diff --git a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/investigative/thoughtfeed.dm b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/investigative/thoughtfeed.dm
index 745e52d31ea06..7c8464eec156c 100644
--- a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/investigative/thoughtfeed.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/investigative/thoughtfeed.dm
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
* During the night, thoughtfeeding will reveal the person's exact role.
- name = "Мысленная пища"
- ability_action = "наслаждайтесь воспоминаниями"
+ name = "Поглотить мысли"
+ ability_action = "насладиться воспоминаниями"
/datum/mafia_ability/thoughtfeeder/perform_action_target(datum/mafia_controller/game, datum/mafia_role/day_target)
. = ..()
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
return FALSE
if((target_role.role_flags & ROLE_UNDETECTABLE))
- host_role.send_message_to_player(span_warning("[target_role.body.real_name], его воспоминания показывают, что он [pick(game.all_roles - target_role)]."))
+ host_role.send_message_to_player(span_warning("Воспоминания [target_role.body.real_name] показывают, что он [pick(game.all_roles - target_role)]."))
- host_role.send_message_to_player(span_warning("[target_role.body.real_name], его Воспоминания показывают, что он [target_role.name]."))
+ host_role.send_message_to_player(span_warning("Воспоминания [target_role.body.real_name] показывают, что он [target_role.name]."))
return TRUE
diff --git a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/killing/alert.dm b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/killing/alert.dm
index a3d8cf2e3d6b0..58cfca2916d1c 100644
--- a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/killing/alert.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/killing/alert.dm
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
name = "Предупреждение"
- ability_action = "Сегодня вечером отправьте всех посетителей домой картечью."
+ ability_action = "сегодня вечером накормить всех посетителей картечью"
use_flags = CAN_USE_ON_SELF
/datum/mafia_ability/attack_visitors/set_target(datum/mafia_controller/game, datum/mafia_role/new_target)
diff --git a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/killing/flicker_rampage.dm b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/killing/flicker_rampage.dm
index 10bf2e89c0cae..f2cd2f9ad8e08 100644
--- a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/killing/flicker_rampage.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/killing/flicker_rampage.dm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
name = "Мерцание/Буйство"
- ability_action = "попытка нападения или омрачения"
+ ability_action = "попробовать напасть или омрачить"
///List of all players in the dark, which we can rampage.
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
darkened_players += target_role
for(var/datum/mafia_role/dead_players as anything in darkened_players)
- dead_players.send_message_to_player(span_userdanger("Из темноты появляется тень.!"))
+ dead_players.send_message_to_player(span_userdanger("Из темноты появляется тень!"))
dead_players.kill(game, host_role, FALSE)
darkened_players -= dead_players
return TRUE
diff --git a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/killing/kill.dm b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/killing/kill.dm
index 71370bc472b54..58fba78908954 100644
--- a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/killing/kill.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/killing/kill.dm
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
name = "Нападение"
- ability_action = "попытка нападения"
+ ability_action = "попробовать напасть"
///The message told to the player when they are killed.
var/attack_action = "убит"
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
if(!target_role.kill(game, host_role, FALSE))
host_role.send_message_to_player(span_danger("Твоя попытка убить [target_role.body.real_name] был предотвращёна!"))
- target_role.send_message_to_player(span_userdanger("Вы были [attack_action] \a [host_role.name]!"))
+ target_role.send_message_to_player(span_userdanger("Вы были [attack_action]ы [host_role.name]!"))
if(honorable && (target_role.team != MAFIA_TEAM_TOWN))
host_role.send_message_to_player(span_userdanger("Вы убили невинного члена экипажа. Вы умрете завтра ночью."))
RegisterSignal(game, COMSIG_MAFIA_SUNDOWN, PROC_REF(internal_affairs))
@@ -34,6 +34,6 @@
name = "Казнь"
- ability_action = "попытка казни"
- attack_action = "казнён"
+ ability_action = "попробовать казнить"
+ attack_action = "казнен"
honorable = TRUE
diff --git a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/protective/heal.dm b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/protective/heal.dm
index 84730efe9595c..fffe1536f3a56 100644
--- a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/protective/heal.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/protective/heal.dm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
name = "Исцеление"
- ability_action = "Исцеление"
+ ability_action = "исцелить"
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
name = "Защита"
- ability_action = "защита"
+ ability_action = "защитить"
saving_message = "охрана отбила нападавшего"
/datum/mafia_ability/heal/defend/prevent_kill(datum/source, datum/mafia_controller/game, datum/mafia_role/attacker, lynch)
diff --git a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/protective/vest.dm b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/protective/vest.dm
index 3d28b64c2d26c..383a7ccaddcd6 100644
--- a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/protective/vest.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/protective/vest.dm
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
name = "Жилет"
- ability_action = "Защитите себя жилетом"
+ ability_action = "защитить себя жилетом"
use_flags = CAN_USE_ON_SELF
///Amount of vests that can be used until the power deletes itself.
