versa. Whenever we see a public member in a class, very first thought that crosses our mind is "its not safe", but on the other side a getter/setter method a sigh of relief.
 **Some major disadvantages:**
 **Getter/Setter expose implementation level details:**
-Lets save we have api of Car
+Lets save we have api of Car:
 | Car                             |
 | + getGasAmount(): Liters        |
 | + setGasAmount(liters: Liters)  |
-If you assume that this is a gas-powered car that internally tracks gasoline in liters, then you are going to be right 99.999% of the time. That's really bad and this is why getters and setters expose implementation / violate encapsulation. Now this code is brittle and hard to change. What if we want a hydrogen-fuelled car? We have to throw out this whole Car class now. It would have been better just to have behavior methods like `fillUp(Fuel fuel)`.
-**Getters and setters can actually be dangerous**
-Using getter method blindly can actually cause problems. Lets say we have debt class and there is a list of debts inside. 
+If you assume that this is a gas-powered car that internally tracks gasoline in liters, then you are going to be right 99.999% of the time. That's really bad and this is why get methods and set methods expose implementation / violate encapsulation. Now this code is brittle and hard to change. What if we want a hydrogen-fuelled car? We have to throw out this whole Car class now. It would have been better just to have behavior methods like `fillUp(Fuel fuel)`.
+### Get and set methods can actually be dangerous
+Using getter method blindly can actually cause problems. Lets say we have debt class and there is a list of debts inside.
-public class Debts 
+public class Debts
   private List<Debt> debts;
-  public List<Debt> getDebts() 
+  public List<Debt> getDebts()
     return debts;
-Class seems pretty reasonable. I can use this class to get debts and create a report. Simple as that. 
-But, Can I add more debts? There is no setter method. How? 
-Because Java returns reference for collections. 
+Class seems pretty reasonable. I can use this class to get debts and create a report. Simple as that.
+But, Can I add more debts? There is no setter method. How?
+Because Java returns reference for collections.
 Debts scottsDebts = DebtTracker.lookupDebts(scott);
 List<Debt> debts = scottsDebts.getDebts();
 // add the debt outside scotts debts, outside the debt tracker even
-debts.add(new Debt(new BigDecimal(1000000))); 
+debts.add(new Debt(new BigDecimal(1000000)));
 // prints a new entry with one million dollars
 One way to guard against this is to return a copy instead. Another way is to have an immutable member. The best way, though, is to not expose the member in any way at all and instead bring the behavior that manipulates the member inside the class. This achieves full isolation of the implementation and creates only one place to change.
-Let see how we can avoid getter/setter methods: 
+Let see how we can avoid getter/setter methods.
+### Tell, Don't Ask
-**Tell, Dont Ask**
 Rule is very simple, classes should not have getter/setter method which simple get/set values, rather there should be method which represent behaviors. Lets explain it with a example.
-We have *BankAccount* class which has amount, in below implementation we have setter method with set amount.
+We have the `BankAccount` class which has amount, in below implementation we have setter method with set amount:
 public class BankAccount {
     private final int amount;
-	public BankAccount(int amount) {
-		this.amount = amount;
-	}
+  public BankAccount(int amount) {
+    this.amount = amount;
+  }
     public void setAmount(int amount) {
         this.amount = amount;
 This is the code we need to avoid, because it exposes implementation level details. Lets apply the rule and add methods which represent behavior.
 public class BankAccount {
     private final int amount;
-	public BankAccount(int amount) {
-		this.amount = amount;
-	}
+  public BankAccount(int amount) {
+    this.amount = amount;
+  }
     public void depositAmount(int amount) {
-	public void withdrawAmount(int amount) {
-		this.amount -= amount;
-	}
+  public void withdrawAmount(int amount) {
+    this.amount -= amount;
+  }
-This way, implementation level details are hidden and even if you have have to change the way amount is kept in account, your exposed methods will remain the same, providing the same behavior. 
+This way, implementation level details are hidden and even if you have to change the way amount is kept in account, your exposed methods will remain the same, providing the same behavior.
 There are some places where getter/setter method actually make sense like before updating the state in current object according to some input, we validate the input. The input validation is additional functionality.
 Purpose of this point to avoid getter/setter methods as much as you can, but if you can think there is no other way, you need to careful while writing your code by keep above points in mind.
 ## References
 - [https://williamdurand.fr/2013/06/03/object-calisthenics](https://williamdurand.fr/2013/06/03/object-calisthenics)
-- [https://dev.to/scottshipp/avoid-getters-and-setters-whenever-possible-c8m](https://dev.to/scottshipp/avoid-getters-and-setters-whenever-possible-c8m)
+- [`Avoid getters and setters whenever possible`](https://dev.to/scottshipp/avoid-getters-and-setters-whenever-possible-c8m)
diff --git a/content/database/README.md b/content/database/README.md
index 9a07c73..1cacad1 100644
--- a/content/database/README.md
+++ b/content/database/README.md
@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
 ## Postgres
-- Postgres has a strongly typed schema that leaves very little room for errors. You first create the schema for a table 
-and then add rows to the table. You can also define relationships between different tables with rules so that you can 
+- Postgres has a strongly typed schema that leaves very little room for errors. You first create the schema for a table
+and then add rows to the table. You can also define relationships between different tables with rules so that you can
 store related data across several tables and avoid data duplication.
-Companies using Postgres include: [instagram](https://instagram-engineering.com/sharding-ids-at-instagram-1cf5a71e5a5c), 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/frontend/architecture/micro-frontends.md b/content/frontend/architecture/micro-frontends.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 6704a4a..0000000
--- a/content/frontend/architecture/micro-frontends.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-# Micro Frontends
diff --git a/content/frontend/architecture/spa-applications-architecture.md b/content/frontend/architecture/spa-applications-architecture.md
index 4e95d0a..b5dde75 100644
--- a/content/frontend/architecture/spa-applications-architecture.md
+++ b/content/frontend/architecture/spa-applications-architecture.md
@@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ This particular guide focus on what to keep in mind while designing the architec
 ## Use of LIFT pattern
-This pattern is listed on Angular's Official [Guide](https://angular.io/guide/styleguide#lift)
+This pattern is listed on [`Angular's Official Guide`](https://angular.io/guide/styleguide#lift).
-LIFT is an acronym for **L**ocate, **I**dentify, **F**lat, **T**-DRY.
+LIFT is an acronym for Locate, Identify, Flat, T-DRY.
 **Locate**: should be able to locate files quickly. Keep relative files near each other. For example `PassengerDetails` component should be placed near `PassengerList`.
@@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ LIFT is an acronym for **L**ocate, **I**dentify, **F**lat, **T**-DRY.
 ## File Imports
-Sort imports alphabetically (destructered imports as well), leave a space between imports so that you might able to distinguish between 3rd Party and Application imports. Increases readability when imports become large in number.
+Sort imports alphabetically (de-structered imports as well), leave a space between imports so that you might able to distinguish between 3rd Party and Application imports. Increases readability when imports become large in number.
-**Not Recommended**
+Not Recommended:
 import React from 'react';
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import { registerSuccess, loginSuccess } from '../redux/actions';
 import BookingDetails from '../components/bookingDetails';
 import App, { Container } from 'next/app';
@@ -51,18 +51,18 @@ Off course, it will boost your applications performance like crazy. Imagine have
 ## Maintainable CSS
-SPA frameworks enable you to write CSS that can be scoped only to the component it is associated with. It makes the component fully independent and can be exported as a plugin easily which makes it re-usable. The idea of using scoped CSS looks amazing for creating external plugins but there are some pitfalls of using this approach thoughout the application. Designers should be responsible for writing CSS, and not developers.
+SPA frameworks enable you to write CSS that can be scoped only to the component it is associated with. It makes the component fully independent and can be exported as a plugin easily which makes it re-usable. The idea of using scoped CSS looks amazing for creating external plugins but there are some pitfalls of using this approach throughout the application. Designers should be responsible for writing CSS, and not developers.
 If there are new changes in a page, to incorporate those changes designer will either have to understand the underlying framework used or have to constantly interact with developer to incorporate the new styles into that page/component. Since both approaches might not be feasible in every case it's better to keep your application level CSS apart from the underlying framework. And a designer should have full control over styling of the application.
 ## Multiple entities/components in a single file
-Having components separated out in their own files is the recommended approach. It helps you follow the Single Responsibility Priciple easily, code is manageble and maintenance becomes easier. However there might be case where you want to keep similar looking components in a single file or any other reason of the sort, like in alert-component file you may want to export info, danger and warning component etc.
+Having components separated out in their own files is the recommended approach. It helps you follow the Single Responsibility Priciple easily, code is manageable and maintenance becomes easier. However there might be case where you want to keep similar looking components in a single file or any other reason of the sort, like in alert-component file you may want to export info, danger and warning component etc.
-## API Calls & Response 
+## API Calls & Response
-- When using `Observables` it's easier lose hold of the subsriber which might lead to redundent calls if not handled properly. So make sure to open your network tab in browser and check if there are any redundent/duplicate call being made without any reason.
-- Coordinate with Backend developers for the response being sent, if you are receiving redundent data, report it to the Backend team and get it trimmed, it will help in reducing the payload and in result quicker response from the APIs.
+- When using `Observables` it's easier lose hold of the subscriber which might lead to redundant calls if not handled properly. So make sure to open your network tab in browser and check if there are any redundant/duplicate call being made without any reason.
+- Coordinate with Backend developers for the response being sent, if you are receiving redundant data, report it to the Backend team and get it trimmed, it will help in reducing the payload and in result quicker response from the APIs.
 - Request body should not contain any empty string. Javascript treats empty string as false value but JAVA does not.
 ## State Management
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@ There are number for solutions for every SPA framework out there but one of the
 SEO in Single Page Applications comes as an afterthought. A frontend architecture should it make SEO easier rather than hinder it. The developer should not go for third party solutions or create a completely separate application in order to handle SEO. Server Side Rendered application is often referred to as `Isomorphic` or `Universal` application. SPA frameworks in 2019 are evolving very fast and support SSR.
-There are three main reasons to create a Universal version of your app.
+There are three main reasons to create a Universal version of your app:
 1. Facilitate web crawlers (SEO)
-2. Improve performance on mobile and low-powered devices
-3. Show the first page quickly
+1. Improve performance on mobile and low-powered devices
+1. Show the first page quickly
 Universal or Server Side Rendered solutions for most popular frameworks are listed below:
 - Angular :point_right: [Angular Universal](https://angular.io/guide/universal)
 - ReactJS :point_right: [Next JS](https://nextjs.org/)
-- VueJS :point_right: [Nuxt JS](https://nuxtjs.org/)
+- VueJS :point_right: [`Nuxt JS`](https://nuxtjs.org/)
diff --git a/content/frontend/css/css-best-practices.md b/content/frontend/css/css-best-practices.md
index 5d79139..541b0ae 100644
--- a/content/frontend/css/css-best-practices.md
+++ b/content/frontend/css/css-best-practices.md
@@ -2,18 +2,18 @@
 CSS as simple as it seems to write can easily go out of hand if not written with taking some measures into account.
-There are no hard and fast rules on how to write your CSS but there are some pointers that can help you write CSS that's more readable and maintainable. 
+There are no hard and fast rules on how to write your CSS but there are some pointers that can help you write CSS that's more readable and maintainable.
 ## CSS Reset
-Browsers have different built-in styles and they effect HTML elements differently including heights, margin, padding. That brings inconsistency within your app across different browsers. To address this issue we use CSS Reset. 
+Browsers have different built-in styles and they effect html elements differently including heights, margin, padding. That brings inconsistency within your app across different browsers. To address this issue we use CSS Reset.
 You either write your own CSS Reset or use the one that everyone else is using. The most popular styles reset is probably [Eric Meyer's](https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/index.html) CSS Reset.
 ## Combining CSS Rules
 Some we have to write common properties for multiple element, writing them out for each element separately is a bit tedious.
 h1, h2, h3, a {
     color: #333;
     text-transform: uppercase;
@@ -24,62 +24,63 @@ And you can always add distinctive styles to these elements separately as well.
 ## Write your Markup first
-Writing your Markup first will actually save you time, writing CSS along with your HTML seems to be more appropriate but this way you might end up having duplicate properties. 
+Writing your Markup first will actually save you time, writing CSS along with your html seems to be more appropriate but this way you might end up having duplicate properties.
-But with Markup first approach you know how HTML is structured and what styles do you need to make it look good with maximum re-usability. 
+But with Markup first approach you know how html is structured and what styles do you need to make it look good with maximum re-usability.
 ## Readability
-Most important aspect of your CSS is it's readability. And good readability means better maintainability. 
+Most important aspect of your CSS is it's readability. And good readability means better maintainability.
-1. One liner
-.heading {
-    font-size: 14px; background-color: #fafafa; color: #444; 
+1. One liner:
-2. Multiliner
-.heading {
-    font-size: 14px; 
-    background-color: #fafafa;
-    color: #444; 
+    ```css
+    .heading {
+        font-size: 14px; background-color: #fafafa; color: #444;
+    }
+    ```
-Though both approaches are acceptable but clear winner is `Multiliner`. Make sure you write each rule on a separate line.
+1. Multi-liner:
+    ```css
+    .heading {
+        font-size: 14px;
+        background-color: #fafafa;
+        color: #444;
+    }
+    ```
+Though both approaches are acceptable but clear winner is `Multiliner`. Make sure you write each rule on a separate line.
 ## Consistency
-Apart from the few basic rules that one should consider while writing their CSS is their own CSS-Sub-Language. There are certain names one uses every now and then, that's your sub language for CSS. 
-I do write some classes in nearly every new website that I create, the `hero-image` class. 
+Apart from the few basic rules that one should consider while writing their CSS is their own CSS-Sub-Language. There are certain names one uses every now and then, that's your sub language for CSS.
+I do write some classes in nearly every new website that I create, the `hero-image` class.
 Go ahead make your own sub language that helps you name classes easily and makes it more usable across multiple apps/websites.
 ## CSS Frameworks
 What are CSS Frameworks? How do they help us?
-CSS Frameworks gives you most of the features out of the box so that you don't have to write them from scratch everytime you work on a new project. 
+CSS Frameworks gives you most of the features out of the box so that you don't have to write them from scratch every time you work on a new project.
-One of the best features of CSS Frameworks is that almost all of these frameworks have CSS defined for the layout that helps you align and structure your pages easily. Apart from the layout they have dedicated buttons, typography, lists, colors, utility classes etc. 
+One of the best features of CSS Frameworks is that almost all of these frameworks have CSS defined for the layout that helps you align and structure your pages easily. Apart from the layout they have dedicated buttons, typography, lists, colors, utility classes etc.
 Some of these frameworks are full blow while some are used to help write the webpage quickly with less boiler plate code.
-Some popular CSS Frameworks include 
+Some popular CSS Frameworks include:
 - [Bootstrap](https://getbootstrap.com/)
-- [Bulma](http://bulma.io/)
+- [`Bulma`](http://bulma.io/)
 - [Foundation](http://foundation.zurb.com/)
 - [Material Design Lite - MDL](http://www.getmdl.io/index.html)
 - [Tailwind](https://tailwindcss.com/)
-- [Basscss](http://basscss.com/)
+- [`Basscss`](http://basscss.com/)
 - [Skeleton](http://getskeleton.com/)
-- etc
 ## Multiple Classes
-Though writing a single class for an element style seems more tempting but imagine there are two completely different type of elements on your page but with same border style (i.e. rounded borders). 
+Though writing a single class for an element style seems more tempting but imagine there are two completely different type of elements on your page but with same border style (i.e. rounded borders).
 Multiple Classes will handle this situation elegantly all you need to do is right another class with rounded border style.
@@ -107,11 +108,12 @@ Multiple Classes will handle this situation elegantly all you need to do is righ
 <div class="box-two rounded">Box 2</div>
-## Use shorthand 
+## Use shorthand
-Shorthand properties let you set multiple CSS values simoultaneously. It makes your CSS concise and payload over the network is reduced.
+Shorthand properties let you set multiple CSS values simultaneously. It makes your CSS concise and payload over the network is reduced.
 ### Values shorthand
 .bg {
     background-color: #000;
@@ -120,7 +122,8 @@ Shorthand properties let you set multiple CSS values simoultaneously. It makes y
     background-position: left top;
-can be shortened as: 
+Can be shortened as:
 .bg {
@@ -129,43 +132,45 @@ can be shortened as:
 ### Colors shorthand
-Use shorthand for hex values when possible. 
-- `#fff` instead of  `#ffffff` 
-- `#fc0` vs `#ffcc00`
+Use shorthand for hex values when possible.
+- `#fff` instead of  `#ffffff`
+- `#fc0` vs `#ffcc00`
-## Comments 
+## Comments
 Like any other language CSS also have comments. CSS uses the same "block comment" syntax as the C-like languages - you start a comment with `/*`, and end it with `*/`
 Single Line
 /* Using `rems` instead of `px` for cross device compatibility */
  * Layout Styles.
- * 
+ *
  * Styling the flow of the application.
 ## Block vs Inline Elements
 **Block** elements take up the whole width of the available space whereas **Inline** elements only take the space needed to fit the width of the content, they also enable elements to sit side by side or in line hence the name inline elements.
 Block Elements:
 h1-h6, div, p, ol, ul, forms, blockquote, table etc
 Inline Elements:
 span, a, img, b, strong, em etc
@@ -174,7 +179,6 @@ span, a, img, b, strong, em etc
  Alphabetically sorting your CSS properties enables you to scan the styles quickly.
  .style {
     background-color: #2943d2;
     background-image: url(/assets/images/bg-header.jpg);
@@ -187,13 +191,11 @@ span, a, img, b, strong, em etc
 ## Naming Conventions
 To make your styles self explanatory, naming of CSS styles i.e. classes, IDs is very important.
 /* -------------------
 |  Main Page Layout  |
@@ -201,7 +203,6 @@ To make your styles self explanatory, naming of CSS styles i.e. classes, IDs is
 .container { /*...*/ }
 /* ----------------------
 |  Application Content  |
@@ -211,7 +212,6 @@ To make your styles self explanatory, naming of CSS styles i.e. classes, IDs is
 .sidebar { /*...*/ }
 /* -------------------
 |  Call To Action    |
@@ -220,15 +220,13 @@ To make your styles self explanatory, naming of CSS styles i.e. classes, IDs is
 #btn-login {/*...*/}
 #btn-verify-password {/*...*/}
 ## Too many CSS selectors
-Use of too many selectors is not advisable as it makes styling unwantedly complex. And any changes in the future will be hard to incorporate
+Use of too many selectors is not advisable as it makes styling complex. And any changes in the future will be hard to incorporate
 /* BAD */
 #home .features .feature-item-wrapper .feature-item h1 {/*...*/}
@@ -236,16 +234,16 @@ Use of too many selectors is not advisable as it makes styling unwantedly comple
 .feature-item .heading {/*...*/}
 .feature-item h1 {/*...*/}
-## Utility Classes 
-Using of utility classes helps write styles that generally used app wide like adding round border, padding, margins, making an img tag responsive for multiple layouts or floating an element right or left.
