diff --git a/code/__HELPERS/priority_announce.dm b/code/__HELPERS/priority_announce.dm index f36ab36becbd5..781be12cb6aa9 100644 --- a/code/__HELPERS/priority_announce.dm +++ b/code/__HELPERS/priority_announce.dm @@ -58,14 +58,14 @@ var/header switch(type) if(ANNOUNCEMENT_TYPE_PRIORITY) - header = MAJOR_ANNOUNCEMENT_TITLE("Priority Announcement") + header = MAJOR_ANNOUNCEMENT_TITLE("Приоритетное оповещение") if(length(title) > 0) header += SUBHEADER_ANNOUNCEMENT_TITLE(title) if(ANNOUNCEMENT_TYPE_CAPTAIN) - header = MAJOR_ANNOUNCEMENT_TITLE("Captain's Announcement") - GLOB.news_network.submit_article(text, "Captain's Announcement", "Station Announcements", null) + header = MAJOR_ANNOUNCEMENT_TITLE("Оповещение от капитана") + GLOB.news_network.submit_article(text, "Оповещение от капитана", "Станционные оповещения", null) if(ANNOUNCEMENT_TYPE_SYNDICATE) - header = MAJOR_ANNOUNCEMENT_TITLE("Syndicate Captain's Announcement") + header = MAJOR_ANNOUNCEMENT_TITLE("Оповещение от капитана Синдиката") else header += generate_unique_announcement_header(title, sender_override) @@ -87,18 +87,18 @@ if(isnull(sender_override) && players == GLOB.player_list) if(length(title) > 0) - GLOB.news_network.submit_article(title + "

" + text, "[command_name()]", "Station Announcements", null) + GLOB.news_network.submit_article(title + "

" + text, "[command_name()]", "Станционные оповещения", null) else - GLOB.news_network.submit_article(text, "[command_name()] Update", "Station Announcements", null) + GLOB.news_network.submit_article(text, "[command_name()] Update", "Станционные оповещения", null) /proc/print_command_report(text = "", title = null, announce=TRUE) if(!title) - title = "Classified [command_name()] Update" + title = "Засекреченное сообщение от [command_name()]" if(announce) priority_announce( - text = "A report has been downloaded and printed out at all communications consoles.", - title = "Incoming Classified Message", + text = "Отчет был загружен и распечатан на всех консолях связи.", + title = "Входящее засекреченное сообщение", sound = SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound(), has_important_message = TRUE, ) @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ * should_play_sound - Whether the notice sound should be played or not. * color_override - optional, use the passed color instead of the default notice color. */ -/proc/minor_announce(message, title = "Attention:", alert = FALSE, html_encode = TRUE, list/players, sound_override, should_play_sound = TRUE, color_override) +/proc/minor_announce(message, title = "Внимание:", alert = FALSE, html_encode = TRUE, list/players, sound_override, should_play_sound = TRUE, color_override) if(!message) return @@ -156,10 +156,10 @@ var/message if(current_level_number > previous_level_number) - title = "Attention! Security level elevated to [current_level_name]:" + title = "Внимание! Код повышен до [current_level_name]:" message = selected_level.elevating_to_announcement else - title = "Attention! Security level lowered to [current_level_name]:" + title = "Внимание! Код снижен до [current_level_name]:" message = selected_level.lowering_to_announcement var/list/level_announcement_strings = list() diff --git a/code/controllers/subsystem/dynamic/dynamic.dm b/code/controllers/subsystem/dynamic/dynamic.dm index aca8ff1fc9e7e..ccee6a07960e7 100644 --- a/code/controllers/subsystem/dynamic/dynamic.dm +++ b/code/controllers/subsystem/dynamic/dynamic.dm @@ -362,11 +362,11 @@ SUBSYSTEM_DEF(dynamic) #ifndef MAP_TEST print_command_report(., "[command_name()] Status Summary", announce=FALSE) if(greenshift) - priority_announce("Thanks to the tireless efforts of our security and intelligence divisions, there are currently no credible threats to [station_name()]. All station construction projects have been authorized. Have a secure shift!", "Security Report", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound(), color_override = "green") + priority_announce("Благодаря невероятным усилиям наших отделов безопасности и разведки, в настоящее время нет никаких реальных угроз для [station_name()]. Все проекты на смену уже утверждены. Удачной смены!", "Отчет о безопасности", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound(), color_override = "green") else if(SSsecurity_level.get_current_level_as_number() < SEC_LEVEL_BLUE) SSsecurity_level.set_level(SEC_LEVEL_BLUE, announce = FALSE) - priority_announce("[SSsecurity_level.current_security_level.elevating_to_announcement]\n\nA summary has been copied and printed to all communications consoles.", "Security level elevated.", ANNOUNCER_INTERCEPT, color_override = SSsecurity_level.current_security_level.announcement_color) + priority_announce("[SSsecurity_level.current_security_level.elevating_to_announcement]\n\nОтчет был скопирован и распечатан на всех консолях связи.", "Код повышен.", ANNOUNCER_INTERCEPT, color_override = SSsecurity_level.current_security_level.announcement_color) #endif return . diff --git a/code/controllers/subsystem/dynamic/dynamic_rulesets_midround.dm b/code/controllers/subsystem/dynamic/dynamic_rulesets_midround.dm index a36c2c78fb3bb..b6b188e455e53 100644 --- a/code/controllers/subsystem/dynamic/dynamic_rulesets_midround.dm +++ b/code/controllers/subsystem/dynamic/dynamic_rulesets_midround.dm @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ new_malf_ai.mind.special_role = antag_flag new_malf_ai.mind.add_antag_datum(malf_antag_datum) if(prob(MALF_ION_PROB)) - priority_announce("Ion storm detected near the station. Please check all AI-controlled equipment for errors.", "Anomaly Alert", ANNOUNCER_IONSTORM) + priority_announce("Вблизи станции обнаружен ионный шторм. Пожалуйста, проверьте все оборудование, управляемое ИИ, на наличие ошибок.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия", ANNOUNCER_IONSTORM) if(prob(REPLACE_LAW_WITH_ION_PROB)) new_malf_ai.replace_random_law(generate_ion_law(), list(LAW_INHERENT, LAW_SUPPLIED, LAW_ION), LAW_ION) else diff --git a/code/controllers/subsystem/economy.dm b/code/controllers/subsystem/economy.dm index 867c99cccc62d..cb155147408c1 100644 --- a/code/controllers/subsystem/economy.dm +++ b/code/controllers/subsystem/economy.dm @@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ SUBSYSTEM_DEF(economy) else fluff_string = ", and company countermeasures are failing to protect YOU from being affected. We're all doomed!" earning_report = "Sector Economic Report

Sector vendor prices is currently at [SSeconomy.inflation_value()*100]%[fluff_string]

The station spending power is currently [station_total] Credits, and the crew's targeted allowance is at [station_target] Credits.

[SSstock_market.news_string] That's all from the Nanotrasen Economist Division." - GLOB.news_network.submit_article(earning_report, "Station Earnings Report", "Station Announcements", null, update_alert = FALSE) + GLOB.news_network.submit_article(earning_report, "Station Earnings Report", "Станционные оповещения", null, update_alert = FALSE) return TRUE /** diff --git a/code/controllers/subsystem/nightshift.dm b/code/controllers/subsystem/nightshift.dm index b8df42742e43c..0e8cf89d9114b 100644 --- a/code/controllers/subsystem/nightshift.dm +++ b/code/controllers/subsystem/nightshift.dm @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ SUBSYSTEM_DEF(nightshift) priority_announce( text = message, sound = 'sound/misc/notice2.ogg', - sender_override = "Automated Lighting System Announcement", + sender_override = "Система освещения.", color_override = "grey", ) diff --git a/code/controllers/subsystem/shuttle.dm b/code/controllers/subsystem/shuttle.dm index ebb1f4bc44f9f..28d5a084d6ef9 100644 --- a/code/controllers/subsystem/shuttle.dm +++ b/code/controllers/subsystem/shuttle.dm @@ -254,15 +254,15 @@ SUBSYSTEM_DEF(shuttle) return //no players no autoevac if(alive / total <= threshold) - var/msg = "Automatically dispatching emergency shuttle due to crew death." + var/msg = "Автоматическая отправка эвакуационного шаттла в связи с гибелью экипажа." message_admins(msg) log_shuttle("[msg] Alive: [alive], Roundstart: [total], Threshold: [threshold]") emergency_no_recall = TRUE priority_announce( - text = "Catastrophic casualties detected: crisis shuttle protocols activated - jamming recall signals across all frequencies.", - title = "Emergency Shuttle Dispatched", + text = "Обнаружены катастрофические потери: активированы протоколы кризисного шаттла - глушение сигналов отзыва на всех частотах.", + title = "Отправлен эвакуационный шаттл", sound = ANNOUNCER_SHUTTLECALLED, - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "orange", ) if(emergency.timeLeft(1) > emergency_call_time * ALERT_COEFF_AUTOEVAC_CRITICAL) @@ -273,10 +273,10 @@ SUBSYSTEM_DEF(shuttle) CRASH("Emergency shuttle block was called, but missing a value for the lockout duration") if(admin_emergency_no_recall) priority_announce( - text = "Emergency shuttle uplink interference detected, shuttle call disabled while the system reinitializes. Estimated restore in [DisplayTimeText(lockout_timer, round_seconds_to = 60)].", - title = "Uplink Interference", + text = "Обнаружены помехи в системах связи эвакуационного шаттла, вызов шаттла невозможен на время реинициализации системы. Предполагаемое восстановление через [DisplayTimeText(lockout_timer, round_seconds_to = 60)].", + title = "Помехи в работе систем связи эвакуационного шаттла", sound = 'sound/misc/announce_dig.ogg', - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "grey", ) addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(unblock_recall)), lockout_timer) @@ -287,10 +287,10 @@ SUBSYSTEM_DEF(shuttle) /datum/controller/subsystem/shuttle/proc/unblock_recall() if(admin_emergency_no_recall) priority_announce( - text= "Emergency shuttle uplink services are now back online.", - title = "Uplink Restored", + text= "Системы связи эвакуационного шаттла работают в штатном режиме.", + title = "Связь с аварийным шаттлом восстановлена", sound = 'sound/misc/announce_dig.ogg', - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "green", ) return @@ -521,20 +521,20 @@ SUBSYSTEM_DEF(shuttle) emergency.timer = null emergency.sound_played = FALSE priority_announce( - text = "Departure has been postponed indefinitely pending conflict resolution.", - title = "Hostile Environment Detected", + text = "Отправка была отложена на неопределенный срок до разрешения конфликта.", + title = "Обнаружено враждебное окружение", sound = 'sound/misc/notice1.ogg', - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "grey", ) if(!emergency_no_escape && (emergency.mode == SHUTTLE_STRANDED)) emergency.mode = SHUTTLE_DOCKED emergency.setTimer(emergency_dock_time) priority_announce( - text = "You have [DisplayTimeText(emergency_dock_time)] to board the emergency shuttle.", - title = "Hostile Environment Resolved", + text = "У вас есть [DisplayTimeText(emergency_dock_time)], чтобы добраться до эвакуационного шаттла.", + title = "Враждебное окружение устранено", sound = 'sound/misc/announce_dig.ogg', - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "green", ) diff --git a/code/datums/components/cult_ritual_item.dm b/code/datums/components/cult_ritual_item.dm index 74bac463e32ad..5751c447909af 100644 --- a/code/datums/components/cult_ritual_item.dm +++ b/code/datums/components/cult_ritual_item.dm @@ -369,16 +369,16 @@ return FALSE var/area/summon_location = get_area(cultist) priority_announce( - text = "Figments from an eldritch god are being summoned by [cultist.real_name] into [summon_location.get_original_area_name()] from an unknown dimension. Disrupt the ritual at all costs!", + text = "Зафиксирован призыв древнего божества культистом [cultist.real_name] в [summon_location.get_original_area_name()]. Прервите ритуал любой ценой!", sound = 'sound/ambience/antag/bloodcult/bloodcult_scribe.ogg', - sender_override = "[command_name()] Higher Dimensional Affairs", + sender_override = "[command_name()]: Отдел паранормальных явлений", has_important_message = TRUE, ) for(var/shielded_turf in spiral_range_turfs(1, cultist, 1)) LAZYADD(shields, new /obj/structure/emergency_shield/cult/narsie(shielded_turf)) notify_ghosts( - "[cultist] has begun scribing a Nar'Sie rune!", + "[cultist] начал рисовать руну Нар'Си!", source = cultist, header = "Maranax Infirmux!", notify_flags = NOTIFY_CATEGORY_NOFLASH, diff --git a/code/datums/station_traits/negative_traits.dm b/code/datums/station_traits/negative_traits.dm index 917bb6c7210bd..9d982b6420672 100644 --- a/code/datums/station_traits/negative_traits.dm +++ b/code/datums/station_traits/negative_traits.dm @@ -630,9 +630,9 @@ var/obj/machinery/nebula_shielding/emergency/rad_shield = /obj/machinery/nebula_shielding/emergency/radiation priority_announce( - {"Is everything okay there? We're getting high radiation readings from inside the station. \ - We're sending an emergency shielding unit for now, it will last [initial(rad_shield.detonate_in) / (1 MINUTES)] minutes. \n\n\ - Set up the nebula shielding. You can order construction kits at cargo if yours have been lost. + {"У