diff --git a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/support/self_reveal.dm b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/support/self_reveal.dm
index 6d60f851160be..4701351c90d2b 100644
--- a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/support/self_reveal.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/support/self_reveal.dm
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
name = "Откровение"
- ability_action = "раскройте свою роль"
+ ability_action = "раскрыть свою роль"
action_priority = null
valid_use_period = MAFIA_PHASE_DAY
use_flags = CAN_USE_ON_SELF
diff --git a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/voting/changeling_kill.dm b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/voting/changeling_kill.dm
index f9f4db578f4cd..fda775efb0466 100644
--- a/code/modules/mafia/abilities/voting/changeling_kill.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mafia/abilities/voting/changeling_kill.dm
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
* The attacker will always be the first person in the list, killing them will go to the next.
- name = "Голос на убийство"
- ability_action = "попытка поглощения"
+ name = "Голос за убийство"
+ ability_action = "попробовать поглотить"
///Boolean on whether a Changeling has been sent to attack someone yet.
var/static/ling_sent = FALSE
diff --git a/code/modules/mafia/controller.dm b/code/modules/mafia/controller.dm
index f6b46c3430dc9..d76440ee1f340 100644
--- a/code/modules/mafia/controller.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mafia/controller.dm
@@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(mafia_role_by_alignment, setup_mafia_role_by_alignment())
start_day(can_vote = FALSE)
- send_message(span_notice("The selected map is [current_map.name]! [current_map.description]"))
- send_message("Day [turn] started! There is no voting on the first day. Say hello to everybody!")
+ send_message(span_notice("Текущая карта [current_map.name]! [current_map.description]"))
+ send_message("[turn] день начался! В первый день голосование не проводится. Скажите всем привет!")
next_phase_timer = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(check_trial), FALSE), (FIRST_DAY_PERIOD_LENGTH / time_speedup), TIMER_STOPPABLE) //no voting period = no votes = instant night
for(var/datum/mafia_role/roles as anything in all_roles)
var/obj/item/modular_computer/modpc = roles.player_pda
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(mafia_role_by_alignment, setup_mafia_role_by_alignment())
send_message("With only [living_roles.len] living players left, the game timers have been sped up.")
- send_message("Day [turn] started! Voting will start in 1 minute.")
+ send_message("[turn] день начался! Голосование начнется через 1 минуту.")
next_phase_timer = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(start_voting_phase)), (DAY_PERIOD_LENGTH / time_speedup), TIMER_STOPPABLE)
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(mafia_role_by_alignment, setup_mafia_role_by_alignment())
next_phase_timer = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(check_trial), TRUE), (VOTING_PERIOD_LENGTH / time_speedup), TIMER_STOPPABLE) //be verbose!
- send_message("Voting started! Vote for who you want to see on trial today.")
+ send_message("Голосование началось! Проголосуйте за того, кого вы хотите видеть на суде сегодня.")
* Players have voted someone up, and now the person must defend themselves while the town votes innocent or guilty.
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(mafia_role_by_alignment, setup_mafia_role_by_alignment())
for(var/datum/mafia_role/voters as anything in living_roles)
if(voters == loser)
- voters.mafia_alert.update_text("[loser.body.real_name] wins the day vote, Listen to their defense and vote INNOCENT or GUILTY!")
+ voters.mafia_alert.update_text("[loser.body.real_name] был выбран голосованием, выслушайте его защиту и проголосуйте за НЕВИНОВЕН или ВИНОВЕН!")
judgement_abstain_votes += voters
on_trial = loser
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(mafia_role_by_alignment, setup_mafia_role_by_alignment())
- send_message("Not enough people have voted to put someone on trial, nobody will be lynched today.")