+## Utility Classes
-There are even frameworks built on the top utility based styles like [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/). 
+Using of utility classes helps write styles that generally used app wide like adding round border, padding, margins, making an `img` tag responsive for multiple layouts or floating an element right or left.
-Utility class adds more re-usability to the styles you've written. 
+There are even frameworks built on the top utility based styles like [Tailwind CSS](https://tailwindcss.com/).
+Utility class adds more re-usability to the styles you've written.
 .p-0 {
     padding: 0; /* No Padding */
@@ -267,7 +265,7 @@ Utility class adds more re-usability to the styles you've written.
-#### Usage:
+### Usage
 <div class="box-one rounded p-1">Box 1</div>
@@ -275,11 +273,10 @@ Utility class adds more re-usability to the styles you've written.
 <div class="box-two rounded text-primary">Box 2</div>
-## Unnecessary DIVs and SPANs
+## Unnecessary DIV and SPAN elements
 Don't wrap your content in `DIV`s & `SPAN`s for the sake of it. The more simple your markup is, the better readability it has and more manageable it becomes.
 For example if a simple heading needs to be styled use class for it rather than nesting it inside a div and then applying a style onto the DIV.
@@ -299,8 +296,8 @@ Why prefer multiple files for managing your CSS? Having monolithic file approach
 Multiple files can help you organize your CSS in a much more manageable manner. Here's what I use:
 - **Global CSS** - for keeping global styles like resets and app level styles including fonts etc
-- **Module CSS** - for modules that used over multiple pages like featured items, wizards etc 
-- **Page CSS** - for handling page level CSS that override certain styles like creating `header` styles for home component only 
+- **Module CSS** - for modules that used over multiple pages like featured items, wizards etc
+- **Page CSS** - for handling page level CSS that override certain styles like creating `header` styles for home component only
 - **Component CSS** - for keeping component specific styles like buttons.css, alerts.css etc
 The problem with multiple styles is that too many HTTP calls will be need to fetch all the CSS required to render the styles. Which we don't want. To avoid it we can a CSS **Pre-Processor** like [SASS](https://sass-lang.com/) etc
@@ -309,8 +306,8 @@ The problem with multiple styles is that too many HTTP calls will be need to fet
 CSS is very primitive in nature and it doesn't have the features like functions, loops, inheritance. To be able to use these features we have CSS Pre-Processors. They compile down to CSS eventually, but helps a lot during development. Popular CSS Pre-Processor are [SASS](https://sass-lang.com/), [LESS](http://lesscss.org/), [STYLUS](http://stylus-lang.com) etc
 a {
   color: #0087cc;
@@ -320,7 +317,8 @@ a:hover {
 $link: #0087cc;
@@ -331,4 +329,3 @@ a {
diff --git a/content/frontend/js-frameworks/angular-code-guidelines.md b/content/frontend/js-frameworks/angular-code-guidelines.md
index af3a026..97f0d45 100644
--- a/content/frontend/js-frameworks/angular-code-guidelines.md
+++ b/content/frontend/js-frameworks/angular-code-guidelines.md
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
 Building an application and building an application with manageable/scalable code are 2 different things. Despite being an opinionated framework Angular requires some practices on developer's end to be adopted so that the code written is maintainable and scalable.
-Every Angular developer must go through [Angular's Official Style Guide](https://angular.io/guide/styleguide) at least once. It's complete set of rules and is very well written with recommendations including What to **DO**, **AVOID** and **CONSIDER**. And I'll be discussing some of the topics from the guide breifly.
+Every Angular developer must go through [`Angular's Official Style Guide`](https://angular.io/guide/styleguide) at least once. It's complete set of rules and is very well written with recommendations including What to **DO**, **AVOID** and **CONSIDER**. And I'll be discussing some of the topics from the guide briefly.
 ## Variables, Properties & Methods
-- Use `let` & `const` instead of `var` as var is function scoped whereas let and const are blocked scoped. let is immutable whereas const isn't.
+- Use `let` & `const` instead of `var` as var is function scoped whereas `let` and `const` are block scoped. let is immutable whereas `const` isn't.
 - Don't use \_ (underscore) for private methods or properties as Typescript has it covered.
 - Place `private` members after `public` members, make sure they are in alphabetic order. (I place ngOnDestroy at the end of file as I find it convenient because that's where the clean up of component takes place normally)
 - Write small methods - no more than **75** lines of code
@@ -41,13 +41,11 @@ More on imports
 ## Take TSLint Seriously
-Developers tend to ignore errors or suggestion highlighted by TSLint, which creates proplems in consistency. This might lead Git to show change by the user who actually never worked on that part of the file. Just because other developer used double quotes instead of single and TSLint changes those quotes to single automatically for the new developer.
+Developers tend to ignore errors or suggestion highlighted by TSLint, which creates problems in consistency. This might lead Git to show change by the user who actually never worked on that part of the file. Just because other developer used double quotes instead of single and TSLint changes those quotes to single automatically for the new developer.
-Plus TSLint adds squigly lines that makes the code look uglier.
+Make sure you either use Linter properly or write a code that never wakes the Linter.
-Make sure you either use Linter properly or write a code that never wakes the Linter :ghost:
-Follow are some basic rules to avoid TSLint errors popping up all across your file.
+Follow are some basic rules to avoid TSLint errors popping up all across your file:
 - Prefer use of `const` instead `let` where possible.
 - Avoid using `var` keyword.
@@ -55,9 +53,9 @@ Follow are some basic rules to avoid TSLint errors popping up all across your fi
 - Keep opening curly brace on the same line.
 - Enforce curly braces for if/for/do/while statements.
 - Enforce indentation with tabs or spaces.
-  - Using only one of tabs or spaces for indentation leads to more consistent editor behavior, cleaner diffs in version control.
+    - Using only one of tabs or spaces for indentation leads to more consistent editor behavior, cleaner diffs in version control.
 - Line should be under max length, recommended length is 140 characters.
-  - Break statements to multi lines, if it exceeds one line to make code more readable.
+    - Break statements to multi lines, if it exceeds one line to make code more readable.
 - As mentioned earlier order should be maintained in members of the file i.e. Static > Public > Private and in alphabetical order
 - Append colon at the end of each statement
 - Use strict comparison i.e. triple equals
@@ -67,17 +65,18 @@ Follow are some basic rules to avoid TSLint errors popping up all across your fi
 Makes your code easier to read and manage and more convenient to test. Consider limiting your components to **400** lines at max. Code is less prone to errors.
-## Enums
+## `Enums`
-One of the benefits of using Typescript is Enums. Prefer use of enums instead of string literals to ensure consisty throughout the application. Constants may solve the problem with string literals but enums also offers intellisense of what type of values it holds inside.
+One of the benefits of using Typescript is `Enums`. Prefer use of `enums` instead of string literals to ensure consistency throughout the application. Constants may solve the problem with string literals but `enums` also offers advice of what type of values it holds inside.
-**NOTE:** Never ever user enums as getters in a smart component, NEVER!
+**NOTE:** Never ever user `enums` as get method in a smart component, NEVER!
 ## @Inputs & @Outputs
 - Consider placing @Input() or @Output() on the same line as the property it decorates
 - Don't pass hard coded values into your components. Make them re-usable by adding inputs with default values.
-- Avoid pointless aliasing of @Input and @Output 
+- Avoid pointless aliasing of @Input and @Output
 /* Avoid pointless aliasing */
 @Output('changeEvent') change = new EventEmitter<any>();
@@ -98,49 +97,49 @@ One of the benefits of using Typescript is Enums. Prefer use of enums instead of
 @Output() updateAppointment = new EventEmitter<Appointment>();
-## API Calls & Response 
+## API Calls & Response
 Read this: [API Calls & Response in Single Page Applications](/frontend/architecture/spa-applications-architecture.html#api-calls-response).
-## General Guidelines 
+## General Guidelines
-- Do not nest directories unneccessarily.
+- Do not nest directories too much
 - Create files for constants i.e. LocalStorage Constants etc
-- Refactor common methods to services 
+- Refactor common methods to services
 - Use SwitchMap when nesting observables, helps in writing a much cleaner code
-- Use ts-lint and prettifier and format your code properly
-- Don’t use JS to get reference of HTML elements e.g. `document.getElementById`, the are better ways of doing it in Angular
-- Don’t generate HTML from a method as strings, use components or directives instead
+- Use `ts-lint` and `prettifier` and format your code properly
+- Don’t use JS to get reference of html elements e.g. `document.getElementById`, the are better ways of doing it in Angular
+- Don’t generate html from a method as strings, use components or directives instead
 - Use find method instead of iterating and finding an item out of an array conditionally
-- Use ngAfterViewInit if you want to get reference to an element in the template on component load
+- Use `ngAfterViewInit` if you want to get reference to an element in the template on component load
     - Avoid using timeouts for such cases with hard coded wait time
-## Services 
+## Services
+Instead of providing a service into the module if it’s going to be the part of core module then use `providedIn`: ‘root’ attribute inside a decorator else provide it in the feature module if its score is limited to the module itself. For example:
-Instead of providing a service into the module if it’s going to be the part of core module then use providedIn: ‘root’ attribute inside a decorator else provide it in the feature module if its score is limited to the module itself. For example
   providedIn: 'root'
 export class UserService { }
 If not used a in service or component this Service will get tree-shaken in the final build and won't be included in bundle.js
 ## Shared Components
-If a component is used in more than 1 modules move it into shared module with respective directory. For example 
+If a component is used in more than 1 modules move it into shared module with respective directory. For example
 If **choose-patient** modal is used in **appointment** and **invoicing** module, in shared module you can move it either **appointment** directory(because primarily it was part of appointment module) or better move it into **patients** directory e.g. **shared/components/patients/choose-patient-modal**
-## RxJS 
-Angular 6+ uses **RxJS 6** internally so let’s make a habbit of using it in our application as well. 
+## RxJS
-Best part of **RxJS 6** is that you import only what you need, without having to import the whole rxjs modules like before.
+Angular 6+ uses **RxJS 6** internally so let’s make a habit of using it in our application as well.
+Best part of **RxJS 6** is that you import only what you need, without having to import the whole `rxjs` modules like before.
 If you want to read What changed in RxJS 6? Go ahead and read [this](https://www.academind.com/learn/javascript/rxjs-6-what-changed/) article.
 Since RxJS 6 has some breaking changes and rxjs-compat doesn't cover those. We need to make sure if we are facing any issue related to RxJS, we need to refer to this guide:  [RxJS v5.x to v6 Update Guide](https://github.com/ReactiveX/rxjs/blob/master/docs_app/content/guide/v6/migration.md)
 Refer to this site for the interactive changes from RxJS 5 -> RxJS 6 [RxJS Explorer](https://reactive.how/rxjs/explorer)
diff --git a/content/frontend/js-frameworks/javascript-frameworks-seo-challenges.md b/content/frontend/js-frameworks/javascript-frameworks-seo-challenges.md
index 53ee1a1..e34b77e 100644
--- a/content/frontend/js-frameworks/javascript-frameworks-seo-challenges.md
+++ b/content/frontend/js-frameworks/javascript-frameworks-seo-challenges.md
@@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
 Read following:
-- [JavaScript Frameworks & SEO Challenges](https://medium.com/rpdstartup/javascript-frameworks-seo-challenges-903fbb2ef293)
\ No newline at end of file
+- [JavaScript Frameworks & SEO Challenges](https://medium.com/rpdstartup/javascript-frameworks-seo-challenges-903fbb2ef293)
diff --git a/content/git/commit-message-guidelines.md b/content/git/commit-message-guidelines.md
index 91433ca..302f7d2 100644
--- a/content/git/commit-message-guidelines.md
+++ b/content/git/commit-message-guidelines.md
@@ -10,10 +10,6 @@ In simple terms, a commit is a _snapshot_ of your local files, written in your l
 Contrary to what some people think, [git doesn't store only the difference between the files, it stores a full version of all files](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Appendix-C%3A-Git-Commands-Basic-Snapshotting).
 For files that didn't change from one commit to another, git stores just a link to the previous identical file that is already stored.
-The image below shows how git stores data over time, in which each "Version" is a commit:
 ## Why are commit messages important?
 - To speed up and streamline code reviews
@@ -29,15 +25,9 @@ These are some practices collected from my experiences, internet articles, and o
 ### Use imperative form
-# Good
-Use InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend
+Good: Use InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend
-# Bad
-Used InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend
+Bad: Used InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend
 _But why use the imperative form?_
@@ -45,33 +35,19 @@ A commit message describes what the referenced change actually **does**, its eff
 [This excellent article from Chris Beams](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/) gives us a simple sentence that can be used to help us write better commit messages in imperative form:
-If applied, this commit will <commit message>
+`If applied, this commit will <commit message>`
-# Good
-If applied, this commit will use InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend
+Good: If applied, this commit will use InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend
-# Bad
-If applied, this commit will used InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend
+Bad: If applied, this commit will used InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend
 ### Capitalize the first letter
-# Good
-Add `use` method to Credit model
+Good: Add `use` method to Credit model
-# Bad
-add `use` method to Credit model
+Bad: add `use` method to Credit model
 The reason that the first letter should be capitalized is to follow the grammar rule of using capital letters at the beginning of sentences.
@@ -80,33 +56,21 @@ Capitalized or not, an important point is to stick to a single standard and foll
 ### Try to communicate what the change does without having to look at the source code
-# Good
-Add `use` method to Credit model
+Good: `Add "use" method to Credit model`
-# Bad
-Add `use` method
+Bad: `Add "use" method`
-# Good
-Increase left padding between textbox and layout frame
+Good: `Increase left padding between text-box and layout frame`
-# Bad
-Adjust css
+Bad: `Adjust css`
 It is useful in many scenarios (e.g. multiple commits, several changes and refactors) to help reviewers understand what the committer was thinking.
 ### Use the message body to explain "why", "for what", "how" and additional details
-# Good
 Fix method name of InventoryBackend child classes
 Classes derived from InventoryBackend were not
@@ -116,9 +80,10 @@ It worked because the cart was calling the backend implementation
-# Good
-Serialize and deserialize credits to json in Cart
+Serialize and deserialize credits to JSON in Cart
 Convert the Credit instances to dict for two main reasons:
@@ -127,8 +92,9 @@ Convert the Credit instances to dict for two main reasons:
   - Dict and built-in types are pickleable by default
-# Good
 Add `use` method to Credit
 Change from namedtuple to class because we need to
@@ -142,8 +108,9 @@ Characters like `-`, `*` and \` are elements that improve readability.
 ### Avoid generic messages or messages without any context
-# Bad
 Fix this
 Fix stuff
@@ -165,22 +132,25 @@ For project owners: Choose a language and write all commit messages using that l
 For contributors: Write your commit messages using the same language as the existing commit history.
-# Good
 ababab Add `use` method to Credit model
 efefef Use InventoryBackendPool to retrieve inventory backend
 bebebe Fix method name of InventoryBackend child classes
-# Good (Portuguese example)
 ababab Adiciona o método `use` ao model Credit
 efefef Usa o InventoryBackendPool para recuperar o backend de estoque
 bebebe Corrige nome de método na classe InventoryBackend
-# Bad (mixes English and Portuguese)
+Bad - mixes English and Portuguese:
 ababab Usa o InventoryBackendPool para recuperar o backend de estoque
 efefef Add `use` method to Credit model
 cdcdcd Agora vai
@@ -190,7 +160,7 @@ cdcdcd Agora vai
 This is a template, [written originally by Tim Pope](http://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html), which appears in the [_Pro Git Book_](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Distributed-Git-Contributing-to-a-Project).
 Summarize changes in around 50 characters or less
 More detailed explanatory text, if necessary. Wrap it to about 72
@@ -220,8 +190,7 @@ Resolves: #123
 See also: #456, #789
-## Credits
-- Author: [Romulo Oliveira](https://github.com/RomuloOliveira)
+## References
-- Article: [https://github.com/RomuloOliveira/commit-messages-guide/blob/master/README.md](https://github.com/RomuloOliveira/commit-messages-guide/blob/master/README.md)
+- [`Romulo Oliveira`](https://github.com/RomuloOliveira)
+- [Commit messages guide](https://github.com/RomuloOliveira/commit-messages-guide/blob/master/README.md)
diff --git a/content/git/tbd.md b/content/git/tbd.md
index c168e14..cfd8998 100644
--- a/content/git/tbd.md
+++ b/content/git/tbd.md
@@ -1,32 +1,24 @@
 # Trunk-based development (TBD) continuous delivery (CD) workflow (tbd-cd-workflow)
-trunk-based development (TBD) continuous delivery (CD) workflow
+Trunk-Based Development is a source-control branching model, where developers collaborate on code in a single branch called ‘trunk’ *, resist any pressure to create other long-lived development branches by employing documented techniques. They therefore avoid merge hell, do not break the build, and live happily ever after.
-*By [Paul Hammant](https://devops.paulhammant.com/) (https://trunkbaseddevelopment.com/)*
+Trunk-Based Development is a key enabler of Continuous Integration and by extension Continuous Delivery. When individuals on a team are committing their changes to the trunk multiple times a day it becomes easy to satisfy the core requirement of Continuous Integration that all team members commit to trunk at least once every 24 hours. This ensures the codebase is always releasable on demand and helps to make Continuous Delivery a reality.
+Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early.
+Continuous Delivery (CD) is the natural extension of Continuous Integration: an approach in which teams ensure that every change to the system is releasable, and that we can release any version at the push of a button. Continuous Delivery aims to make releases boring, so we can deliver frequently and get fast feedback on what users care about.
-> Trunk-Based Development is a source-control branching model, where developers collaborate on code in a single branch called ‘trunk’ *, resist any pressure to create other long-lived development branches by employing documented techniques. They therefore avoid merge hell, do not break the build, and live happily ever after.
+Continuous Delivery (CD) is a software strategy that enables organizations to deliver new features to users as fast and efficiently as possible. The core idea of CD is to create a repeatable, reliable and incrementally improving process for taking software from concept to customer. The goal of Continuous Delivery is to enable a constant flow of changes into production via an automated software production line. The Continuous Delivery pipeline is what makes it all happen.