вас всё в порядке? Мы получаем высокие показатели радиации внутри станции. \ + Мы отправляем аварийный блок защиты, он продержится [initial(rad_shield.detonate_in) / (1 MINUTES)] минут. \n\n\ + Установите защиту от радиации. Вы можете заказать строительные наборы в отделе снабжения, если ваши были утеряны. "} ) @@ -652,20 +652,20 @@ var/obj/machinery/nebula_shielding/shielder = /obj/machinery/nebula_shielding/radiation var/obj/machinery/gravity_generator/main/innate_shielding = /obj/machinery/gravity_generator/main //How long do we have untill the first shielding unit needs to be up? - var/deadline = "[(initial(innate_shielding.radioactive_nebula_shielding) * intensity_increment_time) / (1 MINUTES)] minute\s" + var/deadline = "[(initial(innate_shielding.radioactive_nebula_shielding) * intensity_increment_time) / (1 MINUTES)] минут" //For how long each shielding unit will protect for - var/shielder_time = "[(initial(shielder.shielding_strength) * intensity_increment_time) / (1 MINUTES)] minute\s" + var/shielder_time = "[(initial(shielder.shielding_strength) * intensity_increment_time) / (1 MINUTES)] минут" //Max shielders, excluding the grav-gen to avoid confusion when that goes down var/max_shielders = ((maximum_nebula_intensity / intensity_increment_time)) / initial(shielder.shielding_strength) - var/announcement = {"Your station has been constructed inside a radioactive nebula. \ - Standard spacesuits will not protect against the nebula and using them is strongly discouraged. \n\n\ + var/announcement = {"Ваша станция была построена внутри радиоактивной туманности. \ + Стандартные скафандры не защитят от радиации, и использовать их настоятельно не рекомендуется. \n\n\ - EXTREME IMPORTANCE: The station is falling deeper into the nebula, and the gravity generator's innate radiation shielding \ - will not hold very long. Your engineering department has been supplied with all the necessary supplies to set up \ - shields to protect against the nebula. Additional supply crates can be ordered at cargo. \n\n\ - You have [deadline] before the nebula enters the station. \ - Every shielding unit will provide an additional [shielder_time] of protection, fully protecting the station with [max_shielders] shielding units. + ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ПОВЫШЕННОЙ ВАЖНОСТИ: Станция все глубже погружается в туманность, а встроенная в гравитационный генератор защита от радиации \ + долго не продержится. Ваш инженерный отдел получил все необходимые материалы для создания \ + защиты от туманности. Дополнительное снаряжение может заказано в отделе снабжения. \n\n\ + У вас [deadline] до проявления особенностей туманности на станции. \ + Каждый защитный блок обеспечивает дополнительные [shielder_time] защиты, установите [max_shielders] блоков защиты, чтобы полностью решить проблему радиации. "} priority_announce(announcement, sound = 'sound/misc/notice1.ogg') diff --git a/code/datums/station_traits/neutral_traits.dm b/code/datums/station_traits/neutral_traits.dm index 7545b2fb39582..8edf8794d981c 100644 --- a/code/datums/station_traits/neutral_traits.dm +++ b/code/datums/station_traits/neutral_traits.dm @@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ /datum/station_trait/birthday/proc/announce_birthday() report_message = "We here at Nanotrasen would all like to wish [birthday_person ? birthday_person_name : "Employee Name"] a very happy birthday." - priority_announce("Happy birthday to [birthday_person ? birthday_person_name : "Employee Name"]! Nanotrasen wishes you a very happy [birthday_person ? thtotext(birthday_person.age + 1) : "255th"] birthday.") + priority_announce("Поздравляем с днём рождения [birthday_person ? birthday_person_name : "Employee Name"]! Nanotrasen желает счастливого [birthday_person ? "[birthday_person.age + 1]-го" : "255-го"] Дня Рождения.") if(birthday_person) playsound(birthday_person, 'sound/items/party_horn.ogg', 50) birthday_person.add_mood_event("birthday", /datum/mood_event/birthday) diff --git a/code/datums/weather/weather_types/radiation_storm.dm b/code/datums/weather/weather_types/radiation_storm.dm index cab413b3b9b00..20b61acf97f0f 100644 --- a/code/datums/weather/weather_types/radiation_storm.dm +++ b/code/datums/weather/weather_types/radiation_storm.dm @@ -4,9 +4,9 @@ desc = "A cloud of intense radiation passes through the area dealing rad damage to those who are unprotected." telegraph_duration = 400 - telegraph_message = "The air begins to grow warm." + telegraph_message = "Воздух начинает нагреваться." - weather_message = "You feel waves of heat wash over you! Find shelter!" + weather_message = "Вы чувствуете, как вас окутывают волны тепла! Найдите убежище!" weather_overlay = "ash_storm" weather_duration_lower = 600 weather_duration_upper = 1500 @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ weather_sound = 'sound/misc/bloblarm.ogg' end_duration = 100 - end_message = "The air seems to be cooling off again." + end_message = "Кажется, воздух снова остывает." area_type = /area protected_areas = list(/area/station/maintenance, /area/station/ai_monitored/turret_protected/ai_upload, /area/station/ai_monitored/turret_protected/ai_upload_foyer, @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ /datum/weather/rad_storm/end() if(..()) return - priority_announce("The radiation threat has passed. Please return to your workplaces.", "Anomaly Alert") + priority_announce("Радиационная угроза миновала. Пожалуйста, вернитесь на свои рабочие места.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") status_alarm(FALSE) /datum/weather/rad_storm/proc/do_mutate(mob/living/carbon/human/mutant) diff --git a/code/game/gamemodes/events.dm b/code/game/gamemodes/events.dm index 8810ffc0fc6ee..9fc4029c0584e 100644 --- a/code/game/gamemodes/events.dm +++ b/code/game/gamemodes/events.dm @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ * but the crew themselves can return power via the engine, solars, or other means of creating power. */ /proc/power_failure() - priority_announce("Abnormal activity detected in [station_name()]'s powernet. As a precautionary measure, the station's power will be shut off for an indeterminate duration.", "Critical Power Failure", ANNOUNCER_POWEROFF) + priority_announce("Обнаружена аномальная активность в сети питания [station_name()]. В качестве меры предосторожности питание будет отключено на неопределенный срок.", "Критический сбой системы питания", ANNOUNCER_POWEROFF) var/list/all_smes = SSmachines.get_machines_by_type_and_subtypes(/obj/machinery/power/smes) for(var/obj/machinery/power/smes/smes as anything in all_smes) if(istype(get_area(smes), /area/station/ai_monitored/turret_protected) || !is_station_level(smes.z)) @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ * Magically fills ALL APCs and SMESs to capacity, and restores power to depowered areas. */ /proc/power_restore() - priority_announce("Power has been restored to [station_name()]. We apologize for the inconvenience.", "Power Systems Nominal", ANNOUNCER_POWERON) + priority_announce("Питание [station_name()] было восстановлено. Приносим свои извинения за доставленные неудобства.", "Системы электропитания", ANNOUNCER_POWERON) for(var/obj/machinery/power/apc/C as anything in SSmachines.get_machines_by_type_and_subtypes(/obj/machinery/power/apc)) if(C.cell && is_station_level(C.z)) C.cell.charge = C.cell.maxcharge @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ * Great as a less magical / more IC way to return power to a sapped station. */ /proc/power_restore_quick() - priority_announce("All SMESs on [station_name()] have been recharged. We apologize for the inconvenience.", "Power Systems Nominal", ANNOUNCER_POWERON) + priority_announce("Все СМЕСы [station_name()] полностью заряжены. Приносим свои извинения за доставленные неудобства.", "Системы электропитания", ANNOUNCER_POWERON) var/list/all_smes = SSmachines.get_machines_by_type_and_subtypes(/obj/machinery/power/smes) for(var/obj/machinery/power/smes/smes as anything in all_smes) if(!is_station_level(smes.z)) diff --git a/code/game/machinery/computer/communications.dm b/code/game/machinery/computer/communications.dm index 8cbd7326d8854..19455a4d4b5c0 100644 --- a/code/game/machinery/computer/communications.dm +++ b/code/game/machinery/computer/communications.dm @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ nuke_request(reason, usr) to_chat(usr, span_notice("Request sent.")) usr.log_message("has requested the nuclear codes from CentCom with reason \"[reason]\"", LOG_SAY) - priority_announce("The codes for the on-station nuclear self-destruct have been requested by [usr]. Confirmation or denial of this request will be sent shortly.", "Nuclear Self-Destruct Codes Requested", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) + priority_announce("[usr] запросил коды для запуска механизма ядерного самоуничтожения станции. В ближайшее время будет отправлено уведомление о подтверждении или отклонении данного запроса.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Запрос кода самоуничтожения станции", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) playsound(src, 'sound/machines/terminal_prompt.ogg', 50, FALSE) COOLDOWN_START(src, important_action_cooldown, IMPORTANT_ACTION_COOLDOWN) if ("restoreBackupRoutingData") @@ -866,23 +866,23 @@ /datum/dynamic_ruleset/midround/dangerous_pirates, ) priority_announce( - "Attention crew: sector monitoring reports a massive jump-trace from an enemy vessel destined for your system. Prepare for imminent hostile contact.", - "[command_name()] High-Priority Update", + "Внимание экипажу, система секторного мониторинга сообщает о массивном прыжковом следе вражеского космического судна, направляющегося в вашу систему. Приготовьтесь к неминуемому контакту с врагом.", + "[command_name()]: Высокоприоритетное оповещение", ) SSdynamic.picking_specific_rule(pick(pirate_rulesets), forced = TRUE, ignore_cost = TRUE) if(HACK_FUGITIVES) // Triggers fugitives, which can cause confusion / chaos as the crew decides which side help priority_announce( - "Attention crew: sector monitoring reports a jump-trace from an unidentified vessel destined for your system. Prepare for probable contact.", - "[command_name()] High-Priority Update", + "Внимание экипажу, система секторного мониторинга сообщает о массивном прыжковом следе неизвестного космического судна, направляющегося в вашу систему. Приготовьтесь к возможному контатку.", + "[command_name()]Высокоприоритетное оповещение [command_name()]", ) force_event_after(/datum/round_event_control/fugitives, "[hacker] hacking a communications console", rand(20 SECONDS, 1 MINUTES)) if(HACK_THREAT) // Force an unfavorable situation on the crew priority_announce( - "Attention crew, the Nanotrasen Department of Intelligence has received intel suggesting increased enemy activity in your sector beyond that initially reported in today's threat advisory.", - "[command_name()] High-Priority Update", + "Внимание экипажу, департамент разведки Нанотрейзен получил сведения, свидетельствующие о повышении вражеской активности в вашем секторе.", + "[command_name()]: Высокоприоритетное оповещение", ) for(var/mob/crew_member as anything in GLOB.player_list) @@ -908,8 +908,8 @@ else // We spawned some sleeper agents, nice - give them a report to kickstart the paranoia priority_announce( - "Attention crew, it appears that someone on your station has hijacked your telecommunications and broadcasted an unknown signal.", - "[command_name()] High-Priority Update", + "Внимание экипажу, похоже, зафиксирован взлом системы телекоммуникаций с последующей передачей неизвестного сигнала.", + "[command_name()]: Высокоприоритетное оповещение", ) #undef HACK_PIRATE diff --git a/code/game/machinery/newscaster/newscaster_data.dm b/code/game/machinery/newscaster/newscaster_data.dm index 94449808857e1..7c8700f2b0dcb 100644 --- a/code/game/machinery/newscaster/newscaster_data.dm +++ b/code/game/machinery/newscaster/newscaster_data.dm @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(request_list) var/message_count = 0 /datum/feed_network/New() - create_feed_channel("Station Announcements", "SS13", "Company news, staff annoucements, and all the latest information. Have a secure shift!", locked = TRUE, hardset_channel = 1000) + create_feed_channel("Станционные оповещения", "SS13", "Company news, staff annoucements, and all the latest information. Have a secure shift!", locked = TRUE, hardset_channel = 1000) wanted_issue = new /datum/wanted_message /datum/feed_network/proc/create_feed_channel(channel_name, author, desc, locked, adminChannel = FALSE, hardset_channel) diff --git a/code/game/machinery/requests_console.dm b/code/game/machinery/requests_console.dm index 54bdeb666d95f..8f9bf638db755 100644 --- a/code/game/machinery/requests_console.dm +++ b/code/game/machinery/requests_console.dm @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(req_console_ckey_departments) message = L.treat_message(message)["message"] minor_announce(message, "[department] Announcement:", html_encode = FALSE, sound_override = 'sound/misc/announce_dig.ogg') - GLOB.news_network.submit_article(message, department, "Station Announcements", null) + GLOB.news_network.submit_article(message, department, "Станционные оповещения", null) usr.log_talk(message, LOG_SAY, tag="station announcement from [src]") message_admins("[ADMIN_LOOKUPFLW(usr)] has made a station announcement from [src] at [AREACOORD(usr)].") deadchat_broadcast(" made a station announcement from [span_name("[get_area_name(usr, TRUE)]")].", span_name("[usr.real_name]"), usr, message_type=DEADCHAT_ANNOUNCEMENT) diff --git a/code/game/machinery/slotmachine.dm b/code/game/machinery/slotmachine.dm index 842f01ae7542b..f10b67adb7cda 100644 --- a/code/game/machinery/slotmachine.dm +++ b/code/game/machinery/slotmachine.dm @@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ else if(check_jackpot(JACKPOT_SEVENS)) var/prize = money + JACKPOT - visible_message("[src] says, 'JACKPOT! You win [prize] credits!'") - priority_announce("Congratulations to [user ? user.real_name : usrname] for winning the jackpot at the slot machine in [get_area(src)]!") + visible_message("[src] says, 'ДЖЕКПОТ! Джекпоооот!!!! [prize] кредитов тебе в рот!'") + priority_announce("Джекпот! Джекпоооот!!!! Бабки [user ? user.real_name : usrname] в рот! Поздравить победителя можно в [get_area(src)]!") jackpots += 1 money = 0 if(paymode == HOLOCHIP) diff --git a/code/game/objects/effects/anomalies/anomalies_bluespace.dm b/code/game/objects/effects/anomalies/anomalies_bluespace.dm index 7c2dfbca73afb..a783119b9f12e 100644 --- a/code/game/objects/effects/anomalies/anomalies_bluespace.dm +++ b/code/game/objects/effects/anomalies/anomalies_bluespace.dm @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ var/turf/TO = get_turf(chosen) // the turf of origin we're travelling TO playsound(TO, 'sound/effects/phasein.ogg', 100, TRUE) - priority_announce("Зафиксирован массивный выброс блюспейс энергии.", "Оповещение об аномалии") + priority_announce("Зафиксирован массивный выброс блюспейс энергии.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") var/list/flashers = list() for(var/mob/living/carbon/C in viewers(TO, null)) diff --git a/code/game/objects/effects/anomalies/anomalies_dimensional.dm b/code/game/objects/effects/anomalies/anomalies_dimensional.dm index c9f8935e7c712..101cd8908cbe2 100644 --- a/code/game/objects/effects/anomalies/anomalies_dimensional.dm +++ b/code/game/objects/effects/anomalies/anomalies_dimensional.dm @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ var/area/new_area = placer.findValidArea() var/turf/new_turf = placer.findValidTurf(new_area) - priority_announce("Пространственная аномалия переместилась. Предполагаемая локация: [new_area.name].", "Оповещение об аномалии") + priority_announce("Пространственная аномалия переместилась. Предполагаемая локация: [new_area.name].", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") src.forceMove(new_turf) prepare_area() diff --git a/code/game/objects/effects/anomalies/anomalies_ectoplasm.dm b/code/game/objects/effects/anomalies/anomalies_ectoplasm.dm index 412cca0495299..023cd5b2b8b61 100644 --- a/code/game/objects/effects/anomalies/anomalies_ectoplasm.dm +++ b/code/game/objects/effects/anomalies/anomalies_ectoplasm.dm @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ new /obj/structure/ghost_portal(get_turf(src), candidate_list) - priority_announce("Anomaly has reached critical mass. Ectoplasmic outburst detected.", "Anomaly Alert") + priority_announce("Аномалия достигла критической массы. Обнаружен всплеск эктоплазмы.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") /** * Manages updating the sprite for the anomaly based on how many orbiters it has. diff --git a/code/game/objects/items/crab17.dm b/code/game/objects/items/crab17.dm index 1e43197c47ef2..fbfbf3769842b 100644 --- a/code/game/objects/items/crab17.dm +++ b/code/game/objects/items/crab17.dm @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ /obj/structure/checkoutmachine/Destroy() stop_dumping() STOP_PROCESSING(SSfastprocess, src) - priority_announce("The credit deposit machine at [get_area(src)] has been destroyed. Station funds have stopped draining!", sender_override = "CRAB-17 Protocol") + priority_announce("Машина для депозитов была уничтожена в [get_area(src)]. Средства станции больше не пропадают!", sender_override = "Протокол CRAB-17") explosion(src, light_impact_range = 1, flame_range = 2) REMOVE_TRAIT(SSeconomy, TRAIT_MARKET_CRASHING, REF(src)) return ..() @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ /obj/effect/dumpeet_target/proc/startLaunch() DF = new /obj/effect/dumpeet_fall(drop_location()) dump = new /obj/structure/checkoutmachine(null, bogdanoff) - priority_announce("The spacecoin bubble has popped! Get to the credit deposit machine at [get_area(src)] and cash out before you lose all of your funds!", sender_override = "CRAB-17 Protocol") + priority_announce("Пузырь космофинансовой пирамиды лопнул! Доберитесь до машины для депозитов в [get_area(src)] и получите деньги до того как они будут безвозвратно утеряны!", sender_override = "Протокол CRAB-17") animate(DF, pixel_z = -8, time = 5, , easing = LINEAR_EASING) playsound(src, 'sound/weapons/mortar_whistle.ogg', 70, TRUE, 6) addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(endLaunch)), 5, TIMER_CLIENT_TIME) //Go onto the last step after a very short falling animation diff --git a/code/modules/admin/verbs/adminevents.dm b/code/modules/admin/verbs/adminevents.dm index f69e891625a6d..2780068ab8cd9 100644 --- a/code/modules/admin/verbs/adminevents.dm +++ b/code/modules/admin/verbs/adminevents.dm @@ -225,10 +225,10 @@ SSshuttle.emergency.setTimer(0) SSshuttle.emergency.mode = SHUTTLE_DISABLED priority_announce( - text = "Emergency Shuttle uplink failure, shuttle disabled until further notice.", - title = "Uplink Failure", + text = "Ошибка системы связи эвакуационного шаттла. Шаттл будет недоступен до дальнейших указаний.", + title = "Сбой связи эвакуационного шаттла", sound = 'sound/misc/announce_dig.ogg', - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "grey", ) @@ -257,10 +257,10 @@ SSshuttle.last_call_time = 10 SECONDS //Make sure no insta departures. SSshuttle.emergency.setTimer(SSshuttle.last_call_time) priority_announce( - text = "Emergency Shuttle uplink reestablished, shuttle enabled.", - title = "Uplink Restored", + text = "Система связи эвакуационного шаттла работает в штатном режиме. Шаттл снова доступен.", + title = "Связь с шаттлом восстановлена", sound = 'sound/misc/announce_dig.ogg', - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "green", ) diff --git a/code/modules/admin/verbs/anonymousnames.dm b/code/modules/admin/verbs/anonymousnames.dm index 9a71d68637a88..d8a1697e122e3 100644 --- a/code/modules/admin/verbs/anonymousnames.dm +++ b/code/modules/admin/verbs/anonymousnames.dm @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM(current_anonymous_theme, /datum/anonymous_theme) * it's in a proc so it can be a non-constant expression. */ /datum/anonymous_theme/proc/announce_to_all_players() - priority_announce("A recent bureaucratic error in the Organic Resources Department has resulted in a necessary full recall of all identities and names until further notice.", "Identity Loss", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_alert_sound()) + priority_announce("Недавняя бюрократическая ошибка в отделе органических ресурсов привела к необходимости полного отзыва всех личностей и имен до дальнейшего уведомления.", "Потеря личности", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_alert_sound()) /** * anonymous_all_players: sets all crewmembers on station anonymous. @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM(current_anonymous_theme, /datum/anonymous_theme) * called when the anonymous theme is removed regardless of extra theming */ /datum/anonymous_theme/proc/restore_all_players() - priority_announce("Names and Identities have been restored.", "Identity Restoration", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_alert_sound()) + priority_announce("Имена и личности были восстановлены.", "Восстановление личности", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_alert_sound()) for(var/mob/living/player in GLOB.player_list) if(!player.mind || (!ishuman(player) && !issilicon(player)) || player.mind.assigned_role.faction != FACTION_STATION) continue @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM(current_anonymous_theme, /datum/anonymous_theme) name = "Employees" /datum/anonymous_theme/employees/announce_to_all_players() - priority_announce("As punishment for this station's poor productivity when compared to neighbor stations, names and identities will be restricted until further notice.", "Finance Report", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_alert_sound()) + priority_announce("В качестве наказания за низкую производительность этой станции по сравнению с соседствующими, имена и личности будут ограничены до дальнейшего уведомления.", "Финансовый отчёт", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_alert_sound()) /datum/anonymous_theme/employees/anonymous_name(mob/target) var/is_head_of_staff = target.mind.assigned_role.job_flags & JOB_HEAD_OF_STAFF @@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM(current_anonymous_theme, /datum/anonymous_theme) player.put_in_hands(new random_path()) /datum/anonymous_theme/wizards/announce_to_all_players() - priority_announce("Your station has been caught by a Wizard Federation Memetic Hazard. You are not y0urself, and yo% a2E 34!NOT4--- Welcome to the Academy, apprentices!", "Memetic Hazard", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_alert_sound()) + priority_announce("Ваша станция попала в зону действия Меметической Угрозы Федерации Волшебников. Ты не туыыы, и ти.. ниеее--- Добро пожаловать в Академию, ученики!", "Меметическая угроза", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_alert_sound()) /datum/anonymous_theme/wizards/anonymous_name(mob/target) var/wizard_name_first = pick(GLOB.wizard_first) @@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM(current_anonymous_theme, /datum/anonymous_theme) return "[pick(GLOB.ninja_titles)] [pick(GLOB.ninja_names)]" /datum/anonymous_theme/spider_clan/announce_to_all_players() - priority_announce("Your station has been sold out to the Spider Clan. Your new designations will be applied now.", "New Management", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_alert_sound()) + priority_announce("Ваша станция была продана Клану Паука. Ваши обязаности будут перераспределены.", "Новое руководство", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_alert_sound()) /datum/anonymous_theme/spider_clan/anonymous_ai_name(is_ai = FALSE) var/posibrain_name = pick(GLOB.posibrain_names) @@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM(current_anonymous_theme, /datum/anonymous_theme) set_station_name("[pick(GLOB.first_names)] [pick(GLOB.last_names)]") /datum/anonymous_theme/station/announce_to_all_players() - priority_announce("Confirmed level 9 reality error event near [station_name()]. All personnel must try their best to carry on, as to not trigger more reality events by accident.", "Central Command Higher Dimensional Affairs", 'sound/misc/notice1.ogg') + priority_announce("Подтверджена ошибка реальности 9 уровня угрозы возле [station_name()]. Все сотрудники должны изо всех сил стараться продолжать работу, чтобы случайно не спровоцировать новые проблемы с реальностью.", "Отдел паранормальных явлений Центрального Коммандования", 'sound/misc/notice1.ogg') /datum/anonymous_theme/station/anonymous_name(mob/target) return new_station_name() diff --git a/code/modules/admin/verbs/secrets.dm b/code/modules/admin/verbs/secrets.dm index e70138ad8ac25..882ad85440bfe 100644 --- a/code/modules/admin/verbs/secrets.dm +++ b/code/modules/admin/verbs/secrets.dm @@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM(everyone_an_antag, /datum/everyone_is_an_antag_controller) set_station_name(new_name) log_admin("[key_name(holder)] renamed the station to \"[new_name]\".") message_admins(span_adminnotice("[key_name_admin(holder)] renamed the station to: [new_name].")) - priority_announce("[command_name()] has renamed the station to \"[new_name]\".") + priority_announce("[command_name()] переименовало станцию в \"[new_name]\".") if("reset_name") var/confirmed = tgui_alert(usr,"Are you sure you want to reset the station name?", "Confirm", list("Yes", "No", "Cancel")) if(confirmed != "Yes") @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM(everyone_an_antag, /datum/everyone_is_an_antag_controller) set_station_name(new_name) log_admin("[key_name(holder)] reset the station name.") message_admins(span_adminnotice("[key_name_admin(holder)] reset the station name.")) - priority_announce("[command_name()] has renamed the station to \"[new_name]\".") + priority_announce("[command_name()] переименовало станцию в \"[new_name]\".") if("night_shift_set") var/val = tgui_alert(holder, "What do you want to set night shift to? This will override the automatic system until set to automatic again.", "Night Shift", list("On", "Off", "Automatic")) switch(val) @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM(everyone_an_antag, /datum/everyone_is_an_antag_controller) if(is_station_level(W.z) && !istype(get_area(W), /area/station/command) && !istype(get_area(W), /area/station/commons) && !istype(get_area(W), /area/station/service) && !istype(get_area(W), /area/station/command/heads_quarters) && !istype(get_area(W), /area/station/security/prison)) W.req_access = list() message_admins("[key_name_admin(holder)] activated Egalitarian Station mode") - priority_announce("CentCom airlock control override activated. Please take this time to get acquainted with your coworkers.", null, SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) + priority_announce("Центральное Коммандование активировало блокировку всех шлюзов. Пожалуйста, потратьте это время на знакомство с коллегами.", null, SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) if("ancap") if(!is_funmin) return @@ -343,9 +343,9 @@ GLOBAL_DATUM(everyone_an_antag, /datum/everyone_is_an_antag_controller) SSeconomy.full_ancap = !SSeconomy.full_ancap message_admins("[key_name_admin(holder)] toggled Anarcho-capitalist mode") if(SSeconomy.full_ancap) - priority_announce("The NAP is now in full effect.", null, SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) + priority_announce("Принцип неагрессивности действует в полную силу. Любое проявление агрессии запрещено.", null, SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) else - priority_announce("The NAP has been revoked.", null, SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) + priority_announce("Принцип неагрессивности отменен.", null, SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) if("blackout") if(!is_funmin) return diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/blob/overmind.