+ send_message("Недостаточно людей проголосовало, чтобы отдать кого-то под суд. Никто не будет линчеван сегодня.")
* Players have voted innocent or guilty on the person on trial, and that person is now killed or returned home.
@@ -280,24 +280,24 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(mafia_role_by_alignment, setup_mafia_role_by_alignment())
for(var/datum/mafia_role/role as anything in judgement_abstain_votes)
- send_message(span_comradio("[role.body.real_name] abstained."))
+ send_message(span_comradio("[role.body.real_name] воздержался."))
for(var/datum/mafia_role/role as anything in judgement_innocent_votes)
- send_message(span_green("[role.body.real_name] voted innocent."))
+ send_message(span_green("[role.body.real_name] проголосовал за невиновность."))
total_innocent_votes += role.vote_power
for(var/datum/mafia_role/role as anything in judgement_guilty_votes)
- send_message(span_red("[role.body.real_name] voted guilty."))
+ send_message(span_red("[role.body.real_name] проголосовал за виновность."))
total_guilty_votes += role.vote_power
if(total_guilty_votes > total_innocent_votes) //strictly need majority guilty to lynch
- send_message(span_red("Guilty wins majority, [on_trial.body.real_name] has been lynched."))
+ send_message(span_red("Голосовавшие за виновность победили, [on_trial.body.real_name] будет линчеван."))
on_trial.kill(src, lynch = TRUE)
next_phase_timer = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(send_home), on_trial), (LYNCH_PERIOD_LENGTH / time_speedup), TIMER_STOPPABLE)
- send_message(span_green("Innocent wins majority, [on_trial.body.real_name] has been spared."))
+ send_message(span_green("Голосовавшие за невиновность победили, [on_trial.body.real_name] пощажен."))
on_trial = null
@@ -357,20 +357,20 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(mafia_role_by_alignment, setup_mafia_role_by_alignment())
if(living_mafia.len + living_town.len <= 0)
- victory_message = "Draw!" //this is in-case no neutrals won, but there's no town/mafia left.
+ victory_message = "Ничья!" //this is in-case no neutrals won, but there's no town/mafia left.
for(var/datum/mafia_role/solo as anything in neutral_killers)
- victory_message = "[uppertext(solo.name)] VICTORY!"
+ victory_message = "[uppertext(solo.name)] ПОБЕДИЛ!"
award_role(solo.winner_award, solo)
else if(!living_mafia.len && !neutral_killers.len)
- victory_message = "TOWN VICTORY!"
+ victory_message = "ПОБЕДА ГОРОДА!"
for(var/datum/mafia_role/townie as anything in living_town)
award_role(townie.winner_award, townie)
else if((living_mafia.len >= anti_mafia_power) && !town_can_kill && !neutral_killers.len)
- victory_message = "MAFIA VICTORY!"
+ victory_message = "ПОБЕДА МАФИИ!"
for(var/datum/mafia_role/changeling as anything in living_mafia)
award_role(changeling.winner_award, changeling)
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(mafia_role_by_alignment, setup_mafia_role_by_alignment())
- send_message("Night [turn] started! Lockdown will end in 40 seconds.")
+ send_message("[turn] ночь началась! Блокировка закончится через 40 секунд.")
next_phase_timer = addtimer(CALLBACK(src, PROC_REF(resolve_night)), (NIGHT_PERIOD_LENGTH / time_speedup), TIMER_STOPPABLE)
@@ -502,13 +502,13 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(mafia_role_by_alignment, setup_mafia_role_by_alignment())
voter.body.maptext_x = initial(voter.body.maptext_x)
voter.body.maptext_width = initial(voter.body.maptext_width)
voter.body.maptext = null
- send_message(span_notice("[voter.body.real_name] retracts their vote for [target.body.real_name]!"), team = teams)
+ send_message(span_notice("[voter.body.real_name] отказывается от своего голоса за [target.body.real_name]!"), team = teams)
voter.body.maptext_y = 12
voter.body.maptext_x = -16
voter.body.maptext_width = 64
voter.body.maptext = "[target.body.real_name]"
- send_message(span_notice("[voter.body.real_name] voted for [target.body.real_name]!"), team = teams)
+ send_message(span_notice("[voter.body.real_name] проголосовал за [target.body.real_name]!"), team = teams)
target.body.update_appearance() //Update the vote display if it's a public vote
var/datum/mafia_role/old = old_vote
@@ -637,25 +637,25 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(mafia_role_by_alignment, setup_mafia_role_by_alignment())
/datum/mafia_controller/proc/signup_mafia(mob/user, client/ghost_client, obj/item/modular_computer/modpc)
- to_chat(user, span_warning("Wait for the round to start."))