-> Trunk-Based Development is a key enabler of Continuous Integration and by extension Continuous Delivery. When individuals on a team are committing their changes to the trunk multiple times a day it becomes easy to satisfy the core requirement of Continuous Integration that all team members commit to trunk at least once every 24 hours. This ensures the codebase is always releasable on demand and helps to make Continuous Delivery a reality.
+The pattern that is central to Continuous Delivery is the deployment pipeline. A **deployment pipeline** is, in essence, an automated implementation of your application’s build, deploy, test, and release process. Every organization will have differences in the implementation of their deployment pipelines, depending on their value-stream for releasing software, but the principles that govern them do not vary
-> Continuous Integration (CI) is a development practice that requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository several times a day. Each check-in is then verified by an automated build, allowing teams to detect problems early.
+Continuous deployment is the next step of continuous delivery: Every change that passes the automated tests is deployed to production automatically.
-> Continuous Delivery (CD) is the natural extension of Continuous Integration: an approach in which teams ensure that every change to the system is releasable, and that we can release any version at the push of a button. Continuous Delivery aims to make releases boring, so we can deliver frequently and get fast feedback on what users care about.
-> Continuous Delivery (CD) is a software strategy that enables organizations to deliver new features to users as fast and efficiently as possible. The core idea of CD is to create a repeatable, reliable and incrementally improving process for taking software from concept to customer. The goal of Continuous Delivery is to enable a constant flow of changes into production via an automated software production line. The Continuous Delivery pipeline is what makes it all happen.
-> The pattern that is central to Continuous Delivery is the deployment pipeline. A **deployment pipeline** is, in essence, an automated implementation of your application’s build, deploy, test, and release process. Every organization will have differences in the implementation of their deployment pipelines, depending on their value-stream for releasing software, but the principles that govern them do not vary
-> Continuous deployment is the next step of continuous delivery: Every change that passes the automated tests is deployed to production automatically.
-# Common anti-patterns with branch based workflows?
+## Common anti-patterns with branch based workflows?
 Before we talk about TBD, let us look at some of the anti-patterns with branch-based workflows.
-## Anti-pattern #1 - Long-lived feature branches
+### Anti-pattern #1 - Long-lived feature branches
 The core principle of Continuous Integration is that of integrating code frequently. So, if you are doing development on long-lived feature branches then you are no longer integrating code with everybody else frequently enough. This means delayed feedback, big bang merges that can be risky and time consuming to resolve, reduced visibility and reduced confidence.
@@ -36,15 +28,15 @@ But working on long-lived branches adds significant risk that cannot be fixed wi
 **Secondly**, this pain creates a tendency to hold back on refactoring on feature branches. Developers become wary of moving code between classes or even renaming methods because of the looming fear of having to resolve merge conflicts. Inevitably, this leads to piling up of technical debt.
-**Thirdly**, working out of long lived branches does not give a chance for other developers on the team to pick up your changes quickly enough. This affects code reuse and can also result in duplicated efforts. For example, multiple developers upgrading to a new version of a library they need. Also, there is likely no visibility on changes happening in feature branches which eliminates any feedback loop from other developers in the project until the work is pushed to master, by which time it is too late to make changes to the design.
+**Thirdly**, working out of long lived branches does not give a chance for other developers on the team to pick up your changes quickly enough. This affects code reuse and can also result in duplicated efforts. For example, multiple developers upgrading to a new version of a library they need. Also, there is likely no visibility on changes happening in feature branches which eliminates any feedback loop from other developers in the project until the work is pushed to primary branch, by which time it is too late to make changes to the design.
-**Fourthly**, notice that the feedback loop with integration pipelines is long. If you have merge conflicts leading up-to master or test failures, it can be slow and painful to resolve.
+**Fourthly**, notice that the feedback loop with integration pipelines is long. If you have merge conflicts leading up-to primary branch or test failures, it can be slow and painful to resolve.
-**Finally**, feature branches promote the tendency of big bang feature releases — “Let me add one more thing before I merge to master” — which means not only delayed integration but also delay in delivering customer value and receiving early feedback. Also, the large change-set makes it difficult to troubleshoot issues or even rollback changes in Production if things go wrong.
+**Finally**, feature branches promote the tendency of big bang feature releases — “Let me add one more thing before I merge to primary branch” — which means not only delayed integration but also delay in delivering customer value and receiving early feedback. Also, the large change-set makes it difficult to troubleshoot issues or even rollback changes in Production if things go wrong.
 In short, working out of long-lived branches adds risks and friction to the process of software delivery.
-## Anti-pattern #2 - Branch per environment
+### Anti-pattern #2 - Branch per environment
 One of other most common anti-patterns is to have supporting branches like Dev, QA, Staging and Production in addition to features branches. Developers work out of feature branches and merge to Dev branch when they are ready, and merge to upstream branches all the way to the Production branch. Each branch would then be configured on the CI server to run builds and deploy to a specific environment on which the feature is validated.
@@ -54,10 +46,9 @@ For instance, even if you test your code exhaustively in a staging or a QA envir
 In addition, because you rebuild the artifacts for every branch, there is even more risk because even small environment configuration changes can lead to differences in the binaries. For e.g. a package update or compiler version difference is enough to make the binary different from what was built previously.
-# What is TBD?
+## What is TBD?
-In trunk-based development (TBD), developers always check into one branch, typically the master branch also called the “mainline” or “trunk”. You almost never create long-lived branches and as developer, check in as frequently as possible to the master — at least few times a day.
+In trunk-based development (TBD), developers always check into one branch, typically the primary branch also called the `mainline` or `trunk`. You almost never create long-lived branches and as developer, check in as frequently as possible to the primary branch — at least few times a day.
 With everyone working out of the same branch, TBD increases visibility into what everyone is doing, increases collaboration and reduces duplicate effort.
@@ -65,7 +56,7 @@ The practice of checking in often means that merge conflicts if any are small an
 TBD also implies deploying code from the mainline to production – which means that your mainline must always be in a state that it can be released to production.
-## No branches
+### No branches
 On many projects, it’s common to branch the source code to work on major new features. The idea is that temporary destabilization from the new code won’t affect other developers or users. Once the feature is complete, its branch is merged back into trunk, and there is usually a period of instability while integration issues are ironed out. This wouldn’t work if we one wants to release (once or many times) every day. We can’t tolerate huge chunks of new code suddenly showing up in trunk because it would have a high chance of taking down the canary or dev channels for an extended period. Also, the trunk can move so fast that it isn’t practical for developers to be isolated on a branch for very long. By the time they merged, trunk would look so different that integration would be difficult and error-prone.
@@ -73,7 +64,7 @@ We can (if required) create maintenance branches before each of releases, but th
 One happy side-effect of this is that there’s no B-team of developers stuck working on a maintenance branch. All developers are always working with the latest and greatest source.
-## Runtime switches
+### Runtime switches
 We won’t create branches, but we still need some way to hide incomplete features from users. One natural way to do this would be with compile-time checks. The problem with those is they aren’t much different from just branching the code. You still effectively have two separate codebases that must eventually be merged. And since the new code isn’t compiled or tested by default, it’s very easy for developers to accidentally break it.
@@ -81,7 +72,7 @@ We should prefer runtime checks instead. Every feature under development is comp
 When a feature gets close to completion we introduce an option so that advanced users can start trying it out and giving us feedback. Finally, when we think the feature is ready to ship, we remove the command-line flag and enable it by default. By this time the code has been extensively tested with automation and used by many people. So the impact from turning it on is minimized.
-## Gigantic amounts of automated testing
+### Gigantic amounts of automated testing
 In order to release every day, we need to have confidence that our codebase is always in a good state. This requires automated tests. Lots of automated tests. Our general rule should be that every change has to come with tests.
@@ -106,26 +97,25 @@ This sounds like a scary idea and many people initially balk at the idea of chec
 But don’t worry. Even the browser (chrome) that you are most likely reading this on, is being built using this practice!
-> While it is true that TBD expects a certain discipline from the developer, with the right practices, it can dramatically make your software development and deployment process much more reliable and lightweight.
+While it is true that TBD expects a certain discipline from the developer, with the right practices, it can dramatically make your software development and deployment process much more reliable and lightweight.
 ## TBD Best Practices
 The Continuous Delivery book mentions several best practices (below) to adopt TBD around the principle of keeping the mainline version releasable at all times:
-**1. Small, incremental changes over big bang changes**
+### Small, incremental changes over big bang changes
 Frequent small changes are less risky, easier to integrate with and easier to rollback. Use branch by abstraction(not to be confused with version control branching!) to make even large-scale changes incrementally.
-**2. Hide unfinished functionality with feature toggles**
+### Hide unfinished functionality with feature toggles
 Hide features that aren’t finished yet from users. Feature toggles are an effective way to hide new features before you are confident about releasing them to users.
-**3. Comprehensive automated tests to give confidence**
+### Comprehensive automated tests to give confidence
 With a comprehensive automated test suite designed to give fast feedback, you have high confidence about the changes you are making. If you are always checking in small incremental changes, test failures are easy to fix.
-# What is Deployment Pipeline?
+## What is Deployment Pipeline?
 The deployment pipeline enables a trunk-based CD workflow. By modeling your application delivery as a pipeline of stages from the trunk all the way to Production, you get the visibility and reliability required to deploy continuously to Production.
@@ -143,49 +133,47 @@ This eliminates the need to have a branch per environment and enables a highly v
 Also, because there is no friction that comes with intermediate branches, this workflow promotes the practice of pushing small incremental changes that the customer benefits from continuously – which is the whole point.
-# Continuous Code Review
+## Continuous Code Review
-## Pull Requests in Trunk Based Development
+### Pull Requests in Trunk Based Development
-In trunk based development it is different. Since we want to merge our commits into the master branch as quickly as possible, we cannot wait until the complete feature is finished. Unlike in the original trunk based development approach we still use feature branches but we have much less divergence from the master branch than in Git Flow. We create a pull request as soon as the first commit is pushed into the feature branch. Of course that requires that no commit breaks anything or causes tests to fail. Remember that unfinished features can always be disabled with feature toggles.
+In trunk based development it is different. Since we want to merge our commits into the primary branch as quickly as possible, we cannot wait until the complete feature is finished. Unlike in the original trunk based development approach we still use feature branches but we have much less divergence from the primary branch than in Git Flow. We create a pull request as soon as the first commit is pushed into the feature branch. Of course that requires that no commit breaks anything or causes tests to fail. Remember that unfinished features can always be disabled with feature toggles.
 Now, with part of the new feature committed and the pull request created, another developer from the team can review it. In most cases that doesn’t happen immediately because the developers don’t want to interrupt their work every time a team member pushes a commit. Instead, the code reviews are done when another developer is open for it. Meanwhile, the pull request might grow by a few commits.
-The code is not always reviewed immediately after the commit but in most cases it reaches the master branch much quicker than in Git Flow.
+The code is not always reviewed immediately after the commit but in most cases it reaches the primary branch much quicker than in Git Flow.
-# Feature Toggles
+## Feature Toggles
 Feature toggles are a powerful technique, allowing teams to modify system behavior without changing code. They fall into various usage categories, and it's important to take that categorization into account when implementing and managing toggles. Toggles introduce complexity. We can keep that complexity in check by using smart toggle implementation practices and appropriate tools to manage our toggle configuration, but we should also aim to constrain the number of toggles in our system.
 "Feature Toggling" is a set of patterns which can help a team to deliver new functionality to users rapidly but safely.
-Feature toggles used to hide partly built features are called **release toggles**. Hodgson also identifies **experiment toggles** for A/B testing, **ops toggles** to provide controls for operations staff, and **permissioning toggles** to control access of features for different subsets of users
+Feature toggles used to hide partly built features are called **release toggles**. `Hodgson` also identifies **experiment toggles** for A/B testing, **ops toggles** to provide controls for operations staff, and **permission toggles** to control access of features for different subsets of users
 It's very important to retire **release toggles** once the pending features have bedded down in production. This involves removing the definitions on the configuration file and all the code that uses them. Otherwise you will get a pile of toggles that nobody can remember how to use.
-## Categories of toggles
+### Categories of toggles
 Feature toggles can be categorized across two major dimensions: how long the feature toggle will live and how dynamic the toggling decision must be. There are other factors to consider - who will manage the feature toggle, for example - but I consider longevity and dynamism to be two big factors which can help guide how to manage toggles.
-### 1. Release Toggles
+#### Release Toggles
-These are toggles used to enable trunk-based development for teams practicing Continuous Delivery. They allow in-progress features to be checked into a shared integration branch (e.g. master or trunk) while still allowing that branch to be deployed to production at any time. Release Toggles allow incomplete and un-tested codepaths to be shipped to production as latent code which may never be turned on.
+These are toggles used to enable trunk-based development for teams practicing Continuous Delivery. They allow in-progress features to be checked into a shared integration branch (e.g. primary branch or trunk) while still allowing that branch to be deployed to production at any time. Release Toggles allow incomplete and un-tested code paths to be shipped to production as latent code which may never be turned on.
 Release Toggles are transitionary by nature. They should generally not stick around much longer than a week or two, although product-centric toggles may need to remain in place for a longer period. The toggling decision for a Release Toggle is typically very static. Every toggling decision for a given release version will be the same, and changing that toggling decision by rolling out a new release with a toggle configuration change is usually perfectly acceptable.
-### 2. Experiment Toggles
+#### Experiment Toggles
-Experiment Toggles are used to perform multivariate or A/B testing. Each user of the system is placed into a cohort and at runtime the Toggle Router will consistently send a given user down one codepath or the other, based upon which cohort they are in. By tracking the aggregate behavior of different cohorts we can compare the effect of different codepaths. 
+Experiment Toggles are used to perform multivariate or A/B testing. Each user of the system is placed into a cohort and at runtime the Toggle Router will consistently send a given user down one code path or the other, based upon which cohort they are in. By tracking the aggregate behavior of different cohorts we can compare the effect of different code paths.
 An Experiment Toggle needs to remain in place with the same configuration long enough to generate statistically significant results. Depending on traffic patterns that might mean a lifetime of hours or weeks. Longer is unlikely to be useful, as other changes to the system risk invalidating the results of the experiment. By their nature Experiment Toggles are highly dynamic - each incoming request is likely on behalf of a different user and thus might be routed differently than the last.
-### 3. Ops Toggles
+#### Ops Toggles
 These toggles are used to control operational aspects of our system's behavior. We might introduce an Ops Toggle when rolling out a new feature which has unclear performance implications so that system operators can disable or degrade that feature quickly in production if needed.
@@ -193,61 +181,54 @@ These toggles are used to control operational aspects of our system's behavior.
 Most Ops Toggles will be relatively short-lived - once confidence is gained in the operational aspects of a new feature the toggle should be retired. However it's not uncommon for systems to have a small number of long-lived "Kill Switches" which allow operators of production environments to gracefully degrade non-vital system functionality when the system is enduring unusually high load.
-### 4. Permissioning Toggles
+#### Permission Toggles
 These toggles are used to change the features or product experience that certain users receive. For example we may have a set of "premium" features which we only toggle on for our paying customers. Or perhaps we have a set of "alpha" features which are only available to internal users and another set of "beta" features which are only available to internal users plus beta users
-## Release toggles are the last thing you should do!
+## Release toggles are the last thing you should do
 Release toggles are a useful technique and lots of teams use them. However they should be your last choice when you're dealing with putting features into production.
 Your first choice should be to break the feature down so you can safely introduce parts of the feature into the product. The advantages of doing this are the same ones as any strategy based on small, frequent releases. You reduce the risk of things going wrong and you get valuable feedback on how users actually use the feature that will improve the enhancements you make later.
-# Rules
-1. Raise a PR as soon as you have first commit in your feature branch - 
+## Rules
-2. No long living feature branches
+1. Raise a PR as soon as you have first commit in your feature branch -
+1. No long living feature branches
+1. Small, incremental changes over big bang changes
+1. Hide unfinished functionality with feature toggles ( runtime switches )
+1. Comprehensive automated tests to give confidence
-3. Small, incremental changes over big bang changes
+## Conclusion
-4. Hide unfinished functionality with feature toggles ( runtime switches )
+TBD is awesome, but it is not a silver bullet. Trying to implement it before having a reliable test suite and continuous integration in place (at least) will lead to serious quality issues in production.
-5. Comprehensive automated tests to give confidence
-# Conclusion
-> TBD is awesome, but it is not a silver bullet. Trying to implement it before having a reliable test suite and continuous integration in place (at least) will lead to serious quality issues in production.
-> TBD also implies deploying code from the mainline to production – which means that your mainline must always be in a state that it can be released to production.
+TBD also implies deploying code from the mainline to production – which means that your mainline must always be in a state that it can be released to production.
-> While it is true that TBD expects a certain discipline from the developer, with the right practices, it can dramatically make your software development and deployment process much more reliable and lightweight.
+While it is true that TBD expects a certain discipline from the developer, with the right practices, it can dramatically make your software development and deployment process much more reliable and lightweight.
-> One of the key technical practices that underpin this method of development, is working in "Small, incremental changes over big bang changes". Once your team embraces this practice, and the mindset behind it, you will find that your code reviews are rarely delayed more than a couple of hours. Because pull requests are very small, code reviews are very easy, so they happen more often.
+One of the key technical practices that underpin this method of development, is working in "Small, incremental changes over big bang changes". Once your team embraces this practice, and the mindset behind it, you will find that your code reviews are rarely delayed more than a couple of hours. Because pull requests are very small, code reviews are very easy, so they happen more often.
-> You can also work with your team to prioritise continuous flow throughput. That means, if a pull request is up for review, it is effectively a blocker for someone else's progress; so everyone prioritises dropping what they are doing to do the code review as fast as they can to unblock any work clogging up.
+You can also work with your team to prioritise continuous flow throughput. That means, if a pull request is up for review, it is effectively a blocker for someone else progress; so everyone prioritises dropping what they are doing to do the code review as fast as they can to unblock any work clogging up.
-> Continuous deployment is a similar example: If you release a small amount of code to production, you have less to test, less to break and less to go wrong. And if something does go wrong, you are way more likely to understand what caused it because the changes to that environment were smaller and happened closer to the time of release, so they're easier to remember and resolve.
+Continuous deployment is a similar example: If you release a small amount of code to production, you have less to test, less to break and less to go wrong. And if something does go wrong, you are way more likely to understand what caused it because the changes to that environment were smaller and happened closer to the time of release, so they're easier to remember and resolve.
-> no branches, runtime switches, tons of automated testing, relentless refactoring, and staying very close to HEAD of our dependencies.
+No branches, runtime switches, tons of automated testing, relentless refactoring, and staying very close to HEAD of our dependencies.