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/blob/overmind.dm index 401daa97ac5b2..c76f07fffffa7 100644 --- a/code/modules/antagonists/blob/overmind.dm +++ b/code/modules/antagonists/blob/overmind.dm @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(blob_nodes) qdel(src) else if(!victory_in_progress && (blobs_legit.len >= blobwincount)) victory_in_progress = TRUE - priority_announce("Biohazard has reached critical mass. Station loss is imminent.", "Biohazard Alert") + priority_announce("Биоугроза достигла критической массы. Потеря станции неминуема.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Биологическая угроза") SSsecurity_level.set_level(SEC_LEVEL_DELTA) max_blob_points = INFINITY blob_points = INFINITY @@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(blob_nodes) max_count = blobs_legit.len if(announcement_time && (world.time >= announcement_time || blobs_legit.len >= announcement_size) && !has_announced) - priority_announce("Confirmed outbreak of level 5 biohazard aboard [station_name()]. All personnel must contain the outbreak.", "Biohazard Alert", ANNOUNCER_OUTBREAK5) + priority_announce("Вспышка биологической угрозы 5-го уровня зафиксирована на борту [station_name()]. Всему персоналу надлежит сдержать её распространение любой ценой!", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Биологическая угроза", ANNOUNCER_OUTBREAK5) has_announced = TRUE /// Create a blob spore and link it to us diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/cult/cult_items.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/cult/cult_items.dm index 5a8b1978aa9e8..56cac62a5303d 100644 --- a/code/modules/antagonists/cult/cult_items.dm +++ b/code/modules/antagonists/cult/cult_items.dm @@ -543,8 +543,8 @@ Striking a noncultist, however, will tear their flesh."} var/curse_message = pick_n_take(remaining_curses) || "Something has gone horrendously wrong..." - curse_message += " The shuttle will be delayed by three minutes." - priority_announce("[curse_message]", "System Failure", 'sound/misc/notice1.ogg') + curse_message += " Эвакуационный шаттл задерживается на три минуты." + priority_announce("[curse_message]", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена неисправность в системе", 'sound/misc/notice1.ogg') if(MAX_SHUTTLE_CURSES-totalcurses <= 0) to_chat(user, span_danger(span_big("You sense that the emergency escape shuttle can no longer be cursed. It would be unwise to create more cursed orbs."))) else if(MAX_SHUTTLE_CURSES-totalcurses == 1) diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/malf_ai/malf_ai_modules.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/malf_ai/malf_ai_modules.dm index ab88a6f02fc3d..5dd66e095eb32 100644 --- a/code/modules/antagonists/malf_ai/malf_ai_modules.dm +++ b/code/modules/antagonists/malf_ai/malf_ai_modules.dm @@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(malf_modules, subtypesof(/datum/ai_module)) active = FALSE return if (owner_AI.stat != DEAD) - priority_announce("Hostile runtimes detected in all station systems, please deactivate your AI to prevent possible damage to its morality core.", "Anomaly Alert", ANNOUNCER_AIMALF) + priority_announce("Во всех системах станций обнаружены вредоносные процессы. Пожалуйста, уничтожьте свой ИИ, чтобы предотвратить возможный ущерб его моральному ядру.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия", ANNOUNCER_AIMALF) SSsecurity_level.set_level(SEC_LEVEL_DELTA) var/obj/machinery/doomsday_device/DOOM = new(owner_AI) owner_AI.nuking = TRUE diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/equipment/nuclear_bomb/_nuclear_bomb.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/equipment/nuclear_bomb/_nuclear_bomb.dm index 8d2e746f0a220..b8f4d20f1f648 100644 --- a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/equipment/nuclear_bomb/_nuclear_bomb.dm +++ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/equipment/nuclear_bomb/_nuclear_bomb.dm @@ -586,9 +586,9 @@ GLOBAL_VAR(station_nuke_source) if(DETONATION_HIT_SYNDIE_BASE) priority_announce( - "Long Range Scanners indicate that the nuclear device has detonated on a previously unknown base, we assume \ - the base to be of Syndicate Origin. Good work crew.", - "Nuclear Operations Command", + "Сканеры дальнего действия показывают, что ядерное устройство взорвалось на ранее неизвестной базе, мы предполагаем,\ + что база имеет синдикатовское происхождение. Хорошая работа.", + "Командование ядерных операций", ) var/datum/turf_reservation/syndicate_base = SSmapping.lazy_load_template(LAZY_TEMPLATE_KEY_NUKIEBASE) @@ -600,9 +600,9 @@ GLOBAL_VAR(station_nuke_source) else priority_announce( - "Long Range Scanners indicate that the nuclear device has detonated; however seismic activity on the station \ - is minimal. We anticipate that the device has not detonated on the station itself.", - "Nuclear Operations Command", + "Сканеры дальнего действия показывают, что ядерное устройство взорвалось; однако сейсмическая активность на станции \ + минимальна. Мы предполагаем, что устройство взорвалось не на самой станции.", + "Командование ядерных операций", ) if(drop_level) diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/equipment/nuclear_challenge.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/equipment/nuclear_challenge.dm index a7611c2444821..8c9c06d79afed 100644 --- a/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/equipment/nuclear_challenge.dm +++ b/code/modules/antagonists/nukeop/equipment/nuclear_challenge.dm @@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(jam_on_wardec) /obj/item/nuclear_challenge/proc/war_was_declared(mob/living/user, memo) priority_announce( text = memo, - title = "Declaration of War", + title = "Объявление войны", sound = 'sound/machines/alarm.ogg', has_important_message = TRUE, - sender_override = "Nuclear Operative Outpost", + sender_override = "Аванпост ядерных оперативников", color_override = "red", ) if(user) @@ -184,10 +184,10 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(jam_on_wardec) priority_announce( text = memo, - title = "Declaration of War", + title = "Объявление войны", sound = 'sound/machines/alarm.ogg', has_important_message = TRUE, - sender_override = "Nuclear Operative Outpost", + sender_override = "Аванпост ядерных оперативников", color_override = "red", ) diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/pirate/pirate_event.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/pirate/pirate_event.dm index e4a14182d0e7f..b8f727b7920fa 100644 --- a/code/modules/antagonists/pirate/pirate_event.dm +++ b/code/modules/antagonists/pirate/pirate_event.dm @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ payoff = max(PAYOFF_MIN, FLOOR(account.account_balance * 0.80, 1000)) var/datum/comm_message/threat = chosen_gang.generate_message(payoff) //send message - priority_announce("Incoming subspace communication. Secure channel opened at all communication consoles.", "Incoming Message", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) + priority_announce("Входящий подпространственный вызов. Защищенный канал открыт на всех коммуникационных консолях.", "Входящее сообщение", SSstation.announcer.get_rand_report_sound()) threat.answer_callback = CALLBACK(GLOBAL_PROC, GLOBAL_PROC_REF(pirates_answered), threat, chosen_gang, payoff, world.time) addtimer(CALLBACK(GLOBAL_PROC, GLOBAL_PROC_REF(spawn_pirates), threat, chosen_gang), RESPONSE_MAX_TIME) SScommunications.send_message(threat, unique = TRUE) diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/pirate/pirate_shuttle_equipment.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/pirate/pirate_shuttle_equipment.dm index 2b323d51162a4..253ab6173aeb1 100644 --- a/code/modules/antagonists/pirate/pirate_shuttle_equipment.dm +++ b/code/modules/antagonists/pirate/pirate_shuttle_equipment.dm @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ /// Alerts the crew about the siphon /obj/machinery/shuttle_scrambler/proc/send_notification() - priority_announce("Data theft signal detected; source registered on local GPS units.") + priority_announce("Обнаружен сигнал о краже данных; источник зарегистрирован на местных устройствах GPS.") /// Switches off the siphon /obj/machinery/shuttle_scrambler/proc/toggle_off(mob/user) diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/revolution/revolution.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/revolution/revolution.dm index e34907d64ae46..64cad2f39deea 100644 --- a/code/modules/antagonists/revolution/revolution.dm +++ b/code/modules/antagonists/revolution/revolution.dm @@ -540,8 +540,8 @@ if(!isnull(head_of_staff)) add_memory_in_range(head_of_staff, 5, /datum/memory/revolution_heads_victory, protagonist = head_of_staff) - priority_announce("It appears the mutiny has been quelled. Please return yourself and your incapacitated colleagues to work. \ - We have remotely blacklisted the head revolutionaries in your medical records to prevent accidental revival.", null, null, null, "[command_name()] Loyalty Monitoring Division") + priority_announce("Похоже, мятеж подавлен. Пожалуйста, верните себя и своих недееспособных коллег к работе. \ + Мы дистанционно внесли глав революции в черный список системы медицинской помощи, чтобы предотвратить случайное возрождение.", null, null, null, "[command_name()]: отдел мониторинга лояльности") /// Mutates the ticker to report that the revs have won /datum/team/revolution/proc/round_result(finished) diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/separatist/nation_creation.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/separatist/nation_creation.dm index 5d010740f0c89..a094179d24770 100644 --- a/code/modules/antagonists/separatist/nation_creation.dm +++ b/code/modules/antagonists/separatist/nation_creation.dm @@ -72,4 +72,4 @@ var/announce_text = "The new independent state of [nation.name] has formed from the ashes of the [department.department_name] department!" if(istype(department, /datum/job_department/assistant)) //the text didn't really work otherwise announce_text = "The assistants of the station have risen to form the new independent state of [nation.name]!" - priority_announce(announce_text, "Secession from [GLOB.station_name]", has_important_message = TRUE) + priority_announce(announce_text, "Отделение от [GLOB.station_name]", has_important_message = TRUE) diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/wizard/grand_ritual/finales/armageddon.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/wizard/grand_ritual/finales/armageddon.dm index a951a5daf4223..f2f878dea3a1c 100644 --- a/code/modules/antagonists/wizard/grand_ritual/finales/armageddon.dm +++ b/code/modules/antagonists/wizard/grand_ritual/finales/armageddon.dm @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ var/datum/dynamic_ruleset/roundstart/meteor/meteors = new() meteors.meteordelay = 0 SSdynamic.execute_roundstart_rule(meteors) // Meteors will continue until morale is crushed. - priority_announce("Meteors have been detected on collision course with the station.", "Meteor Alert", ANNOUNCER_METEORS) + priority_announce("Зафиксировано движение астероидов на встречном со станцией курсе.