diff --git a/modular_bandastation/objects/_objects.dme b/modular_bandastation/objects/_objects.dme index 6f301ca7ddbb7..5b175bcf4ff5f 100644 --- a/modular_bandastation/objects/_objects.dme +++ b/modular_bandastation/objects/_objects.dme @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ #include "_objects.dm" +#include "code/wallets.dm" +#include "code/hampters.dm" #include "code/papershredder.dm" #include "code/material_pouch.dm" #include "code/structures/posters.dm" diff --git a/modular_bandastation/objects/code/hampters.dm b/modular_bandastation/objects/code/hampters.dm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..94c5300f7260b --- /dev/null +++ b/modular_bandastation/objects/code/hampters.dm @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +/obj/item/toy/plush/hampter + name = "хамптер" + desc = "Просто плюшевый хамптер. Самый обычный." + icon = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/hampter.dmi' + icon_state = "hampter" + lefthand_file = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/inhands/hampter_lefthand.dmi' + righthand_file = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/inhands/hampter_righthand.dmi' + inhand_icon_state = "hampter" + worn_icon = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/inhead/head.dmi' + worn_icon_state = "hampter" + slot_flags = ITEM_SLOT_HEAD + w_class = WEIGHT_CLASS_TINY + COOLDOWN_DECLARE(squeeze_cooldown) + +/obj/item/toy/plush/hampter/attack_self(mob/living/carbon/human/user) + if(!COOLDOWN_FINISHED(src, squeeze_cooldown)) + return + COOLDOWN_START(src, squeeze_cooldown, 2 SECONDS) + . = ..() + if(user.combat_mode == TRUE) + new /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood(get_turf(user)) + user.visible_message(span_warning("[user] раздавил хамптера своей рукой!"), span_warning("Вы с особой жестокостью давите хамптера в своей руке, оставляя от него лишь лужу крови!")) + qdel(src) + +/obj/item/toy/plush/hampter/assistant + name = "хамптер ассистент" + desc = "Плюшевый хамптер ассистент. Зачем ему изольки?" + icon_state = "hampter_ass" + inhand_icon_state = "hampter_ass" + worn_icon_state = "hampter_ass" + +/obj/item/toy/plush/hampter/security + name = "хамптер офицер" + desc = "Плюшевый хамптер офицер службы безопасности. У него станбатон!" + icon_state = "hampter_sec" + inhand_icon_state = "hampter_sec" + worn_icon_state = "hampter_sec" + +/obj/item/toy/plush/hampter/medical + name = "хамптер врач" + desc = "Плюшевый хамптер врач. Тащите дефибриллятор!" + icon_state = "hampter_med" + inhand_icon_state = "hampter_med" + worn_icon_state = "hampter_med" + +/obj/item/toy/plush/hampter/janitor + name = "хамптер уборщик" + desc = "Плюшевый хамптер уборщик. Переключись на шаг." + icon_state = "hampter_jan" + inhand_icon_state = "hampter_jan" + worn_icon_state = "hampter_jan" + +/obj/item/toy/plush/hampter/old_captain + name = "хамптер старый капитан" + desc = "ПЛюшевый хамптер капитан в старой униформе. Это какой год?" + icon_state = "hampter_old-cap" + inhand_icon_state = "hampter_old-cap" + worn_icon_state = "hampter_old-cap" + +/obj/item/toy/plush/hampter/captain + name = "хамптер капитан" + desc = "Плюшевый хамптер капитан. Где его запасная карта?" + icon_state = "hampter_cap" + inhand_icon_state = "hampter_cap" + worn_icon_state = "hampter_cap" + +/obj/item/toy/plush/hampter/syndicate + name = "хамптер Синдиката" + desc = "Плюшевый хамптер агент Синдиката. Ваши активы пострадают." + icon_state = "hampter_sdy" + inhand_icon_state = "hampter_sdy" + worn_icon_state = "hampter_sdy" + +/obj/item/toy/plush/hampter/deadsquad + name = "хамптер Дедсквада" + desc = "Плюшевый хамптер Отряда Смерти. Все контракты расторгнуты." + icon_state = "hampter_ded" + inhand_icon_state = "hampter_ded" + worn_icon_state = "hampter_ded" + +/obj/item/toy/plush/hampter/ert + name = "хамптер ОБР" + desc = "Плюшевый хамптер ОБР. Доложите о ситуации на станции." + icon_state = "hampter_ert" + inhand_icon_state = "hampter_ert" + worn_icon_state = "hampter_ert" diff --git a/modular_bandastation/objects/code/wallets.dm b/modular_bandastation/objects/code/wallets.dm new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..54d80bc938ae5 --- /dev/null +++ b/modular_bandastation/objects/code/wallets.dm @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +/obj/item/storage/wallet/nt + name = "leather wallet NT" + desc = "Ваш кошелек настолько шикарен, что с ним вы выглядите просто потрясающе." + icon = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/wallets.dmi' + icon_state = "wallet_NT" + worn_icon = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/onbody/id.dmi' + worn_icon_state = "wallet_NT" + overlay_icon_state = "wallet_NT_overlay" + +/obj/item/storage/wallet/ussp_1 + name = "leather USSP wallet" + desc = "Говорят, такие кошельки в СССП носят исключительно для зажигалок." + icon = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/wallets.dmi' + icon_state = "wallet_USSP_1" + worn_icon = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/onbody/id.dmi' + worn_icon_state = "wallet_USSP_1" + overlay_icon_state = "wallet_USSP_1_overlay" + +/obj/item/storage/wallet/ussp_2 + name = "leather USSP wallet" + desc = "Говорят, такие кошельки в СССП носят исключительно для зажигалок." + icon = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/wallets.dmi' + icon_state = "wallet_USSP_2" + worn_icon = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/onbody/id.dmi' + worn_icon_state = "wallet_USSP_2" + overlay_icon_state = "wallet_USSP_2_overlay" + +/obj/item/storage/wallet/wyci + name = "W.Y.C.I. wallet" + desc = "Кошелек, законодателя моды WYCI,\ + украшен золотой пуговицей cшит позолочеными и платиновыми нитями, сверх прочный.\ + И сверх модный. И сверх дорогой. И сшит по принципу WYCI." + icon = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/wallets.dmi' + icon_state = "wallet_wyci" + worn_icon = 'modular_bandastation/objects/icons/onbody/id.dmi' + worn_icon_state = "wallet_wyci" + overlay_icon_state = "wallet_wyci_overlay" diff --git a/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/hampter.dmi b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/hampter.dmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..4c73360608c4e Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/hampter.dmi differ diff --git a/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/inhands/hampter_lefthand.dmi b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/inhands/hampter_lefthand.dmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..99fd270e738bf Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/inhands/hampter_lefthand.dmi differ diff --git a/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/inhands/hampter_righthand.dmi b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/inhands/hampter_righthand.dmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..e19b04cd235cd Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/inhands/hampter_righthand.dmi differ diff --git a/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/inhead/head.dmi b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/inhead/head.dmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..b47d9ce9b1a55 Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/inhead/head.dmi differ diff --git a/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/onbody/id.dmi b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/onbody/id.dmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..088b58808664c Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/onbody/id.dmi differ diff --git a/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/wallets.dmi b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/wallets.dmi new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000..1532d8b3516b7 Binary files /dev/null and b/modular_bandastation/objects/icons/wallets.dmi differ