-# Questions
+## Questions
 **Q 1:** So, question: how do you manage to carry out refactoring and particularly the “major modularization” without using long-lived branches, and while everything is changing so fast?
-**A 1:** The answer is that refactorings must be broken up into changes which incrementally move toward the desired end-state without breaking anything in the meantime. It’s a skill, but it can be done!
+**A 1:** The answer is that refactoring must be broken up into changes which incrementally move toward the desired end-state without breaking anything in the meantime. It’s a skill, but it can be done!
 **Q 2:** I’ve seen many teams losing time every day trying to fix flaky integration tests?
 **A 2:** I don’t think there are well-known solutions. This is something the entire industry is struggling with.
 We should double-down on unit tests, and not write as many integration tests. We should try to design our code such that bigger and bigger pieces could be tested using the unit testing style.
-# References
+## References
 * [A git workflow for continuous delivery](https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/devops/2016/06/21/a-git-workflow-for-continuous-delivery/)
 * [Enabling trunk based development deployment pipelines](https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/enabling-trunk-based-development-deployment-pipelines)
diff --git a/content/iam/basics.md b/content/iam/basics.md
index d25326a..e9c987a 100644
--- a/content/iam/basics.md
+++ b/content/iam/basics.md
@@ -6,49 +6,49 @@ IAM == Authentication and Authorization
 Unlike a traditional monolithic structure that may have a single security portal, microservices pose many problems. Should each service have it’s own independent security firewall? How should identity be distributed between microservices and throughout my entire system? What is the most efficient method for the exchange of user data?
-There are smart techniques that leverage common technologies to not only authorize but perform delegation across your entire system. 
+There are smart techniques that leverage common technologies to not only authorize but perform delegation across your entire system.
 We implement **OAuth** and **OpenID Connect** flows using **JSON Web Tokens** to achieve the end goal of creating a distributed authentication mechanism for microservices — a process of managing identity where everything is self-contained, standardized, secure, and best of all — easy to replicate.
 In this lesson we will learn following:
 1. Security claims of microservices architecture
-2. OAuth
-3. OpenID Connect
-4. JWT
-5. Common Mistakes
-6. Authorization per Microservice
-7. Multifactor Authentication
-8. Identity Brokering
-9. Threat Model Mitigation
+1. OAuth
+1. OpenID Connect
+1. JWT
+1. Common Mistakes
+1. Authorization per Microservice
+1. Multi-factor Authentication
+1. Identity Brokering
+1. Threat Model Mitigation
-## 1. Security claims of microservice architecture
+## Security claims of microservice architecture
 Before digging into OAuth2; it’s important to clarify the claims to a solid security solution.
 1. **Central authentication:**
 Since microservices is about building mostly independent and autonomous applications, we want to have a consistent authentication experience, so the user won’t notice his requests are served by different applications with possibly individual security configuration.
-2. **Statelessness:**
+1. **Statelessness:**
 The core benefit of building microservices is scalability. So the chosen security solution shouldn’t affect this. Holding the users session state on server becomes a tricky task, so a stateless solution is highly preferred in this scenario.
-3. **User/machine access distinction:**
+1. **User/machine access distinction:**
 There is a need of having a clear distinction of different users, and also different machines. Using microservice architecture leads to building a large multi-purpose data-center of different domains and resources, so there is a need to restrict different clients, such as native apps, multiple SPAs etc. in their access.
-4. **Fine-grained access control:**
+1. **Fine-grained access control:**
 While maintaining centralized roles, there is a need of configuring detailed access control policies in each microservice. A microservice should be unaware of the responsibility of recognizing users, and must just authorize incoming requests.
-5. **Safe from attacks:**
+1. **Safe from attacks:**
 No matter how much problems a security solution may solve, it should be strong against vulnerabilities as best as possible.
-6. **Scalability:**
+1. **Scalability:**
 Using stateless protocols is not a warranty of the security solution is scalable. In the end, there should not be any single point of failure. A counter-example is a shared auth database or single auth-server-instance, which is hit once per request.
-## 2. OAuth
+## OAuth
 OAuth should be interpreted not as Authentication, and not as Authorization, but as Delegation. In the web realm, the underlying message is there, yet it also means having the ability to offer, accept, or deny the exchange of data
-### 2.1 OAuth Roles/Actors
+### OAuth Roles/Actors
 OAuth has four main roles/actors:
@@ -57,29 +57,31 @@ OAuth has four main roles/actors:
 - Resource Owner (That means, You)
 - Client (Means the application you’re using, that accesses your data on the resource server) e.g. web browser
 - Resource Server (Where your data are stored) e.g. backend REST API
-- Authorization Server (Responsible for authenticating your identity and gives you an authorization token, so that you can request resource server for your data with this token. this token is called access_token) → e.g. KeyCloak
+- Authorization Server (Responsible for authenticating your identity and gives you an authorization token, so that you can request resource server for your data with this token. this token is called `access_token`) → e.g. KeyCloak
-#### 2.1.1 Clients
+#### Clients
-Clients can be public and confidential. 
+Clients can be public and confidential.
+##### Confidential Clients
-##### Confidential Clients
 There is a significant distinction between the two in OAuth nomenclature. Confidential clients can be trusted to store a secret. They’re not running on a desktop or distributed through an app store. People can’t reverse engineer them and get the secret key. They’re running in a protected area where end users can’t access them.
-##### Public Clients
+##### Public Clients
 Public clients are browsers, mobile apps, and IoT devices.
-### 2.2 OAuth Scopes
+### OAuth Scopes
 Scopes are what you see on the authorization screens when an app requests permissions. They’re bundles of permissions asked for by the client when requesting a token. These are coded by the application developer when writing the application.
 ![OAuth Scopes](../img/oauth-scopes.png)
-### 2.3 OAuth Tokens
+### OAuth Tokens
-**Access Token And Refresh Token**
+#### Access Token And Refresh Token
-This two types of token are provided by your authorization server. **access_token** is responsible for accessing your resources from the resource server. This token usually has a little validity time. You can access your data with this token a certain time before it gets expired. So after it expires, you need to request Authorization server for a new access_token with your **refresh_token**, _client id, and client secret_, so that you don’t need to send user credentials again and again. Refresh token has more validation time than Access Token. Typically 7-90 days, depends on you.
+This two types of token are provided by your authorization server. **`access_token`** is responsible for accessing your resources from the resource server. This token usually has a little validity time. You can access your data with this token a certain time before it gets expired. So after it expires, you need to request Authorization server for a new `access_token` with your **`refresh_token`**, _client id, and client secret_, so that you don’t need to send user credentials again and again. Refresh token has more validation time than Access Token. Typically 7-90 days, depends on you.
 So we can say:
@@ -92,52 +94,57 @@ The other token is the refresh token. This is much longer-lived; days, months, y
 Refresh tokens can be revoked. When revoking an application’s access in a dashboard, you’re killing its refresh token. This gives you the ability to force the clients to rotate secrets. What you’re doing is you’re using your refresh token to get new access tokens and the access tokens are going over the wire to hit all the API resources. Each time you refresh your access token you get a new cryptographically signed token. Key rotation is built into the system.
-The OAuth spec doesn’t define what a token is. It can be in whatever format you want. Usually though, you want these tokens to be JSON Web Tokens (a standard). In a nutshell, a JWT (pronounced “jot”) is a secure and trustworthy standard for token authentication. JWTs allow you to digitally sign information (referred to as claims) with a signature and can be verified at a later time with a secret signing key. 
+The OAuth spec doesn’t define what a token is. It can be in whatever format you want. Usually though, you want these tokens to be JSON Web Tokens (a standard). In a nutshell, a JWT (pronounced “jot”) is a secure and trustworthy standard for token authentication. JWTs allow you to digitally sign information (referred to as claims) with a signature and can be verified at a later time with a secret signing key.
 #### What will happen if my tokens are compromised?
-Since you can get access to your data with access_token, if it’s compromised then the hacker will get a very limited ability to get access to resources since it’ll be expired very soon.
-If the refresh token is compromised, your resources are still safe because client id and client secret are needed to request for aceess_token, to get access to resources.
+Since you can get access to your data with `access_token`, if it’s compromised then the hacker will get a very limited ability to get access to resources since it’ll be expired very soon.
+If the refresh token is compromised, your resources are still safe because client id and client secret are needed to request for `access_token`, to get access to resources.
-### 2.4 OAuth Grant Types / Flows - When and Why
+### OAuth Grant Types / Flows - When and Why
 1. Authorization Code
-2. Implicit (e.g. browser to keycloak)
-3. Resource Owner Password
-4. Client Credential (e.g. backend microservice to keycloak)
+1. Implicit (e.g. browser to keycloak)
+1. Resource Owner Password
+1. Client Credential (e.g. backend microservice to keycloak)
+#### Authorization Code
-#### **1. Authorization Code:**
 The Authorization Code flow is the most powerful and most secure by default. When the application redirects the user to the Identity Provider to authenticate, the IdP passes back a short-lived, one-time use authorization code. The application uses the authorization code to retrieve the Access Token.
-The important part is twofold: 
-- First, by the time the user sees the authorization code, it’s already been consumed and therefore can’t be used again. 
+The important part is twofold:
+- First, by the time the user sees the authorization code, it’s already been consumed and therefore can’t be used again.
 - Second, the Access Token is kept by the application in the backend. Assuming the application is built securely, a malicious user has to find another way to attack it.
-Unfortunately, this doesn’t work for client side applications such as many Javascript apps or most mobile apps as the application itself can be attacked or decompiled for sensitive information. Therefore, we need a different approach.
+Unfortunately, this doesn’t work for client side applications such as many Javascript apps or most mobile apps as the application itself can be attacked or de-compiled for sensitive information. Therefore, we need a different approach.
+#### Implicit
-#### **2. Implicit:**
 The Implicit flow is designed specifically for mobile apps or client side Javascript apps where embedded credentials could be compromised. The mechanics are simple in that the application redirects the user to the Identity Provider to authenticate, the IdP passes back token(s), and the application uses it according to the scopes it has.
-Since it’s quite likely that the user could interact with the token(s), it’s important that our use cases reflect that. If we have a banking app, allowing the send_wire_transfers_to_russia scope may be a bad idea unless we have additional factors baked into our authentication process to validate that the right user is using it. The next time you lose your phone, you’ll appreciate that.
+Since it’s quite likely that the user could interact with the token(s), it’s important that our use cases reflect that. If we have a banking app, allowing the `send_wire_transfers_to_russia` scope may be a bad idea unless we have additional factors baked into our authentication process to validate that the right user is using it. The next time you lose your phone, you’ll appreciate that.
 As a result, this is often used for OpenID Connect scenarios where a user wants to provide trusted profile information to a third party but not necessarily access or permissions to other systems. Since the underlying concepts are the same and the implementation looks very similar, it’s most of the benefit for the same effort.
-#### **3. Resource Owner Password:**
+#### Resource Owner Password
 Compared to the previous grant types, Resource Owner Password makes me nervous. With both the Authorization Code and Implicit flows, the application redirects the user to the Identity Provider to submit their username and password. As a result, the application never sees their credentials. With the Resource Owner Password flow, the application itself accepts the credentials and submits them on behalf of the user.
 If the application is malicious or even just poorly developed, it could store those credentials and compromise the user’s information. Therefore, you should only use this if you’re building applications for your users to interact with your legacy systems. For example, a bank may implement this for an internal employee portal.
 But remember: Fundamentally, you’re training users to put their credentials into applications they may not trust which is a bad habit at best and a security risk at all times.
-#### **4. Client Credential:**
-The Client Credential grant type is designed exclusively for backend server to server operations. Think of it as a server’s username and password. Conceptually, it’s not far from how your application connects to other backend systems such as your database or Twilio. The benefit is that your OAuth provider can return configuration information or other details within the token itself.
+#### Client Credential
+The Client Credential grant type is designed exclusively for backend server to server operations. Think of it as a server’s username and password. Conceptually, it’s not far from how your application connects to other backend systems such as your database or `Twilio`. The benefit is that your OAuth provider can return configuration information or other details within the token itself.
 Finally, since there’s not a user involved, it doesn’t support OpenID Connect.
 It's used for communication from microservices to keycloak.
-### 2.5 OAuth is not an Authentication Protocol
+### OAuth is not an Authentication Protocol
 To summarize some of the misconceptions of OAuth 2.0: it’s not backwards compatible with OAuth 1.0. It replaces signatures with HTTPS for all communication. When people talk about OAuth today, they’re talking about OAuth 2.0.
@@ -147,13 +154,13 @@ OAuth 2.0 is not an authentication protocol.
 We’ve been talking about delegated authorization this whole time. **It’s not about authenticating the user, and this is key. OAuth 2.0 alone says absolutely nothing about the user. You just have a token to get access to a resource.**
-## 3. OpenID Connect
+## OpenID Connect
-To solve the pseudo authentication problem, the best parts of OAuth 2.0, Facebook Connect, and SAML 2.0 were combined to create OpenID Connect. OpenID Connect (OIDC) extends OAuth 2.0 with a **new signed id_token** for the client and a UserInfo endpoint to fetch user attributes. Unlike SAML, OIDC provides a standard set of scopes and claims for identities. Examples include: profile, email, address, and phone.
+To solve the pseudo authentication problem, the best parts of OAuth 2.0, Facebook Connect, and SAML 2.0 were combined to create OpenID Connect. OpenID Connect (OIDC) extends OAuth 2.0 with a **new signed `id_token`** for the client and a UserInfo endpoint to fetch user attributes. Unlike SAML, OIDC provides a standard set of scopes and claims for identities. Examples include: profile, email, address, and phone.
 GET https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?
 scope=openid email&
@@ -162,9 +169,9 @@ client_id=812741506391&
 HTTP/1.1 302 Found
 Location: https://app.example.com/oauth2/callback?
@@ -174,9 +181,9 @@ The code returned is the authorization grant and state is to ensure it's not for
 And the authorization grant for tokens response contains an ID token.
 POST /oauth2/v3/token HTTP/1.1
 Host: www.googleapis.com
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
@@ -185,11 +192,11 @@ code=MsCeLvIaQm6bTrgtp7&client_id=812741506391&
   "access_token": "2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA",
   "token_type": "Bearer",
@@ -204,10 +211,10 @@ You can see this is layered nicely on top of OAuth to give back an ID token as a
 An Open ID Connect flow involves the following steps:
 1. Discover OIDC metadata
-2. Perform OAuth flow to obtain id token and access token
-3. Get JWT signature keys and optionally dynamically register the Client application
-4. Validate JWT ID token locally based on built-in dates and signature
-5. Get additional user attributes as needed with access token
+1. Perform OAuth flow to obtain id token and access token
+1. Get JWT signature keys and optionally dynamically register the Client application
+1. Validate JWT ID token locally based on built-in dates and signature
+1. Get additional user attributes as needed with access token
 ![OIDC Flow](../img/oidc-flow.png)
@@ -217,7 +224,7 @@ You will get id token if you are using scope as openid. Id token is specific to
 The primary extension that OpenID Connect makes to OAuth 2.0 to enable End-Users to be Authenticated is the ID Token data structure. The ID Token is a security token that contains Claims(claims are name/value pairs that contain information about a user) about the Authentication of an End-User by an Authorization Server when using a Client, and potentially other requested Claims. The ID Token is represented as a JSON Web Token (JWT)
    "iss": "https://server.example.com",
    "sub": "24400320",
@@ -229,31 +236,32 @@ The primary extension that OpenID Connect makes to OAuth 2.0 to enable End-Users
    "acr": "urn:mace:incommon:iap:silver"
 The above is default JWT claims, in addition to that, if you requested claims from service provider then you will get those as well.
-An id_token is a JWT, per the OIDC Specification. This means that:
+An `id_token` is a JWT, per the OIDC Specification. This means that:
 - identity information about the user is encoded right into the token and
 - the token can be definitively verified to prove that it hasn’t been tampered with.
-There’s a set of [rules](http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDTokenValidation) in the specification for validating an id_token. Among the claims encoded in the id_token is an expiration (exp), which must be honored as part of the validation process. Additionally, the signature section of JWT is used in concert with a key to validate that the entire JWT has not been tampered with in any way.
+There’s a set of [rules](http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#IDTokenValidation) in the specification for validating an `id_token`. Among the claims encoded in the `id_token` is an expiration (exp), which must be honored as part of the validation process. Additionally, the signature section of JWT is used in concert with a key to validate that the entire JWT has not been tampered with in any way.
-## 4. JWT
+## JWT
 JSON Web Tokens, commonly known as JWTs, are tokens that are used to authenticate users on applications. This technology has gained popularity over the past few years because it enables backends to accept requests simply by validating the contents of these JWTs. That is, applications that use JWTS no longer have to hold cookies or other session data about their users. This characteristic facilitates scalability while keeping applications secure.
 It contains:
-- **user's identity** (subject id, name, group, roles, etc.) and 
-- some **metadata** relatives to the authorization process (issuer, time to live, etc.). 
+- **user's identity** (subject id, name, group, roles, etc.) and
+- some **metadata** relatives to the authorization process (issuer, time to live, etc.).
-**JWT Are Signed! Not Encrypted**
+!!! note
+    JWT Are Signed! Not Encrypted.
 A JSON Web Token is comprised of three parts:
-- the header, 
-- payload, and 
+- the header,
+- payload, and
 - Signature.
 The format of a JWT is `header.payload.signature`.
@@ -265,9 +273,9 @@ During the authentication process, when a user successfully logs in using their
 When a backend server receives a request with a JWT, the first thing to do is to validate the token. This consists of a series of steps, and if any of these fails then the request must be rejected. The following list shows the validation steps needed:
 1. Check that the JWT is well formed.
-2. Check the signature.
-3. Validate the standard claims.
-4. Check the Client permissions (scopes).
+1. Check the signature.
+1. Validate the standard claims.
+1. Check the Client permissions (scopes).
 JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact and self-contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed. JWTs can be signed using a secret (with the HMAC algorithm) or a public/private key pair using RSA.