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Астероиды", ANNOUNCER_METEORS) #undef DOOM_SINGULARITY #undef DOOM_TESLA diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/wizard/grand_ritual/finales/cheese.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/wizard/grand_ritual/finales/cheese.dm index 5cdd770486cd5..079712736c3d9 100644 --- a/code/modules/antagonists/wizard/grand_ritual/finales/cheese.dm +++ b/code/modules/antagonists/wizard/grand_ritual/finales/cheese.dm @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ /datum/grand_finale/cheese/trigger(mob/living/invoker) message_admins("[key_name(invoker)] has summoned forth The Wabbajack and cursed the crew with madness!") - priority_announce("Danger: Extremely potent reality altering object has been summoned on station. Immediate evacuation advised. Brace for impact.", "[command_name()] Higher Dimensional Affairs", 'sound/effects/glassbr1.ogg') + priority_announce("Опасность: на станции был вызван чрезвычайно мощный объект, искажающий саму ткань реальности. Рекомендуется немедленная эвакуация. Приготовиться к удару.", "[command_name()]: Отдел паранормальных явлений", 'sound/effects/glassbr1.ogg') for (var/mob/living/carbon/human/crewmate as anything in GLOB.human_list) if (isnull(crewmate.mind)) diff --git a/code/modules/antagonists/wizard/grand_ritual/grand_rune.dm b/code/modules/antagonists/wizard/grand_ritual/grand_rune.dm index f75da5f855742..2dc60ec0b9219 100644 --- a/code/modules/antagonists/wizard/grand_ritual/grand_rune.dm +++ b/code/modules/antagonists/wizard/grand_ritual/grand_rune.dm @@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ /obj/effect/grand_rune/proc/announce_rune() var/area/created_area = get_area(src) if (potency >= GRAND_RITUAL_IMMINENT_FINALE_POTENCY) - priority_announce("Major anomalous fluctuations to local spacetime detected in: [created_area.name].", "Anomaly Alert") + priority_announce("Крупные аномальные флуктуации локального пространства-времени, обнаруженные в: [created_area.name].", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") return if (potency >= GRAND_RITUAL_RUNES_WARNING_POTENCY) - priority_announce("Unusual anomalous energy fluctuations detected in: [created_area.name].", "Anomaly Alert") + priority_announce("Необычные аномальные флуктуации энергии, обнаруженные в: [created_area.name].", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") return /obj/effect/grand_rune/examine(mob/user) @@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ if (2) announce = "Imminent local reality failure in: [created_area.name]. All crew please prepare to evacuate." if (announce) - priority_announce(announce, "Anomaly Alert") + priority_announce(announce, "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") dire_warnings_given++ return ..() diff --git a/code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/components/fusion/hfr_core.dm b/code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/components/fusion/hfr_core.dm index 55111e731fc24..1f9bf70c30692 100644 --- a/code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/components/fusion/hfr_core.dm +++ b/code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/components/fusion/hfr_core.dm @@ -115,15 +115,15 @@ ///Store the integrity for calculations var/critical_threshold_proximity_archived = 0 ///Our "Shit is no longer fucked" message. We send it when critical_threshold_proximity is less then critical_threshold_proximity_archived - var/safe_alert = "Main containment field returning to safe operating parameters." + var/safe_alert = "Главное защитное поле возвращается к безопасным рабочим параметрам." ///The point at which we should start sending messeges about the critical_threshold_proximity to the engi channels. var/warning_point = 50 ///The alert we send when we've reached warning_point - var/warning_alert = "Danger! Magnetic containment field faltering!" + var/warning_alert = "Опасность! Магнитное поле сдерживания ослабевает!" ///The point at which we start sending messages to the common channel var/emergency_point = 700 ///The alert we send when we've reached emergency_point - var/emergency_alert = "HYPERTORUS MELTDOWN IMMINENT." + var/emergency_alert = "РАЗРУШЕНИЕ ГИПЕРТОРУСА НЕИЗБЕЖНО." ///The point at which we melt var/melting_point = 900 ///Boolean used for logging if we've passed the emergency point @@ -212,5 +212,5 @@ /obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/unary/hypertorus/core/crowbar_deconstruction_act(mob/living/user, obj/item/tool, internal_pressure = 0) internal_pressure = max(internal_fusion.return_pressure(), moderator_internal.return_pressure()) if(internal_pressure) - say("WARNING - Core can contain hazardous gases, deconstruct with caution!") + say("ВНИМАНИЕ. Активная зона может содержать опасные газы, при разборке соблюдайте осторожность!") return ..(user, tool, internal_pressure) diff --git a/code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/components/fusion/hfr_procs.dm b/code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/components/fusion/hfr_procs.dm index 71e5a8bcc5f36..933e1129d4ee6 100644 --- a/code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/components/fusion/hfr_procs.dm +++ b/code/modules/atmospherics/machinery/components/fusion/hfr_procs.dm @@ -412,9 +412,9 @@ var/critical = selected_fuel.meltdown_flags & HYPERTORUS_FLAG_CRITICAL_MELTDOWN if(critical) - priority_announce("WARNING - The explosion will likely cover a big part of the station and the coming EMP will wipe out most of the electronics. \ - Get as far away as possible from the reactor or find a way to shut it down.", "Alert", 'sound/misc/notice3.ogg') - var/speaking = "[emergency_alert] The Hypertorus fusion reactor has reached critical integrity failure. Emergency magnetic dampeners online." + priority_announce("ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ - Взрыв, скорее всего, накроет большую часть станции, а грядущее ЭМИ уничтожит большую часть электроники. \ + Отойдите как можно дальше от реактора или найдите способ его отключить.", "Внимание", 'sound/misc/notice3.ogg') + var/speaking = "[emergency_alert] Термоядерный реактор \"Гиперторус\" достиг критического нарушения целостности. Аварийные магнитные демпферы включены." radio.talk_into(src, speaking, common_channel, language = get_selected_language()) notify_ghosts( diff --git a/code/modules/events/anomaly/_anomaly.dm b/code/modules/events/anomaly/_anomaly.dm index 4d1916158f292..d271fc8389853 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/anomaly/_anomaly.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/anomaly/_anomaly.dm @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ /datum/round_event/anomaly/announce(fake) if(isnull(impact_area)) impact_area = placer.findValidArea() - priority_announce("Energetic flux wave detected on [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_DANGEROUS_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "Anomaly Alert") + priority_announce("Energetic flux wave detected on [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_DANGEROUS_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") /datum/round_event/anomaly/start() var/turf/anomaly_turf diff --git a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_bioscrambler.dm b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_bioscrambler.dm index 69309e4ea0d4a..65ce17e8f2456 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_bioscrambler.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_bioscrambler.dm @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ /datum/round_event/anomaly/anomaly_bioscrambler/announce(fake) if(isnull(impact_area)) impact_area = placer.findValidArea() - priority_announce("Биологический агент замены конечностей обнаружен на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_MEDIUM_TEXT] [impact_area.name]. Используйте биокостюмы или другое защитное снаряжение, чтобы противостоять последствиям. Расчетный период полураспада %9£$T$%F3 года.", "Оповещение об аномалии") + priority_announce("Биологический агент замены конечностей обнаружен на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_MEDIUM_TEXT] [impact_area.name]. Используйте биокостюмы или другое защитное снаряжение, чтобы противостоять последствиям. Расчетный период полураспада %9£$T$%F3 года.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") diff --git a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_bluespace.dm b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_bluespace.dm index 9d55a0d917712..93ee3279b4db7 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_bluespace.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_bluespace.dm @@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ /datum/round_event/anomaly/anomaly_bluespace/announce(fake) if(isnull(impact_area)) impact_area = placer.findValidArea() - priority_announce("Нестабильная блюспейс-аномалия обнаружена на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_MEDIUM_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "Оповещение об аномалии") + priority_announce("Нестабильная блюспейс-аномалия обнаружена на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_MEDIUM_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") diff --git a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_dimensional.dm b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_dimensional.dm index d0acb2fa6863d..f5df191d48685 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_dimensional.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_dimensional.dm @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ /datum/round_event/anomaly/anomaly_dimensional/announce(fake) if(isnull(impact_area)) impact_area = placer.findValidArea() - priority_announce("Пространственная аномалия обнаружена на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_MEDIUM_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "Оповещение об аномалии") + priority_announce("Пространственная аномалия обнаружена на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_MEDIUM_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") /datum/event_admin_setup/listed_options/anomaly_dimensional input_text = "Выбрать тему пространственной аномалии?" diff --git a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_ectoplasm.dm b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_ectoplasm.dm index 451c4d6494bdc..d7a41b6c3615e 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_ectoplasm.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_ectoplasm.dm @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ /datum/round_event/anomaly/anomaly_ectoplasm/announce(fake) if(isnull(impact_area)) impact_area = placer.findValidArea() - priority_announce("Паранормальный выброс эктоплазмы обнаружен на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_HARMFUL_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "Оповещение об аномалии") + priority_announce("Паранормальный выброс эктоплазмы обнаружен на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_HARMFUL_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") /datum/event_admin_setup/anomaly_ectoplasm ///The admin-selected intensity diff --git a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_flux.dm b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_flux.dm index 289b6a6f35c37..e9d7de154b8d8 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_flux.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_flux.dm @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ /datum/round_event/anomaly/anomaly_flux/announce(fake) if(isnull(impact_area)) impact_area = placer.findValidArea() - priority_announce("Поточная гиперэнергетическая аномалия обнаружена на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_DANGEROUS_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "Оповещение об аномалии") + priority_announce("Поточная гиперэнергетическая аномалия обнаружена на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_DANGEROUS_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") diff --git a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_grav.dm b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_grav.dm index d64459ac3fb13..85d6d34f8142b 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_grav.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_grav.dm @@ -29,4 +29,4 @@ /datum/round_event/anomaly/anomaly_grav/announce(fake) if(isnull(impact_area)) impact_area = placer.findValidArea() - priority_announce("Гравитационная аномалия обнаружена на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_HARMFUL_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "Оповещение об аномалии" , ANNOUNCER_GRANOMALIES) + priority_announce("Гравитационная аномалия обнаружена на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_HARMFUL_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия" , ANNOUNCER_GRANOMALIES) diff --git a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_hallucination.dm b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_hallucination.dm index dea96ca663406..73f44370ba37e 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_hallucination.