+ to_chat(user, span_warning("Дождитесь начала раунда."))
return FALSE
GLOB.mafia_signup -= ghost_client.ckey
GLOB.mafia_early_votes -= ghost_client.ckey //Remove their early start vote as well
- to_chat(user, span_notice("You unregister from Mafia."))
+ to_chat(user, span_notice("Вы вышли из мафии."))
GLOB.mafia_signup[ghost_client.ckey] = TRUE
- to_chat(user, span_notice("You sign up for Mafia."))
+ to_chat(user, span_notice("Вы вошли в мафию."))
GLOB.pda_mafia_signup -= modpc
GLOB.mafia_early_votes -= modpc //Remove their early start vote as well
- to_chat(user, span_notice("You unregister from Mafia."))
+ to_chat(user, span_notice("Вы вышли из мафии."))
return TRUE
GLOB.pda_mafia_signup[modpc] = TRUE
- to_chat(user, span_notice("You sign up for Mafia."))
+ to_chat(user, span_notice("Вы вошли в мафию."))
if(phase == MAFIA_PHASE_SETUP)
@@ -797,8 +797,8 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(mafia_role_by_alignment, setup_mafia_role_by_alignment())
if(!(unpicked in GLOB.mafia_signup))
var/client/unpicked_client = GLOB.directory[unpicked]
- to_chat(unpicked_client, span_danger("Sorry, the starting mafia game has too many players and you were not picked."))
- to_chat(unpicked_client, span_warning("You're still signed up, getting messages from the current round, and have another chance to join when the one starting now finishes."))
+ to_chat(unpicked_client, span_danger("Извините, в начинающейся игре слишком много игроков, и вы не были включены в игру."))
+ to_chat(unpicked_client, span_warning("Вы все еще остаетесь зарегистрированным, получаете сообщения от текущего раунда и имеете шанс присоединиться, когда закончится рунд который начался сейчас."))
return filtered_keys_and_pdas
@@ -836,8 +836,8 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_INIT(mafia_role_by_alignment, setup_mafia_role_by_alignment())
- name = "Mafia Panel"
- desc = "Use this to play."
+ name = "Панель мафии"
+ desc = "Используйте, чтобы играть."
button_icon = 'icons/obj/mafia.dmi'
button_icon_state = "board"
///The mafia controller that the button will use the UI of.
diff --git a/code/modules/mafia/map_pieces.dm b/code/modules/mafia/map_pieces.dm
index 2d62126466aff..92e303b74f615 100644
--- a/code/modules/mafia/map_pieces.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mafia/map_pieces.dm
@@ -50,42 +50,42 @@
name = "Summerball 2020"
- description = "The original, the OG. The 2020 Summer ball was where mafia came from, with this map."
+ description = "Оригинал, OG. Summer ball 2020 - это место, где появилась мафия с этой картой."
map_suffix = "mafia_ball.dmm"
- name = "Alien Mothership"
- description = "The haunted ghost UFO tour has gone south and now it's up to our fine townies and scare seekers to kill the actual real alien changelings..."
+ name = "Корабль пришельцев"
+ description = "Тур с призраками и НЛО сорвался, теперь нашим прекрасным горожанам и любителям страшилок предстоит убить настоящих инопланетных генокрадов..."
map_suffix = "mafia_ayylmao.dmm"
custom_outfit = /datum/outfit/mafia/abductee
- name = "Spider Clan Kidnapping"
- description = "New and improved spider clan kidnappings are a lot less boring and have a lot more lynching. Damn westaboos!"
+ name = "Похищение клана Пауков"
+ description = "Новые и улучшенные похищения клана Паука менее скучны и содержат гораздо больше линчеваний."
map_suffix = "mafia_spiderclan.dmm"
custom_outfit = /datum/outfit/mafia/ninja
- name = "Vampire's Castle"
- description = "Vampires and changelings clash to find out who's the superior bloodsucking monster in this creepy castle map."