@@ -297,7 +305,7 @@ JWT Authentication flow is very simple:
 If you encounter a JWT in the wild, you’ll notice that it’s separated into three sections, the header, payload, and signature. (Follow along with Stormpath’s open-source Java JWT tool as we dissect the anatomy of a JWT!) Here’s an example of a typical JWT:
@@ -309,13 +317,14 @@ In this example, Section 1 is a header which describes the token. Section 2 is t
 When we decode the payload we get this nice, tidy JSON object containing the claims of the JWS:
   "sub": "users/TzMUocMF4p",
   "name": "Robert Token Man",
   "scope": "self groups/admins",
   "exp": "1300819380"
 The claims tell you, at minimum:
@@ -327,21 +336,21 @@ Because the token is signed with a secret key you can verify its signature and i
 Within the payload, there are a number of keys with values. These keys are called **claims** and the JWT specification has seven of these specified as “registered” claims. They are:
-iss	Issuer
-sub	Subject
-aud	Audience
-exp	Expiration
-nbf	Not Before
-iat	Issued At
-jti	JWT ID
+iss  Issuer
+sub  Subject
+aud  Audience
+exp  Expiration
+nbf  Not Before
+iat  Issued At
+jti  JWT ID
-When building a JWT, you can put in any custom claims you wish. The list above simply represents the claims that are reserved both in the key that is used and the expected type. 
+When building a JWT, you can put in any custom claims you wish. The list above simply represents the claims that are reserved both in the key that is used and the expected type.
 ### JWT Size
-- The biggest disadvantage of token authentication is the size of JWTs. 
+- The biggest disadvantage of token authentication is the size of JWTs.
 - A session cookie is relatively tiny compared to even the smallest JWT.
 - Depending on your use case, the size of the token could become problematic if you add many claims to it. Remember, each request to the server must include the JWT along with it.
@@ -351,47 +360,43 @@ When building a JWT, you can put in any custom claims you wish. The list above s
 - You can store the token in a **cookie** instead, but the max size of a cookie is only 4kb so that may be problematic if you have many claims attached to the token
 - Additionally, you can store the token in **session storage** which is similar to local storage but is cleared as soon as the user closes the browser.
-## 5. Common mistakes
+## Common mistakes
 Here is a brief list of the very major things a developer should be aware of.
 1. **Using the same signing key for production and staging:**
 It is strictly recommended to use different signing keys as much as possible. Once a signing key gets into wrong hands, it is possible to generate full access granting key without knowing login credentials of any user.
-2. **Not using TLS:**
+1. **Not using TLS:**
 If an attacker manages to intercept an access token, he will gain all the rights authorized to this token, until the token expires. There are a lot of ways to achieve that, in particular when there is no TLS encryption. This was not a problem in the days of version 1 of OAuth, because protocol level encryption was forced.
-3. **Using access tokens in URL:**
+1. **Using access tokens in URL:**
 As of standard, access tokens can be either passed by URL, in headers, or in a cookie. From the TLS point of view, all three ways are secure. In practice passing tokens via URL is less secure, since there several ways of getting the URL from records.
-4. **Switching to symmetric signing keys:**
+1. **Switching to symmetric signing keys:**
 RSA is not required for JWT signing, and Spring Security does provide symmetric token signing as well; which does solve some problems, which make development harder. But this is insecure, since an attacker just needs to get into one single microservice to be able to generate its own JWT tokens.
 The biggest complaint about OAuth in general comes from Security people. It’s regarding the Bearer tokens and that they can be passed just like session cookies. You can pass it around and you’re good to go, it’s not cryptographically bound to the user. Using JWTs helps because they can’t be tampered with. However, in the end, a JWT is just a string of characters so they can easily be copied and used in an Authorization header.
-## 6. Authorization per Microservice
+## Authorization per Microservice
 Each microservice should not have to do its own authentication, but it does need to do its own authorization.
-Each API should keep track of its own object-level permissions, and it can do so without anything more than a pre-validated userid or groupid. Simply record an object or row that has the id of the object, the id of the user or group, and a set of flags for which permissions they have on that object. That way, when a user tries to do an action on an object, we can join to the appropriate permissions object if it exists, and determine what the user can and can't do to that object. The point is, object-level-permissions exists in the microservice database store without extra user context.
+Each API should keep track of its own object-level permissions, and it can do so without anything more than a pre-validated `userid` or `groupid`. Simply record an object or row that has the id of the object, the id of the user or group, and a set of flags for which permissions they have on that object. That way, when a user tries to do an action on an object, we can join to the appropriate permissions object if it exists, and determine what the user can and can't do to that object. The point is, object-level-permissions exists in the microservice database store without extra user context.
 Using this approach we do not require extra user information for authorization such as the username and/or email address - that information is stored elsewhere and only required for authentication.
 However, Authentication and Authorization are often mixed – which can lead to serious complexity problems down the line. While Authentication answers the question “who are you?”, Authorization is about the question “what can you do?”. Authentication makes a naturally bounded context (or logical service), in that it has a closed role and needs minimal other information, but Authorization is not that simple. The challenge with Authorization is that in order to answer the question “what can you do?”, the system must have knowledge of what things are possible to do. A very common anti-pattern is the creation of an “Authorization Service”, in an attempt to put Authorization concerns into a single place. This can be appealing on the grounds that all the information about a concept is grouped together, however this means that the “Authorization Service” must know about all the functionality of every other service, and the business rules around who can invoke this functionality and based on what conditions. This is a very common source of major architectural problems, as a result of individual services being unable to perform their job autonomously, and a single service (Authorization) having an intimate knowledge of the workings of other services. The purpose when designing services in a service-oriented or microservices architecture is to create independent logically bounded components, that can version independently, and function in isolation. At runtime, service boundaries form fault partitions, where if one service is offline, other services should be able to continue to work. Allowing a single service to hold knowledge about other services violates these principles.
-- http://richardwellum.com/2017/04/authentication-authorization-and-bounded-contexts/
+## Multi-factor Authentication
-## 7. Multifactor Authentication
-Multifactor Authentication (MFA) is a method of verifying a user's identity by requiring them to present more than one piece of identifying information. This method provides an additional layer of security, decreasing the likelihood of unauthorized access. The type of information required from the user is typically two or more of the following:
+Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) is a method of verifying a user's identity by requiring them to present more than one piece of identifying information. This method provides an additional layer of security, decreasing the likelihood of unauthorized access. The type of information required from the user is typically two or more of the following:
 - **Knowledge**: Something the user knows (e.g. a password)
 - **Possession**: Something the user has (e.g. a cell phone)
 - **Inheritance**: Something the user is (e.g. a fingerprint or retina scan)
-## 8. Identity Brokering
+## Identity Brokering
 An Identity Broker is an intermediary service that connects multiple service providers with different identity providers. As an intermediary service, the identity broker is responsible for creating a trust relationship with an external identity provider in order to use its identities to access internal services exposed by service providers.
@@ -399,7 +404,7 @@ From a user perspective, an identity broker provides a user-centric and centrali
 An identity provider is usually based on a specific protocol that is used to authenticate and communicate authentication and authorization information to their users. It can be a social provider such as Facebook, Google or Twitter. It can be a business partner whose users need to access your services. Or it an be a cloud-based identity service that you want to integrate with.
-#### KeyCloak
+### KeyCloak
 When using KeyCloak as an identity broker, users are not forced to provide their credentials in order to authenticate in a specific realm. Instead, they are presented with a list of identity providers from which they can authenticate.
@@ -408,24 +413,24 @@ You can also configure a default broker. In this case the user will not be given
 ![OAuth Scopes](../img/identity_broker_flow.png)
 1. User is not authenticated and requests a protected resource in a client application.
-2. The client applications redirects the user to KeyCloak to authenticate.
-3. At this point the user is presented with the login page where there is a list of identity providers supported by a realm.
-4. User selects one of the identity providers by clicking on its respective button or link.
-5. KeyCloak issues an authentication request to the target identity provider asking for authentication and the user is redirected to the login page of the identity provider. The connection properties and other configuration options for the identity provider were previously set by the administrator in the Admin Console.
-6. User provides his credentials or consent in order to authenticate in the identity provider.
-7. Upon a successful authentication by the identity provider, the user is redirected back to KeyCloak with an authentication response. Usually this response contains a security token that will be used by KeyCloak to trust the authentication performed by the identity provider and retrieve information about the user.
-8. Now KeyCloak is going to check if the response from the identity provider is valid. If valid, it will import and create a new user or just skip that if the user already exists. If it is a new user, KeyCloak may ask the identity provider for information about the user if that info doesn’t already exist in the token. This is what we call identity federation. If the user already exists KeyCloak may ask him to link the identity returned from the identity provider with his existing account. We call this process account linking. What exactly is done is configurable and can be specified by setup of First Login Flow . At the end of this step, KeyCloak authenticates the user and issues its own token in order to access the requested resource in the service provider.
-9. Once the user is locally authenticated, KeyCloak redirects the user to the service provider by sending the token previously issued during the local authentication.
-10. The service provider receives the token from KeyCloak and allows access to the protected resource.
+1. The client applications redirects the user to KeyCloak to authenticate.
+1. At this point the user is presented with the login page where there is a list of identity providers supported by a realm.
+1. User selects one of the identity providers by clicking on its respective button or link.
+1. KeyCloak issues an authentication request to the target identity provider asking for authentication and the user is redirected to the login page of the identity provider. The connection properties and other configuration options for the identity provider were previously set by the administrator in the Admin Console.
+1. User provides his credentials or consent in order to authenticate in the identity provider.
+1. Upon a successful authentication by the identity provider, the user is redirected back to KeyCloak with an authentication response. Usually this response contains a security token that will be used by KeyCloak to trust the authentication performed by the identity provider and retrieve information about the user.
+1. Now KeyCloak is going to check if the response from the identity provider is valid. If valid, it will import and create a new user or just skip that if the user already exists. If it is a new user, KeyCloak may ask the identity provider for information about the user if that info doesn’t already exist in the token. This is what we call identity federation. If the user already exists KeyCloak may ask him to link the identity returned from the identity provider with his existing account. We call this process account linking. What exactly is done is configurable and can be specified by setup of First Login Flow . At the end of this step, KeyCloak authenticates the user and issues its own token in order to access the requested resource in the service provider.
+1. Once the user is locally authenticated, KeyCloak redirects the user to the service provider by sending the token previously issued during the local authentication.
+1. The service provider receives the token from KeyCloak and allows access to the protected resource.
-As you may notice, at the end of the authentication process KeyCloak will always issue its own token to client applications. What this means is that client applications are completely decoupled from external identity providers. They don’t need to know which protocol (eg.: SAML, OpenID Connect, OAuth, etc) was used or how the user’s identity was validated. They only need to know about KeyCloak.
+As you may notice, at the end of the authentication process KeyCloak will always issue its own token to client applications. What this means is that client applications are completely decoupled from external identity providers. They don’t need to know which protocol (SAML, OpenID Connect, OAuth, etc) was used or how the user’s identity was validated. They only need to know about KeyCloak.
-## 9. Threat Model Mitigation
+## Threat Model Mitigation
 - [KeyCloak Threat Model Mitigation](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_single_sign-on/7.0/html/server_administration_guide/threat_model_mitigation)
 - [https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6819](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6819)
-## 10. Others
+## Others
 ### What are the 3 tokens?
@@ -433,7 +438,7 @@ OAuth2 had these two tokens:
 (1). Access Token
-Access tokens are used as bearer tokens. A bearer token means that the bearer (who hold the access token) can access authorized resources without further identification. Because of this, it’s important that bearer tokens are protected. If I can somehow get ahold of and “bear” your access token, I can pretend as you.
+Access tokens are used as bearer tokens. A bearer token means that the bearer (who hold the access token) can access authorized resources without further identification. Because of this, it’s important that bearer tokens are protected. If I can somehow gets hold of and “bear” your access token, I can pretend as you.
 These tokens usually have a short lifespan (dictated by its expiration) for improved security. That is, when the access token expires, the user must authenticate again to get a new access token limiting the exposure of the fact that it’s a bearer token.
@@ -447,20 +452,20 @@ So, you can see auth is added by OpenID Connect
 ### Scopes vs Claims
-A scope represents the access authorization associated with a particular token with respect to resource servers, resources, and methods on those resources.  Scopes are the OAuth way to explicitly manage the power associated with an access token.  A scope can be controlled by the authorization server and/or the end user in order to limit access to resources for OAuth clients that these parties deem less secure or trustworthy.
+A scope represents the access authorization associated with a particular token with respect to resource servers, resources, and methods on those resources. Scopes are the OAuth way to explicitly manage the power associated with an access token. A scope can be controlled by the authorization server and/or the end user in order to limit access to resources for OAuth clients that these parties deem less secure or trustworthy.
 Claims are name/value pairs that contain information about a user.
 ### How does the Resource Server validate the access token with the Auth Server?
-Two options here. The OAuth specification does not dictate the format for tokens and as such, they are considered "opaque". 
+Two options here. The OAuth specification does not dictate the format for tokens and as such, they are considered "opaque".
-- In this case, the Resource Server must make an introspect request of the Authorization Server to get back the information (like scopes and timeout) that the token represents. 
+- In this case, the Resource Server must make an introspect request of the Authorization Server to get back the information (like scopes and timeout) that the token represents.
 - However, the second approach is now more prevalent and is used by most. In this case, the access token is a JWT that has a signature computed using the RS-256 algorithm and a private key used by e.g. KeyCloak. The resource server can use the corresponding public key (which it can obtain using the metadata from the well known endpoint to validate the access token WITHOUT having to make the introspect request of the Authorization Server. This saves a lot of network traffic.
 ### Does the Resource Server need to validate the access token every time?
-Yes. But, HOW the validation is done is dependent on the formatting of the token. 
+Yes. But, HOW the validation is done is dependent on the formatting of the token.
 ### How does the whole workflow look like?
@@ -468,7 +473,7 @@ This diagram depicts pretty nicely:
 ![OAuth Actors](../img/auth-workflow.png)
-### Is it permissible for the access token to be a JWT? 
+### Is it permissible for the access token to be a JWT?
 Using a JWT as an access token is certainly permissible by spec exactly because the spec does not restrict its format.
@@ -480,11 +485,11 @@ The trick to revocation is to use a refresh token. The refresh token is supplied
 ### What is purpose of Redirect URI?
-A redirect URI helps to detect malicious clients and prevents phishing attacks from clients attempting to trick the user into believing the phisher is the client.  The value of the actual redirect URI used in the authorization request has to be presented and is verified when an authorization "code" is exchanged for tokens. This helps to prevent attacks where the authorization "code" is revealed through redirectors and counterfeit web application clients. The authorization server should require public clients and confidential clients using the implicit grant type to pre-register their redirect URIs and validate against the registered redirect URI in the authorization request.
+A redirect URI helps to detect malicious clients and prevents phishing attacks from clients attempting to trick the user into believing the phisher is the client. The value of the actual redirect URI used in the authorization request has to be presented and is verified when an authorization "code" is exchanged for tokens. This helps to prevent attacks where the authorization "code" is revealed through redirect and counterfeit web application clients. The authorization server should require public clients and confidential clients using the implicit grant type to pre-register their redirect URIs and validate against the registered redirect URI in the authorization request.
 ### What is bearer token?
-A 'bearer token' is a token that can be used by any client who has received the token (e.g., [RFC6750]).  Because mere possession is enough to use the token, it is important that communication between endpoints be secured to ensure that only authorized endpoints may capture the token.  The bearer token is convenient for client applications, as it does not require them to do anything to use them (such as a proof of identity). Bearer tokens have similar characteristics to web single-sign-on (SSO) cookies used in browsers.
+A 'bearer token' is a token that can be used by any client who has received the token (e.g., [RFC6750]). Because mere possession is enough to use the token, it is important that communication between endpoints be secured to ensure that only authorized endpoints may capture the token. The bearer token is convenient for client applications, as it does not require them to do anything to use them (such as a proof of identity). Bearer tokens have similar characteristics to web single-sign-on (SSO) cookies used in browsers.
 ### What will be API flow?
@@ -495,14 +500,14 @@ Here is an example flow:
 The process is following:
 1. The user is signing in on the client app. He is redirected to the Keycloak login page. He can use his credentials or use a third party identity provider (depending the IAM configuration).
-2. Once logged, Keycloak is issuing an access token and a refresh to the user.
-3. Both tokens are saved by the client app for the next usage.
-4. Now the client application can access to the API by filling the Authorization http header with the access token. The access token is short-lived and must be refreshed before its expiration date. So the client app should verify each time that the access token is not about to expire. In this case, the client app shall use the refresh token to claim a new access token to Keycloak.
-5. Kong validates the access token. It verify the signature, the issuer and the expiration time of the token.
-6. If everything is ok, Kong transfers the request to the backend service. The access token is still carried by the the Authorization header and can be decoded by the backend services to gather information required by the fine grained authorization layer (subject id, group, roles). Note than Kong add the client app ID into the header. This can be useful to the backend service in order to identify where the user comes from.
-7. And the service response is transmitted to the client app through all layers.
+1. Once logged, Keycloak is issuing an access token and a refresh to the user.
+1. Both tokens are saved by the client app for the next usage.
+1. Now the client application can access to the API by filling the Authorization http header with the access token. The access token is short-lived and must be refreshed before its expiration date. So the client app should verify each time that the access token is not about to expire. In this case, the client app shall use the refresh token to claim a new access token to Keycloak.
+1. Kong validates the access token. It verify the signature, the issuer and the expiration time of the token.
+1. If everything is ok, Kong transfers the request to the backend service. The access token is still carried by the Authorization header and can be decoded by the backend services to gather information required by the fine grained authorization layer (subject id, group, roles). Note than Kong add the client app ID into the header. This can be useful to the backend service in order to identify where the user comes from.
+1. And the service response is transmitted to the client app through all layers.
 ## References
-- https://developer.okta.com/blog/2017/06/21/what-the-heck-is-oauth
-- https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_single_sign-on/7.0/html/server_administration_guide/identity_broker
+- [What the Heck is OAuth?](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2017/06/21/what-the-heck-is-oauth)
+- [Identity Brokering](https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_single_sign-on/7.0/html/server_administration_guide/identity_broker)
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+# Developer Handbook
+Documentation for developers
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 Read following:
-- [Java for Small Teams](https://ncrcoe.gitbooks.io/java-for-small-teams/content/)
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+- [Java for Small Teams](https://ncrcoe.gitbooks.io/java-for-small-teams/content/)
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-# DateTime
+# `DateTime`
 Let’s say you’re building your first API. Be it public, private, or some hybrid thereof, don’t be surprised if your first defect is date/time-related. Do not underestimate how much trouble you can get into when it comes to handling date and times. Here are some tips which might keep you out of this potential future.
 - Always use `java.util.Date`! Domain shouldn’t need to care about timezone! `java.util.date` is the safest and best way to store stuff in data stores.
-- TimeZone is a presentation concern; and presentation should bother about it and take care of it. Backend should be free of timezone and should only contain datetime in UTC format.
+- TimeZone is a presentation concern; and presentation should bother about it and take care of it. Backend should be free of timezone and should only contain `datetime` in UTC format.