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_hallucination.dm @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ /datum/round_event/anomaly/anomaly_hallucination/announce(fake) if(isnull(impact_area)) impact_area = placer.findValidArea() - priority_announce("Галлюцинаторное событие обнаружено на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_MEDIUM_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "Оповещение об аномалии") + priority_announce("Галлюцинаторное событие обнаружено на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_MEDIUM_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") diff --git a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_pyro.dm b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_pyro.dm index d332778b75d46..bd5ffe01ce4d9 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_pyro.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_pyro.dm @@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ /datum/round_event/anomaly/anomaly_pyro/announce(fake) if(isnull(impact_area)) impact_area = placer.findValidArea() - priority_announce("Пирокластическая аномалия обнаружена на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_HARMFUL_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "Оповещение об аномалии") + priority_announce("Пирокластическая аномалия обнаружена на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_HARMFUL_TEXT] [impact_area.name].", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") diff --git a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_vortex.dm b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_vortex.dm index 149f512d311a9..fa4f45e68deb1 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_vortex.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/anomaly/anomaly_vortex.dm @@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ /datum/round_event/anomaly/anomaly_vortex/announce(fake) if(isnull(impact_area)) impact_area = placer.findValidArea() - priority_announce("Вихревая аномалия высокой интенсивности обнаружена на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_DANGEROUS_TEXT] [impact_area.name]", "Оповещение об аномалии") + priority_announce("Вихревая аномалия высокой интенсивности обнаружена на [ANOMALY_ANNOUNCE_DANGEROUS_TEXT] [impact_area.name]", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") diff --git a/code/modules/events/aurora_caelus.dm b/code/modules/events/aurora_caelus.dm index 0acb0ad9781a7..f834ede72a3e7 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/aurora_caelus.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/aurora_caelus.dm @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ end_when = 80 /datum/round_event/aurora_caelus/announce() - priority_announce("[station_name()]: A harmless cloud of ions is approaching your station, and will exhaust their energy battering the hull. Nanotrasen has approved a short break for all employees to relax and observe this very rare event. During this time, starlight will be bright but gentle, shifting between quiet green and blue colors. Any staff who would like to view these lights for themselves may proceed to the area nearest to them with viewing ports to open space. We hope you enjoy the lights.", + priority_announce("[station_name()]: безобидное облако ионов приближается к вашей станции и истощает свою энергию, ударяя по корпусу. Компания Нанотрейзен одобрила небольшой перерыв для всех сотрудников, чтобы они могли расслабиться и понаблюдать за этим очень редким событием. В это время звездный свет будет ярким, но нежным, меняющимся между спокойными зелеными и синими цветами. Любой персонал, желающий увидеть эти огни самостоятельно, может пройти в ближайшую к ним зону со смотровыми иллюминаторами на космос. Мы надеемся, что вам понравится это явление.", sound = 'sound/misc/notice2.ogg', sender_override = "Nanotrasen Meteorology Division") for(var/V in GLOB.player_list) @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ /datum/round_event/aurora_caelus/end() fade_space() fade_kitchen() - priority_announce("The aurora caelus event is now ending. Starlight conditions will slowly return to normal. When this has concluded, please return to your workplace and continue work as normal. Have a pleasant shift, [station_name()], and thank you for watching with us.", + priority_announce("Событие aurora caelus подходит к концу. Условия звездного света постепенно вернутся в норму. Когда все закончится, пожалуйста, вернитесь на свое рабочее место и продолжайте работать в обычном режиме. Приятной смены, [station_name()] и спасибо, что смотрите с нами.", sound = 'sound/misc/notice2.ogg', sender_override = "Nanotrasen Meteorology Division") diff --git a/code/modules/events/brand_intelligence.dm b/code/modules/events/brand_intelligence.dm index 5e53e22261ee8..ca651231b5627 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/brand_intelligence.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/brand_intelligence.dm @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ if(fake) var/obj/machinery/vending/prototype = pick(subtypesof(/obj/machinery/vending)) machine_name = initial(prototype.name) - priority_announce("Rampant brand intelligence has been detected aboard [station_name()]. Please inspect any [machine_name] brand vendors for aggressive marketing tactics, and reboot them if necessary.", "Machine Learning Alert") + priority_announce("На борту станции [station_name()] зафиксировано распространение цифрового торгового вируса. Проверьте все торговые автоматы типа [machine_name] на наличие агрессивной маркетинговой тактики и при необходимости перезагрузите их.", "ОВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружен цифровой вирус") /datum/round_event/brand_intelligence/start() origin_machine.shut_up = FALSE diff --git a/code/modules/events/bureaucratic_error.dm b/code/modules/events/bureaucratic_error.dm index 774100fb7356d..11f50930245c8 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/bureaucratic_error.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/bureaucratic_error.dm @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ announce_when = 1 /datum/round_event/bureaucratic_error/announce(fake) - priority_announce("A recent bureaucratic error in the Organic Resources Department may result in personnel shortages in some departments and redundant staffing in others.", "Paperwork Mishap Alert") + priority_announce("Недавняя бюрократическая ошибка в отделе органических ресурсов может привести к нехватке кадров в одних отделах и избытку в других.", "Предупреждение о бюрократической ошибке.") /datum/round_event/bureaucratic_error/start() var/list/jobs = SSjob.get_valid_overflow_jobs() diff --git a/code/modules/events/carp_migration.dm b/code/modules/events/carp_migration.dm index 25d93f8bd5559..a926bd3209f5f 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/carp_migration.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/carp_migration.dm @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ /// Rarer mob type to spawn, must also be a child of /mob/living/basic/carp. If one of these is created, it will take priority to show ghosts. var/boss_type = /mob/living/basic/carp/mega /// What to describe detecting near the station - var/fluff_signal = "Unknown biological entities" + var/fluff_signal = "Неизвестные биологические объекты" /// Associated lists of z level to a list of points to travel to, so that grouped fish move to the same places var/list/z_migration_paths = list() @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ start_when = rand(40, 60) /datum/round_event/carp_migration/announce(fake) - priority_announce("[fluff_signal] have been detected near [station_name()], please stand-by.", "Lifesign Alert") + priority_announce("[fluff_signal] были обнаружены вблизи [station_name()], будьте наготове.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: неопознанные формы жизни") /datum/round_event/carp_migration/start() // Stores the most recent fish we spawn diff --git a/code/modules/events/communications_blackout.dm b/code/modules/events/communications_blackout.dm index 62925611993e8..88b96751d4cc4 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/communications_blackout.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/communications_blackout.dm @@ -11,11 +11,11 @@ announce_when = 1 /datum/round_event/communications_blackout/announce(fake) - var/alert = pick( "Ionospheric anomalies detected. Temporary telecommunication failure imminent. Please contact you*%fj00)`5vc-BZZT", - "Ionospheric anomalies detected. Temporary telecommunication failu*3mga;b4;'1v¬-BZZZT", - "Ionospheric anomalies detected. Temporary telec#MCi46:5.;@63-BZZZZT", - "Ionospheric anomalies dete'fZ\\kg5_0-BZZZZZT", - "Ionospheri:%£ MCayj^j<.3-BZZZZZZT", + var/alert = pick( "Обнаружены ионосферные аномалии. Временный сбой в телекоммуникации неизбежен. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с вашим*%fj00)`5vc-BZZT", + "Обнаружены ионосферные аномалии. Временный сбой св*3mga;b4;'1v¬-BZZZT", + "Обнаружены ионосферные аномалии. Вре#MCi46:5.;@63-BZZZZT", + "Обнаружены ионосферные ано'fZ\\kg5_0-BZZZZZT", + "Ионосфе:%£ MCayj^j<.3-BZZZZZZT", "#4nd%;f4y6,>£%-BZZZZZZZT", ) @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ to_chat(A, "
") if(prob(30) || fake) //most of the time, we don't want an announcement, so as to allow AIs to fake blackouts. - priority_announce(alert, "Anomaly Alert") + priority_announce(alert, "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") /datum/round_event/communications_blackout/start() diff --git a/code/modules/events/disease_outbreak.dm b/code/modules/events/disease_outbreak.dm index 881709c316547..4ef36327a3f55 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/disease_outbreak.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/disease_outbreak.dm @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ ) var/datum/disease/fake_virus = pick(virus_candidates) illness_type = initial(fake_virus.name) - priority_announce("Confirmed outbreak of level 7 viral biohazard aboard [station_name()]. All personnel must contain the outbreak.", "[illness_type] Alert", ANNOUNCER_OUTBREAK7) + priority_announce("Вспышка биологической угрозы 7-го уровня зафиксирована на борту [station_name()]. Всему персоналу надлежит сдержать её распространение.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: [illness_type]", ANNOUNCER_OUTBREAK7) /datum/round_event/disease_outbreak/setup() announce_when = ADV_ANNOUNCE_DELAY diff --git a/code/modules/events/earthquake.dm b/code/modules/events/earthquake.dm index 84945dc99f09d..cb0d992244bc1 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/earthquake.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/earthquake.dm @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ underbelly += GET_TURF_BELOW(turf_to_quake) /datum/round_event/earthquake/announce(fake) - priority_announce("Planetary monitoring systems indicate a devastating seismic event in the near future.", "Seismic Report") + priority_announce("Системы планетарного мониторинга указывают на разрушительное сейсмическое событие в ближайшем будущем.", "Отчёт о сейсмической активности") /datum/round_event/earthquake/start() notify_ghosts( diff --git a/code/modules/events/electrical_storm.dm b/code/modules/events/electrical_storm.dm index 2b6aeac7eb219..ac19d007ef1a3 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/electrical_storm.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/electrical_storm.dm @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ announce_when = 1 /datum/round_event/electrical_storm/announce(fake) - priority_announce("An electrical storm has been detected in your area, please repair potential electronic overloads.", "Electrical Storm Alert") + priority_announce("На борту станции зафиксирована электрическая буря. Пожалуйста, устраните потенциальные перегрузки электросетей.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Электрическая буря") /datum/round_event/electrical_storm/start() diff --git a/code/modules/events/ghost_role/blob.dm b/code/modules/events/ghost_role/blob.dm index 8e83351f5c045..4164d690845c1 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/ghost_role/blob.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/ghost_role/blob.dm @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ /datum/round_event/ghost_role/blob/announce(fake) if(!fake) return //the mob itself handles this. - priority_announce("Confirmed outbreak of level 5 biohazard aboard [station_name()]. All personnel must contain the outbreak.", "Biohazard Alert", ANNOUNCER_OUTBREAK5) + priority_announce("Вспышка биологической угрозы 5-го уровня зафиксирована на борту [station_name()]. Всему персоналу надлежит сдержать её распространение любой ценой!", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Биологическая угроза", ANNOUNCER_OUTBREAK5) /datum/round_event/ghost_role/blob/spawn_role() if(!GLOB.blobstart.len) diff --git a/code/modules/events/gravity_generator_blackout.dm b/code/modules/events/gravity_generator_blackout.dm index 84d67753dce52..71ea70703b010 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/gravity_generator_blackout.