+ name = "Замок вампиров"
+ description = "Вампиры и генокрады вступают в схватку, чтобы выяснить, кто из кровососущих монстров лучше на этой карте жуткого замка."
map_suffix = "mafia_gothic.dmm"
custom_outfit = /datum/outfit/mafia/gothic
- name = "Syndicate Megastation"
- description = "Yes, it's a very confusing day at the Megastation. Will the syndicate conflict resolution operatives succeed?"
+ name = "Мегастанция синдиката"
+ description = "Да, сегодня очень запутанный день на Мегастанции. Удастся ли оперативникам Синдиката разрешить конфликт?"
map_suffix = "mafia_syndie.dmm"
custom_outfit = /datum/outfit/mafia/syndie
name = "Snowdin"
- description = "Based off of the icy moon map of the same name, the guy who reworked it did a good enough job to receive a derivative piece of work based on it. Cool!"
+ description = "Основанная на одноименной карте Ice Moon. Парень, который переделал её, очень постарался. Круто!"
map_suffix = "mafia_snow.dmm"
custom_outfit = /datum/outfit/mafia/snowy
- name = "Lavaland Excursion"
- description = "The station has no idea what's going down on lavaland right now, we got changelings... traitors, and worst of all... lawyers roleblocking you every night."
+ name = "Экскурсия по Лаваланду"
+ description = "Станция понятия не имеет, что сейчас происходит на Лаваланде. У нас есть генокрады... предатели, и хуже всего... адвокаты, которые мешают вам каждую ночь."
map_suffix = "mafia_lavaland.dmm"
custom_outfit = /datum/outfit/mafia/lavaland
diff --git a/code/modules/mafia/roles/changelings/changeling.dm b/code/modules/mafia/roles/changelings/changeling.dm
index 5e5ec71337483..2565c2598bc6d 100644
--- a/code/modules/mafia/roles/changelings/changeling.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mafia/roles/changelings/changeling.dm
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
revealed_outfit = /datum/outfit/mafia/changeling
special_ui_theme = "syndicate"
- win_condition = "становятся главными в городе, и никакая роль одиночного убийцы не может их остановить."
+ win_condition = "становятся главным в городе, и никакой одиночка не сможет его остановить."
role_unique_actions = list(/datum/mafia_ability/changeling_kill)
diff --git a/code/modules/mafia/roles/roles.dm b/code/modules/mafia/roles/roles.dm
index f93ac9cabf71f..07ca685dcc58a 100644
--- a/code/modules/mafia/roles/roles.dm
+++ b/code/modules/mafia/roles/roles.dm
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- var/name = JOB_ASSISTANT
- var/desc = "Вы - член экипажа без особых способностей.."
- var/win_condition = "убить всех мафиози и одиночных убийц."
+ var/name = "Ассистент"
+ var/desc = "Вы - член экипажа без особых способностей."
+ var/win_condition = "убьет всех мафиози и одиночных убийц."
var/team = MAFIA_TEAM_TOWN
///how the random setup chooses which roles get put in
var/role_type = TOWN_OVERFLOW
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
to_chat(body, span_danger("[desc]"))
- to_chat(body,span_danger("Вы и ваши сообщники победите, если вас будет больше, чем членов экипажа.."))
+ to_chat(body,span_danger("Вы и ваши сообщники победите, если вас будет больше, чем членов экипажа."))
to_chat(body,span_danger("Вы - член экипажа. Выясните кто генокрад и линчуйте!"))
@@ -176,19 +176,17 @@
var/list/result = list()
var/team_desc = ""
var/team_span = ""
- var/the = TRUE
- team_desc = "Город"
+ team_desc = "Гражданином"
team_span = "nicegreen"
- team_desc = "Мафия"
+ team_desc = "Мафиози"
team_span = "red"
- team_desc = "Никто"
+ team_desc = "Одиночкой"
team_span = "comradio"
- the = FALSE
- result += span_notice("The [span_bold("[name]")] is aligned with [the ? "the " : ""][team_desc]")
+ result += span_notice("[span_bold("[name]")] является [team_desc]")
result += "\"[desc]\""
result += span_notice("[name] выигрывает если [win_condition]")
to_chat(clueless, result.Join(""))