 - Always use `UTC` timezone
 - Always use `ISO-8601` for your dates and set this property: `spring.jackson.serialization.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS = false`
 - Accept any timezone
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Generally, ISO-8601 looks something like `2009-05-20` for dates and `2009-05-20T
 Convert Date String to/from ISO 8601 respecting UTC in Java.
 public static String toISO8601UTC(Date date) {
   TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
   DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'");
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@ public static Date fromISO8601UTC(String dateStr) {
   TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC");
   DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'");
   try {
     return df.parse(dateStr);
   } catch (ParseException e) {
     // TODO: throw exception
   // TODO: throw exception
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ We’ll do the conversion in JS – but it’s worth understanding that, for rea
 This code should work (haven't tested it on browser)
 function convertDate(date){
     // this will return UTC
     var serverTimezone = [[${#dates.format(#calendars.createToday(), 'z')}]];
@@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ The question is if server is always returning UTC then how do I convert in the b
 You can use:
 <script src="moment.js"></script>
 <script src="moment-timezone-with-data.js"></script>
 // retrieve timezone by name (i.e. "America/Chicago")
@@ -90,13 +90,12 @@ Browser time zone detection is rather tricky to get right, as there is little in
 Moment Timezone uses Date.getTimezoneOffset() and Date.toString() on a handful of moments around the current year to gather as much information about the browser environment as possible. It then compares that information with all the time zone data loaded and returns the closest match. In case of ties, the time zone with the city with largest population is returned.
 console.log(moment.tz.guess()); // America/Chicago
-This is the only one that gives the actual timezone name rather than offset. Remember that timezone offset can be derived from the name, the opposite isn't true. Because of DST and other subtleties, multiple timezones can have the same offset on some specific days of the year only. 
+This is the only one that gives the actual timezone name rather than offset. Remember that timezone offset can be derived from the name, the opposite isn't true. Because of DST and other subtleties, multiple timezones can have the same offset on some specific days of the year only.
 ## References
 - [The 5 laws of API dates and times](http://apiux.com/2013/03/20/5-laws-api-dates-and-times/)
-- [Show date in users timezone](https://www.baeldung.com/reddit-app-show-date-in-the-users-timezone)
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 A DTO or ValueObject should be designed like this:
 package com.carbook.ratings.json.upsert;
 import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
@@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ public class ApiCreateReviewItem {
-The lombok will generate a class like this:
+The `lombok` will generate a class like this:
 // Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA
 // (powered by Fernflower decompiler)
@@ -189,5 +189,4 @@ public final class ApiCreateReviewItem {
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 # Force not null
 Having the freedom to return `null` is the root cause for most `NullPointerExceptions`. It also makes the client code for any API or method etc dirty by having a lot of `null` checks.
-# Solution
+## Solution
 * If you feel the need for a `null` while using your own code (i.e. excluding external libraries). Rethink the implementation of that part to not return `null`
 * Force IDE/Compiler to not allow returning `null`. It will complain whenever you return or pass in a value that is `null` or can be `null`
-* It boosts developer's confidence by not worrying about NPE while coding. 
-* For exceptional cases where you really need that `null` you can use the `@Nullable` annotation, it also makes it clear to other developers that there could be a `null` value which they should handle. 
+* It boosts developer's confidence by not worrying about NPE while coding.
+* For exceptional cases where you really need that `null` you can use the `@Nullable` annotation, it also makes it clear to other developers that there could be a `null` value which they should handle.
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 # Logging
-Annotate any class with a `@Slf4j` annotation to let lombok generate a logger field. The logger is named `log`.
+Annotate any class with a `@Slf4j` annotation to let `lombok` generate a logger field. The logger is named `log`.
 private static final org.slf4j.Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(LogExample.class);
 Here is a complete example:
 public class LogExampleOther {
   public static void main(String... args) {
     log.error("Something else is wrong here");
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@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The state-and-task-based model tends to map to my mental model though.
 Let me describe the highlights of a state-based workflow. In short, imagine a workflow revolving around the processing of something like a mortgage loan or a passport renewal. As the document moves 'around the office', it travels from state to state. Imagine if you are responsible for the document, and your boss asked you every few hours for a status update, and wanted a brief answer... you'd say things like "It is in data entry"... "We are checking the applicant's credentials now"... "we are awaiting quality review"... "We are done"... and so on. These are the states in a state-based workflow. We move from state to state via transitions - like "approve", "apply", kickback", "deny", and so on. these tend to be action verbs. Things like this are modeled all the time in software as a state machine.
-The next part of a state/task-based workflow is the creation of tasks. A Task is a unit of work, typically with a due date and handling instructions, that connects a work item (the loan application or passport renewal, for instance), to a users "in box". Tasks can happen in parallel with each other or sequentialy, and we can create tasks automatically when we enter states, create tasks manually as people realize work needs to get done, and require tasks be complete before we can move onto a new state. All of this kind of behavior is optional, and part of the workflow definition.
+The next part of a state/task-based workflow is the creation of tasks. A Task is a unit of work, typically with a due date and handling instructions, that connects a work item (the loan application or passport renewal, for instance), to a users "in box". Tasks can happen in parallel with each other or sequentially, and we can create tasks automatically when we enter states, create tasks manually as people realize work needs to get done, and require tasks be complete before we can move onto a new state. All of this kind of behavior is optional, and part of the workflow definition.
 BPMN is mostly intended for long-running business tasks involving user interaction.
@@ -18,13 +18,14 @@ Task Management, Workflow Engine, etc.
 Lightweight state machines or workflow engines are not evil! They help you solve some coding problems well.
-Use BPMN models to speak with your business stakeholders, make exactly these models executable and get the granularity right. Therefor also move aspects in code, which don’t belong in the graphical model. Speak with each other, and respect each other’s roles. 
+Use BPMN models to speak with your business stakeholders, make exactly these models executable and get the granularity right. Therefor also move aspects in code, which don’t belong in the graphical model. Speak with each other, and respect each other’s roles.
 ## Do I really need a BPM / Workflow Engine?
 Now the reason you use such a tool, instead of creating your own finite state machine, is accommodating changes without altering persistence and supporting edge cases of workflow processes as I'll explain.
 ### Accommodating Changes Without Altering Persistence
 Your typical, or perhaps better to call it "naive", finite state machine implementation features a set of database tables tightly coupled to the data managed and the process it flows through. There might be a way to keep past versions and track who took what action during the process as well. Where this runs into problems changes to data and process structure. Then those tightly coupled tables need to be altered to reflect the new structure and may not be backwardly compatible with the old.
 A workflow engine overcomes this challenge in two ways, by using serialization to represent the data and process, and abstracting integration points, in particular security. The serialization aspect means data and process can move together through the system. This allows data instances of the same type to follow completely different processes to the point the process can altered at runtime, by adding a new state for instance. And none of this requires changing the underlying storage.
@@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ Integration points are means of injecting algorithms into the process and ties t
 Now the tradeoff is difficult search. For instance, because data is serialized, it's usually not possible to query historical information - other than retrieve the records, deserialize and analyze using code.
 ### Edge Cases
 The other aspect of a workflow tool is the experience embedded into its design and functionality that you will likely not consider rolling your own and may live to regret when you do need it. The two cases the come to my mind are timed tasks and parallel execution paths.
 **Timed tasks** are assigning an actor responsibility for data after a certain duration has passed. For instance, say a press release is writ and submitted for approval, and then sits for a week without review. What you probably want your system to do is identify that lingering document and draw attention of the appropriate parties.
@@ -41,10 +43,11 @@ The other aspect of a workflow tool is the experience embedded into its design a
 **Parallel execution paths** are uncommon in my experience (Content Management Systems), but are still a situation that arises often enough. It's the idea that a given piece of data is sent down two different paths of review or processing, only to be recombined at some later point. This type of problem requires having useful merging algorithms and the ability to represent the data multiply simultaneously. Weaving that into a homespun solution after the fact is much trickier than it may seem, especially if you want to keep track of historical data.
 ### Conclusion
 If your system is not likely to change, rolling your own may be an easier solution, particularly if changes can break old information. But if you suspect you have a need for that type of durability or will experience some of these uncommon but thorny scenarios, a workflow tool provides a lot more flexibility and insurance that you won't paint yourself into a corner as the data and business processes change.
 ## When and why to use a workflow engine?
 Requirements which are typically catered for by workflow engines, such as following some process, task allocation, escalations and notifications.
@@ -102,7 +105,7 @@ Any workflow engine is actually compose of following components:
 ## References
-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2353564/use-cases-of-the-workflow-engine
+- [Use cases of the Workflow Engine](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2353564/use-cases-of-the-workflow-engine)
 - [“The flow” is for BPM what microservices are for SOA](https://blog.bernd-ruecker.com/the-flow-is-for-bpm-what-microservices-are-for-soa-5225c7908bae)
 - [Avoiding the “BPM monolith” when using bounded contexts](https://blog.bernd-ruecker.com/avoiding-the-bpm-monolith-when-using-bounded-contexts-d86be6308d8)
-- [The 7 sins of workflow](https://blog.bernd-ruecker.com/the-7-sins-of-workflow-b3641736bf5c)
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+- [The 7 sins of workflow](https://blog.bernd-ruecker.com/the-7-sins-of-workflow-b3641736bf5c)
diff --git a/content/kubernetes/requests-limits.md b/content/kubernetes/requests-limits.md
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--- a/content/kubernetes/requests-limits.md
+++ b/content/kubernetes/requests-limits.md
@@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ CPU is considered a “compressible” resource while memory is “non-compressi
 Compressible means we can squeeze more out of it. Pods can work with less of the resource although they would like to use more of it. For example, if you deploy a pod with a request of 1 CPU and no limit, it can use more than that if available. But when other pods on the same node get busy, they will have to share the available CPUs and might get throttled back to their request. However, they won’t be evicted and can still do their job.
-For memory on the other hand, when a pod has a resource request for memory but no limit, it also might use more RAM than requested. However, when resources get low, it can’t be throttled back to use only the requested amount of memory and free up the rest. There is a possiblity that Kubernetes will evict such pods. Therefore it is crucial to always set a memory resource limit and take care that your microservice will never exceed that limit.
+For memory on the other hand, when a pod has a resource request for memory but no limit, it also might use more RAM than requested. However, when resources get low, it can’t be throttled back to use only the requested amount of memory and free up the rest. There is a possibility that Kubernetes will evict such pods. Therefore it is crucial to always set a memory resource limit and take care that your microservice will never exceed that limit.
 Similarly, even if you set limits CPU & memory on a pod, and pod reaches the limit CPU, the container will not get killed, rather it will be CPU throttled causing slowness. But if it reaches the memory limit, kubelet will kill the container stating OOMKilled(Out of memory killed)
 ### Requests is a guarantee, Limits is an obligation
-There is a subtle change of semantics when we go from requests to limits. For the application developer, requests is a guarantee offered by Kubernetes that any pod scheduled will have at least the minumum amount of memory. limits is an obligation to stay under the maximum amount of memory, which will be enforced by the kernel.
+There is a subtle change of semantics when we go from requests to limits. For the application developer, requests is a guarantee offered by Kubernetes that any pod scheduled will have at least the minimum amount of memory. limits is an obligation to stay under the maximum amount of memory, which will be enforced by the kernel.
 In other words: containers can’t rely on being able to grow from their initial requests capacity to the maximum allowance set in limits.
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ When you declare no resources, Kubernetes has no idea where to put the pod. Some
 It won’t just starve your other pods, it can also going to escalate and consume the CPU that would otherwise be allocated for really important things, like the kubelet. Your node can go dark and on some platforms, it can be more than 15 minutes before your cluster self-heals.
-### 2. Burstable
+### 2. `Burstable`
 The QoS when you set Limits is higher than Requests on your pods.
-Better than `BestEffort` but if all of your pods have limits higher than your requests, and all/some of them grow simulatenously, they are overcommitting the CPU/Memory from the node. The issue is again all the pods are using more memory and can again commit more memory & CPU from the node, resulting in node failure or OOMKill of your containers. If the upper bound of all of your pods is several times higher than the capacity of the node on which they’re running, you’ve potentially got a problem.
+Better than `BestEffort` but if all of your pods have limits higher than your requests, and all/some of them grow simultaneously, they are over-committing the CPU/Memory from the node. The issue is again all the pods are using more memory and can again commit more memory & CPU from the node, resulting in node failure or `OOMKill` of your containers. If the upper bound of all of your pods is several times higher than the capacity of the node on which they’re running, you’ve potentially got a problem.
 ### 3. Guaranteed
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ It is the most expensive way to run your containers, but those containers gain a
 ### Conclusion
-This is a bit of a value judgment. Some pods sit idle for a long time and, perhaps for an hour, they get busy. It doesn’t make sense to hold onto resources for the other 23 hours as Guaranteed QoS does. So you make the choice. Risk vs. reward. If the pod self-heals quickly and you can tolerate short outages, Burstable might be a good method for you to save some money.
+This is a bit of a value judgment. Some pods sit idle for a long time and, perhaps for an hour, they get busy. It doesn’t make sense to hold onto resources for the other 23 hours as Guaranteed QoS does. So you make the choice. Risk vs. reward. If the pod self-heals quickly and you can tolerate short outages, `Burstable` might be a good method for you to save some money.
 ## The Tradeoffs
@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ This is a bit of a value judgment. Some pods sit idle for a long time and, perha
 There is no single right or wrong value, you need to calculate this based on your team's or microservice's usage and need. And this should be monitored explicitly for a period of time by the developers, to come to a final conclusion. For this, there are 2 options:
-- Either you can do this manually through Grafana & Prometheus and look for container cpu & memory usage and then update Request & Limit manually.
+- Either you can do this manually through Grafana & Prometheus and look for container CPU and memory usage and then update Request and Limit manually.
-- Use Vertical Pod Autoscaler(Still in beta as of 17-04-2020)
+- Use Vertical Pod Autoscaler
 ## Solution
-### Don't overcommit memory
+### Don't over-commit memory
 - Implement mutating admission webhook
 - Set Requests = Limits
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ At the Namespace level, you can set up **ResourceQuotas** and **LimitRanges**. R
 ## References
-- https://sysdig.com/blog/kubernetes-limits-requests/
+- [Understanding Kubernetes Limits and Requests](https://sysdig.com/blog/kubernetes-limits-requests/)
 CPU limit directly affects startup times.
-- https://medium.com/better-programming/the-kubernetes-quality-of-service-conundrum-eebbbb5f89cf
-- http://blog.kubecost.com/blog/requests-and-limits/
-- https://gravitational.com/blog/kubernetes-resource-planning/
\ No newline at end of file
+- [The Kubernetes Quality of Service Conundrum](https://medium.com/better-programming/the-kubernetes-quality-of-service-conundrum-eebbbb5f89cf)
+- [Kubernetes Requests and Limits: A Practical Guide and Solutions](http://blog.kubecost.com/blog/requests-and-limits/)
+- [Stop Downtime with Kubernetes Resource Planning](https://gravitational.com/blog/kubernetes-resource-planning/)
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--- a/content/kubernetes/storage.md
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@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Kubernetes can consume storage solutions deployed either as:
 ### 1 - Internal Storage
-a part of a cluster (internal storage) or 
+a part of a cluster (internal storage) or
 Deploying a workload storage solution as a part of a cluster (internal storage) will limit access to the storage to workloads running inside the cluster. This will be more secure than deploying an external instance of the storage provider, but also limits who can consume the storage unless steps are taken to expose the storage outside the cluster.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ storage provided by an external service (external storage).
 The use case will determine which you choose to deploy.
-If your objective is to have a large storage solution which can be consumed by multiple kubernetes clusters or non-kubernetes workloads, then your solution should include an instance of the storage provider which is external to the k8s cluster and then integrate your k8s instance with that storage provider via storage classes.
+If your objective is to have a large storage solution which can be consumed by multiple Kubernetes clusters or non-Kubernetes workloads, then your solution should include an instance of the storage provider which is external to the k8s cluster and then integrate your k8s instance with that storage provider via storage classes.
 If your objective is to have a secure storage solution which is only supporting a single k8s cluster, then you will want to deploy a storage provider inside the cluster and point your storage classes to the internal instance.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Another alternative is to have a single k8s cluster which implements an internal
 ### 1 - Physical Storage
-The physical storage which is used to back cloud storage technologies is important, especially in a kubernetes environment. kuberetes master nodes utilize an etcd database and in an HA environment, at least three different instances of etcd. etcd is a high IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) application which writes a large volume of data to the disk. The performance of this database is critical to the performance of the cluster and the larger the cluster, the more data gets written
+The physical storage which is used to back cloud storage technologies is important, especially in a Kubernetes environment. kuberetes primary branch nodes utilize an etcd database and in an HA environment, at least three different instances of etcd. etcd is a high IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) application which writes a large volume of data to the disk. The performance of this database is critical to the performance of the cluster and the larger the cluster, the more data gets written
 For this reason, it is critical that the storage backing the filesystems where the etcd database is written be the fastest storage technology available.
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ It should be noted that one need not necessarily implement NVMe drives to get th
 Additionally, running NVMe drives with a slow virtual storage technology can render them no faster than a mechanical disk.
-See the On-Premesis Storage Infrastructure below for more infrastruction on recommendations on how to properly configure physical storage infrastructure for maximum performance.
+See the On-Premesis Storage Infrastructure below for more infrastructure on recommendations on how to properly configure physical storage infrastructure for maximum performance.
 ### 2 - Block Storage
@@ -46,27 +46,27 @@ One example of block storage would be a LUN/Volume created on a SAN storage devi
 Another example would be a Ceph RBD volume. Once created and mapped to a host, such a disk shows up on the filesystem like any other disk.
-In both of these cases the block storage volume must be formatted with a filesystem before it can be used. This detail is hidden in the Ceph kubernetes storage provider because the Ceph storage driver will put a filesystem on the block device prior to mounting to the container. It is still a block device, it has just been formatted prior to use.
+In both of these cases the block storage volume must be formatted with a filesystem before it can be used. This detail is hidden in the Ceph Kubernetes storage provider because the Ceph storage driver will put a filesystem on the block device prior to mounting to the container. It is still a block device, it has just been formatted prior to use.
 ### 3 - File Storage
 File storage is a storage device which is provided pre-formatted with a file system prior to making it available to be mounted.
-Probaly the best example of this type of storage is NFS (Network File System). NFS filesytems are exported by an NFS server and have already been formatted before they are exported. Clients that mount these filesystems do not have to format the device prior to use.
+Probably the best example of this type of storage is NFS (Network File System). NFS filesystems are exported by an NFS server and have already been formatted before they are exported. Clients that mount these filesystems do not have to format the device prior to use.