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/gravity_generator_blackout.dm @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ announce_chance = 33 /datum/round_event/gravity_generator_blackout/announce(fake) - priority_announce("Gravnospheric anomalies detected near [station_name()]. Manual reset of generators is required.", "Anomaly Alert", ANNOUNCER_GRANOMALIES) + priority_announce("Гравносферные аномалии обнаружены вблизи [station_name()]. Требуется ручная перезагрузка генераторов гравитации.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия", ANNOUNCER_GRANOMALIES) /datum/round_event/gravity_generator_blackout/start() for(var/obj/machinery/gravity_generator/main/the_generator as anything in SSmachines.get_machines_by_type_and_subtypes(/obj/machinery/gravity_generator/main)) diff --git a/code/modules/events/grey_tide.dm b/code/modules/events/grey_tide.dm index 62f5a53374c31..c5d5808c28691 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/grey_tide.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/grey_tide.dm @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ /datum/round_event/grey_tide/announce(fake) if(fake) severity = rand(1,3) - priority_announce("Gr3y.T1d3 virus detected in [station_name()] secure locking encryption subroutines. Severity level of [severity]. Recommend station AI involvement.", "Security Alert") + priority_announce("Вирус Gr3y.T1d3 обнаружен в подпрограммах шифрования системы безопасной блокировки [station_name()]. Уровень угрозы [severity]. Рекомендуется участие ИИ станции.", "Оповещение безопасности") /datum/round_event/grey_tide/start() if(!length(grey_tide_areas)) diff --git a/code/modules/events/grid_check.dm b/code/modules/events/grid_check.dm index 8fd3b86f14bd2..e8433c26fd007 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/grid_check.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/grid_check.dm @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ CRASH("event started without controller!") if(!COOLDOWN_FINISHED(controller, announcement_spam_protection)) return - priority_announce("Abnormal activity detected in [station_name()]'s powernet. As a precautionary measure, the station's power will be shut off for an indeterminate duration.", "Critical Power Failure", ANNOUNCER_POWEROFF) + priority_announce("Обнаружена аномальная активность в сети питания [station_name()]. В качестве меры предосторожности питание будет отключено на неопределенный срок.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Критический сбой системы питания", ANNOUNCER_POWEROFF) if(!fake) // Only start the CD if we're real COOLDOWN_START(controller, announcement_spam_protection, 30 SECONDS) diff --git a/code/modules/events/ion_storm.dm b/code/modules/events/ion_storm.dm index 772d1576cdc08..eb4f5e278db84 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/ion_storm.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/ion_storm.dm @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ /datum/round_event/ion_storm/announce(fake) if(prob(announce_chance) || fake) - priority_announce("Ion storm detected near the station. Please check all AI-controlled equipment for errors.", "Anomaly Alert", ANNOUNCER_IONSTORM) + priority_announce("Вблизи станции обнаружена ионная буря. Пожалуйста, проверьте всё оборудование, управляемое ИИ, на наличие ошибок.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия", ANNOUNCER_IONSTORM) /datum/round_event/ion_storm/start() diff --git a/code/modules/events/market_crash.dm b/code/modules/events/market_crash.dm index 5fb0266d05aa3..3fd9f43cfe069 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/market_crash.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/market_crash.dm @@ -20,20 +20,18 @@ announce_when = 2 /datum/round_event/market_crash/announce(fake) - var/list/poss_reasons = list("the alignment of the moon and the sun",\ - "some risky housing market outcomes",\ - "the B.E.P.I.S. team's untimely downfall",\ - "speculative Terragov grants backfiring",\ - "greatly exaggerated reports of Nanotrasen accountancy personnel being \"laid off\"",\ - "a \"great investment\" into \"non-fungible tokens\" by a \"moron\"",\ - "a number of raids from Tiger Cooperative agents",\ - "supply chain shortages",\ - "the \"Nanotrasen+\" social media network's untimely downfall",\ - "the \"Nanotrasen+\" social media network's unfortunate success",\ - "uhh, bad luck, we guess" + var/list/poss_reasons = list("выравнивания луны и солнца",\ + "некоторых рискованных результаты на рынке жилья",\ + "сильно преувеличенных сообщений об \"увольнении\" бухгалтерского состава Нанотрейзен",\ + "\"огромного вложения\" в \"НФТ\" \"идиотом\"",\ + "рейдов со стороны агентов Кооператива Тигр",\ + "сокращения цепочек поставок",\ + "падения акций социальной сети \"Nanotrasen+\"",\ + "неудачного успеха социальной сети \"Нанотрейзен+\"",\ + "эм, невезению, мы полагаем" ) var/reason = pick(poss_reasons) - priority_announce("Due to [reason], prices for on-station vendors will be increased for a short period.", "Nanotrasen Accounting Division") + priority_announce("Из-за [reason], цены в торговых автоматах на станции будут повышены на короткий период.", "Отдел бухгалтерского учета Нанотрейзен") /datum/round_event/market_crash/start() . = ..() @@ -46,7 +44,7 @@ REMOVE_TRAIT(SSeconomy, TRAIT_MARKET_CRASHING, MARKET_CRASH_EVENT_TRAIT) SSeconomy.price_update() SSeconomy.update_vending_prices() - priority_announce("Prices for on-station vendors have now stabilized.", "Nanotrasen Accounting Division") + priority_announce("Цены в торговых автоматах на станции стабилизировались.", "Отдел бухгалтерского учета Нанотрейзен") /datum/round_event/market_crash/tick() . = ..() diff --git a/code/modules/events/mice_migration.dm b/code/modules/events/mice_migration.dm index 450f910080018..fd162e272323b 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/mice_migration.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/mice_migration.dm @@ -10,19 +10,17 @@ var/maximum_mice = 15 /datum/round_event/mice_migration/announce(fake) - var/cause = pick("space-winter", "budget-cuts", "Ragnarok", - "space being cold", "\[REDACTED\]", "climate change", - "bad luck") - var/plural = pick("a number of", "a horde of", "a pack of", "a swarm of", - "a whoop of", "not more than [maximum_mice]") - var/name = pick("rodents", "mice", "squeaking things", - "wire eating mammals", "\[REDACTED\]", "energy draining parasites") - var/movement = pick("migrated", "swarmed", "stampeded", "descended") - var/location = pick("maintenance tunnels", "maintenance areas", - "\[REDACTED\]", "place with all those juicy wires") + var/cause = pick("космозимы", "сокращения бюджета", "Рагнарёка", + "того, что космос холодный", "\[УДАЛЕНО\]", "климатических изменений", + "неудачи") + var/plural = pick("кучка", "орда", "стая", "рой", "не более чем [maximum_mice]") + var/name = pick("грызунов", "мышей", "сквикеров", "проводоедов", "\[УДАЛЕНО\]", "поглощающих энергию паразитов") + var/movement = pick("мигрировала", "зароились", "убежала в панике", "проникла") + var/location = pick("технические тоннели", "технические помещения", + "\[УДАЛЕНО\]", "кишащее сочными проводами место") - priority_announce("Due to [cause], [plural] [name] have [movement] \ - into the [location].", "Migration Alert", + priority_announce("Из-за [cause], [plural] [name] [movement] \ + в [location].", "Оповещение о миграции", 'sound/creatures/mousesqueek.ogg') /datum/round_event/mice_migration/start() diff --git a/code/modules/events/portal_storm.dm b/code/modules/events/portal_storm.dm index 0ca7800ee22d1..65950974479c6 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/portal_storm.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/portal_storm.dm @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ set waitfor = 0 sound_to_playing_players('sound/magic/lightning_chargeup.ogg') sleep(8 SECONDS) - priority_announce("Massive bluespace anomaly detected en route to [station_name()]. Brace for impact.") + priority_announce("Обнаружена внушительная блюспейс аномалия на встречном с [station_name()] курсе. Приготовьтесь к удару.") sleep(2 SECONDS) sound_to_playing_players('sound/magic/lightningbolt.ogg') diff --git a/code/modules/events/processor_overload.dm b/code/modules/events/processor_overload.dm index 3c97ca91cdcca..c5610bb918563 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/processor_overload.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/processor_overload.dm @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ // whether it's, say, a tesla zapping tcomms, or some selective // modification of the tcomms bus if(prob(80) || fake) - priority_announce(alert, "Anomaly Alert") + priority_announce(alert, "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия") /datum/round_event/processor_overload/start() diff --git a/code/modules/events/radiation_leak.dm b/code/modules/events/radiation_leak.dm index a5aee22a8b26f..caa3805eb7c24 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/radiation_leak.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/radiation_leak.dm @@ -58,9 +58,9 @@ else if(the_source_of_our_problems) location_descriptor = get_area(the_source_of_our_problems) - priority_announce("A radiation leak has been detected in [location_descriptor || "an unknown area"]. \ - All crew are to evacuate the affected area. Our [pick("mechanics", "engineers", "scientists", "interns", "sensors", "readings")] \ - report that a machine within is causing it - repair it quickly to stop the leak.", "[command_name()] Engineering Division") + priority_announce("Утечка радиации обнаружена в [location_descriptor || "an unknown area"]. \ + Все члены экипажа должны эвакуироваться из поражённой зоны. Наши [pick("механики", "инженеры", "ученые", "интерны", "сенсоры", "показатели")] \ + указывают, что машинерия в этой локации является причиной проблемы - отремонтируйте её как можно быстрее, чтобы остановить утечку", "[command_name()]: Инженерный отдел") /datum/round_event/radiation_leak/start() var/obj/machinery/the_source_of_our_problems = picked_machine_ref?.resolve() diff --git a/code/modules/events/radiation_storm.dm b/code/modules/events/radiation_storm.dm index 5b2b6b71ea1dd..7fe251e5b9062 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/radiation_storm.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/radiation_storm.dm @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ announce_when = 1 /datum/round_event/radiation_storm/announce(fake) - priority_announce("High levels of radiation detected near the station. Maintenance is best shielded from radiation.", "Anomaly Alert", ANNOUNCER_RADIATION) + priority_announce("Вблизи станции обнаружено радиационное поле высокой интенсивности. Всему персоналу надлежит проследовать в технические тоннели.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия", ANNOUNCER_RADIATION) //sound not longer matches the text, but an audible warning is probably good /datum/round_event/radiation_storm/start() diff --git a/code/modules/events/sandstorm.dm b/code/modules/events/sandstorm.dm index 0288b32ec2078..28a5df5d51341 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/sandstorm.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/sandstorm.dm @@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ kill() return - priority_announce("A large wave of space dust is approaching from the [start_side_text] side of the station. \ - Impact is expected in the next two minutes. All employees are encouranged to assist in repairs and damage mitigation if possible.", "Collision Emergency Alert") + priority_announce("Большая волна космической пыли приближается с [start_side_text] стороны станции. \ + Удар ожидается в ближайшие две минуты. Всем сотрудникам рекомендуется по возможности оказать помощь в ремонте и уменьшении ущерба.", "Экстренное оповещение о столкновении") /datum/round_event/sandstorm/tick() spawn_meteors(15, GLOB.meteors_sandstorm, start_side) diff --git a/code/modules/events/scrubber_overflow.dm b/code/modules/events/scrubber_overflow.dm index 7f24648a9e5a7..bcad6d0424f06 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/scrubber_overflow.