 Another good example of file storage would be CephFS.
 ### 4 - Object Storage
-Object storage is simply a database which has some kind of an API which can be used for storing chunks of data, either formatted or unformatted. Object storage need not be mounted to a filesystem to be used, data is normally storage via REST API calls or SQL commands.
+Object storage is simply a database which has some kind of an API which can be used for storing chunks of data, either formatted or un-formatted. Object storage need not be mounted to a filesystem to be used, data is normally storage via REST API calls or SQL commands.
-In cloud native applications, it is very common to deploy a separate module/pod/container which contains a database which can then be exposed to the application for object storage. In this case, the container hosting the object database will likely need file or block storage to hold the database files, but the application itself will consume the objec storage provided by the database.
+In cloud native applications, it is very common to deploy a separate module/pod/container which contains a database which can then be exposed to the application for object storage. In this case, the container hosting the object database will likely need file or block storage to hold the database files, but the application itself will consume the object storage provided by the database.
 In other cases, applications could consume object storage which is hosted somewhere out on the internet or on some legacy physical infrastructure.
-Examples of object storage technologies would be Redis, CouchDB/Cloudant, minio, mongoDB, mariaDB, etc.
+Examples of object storage technologies would be Redis, CouchDB/Cloudant, `minio`, MongoDB, mariaDB, etc.
-Example of hosted object storage technologies woudl be cloudant.com, redis.com, or an existing DB2 database hosted on legacy infrastructure in the enterprise.
+Example of hosted object storage technologies would be cloudant.com, redis.com, or an existing DB2 database hosted on legacy infrastructure in the enterprise.
 ## On-Premises Storage Infrastructure
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@ Experience shows that a converged or hyper-conconverged infrastructure may or ma
 Prior to choosing a storage technology it is highly recommended that proper performance testing be performed to ensure that the architecture to be implemented provides the performance that is desired and expected.
-Experience shows that storage provider technologies which provide block storage over the data network (such as Ceph or Gluster) consume a significant number of CPU cycles serving up disk I/O over a network which is designed for traditional data.
+Experience shows that storage provider technologies which provide block storage over the data network (such as Ceph or `Gluster`) consume a significant number of CPU cycles serving up disk I/O over a network which is designed for traditional data.
 SAN storage technologies are designed for disk I/O traffic and the performance of an 8GB SAN will greatly out-perform a 10GB data network in a converged environment.
-### Storage Network Congestion in a kubernetes Environment
+### Storage Network Congestion in a Kubernetes Environment
-Storage traffic patterns in a kubernetes environment is significantly different than in a traditional physical or even virtual environment.
+Storage traffic patterns in a Kubernetes environment is significantly different than in a traditional physical or even virtual environment.
 Historically, physical infrastructures were easy enough to understand because each physical machine was an endpoint and occupied one port on a SAN switch. Communication paths over the SAN are well known and constant.
@@ -92,23 +92,23 @@ The advent of virtual networks changed things a bit in that in a virtual environ
 Ultimately, however, virtual machines do not move around very much and when they do, they move to other physical machines utilizing the same mount points which were setup ahead of time and do not change.
-In the world of kubernetes, however, workloads are moved around in the infrastructure and scale out and back with regularity. As workloads move to different worker nodes these volumes are moved around to various machines. This leads to a situation where storage traffic can become significantly unbalanced on the SAN and a single compute node could potentially have hundreds of endpoints depending on the number of containers running on the node.
+In the world of Kubernetes, however, workloads are moved around in the infrastructure and scale out and back with regularity. As workloads move to different worker nodes these volumes are moved around to various machines. This leads to a situation where storage traffic can become significantly unbalanced on the SAN and a single compute node could potentially have hundreds of endpoints depending on the number of containers running on the node.
-SAN networks can become congested not only because of high traffic, but also because of a high number of endpoints behind a single SAN switch port. In an HPC environment where a single physical node could host dozens of virtual machines and each virtual machine could be hosting hundreds or even thousands of endpoints in a dynamically provisoined environment, network congestion can become a significant problem.
+SAN networks can become congested not only because of high traffic, but also because of a high number of endpoints behind a single SAN switch port. In an HPC environment where a single physical node could host dozens of virtual machines and each virtual machine could be hosting hundreds or even thousands of endpoints in a dynamically provisioned environment, network congestion can become a significant problem.
 When the SAN network becomes congested, it can backup across the SAN infrastructure negatively impacting completely unrelated workloads.
-In relatively small kubernetes environments, this type of congestion is normally not a problem, however, large clusters with hundreds or thousands of worker nodes or an environment which is hosting dozens or hundreds of smaller clusters, significant network congestion can be a significant problem, especially when workload storage is being provided inside the cluster itself (vs externally hosted cloud storage).
+In relatively small Kubernetes environments, this type of congestion is normally not a problem, however, large clusters with hundreds or thousands of worker nodes or an environment which is hosting dozens or hundreds of smaller clusters, significant network congestion can be a significant problem, especially when workload storage is being provided inside the cluster itself (vs externally hosted cloud storage).
 ## Kubernetes Storage Concepts
 ### Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims
-In kubernetes, the request for storage by an application is abstracted from the storage source. Other than some of the basic storage attributes discussed below the application does not typically know nor care where the storage comes from. Those details can be exposed to the application if needed for some reason, but typically, an application asks for the storage attributes it needs and the platform decides where it comes from.
+In Kubernetes, the request for storage by an application is abstracted from the storage source. Other than some of the basic storage attributes discussed below the application does not typically know nor care where the storage comes from. Those details can be exposed to the application if needed for some reason, but typically, an application asks for the storage attributes it needs and the platform decides where it comes from.
 The chunk of storage made available for the application to consume is called a Persistent Volume or PV.
-When an application needs some persistent storage it creates a request called a Peristent Volume Claim or PVC. When presented with a PVC, the platform will find a PV that meets the need and then bind the PVC to the PV. Once a PV is bound, it is then unavailable to be bound to any other PVC unless it is a ReadWriteMany (discussed below) request which allows a single PV to be bound to many PVCs.
+When an application needs some persistent storage it creates a request called a Persistent Volume Claim or PVC. When presented with a PVC, the platform will find a PV that meets the need and then bind the PVC to the PV. Once a PV is bound, it is then unavailable to be bound to any other PVC unless it is a ReadWriteMany (discussed below) request which allows a single PV to be bound to many PVCs.
 ### Dynamic vs Static
@@ -130,37 +130,37 @@ IMPORTANT: A PV with a retention mode set to retain is never removed by the syst
 A PV with a retention mode set to delete will cause the PV to be deleted when the PVC that is bound to it is deleted. This will result in the loss of any data which exists on the PV when it is deleted. This is typically only used with dynamically created PVs.
-#### 3 - Recycle 
+#### 3 - Recycle
 When a PV has a retention mode of recycle the platform will try to remove any data on the PV and put it back into the pool to be bound to another PVC at some future time.
-WARNING: When a PV has a recycle retention mode the platform will execute an rm -rf / on the root of the PV. If the PV is an NFS volume and the path of the NFS mount is the root of the NFS server it will effectively wipe the NFS server. If the PV is a hostPath (a path on the local disk) and the path is set to /, the platform will wipe the entire local disk. Usage of this retention mode should be used with extreme caution and it is highly recommended that hostPath storage not be used with a kubernetes cluster.
+WARNING: When a PV has a recycle retention mode the platform will execute an rm -rf / on the root of the PV. If the PV is an NFS volume and the path of the NFS mount is the root of the NFS server it will effectively wipe the NFS server. If the PV is a `hostPath` (a path on the local disk) and the path is set to `/`, the platform will wipe the entire local disk. Usage of this retention mode should be used with extreme caution and it is highly recommended that `hostPath` storage not be used with a Kubernetes cluster.
 ### Access Modes
-Storage Access Modes define how a pod will use the PV. Note that the smallest unit of control in a kubernetes environment is a pod. If a PV is mounted to a pod it is mounted to all containers in the pod.
+Storage Access Modes define how a pod will use the PV. Note that the smallest unit of control in a Kubernetes environment is a pod. If a PV is mounted to a pod it is mounted to all containers in the pod.
-#### 1 - ReadOnlyMany (ROX) 
+#### 1 - ReadOnlyMany (ROX)
 Analogous to a CD-ROM. PVs with this access mode can be mounted read-only by any number of pods, but none can write to it. It can be useful for providing access to certification keys or common software or document repositories, etc.
-#### 2 - ReadWriteOnce (RWO) 
+#### 2 - ReadWriteOnce (RWO)
 Only one pod can mount the PV at a time, but that pod can read from and write to it.
-#### 3 - ReadWriteMany (RWX) 
+#### 3 - ReadWriteMany (RWX)
 Many pods can mount the PV and all can read and write to it. This access mode is not supported by many storage providers because of the requirement to keep all writers in sync to prevent race conditions. Any application that utilizes RWX access mode PVs is responsible for managing coordinated writes to prevent data corruption or loss.
 ### Storage Classes
-All kubernetes storage is made available via storage providers and there are quite a few storage providers available: hostPath, NFS, Ceph, Gluster, vSphere, just to name a very few. Different storage providers will support different attributes for the PVs it controls. Before choosing a storage provider the attributes that are supported should be considered.
+All Kubernetes storage is made available via storage providers and there are quite a few storage providers available: `hostPath`, NFS, Ceph, `Gluster`, `vSphere`, just to name a very few. Different storage providers will support different attributes for the PVs it controls. Before choosing a storage provider the attributes that are supported should be considered.
 The way a storage provider is utilized is through a storage class. A storage class defines all the parameters needed by the storage provider to create a PV. The specific attributes needed for the storage class depends on the storage provider.
-It is common for a storage class name to include information about the storage provider and storage other attributes of the storage provider. For instance, a platform could have a storage class named "ceph-fast" indicating that if a PVC requests a PV created by this storage class it will be provided by the ceph storage provider backed by high IOPS storage. An operator may want to be even more descriptive and name the storage class "ceph-tier0" or "ceph-flash".
+It is common for a storage class name to include information about the storage provider and storage other attributes of the storage provider. For instance, a platform could have a storage class named `ceph-fast` indicating that if a PVC requests a PV created by this storage class it will be provided by the Ceph storage provider backed by high IOPS storage. An operator may want to be even more descriptive and name the storage class `ceph-tier0` or `ceph-flash`.
-Operators are advised to be caution using too much detail and creating too many different types of storage classes due to the risk of the developer not knowing what they all mean and chosing the wrong type using expensive storage when they only needed the the less expensive type. T-Shirt sizes (fast, medium, slow) seems to be a good way to label storage classes.
+Operators are advised to be caution using too much detail and creating too many different types of storage classes due to the risk of the developer not knowing what they all mean and chose the wrong type using expensive storage when they only needed the less expensive type. T-Shirt sizes (fast, medium, slow) seems to be a good way to label storage classes.
 ## Resilience, Performance, and Scalability
@@ -172,31 +172,31 @@ This kind of resiliency plan, however, can be extremely expensive requiring dupl
 As a result, many companies are willing to settle for backup technologies to keep offline copies of critical data. These backup storage technologies are typically much less expensive than the online replication technologies, but an outage could result in data loss between the time of the outage an the last time a backup was made.
-Cloud Native technologies, however, handle resilience in a different way. Object storage technologies such is IBM's CleverSafe break the data up into chunks and store slices across multiple physical devices or even datacenters. With many nodes running in many environments in different geographys, data is secure and resilient so long as a quorum of nodes is up and available.
+Cloud Native technologies, however, handle resilience in a different way. Object storage technologies such is IBM's CleverSafe break the data up into chunks and store slices across multiple physical devices or even data-centers. With many nodes running in many environments in different geographies, data is secure and resilient so long as a quorum of nodes is up and available.
-So, if the CleverSafe infrastructure is made up of 12 nodes, as many as 5 could faile with no data loss. If nodes are running in separate geographies or at least separate physical locations, the likelihood of losing more than half of the total nodes is extremely low.
+So, if the CleverSafe infrastructure is made up of 12 nodes, as many as 5 could fail with no data loss. If nodes are running in separate geographies or at least separate physical locations, the likelihood of losing more than half of the total nodes is extremely low.
 It is highly recommended that applications utilize modern cloud native storage technologies to maximize resilience at minimal cost.
 It should be noted that, whereas this type of technology provides for extreme availability and resilience, it does not protect against data corruption. If garbage is written to the database the database contains garbage and absent some additional procedures and planning, there is no way to reverse it.
-This means that there still is a good use case for making regular backups of data. The important thing here, though, is that in a kubernetes environment, application data can be backed up at the workload storage location vs backing up the entire cluster and everything on it, significantly reducing the amount of space needed for a proper backup.
+This means that there still is a good use case for making regular backups of data. The important thing here, though, is that in a Kubernetes environment, application data can be backed up at the workload storage location vs backing up the entire cluster and everything on it, significantly reducing the amount of space needed for a proper backup.
-CAUTION: When providing internal storage technologies within a kubernetes cluster (e.g. Ceph or GlusterFS), the more bricks/OSDs you provide the more resilient your infrastructure is likely to be. Make sure to Use anti-affinity rules to make sure each of the nodes hosting this storage is running on separte physical nodes and each of the bricks/OSDs are backed by separate physical infrastructure.
+CAUTION: When providing internal storage technologies within a Kubernetes cluster (e.g. Ceph or GlusterFS), the more bricks/OSDs you provide the more resilient your infrastructure is likely to be. Make sure to Use anti-affinity rules to make sure each of the nodes hosting this storage is running on separate physical nodes and each of the bricks/OSDs are backed by separate physical infrastructure.
-If all nodes or a majority of nodes are running on a single physical host and that host fails, your storage techonogy will also fail due to a lack of enough backing storage to complete a transaction. This could lead to data loss or corruption.
+If all nodes or a majority of nodes are running on a single physical host and that host fails, your storage technology will also fail due to a lack of enough backing storage to complete a transaction. This could lead to data loss or corruption.
 ### IOPS Considerations
-As noted above, kubernetes master nodes running etcd require significantly higher IOPS than most other nodes. High IOPS storage is typically also much more expensive than lower IOPS storage. Since only the etcd database needs to be stored on high IOPS storage, that expensive storage utilization can be minimized by mounting only the path on the disk where the etcd database is stored from high IOPS storage and leaving the rest of the master nodes backed by lower and less expensive IOPS storage.
+As noted above, Kubernetes primary branch nodes running etcd require significantly higher IOPS than most other nodes. High IOPS storage is typically also much more expensive than lower IOPS storage. Since only the etcd database needs to be stored on high IOPS storage, that expensive storage utilization can be minimized by mounting only the path on the disk where the etcd database is stored from high IOPS storage and leaving the rest of the primary branch nodes backed by lower and less expensive IOPS storage.
 Some time sensitive workloads will also need high IOPS storage. It is recommended to provide multiple storage classes at various tiers so the developer can choose the storage that best supports the requirements of the workload.
-### Kubernetes Workload Scalability's affects on Storage
+### Kubernetes Workload Scalability effects on Storage
 When creating an application architecture, some developers may consider using a ReadWriteMany persistent Volume (see kubenetes Storage Concepts below for more information on persistent volumes) when they need multiple micro services to have access to the same persistent storage data.
-Caution should be used, however, because if using appliation auto-scaling in kubernetes, when an application scales out each container in each pod with a ReadWriteMany persistent volume will have that persistent volume mounted. This could lead to storage network congestion negatively impacting not only the entire kubernetes cluster, but also everything else running on the SAN infrastructure (see Storage Network Congestion in a kubernetes Environment above).
+Caution should be used, however, because if using application auto-scaling in Kubernetes, when an application scales out each container in each pod with a ReadWriteMany persistent volume will have that persistent volume mounted. This could lead to storage network congestion negatively impacting not only the entire Kubernetes cluster, but also everything else running on the SAN infrastructure (see Storage Network Congestion in a Kubernetes Environment above).
 A better architecture utilizes a micro service with an API to serve up data from a single ReadWriteOnly persistent volume which is then consumed by all workloads that need access to that data.
@@ -206,19 +206,19 @@ The migration has to take into consideration of both the Kubernetes Storage Prov
 ### Storage Provider
-In general, Kubernetes supports quite a few storage providers including hostPath, NFS, Ceph, Gluster, vSphere, minio, Cloud-based storage (S3 etc.). And these providers can be deployed either as a part of a Kubernetes cluster (internal storage) or storage provided by an external service (external storage). For the migration, we’ll focus on the internal storage or in-cluster storage provider.
+In general, Kubernetes supports quite a few storage providers including `hostPath`, NFS, Ceph, `Gluster`, `vSphere`, `minio`, Cloud-based storage (S3 etc.). And these providers can be deployed either as a part of a Kubernetes cluster (internal storage) or storage provided by an external service (external storage). For the migration, we’ll focus on the internal storage or in-cluster storage provider.
 If you are using external storage provider, you just need to migrate the storage consumer and leave the external storage provider as-is.
-If you are using internal storage provider, you need to setup the Openshift Storage nodes, either GlusterFS or Ceph, using the same/similar spec as in other cluster in terms of disk size, storage type, number of nodes. Then, proceed to storage consumer migration.
+If you are using internal storage provider, you need to setup the OpenShift Storage nodes, either GlusterFS or Ceph, using the same/similar spec as in other cluster in terms of disk size, storage type, number of nodes. Then, proceed to storage consumer migration.
 ### Storage Consumer
 Each client might have different storage consumption pattern, we’ll try to categorize them into the following:
 - Container applications requires persistent Storage
-- Kubernetes Statefulset application
-- Databases running on Kubernetes such as MongoDB, MySQL, Cloudant etc.
+- Kubernetes `Statefulset` application
+- Databases running on Kubernetes such as MongoDB, MySQL
 We’ll assume that all these storage needs are implemented as Kubernetes recommended Persistent Volume (PV) and Persistent Volume Claims (PVC).
diff --git a/content/testing/backend.md b/content/testing/backend.md
index 853bec0..d2e8084 100644
--- a/content/testing/backend.md
+++ b/content/testing/backend.md
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ A common problem is that teams conflate the concepts of end-to-end tests, UI tes
 > I always argue that high-level tests are there as a second line of test defense. If you get a failure in a high level test, not just do you have a bug in your functional code, you also have a missing or incorrect unit test. Thus I advise that before fixing a bug exposed by a high level test, you should replicate the bug with a unit test. Then the unit test ensures the bug stays dead.
-# Microservices can usually be split into similar kinds of modules
+## Microservices can usually be split into similar kinds of modules
@@ -33,26 +33,24 @@ A common problem is that teams conflate the concepts of end-to-end tests, UI tes
 * If many modules must be coordinated to complete the business transaction, the resource delegates to a service. Otherwise, it communicates directly with the relevant module.
 * Connections out to external services require special attention since they cross network boundaries. The system should be resilient to outages of remote components. Gateways contain logic to handle such error cases. Typically, communications with external services are more coarse grained than the equivalent in process communications to prevent API chattiness and latency.
-* Similarly, communications with external datastores have different design considerations. Whilst a service is often more logically coupled to its datastore than to an external service, the datastore still exists over a network boundary incurring latency and risk of outage.
-* The presence of network partitions affects the style of testing employed. Tests of these modules can have longer execution times and may fail for reasons outside of the team's control.
-### Internal Resources 
+* Similarly, communications with external data-stores have different design considerations. Whilst a service is often more logically coupled to its data-store than to an external service, the data-store still exists over a network boundary incurring latency and risk of outage.
+* The presence of network partitions affects the style of testing employed. Tests of these modules can have longer execution times and may fail for reasons outside of the team's control.
-are useful for more than just testing...
+## Internal Resources
 Though it may seem strange, exposing internal controls as resources can prove useful in a number of cases besides testing such as monitoring, maintenance and debugging. The uniformity of a RESTful API means that many tools already exist for interacting with such resources which can help reduce overall operational complexity.
 The kinds of internal resources that are typically exposed include logs, feature flags, database commands and system metrics. Many microservices also include health check resources which provide information about the health of the service and its dependencies, timings for key transactions and details of configuration parameters. A simple ping resource can also be useful to aid in load balancing.
-Since these resources are more privileged in terms of the control they have or the information they expose, they often require their own authentication or to be locked down at the network level. By namespacing those parts of the API that form the internal controls using URL naming conventions or by exposing those resources on a different network port, access can be restricted at the firewall level.
+Since these resources are more privileged in terms of the control they have or the information they expose, they often require their own authentication or to be locked down at the network level. By separating those parts of the API into namespaces that form the internal controls using URL naming conventions or by exposing those resources on a different network port, access can be restricted at the firewall level.
-# Testing Strategies for Microservices
+## Testing Strategies for Microservices
 ![Testing Strategies for Microservices](../img/test-types.png)
-## 1. Unit Tests
+### Unit Tests
 Unit tests : exercise the smallest pieces of testable software in the application to determine whether they behave as expected.
@@ -64,11 +62,11 @@ The code in your microservice that performs business function should not make ca
 When writing tests using the actual objects, a simple JUnit test suffices. For creating mocks of objects, you can either use the built-in capabilities of Java EE or use a mocking framework. The @Alternatives annotation2 in the Context and Dependency Injection (CDI) specification enables injection of mock objects instead of the actual beans. Plenty of mocking frameworks are available for Java. For example, JMockit3 is designed to work with JUnit to allow you to mock objects during testing. In the most basic test using JMockit, you can create mocked objects by using the @Mocked annotation and define behavior when this object is called by using the Expectations() function.
-## 2. Integration Tests
+### Integration Tests
 Integration tests are used to test the interactions between all the services in the system. The in-depth behavior of the individual services has already been tested at this stage. The consumer driven contract tests should have ensured that the services interact successfully, but these tests identify bugs that have been missed. The tests should check the basic success and error paths of service communication with the application deployed. Use the test data as discussed in the previous section.
-Rather than testing all of the services at once, it might still be necessary to mock out some of the services during testing. Test the interaction of two specific services, or a small set of services, adding in mocked behavior when calls are made to outside the set. Mocking the calls to the services outside the group under test is done in the same way as the unit tests on the APIs. The same techniques that are used to start and stop the server or container for contract testing also apply here. 
+Rather than testing all of the services at once, it might still be necessary to mock out some of the services during testing. Test the interaction of two specific services, or a small set of services, adding in mocked behavior when calls are made to outside the set. Mocking the calls to the services outside the group under test is done in the same way as the unit tests on the APIs. The same techniques that are used to start and stop the server or container for contract testing also apply here.
 Integration tests : verify the communication paths and interactions between components to detect interface defects.
@@ -76,7 +74,7 @@ Integration tests are used to verify the communication across network boundaries
 Integration tests should validate the basic success and error paths of the application. Incorrect requests should return useful responses with the appropriate error code.
-### 2.1 Gateway Integration Tests
+### Gateway Integration Tests
 To verify integration with external gateways or other systems.
@@ -86,46 +84,48 @@ Inevitably, your microservice must make calls to external services to complete a
 The integration tests at the single service level do not require the service under test or the external services to be deployed. To perform the integration tests, mock the response from the external services. If you are using the JAX-RS 2.0 client to make the external requests, this process can be done easily by using the JMockit framework
-### 2.2 Persistence Integration Tests
+### Persistence Integration Tests
 To verify integration with databases.
-In a microservice architecture, each microservice owns its own data. If you follow this guideline, the developers of a microservice are also responsible for any external data stores used. The code that makes requests to the external data store and performs data mapping and validation is contained in the repositories layer. When testing the domain logic, this layer should be mocked. Tests for data requests, data mapping, and validation are done by using integration tests with the microservice and a test data store deployed locally or on a private cloud. The tests check the basic success and error paths for data requests. If the data mapping and validation for your application requires extensive testing, consider separating out this code and testing it using a mocked database client class. 
+In a microservice architecture, each microservice owns its own data. If you follow this guideline, the developers of a microservice are also responsible for any external data stores used. The code that makes requests to the external data store and performs data mapping and validation is contained in the repositories layer. When testing the domain logic, this layer should be mocked. Tests for data requests, data mapping, and validation are done by using integration tests with the microservice and a test data store deployed locally or on a private cloud. The tests check the basic success and error paths for data requests. If the data mapping and validation for your application requires extensive testing, consider separating out this code and testing it using a mocked database client class.
+#### Test data
-#### Test data 
+The local version of the data store must be populated with data for testing. Think carefully about what data you put in the data store. The data should be structured in the same way as production data but should not be unnecessarily complicated. It must serve the specific purpose of enabling data request tests.
-The local version of the data store must be populated with data for testing. Think carefully about what data you put in the data store. The data should be structured in the same way as production data but should not be unnecessarily complicated. It must serve the specific purpose of enabling data request tests. 
-## 3. Component tests
+## Component tests
-**Component tests** test the behavior of several components of your application. Like unit tests, they don’t always require starting the whole application. However, they may hit the database, the filesystem, or other systems (which may be stubbed out). Component tests typically take longer to run.
+### Component tests
+Component tests test the behavior of several components of your application. Like unit tests, they don’t always require starting the whole application. However, they may hit the database, the filesystem, or other systems (which may be stubbed out). Component tests typically take longer to run.
 Component tests are designed to test an individual microservice as one piece. The component is everything inside the network boundary, so calls to external services are either mocked or are replaced with a “test-service.” There are advantages and disadvantages to both scenarios.
-**Using mocks**
+### Using mocks
 By mocking the calls to external services, you have fewer test objects to configure. You can easily define the behavior of the mocked system by using frameworks like JMockit, and no tests will fail due to network problems. The disadvantage of this approach is that it does not fully exercise the component because you are intercepting some of the calls, increasing the risk of bugs slipping through.
-**Test services**
+### Test services
 To fully exercise the communication boundaries of your microservice, you can create test services to mimic the external services that are called in production. These test services can also include a test database. The test services can also be used as a reference for consumers of your microservice. The disadvantage of this system is that it requires you to maintain your test services. This technique requires more processor cycles than maintaining a mocking system as you must fully test the test microservice and create a deployment pipeline.
-After you are using a mocking framework for other levels of testing, it makes sense to reuse those skills. However, if you do take the mocking approach, you must make sure that the tests in your staging environment exercise inter-service communications effectively. 
+After you are using a mocking framework for other levels of testing, it makes sense to reuse those skills. However, if you do take the mocking approach, you must make sure that the tests in your staging environment exercise inter-service communications effectively.
 Limit the scope of the exercised software to a portion of the system under test, manipulating the system through internal code interfaces and using test doubles to isolate the code under test from other components.
-## 4. Contract tests
+## Contract tests
 Verify interactions at the boundary of an external service asserting that it meets the contract expected by a consuming service.
 Every service that consumes another service or resource should have a set of contract tests that are run against that resource (especially in staging environments). Given that services evolve independently over time, it is important to ensure that the consumer's contract continues to be satisfied.
-These tests are specifically written by the consumer (the client side), and are run and managed as part of the test suite for the consuming service. 
+These tests are specifically written by the consumer (the client side), and are run and managed as part of the test suite for the consuming service.
 Classes that expose JAX-RS endpoints or receive events should be tested by using two types of tests: Integration tests and contract tests.
-### 4.1 Consumer Driven Contracts
+### Consumer Driven Contracts
 It's nearly impossible for you to know all the ways consumers might use your services. With a [consumer-driven contract](http://martinfowler.com/articles/consumerDrivenContracts.html) model, it's the consumer's responsibility to provide a suite of tests that specify what types of interactions are needed and in which format. Your service would then agree to this contract and ensure that it's not broken. This gets rid of dependencies on other services. This approach also enables you to verify that the contract is being fulfilled at build time.
 Tools like [Pact](https://github.com/realestate-com-au/pact) will give you a better understanding of how you can achieve this type of functionality for developing and testing microservices. Once you have a consumer-driven contract process in place, the next key step in testing microservices is to shift-right into the previously forbidden world of production.
@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ Consumer driven contract tests are a set of tests to determine whether the contr
 Maintaining consumer driven contract tests introduces some organizational complexity. If the tests do not accurately test the contract defined, they are useless. In addition, if the contract is out of date, then even the best tests will not result in a useful resource for the consumer. Therefore, it is vital that the consumer driven contract is kept up to date with current consumer needs and that the tests always accurately test the contract.
-Contract tests require the actual API to be implemented. This technique requires the application be deployed onto a server.  Use tools such as the Swagger editor4 to create these tests. The Swagger editor can take the API documentation and produce implementations in many different languages. 
+Contract tests require the actual API to be implemented. This technique requires the application be deployed onto a server. Use tools such as the Swagger editor4 to create these tests. The Swagger editor can take the API documentation and produce implementations in many different languages.
-Another dimension to contract testing is the tests that are run by the consumer. These tests must be run in an environment where the consumer has access to a live version of the service, which is the staging environment. 
+Another dimension to contract testing is the tests that are run by the consumer. These tests must be run in an environment where the consumer has access to a live version of the service, which is the staging environment.
-## 5. End-to-end tests
+## End-to-end tests
 Verify that a system meets external requirements and achieves its goals, testing the entire system, from end to end.
@@ -148,50 +148,54 @@ End-to-end testing is essential to find the bugs that were missed previously. En
 A good way to identify these paths through the environment is to review the key external requirements of an application. For example, if your application is an online retail store you might test the following paths:
-- User logs in
-- User purchases an item
-- User views the summary of the order
-- User cancels the order
+* User logs in
+* User purchases an item
+* User views the summary of the order
+* User cancels the order
 End-to-end testing should also include the user interface. Tools such as SeleniumHQ or Cypress can be used to automate interactions with a web browser for testing.
 E2E tests are run in mock/stage environment.
-### 5.1 Mock / Stage Environment
+### Mock / Stage Environment
-This section defines a staging environment as a test environment that is identical (where possible) to the production environment. The build pipeline deploys successfully tested microservices to the staging environment where tests are run to verify the communication across logical boundaries, that is, between microservices. 
+This section defines a staging environment as a test environment that is identical (where possible) to the production environment. The build pipeline deploys successfully tested microservices to the staging environment where tests are run to verify the communication across logical boundaries, that is, between microservices.
-#### 5.1.1 Test data 
+#### Test data
 The staging environment should include any data stores that will be in your production system. The data in this data store will be more complete than at the individual microservice level, as these tests are testing more complicated interactions. Use tools to inject data into tests for you. Tools allow you to have more control over the flow of data around the system
-### 5.2 E2E Automation tools
+### E2E Automation tools
+#### Selenium
-#### 5.2.1 Selenium
-Selenium WebDriver is the open source automation tool we all know and love. With a history starting from the humble beginnings of IDE and transforming into Selenium 2.0 a.k.a. Selenium WebDriver, Selenium has become a foundation of many modern software teams' test automation toolkits.
+Selenium WebDriver is the open source automation tool we all know and love. With a history starting from the humble beginnings of IDE and transforming into Selenium 2.0 a.k.a. Selenium WebDriver, Selenium has become a foundation of many modern software teams' test automation tool-kits.
-Most are familiar with Selenium's use — it makes direct calls to the browser using each browser's native support for automation. By writing a script in Selenese using the compatible programming languages, you can run tests that work as if you were driving the browser yourself.
+Most are familiar with Selenium's use — it makes direct calls to the browser using each browser's native support for automation. By writing a script in Selenium using the compatible programming languages, you can run tests that work as if you were driving the browser yourself.
 While the learning curve can be steep for Selenium and requires the knowledge of at least one programming language, it has a vast community of active users and even boasts an annual user conference.
-##### PROS
-* Support multiple languages such as ruby, java , C#, python,perl, php
-* Crossbrowser & paralell testing through saucelab, browserstack
-* Support multiple automation frameworks such as PageObjectModel, Cucumber, testng etc etc
+##### PROS
+* Support multiple languages such as Ruby, Java, C#, Python, Perl, PHP
+* Crossbrowser and parallel testing through `saucelab`, `browserstack`
+* Support multiple automation frameworks such as PageObjectModel, Cucumber, `testng`
+##### CONS
-##### CONS
 * Window based application can't be automated
 * Not suitable for Angular based application
 * Difficult to manage tool dependencies & libraries
 * Selenium doesn't directly talk to browser
 * By default no video capturing, if you are running tests in headless browser
-#### 5.2.2 Cypress
+#### Cypress
 So how is Cypress different from Selenium, and how is it the same?
 First, Cypress is said to have an easier onboarding than Selenium, where all you need to do is install the .exe to get up and running sine all the drivers and dependencies are automatically installed. With Selenium, on the other hand, you need to spend a little more time getting everything up and running.
-Cypress almost acts as a "freemium" model. Similiar to Selenium which is entirely open sourced unless you integrate with a paid tool, you can also add to Cypress's core capabilities by leveraging the paid dashboard which includes a test runner that allows you to easily debug tests with DOM snapshots and includes video storage for private projects.
+Cypress almost acts as a `freemium` model. Similar to Selenium which is entirely open sourced unless you integrate with a paid tool, you can also add to Cypress's core capabilities by leveraging the paid dashboard which includes a test runner that allows you to easily debug tests with DOM snapshots and includes video storage for private projects.
 Selenium and Cypress differ in the way of their architecture, as well. Selenium is made up of bindings, or libraries, and the WebDriver, which controls the browsers. These two components work through the JSON network.
@@ -199,33 +203,35 @@ Alternatively, while Cypress is used for UI testing, it uses its own unique DOM
 Having a different architecture on top of an Electron app also allows Cypress to be so close to the web application under test that we can do things that you can't do in Selenium such as stubbing DOM APIs.
-##### PROS
+##### PROS
 * No need to worry about synchronization issue especially visibility of elements, button or any DOM elements
 * Easy to setup test development environment through just one click
 * Ability to capture video recording of tests and it's very useful when tests would have been running in headless browser
 * Cypress dashboard service
 * Execution of tests is extremely fast because cypress directly talks to browsers
 * Stubbing DOM APIs
-* Most suitable to Reactjs based application
+* Most suitable to ReactJS based application
+##### CONS
-##### CONS
 * Window based application can't be automated
 * Only support chrome browser, so it's crossbrowser compatibility testing is not possible
-* Doesn't work out of the box with OAuth/OpenID
-* Only support javascript language for test development
-* Only support Mocha & Chai framework
+* Doesn't work out of the box with `OAuth` or `OpenID`
+* Only support JavaScript language for test development
+* Only support `Mocha` and `Chai` framework
 * Cypress doesn't handle redirects within your applications. Such as if you are going to automate google
-  & facebook login scenarios in your application through cypress then you are going have a deep trouble. 
+  & facebook login scenarios in your application through cypress then you are going have a deep trouble.
   You will have to write hooks or stubs to achieve this but it's a daunting task
-**If you don't know what you're doing when it comes to building out a test automation framework, Cypress may be a good option**
+If you don't know what you're doing when it comes to building out a test automation framework, Cypress may be a good option.
-## 6. Synthetic Transactions (Tests running production)
+## Synthetic Transactions (Tests running production)
 Tests carried out on the live production system. They could be set of E2E tests which are continuously running in production and then raise alerts if something fails.
-## 7. Stress/Load Testing
+## Stress/Load Testing
 Microservices should be able to handle unexpected loads. Stress testing should be used to test the bulk heads in your microservices. If a particular microservice is holding up requests, look at the configured bulk heads.
 Gatling is a good tool!
@@ -234,8 +240,9 @@ Tests should be automated as part of the build, release, run (delivery) pipeline
 These three sets of tests, combined, should provide an extremely high level of confidence that any introduced change has not broken existing functionality.
-# References
+## References
-* https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservice-testing/
-* https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/architecting-continuous-delivery
-* https://vrockai.github.io/blog/2017/10/28/cypress-keycloak-intregration/
+* [Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture](https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservice-testing/)
+* [`Architecting for Continuous Delivery`](https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/architecting-continuous-delivery)
+* [Cypress.io Keycloak Integration
diff --git a/content/testing/frontend.md b/content/testing/frontend.md
index d290181..37ceb51 100644
--- a/content/testing/frontend.md
+++ b/content/testing/frontend.md
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 Usually question arises how to test frontend?
-### 1 Unit Tests
+## Unit Tests
 - Business logic unit tests
-### 2 Component Tests
+## Component Tests
 - e.g. click on button should open a date picker
-### 3 Integration Tests
+## Integration Tests
 - Most of the tests should be written at this level
 - Test/verify the accepted user scenarios
 - CDC from frontend to backend?
-### 4 E2E Tests
+## E2E Tests
 - Recommended to use Cypress
-### 5 Best Practices
+## Best Practices
 - Test as a user; never test underlying implementation details; so, one can easily switch the technology
-- https://testing-library.com/
+- [Testing Library](https://testing-library.com/)
-# References
+## References
-* https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservice-testing/
-* https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/architecting-continuous-delivery
-* https://vrockai.github.io/blog/2017/10/28/cypress-keycloak-intregration/
+- [Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture](https://martinfowler.com/articles/microservice-testing/)
+- [`Architecting for Continuous Delivery`](https://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/architecting-continuous-delivery)
+- [Cypress.io Keycloak Integration
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