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/scrubber_overflow.dm @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ deadchat_broadcast(" has just been[random ? " randomly" : ""] triggered[cause ? " by [cause]" : ""]!", "Scrubber Overflow: [initial(forced_reagent_type.name)]", message_type=DEADCHAT_ANNOUNCEMENT) /datum/round_event/scrubber_overflow/announce(fake) - priority_announce("The scrubbers network is experiencing a backpressure surge. Some ejection of contents may occur.", "[command_name()] Engineering Division") + priority_announce("Зафиксирован скачок обратного давления в системе вытяжных труб. Возможен выброс содержимого.", "[command_name()]: Инженерный отдел") /datum/round_event/scrubber_overflow/setup() for(var/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/unary/vent_scrubber/temp_vent as anything in SSmachines.get_machines_by_type_and_subtypes(/obj/machinery/atmospherics/components/unary/vent_scrubber)) diff --git a/code/modules/events/tram_malfunction.dm b/code/modules/events/tram_malfunction.dm index 18ee4afb7a18c..5d80953c47b7e 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/tram_malfunction.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/tram_malfunction.dm @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ end_when = rand(TRAM_MALFUNCTION_TIME_LOWER, TRAM_MALFUNCTION_TIME_UPPER) /datum/round_event/tram_malfunction/announce() - priority_announce("Our automated control system has lost contact with the tram's onboard computer. Please take extra care while engineers diagnose and resolve the issue.", "[command_name()] Engineering Division") + priority_announce("Our automated control system has lost contact with the tram's onboard computer. Please take extra care while engineers diagnose and resolve the issue.", "[command_name()]: Инженерный отдел") /datum/round_event/tram_malfunction/start() for(var/datum/transport_controller/linear/tram/malfunctioning_controller as anything in SStransport.transports_by_type[TRANSPORT_TYPE_TRAM]) @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ for(var/datum/transport_controller/linear/tram/malfunctioning_controller as anything in SStransport.transports_by_type[TRANSPORT_TYPE_TRAM]) if(malfunctioning_controller.specific_transport_id == specific_transport_id && malfunctioning_controller.controller_status & COMM_ERROR) malfunctioning_controller.end_malf_event() - priority_announce("The software on the tram has been reset, normal operations are now resuming. Sorry for any inconvienence this may have caused.", "[command_name()] Engineering Division") + priority_announce("The software on the tram has been reset, normal operations are now resuming. Sorry for any inconvienence this may have caused.", "[command_name()]: Инженерный отдел") return #undef TRAM_MALFUNCTION_TIME_UPPER diff --git a/code/modules/events/wormholes.dm b/code/modules/events/wormholes.dm index 7dcaf0861c3ff..6f28146ad8df7 100644 --- a/code/modules/events/wormholes.dm +++ b/code/modules/events/wormholes.dm @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(all_wormholes) // So we can pick wormholes to teleport to wormholes += new /obj/effect/portal/wormhole(T, 0, null, FALSE) /datum/round_event/wormholes/announce(fake) - priority_announce("Space-time anomalies detected on the station. There is no additional data.", "Anomaly Alert", ANNOUNCER_SPANOMALIES) + priority_announce("Space-time anomalies detected on the station. There is no additional data.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия", ANNOUNCER_SPANOMALIES) /datum/round_event/wormholes/tick() if(activeFor % shift_frequency == 0) diff --git a/code/modules/hallucination/station_message.dm b/code/modules/hallucination/station_message.dm index 97b37e77cd9e2..fc11362b5a45c 100644 --- a/code/modules/hallucination/station_message.dm +++ b/code/modules/hallucination/station_message.dm @@ -9,18 +9,18 @@ /datum/hallucination/station_message/blob_alert /datum/hallucination/station_message/blob_alert/start() - priority_announce("Confirmed outbreak of level 5 biohazard aboard [station_name()]. All personnel must contain the outbreak.", \ - "Biohazard Alert", ANNOUNCER_OUTBREAK5, players = list(hallucinator)) + priority_announce("Вспышка биологической угрозы 5-го уровня зафиксирована на борту [station_name()]. Всему персоналу надлежит сдержать её распространение любой ценой!", \ + "ВНИМАНИЕ: Биологическая угроза", ANNOUNCER_OUTBREAK5, players = list(hallucinator)) return ..() /datum/hallucination/station_message/shuttle_dock /datum/hallucination/station_message/shuttle_dock/start() priority_announce( - text = "[SSshuttle.emergency] has docked with the station. You have [DisplayTimeText(SSshuttle.emergency_dock_time)] to board the emergency shuttle.", - title = "Emergency Shuttle Arrival", + text = "[SSshuttle.emergency] совершил стыковку со станцией. У вас есть [DisplayTimeText(SSshuttle.emergency_dock_time)], чтобы добраться до эвакуационного шаттла.", + title = "Прибытие эвакуационного шаттла", sound = ANNOUNCER_SHUTTLEDOCK, - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", players = list(hallucinator), color_override = "orange", ) @@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ if(!(locate(/mob/living/silicon/ai) in GLOB.silicon_mobs)) return FALSE - priority_announce("Hostile runtimes detected in all station systems, please deactivate your AI to prevent possible damage to its morality core.", \ - "Anomaly Alert", ANNOUNCER_AIMALF, players = list(hallucinator)) + priority_announce("Во всех системах станций обнаружены вредоносные процессы. Пожалуйста, уничтожьте свой ИИ, чтобы предотвратить возможный ущерб его моральному ядру.", \ + "ВНИМАНИЕ: Обнаружена аномалия", ANNOUNCER_AIMALF, players = list(hallucinator)) return ..() /datum/hallucination/station_message/heretic @@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ var/area/fake_summon_area = GLOB.areas_by_type[fake_summon_area_type] priority_announce( - text = "Figments from an eldritch god are being summoned by [totally_real_cult_leader.real_name] into [fake_summon_area] from an unknown dimension. Disrupt the ritual at all costs!", - title = "[command_name()] Higher Dimensional Affairs", + text = "Зафиксирован призыв древнего божества культистом [totally_real_cult_leader.real_name] в [fake_summon_area]. Прервите ритуал любой ценой!", + title = "[command_name()]: Отдел паранормальных явлений", sound = 'sound/ambience/antag/bloodcult/bloodcult_scribe.ogg', has_important_message = TRUE, players = list(hallucinator), @@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ random_hallucination_weight = 2 /datum/hallucination/station_message/meteors/start() - priority_announce("Meteors have been detected on collision course with the station.", "Meteor Alert", ANNOUNCER_METEORS, players = list(hallucinator)) + priority_announce("Зафиксировано движение астероидов на встречном со станцией курсе.", "ВНИМАНИЕ: Астероиды", ANNOUNCER_METEORS, players = list(hallucinator)) return ..() /datum/hallucination/station_message/supermatter_delam diff --git a/code/modules/power/singularity/narsie.dm b/code/modules/power/singularity/narsie.dm index caba755eb81a7..c3c7508e34f42 100644 --- a/code/modules/power/singularity/narsie.dm +++ b/code/modules/power/singularity/narsie.dm @@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ ///First crew last second win check and flufftext for [/proc/begin_the_end()] /proc/narsie_end_begin_check() if(QDELETED(GLOB.cult_narsie)) // uno - priority_announce("Status report? We detected an anomaly, but it disappeared almost immediately.","[command_name()] Higher Dimensional Affairs", 'sound/misc/notice1.ogg') + priority_announce("Status report? We detected an anomaly, but it disappeared almost immediately.","[command_name()]: Отдел паранормальных явлений", 'sound/misc/notice1.ogg') GLOB.cult_narsie = null addtimer(CALLBACK(GLOBAL_PROC, GLOBAL_PROC_REF(cult_ending_helper), CULT_FAILURE_NARSIE_KILLED), 2 SECONDS) return priority_announce( text = "An acausal dimensional event has been detected in your sector. Event has been flagged EXTINCTION-CLASS. Directing all available assets toward simulating solutions. SOLUTION ETA: 60 SECONDS.", - title = "[command_name()] Higher Dimensional Affairs", + title = "[command_name()]: Отдел паранормальных явлений", sound = 'sound/misc/airraid.ogg', ) addtimer(CALLBACK(GLOBAL_PROC, GLOBAL_PROC_REF(narsie_end_second_check)), 50 SECONDS) @@ -267,11 +267,11 @@ ///Second crew last second win check and flufftext for [/proc/begin_the_end()] /proc/narsie_end_second_check() if(QDELETED(GLOB.cult_narsie)) // dos - priority_announce("Simulations aborted, sensors report that the acasual event is normalizing. Good work, crew.","[command_name()] Higher Dimensional Affairs", 'sound/misc/notice1.ogg') + priority_announce("Simulations aborted, sensors report that the acasual event is normalizing. Good work, crew.","[command_name()]: Отдел паранормальных явлений", 'sound/misc/notice1.ogg') GLOB.cult_narsie = null addtimer(CALLBACK(GLOBAL_PROC, GLOBAL_PROC_REF(cult_ending_helper), CULT_FAILURE_NARSIE_KILLED), 2 SECONDS) return - priority_announce("Simulations on acausal dimensional event complete. Deploying solution package now. Deployment ETA: ONE MINUTE. ","[command_name()] Higher Dimensional Affairs") + priority_announce("Simulations on acausal dimensional event complete. Deploying solution package now. Deployment ETA: ONE MINUTE. ","[command_name()]: Отдел паранормальных явлений") addtimer(CALLBACK(GLOBAL_PROC, GLOBAL_PROC_REF(narsie_start_destroy_station)), 5 SECONDS) ///security level and shuttle lockdowns for [/proc/begin_the_end()] @@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ ///Third crew last second win check and flufftext for [/proc/begin_the_end()] /proc/narsie_apocalypse() if(QDELETED(GLOB.cult_narsie)) // tres - priority_announce("Normalization detected! Abort the solution package!","[command_name()] Higher Dimensional Affairs", 'sound/misc/notice1.ogg') + priority_announce("Normalization detected! Abort the solution package!","[command_name()]: Отдел паранормальных явлений", 'sound/misc/notice1.ogg') SSshuttle.clearHostileEnvironment(GLOB.cult_narsie) GLOB.cult_narsie = null addtimer(CALLBACK(GLOBAL_PROC, GLOBAL_PROC_REF(narsie_last_second_win)), 2 SECONDS) diff --git a/code/modules/power/supermatter/supermatter_delamination/delamination_effects.dm b/code/modules/power/supermatter/supermatter_delamination/delamination_effects.dm index a6c3f171b61af..22d65b225005f 100644 --- a/code/modules/power/supermatter/supermatter_delamination/delamination_effects.dm +++ b/code/modules/power/supermatter/supermatter_delamination/delamination_effects.dm @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ text = "Fatal error occurred in emergency shuttle uplink during transit. Unable to reestablish connection.", title = "Shuttle Failure", sound = 'sound/misc/announce_dig.ogg', - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "grey", ) else diff --git a/code/modules/shuttle/emergency.dm b/code/modules/shuttle/emergency.dm index c93bd5e8c14e0..a8eacd16650a9 100644 --- a/code/modules/shuttle/emergency.dm +++ b/code/modules/shuttle/emergency.dm @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ text = "The emergency shuttle has been called. [red_alert ? "Red Alert state confirmed: Dispatching priority shuttle. " : "" ]It will arrive in [(timeLeft(60 SECONDS))] minutes.[reason][SSshuttle.emergency_last_call_loc ? "\n\nCall signal traced. Results can be viewed on any communications console." : "" ][SSshuttle.admin_emergency_no_recall ? "\n\nWarning: Shuttle recall subroutines disabled; Recall not possible." : ""]", title = "Emergency Shuttle Dispatched", sound = ANNOUNCER_SHUTTLECALLED, - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "orange", ) @@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ text = "The emergency shuttle has been recalled.[SSshuttle.emergency_last_call_loc ? " Recall signal traced. Results can be viewed on any communications console." : "" ]", title = "Emergency Shuttle Recalled", sound = ANNOUNCER_SHUTTLERECALLED, - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "orange", ) @@ -484,10 +484,10 @@ setTimer(SSshuttle.emergency_dock_time) send2adminchat("Server", "The Emergency Shuttle has docked with the station.") priority_announce( - text = "[SSshuttle.emergency] has docked with the station. You have [DisplayTimeText(SSshuttle.emergency_dock_time)] to board the emergency shuttle.", - title = "Emergency Shuttle Arrival", + text = "[SSshuttle.emergency] совершил стыковку со станцией. У вас есть [DisplayTimeText(SSshuttle.emergency_dock_time)], чтобы добраться до эвакуационного шаттла.", + title = "Прибытие эвакуационного шаттла", sound = ANNOUNCER_SHUTTLEDOCK, - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "orange", ) ShuttleDBStuff() @@ -544,7 +544,7 @@ priority_announce( text = "The emergency shuttle has left the station. Estimate [timeLeft(60 SECONDS)] minutes until the shuttle docks at [command_name()].", title = "Emergency Shuttle Departure", - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "orange", ) INVOKE_ASYNC(SSticker, TYPE_PROC_REF(/datum/controller/subsystem/ticker, poll_hearts)) @@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ priority_announce( text = "The emergency shuttle is preparing for direct jump. Estimate [timeLeft(60 SECONDS)] minutes until the shuttle docks at [command_name()].", title = "Emergency Shuttle Transit Failure", - sender_override = "Emergency Shuttle Uplink Alert", + sender_override = "Система оповещения эвакуационного шаттла", color_override = "orange", )